#farro blood moon if
toad-games · 1 year
of regrets and rainy nights
“Do you like Theo?” He’s used to Hani’s impossible questions by now. She’s overflowing with them, and he’s learned by now how to drift on that unending tide. How to admit that he doesn’t know everything, far from it. But, this question isn’t difficult to answer. And that realization alone scares the shit out of him. “Yes, I do. I like her very much.”
Or, Hani’s very inquisitive nature comes in clutch to a shy dad trying to get to know someone a bit better. I cannot get Farro out of my head, so I needed to finish this before my brain combusted.
Farro x F!MC (Theo) 1,500 words. Farro is from @barbwritesstuff‘s amazing game Blood Moon go play it I am no longer asking
Read it on AO3 here
Hani is silent as he carries her up the creaking stairs. Ordinarily, she wouldn't have tolerated being held like this, not for this long, but she still has her arms locked tight around his neck, her face buried in his still aching shoulder. He shifts her in his arms, freeing one hand to brush some of her wild curls out of his face. She still smells like maple syrup. 
“Why is Alpha mad at Theo?”
Her voice is so quiet, nearly drowned out by the drumming rain and the groaning of the old stairs. He might not have known she’d spoken at all if it weren’t for her warm breath against his neck.
“I don’t think Alpha is angry,” he murmurs, “I think they’re worried.”
“Did…did Theo do something bad?”
They reach their room and Farro carefully sets her down. Hani looks somehow both younger and very grown up in the dim light of the hall. Her rain jacket is too big on her, hanging almost to her knees, the sleeves rolled back three times to keep her hands free. She’s looking up at him, her enormous brown eyes unusually serious. He kneels down so that she doesn’t have to crane her head back. Downstairs, the pack still murmurs to one another, their discontent practically a physical presence in the pub. It’s echoed by the moon’s distant call to action. Call to hunt. The lack of howling is almost deafening. 
“I don’t know,” he says, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear, “I don’t think so, but,” he draws his hand down his face, scratches at his beard with a sigh.  He’s having a difficult time cataloging the strange series of events that lead him to this moment himself. He can’t imagine what this all must look like to her. Bright, inquisitive Hani, who has a million questions on a perfectly average day.
“I don’t think Theo did anything wrong,” she whispers, “I think she’s nice. I don’t think she would do something mean, or try to trick us.”
Farro’s heart twists, and he tries to smile. He doesn’t feel particularly successful at it.
“I hope you’re right, pumpkin.”
“Do you like Theo?”
“I--” he hesitates, his hands still resting on her tiny shoulders. She’s staring up at him, eyebrows raised and he sighs again, getting to his feet, “it’s late, Hani, very late.”
“Do you?”
He looks back down at her, bracing his hands on his hips.
He’s used to Hani’s impossible questions by now. She’s overflowing with them, and he’s learned by now how to drift on that unending tide. How to admit that he doesn’t know everything, far from it. But, this question isn’t difficult to answer. And that realization alone scares the shit out of him. 
“Yes, I do. I like her very much.”
For the first time since they’ve returned to the pub, Hani smiles, dimples flashing in her cheeks. She looks so much like Brianna when she smiles. He reaches out, pinches her cheek gently, smiling when she bats his hand away.
“Will you tell Alpha that Theo is nice,” she says, holding his hand away from her face. Her fingers are completely dwarfed by his own, “so that they won’t worry anymore?”
“I will, pumpkin. Now, it’s time for bed.”
The room Phill had given them is quiet, tucked away at the back of the pub. The view isn’t much, it looks out into the alleyway behind the pub, but it is quiet and surprisingly cozy, with the rain tapping against the window, the light from the street lamp muted by the heavy curtains. Hani had fallen asleep almost the second her head hit the pillow. Farro watches her, curled up beside him as he sits up against the headboard. Her auburn hair a halo around her still face. He flicks off the lamp, lays down, careful not to shift the bed too much. Roe had texted him, informing him that Kiki and Omar were on watch, that a few other wolves were prowling the streets as well. He and Hani can rest now. Nothing will be approaching the pub without the pack’s knowledge. Fatigue drags at him, but he can’t sleep. Every time he closes his eyes, Theo’s pale, stricken face stares back at him.
 He should have said something. Should have spoken up. But what was he supposed to say? Tell his alpha she was innocent? That whatever was going on here, if her pack was involved or not, Theo wouldn’t have done anything to hurt him or Hani. What evidence did he have of that? A stirring in his chest that he hadn’t felt in years? Was his alpha supposed to risk their entire pack on the claim that she was a good person, based purely on the fact that Theo was kind to his daughter?
He scrubs at his tired eyes, rolling over on his side. Sleep seems unlikely tonight. He thought Theo would have kept him awake for a very different reason. That he’d be too busy kicking himself for not asking for her number. That the image he couldn’t rid from his head was of her smiling up at him as she shook his hand. Of her unseasonably short sundress. Not her staring up at him, eyes wide and pleading as his packmates claws dug into her arms. 
He sits up, grinding the heels of his hands into his eyes until stars sparkle behind his lids. He should have fucking said something. Should have told the Alpha that she’d been just as surprised as he’d been, that she’d be the one bearing the scar from a silver blade if he hadn’t pushed her. His head falls back against the headboard with a dull thunk. The rain is picking up, sounding almost like small pebbles striking the window pane. He reaches for his phone. Maybe he could call Roe, or at least text them, give them a better idea of what happened. His phone is on top of Hani's notebook, perfectly framed by the thin strip of light falling in through the window. He picks it up, then looks down at the notepad beneath it. Small, spiral bound, covered with so many stickers he can’t tell what color the original cover is anymore. Many pages are dogeared, and there are colorful tabs sticking out on several of the warped pages. He glances down at Hani's sleeping form. She’s allowed him to read through a few entries before, under her watchful eye, but there’s only one that’s of any interest to him tonight. The notebook somehow feels fuller than when he’d originally bought it for her. So much of Hani is imbued in these pages that she’s added a tangible weight to it. He turns to the last page.
 Interview with Theodora (Theo) Jackson. March 2nd 2019 8:38 P.M.
 It takes some time to decipher her scrawling script, especially in the dim light and with his tired, itchy eyes, but he pushes through. He reads about how Theo hates artificial cherry flavor, but loves fresh cherries. About how if she could go anywhere in the world, she’d go to the lake where her mother taught her to swim. He reads until a headache begins to build behind his eyes, and he reads some more. He combs through pages of his daughter’s childish handwriting, scouring for every piece of Theo he can find, collecting fragments and scraps until he can assemble something that resembles a person. Resembles the woman who sat next to him in a sticky vinyl booth, hiding her amusement behind her napkin, but catching his eye over Hani's head. Smiling at him like the two of them were already in on some private joke. 
It isn’t much. Mostly superficial things, like favorite foods (lemon pound cake), favorite color (yellow to look at, green to wear) but there are a few lines that he lingers on. That she loves the smell of warm grass. That she loves Carly Simon and Joni Mitchell, because her mother loved them. A few disjointed sentences about a clearing in a dense, old forest. A place to finally settle. Somewhere to call home. A fire that burned hot and fast, and the long, lonely year that followed. 
He hadn’t been able to catch everything she’d said during the interview. The pub had been loud, and Theo was angled away from him, her attention entirely on Hani, but he’d heard the way she had adopted almost a drawl when she talked about her old pack. When she talked about her mother. He’d watched the way her shoulders had grown tense, but she still smiled at Hani, her voice honeyed and soft. 
Do you miss your old pack?
All the time
He closes the notebook, sets it back in the exact position he found it. There’s more, a dozen questions more but his head is swimming, the ache in his temples building to a steady throb. He closes his eyes. Remembers the way Theo’s anguish had settled into numbness with practiced ease as her packmate’s tinny voice echoed from her phone,
“He’s dead… our alpha is dead.”
Hani rolls over with a muffled groan, nuzzling her face into his shoulder. He curls an arm around her, drawing her in and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Tomorrow, he’ll talk to Roe. Tomorrow, he’ll try to make it right.
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tempii · 1 year
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So i finished Blood Moon yesterday and wooow, what a game, it was amazing!🌚
Farro and Marco from @barbwritesstuff
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redwayfarers · 11 months
How hot is that character: Farro from blood moon 👀
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD HAVE MERCY
as i was talking with a friend last night, farro is just.. he makes me go feral, pun not intended. he is my main blood moon romance and he and my alpha, angelina, are in a happy relationship-possibly-marriage.
he just hits a spot, yk? kind, caring, good father, a good partner, protective, an ideal man that i hope to have irl, and not to mention how fucking. sweet his romance is like HELLO, @barbwritesstuff knew what she was doing when she crafted him in that big brain of hers
everyone go play blood moon & thicker than too, lets promote good ifs here
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lucifer-kane · 1 year
The drunken forehead kiss with Sergi in the van right Before was I think what made my MC go. 'Oh fuck I HAVE been into this guy for ages' in the back of his mind.
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forest-fae8 · 1 year
oof so I started reading Blood Moon and my fucking god I was expecting to read a silly little werewolf story I was not expecting ✨this✨ I’ve got Blood Moon brainrot now
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auroraswife · 1 year
replayed blood moon for farro and even though i romanced him i never got NSFW options? what happened lol what did i do wrong
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barbwritesstuff · 4 months
Can I ask you all the characters MC can romance in Blood Moon?
It's just that a long time ago I saw someone mention Sergi. I always thought of him as a side character and did not think much.
In Blood Moon you can romance:
In Thicker Than you can romance:
In both games, some romances start early, and some start late. Sergi is exclusively a late game romance and wasn't in the original draft/plan of the story. I included him because he was such a popular character.
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 months
20 questions for 20 writers
i was tagged by @accidentallyadorable, ty for the tag friend <3
tagging: @archesa, @thevikingwoman, @scionshtola, @antariies, @anneapocalypse, @ghostwise and whoever sees this and wants to participate <3
q1. how many works do you have on ao3?
i don't post all my work on ao3, but on ao3 alone, 28!
q2. what fandoms do you write for?
guild wars 2, wayfarer, ffxiv, blood moon, infamous, the exile <3
q3. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
tales of the red wayfarer - a cassander character study
overflowing - intellis pining
somewhere after midnight - cassmel post-sex cuddling and pillow talk
ties that sever, ties that bind - an inteus family study, currently being finished
songweaver - more intellis pining (all wayfarer works lmao)
q4. do you respond to comments?
always! they're few and far between so i make sure i do <3
q5. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hard to say... i write angst, but i write hurt/comfort, so like. by that alone it's ties that sever because cass cries by the end of each one and is very much alone so like. ties that sever??? bonus points go for scenes of an arson site also.
extra bonus points go to on theokleia, my mother which is a part of the ties that sever series, but a piece that haunts me to this day.
q6. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hm.. ones that gives me budging hopes are a flickering light, or a tale of two survivors (ffxiv) and my future will listen to me! i'm really fond of the endings of these two even if they're not typically... happy. i have happier endings but these two seem a different kind of happy to me. a wistful, hopeful happy as opposed to a typical happy.
q7. do you get hate on fics?
so far no and i hope it stays that way. i only recently hot my first hate ask lmaoooo
q8. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yes! i write for.. pairings, moreso than one type. so far i mostly have mlm smut, and that's because they're cassander pairings and he is a bisexual/achillean dude, but i do want to write wlw smut if the inspo strikes, and i do wanna write some het scenes i have in my head (namely a crossover that's nyra/estinien atm tbh. i also wanna write nyra/mirka for that wlw stuff.)
i also have a nyra solo i'm very proud of :>
q9. do you write crossovers?
i wrote a wayfarer/ffxiv crossover (a flickering light), and i wanna write a gw2/ffxiv crossover (nyra and estinien!) i also wrote a wayfarer/gw2 crossover with mordrem!cassander (a story of how (not) to be a big head)
other than that i rarely write crossovers tbh
q10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
girl no god forbid :xxxx
q11. have you ever co-written a fic before?
a long time ago, yes, with @guildwarsgirl! it was a braham shippy one, and i wrote for braham <3
q12. what's your all-time favorite ship?
honest to god? i got a few ships i cherish and keep near and dear to my heart: cassmel (cassander and melchior, wayfarer), trammander (nyra and trahearne, gw2), elion (el and liv, gw2) and angelina and farro from blood moon! i may not write about all of them equally but i do cherish them deeply
q13. what's one WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i do have certain series i wanna finish, such as my nikartoirel apology trilogy, called trials and tribulations - parts 1 and two are out - and ties that sever <3 when ffxiv brainrot comes back, i'll probably finish the nikartoirel apology series.
one other thing i wanna finish but it's not high on my to-do list is nikartoirel bridgerton au <3 gotta love regency husbands
q14. what are your writing strengths?
character voice! on god i love character voice so much and it shows.
q15. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i technically am since english is my second language! so yeah, full speed ahead
q16.first fandom you wrote for?
gw2 baybee <3 back in 2021. my first fic was actually trammander <3
q17. favorite fic you've written?
please don't ask me that ;; but between us... my future will listen to me, ties that sever, ties that bind, say hi to yourself, scenes of an arson site, a gravitational pull !
q18. what are your writing weaknesses?
fighting scenes hands down
q19. have you ever had a fic translated?
not yet but if anyone wants to.. i owe you my LIFE,, i could also tecnically do it but translating your own work is hard as fuck
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toad-games · 1 year
Okay, I have been obsessively playing Blood Moon, because I missed Marco, and I still love him and his route so much But Also why is no one talking about Farro???????????? Like????????
In response to, “You really think I’m beautiful?”
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And after his spicy scene which holy fuck that was super hot
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Like please this man is so soft until he isn’t and then it’s hot af please go romance this werewolf DILF I am begging
@barbwritesstuff thank you so much for such a wonderful game and such wonderful characters
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ollifree · 8 months
No Wolf-Man's Land
Fic for @barbwritesstuff's IFs 'Blood Moon' and 'Thicker Than', featuring @atypicalacademic's Mahim.
[Ao3 Mirror]
A vampire and a werewolf go to the movies, and neither knows exactly who is trespassing. Set during the time skip between parts one and two of 'Thicker Than'.
Obviously I should have waited to see how the pack's going to cameo in the game before writing this. However, and I cannot stress this enough, Barb's writing is my cocaine. The setting and the characters do things to me I don't have words to adequately describe. Either I write the fanfic as it comes to me or I start mauling.
“Okay, what seats do we want?”
“Up front!”
Hyun picks the ones they normally do. Fourth row up, two from the aisle.
Chris has an aunt-related emergency. Which is unfortunate, because Hyun likes that aunt, and annoying. Because vampires can’t pick up their sons during the day no matter how much they want to. They can’t even pick up their phones. They’re dead.
But, arrangements have been made, and now Hyun and Seong have a few nights to spend together. So what if Hyun took their toddler to a late-for-toddlers movie? It’s the weekend! Plenty other people here seemed to have the same idea.
A group ahead of them in another snack queue draws Hyun’s attention. Five kids, the oldest in her tweens and the youngest about Seong’s age, and one adult. Her buzzed brown hair reminds Hyun so much of Tracy they have to double-take and make sure it isn’t her. Three of the kids look so alike they can only be related. The two girls and the adult couldn’t have passed as relatives if lives depended on it.
“Do you have any water cups for the little guy? I’ll pay for a small.” A cashier tells the babysitter her total. She shifts the youngest boy further up her hip, opens her wallet, and frowns. “Could you make those sodas medium?”
“Can do!”
Hyun hates how chipper the cashier is. They much prefer when one’s openly bored. At least they’re honest.
“Customer service always begins with a nice, big smile.”
Hyun just about stamps down the revulsion the memory brings when the oldest girl wrinkles her nose.
“What’s that smell?”
In almost comical slow motion, the babysitter lifts her head like a dog. Then, impossibly, it whips to Hyun almost too fast to follow. Worse yet is the naked loathing on her face. Worse than that is her golden eyes.
Gold eyes, black fur, lolling tongue.
No. No, no, no. Hyun did not fuck up so bad they brought Seong into werewolf territory.
Shouldn’t they be nice and pricey somewhere further in? Not asking for a downsize at the cheapest theater in what’s technically Hyun’s domain?
Is it Hyun’s?
Shit. They’ve gone and landed themselves in the grey zone, haven’t they?
Hyun picks Seong up and clutches him close, planning the fastest way to the exit. For a split second the werewolf’s golden eyes flash down to Seong. Then her cashier presents her with popcorn, drinks, and several kinds of candy.
There’s still palpable tension: the kids crowd close to her even after she’s distributed the snacks, but the immediate danger is gone. A bored teenager asks Hyun what they’ll be getting. Hunger fills them at the flush in the teenager’s cheeks. They order a small popcorn and drink for Seong.
It’s a testament to how held-together the pack is—so the complex she’s developed can go away now—that the theater isn’t immediately plunged into chaos. Her head, however, is a different matter.
Quiet, Olli orders. As best she can, she parses the overwhelming smells of the lobby and howls the information. Carrie?Carrie?Carrie?
I hear you, dog.
Can you sense the vampire?
Her no is a snarl of frustration. Olli pushes the image harder.
“What’s going on?” Nik asks Iz.
Change of plans? Sergi asks.
No. Tell Minjo.
Yes Alpha.
Vicky. Mahim. be ready.
Yes Alpha. Their confirmations overlap.
She feels guilty about Mahim. Hani came along so he and Farro could have a date night. Not that they’d have much of a date knowing a leech is in the theater. Next to Vicky, Mahim’s the one Olli trusts most not just to protect the pups, but to put the wolf away and get the pups comforted again.
Nik grabs her hand after they show their tickets. “Alpha, what if it tries to take us?”
Olli squeezes his hand and smiles. “I rip their head off.”
“What about Mum?” JiAn asks.
“Your Mum’s with the pack.” Olli hopes she hasn’t accidentally lied to them. If Minjo isn’t spending her night at the den, Sergi likely isn’t the only one racing to her. “Wanna guess what the pack will do?”
“Rip their heads off?”
“That’s right.”
They take their seats near the back row. Nik swaps with JiAn to sit next to her. Olli settles Alek on her lap. She owes Mahim and Farro a date night, but she’ll succeed in her original mission to give Minjo a night without the pups.
Probably a night worrying about them being near a vampire, but a night without the pups! Speaking of.
She unlocks her phone and goes to the pack’s group chat. don’t howl for me unless it’s an emergency. the pups are enjoying the movie.
Olli nearly puts her phone away, but thinks twice and scours her contacts for Lee’s number. vampire in the theater. not planning a scene rn but if things go south we wouldn’t mind a crossbow if you’re not busy. She follows it up with the address.
Lee replies surprisingly quickly. Ed already messaged me. In the area on alert.
you’re the best lee
I’m going to start charging you.
“You guys wanna take a picture?” Most the pups lean in. Alek gnaws a fistful of popcorn. “Everyone say, movies!”
Olli sends the picture to Lee. you would charge a single mother? ☹ She backs out of the conversation and puts the picture in the pack chat.
Lee replies. That one on your far right looks half your age.
you would charge a teenage mother? ☹
Do NOT say you were a teenage mother. It arrives so soon after hers he had to have already been typing it.
get teen mumed bullet boy
really tho. Thank You for dropping anything else you had lined up. anything changes ed’ll contact you
She goes to her messages with Ed, which consists mostly of Pokémon Go screenshots. good call on texting lee. anything happens be sure to keep him up to speed. Olli makes sure the text goes through and turns off her phone.
There’s still time before previews start when the vampire walks in.
Fuck off.
She realizes she didn’t keep it in her head when Iz and Hani giggle. “I don’t think it heard you, Alpha Olli.”
“That’s why no one likes a leech,” Olli agrees.
She doesn’t look away from the vampire through the entire hour and a half jukebox musical. She can’t even say if there’s anyone else in the cinema. The only times she moves is when Alek howls popcorn or thirsty.
“Can I have your soda if you’re not drinking it?” Hani whispers halfway through the movie.
“I want some!” Iz hisses.
“Share,” Olli reminds them. She hears them pouring it out between their cups. On her other side JiAn and Nik split a bag of candy. Good. They’re focusing on the movie. Having fun instead of worrying what a vampire in the theater means. Or if it means anything.
Good thing it’s new moon, so she’s the only one who hears how damn right it’s being.
The final number plays out on screen, and the characters dance over the credits. People block her view as they stand—so there were others here—but her nose tells her the vampire hasn’t left. Like hell she’s tucking her tail and running before a leech.
Eventually, it’s just them and the vampire. It turns its head as if to check, yes, the werewolf’s been the one boring holes in its head the entire movie. Changing during a new moon is so effortless now. The wolf in her wants it to try. She wants it to try. On four legs she’d be across the cinema in a blink. Pin it below the seats where the pups can’t see and
It picks up the kid and leaves.
Between the three buckets there’s about half a tub of popcorn left. They dump it into one, and Olli scoops out some for Alek in the water cup after wiping it down.
A surprise waits for them in the lobby. All of Team Former Stray. Including Carrie.
“Mahim!” Hani and Iz squeal. They launch into his arms and bombard him with the plot of the movie.
Vicky and Carrie stare in the same direction. Olli just makes out the short form of the vampire slipping through the dense crowds.
“It’s not someone I know,” Carrie says at last.
“Can’t win ‘em all.” Olli addresses the pups. “We’re all using the restroom before we go home.”
Ed takes Alek, and Vicky goes with Olli. While Iz and Hani enter the stalls, Vicky pulls out her phone and opens the notes app.
How’s a leech get a kid?
Nice to know someone else has been thinking the same thing for the last ninety minutes. Vicky passes over her phone.
probably the same way a human gets a wolf one. or vice versa
Vicky arches a brow.
they looked VERY similar
They don’t need to howl to know what the other is thinking. Fuck.
“Can I ride with Mahim?” Hani asks when they’re all back together. Then it’s a shuffle of getting the booster seat into Vicky’s car, and figuring out whose legs fold easiest. Carrie and Mahim wind up smooshed together in the back of Vicky’s car. Ed gets his usual spot in Vicky’s passenger seat.
Iz waves to them from the back of Olli’s. Mahim and Ed wave back.
Turn around, Iz. Vicky howls. Iz sticks her tongue out before sitting down and doing her seatbelt.
Olli frowns at the number of unread messages in the pack chat. Not the mention private texts and smaller groups, let alone the chats she’s not in….
“Alpha?” Nik pipes up. “What are you howling?”
“M’not howling, bud. Just thinking.”
“Oh. Thinking what?”
She opens the spoofed version of Spotify (affectionately named Spoofy) that believes she pays for premium. “I’m thinking how catchy those songs were.” The pups cheer when the movie’s soundtrack starts.
Farro howls. A bus leaves their territory. follow?follow?follow?
No. Meet back at the den.
Hi Dad!
Hi Hani.
As Olli waits her turn to leave the garage, Marco catches her eye. She manages a tight smile. He takes her hand and massages the knuckles below her claws to turn them back to nails. The gate arm lifts and it turns out to not be the best thing to do while she’s driving stick. But the comforting rub he gives her thigh does the job just as well.
Do werewolves not blink?
Hyun feels eyes on them all throughout the movie. Eyes and wrath. They forget to act. Shift, cross their limbs, blink. Even werewolves know better, right? Not in front of so many humans. Not in front of kids.
They decided against calling Iliya. Yes, he’s the strongest vampire they know. Outside whatever freaky feats Dominus is capable of. And yes, Iliya’s as good at keeping secrets as he claimed to be. But this is Hyun’s son. Tracy and Marcel already know about him. The more vampires Hyun tells about Seong, the more likely it is a vampire Hyun doesn’t tell finds out.
Hyun waits after the movie ends. One of those five werewolf kids needs to pee. Right now.
Damn the big one for getting mediums.
Gradually the cinema empties. Maybe…the werewolves already left? Out the door on their side? It’s the lingering emotion Hyun’s experiencing. Surely. Against their better judgement, Hyun turns to look. Golden eyes glare down at them.
Hyun grabs Seong and books it.
More werewolves wait in the lobby. Hyun’s not sure what instinct tips them off, but something draws their eye to the group. The way they watch Hyun cinches it. And the one in the black tank top—
Black fur, lolling tongue.
Clutching Seong, Hyun runs for the exit. Of course the werewolf phoned for backup. They’re so stupid. Why didn’t they call Iliya? They’re here for their kids, they’re here for their kids, they’re here for their kids. Why is the lobby so damn bright? They burst into the night and the shadows at last converge over them.
What follows is the most agonizing eight minutes of Hyun’s life and death. Constantly checking the crowds and what they can see of the lobby. Unsure if shadows even work on werewolves. No taxis drive by, and they aren’t letting go of Seong for anything. Least of all finding out an Uber will be longer than the bus.
Finally it pulls around. Hyun drops the shadows so the driver knows to stop. Fuck the grey zone. Hyun isn’t stepping foot anywhere near here. They’ll worry about the ramifications of losing more of their domain later. Some other vampire can get themself mauled over a movie.
As the bus turns a corner, Hyun spots graffiti a delivery van covered on their way to the theater. Even more on the nose than their cup literally runnething over. A giant red paw print.
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redwayfarers · 1 year
Fandom: Blood Moon Ship: Angelina x Farro Characters: Angelina Jakovljević (OC), Farroq Khan Words: 1191 Rating: Gen Summary: Farro and Angelina try to discuss an important part of her past.
Read on AO3.
Nero’s note: Now, I’m not normally hugely into vampire/werewolf media. I like it just fine, but I usually prefer other fantasy stuff. However, at a firm recommendation from a friend, I gave Blood Moon a chance and my god, it’s so fucking good, go play it, here we are - two and a half runs in and I’m already writing fic.
What also got me hella interested was the fact that the main pack is Serbian and as you may or may not know, I am Serb myself. So I jumped at a chance to write about my culture in a fantasy setting, and thusly, Ange was born. What more could I ask for but a good muse to write about.
Mind the vague spoilers for the entire game, as minor as they may be.
Full moon’s a very nice time, Ange decides. Her head’s as quiet as a wolf’s head is going to be, and she can reasonably be expected to just rest. Of course, there’s never rest for an Alpha, and she knows this, but by god if she’s not gonna take any chances she can just get as much use of her old, cranky bed with Farro as she can get away with. 
So that’s what she did, and Farro wholeheartedly agreed, so they dropped Hani to Marco with wide smiles and locked themselves in her room. It’s been hours since, and she’s cuddling Farro’s pillow in a piss poor attempt to salvage his full body warmth until he returns from putting his daughter to bed. 
So far she’s counted 10 minutes. When she scents him approaching, she sends out a small, pleased howl that she hopes nobody else heard. While not the most embarrassing thing in the world, given the fact that Farro is her mate, she’d rather not be the subject of teasing for committing the horrible crime of falling in love.
“That’s the fastest she’s ever fallen asleep,” Ange comments when the doors slide shut once more. 
“A miracle,” he agrees, his voice light, but genuine. “I didn’t want to keep you waiting for too long, either. Otherwise, you’d end up– well, like this.” 
“It’s not my fault you’re a living furnace,” she groans and sits up. He’s pulled his hair back and is wearing an old shirt that does little to make her want to not take it off him again. Farro laughs and walks over. Ange likes hearing him laugh.
“Has your warmth been restored, ma’am?” he teases once the mattress creaks under his weight again. Ange curls herself against his side and feels his hand slide down the length of her back. 
“Yes and thank you,” she says in a high voice that for some reason earns her a head kiss. 
“Much obliged,” he responds with a smile. They fall into companionable silence and his hand runs rhythmically over her spine. Up and down, up and down. She’s not immune to a backrub, as much as she likes to stifle the animal in her. Between that and his warmth, the idea of going at it again feels decidedly wrong.
“Hey, Ange,” Farro breaks the silence, “can I ask you a question?”
“Go for it, big guy.” 
“You have a saint’s portrait in your room? I saw it a while ago and didn’t want to ask. But I was curious.” He meets her eyes. “Are you religious?” 
Ange snorts and shakes her head. “That felt oddly serious, Farro,” she replies. “Like it’s wrong to be religious. I’m not, personally, but there might be religious werewolves out there.” 
“It’s perfectly okay to be religious,” Farro frowns and it’s so severely endearing she has to move from her comfy spot and kiss his nose, which makes his brow furrow even more, “I just saw a medal and was curious! And it felt like an odd thing to ask at the time. I saw a portrait in your room when we had sex for the first time the night before a big battle with a vampire.”
“When you put it like that, it is a little weird,” she concedes. She glances at it, standing right at the center of her drawer. Before Lawrence, she kept it in the darkness, but during the renovations of the warehouse, something clicked in her head. She thought it had seen the light of day for the first time since Alek took her in. 
That felt like a lifetime ago. Fuck, it was a lifetime ago. Now she’s Alpha in Alek’s place, and she’s the last one she can afford to lose. 
“You don’t have to tell me if it’s painful,” he says gently. “I’m sorry that I asked.” 
“No, no, it’s good that you did,” Ange sits up and places her feet on the floor. Her footsteps echo in the night. The floor is a little cold, with only a thin layer of socks separating from her soles. With gentle fingers, she lifts it and looks at the painted female face. Venerable Mother Angelina, it says in Cyrillic script.
“The saint I was named after,” she explains. “From my birth pack. This belonged to the Alpha.” She remembers his bright, blue eyes and patchy, dark beard. He hated being called Alpha and insisted on them calling him by his name, Pavle. But he was their leader and he led well. Ange herself never really found it in her to forget that. To her, he was Alpha. “When they were killed, I took this and ran. In hindsight, it probably kept me sane some nights when the moon was loudest. I thought that if I was ever with the moon, I’d tear this to shreds and I would never forgive myself for it.” 
“Ange,” Farro says. He’s behind her, like a big, protective shadow, like Alpha Pavle was. It should be the other way around, Ange - Angelina - thinks. She blinks. Farro’s hand is soft on her shoulder. 
“I still carry his surname, you know,” she continues. She thinks she smells his rakija, and his dark coffee, and her mother’s too sweet perfume. Not even a wolf’s nose is powerful enough to scent the past, but she pretends to do it anyway. “Jakovljević. Might be a bitch to write, but I think I should have it. Alek might’ve taken me in, and I’ll love him for that forever, but my birth pack was good, and cohesive, and would’ve kept us safe if hunters hadn’t come to shoot them all with fucking silver!”
“Ange,” Farro repeats and she clings to it like a lifeline. She thought she was over it. She thought she had it under her paw, but no, it surfaces like a vampire’s rancid stench. “Ange, look at me.” 
So she does, small and in his shadow despite the fact she’s the Alpha, and the world settles. “I’m sorry,” she says quietly. Her heart beats in anger, in pain, in the harm to all the hunters she wished she could rip open in the first few months of being a stray. She holds the portrait tight. “I ruined the night.”
peacepeacepeace, Farro howls. Without looking, she sets it down and buries her head in his shirt. 
“I wouldn’t have asked if I knew it was so painful,” he says apologetically. His hands wrap around her. He keeps howling quietly. “And you didn’t ruin the night. I am thankful that you trust me enough to share this with me. And, uh..” There’s a visible, clear as day, as real as their touch pause. “If you ever feel the need to talk about it, or anything, I’m here. No wolf should have to go through that.” 
“Thank you,” Ange replies. Her voice is muffled by the old, stretched fabric. When they return to bed, her eyelids grow heavy to the feeling of his fingers running over hers. 
safesafesafe, she howls softly one last time before sleep takes her. Even Alphas need to feel safe every once in a while. 
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thelonelyshore-if · 7 months
Who would the ROs for your IF romance from another IF?
Don't mind me immediately forgetting every single IF I've ever played.
Beck- Farah from Wayhaven. They love a sense of humor.
Croft- Hmmmm...Roe from Blood Moon, perhaps? Or Dr. Mortum from FH!!
Jay- I could see them being a biiiiig Ortega Fallen Hero fan.
Perri- Javi from Royal Affairs or M from Wayhaven c:
Ravi- Horizon from The Passenger.
Yasmin- Farro from Blood Moon or Lady Argent from FH.
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ejunkiet · 1 year
wj!! i hope all is well and the days are kind to you 🩷 i come with a random update to my blood moon go-throughs.
i have now gone through blood moon four times. two romancing best boi Marco and the other two Ed
they were initially going to be Farro but Ed just… sunk his lil claws in me and now i’m debating a THIRD go through with him
HeheheHEHEH YES. YESSS. I have played blood moon... God, so many times at this point. I wanted ALL the endings, and last night I did the one where we get pushed off a cliff... >:3 (it happens if you get possessed and then choose to take the pack out of the city. YOUR HEART WILL ACHE OKAY.)
God, Ed is so SWEET. Farro is also sweet, but with that spicy edge that is just... *chefs kiss* ALL of the romance routes are so good, but Farro is absolutely the embodiment of:
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roseborough-if · 2 years
Ahhh, I love all types of characters and enjoy seeing how different media handles them. But when thinking about my favorite, I'm a complete sucker for the gentle giant trope. Towering figure and intimidating presence, but when you get to know them they're actually just the sweetest person ever. Bonus points if they get flustered easily. If a character fitting that trope is involved then you know that I'm already invested 😂
yes, this too. 🥺 i absolutely adore farro from blood moon who is the spitting image of this trope!!
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barbwritesstuff · 2 months
Who's the eight romance option in blood moon?
Marco, Ed, Vicky, Carrie, Roe, Shawnie, Farro, and Sergi.
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