#faux roe
tomorrowusa · 11 months
It has been a bad week for Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia. Youngkin (AKA: Glenn Trumpkin) has been trying to position himself as the savior of the Republican Party in order to gain national political traction.
Trumpkin's centerpiece of Republican salvation has been what I call Faux Roe. It's his proposal to restrict abortion to the first 15 weeks and offer almost no exceptions thereafter. His plan was to flip the Virginia Senate and enact Faux Roe into law. He had tried to portray the real Roe v. Wade and Democratic support for it as "extremist".
Not only did Trumpkin fail to flip the state Senate, but Republicans also lost control of the Virginia House of Delegates. Trumpkin will now have to face a legislature with BOTH chambers under Democratic control for the last two years of his term.
Democrats have secured full control of the Virginia state legislature, winning a majority in the house of delegates and depriving the Republican governor, Glenn Youngkin, of the opportunity to enact a 15-week abortion ban. Democrats maintained their majority in the state senate and flipped control of the house of delegates, where Republicans previously held a narrow advantage. Democrats’ victories quashed Youngkin’s hopes of securing a Republican-controlled legislature that would be able to advance his policy agenda, casting doubt upon his prospects as a potential presidential candidate. “Governor Youngkin and Virginia Republicans did everything they could to take total control of state government, but the people of the Commonwealth rejected them,” Susan Swecker, chair of the Democratic party of Virginia, said in a statement. “Virginians won’t go backwards. Instead of extremism and culture wars, people voted for commonsense leadership and problem solvers.”
Virginia's off-off year elections take place in odd years prior to Congressional and presidential elections. They provide some insight as to the direction of the prevailing political winds.
As one of the only states holding off-year elections, the Virginia results could serve as a bellwether for the presidential race next year.
Things haven't been going well for radical anti-abortion, anti-democracy Republicans in general.
The Democratic victory in Virginia was good news for President Biden.
Why Democrats’ big Virginia win is also a victory for Biden
Joe Biden wasn’t on the ballot on Tuesday in Virginia. But Democrats’ big win will bring welcome news on the other side of the Potomac. Virginia’s off-year elections have long been seen as a bellwether of the broader political environment — and a partial referendum on the incumbent president. So Democrats sweeping control of the state legislature — which both parties believed was in play — will serve as a boost to Biden’s reelection campaign next year. [ ... ] Tuesday’s wins will likely validate Democrats’ plans to continue to run on abortion next year, a strategy that has given them a series of almost uninterrupted wins since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last summer. “In hundreds of races since Donald Trump’s conservative Supreme Court appointments overturned Roe v. Wade, we’ve seen Americans overwhelmingly side with President Biden and Democrats’ vision for this country,” Biden’s campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodríguez said in a statement Tuesday night. “That same choice will be before voters again next November, and we are confident the American people will send President Biden and Vice President Harris back to the White House to keep working for them.” They also show that Youngkin doesn’t have the silver bullet for solving the GOP’s electoral problems with abortion, as his operation had hoped.
Republicans had been trying for 49 years to get Roe v. Wade overturned. When the GOP Supreme Court finally did the deed last year, it turned out to be a poison pill for Republicans running for office.
In Virginia, Democrats won 21 of 40 seats in the Senate and 51 of 100 seats in the House of Delegates.
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When the official counting of late absentee ballots and provisional ballots is completed next week, Dems could end up gaining one additional seat in each chamber. 🎉
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reverieofeden · 2 years
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Autumn Faux character page
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meirmakesstuff · 10 months
You want a latke toppings poll?
Here, have a latke toppings poll
Types of latkes served at these over the few years we did it included classic potato, sweet potato, zucchini, and probably something else I'm forgetting.
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fisherrprince · 8 months
for the ffxiv specbio stuff, do you headcanon the people on the First as having physically different traits from the people on the Source, or are they pretty one to one? and if so, were there any strange looks/social faux pas regarding the scions while on the First?
THIS IS REALLY INTERESTING ACTUALLY I think… that the species are all the same, mostly, but since they evolved/grew/colonized in/from different environments, there are definitely differences because of that. Like, say, dwarves not having any of the lalafells’ adaptations to sand, and instead having darkvision in their mining environments and more of a mole snout than a slit snout. Maybe being fuzzier overall. Or elves not having that split between duskwight (colorful, variant cave animal) and wildwood (forest animal). Heck there’s not a lot of elves at all, are there? Was their homeland just so concentrated that most of them were wiped? Another hard thing about this is the complete lack of knowledge we have of the regions before the Flood outside of Norvrandt! Or maybe just knowledge I have. Lol. I don’t have encyclopedia eorzea 2 or 3 just the first one… if anyone can hook me up with a First Lore Historian. I’d love to learn. Or with 50 bucks so I can grab the encyclopedia
And then, even, after the Flood, a lot of culture broke down in favor of communication and survival, so people just souped together. In short… ok. I think the First had a very fairytale vibe, so their designs should reflect that. I know drahn and galdjent have like a kingdom thing going on. There’s probably WAY less sea imagery and ocean features on roe in the first. More puppies than sea puppies, vaguely. More mountainy? Drahn I think are much more draconic than most Auri people, think fairytale dragon guys. They have the kind of customs that fairytale dragons and fae have, too, so it’s historically easy to say something odd to them and vice versa. Giants and dragons! I haven’t met a single elf except Ardbert’s friend. That’s an exaggeration but like no important npcs were elves. They seem very isolationist to me, very used to solo travel. Humes seem to have been mostly in kingdoms as well, like Ishgard, but less Catholic. They’re probably the most same. Garleans as a race of people do not exist on the First which is interesting. Ronso seem much more family-oriented, work-oriented, still cowboys, but very similar. I think the coeurl type hrothgar would be replaced with something else. Viis we know a lot about! They seem to be very similar as well, though I think just for fun for me, they’re Bigger. Like, taller, they’re isolated in a warm forest with plenty of prey and big magic energy. Viis big. Mystel I don’t know about, but they don’t SEEM to be desert cats, so I actually think. They don’t have undereye markings. Some of them have fold ears or domestic triangle cat ears rather than wild cat features. Familiar-like, not a lion pride — so they don’t have the same family structure miqote do either, it’s more like wolves where location and family are top tier. And Dwarves for sure have more mole than mouse features - thick claws on their toes and fingers, a little snoot, and very reflective eyes that are a bit sensitive to light. 
As for social faux pas… I think that Miqote, to show they’re unserious or apologetic, bunt or touch the other cat, lay down or sit next to them, put their tail on the other’s tail, something physical — and Mystel will lick their lips and look away and NOT touch, because further touching is To Fight. Ari FOR SURE tried to lean on and got smacked by Kai-Shirr and then smacked him back in betrayal. It took Alphy intervention to fix that. It is also way more common for humes to grumble and growl than it is for hyur (that’s bad manners. Imagine you bumped into someone at the store and they growled at you), so there was one point where Ryne actually (quietly like a kid swearing for the first time) grrrd at a monster and thancred had a whole 20 minutes of thinking to himself wether or not this was OK feral child behavior to let her keep doing or if he should tell her not to or. Or what. What do here. Is this OK. And lastly..,,, lalafellin alcohol is pretty strong, but their beer and mead taste great so it’s a popular party drink. dwarven alcohol is INCREDIBLY strong, it contains an ingredient mildly toxic to every other race except mord. You are SUPPOSED to, however you decide to do it, last a number of mugs (if you’re a bigger race, dilute the thing with soda or juice, you might get teased but it’s what you do). Some people were not aware of this and passed out after one mug, and got pitiful beards drawn on them (Urianger’s wispy stubble was quite silly to the rest of the party)
I’d love to compile more abt the First just in general. maybe my ideas would change with more info … anyways! Thank u for letting me drop a very large text bubble :]
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gothicprep · 8 months
did you see this 5,000 word article that's speculating on taylor swift's sexual orientation that was published earlier this month? i can't believe this was in the new york times. anna marks must have some blackmail on someone important there lol.
but, like, if you're taylor swift's management, how do you even respond to something like this? i know her fans have speculated for years that she's some unspecified flavor of queer, but that's on twitter. not the new york times. if she puts out a statement that says "i'm straight", it's going to come off like she's treating this as an accusation and she'll look reactionary, conservative, or like she's lying. there's no version of events where she can say "i support the lgbt community, but i'm not part of it".
i know one person on her management team talked to cnn anonymously and said it was invasive and over the line. iunno. i'm trying to contextualize this article against the history within the hollywood gossip press of speculating but in a very cagey way about the sexuality of closeted celebrities. it used to be a real thing in, like, 1950s hollywood with celebrities like tab hunter and rock hudson to sort of wink at the fact that these men were gay. and people kind of knew they were gay and there would be a little bit of a conspiracy within the studio system to obscure the truth about these men's sexuality by setting them up with these faux-romances with their female costars. and this would give the gossip press something to sink their teeth into so they wouldn't write the true thing that would be a huge scandal and ruin people's careers. it was kind of a symbiotic relationship where tab hunter would go on "dates" with natalie wood, and they'd write "oh, he's going out with natalie wood, but is he really the kind of guy that she wants? is he really the right type of man for her? wink wink nudge nudge." but there was a line. it was restrained.
and i think to see something like this in the nyt, even thought it is in some senses on a continuum with that kind of thing, it ultimately hits very differently. it does feel like, from a paper of record, acting as sort of cultural enforcer, trying to conscript taylor swift into this sort of culture war that she's been very actively trying to avoid involvement in for basically her entire career. prior to this, there was all this kind of pointed coverage about "why doesn't she disavow her right wing fans?" they've always been trying to drag her into this and kind of back her into a corner where she has to come out in support of democratic politicians, or she has to come out as an ally to the lgbt community.
to me, this article feels much less like the wink and nudge of old gossip press, and much more like, say, if at the height of when the biggest news story was the end of roe v wade, they published a 5,000 word op-ed that read more like an investigative report saying taylor swift had an abortion. it leaves such a bad in my mouth that they did this.
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eaudrey35 · 4 months
Can someone black name one policy Trump put n effect to make their lives better.
Did Trump build his stupid Wall. No
Did he do anything on infrastructure No
How Abt border security r anything on the border. No
Education No
He did kill half a million Americans with his handling of Covid
And over millions have long term effects from Covid
The economy under Trump wasn't that great.
I need to know where is all this faux greatest under Trump was
Lets not forget he appointed 3 supreme Court Justices who lied under oath and then went and overturned Roe vs Wade.
So yet again where is the greatness under Trump
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
A little nugget for Meghan by u/Mickleborough
A little nugget for Meghan The Prince of Wales has just arrived in New York City for a flying 2-day visit to announce the finalists for the Earthshot Prize: Daily Mail archived / unarchivedAs part of his whirlwind schedule: Well, well, well.The Sussexes went to haunt the UN on their faux royal tour in September 2021 (when Meghan wrapped up well against autumn heat) and had to make do with the UN Deputy Secretary General (no disrespect to Amina J Mohammed).Let’s not forget that Harry did get to speak to the UN General Assembly in 2022 on Nelson Mandela Day. It’s not his fault that they weren’t sitting; the room was mostly empty; and the speaker following him referred to him as ‘Prince Duke of Wessex’. Although why Harry chose to speak about the overturning of Roe vs Wade on Nelson Mandela Day is probably known only to himself: Daily Mail archived / unarchived post link: https://ift.tt/st4M2b8 author: Mickleborough submitted: September 18, 2023 at 11:09PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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ratgingi · 1 year
thinking abt clothing textures for some reason
murr: the purple part of his robe is silk, the furr on the outside has a kinda soft cotton-y texture, the sweater he wears is soft knitted yarn and his pants are just normal jeans
roe: his coat has kind of a rough itchy scratchy texture and is kinda stiff, his vest is also kinda stiff and has the same texture as a low thread-count sheet, but the collared shirt he wears is soft n smooth. his pants are loose fitting khakis
michy: both of her shirts and her jacket are soft cotton, her skirt is kinda like. sorta similar to thin faux leather in texture. and all the fluff on her feels like those fluffy couch cussions with the really long and soft fluff on them yk the ones
lillith: their sweater is made of soft wool, their pants are cotton leggings that are styled to look like blue jeans (they Hate the texture of actual jeans). not clothes but the case of their clipboard head has a leathery texture to it also
kara: idk HOW to describe what the top part of her dress feels like. kinda like. paper-y???? i guess idk. her skirt is silk and the big trail thing she has has soft slightly fuzzy feeling, the fluff around it is similar feeling to the stuff michy has
oakey: his jacket has a Really Rough feel to it i dont really know how to describe it . and the fuzz on the collar of it its like rough really but its like. wool that isnt super soft. i guess. the shirt he wears underneath feels really cheap bc he probably got it for 4$ at a bass pro shop somewhere. and yk his jeans are just jeans
charlie: idk what kinda fabric id say his coat is made of but its soft to the touch. very nice to hug against. under that his vest is tight leather, the shirt he wears is kinda silky (so is the fabric attached to the cross) but not like some of the others, and his jeans are just normal tight jeans. also his boots are leather cowboy boots
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ty for speaking up about abortion - I'm appalled by what's been happening on radblr lately, esp after Roe v Wade. I haven't had an abortion, but I have many friends who have, and have worked on a few abortion rights campaigns. Talking about it genuinely helps other women from what I've seen, and I just wanted to say that I appreciate you, and I am so sorry if anyone is being shitty about it.
I think that thread was mostly non-feminist liberals that time. I haven't actually seen radblr women saying anti-choice women should be forced to give birth. This is more of a faux-feminist liberal take, especially from liberal men who just love the idea of punishing "bad" women in the grossest way possible.
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by unofficial
goddess help…the USA is voting again 🙀😱
somewhere in europe with Rafa not caring
for the first time in my life i am not voting in an american election … i have become disgusted with both parties in about equal measures
i simply don’t care about faux democracy anymore… the 2 party system is deeply flawed…this very system ensures the continuation of the national mission statement of unbridled gain regardless of who wins or looses political power
the house of representatives will go red….good…nancy needs to go…she is way past her expiration date….the senate will barely hang onto the blue majority or probably the red will overcome in the end…again…who cares… chuck needs to exit a job he never did
the new power of the future is the swing voters…straight party line voting is now prehistoric…in this very election swing voting is switching the balance of power whether i like that or not…party loyalty dinosaurs are scratching their collective heads.
the republicans will preen in public at their win…and they shouldn’t…the swing vote has no loyalty and will throw their ass out in the next election cycle if they don’t reach across the partisan deadlock to affect actual change…don’t preen dear republicans as you have proven nothing with your barely won power switch
democrats you are miserable with your majority in congress and a president in the white house…you cry and blame
the republicans destroyed abortion rights…ok…democrats and republicans alike saw reproductive rights as being a part of the political & legal landscape years before that infamous supreme court decision was handed down…democrats ???…at what point was the the task of codifying roe v wade supposed to happen before it was gutted and destroyed???…both parties destroyed roe v wade and no one is telling the full narrative as election fever grips the nation
the house recently voted in the affirmative to codify SSM…it is now languishing in the senate under the politically self serving loyal to only chuck…chuck needs to move his slow ass along on SSM codification… his days in power will be decided by swing voters soon enough
if you have no loyalty beyond your verbal quagmire ???…then expect no allegiance from me when i vote
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libidomechanica · 20 days
“Which bit of that pleasure and poor”
A limerick sequence
’ The lang! Which bit of that pleasure and poor. This we known; I should hurt her a    sky’s or the ways. To weare,    nor that’sauce forbidden crimes; factitious stones in the same times.
And, in parting gentle and made the sheet. And some mystic seal, a pleasured    splendid names, and    adorning kisse! An accessory, as pitying madrigals.
All are betrayed, whose riper should heart escapes; but never interfered in    pity like a rose—syne    pale blue eye, the nurses. A figured it or not. His other?
And even times; a school of grief indeed, where are pearl which cruell. The moon is    only fretted when    Oppression from the lingers to the gaudy spring disaster.
Your first. Years o’ joy. Set to my ear: hushed too, and answer’d, and raises toward    partly twas a mower.    See the very Suicide the raines should I for faire disguise!
I gave his. Rocks, and dame and bade him who meddle not to do, and still refuse,    nor doe not else, he    was wi’ my Deare, but few faux pas in my face I recognize?
I must a little head up as been so sad antique, bought so; but not that    winter day, each high up    there was nothing to be that passed. Or, like a beam of these kisse!
No wonder the cold, good but rarely came feature? Bed: goldilocks from off    heads, silk canvases, and    the strike mine eye the temples of an inspiration—gave his.
Where the clear, and never be drawn by the brave poor and pillow undertaking    in dreamed of the year.    He was far away with you, as if we misse this paradise.
When she council call’d glory to unwrap or reason gay, like wisest run.    For which will cost us    all who fry in your meeting. These possessed of her of custom.
Water, who whirl the nick of Hazeldean. Not find they, as I have seen’—but    anger. That joy was his    tents. As I, that many a darkness holds a tread, my mother.
In that sleep becometh dumb; the resinous birds. Ends love in Idleness.    My lady’s prattle, which    with love’s the world my love, and ever, mine. The little they fears.
Making bias, be it as it else, how like a young Pharsalians did sting.    A kind called me. Range    busily seeking wine of God, and roe, freely, within the facts!
My heart her birth, so many times start and lovely maid. The glowing was … the    next Cantos. That which might    blast has slain my arms fit you that live, except because the white.
My wife, read like wisest run. And count and then forgotten, my love and look!    See beauty’s angel mine,    mine he cannot today, I follow’d my advice. You had sound.
Were little by little left but they of poisoned bait. Which is wherefore    the fire, a net of rock    yawns,—you can quote what if that flows down, had I lain for the skies.
Husbands chastely taming; the woodbine spices of pianos, children    resist it doth feare, let    bee. Waiting wood, when the digest such a certain seems, to thee?
The fume of polished shaped like those vegetables of the other he heard walls    and fall, with sheep. Machine,    steal; I know, or drowne not vse setting your beauty frail, adieu!
And fly far into the breed, had joys refin’d of Selefkia just afterward    long! Moment white, as    birds are, fit to wants to fret with curls, and there, haunt me alive.
Bright is only heralds breaks running mouth my breast. He cuts the fatal ferry;    and that she felt so    wild flower. The dream include thee: no, no, no, no, not body.
I wanted good: I found, all in the after all, leaue nothing in the pale    Virgin daughter. With a    chill call’d small, without the Lord Augustus Fitz-Plantagenet.
Under who whirl the silence of it heavens endure, she carven glean the    pure and be my lot, far-    off sail is blacked-out window, if I say, mine. The art of spice.
I lo’ed her brother hair, and your sheep. Studied Spanish to hunt our charm no    more; with wrong. The people    must Stella know my mind;— of the setting shrubs, how like the last?
To make of the setting me, knowing, yellow she meet. Without respect, to    gi’en the long sea-wave as    man’s watch. The pleasure of the effort, which can face disaster.
But how the world which we met! Robes sweet Ends love: she guess’d, who eats fire gratitude    I find; and how soon    she steps, each day, and blessing an eclat, both in men the skies?
To calculators where before cared for thee, to have felt to dwell. Like sold    his pregnant pot her how    happy, happy’s a kind in battle keen’—but the mountains yields.
Alone so many time my sky: but what way, my friendship in a dream could    alike disarms the dance    lies. But whene’er be an oil paint: some believe life ends with whites.
What so fair, that crazed that art now hath my dear. The soil lies, dry as a poplar    or a pole, hard as    Newcastle, his other wealth hast struck one immense bride: and you.
Never croaks, at least that valley of shall add themselues and rolling in    footing in the swelling.    Of what neither old man’s waters warming by would gladly die?
Except behind; for ladie was a baskets.— But here the birds sing or years in    play, and goodly veil, which    there’s like a ballet- master; so many, and then publish?
Before, then, keen delight. Or Germany, where his back renown, when the lurking    bird, at least two cities,    when you think of deep kindness, but they are brought she could I?
But it were the sun. ’St thou hast the manor; but where has a garden I    see not enough thick and    smile on me best likely all ruby red, cheeks, I breathe my name.
Running ran, and myself and pointed twice, that gallant badge-the dewy down,    if by their estate and    could not wear not. As though of the parted, then the enema.
When a fevered tracks. One system eats at morning: but love you loves a long    yellow building in spring    or Old Master’s corn has ears: sighs, and only Queene of thee?
I love I shall add themselues we lose. But be relation, a hands and    in the black regards on    birthdays, glorious Angles in Boston, writing for she men.
The morning which much women, spring, a beauty, blind for fears as moist mirage    in deserts idleness.    What else, none enough for ourselves were born kneel once so dear.
My shy and deadly swell to another month at leap year, I felt her what    sing. Engineer boots, children    of girls which the roll- call draws them hovering letters, its long.
These days I speak. Or serious ghost radio, may of the wrong; his    otherwise twenty? She precious    stone so, love, thy kirtle, and this though chidden mystery.
Our ease, our thrift, our their backs, locomotive, like a cloud, and shield and gentle    common place. Monarch’s    plague, think thy shades, clouds o’er meikle and glimmer’d fair Eliza!
And rail, and prosers, words—but when we beloved. I kneel, not loue; no, no,    let bee. All that which human    this? Of course; still growing your charm no preacher can thy sweet.
Though chidden of the Knight at noonday. From its brother evident the    defendant doth Love speech a    fulfillment. The Lady Adeline, a hands before the wind.
As they can’t stop, and feed the first to practised in deserve their silence    for ever stirs this is    the shepherd swains shall cover. Love appeals the milk of her face.
When a man. But System eats firm on the stockade or taken out, little    breed a nation, though my    mind; the magic of heart is sauce for you have shaving ankle?
It were there, as any stone jaw of a hope for new. We telltale cheek, whose    piteous day, shall the land,    I am quite sure so, lover, floats airily oped her.
As thought about me no wit can driven: I hold his Paradise for their    verdict for want the marriage.    And all passionately enough for a long we have lied.
I ask in traffic on thee beds of artless the current of your badly    sweater and bride, and such    small passion thine would show mercy should to-night, the musk and sky!
Come into my fair Eliza! Not gaze upon his body of the roses    and let out so many    a soul, by choice alarms my whole and its cruel. Nay, wilt thou?
You know, may be, now are ways to do it, there before cared for the moon are    his pious consort did:    if he had more take. Where the stone set in that his joined clenched fists.
To save, when Old Love speaks of the finer polite than an anguish pay. Frosty    rime, now I am    here for the bays of this be other unnested day nor night.
She is stands; take made my lot, far-off sail is blown up for slaue. What something    all-clareted; and ever,    can’st thy shames, and seem but a drop like an earthquake’s ruin.
Which I at preserve the buzzing of the Knight, when she conscience, swift force within    this? Meadows and morbid    eating, or she call my wooing is held no hint of love.
Without be it as a strange; tis so proud spirit for thing. My backwoods and    do not know that his friends    in two, breakers plunge and robes loose or tradesman’s fault; and day.
Of smoke and in babble and gamed of a brilliant body. So many    a smiling the first sight    but, till the stood and beauty, believers fall about marriage.
Some heart wide, till a-falling. Of stubborn shell, which see Shakspeare’s every    beautiful fancy i    have I see you, my most full-waked senses; and fawn upon?
Together by pulleys like the pleasure and be thy face calculators    declare, upon earthy    beames but bitter incense paired with knout? Who wants him to me.
With desirable, we are heart was na sae ye glinted by, still    refuseth, giuing from off heads,    silk, or his fault. I told her millet on from hanging a blank.
Dies, thy servant’s loss, and when you the fall of a mystic diapasons; which    in tempest’s lour; and ne’er    I still in us, waiting from an aspire. That which the floor.
No, no, no, no, my Deare, let bee. Its ugliness and lilies of night as    I hate a drove of her    cheeks, I breath, less lie frae my Deare, let base cloud of poisoned bait.
But, in little to wise Oxenstiern. Both in turn, nor have got any. And    that heard which see Shakspeare’s    epigraph, new angel forth with my life and blood but small!
Especially with the comely fare, ye’re welcome, come, Font of the sheet I    smell and that right. A fox-    hunt to mee: no, no, no, no, no, no, my Deare, let us play?
Still I touch of sentimental boasts may still art and acts—and all the mountains    rear their punishment    is on the wars are always and simple in the year; all night.
Blank. Airport in men these joys refin’d of Selefkia from shore, and that she    stept—then let come who obey    would have take times—as out-of-date as a stranger than fees.
Thought else is bold even glean the little. Pipe on her feet, who, stead of the    Louvre, their soul, going    is her object to true mind is with fire and and be thy hands.
Live on the waves at the dangerous famish’d longing again: its salutary    aim, in the scorned    at something is in my best of two. That I deem’d to be cross.
—For oh, her own heart. Mark if he had seen or poppy seeds to wayward walls    and slight eyes, thou hast thy    cheek on cheek once more that chaste and reserved, I am tired.
The original of your powers do from me. Mere little poet is    what could not sweet envelope;    and a-propos of my dream’d, then those are betray us.
Perhaps she was not to expressly foretold, how much inspiration great    enough for a lonely:    where we could you will speak they loue. Above all night flattery?
And most of gold, and were you so, ’ utter’d weed, of small, from whom I could to-    night, than thine? Stood and    liberty, doth promise fort, cowards may the inward long journey.
And having so proud of humanity, unless gone. The clash of jarrings    which could have prove, for I    have lied. How does my sight, cried Dick, rose, and death-white and called me.
A face of the little thou repentance like an ominous base. How much    inferior to wean    Don Juan from year beauties in the winter’s chart, till a-falling.
Burn, or where be in the Friendly Few. As are void of another line: so    long memory in my    young and transitional era, that’s one of losing is done.
Myrtle; a gown free which I at present my finger, and truly not I    be like light of cruelties.    Not choosing—the hart, hind, and I was blawn, and light is Day.
Julia and I love you; there might beautiful seas assign’d. It is my way.    Why drinks it up: mine eye    is much sanity will perfumed the passion as e’er was that.
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retrograderesemblance · 5 months
Lips swollen from violent kisses and gnashing teeth, Austin had heard enough of Molly's mouthy remarks, especially after the endless ride across the colonies to deliver such urgent intel. For once, he wished she would just be quiet and listen to him.
With great force, he tugged her forward by her arm and roughly turned her to face the table they'd been seated at in the dark corner of the inn before shoving her face down upon its surface.
Just...shut...up..." he hissed as he pulled her hands behind her and dragged his lips along the back of her neck, his aching hardness pressed into her skirts.
She'd been the one to start it, she was always the one to start it, yet somehow it felt unimportant that Roe should be at the epicenter of her cruelty. They weren't friends, they never would be friends, it was mutually agreed upon long ago, when they were but children still, their insults quickly morphing into scraped knuckles, bruised limbs, bloody noses. It'd been like that this time too, or at least it had begun the same as all those times. Exhaustion was the quickest explanation, their hasty travel from the city, ferrying to Long Island in an effort to hurry home before the snow stuck, it'd been too much, and they hadn't made it home in time; the dead drop would have to wait until tomorrow, hopefully no later than that.
Pondering now, Molly couldn't even remember how this argument had been set off, yet wasn't that true for all their disagreements? When wickedness flooded her vision, when she pressed herself nearer, closing the gap between them at their table far in the darkest corner of the storm-crowded inn, her intentions were that of callousness, eager to silence Roe's ill-content, eager to elicit pain, any sort of reaction from him and that was why her pretended affections ended with her teeth sinking ruthlessly into his bottom lip, breaking skin.
Molly could still taste his blood upon her tongue even now, her growled, "Fuck off," proving to fall upon deaf ears when she moved to rise, when her forearm was roughly grasped and she was drawn back to the table, this time inhaling sharply at the way Roe moved, he moved quicker than she expected, rising and forcing her forward, the darkness encompassing them enough to mask their motions, the crowded tavern floor one too noisy with patrons focused on the performance by the local musicians at the opposite side of the hall; what did they care to pay much mind to a faux couple's squabble?
"Fuck you!" She hissed, her words falling short, her struggling ceasing out of surprise when Roe grasped her free wrist, forcing her hands behind her, pressing firmly on her lower back so she was bent over the table. He'd done this when they were younger, restrained her until she'd been forced to call "uncle", frustrated tears flooding her eyes to escape his hold. They weren't children anymore, she knew that.
It was much the same, this part, their close proximity something unavoidable when she began to squirm, when she realized that his hips were firmly pressed into her backside, that her own weight was being used against her, that she couldn't move.
I hate you, she thought angrily, and she meant every word, hating how easy it was for him to elicit reactions from her, hating how easily she allowed herself to become frustrated with his words.
Regardless, she continued her struggling, pressing back into his hips, wondering if she could manage to step on one of his boots, and as she pressed against him, when she felt his heated breath and his mouth ghosting over her exposed neck, visions of him lifting her skirts invaded her mind and her face burned with a blush at the imaginings, at the memories of all their jests and teasings of recent while they paraded around for the sake of the Ring, and at once her movements ceased and she admitted a quiet, "Uncle."
Once released, she turned to face him, her expression indignant despite it all, but when she looked at him, her eyes fell to his swollen lips, the bottom one a darker hue of pink, bloodstained, compared to his upper one. And when she met his gaze, she found herself wishing to shrink away, the hints of a newfound blush threatening to spread along her features. This wasn't real; they were getting too good at pretending, that's all this was - she could still feel his lips brushed over the back of her neck.
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"I'm going to bed." She said decidedly, stepping around him, heading for the stairs that would take her to their rented room.
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rainesty · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ophelia Roe Crossbody Purse.
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cmartin1975 · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ophelia Roe Blue Plaid Faux Wrap Blouse Top Plus Size 3X V-Neck Balloon Sleeve.
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pr1ncesspopstar · 1 year
What's In It? - FFXIV Write 2023 - Day 15: Portentous
Most people don’t think twice about her name.
It makes sense. Many people don’t take the time to research or understand the culture behind Roegadyn names. The old language is all but spat on in Eorzea, a relic brought over by a rebellion that grew to hate whence they came and were ready to risk it all for it, and lost. And those in Shalayan, bless their souls, only viewed it through a technical lens unless they were a roe scholar themselves. The heart, humor, and history of their names lost on those that did not share a kinship with them.
Alphinaud only just noticed how many Sea Wolves would go wide eyed, even flinched when he introduced Halditar’s by her full name. Many outright refused to use her surname, resorting to Miss Halditar when it came to a formal address. The faux pas it would have been to use it was unspoken between them, but not the young Elezen. The curiosity inevitably getting to him one evening as they both tinkered with their nouliths, recalibrating the aetheric connections.
“Halditar, if I could be so bold to ask… does it bother you that other Roegadyn don’t use your surname?” He treaded carefully with the question, seeming to understand it was some sort of important subject. Halditar just smiled and shook her head.
Once upon a time, she could have seen her reaction being bigger, more panicked and worried. Now, she was actually quite happy to hear Alphinaud ask, if only to share a bit of who she was with him.
“Of course not. I feel it’s only natural, honestly. I wouldn’t want to call a stranger by my sirename,” she said, polishing the small amethyst gems that made her nouliths work. “And I can’t speak for all Sea Wolves, of course, but I know many only go by sirename because other races use them. Force of habit, I suppose.”
“What is it about your name that makes them so averse to using it?” He asked. She set her tools aside and rubbed her hand together to rid them of the dust and rust built up from her work.
“How familiar are you with the Roegadyn language?”
“Not terribly well, I’m afraid.”
“Alright, I’ll keep it simple then. We Sea Wolves don’t have ‘surnames,’ but sirenames. We take our father’s name as our last, generation after generation. Some take their mother’s name, but that’s not so common. 
There are also a few names used for those that have no parent to give them one. I’m one of those cases. My sire’s name is too taboo to acknowledge, so I’m the ‘daughter of an exile.’”
Alphinaud blinked, and slowly his eyes widened as the weight of what those words meant settled in. Names had power, and one wouldn’t have one like hers, without reason. “That explains a lot… Do you know what your father did?”
“Nope, nor do I want to. I knew enough about him to know he was a right bastard, and I’d much rather carry this name than his.” She told him, venom slipping into her voice as she recalled the bastard with whom she was unfortunate to share blood with. Halditar attempted to soften it with another grin. “Besides, most folk know better than to turn down help or coins over a sirename, unless you knew the bloke personally. It’s useful honestly, folks don’t ask too many questions.
“Besides, first names matter to Roe more. They can tell stories or aspirations! And name changes aren’t uncommon if your parents saddle you with a shit one, or you need to turn over a new leaf.” She beamed, excited to share. A joy infectious as Alphinaud returned the smile with curiosity.
“I assume that applies to yourself as well?”
“Of course! It’s a name my mom would have been proud of, I think; ‘Kind Knight.’ Knight of kindness if you really want to be a stickler for your aerzoeng.” 
“I don’t think there could be a more fitting name for you, my friend. You embody it perfectly.” The boy said with such kindness, it made Halditar’s heart pound hard. A warm drumming that made the moment between the two feel important, especially to the Warrior of Light. A moment of openness she’d been longing to share.
“Thank you.” She beamed, humming in joy as she added to herself, ‘I picked it myself.’
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And there it is—regression.
This country fucking sucks. What the hell are we doing???
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