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bumblebeedelights · 4 years ago
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The view before doing extra😁 Sometimes creativity sparks and beautiful things happen 😊 #BumblebeeDelights #foodfunandfamily #lovingGodlovingpeople #celebratingdad #celebrationcakes #fathersheart #instacake https://www.instagram.com/p/CGu9ozag8eM/?igshid=10xu71m54gaql
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peterocksadiq · 5 years ago
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JOIN #PeteRock and #Koinonia this Friday 24th April, we would be having an amazing experience. We would be Opening up portals and fountains of the #DEEP as we touch The Heart of The Father with Spirit inspired Songs. It’s going to be an outpour of the Spirit. (Shatalam sha talamta ) • • You don’t want to miss this moment. #koinoniamusic #Deep #deepcallethtothedeep #FathersHeart #worshipmoments #ourpour #music #goapel https://www.instagram.com/p/B_S_0F8DVHo/?igshid=1fwe8n7q0aaat
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entrepreneuronthemove · 5 years ago
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When suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among the young generation, and today's divorce rate is greater than 50% even in the church, we know that the world around us has grown darker. You may be thinking "I don't have much to share with the world," but I would disagree because your character in the midst of dire circumstances, your ability to carry your cross when many things around you are seemingly crashing is part of the light you carry. Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." The work of the light is not to judge the world, but rather to bring them to the saving knowledge of the Son of God who was sent here because of the Father's love for the world! #ShineBright #Radiate #Hope #Restoration #LightOfTheWorld #BeLoved #FathersHeart #YouAreLight #TheDailyMotivator #LaguerresInPR https://www.instagram.com/p/B6VedKupGxv/?igshid=13clet5che2xf
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davidwfloydart · 6 years ago
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This made my heart so warm ❤️ #unconditionallove💕 #fathersheart #fathersdaypost #lovemeforme #love (at Lower Haight, San Francisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyDKPFhzmKotDDo4pE0erAttVmjn_L9o-oXM80/?igshid=14il7j32rz7qh
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heaventoearthnews · 5 years ago
Worship Like David, We Are the Bam Fam in Jesus Name
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taylurholland · 7 years ago
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Hey beautiful people! Be sure to check out my website, and while you're there, join my mailing list! : : Love you guys! Happy Saturday! ❤❤❤❤❤ : : #taylurwithau #thescribesheart #GodSpeaksiWrite #writerwrite #website #blog #poetry #video #encouragement #truth #wisdom #encourage #enlighten #empower #edify #word #words #Fathersheart #scribe #poetryblog #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writingcommunity #writersofinstagram #mailinglist #join #subscribe #happySaturday #instagood #instadaily
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I need to See the world through His eyes, Hear it through His ears, Feel with His heart, Sense it through His being, Know it through His thoughts and Speak out through His words. I am not enough- but through Him I am more than!- Thoughts From My Secret Place
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bumblebeedelights · 5 years ago
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A special cake to celebrate the special man in your life. #blackforestcake #blackforestdelight #bumblebeedelights #lovingGodlovingpeople #foodfunandfamily #instacake #cakestagram #kenyanbaker #treatalovedone #treateveryonewithlove #fatherslove #fathersheart https://www.instagram.com/p/CEd4Gl2gQX-/?igshid=7ezr37id97rz
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ryanschmidtphotography · 8 years ago
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“Heart-shattered lives ready for love don’t for a moment escape God’s notice.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭51:16-17‬ ‭MSG‬‬ #fathersheart #love #OneDesireChurch #BertramTX (at One Desire Church)
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rafidean · 5 years ago
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Boys day out! Father-Son bonding time with my no.1 Charlie Bear 🐻 Am so proud of you for learning so many words already, plus feeding yourself and helping clean up and keep your toys. Especially love the way you worship with your hands up! 🙌 Daddy loves you, don't grow up too fast my son! #charlesjudahdean #fatherson #sonship #fathersongoals #fathersheart #christmasiscoming (at Jewel Changi Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fHt4QHTmV/?igshid=spx1czgmedp6
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thejnlc · 2 years ago
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‪Day one of Wheelchair distribution is gone, let’s see how tomorrow will end also.‬ Special thanks to FathersHeart Mobility Ministry (Uncle Francis), Hon Catherine Ndamira Woman Mp, DSW family & anyother person who has made this happen.‬ Disability Sign World (DSW) is a non-profit Organization Working with Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) alongside Vulnerable and Street Children in Uganda to enhance inclusion. FOR DONATIONS SUPPORT & PERSONAL VISIT, CONTACT US: +256703227125 VISIT: www.disabilitysignworld.org EMAIL: [email protected] LOCATED: Kabale District, Western Uganda SOCIAL MEDIA ---------- TWITTER : www.twitter.com/DisabilitySign INSTAGRAM : www.instagram.com/disabilitysignworld FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/disabilitysignworld TUMBLR : www.tumblr.com/disabilitysignworld #DisabilitySignWorld #love #donate #donorlove #fundraising #followme #love #visituganda #follow #explore #beautiful #travel #uganda #safari #exploreuganda #africa #tour #photography #photooftheday #instatravel #instagood #picoftheday #pearlofafrica #gofundme #happy #like #instagram #likeforlikes #kampala #likes Improving the lives of PWDS https://www.instagram.com/p/CpAuMDus84K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fraxasi-blog · 7 years ago
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Soooo, I haven’t been here for more than ten days now and there’s now almost 110 of you wonderful people. I don’t know what you’re all doing here because I���m slow with just about everything I do thanks to my job and I keep internally screaming about my portrayal, but I love each and every one of you? You’re all incredible. I do not regret coming back to the Star Wars community one bit. So here’s a bit of Chirps-esque appreciation for some of not only the great people I’ve already gotten to know, but those I want to get to know too.
          War of Stars ‘Squad’  ❤
     Every single one of you is an absolute treasure and I’m blessed to be in such a fun group chat with all of you. I stand by my suggestion that we all need to watch the SW films in order sometime soon.
@ofdagobah, @hisdestiny / @sunderedforce, @forcetwiin / @rotichor / @lethcn, @greysistance / @lowestrider / @forceprince / @gcneralis, @aabrasaxx / @fieryspitofhope / @viresvoluntatis / @beststarpilot, @dediicated / @ofcarbonite, @toneverseestars / @liviingforce / @residentflyboy / @jedinobody, @freefallcr / @fathersheart / @connixkaydelko / @waysxftheforce / @darkcvercome / @ziinariya / @rebelflown / @monstrousmade
          Precious Beans
     I’ve talked to you guys in IMs or we’ve exchanged Dis/cord and you’re wonderful, every one of you. Angels. Perfect humans.
@hux-capacitor / @reyxofjakku / @aggressivcnegotiations / @ncgotiator / @dvrksiider / @frxmnxwhere
         Admired from Afar
     You are honestly so cool, so good at writing, so amazing and I’m gonna just stare at your threads from behind a bush.
@unlegacied / @chong-lai / @cptphasma / @horizonwept / @blccdlined / @scavenging / @aurumpulvis / @mandoadelegacy / @ofstarkilling / @hxttslayer / @derbefehl
Honestly I love all of you???? Tagged or not I Adore you. I’m a weak man.
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connixkaydelko · 7 years ago
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HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! I’ve had this blog for less than a fortnight and already there are so many of you lovely people that I adore and have made friendships with ( and so many I look forward to doing such with ) . I never really do follow lists but I wanted to take a moment to mention a few people that have made me feel welcome in this ever-growing fandom. 
Here are some individuals that I have already bonded with and will never be rid of me  along with some I admire from a far because I haven’t worked up the nerve yet to do things with. Really all of my followers / all I follow deserve a mention but then this would be SUPER long.
- My Poe Squad - [ Poes I’ve already established connections with that Connix will treasure to the end of her days. ]
@hopepiloted​ - ‘BANNED. TWO DAYS’. <3 my mischevious ‘Connnnniiieeeee’ whining and Leia quoting Poe. We’ll never get tired of the ‘Connie’.
@whctalksfirst​ - My Commander of bad Dad!Jokes. Fellow lover of a good pun. <3 Your shit eating grin of a Poe always brings a smile to my face.
@rebelspark​ - My scheming, beers in the hanger, touchy when drunk pal. You were the first Poe I followed and I will never regret that. 
@mostdaringpilot / @mostdarlingpilct​ - ROSE!!!! You are the sweetest and my tea loving twin. So glad I found you! I can’t wait to do more with you.
@keepthejacket​ - ( @pastdied and @snakebrother ) I don’t even know where to start. Your music recs make me so happy and your loveliness knows no bounds. I adore all your characters. I’m just going to say one thing. Grandpa!Kes. Because yes. That is a needed thing.
- Solo Fam - 
@fathersheart​ - my ‘redeemable brother’ ! Thank you for being the first person to give ‘Kaydel ( Ko Connix ) Solo’ a chance ! I look forward to writing and plotting many heartbreaking threads with you.
- My Lovelies - [ People I have started things with and probably talked a bunch OOC ]
@jnrcntlr​​ | @lightbrains​​ / @meddameron  | @hands-cf-fate | @blonde-in-the-cockpit | @hux-capacitor | @rebeladmiral | @unlegacied | @xwingingit | @unsxnctioned
- Admiring from Afar / Getting to Know - [ People I either admire from afar or else have interacted a little bit with ]
@rebelthree | @thejedison | @eronskywalker | @cneofakind | @kesdameron | @sunderedforce | @rcsistancepilot | @resistancepirate | @aridire | @leyofirstorder | @wingresistance | @scavxnger | @poe-yes | @dxntjxin | @lightarises | @tornbylight | @poewingsdameron | @bleepbwoop
I am sure I have forgotten a bunch of people but this is who I can remember off the top of my head. Currently got a killer sinus headache on and off so forgive me if I forgot to put you on the list ( which in all honesty I probably did ) 
I <3 all of my followers and I hope you are all having a fantastic new year!  Pinky promise! ;)
-xxx Miranda
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bigmarcus3000 · 6 years ago
#Fathers #fathersonbond #fathersplace #fathersdayph #fatherslovetheirdaughters #fathersofamerica #fathersandsonsandguns #fathersonshirts #FathersRightsAttorney #fatherstone #FathersDayCards #fathersdayparty #FathersThatBrokeTheFamilyCycle #FathersAreAGirlsBestFriend #fathersonfitness #fathersdayandeveryday #fathersgoingfishing #fathersdaymoment #fatherscare #fatherskitchen #fatherskymotherearth #fathersofdaughters #fathersonworkout #Fathersheart #fatherswithdaughtersdo #fathersandsons #fatherson #fatherstyle #fathersoncombo #fathersdaybbq https://www.instagram.com/p/B2prRoRAKUe/?igshid=cu3lvoptq0qy
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andyprobinson · 7 years ago
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Looking forward to worshiping with my Kings Family this morning. I missed everyone and was only away one Sunday! Today I have the privilege of preaching on THE FATHERS HEART. #excited #fathersheart #orphanstosons — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2GK50mq
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str8official · 8 years ago
I never new #truelove & #devotion till U came in to my #life U are a #blessings #FathersHeart… https://t.co/j93WaIrMth
I never new #truelove & #devotion till U came in to my #life U are a #blessings #FathersHeart… https://t.co/j93WaIrMth
— FaseOfDa956 (@Str8_Official) August 28, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Str8_Official August 28, 2017 at 11:33AM via IFTTT
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