#fc: lee jongsuk
axolotlgifs · 10 months
❣  lee jongsuk gif pack.
      [   ❥  commission ! ]   by clicking the SOURCE LINK below you will find 1045 gifs of korean actor and model LEE JONGSUK from his role in ROMANCE IS A BONUS BOOK. all these gifs were made from scratch by me, so please do not repost / claim as your own / edit for public release / use them in t.aboo plots or krps / to play real-life celebrities. please LIKE/REBLOG this post if you find it useful ! ♡
❕ my COMMISSIONS are currently OPEN, click here for more infoor please consider supporting me on KO-FI (axolotlgifs) ☕ !
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gardenhqs · 1 year
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¡muestra tu lado más amable!, prepara la sonrisa de cortesía y saluda a tu vecino, franko acker, va pasando por el complejo, por un momento casi le confundimos con lee jongsuk, su departamento es el 8-N, muchas cosas escuché por ahí y me llena de curiosidad conocerle, ¿qué dices si le damos una visita un día de estos?
bibi, ¡agradecemos tu interés en el proyecto!, desde este momento tu aplicación ha sido aceptada. cuentas con 24hrs para hacernos llegar la cuenta de tu personaje, no dudes en solicitar más tiempo de ser necesario, ¡saludos, vecine!
—   out of character:
nombre/seudónimo: bibi
pronombres: ella/suya
edad: +21
zona horaria: cst
¿algún trigger?: incesto, pedofilia, abuso animal, abuso sexual, noncon.
—   in character:
nombre completo: franko acker
cupo: #B10
fecha de nacimiento, edad: 10 de junio de 1989, 33 años.
pronombres: el/suyo
nacionalidad: aleman/surcoreano
rostro reservado: lee jongsuk
—   ficha de residente:
ocupación: medico farmacéutico.
¿estudió en la ufb?: ( sí / no )
—   datos de personalidad:
es un niño encantador, acata las reglas, obedece sin chistar y es complaciente con sus padres. recibe elogios de los amigos de la familia y los parientes dicen que ha sido una bendición para la familia. esta personalidad continua por años de adultez, siendo franko un hombre cautivador y atrayente. es delicado en sus palabras, empático al tratar con las personas y dedicado a quienes ama. descuidado en ocasiones de sus necesidades y demasiado desinteresado por los vínculos cercanos, pues su personalidad es una miel cristalizada. dulce a la vista, pero imposible de alcanzar al tacto, es afable por serlo, no por interés en los demás, poco consigue interesarse por las personas o las conexiones humanas y esto se refleja en su cruda, en ocasiones, honestidad.
—   datos relevantes:
tw: drogas, tw: suicidio
el y sus padres fueron la familia perfecta por mucho tiempo, conforme sus hermanos llegaron a su vida, la familia acker solamente continuo con esa pureza e imagen perfecta que les caracterizaba. las bendiciones llegaban y nunca se iban, no aparentaban lo que no eran, pero mantenían negocios ocultos a los curiosos. su padre reconocido medico en el hospital regional de berlín, su madre, ama de casa que vivió casi toda su vida en el hospital, víctima de una enfermedad incurable. quienes les veían les tildaban de luchadores en la vida. detrás de escenas, el padre de familia se apoyaba vendiendo drogas y medicina del hospital, utilizando la bata blanca para engañar a las personas.
llega fatídico día en que su madre muere y así, el cristal puro se quiera. descubren en su trabajo que ha estado tratando y contrabandeando los medicamentos de alta contraindicación y el padre es despedido, quienes antes prometían ser sus amigos les dan la espalda y así, pierden la casa en la que vivían. se la pasan de albergue en albergue, intentando conseguir comida para el día siguiente y en hoteles de bajo presupuesto. franko tiene que así, hacerse del papel de cuidador de sus dos hermanos menores.
dan golpe tras golpe a la puerta del cuarto de su padre, no habían comido nada desde un día antes y tenían que ir al colegio al día siguiente, además de que la renta era para aquel día. sin más hacer nada, franko fuerza la cerradura de la puerta y da con una escena aberrante, donde su padre cuelga del techo, después de quitarse la vida. dejando una nota detrás, solo pide por el perdón de sus hijos.
la vida no se vuelve más fácil, pero franko aprende a sobrellevar la situación. siendo ahora el tutor de sus hermanos, comienza a trabajar tres empleos, pagando por su escuela y la de los menores, se gradúa con honores y consigue un empleo seguro en una farmacia, donde reside como doctor interino y farmacéutico. consigue un departamento en aquel complejo ya conocido, donde quedaría cercano a su sitio de trabajo y a la universidad de sus hermanos. la vida seguía y el tenía que verla por delante. incluso, si algunas costumbres o malas enseñanzas se arraigaban a su persona, pues a veces, al hacer las cuentas al final del día, oculta unos cuantos medicamentos para vender por su cuenta.
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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[ 18+ / ACROFOBIA / TIPO 1. ]
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NOME LEGAL: Cha Jungjae.
STAGE NAME: Jungjae.
PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NASCIMENTO: 27/12/1987.
CIDADE NATAL: Jeju, Coréia do Sul.
POSIÇÃO: Head manager do Crystalline na Atom Entertainment.
CONTA: cjungjaaae.
FACECLAIM: Lee Jongsuk, ator.
A família Cha era bem conhecida em Jeju pela confeitaria que passava de geração em geração, trazendo consigo receitas únicas e especiais. Há quem diga que o cheiro da confeitaria se igualava ao paraíso... E que já existiriam propostas milionárias para que fossem revelados os ingredientes que utilizavam e até mesmo para a produção de uma colônia adocicada com aquele aroma.
Verdade ou não o ponto é que Jungjae veio ao mundo e desde cedo foi colocado dentro da cozinha mas, ao contrário do que todos esperavam, o rolo não era usado para sovar a massa e sim para servir de microfone ao "show" que buscava fazer por ali, imitando grandes nomes do pop, vocalistas de rock e tudo mais.
Queria ser um artista desde sempre... E estava nítido, não tinha talento na confeitaria... Mas era de personalidade tão doce quanto as coisas que ali eram produzidas. Sendo assim, apoiado por seus pais, Jungjae passou a buscar modos de se tornar de fato um cantor, entrou em aulas de canto e mais tarde se inscreveu como trainee na Atom Entertainment. Deu a cara a tapas e, no fim, aos trancos e barrancos, deu tudo bem errado. Já foi dito que ele não tinha talento na confeitaria, só que isso se aplicava a arte também. Até podia cantar bem e segurar algumas notas, mas era péssimo dançarino e isso nem os meses de intensos treinos pareceram ajudar. Nem se fale da performance, era péssimo mesmo.
Desistir nunca tinha sido uma opção para o rapaz, mas os burburinhos entre os trainees o feriam. E mesmo entre os staffs alguns comentários surgiam, até enfim o desânimo vir. Tinha sim deixado tudo para trás, a família, a confeitaria… Jeju, estava longe da zona de conforto e encarando tudo sozinho, o que poderia ser um grande peso para um um rapaz que tinha recém atingido a maioridade.
Voltar para Jeju nunca foi uma opção, embora tenha desistido da carreira artística ainda precisava se reerguer e se encontrar de alguma forma. Foi até que conseguiu um emprego como road manager de um solista da Atom, um “faz tudo” que passava horas do dia de um lado para o outro e que sequer tinha tempo para uma pausa. Aqueles primeiros anos foram difíceis já que até chegou a ingressar na universidade, mas não tinha coragem de encarar os pais após ter brigado com eles e fugido para Seul. Só voltaria quando estivesse estabilizado, o orgulho era quase uma pedra no caminho de Jungjae.
Mas o esforço rendeu bons frutos e anos mais tarde, com o debut do Crystalline, passou a ser o head manager do grupo. Mesmo que fosse um trabalho cercado de responsabilidades, pode fazer bons contatos e cada vez mais se aprimorar, levando a própria carreira quanto a do grupo rumo aos melhores resultados possíveis. O presente não era bem o que inicialmente planejou, mas passo a passo pode conquistar a vida estabilizada que um dia almejou e isso era suficiente.
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after-midnight-rp · 1 year
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❞ Will we both go home alive? ❝
― After Midnight ; a place that is rising from the ashes searching for redemption after the world had found its end. This is the place where many survivors do find their spot in hope to find a way back to life — yet life is never going back to how is used to be. Or maybe it is never meant to return to its old ways … creating a new reality within.
Only one question remains that only you can answer: Will you come and join the light? Or bask in the glory of darkness?
Come and join, after midnight.
Welcome to After Midnight RP including: ⟫ facebook based ⟫ 18 + , AU ⟫ smut , gore , post apocalyptic , semi-gang ⟫ semi-lit to literate ⟫ master x slave
↬ The Lore and World ⎰ Races ⎰ Apply 101 ⎰ Rules and Guidelines ⎰ Masterlist ⎰
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seolinah · 5 months
some new test muses -- if you're interested give this a like and i'll message you or lmk which one you like and i'll write you a starter with them !
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park jae-hwa | fc: go min-so | social media influencer & model | vampire (if spn verse) | bisexual
selfish and greedy, does what's necessary to get what she wants; uses her looks to get ahead; deeply insecure about her upbringing so she lies about her past; relies heavily on her brother to get her out of the consequences of her actions
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zachary davis | fc: josh hutcherson | journalist | heterosexual
awkward loner type but tries badly to socialize; came from nothing and has had to work twice as hard to get anywhere in his life; always trying to find the next big story to try and make a name for himself
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johanna ryeo | fc: catherine haena kim | cello player | bisexual
was considered child prodigy in the music world; used to perfection in all aspects of her life and very ambitious; willing to do what it takes to remain on top and relevant
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simone jensen | fc: rachel hilson | tutor & graduate student | bisexual
makes a living tutoring students of rich families in english, history, and piano; typically hates the families she works but is jealous of what they have
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park jae-sung | fc: lee jongsuk | software engineer | vampire (if spn verse) | bisexual
was expected to take care of his family, especially his sister, and grew kind of resentful of it; tends to be on the antisocial side; if a vampire - cannot control his thirst & was turned against his will by his sister
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jennifer chu | fc: son na-eun | dancer | bisexual
l*ve quinn coded; desperately wants to be in love and loved but is afraid they won't like the real her; can be on the obsessive side and will form a co-dependent/toxic relationship with you; will kill to protect someone she loves
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hannah won | fc: yang hyeji | interior designer | bisexual
based on the book home before dark by riley sager; her family's famous because her father wrote a best selling "memoir" about their family fleeing a haunted house they lived in while she was a child; estranged from her family bc she thinks it's all lies despite not remembering anything about her childhood; has currently inherited said-haunted house after her parents' passing
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carina torres | fc: carmela zumbado | former actress | bisexual
washed-up child/teen actress who barely gets roles anymore; constantly in tabloids for poor behavior; recently is growing concerned about her money drying up and very desperate to keep her current lifestyle up
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david crawford | fc: penn badgley | mostly unemployed | heterosexual
libby day from dark places coded; sole survivor of a family murder that became an unsolved cold case; has made a living through donations he received from anonymous strangers but that well has slowly been drying up as he got older; makes appearances or speaks publicly for a fee
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samuel hino | fc: andrew koji | professor | heterosexual
son of a serial killer; turned in his father for his crimes once his father tried to get him to kill too; still struggles with what he's grown up with; is concerned will end up having the same darkness as his father and maybe already does but doesn't know it yet
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findroleplay · 1 year
the longest of long-shots, but i'm looking for anyone willing to use the following fcs: lee dongwook, park bogum, lee junho, gong yoo, park seoham, lee jongsuk or woo dohwan. personally, i'm open to mxm or mxf and have a handful of fcs i'd love to use against any of them! au or ocs. interested in including smut so please be over 21. thank you!
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enterhamartia · 1 year
quais fcs gostariam de ver para professores?
F: Kim Heesun, Eugene Jung, Uhm JungHwa, Myung Sebin, Park Shinhye, Song Hyekyo, Son Yejin, Jun Jihyun, Park Minyoung, Lee Sungkyung, Kyung Soojin, Kim Yewon, Park Shinhye (atrizes), BoA, Heize, Sunmi, Lee Hyori, HA:TFELT, CL, Hyolyn (solistas), Tiffany Hwang, Choi Sooyoung, Sunny, Yoona (SNSD), Miryo, Gain (Brown Eyed Girls), Irene (Red Velvet), Solar (Mamamoo), Hani (EXID), Park Jiyeon, Hyomin (T-ara), Chorong, Eunji (Apink), Sunye, Hyelim (Wonder Girls). M: Kim Woobin, Jung Haein, Gong Yoo, Yang Yang, Woo Dohwan, Lee Jongsuk, Park Seojoon, Lee Dongwook, Wi Hajoon, Lee Jungjae, Park Haesoo, Lee Soohyuk, Min Woohyuk, Lee Minho, Ju Jihoon, Lee Byungchun (atores), Rain, DPR IAN (solistas), Xiumin, Suho (EXO), Jaejoong (JYJ), Donghae (Super Junior), Ok Taecyeon (2PM), Minhyuk, Hyungsik (BtoB), Leo, Ravi (VIXX), Key, Onew, Taemin (SHINee), Kang Sunghoon (Sechs Kies), L, Sungyeol (Infinite), Yunho (TVXQ), Yongguk (BAP), Lee Taeil, Zico (Block B).
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boroughshq · 2 months
any wanted connections a lee jongsuk fc could fill? thank you x
Hi hun! Based on the page, here are some I think he could fill:
Maddox Yoon's older brother
Alice Devereaux's savior
Eleanor Delaney-Takei's other half
Mara Henry's ex something
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asianvillehq · 3 months
Male FCs:
Lee Jongsuk, Park Seojoon, Gong Yoo, Lee Dongwook, Lee Soohyuk, Song Kang, Hwang In-yeop, Cha Eunwoo, Lee Dohyun, Jung Haein, Ahn Hyo Seop, Ahn Bo-hyun e Ji Changwook.
Donghae SJ, Taemin, Key, Minho (Shinee), Jaejoong Solista, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Suho, Kai (EXO), Changkyun, Kihyun, Minhyuk (Monsta X), Jungkook, Suga (BTS), Jaehyun, Johnny, Ten, Doyoung (NCT), Yangyang, Xiaojun, Hendery (WayV), Mark, Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun (NCT Dream), Jackson Wang, Park Jinyoung, Im Jaebeom, Minhyuk (BTOB),
New, Kevin, Hyunjae (The Boyz), Beomgyu, Yeonjun (TXT), San, Wooyoung, Seonghwan e Hongjoon (ATEEZ), Keeho, Theo e Intak (P1Harmony), Bangchan, Changbin, Seungmin (SKZ), Sungchan, Sohee, Anton (RIIZE), Yohan, Yongha, Junseo (WEI)
Female FCs:
Taeyong, Tiffany, Sooyoung (Snsd), Bomi, Chorong, Naeun (Apink). Hani (Exid) Jihyo, Nayeon, Dahyun, Momo (Twice) Lisa (Blackpink), Victoria Song, Krystal Jung, IU, Chungha, Soojin, Sunmi, Somi, Solar, Moonbyul, Hwasa (Mamamoo), Bora, Dasom (Sistar), Irene, Joy, Seulgi (Red Velvet), Sihyeon, Aisha, Yiren (Everglow), Yujin, Rei (Ive), Yeji, Ryujin, Yuna, Chaeryeong (Itzy), Haewon, Sullyoon (Nmixx), Miyeon, Minnie, Yuqi Shuhua (g-idle), Kiss of Life, Le Sserafim, NingNing, Giselle e Winter (Aespa), Minji, Hanni, Danielle (New Jeans), Monday, Soeun, Jihan (Weeekly), Saerom (fromis_9), Isa, Yoon (Stayc) YooA (Oh my girl), Jinsoul, Kim Lip, Heejin (Loona), VIVIZ todo, Haram, Tsuki, Siyoon (Billlie), Chaein, Ireh (Purple Kiss), Hinata (XG), Kelly, Hyunbin (Tri.be), Sangah, Nayoung (Lightsum), Nana, Lucy, Minseo (Wooah)
Song Hye Kyo, Kim Yoo Jung, Park Min Young, Kim Ji Won, Jung Ho Yeon, Seo Ye Ji, Bae Suzy, Kim Go Eun, Won Jin Ah, Moon Ga Young, Im Jin Ah.
Zhao Lu Si, Bai Lu, Dilraba Dilmurat, Yu Shu Xin, Zhou Ye, Ju Jing Yi, Hankiz Omar.
SNH48: Dai Meng, Xu JiaQi, Hu XiaoHui, Liu Jie, Liu ShuXian, Ye Fan, Zhou Shiyu e Wang Yi.
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lostoneshq · 4 months
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Garoto Cervo (Branca de Neve) e o FC Lee Jongsuk se encontram disponíveis para aplicação.
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reveriers · 7 months
Podrían dar más recomendaciones de fcs masculinos?
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¡Con mucho gusto! Por acá recomendaciones que quisiéramos ver en el dash: jeremy allen white, chance perdomo, kento yamazaki, gun atthaphan, jackson wang, lee dongwook, booboo stweart, kentaro sakaguchi, xiao zhan, boun noppanut, jackson wang, keith powers, barry keoghan, jacon elordi, win metawin, rudy pankow, jung jinyoung, anupam tripathi, seo kangjoon, lee jongsuk, raymond ablack, kim wooseok, dominic fike, jonathan daviess, aron piper, loyle carner, lorenzo zurzolo, omar rudberg.
— leto.
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kaytanhq · 8 months
mwf? mwm?
anon, te recomendamos a dar uma olhadinha na nossa tag, demos várias opções por lá. mas vou aproveitar que pediram fcs mais velhos e usar essa oportunidade para sugerir alguns além de outros que gostaria demais de ver aqui e sempre irei pedir até aparecer.
mwf: ju jingyi (SIM DE NOVO), zhao lusi (atriz), dilraba dilmurat (atriz), angelababy (atriz), ni ni (atriz), bai lu (atriz), iu (solista/atriz), suzy (atriz), lee sungkyung (atriz), jung hoyeon (atriz), hashimoto kanna (atriz), komatsu nana (atriz), suzuki airi (atriz), ahin (ex-momoland), hyunjin (loosemble), jinsoul (artms), seulgi (red velvet), sohyun (triples), ryujin (itzy)
mwm: lu han (ator/solista), gong jun (ator), yang yang (ator), kento yamazaki (ator), dori sakurada (ator), lee jongsuk (ator), kim soohyun (ator), nam joohyuk (ator), park bogum (ator), bobby (ikon), chanyeol (exo), keeho (p1h), todo mundo do the boyz, dpr ian (solista), woodz (solista), wonbin (riize), jackson (got7), jungkook (bts), the8 (seventeen), yongha (wei), zhang hao (zb1), boss chaikamon (ator/cantor)
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gardenhqs · 2 years
se hace la reserva de lee jongsuk con el cupo ( #B1O ) a nombre de bibi, ¡desde este momento cuentas con 48hrs para hacer llegar tu aplicación!
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apcomplexhq · 11 months
Podem fazer indicações de fcs masculino e especificamente de atores de c ou k-drama para um futuro morador?
Oi futuro fantasminha! Meu momento chego e eu vou te dar a lista de atores de k-drama. O de c-drama talvez eu fique te devendo pois eu to começando a explorar esse lado ainda... Mas vamos la!
Minha pequena lista pra você:
✦ Song Joongki ✦ Lee Minho ✦ Park Seojoon ✦ Ji Changwook ✦ Kim Soohyun ✦ Rowoon ✦ Ahn Hyoseop ✦ Lee Jongsuk ✦ Kim Woobin ✦ Lee Dongwook ✦ Lee Seunggi ✦ Hyunbin ✦ Lee Joongi ✦ Lee Dohyun ✦ Kim Mingi ✦ Lee Jaewook ✦ Jung Gunjoo ✦ Ki Dohoon ✦ Park Hyungsik ✦ Kim Seonho ✦ Lee Soohyuk ✦ Cha Euwnoo ✦ Hwang Inyeop ✦ Seo Inguk ✦ Nam Joohyuk ✦ Song Kang ✦ Park Bogum ✦ Kang Taeoh
Eu ainda exclui alguns que são atores/idols. Eu nem assisto dorama, viu?
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seolinah · 5 months
some new test muses -- if you're interested give this a like and i'll message you or lmk which one you like and i'll write you a starter with them !
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park jae-hwa | fc: go min-so | social media influencer & model | vampire (if spn verse) | bisexual
selfish and greedy, does what's necessary to get what she wants; uses her looks to get ahead; deeply insecure about her upbringing so she lies about her past; relies heavily on her brother to get her out of the consequences of her actions
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zachary davis | fc: josh hutcherson | journalist | heterosexual
awkward loner type but tries badly to socialize; came from nothing and has had to work twice as hard to get anywhere in his life; always trying to find the next big story to try and make a name for himself
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johanna ryeo | fc: catherine haena kim | cello player | bisexual
was considered child prodigy in the music world; used to perfection in all aspects of her life and very ambitious; willing to do what it takes to remain on top and relevant
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simone jensen | fc: rachel hilson | tutor & graduate student | bisexual
makes a living tutoring students of rich families in english, history, and piano; typically hates the families she works but is jealous of what they have
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park jae-sung | fc: lee jongsuk | software engineer | vampire (if spn verse) | bisexual
was expected to take care of his family, especially his sister, and grew kind of resentful of it; tends to be on the antisocial side; if a vampire - cannot control his thirst & was turned against his will by his sister
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jennifer chu | fc: son na-eun | dancer | bisexual
l*ve quinn coded; desperately wants to be in love and loved but is afraid they won't like the real her; can be on the obsessive side and will form a co-dependent/toxic relationship with you; will kill to protect someone she loves
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hannah won | fc: yang hyeji | interior designer | bisexual
based on the book home before dark by riley sager; her family's famous because her father wrote a best selling "memoir" about their family fleeing a haunted house they lived in while she was a child; estranged from her family bc she thinks it's all lies despite not remembering anything about her childhood; has currently inherited said-haunted house after her parents' passing
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carina torres | fc: carmela zumbado | former actress | bisexual
washed-up child/teen actress who barely gets roles anymore; constantly in tabloids for poor behavior; recently is growing concerned about her money drying up and very desperate to keep her current lifestyle up
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david crawford | fc: penn badgley | mostly unemployed | heterosexual
libby day from dark places coded; sole survivor of a family murder that became an unsolved cold case; has made a living through donations he received from anonymous strangers but that well has slowly been drying up as he got older; makes appearances or speaks publicly for a fee
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samuel hino | fc: andrew koji | professor | heterosexual
son of a serial killer; turned in his father for his crimes once his father tried to get him to kill too; still struggles with what he's grown up with; is concerned will end up having the same darkness as his father and maybe already does but doesn't know it yet
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hquni · 1 year
mw fcs?
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anyone and everyone, tbh ! but some names that come to mind are : danielle brooks, madeleine madden, riz ahmed, jonathan daviss, emma d'arcy, janelle james, deborah mailman, auli'i cravalho, brian tyree henry, gratiela brancusi, quintessa swindell, mahershala ali, mason alexander park, chase sui wonders, sophie thatcher, lee jongsuk, angela bassett, fukushi sota, brianne tju, janelle monae, hunter page-lochard, rob collins, mandy patinkin, michael sheen, dean fujioka.
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