#fawk off respectfully
allpromarlo · 2 years
something i noticed while watching the full end credits of thor love and thunder was that the dude that played king yakan (blue guy at the beginning) is named stephen curry...that shit had me bamboozled in the theater i thought steph had some fun in the off season
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ak8shi · 4 years
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FWB HQ Boys: In which you beat the player at his own game!
warnings: Time skip spoilers, mentions of sex(all characters are 18+), alcohol, stupid people in love
a/n: ahh I’m sorry I’ve been a little MIA!!! But I’m back with this pls enjoy ! I think the fandom really make germaphobia his only personality trait sometimes which makes me sad because I think he’s actually a quirky/classy dude and very functional in social situations,, I hate to say it but ya’ll would get played by him… sorry.
━Sakusa Kiyoomi
Some of you may be like ???? Omi fucks around ?? how ?? BUT he definitely does in his own way
He probably doesn’t do much in high school to be honest, he’s mostly focused on improving as a volleyball player and achieving his goals
Once he reaches pro level though,,, it’s a different story lmfao
I can see him being picky as hell about his hookups, but just because he’s a bit of a germaphobe doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel attraction or doesn’t have needs…
….He’s so hot too… girl
His hook-ups are always taken seriously though… like he’s the type that feels like he has a professional image to upkeep, so he always arranges things beforehand; he’s definitely not messy about it and sets clear boundaries
I think what makes him kind of a player is how standoffish he can be…and he doesn’t really give anyone a chance because he doesn’t think they what it takes to deal with his lifestyle lmao
He’s just like, its easier to call the uber right after, get into the shower, and wait until he can hear the front door of his apartment shut I’m screamingg
Sakusa also isn’t one to kiss and tell, even with the boys… he doesn’t think its tasteful and would rather not have Atsumu up his ass about his flings
ANYWAYS,, let’s get into this, so you know Atsumu through mutual friends and met during college, and the two of you just instantly clicked since you also were a part of the same sports medicine program as him
Atsumu signed with MSBY and you were so happy for him, but you were bummed because you were busy with PT graduate school and couldn’t really attend any of his games
A year passed and you found yourself texting Tsumu to see if he could meet up and grab coffee since you were on winter break!!
You: hey I’m back in town wanna grab coffee sometime?
Him: who is this
You: I see you haven’t changed ❤️
LMFAO, so you catch up with Atsumu and he talks about his new career and his teammates, he seems so happy :(( we love to see that!!
He invites you to MSBY’s game the following weekend, and you’re pumped to go!! Tsumu got you great seats, and he meets you before warmups to make sure you’re okay finding your way around
Atsumu: don’t take yer eyes off me <3
He’s so…
You’re enjoying the match and you even go to grab Onigiri from Osamu’s stand, but you can’t seem to look away from number 15 on Atsumu’s team
He’s .., scrumptious to say the least 🥴
Like he’s so composed and calculated on the court, and you find it so funny how he rolls his eyes whenever Tsumu says something to him and how Tsumu gets so heated about it 💀
The match ends and you go down to meet Atsumu near the lockers, showing the security your family/friend pass 😌
You walk through the halls trying to locate the setter, but you can’t seem to figure out where he is
The only person in the hall is the tall, dark haired man that caught your eye earlier; he is already walking towards the exit with a mask covering his face, his duffel bag slung over his shoulder, sweats embroidered with “Sakusa” adorning his body we’re all looking..... respectfully
He’s truly so intimidating but you’re like….highkey lost… so you don’t really have another option
You catch up with him, poking his shoulder gently; he turns around and his attention on you is almost STARTLING.. like his eyes are SO dark
Him: can I help you
You: sir… if you don’t rail me, I’m gonna have to intervene‼️😈😹
After getting over your initial shock, you hear multiple footsteps rumbling down the hallway towards the both of you
Sakusa lets out an annoyed sigh, muttering about how he has to go, but before he can escape you hear Atsumu’s loud voice LMFAO
“OMIIII, where are you goin’? Its team karaoke night remember?”
Tsumu sees you and slings an arm around your shoulders, “Oh-? So I see you’ve met our outside hitter Omi?”
You glance over at Sakusa, his expressionless eyes glued to your face, then slowly trailing down to analyze the way Atsumu casually has you tucked under his arm
Atsumu nudges him, and he grumbles that he’ll meet them after changing at home before walking off in the direction of the private parking garage
You meet the rest of the MSBY boys in the uber, and find them super friendly and welcoming; Bokuto and Hinata buy the first round of drinks at the karaoke bar, but you only have one because you have work to finish the next day WE STAN
Atsumu already has a pink glow setting into his cheeks when you see the boys turn their attention to Sakusa walking through the front door, looking as handsome as ever in his dress pants and fitted white t shirt
They all shout out incoherent hello’s, and he takes the only open seat next to you with a glass of gin and tonic in his hand he smells so good god
You’re unsure what comes over you, but you find yourself turning towards him, and you just start asking him about himself and his career, and surprisingly he’s very polite and much more animated than you previously thought
His voice is like…so alluring and he never looks away from you when you talk, its like he’s absorbing every word
Meanwhile, Atsumu is stumbling over the stage with Bokuto belting Love by Keisha Cole LMFAOO😭
Tsumu kind of ‘warned’ you in the car ride over that Sakusa was a germaphobe, but you know that Atsumu tends to invade people’s personal space sometimes and it probably wasn’t as dramatic as he made it out to be
However, you weren’t expecting the outside hitter to lean over from his seat after checking the time on his phone, whispering in your ear, asking you if you wanted to meet him at his place later than night WHEW
Girl I would be sweating… and you say yes ofc because who’s going to pass up this type of opportunity-
He gives you a charming smile and is like,, okay cool, I’ll see you later then 😊 I’m dead
Ya’ll exchange phone numbers and he’s like if you need any help with my idiot teammates let me know before he takes off
You don’t tell Tsumu about your little… entanglement plans dsnjaknda but honestly he wouldn’t even remember based on the way he’s slumped against you in the uber he owes you big time
You get home after dropping off Tsumu at Osamu’s, and operation dick appointment with the professional volleyball player is put into action 😈
He sends an uber over to get you ladies do not settle for less please, and you’re BIG nervous but in a good way as in you know this dick is about to be bomb af
SO you’re standing in front of his apartment door, and when he opens it, he’s still in the clothes he wore to the bar and its like 1 am he’s so powerful
Um I feel like he would get straight to it honestly, probably starts with a little convo on the couch and then…
YOU WEREN’T AWARE HE WAS SO DIRTY,,, it was SO good too like after getting home that night you’re going through a crisis… like you had so much chemistry together for having just met, and you wonder if he feels the same way🥺
You caught yourself in sleepless states some nights, kept awake by the thoughts of the way his hands felt against your skin, the way his five o’clock shadow gently rubbed against your face when you kissed, and how he would hold you(only after a thorough shower together of course)
As it happens more and more, he lets you into his life little by little, and you notice and remember small facts about him and he often remembers a lot of the things you tell him about you, its really enjoyable for both of you
Its weirdly domestic to a point but that’s why its so good for both of you???it adds a bit of spice ??
Sakusa: can you come over tonight
You: sorry the retainer is in already <3 no dick sucking for me tonight <3
Him: I bought pastries from that cafe you like
You: say less✈️ I’m coming💃
AND he HAS jokes okay, like he’s funny as hell and very witty when his true self comes out; but he’s also a HUGE tease and he’ll say something completely straight-faced that someone else might take offense to like “you look ugly,” but you just know he’s kidding from being around him long enough and from seeing the little glint in his dark eyes
It becomes a routine thing while you’re home honestly, and you try your best to hide it from Atsumu because you just KNOW you would never hear the end of it; for all he knows, you met him that one time at the bar and that was that
Everything is going smoothly until you slip up at one of their games
You were sitting in the waiting area with the team (mostly talking to Atsumu), when he just says something that makes your short circuit
Atsumu: what kind of animal do ya think omi would be? An octopus maybe?
You: yeah I mean with those flexible wrists it makes sense
Atsumu: what the fawk🤠
He’s like… how do you even know about his flexible wrists IT TOOK ME 6 MONTHS TO GET TO THAT STAGE WITH HIM-
Oops, lmfao so you kind of tell him about everything and he’s literally shocked for you, mostly because he doesn’t want you to get hurt :(
Atsumu: So I see he’s just sleeping with ANYONE anyone
LMAO noo he definitely thinks you’re too good for him and he kind of lectures you, telling you that he had a hunch that he messes around with girls like that, but also you’re an adult and you can take care of yourself, and it isn’t like it’s a serious thing!!
Meanwhile, Omi is like going through a bit of a crisis all alone because everything around him reminds him of you or something you said when you were together
He got with people who were compatible sexually often, but he never had the urge to have them stay over after the deed; he usually immediately called them an uber and wouldn’t speak to them again
He found himself thinking about seeing you in the stands at his games, wishing you were there to cheer for him only, and he adored the way you respected his boundaries unlike many of his hookups
Atsumu probably notices something is off with him at practice
Atsumu: hey…if ya ever want to talk about somethin’-
Sakusa: no
Girl… he doesn’t disclose any of this to anyone
Its nearing the end of your break, and you head over to sakusa’s for probably the last time before you go back to school
You’re kind of at the point where you don’t think anything will happen and you know you shouldn’t get your hopes up, and it goes how it usually goes? Except he kind of hugs you goodbye and your heart goes: 🦋🦋🦋
You go back to school, occasionally texting Tsumu about your graduate program, and before you know it, like 5 months pass by and you’re back for summer!
Tsumu texts you and is like… sorry but I’m forcing you to be my plus-one tonight for this dinner thing I have to go to
So you dress up and he comes to pick you up, and you’re really not sure why you were surprised to see Kiyoomi sitting at the table when you arrive you give Atsumu a nice smack on the back of the head for not warning you
You sit down at the table after greeting everyone, trying your best to not act awkward when you shoot sakusa a small smile that he returns politely (but you don’t see it because of his mask)
Atsumu sits weirdly close to you the entire dinner with his arm around the back of your chair, and he’s just acting strange in general??? Like he’s bragging about your degree program and about your accomplishments, you just know he’s trying something funny; but you don’t really say anything because you don’t want to disrespect him in front of the team’s staff as a guest
You almost choke on your wine and you catch on when Bokuto starts making comments after Atsumu says something,
Atsumu: …so yeah, pretty much she should be our next president in my humble opinion
You, sitting there: 🧍‍♀️
He’s so bad at acting I’m crying..,, it becomes so obvious that they’re trying to make Kiyoomi jealous
(the boys plotted beforehand, trying to get Omi to ask you out officially; after you left, he literally would never shut up about you whenever Atsumu mentioned you, and it was just obvious he was in his feels when it came to you)
Atsumu: she’s studying at a café tonight for finals
Sakusa: Yeah so I’m glad you brought it up, because I’ve been thinking about it for days. Fine I guess I’ll say it. Her favorite coffee blend is French roast and she only likes a dash of sugar with a lot of cream, but it has to be hazelnut creamer or else she doesn’t like any-
Everyone in the gym: 🗿
LMAO ANYWAYS ITS LOWKEY WORKING you look over at him and his face is like stone.. girl..
The dinner is almost over and Atsumu gets up to go to the restroom with a wink I hate him, and you get up to catch a breath of fresh air outside
You sit on a bench for a minute, calming yourself down after the eventful dinner, but then you see the door to the restaurant swing open, Sakusa looking around the corner before spotting you
Your heart pounds in your chest as he walks over and asks if he can join you, inspecting the bench before sitting down, pulling his mask down as well
He eases into a conversation by just asking you how you’re doing, basic stuff, but then in the middle of you going off on a tangent about your stupid professor, he stops you
“I missed you.”
He crosses his legs, not looking at you as he takes your hand, intertwines it with his, and places it in his lap
You gaze at him, taken back at his confession, noticing the slight pinkness tinging his pale cheeks
You say you missed him too, and then he’s asking you if you would like to go on an actual date with him
You: wait are you asking me out officially?
Him: Yes. No I’m not. Yes I am❤️
SKSLD Please he’s awkward help him a little, you agree and then you hear a tap on the window behind you, you turn around to see Tsumu, Bokuto and Adriah behind you with big grins on their faces LMFAO 🤡
Kiyoomi rolls his eyes, but you don’t miss the small upturn of the corners of his lips as he hears Bokuto happily scream through the glass
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laurazepamwrites · 4 years
The chemicals between us ~ ch.3
The orca touched down at the Gibraltar base mid morning. Its engines blasting hot air across the tarmac. Ana Amari watched as it descended smiling slightly, she always felt a weight lift off her when a ship returned home. She began to walk across the landing pad, glancing behind as she heard hurried footsteps quickly catching up to her. ‘Good morning Hana.’ She said politely as the young woman matched her pace, now walking alongside the old captain and chewing gum.
‘Morning Ms Amari.’ Hana replied happily, giving Ana a small wave of her fingers.
‘And what, pray tell, are you doing walking alongside me towards a ship with two Junker criminals.’ Ana asked, a smile playing on her lips.
‘I wanna see the Junkers.’
‘Do you remember me telling you not long ago to keep to your quarters?’ Her tone light.
‘Ooooh was that also for me? Sorry! I thought you just meant the Omnics’
‘I did not.’
‘..Sooo as I'm already here?’ she grinned cheekily
‘Inside now, young lady.’ Ana said more seriously, she however looked at the bold mech fighter and gave her a small wink.
Hana pouted but still did as she was told ‘Yes ma’am.’ she respectfully replied, disappointedly turning around and heading back the way she came. The orca landed, engines dying down. Ana waited as the gangway came down with Morrison the first to step out.
‘Marhabaan bik fi albayt.’ Said Ana, greeting Jack as he approached.
‘You too, what was she doing here?’ He nodded pointedly at Hana’s retreating back.
Ana ignored his question. ‘Angela is waiting in the med bay, Is Rutledge stable to walk?’
‘Should be, I want Fawkes moved now, get him in a holding cell as soon as possible.’
‘Apart from being a smart ass no, but i’d be happier knowing he's not going anywhere whilst we debrief.’
Ana nodded in agreement, eyes turning to the gang way as Junkrat walked down, escorted by McCree. His hair was tousled after a couple hours very light sleep. Jerking awake after every turbulence, anxiety hitting him hard in the gut as he tried to remember where he was, until the deep breathing of Roadhog beside him settled him down. He wished he had some kind of weapon, Roadhog didn't have much left in him to protect Junkrat and there was no way he could create a device around him without alerting one of their captors. His bodyguard injured, stripped of his weapons, even his toolkit eventually confiscated, he felt vulnerable and trapped. Honestly, it was good to get fresh air and be in the open. He scanned his new environment, feeling the safe presence of Roadhog behind him and stepped onto the landing pad, eyes meeting Anas.
Ana smiled at him, hands neatly folded behind her back. ‘Welcome to Gibraltar.’ she said politely. ‘My name is Ana Amari, second in command to Morrison and former captain of Overwatch.’
‘Yeah yeah, how do you do and all that, old lady. Where's this doc of yours?’
‘Rutledge will be escorted to medical and kept under armed guard whilst Dr Ziegler treats him. You Fawkes, will be taken to a holding cell until further notice.’
Junkrat looked between Roadhog and Morrison, confusion and anxiety beginning to show on his face.‘Nah mate nah..i'm going with him. Don't know what you fuckers got planned even with your so called promises. We stay together got it?’
‘This is simply a precautionary. Your friend needs aid, we need to debrief. You need to be in a secure location whilst these things happen. It will be temporary and you will be comfortable, we will inform you on how Mr Rutledge is doing. In time you may see him.’ Said Ana, her voice carrying authority however remaining calm and friendly and smiling like the situation had already unfolded to her liking. She reminded Junkrat of someone he knew years ago. Despite himself he took an instant liking to her.
He looked to Jack, ‘Old lady telling the truth there mate?’
Jack side eyed Ana, annoyance playing on his face. She returned the look, the smile never leaving her lips, however her eyebrows ever so slightly raised daring jack to challenge her word. This time he relented.
‘Fine. Fawkes, I'll take you to holding. Captain Amari and McCree will escort Rutledge to medical. If you both remain calm and not cause any trouble you will be reunited eventually. understand?’
‘Crystal mate.’ He turned to Roadhog, giving him a strained smile, his voice still anxious. ‘Gonna be fine yeah mate, just fix up so you can do yer job.’ Roadhog gently put his hand on Junkrats shoulder, saying something too quietly and muffled under his mask for anyone to hear but him. Junkrat nodded. ‘ Yeah I know..no worries. See you later mate.’ He patted his living hand againsts hogs and chewed his lip as Roadhog slowly began to walk with Ana and McCree. He listened as his friends heavy laboured breath became more distant and eventually watched him disappear into one of the many units and buildings around the landing area.
Morrison stepped forward to stand beside him. ‘This is just safeguarding the risks Fawkes.’
‘Yeah..i get it.’ He looked towards the Orca as the chopper and weapons began to be unloaded.
‘Let's go.’ said Morrison, pointing with his Pulse rifle towards nearby barracks. Looking once more to the door Roadhog went through Junkrat reluctantly began to move.
Roadhog walked down the hallway approaching two doors adjacent to each other. One had SURGERY boldly signed on the double doors. The other said MEDICAL. A couple of chairs, a coffee table with a small pile of years old magazines on top and a water cooler sat outside the rooms. Ana picked up a magazine as she walked past and went through the medical doors beckoning Roadhog to follow. He entered the large white and pristine room, small sanitation bots hovered just above the spotless floor awaiting on any dirt or germs to dispose off. There where six beds in all, along with an examination table and cupboards stocked with medical equipment. A large metal cabinet was on the wall with coded access for drugs and medicines. A blonde woman had her back to him, opening cupboards and drawers and talking to herself in Swiss German. She closed a cupboard door and turned, smiling to Roadhog and addressing him.
‘Gutentag Mr Rutledge my name is Dr Angela Ziegler. From the handover Commander Morrison gave me I suspect you may have punctured a lung. If you may, please sit down over there.’ She gestured to the examination table. He obliged and sat, the height mechanism sinking down under his weight. He looked at the doctor who was now conversing with Ana and McCree. Whatever was being discussed had ended as Angela returned to Roadhog, Ana sat on a chair nearby opening her magazine and flipping through the pages as McCree left the room to wait outside.
She pulled the curtain around the examination area.
‘Some privacy, now I understand you have already been treated with a biotic emitter and oxygen yes?’
He grunted in reply.
‘And Hogdrogen?’
Another grunt.
‘Something to discuss after your injuries are seen to.’ She said picking up a small machine from the nearby counter. It looked almost like a scanner, turning it on it emitted a small graph like projection on Angelas hand as she tested it. Scanning her bones, muscles and nerves as she went through each setting with the results showing on the screen.
‘Mr Rutledge, if you can please remove your shoulder pads?’
He obliged. Finding it amusing that this seemingly unafraid woman was speaking to him like he was an everyday patient getting a flu shot, not a vicious mercenary killer from hell on earth. He did notice the pistol holsted to her side however. He placed his shoulder pads next to him on the table as Dr zeigler began scanning his arm and moving across his chest. She stopped now and then at certain areas, recording the information. She lingered on his heart, glancing up at him before continuing. Eventually she turned the scanner off.
‘Mr Rutledge, you have a punctured left lung as expected and 3 fractured ribs from impact. There is some bruising of course but this is no concern and will heal on its own. I can treat you now for the punctured lung, simply a small biotic injection. I can give you pain relief for the fractures and medication to speed up recovery but this will mostly require rest of up to three weeks to heal.
He nodded.
‘How long have you been using Hogdrogen?’
He shrugged. ‘Years.’
‘You are aware it is highly addictive and not approved by your government?’
‘And its side effects?’
He ignored the question.
‘Have you been assessed by any medical professional since leaving the outback?’
He gave a bark of laughter. ‘You're the first in years Doc.’
‘I see. Mr Rutledge, preliminary scans show some things that are concerning..with your permission Id like…’
He waved her off. ‘Not interested Doc, just get me fixed so i can keep an eye on Rat.’
‘Verstanden.. its for discussion if you so choose. Id also like to examine your partner.’
Roadhog barked out a laugh. ‘Fucking good luck to ya, I've seen the extremes he's gone to avoid doctors. Made me dig out a bullet in his leg once and cauterize it. Little shits a glutton for punishment..’
She grimaced before asking; ‘Can you tell me of any symptoms he may have of radiation poisoning..nausea..vomiting..bleeding..?
He grunted.. ‘He had some hair loss, though coulda been he burned it off. Mostly grown back after we left the Outback. Government sent in treatment for radiation, only help they gave. Still not good but least we don't suffer the tumors and worst effects. Physically he’s fine..well, apart from the obvious. Not like his mental state.’
‘What can you tell me of that?’
‘Nothing. Not my place.’
‘Of course.’ She said, taking a syringe from one of the drawers. She then went to the locked cabinet, entering a code and taking a small bottle of biotic liquid. She pierced it with the needle and filled the syringe. ‘Your arm please Mr Rutledge.’
He presented her his arm and watch as the needle pierced through his thick skin, emptying its healing liquid into his arm. He felt it travel through his veins and settling on his chest. It was a strange tingling and warming sensation. The pain lessened and he found he could breathe easier despite the broken ribs.
‘Thanks,’ he grumbled.
‘You are Willkommen.’ Dr Zeigler replied brightly. She drew the curtain back, Ana looked up and placed her magazine aside.
‘Captain, Mr Rutledge will be staying in medical for the next hour or so whilst he receives treatment.’
‘Very well. I’m in the middle of a fascinating article about the history of embroidery. I'll be happy to remain here..’
‘Actually…’ Angela walked up to her, her voice lowering ‘I think we will be fine for the time being. I'm certain he won't harm me.’ Ana turned her hawk like gaze to Roadhog, glancing up at Angela who wore a determined expression. ‘Very well’. She said, standing up. ‘I will go make some tea and return soon.’ She opened the door, turning to Angela before she left. ‘McCree will remain outside.’
‘Of course Captain.’
The door closed, leaving Dr Zeigler alone with Roadhog. She turned to him smiling. ‘Mr Rutledge, before I apply biotic gel for your ribs I would like to also assess for head injuries. May you please remove your mask?’
He peered at her through the dark glass in his mask. She was bold he gave her that. Only Junkrat had seen him without his mask since he became Roadhog and even that was rare.
‘Very well. Any headache? Double vision?’
‘Sehr gut. Well then, please make yourself comfortable. The gel will need to sit for an hour or so.’
Roadhog shifted slightly, then pointed towards Ana’s discarded magazine. ‘I'll have a read of that.’
It was probably one of the nicer cells Junkrat had been in. There was even a small bed, not that he was getting any sleep in this strange environment. He sat on it, living foot twitching away, absentmindedly tugging at the fabric of the blanket on the bed with his living hand. He eyed the bars of the cell. Made of lasers, tripped to set an alarm off or electrocute him or slice him open if he touched them. He didn't fancy any of those things. His foot twitched all the more, getting more agitated by the second until he finally leant forward with both hands gripping his hair.
‘Fucking dammit!’
He was in a cell in a strange place, with strange people. Cut off from Hog, hunted by fucking terrorists just cos he ran his mouth over some stupid thing he found. He didn't think it was anything important, just something to sell at a price. Now it put a fucking huge price over his head. Even bigger than the authorities put on him for his world wide ‘shenanigans.’
He gripped his hair harder and clenched his teeth. His false limbs aching with phantom pain. Stress always made it worse.
His head snapped up at the sound of footsteps approaching his cell. He sat up, quickly leaning casually against the wall behind him. Giving the appearance that he didn't give a shit about anything. That would piss Morrison off. But it wasn't Morrison, instead a young asian woman appeared outside the cell, wearing a pink bomber jacket with a bunny symbol emblazoned in it. She chewed on pink gum as she curiously peered at him. ‘Hiya!’ She cheerfully said.
‘Alrite there sheila?’
‘What kinda name is Junkrat?’
‘Think I got called it once. What kinda name is Drama Queen?’
‘Same thing isn't it?’
‘Sure you wasn't called Jerkrat?’
‘Probably, been called a lot of things darl.’
‘My names Hana, you?’
She scrunched her face, ‘mm..dont like that either’
He rolled his eyes, ‘Fucking hell, Jamie then? Christ..’
‘Yeah suppose that will do.’
They grinned at each other, Junkrat leaning forward. ‘Give us some of that gum then.’
She fished in her pocket taking out a stick and kicking it towards him under the lowest laser. He picked it up, carefully unfolded it from its foil wrapper. He popped it in his mouth and delicately folded the foil back over. He glanced up from his task, ‘so what's a big Korean star and Mech pilot doing here and giving a big fuck you to the UN?’
‘It wasn't long ago I was injured fighting Omnics. I was on medical leave for months...that was when Overwatch contacted me. They want to stop a second Omnic crisis, the South Korean Omnium is sending more attacks and I wanted to help stop it for everyone.Luckily my General had ties with Overwatch from years back. He helped arrange my transfer here quietly. As far as everyone knows, i'm still on leave.’
‘Pretty fucking noble of you..’
‘Least Im trying to do something..’
‘Sounds like you had a choice love.’
Hana made an exasperated noise and rolled her eyes, ‘Are you a professional Jerk or something?’
‘Yeah I try..’ He toyed with the foil then grinned at her. ‘Wanna see a magic trick?’
Hana had not answered yet as Junkrat stood up and examined each side of the laser bars. He found what he was looking for, the main conduit which conducted the energy barely noticable on the wall. Delicately he placed the folded foil in between the conduit and the laser it was producing. Instantly the lasers went down, and Junkrat stepped out of his cell.
‘Ta da!’ He said smugly.
‘Hey you touch me Im gonna scream so loud-!’
‘Oh relax, not gonna hurt ya. Just wanna check on me mate.’ Junkrat waved her off and started walking down the corridor. Hana watched him go before deciding it was probably best not to leave him wandering around by himself and hurried to catch up to him.
‘You’re gonna get me in trouble!’
‘You’re the one that came down to see me.’
‘I’ll say you lied.’
‘I’ll say you gave me this gum.’ He blew a bubble.
‘Oh screw you.’ she crossed her arms and scowled as Junkrat grinned to himself. They walked a few more paces before she spoke again. ‘You don't know where you're even going.’
‘Sure I do, going to medical’
‘You don't know where that is.’
‘I know some of the ways.’
‘And then what?’
‘Improvise. Or you can just take me there.’
‘Well I can't leave you alone now.’
‘Better give me the tour then eh?’ He winked at her.
She side eyed him and gave a small smile. ‘Guess I’ll have to now. C’mon I’ll show you the common room.’’
The common room used to be one of the busiest rooms in the watch point where agents could unwind and catch up between missions. Now with only a small team it was hardly used. It had a large kitchen area with a door leading to a pantry, sofas, chairs, even a couple of bean bags. There was a large tv on the wall, a couple of consoles attached and the room even housed a sound system and pool table. There was also an outside seating area looking out over the Strait of Gibraltar. Lucio lounged on one of the sofas, a game of Hockey played on the tv. Headphones on he mouthed along to a song, not noticing the door slide open. He looked up as someone nudged his leg, Hana was leaning over him saying something.
Lucio took off his headphones ‘Wah?’
‘I said; you’re gonna damage your ears! Get up, come say hi to Jamie..’
‘Who?’ He gave her a confused look, sitting up and putting his headphones around his neck. He instantly noticed the stranger standing behind Hana with both hands in the front pocket of his hoodie.
‘Alrite mate.’ Junkrat said removing a metal hand from his pocket and giving Lucio a small wave.
‘Oh hi!’ Lucio greeted him brightly before looking at Hana and grinning broadly at her. ‘You are in  so  much trouble! Jack and Ana are gonna be mad at you girl!’
‘They your fucking parents or something?’ Junkrat asked.
‘I wouldn't wanna piss Ana off..’
‘Then  why did you let him out Hana?!’
‘Ah in her defense, she didn't let me out on purpose.’
‘Shut up you tricked me.’
‘Sooo much trouble!’
‘Shut up Lu!
Lucio stood up from the sofa, walking around to casually lean on the back of it.
‘So you like...explode stuff?’
Junkrat shrugged. ‘Pretty much..and you like make music and start revolutions?’
Lucio shrugged and smiled ‘Pretty much.’
Hana shuffled from foot to foot, ‘Look we can all hang out and become besties later..but can you just check on your friend and get back to holding before I get in  serious  trouble!’
‘Reckon you need to relax love..’
‘She’s right. Better move before you’re caught.’
Junkrat rolled his eyes at them, ‘Right pair of goodies you are..alright c’mon then lets go.’
‘Laters Jamie.’ Said Lucio, watching Hana practically push him out the room.
They left the common room and continued down a corridor which lead back outside. Hana pointed out some dormitories which housed some of the team, ‘Me and some of the girls stay in there, It's cool we have our own rooms since there's so few of us.’ She pointed out Winstons lab and the training barracks, and the general direction of the briefing room. ‘Oh and that building over there is currently empty, don't know what it was for. A Lot of this place is empty now. You’ve seen the landing area bla bla bla. Oh thats the workshop over there and there's the, wha..? Hey! Come back here!’
Junkrat had instantly made a bee line for the workshop, Hana once again trying to keep up with his stride even with an uneven gait. She stepped in front of him and pushed him back. ‘You can't just go where you want!’
‘Sure I can.’
‘No you can't!’
‘Pfft and who's gonna stop me? You?’ He gently pushed her aside and stepped into the workshop. It was a large spacious area, machinery lining the walls as well as a few individual workstations. In the middle of the room a large Mech used for moving heavy goods was suspended on a platform and lift. An extensive tool locker sat at the back of the large room. Junkrat took it all in grinning. ‘This is fucking awesome, what do you do here exactly?’
‘Hmm not too much. Torb and Brigitte work in here mostly. Fixing weapons and armor, I sometimes bring my Meka in here when it needs work.’
He flexed his metal hand, aware that it needed repairing soon. ‘Yeah this’ll do.’
A clanging noise and cursing nearby caught their attention and watched as a short man sporting a huge beard and gear tattoos clambered from underneath the Mech and throwing a wrench at it clearly not noticing the pair behind him. Hana quickly darted out of sight, frantically beckoning Jamison to join her. Instead he approached the man who was now kicking the Mech. ‘Lousy, stupid machine!’
‘What's wrong with it?’
‘Ah the damn hydraulics broke in the arm..’
‘Liquid contamination?’
‘Well that's the first thing I looked f…..’ Torbjorn cranked his head up, looking up at the Junker criminal who should by all accounts be in a cell.
‘What the..? What the hell are you doing here?! How did you get out?!’
‘Magic trick.’
‘Well you are going straight back in!’ He grabbed Junkrat's arm and began pulling him away, unfortunately for Torbjorn he struggled against the Junkers height over him causing Junkrat to giggle. ‘Alright calm down lil hobbit.’
Torbjorn pulled him down, almost face to face and glared angrily at him. ‘That is the first and last time you call me that boy.’ He growled. Junkrat held his hands up, ‘Alright mate loud n clear..’ Torbjorn muttered under his breath and began moving towards the communicator on the wall.
‘Have you checked for aeration?’
Torbjorn paused. ‘Of course I have!’
‘And for cavitation?’
‘Yes I..wait. No.’ He turned back around and returned to the Mech, pointing a finger at Junkrat as he passed. ‘You stay right there…’ He inspected the hydraulic valve and pump, not saying anything as Junkrat slowly leaned over to watch what he was doing. Finally the answer was in front of him, a loose fitting on the suction pipe. He turned to reach for a wrench and found it being already handed out to him by Junkrat who had a slightly smug smile on his face.
Torbjorn begrudgingly took it and screwed the fitting tight on the pipe, He went to the controls and powered up the Mech. Its engines rumbled into life. He tested the malfunctioning arm, its hydraulic clamps now moving up and down with no fault.
‘You gotta be kidding me….’ Torbjorn muttered.
‘Yeah pretty obvious, dunno why you didn't check that first.’
Torbjorn narrowed his eyes and regarded him, ignoring the jibe. ‘How did you learn about mechanics?’
Junkrat shrugged. ‘Taught myself mostly.’
‘How old are you boy?’
‘Fuck...er...twenty..three? Twenty four?’ He snapped his fingers. ‘Twenty five!’
Torbjorn said nothing, yet his expression had softened ever so slightly. He placed the wrench back into the toolbox and picked it up, handing it to Junkrat. ‘Put that back in the tool locker and touch  nothing  else!’
He took the box from the gruff man and walked over to the locker, eyeing up the tools and parts neatly stored and labelled. His inquisitive mind itched to open the drawers, handle the tools and above all else fix his prosthetic hand which still had its more intricate parts exposed. He turned away, he could always sneak back in later. Torbjorn was still watching him, behind his back Junkrat noticed Hana had snuck out from her hiding place and had disappeared. Probably for the best, she seemed an alright girl.
‘Look boy, Morrison needs to know you’ve gone missing. Up to me, I could keep an eye on you here.’
‘Yeah seems fair mate. Hey can I move the Mech?’
‘No. I'll do it and you are going to stay right there.’
Torbjorn went to the lift controls, twisting a knob and pulling a lever down, the platform pivoting on its axis to stand the Mech upright. ‘Some advice boy..’ He said over his shoulder. ‘Keep out of trouble here, can’t be running around after you whilst Talon tries to start a global war.’ Torbjorn turned around as the Mech slowed to an upright position. ‘If you do that then maybe Morrison will let you..’ But Junkrat had gone whilst Torbjorn had his back turned leaving him talking to himself.
‘Ahh shit.’ He muttered.
Morrison walked out of the armory, making sure himself that the Junkers weapons, explosives and hellish bike was stored away with the tightest security they could manage while Athena still had damaged components. The sun was rising high into the sky as he headed towards the barracks. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Hana sneaking towards the unit that held her living quarters.
‘Hana?’ He called out. ‘What are you doing?’
She gave a yelp and froze on the spot. ‘N-Nothing Commander Morrison! Just wanted to check on my Meka, going back to my dorm now sir!’
He eyed her, before letting whatever suspicion he had slide. ‘You do that, stay in there until you're relieved.’
‘Yes sir!’ She practically ran into the unit. He briefly wondered what had flustered her as he headed into the barracks and walked down the stairs towards holding.
‘Well Fawkes, I think we need to have chat.’ He called as he approached Junkrats cell. ‘Cooperate and maybe we can arrange for you to….you absolute  little SHIT!’ He slammed his fist against the wall, how the hell had he escaped?
McCree sat on one of the chairs in the hallway outside medical, absentmindedly twirling his gun in his hand. An empty mug on the coffee table after Ana had returned with a tray of tea. He slowly became aware of a strange tapping noise with what also sounded like a foot step getting closer. His attention turned down the hall, the cause of the noise becoming apparent as Junkrat appeared from around the corner.
‘What the hell..?’ McCree asked
‘Shut up I've had a time getting here.’
‘I’m magic.’ Junkrat replied, waggling his fingers in McCree's face and opening the door to medical stopping short at the sight before him. Roadhog was sitting up on a bed, reading a magazine with one hand and holding a mug with the other. His mask pulled up so slightly so he could drink. Sitting on a chair close to him with a rifle in her lap was the old lady from earlier, sipping her own tea from a pretty porcelain cup with its own saucer. A slender blonde woman was leaning on a counter writing something down on a clipboard. They all looked up as Junkrat opened the door.
‘Well..’ He said in an accusatory tone. ‘Don't this look cosy!’ He ignored the two women and McCree incessantly tapping him on the shoulder for some reason. He ignored the sound of someone running down the hall as he pointed at Roadhog. ‘You’re fucking kicking it up in here with the cyclops Granny, a bit of alright Doc and the sexy Cowboy, drinking fucking  tea  whilst i get holed up in a fucking cell by a fucking geriatric?! Where's my tea?! Get the fuck up we’re getting out of here now and will you stop fucking touching me..wha? Oh shit! FucK-AGHH!
Junkrat flew out of view as Morrison charged into him, tackling him hard to the ground. Roadhog went back to his magazine, ignoring his partners yelling and cursing and continued to read.
'Said he was a glutton for punishment.' He muttered.
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spacefaringviking · 7 years
Operation: MORDOR (sequel to 'Between a Lion and a Woodchipper')
(A bit of a long one, this time!)
Honorable Kirta shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Only [3 months] had passed since the Thanatari had begun their siege on the border of his Empire’s space, and only [two weeks] since his friend, Thiru, had stared down the barrel of a human magpulser… and lived. And now, here he was, on the border of the [Perseid-VII Beta] system, commanding a fleet of his fellow Iri'jiij.
And he was floating, shields and weapons unpowered, staring down the barrel of a Thanatari capital ship.
As bait.
His antenna flared backward and folded down as his helmsman broke the silence of the bridge.
“Honorable Kirta, sir. They hail us.”
“Respond, on an open channel. Broadcast their transmission to our guests… quietly.”
“Private channel open. Encryption runtimes are active. Patching them through.”
The screen went black, save for two pinpricks of reflected light. Were they stars?
No. He was staring into the coal-dark eyes of a Thanatar. His chitinous cranium split down the middle, revealing a horrific maw of fourteen fingerlike mandibles, each with rows of black, serrated teeth along the inside and tips, receding into an ash-gray glistening throat-hole lined with teeth.
It croaked and gurgled, cracked and chuffled, as it gulped and clucked out its guttural language in frightening baritone. As the screen compensated for the darkness of the other ship, it revealed the addressing Thanatar in all of its horror in sickening resolution.
“Translation software working.”
The image faded to gray momentarily, as white text scrawled across the screen, translating the morbid gibberish into comprehension.
Those were the co-ordinates of his homeworld.
‘You and your kind will pay the flesh-penance. Your pain and suffering will be as unfathomable and be as endless as the Black of All. So shall it be, by glory of the Dead-King. I shall be the vanguard of your oblivion, and shall bathe and please myself with your flesh. So it shall be, by the Living Death of the God-Queen.’
Kirta stared blankly at the screen, as the message sunk in.
Boots thudded behind him, announcing the presence of his guest on the ship.
General Haverson crossed her arms in her pressure suit, scowling at the Thanatar on the widescreen through her visor.
“Well, aren’t you a fugly bitch,” she snorted.
The Thanatar drew its head back, surprised at the human’s appearance, unsure whether to take her remark as an insult or a complement.
Haverson pressed a button on her neck.
“Giles, what did you get?”
A gruff, almost sadistic voice came over the comm, a deeper human voice.
“Everything we need, General. Thank you.”
Haverson craned her sinewy neck over to Kirta, her eyes boring into his head.
“Pull back your ships.”
“Aye,” Kirta squeaked.
He ordered for the retreat of his ships, just as the Thanatari ship charged its weapons and fired.
Kirta braced for death. But [ten seconds] passed. He opened his eyes and looked out the window. The Thanatar ship and fleet was gone, replaced by a slate-gray wall, with hot blue suns staring back at him.
He didn’t take the time to wonder. He brought his ship about and around, and watched as brilliant blue flashes, hundreds, exploded into life and faded as quickly as they came, replaced by hulking human destroyers, cruisers, carriers, and three Dreadnoughts. He watched in split awe and horror as the fleet kept spilling in, as if some wrathful deity had uncorked a gigantic bottle of swarming insects, poised in anger and spite, aching for the kill.
The aft camera captured the horror of human combat; the black spindly Thanatar ships broke off the battlecluster and spread out as human ferroplaser beams cut through them like a blade through flesh. Their dark hulls welted and bloomed as they boiled away in white-hot fury. Metal vapours and sections of ship clouded space and plunged the battle into the fog of war.
Kirta was awestruck, glued to the screens. He watched as a diamond ship launched missiles in batteries and droves at the nearest Thanatar capital ship. But they never exploded.
He looked up to the General. “Are your missiles defective?”
“No. Boarding parties.”
“You–you’re boarding that vessel??”
Kirta was awestruck. He continued watching, dumbfounded by the humans’ reckless bravado.
After [ten minutes] of combat, he watched in awe as the Thanatar capital ship began firing at its allied vessels. Between the human Dreadnoughts igniting the other capital vessels into miniature stars with their muon lasers, and the now-captured Thanatar vessel mopping up the remaining supplicant vessels, the fleet of ten-thousand ships was cinders in minutes.
The human boarding craft, after a moment’s respite, swarmed away from the capital ship, much like flies sated from a fresh corpse. Soon after, the ship bloated and blew apart in a brilliant blooming flash, and joined the other ships in a silent glowing graveyard, floating aimlessly in the cold vacuum of space.
“General Haverson, we have the ship’s NAV data. Uploading to Fleet-net now,” croaked out a dark voice.
“Very good. Your commandos, as per the norm, performed flawlessly. My compliments, Commander Fawkes,” Haverson returned, beaming with pride.
“You flatter me, ma'am. Fawkes out,” the voice replied.
Haverson clicked off her comm and turned to Kirta.
“That’ll be all from you, for now. You will report to Epsilon Eridanus for your next batch of orders at 2350.”
“O-orders? But I’m–”
“Not anymore, you’re not,” she snipped, cutting him off. “Your buddy talked us into a deal, but with a catch. You work for us, now. Welcome to the Ecumene, buggy, and the Third ring of Hell.”
“Oh,” Kirta chirped.
Sukin tapped down the hall of the human battlecruiser Sathanna, his helmet chafing his palps. He hated wearing suits, but he had little choice in the matter, as humans kept their warships unpressurized and vented of any atmosphere. 'For safety’, they told him, amused at their answer. The only gravity and pressure offered to anyone onboard was the maglocks of their boots and the seals of their suits, or their resting chambers, which doubled as a cryo-pod. As crazy, and 'orcish’ as he found apt to describe them in their tongue, they definitely thought things through.
He began unlocking the door before him, just as it opened of its own accord. On the other side of the door hulked a Q'iri in a human-made powersuit. Blue viewports and bulky, reinforced respiratory tubes snaked down its long, thick neck where its eyes and spiracles were located, respectfully. At the top of its neck was a small bulb where its mouth was.
“My apologies,” it grunted, as it shuffled out of the way for Sukin.
“My thanks,” he replied, as he bowed politely and tiptoed through and out of the way, allowing the nine-foot-tall gracile giant to pass through, walking on back-bent legs and powerful arms and knuckles through the door before it slammed shut.
He walked down the labyrinthine halls until he arrived at the habitat block he had been assigned; V-7, barracks and home among the stars of Gamma Team.
The door opened to reveal three humans shouting amongst themselves in raucous laughter and vulgar jokes. They all stopped and looked at him. One scowled and went back to staring at the cards in his hand. The other two began walking towards him, hands on their hips, strutting towards him in an awkward, drawling gait.
“Another jiij. Great,” the female one muttered.
“Yo jiij, what’s your name?” The card-player crowed.
“Jiij? I am sorry, it is Iri'jiij, what you are calling me is not appro–”
“I don’t give a fuck. Don’t correct him,” the darker human barked.
Sukin straightened up and crossed his smaller arms As he saluted with one larger arm, straight and diagonally up. “I am Sukin-of-Starlit-Sand. I have been assigned to your unit, and I am reporting for duty,” he replied.
The pale one playing cards with himself laughed. “Watch out, Slimjim. The jiij is a Nazi,” he chuckled.
“So, Sukin-a-Dick, you thought it’d be funny to throw up a Nazi Salute to a black man?” he said, as he cracked his knuckles.
“What? Nat-si? I-I-I did not mean offense! I swear by my brood-mother!” Sukin bumbled, raising his hands in surrender.
“Look, now he’s French,” the female chuckled, “Poor little jack can’t figure out what the Hell he is.”
The dark one, 'Slimjim’, relaxed and began laughing. He slapped Sukin on the back. “Relax, jiij. We’re givin’ you shit. I’m James Downey, the hot chica over here is Taretha Ho, and short-pale-and-mysterious over there is Red Wilson. Call me Slimjim,” he finished.
“I’m Scrub,” replied Taretha.
“And, you guessed it, I’m Red,” Wilson replied.
Suddenly the door behind Sukin opened, and a human officer stepped through, followed by two fellow Iri'jiij and the Q'iri from earlier.
“You must be Sukin,” he said, reaching out with a hand to shake his. “I am Sergeant Hartford. This is Gurik-of-Moonlit-Splendor and Ferti-of-Droning-Song. The Q'iri is Khaam. Callsigns are Gizmo, Echo, and Bulk respectively. You can call me Sarge.
Welcome to Gamma Team.
End… for now.
Submission by @bartwelchii
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wings-of-life · 7 years
Chapter 42 - Loyalty
The air was heavy with the scent of makeup and sex. I could feel that there were plenty of people all around me, but no one was particularly near me. Changing a quick look around the room I was in confirmed that I was alone. The room, despite its warm coloured walls and plush carpet, felt very impersonal. The luxurious bed that I was lying in with its two nightstands were the only things it in. Gaining a hunch of where I might be I sat up slowly, the drug still lingering on the edges of my conscious.
It was a relief to find myself still wearing the clothes I remember having put in the morning. Going through my pockets I mentally checked off all my belonging, all except for my phone. Frowning I slid out of the bed and went over to one of the two doors present in the room. Door number one let me to a bathroom almost as big as the previous room that was as luxurious as the bed. Sporting both a large shower and a jacuzzi that could easily fit two people. With a roll of the eye, I went over to the door number two. Pleased to find I hadn’t been locked in, I ventured out into the hallway. As I passed other doors the sounds of pleasure further confirmed my suspicions of where I was.
As I rounded a corner I was faced with two choices, either going up a flight of stairs or go further down a hallway. Before I could make a decision on where to go a beautiful woman with skin as dark and divine as the midnight sky wearing a maroon satin robe entered the hallway. I couldn’t help but stare as she walked over to me with the grace and confidence of a queen. She didn’t seem surprised by my presence or bothered by my staring. Merely giving me a smile and wink as she passed up and went up the stairs. Following her lead, I went up the stairs only to find myself surrounded by even more beautiful women sporting either very little or very elaborate clothing making me feel overdressed.
They all politely ignored my presence as they chatted amongst themselves, applying makeup at their vanities or putting on their costumes. They knew I wasn’t here to enjoy the services they were providing, though I couldn’t deny that the idea of indulging wasn’t tempting. A sharply dressed waitress made her way up the stairs, a tray full of drinks in hand. Within moments of arriving the women had flocked to her and to claim their drink until only two glasses remain on the tray. Whiskey on the rocks and a cherry brandy.
Looking at me with a polite smile she turned and walked passed the makeup area to the door I had been looking for. Knocking before entering she held the door for me before going over to the large desk that dominated the spacious office and putting down both drinks. Taking a seat in the surprisingly comfortable chair my drink had been set before I watched as Azael took a sip of his drink, he looked like he needed it.
Putting his drink down he wordlessly opened a drawer and placed five items before me. The first was my phone, the second a blank injection vial with a clear liquid inside it, the third a file stuffed to the brim with paperwork, the fourth a plain USB stick and last a thick envelope. My eyes went from the vial to his and I raised my brows in a silent question.
“It’s an anaesthetic. One that was specially designed for you. One that was clearly very effective if the events of this morning are anything to go by. I’d say I’m sorry for having you drugged like that but we both know that would be a lie. Both the police and the mercenaries have been given this drug to ‘assist’ them in bringing you in. Fawkes’ got his hands on a few vials and we were curious. Not to mention that making it seem like a kidnapping would mislead the police into thinking one of the ‘hired reinforcements’ had gotten to you before they could.”
Leaning back in the chair I let this information sink in. It was rare for Gabriel to be wrong with the information he had provided. Had he really been unaware that things had escalated this far already? Not that it mattered. With a shaky hand, I reached out for my glass and drank a mouthful, needing the alcohol as much as Azael now.
“How do you know that mercenaries have been hired?”
“Rich kid.”
Taken aback by the answer my eyebrows shot up high as I looked up from the reddish golden liquid in my glass. Azael looked like the words had left a bad taste in his mouth and he quickly tried to get rid of it with a mouthful of whiskey. Had Gabriel informed Azael as well? Had he also told the other leaders? With a heavy sigh and the clinking of ice cubes, Azael put his now empty glass down and gestured to what else he had laid out before me.
“Your Outsider has kept himself busy. This file holds highly detailed records of your time… being abducted. The USB holds a digital copy of them as well as all the incriminating information he has on his father’s plans as well as other higher-ups who are involved. Pretty sure your friends at the guard station will find it very interesting. Cheshire has already ‘leaked’ that information to the human news stations, who knows they might actually do a story on it.
“The envelope holds a small fortune that he wanted you to have. Probably funds in case you want to make a run for it. The funds have gone through Sen’s hands. She’s made sure that they are safe for you to use however you see fit. Downstairs my driver is waiting for you and will give you a lift to wherever you wish, with the exception of your apartment, the houses of the Dreemurr's or the guard station.”
I sat unmoving for a long time as Azael interwove his fingers and looked at me wearing his ‘businessman’ mask. They had all helped me in their own way. Each of the gangs’ leaders had with Gabriel’s assistance done what they did best to help me out. The Border was gone, but the loyalty that had been forced there was still very much alive.
“The end of an era…”
He nodded and for a moment I could see a touch of the same nostalgia that was making me sentimental reflected in his eyes.
“You have done much for us these past years. With this, we wash our hands of our depts to you. We will not call upon your assistance again, so also don’t except any of us either. Though of course, you are always more than welcome to make use of our legal fronts.”
A rare smile graced his lips and I smiled back before downing the last of my drink and standing up. Gathering the five items in my arms he stood up as well. We walked in silence as he guided me through the hallways until we had reached the guest area. Shaking hands for the last time we bided each other farewell.
Keeping to the walls I did my best to ignore the aroused audience or the seductive routines that took place on the centre stage. Any other time I would have gladly taken advance of my free admission into the high-end strip club, but my mind was too preoccupied with other things to enjoy the show.
As always it was only when the clean night air washed over me that I realised just how suffocating the air had been inside. The man in uniform nodded respectfully at me as he opened the backseat door of the luxurious car parked before the club’s entrance. With one last glance at the window I knew to belong to the office I had just been in I took my seat.
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