#fav holiday💞
sungoop · 2 years
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bloodstainedsaint · 10 months
the sniper (joseph liebgott x sniper! reader)
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summary: when you transferred from dog company to easy company following the battle of bloody gulch, you thought you knew what to expect of men in the military— though you really wanted joe liebgott to prove you wrong
word count: just over 3500
warnings: period-typical sexism & misogyny (big part of the story), very minor violence, denying feelings, mutual pining, reader lowkey has trust issues, full of other characters but hopefully no one's ooc?? also this fic is kinda messy 😭
notes: happy thanksgiving! enjoy this fic for the holidays 💞 also your favs AREN'T sexist, just confused
Gossip, you realized, was an easy way to kill time for the men of the military, especially with the recent news that there would be a transfer to Easy Company— the transfer being you, of course. You had no idea you were such a hot topic until you walked down a street of Aldbourne in search of the man currently in charge of your new company, Lieutenant Winters, and overheard a trio of soldiers discussing rumors as they sat around awaiting orders.
“Hey, have you heard that there’s a transfer coming from D-Company?” one said, lighting a cigarette.
“Whew, he must’ve not taken any smokes from Lieutenant Sparky, huh, Don?” another chuckled, stealing the cigarette out of who you guessed was Don’s fingers and puffing for emphasis, much to Don’s displeasure.
Huffing, Don continued, “He’s a sniper, apparently! Better than Shifty!”
“Nah, no one’s better than Shifty,” the third butted in. “Shifty can shoot you right between the eyes blindfolded.”
“Shifty would deny that ‘til he died, Penk,” said the second with a smile.
“It’s true, Skip! Apparently he tracked a target from 1,000 yards away and still got him in the head! Bang! Just like that,” Don said while he mimicked holding a rifle and firing.
“Psh, our boy Shifty could do that, or better: 2,000 yards, right?” Skip nudged Penk with his shoulder.
Penk shrugged. “Length don’t matter, anyway. It’s what you do with the gun, not how far it shoots.”
Skip and Don shared a look and grinned, the latter joking, “Don’t you mean distance, Alex? What, you insecure about something?”
The trio devolved into laughter and banter, but was suddenly quieted as Don patted the others and pointed at you approaching. Several other men standing nearby swiveled their heads to watch as well.
A woman dressed in fatigues, the shoulder of her uniform emblazoned with the Screaming Eagles patch, a M1 Garand slung around her back— they couldn't seem to get their mind around it. Disregarding their curious stares (you’d gotten a lot of them for the past two years or so that you've been enlisted), you walked past the group of spectators.
A couple of men whistled lowly, and a murmur spread through the small crowd. You stopped in your tracks for a moment, eyes downward in thought. Surely one of these men knows where Lieutenant Winters is. You turned on your heel toward the group.
“Afternoon,” you addressed the onlookers, who were now either standing up or gathering around in interest. Your eyes went from man to man, meeting inquisitive and suspicious stares alike, unfazed. “Anyone know where I can find Lieutenant Winters?”
“You, uh, you lost?” a diminutive man — Perconte, his name tag read — asked.
One with a strict face and a glower already etched into it — Martin — stepped into the scattered group. “Who’s asking?”
“Private (Y/N), sir,” you said with a quick salute that was returned. “I’m transferring from Dog Company to Easy Company. I was told to look for a Lieutenant Winters.”
The men exchanged a look amongst each other.
The man from earlier, Don, spoke up with awe apparent in his voice. “You’re a sniper?”
You turned to him with a curt nod. “Yes, I’m a sharpshooter.”
Then a lanky, scrappy-looking guy, Liebgott, entered with a smirk tugging upon his lips. Just by looking at his crooked smile and raised eyebrows, you knew he was going to cause you trouble. Just another man ogling at you like you're nothing but a pretty face. What else is new? “You need help getting around base?”
“No thank you, that won’t be necessary,” you swiftly rebuffed, turning your attention back to the rest of the men. You set them with an expectant look.
“You can find Lieutenant Winters over there at CP,” Randleman, a large red-headed man, said around a hefty cigar in his mouth, nodding his head in the tent’s direction. “If he’s not there, try the mess cabin.”
With a small smile, grateful that someone finally answered your question instead of asking more of them, you thanked him, saluted, and walked off.
As you started towards CP, you heard behind your back, “Did Roosevelt change something while we were overseas? ‘Cause I just saw a lady wearing paratrooper clothing with a rifle ‘round her back.”
“Very astute, George,” someone replied.
You could almost hear the smirk in Liebgott’s voice as he declared, “I’m gonna go talk to her.”
“Yeah, come back alive,” another voice — Skip, maybe — chimed in. “Speirs might’ve rubbed off on her.”
You only had a few seconds to mentally prepare yourself before you heard footsteps catching up behind you. Liebgott was now walking side by side with you, matching your brisk pace.
“Hey, (Y/N), right?”
You took a sidelong glance at him. “That’s right.”
“Joseph D. Liebgott. Technician 5th-Grade.”
“And is there a reason why you’re following me to CP, Liebgott?”
“Thought I’d show you around base, get to know you a little.”
“And I thought I declined your assistance,” you said firmly. “I was part of Dog Company; I'm not new around here.”
“Alright, how about introducing you to Easy men when you’re finished?” He threw a smile your way. “They’re curious about you.”
You slightly grimaced at the thought of being at the center of attention for so many strangers. “I’d rather not.”
“Why? They’re great guys. I don’t know about Dog Company men and their Lieutenant Speirs, but Easy men, especially Toccoa men, are different.”
They don’t seem all that different to me. You gripped the strap of your gun a little tighter. “Once again, I’ll pass.”
He shrugged. “You’ll warm up to us.”
A tense silence ensued. You did your best to not seem bothered by it. Usually by this point people gave up and stopped talking to you entirely.
“So, uh,” he began, running his hands through his hair. Of course you weren’t getting rid of him that easily. Your intuition earlier was right. “Why’re you transferring over to Easy? No offense, but we've got a helluva marksman already.”
“I wasn’t given a reason, just an order.”
“That so? Well, maybe you’ll take his place as our resident sniper, huh?”
“Looking forward to it,” you responded drily.
He chuckled. “You’ll fit right into Easy with the rest of the snarkers. Where you from, (Y/N)?”
You eyed him cautiously. “Lansing, Michigan.”
“Get outta here, you serious? I'm from there too!” Liebgott cracked a smile and gazed at you. “Man, I might’ve seen you around and just haven’t realized it. Could've been talking to you years ago.”
You pursed your lips. “It wouldn't have helped your chances, Liebgott.”
Grinning, he said, undaunted, “What chances? We're just talking. I wanna know the lady I’ll be fighting with.”
“You just want to know if I’m single or not. That’s all,” you icily said as the two of you neared the tent.
Apparently found out, Liebgott smiled broadly and stopped a few feet from CP while you continued walking. “Well, are you?”
You turned to face him. “Yes, I’m single, and no, I’m not interested in sleeping with you.”
You couldn’t see the smile melt off his face as you entered the tent, eyes searching amongst all the men and equipment for the tall soldier you’ve seen conversing with Lieutenant Speirs before.
“Private (Y/N),” a voice called. You looked in its direction and finally found Winters.
“Lieutenant Winters.” You saluted.
“You’re the new transfer, right?” he asked, beckoning you further into the tent for some privacy. You were thankful that most of the men here were too occupied with their own duties to notice you.
You followed him to a quiet corner. “Yes, sir.”
“Met the men yet?”
“Some of them.”
“Anyone give you trouble?” he asked gently. “You can tell me.”
You paused, thinking. Nothing past some inquisitive stares and a couple of questions. “No, sir.”
Winters perceived your hesitation. “If that changes, tell me. They're good men, but they might be a bit eager to meet you.”
You nodded. Liebgott certainly was. He analyzed your face for a second before continuing, “Try to get yourself acquainted at dinner before you go into combat with them. That’ll be all, Private.”
You saluted, knowing full well that you’ll most likely try to get a seat by yourself, away from the clamor of the men.
“Thank you, sir.”
It turned out that no seat was good enough to escape the onslaught of questions.
You had gotten there early and took a seat at the far end of one of the tables with a book in hand and not much of an appetite. Unfortunately for you, being one of the first ones there instead of a head in a crowd of people singled you out, and eventually you were surrounded by men wanting to know more.
“Hey, this is the new replacement I’ve been hearing so much about, yeah?” Bill Guarnere, or Wild Bill, as they called him, questioned, shoving himself into one of the seats at your table.
“Transfer, Gonorrhea, not a replacement,” Liebgott said from your side. When he had entered the mess cabin, you had attempted to hide yourself with your book, but to no avail. He had beelined toward you, beaming ear to ear as he slid into the seat next to you.
“You into books?” he said, eyes going from you to the book in your hands.
You thought that he might actually surprise you.“Yeah, are you?”
He scoffed lightheartedly. “What, you kidding? I love to read!”
A ghost of a smile graced your face. “What kind?”
“Oh, you know, Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon, mostly!” he said, seemingly proud of himself, and your smile disappeared.
Soon after that, people swarmed your table. If you were being fair, though, Liebgott had spoken for you for most of the night, making sure you could read in relative peace. If you didn't know any better, you’d say that he was just enjoying you being by his side, but you were still wary of any underlying intentions (let’s say, getting into your pants) he might have.
Yet, out of the corner of your eyes, you saw the way he looked at you from time to time with a small smile upturning his lips, and you wanted to believe he didn't have any.
“Transfer, replacement, whatever,” Bill brushed it off with a wave of his hand. “What I wanna know is—”
“—why she’s a girl?” Liebgott finished. “Jeez, I dunno, she’s only been asked this twelve times tonight.”
“If you’d let me finish,” Bill said with a pointed look at Liebgott as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, “I was gonna ask if she did shoot a Kraut from 1,000 yards away.”
“You’d be giving ole Shifty a real run for his money, ain't that right, Shift?” Joe — the other one, Joe Toye — said from beside Bill, reaching over to another table and shaking one of the guys there.
Shifty, you assumed, looked over and met your eyes with a kind smile. “No, no, I’m sure she's a better shot than me. Y'all give me too much credit.”
“That’s what being humble will get ya.” Bill chuckled and puffed from his cigarette. “Your spot as Easy’s best shot out from under ya.”
The table laughed, and you steeled yourself before uttering in a quiet, yet steady voice, “It was two men.”
A hush descended over the table. Liebgott turned to look at you. “What?”
“Two men. I dropped the first. The other one heard and started running. I dropped him next. Both in the head,” you relayed, without the humor of a storyteller but the gravity of a historian. You didn't know it, but you had a stony look in your eye.
Luckily, you were saved from the stunned silence by a man getting up and reciting a poem, but you could feel Liebgott’s eyes burning into you. With fear? Admiration? You weren’t sure, but you didn't dare look over.
Joe Liebgott was nothing if not persistent. For months now, he'd been lingering around you, flirting and striking up conversations with you. To be honest, you never outright said for him to stop (besides that one time in the very beginning when you said you weren’t interested), so you guessed he wasn't overstepping any boundaries.
Still, he seemed determined to get you into his bed.
“C’mon, I think we’d look cute together!”
“That’s what you think, Joe,” George said, squatting next to his friend, “Giving her heart eyes and all. Meanwhile, she looks at you like you're her next target.”
Brushing his teeth, Frank followed the other two’s gaze across the road, where you were happily talking with Bull and Shifty. He spat out the toothpaste residue on the ground beside him and said, counting on his fingers, “Seems like the only people she gives the time of day to are Shifty, Bull, Doc Roe, even Webster.”
“Who, if you'll notice,” George said, gesturing with a cigarette between his fingers, “are all quiet, reserved, well-mannered people. You, on the other hand, got a loud mouth and, uh, what’s it called, Frank?”
“A short fuse,” Frank supplied.
“Yeah, a short fuse. She probably thinks you’re trying to get into bed with her, in which case, you're shit outta luck.”
Frank said, shaking his head, “Scary, that girl. With her rifle and that look in her eyes.”
Liebgott exhaled. “But I’m not tryna just sleep with her! I even gave her some of my favorite comics ‘cause I knew she likes to read.”
“Yeah, real books, Joe— that's why she gets along with Webster!” Frank exclaimed. “You sure you didn't give her the pornos?”
George laughed. “That'd give her the wrong impression.”
Liebgott narrowed his eyes as you giggled at something Shifty said. “You’re right, maybe she doesn't like me.”
Standing up, George sighed and snuffed out his cigarette. “That’s not the point, Joe. I’ve seen the way she looks at you.”
“Yeah, like I’m her next target? You told me already.”
“No,” George said with an exaggerated eye roll, “like she wants more outta you. ‘Cause all she's getting is the impression that you wanna fuck her.”
Liebgott stood up as well, still watching as you laughed with Bull and Shifty. George and Frank patted him on the back.
“She’s all yours, buddy,” Frank assured with a sympathetic smile. “She makes heart eyes at you too.”
There were only a handful of women selected to serve outside of something like a nurse’s position; you just so happened to be one of them, most likely because of your experience with a rifle. So, you’d gotten used to the lustful ways some men would watch you, or the demeaning ways they would taunt you. You guessed almost all of them had never seen a woman with a combat position in the military before (or by the way some of them acted, ever spoken to a woman at all).
But such men only assumed that you had earned your jump wings by sleeping around with officers. They assumed that they should be able to get in on it too, or that they should condemn you for something you didn't even do, for being unworthy and unskilled all because you were a woman.
It had always been a difficult pill to swallow: your military career would be littered with scathing remarks and crude comments, and you’d have to be strictly professional or closed-off with most men lest you’d be seen as a whore rather than just “scary”. But the hardest fact to accept was the fact that Liebgott, for all the kindness he had shown you, all the times he talked to you like you were a human being— that he most likely had the same intentions as everyone else.
As much as you relished his company, his crooked smile, his jokes, his lingering touches (and as much as you had to pretend you didn't), you had to accept his end goal was for you to warm his bed. And sure, maybe he was more dogged with his efforts than other men were, and maybe your friends in the company had told you that he was a genuine guy, but you just couldn't believe that he had anything else in mind when it came to you.
Maybe all the criticisms thrown your way had affected you more than you thought.
With the success of Operation Pegasus, Bull had dragged you (not literally, though you’re sure he could've) into a pub in the Netherlands for some celebratory drinking.
You didn't drink, and you disliked pubs; the smell of booze and drunken people was often overpowering, but at least you found quiet company with Bull. Across the room from your table, you saw Liebgott staring at you with a smile and a drink in his hand. It seemed as though he had noticed you the second you entered.
“It’s alright if I leave you alone for a second, little lady?” Bull said, chewing on a cigar like usual. “You'll be fine?”
“Sure, Bull. Go enjoy yourself.”
The large man smiled and patted you on the back before leaving to talk to some of the other men in the company.
Not one to mingle, you were only a few pages into your book when you caught the attention of an intoxicated soldier.
“Look who it is,” Cobb said to himself, hardly standing upright. You recognized his voice, seeing as this wasn’t the first time he’s derided you. “Ms. 1,000 Yards, huh. Bet the officers over at Dog Company only made up that story so it looks like you had some use.”
You ground your teeth. Typically, if you didn't give someone like him the satisfaction of an answer, they’d leave you alone. Why defend yourself and give people another word to call you: bitchy?
“What's a woman got to do in the military anyway?” Bottle in hand, he shambled towards you. “Besides suck the dicks of the men who are actually fighting.”
Steadying your uneven breath, you tried to look behind him to find Liebgott, but his body blocked your view.
Taking another swig, he spat, “That why they transferred you over from Dog Company? Those boys got their fill of you and passed you onto us, huh? Fuckin’ good for nothing slut.”
“What the fuck did you just say to her?” You heard Liebgott’s voice and felt relief wash over you.
Cobb turned around, and you caught a glimpse of an incensed Liebgott, a fierce glint to his eyes.
“Tell me what you just said to her.”
“Oh, please, Joe, you trying to get her to suck your cock faster—”
He was interrupted by a fist flying his way, toppling the inebriated man. Liebgott got on top of him and began trading punches before the surrounding men, drawn by the commotion, tried to pull him off of Cobb.
Your eyes were blown wide as you stood there, speechless. Bull found you and pulled you by the arm out of the pub.
“But what about Liebgott?” you said, peering behind you.
Bull shrugged and did the same. “Seems like he was winning anyway.”
That night in your billet, all you could think about was the fury that twisted Liebgott’s face into one you only saw on the battlefield.
And it was all for you.
The next day, you searched for Liebgott at breakfast, the table feeling a bit more empty without him taking up his normal spot beside you, but he had found you first, as he usually did.
“Hey, (Y/N), can I talk to you for a sec?” he said, his hand on your shoulder. You turned around in your seat and were met with a slightly bruised Liebgott, a small cut across his nose. Concern filling your chest, you nodded, and his hand held your wrist as he led you out of the mess hall.
“So, uh, about last night,” he started, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes searched yours for how you felt about him bringing it up, but he found no hints in your unreadable expression. “I’m sorry for fighting Cobb for you. You're a strong woman, you could handle him yourself—”
Smiling at his uncharacteristic hesitance, you cut his apology short with a peck on the cheek. You pulled away and saw his temporary surprise.
“Thank you, Joe. I appreciated you standing up for me. It means a lot.”
His face broke into the widest beam you've ever seen.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked eagerly, the words spilling out of his mouth before he could even process what they were. “Shit, sorry, that was too soon—”
You answered his question by tenderly holding his bruised face with your hands and bringing his lips to yours. You could feel him grin into the kiss as he pulled you closer, and your heart just about melted.
Maybe you had gotten Joe Liebgott all wrong from the start.
“Great, he’s never gonna wash that cheek again!”
taglist: @mads-weasley, @ronsparky, @dcyllom, @malarkgirlypop
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my intro 💞
i’ve just joined tumblr & would love some friends so here’s my introduction!
i’m isabelle, i’m 15, im from england and my pronouns are she/her. i’m a catholic but i respect everyone and i love history!
my spotify 💗
music taste 💞
lana del rey is literally my favourite singer ever i love her but i also love love love old music (eg - frank sinatra, billie holiday, ella fitzgerald, nina simone, chet baker, etc)
films 💞
marie antoinette - 2006 (my like second fav film ever)
little women - 2019
the avengers - 2012
captain america: the first avenger - 2011
scarface - 1983 (no1 forever love u sm al pacino)
avengers: age of ultron - 2015
the love witch - 2016
heathers - 1988
shows 💞
south park - 1997-Now
the falcon and the winter soldier - 2021
the dick van dyke show - 1961-1966
superstore - 2015-2021
brooklyn 99 - 2013-2021
the sopranos - 1999-2007
books 💞
my year of rest and relaxation - otessa moshfegh
the bell jar - sylvia plath
violet bent backwards over the glass - lana del rey
valley of the dolls - jaqueline susann
lolita - vladimir nabokov
the virgin suicides - jeffrey eugenides
albums 💞
blue banisters - 2021 (my first and fav lana album)
did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd - 2023
ultraviolence - 2014
live through this - 1994
bewitched - 2023
lust for life - 2017
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euphoricfilter · 10 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟎
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twelve hour countdown
tags/warnings: games designer! jungkook, non-idol au, established relationship, fluff, they’re just in love it’s kinda sick, the final chance, more sort of bowser content because he’s my fav dog
word count: 1k
notes: no taglist >:)
☆ literal epic callob with @bonny-kookoo 💞 ☆
☆ series masterlist
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
The last two days of the trip hadn’t exactly been how Jungkook wanted them to go. Engagement ring box stuffed in his bag under a layer of underwear so he didn’t have anymore scares with you and your curious fingers.
Entirely convinced it would only take one more excuse about his smart watch before you caught on and opened the box before he could even utter an excuse as to why he was carrying around an expensive ring.
He’d decided that he would do it within one of those two last days— the back garden of the airbnb pretty, secluded too so you wouldn’t have to face the awful embarrassment of outsiders onlooking such an intimate new development in your relationship.
Because as much as he wants to the world to witness the metamorphosis of your entwined souls, there will be many opportunities for him to flaunt the fact you’re going to be his wife (hopefully) in the near future.
However, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Every time he would look over at you, blissed out on one of the deck chairs, book in hand or eyes closed as you nap in the sun; his mouth would open to call your name, yet nothing would come out.
It wasn’t a matter of him changing his mind, he would have asked you to marry him on the second date if he didn’t think it would creep you out that he had already dreamt up his entire future with you. Because there was, and never will be anyone after you. This is it for him. Legality of your relationship aside, he knew he’d be spending the rest of his life with you regardless if it was written on paper or not.
He had a solid twelve hours before the both of you got in that car and drove back to the airport. Twelve hours before the entirety of his plan would go to shit. Though not a wasted holiday in his eyes, the break well deserved by the both of you. And even if he ultimately fails today, then at least you enjoyed the time away, the gentle smile on your face each morning, warm kisses pressed to soft cheeks in thanks for every little endeavour he’d taken you on, enough of a reward even if you don’t get on that plane with an engagement ring on your finger.
“Jungkook” you startle him, his eyes wide as he turns to look at you, stood in the doorway of the kitchen.
He raises an eyebrow in question, assuming you’d grown impatient for you lunch that he was so graciously preparing.
“Do you think we can go see bowser before we leave?” you ask, sheepish smile on your face as you rock on your feet a little.
“Yes” he says it without even thinking, hope of this being the day he asks you slowly slipping through his fingers. Anguish of another failed day mellowed out a little when he catches the bright smile on your face.
“I’ll text the lady, and see if it’s okay” he nods, slipping his phone out the back pocket of his jeans.
“I had a dream last night” you tell him, pushing yourself to sit on the counter beside where he’s making both of your lunch.
“Hmm?” he glances up at you, phone pushed onto the counter as he looks at you, “about what?” “Bowser living with us”
A smile quirks onto his lips, stepping forward until he’s pushing your legs open to stand between them.
“Yeah?” he hums, “and what was it like?”
Your tongue runs over your bottom lip, “literally the best thing ever, he’s so cute”
“Taking care of a dog is a lot of work you know” his hands skim up the length of your thighs. You nod, arms slipping over his shoulders, fingers skimming across the back of his neck.
“I know” you murmur, “but you had a dog growing up so you can teach me all the things I need to know”
“You’ll be a good parent, you know”
Your nose scrunches up at that “I’m not ready for kids yet”
“We’re literally adopting” he laughs, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“A dog”
Jungkook’s eyebrows narrow, “Bowser is more than just a dog” he shakes his head, “he will be our first born son”
You press your forehead against his chest, trying to swallow down a laugh, “I suppose. We should spoil him since he’s our first”
Jungkook nods at that, “of course. he’s literally the coolest dog ever”
It’s when you’re in the car later that day, small play date set for the both of you to see Bowser one more time, do you pass a pet store.
Your hand slaps down onto Jungkook’s thigh, “Turn here” you point down a little wide road.
He briefly glances over at you before his focus is back on the road, “huh?” he gapes, fingers pressing down on the indicator anyways.
“We gotta get Bowser a gift before we see him” you wave him off, picking your shoes up off the car floor, quick to put them back on as Jungkook parks the car.
“What sort of treats do you think he likes?” you ask, arm hooking around Jungkook’s as you drag him towards the store.
“We could get a few? See what he likes, maybe?” he trails behind you, quick to pull you back by the collar of your f-shirt before you can get hit by a care.
“Careful baby” he murmurs, hand skimming down your arm, fingers lacing with yours. You pause outside the pet store, Jungkook’s eyebrow raising when you meet his eyes. “Lets go in there after” you point to the small store beside the both of you.
“Why?” Jungkook tilts his head a little.
“We should get fairy lights for Bowser’s wheelchair, but the battery ones so he can have them on when he’s outside too. What if we take him on a walk when it’s dark?”
“There’s street lights...” Jungkook trails off, mind slowly conjuring up the imagine of a glittery wheelchair, “Lets get two sets just in case one isn’t enough” he nods.
“Okay” you hum, smiling up at him as the both of make your way into the pet store. “Love you” you press a kiss to his cheek, unfiltered smile gracing Jungkook’s face. “Love you more, my love” he hums.
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kaiispost · 2 years
instagram au with mason mount x male reader cute pictures :)
Mason mount x male reader
Note: Dont be shy request x male reader!!
A/n note: heyhey, so so so so sorry that this took so long to put out depression really got me. Im also went through and still am in intensive trauma care. Take care of your friends!
Fc: Charles Leclerc
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Yourinstagram number 3 soon ~~ @theweeknd
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Masonmount I’m so proud of you baby <3
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↳ yourinstagram love you<3
Theweeknd can’t wait for them to hear
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↳ yourinstagram they’re not ready to
Neymarjr orgulhoso de ti
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Pablogavi yesss!!!
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Ladygaga incredibly excited
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Theweeknd number 3 soon > @yourinstagram
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Yourinstagram they’re sooo not ready
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↳ theweeknd they aren’t broo
Arianagrande ahhhh!!!
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Justinbieber fav duo fr
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Eminem 🔥
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Yourinstagram & theweeknd
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Liked by masonmount, eminem, Sza and 42,498,308 others
Yourinstagram We are excited to announce that our third collab album is finally out every where. We worked really hard on this together, and after many sleepless nights it’s out. We would like to thank the following artists for being on the album; Sza, Tyler, The Creator, lil wayne, Billie Eilish and Frank Ocean.
📸 : @masonmount.
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Yourinstagram We wish everyone happy holidays :) ignore the messy background
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Masonmount 10 years together with you<3
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Yourinstagram best 10 years
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Sza 10 years?!? Cuteeeee
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Theweeknd aww
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Neymarjr <3
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Kimkardashian so happy for you two!!
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Yourinstagram & theweeknd
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Yourinstagram thanks to all my friends who showed at the release party <3
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Masonmount love you <3
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Neymarjr ❤️
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Sza this was funnnnn
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Ladygaga amazing night
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Mileycyrus we went mad 😭
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Pedri 🫶🏼
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Tagged yourinstagram
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Ynupdates yn has been seen signs and taking pictures with fans today!
~edit~ he apparently had a panic attack when he left. We send love to him <3
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Ynhater1 he looks so ungrateful
↳ ynfan2 maybe because people were literally shoving phones in this face?! They were invading his privacy.
fanYN1 he looks tired, give him rest
Ynfan1 y’all need to backup sometimes!
↳ ynsucks he signed up for this life…
↳ ynfan1 are you being fr, one does not sign up to be shoved with phones and papers.
Ynisthebest1 let the poor man enjoy his relationship and life ffs
Ynfan3 i was there, he literally almost had a panic attack. Y’all are psychotic.
↳ ynshubby same people don’t realise how dangerous it was.
Sza otw back he called me mid panic attack. Y’all need to stop being crazy and have manners.
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Yourinstagram I’m still alive… somehow!
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Masonmount I’m incredibly proud of you<3
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Billieeilish glad, take your time please
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Pablogavi 💞
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Sza call me whenever
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Zendaya meditate babes
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Ladygaga we love youuu
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pavedinashes-if · 10 months
Since it’s holiday season, how would the ros react to being caught under the mistletoe with mc during crushing stage 🥰💞 (if you don’t wanna write everyone’s you know who my favs are lol)
Hi Steph,
well, normally I don't do all 12 ROs in one ask anymore, but I feel like we / you with your art 💞 spoiled a specific group of readers here 😅 to be exact, like 50% -1, referring to the number of ROs you wanna go for and have created an MC and delicious art lol
Therefore, let's go...
Under the mistletoe
[I picked a scene in which MC and the RO are alone]
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>> Long post and poll below
"Look" they voice almost singing as they point at the mistletoe. They try to hide a smile, but very poorly. And once you smile back, gone are their attempts of subtlety. Sam steps so close you feel their breath on your face, the smell of sweet mulled wine kissing your nose and you chuckle. Raising their hand to your face you hold your breath. It's not just a touch, it's an exploration as their fingers trail along the lines of your face, taking their time. Your eyes are fixed on theirs and you feel butterflies going menace in your stomach as you can sense with every pore of your body that to Sam this is more than "just a mistletoe moment". Then their thumb runs over your lower lip, they move in closer and place their lips right next to it.
In case you haven't noticed, they will most definitely make sure you do now. Some wigglin eyebrows, some throat clearing and the least innocent smirk you could imagine. They want nothing more than to kiss you. Hmm, how odd, you wonder where all these mistletoes came from.
You see N fidget with their key, they seem nervous and you can't place a finger on to why. Instead you place your hand on their shoulder / call out their name softly and they startle. Their eyes wide, an awkward uncomfortable expression on their face. "Are you ok?" you ask. "Eh, yeah, I'm fine, thanks" their face getting redder with each word. You study them for a moment, then, here it is! A fleeting movement, easily missed, but yet you saw their eyes fall onto something above you two. And then, it all makes sense. You snicker, which makes N run their hand through their hair, trying to hide. Unfortunate for them, once they are done with whatever failed maneuver, they are met with a warm smile and even warmer eyes. "I, I would like... to kiss you." they whisper as you read the words from their lips.
bestie’s bf /gf
They laugh, as they've seen the mistletoe from miles away. The sound making you turn instantly, a warm feeling in your chest is spreading, as it always does at the warm tone, a gift from the gods, you're convinced, soft and deep and silky smooth. Their eyes are on your lips as they run their tongue over theirs. A preparation or pure teasing you wonder. But then their hand lands on your arm, seductively finding its way higher and higher, up to your shoulder, your neck, your face, a little stop, and then, it wanders into your hair, a firm grip and now you are sure their motives are anything but innocent as their other hand grabs your waist and pulls you closer.
childhood friend
you have no idea what's wrong with Biance, her face is bright red and she is avoiding your gaze, no proper conversation possible either, all she replies is "Hm, uh hu, mmh?" Then you notice the mistletoe. How about a memorable heart attack in the morning?
new friend
Their eyes land on the mistletoe before yours and they purposefully approach it, hooking into your arm and pulling you along. Then they pick you up "Hey! What are you doing?!" you exclaim between laughs. "Taking you hostage, your only way out is through paying your debts". "What? What kind of debts? Since when do I have debts?" You pretend to be shocked. They spin you around "Since... 5 seconds ago." An offended look on your face. "And how much are my debts?", with furrowed brows you receive your response "Hmm... a hundred kisses." they wink at you. "I thought the mistletoes means one kiss..." you express defiantly. "Oh no, that's a very special mistletoe, from the lands of the faes and wishes." Ok, this one confuses you seriously. "Sure...", you roll your eyes "... and what if I refuse?", He giggles at your skepticism "Oh, you don't wanna risk this, 'cause then you're stuck with me here until you're old and wrinkly and begin to smell funny...unless that's what you want" an eyebrow lifting.
new foe
Alex is annoyed that he has to stand here and wait with you already, it's written all over his face. Still, he's throwing you glances every now and then, which you accidentally notice. Once caught, his jaw clenches and he avoids looking at you. Then he hears a "Huh.", turns around to see you quickly looking away from the mistletoe. Confused, he looks up, and for a moment he looses his cool. "Oh, don't worry..." he hisses in a venomous tone, then steps away from under the mistletoe, just to stay in safe distance from you. He takes out his phone and occupies himself with whatever. Hmm, you're sure his face wasn't that red before.
they wonder why your expression changed for a second. taking a look around they notice the mistletoe. "You wish! You can kiss my ass..." How they'd react if you said ok to their proposition?
You smile, and they notice, cocking their head at you. "Why are you smiling?" they ask. You point at the mistletoe above. "Oh" a slight red undertone decorating their face. "Oh" you respond, and they titter softly. They move in closer, placing both hands on your cheeks, searching for something in your eyes. Next it's you who takes another step, into the radiating heat of their body. That's enough to make them dive in for the kiss. Is it Spring again? How long did this kiss last?
D is busy on the phone, while you stand a bit apart after you gave up on trying to eavesdrop on the content a while ago. When they hang up, their eyes immediately fall to yours. "Izvini my dear" they respond, their hand placed on their heart. You cast them a smile, then they follow your eyes, which wander to the mistletoe above - they must've missed it while stopping to take the call mid-hallway. Suddenly their expression turns serious. Gone the tender moment. "Pepe." D declares disapprovingly. Their eyes fall back to yours and time stands still for you. Nothing. Your heart hammers in your chest, your face feels warm... yet, you can absolutely not read a single emotion from their face, as if they're not even here with you, until... "Did you need anything else?" their eyes narrowed and you swallow, then shake your head. A nod is all you get, and so you turn around ready to leave. "MC..." you stop, tensing and face D. Another moment of nothingness... "Tell Sasha to remove this." You nod, a lump in your throat.
Sparks turns around to see you smiling, they tilt their head in wonder. "What's up?" You motion towards the mistletoe. Their face turns bright red, they smile uncontrollably and begin to stutter "Eh, well, I mean, it's tradition... But, if you... you know..." Their expression a bit more insecure now "Who cares about tradition tho, pff, ...unless you do..." One day somebody will make a meme out of them fs
you raise your eyes from your phone and catch them looking at the mistletoe. when they look back at you, you wonder what comes next. You can see their mind is busy, but then they throw you a mark-shattering smile. As soon as you smile back they slowly move closer and gently, oh so gently, place a soft kiss on your cheek, a kiss that lingers, their grip suddenly tightening around your wrist.
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
can I order Yandere!Keigo decorating the house for Christmas with his sweetheart and son (🧊)?
♡ After Work ♡
(A/N: I have such intense baby fever right now like all I want is to write domestic fics 😓😓 After my holiday event I wanna write a bunch of domestic fiscal because I need a baby with my fav characters 💞💞💞💞)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, domestic stuff, kids, just fluff 💖
Summary: You, Keigo, and your son decorate the Christmas tree (Yan!Hawks x GN!reader *reader is referred to as ‘mommy’ by the kids though*)
Holiday Event ➸ ♡
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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Hayato loved Christmas, he had been begging you and Keigo to decorate for Christmas since October. You two waited until at least the middle of November to decorate. He loved Christmas, he loved presents, the tree, the lights. He just loved everything. Of course that was expected, every kid loves Christmas after all.
“Baby, you need to be careful with the ornaments” you say concerned as you watch your son run around with a bunch of ornaments in his hands trying to decorate the tree.
Although only the bottom current had anything on it as that’s all he could reach with out flying, which you and Keigo banned you from flying with out one of you near him to catch him if he fell.
“I am, mommy, don’t worry!” Hayato chirps happily, running around the tree to try and find a place to put the next ornament. You had let him pick out a couple ornaments of whatever he wanted, luckily his father was a pro-hero so there was no shortage of ornaments of him which Hayato absolutely loved as he would gladly take any merch he could of Keigo.
“I’m home~” Keigo songs as you walk in through the balcony door, often flying back to the penthouse you all lived in. “Hi” you smile back, getting up for a moment to hug him although he pulls you into a kiss. “I’m decorating the tree!” Hayato says loudly, he’s very proud of that.
“Without me?” Keigo fake pouts. “Only the bottom parts of the tree, we waited to decorate the rest with you” You say gesturing over to the tree which looked almost ridiculous because there were only ornaments where your four year old son could reach.
“Papa, can I please fly to put the star on, please!” Hayato begs, you had told him that he had to wait until his father got home because you know that he would want to see that.
“You can, bud, just be careful ok?” Keigo says, watching Hayato beginning to try and fly. He was born with his quirk but he still had a bit of trouble flying, only being able to get a few feet off of the ground.
Hayato flaps his little wings as fast as he could beginning to get an inch or two off of the ground. You had him the star for the tree, Keigo keeping his hand near Hayato as he flew to catch him if he perhaps fell.
Eventually he finally reaches the top, setting the star up in the top. Keigo helps him get down as he could fly up but still couldn’t figure out how to get down. You clap for him, watching him smile at how proud you seem of him.
You loved the holidays with your family.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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urfavlarry · 2 months
since sbg started getting new episodes again, are you gonna start writing for it again?
i hope you have a good day/night!!
im not sure, im going through a lot rn
lots of friend drama and im just tired of everything/everyone so i might take a break from writing
not sure how long ill be gone, and i know i do this all the time and all of you must be tired of me leaving for a few weeks, coming back, writing 1-3 fics and go ghost again and i feel so bad but im sorry
i hope everyone understands, i appreciate you all and love you so so much
have wonderful holidays and ill see you whenever the time comes 💞
- your fav person, Larry signing out for now 🩵
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wanderer-moonchild · 1 year
Kaebedo is not my fav ship, but I do love the soft aspect of it with Albedo, Kaeya and Klee acting like a little family 🥺💖💞💓💝
My fav scenarios are:
Picnics under the windrise tree
Sleepover fun (doing each other's hair, painting nails, telling stories (mostly Kaeya), playing pretend, drawing together)
Baking together
Treasure hunting in the woods
Paying in the snow at Dragonspine during Albedo's work breaks and watching the snow fall from his cave
Napping together on the floor after playing with Klee all afternoon in her bedroom (Jean has to wake them up)
Ice cones: Kaeya handles the ice and Albedo takes care of the syrup in the peak of summer
Beach holiday (sand castles, playing in the sea, teaching Klee how to 'surf', Kaeya making waterslides with ice, Albedo teaching them about the shells they found on the sand, writing their names on wet sand)
Klee forcing them to act in little plays. The teens (Fischl, Bennett and Razor) might join (Mona too if they beg her enough lol)
Writing letters together to Alice
Cuddling in rainy/snowy nights
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faith--in-the-future · 9 months
✨️louis' birthday q&a✨️
when did u became a louie?
earliest memory?
I remember the two of us release and everything around that time but my first experience from within the fandom was probably the ccme in Spain! what a time!
favorite song?
from walls it's walls or kmm, from fitfwt holding onto heartache or ooms
favorite music video?
walls mv !! (and the wmi trilogy but I'll pick walls bc it's louis-centric lol) I think music videos are only relevant if they add something to the song otherwise I just don't care rip
favorite gig?
afhf24 I think ! just such an amazing setlist and ngl I appreciate an arena with a seat ticket as much as the next person but I do love the pit mess I can't lieeee ! also all my fav ppl there :)<3
favorite louis hair?
shorter at the sides and bangs!!!
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favorite interview?
ZACH SANGGG please 1h of louis answering interesting questions from someone he can actually stand and even LIKES? should do it every year! also liked the cosmopolitan one from walls bc of the pink background and good questions!
suit louis or tank top louis?
his suits are often not tailored well 😭 i think tanktops suit (ah!) him better especially when they're fun ones like the o2 top
favourite louis tattoo?
given a chance!!!
favourite louis bodypart? (c'mon we all have one!)
lol cliche but his handssss (and his eyes <3)
thanks @berlinini for the tag 💞 what better way to end Christmas day! shdj
I tag @dahliaaz @weareonejazzhand @riverswater @tanktop-lou @dogco11ar @moonshinelouis @thelastattempt
happy holidays everyone❤️
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spookyserenades · 9 months
heyyyyyy how's holidays goin for my fav author! hope u r doing fine if it isn't too much of an inconvenience can I ask you something hope this isn't a vibe killer so I was thinking about the relationships in Trouvaille the boys are into y/n and our girlie is into each one of them too this is ot7x reader I get that I was just wondering whether there was any chance it was gonna be like a polyamorous relationship in the future where like everyone is into everyone and they become a one huge pack but on second thoughts since they all are predators and as Yoongi said they don't like sharing and all it kinda feels like that won't work out too it was just a passing thought (cuz obviously Trouvaille lives in my head rent free) and I was kinda curious don't mind me too much if it rubs you the wrong way feel free to ignore too I don't want to make you uncomfortable 🥺 I just loooooooooooooove Trouvaille and i must say your characterization is just out of this world I love each and everyone one especially Y/n!!! hands down this is one of the best stories I have ever read and my favorite. I still remember the day I first came across the story in march the whole year had passed by just like that! Thank you so much for making the beginnings of every month so exciting with your amazing updates 🖤 Here's to an early toast to the New Year! Wishing you happiness, health, and all the best in the coming year. Luv yaa bubs take care ❤
Heeyyy darling how're you doing! I hope you had a lovely cozy holiday season! 🧸 Not a vibe killer at all, I love getting any kind of message from you alll!
I was planning on just having Trouvaille OT7 x reader, but like you said about them all becoming like a big "pack", I think that's were its heading. As time goes on, I think that the hybrids will view each other as family/brothers, and since they all will end up caring for the MC so much, I think they'll work together to protect her and put her well-being first (meaning, trying not to be jealous of one another around the MC, limiting the fighting, etc) Don't worry about making me uncomfortable, love, it's a great idea-- and there IS a fic that comes to mind that plays with some of the dynamics you've mentioned that is also OT7 x reader AND hybrid!AU -- @angelicyoongie 's Abundance so I definitely recommend checking that fic out if you're interested! I really really love that fic and Maggy is a wonderful author. 💞💜
AHHH thank you for loving the characterization of Trouvaille's Y/N! She's definitely a fun main character to develop, and I hope that over time she continues to become more confident in herself. You're so kind and I'm honored that you've been here since MARCH 🥹 !!! It makes my heart so full. Thank you for sticking with me and Trouvaille for so long, you make posting this story a blast and worth every second writing. Happy happy new year to you as well! I hope 2024 is full of all of your favorite things. Lots of love to you darling!!💜😘
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spectra-bear · 2 years
Happy new year hope you are well and had some rest over the holiday period. I got some down time and was able to do these fun works of yours. I wanted to do a comic page and have another go at cover making (I do some graphic design/ typography in my work sometimes so its nice to pull it out for a creative thing every now and them)
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(the back ground blending was a bitch but I loved your spay look so much I knew I have to keep it my fav detail is the smudging on the spray cans)
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I love trying to play with lighting and I tried to have a "crack of light" coming from the curtains idk if it worked tho lol. Also splinter and his baby blue have my whole heart and @apatheticrobots et fic does it so well.
hope you guys are well.
YOURE GETTING INCREDIBLY GOOD AT THIS,, i need to lay down oh my God /gen
the choice for the lighting is so hopeful and warm, in BOTH pieces, the first one signifying the start of a new era for the two time travellers, and the second, a chance to be reborn even if he cant connect to his roots, GOD!! I ADORE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!! AGHHGAHAGN!!!!!!:?4$:?3$3?
this is truly a blessed way to start my year off, i once again thank you for the pieces you choose to render, it means so much to me 😭 and im glad you got the rest you deserved and had a good time during the holidays!!! Hopefully the good vibes will continue on for the rest of the year, have a good one!! 💜💞
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camilladerricoart · 10 months
🌟✨ Which print is your fav, 1-9? These beauties are now part of my Black Friday Sale with a fantastic 25% OFF! 🎨✨ Don't miss out on this special offer! 🚀✨ Grab one for yourself or as a holiday gift for someone you love. 🎁🌈 My sale ends on Nov 27th at midnight so don’t miss out because I am also giving away some amazing GIFTS with $25+ purchases 🥰🫶🏻🌌🕒
And that's not all! 🚨🌈 Dive into my Black Friday SALE for 10-35% off select items including merch, originals and limited edition prints 🛍️✨💞 Let's make this November truly unforgettable! 🍁🎁
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sennaverstappendiary · 9 months
miami grand prix ✩ 07.05.2023
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OHH… oh biami my absolute absolute beloved 🥺🥺🌷🌷💕💕🤧🤧 how i love you so so much 💍💍‼️‼️ oughh… miami 2023 😳😳 you will always be famous to me… 🗣️🗣️🗣️
leading up to the race, i was so fucking scared & also so fucking excited to watch it, because as you might remember, this is when checo was almost leading the championship and bragging about it to the media 🙄🙄 very very funny looking back but i knew it from the moment baku ended: i need it to be next week. i need to see max slay again. 🤭🤭🤭 AND OH. OH SLAY HE DID. max cuntstappen is BACK yall 🤤🤤🤤
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so, starting with quali (because i did not watch free practice), i remember this was the first time i watched with my now ex upstairs, in my brothers room 🥰 it was VERY VERY late in the netherlands at this point, like around 11 pm? it was very late for me and my sleep schedule at least 🥹 as i’m writing this it seems EARLY… woah… 😵‍💫😵‍💫 as you know: qualifying was fucking crazy. i was there, on his bed, praying man literally praying for everything to go right😬😬😬… THIS WAS ACTUALLY THE QUALIFYING TO MAKE ME VOW TO NEVER EVER MAKE FUN OF A MERC EXITING BEFORE Q3 EVER AGAIN. the fucking instant karma. SMACK IN DA FACE… 😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵💔💔💔💔💔💔. needless to say i was very very upset and it was #joever between me and charles for a whole 7 hours (while i slept) 😭😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️‼️
my brother came back from his long holiday trip 2 hours before race start (within said trip i had turned from a casual f1 enjoyer to a complete autistic STAN… i wonder how he felt about that LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣 imagine leaving ur sibling knowing more about a sport, coming back two weeks later and realising said sibling now is obsessed w said sport IM GOING CRAZYY 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💯💯💯💯) and i could NOT wake his ass up in time for the race. GOOD FOR HIM‼️‼️‼️😭😭🌷🌷
GOOD GRIEF. i decided to watch it w my papa downstairs :3 yay‼️ he told me to fucking breathe during the warmup lap (this will be a common occurrence for him. i literally go rigid). lights out 💡… i scream … i cry … i see max verstappen serve cunt like ive NEVER EVER seen before i go genuinely insane. i start screaming at da tv when he does that DOUBLE FUCKING OVERTAKE 😵😵😵💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 it was so fucking joever for checo atp HOLY shit. my dad looked at me like ‘did u see that lmfao’ and im p sure i teared up like YEAH I SAW THAT 😁😁😁😁🙏🙏🙏 whoah.
but of course. the moment that turned me from a max enjoyer to a max defender, to a max ride or die, was the pointing at that fucking one on his car. i was watching like 😳😳😳😳😮😮😮😮😲😲😲😲😲😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 LIKE YESS SYES YES. GENUINELY ONE OF MY FAV MOMENTS THIS SEASON IT WAS SOSOSOSOSOSO GOOD OH MY GOD I THINK I DIEDED 😵😵😵💓💗💓💞💕💘💖💘💕💞💗 HE DID THAT!!! HE FUCKING DID THAT!!!! my dad just laughed bc we had ALL been laughing at the media shit checo had been saying (for good reasons) IT TOOK ME TWO HOURS TO CALM DOWN JFHEIDHJDHS 💥💥💥💥💥 it was so so good. thank you biami.
max took miami and never looked back. in my personal life: this is when i started going back to uni again. i also took that shit and never looked back :,) 🪞 wherever i go… 💕💞💕💗💖🌷
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✩ song of the race: i want to be your boyfriend - hot freaks
another song of hot freaks i really enjoy, and seems fitting for how this race def made me fall in love with both f1 and max LOL
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mattslolita · 5 months
dream holiday or somehwere you really wanna go?
dream career?
fav sport if ur interested (watch or play)
fav piece of jewlry if u wear (dk how to spell 😭)
lashes or mascara?
stay in or go out
fav movie?
best and worst test result (if u remember)
cant think of anymore but here!!😚
dream holiday - GREECE AND SWITZERLAND ALL THE WAY MAN i've heard its so beautiful in those places, i wanna go so bad
dream career - veterinarian !!
fav sport - basketball girly
fav piece of jewelry - okay so its a tie between my big ass hoops i wear & rings i absolutely love them both so much
lashes or mascara - mascara cs honestly my lashes don't need anything extra i've been told how naturally curly & pretty they are😭
stay in or go out - honestly, stay in all the way but when i do go out it depends on how i'm feeling or who i'm out with !
fav movie - the fault in our stars i still sob like a little bitch every time
best & worst test result - best was actually last semester when i passed one of my classes w a full 100% & worse was a few weeks ago when i got a 48% on my business math test
love you stinkabutt, thanks for the questions💞
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sednonamoris · 9 months
FRAN! happy holidays 💥💥! for the fanfic ask game you reblogged; how about 3, 18, and 21 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!💥💥💥💥💗💗💥💗💥💗💗
AH TYSM happy holidays right back!!!!! answered under the cut bc i talk too much hehe 💞✨
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
oooohhhh i don’t want to toot my own horn or anything but i did pen down some bangers this year… i think my fav line has to be “brilliant, brutal, bled-out-on-white-sheets love” from the feeling came late (i’m still glad i met you), and my fav scene is probably the homoerotic staredown/exchanges between john and ghost in ch. 9 of ghost story after they’re arrested together 🤭🩷
18. current number of wips
active wips? like 3. in general?? at least 10 🫣 i love them all sm and hope to work on them even more in 2024!!
21. most memorable comment/review
i’m being so serious every single one of your comments is Everything to me!!!!! i literally go back and read them whenever i’m sad 🥹 but if i have to narrow it down then it’s the tags you left on your reread of hellhound for sure 😭❤️‍🔥 your love for that story and also hound as a character warms my little heart SO MUCH!!
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