#faux ear gauge
l0rna-wh0re · 3 months
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she back ♡
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taniachernova · 3 months
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Large Star Stud Earrings from Tania. Tentacle fake gauge earrings.
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sluttywonwoo · 6 months
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instead of you [part thirty-six] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, alcohol
word count: 3k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
“Nice hat.”
You gave Minho a sideways look. “Really?”
“Yeah, it’s cute.”
You tipped the brim at him, grinning. “Thank you. Jisung picked it out.”
“He has good taste.”
You weren’t sure how to respond to the double entendre so you didn’t, choosing instead to direct your attention forward, where your fake boyfriend was teeing up. 
Back at school, Jisung had gone off to play golf with a few of your mutual friends once or twice, but it was an expensive hobby, and as broke college students, they couldn’t exactly make a habit out of it. For a little while, Jisung worked as an assistant chef at a nearby country club for a couple of months which allowed him free access to their course in his off time, but juggling the job and his studies quickly became too much to handle and he couldn’t even keep up with his responsibilities, let alone have any free time to take advantage of the course. 
Considering how long it had been since he last played, you weren’t expecting much from Jisung’s first swing, but when he stuck the golf ball with his club, it actually went relatively far. Of course, you didn’t have much knowledge of the sport to go off of when it came to gauging how well he was actually doing, but from the looks on his brothers’ faces, you assumed he’d done pretty well. 
“Good job!” you cheered, running up to your best friend and kissing him on the cheek. “That was good right?”
He caught you with an arm around your waist and pulled you close. “Thanks, baby. It wasn’t bad, but it could have been better.”
“Whatever, you’re just being humble.”
“He’s not,” Felix piped up from behind the two of you. “Let me show you how a real golfer plays.”
You rolled your eyes in unison with Jisung but stepped back to let Felix tee up anyway, both watching as he took a couple of practice swings. 
“How much do you want to bet he comes in last?” Jisung muttered in your ear. 
“I’m not willing to go bankrupt over this, sorry.”
Jisung snorted and tried to muffle his laugh in your shoulder but it was still loud enough for his twin to hear. 
“Oi! I don’t want to hear it when you’re up thirty points over me.”
“Yeah, we’ll see, Lix,” Jisung scoffed. “Just swing already! We don’t have all day, mate.”
Felix shot his brother a look but did as he was told. He rolled his shoulders and focused in on the ball, huffing out a breath and drawing the club back over his shoulder. He put more power into his swing than Jisung had but hit the ball with the edge of the clubhead instead of the center which sent it flying a little off to the left. From what you could see, the ball still landed on the pitch. It hadn’t gone into the trees or the lake, it was just in a trickier spot to clear. 
“What was that you were saying about points?” Jisung asked smugly.
Felix groaned and turned back around to argue with him as Minho came up and took his place at the starting point. 
“It’s going to be a long day, isn’t it?” you muttered to Minho. 
He gave you a tight half-smile and shrugged. “You have no idea.”
It had only been an hour since the boys started and you didn’t think you’d ever heard so many insults and curse words thrown around in such a short amount of time, which was saying something. 
Jisung, Felix, and Minho were all neck and neck with each other, with Dom far ahead of all three of them. 
The course itself was beautiful. It was just across the street from the resort you were staying at, right on the edge of the water. You were able to see the ocean from the tops of the faux hills on the green, sparkling with the reflection of the sun. The waves were dotted with little boats and surfers all enjoying the good weather and making the most out of the afternoon.
You would have been content to spend all day there if it wasn’t so hot and you weren’t forced to stand around listening to your best friend argue with his brothers.
“How many more holes are there?” you asked Nikki, leaning over and whispering quietly so that the others wouldn’t hear you. 
“Too many.”
“Kill me now.” 
“Why don’t we get ourselves a drink when the cart girl comes around? It’ll make the time go faster.”
You grinned. “I like the way you think.”
You weren’t a stranger to day drinking, not by a long shot, but you didn’t want to get too sloppy while the sun was still up. You had long since given up on the little pact you’d made with yourself not to drink for the remainder of the trip— not that you’d ever really followed it in the first place. Nikki got herself a High Noon when the aforementioned cart girl came by, so you did the same, insisting on covering the tab for both of you.
“Please?” you practically begged. “It’s literally the least I can do after everything you’ve done for me.”
She seemed to think about it for a minute. “Fine. I’ll let you do it this one time. But don’t get used to it.”
You did a little dance in celebration and handed over some cash to the cart girl after she popped the tabs on both of your cans. 
“Want anything?” you called to the boys. “It’s on me!”
Felix was the only one to take you up on the offer, both Minho and Jisung making a fuss about not spending your money on them. Where was this attitude back at school? you asked yourself, scoffing at Jisung’s refusal. 
“I’m in the lead, I can’t afford to lower my inhibitions now!” Dom said. “But when I win, I’ll treat you to a pint, even though you’re canoodling with one of my opponents.” 
“I’m starting to think you guys have something against me,” you accused the two non-participants as you handed Felix his beer. “What, do you think I’m broke?”
“We’re just gentlemen,” Minho said pointedly, shooting Felix a look.
“You are broke,” Jisung muttered.
“Watch it,” you shot, waving your drink at him. “You’re not getting a sip now.”
“Babe, I didn’t want a sip to begin with.”
“Okay, well even if you change your mind you can’t have one.” 
He laughed and shook his head at the ground, walking back over to the teeing-off point with his hands on his hips.
Nikki was right, the afternoon did indeed pass a lot quicker with drinks in your hands. They kept you cool in the heat of the sun and the alcohol made the hours blend into each other.
In the latter half of the game, you started to pay more attention. You had finally begun to pick up what was good and what was bad from everyone else’s reactions to the shots and could actually tell for yourself. 
“Baby, can you switch this out for the driver?” Jisung asked, holding his current club out to you.
“Which one is that?” 
“The big one.” 
You selected the club he described and passed it to him, taking the one he’d just used to put back in the golf bag. He kissed you when you met him in the middle to swap the two, smiling against you when he noticed Minho looking on. 
“Sorry, couldn’t help it,” he whispered in your ear. “It’s too fun to fuck with him.”
Confused, you turned around to see what he was talking about only to see Minho standing a few feet away with his tongue in his cheek. 
“Thanks, baby,” Jisung said, putting his hand on the small of your back to remind you of what you were doing. “You make a cute caddy.”
Minho mumbled something under his breath that you didn’t catch but you figured that was probably for the best.
After golf, you hung out with Jisung’s family at the pool for a few hours before heading back up to the rooms to get ready for dinner. 
“Do we need to dress nice?” you asked.
Jisung peeked out from the bathroom to answer you, shaking his wet hair dry with a towel. 
“Uh, not like nice, nice but nicer than just jeans.”
“Okay, I can do that.”
You turned back to your open suitcase and rifled through it in search of something that fit the dress code.
“By the way, where did you go last night?” 
“With Minho?”
“Yeah, you were gone for like hours. I fell asleep and then woke up randomly and you still weren’t back.”
“Minho took me to some beach.”
“Did you have sex with him?”
You looked up. “Yeah. Why?”
Jisung shrugged. “Just wondering.”
You could tell he wanted to say more but you didn’t push. If you did, you’d only be hurting your own feelings. He had told you that himself. Jisung had been very clear that he wasn’t ready to talk about the Minho thing with you so all you could do was be honest and answer the questions that he asked, even if it was awkward and uncomfortable. 
You were so used to guilt by now that you almost didn’t notice the fresh wave that washed over you. You knew it was wrong to still sleep with Minho after everything— hell, you knew it was wrong before everything, but neither of those facts stopped you from doing it. 
You realized Jisung was still looking at you so you shook it off and picked up a random sundress from your luggage. 
“How’s this for tonight?”
“Looks good to me.”
An hour later, you and the rest of the Hans were seated around a table in a dimly lit restaurant. The sundress had been the right choice. The place was right on the water and open to the outdoor air so all of the other patrons were dressed pretty similarly. 
Jisung ordered for you after you looked over the menu together like always. Your hands rested on the table, fingers entwined for his family to see. You had been doing this for so long now that it was almost second nature to you. You had fallen into the routine a long time ago but you didn’t even have to think about it anymore. You probably wouldn’t even be giving the action a second thought had it not been for Minho staring at your hands from across the table. 
It looked like he was zoning out, like he wasn’t actually glaring at you holding hands with his brother but you couldn’t be sure. You kicked him gently in the shin to get his attention. He jolted and locked eyes with you immediately, erasing any trace of subtly.
“You okay there, son?” Dom asked, patting Minho on the back. 
“Yeah, yeah, ‘m fine. Just got a chill.”
Thankfully, everyone seemed to move past it and the conversation resumed. Dinner was otherwise uneventful. The boys recounted the golf game and Dom’s landslide win, while you just listened and nodded along when it felt right. It was a relief not to have to add anything to the discussion. You didn’t have the energy to. 
Dom stayed true to his word from earlier and bought everyone a round from the bar at the restaurant. You weren’t a big beer drinker but you didn’t want to be rude so you suffered through the whole pint, ignoring Jisung’s worried glances from the side. 
“You know I could have finished that for you,” he muttered. 
“I don’t want to look like a pussy in front of your dad,” you hissed back. “He bought it for us. And I didn’t want to be left out.”
Your best friend scoffed and shoved his hands in his pockets. “You’ll do anything to prove a point, won’t you?”
“You know me.”
Minho pulled you aside after dinner, once you were back at the resort. 
“Think you can ditch your ‘boyfriend’?” he whispered as you both fell back a couple of steps.
You stopped. “What, why?”
“I just want a moment alone with you.”
“A moment or several moments?” you challenged. 
He smirked. “I’ll take whatever I can get.”
“I can’t keep blowing Jisung off,” you sighed, “and neither can you.’
“You know he doesn’t want anything to do with me right now.”
“That doesn’t mean you should stop trying!”
“Look, can we not do this right now? When they’re literally right there?”
“You’re the one who pulled me aside right in front of them.”
You watched his jaw clench in frustration but he didn’t say anything else because he knew you were right. 
“Can you ditch him or not?”
You sighed again and looked back to Jisung. He was in what looked to be a heated debate with Felix. You didn’t need to hear it to know it was over something stupid.  
“I’ll see what I can do.”
Jisung barely bat an eye when you told him where you were going. 
“Okay, be safe,” he said as he kicked off his shoes. 
That’s it? That’s all he had to say to you? You wanted to ask him just that, but you were afraid of creating another rift between the two of you. Jisung had said he wasn’t ready to talk about it so you shouldn’t push, right? But was it wrong to keep leaving like this?
Going back and forth with yourself was only wasting time and Minho was still waiting for you downstairs. Fuck it. 
You grabbed a spare room key from the dresser, shoved it in the pocket of your dress, and left without another word before you could change your mind. 
Minho was right where you left him, leaning against the wall by the elevator hub. He grinned when he saw you. 
“Thought you’d never escape.”
You rolled your eyes at him as you let him lead you through the lobby by the hand. You were still wary of people seeing you together but the lobby was seemingly empty. 
“Jisung didn’t care. It was me who took forever.”
Minho paused, letting go of your hand as he gave you a concerned once over. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I don’t really want to talk about it. So, where are we going?”
He frowned, but only momentarily, quickly covering it up with a smile. “I- okay, um... remember how you said we don’t do ‘couple stuff’?”
“I thought maybe I could take you somewhere where we can do that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m taking you on a date, silly.”
“Really? Where?” When he didn’t answer, you groaned. “You and your stupid surprises.”
“It’s more fun this way and you know it,” he insisted, tugging you along by the hand.
“I like being prepared,” you argued. 
He grinned. “So be prepared for a good time.”
The drive wasn’t far at all this time but you were confused when he pulled into a crowded lot. You were even more confused when he didn’t turn off the car or more to get out of it. 
You turned to him in confusion. “Minho?”
“Y/n?” he parroted. 
“Where are we?”
“We’re on our date.”
“Yes, but where?”
“Did you not see the sign when we turned in?” You shook your head. He grinned. “It’s a drive-in.”
“Why do you think no one’s getting out of their car?” 
“I didn’t really notice, to be honest.”
“Too distracted by your hot date?” 
You didn’t spare him a reaction. “How’d you find this place?” 
“I did some research the other night,” he explained, “when you, you know, we talked about it. I figured this is about as close as we could get to a real date. At least right now.”
“That’s… really thoughtful.”
He shrugged. “Nah, it’s nothing, really.” 
“Well I was going to kiss you, but if it’s nothing—”
“No, no. I want the kiss. Give me my kiss.”
You chuckled, relenting as you leaned in. He met you halfway over the center console and kissed you sweetly. It was short but eager, just enough to leave you wanting more. 
You had to remind yourself not to get your hopes up. Sure, Minho was showing interest in you now, but what about when this was all over? Would he want to do long-distance? Did he want to date you at all? You had been telling yourself that it was just sex all this time but now you were on a date... but what did it mean? You could just ask but you were scared to ruin the moment, ruin whatever it was that was actually going on. 
You’d been asking yourself the same questions for weeks now and the scary thing was, it seemed like Minho was serious about you. He had all but said it outright to you. And here he was taking you on a fucking date. It was you who kept pushing back. You told yourself it was because of Jisung, but if you were being honest with yourself that was only half of it. You were afraid of getting hurt. You had never been in a real relationship before for that very reason. Well, that and you liked being single. It seemed favorable considering the dating pool of your university. 
“I want another one,” Minho murmured, leaning in again. 
“Nope, that’s all you get for now,” you teased, even though you did very much want to kiss him again. 
His lips parted in surprise. “Wha- why?”
“Because I only promised you one! I can’t just go giving my kisses away, can I?”
“Sure you can,” he argued. 
“That would lessen their value. I can’t wager them to get what I want if they’re not worth anything.”
“Your kisses are very valuable to me,” Minho insisted. 
“Because I’m sparing with them.”
Minho inched even closer to your face, eyes trained on your mouth. “So I can earn them,” you started to nod, “if I’m a good boy?” 
You almost choked on nothing, swallowing a moan. Minho watched your reaction with a self-satisfied smile and then settled back in his seat, turning his attention to the giant projector screen at the front of the parking lot. 
“We’ll see,” you muttered hoarsely.
He hummed, still looking forward. “I’ll be good then.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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mrchiipchrome · 8 months
prompt 68 with KCC 😉
If you want to request, there's a prompt list linked in my masterlist:)
prompt 68. -It’s nice to have you back, where you belong.
“Ky I miss you so much” Despite having spent basically the entire summer, well winter technically, in Australia together competing in the World Cup, you missed each other tremendously the second you were apart.
“I miss you even more Y/n/n. I miss your cuddles the most though.” The sweet girl sighs out, her cheeks puffing out adorably with her chin resting on one of her forearms. She’s clutching her pillow tightly, laying on her stomach.
Letting out a loud gasp in faux shock, you chastise her playfully for the comment.
“Kyra Cooney Cross, I cannot believe you. And to think I believed you liked me for more than just my body.” Her giggles fill your bedroom in London over the phone, her bright smile on the screen contrasting the dark nature of your room.
“Well you thought wrong, I’m clearly just using you for your body.” She rolls her eyes at you, picking at her nails uninterestedly, but you can see the small smile forming behind her hands.
“Yeah, yeah whatever you say pretty girl” Her hands come up to cover her face, blush apparent between her fingers.
“You think I’m pretty?” She questions as if the answer wasn’t already obvious, her beauty just one of the many aspects you loved about her.
“You’re the most gorgeous girl in the world lovely, you always have been and you always will be.” You tell her softly, gauging her reaction.
She once again just covers her face with her hands, her smile reaching her ears. Sighing, you look at the time on your phone, being an hour behind her, it was late over there in Sweden.
“Ky, it's time to go to bed.” You say seriously, her yawn nearly cutting the last of your sentence off. She was clearly exhausted from the long days, like you were. Living without each other was a death sentence, slowly killing you both.
“Just stay on the call until I’ve fallen asleep would you? It’s so hard to sleep without you here.”
“Sure my love, but if Arsenal come knocking for ya then you have to accept, I don’t know how much longer I can live without you by my side.”
The smirk on her face only widens at your words, oh you clearly had no idea.
You were unfocused, that was pretty clear for everyone to see. You were missing even the simplest of passes and you could probably store both of your boots in the bags under your eyes, dark blue and incredibly prominent.
Two sleepless nights in a row created by pure worry was why you were so unfocused. Kyra hadn’t spoken to you in days, not even as much as a text that told you she was alive, she had simply disappeared off the face of the earth.
Rubbing your eyes in an attempt to wake up that much more, the worry set deep in your mind didn’t falter the slightest bit. Not even when the comforting hand of your captain comes down to rest on your upper back, moving up and down soothingly.
“Are you okay?” She asks.
“Mhm, just a little tired.” You tell her softly, chin resting on your forearm lightly.
“Yeah, well I think Jonas has someone you might want to meet, with him.” Your head perks up, snapping towards the shorter woman, eyes wide open.
“What do you mean?” Kim just smiles at you, nodding her head to the right where a majority of the team is crowded around someone.
In between black clad bodies, you can just see the familiar outline of the person you love the most, hands waving around animatedly.
In an instant you’re on your feet, slipping and sliding across the grass in your hurry to get up from your sitting position, hands flat on the ground. When you get up on your feet properly you set off in what can only be described as a jaguar-like run, reaching the mob of people in no-time.
The girl in the middle squeals when she gets picked up all of a sudden, familiar arms wrapping around her waist from behind. The squeals turn into laughter that echoes around the training grounds, her hands clutching around yours.
“Why didn’t you call me, lovely? I was worried sick about you.” You tell her softly, hands moving from her waist to her face, moving her head around softly as if you were trying to convince yourself she was real. “I was so worried about you, don’t ever do that again please.” She gets pulled into your body once again, your arms wrapping around her tightly.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to surprise you. I won’t do it again, I promise.” She mumbles into the material of your shirt, her hands clutching onto the elastics of your shorts, fingers pressing into the skin of your stomach.
Pulling away from her body, you place your hands on her jaw, cupping her face softly. You can’t help but just look at her, admire her in such a way you hadn’t been able to in weeks.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Her nose scrunches up in that adorable way that had you falling in love with her all over again.
“Like what?” She looks up at you through furrowed brows, a light blush dusting her tanned cheeks.
“Like you’re in love with me.” Kyra whispers into the vacant air, your teammates having left you long ago.
“That’s because I am in love with you silly. Kyra?” She hums in response, waiting for you to continue. “It’s nice to have you back, where you belong.” The shorter girl buries her head into your chest, the earlier blush having darkened significantly.
“It’s nice to be back by your side too Y/n/n.”
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writingmingyu · 10 months
Act Natural Part 2
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Part 1 is here!
Pairings: Jeonghan x afab reader Summary: After trying out your new vibrator in public, Jeonghan gives you a choice - continue the game or go home. And you've never been one to turn down a challenge. Genre: Smut Warnings: Vague mentions of food, fellatio, exhibitionism  Word count: ~1.7k
Author’s Note: This took me way too long to finish, I apologise. Especially as someone did request it! I started writing it and then because it was something a bit different I was second guessing a lot and wasn't sure if I liked the direction I was going but we got there in the end! So please enjoy x
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
You finish applying your lipstick and take a deep breath before returning to the restaurant. 
The boys are all sitting around looking at their phones, they're still hungry but are waiting to see if you're okay to see if they continue dinner or call it a night. 
Jeonghan spots you first, trying to gauge how you're feeling but you don't engage with him. You keep a straight face before taking a seat next to him.
"Are you feeling better?" Seungcheol asks, concern crossing his features. 
"Yeah, I just had a friend emergency to take care of. Let's get some more drinks," you pick up the menu from the table. 
Everyone orders and you begin to relax, your earlier faux pas forgotten as the boys begin chatting about their next big tour. Jeonghan keeps his hand on your leg, stroking your thigh, his fingers resting very close to your ruined underwear.
You take a long pull from your drink to gain some confidence before letting your hand rest on Jeonghan’s thigh. He was always so confident when touching you in public but you were more hesitant to touch him. The last thing you wanted was for someone to catch on to what you were doing, but you were determined to make Jeonghan squirm in front of his friends. You begin testing the waters, stroking his thigh, each time moving higher towards his crotch.
“Careful what you start,” Jeonghan leans in and whispers in your ear. “You know you’ll have to finish.”
You smile and kiss his cheek. “Don’t worry about that, I intend to.”
As more food arrives at the table, you decide to down the rest of your drink and kick this up a notch. 
"Oh babe, I think you spilt something let me get it," You make a scene of grabbing a napkin to dab at Jeonghan's leg, using it as a way to use both hands to undo his belt and his jeans. 
"Jeez if you wanted to touch him you could at least get a room." Vernon rolls his eyes.
You feel your face redden at being caught but play it off like it's no big deal. It was just that Jeonghan could be clumsy and you were trying to help. 
With his jeans unbuttoned you were able to begin stroking Jeonghan over his underwear, his cock hardening under your touch. 
He was surprisingly cool about the whole interaction, continuing to eat and have conversation freely. 
Due to the lack of reaction you decide to stop touching him. Removing your hand from his lap so you can eat and you begin to contribute more to the conversation. Ignoring Jeonghan and focusing your attention on the two men in front of you. 
If Jeonghan didn't know any better, it was like you were flirting with his two friends. The way you laughed at Vernon's jokes and played with your hair while listening to Seungcheol's stories. 
You feel Jeonghan's hand squeeze your thigh and you turn your head to look at him. 
"You doing okay?" You ask.
He nods and then signals to a passing waiter to order another round of drinks. You knew he hated being ignored, especially after you were giving him a lot of attention a few minutes before. 
You continue to spend the evening ignoring Jeonghan. His hand would reach for your thigh and you would remove it. Leaning forward on the table and showing your chest off to the men in front of you. 
At one point, Seungcheol drops his napkin on the floor and you offer to pick it up. You duck down under the table and grab the napkin but not before taking a peak at Jeonghan's erection. Even though you were giving all your attention to his friends he was still horny for you. 
You smile and take the opportunity to trail your hand over his thighs and graze him through his underwear. Causing a little moan to escape from his lips. 
You test the waters further by pulling him out of his boxers and bringing the tip to your lips and sucking lightly. 
Jeonghan gasps, peering down at you as you stare up at him innocently. 
"You okay down there Y/N?" Seungcheol asks. 
"Yeah!" You call back, getting up from under the table and setting the napkin on the table. "Sorry, just took a second to see under there, it's so dark."
"Well I think we should head out, it's getting late. But before we go I'm heading to the men's room."
"Yeah me too," Vernon said getting up.
As they leave the table you head back down under it, situating yourself between Jeonghan's legs. 
"You think you can do this before they get back?" Jeonghan asks placing a finger under your chin and lifting your face to him. 
"Probably not, you should order dessert," you say, hand wrapped around his cock and tugging roughly. 
Jeonghan signals for a waiter, you wait for him to begin speaking before you take his length into your mouth. His voice catching as the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat. 
As Jeonghan finishes ordering, his hand finds its way into your hair, lightly pushing you down further onto his cock. 
You resist it, pulling back and reaching up to remove his hand. "No,"
"You're not driving this, I am. Keep your hands to yourself."
"I like it when you're bossy,"
"I know," you smile and begin sucking lightly on the tip of his cock. 
Vernon and Seungcheol arrive at the table, Jeonghan asks one of them to sit next to him to give you more room under the table. 
"Where's Y/N?" Seungcheol asks.
"Ladies room," Jeonghan replies cooly. "But she wanted dessert so I ordered some, hope you don't mind."
"No worries, we can hang out."
Conversation starts up between the boys and you take Jeonghan further into your mouth. You work on timing your movements to when Jeonghan is speaking, backing up when he's silent but sucking hard and taking him deep when you know he needs to contribute to the group. 
"Everything okay Jeonghan?" Vernon interrupts the discussion. 
"Yeah, just worried about Y/N. Feel like she's been away a while."
"Maybe her friend called back with another 'emergency'." You could hear the quotes that Seungcheol had put around the last word.
"I'll text her," Jeonghan lifts his phone from the table and brings it down to his lap so he can look down at you. 
You made eye contact with him, pulling back from his cock to smile. 
One of Jeonghan's favourite sights was you on your knees like this. Hand around his cock, bringing him pleasure with that fucked out expression on your face. 
"Cum for me?" You whisper, batting your eyes and bringing the tip of his cock back to your mouth. 
Jeonghan smirks and shifts in his seat, bucking his hips towards your mouth, causing you to gag a little. 
"She's fine," he says to his friends. Putting his phone back on the table. 
"What was that sound?" Vernon asked.
"What sound?" 
"It sounded like you hit something under the table,"
"Oh, it was probably Y/N's purse or something."
There's silence as a look passes between Vernon and Seungcheol. But you don't notice the silence, you continue to work on Jeonghan's cock to bring him to his release. 
"Is she-?" Seungcheol signals to the table. 
"Don't know what you're talking about," Jeonghan says, trying to keep a straight face as you find a good rhythm. Jeonghan's hand finds its way back into your hair to keep you working over him.
Dessert comes to the table, briefly distracting the group as they begin eating. Though Seungcheol drops his napkin again and before anyone else can, he leans down to pick it up. But not before spotting you on your knees below the table. He smirks as he sits upright. 
"So you close?" Seungcheol asks out of the blue. 
Jeonghan stammers but Vernon laughs. "He's probably not now you've said that."
"She's working hard. I'll give her that."
Jeonghan's hand tugs on your hair, pulling him away from his cock to look up at him. "You're just jealous," he says smiling at you, stroking your cheek and bucking his hips into your hand.
"Does she swallow?" You hear Vernon ask. 
You redden as you tune back into the conversation to find out your cover has been blown, but you've come this far now you had to finish. 
"Every time," you respond from under the table before deep-throating Jeonghan, sending him over the edge. 
"Fuck," Jeonghan murmurs as he holds your head in place, thrusting his hips as his cock pulses inside your mouth, sending warm cum down the back of your throat. 
The table is silent as you pull back and Jeonghan grabs a napkin from the table to clean himself up. 
You crawl out from under the table and into an empty seat as you feel all eyes on you. You reach for a napkin to wipe your mouth. "So," you say surprised at how normal your voice sounded. "How's the dessert?"
"It's good but I'd prefer to have whatever you were giving Jeonghan," Seungcheol smirked. 
"Yesh that looked pretty good." Vernon agreed, swallowing hard. 
"Maybe next time he'll share," you wink at them before grabbing a spoon to eat some of the dessert. 
"Don't hold your breath," Jeonghan replied, grabbing his own spoon. 
The boys sit in stunned silence for a moment before grabbing their phones, probably to text in the group chat what had just unfolded but you stay focused on Jeonghan. It wasn't exactly the date night you had planned but it turned out to be a very memorable one.
“What’s the matter?” you ask, “scared of losing me to one of your friends?”
“Never,” Jeonghan says, “ready to get out of here?”
You nod and both of you get up from the table leaving the other two men on their phones. Even if Jeonghan wouldn’t let you play with them, you knew you’d be living rent-free in their heads for a long time and that was the next best thing.
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fox-guardian · 21 days
standing in the pouring rain in ur driveway or whatever. LILA AND REDD? MORE?!!! 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️
okay so i have a Few things i have yet to post (cuz i forgor) but here's lila in accessories i had to physically restrain myself from buying because i just wanted them because they remind me of her <3 yes I referenced a jojo pose for the second one
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[ID: Digital drawings of Lila, a skinny, white, goth trans woman, on a green background. She has pointy ears, very long nails, long lilac hair in a high ponytail with bangs, dog ear strands, and shaved sides, she's wearing purple makeup and massive gauges, two industrial piercings, angel bite piercings, and a lip ring. The first drawing is a bust where she is wearing a black frilly top with straps and a red choker that says "vamp" in metal letters. She is smiling wide with her hair flowing behind her. The second drawing is a full body with her wearing a red peasant top, red glovelets, a black corset, dark red miniskirt with purple petticoat, black faux-thigh-high tights with bats above the thigh-high bit, white ankle socks with red frills, and black platform Mary Janes. She is standing hunched with one arm resting on her leg and the other lifted near her head as she makes a vague expression. end ID]
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ghostlycorvid · 30 days
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I adopted this bat design from another artist a couple years back and had started the base for the head and wings not too long after. As you do with adhd, I had the project set aside for a year or so, but then picked it back up after finishing the plush bag. Knocked the rest of it out in a week!
Tau has follow-me eyes, ventilation in the ears, real tunnel gauges, glow in the dark eyes + piercings, and UV reactive fabrics! It was my first time doing the neat and tidy marking trimming with faux fur and I am super happy with how it turned out! I also found a way to do an "invisible" harness for wings using strong magnets!
Character design from OmnidadCreation Headbase pattern is from Mantacraft Studios Eye blanks are from DreamVision Creations Tunnel gauges from ItsMochadragon
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Taking Root
A/N: This was supposed to be a micro-fic based off of a prompt sent to me when I was trying to kickstart the creative juices again, and it just... didn’t want to stay short. Which is just fine with me. This takes place roughly two years after Point of No Return (and the still upcoming epilogue/sequel Petrichor- I dropped a few hints about what to expect in that series here). It could probably be read as a standalone story, but it really should be read along with the main story for that universe. Huge thank you to @valkblue​ who sent the prompt that sparked this one shot!! Thanks, Angie!! <3 
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: none at all. this is very very soft. 
Prompt: One character ruffling the other’s hair 
Summary: After everything that Clara has done for Ezra and Cee, the two of them team up to make sure that her birthday is a special one. 
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“Are you sure she won’t be back before we’re done?” 
Cee asked the question as she dropped a stack of wooden slats next to the porch steps. They landed with a soft clanking thud in the spongy grass near the toolbox Ezra had just set down. Up on the porch, Number Four jumped at the sudden sound, her stubby legs splayed in different directions as she toppled to her side. Abe, on the other hand, remained curled up on the doormat in the shape of a plump honey loaf, one orange ear twitching towards the source of the noise and deeming it nothing worth waking over. The smaller gray and white cat scrambled to her feet, letting out a tiny mewling yell as she tottered over to Abe’s side and tucked herself under his tail. 
Brushing her palms together, Cee glanced over her shoulder at the long gravel driveway, as though expecting to see puffs of pinkish dust kicking up under the crunch of tires. Finding it empty, she turned back to face him, her lopsided frown almost comical to Ezra. No reason to fret, we have plenty of time. 
“Of course I’m sure, Birdie.” He shifted his weight and tilted his head, left hip jutting out for his hand to rest on. “When have I ever steered you wrong?” 
With a roll of her eyes, the girl snorted. “How about last week? When you told me to turn right on Plox Street instead of left, and then we ended up on the other side of town, three zones from where we were supposed to-”
“I did not intend for you to take that question so literally,” he responded through a smirk, eyes narrowed in faux irritation. “Besides, we did eventually end up in the correct location, and in doing so we discovered a new route to the Med Center.” Arching one eyebrow, he held up his pointer finger. “One that is much more scenic, I might add.” 
Cee tilted her head to one side and then the other. “Yeah, yeah.” Her frown finally faded into a smile that brightened her whole face. Though he wouldn’t know it for months after they came to be one another’s family, the girl’s smile - when it was genuine, when she was actually happy and it wasn’t forced or unsure - was infectious in the best way. As soon as he saw it, Ezra’s own cheeks pulled up in a grin. Because  I am not immune to its shine. “It was a nicer ride.” 
Beginning as soon as her second rainy season at the farm came to an end, Ezra had been teaching Cee to drive Clara’s truck. And she is taking to it like a lakefowl to water. Not that I am the least bit shocked there. Their lessons had started small, not leaving the property until she was comfortable with the pedals and controls. Once she was, Ezra let her drive short distances into town, always in the passenger seat giving calm encouragement, directing her on when to use signals, and reminding her to keep an eye on the power gauge. When trips to the butcher and the farm supply became simple enough for her, Clara suggested that Cee be the one to drive Ezra to his appointments at the Med Center, where he was being fitted for his prosthetic. 
After just over two years of fighting, frustration, failed muscle matter scans, grueling physical therapy exercises and an endless regimen of pharmaceuticals, he had been approved to receive a fully integrated mechanical arm to replace the one he’d lost on the Green. 
Finally. I… I miss it. 
He was still a few weeks away from the surgical procedure to attach it, but he had already been fitted with the brace mechanism that his new right arm would connect to - a series of metal fasteners that had been surgically fused to the bones of his shoulder and humerus. Shrugging his right shoulder, he rolled it backwards and felt as the material of his t-shirt skated over the fasteners. It was an odd sensation, and an even odder thing to think about how the six knob-like devices were embedded into his skeletal structure. Soon they would be covered not by his clothing, but by his arm. 
And then I will be able to do things that I have not done in far too long. 
A flood of ideas crashed through his mind then. Holding Clara closer and more tightly than he had in seven years was, of course,  at the forefront. But it was followed by much simpler things. Like regaining his penmanship, lacing his boots without the use of a hook, peeling potatoes or chopping leeks in the kitchen, helping in the Thulian fields, having a catch with Siggi - and now Cee - at the end of harvest feast. They were things he was so ready for that the excitement kept him up at night, the phantom nerves of his lost limb itching with how close they were to feeling again. 
But first there was a project to finish. 
On Kamrea, and in the farmlands specifically, it was tradition to give handmade gifts to celebrate birthdays, and Clara’s was fast approaching. The previous year had been consumed by Ezra’s return and recovery, getting Cee settled into her new life, and planning and hosting Sig and Runa’s wedding. With so many moving parts and all at once, birthday gifting had taken a backseat. 
Clara still made sure to have something for Cee, though. 
He recalled the gobsmacked look of surprise on the newly turned 15 year old’s face as Clara handed her a small, brightly wrapped package after dinner, the look transforming into one of pure delight as she slid one finger between the paper to open it, revealing a hand painted photo frame. In it was a picture Siggi had snapped of Cee with Ezra and Clara at the Harvest feast a few months prior. There had been tears then, the girl flinging her scrawny arms around Clara’s neck in thanks. 
That memory warmed his chest as much as the midday starshine warmed his skin. 
Oh, Huckleberry, Birdie and I are both so lucky to have you. And I’m the luckiest of us three, for I have you both. 
Now that things had more or less calmed down for the three of them, Ezra had been eager to get back to the tradition. He had always put thought and effort into the things he chose to make for Clara, often using his time away on the Green to brainstorm ideas. It helped keep him from feeling too homesick, thinking of ways to make the woman he loved smile. Because that smile is still the most glorious sight these eyes have ever seen. It always will be. Past gifts had included the swing hanging from the crater-oak beside the creek as well as the windchimes that graced the front porch of the house. The fact that both of those objects remained in place even through his absence from the farm was not lost on him, and he looked forward to giving her something else that would become a part of their home. 
And this time he had an accomplice in Cee, the girl just as excited to have the chance to give Clara a gift as Ezra was. In fact, what they were currently in the process of building had been Cee’s idea. 
And it was a perfect one. 
In addition to learning how to drive and finding her feet within the Kamrean school system, Cee had also spent much of the last year and a half learning about Thulian - and plants in general - from Siggi. She’d seen the harvest right away, and after that, the preparations for the rains. But it was what she learned when the planting season came around again that seemed to strike a chord with her, the care and tending that went into helping things grow. Coming in from the fields one day while Clara was in town, her light hair stained pink with pollen powder and an enthusiastic shine in her eyes, she had informed Ezra that she knew what she wanted to make as a gift.
“But I’ll need your help,” she’d told him, biting her lower lip. “I’ve never built anything before. I’ve fixed things, like my headphones but- ” Her forehead creased as she shrugged. “But that’s electrical stuff. Wiring. I… I wouldn’t know where to start when I comes to wood and-“
Ezra chuckled. “Well, you can start by telling me what it is that you would like to construct, Birdie.” Reaching forward, he brought his hand up to the top of her head, brushing the Thulian powder from her hair and tousling the strands. Cee clicked her tongue in what Ezra knew to be false annoyance, the girl only half able to pull off a very unconvincing frown. The look only made Ezra’s smile lift higher. “If it is something I can assist you with then I promise that I will.” He arched one eyebrow, tilting his head towards his right shoulder. “Do, however, keep in mind that my carpentry abilities have been somewhat limited since the last time I took up a hammer.” 
Cee shook her head, her now powderless hair swaying around her shoulders with the motion. “I just need you to tell me what to do and… make sure I don’t muck it up.”
“Well then I’ll have an easy job, Cee. I have yet to witness you do a single task poorly.” Ezra brought his hand to his hip, shifting his weight to one leg. “Now, will you tell me what it is you want to build? Or should I venture a guess?” 
It was her turn to let a small amused huff slip through a smirk. “I could make you guess, but the idea is to have it finished before Clara’s birthday.” 
That made him laugh, this one more full. “Alright then, Little Bird.” He dipped his chin, making sure to keep his eyes on hers. “Let’s hear it.” 
She told him that she wanted to design and build a trellis for the front porch. Siggi had shown her how they were used in last season’s fallow field to help the newly planted Thulian stalks grow while they were still establishing roots. “It’s, well the porch is where we all spend a lot of time and-” She paused, taking a breath and not at all trying to hide the slight shake in it. “And a trellis is like… it’s like what Clara - and you - have done for me. Are doing for me. And I-” 
Ezra reached for her then, not to ruffle her hair this time, but to pull her into a hug. Her arms - still thin but now noticeably stronger as a result of farmwork and full meals - wound immediately around his torso. She gave a small squeeze that he returned, along with a quick peck to the top of her head. “It’s perfect, Cee.” He released her, pulling back to look at the girl who had become such an important part of his life. “Clara is going to love it.” Just like she loves you. Just like I do. 
“Okay, but seriously.” Cee bent down to pick up one of the wooden pieces, using it to gesticulate at the porch steps and snapping Ezra out of his daydream. He followed where she had indicated, his eyes landing on the framework for an arched trellis that was partially in place. “We’ve been working on this for two days already. Are you sure we’re going to finish in time?” 
Ezra stooped down with a grunt to open the tool box. “I am, Little Bird.” He handed her a hammer, her fingers wrapping surely around the grip. “The Kamrean Agricultural Authority’s annual convention is a seven cycle affair. Clara and Sig will not be back for another few days, which gives us plenty of time to finish constructing the trellis and to plant the seedlings.” Pulling a handful of nails from the box, he jumbled them around in his palm before selecting one to pass to her, pinching it between his thumb and pointer finger while the rest curled inward to keep the other nails from spilling into the grass. “You worry too much, you know that, right? We are making good time. In fact I would dare to say that we’ll have this finished by supper.” 
She lined the piece in her hand up to the framework, matching the pre-drilled holes to the markings that Ezra had shown her how to measure out. Letting out a sigh, she waited for him to replace her hand on the slat with his own, holding it still so she could drive the nail to attach it. “If you say so.” She set the nail, pinching it carefully as she readied the hammer. “Did you decide what we were planting in it?” 
Waiting until after she’d finished with that slat, Ezra nodded, handing her another piece of wood from the pile. “That I did, and I think you’ll be happy with my choice, too.” In fact I know you will. I have heard you talk about wanting to see these blossoms extensively. 
Cee scrunched her nose, taking the piece from him and repeating the process. “Me? This is a gift for Clara.” 
Again he waited until she’d whacked the nail, all the while watching to be sure that she wasn’t about to smash her own hand. But she didn’t. See? Like a lakefowl to water. Anything she sets her mind to, this one. “It is a gift for Clara, but it was you who pointed out that we all spend time together on the porch, was it not” 
“Yeah, but…” She trailed off, taking the next board that was handed to her. “Well, are you going to tell me, Ezra? Or am I going to have to guess?” 
He laughed, the sound carrying up onto the porch and again startling Number Four but going unnoticed by Abe. “Actually I am quite confident that you would be able to guess. I’ll even give you a hint.” 
Cee narrowed her eyes and pushed her lips to one side. “Fine. What’s my hint?” She continued on with her task of securing the slats that would act as a ladder for the vines of the climbing flowers Ezra had selected. 
“They can be found in your favorite bo-”
He didn’t get a chance to finish the hint, though, Cee’s eyes widening with wonder. “Novalilies?! Ezra? Are… Did you… Are we planting Novalilies?” 
“We are indeed, Birdie.” He grinned. “I knew you’d guess it.” 
Novalilies were the flowering vines that grew over the great archway leading to the Bowsum Conservatory - a place that Ezra had taken Clara so many years ago, and one that Cee had read about so many times that he knew that she could see it in her mind without ever having set foot there. They grew quickly and blossomed into soft white flowers that hung down like trumpets. But the real splendor came at night, when the petals, having soaked up the daylight, twinkled like stars against the dark. 
“I…” She blinked, a smile spreading across her face. “I didn’t know they could grow anywhere but in the Ephrate.” 
“All kinds of things can grow on Kamrea,” he told her. “Thulian, Crater-apples, Novalilies.” With a wink, he passed her the last slat for the side that they were currently working on, lifting his hand up to tousle her hair. “Even skinny little birds.”
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, please feel free to let me know or you can fill out the form on my masterlist.
tags: @something-tofightfor @alraedesigns @pheedraws @shoopidly @fific7 @valkblue @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @cannedsoupsucks @tobealostwanderer @paracosmenthusiast @gracie7209 @dihra-vesa @marauderskeeper @disgruntledspacedad @novemberrain221 @littlemisspascal @mishasminion360 @stevie75 @nyctophiliiiiaaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @harriedandharassed​ @woodlandmouth @swtaura @thescarletfangirl​ @trickstersp8​ @princessxkenobi​ @imtryingmybeskar​ @wildmoonflower​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @theredwritingwitch @silverstarsandsuns​ @pedro-pedrito-pascalito​​
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editorandchief · 1 year
Ruins Of The Past | Prologue
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Summary: One forgot their past,
While the other can never let it go.
But no matter what it finds a way to come back and haunt them. The only question now is, will they be able to work through their past together to save their future. 
Requested: kinda; voted for…#igotpolls
Warnings: descriptions of violent acts, talk of unalive people
 "Our next case come from right here and D.C." JJ said as she pulls up the crime scene photos. 
"I don't know if that make me feel better or worst." Emily commented. 
"Four women, all around the same age, similar features and build have been found all around D.C." JJ continued. "Each of them have been disfigured in some way or another, one had their eyes gauged out, another nose, ears, lips removed." 
"Okay so they obviously have a type." Derek points out. "Women with (Y/E/C) and (Y/H/C) but there is always some part of the victim that doesn't fit the original. 
"Meaning all four of these women bare similar features to the cause of their rage or the object of their obsession." Rossi states. "And I for one hope it the former." 
"Why what does that mean?" Garcia asked looking around the room." 
"If were looking for the cause of the unsub's rage it most likely means that the person could be a maternal figure or someone that they are unable to release the emotions on causing them to look for alternative outlets," Spencer informed flipping through the case file. "But if they are a temporary stand in for an ongoing obsession it means that with every victim that fails to meet the preferred desire they are building up to the original....JJ do we know which victim this necklace is from?" 
"That's another thing," JJ replied as a picture of the necklace appears on the screen. " each victim was found wearing the exact same necklace but when given to the family with personal effects they all stated that not one of the victims had it before going missing." 
"So its apart of the unsub's ritual." Emily says looking at the necklace. 
"A silver sun pendent with a faux carbonados diamond in the middle, connected to a crescent moon." JJ describes. " They all have the same engraving on the back, 'Hermann Hes-'"
"Hermann Hesse (Narcissus and Goldmund)." Spencer interrupts. "It's a reference to a poem:
'We are the sun and moon, dear friend; we are sea and land.it is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other and  honor them for what they are: each the other's opposite and complement.'"
"How could you possibly know that?" Emily asked looking at the young doctor.
"Because I've seen the original." He answered quickly pulling out his phone. " Garcia I'm gonna send you a photo can you put it on the monitor please." 
"Sure." The blonde replied taping on her screen before a picture appears above the others.
There is was, a women that looked almost identical to the other four victims give or take a few feature also wearing the necklace in question. 
"Oh my god." Garcia said seeing the photo.
"Reid," Morgan called out. "do you know this girl?"
"Spencer please you have to listen to me." You begged as he continued to pack his things. "Please I'm not crazy." 
For that last month Y/N had been acting differently, more paranoid, anxious and jumpy. Upon Spencer asking her what was wrong Y/N tried to convince him that there was someone following her, threatening her and sending messages, but when asked to show them to him...there was nothing there.
Y/N insisted that they were there, that she hadn't deleted them and she had no idea why they weren't there. For the next few weeks Y/N would claim she received another message or was sure someone was following her only for there to be nothing once again. 
Spencer became worried and insisted Y/N needed to so see a doctor, that he had seen the same signs in his mother and she needed help, only for her to refuse citing that she wasn't crazy and wasn't making it up. If Y/N refused to help Spencer thought there was only one thing to do.
"I'm not saying you're crazy, but Y/N you need help." He replied zipping up his bag. "I've tried but if you refuse to get better, I won't stay here and watch you get worst." 
"Please, please." She begged grabbing onto his arm as he made his way to the door. "Why can't you just believe me? Trust that I'm telling you the truth."
"I believe that you think that this is real," Spencer said while pulling his arm from her grip and sending her a sympathetic look. "but that's just your mind playing tricks on you and you need help. I'm sorry." He said before exiting the home leaving her alone as she sobbed in front of the door. 
That had been a year and a half ago, they had dated for ten months, but after seeing signs that Y/N could suffer from paranoid schizophrenia and refused to receive help Spencer left after informing her family of his concerns that she may hurt herself or others. Of course he felt guilty but he couldn't go through what he went through with his mother again. 
Now there was someone out there killing women that shared a resemblance to her and wearing her 'one of a kind' necklace. 
"Yes..."He breathed out in shock of the situation. "and if I'm right we need to find her as soon as possible." 
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kuraikyu · 1 year
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anonymous: hello :3 i love reading your canons and wonder are those plugs on geto real? and would he wear other types? if yes then what kind?
HI, Nony! Ah, suppose this is one of many things Gege just won't gift us but regarding my own headcanons -- to clarify whether Suguru is wearing real gauges the answer is yes; they are real. His starting point? Homely environment. He pierced them himself with hot needle and was not thrilled by the experience. As during any proper incipient road with earrings, he used to wear fake plugs from stainless steel before attending Jujutsu high, and after officially becoming a Sorcerer he made up his mind to proceed with gradual stretching as a part of his 'spiritual' awakening - reaching roughly 13 mm ( and that is maintained until Hyakki Yakō -December 24, 2017 and so on with Kenjaku lol ).
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Number 13 has a special sacred meaning in numerology linked to transformation, death to the matter or to oneself, and the birth to the spirit; the passage on a higher level of existence, hence why 13 mm was a goal to reach and maintain. He is lucky enough to be non-allergic thus he is not bound to wear any special hypoallergenic jewelry for sensitive skin. But of course, there's a certain possibility for people to encounter him wearing something absolutely different than what his political image consists of habitually. The switch in fashion happens during special events or festivities. While not seemingly apparent his idiosyncratic mind would give free reign to shapes decidedly eccentric ... His taste is sophisticated but that clearly doesn't mean he wouldn't dive in adventurous selection; he wouldn't shy away from unique patterns and even transparency or glitter ( ahhhh, I'm so intrigued by the idea of Geto and transparent gauges idk why :o) ). For example - he would take on something essentially thematic like these during Hanami; Blossom Festival in Japan. Aside from that, Geto has a small but rather quirky collection of various gauges and tunnels. Among his favorites can be obviously and not so surprisingly found elegant tones of black and gold in shapes of dragons, and mandalas, but also fun-time acrylic set from Hasaba twins. And haha, yes, he really wears them, especially in their presence!
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But just like girls only a small circle of people remain in primary cognizance of such fact.
For keen observer, it could be an easy tell and survey ( if in pursuit ) obtaining a priori about his slight sense for decorative overview. But be that as it may, that sort of informational access ALSO requires a degree of connection with his persona.
𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:
Size : ㅤㅤㅤ13 mm ( only lobe hole without decor, with gauge inserted, it can cast faux image of 15 mm )
Allergies : ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ noneㅤ
Shape : ㅤㅤ✓ㅤround - only! ㅤㅤ✗ㅤtear - never!
Material : ㅤㅤ✗ㅤmetal - is not his forte, favors wood and natural gemstones ㅤㅤ✓ㅤstones - golden obsidian, garnet, moonstone, onyx, labradorite ㅤㅤ✓ㅤclassic acrylic - for mundane daytime, silicone for swimming ㅤㅤ✓ㅤblack wood ( ebony ) - for nighttime, slumber and relaxation
Bonus : During sessions of meditation he is prone to wear tunnels from pure amethyst, for better Third Eye Chakra stimulation; it is also the only time he is seen wearing them other time than during festivities.
about wearing Moonstones.
favorite types.
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ub-sessed · 2 years
Moving right along.
So I decided that it's high fucking time that I knit something for myself. I have some fuzzy polyester fleece yarn that I wanted to use to make a hat because polyester fleece is pretty much the only material besides cotton that I can tolerate on my forehead (and cotton is nowhere near warm enough for Canadian winters).
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Photo credit.
It's pretty crazy yarn: it had all these faux fur pom-poms attached to it (I got it at a thrift store). So I went through and painstakingly removed all the pom-poms and ended up with a big pile of soot sprites that I've hidden all over the apartment.
Anyway, it's rated as super bulky so I figured that if I choose a pattern that calls for a different super bulky yarn I might have to alter the stitch counts a bit but it should work. I chose this Berocco hat:
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And then I started swatching. The gauge the pattern calls for is 12 sts = 4”; 16 rnds = 4”. With a 5mm needle I got 8.5 stitches and 17 rows/4”:
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I.e., my stitch:row ratio is way too low (like, WAY too low), making the ear flap the wrong shape: too wide and too short. There amount of math required to fix this problem would effectively mean coming up with a whole new pattern (and I'm not convinced that the earflaps would look good; there would be steps in the increases), so I'm at a loss.
I think I might go back to working on my double knit blanket. At least I know that I know how to do that.
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fizzigigsimmer · 2 years
She’s Always a Woman to Me.
A few days ago I started thinking about what the series would have been like if Billy had been cast as a girl, and Fem!Billy is so fun to think about. She was kicking around in my brain so I wrote a little something. No plans for a full fic or anything, but I’m looking forward to writing some more moments as the inspiration comes. Title comes from one of my fave Billy Joel songs, tagging these bits ‘always a woman’ for easy find.
Halloween 1984,  a big house decorated in paper pumpkins and black streamers that belongs to some girl who’d chewed her gum like a cow and looked at Billie with appraisal in her eyes when she’d handed her a brightly colored flyer.
They meet at a party but Billie hears about Steve Harrington from almost the first minute she steps foot in Hawkins High. Billie doesn’t want to be in this hick town, living out Neil Hargrove's American dream 2.0, with Susan and the little twerp; but if she has to be, someone will rue the day and she doesn’t particularly care who it is. 
She blazes into the parking lot, her baby purring beneath her hands, music on blast, hell on wheels, and they all look her way because they must. It’s what she expects, but still the sun reflecting off of so many bright eyes she won’t meet gives her a moment of pause. She reaches for nicotine comfort with practiced boredom while she ignores Max bitching about having to use those stick legs, and considers the muscled thighs spilling out of the torn denim skirt she chose that morning. Billie hopes they have a good volleyball team here. She’s gonna be fucking pissed if she has to wave pom poms from the sidelines.
Her lungs full of bitter courage Billie opens the door of the car someone else’s daddy would have bought for them, and climbs out heels first, legs following. They’re deceptively long, but after a full chest and a nice ass they’re her best feature. She should know. Neil is always commenting on her body. First to comment on her weight and compare her to all the other little girls whose daddies showed them off like trophies; and then, once she got into sports and started filling out, to comment on how much she was starting to look like her mother.  
Billie’s a whore and a bitch who isn’t going to put up with his shit much longer, like mother like daughter. The heels, the skirt, the black eyeliner and the vamp lips, that’s for Neil so that he can’t forget it. So that he’ll see failure past, present, and future every time he looks at her. The silver glittering in her ears  and the strut in her walk as she cuts a path through these midwestern yokels is all for her. Because she might be a bitch, but she’s queen bitch. She’s wanted. When she doesn’t believe it all she has to do is look around.
It doesn’t take her long to figure out the hierarchy at Hawkins High. The popular girls flock to the new blood on campus like vultures, hovering above to gauge how soon Billie will be ready for consumption. A red headed harpy named Carol takes the lead, asks all the faux polite questions with a sneer in her eyes and a mocking smile as she leans up against the locker beside Billie’s, trying to hide the jealous glances she can’t help but keep flicking over Billie’s wardrobe. Hipper and more daring than she’ll achieve in her wildest dreams.  
Billie lets her eat her heart out, impresses her easily with how uninterested she is in impressing someone like her, and answers the unsubtle question, “So you got a boyfriend back in Cali or what?” with a chuckle and a sneer of her own.
“No one a decent fuck couldn’t replace. But from where I’m standing I might be out of luck. Have any of these guys even touched a girl who wasn’t on a skin rag?”
Carol’s cronies look to her with wide eyes, unsure whether they’re allowed to laugh or not, but when she does they join her with wicked delight flashing in their eyes. It’s then that they close ranks around Billie, leaning in with shark like smiles and divulging in hushed tones the secret knowledge of the card carrying members of Harrington’s Hits. King Steve - the one all the guys want to be and all the girls want to date – used to know how to have a good time, they reveal.
The whole torrid and sad history of the missing king of Hawkins High unfolds before the bell for first period even rings. It’s not rocket science why he’s the big fish in this very small pond: big house, no parents, cool car, talented tongue and a big dick.  
Billie quickly figures out that Steve Harrington is the reason Carol is the defacto queen bee. Leader for lack of other options. Because Steve is the top dog, the undisputed king of the school, and in any sane world he’d be dating the baddest bitch, his equal in all ways - the one all the other girls want to be and the guys want to have. But instead he’s with Nancy Wheeler, whose name comes out of Carol’s mouth in flavors synonymous with the phrase ‘there’s a hairy mole on my tit.’
Nancy Wheeler. The good girl. The brain. The one who is too smart for fast boys, their cars, and the girls they ride with; who will go on to some big school and get a high paying job that will make them all proud to say they knew her when. Forbidden fruit for bad boys everywhere and tempting for it, but no real competition for a girl like Billie.  
Girls like Nancy are chicken shit to the core. They like to flirt with the things that Billie wears in her skin, the darkness that clings to her life and paints her in heavy blues and furious red. They don’t know how to handle boys who kiss with their teeth as often as their lips. Boys who collect names on a list and eat the world before it eats them and never hear no. Boys who push, always, just a little bit more. It’s fucking trite but they like to think they can. You know, be the beauty to someone’s beast. But they all run scared in the end or get eaten.
Billie’s got no problem with beasts. She is one.
So when Tasha -Trisha-Tanya - or whoever - invites Billie to her costume party (which lame, what are they seven?) she dresses to destroy in black leather pants, a black crop with a plunging neck that rides the border of decency, and a jacket and boots; because the terminator is hot shit.  
Her purpose there that night (to eat the heart of the king and crown herself queen) buzzes in the back of her mind with such sharpness only drink can soothe her. Somehow she ends up on a keg stand, some creep copping a feel while he holds up her legs, but even the creep is too busy to think about anything else as she smashes Harrington’s record.  
They’re all losing their shit after that, dragging her through the crowd to find Harrington, eager to see the absent kings face when he learns his record was just beaten by a girl, and Billie is resigned to what has to be and just hoping he’s a decent fuck and his dick is as big as Carol claimed. Because if Carol’s dog faced freckle plagued boyfriend Tommy is her best point of reference, oof.
Tommy tugs her forward and the crowd parts, and that’s how they meet. Steve, handsome and tall, and then painfully pretty as he whips off ray bans to glare at Tommy and scrutinize Billie with soft brown eyes. He’s the kind of imperfect beautiful that is overlooked in the middle of nowhere Indiana. Better appreciated on glossy pages, like an artwork. He’s so big, she thinks (a little too high from the booze and buzz) as their eyes connect, a fission of heat sinking down into her belly. And she’s not just talking about the impressive bulge those pants can’t hide.
It’s in the eyes. She sees the hunger in them as Tommy crows about how a little girl beat his record. It’s in how they burn as Billie spreads red lips into a wide grin and challenges him with a stare that says ‘and what are you going to do about it big boy?’. For a split moment it’s so clear that Steve wants to retaliate (be the winning man instead of the bigger one) and Billie can’t help but imagine what that might look like. What vicious words would he aim at Tommy, his once best friend, and just how oh how would those curling hands try and teach little old her a lesson?
There’s more to this boy than the others. Harrington has depths and Billie itches to explore. She licks her lips and Steve, he can’t look away.
Until he does. Little Miss Wheeler, who Billie hadn’t even noticed until the little priss scoffed loud enough to draw her boyfriend’s attention and then stumbled away, heading toward the punch station. Steve’s brow furrows in concern, and then he’s calling out after her and abandoning Tommy and the others to yap at Wheeler’s heels like a loyal dog.
Tommy stares after them and shakes his head, says with the kind of twisted up love spoiled little boys are so good at turning into weapons, “yeah that’s what I thought. I don’t know what the hell he sees in her.”  
“Maybe she hides crack in her snatch.” Billie suggests with a shrug and Tommy howls. He’s too drunk and this is too easy. She wants to follow that lingering scent of Guy Laroche and find Harrington. Test how long that leash Wheeler’s got him on really is. Poke and prod at that perfect facade until she finds all of the cracks – split him open right down the middle and maybe (just maybe) curl inside him, right up next to the beast she’s sure is sleeping inside of him.
Safe at last. The little girl she refuses to be voices, faint. But her inner child is easily squashed, buried behind the walls Billie has built around her (in her defense). In her defense, nowhere is safe. And she knows that. Thrives in spite. Stealing Nancy Wheeler’s man and returning the absent king to his throne will be a thrill, she decides. And that’s reason enough for the smile on her face as she slides her tongue over her lip in thought.
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applexscruff · 1 year
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SPONSORED BY: The WareHouse Sale
C R E D I T S:
Find all things i’m wearing by clicking [x]
◉ W e a r i n g
- Head & Makeup
Lelutka - Avalon Head [x]
Odio - Seon Skin [x]
VCO - Mao Hair [x]
Reverie - Juno Eyebrows [x]
ALT3 - Neo Graphic Liners @ The WareHouse Sale [x]
Swallow - Pixie Gauged Ears [x]
RichB - Lecter Plugs [x]
Minuit - Jihyo Piercing [x]
- Body & Clothes
Tanaka - Power Sweatshirt & Shorts @ The WareHouse Sale [x]
Just Yaska - Faux Thight Fishnet @ The WareHouse Sale [x]
Greenies - Battle Knee Pads [x]
Dappa - Jin Tattoo [x]
Tanaka - Not All Starz Shoes [x]
- Accessories
Conviction - Hexem Choker [x]
RZ - Face Band-Aid [x]
TanakaXTrevor - Power Demon (Hammer) @ The WareHouse Sale [x]
Tanaka - Renchii Goggles [x]
- Backdrop
Zeroichi - Zankyo [x]
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cha0s-boyy · 1 year
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[ID: a cartoony digital drawing of a cat character and a dog character from the legs up. their bodies are in profile with their heads turned back to look at each other; the front of the cat's chest is visible and the back of the dog's neck is visible, and the dog is in front of the cat. the cat is black with a white belly, neck, and face, a violet faux-hawk, violet gauges, a nose ring, half-lidded violet eyes with dark eyelids, and no tail. the dog is brown with half-floppy ears, bright blue eyes, a short tail, and dark brown sideswept hair. they both have somber expressions. they are lit from above with a cool light. /end ID]
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aurajewelry · 2 months
DIY Earring Projects: Get Crafty with Unique Designs
Earrings are not just accessories; they are expressions of personal style and creativity. While there are countless earring designs available in stores, there's something special about crafting your own pair of earrings. DIY earring projects allow you to unleash your creativity, experiment with different materials, and create unique pieces that reflect your individuality. Whether you're a seasoned crafter or new to DIY projects, getting crafty with homemade earrings is a fun and rewarding endeavor. In this guide, we'll explore various DIY earring projects that you can try at home to elevate your accessory game and showcase your crafting skills.
Materials Needed:
Before diving into the projects, let's gather some essential materials that you'll need for most DIY earring projects:
Earring hooks or posts
Jump rings
Pliers (flat-nose and round-nose)
Wire cutters
Beads, charms, or pendants
Earring findings (optional, for added embellishment)
Earring backs (if using earring posts)
DIY Earring Projects:
Beaded Hoop Earrings:
Thread colorful beads onto thin wire and form them into hoops of your desired size.
Use pliers to secure the ends of the wire and attach earring hooks.
Customize your beaded hoop earrings with different bead colors and patterns for a playful look.
Tassel Earrings:
Cut lengths of embroidery floss or yarn and bundle them together.
Use a jump ring to attach the tassel to an earring hook.
Experiment with different colors and lengths to create bohemian-inspired tassel earrings.
Leather Fringe Earrings:
Cut strips of leather or faux leather into fringe strips.
Attach the fringe strips to earring hooks using jump rings.
Add metallic accents or beads to embellish your leather fringe earrings for a chic and edgy look.
Button Earrings:
Select decorative buttons in various sizes and designs.
Glue earring posts to the back of the buttons using strong adhesive.
Mix and match button styles to create eclectic and whimsical button earrings.
Wire Wrapped Stud Earrings:
Cut lengths of jewelry wire and form them into small loops or shapes.
Attach the wire shapes to earring posts using jump rings or wire wrapping techniques.
Experiment with different wire gauges and shapes to create minimalist and modern stud earrings.
Resin Drop Earrings:
Mix resin according to the manufacturer's instructions and add color pigments or glitter.
Pour the resin into silicone molds and insert earring hooks or posts.
Once the resin has cured, remove the earrings from the molds and sand any rough edges for a polished finish.
Paper Quill Earrings:
Cut strips of colored paper and roll them into tight coils using a quilling tool.
Glue the paper coils together to create intricate designs, such as flowers or geometric shapes.
Attach earring hooks to the paper designs using jump rings or adhesive.
Embroidered Fabric Earrings:
Embroider small fabric patches with colorful thread or beads.
Trim the fabric patches into earring shapes, such as circles or teardrops.
Attach earring hooks to the fabric shapes using jump rings or sewing techniques.
Tips for Success:
Experiment with different materials and techniques to discover what works best for your style.
Pay attention to proportions and balance when designing your earrings to ensure they are comfortable to wear.
Don't be afraid to mix and match colors, textures, and shapes to create truly unique earrings.
Take your time and enjoy the process of crafting your own earrings—it's all about expressing your creativity and personal style.
In conclusion, DIY earring projects offer endless possibilities for creating one-of-a-kind accessories that reflect your personality and flair. Whether you're inspired by bohemian tassels, minimalist wire wraps, or playful button designs, there's a DIY earring project for everyone to enjoy. So gather your materials, unleash your creativity, and get ready to make a statement with your handmade earrings!
0 notes
tarathijewels · 8 months
Discovering Affordable Imitation Necklaces Online: The Ultimate Guide
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Looking for trendy imitation jewelry online? Explore a wide range of options to buy imitation haaram online, buy imitation choker online, buy imitation choker necklace online, buy imitation earrings online, and buy imitation bangles online. Find affordable and stylish imitation jewelry pieces to elevate your look.
Looking for affordable imitation necklaces online? Tarathi Jewels tops the list offering top-notch, budget-friendly faux jewelry. These imitation necklaces provide a fabulous way to follow fashion without stressing your wallet. This extensive guide will steer you on how to identify cost-effective imitations online while not forgoing style or quality.
Research Credible Online Retailers: Kick-start by doing some digging on well-known online retailers that specialize in imitation jewelry. Read reviews, testimonials, and check ratings to gauge their trustworthiness and customer satisfaction.
Compare Prices: Identified a few reliable retailers? Compare their prices on various platforms. Keep an eye for sales, discounts, and deals as they can considerably bring down the cost of your chosen piece.
Check for Quality: Low cost doesn’t equate to cheap quality. Take a good look at the product descriptions and pictures to make sure you’re picking a stylish, durable necklace.Check details about materials used, craftsmanship, and warranty.
Sign Up and Follow: Lots of online stores provide exclusive deals to their newsletter subscribers and social media followers. So, sign up and follow their social accounts to be on top of their latest offers.
Explore Wholesale Deals: Certain retailers offer wholesale rates on imitation pieces if you buy in bulk. A great chance to stock up on different designs or split the cost with friends.
Understand Return and Exchange Policies: Always read and understand the return and exchange policies before you hit the ‘buy’ button. This protects you if your necklace is not as expected.
Wrapping Up: Discovering budget-friendly imitation necklaces online is doable with a good strategy. Follow these tips, and you’re sure to find beautiful pieces that are easy on your pocket.
This blog’s goal is to direct you to the most affordable online retailer of imitation necklaces.
Discover the best deals to buy imitation haaram online, buy imitation choker online, buy imitation choker necklace online, buy imitation earrings online, and buy imitation bangles online. Explore trendy and affordable imitation jewelry pieces to elevate your style effortlessly. Shop now!
For any order and shipping info please mail to [email protected] Alternatively you can contact us via Whatsapp on +91 73052 03958. And also visit our website for more collections www.tarathijewels.com
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