The Musings of a Fool
39 posts
| bobbi | she/her | introvert | sleepy sideblog for any and all writing i decide to do | also all the ocs - all of them | icon belongs to xfreischutz | fatesona challenge! | original characters
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boelca · 6 years ago
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Anger flares to life in her veins and she lunges out, slapping away her father's hand before it can get to her or her brother. He reels away, eyes widening and pain written across his features, before he slowly stands. "Arden, I..."
"No! You," Sucking in a breath to stop the tears from flowing, Ace presses forward. "You don't get to say sorry, or that you love us, or whatever you might be trying to say! You don't get..." She isn't sure if the hiccuping sobs are coming from her or Caleb at this point, but it doesn't rightly matter; sitting here, body aching from being tossed on the ground and swollen eyes flickering over the bruise forming on her baby brother's back, Ace can't help but blame her father for this.
N A M E :  Arden Cecilia Edwards AKA Ace
A P P E A R A N C E :  Long mousey brown hair | pale blue eyes | really pale | tall af | freckles!! | probably the MOST intimidating person you’ll ever see
P E R S O N A L I T Y :  v serious and v fierce | has a resting bitch face | stoic | ready to throw hands at literally any point in time | thoughtful | won’t tolerate any bs of any kind | Confident but not cocky | doesn’t talk a lot but when she does, she don’t screw around | Closed off | Pretty ruthless | Cares a lot about her brother and comes off kinda gruff, but it’s very obvious that she thinks the world of him
P A T R O N :  Hemera
W E A P O N : Shield OR Sword
O T H E R :  
Ace likes cooking, baking, and fixing stuff (specifically, old cars)!
Big ol’ wlw ace (lol get it) - will probably romance her patron or Taylor (maybe even Rania?)
lmao have another crappy character aesthetic board!!! This time we got Ace, who's another hero for @mortalheroseries‘ A Mortal Hero: Patron of the Gods! She’s a really interesting character, especially since she’s kinda the opposite of Azalea? Whereas Azalea turned her pain into kindness, Ace turned hers into fierceness. I’m excited to see how things play out differently for the pair!
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boelca · 6 years ago
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Azalea steps forward, slowly as to not instigate any sudden actions, and wraps her arms softly around her brother's shoulders before pulling him backwards and tucking him against her chest. The older man watches this interaction, face expressionless. Until he smiles warmly.
"So good to see such soft kindness and protection from one so young."
N A M E :  Azalea Gray
A P P E A R A N C E :  Long curly/frizzy pink hair | chocolate-y brown eyes | warm dark skin | kinda short |  pastels for days | probably the least intimidating person you’ll ever see
P E R S O N A L I T Y :  Bubbly | Friendly | Impulsive with her actions | Thoughtful with her words | Compassionate | Comes off as childish | Actually pretty mature | Too darn nice for her own good | Is the sweetest person you’ll ever meet until mama bear mode is activated | Took all the crap from her family life and turned it into kindness | Physically affectionate!!
P A T R O N :  Raphael OR Amaterasu (I’m also considering Mercury purely for shenanigans)
W E A P O N : Shield OR Spear
O T H E R : 
Azalea’s four favorite things in the world are Caleb, coffee, libraries, and writing letters, in that order!
She’s pan so all ROs are FAIR GAME - also she loves them all they’re hers now
So, I’m trying my hand at character aesthetic boards now!... I’m not very good at it yet (as seen with the crappy quality and kinda mismatched pictures), but I’ll get there! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Anyway, the character I tried this out with is one of my heroes for one of my favorite IF WiP, @mortalheroseries‘ Mortal Hero: Patron of the Gods! I’ve been following the wip forever, and the author’s having an event where we introduce our MCs, so... tada! There’s not a lot to the prologue yet, so I don’t have her character completely figured out, but I figured I’d give what I currently have.
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boelca · 7 years ago
Hello I was wondering of itd be ok to use ur BNHA Character Sheet outline for my own characters! Of course I'll link one of your sheets as credit
Sure that’s fine!
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boelca · 7 years ago
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Happy Holidays @boelca!!!! I was your Secret Santa this year!! Thank you for participating in this, our first Secret Santa, I had a lot of fun~ 🎅🏼✨
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boelca · 7 years ago
Hey Hey! Here's my gift to you, @goodguymercy! I was your secret santa for the exchange by @thearcanasecretsanta! I'm really sorry for the wait; I started over and over so many times I have a document filled with completely unrelated starters orz Anyway, this is more of a fluff piece I think? I was too nervous about messing around with Lumis' character and messing him up, so I figured I'd let Julian do the talking! I hope you like this, and happy (belated) holidays!
There were many beautiful things about Vesuvia in the winter time, Julian had come to discover. Grand colorful torches lined the main roads, bathing their surroundings in warm, cozy light (leaving just enough darkness for one to step away from prying eyes). Merchants from all around crowded corner after corner with wares of all shapes and sizes for old and young alike (so many new faces, it was all the easier to get lost if the need arose). Powdery white snow blanketed everything in sight, and many found themselves drawn to the warm fires of homes and taverns (resulting in fewer, sleepier guards). Yes, Vesuvia in the winter was lovely indeed, especially when one was technically a convict on the run.
Of course, of all the sights he had seen, both in Vesuvia and elsewhere, Julian had to admit that there were fewer sights lovelier than that of the striking man before him. Bustling to and fro around the unusually crowded shop, the blue-haired man was busy dealing with a seemingly endless number of customers. Julian could understand the interest. It was the holidays, and gifts needed to be bought. What better place to go than the mysterious shop tucked away on a quiet corner, constantly spoken of in hushed whispers around the city-state, full of curious little knick-knacks and all sorts of interesting charms? It certainly didn't hurt that two of the loveliest people in all of Vesuvia ran the place.
Lumis, in all his glory, was currently manning the store, and Julian felt a curious blend of pity and envy for the obviously star-struck woman making a poor attempt at haggling over some random rock. He watched as Lumis let out a short chuckle and bit back laughter himself as the woman dropped the rock and proceeded to hand over her money in embarrassment and (probably) amazement. Oh, he knew a thing or two about the power of that chuckle. He'd heard it a few times, and he had yet to not be completely floored by it. Turning his attention away briefly, Julian could just barely make out Asra's honeyed tone reading someone's future from behind one of the many curtains in the shop. Likewise, he'd been the one on the receiving side of that particular service as well. His mind wandered, and his cheeks began to color, so he quickly shook his head and tried to seek Lumis out once more. 
His brow creased in confusion as he failed to spot him, and he nearly collapsed in surprise when a pair of ruby eyes suddenly filled his vision. That same delightful (and honestly damning) chuckle lit upon his ears, though, and he found himself wondering what he had done in a past life to deserve this. "Enjoying the view?" Lumis teased as Julian attempted to right himself.
His brain apparently was so surprised it had stopped working because Julian could barely manage to get a single coherent word out. "I-I fine! Good! Fan-Fantastic!" Oh, for the love of all that was good, could he not look like a blithering idiot for a single second?? "I'm, ah, merely observing-" He quickly cast his gaze around him (ignoring that knowing look in Lumis eyes because no) and picked up a nearby small skull "-this absolutely delightful skull! It's quite... white, wouldn't you agree? It's, um, it's got a lot of character, this one!" He became tongue-tied when Lumis chuckled that mind-boggling chuckle again, and Julian practically bit back a whimper as the shorter man drew closer.
"Is that so?" he asked, mischief in those dangerous eyes and a smirk on those all-too-tempting lips. A broken "mmhhmm!" made its way out of Julian's throat this time, and he tried to think of an actually decent comeback, something even remotely clever to respond to Lumis' teasing with. Alas, he could merely stare at him as he clutched the skull to his chest, his face steadily getting redder. There were many ways he had pictured a conversation between the two of them would go, especially tonight, when he’d planned to invite him over to the Rowdy Raven for dinner and a drink after a long day’s work. He’d walk up to him confidently, his coat fluttering behind him in the slight breeze from the door, and he’d ask him to join him, absolutely suave and downright charming. They’d walk over. He’d offer him his coat. It would be romantic. This (whatever this mess of a conversation was) was certainly not that.
Lumis' smirk then shifted to a real smile, and a genuine laugh broke free as he stepped back. "You blush so easily, Julian! It's darling!" he threw over his shoulder as he headed back to the crowd of customers clamoring for his attention, completely missing the fact that Julian was figuratively dissolving into a puddle. Maybe it was alright that this was not that.
Yes, there were many beautiful sights within the great and magnificent world they lived in, but, to Julian, there was no greater sight than that of the ruby-eyed apprentice with the addictive laugh and the smile like sunshine.
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boelca · 7 years ago
Hiya, this is your secret Santa!! 🎅🏼 Just wanted to check in and also ask, what are Lee’s favorite seasons? How do they feel about cold weather? Are they a touchy person or a ‘don’t touch me don’t look at me’ type?
Hey again! Hope you're doing well! Lee's favorite seasons are summer and winter! They love the excitement that hits Vesuvia when summer comes, not to mention that they really enjoy studying in the many warm spots of sunlight. Likewise, they like the idea of cold weather, since it means that they can curl up inside with a warm drink and lots of thick blankets. They don't care for actually being cold though. They don't really care if anyone touches them, though they aren't personally a touchy person.
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boelca · 7 years ago
Hellllooo there!! This is your secret Santa speaking!! ✨🎅🏼 ✨this is my first year ever doing one of these, so I hope I’ll do well by you! I was wandering since there’s probably been a time gap since what you’ve written and the routes and more info that came out, has any of your fave characters changed? Any that bumped up the ladder? Any fave scenes?
Hey hi!! It's also my first time doing one of these, so we can be newbies together (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Asra, my fluffy boi, will always be my favorite; i absolutely adore him and how natural and comfortable his relationship with the apprentice is! I actually caved really hard and bought both of his books... orz
As for the other characters, Nadia and Julian are tied pretty closely. Julian "I'll be good" Devorak amuses me to no end and Nadia is literally a goddess incarnate like she's seriously amazing i love her. Portia's a doll and i'm super excited for her eventual route! Muriel too!! Lucio intrigues me but I don't do demons and crap even in video games so until there's a little more explanation about him and his freaky af self, I'm just gonna not. Just a big ol nope.
One of my favorite scenes is from Nadia's route, where she and the apprentice go to the island where they kept all the sickly. The apprentice's reaction to it was super interesting and I'm wondering how it'll all play out! And, obviously, I LOVED Asra's scene with the apprentice in the caves. I just- ahhhh it was so cute! I love any and all scenes where asra and the apprentice are just close.
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boelca · 7 years ago
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- More on Luca! I used @gooddoctorjules​’  Arcana fan apprentice summary template for this one, as well as doll maker by rinmarugames. I may or may not also do the ask meme for her too -
ESTP / aries / slytherin / true neutral
the sunny apprentice with a glib-tongue and a devilish grin
a bright smile hides a a rather cynical point of view; "one catches more flies with honey" / wants to leave this place where forgotten memories loom over her head and just dance and practice her magic / she values her family, her freedom, and her dancing
female / 21 / lean dancer's build; 5'6" / long platinum hair that fades to pink at the tips; typically pulled into a messy bun / dark blue eyes; mischievous and (seemingly) unguarded / "sun-kissed skin so hot, we'll melt your popsicle" / off-the-shoulder tops are her favorite; she wears anything that looks good on her and lets her move freely
- moody, temperamental, capricious, whiny, controlling, power-hungry, possessive, conceited, paranoid, liar, impatient, cowardly, bitter, selfish, greedy, lazy, judgmental, neglectful, impulsive, vengeful, stubborn, petty, mean + honest, trustworthy, thoughtful, caring, brave, patient, selfless, ambitious, tolerant, confident, focused, humble, generous, merciful, observant, wise, intelligent, clever, charming, cheerful, optimistic, decisive, adaptable, calm
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boelca · 7 years ago
yeeeee part two of the fan apprentice ask meme. also another weird exposition thing because I like to have some kind of continuity here. it’s not as long as the first one tho. first part can be found here [x]
Despite the fact that your little outburst was some time ago, you can't help but still feel more than a little embarrassed. The magician (or maybe it was his apprentice?) had seemed to take it in stride, thankfully, calmly bringing you to a rather, dare you say it, magical room beyond the guarded curtains. You try to cool your warm face as they start to pull out a deck of cards, letting your eyes follow their practiced movements, your nerves slowly calming. You almost jump out of your seat, however, when their low voice speaks up again.
"Before we continue, I need payment." You blink a few times, before scrambling to get into your pockets.
"M-My deepest apologies!" you babble in a rush. "I can't believe it!! How silly of me; my mind is somewhere else entirely! You must for-"
They cut in, chastising you lightly, "Calm yourself. There is no reason to be so high strung." A glance towards their face reveals a firm countenance, and you wilt a little in embarrassment. You bob your head meekly, before slowly pulling your hand out of your pocket, depositing the small pile of coins on the table. They nod, waving their hand over the money, the golden pieces disappearing from sight. Your eyes widen in amazement, but before you can say anything they spread out their deck of cards in front of you. "Are you ready?" they ask.
You take a deep breath and shove your nerves away. This is what you wanted - no, what you needed. Just a little bit of guidance or assurance or anything. They could help... right? Your eyes drift shut, you clear your mind, and you nod decisively.
11. What did they think of Asra leaving? Of his gift? They've gotten used to Asra leaving, now. The first time he left, it was nothing. Lee didn't care about where their strange housemate went. So long as he continued teaching them, they could care less what he did in his free time. The second time was a little harder. They was comfortable around him, and he had just taught them how to deal with the headaches. Maybe... Lee was beginning to trust him? The third time was hell, and Lee didn't stop hurting until Asra came back. With no more headaches to distract them, all they had left were the gaping, massive holes in their memory. All they had left were images, feelings, thoughts of Asra. That first memory of him holding them close, of feeling safe, haunted them over and over, and they nearly started crying when their master finally returned. They never could explain why they were so distraught over Asra leaving. It wasn't like he was leaving forever, it wasn't like he owed them anything. Maybe it had something to do with those dreams they could never quite remember? Those ones that took over once the headaches left, the ones that left them short of breath with the taste of ash at the back of their throat and paralyzed them in place for hours after jolting awake? The ones that seemed to never occur when their master was around...
Over the years, the leaving got easier and the strange dreams faded, and, by the time the Arcana takes place, they've gotten used to Asra coming and going. It doesn't hurt, of course, that Asra's personal touches are everywhere, not to mention the occasional visit from Faust. They are a little pissed, though, looking back, that he disappeared right before everything went absolutely nuts.
As for his gift, the Arcana mean everything to Lee, so of course they were honored and amazed by his gift. A little piece of him and his magic to hold onto forever? Yes, please.
12. What do they think of Nadia’s request that they go to the palace? Nadia's request has them slightly on edge? For a countess who has been known to turn up her nose at magic, she certainly has been rather involved. They can't deny they're a little bit curious, though. They've always liked a good mystery, and they'll be damned if they don't see it through to the end. Especially now that they know Asra was somehow involved
13. What do they think of the various animals they encounter at the palace? Mercedes and Melchior are beautiful, but Lee is... wary of them after the incident involving the Count's room. They think Portia's cat is absolutely adorable, and, of course, they love Faust more than anything. They've only caught fleeting glimpses of the random white that does nothing but scream, so no comment there. Mostly, Lee would consider themself an animal lover... but they have to admit that the vampire eels should be admired from a distance.
14. What is their day-to-day outfit? What do they wear when the dress up (such as for the masquerade)? Daily, they stick to loose, comfortable clothing. They're typical outfit is a loose shirt with long sleeves and a pair of soft/thin pants. When it gets colder/they want to fly below the radar, they also have a dark blue cloak they throw over top their clothes.
As for dressing up, their clothes tend to stick to the comfort-first policy: loose/flowey shirts and thin pants. They can be found sporting the occasional plunging neckline, though.
15. What is their favorite type of weather/environment? Surprisingly, Lee loves those sunny days without a cloud in the sky. Those ones are the best for reading and writing outside the dark shop. As for favorite environments, anywhere that's quiet and peaceful makes them happy.
16. Do they have any prized possessions? Yes! The first actual journal they ever owned, which was given to them by Asra! They've actually only written in there a handful of times, as the old journal itself means a lot to them. They typically only write in it when they feel like something major has happened. They also have a silver necklace with a weak charm of protection on it. It was the first object they ever charmed (which was also one of the first types of magic they ever learned). The necklace itself was also a gift from Asra (see a theme here?).
17. Do they collect anything? Yes! Lee collects papers, journals, whatever they can write in/on. They're terrified of forgetting again, so they write down EVERYTHING that happens every day. They've got a small ocean of papers safely sealed away in their room, and, while they're in the palace, they keep a few of their hard-earned journals, too nervous to keep loose papers on them.
18. What sort of first impression do they make? Lee has been told that they are... somewhat intimidating. They are serious and poker-faced at all times, and the no-nonsense, all-seeing air they give off certainly doesn't help with this.
19. How do they deal with conflict? Head on, no fear. When a problem arises, Lee does their best to face it and deal with as quickly and efficiently as possible. It makes their skin crawl to avoid/ignore something. They make sure to have all the facts (as well as have their head on straight) before dealing with the problem.
20. What are their principal goals? To remember their past and read every book in Nadia's library! They also truly want to solve the mystery of Lucio's death and figure out what exactly Asra and Julian's roles were in it all.
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boelca · 7 years ago
- lol you know that feeling when you get too excited and do a little much weLL HERE YA GO SAY HI TO LEE. I only did the first 10 questions on the fan apprentice ask meme by @gooddoctorjules on this one, so I’ll probs do another post later yaaaayyy -
You've heard about them: the magician and his apprentice, the fortunetellers with scary accuracy, the manipulators of the unknown. You've heard of their shop, tucked away in some dark corner, full of thingamabobs and doodads the likes of which you've never seen, the feeling of something in the air. You've ventured near the shop a handful of times, curious as others before you had been about the truths that the building held, but you've never had the courage to go in.
But things change, and you need help, guidance, something, anything to guide you. You're at a precipice of unparalleled proportions, and some divine counsel from those whose names are whispered in all parts of the city, whether or not their skills are for real or if they're just another set of cons, may just be what you need to gain some control over your life once more.
It is just barely after sunset when you knock on the old wooden door, the dying light of the sun splaying across its now-smooth grains. You hesitate (taking yet another deep breath while doing so), before pushing open the door and striding inside in a fashion that you hope appears at least somewhat confident. Some of that confidence deflates, however, when you realize that there is no there, save for a somewhat intimidating dog that's just staring at you from its space in front of a set of curtains. You swallow hard, before your eyes alight upon a small bell sitting on the counter. Tentatively, you ring it, and a light, "A moment, please" seems to come from absolutely no where. You whip your head around, trying to find the source of the voice, when you notice a very peculiar... skull?
Slowly walking towards it, you notice that there are blue gems where eyes are supposed to be, and a sense of need rolls over you. You don't know why, but you've always needed this exact skull... and what on earth is that delightful scent? It reminds you of being back home, the gentle waves tickling your feet and your sister's favorite perfume, of the life you left behind by coming here. Maybe, if you take this skull, you'll finally feel right again, maybe-
"Please, don't." As if knocked out a trance, you whirl around to find the speaker, and you feel as if you've lost the ability to breathe as you take in the person in front of you. Long, fluffy, raven bangs cover their left eye, (something you can't help but feel a little grateful for, as the piercing gaze you get from the single slate eye makes you feel as if you've been stripped down to your barest pieces, as if the person in front of you knows everything about you from that one look), and their full lips are set in a hard line, making you feel as if you've been caught with your hand in the forbidden cookie jar.
Overwhelmed, trying to divert their attention from digging too deep, you blurt out, "Tell me my fortune!"
1. What is their full name? What does it mean? Do they go by any nicknames/aliases? All they know is Lee. Whether or not there's a last name to go with it, they have no clue. They've tried asking Asra but... well, you know. They feel like there's something missing, though... maybe, just maybe, there's more to their name than they knows? They also answer to "Apprentice," "Asra's Apprentice," etc.
Lee (by itself) means pasture or meadow. They have no memory of their last name and never really bothered making one up. If asked, they just use the letter A, which is short for Apprentice.
2. Do they have a familiar? What is it? Yes! Elam the Doberman, Lee's precious familiar! Like Lee, Elam has a very serious, no-nonsense personality. He's very protective of Lee, as well as of Asra and Faust. He kind of comes and goes as he pleases during the day, but he always comes back home during the night to help Lee sleep. He's not very excitable, but he can't help but throw the puppy eyes when someone makes sweet potatoes.
Elam just kind of appeared a year prior to when the The Arcana is set. He showed up one day around the shop looking for food, and Lee made sure to set something out. This continued for a few months until they got comfortable around each other, and then everything sort of fell into place.
3. What type/s of magic do they specialize in? Besides the obvious divination and being able to read the Arcana, Lee dabbles a lot but hasn't really committed to anything. Jack of all trades, master of none fits them pretty well. They know a little healing, can do a few parlor tricks (like lighting candles without a match and putting out candles w/o being near them), can make a few potions, can cast weak/light protection charms on small stuff, etc. They like to know a little bit of everything in case something comes up. The only thing that they're actually pretty good at is reading the Arcana.
4. Which of the major arcana best represents them? The Hermit: Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
5. What animal best represents them? The Lion: "You are fiercely independent, confident, and in control which is balanced by a quiet demeanor. You are also a creative and influential force... Most people with this totem are very loyal, and will defend friend and family honor to the death." [x]
6. Describe their grimoire profile. Name: Lee Brief Description: The cool, composed apprentice who just can’t remember the past. ♍ Favorite Food: Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Honey Favorite Drink: Green Tea Favorite Flower: Gladiolus
7. What is their Myers-Briggs type? ISTJ: The Logistician
8. What is their natural alignment (lawful/neutral/chaotic good/neutral/evil)? Lee floats between Lawful Good and Neutral Good. They have a strong moral compass that dictates most of their actions, regardless of how they feel about a person. This moral compass typically aligns with the law, but there have been a few... notable discrepancies.
9. Which Hogwarts house would they be in? Agggghhhhh, Lee would probably be in Gryffindor? They reeaallly toe the line between the two, and I would put them in Slytherin, but their ambition is kinda... nonexistent lol. Kinda going back to the whole moral compass thing, Lee does what they think is right and is 100% unapologetic, and they don't mind stepping in if they feel someone is doing something they deem "wrong," no matter the situation, and if that isn't a sort of reckless bravery, idk what is. Also, disgustingly confident in themselves, like Jesus, doubt yourself a little like the rest of us, okay?
10. Of the nine intelligences (logical-mathematical, existential, interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinesthetic, spatial, naturalist, musical, linguistic), which is their greatest strength? Their greatest weakness? Greatest Strength: Intrapersonal - Lee is very aware of themself, and they know how their own limits and abilities. Greatest Weakness: Kinesthetic/Musical - Lee has literally no musical talent whatsoever and has no interest in changing that. As for the kinesthetic side, they keep themselves in healthy condition, and they know a lot of the facts, but if you throw a ball at them or try to force them into doing some kind of a dance, they're gonna be a little pissed.
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Also another little Lee to enjoy, this one also from RinmaruGames
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boelca · 8 years ago
BNHA OC! Introducing Sayuri Amano
> A/N: Next up is Sayuri! I got the idea for a healing hero and then it sort of spiraled out of control >.>. I based my template off of the blank BNHA OC templates by conejossays! Once again, thank you again for letting me! <
P E R S O N A L  D A T A
| N a m e |
Sayuri Amano
| Q u i r k s |
Sweet Kiss
The debilitating kiss that also heals! Sayuri's quirk allows her to heal all who lock lips with her! However, her helpful kiss also has negative side effects that include intense feelings of disorientation/confusion by the kissee, and the longer the kiss, the worse the confusion is (though also the better the healing)! Some say that they've experienced feelings of extreme vertigo after too-long a kiss! There seems to be no limit on her power, though??
Flowering Head
Hidden underneath Sayuri's hat lies a fragile blossom that holds the secret to her seemingly limitless power! If taken care of (well-watered and given plenty of sun), the blossom holds a resevoire of power for her to tap into. It's unknown what ill effects would occur if anything happened to the blossom. Currently, outside of Sayuri's family (and the government, of course), only her teachers and a handful of school officials know of the quirk.
| H e r o  N a m e |
| A f f i l i a t i o n |
U.A. High
| C l a s s |
| B i r t h d a y |
December 30th
| H e i g h t |
| B l o o d  T y p e |
| F a v o r i t e s |
Hats, Flavored-chapstick, Hanging out with her sister
| F i g h t i n g  S t y l e |
Despite starting in the General Studies line, Sayuri's studied up and trained hard to make sure she doesn’t have to only rely on her quirk in a fight. Her fighting style revolves around quickly learning about her opponents through their actions and reactions and then using this knowledge alongside her quirk to take 'em down.
H E R O  S T A T S
| P o w e r | 1/5 - E ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
| S p e e d | 3/5 - C ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
| T e c h n i q u e | 4/5 - B ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
| I n t e l l i g e n c e | 4/5 - B ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
| C o o p e r a t i v e n e s s | 5/5 - A ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
S U P P L E M E N T A R Y  I N F O
| A p p e a r a n c e | 
Pretty freaking short
Chin length straight hair (no bangs, parted down the middle) - a deep, dark brown color
Large cat-like black eyes
Medium-ish complexion
Will not go ANYWHERE without a hat on
Dresses comfortably and doesn’t give a crap about what others think of her appearance
| P e r s o n a l i t y |
Chill af
sooo laid back
doesn't show a lot of emotion, like ever??
10/10 poker face
Gives off the appearance that she's always bored (she probably is)
Do NOT tell her she can't do something
She will do it and she will make you look like a fool
(or get tf beat out of her trying)
Doesn't have a lot of interest in making friends but is more than willing to work with other students
fairly introverted but not shy at all
Always seems so assured/doesn't seem to feel doubtful over any of her actions - confident af
Nature buff and likes being outside
Gets irritated when people talk down to her - both literally and figuratively
Doesn't talk a whole lost around most people
Very talkative with her sister
Prefers telling it like it is and has problems understanding sarcasm or the point behind using it
| T r i v i a |
One of those people who are smart af without ever really studying
Likes to skateboard but short legs make tricks kinda hard
she's working on it
Seems to have waaay more energy in the spring and summer
Can't stand winter and tolerates fall
she seems to get more reserved/quieter the colder it gets
Sayuri was in the General Studies line in her first year but was recommended to the Heroes Course
she failed the practical exam obviously but aced the written exam
she got bumped up and it was probably the best moment of her life hearing the principal tell her to say bye to the General Studies line
Her parents both have plant-based quirks
Mom has special mushrooms that grow all over her arms that release different toxins that can do anything from putting someone to sleep to making pain go away
Dad has buds that grow all over his head and bloom in the spring and summer - they have healing properties
Has an older sister named Hanae who also has a plant-based quirk - ish
Hanae's quirk is slowly killing her tho
She has flower petals that grow in place of hair and eating one results in amazing all- purpose medicine (Flowering Hair)
also there are flowers growing in places they should not be -
in her arms, thighs, lungs
they've tried to take them out but they just keep coming back
it's expected that the flowers will eventually overtake her lungs, for now she's simply coughing up petals
The driving forces behind Sayuri's dream of becoming a hero are a) get lots of money to back research into helping Hanae and others like Hanae who have harmful quirks, b) show that having a "support" quirk doesn't mean one can't be a full-fledged hero, and c) fulfill her own dream of becoming a hero
Hanae picked out her hero name lol
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boelca · 8 years ago
BNHA OC! Introducing Yui Graham
> A/N: Say hi to Yui! I’ve been working on her for a while now (and will probably continue to do so). I based my template off of the blank BNHA OC templates by @conejossays! Thank you again for letting me! <
P E R S O N A L  D A T A
| N a m e |
Yui Graham
| Q u i r k |
Scary Face
Yui can paralyze all who lock eyes with her! The longer the eye lock, the longer the paralyzation (i.e. 1 secs = 5 mins, 2 secs = 10 mins, etc.). Careful, though! Using her power for too long (or too many times) results in terrible migraines that render her useless. Even when not using her quirk, Yui's eyes still possess a horrifying appearance, causing slight paralyzation to the unprepared and weak of heart!
| H e r o  N a m e |
| A f f i l i a t i o n |
U.A. High
| C l a s s |
| B i r t h d a y |
July 27th
| H e i g h t |
6 ft
| B l o o d  T y p e |
| F a v o r i t e s |
Catchy Pop music, Working out, Cute Sunglasses
| F i g h t i n g  S t y l e |
Yui's fighting style focuses a LOT on her physical strength. She’s well aware that she can’t fully rely on her quirk to help her win a fight, so her first move is to try and stun her enemy before taking them down physically.
H E R O  S T A T S
| P o w e r | 5/5 - A ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
| S p e e d | 4/5 - B ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
| T e c h n i q u e | 2/5 - D ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
| I n t e l l i g e n c e | 5/5 - A ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
| C o o p e r a t i v e n e s s | 2/5 - D ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
S U P P L E M E N T A R Y  I N F O
| A p p e a r a n c e |  
BUILT holy crap Yui has muscle on her
She’s been training for years with her mom for years and has a solid, non-negotiable workout regimen
Tall and muscley and pretty intimidating at face value
Super short brown hair
I’m talking like pixie cut short
She has a tanned, clear complexion.
Typically well-dressed and prefers to keep her appearance orderly
NEVER EVER caught without sunglasses, and her favorite pair are a large, circular set that completely cover up her eyes (and most of her face, for that matter).
Bright smile for the world to see
| P e r s o n a l i t y |
Friendly and extroverted!
Very impulsive when it comes to helping others, will 100% jump into a fight without a second thought
Tends to regret this since hey no plan
Also tends to lead to a few bumps and bruises at the start of the fight
Workaholic!! Does she even know how to relax?? Probably not.
Perfectionist and does not care for working with others if she can help it. Yui has got this!!!
'Don't worry about it! I can handle this guy all by myself!'
May not be able to handle this guy all by herself
Quick to frustrate, but hard to actually anger
But is like, scarily angry when brought to that point
Very quiet, very intimidating
Cold and very harsh - do not expect her to be nice when she’s like this
On that note, she’s very upfront and in-touch with her feelings - and she’ll let you know it too!
Has actually calmed down a lot since her first year and is not as rule-oriented
| T r i v i a |
Yui was born mute
Multilingual! She grew up learning Japanese and English, as well as JSL and ASL.
Has a collection of sunglasses in case she wants to switch things up a little (rarely happens)
Her favorite pair are a present from her grandfather, who also was a hero with an eye-based quirk
Wants to be a great hero and helps lots of people like her father and grandfather before her!
Got in U.A. on recommendations
She’s Vice President of her class and is still VERY hot about it
She and the Class President have a somewhat antagonistic relationship
It was 100% worse in their first year, they literally had a huge fight that left them both with Recovery Girl for a while, which also included talk of them getting kicked out of U.A.
Doesn't care much for most sweets, but doesn't mind a little sugar or whipped cream with her fruits
DETESTS fast food
Her hero name comes from her grandpa and father, who went by Stoneheart and Goldenheart, respectively.
Her mom is Quirkless, and she runs a dojo of sorts, teaching others self-defense.
Yui takes after her mother both in personality and physicality. Loud, proud, and prepared to woop some butt!!
She’s super close with both her parents and tells them pretty much everything about everything
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boelca · 8 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I made some blank templates for BNHA OC’s information. I used them for my oc here.
Feel free to use these templates for your own Hero OC’s if you want.
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boelca · 8 years ago
Fatesona Challenge: Day 21! Genderbend
  Write about a genderbend version of your character.
Jo is fairly similar to his female counterpart. There are a few differences here and there, of course, such as Jo would have learned battle magic at a much younger age, especially with his being the eldest son, however illegitimate he may be. Jo would also have more physical strength than Joe, as there is no way he would be able to get out of sparring with his younger sister, Carol, as his female counterpart could. He would also come off as more serious and responsible than his female counterpart, as he now holds the whole "man of the family" mantle on his shoulders (a role he takes very seriously), and I feel that his personality would be more of "no nonsense if it can be helped" rather than Joe's "relax have fun just leave me alone plz."
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boelca · 8 years ago
Fatesona Challenge: Day 20! Childhood
  Write about their childhood.
Joe had a pretty chill childhood, despite her status as, technically, an illegitimate child. Her father was a somewhat well-off Nohrian nobleman who was engaged to be married in the far-off future, and her mother was a maid who, at the time, was simply passing through the town where Joe's father lived. They met by accident, fell hard and fast, and poof! Joe was born! A year later, Joe's brother, Carroll, followed. Her parents had a falling out, and they parted on semi-peaceful terms. Joe and Carroll still saw their father on occasion, as he loved them dearly and treated them well, though the visits died down as the pair got older, especially once their father officially took his actual betrothed's hand in marriage. Thankfully, their father's wife was a very kind lady and took to the pair as her own, so the visits continued.
A couple of years after the birth of her father's first legitimate child, their mother decided it was time to leave. The small family (composed of Joe, Carroll, their mother, and a tiny puppy named Pumpkin) picked up and moved, settling in several different areas of Nohr before finally situating themselves in Izumo where an old friend of their mother's lived.
As for Joe herself, she was a very energetic and social child who loved talking to anyone and everyone. Though a bit strained, she loved her family dearly and was very quick to point out how absolutely wrong those who said anything bad about any member of her family were. As her magical gift was obvious at a young age, she grew up practicing it, though she was much more careless and preferred flashy, pretty magic over practical magic.
The move to Izumo had a strange effect on her, though, as Joe went from being a social butterfly with a love for the ostentatious to a quiet scholar who would rather spend her time with the only companions she had found during her travels: books. As they were constantly on the road, it grew hard for Joe and Carroll to make friends, and with their clashing personalities, the two fought so often that they had to be separated most of the time. She found solace in random books that her mother would pick up for her whenever they stopped. She also started to focus on practicality over appearance when it came to her magic, especially when their travels grew tough. The change stayed even after they arrived in Izumo, and gone was the outgoing, fun-loving little girl, a quiet and practical young woman in her place.
From then on, little of note happened. She kept up correspondence with her father and stepmother, and, eventually, her new younger siblings as well. A short while after she turned 16, Joe met the flamboyant new ruler of Izumo, Izana, and a partnership of sorts was formed. She began to work under him as an assistant, learning magic and other skills from him as time went along.
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boelca · 8 years ago
Fatesona Challenge: Day 19! Performing
> A/N It's been ten years since i touched this thing bUT I WILL FINISH THIS <
Write about an event they would perform in (Would they sing, dance, play an instrument, etc.?).
Two words: Not. Happening. Joe is an anxious mess. There is no way she's getting up in front of people and performing jack squat! Because she's dedicated so much time to her magical studies, not to mention splitting whatever time is left between working under Izana and helping her family, she really hasn't spent a lot of time crafting any special talents.
She doesn't mind (and has done in the past) doing small events for children. She usually does small magic tricks or reads a few stories from one of her many story books.
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boelca · 8 years ago
Fatesona Challenge! Day 18: Child Unit
Write about their children (their own child unit and/or a canon child unit) and how they interact with them.
"G-Gods above and below, what am I going to name you? I can't keep calling you 'Little One.' That's not a real name, and you certainly deserve one. Aghh..." Joe sighed, cradling the dozing infant gently in her arms. Closing her eyes, she reclined, resting against the side of her bed as her thoughts drifted. Most mothers had nine months to decide what to name their child. She only got a couple of days. Not to mention, she'd already spent a couple of those days looking for any signs pertaining to the little boy's identity, and, lucky her, nothing had been found. She sighed again. "Most likely," she thought aloud, "whatever identification there may have been died in the fire like the rest of your home. Poor dear." Joe shook her head slightly incredulously, thinking back to the peculiar situation they had found the baby in.
In the middle of the charred remains of what seemed to be a small cottage lay a basket, and, in the basket, lay a baby, crying his poor heart out. Joe, having been the first to hear his terrified wails, had ditched the march to the next location (as well as her conversation with a certain slightly-insulted farmer who couldn't believe she'd just run off in the middle of a conversation) scooping him out of the basket as soon as she laid eyes on him and consoling him as best she could. After that, a flurry of events took place, from their questioning a village full of people who knew nothing of the baby OR the cottage (they all claimed it had been a vacant building for years) to Joe's deciding that she would be the boy's protector and mother. No one liked to involve children in the horrid mess that was the war, but Joe couldn't just leave him with the village when the situation was just so... odd.
A small hand brought her out of her thoughts, and, after recovering from her momentary shock, a gentle smile made its way to Joe's face. She giggled softly and leaned her cheek towards the hand, cradling it in her own as she brought her face closer to his. He gurgled with an itty-bitty smile on his face, and her heart melted in adoration. "...We've got to give you the best name possible, my dear." Running names through her head, she began spouting off whatever came to mind.
"Well, there's William. A good, strong name, that one. Plenty of authors AND characters with it. It even has the lovely meaning of 'great protector,' you know. There's also Tobias. We could call you Toby, for short. It means, 'the goodness of God.' Not the most meaningful meaning, in my opinion, but I do love the name. I like Emery, or maybe even Elias, as well. They would be more of me names, though, since they start with the same letter as my middle name. I also have two sisters with E names. Hmm... What do you think, honey bunny? William, Tobias, Emery, or Elias? Or, none of the above? Here, I'll hold up five fingers, and let's see which one you like, hmm?" Joe giggled and released the baby's hand gently, slowly raising it to the front of his face. "Now, my dear, which one do you like best?"
He gurgled again, and his little fingers reached up, grabbing onto Joe's pointer finger with a surprisingly strong grip. She laughed and shook her hand slightly, causing the baby's smile to widen. Joe felt her grin widen to the point where her cheeks hurt, and she kissed the hand holding her finger sweetly. "Tobias it is, then."
Tobias is Joe's adopted son, whom she very reluctantly put in the deeprealms for his safety. He was found by Corrin's Army (specifically by Joe) during one of their marches to their next location in the remains of a burned down house in the middle of seemingly nowhere. After no identification or recognization of him by villagers from the closest town, Joe offered to take him in as her own, finding the baby's situation suspicious.
> About Tobias
Joe's son, raised in the deeprealms. Discovered in the ruins of a destroyed house, little is known of his true origins. Laid-back in nature, Tobias has a strong passion for adventure and an insatiable curiosity. Unlike his mother, he has a deep love for nature and spends most of his time outdoors. Picks the most flowers. Found on 8/1.
| N a m e |  Tobias | B i r t h d a y |  Unknown - Found/Adopted on 8/1. | R e c r u i t a b i l i t y |  Paralogue 29: Flowers and Fables | C l a s s |  When recruited: Outlaw | I n h e r i t e d  C l a s s |  Diviner | P e r s o n a l  S k i l l |  One With Nature - When standing on any kind of terrain, unit gets +1 to all stats. | A p p e a r a n c e |  Tobias has floofy short hair that takes the same color of his other parent. He's fairly tall, and while muscular, he's more lean than he is beefy. He has a deep olive complexion and brown eyes. Uniquely, he has a beauty mark on his face like his mother, though his is just under his right eye, whereas Joe's is just above her lip. NOTE: Toby's hair is naturally white in color, but he dyes it to be "closer to his family," as he says. | P e r s o n a l i t y |
Toby takes things at his own pace and is a firm believer in "stopping to smell the roses."
He is such a nature buff and literally spends all of his time outdoors. He hates being inside for too long.
Generally polite and friendly like his mom, but he is far more sociable and less self-conscious than she is.
Tobias isn't book smart the way his mother his, and it bothers him to no end. He just doesn't get all the stuff she tries to teach him no matter how much he studies or tries to understand it??
 Tobias and his mom have an a+ relationship
Loves going off on adventures and discovering new plants or caves or whatever he can find
Also likes bringing things home to mom
Firmly believes that flower haters are bad people.
Also a firmly believes in "treat others how you want to be treated" and will 100% throw back whatever you throw at him
hates his mom’s passive-aggressiveness
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