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crazyeeeeeee · 20 hours ago
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finniestoncrane · 2 years ago
if daddy oz had to wear reading glasses to check on the stocks in the morning paper, which ones would he wear ?
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gothamcityangst · 3 years ago
Farrell!Penguin X Dano!Riddler. Oneshot.
Ozzie is in the cafe getting a slice of pumpkin pie for his boyfriend when something happens at the Iceberg Lounge. Tw: Gun/shooting
Oswald had developed a sophisticated taste over the past fifteen years. Only the finest fish, steak and lobster would do. It was the best that money could buy. He knew even as a child he'd had a thirst for the finer things in life.
Many of his teen years had been spent roasting coffee in the small, dingy Cafe. He'd thought he'd spend the rest of his life making overpriced greasy grilled cheese sandwiches and serving soup to ungrateful patrons. He dreamed of better. He dreamed of luxury.
He never thought in a million years a busboy like him would've been noticed by a man such as Falcone.
The mob boss had made it a ritual to come across the street from his club and have a single cup of coffee before heading home. "Supporting local Gotham business" he called it.
Once Falcone knew how willing Oswald was to please him the rest simply became history. From the ashes of his mediocrity, he'd risen the ranks of Falcone's empire, gaining the recognition he rightfully deserved. He'd gone from laundering aprons to laundering money in a small matter of years.
Oswald could afford anything. He could afford to have a french pastry chef make him the best pie using gold flakes.
Yet his boyfriend still insisted that the crappy little cafe had the best pumpkin pie in the world.
"The pumpkin pie, sweetheart," Penguin ordered the server.
"Right away sir." She replied.
Oswald looked at his watch. If he was lucky he'd be able to make it home before Edward got back from the Iceberg office. Since Ed became the lounges accountant it'd been a match made in heaven.
The door of the cafe swung open, followed by two more people. Panic-stricken terror was etched onto their faces.
"Jesus. Donnie call an ambulance." The server made her way around, ripping off her apron and wrapping it around the man's bleeding hand. The other patrons, himself included, gathered around the small group.
"What the hell happened?" A concerned cook asked.
"We...were in the club. Then all of a sudden there's this bang and people are bleeding. I think it was a gun."
"Shit." Oswald muttered.
It didn't take Oswald long to barge through the sea of people who are flooding out of the club. Most of them had fled the scene, leaving only the unlucky ones behind.
Oswald wished he could say he didn’t recognize the dead that littered the floor of the club but he did. He knew them in passing, frequent patrons who'd sung Oswald's praises for being an amazing host.
He was no stranger to death but never so many dead in such a small space of time. Ed wasn't among them. A fact he wasn't sure he should've been grateful for or not.
The gunshot echoed through the club, worming its way through the steelwork, bouncing off the metal beams. and for a moment, Oswald's heart stopped. It had come from the office. The office where the accounting work was often done. The office where Ed and Oswald had spent many days conducting 'after hours' business.
Oswald's fingers tighten around his gun; his pace increased as he makes his way silently up the stairs. He pushed the door open.
Two men were crumpled on the floor. A single gun lay between the two of them. The first body was shot in the head, the bullet in his brain was off centre. The blood from his head had made a sizable pool of blood on the floor. The second body was lying still against the wall. The second body was...
"Eddie! You okay baby?" He knelt down in the puddle of blood. Edward was seemingly unharmed. Oswald wrapped his hands around Ed's body. On Edward's soft face the look of pain was unnatural on him. Oswald tapped his face. Ed took a couple of seconds to meet his gaze.
"I g...ot him Oz...zie" Ed gently lifted his head. The nudge directed Oswald's gaze to the small handgun he'd been gifted by Oswald during his first shift.
"Sweetheart?" Oswald heard the crack in his voice.
Oswald moved his hand from Edward's side, a sudden warmth trickling down his fingertips. Oswald's hand was covered in red, slick blood. "Eddie?" Oswald tried to regain his focus.
"Ozzie..." Ed's pale head slumped down into unconsciousness, falling forwards into Oswald's heavily beating chest.
Oswald ripped off his coat, holding the fabric to Ed's back, cradling the man in his lap. The blood was flowing out of him at an alarming rate. Oswald had dealt with wounds like this before but never on someone he gave a rat's ass about.
"Boss?" Oswald stared at the bouncer with wide, panicked eyes.
"What are you waitin' for? The fuckin rapture? Go get a fuckin' ambulance."
Oswald turned back to the man in his lap.
"You're gonna be a'ok sweetheart. You're gonna be ok'. You gotta live. I went to the cafe across the road that you like. I got you a piece of that pie. You know I don't eat anything from there anymore so you gotta' be the one to eat it. Please. Please."
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jokerous · 3 years ago
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THE BATMAN (2022) dir. Matt Reeves
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missjaystone · 3 years ago
Fuuuck 🥵
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nikolaj-costerwaldau · 3 years ago
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#logging in to this website
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fallingpapersnow · 2 years ago
I have a special gift for those who are unable to be Normal About That Old Man! A compilation of Colin Farrell's Penguin from The Batman 2022! Enjoy! 🐧☂️
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imposterogers · 3 years ago
You know, we talked a lot about Pattinson being chaotic but between how apparently people kept mistaking Colin Farrel as an extra on set cause he just kept staying in character, the composer naming his entire OST after puns, Zoe Kravitz watching nature documentaries about wild cats to figure out her fight choreography and growing out her nails so she'd have claws, the actor that plays the Riddler wrapping his head in clingwrap because he thought it would be in character but doing it so tightly his vision kept going white (but continuing to do it anyways) , and the producer calling the Penguin 'delicious' 'weirdly handsome' and 'a whole meal' ... it seems the whole crew of that movie just kinda was . like that
what was in the water ong
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reniadeb · 3 years ago
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🦇 @reniadeb 🦇
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years ago
Hi Ri :3 I love your writing and I wanna request the various ozzies and an S/O who squishes their face because✨️cuteness aggression✨️they are all so adorable and squishable I swear
And I wanna say I love your romantic and fluffy works :D and i check your blog every single day for an update because I always look forward to a new fic by you 💕
A/N: heyo! awww thank you so much! That means so much to me! I’m glad you like my romantic fluffy works, I try my best! I hope I did this one justice, the cuteness aggression is very strong with me pengy colony I stg. Also I went with like cute explanations I couldn’t come up with proper full-on proper scenarios (without them seeming to repeat themselves) I hope that’s okay! 
The Penguins Reacting To Reader Squishing Their Faces
Arkhamverse Penguin:
Don’t get him wrong, he absolutely loves the adoration. Any touch of yours is a blessing to him. After being handed the cold, judgmental, harsh hand of reality for so long for someone the likes of him, he welcomes your touches and all they entail. Caresses, squishes, pats, massages, loves them all. 
Maybe, just maybe, do it when he’s not having a meeting with his crew. He doesn’t care what anyone says, but it’s hard to take him seriously when you’re sitting next to him squishing his cheeks. 
“Love, please…as much as I love it when you touch me…I’ve got business to tend do.”
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin:
Okay, but good luck trying to squish his face, cause nine times out of ten he’s probably squishing yours. He loves to grab your face with his index finger and thumb pressing against your cheeks and drag you into a kiss. You face is so squished your lips are already puckered up and ready to be kissed upon.
Whenever you do manage to squish his face in between your hands, he’s beaming with happiness and adoration for you. He likes it when you run your thumbs just below his eyes, no doubt massaging some bags there that have developed. Just another sweet way you have of taking a little bit of the load off his shoulders. 
You smiled down sweetly at him as you continue to rub your thumbs along his cheeks. Occasionally squeezing them. 
“I swear sweetheart. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve a touch as sweet as yours…” He grabs one of your hands and kisses the palm of it. 
Gotham Penguin:
Wait, what? W-What…oh you’re, you’re squeezing his face now. Um why? Poor boy is mad confused, it is going to take sometime for him to warm up to the prospect. He just feels silly about it, like you’re treating him like a child. 
However, he can’t deny he enjoys the way your eyes light up at the close proximity of your faces and how your hands ultimately warm his usually cooler face. It takes some time for him to get used to it, but once he does, every time you do it it makes his day infinitely better. 
“I-I think I’m beginning to understand the appeal..” He muttered one morning, when you give him his daily cuteness aggression squishes. He will actively try and do it in return, and you’re over the moon when he does. 
BTAS Penguin:
“Oh, oh, yes, dove?” 
At first, he thinks you’re just trying to get his attention. When you tell him you just wanted to squish his face cause he was just too cute, he’s instantly blushing. He’s chuckling gleefully, as he holds your hands to his face so they can stay there longer. 
He will never grow weary of how you show him your affections, it’s unlike anything he’s ever experienced before and you always manage to surprise him in the best ways. I can also see him coming up to you and grabbing your wrists and bringing your hands to his face. Instant stress relief your touch brings him. 
“Mind if I borrow your touch, it’ll just be for a minute, my dove.” How could you not squish his face after that, once you do his small smile grows into a proud grin. 
TNBA Penguin: 
He chuckles, “well, what’s the cause of all this?” He puts one hand up to hold on of your hands cupping his cheeks. 
“I can’t help it, Ozzie. You’re just so darn cute!” You squeal softly, squishing his cute face.
This Oswald is very keen on keeping a sophisticated…cool, calm, and collected image. However, he can’t even help absolutely melting at your admission for your sentimental gesture. He absolutely revels in your touch. Beaming proudly and hopelessly in love. 
Another pengy that appreciates the devotion and affection but also…not while he’s busy. If he’s running around tending to his club or having another interrogation with Batman, may not be the best time. But best believe, he’d love nothing more than for your hands to be all over him later though.  He’d also be glad to return the favor tenfold. 
Telltale Penguin:
“Ugh, love, Y/N…really?” 
This pengy is the epitome of “stop it, it’s annoying. I don't like it,” but he actually loves it and you know him well enough to know this. His eyebrows aren’t furrowed, he doesn’t have his usual annoyed scowl on his face (which you find kind of hot, but you don’t dare let him know, he wouldn’t let you live it down). He will roll his eyes and try to form a frown, but you notice the miniscule smirk. 
He appreciates it even more when he comes back and you give him the same amount of attention when his face isn’t all that pretty. Running and fighting in underground boxing tournaments means he comes home with shiners and bruises to his face. 
Just maybe don’t squeeze too hard. 
“Ah-Ah, love, I-I appreciate the gesture, I do, but maybe wait until I’m healed up, yeah?” 
One Bad Day Penguin: 
Oswald’s chuckling, extremely pleased. “What’re you up to, sweetness?” 
You giggled back, wrapping his face in your hands, adoringly. You started kissing his head, cheeks, nose, anywhere you could reach. Oz chuckled some more. 
“What? Can’t I show my man how much I love ‘im?” You leaned your forehead against his. Your hands still periodically squeezing his skin. 
Oswald lives for these moments. He never imagined in his lifetime he’d get the chance to be loved unconditionally. You still manage to surprise him with your gestures, words, and actions. Even after going through the thick and thin of it all, you were still there beside him. You were still his. 
“Yeah, you can show him,” he softly chuckled. “You never seize to amaze me, doll.”
The Batman (2004):
Listen, listen…if it’d been ANYONE else…he would have their head. 
When it’s you though… 
You cup your hands around his cheeks, squish the cute cheek skin there. When you get so enthralled in your touches and kisses, you accidentally lift him up to your level. You’ve literally lifted him up from his feet. And he’s absolute putty in your hands. The redness of his face rivals the orange in his hair.  He adores this, being absolutely suffocated in your love. 
He isn’t ashamed to plop his head in your hands any chance they’re open and free, and you’re more than willing to give him what he wants. All the squishes, kisses, rubs, and everything in between. 
Oz closes his eyes to fully envelope in your hold. “Mm…a guy can get used to this.” 
Batman Unlimited:
He’s sort of confused. Taken aback. Not to sure how to react to your gesture. 
You come up behind him and instantly frame his face with your hands. Not being able to resist the temptation to squeeze the adorable cheeks underneath your thumbs. 
“Uh…w-what’s this about, darling?” 
“Oh nothing, Ozzie. You just looked so cute, I couldn’t help it.” You giggled. 
C-cute? You found him cute? 
You two have been together for awhile, but it still surprises Oswald just how much you genuinely love him. You never ceased to amaze him, he knows who he is…what he looks like. He knows he’s not the easiest man in the world to love, but yet here you were. Squishing his face, kissing his head, telling him he was cute. 
He took one of his hands and covered it over yours, as he leans into your touch. Oswald reaches out and cups one of your cheeks with his other hand. 
“And you, my darling, are absolutely precious.”
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ciphersonlywife · 3 years ago
ok but can someone please explain the point of having another penguin backstory series when it's not going to be an intense homoerotic love story with the Riddler with an amy winehouse musical number and penguin being a gay disaster????
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cr0wsink · 3 years ago
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dapper guy
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tortugahoe · 3 years ago
more than 10 movies with the Batman aka The World's Greatest Detective and they finally let him actually be a detective for once... in the year of our lord 2022... I still can not believe it... the end is nigh I guess... wow...
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theartofjoekim · 3 years ago
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The Batman.
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tampire · 3 years ago
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Riddlebird being coy in The Batman (2022)
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logray · 3 years ago
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THE BATMAN (2022) dir. Matt Reeves SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 (2022) dir. Jeff Fowler
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