#farm machinery shed
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Reliable Rural Farm Machinery Sheds for Farms & Industries
Entegra offers high-quality machinery sheds tailored to your needs. Our signature structures combine durability with customization options, ideal for farms and industries. Check out our range to find the perfect shed that ensures your equipment's protection and operational efficiency. For more details visit the link.
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Points to Discuss with Manufacturer While Ordering Barns in Victoria
American barns in Victoria are versatile and spacious agricultural structures. They are highly demanded in rural areas to park heavy-duty vehicles or store yield, fodder, or more. Various manufacturers offer bans in Australia, meeting clients choices and preferences. These barns offer ample space for storage, workshops, or even living areas.
Moreover, these barns are popular due to their functional design and ability to accommodate various needs. Reputable suppliers also offer farm machinery shed plans to choose from. Well, the farm owner must know a few things about barn construction. Below are considerations that will help you learn more about barn construction and usage.
Considerations When Obtaining American Barns:
Parking Requirements: When discussing your barn's design with the manufacturer, communicate the vehicles you plan to park inside. Account for potential future additions like new trucks or tractors.
Durability: Enquire about the construction materials and verify their quality online. Opt for a robust, weather-resistant structure capable of withstanding harsh conditions and strong winds.
Colour Selection: Confirm that the contractor provides a variety of colour options. Choose a vibrant shade that stands out from a distance; bold colours like red or blue are recommended.
Flooring: Ensure you receive a high-quality concrete floor instead of tiles. A crushed stone floor offers excellent traction for easy vehicle movement.
Amenities: Examine the proposed design for appropriate windows, doors, and ventilation spaces. Confirm the availability of an electrical setup compatible with both standard power and inverter batteries.
Thus, barns or steel sheds are recommended because they are generally made of durable metal and also don't demand a high investment. If you have a farm and want a durable structure that can serve diverse purposes, barns are the solution. Make sure you get the perfect one, suitable for your specific requirements.
Find an American barn shed supplier near your location and consult experts now!
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reasonsforhope · 17 days
"Abby Allen has no problem with her neighbours peering over her luxuriant hedges to see what she is up to on her farm.
For years she has been carrying out ad hoc experiments with wildlife and farming techniques; in her lush Devon fields native cattle graze alongside 400-year-old hedgerows, with birds and butterflies enjoying the species-rich pasture.
Under the environmental land management scheme (ELMS), introduced by the government in 2021, those experiments were finally being funded. “We have a neighbour who has always been more of an intensive farmer,” she says, but he is now considering leaving fields unploughed to help the soil. “It genuinely is having such a huge impact in changing people’s mindsets who traditionally would never have thought about farming in this way.”
The new nature payments scheme followed the UK’s exit from the EU, when the government decided to scrap the common agricultural payments scheme, which gave a flat subsidy dependent on the number of acres a farmer managed. In its place came ELMS, which pays farmers for things such as planting hedges, sowing wildflowers for birds to feed on and leaving corners of their land wild for nature.
But these schemes are now at threat of defunding, as the Labour government has refused to commit to the £2.4bn a year spending pot put in place by the previous Conservative government. With spending tight and the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, cutting back on infrastructure and hinting at tax rises, a cut to the ELMS scheme may be on her list.
However, government data released last week found the schemes were working to tentatively bring nature back to England’s farmland. Butterflies, bees and bats are among the wildlife being boosted by ELMS, with birds among the chief beneficiaries, particularly ones that largely feed on invertebrates. An average of 25% more breeding birds were found in areas utilising the eco-friendly schemes.
...there are also farmers who welcome the schemes. Allen says the ELMS has helped her farm provide data and funds to expand and improve the good things they were doing for nature. “Some of the money available around things like soil testing and monitoring – instead of us going ‘we think these are the right things to do and providing these benefits,’ we can now measure it. The exciting thing now is there is money available to measure and monitor and kind of prove that you’re doing the right things. And so then you can find appropriate funding to do more of that.”
Allen, who is in the Nature Friendly Farming Network, manages a network of farms in England, most of which are using the ELMS. This includes chicken farms where the poultry spend their life outside rather than in sheds and other regenerative livestock businesses...
Mark Spencer was an environment minister until 2024 when he lost his seat, but now spends more time in the fields admiring the fruits of his and his family’s labour. He says that a few years of nature-friendly agriculture has restored lapwings and owls.
“On the farm, I haven’t seen lapwings in any number for what feels like a whole generation. You know, as a kid, when I was in my early teens, you’d see lapwings. We used to call them peewits. We’d see them all the time, and they sort of disappeared.
“But then, me and my neighbours changed the way we did cropping, left space in the fields for them to nest, and suddenly they returned. You need to have a piece of land where you’re not having mechanical machinery go over it on a regular basis, because otherwise you destroy the nest. We’ve also got baby owls in our owl box now for the first time in 15 years. They look mega, to be honest, these little owls, little balls of fluff. It is rewarding.”"
-via The Guardian, August 23, 2024
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st4rfckerz · 7 months
Farmboy | Farmhand!Anakin Skywalker x Farmers!daughter
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word count: 4.1k
warnings: MDNI 18+, oral (male receiving), face fucking (if you squint), unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, slow(ish) buildup, not proofread
summary: Anakin is your family's farmhand and after inviting him to dinner, you can't keep your hands to yourself
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Your family owned a farm out West, not far from the outskirts of town. It was quiet, as farms often are. The land was hilly, rolling out as far as you could see. The sun was shining, and the blue sky was bright with few clouds in it. The sound of horses and the wind rustling through the trees was all you heard. The air was crisp, and there was a slight tang of wildflowers.
Anakin was one of the farmhands that your family had hired a few months ago, a man who was quiet but skilled. As one of their hired hands, he was responsible for helping with the maintenance of the farm's livestock and machinery. His primary role was to ensure everything ran smoothly, which meant keeping the animals fed and watered while fixing broken machinery when needed.
It was midday when you approached him in the garden shed with a worried expression on your face. "Ani, I need your help. The sheep pen collapsed, and I can't find any tools nearby." Panic was evident in your voice, hinting at the potential consequences of leaving the sheep unattended for too long. Anakin followed you back to the dimly lit barn and you found the sheep wandering around their stalls, bleeting softly.
"I see," he muttered looking at the pen, he glanced over where the sheep were grazing. "I hope nothing else broke." he says under his breath, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of damage. He walked forward, whistling for the sheep that were scattered, and they came to him. He began leading them towards their pen, some were very fussy about it and didn’t want to go, yet he remained calm and gentle.
"Don't worry, I'll fix it," Anakin assured you, stepping over the fence and rummaging through the debris left by the fallen wood.
"You need me to help with anything?" you stand near him awkwardly, not sure what to do.
“Nope. I got it under control,” He said calmly, continuing to lead the sheep. You admired his patience and his ability to stay so level headed. "You can just sit there and look pretty while I get this done." Anakin shoots you a slick smile that makes your insides turn a little.
"I won't be bothering you?" you ask as you sit down on a bale of hay.
"You won't be bothering me at all sweetheart," He says, his eyes traveled over your body and he smirked at you. "You can be my moral support." He leans against the aged wall of the barn. His stance was relaxed, very casual as he was being nonchalant, but with you he was a little different. Something about you made him like this.
Anakin couldn't help but notice how good you looked in their simple dress, its hemline brushing against your thighs, revealing just enough skin to drive him wild. The sunset cast a warm, golden light over your body, creating a delicate glowy outline around your figure. It was almost like the sun was wrapping itself around you.
"You know you could stay for supper if you'd like," you suggest, breaking the silence of the barn. "I'm sure my folks won't mind." He watched as you leaned back on the bale of hay, and he couldn't help but notice your dress riding up a little. It was a small thing to notice, but he saw it.
Your dress wasn't that short, by any means, but the way it rode up on your legs was enough to make Anakin notice you. His gaze drifted down to your legs, and back up to your face.
"Oh I don't know, I don't wanna intrude or anything-" You smiled and cut him off, stopping him in his tracks.
"Please Ani? Just this once?" You walked over to him, and with that sweet tone in your voice, you were playing him like a fiddle. It was clear that your invitation was genuine, you wanted him to stay so you could keep his company. He smiled at you and looked away from your eyes for a moment. When he looked back at you, he was slightly speechless. The words were caught in his throat, and he couldn't speak, he wasn't used to someone that could make him flustered.
"Well, alright I s'pose I could join you." Anakin smiles. "What's mama bear fixin' up tonight?"
he smirked at you, his expression was playful, but you could tell he was serious. You laughed lightly at the silly nickname he often uses for you mother.
“She’s making beef stew, with biscuits. All from scratch, too.” you explain. "And there's fresh apple pie for dessert." His smile showed he was interested, and he couldn't help but admire your beauty. You looked like a little doll, with sweet doe eyes that could disarm any man.
"Then I'll be there." His voice had a masculine yet flirty quality to it, and it sent shivers down your spine. It was like music to your ears.
"Good, I'll see you later farmboy." You tease, knocking his hip with your own as you walked past him. You felt his eyes devouring you whole, looking at your sweet face and the sway of your hips.
As he continues to fix the pen, he can't help but think about the upcoming dinner. He's never had dinner with you and your family before, so he wondered how it would go. He didn't know if he'd be welcome, but you said they wouldn't mind, and you're pretty much like a little princess in their eyes so it shouldn't go wrong at all.
The evening rolled around, you were sitting at the table waiting for him, ready for the dinner to begin. Your family was already seated around the table, discussing various things. They all seemed pretty jovial, and you could hear the occasional laughter, as well as bits of conversation.
You looked around and expected to see Anakin walking through the door at any second, yet he was a bit late which was out of character for him.
Just as you thought he might've bailed last minute, Anakin's voice draws your attention towards the door, where he was finally walking in. His expression had a hint of embarrassment, since he was later than he thought he'd be. He had a shy yet sheepish look on his face, as if he expected you or your family to reprimand him.
"Sorry," he said quietly, looking at you, "I'm a bit late."
"Ani! I was afraid you flaked out on us." you joke as you abruptly got up from your seat to greet him. When Anakin saw you get up and come closer to him, he was initially confused as to why. But then you envelope him in a tight hug, catching him completely off guard. He didn't know how to respond, as he was taken aback by your show of affection.
"No, I'd never do a thing like that." he responds.
He hugged you back, his hands squeezing you tightly as you felt his body pressing against yours. He was caught by surprise, and he didn't expect you to show any affection. His body stiffened up as you hugged him, as he remained still.
However, he felt a wave of warmth rush through him and it caused him to relax into the hug. He wrapped his arms around you, feeling a new feeling of closeness between you both.
"Come eat, there's plenty of food." You let go of the embrace, but you still keep your hands on him, dragging him to the seat right next to you. He didn't hesitate to follow you, nor did he show any opposition. You both sit down, with you being right next to Anakin. You pull yourself slightly close to him, close enough that he could feel it.
Anakin's eyes look up at your father, his expression showing a bit of anxiety. Your father smiles warmly at him, and welcomes him to the table. Anakin smiles back in response, looking down at the table a bit. Your father proceeds to sit down, as does the rest of your family. The dinner proceeds like normal, everyone engaging in conversation with one another.
"So Anakin, how's everything been?" your father asks, his aged, gravelly voice booming throughout the room.
"I've been quite fine sir, same old news." Anakin says, smiling a bit as he takes a bite from his biscuit.
"Anakin fixed the sheep pen today." The conversation shifts as you interject, causing Anakin's attention to look up. Your words get everyone's attention, as they all look at Anakin, who is sitting to the side.
"Oh, did he?" your father says, looking at him. Anakin's ears pick up, and he looks over towards you. Your father continues, "I'm sure the sheep are happy." He blushes slightly, nodding his head humbly as he looks at your dad.
Your mother pipes up with her own question, pointing the discussion in another direction.
"So Anakin, what do you do in your free time?"
Anakin answers, keeping his tone relaxed and level.
"Nothin' too special really," he says, taking a few moments to respond, "Just hang around, or fix things. Y'know how it is." He's cordial, polite, and has a soft attitude.
He treats you with respect, yet his attention keeps flicking back towards you again and again, as if he was drawn to your charms. You felt as if you were a magnet to him, as he always looked over at you after he said anything.
As you lean forward to grab the salt, your fingers brush against Anakin's thigh under the table, a subtle gesture that sends a thrill through both of you. He raises an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. He knows exactly what you're doing. You quickly return to your seat, trying to hide your flushed cheeks under the low light.
"The food is really good mom." you smile sweetly at her. While you speak, your fingers graze along Anakin's growing bulge under the table, a subtle hint of your growing attraction.
Anakin's eyes meet yours for a brief moment, he swallows hard, trying to maintain his composure as he continues the conversation. The tension between you two is palpable, yet unnoticed by the rest of the family.
Dinner comes to an end, and your mother presents a homemade apple pie for dessert. The family cheers in appreciation, and you can't help but smile at the delicious aroma wafting through the room. The scent of apple pie creates a cozy atmosphere that wraps around you like a warm blanket. Anakin compliments your mother on the meal, his eyes never straying far from yours.
As everyone digs into the apple pie, you feel Anakin's hand gently slide in between your thighs under the table. You try your hardest to suppress the smile creeping onto your face, the connection between you two growing stronger with each passing moment. The dessert is sweet, but it's nothing compared to the warmth you feel inside.
When you finish eating your piece of pie, you stand up and gather your plate and utensils, turning to head towards the kitchen sink. Anakin follows closely behind. You work side by side, the clinking of dishes echoing through the kitchen.
Anakin's hands are large and rough from farm work, but they move gracefully as he washes the dishes. He looks at you, his expression calm but also full of appreciation.
"It was nice having dinner with your family." he tells you, "thanks for inviting me over."
You give him a smile and use a nearby towel to wipe your hands. "It was no problem, they enjoyed your company." He smiles back, his jaw firm but his eyes showing that he was genuinely pleased.
Just as your family enters the kitchen with their now empty plates,  you lean in close to Anakin, your voice barely above a whisper. "Meet me in the barn in five minutes." you say, your eyes filled with anticipation. Anakin's gaze locks onto yours for a moment before he nods, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
Your father approaches, engaging Anakin in conversation about the farm and the upcoming town festival. You turn to your mother, your cheeks flushed but your voice steady. "I'll be right back, I just need to check on the chicken coop."
Your mother doesn't seem to suspect anything unusual since this was usually the time you'd check on the chickens anyway. "Take your time, dear. We'll be in here for a bit longer." She waves you off, her smile warm and understanding.
You wait for everyone to settle down before slipping out of the house, making sure to lock the door behind you. The moonlit night casts a pearlescent glow over the yard, illuminating the path leading to the barn. You hurry inside, your heart racing with exhilaration.
Anakin watches you leave, his eyes never leaving yours as you exit the house. He knows what's coming next, and he can't help but feel a whirlwind of trepidation. The anticipation killing him, but he forces himself to continue the conversation with your father, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him.
Finally, your father finishes his glass of sweet tea and stands up, nodding goodbye to Anakin after he explains that he should be heading home.
The sound of crickets and distant frogs filled the air as Anakin walks towards the barn, his boots rustling against the grass beneath him. He approaches the old barn slowly, his heart racing faster than a stallion at the starting gate. He takes a deep breath before opening the door, the creak of the hinges echoing through the night. He called out your name softly, his voice tinged with anticipation. The barn is dimly lit, with the moonlight filtering in through the cracks in the wooden walls.
As he stepped inside, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. You were there, your eyes locked onto his.
"Hi." you say softly, your voice tinged with a hint of mischief. The barn feels smaller now, the air thick with tension. Your eyes lock onto each other, and the crickets chirping outside seem to grow louder. Anakin takes a step towards you, his confidence wavering only slightly.
"Hey," his tone is softer than normally, you could tell just from his voice he was nervous. His eyes are locked on you, scanning every inch of your body. "Your folks know you're in here?" he asks.
You shake your head, biting your lip to suppress your smile. "I told them I'm checking on the chickens." His eyebrow raises, a hint of amusement playing on his face.
Anakin clicks his tongue while shaking his head teasingly. "You shouldn't be lyin' to your parents sweetheart." He looks at you with a certain sparkle in his eyes, as if you made him feel special with a simple remark.
"Technically, I glanced over there when i was walking over here." you state matter-of-factly. Anakin steps closer to you, his fingers brushing the little strands of hair out of your face. His eyes never leaving yours. His touch is gentle, yet electric, making your heart race even faster. You step closer to him and you can't help but feel the pull between you two. The barn feels comforting and inviting, a secret haven away from the world.
"You look real pretty tonight." Anakin compliments sincerely, his hand still resting on your cheek. His thumb brushes against your jawline, sending shivers down your spine. You nuzzle your cheek against Anakin's big palm. "Thanks," you whisper, your voice barely audible in the silence of the barn.
Anakin's thumb traces a line along your lower lip, teasingly brushing against the corner of your mouth. His hand moves to your waist, his fingertips grazing the hem of your dress, sending electric currents through your body. Anakin leans in, pressing his lips against yours in a gentle peck. He pulls back slightly, his eyes searching for your reaction. Seeing your approval, he leans in again, this time with more intensity. His kiss is soft yet passionate, filled with a sense of longing.
The kiss intensifies, your lips pressing harder against each other, tongues dancing in a rhythm only you two understand. Anakin's hands slide into your hair, pulling you closer, his breath hitching in your mouth. You break the kiss, trailing your lips against the rough stubble along his jaw. He groans softly, his hand tightening on your hair.
"Been thinkin' about you all day," Anakin panted between breaths. He grips your waist to pull you impossibly closer as you continue to explore his neck with your lips. "You and that damn dress." His hands moved up to cup your breasts, massaging them roughly through the thin fabric of your dress.
You giggle softly, your teeth grazing lightly against his neck. "You're that worked up over a dress, Ani?" Anakin whines quietly in response, his hips desperately bucking in your direction. You pull back slightly, your eyes locked on Anakin's. His eyes widened in surprise as you suddenly dropped to your knees, your hands reaching for his belt buckle. He groaned, his hips rocking forward, his cock straining against his pants.
Your hands reach for the hem of his pants, slowly pulling them down, revealing his muscular thighs. You reach down further, your fingers brushing against the waistband of his underwear. With a quick tug, they fall to the ground revealing his thick cock, hard and ready just for you.
"You're killing me kid." He managed to croak out as you slowly wrap your hand around the base of his shaft, stroking it gently. You lean forward and kiss his angry red tip. It twitches in anticipation, leaking a small amount of precum onto your lip. Your tongue darts out, tentatively exploring the head of his cock, savoring the salty taste. You moan softly, your hands reaching down to cup his balls, massaging them gently.
Anakin's hands grip your hair tightly, his moans turning into groans of pleasure as you continue to tease him. "F-fuckin' hell," he growls, his hips rocking back and forth, pushing his cock further into your mouth. You stroke the part of him that doesn't fit into your mouth, your fingers gliding up and down his length. You can feel him twitching, his body trembling under your touch.
His cock pulses in your hand and his breaths come in ragged gasps. You gag slightly, your eyes watering, but you don't pull away. Instead, you take as much of him as you possibly can.
" 'M close- hold on, I'm- ah!" His cock twitches violently in your mouth, shooting a hot stream of cum down your throat. You swallow it unhesitatingly, eager to please him. Gazing up at Anakin, your eyes is fixed on his. He's panting heavily, his hands shaking slightly. His eyes are filled with admiration and desire. You can feel the heat of his gaze, and it makes you blush slightly.
"Come 'ere," he says, his voice hoarse. He pulls you to your feet, his lips crashing into yours. His tongue dances with yours, tasting himself on your tongue. His hands wandering over your body, cupping your ass and pulling you closer. As you kiss Anakin, you can feel him growing hard again, his cock pressing against your thigh. He slowly walks forward, guiding you towards the small tractor in the back of the barn. His lips never leave yours, his hands roaming over your body, exploring every inch. He moans into the kiss, slapping his big hand against the fat of your ass. "Turn around for me baby." he commands.
Anakin bends you over the tractor, and flips your dress up, exposing your pink cotton panties to him. He strokes the growing wet spot gently, his fingers grazing your bare skin.
"Jesus, she's practically dripping for me." he whispers, his voice filled with lust. His hands move to your panties, tugging them to the side, revealing your swollen, hot flesh. He licks his lips, his eyes locked onto your slobbering cunt. His cock pulses, ready to be inside you.
Anakin lines up his cock with your entrance, gently pushing in. You gasp, your body adjusting to his girth. He holds onto your hips, guiding himself inside you. He thrusts deeper, his cock filling you completely. You moan softly, your body quickly getting used to his size. "Thaaat's it, angel." he praises, his voice low and alluring. "Let me in."
His hips move slowly at first, his cock sliding in and out of you with ease. Your body responds, your cunt clenching around him, pulling him deeper. Anakin's breaths come in ragged gasps as he starts to move faster, his hips slamming into you, each thrust sending you further onto the tractor.
You cry out as he sweetly rolls his abdomen, his cock hitting your sweet spot with each movement. The tractor creaks under your weight, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the barn.
"Takin' me so good baby." he growls, you can feel his cock stretching you, filling you completely.
"M-more Ani," you beg, your voice hoarse. "Need more-"
"Yeah? You want more?" he rasps, his hands gripping the back of your neck tightly. Anakin pulls you up by your neck and your back is now pressed against his chest. He thrusts harder, his cock hitting your G-spot with every movement. You yelp in surprise, your nails digging into the arm he has wrapped around your shoulders to keep your body flush against his. "There you go, you can take it, I know you can."
"Needy little girl," he teases, his voice thick with desire. "Just couldn't keep your hands off me at dinner, shit, could've bent you over that damn table and fucked you raw in front of your folks if I wanted to."
You moan, your head thrown back, your body moving with his. Your walls flutter around him when you hear his vulgar words.
He chuckles, his hands gripping your neck tighter. "You'd like that wouldn't you? Oh, you're dirty." He turns your head roughly, his lips crashing into yours, kissing you messily.
His tongue duels with yours, his hands gripping your neck tighter, holding you in place. You moan into the kiss, your body trembling. "Ani- cumming, c-cumming!" You can't form any coherent words, your breath coming in gasps as you neared your climax.
"Let go sweetheart, I got you," Anakin's breath tickles the shell of your ear as he speaks. You cry out as your orgasm quickly wracks over your body, your cunt contracting tightly around his cock. "That's my girl, c'mon." His breath comes in ragged gasps, and sweat trickles down his forehead, his chest heaving. It takes a few more powerful thrusts for him to fully unload inside you, his cum filling you up completely.
He takes a moment to catch his breath, and carefully withdraws from you, his cock glistening with your wetness. He hastily pulls up his pants and adjusts himself.
"You did so good for me." he whispers, his voice filled with awe. He carefully fixes your dress, smoothing out the wrinkles. "You look even prettier now," he says, his eyes filled with admiration.
He reaches up, fixing your hair, his fingers grazing your face. "You best get back to the house," he says, his voice filled with concern. "You know I'll be here tomorrow."
You nod, your cheeks flushed, your heart still racing from your encounter with him. "Mhm," you hum quietly. He smirks, his eyes filled with mischief.
You smile, a blush spreading across your cheeks when he leans in and brings his lips to yours one last time.
Anakin leads you towards the barn door, his hand still wrapped around yours. "I'll see you tomorrow sweetheart." he coos, his voice filled with promise.
You nod, your cheeks still flushed, your heart racing. "See you, farmboy." you say, your voice shaky. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze, and you step out of the barn, your body still buzzing from the encounter. As you walk away, you can feel his eyes on you, watching you every step of the way. You glance back, catching him standing by his truck, his hands on his hips, watching you walk away.
You enter the house, trying to compose yourself. Your parents were still awake, sitting in the living room, sipping on their drinks. They didn't notice anything amiss about you, thankfully. You made your way upstairs to your room, still feeling the evidence of your encounter between your legs.
You feel a thrill of excitement, knowing that Anakin will be waiting for you at that old barn, ready to have you whenever he wants.
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octuscle · 9 months
Visiting relatives down south for the Christmas season. I always dread it. All my cousins are so much younger than me, just fresh out of high school, and they’re all such dumb country meatheads. I feel completely out of touch around them. I wish I could fit in better, just to make the holidays easier.
Dude, your cousins are kids. They are six to ten years younger than you. Why do you want to spend time with them? Do you want to smoke secretly behind the shed and push cows around at night? Then you'd better stay in Boston, you'll never have any real fun that way….
You're a sophomore in college. Economics and business math. Your dorm is emptying more and more just before Christmas. But you just don't feel like flying to South Carolina. But it doesn't help. Your mother is a family woman. And even though she has always lived in New England since she went to university and met your late father there, she always made a point of celebrating Christmas on the farm. Well, for your mother's sake…
There are a few other of your colleagues on the bus who are studying business administration and are about to do their MBA. You chat about your plans for the holidays. You're looking forward to playing football with your cousins. You're the big boy, they adore you.
Thank goodness you're only flying with hand luggage. A bit of dirty laundry, that's all you have with you. You buy presents in old Pete's general store. And you can certainly borrow clothes from one of your uncles. Most of the time you'll be hanging out with them and talking about the farm anyway. You're about to finish your master's degree in agricultural sciences. Yes, most people here think you're a nerd, but as long as you win at arm wrestling, your word carries weight.
Uncle Mikey picks you up at the airport. You can finally take off that damn thick down jacket. It's wonderfully warm. You don't talk much on the drive to the farm. You don't talk much at all. You're more men of action than men of words. And Mikey quickly gets down to action. By the time you're on the highway, he's already jerked you off. You love the holidays in the south.
Technically, you're their nephew. But your mother's younger brothers are barely older than you. And you are, after all, a trained agricultural machinery technician. Most of your family struggled to finish high school. In any case, you and your uncles are inseparable. Christmas Eve is your traditional tractor pull. Mikey has prepared his protein eggnog. Another tradition is that you have to empty the punch in one go. And you invented the tradition.
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Burp! That was a good one. Hehehe! And let's see who can pull the six-ton monster the fastest the 100 yards. You may be a kid from the big city by now, but winning is a matter of honor!
Pic found @eurobeef 
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scotianostra · 4 months
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Reverend Patrick Bell was born on May 12th 1799 at Auchterhouse near Dundee.
Born into a farming family Bell was brought up at the farrm at Mid Leoch and attended Auchterhouse Parish School, Patrick Bell was only 27 when he had the idea that led to his invention, which was one of the first pieces of mechanical agricultural machinery to be used. He failed to profit financially from his invention, preferring instead to become parish minister. He studied Divinity at St Andrews University and was ordained as minister of Carmyllie Church in 1843.
Two stained glass windows at Carmyllie Church commemorate his life. He was minister in the parish from 1843 till his death in 1869.
The following excellent article is reprinted here with the kind permission of the Dundee Courier and Advertiser in 2008.
The 2008 harvest has been a trial, but spare a thought for those who had to struggle in the far off pre-combine days, when crops were cut and bound into sheaves. All highly labour intensive stuff but at least the binder could cut and bind the sheaves in one operation - before that it was sickle or scythe for cutting and hand binding.
It was an Angus man who started the world's farms on the way to harvest mechanisation. Patrick Bell, a farmer's son from Mid Leoch, near Auchterhouse, developed the first successful reaper in 1828.
He had a very analytical mind and was especially interested in engineering. He installed a gas lighting system at Mid Leoch and even took an interest in the cultivation of sugar beet, growing some and extracting sugar from it a century before the industry came to Scotland.
Many people, historians included, have mistakenly credited Cyrus McCormick of America as the inventor of the reaper in 1831. However, it should be Patrick Bell who is recognised as the designer of a machine that was deemed far more efficient and reliable than any previous attempts. Four of his reapers went to America where it is likely they influenced the designs of both McCormick and his contemporary Obed Hussey.
Patrick Bell designed and built his reaper when he was a divinity student at St Andrews University, getting the idea for his cutting system from a pair of garden shears that were stuffed into a hedge. He took the shears through a gap in the hedge and tried them on some standing grain. His first design was built in model form and with the help of a Tealing carpenter a full size version was assembled. Fear of derision led him to spread earth on the floor of his shed where he planted stalks of harvested grain to trial his machine.
The reaper cut the grain adequately but it fell unevenly for gathering for hand binding. Undaunted, he developed a canvas conveyor that the cut grain fell back against. It was then transported to the side of the machine falling into a neat windrow. A revolving reel to pull the crop on to the knife was also included in his design.
Eventually satisfied with his machine's performance he and his brother took the reaper out to a field of wheat at 11pm when prying eyes were asleep. The "guid horse Jock" was yoked, but the trial started disappointingly. In their excitement the brothers had forgotten to attach the reel. They hurriedly brought it out to the field and fitted it. The machine then worked very satisfactorily. Confident of the reaper's ability a public trial was staged at Powrie Farm on the 10th of September 1828. It received a favourable report in the "Quarterly Journal of Agriculture" and received a premium of £50 from the Highland Agricultural Society, which barely covered costs.
Bell did not file for a patent believing that his invention should benefit all. This led to various copies being made that were inferior to the Bell-made machines and they did nothing to encourage wide-spread usage. However around 10 of Bell's machines were sold in east central Scotland and, as previously mentioned, four crossed the Atlantic, others went to Australia and Poland.
At this time in history labour was still cheap and many farmers did not see the benefit of such a machine, preferring to stay with traditional methods. This was another case of a good invention being too far ahead of its time. However, the Bell machine was to prove itself as far as reliability and longevity was concerned, as the original machine continued for many harvests at Mid Leoch before going to work for many more at his brother's Inchmichael Farm.
In 1852 it was put in a good state of repair and shown at the Highland Show at Perth where it was thought by many to be the latest machine on the market. However, the Americans eventually began to sell greater quantities of reaping machines no doubt due to their lightness, manoeuvrability and competitive mass-produced pricing.
Meanwhile, now ordained, the Reverend Bell became minister of Carmyllie parish where he continued an interest in engineering, working at his bench at the manse. He remained unaffected by all the clamour that his machine had caused.
The Inchmichael machine, fastidiously looked after by his brother, ended up in the Science Museum in London where it still resides today.
Two contemporary models of the machine were presented to the National Museum and one is on show at the National Museum of Rural Life at Kittochside, East Kilbride. A third was presented by his daughters to the agricultural department of Aberdeen University.
Today's combine harvester has thus developed from the work of two ingenious Scotsmen - it is a combination of Andrew Meikle's threshing mechanism and Patrick Bell's reaper.
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hirkyy · 1 year
bumfuck nowhere rural ukrainian villages are a great untapped horror setting, i was having an absolutely wild time as a kid staying at my grandparents' house in the summer. getting chased by dogs during the day and hearing them whine and howl during the night, some reclusive grandma everyone collectively decided was a witch clocking my bad vibes, pointing her finger down at me and announcing i was cursed, sheds and abandoned houses burning down, getting told stories of kids getting lost in the woods, drowning in the well and the lake, being crushed to death by farm machinery, standing in the middle of a field path extending to the horizon both ways and listening to church bells ring seeing nothing but more sky and more fields in the distance and suddenly feeling unsure if you're going in the right direction; honest to god best time of my life and our alcoholic neighbour would laugh and jokingly threaten to shoot me if he sees me misbehave. classic eastern european village moment.
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knihovnachrastany · 2 years
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In the south of England, in the village of Stanbridge Mill, which is located near the town of Wimborne Minster, a new library was created in the building of a listed farm. According to the design of the Crawshaw Architects studio, the Gregorian farmhouse was rebuilt and, in addition to a publicly accessible library with seating, it also offers the necessary facilities, an office and a kitchen. The main building was originally a cow shed and for the last 40 years a warehouse for agricultural machinery.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
meanwhile in the voice call
Mysterion: OUT THE WINDOOOOOoooowww.................
Mysterion: Just kidding
Death Girl: Simple a combination mouse trap and catapult.
*SNAP - SPROING - WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH - . . . . . . . . . . thud*
Henrietta (she didn’t care enough to make a username): I take it that the “THUD” is you whacking him out of bounds with your baseball bat?
Professor Chaos (Villan Butters): shouldn't that be SNAP - SPROING - SQUEAK - WHOOSH?
Human-Kite: Maybe we could invest in a cat.
Super-Craig: Shove the mouse down Cartman's trousers!
Death Girl: No, it should be: SNAP - SPROING - SQUEAK – WHOOSH – ting
Call-Girl: Did you have a bad mouse experience during your childhood???
Mosquito: Gee, that X-Box demo would have worked heaps better if they'd thrown a mouse into a room full of mouse traps already primed with other mice, setting off a chain reaction of SNAPs, SQUEAKs and SPROINGs.
Doctor Timothy (super hero Timmy): This is my one line comment.
Tool-Shed: Maybe we can convince Mysterion to eat it?
Mysterion: That'll take a lot more convincing then five dollars
Fastpass: You can do it!
Death Girl: Or we could put it back where it belongs .. plugged into the back of somebody's computer.
The Coon (super hero Cartman): Hasn't anyone seen Stuart Little??? He could be our ticket to fame and fortune!
(He’s a raccoon themed super hero)
Human-Kite: Has anyone ever seen both Cartman and the rat at the same time?... just wondering if there's some secret identity thingy going on.
Tool-Shed; Maybe he's the little bastard moving everyone's stuff
Call-Girl: So was it the mouse that was sneaking smokes in the toilet? Seems like the poor little thing is getting blamed for everything else
Fastpass: Let's get him!
Mysterion: I could use another mouse or two to help power a car...
Death Girl: Let's just cover the room in Petrol and light it up now!
Henrietta: Put his little mouse head on a big dirty pike as a warning to others...
Mysterion: Lets just all burn our pants.
Tool-Shed: Umm, you go first
Fastpass: Let's get him!
Mysterion: You all want to jump me now I've burnt my pants huh?
Death girl: One of my friends had a story about his father doing the mouse vs petrol thing when he was young, and with its last chance at revenge, the burning mouse ran into some very long, very dry grass, set the grass alight, and burned down a whole farm.. crops, machinery, house, and also the people who owned it...
Mosquito: See, vicious little mongrels, mice. Burn your house down soon as look at you. They're dangerous! Arsonists! Satanists! They must be stopped, before it's too late. It's us or them. oh, and I'm always available for a pants burning. name a time
Mysterion: Release your anger and complete the journey to the dark side...
Tupperware: Why don't we just get the mouse!?
Human-Kite: That's not the mouse you are looking for.. Move along, move along.
Call-Girl: I don't think Mysterion needs any help releasing . . .
Tool-Shed: Certainly not releasing so much as restraining.
Mosquito: Has anyone heard the one about the mouse and giraffe that met in a bar?
Tupperware: Yep
Call-Girl: I think we should all try and get out of the HQ a little more
The Coon: Woowoo! Call-Girl said we can all go home!
Fastpass: Let get HIM then!
Tupperware: Let's have pants burning as a random encounter, or even a full mission. Somebody keeps sneaking into the base and setting fire to peoples pants
Wonder-Tweek: There isn't really a mouse. I just made the whole thing up lol
Fastpass: Lets get Tweek then?
Doctor Timothy/ Blah blah blah!
Super-Craig: Dracula impressions? Really?
Tupperware: blah blah blah, dude!
The Coon: If it was MY mouse, Id say like “Get back in the kitchen and cook me some pie bee-atch”
Human-Kite: You have a pie-cooking mouse?
The Coon: Yeah of course I do
Mosquito: Let's just set up a big barbed wire cage or even better, a dome and have a sort of last man standing dealie. The winner gets to eat the mouse...
Death girl: Are we fighting the mouse or each other?
Mosquito: I've always wanted to compete versus a rodent I might actually have a chance of winning.
Doctor Timothy: Aaaaaargh!
Mysterion: “I'm not imagining this as Tupperware, Mysterion and New-Kid also saw him albeit rather briefly" I'd just like to categorically deny ever seeing a mouse. Tweek is a loon.
Hana: *walks into the room* yo Eric, dinner’s ready. You can talk to your friends later
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High-Quality Machinery Sheds by Entegra
Discover premium machinery sheds at Entegra. Our durable, customizable sheds are perfect for your agricultural or industrial needs. Explore our range of signature structures designed for reliability and efficiency. Visit us now to find the ideal shed for your operations!
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optimalwebdesign · 1 year
Farm shed builder in Perth, Western Australia
Grid Garages & Sheds are your local shed designer in Perth. We design and install farm sheds in Perth & throughout Western Australia.
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Farm sheds are a type of agricultural building used to store equipment, vehicles, and machinery on a farm. They can also be used as a workspace or shelter for livestock. Farm sheds are typically made of steel and can come in a range of sizes and designs depending on the specific needs of the farm. Some common types of farm sheds include:
Machinery sheds: Machinery sheds are used to store farm machinery and equipment such as tractors, harvesters, and plows.
Hay sheds: Hay sheds are used to store hay and other livestock feed. They typically have an open front and are designed to protect the hay from the elements.
Animal shelters: Animal shelters are used to provide shelter for livestock such as cows, horses, and sheep. They can be open-sided or enclosed and can include features such as feeders and water troughs.
Grain sheds: Grain sheds are used to store grain and other crops. They can be designed to accommodate bulk storage and can include features such as ventilation systems and temperature control.
Workshop sheds: Workshop sheds are used as a workspace for farm maintenance and repairs. They can include features such as benches, tool storage, and power outlets.
If you are based in Western Australia and looking for a shed builder, contact Grid Garages & Sheds on (08) 9459 2559.
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bicountyinsurance · 3 days
Tailoring Farm Insurance insurance in Burlington, IA and Stronghurst, IL for Family Farms
For small family farms in Burlington, IA, operating efficiently and sustainably is more than a way of life—it's a legacy passed down through generations. Protecting this legacy requires safeguarding every aspect of the farm, from the equipment that keeps the business running to the structures that house animals, crops, and supplies. A well-designed
insurance in Burlington, IA, and Stronghurst, IL, is essential to ensuring the continuity of family farming operations, especially in a landscape filled with unpredictable risks.
Family farms can customize their insurance policies to cover their specific needs. From equipment protection to liability coverage and home/farm structure insurance, each element of a policy can help shield a farm from financial loss and ensure smooth operations. Here's how family farmers in Burlington can tailor their farm insurance policies to meet their needs.
Equipment Protection: Covering  Tools and Machinery
Farm equipment is often the backbone of any farming operation. Tractors, harvesters, balers, and irrigation systems are vital to planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops. However, this equipment can be expensive to repair or replace, especially for small family farms operating on tight budgets. Equipment breakdown or failure can halt operations, leading to delays that may cause significant losses.
Customizing the farm insurance policy to include equipment protection ensures that these valuable assets are covered in case of accidents, breakdowns, or even theft. Farm equipment insurance helps cover repair or replacement expenses, minimizing downtime and financial strain. Farmers in Burlington should take stock of their machinery and consult with an insurance provider to determine the level of coverage needed based on the equipment's age, usage, and value.
Liability Coverage: Protecting Against Accidents and Lawsuits
Running a farm involves various risks, especially when it comes to people visiting the property. From suppliers and buyers to seasonal workers and neighbors, farms see foot traffic that could lead to accidents or injuries. Whether it's a visitor tripping on uneven ground or an employee getting hurt while working, liability coverage is essential to protecting one's farm from legal claims and financial damage.
Family farms can benefit from general liability coverage that protects against injuries, property damage, and legal fees resulting from farm-related accidents. Additionally, farmers should consider product liability insurance if they sell goods directly to consumers. This coverage ensures protection if a product causes harm to a consumer, safeguarding the farm from costly lawsuits.
Home and Farm Structure Insurance: Safeguarding One's Property
For many family farms, the farmhouse and surrounding structures are not only places of work but also places of residence. Ensuring that these buildings are covered in case of fire, severe weather, or other disasters is crucial to keeping a farm in operation and maintaining family stability.
Farm structure insurance can cover a wide range of buildings, including barns, storage sheds, grain silos, and greenhouses. These structures often house essential supplies, equipment, or livestock, and damage can significantly impact farm operations. Customizing an insurance policy to include comprehensive coverage for residential and agricultural structures ensures that Burlington family farmers are protected no matter the situation. Whether one needs insurance for a single barn or multiple outbuildings, the farm insurance in Burlington, IA, and Stronghurst, IL, can be tailored to the specific needs of one's farm.
Crop and Livestock Insurance: Adding Essential Coverage
While protecting equipment, liability, and buildings is vital, farmers should also consider crop and livestock coverage. Crop insurance can be invaluable when dealing with unpredictable weather events such as drought, flooding, or hail, which can wipe out an entire season's harvest. On the other hand, Livestock insurance helps cover the costs associated with animal illness, injury, or death, ensuring that farmers are not left in financial peril if they lose valuable livestock.
Customized Coverage for Family Farms
Tailoring farm insurance for small family farms in Burlington, IA, is essential to maintaining smooth operations and securing financial protection against various risks. By customizing policies to include equipment protection, liability coverage, and home/farm structure insurance, farmers can safeguard their assets and ensure their farms' longevity. Additionally, adding crop and livestock coverage further protects the farm's financial stability in facing unforeseen challenges.
Farmers should work closely with insurance providers to assess their unique needs and create the best protection policy.
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kimlaurence2 · 9 days
Strong High-Quality Steel Frame Sheds
A-Line Building Systems designs and manufactures the highest quality steel frame buildings and sheds for the residential, commercial and agricultural industries. Great Range of Premium Hay Sheds, Farm Sheds, Aussie Style Sheds, Custom Built Sheds, Colorbond Sheds, Bluescope Steel Sheds & Machinery Sheds. Call Us Today! Please get more information about Steel Frame Sheds
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buffalobuiltvic · 11 days
The Ultimate Guide to American Barn Sheds: Versatile, Durable, and Stylish
American barn sheds have become increasingly popular in Australia, offering both practicality and style for various needs. These iconic structures, known for their spacious interiors and distinct roof design, are perfect for a wide range of uses, from workshops and storage facilities to homes or recreational spaces. If you're considering building an American barn shed, here's everything you need to know about their features, benefits, and how Buffalo Built can bring your vision to life.
What is an American Barn Shed?
An American barn shed is a versatile, multi-purpose structure characterized by its classic, three-tiered roof design, often with a high central section and lower sides. This architectural style not only gives it a distinctive, traditional barn look but also provides ample vertical space, making it ideal for larger storage items, vehicles, or even a mezzanine level for extra room.
Key Features of American Barn Sheds
Iconic Design: The high roofline and symmetrical style make American barn sheds stand out, adding a rustic charm to any property.
Spacious Interior: The design allows for an open-plan space with plenty of room for storage, workshops, stables, or even living areas.
Customizable: With a range of materials, finishes, and configurations, you can tailor the design to suit your needs—whether it’s for agricultural, commercial, or personal use.
Durability: Built from high-quality materials, American barn sheds are designed to withstand Australia's harsh weather conditions.
Multi-Purpose: From storing farm equipment to housing animals, or converting it into a fully functional workspace or garage, American barn sheds can be adapted for a wide range of uses.
Benefits of Building an American Barn Shed
Versatility: The spacious design allows for a variety of uses, making it a practical solution for homeowners, farmers, or business owners.
Aesthetic Appeal: The classic American barn style adds character and charm to any property, enhancing its overall value.
Cost-Effective: Compared to building a traditional brick or timber structure, an American barn shed is often more affordable, quicker to build, and requires less maintenance.
Expandable: With its modular design, you can easily expand or customize your barn as your needs grow, adding extra bays or features.
Why Choose Buffalo Built for Your American Barn Shed?
At Buffalo Built, we specialize in constructing high-quality American barn sheds tailored to your specific needs. With years of experience in designing and building custom structures, we ensure that your barn not only looks great but also stands the test of time. Our team works closely with you to select the best materials and finishes, ensuring your American barn shed is both functional and durable.
Popular Uses for American Barn Sheds
Storage: Store heavy machinery, vehicles, or large equipment with ease thanks to the barn's generous space.
Workshop: Create a dedicated space for hobbies, DIY projects, or business activities.
Equestrian Use: Ideal for stables, feed storage, and tack rooms for horses and livestock.
Living Quarters: Convert your barn into a unique and spacious living area or guest house.
Garages and Carports: Safely store cars, boats, and other vehicles with room to spare.
Final Thoughts
An American barn shed offers a stylish, practical, and cost-effective solution for a wide range of needs. Whether you're looking for extra storage, a workshop, or a unique living space, Buffalo Built's team of experienced builders can create the perfect American barn shed tailored to your vision. Combining durability with timeless design, these barns are the perfect addition to any property.
If you're ready to explore your options, check out our latest project: American Barn Sheds by Buffalo Built. Let us help you create the perfect space for your needs.
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thehuskies · 23 days
Day 3 - 23.08.2024
On the third day, our discussions with Rajesh continued, focusing on the chemical testing process used to determine starch presence in the rice sample. Rajesh demonstrated how samples are tested using a red chemical solution, which turns green after shaking when starch is present.
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We also spoke with other staff at the mill to learn about their roles. Budhsen Yadav and Ramsundar Yadav, both laborers, work on a contract basis and split their time between the mill and farming in their home regions. Paramanand, another laborer, is more regular and also takes breaks to farm.
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Jasbir described the role of Ashok, the fourth supervisor, who handles tasks that require leaving the mill, such as bank work, purchasing machinery parts, and personal errands for the owner.
The conversations revealed the daily routine and dynamics among the laborers. They live in quarters behind the factory and have a Bhandari who cooks for them. The laborers work long hours, especially during the busy season, but despite being provided with decent living quarters, the conditions have deteriorated.
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The mill employs around 18-20 laborers, along with a few operators and helpers. The discussions highlighted the transient nature of labor at the mill, with workers frequently coming and going, while the operators are seen as more essential.
The mill also owns land behind the factory, where they grow their own paddy, with occasional assistance from a local farmer who previously owned that portion of the land. Paddy was also growing in regions where the husk was accumulated.
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A floor plan was also made of the facility for better understanding of the space and placement of machinery. This was to track the movement of the product and staff. The facility had an office space with the CEO's cabin and a common space for Accountant's desk, Testing and Sampling, two high ceiling warehouses - one for packaging and storage and the other for processing plant. Half of the processing was happening outside beneath a shed.
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We were also treated by the Supervisors with samosas for lunch, had a great time :)
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