firepitfeast · 16 days
5 Tips for Choosing a Tabletop Water Vapor Fireplace You’ll Love A tabletop misting fire bowl transforms any room with its realistic flame effect, offering a safe and stylish alternative to traditional fire features. With no heat and cool-to-the-touch flames, it creates the perfect ambiance without
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tabletopfireshop · 16 days
5 Tips for Choosing a Tabletop Water Vapor Fireplace You’ll Love A tabletop misting fire bowl transforms any room with its realistic flame effect, offering a safe and stylish alternative to traditional fire features. With no heat and cool-to-the-touch flames, it creates the perfect ambiance without
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yolowritter · 5 months
A Case of Ladybug Luck: Masterpost
Hello there everyone, and welcome to the waiting room of Hell! I cannot believe it's been an entire year since I started this AU and I never made this. But anyway, below you'll find a list of every chapter of A Case of Ladybug Luck, along with the fic's summary! Feel free to ask me about it, this AU is genuinely one of my favorites! It's really angsty, lots of good stuff here!
I will be updating this frequently with content from across this AU! Currently I have the main fic and the what-if fic, but more ideas are on the drawing board! You can find everything below the cut! I will be leaving the summary for ACOLL here, anyone interested is more than welcome to shoot me an ask! Please mind the tags and warnings for each chapter, and enjoy reading! Summary: Marinette doesn't think she can keep living like this. She never told Alya her secret, and her life is in shambles. Adrien is the only one who has noticed and tried to help, but he isn't enough. Lila has them both trapped in a web of lies they can't escape from, and their friends are all taking her side, unwilling to listen to either of them. She's losing hope. At least...at least Chat Noir noticed. She still had her partner. But when an oppurtunity presents itself to Marinette, the perfect chance to get away from this hellish existence and start brand new, she takes it, leaving Paris to deal with the consequences of her actions...
A Case of Ladybug Luck:
Arc 1: End of the Line
Chapter 1: End of the Line
Chapter 2: Last Night in Paris
Chapter 3: The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 4: Perfection's Shattering
Chapter 5: The Illusion of Living
Chapter 6: Cat's Cradle
Chapter 7: Spotted Trouble
Chapter 8: Let the Masks Fall
Chapter 9: Mastermind's Confession
Chapter 10: Aftermath
Arc 2: Liar Liar...Fauxfire
Chapter 11: Investigative Journalism
Chapter 12: Kind Stranger
Chapter 13: Fault and Forgiveness
Chapter 14: Thawed out Hearts
Chapter 15: Shopping Therapy
Chapter 16: Felix
Chapter 17: Remembrance of Gold Part 1
Chapter 18: Remembrance of Gold Part 2
Chapter 19: Marching Far Away
Chapter 20: Dearest Family
Chapter 21: Burn Our Bridges Down
Chapter 22: Ashen Ghosts
Chapter 23: Liar liar...
Chapter 24: Fauxfire
Arc 3: Tying the Noose
Chapter 25: It's Always Sunny
Chapter 26: Reunion
Chapter 27: Family Secrets
Chapter 28: Argos
Chapter 29: N/A
Chapter 30: N/A
Chapter 31: N/A
Chapter 32: N/A
Chapter 33: N/A
Chapter 34: N/A
Chapter 35: N/A
Chapter 36: N/A
Chapter 37: N/A
Chapter 38: N/A
Arc 4: Shadowmoth's Final Attack
Chapter 39: Shadowmoth's Final Attack Part 1
Chapter 40: Shadowmoth's Final Attack Part 2
A Case of Ladybug Luck: What If?
Chapter 1: What if...Chloe chased after Marinette?
Chapter 2: What if...Adrien ran away from home?
More projects TBA
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
Fox's Possible Powers
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As Wu Xing are set to have 3 powers, and all have at least 1 power, the winner and runner up will be the established powers.
Fauxfire (aka Mirage): through the flute, summon wisps to command and control, creating illusions through them. The bigger the illusion, the more wisps are used up, illusions, while real looking, are delicate and will break when physically touched (it's an illusion power more along Volpina's multiple than Rena's singular). Additionally, those who hear the flute will have their perception warped, adding to the illusion's performance.
Foxglove: be a master of disguise, physically transform yourself into another, matching in appearance, height, and even voice. If you mimic a preexisting hero, Miraculous or otherwise, you will have the same power, though it's weaker in comparison to the real thing.
Outfox: power of high persuasion and eloquence, people are compelled to listen to what you say, believe your words as if they are fact, whether they be true or not. Through words alone, hold influence over others, whether it be lies or manipulating them.
Foxtrot: power of absolute evasion, while you cannot hide your presence or outright escape, always be dancing just out of reach, never be touched, having some resistance to influential power. The catch is that you must choose your "partner" and that is the one you dance around and evade.
Fauxsleep: summon a flurry of little wisps and release them across an area, every human they enter will fall into a literal daydream, taking over their sense of reality and trapping them in a dream, whether it's a good dream or not depends on the human. The Fox cannot control these dreams, and can travel unseen as people enact and respond to their dreams. Only those who are aware it's a dream have a chance of waking up from it. Best example is the Trollhunters ep Where is My Mind, which sadly no one has clips up on Youtube, so if you have Netflix, you can see that example.
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faux-fires · 1 year
hi i'm newer to the da fandom, but i see versions of your name or names around a lot on old accounts. Are you the same person as those?
Hello, probably! I've been in DA fandom since 2015. My original tumblr name was inmyvortex, then i changed it to fauxfires (no dash), then reikah, then i deleted my tumblr entirely, and now i'm back as faux-fires because spambots snapped up my old names as soon as they were released. /sob
so if you see something by one of those names that isn't trying to sell you website advertising, it's me!
edit: omg reikah is available again brb
editedit: nvm :(
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littlecup · 4 years
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The boy’s gone mad, I tell you! Mad I say!! #quarantinemadness #burstingintoflames #craftymama #feltcrafts #fauxfire https://www.instagram.com/p/B_QxAfFjQPT/?igshid=nboatabc328g
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daboys · 5 years
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I don’t care if it ever gets warm, I just want to sit by my fire everyday! #tater #dory #fauxfire #shutuptater #itsagooddayfordogs #adoptdontshop (at Camillus, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxBaYqLAtM8/?igshid=1kns1ydce7ksr
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saltwaterstier · 6 years
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‪#equinemarch Day 18 - Marwari! I actually really enjoyed this one, with those gorgeous ears! ‬
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mikkeneko · 7 years
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Merry Christmas to @fauxfires!
I commissioned a picture from @queen-schadenfreude for the holidays. It’s *meant* to be your Leo Hawke and Anders... although I was working off of what might have been an old/out of date faceclaim for Leo.  >_>;; At any rate I hope your day is being as cozy and lovely as Anders’ here!
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drawsshits-inactive · 7 years
@fauxfires replied to your post: the amells are ridiculously fertile, like leandra...
i might have… misread this with anders and hawke’s names switched and… didn’t even question it, lmao
Hawke's sperm is so powerful he manages to impregnate his grey warden boyfriend. a true... champion
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edeer · 7 years
fauxfires replied to your photoset
hawke roleplays the maker in bed u heard it here first
reikah why must you make me read these things w/ my own two eyes
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queen-schadenfreude · 7 years
🔥 fanfic
Ensemble fics with multiple ships are overwhelming and just too fuckin much. Break that shit down for me into separate fics, im a simple person with simple desires!!!
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carabas · 7 years
aveline 3, carver 5 and, since you said you were doing your first exiled prince playthrough a short while ago, sebastian 1?
5. How did Leandra and/or Bethany’s death affect your Hawke’s relationship with Carver?
The magic that’s always been the family secret is now just Hawke’s. It’s not a family of apostates anymore, it’s just his mother and his baby brother taking risks that they shouldn’t have to, just because of him. And he’s trying to step up as the head of the family here, trying to be the responsible one, but sometimes he thinks the most responsible thing he could do for his family would be to leave. (Grew up looking after the twins on a regular basis, that’s always been his job as the big brother, and he takes his eyes off Bethany for a second -)
And meanwhile Carver feels useless after Bethany’s death. His life has always revolved around protecting his family, it’s why his father taught him to fight, it’s why he’s spent his whole life avoiding attention. But he couldn’t protect his father, he couldn’t protect Bethany, Hawke seems bound and determined to get himself thrown into the Circle with the way he’s drawing attention to himself, so what was the point? And Hawke’s latched onto the first apostates he meets, the most dangerous people he could possibly be associating with, and it’s obvious to Carver that that’s about Bethany. Hawke and Bethany always had each other to rely on, and there are things Carver can’t help with, and now Hawke’s looking for that same kind of support from blood mages and abominations instead. They’re right outside one of the worst Circles in Thedas, desperately trying to raise bribe money, Carver’s life revolves around protecting Hawke more than ever before, and Hawke doesn’t seem to need or want his help.
And after Leandra, they’re the only family they’ve got left.
3. How did your Hawke respond to Aveline’s position as Guard-Captain? Did they respect her authority?
He was happy for her, and for himself. She’s always overlooked his violations of the law (like… existing…), warns him about templar activity, and throws work his way. Also great to see a Fereldan getting ahead.
But I’m not sure respecting her authority is the way to put it. Like with pretty much all his companions, he has maybe too much faith in her. Fleeing the Blight together, him murdering her husband, selling a year of his life to get them into the city, has resulted in a very strange loyalty - she’s basically an honorary member of the family - but if circumstances had been different, she would have turned him over to the templars without a second thought. He’s kind of thrown whenever something comes up to remind him of that. And it does come up. Her unshakeable loyalty to him doesn’t affect how the guard treats people exactly like him.
1. How did your Hawke respond to Sebastian’s devout faith? Were they Andrastian themselves?
Hawke’s sort of a non-practicing Andrastian. Grew up only visiting the chantry on major holidays and then only to avoid standing out, doesn’t have a great grasp on Chantry history or Andraste’s teachings, figures he’ll probably meet the Maker when he dies but if that doesn’t happen then he won’t be too broken up about it. Whatever mystical sensibilities he has, they revolve around the Fade, not the Maker. lbr he’d much rather worship Justice.
But Bethany had faith. Anders does, too. If Sebastian’s faith helps him, Hawke’s happy for him.
But there’s faith in the Maker or Andraste, and then there’s blind faith in the Chantry, and the latter is dangerous for Hawke on a personal level. Thoughtlessly repeating the Chantry party line as if it has all the answers anyone will ever need, brushing off any questions that don’t fit - massive flashing warning sign. Sebastian is a client, a potentially very valuable one, and Hawke is friendly and polite by default, but that’s as far as their relationship goes.
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ruumiinlaulaja · 7 years
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@fauxfires OMG I'd love to but i wouldn't dare though??? And i have already planned a day for my mother and also i'm a coward but wow it's so nice of you to ask!
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
Since Wu Xing polls are basically finished,how are each power effective agaisnt they elemental counterparts?
Technically to soon to answer, but I think Butterfly is pretty much set in powers so we can go ahead and roll out an answer.
I do want to make clear that it's not impossible for what should be a submitting element to be able to overpower what they should submit to (like Fire can burn hot enough to turn water to vapor). It's just they got more odds stacked against them.
Butterfly is set to have the edge over Peafowl and Fox.
With Peafowl, Butterfly can make a specific champion that could counter Peafowl's power of pausing and resetting time (arguably, Butterfly is able to do so with any Miraculous), Butterfly Effect could be use to counter Ruffled Feathers and make sure what is selectively rewound will just continue as meant to. Also Fancy Flight, I can see astral projecting not being effected by time. If Peafowl pauses time, could be the astral form can continue to move about too, could Peafowl is also their own phantom and it could be phantom vs phantom, or if time is reset, the Butterfly will wind up back in their body but remember the previous timeline. Butterfly by default also has the edge as it'll be two vs one, and things will be more chaotic when dealing with two opponents, especially when one is volatile. Peafowl's best chance is with Fantom, as pausing time can allow Peafowl to go up and get the item, but that doesn't mean the champion is depowered.
With Fox, similar factor that they are at disadvantaged when two vs one, Fox can have absolute evasion with Foxtrot, but can only avoid one target. That means Butterfly or the champion can actually hit Fox and it comes down to who the user has to prioritize. Fancy Flight has the perk against illusions as the astral form won't be effected by illusions, may not even see them. Fox is also not resistive to possession, especially when unaware of the astral form being near. Foxglove is Fox's best chance against Butterfly, being able to disguise themselves, but if they pretend to be the champion, there will be no connection so Butterfly will know a fake when they see it, and any power Foxglove offers will be weaker than the real thing.
Ladybug is set to have an edge over Butterfly and Cat.
Ladybug largely works off canon, naturally has a cleansing power that disconnects the link between Butterfly and champion, reverting the champion back to a civilian. And of course, Lucky Charm is designed to give whatever is necessary to win, be it used inventively or to cause bad luck. Miracle Worker would also help against a champion, and could see the astral form as they're made with magic. Beacon could also shed light upon a hidden astral form and blind them. Butterfly's best chance is Butterfly Effect, which could throw off the Lucky Charm or Miracle Worker. Though Beacon can be used to counter that, even if magical, butterflies/moths are still drawn to light.
Ladybug has the edge over Cat by default of being Creation. Destruction is a form of Creation, what's destroyed creates something new. Lucky Charm can allow an edge in a fight against Cat, Miracle Worker cannot be destroyed by Cataclysm, though it can cause them to run amok. Ladybug's strongest against Cat is Beacon, as light chases and shapes shadows, and Cat has two shadow related powers, diminishing Black Out, and can be used to dismiss Nine Lives. Cat's best chance is really Black Out and trying a stealthy ambush, especially if Ladybug is in an area surrounded by shadows and it's hard to know where the Cat will pop out.
Fox is set to have an edge over Ladybug and Peafowl.
Fox has an edge over Ladybug as Ladybug isn't able to see past any form of deception. Ladybug has no way to see past illusions, and as they're not made from shadows but a false light, Beacon cannot disperse Fauxfire. Miracle Worker though will not fall for illusions, but they don't have the unique link to their creator like Butterfly does to their champion, so with Foxglove, Fox can pretend to be someone else and trick/manipulate the Miracle Worker, make use of them limited to that one purpose. Ladybug's best bet against Fox is Miracle Worker, especially as having 2 against Fox limits Foxtrot, but as Miracle Worker is limited to the 1 purpose and doesn't have a specific connection to Ladybug, that's a weakness a clever Fox can exploit.
Cat is set to have an edge over Fox and Butterfly.
Playing into cats tied to magic and are tricksters themselves, Cat can have the capability to not be tricked by Fauxfire. When traveling through shadows with Black Out, Cat won't see the illusions and not be effected by it, and if you darken the world, well, illusions can't be seen. Nine Lives as shades also won't be tricked by illusions. Nine Lives are also a good counter against Foxtrot, probably the worst case scenario for Fox. Foxglove is Fox's best chance against Cat, but it will break if hit by a Cataclysm.
With Butterfly, Cat's power to influence how they ruin their targets, that can be used on champions, be a means to disrupt their connection to the butterfly or their benefactor, which can have them reverting back to a civilian. Cataclysm can also be used to terminate the magical butterfly, entirely nullifying it. The summoned shades are also able to interact and fight the astral form of the Butterfly. Cat can also in general be elusive with Black Out, making it hard for Butterfly to find and anticipate the Cat. Butterfly's best bet is Butterfly Effect as they can have some influence over their surroundings, but Cataclysm can counter whatever small change the Butterfly makes by deciding to just ruin that.
Peafowl is set to have an edge over Cat and Ladybug.
With time powers, Peafowl holds the best edge against these two. Ruffled Feathers is the biggest edge against Cat's power. What's ruined, well, that gets rewound to the previous point. This also extends to Nine Lives which are essentially ghosts of previous users, Ruffled Feathers can send them back to where they came from as they were brought back beyond the grave. This also effects Nine Lives as they're summoned ghosts on borrowed time and can be suspended. Black Out is Cat's best edge as it's largely safe from Peafowl's time powers from the shadows, but as soon as Cat peeks out, Peafowl could freeze them with Fantom.
With Ladybug, any Lucky Charm can be sent back or disrupted with Ruffled Feathers, same for Miracle Worker. Peafowl is also able to reset time to work off Ladybug's more predictable moves with LC and MW, especially the latter. And there's just not a lot Ladybug can do against pausing time. Ladybug's best bet is Beacon to blind Peafowl and travel through light, but Peafowl has options to reset, pause, and selectively rewind time. Ladybug's best hope is just catching Peafowl off guard.
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hollyand-writes · 7 years
@fauxfires replied to your photo: OK, so you can’t really see it so well in the...
i JUST got home from walking the dogs and like, same here in SE london!!!!!!!! 
I KNOW RIGHT??? I’m not looking forward to going out to work this evening with this weird sky. Let’s hope the trains to Charing Cross don’t get cancelled! 
@andrew-blackthorn replied to your photo: OK, so you can’t really see it so well in the...
Aberystwyth looked the same this morning. Apparently something to do with dust from the Sahara 
Yeah, I think you’re right -- I read it’s a combination of dust from the Sahara combined with Hurricane Ophelia approaching from the US (although it should only be a storm when it hits us). 
I’m in London, but I’ve heard the sky's been the same in Bristol and Shropshire too. We had this really weird red sun at lunchtime though! And now the sky has literally gone the same colour as a pint of beer, LMAO 
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