#fatesona 30 day challenge
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rose-garden-sonas ¡ 9 months ago
A friend reminded me how I still never got around to finishing my FE Fates OCs' 30 Day Fatesona challenge orz Not that I'm super upset about it, though i still think to this day about I nearly finished Shizuka's part and still have old sketches left to the point where I was too exhausted to continue (Idk if i even have the courage to finish it, it's been ages ) And also abandoning the sketches I started for Mary's redo on her part, geez,,, Man, I suck lol but I feel one day I will eventually get back to doing those again, I recall having fun with those Hell, I really hope to get Tracey's part one day :0
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crescentia-fortuna ¡ 5 years ago
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Fatesona 30 day challenge- Day 30: anything else I want to share about Nayume
Ahoy hoy!
After 4 years I completed the fatesona 30 DAYS(!!!!) challenge xD I’m quite happy about that, feels nice to complete something that was going on for so long :3 And even if pretty much noone cares about fatesona anymore, I’m happy that I saw it through. Nayume is cute and I like drawing her and her son Asahi :3
Anyways, the last thing to share about dear Nayu: She sometimes gets a bit carried away if food is especially tasty. How messy :’D
Hope you enjoyed my fatesona stuff! ^w^
and in case you want to see all the pics without having to click every single link down there, I compiled them all in a twitter ��moment”: https://twitter.com/i/events/1093471801789894657
Day 1 // Day 2 // Day 3 // Day 4 // Day 5 // Day 6//Day 7 // Day 8 // Day 9 // Day 10 // Day 11 // Day 12 // Day 13 // Day 14 // Day 15 // Day 16 // Day 17  // Day 18 // Day 19 // Day 20 // Day 21 // Day 22 // Day 23 // Day 24 // Day 25 // Day 26 // Day 27 // Day 28 // Day 29
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little-bimi-fatesona-escape ¡ 7 years ago
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Day 4:in clothes from the kingdom they’re not from
 kouki has not much knowledge on Nohr clothing,she knows it, thanks to those who visit the bathouse but you know…they have to get naked if they want to enjoy the baths so she only gotten a few quick glances of it and its not really something she has or need to rememner is like people walking pass you that you see their faces but eh,nothing you remember.
 When she puts one on for the first time she will be very uncomfatble at first since the more uptight dresses of nohr are uncomfatable for her at first but she slowly gets used to move around them but only those simple ones the more gaudy and bigger ones are just hell for her plus they arent really her style neither.
also i was full on experimenting and this was supposed to be a quick sketch but fblieubfeilbefj 
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nagasawaraijin ¡ 7 years ago
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Fatesona Day ???
Yamato is both unamused and unimpressed with his creator’s lack of activity.  I’m going to be using Yamato to get back into drawing, because he’s the character I’ve drawn most over the last year.  He is in fact the character I’ve drawn the most of out of all the characters I’ve ever made. Hopefully I’ll actually finish the 30 day challenge.
And yes, I based this off of that one GIF of Minato Namikaze, the context of which I can’t remember, but in which he looks decidedly ... unimpressed.
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toga-arts ¡ 7 years ago
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Fatesona challenge day 6: different class
Yes, Ashla can dance. She did spend a good amount of time in Nestra, after all. Honestly I almost made her into another Songstress originally, but decided against it .
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kidshiro ¡ 8 years ago
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Day 16: Something that they hold really precious
Kid’s parents were killed by raiders while donating food and supplies to villagers in need. Since their untimely deaths, both Amelie-Royce and Kid continue giving what excess fabric and profits they make from the textiles they monopolize to give back to villages deeply affected by the war’s damages. Kid holds the time she spends with every person very dearly, especially when chatting with the local townspeople she manages to help during her leisure time.
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boelca ¡ 8 years ago
Fatesona Challenge: Day 21! Genderbend
  Write about a genderbend version of your character.
Jo is fairly similar to his female counterpart. There are a few differences here and there, of course, such as Jo would have learned battle magic at a much younger age, especially with his being the eldest son, however illegitimate he may be. Jo would also have more physical strength than Joe, as there is no way he would be able to get out of sparring with his younger sister, Carol, as his female counterpart could. He would also come off as more serious and responsible than his female counterpart, as he now holds the whole "man of the family" mantle on his shoulders (a role he takes very seriously), and I feel that his personality would be more of "no nonsense if it can be helped" rather than Joe's "relax have fun just leave me alone plz."
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xianha ¡ 8 years ago
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Have a feminine Haku XD 
Fun Fact: Haku’s full first name is Ha”kuru” ewe fwahaha that’s where he gets his daughter’s kuruki’s name from. But it sounded very feminine to him and it was a name his mother chose which he didn’t like at all. Plus his father got tongue tied trying to say it lolz. So Haku it was.
Haku as a girl would be significantly different from a boy, for one, Hakuru is less flirty and more bold #NoTactAtAll and will more likely be a lot more open with her feelings than the male version. However, she still has her own insecurities like for one, she doesn’t like letting her hair down or having people touch it cause her floof is embarrassing. But if she’s around someone she trust she’ll allow it. Still wears more masculine clothes.
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nahleao ¡ 8 years ago
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Fatesona 30 Day Challenge
~Far from 30 day, but we keep going hehe...
Day 9: With their best friend
Oh well, story time~
“Before King Sumeragi’s death my father used to train me hard so I could be lady’s Corrin loyal retainer. Howerever, royalty always have two retainer to protect them, and my partner would be that cabbage head ninja a.k.a. Kaze.
But lady Corrin was adbucted and the king was murdered by the Nohrian army.
Kaze and I were helpless in the begining. We just trained silently for weeks, but one day he found me reading Nohrian novels. 
He asked me why I was doing that and I could lie to him: I didn’t think all nohrians were bad people. And I was hoping that one day we could meet our master and do our job. I think I inspired him somehow.
He convinced me to go to Nohrian territory to find and rescue lady Corrin, but everything went wrong and we were attacked by Nohrian soldiers. Kaze distracted them so I could run back to Hoshido, but I never saw him again.
No one wanted to look for him, and for weeks I thought he was dead.
A-and he said l-lad-dy Corrin ~sob~i-is alright a-a-and n-not a-all n-nohrians are b-b-bad!
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news14-arts ¡ 8 years ago
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here's the casual and formal wear challenge for rosamund ✌️️im totally at my friend's house havin a smirnoff and finishing this. i might post again with better quality pics. i kinda took some liberties cos i don't know what most nohrian casual clothes look like... but i stuck to the color scheme at least 🙃 she definitely likes her everyday dress more than fancy clothes. since she was a noble of sorts, she went to a lot of parties when she lived with her family. the formal dress she's wearing was from a gathering where she was able to see the royal family in person. she didn't get to personally meet them, but she was intimidated all the same.
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choconanime ¡ 8 years ago
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Fatesona 30 days challenge Bimi Day 2:Casual wear Day 3:Formal wear (the style look different since I was just randomly messing with my art style.)
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doriduckdoodles ¡ 8 years ago
Fatesona Challenge Day 7
Day 7. With an animal
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Wah these came out so scribbly but at least the cats themselves came out decent qwq (I never draw animals :’D)
To be honest, I love all animals but I’d never be able to fit that many on one page (or pages even ;;w;;) so instead I picked my number one domestic favorite, cats :’D Also featuring @nocnoctalgia‘s fatesona Foster, who apparently also likes cats, cat lovers unite >v<!
sorry if i messed up his design at all wahhh q<q
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crescentia-fortuna ¡ 5 years ago
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Fatesona 30 day challenge- Day 29: Interacting with Corrin/MU
Apparently Nayume is a professional tail inspector or something lol 
Nayu: "Can I look at your tail? It's so big and hard, no fluff at all!" 
Corn: "This is way beyond 'looking' already! Please let go...?"
Hope you like it ^w^
——————– Day 1 // Day 2 // Day 3 // Day 4 // Day 5 // Day 6//Day 7 // Day 8 // Day 9 // Day 10 // Day 11 // Day 12 // Day 13 // Day 14 // Day 15 // Day 16 // Day 17  // Day 18 // Day 19 // Day 20 // Day 21 // Day 22 // Day 23 // Day 24 // Day 25 // Day 26 // Day 27 // Day 28 //
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kantan-kt ¡ 8 years ago
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Fatesona 30 Day Challenge: Day 1 + Some Fatesona Interactions
I had a lot of fun doing these~   (●´艸’● )
//willprobablyeditlatercauseineedtosleepahahahaha --- *EDIT So I finally caught up on my zzzss- 1. “You think you’re better cause you’re tall huh!” no one said that but okay
2. Nags a lot and absolutely does not trust Niles with anything at all. 
3. Em found out by chance about Karin’s late night practices due to his insomnia. He admires her dedication while Karin is just like ”NOO- MY IMAGE HAS BEEN RUINED!!”  . . . Reference Sprite Sheet 
Fatesonas in order of appearance:
Pulchrit @localserialkiller
Mai @happywonderfuldays
Karen @the-creative-vault
Em @emyasmina
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kaebell ¡ 8 years ago
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Fatesona 30 Day Challenge days 7 & 8 because cat naps.
Kaeley stayed up too late researching and fell asleep, so her cat takes the opportunity to have a nap too.
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xilitala ¡ 8 years ago
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Fatesona 30 Day Challenge: Day 2 Casual Clothes
lol i’m just gonna do this challenge sporadically since i don’t have the patience to continuously draw her
ngl not totally satisfied with this design =w= might redo one day
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