#farmer aster
midostree-art · 1 year
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I have other farmers, so this is Aster, thinking about his crush. He is an actual kind and nice dude, but he always gets what he wants (Shane).
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the-sea-merchant · 1 month
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Ewan’s Aster’s first year in Pelican Town.
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salt-n-salt · 12 minutes
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my part of an art trade w @the-sea-merchant !!!!!!!!!! big fat juicy farmer aster scribble dump !!!!!! i drew like. 1 trillion scribbles and then collaged my favs .. very messy process .. very fun tho 💕
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woomyburr1to · 1 year
new farmer design (explodes) might infodump about them later idk
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ghosts-post · 8 months
Nicknames! I love nicknames so here’s some of the nicknames my babies would call their darling!
Colton: honey, poppyseed, and most favorite is darlin
Mac(slasher yan): sweet cheeks and bunny
Aster(alien yan): human, mommy/daddy
Arin (creep yan): sugar, killer
Lolli: love, pumpkin, cutie, lover boy/girl
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eurydart · 1 year
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local farmer is madly in love with beach hermit and they can not be quiet about him
+ bonus ref of my favorite creature of a farmer (aster)
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amiharana · 1 year
au where link runs a daycare and one day as he's waiting with all the kids during pickup, this guy he's never seen before comes in asking for a kid, and the girl runs up to the guy and is like "uncle revali!!" all happily but link is like "you're not the parent that normally picks her up, how do I know you're not trying to kidnap her 🤨" and revali gets all pissy like "duh, I'm her uncle and I'm just picking her up this one time bc her parents are busy🙄" and so he has to show like id verification and confirmation from the parents that he's authorized to pick the kid up from daycare but whatever, link is just glad that this was a one time thing and he doesn't have to deal with the guy again..
until! revali keeps coming back to pick up the kid (I still dunno why so don't ask me). and link and revali keep talking to each other, and revali realizes how well link works with kids and link realizes that revali is just very protective of his niece and he loves her a lot 🤭
ok but have you ever seen ted lasso because revali is LITERALLY roy kent like.. idk how to describe it if you haven't seen the show but roy kent curses a lot and has a bad attitude, but it's just out of love and what his circumstances required, and he's sooo sweet with his niece!! anyways that's 100% revali idc
crow this au is so cute 😭🤍🤍 i have not seen ted lasso but i will take your word for it bc that sounds very revali-like 💪💯
do you think link would want to have initially pursued childcare as his career? i feel like he wouldn't have even considered it as a possible career choice until having a Awakening™ like imagine link is a nursing student at first because he knows that the job brings in good money, and he's doing clinicals in a pediatric ward for a shift when a crying kid and her very anxious father come in. turns out, she's broken a bone after a nasty fall and link's clinical instructor assigns link to work with her. at first, link is nervous because this is the first time he's ever worked in the pediatric ward and he's never really worked with little kids before so he's not sure how to approach the whole situation.
but then link gets to talk to her 🥺 her name is aster, she's seven years old, and she wants to become a dancer! the reason why she's in the hospital in the first place is because she was trying to do a dance move she learned in her classes, but she spun too hard and landed really badly on her wrist 🥺🥺 link nods because he relates, he too loved to dance as a child, and he still dances a little in his free time (while admittedly is not a lot because nursing is kicking his ass). he shares this with aster (minus the getting his ass kicked), and the whole conversation calms her down enough for his instructor to start leading them over to the x-ray room to get a proper diagnosis of the broken wrist. the whole time they're doing the x-ray, link and aster just keep on talking about what kind of music they like to dance to, their favorite dance moves, etc. and they get through the x-ray with no issues!
the injury ends up not being too severe and they won't need to do any surgical procedures (aster's father medda is very relieved at this point), but they do have to realign the bone in order to put it into the cast and have it heal properly. dr. deku (link's instructor) says they'll have to use a local anesthesia, and when aster asks what that is, he explains that they have to inject her with a needle and the poor girl pales.
internally, link facepalms (dr. deku isn't very good with dealing with kids, is he?) and he tells aster, "hey, it's gonna be okay! you wanna fix your wrist so you can go back to dancing, right? but we have to give you the anesthesia so that your wrist won't hurt too much when we put it back where it's supposed to be." it comforts her a little, but she's still quiet and wide-eyed about the needle, so link kneels in front of her and keeps talking. "i know it's scary, but i promise, the needle will hurt less than when you hurt your wrist. you're so strong and brave, it's gonna be like nothing! and if you let us fix your wrist, i'll teach you one of my favorite dances when you're all better. how does that sound?" slowly, aster physically relaxes, nodding quietly. and link smiles. "that's it! i'll be here to hold your hand if you get scared, okay?"
so they inject the anesthesia, correct the bone position, apply the cast, and it all goes smoothly! aster squeezes link's hand once during the injection, but she puts on a brave face and link tells her he is very proud of her :) dr. deku finishes up the procedure and talks to medda about at-home treatment, insurance, etc., while link talks to aster telling her she was very brave and that she's going to heal in no time :> before they leave, aster gives link a hug (with her non-broken wrist arm lol) and tells him, "thank you for holding my hand mr. link. i was scared for a little bit, but you helped me not to be!"
and that's kind of the moment that link is like. Wow! That was really cool and i think i would like to work with kids! he ends up really enjoying his time in the pediatric ward and he eventually graduates with his nursing degree specializing in pediatrics, but when it comes to actually getting a job... link doesn't want to do nursing anymore 😳 he wants to work in childcare 🥺
so after graduating, link looks into how he can open his own daycare but there's. a lot going on. you have to get certifications, go to orientations, get licensing and look into zoning if you open your own facility, not to mention the supplies and resources he would need, it's just so much :(( so link decides to get a job at a local daycare first, that way he can save up money and get the experience working with kids to make sure this is what he wants to do and it is ✋😭 he has no more doubts, this is for sure what he wants to do in his life, he just luvs taking care of little kids he is so hashtag mother
link spends a couple years working to save money to build his own daycare and one day he does! he finally opens the 'second sunrise' daycare on hateno street. his sister zelda becomes the manager/receptionist, while her gf mipha ends wanting to work there because she loves kids too! she loved raising her younger brother sidon so she has a natural affinity for childcare which is exactly what link needs to run this place >:] it all works out and the daycare becomes moderately popular with many families leaving their children at the second sunrise daycare, their children always well taken care of <3
now. here's the actual revalink part. HAHAHAH sorry i got super invested in how link would have gotten into childcare
molli is one of link's favorite kids to take care of at the daycare. she's a very sweet sleepy kid and likes to sit with link to tell him all about the stories and fairytales her grandfather used to tell her about before he passed. her father harth is the one who drops her off and picks her up and at first, the dude was kind of standoffish and quiet. over time, link was able to break the ice with harth and now they chat and catch up every time he comes to drop off and pick up molli ^^
there's one day where harth comes in the morning to drop off molli, but he doesn't come at the normal time that he picks her up, and link is starting to get worried. this is very not like harth at all... but molli doesn't give a shit tho she's peacefully sleeping in one of the naptime cots LMFAOKDJHFJD until finally a stranger that link has never seen before enters the daycare looking disgruntled and disheveled. he talks to zelda at the receptionist desk but she looks over to link with a somewhat nonplussed look, so he looks over to make sure mipha is handling everything in the main room before going over to the front.
"hi, is there a problem here?" link says, looking over at the stranger. he's taller than link with white streaks in his dark hair, narrow green eyes, and a furrow in his brow. he's kinda hot...
"yes, there is a problem," the man says through gritted teeth. "i just need to pick up my niece and your receptionist won't allow me to."
link raises a brow. "your niece? what's her name?"
"molli," the man replies. somehow, link thinks he hears his voice soften, but it doesn't negate the biting tone in his next words. "her father sent me to get her as no one else could and i see myself as a good enough person to run such an errand."
link crosses his arms and leans against the desk. "molli's father usually picks her up at 4pm sharp. why would he send you to come get her? do you even know his name?"
the man rolls his eyes. "of course i do, his name is—"
"uncle revali!" comes a little shout, and link turns to see molli waddling over to the man, her hair still messy from her nap. he looks back at the man, now identified as "revali", but his eyes are only molli, his shrewd green gaze softening as he crouches into a squat, extending his arms as molli throws herself into hugging him.
he wraps his arms around her and returns her embrace gently. "hey sleepyhead," revali says. "ready to go home?"
"where's papa?" molli says instead, and the man sighs. he lifts molli up easily with her arms around revali's neck.
"your dad's a little busy right now, darling, that's why i'm here to come get you today." revali looks back at link and zelda expectantly. "well? it's clear she knows who i am. are you going to keep interrogating me?"
"i'm afraid we have to at the very least verify your identity," zelda says. "it's protocol, since you're not the parent that normally picks her up and neither did we receive confirmation from the parent who does that someone else would be coming in. it would be a safety violation if we let her go with you without verification."
"oh, for hylia's sake," revali growls, rolling his eyes. "do i need to call harth for you right now?"
"that would be preferable," link says, giving revali a once over. "for all we know, you could be stalking their family and have been manipulating molli." revali shoots a glare at him, but pulls out his phone and taps at it a few times before they hear the ringing. after three rings, the call takes and revali puts it on speaker.
"revali?" comes harth's voice. he sounds tired and pained, and it instantly puts link on high alert. "did you get molli yet?"
"i could have, if your daycare would let me leave with her," revali grumbles. "they said i have to get my identification verified because it's a safety violation."
harth snorts over the phone. "yeah well, you aren't exactly the most friendly looking guy. can you hand the phone to one of the staff?"
"you're on speaker."
"mm. hey link? you there?"
"i'm here," link says, leaning towards the phone. "is everything okay, harth? why weren't you able to pick up molli yourself?" he glances at revali, who's still glaring at him.
harth sighs, a tinny breath through the speaker. "i would have, but i got in a car accident on the way over. i'm in the hospital right now." link's eyes widen and zelda gasps, covering her mouth with both hands. "i'm mostly okay, but my arm's fractured so i'm gonna be off for a couple weeks and i won't be able to drive... but since i'm the only who takes care of molli, i'll probably still have her over at sunrise like normal since i can't really take care of her like this. she likes it there anyway... she tells me all about how you're her favorite caretaker, link."
link smiles for a moment, but it turns back into a frown as he remembers something. "wait, how are you going to get her over here if you can't drive?"
"that guy who's with you there right now is an old friend of mine, revali. molli will call him 'uncle' but we're not actually related, it's just what she calls him. i don't have any friends who can actually babysit molli themselves, since teba and saki are gonna be covering my shifts at work and amali's got her hands full with her own kids. revali works, but he can at least take molli to and from sunrise at the normal times i do drop offs and pickups. you can take care of her still, right?"
"of course we can," link replies softly. "we're just worried about you too, you know. how bad was the fracture?"
"they said it was a transverse radial fracture and that it'll take about six weeks to heal. don't feel too bad, it's not like you were there to fix me up with a splint or something. i'll be fine. insurance is taking care of the crash and the injuries."
"okay," link says. "we'll have to register revali in our system as a confirmed parent for molli's file for our safety protocols. that okay with you?" he gets a hum of confirmation over the phone. "okay. i'll take care of that here. you rest up, we'll try to come visit you soon. take care, harth."
"you too. thanks, link." the call ends and revali pockets his phone again, adjusting his grip on molli in his arms.
"is papa gonna be okay?" molli says looking up at revali. link's heart cracks in two at the quiet, sad tone of the child's voice, and watches the way revali's eyes soften as he looks back at molli. interesting...
"your dad's going to be just fine, darling," he says softly. "he's a very strong and brave man, he can get through anything, don't worry."
"can we go see him?" she says.
revali pauses for a moment before responding. "sure, sweetheart, we can go see him." and link's heart just shatters.
they have revali sign a couple things for the confirmed parent paperwork and verify his identity with a government-issued ID, and let him go, link and zelda waving at molli as she waves back and snuggles into revali's hold. revali nods at them in silent acknowledgement and turns, leaving the daycare with zelda and link at the desk.
"he was kind of attractive once you get past the prickliness, don't you think?" zelda says, breaking the silence. link rolls his eyes and walks back into the main room with mipha. (he won't admit that he agrees 😄)
this shit is so long now LOL but revali coming in every morning and afternoon to drop off and pick up molli every weekday for the next couple of weeks. he mostly doesn't say anything and just nods, a surly look on his face when he interacts with link and zelda but the softest look in his eyes when he hugs molli goodbye or in greeting when he picks her up. it's so interesting to link, how someone this much of a pretentious dickhead could be so tender towards one of the sweetest children ever.
he tries striking up conversation with revali, just small talk, but revali only gives him short cold answers. it reminds link of how harth used to be when he first started coming to the daycare, and link wonders if he can get through to revali eventually. (he hopes he can; he does think revali is kinda fine 🤑 especially since one of his fav kids loves revali so much)
"your earrings are beautiful," link says one day when revali is dropping molli off. he's wearing little jade green hoops; they're simple, but they're elegant.
and the compliment catches revali off-guard. he reaches up with one hand to touch one of the hoops gently. "thank you..." he murmurs. "they're... a family heirloom."
link smiles at him. they're making progress! "they're beautiful," he repeats. "see you later?"
"yes..." revali says, blinking. "see you later..." link and molli wave goodbye as revali leaves the daycare, subconsciously reaching up to touch his earrings with his other hand.
it goes like that for a while; simple compliments about accessories or clothing or hairstyles (revali came in once with his hair in braids and link internally swooned a little, but kept his friendly facade up).
"...do you know any good coffee places nearby?" revali says, another time he's dropping molli off. it catches link by surprise since revali never initiates conversation, but he quickly turns it into a thoughtful look.
"hm... the east wind cafe is just down the street from here," link says. "they also have some food if you need a quick bite. tell pruce and ivee i sent you and they'll give you a discount for your first order." link winks. "i recommend their caramel macchiato."
"i will... keep that in consideration," revali says. he gives link a slight nod. "i'll see you later." he pauses, looking like he wants to say more. "have a good day."
link smiles. "you too, revali."
i talked a bit about this au to my irl who i've converted into revalinkism (but hasn't played botw yet 😒) and they were like This has so much potential for a slow burn, and they're SO true for that. it takes 15 conversations like this before revali and link even imply the idea of going out with each other in a romantic context
"have you always been a part of molli's life?" link asks when revali picks her up on one of those days.
revali hums as he picks molli up and holds her with one arm. "i was in the waiting room the day she was born," he said. "i felt as though i was in the actual hospital room as well, with how anxious i was."
he rubs molli's back as she snuggles drowsily into his hold. "there were complications during her birth, and i'm sure you're aware that she tends to be frequently drowsy like this, yes?" link nods. "molli has some health issues as a result of the circumstances of her birth, and i took part in caring for her back then when harth and her mother were struggling." revali presses a kiss to the top of molli's head. "she's like my own daughter, too. i would do anything for her."
once, revali comes in a little earlier than 4pm to pick up molli. zelda isn't at the receptionist desk because she's helping out mipha and link in the main room; the kids just had a little costume-and-tea party today! they've just finished and are in the middle of cleaning up, so revali just leans against the receptionist desk with his arm atop it, watching them do so.
link is sitting in the middle of the group, clapping his hands to a beat and singing that one barney clean-up song, leading a sing-a-long that the rest of the children are beginning to follow as they pick up their toys, give their costumes to zelda, and their plates to mipha. once they finish cleaning, link erupts into applause and cheers, causing the rest of the children to clap and cheer too. a couple of the kids, including molli, come to link for hugs, which he gives freely with a huge smile on his face telling the kids how they did such a good job of cleaning up and how he's proud of them.
he's a natural at this, revali thinks as he watches link continue to smile and cheer. it's like he was made to do this. he would probably make a really good parent...
suddenly, link meets his gaze from the main room and his cheeks flush pink, his eyes wide. and without really thinking about it, revali just gives him a small smile and an equally small wave. link blinks but smiles shyly, waving back.
the day that harth finally recovers from his fracture is the saddest day of link and revali's lives. can you believe they still haven't gotten each other's numbers or something at this point. they just keep kind of talking to each other twice a day when they see each other like complete losers. ✋😭
link gets a text from harth being like Hey, my arm is finally healed up. I'm heading back into work, and I can start taking Molli over again. See you again soon. and he shuts his phone off, puts it facedown, and just sits down at the receptionist desk with zelda. she rolls her eyes at him.
"you should just ask revali out already," she says, taking a sip from her tea and scrolling through her computer. "it's been how many weeks now?"
"i don't even know if he likes guys, zel," link says. she glances at him, giving him a look.
"even if he wasn't gay, he seems to really like you," she points out.
link presses his forehead against the desk. "don't give me hope. he just loves molli a lot."
"believe whatever you want to believe," zelda says, rolling her eyes again and going back to her work. "he looks at you like he loves you too."
when revali finds out harth is healed up and ready to go back, he doesn't even know how to respond. seeing link those two times of the day had been like. the highlight of his entire life for the past couple weeks. it's not like he can just randomly visit the daycare now that harth is going back to picking up molli. he should try to convince harth to let him continue taking molli under the guise that he just really loves his niece and harth needs more time to recover, or—
"stop making that face," harth says gruffly, clapping a hand on revali's shoulder. "you look scarier than i do."
"shut up," revali wrinkles his nose at harth. "not even a mask could conceal the ridiculous unsightliness you're bringing into the world."
harth snorts. "if i'm 'unsightly', what does that make molli?"
"a very pretty young lady," revali says primly. "are you sure you're her father?"
harth smacks revali's shoulder in jest, but continues. "tell me what's actually on your mind, old friend."
"nothing of particular relevance," revali lies cleanly. "just that i'm surprised you're willing to go back to driving so soon after recovery, when driving is what caused all this mess in the first place."
harth raises his brows. "so not about link?"
revali blinks rapidly, furrowing his own brow. "what?"
"molli keeps talking about how you and 'mr. link' have been getting along real well when you come to the daycare," harth says. "says you look happier talking to him."
"that's not true," revali sputters, flushing, "i'm just being polite since they're taking care of her after all and—"
"you're saying my little angel would lie?" harth says, amused. "she's more perceptive than you give her credit for, you know." then his expression becomes more serious. "you're one of my oldest friends, revali. i'm always going to encourage you to pursue what makes you happy and if it's my childcare provider that's doing it for you, then you should go for it."
"no, wait, that's not," revali chokes, but harth shakes his head, chuckling. "i'm not, i don't like him, he's—"
"you can go pick up molli for me since you want to see him so bad, it's almost 4," harth says, waving him off and turning to walk away. "link's a really nice kid, i get why you like him so much, so go ask him out already."
revali is left there, completely flabbergasted that he's been seen through. is he really not that subtle about it? (yes the closet is made out of glass babe you are NOT slick)
so revali goes over to the daycare, sullenly wondering if this is the last time he's going to see link ever because it would be weird if he showed up not to drop off or pick up molli, and when he enters, link, molli, and zelda are already waiting at the desk. zelda greets him, link waves, and molli waddles over latching herself to revali's leg.
"harth let us know that he was going to be able to start taking molli again," zelda says, as business-like as usual, and revali's heart begins to sink at the reality of it all, until— "but i forgot to ask him if he'd like to keep you on molli's file as an emergency contact? i'm not sure if he had someone else in mind, but seeing as you're his close friend and we already know you, it would be convenient for both of us."
"ah," revali says, blinking. "yes, just keep me as an emergency contact. if harth has problems with it, he'll let you know, but i doubt he will." he pats molli's head. "i'm the only other person he trusts to take care of her."
"perfect! i'll update that on her file then." zelda goes back to typing on her computer, and revali doesn't know where to look because if he looks at link, he doesn't know what he's going to do or what to say or—
"will this be the last time we see you?" link says and revali can't stop himself from meeting the blond's gaze. something about his voice seems sad, disappointed, but it can't be, why would he be sad or disappointed? he stares with wide blue eyes that keep revali rooted to the spot, almost lost in their own little world, until revali forcefully tears his gaze away.
"well," he says, swallowing, "if harth will continue taking molli, i don't have much of a reason to come back here anymore. it would be strange, wouldn't it? coming to a daycare with no child to leave or take with."
"i guess," link replies softly. and they fall quiet, the only sounds in the air being zelda's typing, the faint echo of children's' laughter in the main room, the soft music in the reception room.
"are you gonna miss mr. link?" molli asks suddenly, looking up at revali. his eyes widen and he opens his mouth, trying to scramble for an excuse, but zelda answers for him.
"i bet he's going to miss mr. link so much," zelda says, in a very matter-of-fact tone. "they're the bestest of friends and now they can't see each other anymore! your uncle and mr. link must be so sad, molli." link shoots zelda a glare but she only smirks back.
"no!" molli exclaims. "i don't want you to be sad!" she pulls on revali's pant leg. "you're gonna come back to see mr. link, right? because you're friends and friends always play see each other and play. don't be sad, uncle revali!"
"what if they had a playdate, molli?" zelda says, almost deviously. link whisper-shouts at her, blushing, but she ignores it to continue. "do you think mr. link and uncle revali would like to have a playdate together?"
"a playdate!" molli shouts. "uncle revali, you and mr. link should have a playdate! please? i don't want you to be sad, uncle revali, you're gonna miss mr. link if you don't see him anymore!" she pulls at his pant leg again, give him puppy-dog eyes. "you'll come see mr. link again, right?"
revali looks back up at link, who's blushing and leaning over the desk, telling his sister off, who's giggling behind her hand. he looks back, meeting revali's gaze and straightens, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. he's pretty, revali thinks faintly.
"i... wouldn't be opposed to a playdate with mr. link," revali says softly. and link's eyes widen, face flushing darker. zelda looks even more devious behind the desk.
"yay!" molli cheers, dancing in a circle. "mr. link and uncle revali playdate!"
"yay for playdate!" zelda cheers, raising a fist. "you'll have to exchange numbers for the playdate, though. how else are you going to plan it?" she smiles expectantly at revali.
"don't you already have my number on molli's file?" revali says, finding the voice to speak as shrewd as he normally does. "you could have just gotten it from there."
"it's a privacy violation to give out or use the contact information of our children's caretakers' for non-work or emergency uses," zelda replies cheerfully. "but you giving your number to link in a personal context isn't. hope that helps!"
"you and your safety and privacy violations," revali grumbles, but he turns to link, who's still pink in the cheeks. "well? do you want my number so we can... plan our playdate?"
"s-sure," link whispers, eyes so blue and wide. "yeah, what's your number?" he pulls out his phone to open his contacts, and looks back up at revali. pretty, revali thinks again.
so they exchange numbers and revali and molli leave the daycare, molli cheering and skipping around. "bye mr. link! bye miss zelda!" she shouts as they exit.
"bye molli! bye revali!" zelda replies, waving. "see you next time!"
and when revali looks back, he meets eyes with link again. the blush has mostly died down from his cheeks now, but link as a whole glows warmly. he gives revali a small, shy smile and waves. just this once, revali allows himself to fully smile and wave back.
#revalink#loz#botw#loz botw#legend of zelda#amihan's revalinkverse#ask#cryiling#daycare au#ok the reason why i asked u to pick a letter was because i was trying to pick a kid from hateno for link to work with#medda is one of the farmers in hateno and aster is his daughter who loves dancing#i'm not a nursing student i'm just making up scenarios don't quote me on the accuracy of this KJDFHKJDF#harth has a broken arm because when u first meet him at rito village he has a wing injury from medoh#link's nursing student instincts flared up the moment harth mentioned he got a radial fracture#for whatever reason the tattoo/flower shop au was still in mind when i wrote this#so i just kept imagining link with tattoos even though i was actively like. Wrong AU!#i think i wrote revali a bit ooc in this one but that's ok#this is self-indulgent fic now teehee#i know you guys like when i write really fucking long because i Get Into It#but i feel bad because (1) there was so much i felt i didn't get Enough Into#like continuing link's journey into nursing and graduating and figuring out how and why he wants to do childcare#you know me i Love a little dialogue moment because i like being able to speak through my characters#and just really expanding into these little moments here and there#but also (2) i'm always gonna feel bad about posting such long shits KJDFJKD#anyways. where do you guys think link and revali went for their “playdate”#zelda is so over link and revali being disaster gays#you already know she's chismising with mipha about her idiot brother and the hot guy who keeps picking up link's fav kid to work with#u think mipha minds her business but she loves to gossip tewwww#i said caramel macchiato because alexa play coffee by bts#baBY BABY GEUDENEUN
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jade-mod · 9 months
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Looking back on this year I got a lot more art done than I thought! With at least 51 complete pieces finished (excluding additional unfinished sketches!) that's almost one a week! (Though it was a bit more heavily loaded towards the end of the year, with half of them being completed in fall of this year)
Aster got the most attention with 12 pieces: Agarona was next with 6. Ula got 3, and Jade&Petunia 2. (The rest of the Phandelver team showed up at least thrice, Curse of Strahd and Axia crews at least twice each, and Trit's Thorne twice as well!)
I'm hoping to get momentum back going into the new year, and keep it up! D&D in particular has been a great inspiration!
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st0neddew-valley · 1 year
haley and shane i have both romanced but i know their easy to romance so it’s like ahh
but penny i’ve never romanced but i don’t want it to take forever either you know
*not looking for advice, just cannot decide*
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Bumblebee among the Aster
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greenwitchcrafts · 18 days
September 2024 Witch Guide
New Moon: September 2nd
First Quarter: September 11th
Full moon: September 17th
Last Quarter: September 24th
Sabbats: Mabon- September 22nd
September Harvest Moon
Also known as: Autumn Moon, Child Moon, Corn Harvest Moon, Falling Leaves Moon, Haligmonath, Leaves Turning Moon, Mating Moon, Moon of Brown Leaves, Moon When Dear Paw the Earth, Rutting Moon, Singing Moon, Wine Moon, Witumanoth & Yellow Leaf Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo & Libra
Nature spirts: Trooping Faeries
Deities: Brigid, Ceres, Chang-e, Demeter, Freya, Isis, Depths & Vesta
Animals: Jackal & snake
Birds: Ibis & sparrow
Trees: Bay, hawthorn, hazel & larch
Herbs: Copal, fennel, rye, skullcap, valerian, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Lily & narcissus
Scents: Bergamot, gardenia, mastic & storax
Stones: Bloodstone,carnelian, cat's eye, chrysolite, citrine, iolite, lapis lazuli, olivine, peridot, sapphire, spinel(blue), tourmaline(blue) & zircon
Colors: Browns, dark blue, Earth tones, green & yellow
Issues, intentions & powers: Confidence, the home, manifestation & protection
Energy: Balance of light & dark, cleaning & straightening of all kinds, dietary matters, employment, health, intellectual pursuits, prosperity, psychism, rest, spirituality, success & work environment
The full Moon that happens nearest to the fall equinox (September 22nd or 23rd) always takes on the name “Harvest Moon.” Unlike other full Moons, this full Moon rises at nearly the same time—around sunset—for several evenings in a row, giving farmers several extra evenings of moonlight & allowing them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrive. 
• While September’s full Moon is usually known as the Harvest Moon, if October’s full Moon happens to occur closer to the equinox than September’s, it takes on the name “Harvest Moon” instead. In this case, September’s full Moon would be referred to as the Corn Moon.
This time of year—late summer into early fall—corresponds with the time of harvesting corn in much of the northern United States. For this reason, a number of Native American peoples traditionally used some variation of the name “Corn Moon” to refer to the Moon of either August or September. 
Known as: Autumn Equinox, Cornucopia, Witch's Thanksgiving & Alban Elved
Season: Autumn
Element: Air
Symbols: Acorns, apples, autumn leaves, balance, berries, corn, cornucopia( Horn of Plenty), dried seeds, equality, gourds, grains, grapes, ivy, pine cones, pomegranates, vines, wheat, white roses & wine
Colors: Blue, brown, dark red, deep gold, gold, indigo, leaf green, maroon, orange, red, russet. Violet & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apple, apple blossom, benzoin, black pepper, hay/straw, myrrh, passion flower, patchouli, pine, red poppy & sage
Animals: Dog & Wolf
Birds: Goose, hawk, swallow & swan
Stones: Agate, amethyst, carnelian, lapis lazuli, sapphire, yellow Agate & yellow topaz
Food: Apples, blackberries, blackberry wine, breads, carrots, cider, corn, cornbread, grapes, heather wine, nuts, onions, pomegranates, potatoes, squash, vegetables, wheat & wine
Herbs/Plants: Benzoin, bramble, corn, ferns, grains, hops, ivy, milkweed, myrrh, sage sassafras, Salomon's seal, thistle, tobacco & wheat
Flowers:  Aster, heather, honeysuckle, marigold, mums, passion flower, rose
Trees: Aspen, cedar, cypress, hazel, locust, maple, myrtle oak & pine
Goddesses: Danu, Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Modron, Morgan, The Morrigan, Muses, Pomona, Persephone, Sin, Sophia & Sura
Gods:  Bacchus, Dionysus, Dumuzi, Esus, The Green Man, Hermes, Mannanan, Thor & Thoth
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Accomplishment, agriculture, balance, goals, gratitude & grounding
Spellwork: Balance, harmony, protection, prosperity, security & self-confidence
•Scatter offerings in a harvested fields & Offer libations to trees
• Decorate your home and/or altar space for fall
• Bake bread
• Perform a ritual to restore balance and harmony to your life
• Cleanse your home of negative energies
• Pick apples
• Collect fall themed things from nature like acorns, changing leaves, pine cones, ect)
• Have a dinner or feast with your family and/or friends
• Set intentions for the upcoming year
• Purge what is no longer serving you & commit to healthy changes
•Take a walk in the woods
• Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte
• Donate to your local food bank
• Gather dried herbs, plants, seeds & pods
• Learn something new
• Make wine
• Fill a cornucopia
• Brew an apple cinnamon simmer pot
• Create an outdoor Mabon altar
•Adorn burial sites with leaves, acorns, & pinecones to honor those who have passed over & visit their graves
The name Mabon comes from the Welsh/Brythonic God Mabon Ap Modron, who's name means "Divine/great Son", However,there is evidence that the name was adopted in the 1970s for the Autumn Equinox & has nothing to do with this celebration or this time of year.
• Though many cultures see the second harvest (after the first harvest Lughnasadh) & Equinox as a time for giving thanks before the name Mabon was given because this time of year is traditionally when farmers know how well their summer crops did & how well fed their animals have become. This determines whether you & your family would have enough food for the winter.That is why people used to give thanks around this time, thanks for their crops, animals & food
Some believe it celebrates the autumn equinox when Nature is preparing for the winter months. Night & day are of equal legth  & the God's energy & strength are nearly gone. The Goddess begins to mourn the loss she knows is coming, but knows he will return when he is reborn at Yule.
Related festivals:
• Sukkot- Is a Torah-commanded holiday celebrated for seven days, beginning on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei. It is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals on which Israelites were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. Originally a harvest festival celebrating the autumn harvest, Sukkot’s modern observance is characterized by festive meals in a��sukkah, a temporary wood-covered hut, celebrating the Exodus from Egypt.
• Mid-Autumn festival- September 17th
Is also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival. It is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture, similar holidays are celebrated by other cultures in East & Southeast Asia. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture; its popularity is on par with that of Chinese New Year. The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years.  On this day, it is believed that the Moon is at its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn.
During the festival, lanterns of all size and shapes – which symbolize beacons that light people's path to prosperity & good fortune – are carried & displayed. Mooncakes, a rich pastry typically filled with sweet-bean, egg yolk, meat or lotus-seed paste, are traditionally eaten during this festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is based on the legend of Chang'e, the Moon goddess in Chinese mythology.
• Thanksgiving- This is a secular holiday which is similar to the cell of Mabon; A day to give thanks for the food & blessings of the previous year. The American Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of November while the Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated in October
• The Oschophoria- Were a set of ancient Greek festival rites held in Athens during the month Pyanepsion (autumn) in honor of Dionysus. The festival may have had both agricultural and initiatory functions.
-Amidst much singing of special songs, two young men dressed in women's clothes would bear branches with grape-clusters attached from Dionysus to the sanctuary of Athena Skiras & a footrace followed in which select ephebes competed.
Ancient sources connect the festival and its rituals to the Athenian hero-king Theseus & specifically to his return from his Cretan adventure. According to that myth, the Cretan princess Ariadne, whom Theseus had abandoned on the island of Naxos while voyaging home, was rescued by an admiring Dionysus; thus the Oschophoria may have honored Ariadne as well. A section of the ancient calendar frieze incorporated into the Byzantine Panagia Gorgoepikoos church in Athens, corresponding to the month Pyanopsion (alternate spelling), has been identified as an illustration of this festival's procession.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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the-sea-merchant · 3 months
When the men at the function are divorced…
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You ever fall so far deep into art block you come out the other side going back to your roots (oc x canon)?
Anyway have some farmer Aster and Shane watching old horror movies. Are they divorced? Yes. Is Shane complaining? Yes. Does Aster not give a damn and invite himself to their food and couch? Absolutely.
I finally found an old horror movie I used to be obsessed with as a kid, so I’m bestowing that trait onto Aster.. He absolutely has a stack of horror movie DVDs he left at Marnie’s from before Shane moved in with him.
Jas was only a lil guy when the whole Shane and Aster getting married thing happened, so she barely remembers him, but given how much of a shady jerk Aster is, he’d definitely be able to charm the kid into thinking he was the coolest guy in Pelican Town.
Shane hates it. Jas has also taken an unfortunate liking to horror movies, even if it means she has trouble sleeping.
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softersynths · 1 month
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lots of recent rat stuff. updating their design a little (shorter legs fatter tails) and thinking abt ppl morgan knows and musun gender social politics. updated morgan backstory lore dump under tha cut
Morgan's parents were both borrowers. Just as he was becoming old enough to learn to borrow, his mother and father decided to return to his mother's colony of origin, where she had family, so that he could have a more secure lifestyle. However, the journey resulted in him losing both his mother and father - he arrived at the colony alone. His mother's name was the only thing that got him through the door.
The culture of musun colonies can vary, but Morgan's mother's colony - the Farrow - was fairly typical. The colony was a large, interwoven group of families headed by a dominant female. Overseen by her were reproductive females - those who were permitted to bear children - and the dominant male, who oversaw any reproductive males (who were typically few in number). Alongside them were nonreproductive females and males - those that were old and retired, those that were younger, and those who simply had low social standing. Reproductive individuals seldom left the colony, taking roles of farmers, nannies, wet nurses and tailors. Nonreproductive individuals could have any array of roles - including hunting and borrowing for the colony. It is ultimately up to the dominant female who is allowed to bear children - a nonreproductive female becoming pregnant could be punished or exiled, or even have her pups culled. Morgan's mother, Popper, was a nonreproductive female who concealed a pregnancy with a non-colony male - and chose to exile herself to protect her child. Despite his illegitimacy, Morgan carries his mother's name, and was allowed in, largely because his grandmother had become the Grand Dam (despite her daughter's self-exile). Regardless, he's a bastard, and his position is very low. Morgan's duties generally included borrowing, bug farming and seed collection.
He grew up alongside cousins who became like siblings to him - particularly Yarrow. As an adult, his cousin has a child, named Fern, that he helps raise - but for reasons unknown to him, she disappears, leaving him to care for the child. Whether she died or left in exile is unknown - and the topic of gossip. Nannying of children typically falls to reproductive roles, but can be shared more widely for pups that are weaned, and his cousin's pup prefers his company to the people that rejected their mother for associating with him.
Morgan also has a close friend, a nonreproductive male named Aster. He's a watchman and guard, whose job is to sound the alarm if the colony is threatened. He was apprenticing for this role when Morgan came to the colony - he's one of the first colony members Morgan met, and Aster is very loyal to him. Aster is sometimes called "Ash" as a nickname.
Colonies like Morgan's often have strict rules about entry and exit to preserve their own safety. Unrelated musun and outsiders have to petition for entry, and even if allowed inside, it can take years before they are considered "part" of the colony. One of their most important rules is in regard to safety - if someone is being chased by a predator, or are otherwise in danger from a malevolent actor, it is strictly forbidden for them to run home. This is because they risk leading the danger to the colony. If someone is being chased, they are instructed to run away from the colony and find a hiding spot until the danger has passed, at which point they can return home unseen.
Morgan breaks this rule when he is spotted and chased by something that is very interested in him - and runs directly home. This creature then lingers around the area of the colony for days, trying to find its scent and dig it up. It eventually gives up - but Morgan is exiled for his carelessness, leading him to become a solitary borrower against his will.
In the years following, Morgan grows used to living on his own (which is difficult for him, as an extroverted person). Back home, turmoil in the colony continues to grow for various reasons - largely related to issues of dominance and struggles for power. Aster, frustrated with his leaders for Morgan's treatment, leaves with Fern to go and find him. Anything is better than where they are now.
Unbeknownst to him, Morgan has been found and captured by the very creature that caused his exile all those years ago - a huge monster named Bug. Turns out Morgan had made his new nest in Bug's apartment.
Morgan comes to trust Bug. He had been living in Bug's walls, and continues to do so - but spends a great deal of time on Bug's person now, too. Eventually, Aster will find Morgan - who is now having a situationship with a giant monster. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
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hollythius · 1 year
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VANITY | vampire! genshin characters x reader
note | trying something new here! we’re going for multi-chapter, multiple characters x reader, and you get to choose your route! hopefully this goes as planned 😔 general trigger warnings for blood and biting in a (mostly) non-sexual manner.
SYNOPSIS | you receive a letter from a mysterious admirer, inviting you to an exquisite gala. when you arrive, you find various suitors waiting for you— but there’s a catch. they’re all vampires!
first chapter (you’re here!) / next / previous
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Dear Y/n,
You have utterly captivated me. Your charms are like the sweetest incense, drawing me nearer like a moth to a flame. When our eyes meet, my heart erupts with joy in a way that words cannot describe. Simply writing to you makes my hands shake in wistful longing. The quill in my hand is as restless as I; and I hope my penmanship is legible. (It would be my worst shame to write to you and have you not be able to read it) Now allow me to get on with the real point of this letter.
I formally invite you to the Dawn Winery next Saturday evening to enjoy a delicious wine tasting and incredible live music. As it is a masquerade, please dress in appropriate attire. I propose a game to you as well— if you can spot me in the crowd, I’ll give you a sweet surprise.
Yours in secrecy,
Your secret admirer.
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The love letters were new. You were used to odd trinkets: windwheel asters, berries, a honeyed ale or tasty biscuit. Never had you received such a flowery parchment. Flush rose to your cheeks, tinting them red as you stood on your doorstep. You shook your head, pushing back inside. Sure, it was true that sometimes you stayed awake at night, thinking of who could be behind the gifts. A rich nobleman? A sweet farmer’s son? A librarian, a fisherman, a baker? At times like these, you longed for the touch of your admirer. The country of Teyvat was large, but the incoming fesitival at the Dawn Winery drew in travelers months in advance. Your admirer could be from any reach of the nation! Could they be from your hometown of Mondstat, or the farthest reaches of Inazuma? You would have to find out yourself, should you attend the wine tasting.
Who were you kidding. You were already gathering money for a masquerade mask.
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please reblog my work! i spend lots of time on my projects, and it really helps me out :) tagging @ilyuu and @hobieist bc they helped me finalize the ideas for this series!
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midostree-art · 1 year
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lmao, I remembered this! I used my other farmer, Aster, because I never draw him.
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annymation · 9 months
Reimagining the characters in Wish
(Part 5- The Goat)
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This will be the last one of these blogs about the characters. I was stalling on this one because honestly there’s really not much to Valentino in my rewrite.
Will his existence influence the plot tho? Yes, definitely way more than the movie Valentino did… Although that bar isn’t high.
So let’s go, animal companion time!
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- Valentino is a one month old baby goat, a little ball of energy, too pure for this world, doesn’t know basic math and we must protect him at all cost.
- His main gimmick is that he follows Asha EVERYWHERE to the point it’s comical, like, I didn’t write him much so far in my rewrite (we’re currently on chapter 3 and he was alive in only 2 of them, so no wonder) but even when I don’t mention him just assume, he’s there… All the time.
- He cares a lot about Asha and sees her as his mother, since well, she technically is, she took care of him all his life (a month).
Main Traits:
- Curious
- Loyal
- Silly
- Innocent
- Determined
(Because it wouldn’t be a rewrite of mine if the character didn’t have at least some angst, not even the 1 month old goat is safe from me)
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- A month before our story begins, Asha was drawing animals at one of the farms in the kingdom, to practice, when suddenly she heard a new born goat all alone.
- She asked the owners where his parents were at, and they explain they didn’t notice the little guy under the hay earlier, they sold their goats to be exported to a neighboring kingdom.
- Asha felt really sad for him, so she asked to buy him, the farmer said she could keep him for free, taking care of baby goats without a mama goat around was too much trouble anyway, Asha was basically doing them a favor.
- Valentino obviously doesn’t know all that, but even if you told him it’s not like he’d care, he sees Asha as his mama and that’s all that matters.
- He’s very thankful for her taking care of him, getting him a nice sweater and a cozy little bed… He wishes he could thank her.
Which leads us to:
This Book
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- So hear me out, there’s this kids book, “The Grateful Goat”, about Valentino, and it’s adorable, it’s my main inspiration for his rewrite.
- In this book we follow Valentino trying to communicate something to Asha and her friends, but they can’t understand him, since we’ll, he’s a goat.
- They try over and over to guess what he wants but nothing makes him stop bleating.
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- Then, once Star came down and granted his wish, it turns out all he wanted to say was “Thank you”
That’s cute, I like that.
- Imagine this, in my rewrite, once Aster does grant Valentino’s wish and makes him talk, it’s a cute scene of Valentino going like:
(And he sounds like a child by the way, because that’s how a baby goat should sound like DISNEY)
- Now, am I saying that Valentino is just gonna speak once to say thank you?… Kinda, but not quite.
- You see, Aster’s wish granting magic is only effective on you if you really really REAAALLY want it to be.
- As he makes animals in the forest talk for example, or brings the tress to life, they only remain like that as long as they really want to, and what do you know, turns out most trees are chill just being tress so his magic fades away from them in a short while.
- Valentino’s wish won’t be to permanently talk, he just wanted to thank Asha, so once he’s done doing that Aster’s magic fades away after a few hours.
-… However, some of Aster’s magic remains deep inside of Valentino, so if for whatever reason Valentino reeeeeally wants to communicate something… Something urgent perhaps… Then he regains the ability to speak.
- Not gonna lie, I’m really happy with this, because that just means I won’t have to come up with lines for him all the time, he’ll only speak when necessary.
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- It’s fine, I’m fine *breathes* we can fix him.
- First of all, he has horns, because believe it or not 1 month old goats already start showing their horns.
- Second, I debated a lot on this but we’re keeping the little sweater, yeah I’m surprised too, I hated it at first (still do hate it in the way that it is in the movie) but then I was informed it’s a reference to how Walt Disney used to put clothes on the animals of his family’s farm when he was a kid, and that’s the type of deep cut and cute reference I wish we had gotten more of.
- But the sweater won’t be so tight on him, like, let it be a little bit more loose, and maybe don’t cover his lower half.
- This concept art I used for the second chapter of my rewrite kinda illustrates it perfectly how I’d like him to be:
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- The fluffy tuff of hair, the big eyes, the long ears, the lil horns, it’s perfect, that’s it, that’s our boy. Tho I don’t imagine him being all white, lets say he has some brown spots.
Final Thoughts
This post actually made me really mad because I wrote it all once and it was perfect, but I forgot to save it before closing tumblr, so I lost it all, ughhh why don’t they have auto save on cellphones??
I have plenty of ideas on how to make him more plot relevant than he was in the Disney movie, he won’t be like THE MOST ESSENTIAL CHARACTER OF ALL, definitely not, but little things that he does move the story forward.
If my calculations are correct he’ll most likely be useful on chapter 4 of my rewrite (or chapter 5, cause like, I’m trying to make them a bit shorter)
Not gonna tell how he’s gonna be useful in the story tho cause I think it’s better as a surprise.
A bit of a quick tangent here, but have you guys ever noticed how some Disney animal companions are the opposite of their human friends?
Ariel is brave and curious - Flounder is a coward
Pocahontas is wise and calm - Meeko is a dummy and Flit has anger issues
Alladin is generous - Abu is a kleptomaniac
You get the idea.
We didn’t get that at all in the Wish movie.
I was trying to come up with ideas on how to make Valentino have an opposite trait compared to Asha, but I don’t really know how to incorporate that into the story, oh well, I might just figure out as I go.
Anyway, that’s our goat, hope you like him!
Thank You For Reading!
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