#fatigue stuff is always tricky but i also really recommend that if you have any mental or physical conditions you know about try to examine
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touhoutivations · 1 year ago
Ringo, if available -
I recently took up a new job and it's been really kicking me. I imagine that's how you felt on the moon to make you come to earth, similarly running from this place to that, answering demands of your superiors. How can I obtain more endless energy our species is oft known for? I'll gladly bend down my antlers for you to stick some dango on.
In a similar vein of thinking to yours, sometimes the moon is a big bright orange pumpkin this early September and I thought I would share some sentiment with moon gazing. Especially after work, it's presence is quite serene. I wish there was a way we could hang out. It would be a nice load-off.
A golden earth jackalope
"ACK- THEY FOUND ME!" [ahem] "Oh, you're from Earth, all good all good."
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But man, I totally get it. If you're running about from place to place, especially if you were going along with a particular system- school, a bad relationship, a lack of self-regard- even if you're trying to treat yourself better or help yourself out you can feel MORE exhausted...I wonder if that's Earth's impurity... You're on the right track though! You gotta load up of fuel, not just any ol' food but stuff that'll keep you going, and listen to your body. Turns out sustaining yourself on just dango ain't that great for Earth rabbits, and it's actually the "impure" foods of fermented or pickled stuff that's helpful for fatigue.
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Also, whilst it can sound counterintuitive and may even be more exhausting at first, you gotta prep yourself before you wreck yourself. I love me a good nap, but when winter's coming, it might end up counterintuitive to just sleep all the time. You gotta keep those bones limber and moving, we got all that energy from running, and we run cuz we got all that energy! And when you rest...how do I say this without being lame, treasure it? Not in a 'oh you should be grateful you're able to sleep' but paying attention to how nice it makes you feel, seeing a breeze or feeling the warmth of a blanket...really sink your teeth into feeling the positive flow of things. No feeling guilty for how long it's been or how long it takes allowed, you give yourself permission to ~mellow~
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I think moon gazing is a great idea, at first I didn't like it because it was kinda sad, but...now I see the moon differently. I see it the way Earthlings do, a presence in the sky that shifts the tides and envelopes nature with its own subtle dark light, a Mythical being...heh, and the idea that seeing the moon that way would piss the Lunar Capital off just makes that bright orange pumpkin all the sweeter~
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I'll skewer some dango on, but that's for a takeaway- so have some now and enjoy it, mmkay?
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fairykukla · 1 year ago
Season's Greedings, 2023!
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Every year I try to post my Greed List (What I want for Christmas" which includes the even more vital "Do Not Want" list.
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Do Want:
1. A functional dishwasher.
We have one, we've had it serviced several times, and I don't think it's ever going to properly wash dishes again. It needs to go away, a new one needs to be installed, and I have terrible decision fatigue about figuring out which one I want. I want it to wash dishes. I don't even fully understand the choices I'm faced with.
You can contribute in one of the following ways: cash or electronic transfer donations to the dishwashing fund, solid recommendations for a specific make and model, or bad "features" I should avoid.
2. Laundry on-site: I own a washer and a dryer. The washer is down in the basement, but has nowhere legit to drain. The dryer is still at my neighbors' house, in the garage.
You can either be part of the team to bring the dryer home and set it up, or throw some cash at the plumbing problem, or offer assistance to solve the plumbing problem.
Those are the Big Things. Here's the little stuff:
A handcrafted card. I'm a sucker for those, and it will be kept, treasured, and probably displayed every year for a long time.
BJD shoes. All my dolls have lost shoes due to the vinyl or adhesives disintegrating. I need all kinds of shoes, particularly in 1/4 and 1/6 scale.
Shoes for me. I need a good solid supportive pair of shoes to wear to work.
Feed my dish collections: black octagonal glass pieces are always welcome. (They say "France" on the bottom.) Also Steubenville Woodfield pieces, particularly the dinner plates which seem hard to find. All colors welcome.
DVDs: we can't stream, so I need hard copies of anything I want to see. I'd particularly like Marvel stuff (especially recent movies, I'm way behind), Leverage Redemption, anime, or something unusual that you love and aren't sure if I've seen it yet. Ditto for CDs.
Funny collectables: I still love gnomes, mushrooms, fairy aesthetic items, the Nightmare Before Xmas, Tea Party items, etc.
Cat toys. My cats like them and I love to play with my cats.
I do like shiny jewelry, but I appreciate handcrafted items the most.
Hand crafted items. Support an artisan and it's like getting two gifts in one.
I still love to get Lush gift cards. One year I got several and it was The Best Xmas Ever.
Toilet Paper. I am always delighted to receive disposable paper products like TP, paper towels, paper plates, etc.
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Food: teas are always welcome. Heck, just bring me a bubble tea and I'll be thrilled! Candy is super tricky; I'd rather get a card and warm wishes than candy. Baked goods are welcome early in the season, but I really don't want a bunch of sweets in the house the week before I give up sugar altogether. (Jan 1) There are very few places I can go to eat, but I'd love gift cards for Thai Nivas, any sushi place, Panera, Cafe Mochi, or Pearl.
Food that you canned yourself. Jam, jelly, apple butter, even regular pickles (because my partner likes them) or, if you want to see me happy-cry, pickles with no garlic or onion in the mix.
Experiences: indoor things are fraught. However, if you want to give me a gift card for The London Tea Room (or better yet, offer to take me for tea) I would love it. Outdoor concerts or performances might be ok, but talk to me about it first.
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Do not want:
I have a lot of post Covid issues, as well as my pre Covid IBS problems. Add in my Big Sugar Fast from Jan 1st to late March, and suddenly certain holiday standards don't work for me.
No MSG. This means soup bases, seasoning packets, salad dressings, flavored snack chips, etc. It also means no Alfredo or tomato sauces, and no mushrooms.
No garlic, onion, chocolate, coffee, or peanut. None. Zero. I can't have it in the house. Cross-contamination is a problem. If one molecule gets in the food I can't eat it. These were all things I loved to eat before Covid; now they are completely and totally ruined for me.
Try not to make me part of your Christmas cookie baking. May I suggest instead that you bake some salt dough "cookie" ornaments, and paint one to give me for my tree? Cookies and sweets are cruel unless you give them to me very early in the season.
I hope this helps.
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sicloudlifting · 5 years ago
Underrated Self Care Items to Lift
Okay so I was talking on Peach about how I hate that I only ever see the stereotypical self care items like haircare, skincare, makeup, etc. So, I decided to make a list of things to lift to care for yourself that isn't just the usual lotions and lipstick. This can be for people with mental illness or neurotypicals who just aren't that good at participating in self care. Alright, here we go.
A water bottle. If you have a really nice water bottle you're way more likely to drink water, it's a proven fact. I take several medications with side effects of dehydration but for some reason I very rarely feel thirsty so I am chronically dehydrated. Honestly if you feel like shit one day and can't figure out why drink some water and see if you feel better. I always feel so icky when I don't drink enough water. I've even seen smart water bottles that you can connect to your phone. If you don't like regular water, lift some of those Mio water flavoring bottles, or some fruit to make infused water.
Nutritious foods. Grocery hauls are becoming way more of a thing on liftblr which I love to see because there's only so many clothes and so much makeup you really need and can use. Lift some fancy nutritious food from like Whole Foods or something. I mean how hard is it to slide a couple of organic bananas into your bag? Some granola? A bar or vegan and ethically sourced dark chocolate? Whatever man just lift a nutritious snack to eat during your self care time.
Socks. I feel like socks are a pretty common lift but just in case you weren't thinking about it. I like those really thick and cushiony old man socks lmfao, they're so comfy to wear around the house especially if you've just put some lotion on your feet.
Nail polish. I feel like this is also common to lift, but if you haven't thought about it, consider it. Taking a little time to paint your nails garuntees you won't be doing anything for awhile, and gives you an excuse to just sit around while your nails dry. Plus it's fun, simple, and I feel like everyone feels a little more put together with their nails painted.
A really nice robe. Getting a really nice robe to just wear around the house or after you leave the shower is heavenly, truly. Imagine stepping out of the shower freshly shaved, moisturizing with a thick nice smelling body butter, and then sliding into a silk robe? The vibes.
Comfy pajamas. I always just wear old t shirts and boxers at my house, but consider lifting some cute and soft pajamas. How you dress is directly related to how you feel, so even if no one is going to see you that day it never hurts to dress up a little for yourself. I don't recommend anything sexy and lacey, just some simple, soft, comfortable PJ's to lounge around in.
House slippers. I honestly hate having things on my feet, I like my toes to be free. But if you've got carpet like me, walking around barefoot absolutely sucks the moisture out of your feet and leaves you with cracking, crusty heels. Gross. You could always just wear the aforementioned comfy socks, but having a designated pair of fluffy house slippers is just the height of luxury.
Foot care in general. Face and body care gets all the hype, especially on liftblr. But, feel get neglected asf by almost everyone. Do you know how luxurious it is to give yourself a good pedicure at home and have soft, smooth feet? I lifted myself a Pedi Perfect (one of those motorized foot files) and it's life changing especially if you're like me and your feet are just the gross neverending callous. Get some nice toe nail nippers, some foot cream, a pumice stone, whatever. Your life will never be the same.
Tea and coffee. Stop buying cheap af tea and coffee when you can lift the good stuff. Get the bags of Starbucks coffee beans, steal a French press, get some loose leaf tea, whatever. Just get the good shit ffs I never see y'all lifting tea.
Plants. Obviously don't lift plants if you don't think you can care for them, and ofc you can't fit a huge ass shrub in your bag, but taking a few succulents home won't hurt. Some people find that caring for something else, like a pet, makes them feel better. If you don't have a pet, try a plant! Plus being around a lot of plants always lifts my mood, especially in these dreary winter months.
Vitamins. Lift some good quality hair skin and nail vitamins, pre natal vitamins, or even just a multi. Getting some extra nutrients that you may not get from your diet can't hurt. Also, speaking of the dreary winter months, a lot of people suffer from seasonal depression. This can actually be caused by a lack of vitamin D! Lift some vitamin D and take it in the winter, it might keep you from feeling sad and tired. If you get dizzy when you stand up too fast, get cold easily, or are easily fatigued, you might also be deficient in iron. Obviously get any of those symptoms checked out by a doctor, but it won't hurt you to lift some iron pills and see if they make you feel a little better. A pretty reliable sign that you aren't getting enough iron is if your nail beds have a pale or bluish tint. Finally, try some St. John's Wart. It's an herbal supplement that has been shown in recent studies to help relieve mild depression symptoms. If you have major depressive disorder, obviously an herbal supplement won't be quite as good as a real antidepressant. But, if you suffer from mild mood problems or need help feeling a little calmer, try this. Before you try any of these supplements please READ THE WARNINGS and TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. If you don't have access to a doctor right away at least GOOGLE if these supplements interact with any other medications you are taking, I know that the St. John's Wart in particular can be tricky.
An aromatherapy diffuser and essential oils. Idk if I believe in aromatherapy completely, but it's pretty hard to feel shitty when you have the gentle smell of citrus essential oil wafting around your room, I'm just saying.
A salt lamp. Apparently the salt lamps are supposed to "cleanse your atmosphere". Again, not 100% buying it, but they are soooo pretty and I use mine as a nightlight because it gives off a soft orange glow. It's apparently better to use a red-tinted light at night if you have to have one because it won't keep you up. You can even lift tiny salt lamps that plug into the outlet just like a night light.
A notebook/journal and pens. Sometimes writing about your feelings makes you feel a bit better. You can also get art supplies and express yourself that way, or get a planner and organize your life to reduce stress related to a busy schedule.
Okay so this is all I can think of for now but please please PLEASE reblog with any of your suggestions! I've been thinking about the kinds of things I can get to take care of myself better, and everyone just says face masks and stuff. I have hella face masks, and I don't feel any better lmfaooo.
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wellnessroutines · 8 years ago
8 tips to teach you how to cure the winter blues
When I relocated back to Canada when I was 18, I was blatantly unprepared for exactly how dreadful winter months could be.
It's cold.
It's wet.
It's dreary.
It causes weight gain.
It's full of colds and flus.
And it's downright depressing.
For years, I spent the whole winter (loudly) complaining regarding exactly how much I hate winter months, now that I'm a mother, I'm trying actually hard to be a more favorable and also satisfied person. I seem like I owe it to my child (as well as my spouse!), and as it ends up, life is a lot less complicated as well as a lot more delightful when you decide to concentrate on the positives in life.
Now, I'm not claiming to be the following June Cleaver, yet it's the center of January as well as I have not pled my other half to move us to a warmer environment yet, as well as that's stating something.
And considering that I recognize there are various other human beings available that are searching for ways making it through winter without putting a fork in their eye, I decided to share my top 8 tips to instruct YOU how you can cure the winter season blues.
Let me recognize if you have anything to include to my list in the remarks below!
Most individuals have the tendency to workout LESS during the winter season (with the exemption of the very first couple of weeks of January when they are vowing to get back into form) because they simply can not discover the power to obtain off the sofa. The funny thing is that a routine exercise regimen will not only increase your energy levels, but it will likewise enhance your state of mind, help you rest a lot better, ward off winter weight gain, and just make you really feel better concerning on your own. Before you choose up that bag of Doritos, placed on your exercise gear as well as go for a run on the treadmill!
We've all check out that a decrease in our direct exposure to sunshine could lead to anxiety, so do yourself a support as well as try to obtain outside so you can saturate up some rays as frequently as feasible throughout the winter season months. I realize this could be tricky, specifically when you function in an office, but you would certainly be impressed at just what a quick stroll around the block throughout your lunch break can do for your mood.
I have actually been residing in Canada for virtually Thirty Years now, as well as I am ashamed to admit that this is the FIRST winter months I have actually possessed proper winter equipment. My husband has actually been on my instance to acquire warmer outwear because we started dating, but I constantly selected style over warmth, which frequently left me feeling miserable and also cold whenever I ventured outdoors. This year, I saved up my blog site incomes as well as spent lavishly on a thick, down-filled winter months coat, a correct set of winter boots, and also a cute hat as well as glove set, and I am COMPLETELY SURPRISED at just what a distinction it has made. My little girl and also I choose walks regularly, and the fresh air really makes a difference. For both of us!
Admittedly, I am not one for taking vitamins and things, so I'm not comfortable giving you any referrals on what does and also doesn't function, however a bunch of my close friends speak highly of various supplements to assist them manage the winter blues. So make a visit with your physician and see if he or she could recommend something.
My SIL and also her family are substantial skiers, so they LOVE this time around of year. I've typically felt envious of them, yet as I'm not one for strapping sticks to my feet and throwing myself down significant, snowy hills, I've never accepted any one of their invites to join them for a weekend break of snowboarding. As well as I probably never will. That does not mean my family members and I can't have enjoyable in various other means, as well as after taking my little girl to our local skating rink and also viewing her eyes light up when she saw the skaters gliding gladly on the ice, I think I might have located something enjoyable for us to do together!
Whenever I really feel down in the dumps, I such as to play loud, positive music. It frequently snaps me out of it, and couple of points make me better compared to having a spontaneous dancing individual with my 3-year-old.
As a SAHM, I very rarely leave our condominium after supper, yet currently that my little girl is older and also I have discovered a couple of sitters I trust fund, I make it an indicate organize a night out with my partner once a month. Sometimes we obtain dress up and also go out for supper, various other times we visit a regional bar for a beer and an online game of swimming pool, and also often we simply go to a motion picture. We're usually only gone with around 2 or 3 hours, however I'm always surprised at how a lot far better I really feel after an evening bent on loosen up, you know?
A few months earlier, I check out an article in a magazine that completely changed my life. It had to do with a research that gauged the connection between fatigue and one's understanding of exactly how well-rested they are, and the results were interesting. I attempted this technique for 2 weeks, and I was surprised at the outcomes, and quickly understood I could possibly transfer it to other areas of my life. Like my mood. I test you to attempt it for a week as well as see if you notice a distinction. I absolutely have!
If you're looking for even more pick-me-ups, look into my Adjustment of Giggling board on Pinterest. I share great deals of funny stuff there, and also I have a magnificent collection of amusing eCards!
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