#fat ignatz
saint-vagrant · 6 months
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i pray you be huge, be hairy, gnash your teeth, chop your hair, go bald, stop apologising, take up space, find peace in love's sweaty grip, be fat, be bountiful, be among friends, be safe, be whole.
i'm seosamh dáire, aka joe. i've been at the ol' thing for the larger part of my life; came out 2008, started t 2013, with a million lives lived from then to now. i've watched things change and stay the same, and through the hardest work and loneliest times, i'm one of them. HE ▪︎ HIM | SÉ ▪︎ É
you can read the spectacular, ignatz-nominated SUPERPOSE for free and for fun to get indoctrinated into becoming a total transsexual freak fest.
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arecomicsevengood · 1 year
I went down to the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, Maryland this past Sunday. While I lived in Baltimore for a number of years, and it was essentially a local show, this is the first time I've been since moving to Philly in 2019. It took a year (or two?) off on account of COVID. I don't have much to say about the show itself, I enjoyed walking around talking to people, I probably didn't see all the stuff I would've liked, I'm not really in a good place to judge trends. I missed some people I would've liked to have met, like Drew Lerman, who left before I got there. He won an Ignatz though, and good for him. I do believe that the thing about SPX and the Ignatzes is that everyone essentially occupies very different spheres of interest and sets of influences. As I walked around, seeing little cards on people's comics saying they were nominated for an Ignatz, I would ask them if they had heard of or were familiar with the thing that won, they almost never were.
At the one panel discussion I attended, about drawing detailed backgrounds as a way of of establishing worldbuilding, Rosemary Valero-O'Connell cited Taiyo Matsumoto's approach as an influence, and as I sat in the audience thinking "Yes! Let's talk more about that!" everyone else on stage, quite reasonably, talked about their own influences instead - which for Daria Tessler, who I came to see, included Mark Beyer and Jim Woodring. The panel was generally good and interesting, and it's not meant as a slight to the moderator Rob Clough to point out that the best questions came during the Q+A from the audience. One member asked the question, how do you handle tonal shifts when you are using detailed visuals for plot purposes, and everyone agreed that that at emotional climaxes or at moments of more interiority they reduce the level of background detail.
Daria Tessler was the artist I was most excited to meet of anyone at the fest. Since my local shop, Partners And Son, is on top of it, I had already read her newest comic, volume 2 of Cagelessness, which absolutely rules, and so I had to shell out the big bucks for a copy of her fully-silkscreened book Dust, that uses multi-color collages as a backdrop for the cowboy characters who, in Cagelessness, move through ornately designed drawn worlds. Her work is beautiful, another high point of the panel discussion was her talking about how Marc Bell calls the tiny details cluttering up the backgrounds of his comics "chicken fat," and while Clough cited the term as originating from Will Elder, Tessler described chicken fat as "what you put in the soup to make it taste better, if you're not vegan," perfectly capturing what makes these artists work such a delicious meal for the eyes.
A similar "I already have all of these" experience was behind my purchase of Tales Of Old Snake Creek, by Drew Lerman, which collects his anthology contributions from recent years and adds watercolor to them. I love these comics in their original formats but I'm not going to say no to the convenience of this, which is also printed at a size larger than the digests in which some things ran.
Shout-out to Bread Tarleton, who pointed out to me the Paradise Systems table, where everything looked good and lavish, but what I picked up was Cry by Yan Cong. I believe Paradise Systems to be a reprinter of self-published comics from China. Cry features cartoony figures in a charcoal textured world, and follows a man having a sexual experience with a prostitute with a weird visual punchline.
Adam Szym directed me to the Strangers Fanzine table, where I picked up Shony Glassware 2 by Manning Coe, which is in some ways probably the sort of zine a lot of people go to SPX to get. Pretty funny stuff, maybe Ben Jones influenced, by a 26-year-old who lives in Osaka. Drawing himself in a Beat Happening shirt but with a bio where he talks about listening to 100 Gecs, there is a definite vibe at work here and while I don't remember the price point of this one I feel like it had to be cheap because it's that kind of comic. If you're ordering the new printing of Bhanu Pratap's Dear Mother from Strangers and want something else that's not too genre-y make sure you throw this in there.
Adam Szym's Their Use Continues is a horror short about the current trend towards reviving dead actors as CGI phantoms in movies currently in the news. Feels nice and relevant, I think I would've liked this to be a little bit bigger (it's printed digest size) and hi-res. Adam uses some digital collage elements for backgrounds and borders that I mostly felt was making the book smaller and fuzzier still.
I nonetheless liked it better than another horror comic I picked up, issue 1 ofJenna Cha and Lonnie Nadler's The Sickness, published by Uncivilized. Both people are more mainstream-comics, which I think is fine, but this does something I really associate with the dumbest kind of attitude that can be present in horror stuff, the kind of tonal miscalculation the comics I like avoid: Presenting a mid-century American setting where characters nonetheless are using a high degree of vulgar language, of a sort that would be stylized and off-putting if it were depicting the modern era but really just completely pulls me out of something set in the past. The second printing changes the color palette on the cover in a way that makes the drawing better, but this is not the sort of thing I would recommend anyone track down, which is sad, because it's likely far more readily available than anything I liked.
Tim Lane's Happy Hour In America 1, from a few years ago, was available at the Fantagraphics table. Presumably because Tim was signing, but I never saw him. I haven't read the big books collecting his short stories, but I like his contributions to anthologies. He's a guy who can really draw, in a way that you don't often see at small press shows, or that feels more appreciated by a mainstream-comics crowd. If his stories aren't as psychotically involved on a plot level as Mack White, he's nonetheless interesting as like a Gen X'er talking about American masculinity and what animates it. I would gladly read it in single issue comics format, though I missed these the first time because it wasn't what I felt I was in the mood for.
Another thing I picked up as a half-off copy of David B's Incidents In The Night, volume 2, from Uncivilized. I think volume 1 did pretty well, and is now sold out, but now that that's unavailable, volume 2 is a harder sell. David B is one of those dudes, like Joann Sfar or Christophe Blain, that got the big bookstore push like fifteen years ago but now no one wants to put out their books in the U.S. David B is also a guy, like GIpi, who had a comic put out by the Ignatz line Fantagraphics had. I bought issue 1 of Babel at the time and didn't care for it, and would've told you I didn't iike David B's work. But lately I've been tracking down books in the Ignatz line I skipped the first time (along with the First Second books of Gipi and Sfar from roughly the same time) and enjoying them, and this fits into that trend as well. A pretty involving plot, involving booksellers, the occult, criminal organizations. I both want to track down a copy of volume 1 and am frustrated that the volume 3 advertised at the end of this book was never translated into English.
Yasmeen Abediford's Death Bloom won an Ignatz, for best minicomic. All of the Ignatz awards are really ill-defined categories, and this is one is a $25 risograph thing, which to me seems like it should exist in a different category than cheapo xerox stuff, but whatever. Anyway, I believe Abediford will also be in the new issue of Freak, which I have seen Instagram posts indicating contributors got an advance copy of but have yet to be for sale online. Abediford is from the Bay Area, but this book was printed by Lucky Pocket Press, based in Baltimore, but from people who either moved there or didn't have the press going until after I left there. They sold me the comic in a little printed bag, which included a family tree for their little mascot guy, citing the "onion peow guy" as "(father, deceased)" and "(comics legend)," which is interesting to me insofar as I don't think of any of the Peow stuff as being interesting to me, though I'm happy it found its audience and made a mark. I don't really get this one either but whatever, I'll reread it tos ee if my opinion changes.
I would also put the output of publisher Silver Sprocket in a similar category to Peow - Not for me, seems like it's for younger people, in a way that dominates SPX as it's currently constituted. I have the deepest sympathies for them not being able to dominate SPX this year though, due to a misplaced/inaccessible pallet of books that they didn't get until halfway through Sunday. They had flown out Leo Fox from England, to debut his new book Prokaryote Season. I had seen Fox's stuff on Twitter last year and thought it looked good/interesting, but was also frustrated by the fact that he had apparently released a comic that was only for sale for 24 hours - maybe a way to create demand so that people actually order a thing, but in an artificial scarcity kind of way I resent. Anyway, I bought one of his self-published things, My Body Unspooling, and yeah I think it looks really cool and interesting, though the approach taken, a sort of simple narrative about the notion of the self rather than something that seems interested in having characters interact is again the kind of trend I blanch at in work made by people younger than me. I nonetheless liked the comic, and thought it was cool, and am going to read his book soon.
I bought issue 9 of Mike Centeno's Futile from the Radiator Comics distro booth. It is explicitly labeled as No Previous Readin' Necessary, so while there were two older issues of Futile at the table, printed at smaller dimensions, I didn't pick them up. This was cool, a mostly black and white (but with pages in the middle in color) comic about a musician taking mushrooms . It looks great on a flipthrough, though Audra Stang, working the table, tried to close the center-spread of my flipthrough so that the burst into full-color I was admiring didn't spoil the story's progression and surprises. Format and cartooning kinda reminded me of Nate Doyle's series Crooked Teeth. (Nate had a larger-formatted barbarian fantasy comic available from Strangers Fanzine, which I passed on.)
I also bought Beth Heinly's Girls Named Meghan from her, though Heinly is Philly-based and I've had plenty of chances to pick it up before. It's a memoir of her teenage years, growing up in Delaware County, which is where I went to high school, and the friendships she had that veered into rebellion and her apprehensions about being around people more "troubled" than she was. It is basically black and white but there's little red-pencil edits throughout, like maybe the wrong PDF was sent to the printer or something, sourced from a file where she was noting what she wanted to fix. I don't think of the other copies I have seen were like this though. Again, I think this is the sort of self-published autobio thing that many people go to SPX to find. I can see the places there this could be stronger or more impactful but there is still a fine sense for who all the characters were, and what the era was like.
I got a few other things but this is all I have read so far, at this moment when I felt like writing. Andrew White gave me a copy of the new Yearly, and a name I recognized from his writing for The Comics Journal, Henry Chamberlain, gave me a copy of his book George's Run, a biography of a Twilight Zone writer published by Rutgers University Press. I also got issue 3 of a comic called Cat Scratch Fever by a woman named Emily Zullo, and Soumya Dhulekar's Flash Valley. Both of these are in the classic digest sized minicomic format with black and white throughout, though Dhulekar opted for a a cardstock cover. This is the sort of thing I am most happy to buy from a stranger at a show and basically not even care about the quality as long as the price is right, though of course the price for both of these is higher than it used to be. I also bought and haven't yet read Leo Fox's Prokaryote Season, the theoretical "book of the show," although another contender for that title, the collection of Liam Cobb comics, What Awaits Them, looked great but I will pick it up when it comes into my local shop.
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ashadowfaerie · 2 years
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I posted 6,688 times in 2022
That's 925 more posts than 2021!
21 posts created (0%)
6,667 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,159 of my posts in 2022
#dark art - 251 posts
#art - 234 posts
#fe3h fanart - 104 posts
#macabre - 96 posts
#surreal - 87 posts
#horror - 77 posts
#dimitri alexandre blaiddyd - 70 posts
#fire emblem three houses - 54 posts
#video - 49 posts
#fe3h - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#also the reason why fat is so demonized is because dieting and beauty industries need to convince you that you have to trust them in order
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Title: Hiding An Injury
Rating: Gen
Characters: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Ashe Ubert
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Ashe Gets Stabbed, No Beta We Die Like Glenn
Summary: Ashe gets injured, Dimitri helps
Words: 657
prompt fill - hiding an injury
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37714027
2 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
Why Don't We Care About Disabled People?
3 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
My werefoxes Ashe and Ignatz fic seems to stuck. So, clearly the thing to do is start a new story for a different bingo card.
About public sex with DimiAshe.
First time writing sex. Is there a point where I'll stop laughing at what I wrote? Asking as an ace writer.
3 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
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Title: Worked to Exhaustion
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Ishida Uryuu, Ishida Ryuuken, Kurosaki Karin
Rating: Gen
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Uryuu collapsed at work
Words: 746
prompt fill: worked themselves to exhaustion
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37695853
7 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Lily Pad!
15 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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snowy-nostalgia · 7 months
I bet Ignatz is a major cuddle bug, and he is ALWAYS the big spoon, no matter the size of his partner. You’re fat? Doesn’t matter. You’re tall? Doesn’t matter. He’ll only be the little spoon if you make him.
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haikyuugetsfat · 3 years
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Okay... I know this is a haikyuu blog, but I’m adding Fire Emblem and maybe some other anime’s into the mix. Anyway, I did it for Haikyuu, so here is the meme chart for Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Listen... I just really like fat Linhardt and Felix. And chubby/fat Caspar is great. The rest just kind of got thrown in a spot based on first instinct when I looked at them lol. All the lovely fat fanart of Sylvain, Bernadetta, and Marianne definitely influenced my decision though
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pumpkachubby · 4 years
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Lorenz's request
Seems like Lorenz need to gain quite more weight so Ignatz can make the portrait he wants
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
May I request, fat Sylvain, fat Caspar and fat Ashe requesting to Byleth to add Ignatz into their party #risque. Ignatz of course fight back but after being fed full by Byleth he is just as fat and submissive as the others.
All smut will be tagged #risque
Well, this ended up being a lot longer than I expected. And I still feel like it's mediocre lol. Also, wow my smut writing is like really far behind my fat writing (as if that's not already fat behind akdjsjsn)
But, I hope you like it!
"By-" Hand raised in the air as he rushes, Ignatz' steps slow down as his hand slowly droops. Catching sight of Byleth, Ignatz was glad for a reunion after not seeing each other for so long after the war. Yet Byleth's abundant and rapid eating catches him off guard, his enthusiasm dying out. "leth…," Standing to the side, Ignatz stands up straight as Byleth spots him, motioning for him to join him.
Taking a seat, Ignatz immediately blubbers at the ridiculously generous plate of food getting handed to him by the staff.
"Tch uh, Dy," Stammering, Ignatz takes a quick breath. "Do you always eat this much?" Eyes widening at his own question, Ignatz blushes, ready to issue an apology.
"Yeah," Patting his stomach, Byleth's hand meets nothing, his lithe figure the same as always.
"Y-you do?" Visibly perking, Ignatz leans over in his chair, staring at Byleth.
"Need energy to think. It's the same idea as artists," Byleth shrugs. Noticing the way Ignatz nods his head and tries to be discrete as he glances at his own plate, Byleth stretches, hiding his smirk.
Soon afterwards, Byleth nods and follows along to Ignatz conversation, his eyes never leaving Ignatz plate and how he pecks at it, Ignatz forcing himself to finish it.
After dinner, Byleth retires to his room, glad for a day of respite. Upon entering, he's greeted by the sight of Sylvain sitting on the floor right in front of the door. Naked, his stomach pools to the floor around him, his ass jutting from behind. A dollop of whip cream on each nipple, Sylvain struggles to put both arms behind his head.
Ashe and Caspar sitting at the table instead, they wear boxers at the very least. Ashe keeps his head down, absolutely red, while Caspar stares at the can of whip cream on the table.
Closing the door behind him, Byleth motions for Ashe to throw him the whip cream.
"How'd it go with Ignatz?" Ashe questions as he tosses the can.
"Perfect," Byleth grins. Hand raking through Sylvain's hair, he pushes down on him, shoving him to the floor on his back. Sitting on his stomach, Byleth presses the can to Sylvain's mouth, pressing the nozzle. Whip cream filling Sylvain's mouth, he flails his arms, his whole body swaying like a ship.
"Did you convince him yet?" Caspar asks as he stands up, waddling towards Byleth, his thighs rubbing against one another.
"Breathe through your nose," Covering Sylvain's whole face in whip cream, Byleth licks his teeth. Standing up, Byleth goes to Caspar, placing both hands on the underside of his stomach. "It'll take more than a day," Wobbling Caspar's stomach, Byleth gives his ass a smack.
Byleth making his way to Ashe, he shakes his breasts instead, Ashe keeping his hands to himself as he blushes.
Sylvain heaving, his gut quivers above him, rising and falling with each breath. "Ignatz is here?" Letting out a huff of air, he groans.
"Yes, so you're going to have to keep it in your pants until then," Byleth smiles as Sylvain already loses his composure.
Sylvain wobbles back and forth, reaching enough momentum to get on his stomach. Shakily getting on his hands and knees, Sylvain sighs as he stands up.
"So they both knew about this?" Sylvain pointing at Caspar and Ashe, his wing of an arm sags.
"Yes, and they agreed to having Ignatz join us,"
"Well, the more the merrier," Sylvain grins as he rubs his stomach. "But your rule sucks," He whines.
Ashe nods his head, blushing.
"Yeah!" Caspar agrees.
"It's so that they get a good taste when they join," Byleth grins. Heading off to bed, he leaves them to their own whining. The sounds of Caspar's bed dangerously creaking as Sylvain and Caspar moan, Sylvain humping Caspar, makes going to bed all the more difficult, Byleth desperately struggling to not touch himself during the night.
The next day, Byleth finds Ignatz at his old spot of inspiration, nature all around him. Lugging a far too stuffed picnic basket, Byleth smiles as he greets Ignatz, Ignatz surprised.
Sitting down at setting up, he motions for Ignatz to join him, Ignatz obliging him. The blanket crammed with food all over it, Byleth makes sure to keep more of the fattier foods on Ignatz' side.
Sitting opposite from him, Byleth keeps an eye on Ignatz' stomach, the slow little bulge developing as he keeps offering more food to him.
Ignatz groaning, his eyes widen as Byleth places a hand on his stomach.
Blunt as always, Byleth nonchalantly brings a fork to Ignatz' mouth. "I bet you could fit more," Ignatz blushes, opening his mouth as Byleth feeds him a slice of cake.
The days going by, Byleth follows his routine: scout out Ignatz, feed him a bunch of food, and then pamper him.
Growing bolder, Byleth makes sure to keep it up. A rubbing soon strays further than Ignatz' rounded stomach, fingers pinching his inner thigh. An extra plate of food becomes two, even three plates of food. Ignatz' restrictive choking clothing becomes loose strained fabric as Byleth deftly unbuttons it.
Ignatz plumping up nicely, his skinny almost gauntly figure fills out with much needed heft. A slight yet noticeable overhang soon develops, Ignatz' full breasts pairing well with it as they sag. More pear shaped, Ignatz' thighs easily force him to waddle, his hefty ass wobbling behind him.
So shy, everything was done with a blush on his face, Ignatz ever so fearful of imaginary onlookers staring at him. Yet the only onlooker was Byleth, Ignatz too dense to realize it despite Byleth's on-hands self.
Soon, shyness fostered embarrassment, Ignatz dreadfully aware of each jostle and turn his roll riddled body would produce with each simple movement. With even less physical activity, Byleth was all too happy to watch Ignatz grow even wider.
The show of Ignatz' growth all too pleasurable, Byleth had to finally decide and reserve a front row seat.
Which transpired into the current event of Byleth waiting in his room. A letter sent to Ignatz to meet him in his room alone upon midnight, the clear implications along some choice words on Byleth's part led to him waiting on his bed. Sitting on the edge, both of his hands rest behind him and support him. Clad only in dark navy boxers, Byleth's toned slightly scarred body rests perfectly for his guest upon entering the room.
A knock and Ignatz' shy quiet voice sounding, Byleth tells him to enter, his posture straightening up while simultaneously relaxing.
"By-byleth!" Slamming the door behind him, Ignatz turns redder than a fire tome, his neck even turning the same vibrant shade. Clearing his throat, Ignatz keeps still, arms stuck to his side. "So bold," He mutters, bringing his arm to cover his mouth.
Ignatz' clothes too snug now for his width, his only form of fabric come in the form of a snug shirt and shorts, Byleth having given them to him awhile ago.
Byleth hops up, taking slow steps towards Ignatz. Ignatz stands still, forcing his eyes to remain on Byleth's face instead of wandering down.
Draping himself over Ignatz from the side, Byleth hugs him, his hands drifting across Ignatz' bulging middle. "I brought you some more food," He declares, his voice only raising slightly.
"I'm still full from dinner…" Ignatz whines, shuffling under Byleth's intense gaze.
"I can take care of that," Grabbing both of Ignatz' hands, Byleth leads him to the bed, purposefully taking long strides, Ignatz stumbling behind him. Pushing Ignatz down, Byleth leans over him, his hair hanging as he peers down at him.
Ignatz' eyes looking left and right, Byleth grins. Placing both hands on the rim of his shirt, he slowly lifts it up. Ignatz obliging, he lifts his arms up.
"So obedient," Byleth coos, tossing the shirt aside. Placing both hands on Ignatz' stomach, he presses down. Lifting them, he rakes his fingertips across Ignatz' stomach as they wander upward. His hands reaching Ignatz' plush breasts, they wrap around his nipples.
Ignatz squirming under him, Byleth goes forward, pinching them. Ignatz takes a sharp breath, biting his lower lip.
"Don't worry, no one will interrupt us," Ignatz' severe attempts at silence stir Byleth, his flacid dick chubbing up.
"But-" Byleth giving a slight twist to his right nipple, Ignatz lets out a huff, a dribble of drool spilling out from the side of his mouth.
"Is this your first time?" Byleth abruptly asks, getting off of Ignatz, sitting on his knees on the bed.
"Y-yes," Ignatz admits. "I'm sorry, I'm-"
"It's okay," Crawling back on top of Ignatz, Byleth sinks into his stomach. "Just roll over for me," Blushing, Ignatz takes a second to do so. His fat jostles and turns as he struggles to do so. "If you ever want me to stop, tell me," Byleth adds, voice serious.
Licking his lips as Ignatz' ass stares right back at him, Byleth immediately goes to work in removing both of their shorts. Ignatz occasionally shifting under him, his dimpled ass quivers.
Positioning himself, Byleth grins at his handiwork, Ignatz triple the width he used to be. Ignatz hefty enough, Byleth rests on Ignatz' back as he enters.
"You alright?" Ignatz nods his head into the pillow, gripping it.
Going slow, Byleth takes his time. Slowly thrusting, Byleth holds back his whine as Ignatz' cavernous ass envelops his dick. Ignatz' rolls quivering, Byleth huffs, his toes curling as he restrains himself from going loose, pent up. Continuing slow, Ignatz seems to burrow in the pillow, his muffled moans sounding out barely.
Picking up the pace a bit, Byleth's eyes widen as Ignatz speaks up.
"Faster," Ignatz moans. A couple seconds passing by, he adds a thrown out please.
"Of course," Grinning, Byleth speeds up. Letting himself loosen up, he digs his hands on Ignatz' ass, squeezing it. With leverage, he slides in and out, beginning to pound into Ignatz. Focusing, the sensation of someone new under him spurns him on, Byleth quickening. Reaching his own edge, Byleth shuts his eyes close. Groaning, Byleth clings to Ignatz' ass as he releases. Not moving, he huffs as his seed pours out. Waiting a bit, Byleth keeps his grip as he continues to cum, his sexual relief lasting a while after refraining from sex for so long.
Ignatz' ass leaking Byleth's cum, he reaches under for Ignatz' dick. Ignatz' dick becoming flaccid and his fatpad covered in cum, Byleth smirks at Ignatz having climaxed earlier.
Climbing off of Ignatz, Byleth lies down beside him and turns him over, Ignatz' face red and sweaty.
"You fine with cleaning up tomorrow?" Punctuating with a yawn, Byleth dopily grins at Ignatz.
"Y-yeah," Ignatz nods. Going to stand up, Byleth grabs him by the wrist.
"You can spend the night here," Turning Ignatz over, he easily spoons him despite the size difference. Yawning again, Byleth cuddles closer. "Just stay here in Garreg Mach," Resting, Byleth barely registers Ignatz' "Yes,".
Grinning, he pats Ignatz stomach, mind already formulating ideas as he goes to bed, Ignatz' warmth lulling him.
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throwing-the-fight · 5 years
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When you have left me
the sky drains of color
like the skin
of a tightening fist.
-Monica Youn
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princesssarisa · 3 years
Cinderella September-through-November: "Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics: Cinderella" (1989 anime episode)
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Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics (or Grimm Masterpiece Theatre, as it's titled in Japan) was the first anime I ever saw, before I even knew what anime was. I remember watching it often in my kindergarten days when it aired on Nick Jr. It was my introduction to several of the Grimms' fairy tales, including The Brave Little Tailor, The Twelve Dancing Princesses, Donkey Cabbage and The Golden Goose, and provided the first adaptations I ever saw of other tales I already knew, such as Rumpelstiltskin, King Thrushbeard and Snow White and Rose Red. I never happened to see their two-part adaptation of Cinderella, though, until now.
Since the series is based on the Grimms' tales, it probably goes without saying that this Cinderella is based in the Grimms' Aschenputtel, not the familiar Perrault version. It's a considerably modified version, however. Unlike in the Grimms' tale, Cinderella's father is dead, leaving her entirely at the mercy of her fat, haughty stepmother Madame Pompadour (presumably no relation to Louis XV's famous mistress) and her ugly stepsisters Phoebe and Griselda. But as in the Grimms' tale, she does have two devoted pigeon friends: here they're a mated couple named Gwendolyn and Algernon, who can talk to Cinderella and who serve almost as her surrogate parents. They don't sort lentils for her, but they do sort the pearls from a necklace that her stepsisters destroyed while fighting over it. She also receives her ballroom finery from the branches of a tree, but unlike in the Grimms' tale, the tree has no connection to her deceased mother. Instead it talks with a deep male voice and claims that the gown and golden slippers are among many things that the wind has blown into its branches over the years.
Once she reaches the palace garden, Cinderella can't sum up the courage to go indoors... until the Prince himself literally stumbles across her as he tries to escape from the ball his overbearing father the King has forced on him. Not realizing his royal identity, Cinderella shares a friendly conversation with him, and when he confesses that he can't dance, she gives him an impromptu lesson. But when he asks for her name, she loses her nerve and rides away, accidentally losing her slipper from her horse's back. At this point the story departs considerably from both the Grimms and Perrault. There are no more balls; instead, Gwendolyn and Algernon convince Cinderella to go back to the palace and confess her love to the Prince. But Madame Pompadour catches her with her new finery and locks her in the attic, and then, in a brutal twist, she has the wish-granting tree chopped down. (The fact that the tree was sentient and talked obviously makes this far worse – it's not just a loss of magical help, but a character's death!) Meanwhile, due to a misunderstanding, the King's beleaguered minister Ignatz brings the stepsisters back to the palace, both of them claiming to be the Prince's love, and he has them each try on the slipper to determine who's claim is true. It takes further intervention from the pigeons and their many bird and field mouse friends to help Cinderella escape from her prison and reclaim both her slipper and her Prince.
This is definitely a creative version of Aschenputtel (which also omits its gorier aspects – there's no foot-cutting or eye-pecking). I might like to see the same ideas worked into a full-length adaptation that allows for more character development as well. Even though this is a two-part adaptation, forty minutes long rather than the twenty minutes that the series gave most of its stories, the pace feels very fast all the same. It might also have been nice if there were fewer comedy scenes involving the obnoxious blowhard King (his personality is much the same as Disney's version of the character, but Disney knew to use him in moderation), or at least if his level-headed Queen had more opportunities to talk sense into him. But while not perfect, this is still a Cinderella very much worth seeing. The animation and character designs are charming, the 18th century clothing is nicely atmospheric, and for the most part the characters are well-written and (in the English dub) well-voiced. Cinderella herself is a classic lovely ingenue, her endearingly awkward Prince provides a nice unconventional spin on the character, the stepfamily is appropriately repulsive, and the two pigeons are likable helpers who almost become protagonists in their own right.
Like most episodes of Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics, this episode honors the Grimms' tale, yet adds its own creative choices and charm as well, and as a whole, it's definitely the best of the '80s anime Cinderellas I've seen. I highly recommend both this episode and the entire rest of the series to fairy tale lovers.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @superkingofpriderock
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legendsoffodlan · 4 years
*In a Verdant Wind timeline where the Deer managed to get Dimitri back after the battle of Gronder Field*
*Dimitri is in the shower*
Hilda: Okay, you clean off in there, I’m gonna wash your cloak!
Dimitri: Okay but be careful those are dry clean only!
Hilda, dumping the cloak in the wash: Whatever!
Dimitri: No seriously! It loses it’s majestic wave! *Hilda is already gone* Hello?
~(At the Tea Party veranda)~
Ignatz: So, Dimitri is living here now. That’s neat.
Lorenz: The man single-handedly responsible for nearly murdering most of the Golden Deer in a psychotic breakdown is taking a shower in the other room. Neat is not the word I would use.
*Hilda venters*
Hilda: Okay so I just got a look at Dimitri’s ass, and aside from being surprisingly nice he’s got this weird hole-shaped scar.
Lorenz: ...Yeah, Hilda. Boys have that too.
Hilda: No you idiot! I mean a hole above that one!
Raphael, drawing the completely wrong conclusion: You mean he’s a girl?
Dimitri, from inside the showers: WOMAN! Where’s the cleansing powder!
Hilda, over her shoulder: We don’t have that here! We have Alliance-made soap!
Dimitri: The hell is soap?!
Hilda: It’s that yellow bar there made of animal fat!
Dimitri: That sounds awesome! *chomp* I get the distinct feeling I shouldn’t have done that.
Lorenz: I change my mind, this is pretty neat.
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mommymooze · 4 years
Big Girls, Big Hearts
The Golden Deer are devouring their lunch on a sunny fall afternoon. The conversation is lively as they are quite the boisterous bunch. Rumors are spreading about strange things happening in Remire Village. Everyone is working themselves into an anxious state about the perplexing rumors being overheard. Hilda decides it is time to lighten the conversation.
“You know, every year they hold a ball at the Academy. The students get the chance to get to know each other better in a more friendly environment and its sort of a reward for working so hard as well as a possible way to find future partners.” She grins widely.
“A ball?” you ask. “With dressing up and dancing? I’m a commoner. It’s only for nobles, right?”
Hilda scoffs. “No silly! It’s for everyone! Dancing and romancing!  Time to find love and intrigue, hugs and kisses.”
“Um, this is an optional event, right?” You ask nervously. You’ve never been to a ball. Never had to learn to dance. You would rather beat up 500 bandits than go to a single ball.
“Come on (y/n) . You are the bravest person I know. What’s so scary about a little dance? Getting to hold a special someone in your arms for a bit, maybe even a kiss in the moonlight…Ooooh so exciting!” Hilda clasps her hands together daydreaming wistfully.
“Maybe I can catch the plague by then.” You grumble at your empty plate in front of you.
“No! Don’t even think that. We are going to get you ready and dressed up and you will not believe how beautiful you will look.” Hilda stomps her foot at you.
“Yeah, like putting lipstick on a pig, but with fat swollen lips because I’m allergic to it.” You further groan.
“Pish Posh! We can accentuate your good qualities yet keep you comfortable. I may let you wear shoes with less than 3 inch heels even.” Hilda puts her finger on her chin plotting further ways of dressing you up.”
“Balls are for petite cute girls like you and Marianne. My arms are like tree trunks. I am bulgy and lumpy. Not a sweet and delicate flower such as yourself.” You moan on, hoping she gives up soon.
Hilda puts her hands on her hips. “Yes, I can be a delicate flower. I also wield an axe just like you. Those things are heavy and take strength to swing around. Yes, I will admit to having a few muscles. Not everyone wants a delicate maiden that falls over from the slightest breeze. Some want a good hunk of warm and loving body to squeeze them back until they can’t breathe. Everyone knows you are incredibly strong. Didn’t I hear about you carrying Dedue to the infirmary not that long ago? I bet Felix or Sylvain couldn’t do it at all, but you just whisked him up and hauled him across the monastery like he was a little kid and ran him up the stairs to the infirmary.”
You blush furiously. “What was I supposed to do? I walked into the greenhouse just as he slipped on the wet rocks and he was knocked out. I couldn’t just leave him there.” You are hiding your face in your hands, feeling incredibly embarrassed.
Hilda laughs. “(Y/n), We watched you carry him bridal style running to the infirmary. I heard that when he found out he blushed for a half hour straight.!”
You want to crawl under the table, settling for crossing your arms and burying your face in them.
Hilda tugs your arm, “We are hitting up the dressmaker in town. Gonna get you a killer dress, show off those muscular toned abs and legs, and get you set up for the night of your life.”
“Nightmare of my life more like.” You mumble to yourself.
The battle at Remire is terrifying. Thomas turns into a really creepy ghosty old guy. The Flame Emperor shows up being threatening. The worst part is the villagers. They are going crazy killing everything, even their own families. They didn’t know they are attacking their own loved ones, their own friends. The Deer try so hard to rescue as many villagers as possible. You work to subdue as many of the possessed ones you can. They are still someone’s family and hopefully the madness is temporary. When the battle is over you look at the village, not much is left of it. The smell of smoke and burnt everything is thick in the air, choking everyone, making their eyes burn.  Finally, after the cleanup is done and all the villagers are treated for injuries, it is time to head back to the monastery.
The Golden Deer are unusually quiet as they silently march back to the monastery. Even Hilda is quiet after what she had seen. Ignatz makes his way over to you as the group keeps walking back to the academy.
“You ok?” He softly whispers to you.
You take your sleeve and wipe the tears from your eyes. “Yeah, I just got a lot of smoke in my eyes there. Thanks.” You mumble back, hanging your head a bit lower than it was before.
It is a long walk back. Everyone finally makes it into the monastery gates and the group splits up, everyone going their own direction.
Claude takes you aside. “Are you going to be okay? I’d be happy to chat if you want to. The professor is a great listener too.” He says with a look of concern in his eyes.
You don’t know where your tears are coming from now. They haven’t stopped since you were in Remire village. You open your mouth but nothing comes out. Professor Byleth comes over and puts her arm around your shoulder, leading you to her room. She pulls out a tea set and prepares tea.
“You know I lost my parents in a fire. Watching the village burn brought the whole thing back.” You stare down into your teacup.
“I’m sorry.” Byleth responds. Her face is not extremely expressive, but you can tell she is being very sympathetic from her body language.
“Do you think I can talk to Seteth about helping them out some? Isn’t this something like what the church would do? It is so late in the year and many of them don’t have secure homes to live in.” You ask, the tears slowing.
“My father and I spent a lot of time at that village. That was where the church found us.  I will talk to him as well.” Byleth nods.
You return to your room to try to sleep after such a nightmarish week.
The next morning you check with Seteth about assisting the village. You find that he has already spoken with Captain Jeralt and Lady Rhea feels that this is an excellent idea. After a few days of gathering supplies and materials, a small caravan heads out to Remire. Professor Byleth, the Golden Deer, Shamir, Jeralt and all his former mercenaries who had been incorporated into battalions, Alois and some of the Knights of Seiros, and surprisingly, Dimitri and Dedue.
The town elders meet with your group, discussing their wants and needs. Repairs to the structures that are salvageable should begin quickly. Tasks are divided between those that are experts in certain areas assisted by warm bodies that can lift, move or hand things to others. Ignatz is working on a map of the to be reconstructed village. Since assistance has arrived so quickly, there are fewer residents that will be leaving for other towns, happily staying now that they have some support. Everyone has something they can do. Cutting trees, clearing branches, gathering wood and kindling, sifting through burnt houses for useful items that can be salvaged like utensils, plates, and tools. The young go with the old to fields gathering heather, reeds, and straw for thatching the roofs.
You start with gathering salvaged bricks together to repair buildings. Even Lysithia can carry a few bricks at a time, you tell her 30 are needed at this house, 15 needed here. A few Knights head off to a local riverbank for sand and water to make the mortar.  You clean and prepare the bricks, measure the materials and have someone stir the mortar mixture. Soon you find yourself up on a ladder with a full mortarboard spreading an even layer of the compound, then place a brick, lay more mortar between it and the next brick. Starting with the smaller repairs first there are now several restored residences that will keep the wind and weather out.
As the sun goes down, everyone gathers in the center of town around large cauldrons full of soup, together with fresh baked bread made by the residents from the supplies brought by the Academy volunteers. Many of the townspeople are crying thanking everyone for their help. The Knights certainly push that this is by the grace of the goddess and the church. Others are simply happy to help in any way they can.
You grab some soup and take a seat near Dimitri and Dedue. They greet you and welcome your presence.
“I am surprised by your bricklaying knowledge. I had no idea of your talents.” Dimitri smiles.
“My older brother was a bricklayer, I helped him out often when I was growing up. I can’t wait to get my hands on some hammers and nails once the brickwork is complete.” You grin. “I am surprised to find the two of you here.”
“Hey your Princeliness, Dedue, (Y/n). Mind if I join you?” Claude takes a seat next to you. “We really appreciate your help. We did not expect other houses to send anyone.”
“I am very interested to see firsthand the reconstruction after disasters such as this.” The prince says excitedly. “It is wonderous seeing everyone come together with a single mindset of rebuilding. Everyone is helping in so many different manners. The strong are carrying bricks and trees, cutting wood, lifting loads. The weaker are preparing food for everyone, gathering materials and completing more delicate work. I am amazed at how much has been accomplished in just a single day.”
“Agreed. Many hands make light work.” Dedue nods. “I am happy to lend my strength.”
“Both of you are certainly welcomed with open arms. There is plenty of heavy lifting to do.” Smiles Claude. “I hope we can replace a few homes before we leave. Talking with the elders, there are some families doubled up in the same house. At least if each family has their own place it would be much more pleasant making it through winter.”
“Another important thing is to provide these people support and comfort.” You softly speak. “Let them know there are others out here who care for you as your fellow man. I do not know any of these people, but I do know about losing things to disaster. People that had no idea who I was helped me, kept me going when my life was crushed by disaster. Now here I am, helping out someone else that I have no idea as to who they are. I just want to help them. I hope it keeps them going as well.”
Dedue nods and smiles. The two house leaders agree that this is a great learning experience for everyone. You take the empty dishes leaving them to chat amongst themselves and head over to Byleth who is sitting with her father and their former mercenaries.
“Byleth, Jeralt. I wanted to thank you personally for helping bring this together. It didn’t sit right with me leaving these people behind and in such a ruined state.” You say, a smile finally crossing your lips.
“If Seteth would have said one word about not helping with this I would have punched that ‘No’ right off of his face.” Jeralt laughs. Byleth smiles. “This is a great learning experience for everyone. I think all of the classes should complete a project like this. Hands on learning is the most practical. Even Lorenz is finding some hidden talents as a result of this experience. I think he has a greater respect for Leonie too. That girl can turn a pile of trash into 100 different useful things.”
After dinner there’s not enough light to work on building without making it dangerous. So you decide to knit a sock or two. That way you can talk to everyone and when you’re done, someone has a new pair of socks. Win-win! There is plenty of chatter to go around the campfires with everyone in the village telling interesting stories of its history, or funny residents who did silly things, famous village romances or deeds. They also share stories of when the Blade Breaker came to town to save or help them. Being in a village isn’t all peace and quiet. There were some exciting and spicy tales shared until the cobwebs filled everyone’s heads and it was time to sleep.
The next day is just as busy with more homes being made whole by the end of the day. Construction is started on two different houses. One for a larger family, one for a smaller. Everyone gives their all in some way or another. Gathering kindling, firewood, food, finding the animals that were scattered by the calamity. Suddenly Saturday morning arrives, the last day the group from Garreg Mach will stay for rebuilding. What a difference everyone has made! Every family in Remire has their own place to stay without having to share. There are a long row of stalls for wares in the new Marketplace. There is even a barn and stable to keep horses for the community. Firewood is stored to keep the homes warm. It is everything the smaller village needs to get them through the winter. There is a celebration in the village center and tears are shed. However, these are all tears of joy as new friendships have been forged and the feeling of a job well done can be left with the people. The march back to the monastery is full of high spirits and happy hearts.
Back at the monastery you look forward to a warm bath and sleeping in your own bed. Just as you’ve changed into your nightgown there is a knock on the door.
“Um, I was just about to go to sleep. Can we talk tomorrow?” you anxiously respond to the knock as you stand at the door.
“It’s just me.” Says Hilda. “Come on. We’ve got some girl talk to do.”
You roll your eyes as the chipper pink ponytailed girl comes bouncing in your dorm.
“You haven’t forgotten the ball now, have you?” She winks.
“Oh yeah, that.” You stammer. You kinda sorta did forget.
“Tomorrow we’re going to town and getting a dressmaker to take your measurements. I know exactly what you need to wear.” She bubbles out excitedly. “I think you would be adorable in yellow. I saw the most darling shimmery satin material that would make you look like a princess.”
“A muscular, big shouldered princess.” You whine.
“Girl, you have no idea how to work with what you have, and you have a lot going for you.” Hilda smirks. “Now, I’ve been thinking. I know that you can’t wear lipstick, but I was hoping you can do some lip gloss. It has different things that go into it. Some are even flavored. Have you ever tried any?”
“Um. No.” You shrug sheepishly.
“Great! Hold still now.” Hilda has you in her grip as she plunks you down in your chair and starts carefully applying some gloss to your lips.  “There. How is it?”
You mush your lips together. They aren’t tingling or stinging. They don’t feel like they are getting fat. She pulls your mirror from your dresser to show you your lips.
“They’re just shiny.” You say, looking confused.
“Shiny is healthy. Gloss makes your lips slippery. It’s really good for you in the winter. When the cold air hits them, they stay soft and won’t peel. Your lips are really pretty. They’ll be lined up around the building wanting to get a turn to kiss those cute shiny lips.” The pinkette grins.
“But this is a dance. Where is the kissing coming from? Do I have to? I’m so confused.” You plunk back down on your chair with a big frown.
“Listen and listen good. Pretty soon we’re going to graduate, everyone is going to go their own way and you’re my friend and I’m just trying to help you get the most out of life. The ball isn’t just a celebration for nobles. It’s a chance to get to know the other students better in a different environment, a casual and fun environment. So many people have met the love of their life at this very same Academy event! Who knows what will happen on that glorious evening? The magic is calling for you, I can hear it!”
You look at her like she has two heads.
“Come on! Loosen up! I told you I will get you through this. Let’s start with the dance lessons. If you are dancing with a guy, he’s supposed to lead. If you dance with a girl, then either of you can lead, just agree who is to lead before you start. So I am going to lead. That means you put your left hand on my shoulder on the same side, and put your right hand into my palm on the other.” She grabs your hand and waits for you to put the other on her shoulder. “Good. Now don’t stomp on my feet, you have socks on, so put your toes on mine so you can follow me. The lead person is going to take their right foot and step forward, since you are following, you take a step back on your left foot. You will be moving backwards mostly, so the lead person watches to make sure you don’t crash into anyone…” Hilda goes through the basics of the box step for the waltz. You don’t quite crush her toes, and just maybe you do get the hang of it a bit. She tells you to look at her face, don’t look down. Stop looking down. Looking down will mess you up. You crash and fall over on the bed laughing once and she makes you get up and try again.
“Enough for your first lesson. You did great.” Hilda smiles. “So tomorrow after breakfast, we hit the dress shop.”
You yawn, “Sure…” and wave as you see her out the door. You would have bad dreams about going to the ball and stomping on everyone’s feet, but you’re too tired to even do that and actually just have a good night’s rest.
After breakfast Hilda practically drags you to town.
“Maybe I should just wear pants.” You grumble.
“Come on, you would look so cute!” She giggles.
“Cute is a bunny or a baby chick. I feel more like a silly goose.” You whine.
She hauls you into the dressmakers where a tall redheaded woman with a lowcut red dress assists you. “Hello dahlings.” She greets you at the door. Hilda curtseys, so you do too.
“Madame Palmyre, I’ve brought you another beauty in need of a dress for the ball.” Hilda proclaims.
“Hmmm. Hmmmm. Well. Athena. Hmmmm. No, Artemis! With the shoulders of Atlas. Oooooh. Yes.” Madame coos and ahhs as she walks around you touching your shoulders, lifting your head, raising your arms. “We must measure, quickly!” and shuffles you to the back where you are hastily stripped to your undergarments.
Madame’s hands work at a fast pace. She’s put special strings around various parts of your body, writing numbers down. Hilda stands next to her and they chitter and chatter with each other for a while. You decide to put your clothes back on.
“Lovelies, I shall have it ready two days before the ball. She will be magnifique!” Madame Palmyre raises her right hand with a flourish and a wide smile.
Hilda drags you to the cobbler to see what sort of shoes would be best. You glance at the boots longingly.
“No. “The Goneril girl shakes her head. “Cute. Not clunky.”
“Hilda, I have feet shaped like a duck.” You groan.
“Come on, work with me.” Hilda finally finds the shoes she is looking for. “Check this out. There is almost no heel, the toe is rounded but the way it is made, it gives you room for your wider foot to be comfy. Still cute!”
You look at the shoes, then at your friend. “I know you know what you are doing. I am so clueless. Just promise me I won’t want to cut off my feet by the end of the ball and I will wear whatever you want me to.”
“Gotcha, fam!” Hilda smiles as she puts in the order. The cobbler takes your measurements and says they will be ready next Sunday.
Hilda takes you to the final store of the day, which is great because this is really getting confusing and exhausting and overwhelming.
“Hey Mattie!” Hilda greets the owner. “We’re here for lipgloss and earrings.”
“But I don’t have pierced ears.” You look at her puzzled.
Hilda grins. “You will.”
You are a brave girl in battle. You fight and punch bad guys in the face. Intentionally letting someone stab holes in your ears is a whole different story. You were brave when they created the first hole and stuck the earring through. But when they stabbed your other ear with the needle, the needle that kept getting bigger the more you looked at it, the tears were shooting out of your eyes like rain.
“It’s done, its done. You’re fine! Look! So pretty!” Hilda is patting you on the back showing you the mirror. Mattie gives instructions to turn the earrings frequently and keep them clean. They should be well healed by the time of the ball. She helps you pick out some mint and honey flavored lip gloss.
You feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Not even fresh treats from the bakery tempt you. You just want to go back and hide. And maybe punch out a Duscur bear. Do something more familiar and relaxing.
That night you can’t sleep well. You always sleep on your side and no matter how you crunched up or mauled your pillow it still hurt your ears. You are going to die from lack of sleep long before the night of the ball. That is a welcome end, you think to yourself.
The next morning, dark circles hang heavily below your sleep deprived eyes, you barely make it to class in time. Lysithia notices something different as soon as she comes into the room.
“Your ears are pierced. That is so cute! I’ve been thinking about it. I may do that too some day.” The white haired girl muses.
“Hey (Y/n), Lysithia! Look who has more holes in her head! Just kidding.” Claude says as he taps his own earring while looking at yours.
Hilda strolls into the classroom followed by Marianne. They come to sit beside you.
“My ears are killing me. You better take good notes. I am going to sleep through class.” You warn the mischievous pinkette.
“And you’ll be cute doing it too. Yes, sometimes beauty can be painful, but it will go away soon.” Hilda tries to reassure you.
“I wish I could use magic on it, but it might make your earrings stick to your ears.” Marianne comments looking at her hands.
You rest your hands on your books and your chin on your hands. Nothing is touching your ears and you fall asleep before Hanneman comes in and starts his lecture about crests.
The excitement surrounding the ball continues. Your stomach starts to twist in knots every time you hear the word “Ball”. You have your new shoes and Hilda makes you practice dancing in them and walking around your room in them so they are broken in enough to not hurt you on the night of the..you know.
Hilda drags you to town the Sunday before the ball to get a fitting for your dress. She’s being a real stinker, because she makes you wear a blindfold so you can’t see it.  It comes with a special bustier, lifting your bust to be plump like a partridge (Madame Palmyre’s words). You had no idea what a bustier is in the first place. They picked and primped on you for a few minutes and then took the dress away, letting you get back into your comfy clothes. It wasn’t too uncomfortable, but you certainly wouldn’t battle in the dress, you chuckle to yourself.
Hilda continues with dancing practice. Marianne joins so you can observe them dancing as well. Marianne, the best dancer in the Deer glides gracefully across the floor. You feel like you are stomping around like a moose with four left feet. You are getting better though, you hardly step on Hilda’s feet any longer.
Soon, too soon, the fateful day arrives. The ball is this evening. They have classes in the morning so that everyone can get ready or in your case, panic in the afternoon. You just know you have a fever, you’re sick to your stomach. You should go to the infirmary so they can pronounce you on the brink of death and give a written note excusing you from the…the thing.  Class finally ends, before you can escape, Hilda, Annette, and Dorothea grab you and physically take you to Hilda’s room for hairstyling and makeup. You try to excuse yourself because you forgot your lipgloss, but they are on to you and will not let you go. You have no idea how they can fit so many females in the same room and still have room to work on them all. You hope you can escape when getting lunch, but no, they are too evil and have lunch brought in for everyone.
“(Y/n), I have the perfect jewelry to match your look.” Hilda giggles. She holds up gold crescent moon earrings, bracelet, and a matching necklace. Many “oohs” and “ahhs” are heard from the others. The stones in the bracelet are perfect, they are a pale yellow and black, matching the colors of the dress. Hilda sends you off to your room with Annette and Dorothea to get you into your dress. The songstress shows you how to put on the sheer and dotted with gold sparkles thigh high stockings without ripping them, teaching you how to fasten them to the garter belt. They adjust the lacing of the bustier so that you can breathe easily and move, yet your bust is enhanced, which is quite embarrassing, but then you look over at Dorothea and she’s super enhanced and ready to spill over the top of hers any second. Finally they help you lift and pull the dress on. Soft yellow chiffon at the top, gathered under the bust into its empire waist. A black airy stretchy panel starts there and goes to the bottom of the dress, flaring out a bit. The front is just past your knees, the back a few inches above your ankles. It visually pulls your waist in. Dorothea has that perfect hourglass figure with a waist so tiny that you could almost enclose it with your hands. You have much more um, meat, around your waist, the muscles alone make you twice as wide as her, but with the black panel it flares so you really do look, dare you think it, feminine. You thought the slightly puffy sleeves would make your shoulders bigger, but they just give you more freedom of movement. This is the most comfortable and beautiful dress you have ever worn. Madame is a magician.
Dorothea nearly has tears in her eyes. “Our baby looks all grown up.” She sniffles.
“Wow.” Declares Annette. “I need to meet this seamstress. She really knows her stuff. Its like you’ve been magically transformed. If I didn’t know it was you under there (y/n) I would say it was a different person.
“Come on, you are going to make me cry.” You were emotional before, but seeing the whole outfit, you do feel like the princess Hilda wanted you to look like.
Suddenly it is time for everyone to head to the ball. Many of the women head off to meet their dates. Hilda and her date, Marianne, look adorable together. They have the same purple flowers in their hair and their dresses complement each other perfectly. They walk with you toward the sound of music playing. The students are filing into the large room for the dance, the variety of colors and styles are striking. Everyone looks so beautiful.
You wander over to where the Golden Deer have congregated on the side of the room. Raphael is wearing a shirt that fits across his chest, although his muscles in his arms still look like they are about to burst through the sleeves.
“Hey, (y/n). Glad to see ya. You sure look pretty.” Raphael grins. You take it as an amazing compliment, he usually only notices food.
Ignatz is nervously pulling at his collar. “I haven’t been to a Ball before. The monastery really went all out for this. The food, decorations, and presentation are a work of art.”
The house leaders are called to the front accompanied by Hilda, Hubert, and Mercedes. They perform a special dance together that includes changing partners. Of course, Claude has to ham it up by dipping Edelgard who is a bit shocked but recovers well from the unexpected move. The special dance ends and the surrounding students now fill the dance floor.
Leonie sits next to you with a plate of appetizers and sweets. “Go grab some food, (y/n). They have some amazing things on the banquet tables. I tried this gray stuff, it’s delicious.”
You quickly shake your head. “My stomach is so jittery. I’ll stick with apple juice.” You weakly smile as you take a sip.
Looking to the left, there is an anxious Lysithia trying to drag a dressed-up Cyril out to the dance floor. You laugh because he looks more nervous than you. Hilda has Marianne out on the floor, the couple gliding along smoothly like the floor is made of ice. Annette is smiling widely as Ashe is guiding her safely around the other couples. They look too cute.
“Ahem! (Y/n)” you suddenly hear a male standing next to you, breaking you from your trance.
You jump a little in your seat to see the Prince of Faerghus bowing low and asking you for a dance.
You stand up and stammer, “Oh, yes. Thank you.” You place your right hand into his left as he leads you among the dancing couples. Hilda’s dance practice pays off as you have yet to stomp on the Blue Lions leader’s feet or trip over your own. You chat about how happy he is having participated in the rebuilding of Remire and how some day he will rebuild Duscur as well. Just as the song ends, he bends closer to your ear.
“I think Dedue would like to have a dance with you as well. He is a bit shy, but if you wait patiently close by him he may gather enough courage to ask you, unless of course you ask him first.” Dimitri smiles as your face turns completely red.
You can feel the burn of the blush all the way to the back of your neck.  You curtsey as the song ends and he leaves to find another partner. You just happen to be close to where Dedue is standing, the tall man is against the wall, his hands behind his back, eyes flitting from couple to couple. You decide to stand not far from the Duscur male.
Watching the students dance, Claude pulls Professor Byleth out onto the floor. You laugh at the shocked look on her face. Balthus is dancing with Manuela. He has a grin from ear to ear as he twirls her around, making her laugh. Perhaps this is what everyone needs, to have a night to forget about their problems and issues going on and simply enjoy themselves, if just for a little while. You find yourself swaying with the music as you look over at Dedue who takes a step towards you.
“Are you enjoying the ball?” Dedue asks softly, smiling pleasantly.
“Yes. I was not looking forward to it, however now that I am here it is nice. It is good to see our friends simply being happy.“ You answer him. “Would you like to dance?”
Dedue bows, “It would be my honor.” He says, taking your hand in his.
He is so incredibly tall. The top of your head is well below his shoulders. You have to crane your neck to look into his face, but it is worth it to see his gentle smile.
The white haired man looks down at you, “You are small.”
You nod as you smile, trying not to laugh because compared Dedue, absolutely everyone is small.
Dedue continues, “You are very strong.”
You blush, mashing your forehead into his chest. This giant man just said you were strong.
He is not finished. “And cute.”
Your ears are burning because you are blushing so hard. You’ve never been cute before. You’re having a hard time looking into his eyes while you are blushing so hard, so you decide to focus your sight on his strong handsome chin. Breathe, don’t forget to breathe.
“You have many wonderful talents. Not only fighting and helping Dimitri.” You tell Dedue, daring to look in his eyes again. “In the village I was impressed by your construction skills. Your assistance helped us complete more buildings than we had originally planned. Thank you.”
You both smile at each other as you continue to dance for the rest of the song, as it ends, you curtsey, he bows.
Before you take one step toward exiting the dance floor, Claude mysteriously appears behind you, taking your right hand in his. He kisses the back of your hand.
“May I have this dance, my Deer?” Claude smiles widely at you.
“I cannot say no to our Leader-man. That would be against the rules. Not that you pay much attention to rules, Claude.” You laugh as you place your left hand upon his shoulder.
Dancing with Dimitri and Dedue had been proper and elegant. Their steps carefully measured, in perfect time with the music. Dancing with Claude is like holding on to a leaf in a whirlwind. You moved up, then down back then right then spun and twirled. One time he had spun you around you thought he was trying to fling you into the middle of the orchestra. You think it strange, then funny, then you begin to laugh. He twirls you away from him, then pulls you to twirl the opposite way around toward him, your chest lightly crashing into his as you laugh together.
His steps suddenly fall back in with the tempo of the music, you following. Your laughter calming, you gasp a bit as you are slightly out of breath, and dancing very closely with Claude. You feel his right arm around you, his fingers close to the center of your back, his chest is warm against you.
“Hilda told me that if I play my cards right that I might get to dance with a beautiful princess tonight.” Claude purrs softly in your ear. “I think I have a winner here.”
You blush profusely, trying to look away from his dazzling emerald eyes and failing. Claude’s grin is as wide as you have ever seen it. Suddenly the music concludes. The orchestra takes a brief break.
He bows and you curtsey back.
“Thank you, princess (y/n).” Claude Grins.
“Thank you, Duke von Riegan.” You smile.
Hilda runs up to drag Claude off to gossip about who knows what as you grab a seat and catch your breath. You will have to honestly thank Hilda for making you go to this. You catch your breath in the quiet during the orchestra’s break. Your heart has simmered down after beating at such an excited rate for so long.
You glance about the room. Looking left you see the orchestra has returned, preparing to begin, to your right you see two different redheaded gentlemen headed your direction. Oh my…
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annie-fantine · 3 years
Dear Neo,
Um, hi. I'm a little nervous about sending this. I've never sent a love letter before. But I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me! Just knowing you exist every day makes me so happy. I hope I can do a painting some day of you and your cat Olliver.
All my love,
Ignatz Victor
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omg,, ignatz and my fat bastard cat,, dreams do come true y'all!!!
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rayysart · 4 years
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Ignatz never looks up when talking with Raphael even though hes so much taller then him, and I like to think it's because he's looking directly into raphaels giant fat bodankahonkas
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snowy-nostalgia · 8 months
Claude: Okay, we all know the sweet, non-superficial reasons you guys like eachother, but what are the superficial things you like about eachother?
*Me and Ignatz at the same time*
Me: Voice.
Ignatz: Fat.
0 notes
randomscrapbook · 3 years
George Mario Angel Quintero: “Disappearance Tap Dance”
For combat, for a scrap, or just a smack of hazmat, from proleteriat to plutocrat, Ignatz spat at a fat cat's spats! At that, cats bring bats, and that gnat was shat flat. Splat! With a fence slat! A tat-tat scat on the hat of that rat of an Ignatz. Ignatz doormat's last gasp. And that was that. No bureaucrats, No dramatic acts, no taps, no stats, no ersatz facts, no looking back, no pitter-pats, just scrapped, that rat. His stance, that, romanceless. Now I got ants, in my pants, I got ants, in my hands, antsy, but no chance, no chance, no chance.
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crackimagines · 4 years
Bringing up the Big Bang Burger challenge makes me question how the Deer Fare with the Rainy Day Challenge?
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Persona 4 3H AU Masterlist
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(Yu) “This is the mega beef bowl challenge from Inaba. 
It takes understanding to accept it as a whole, 
knowledge to set the proper pace, 
courage to attack the meat and dedication to keep on eating! 
All of these are needed to finish 
(Claude) “...So what’s the occasion?”
(Yu) “Eat it before it gets cold.”
(Claude) “E-Eat...it all? Like, per person?”
- Yu handed out the bowls to everyone.
(Hilda) “I-I’m gonna get so freakin’ fat if I try to eat this! I can’t look cute with a big belly!”
(Ignatz) “I-I think I’m going to throw up just by looking at it...!”
(Marianne) “O-Oh dear...maybe Dorte would like to have some of this...?”
(Lorenz) “It’s rude to not eat a meal when given but...this is ludicrous!”
(Lysithea) “I uh...am on a diet! So, sorry Yu!”
(Yu) “...”
(Lysithea) “...O-Okay FINE! Ugh...”
(Leonie) “Come on, I bet we can do it...I-I think...”
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