#farm boy manners even in costume
seawolvesanddragons · 4 years
AWAE 25 Days of Christmas Day Six: “Shall we?”
Aunt Jo’s “Summer Soiree” was all that Diana, Cole and Anne could think about in the bleak wintery weeks following Christmas. Their introduction to the unique social affair the year before had only whet their appetite for more of such events, and they looked forward to the party date with unbridled excitement. With Cole living with Aunt Jo, their invitation was practically an expectation, or so the girls presented it to their parents. The chance to see Cole after months of only writing letters was just as appealing as the meeting of artistic, musical, and literary minds that Aunt Jo gathered at her party. 
Their little trio, however, had one more added to them this time. After so many years, Anne had quite forgotten that Aunt Jo had been the one to finance Jerry’s work at the Cuthbert’s for several months after Matthew’s illness, but the great woman herself had not. Upon realizing that their last escort now lived with her, and as such was not available to resume his role, it was Aunt Jo’s suggestion that Jerry accompany the girls to her house in Charolottetown - with financial compensation, of course. 
The suggestion had brought out a mixture of reaction from all three would-be travelers. Jerry had looked awed at the compensation offered, though the idea of rubbing elbows at an upper echelon party seemed in equal parts to excite and terrify him. Anne had pulled a face at first, pretending to look on Jerry’s addition as an intrusion, but spent several of the next days talking up the other party attendees and giving Jerry a run down on some of the art, music, and literature so he could feel a part of the conversation. Jerry, who was meant to be stacking hay at the time, did not enjoy it as well as Anne had hoped. 
Diana had been noticeably quiet on the subject, easily dismissing his inclusion when her parents mentioned it, and giving quite the impression that she did not care. In truth, she had felt all sorts of strange emotions over Jerry’s invitation, and found herself fretting about thing she normally did not, such as her dress for the party or what they would talk about on the way there. 
This bout of nerves, to her horror, did not dissipate with exposure as the trio made their way to Charlottetown, but rather seemed to multiply until Diana felt she could hardly think straight. 
She had been prepared to help Jerry feel at ease, or at least not quite out of place, with the other party attendees. Much as she adored Anne, tact and sensitivity was not always her strong suit, and she was likely to be distracted by Cole the whole night. No, it was logically Diana’s role, as Jerry’s acquaintance and the niece of the host, to generously stay by his side through the night. It wasn’t that she had a strong desire to, of course, that would never be allowed. No, it was simply the ladylike thing to do. 
Diana hadn’t expected for Jerry to fit right in with the whole Soiree crowd, his practicality, fluency in French,  and polite manners endearing him to many of Aunt Jo’s friends. As his ease with such a frivolous and erudite crowd grew, that streak of mischievous humour emerged, and Diana found herself in a bit of an unanticipated role reversal as she observed Jerry charm them all thoroughly. 
“They are not what I expected, non?” Jerry whispered to her as they were approached by Aunt Jo and one of her friends. 
“That’s what makes it so wonderful,” Diana smiled. “No one here would want to fit in to the normal society,  so everyone does here.” That was why Cole, and Anne, and Aunt Jo felt so at home here. In retrospect, it made perfect sense that Jerry, a farm boy born to poor Acadian trappers, with no formal schooling, would be so adored by everyone. He was the antithesis to the society they strove to eschew. Diana found herself irritated by the realization, as if the party goers were looking at Jerry and seeing only what he represented, instead of who he was. 
“Look, Cole and Anne are dancing,” Jerry pointed subtly, oblivious to Diana’s current mental revelations. “Shall we join them?” He asked her, suddenly looking shy. 
There was no boy in all of Prince Edward Island who looked quite as lovely when shy. Diana was sure of that. 
“I would be delighted too,” she smiled beatifically. She checked to see that her flower crown was secure, than boldly grabbed Jerry’s hand. “Come on, let’s catch up to them.” 
The evening seemed to melt away after that, trapped in golden memories of dancing and laughter with her friends. Diana remembers Anne’s successful recitation, and the peals of laughter when Cole told a story too animatedly and accidentally knocked a whole basket crown of pears off of a woman’s costume behind him. She remembers Jerry’s hand, strong and rough from years of work, warm in hers as they moved to the lively music. She remembers his dark eyes looking down at her, alight with mischief and delight. They converse freely in French and English and in no words at all. 
It’s an age old story, Diana knows, of the pauper and the princess. Diana knows without any question that it never ends well. She knows her family’s expectations and plans for her. Diana has known, inequivably, for years now, that the one thing she must absolutely not do is fall for Jerry Baynard. 
That night, she chooses to fall anyway.
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masterhandss · 4 years
Hamefura Idol AU! (part 2)
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Here’s a completely unrelated Katarina idol art by @Sangotofura on twitter!
This is a continuation of my first post, the one that is more of an overview of the original FL game and the original descriptions of the characters. I don’t know if I want to write a story for this, since again this is just an excuse to draw, but I’m really having fun with expanding the alternate version of the world of hamefura.
It’s a lot of fun to rewrite hamefura’s story to fit in an idol setting, so I hope you guys don’t mind if I write a bit more for my dumb au dhjgfjs
More tidbits about the ‘Game’:
The game’s name, Fortune Lover: Cinderella Idol! or “Fortune Lover”, is read as “for-tune lover” by the fans (get it? tune?? pls laugh). The ‘F’ of the name is written as a fortissimo.
In the setting for Fortune Lover, the entertainment industry is the biggest industry of all time, with music being the most popular form. It has been like this for decades, and as time progressed, people’s tastes and expectations of music evolved, leading to the creation and popularity of idols.
Idol-Producers are a new project that is testing the capabilities of a idol teen, observing how their involvement in their own success can impact how they manage their time and how they can bring the absolute best out of themselves, on their own. Maria is the first idol who will be testing this new style. She is still a producer to herself, the boys, and even Sophia and Mary if you choose to have them join you. Despite being an idol, they still call Maria their “producer” and treats her like one. 
The characters in the game are in 3D CG, as the game includes the dance choreography or “MV Mode” if you perfect the score of the rhythm game. 
While Katarina’s bullying isn’t really death threatening, it’s more in line with the petty kind like verbal threats, sabotaging Maria’s idol clothes and stage equipment, paying someone to mess up her tracks during performances, badmouthing her infront of tv show producers and hosts, and stuff like that.
Katarina’s bullying isn’t as bad as it is in the original otome game, but she gets shunned by the public because behavior like that is only supposed to be done behind the curtains. The public has such a pure and honest perception of idols that they never think of the idea that the girls who smile and sing on stage actually try to stab each other in the back when the stage lights are off. Some people think that Katarina’s character is just a persona, so knowing that she is actually an ignorant and arrogant rich girl idol-wannabe, her fans lose respect for her. Katarina’s harassment of Maria is one of the few cases that are brought to light by the end of the game, and because of how much the public loves Maria by that point, they are enraged by Katarina’s behavior, making her lose support on all sides
Katarina had been in love with Gerald ever since they were children, and while Gerald has always been a popular boy among both his peers, when she found out Gerald was going to be an idol, she disliked the idea of sharing her beloved Gerald to a huge audience of people, so she became an idol to stand alongside him and to make herself worth of him by charming him as as an idol and gaining a large following herself. Despite this, Katarina didn’t strive too hard to be a talented idol, as she was too confident on herself due to the pampering of her parents.
Even if the player doesn’t desire to romance any of the four boys, given how the game is written and how it is programmed, the boy with the highest relationship points with Maria will confess to her by the end of the game. It would be impossible to not interact and gain points with the boys, as you gain relationship points in most areas of the games (when you “practice” your characters, when you “play” their songs, when you “give” them new clothes, when you “converse” with them in story mode, etc.). In the event that there are two characters with the exact same amount of points, the game will choose a boy for you.
Sorcier Pro.’s current president is Geoffrey Stuart (for reasons that will make sense someday) 
Katarina-Gerald and Mary-Alan aren’t engaged in this au, but are constantly in each other’s presence due to most powerful bussinessmen and celebrities being good friends with each other. 
Each girl has a specialty in a certain area: Katarina with dancing, Sophia with singing, Mary with acting/drama, and Maria (according to the official description of her in the box) with fashion coordination. Maria can be seen as more of a jack of all trades though, as she does represent the player. 
While any of the boys can trigger the condemnation event that will lead to Katarina’s social suicide, the event is specifically associated with Keith and Gerald due to the severity of her presence and bullying if you have high relationship points with the two. With Alan and Nicole, Katarina’s event only happens for a few lines, but for Keith and Gerald, it takes place in complete detail, with it’s own animated cutscene. 
Gerald’s route is also the most popular among the fans, with community surveys reporting that 53% of the game’s player base had Gerald as their final chosen love interest ( 25% with Keith, 12% with Nicol and 10% with Alan)
Monkey Girl/Past-Life Katarina
Since Maria’s name can’t be change in the game, but you can give her a “nickname” that represents the username of the player, Past-life Katarina’s name in the game is “SaruP” (or “Monkey producer” lol)
Saruchan (Monkey Girl) dies before she could finish her playthrough of the game, and all of her knowledge is based on her idol-expert best friend Acchan. She’s a bit tomboyish, and she loves to climb trees and move freely without a hint of poise or shyness, and is friendly to all genders. Her love for climbing, running, gardening with her grandma, and never ending amounts of energy gave her a pretty strong, flexible, agile and energetic body.
In Saruchan’s world, idols do exist, but aren’t portrayed in the cutesy and exaggerated manner that fiction does. Though it’s no surprise to know that in her world, almost every girl had dreamed to become an idol at one point, even herself. Acchan doesn’t find the idea interesting though, as she only lives for the idealized version of idols that exist in fiction. Acchan explains that girls their age are being brainwashed by the idealized version of idols that are presented in the media that they consume, and that they should wake up and learn to enjoy the fictional idols as they are. Despite Acchan’s realistic disapproval of idol fantasies, she does love playing idol rhythm games and gacha games, and spends her allowance on getting DLC costumes for Maria in FL. Acchan even pre-ordered tickets for herself and Saruchan for an idol concert featuring the VA of the characters, that they were supposed to attend to on the day that Saruchan dies. 
She dies the game way: on her way to school and being killed by a truck that runs her over. 
The last thing Saruchan sees before she loses consciousness forever is the wallpaper of the game’s boxart from her phone screen as it flies out of her hands. 
My Next Life as an ‘Idol’?? All Routes Lead to Doom!!!
As usual, Katarina ends up remembering her future as an 8 year old kid, and plans to prepare for her future “banishment” and humiliation. She learns to farm in order to provide for herself once she gets shunned and retreats to the countryside, and (unknowingly) meets all the characters in the game and gains their good favor before the events of the game begins. 
Her head bump still happens with Gerald, but their encounter happened in a party rather than an engagement meeting, with her tripping over a rock as she decides to run to the young man in order to introduce herself. Such introductions never got past beyond their names and few exchanges of dialogue, as the bump occurred and Katarina was immediately brought to the hospital after he called for help. 
Being a girl who wanted to be an idol at one point, Katarina wanted to use this chance to fulfill her dream of becoming one! But knowing the fate that will await her, (public humiliation, isolation, and banishment to some degree) she tries to figure out ways to avoid ruining her future.
While not as bad as death, Katarina is aware that the ending of the game implies that the blemished opinion that everyone will gain of her will lead to her leading a miserable life; one that will prevent her from gaining new allies and even studying in peace without being made fun of or called out for. It might even ruin her marriage prospects, for all she knows (it doesn’t but she’s too stupid to know that). The stakes of the bad ending aren’t life threatening, but it is personal, as Katarina always dreamed of becoming an idol as a teen and doesn’t like the idea of being able to enjoy it for a few months only to be dragged down to hell right afterwards.
The Claes is a wealthy family known for her father’s knowledge and skills when it comes to trades and business, and for her mother’s beautiful opera singing voice and celebrity presence. As usual, Katarina’s father adopts Keith for the purpose of gaining a direct heir for the business, in fear that Katarina’s future significant other might just to interested in her to gain it. 
Katarina’s plan is to learn how to farm in order to be able to support herself after her banishment, give Keith lots of love so he doesn’t end up becoming a playboy like in the game, and to train herself in dancing and singing in order to not embarrass herself like the original Katarina did. After meeting Gerald again and realizes his weakness, she eventually prepares (or buys, since the setting is modern) toy snakes that she can use to surprise him whenever the condemnation event occurs, using his shocked and panicked reaction as a way to distract the media from the claims that will surely fall upon her (since no one would have expected the calm and collected Gerald Stuart to scream like a girl at the sight of a toy snake, right? That would stay in the headlines for weeks! maybe).
As a kid, she has private singing tutors, and takes more general singing classes when she gets older. She doesn’t have dance training as a kid, but she does like to exercise and move her body around, so it slowly turned into the stamina-filled flexible body that she is used to. 
Katarina and Keith - Their meeting and impressions are mostly the same, which the difference being that Katarina used a display axe above a fireplace to break down the door, and Keith got her injured by accidentally pushing her off a pretty high cliff in the Claes grounds while they were both running and playing chase (rather than being isolated for dangerous Earth Magic, Keith as a child was a clutz who attracted danger to everyone around him, making his older brothers make fun of him for being “cursed”).
Katarina showers him with love, making him affectionate towards his step sister, in the same as he was in the original material.
When Keith finds out about Katarina’s desire to train to become an idol, he is very supportive of her, and decides to train with her in order to be able to stand by his sister on stage (as well as to generally gain the same interests as her in order to guarantee that they will stay close as they age). The contrast being that instead of becoming an idol to gain the adoration of millions of nameless faces, he now wants to become an idol to gain the love and attention of a single person, which is Katarina uwu. 
Katarina and Gerald - Gerald eventually attempts to visit Katarina to apologize for the incident, expecting her to blame him for what happened, given the personality she showed him. He was shocked to find a scar on her forehead, farming while wearing a farmer’s attire despite coming from a wealthy and esteemed family, singing and dancing to a song as she waters her vegetables. He watches for only a minute, unable to look away from the girl who danced like deflating balloon and sang off key while almost drowning her small vegetable in water. She looked weird, but she was having the time of her life, and he could see and hear it from where he stood.
 In a daze, thinking he might have entered the wrong house by accident or walked on the daughter of a maid doing chores. He walks out and leave the Claes estate without a word, and visits again after only a few days, as he couldn’t get his mind off of the oddity that he had witnessed. 
He eventually realizes that it was Katarina on his second visit, as he finds the scar of the odd farmer girl on the same girl who boasted about her family’s wealth in the party. After giving formal introductions, Gerald offers to walk around the garden to get to know each other better, in order to continue the conversation that she had originally forced on him back in the party (it was done to be polite and respectful, rather than any interest to continue). In the garden, they pass by the area that Katarina had planned to turn into her farm, and Gerald was in awe at how unorganized and messy everything looked (there was dirt everywhere, the tools were left on the floor because she had to prepare to meet him, there was more bags of manure than what was even needed etc! Katarina internally cursed at her 8 year old delicate rich girl body for not having the same arm strength as her 17 year old self). It was then that it sunk in that the adorable singing and dancing farming girl that he accidentally saw really was Katarina Claes. She wasn’t the very definition of abnormal, but she was nothing like the daughters of his father’s friends that cried when not attended to or complained when not given the best dresses and shoes. There was no shred of worry about her family’s expectations in her eyes, nor expectations of him to act like his perfect and matured self whenever they met in parties, movie premiers or social events, which made him yearn for her company. 
After finding out about Katarina’s desire to become an idol one day, Gerald secretly planned to do the same (and even have her recruited in his brother’s agency) in order to become closer to her through her love of entertainment and to have a chance to be constantly in her presence. When he found out about the charms that male idols have on their female fans, he also plans on using this as an opportunity to gain both her attention and romantic affection, by perfecting his (already maxed out) charms as male idol. 
Katarina and Mary - The two met during a part hosted by Mary’s mother in the Hunt Estate, inviting all of her mother’s old opera acquaintances, sponsors and co-workers for a formal reunion. Katarina and Keith accompanied their parents to the party, leading them to be introduced to the Hunt Family’s daughters. As usual, Katarina had the urge to “release the chocolate shark” during the party and takes an elegant leave. She eventually gets lost in the estate and finds herself in the garden. Katarina was in awe of the garden’s beauty, and stood still as she watched what seemed like beautiful siren sing by herself near a majestic fountain, with a single rose in hand. 
Mary was surprised to hear an aggressive applause after singing to herself. Katarina aggressively complimented Mary for her adorable yet elegant voice, and asked who she was seeing as a singing trainer. When Mary replied that she was not having any singing or vocal training, Katarina rains even more compliments down, claiming that “her voice was that of an angel!”. Mary denied it, so Katarina proceeded to sing the same song that she had sang, as a point of comparison to make her feel more confident in herself. Mary shyly and unexpectedly joins her, and they ended up having a small and quiet duet in the garden. Katarina’s voice sounded a bit rough and squeak-ish, but alongside Mary’s elegant and controlled singing, they didn’t sound bad at all. 
When Katarina finds out that Mary is also the one who tends to the flower garden, she proceeds to shower Mary with even more compliments, and asks her to visit and help with her own farm garden. Being complimented for having a beautiful voice and a green thumb made her feel validated and appreciated, so she often visits the Claes household in order to be in constant presence of her first and dearest friend. The rest is the same.
When Mary found out about Katarina’s dream of becoming an idol, she started taking intense vocal training as well as various exercises in order to be able to join her in her endeavor. She slowly built a more brazen and tough personality in order to be able to join and protect her friend from the rumored cold and intense reality of the idol world, as well as due to the antics of her friends. 
Katarina and Alan - From Mary, she eventually finds out that the event where Mary duets and falls in love with Alan occurred. Katarina realizes that duet must not have been that effective because she has done the same with Mary, but is confident that Mary is in love with him because Alan is a very talented and handsome individual. A few days later, the fourth Stuart son bursts into the doors of the Claes household, and demands to meet with Katarina. She learns that Alan had developed a small crush on Mary, and that he wants to challenge Katarina for her hand. Same shenanigans ensues, leading up to the piano duel where his talents in the piano was in full display to everyone in the manor. 
Katarina knew how to play the piano (just the basics though), so she was in awe listening to someone who almost sounded like a pro! Alan runs off after Gerald compliments him, Katarina chases after him, and they got to talk behind a bush. Alan wouldn’t take her compliments, but Katarina aggressively insisted that his talents are nothing to scoff at. 
When Alan says that he’s sure that his brother can play just as good, if not better than him, Katarina speculates that it wasn’t the case, because everyone had things that they are good and bad at. Not everyone is the same, no one learns at the same pace, and that she’s sure even if Gerald can play the piano better than him (and she doubts he can in the first place), no one can play the piano like Alan can. The scores in his heart are his alone, and that nothing is more beautiful than the melody that the heart enacts. Katarina knew that the score he played wasn’t an existing one, and knowing Alan’s character from the game, it’s probably either an impromptu score or one he had composed by himself. Her guess was correct, leading Alan to be caught off guard by her compliment, almost feeling emotional as no one had ever guessed and believed that the music he played was his own, until Katarina did. 
She shows off the power of the toy snake to Alan, making him laugh and see his brother in a different light. He still constantly visited Katarina for their duels, but as time progressed, he lost the affection for Mary (as he saw her as a little sister now after interacting with her in the Claes Household) that made him want to challenge Katarina. They still followed up on those challenges, for fun rather than for sport. 
When he finds out about Katarina’s dream to become an idol, he is determined to join her in order to be able to compose songs and melodies that she can sing, intending to bring out the absolute best of his muse’s voice with his own music. Someone his age might not be fit to compose songs for an idol, so he intends to become one as well in order to gain a reputation as a competent composer. 
Katarina and Sophia - The two meets at an afternoon party hosted by the Stuarts, as a celebration for the birthday of the twins. Katarina had to “powder her noes” after a few trips to the buffet table, and leaves Keith and Mary. She’s chased down by a dog, climbs up a tree, and accidentally watches a group of kids and older bully a small girl who sounded like she was about to cry. The same events occur, up to their second encounter in the party. Katarina accidentally quotes a line from a novel that she was reading, and after realizing that Sophia understood her reference, she asked for them to meet again in order to discuss their similar interests. 
Everything is pretty much the same, the difference being that somehow idols were brought as a topic of conversation, with Sophia revealing that she is actually a huge fan of idols. Katarina, feeling reminiscent of her idol-expert best friend Acchan, tells her that she actually wants to be an idol herself and insists that Sophia tell her about everything she loves about idols. Sophia, who is surprised to also find another idol fan who is as young as her, becomes even more excited and tells her all about her love for idols: how they are able to wear such adorable outfits onstage, how they sing songs that carry so much meaning, how they carry their fan’s dreams with them when they dance and sing, how amazing it is to be able to juggle so many occupations at once, and much more. 
With both love of novels and idols, Sophia constantly finds herself in the Claes Household in order to talk to Katarina about books, idols, song recommendations etc. 
When Sophia was first told that Katarina wanted to be an idol, she was very supportive of her and announced herself as Katarina’s number one fan. As time passed, she realized she wasn’t just satisfied with just watching Katarina from afar, she wanted to sing and dance alongside her! She wants to use her knowledge of romance novels and idols to help make herself and Katarina the best idols to ever exist! She wants to sing on stage about her feelings: about how much she loves Katarina, idols and their beloved novels!
Katarina and Nicol - When he found out that someone had invited his little sister to a small book club, he was very wary, thinking that she was one of the many other girls who tried to use Sophia in order to become closer with him. He was shocked to realize that that was not the case, and that Katarina had barely seen him at all, and had opened his timid little sister’s heart. When Sophia asked Katarina if she found her appearance creepy, Nicol proceeds to explain further, expecting to see a hint of guilt or displeasure from Katarina Claes, only for both of them to be met with unyielding determination to have Sophia as a close friend. Sophia went home that day in tears, thankful to have found a friend who truly wanted to stick by her side. 
The Claes siblings often visits their home so the girls can have their book club, even bringing Mary Hunt with them occasionally. Katarina, while looking a bit flustered, is capable of having a conversation with him without averting her eyes, which was a breath of fresh air to the countless camera crew, staff, visitors and even strangers who couldn’t look him in the eyes because how of how much of a beautiful child model he was. It all leads up to the moment where Katarina compliments him with how blessed he is to have such a beautiful and wonderful family, which contrasted against the ignorant adults who pitied him for having parents who refused to abuse the potential of his beautiful face and for not being as beautiful as their son, as well as for having a freakish looking sister. 
Nicol, just like his sister, desired to constantly be in Katarina’s positive presence, and visited her often, leading them to be acquainted and friends with the entire group that Katarina enraptured. 
When he found about his sister’s and Katarina’s desire to become idols, Nicol thought of doing the same, in order to be able to continue to watch over and protect both Sophia and Katarina, as well to be able to continue being close with Katarina (as their lack of similar interests and age gap might lead her away from him, but tbh that is never gonna be a problem with Katarina). He also plans to use his influence as a child model to propel Sophia and Katarina’s careers, as a way of supporting his two favorite girls. 
I’m not sure how I feel about Gerald’s backstory, I might rewrite that if anyone kindly wants to critique it.
Instead of Mary’s green thumb, it’s her voice that leads her to Katarina and Alan, but I still think Sophia would still have a better singing voice than her, so both her voice and green thumbs both play a part in her character. Mary’s high pitched voice gets a bit deeper as she ages, while Sophia’s voice stays very high.
I really like the idea that rather than the original ambitions and goals that leads the harem to become idols in Fortune Lover, now it’s the effect of Katarina’s constant insistence and declarations of becoming an idol that leads to everyone doing the same. In this timeline, the harem probably wouldn’t have thought of (or planned early) becoming an idol if Katarina never brought it up. 
I’m writing this at midnight again, lol, but yeah I’m not planning on writing a fanfiction for this, I guess, but I do want to have an established plot so rather than chapters, I’m just writing a full overview for fun haha
When I mentioned that Sophia loved idols, I didn’t realize that I might have accidentally implied that she was just as an idol fan as Acchan was, but with actual idols this time, so I went with :DD
I’ll touch up on Idol Katarina, Anne, Maria, Sirius/Raphael and Fortune Lover 2 in the next one.
I’m really happy that there are people who actually read my previous post and said that they liked it! Feedback and suggestions are appreciated! I still need a final name for the units so help me pls hahaha.
I’ll rewrite this post when I feel like adding/changing stuff.
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nheirexo · 4 years
What’s A Little Hangover Between Friends?
Trick or Tease had gone off without a hitch, everything perfect and though Jackary had been working most of the evening, could it have really been considered work when his job was to look pretty, sparkle and make sure people were enjoying themselves at the party?
“I’ll see you later at home, Gaston?”
The last words he’d heard from Dicenne and while they’d just been between the pair of friends, the idea of ‘home’ was sentimental, the fact that Dice had so willingly taken Jack in and referred to it as their own meant a lot to the beast and it further warmed his heart, especially after Jack had voiced his concern about encroaching on the Blacksmith’s life for so long already. Yet, Dice would never know just what sort of nightmare it was holding back that Jack wasn’t left alone to his thoughts, to the Emerald Nightmare corruption that was stilled within his heart.
At the end of the day, the Tart’s fun-loving  Jackary was still a dragon, he still suffered in silence over things that one wouldn’t give much thought to.
“I’ll be home, soon!” He had wanted to keep an eye on the dwindling guests and he had a sneaking suspicion that home wasn’t Dice’s first stop. It also left him time to spot a familiar Goblin sitting off to the side, nose and fingers in a book, scribbling away at whatever private thought he was having. 
The first time Jackary had ever tried to speak with Kavo, it hadn’t gone as well as hoped but he also knew the Goblin was a busy fellow and then, Jack had been just a face in the crowd.  Even now, working together, there were some that the creature wasn’t as close to as the others, something he wanted to remedy. They were all his family, after all.
What at first was like pulling teeth to get the entertainer to even smile soon relaxed into a fair and fine evening, both conversed and the longer they did so, the more they realized just how much they truly had in common. Hours had gone by and the last of the party dwindled, leaving just Kavo and Jack to sit next to each other, laughing through the evening together.
“I’ll walk you home,” the goodbye had started, Kavo doing his best to show Jackary some manners.
“You’re going to walk me home? AAAAAAALL the way to Dicenne’s from here?” Jack chortled at the thought. “We’d arrive by sun up if that was the case!”
At first they both joked they were Mages but as the pair had finally pushed themselves up to leave and ascended the steps to get out of the Keep, Jack slowed briefly, tilting his head.
What if we just... walked there?
As guessed, the sunrise had been beautiful as he and Kavo walked together, naturally only using just a bit of magic to put them on the correct continent. Their motions were calm while they talked through the night, both rather joyful of each other’s company and by the time they reached Dice’s place, the unlikely friends parted their separate ways, both agreeing a shower and a nap were well in order after the full night of party.
Once Jack stepped inside, there was a quick realization that Kara was still asleep and Dicenne? A quick whiff of the air indicated that he hadn’t even come home yet. It was little to worry about or think on, and instead the dragon drudged his way through the kitchen, easing off his shirt to set it in the dirty laundry before hands were at least cleaned of the glitter that remained coated all over the sweat still on his form from quite happily walking all night. It had cleared his head and left him to focus on the morning.
The Mage had decided to at least surprise Kara with breakfast, gathering the necessities for pancakes and to cure his hangover that was quickly starting to catch up, a batch of mimosa was chilled and ready to go. In the midst of setting the pancakes on the griddle, a familiar noise sounded of the front door opening and when Jack glanced over just to make sure it was who it should have been, Dice pulled himself through the entry, a hand pushed through the messy, bleached blond hair from his costume the prior night.
Both glanced to one another, as they were both still in the party costumes, Jack’s hair still long and black from the illusion which was an indication he hadn’t even bothered to shake it off yet. It was instantly that they both knew each of them had quite a long night.
“Well good morning, Sunshine.” Jack kept his voice low, winking to Dicenne who gave the telltale groan of having perhaps had a bit too much fun Before coming home. A second glass was snagged from a cupboard and soon filled with the lovely mimosa to be slid over in a peace offering.
“You just get home?” Dice mumbled, sinking down upon the table once he took the drink to nurse it, fully knowing it would have at least helped him to bed.
“I was out with Kavo all night, just got in not but half a chime before you and you... I can smell what you’ve been up to, so....Pancakes?” Giving a knowing wink, Jack met Dice’s briefest Deer-In-The-Headlights glance before the two shared tired chuckles.
“So my buddy Hyjal has a way to possibly find Dar,” Jack opted to finally touch on the conversation they briefly had the night before at the Howling Owl, it was an idle talk and very soft so as not to disturb the headaches both were trying to survive through. “I know I said I wouldn’t be home for a while, just have to grab something from the farm house and then I’ll have more details. Not sure when, just yet... But I didn’t want you to feel like it was sudden or something was wrong.” As Jack spoke, he flipped the pancakes, reaching to take another sip of his drink soon after. “Hyj seemed pretty convinced he could track him down.” In truth, Jackary was hoping to find the fate of his Knight before Season started. Though, it didn’t help that he already felt itchy.
“Good morning!” Before Pancakes could even be served to the groggy boys, Kara had made herself known like a ray of sunlight in the bleak darkness of still trying to catch up to the night. Happy, peppy, delighted at pancakes, her normally beautiful greeting and chipper attitude was a stark contrast to the soft whispers Jack and Dice had been sharing previously.
They loved her, but that morning? It was painful.
“How about you get the first pancakes and you can tell us if they’re any good—” Jack tried to quell the situation once Dice’s head hit the table, though the only thought truly running through the beast’s mind had been one word: Mood.
As excited as Jack was to have a lead on possibly finding Darnath, in the process of serving pancakes to Kara and the pair urging her to go eat and play outside so they could have a bit of peace and quiet in their own self-inflicted agony, he realized that this had become a family to him, something he hadn’t truly had since the days of Chaoti and the adventures with his cousin. The world seemed to slow down for a moment when this thought hit and even hungover, Jackary was all smiles. Tired smiles, but smiles.
He’d found a home and family and now all he needed to make it perfect was his partners to return. He had hoped that somewhere in the stars, Azurick was still enjoying the exploration and that wherever Darnath had been, he was safe, sound and knew that his Dragon still searched, if only to make things right. Even if severely hungover.
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>  @dicenne​​ | @karaamberlight | @kavothegoblin
[Mention] @azurickbloodreaver | @darnath | @thecrimsonhand
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altissiavibritannia · 5 years
Moolouch Xmas Special
This is a separate chapter from the official fanfic of my Moolouch fanfic. I decided to add some of my Moolouch fic on here, so here’s something that is Xmasy. I know Xmas was yesterday, but I was spending time with my mema at that time being. So here’s my late Xmas gift to y’all. Lelouch is a cowboy throughout Moolouch and Gaara is his old friend that he barely remembers. This is a Gaara x Suzaku x Lelouch moment.
“Morning Lelouch, want to help me make fresh eggnog?” he asked softly in his ear.
The black haired cowboy yawned and mooed in agreement. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he stretched. Fixing his hair and fur, before polishing his black horns. Suzaku smiled as he left to go wake up the person responsible for Lelouch’s transformation.
Long purple lush hair flowed down to the floor. He looked like a male version of Rupunzel. Suzaku walked up to his bedside to tap his shoulder.
“What do you want?” he grumbled, still asleep.
“Just wake up Gaara...it’s Xmas morning. Besides we’ll be packed with guests for the Xmas party.” Suzaku sighed.
He opened his ruby red eyes and just glared at him. The White Knight just glared right back. Sighing in defeat as he did know that it was his turn to host the party. He started living here with them for half a year now and barely did his part. He usually was too busy keeping Geass Farms up and running.
“Fine...as host of the Xmas Party, I’ll get outfits ready first...I’m almost done with them.” Gaara groaned.
“That’s the spirit. Me and Lelouch will be making the eggnog while we wait. Rolo has the cooking taken care of, he and Lelouch prepared it last night...well most of it.” Suzaku chirped with a blush on his cheeks.
“For his boyfriend and farmer, you tend to be even more lovey dovey than normal. Has my geass power gotten to you?” Gaara scuffedly asked.
“Well I guess all geass power isn’t that bad...still this is his punishment for all that he’s done after all~!” Suzaku singsonged.
“What about me?! Why am I a English Lop?! Who’s idea was this?!” Rolo complained, tripping over an ear.
Crashing sounds could be heard from the kitchen. Rolo was turned into a English Lop bunniboi half a month ago and he was still half asleep when Gaara used his geass on him. The mastermind behind that was Nunnally.
Pots and pans clanged against each other as they fell to the floor. Rolo was making such a big mess in the kitchen. Making Suzaku think. Was wasn’t he turned into a half animal like the rest? It didn’t make sense. Him, C.C., Gaara’s workers and Gaara himself wasn’t turned. Yet Geass wasn’t effective on C.C., but did some did? 
C.C. did after all keeps her distance away from Gaara as possible. Yet somehow Lelouch was able to give Gaara and a few others geass without forming contracts or having Code in general. Unless his geass got that powerful enough to allow him to do it.
“Here Rolo, let me help.” Lelouch offered, his Xmas themed cowbell rang.
“Thanks Big Brother, but what about your pectorals? Aren’t you full?” he asked, picking up a dirty frying pan.
“Yeah, well I’ve been through much worse. I may be full of milk like how I am every morning and evening, but I can handle the pain for a bit longer. Right now Suzaku is waking up Gaara.” Lelouch chuckled.
Gaara got out of bed as Suzaku walked to the kitchen to help. He had a lot of brushing to do. His hair was getting longer as time flies by, he then saw the male student outfit in his basket. Furrowing a brow as he held up the shirt. Frowning as he dropped it back into the basket, he put on his usual outfit. Gaara’s fashion looked like he jumped out of a pop singer poster.
Well he is a pop singer, but he quit his boy band once they used him for his geass. He removed their half animal traits once he found out why they wanted him as their lead singer. They wanted to be popular on looks alone and not anything else. Gaara was a great singer, but got driven into madness once he lost his best friend Lelouch when he was sent here. 
He’s been turning others into animals with his geass power ever since he’s received it when Lelouch used his on him to be a distraction to keep Suzaku at bay. That was how Haunted Badboyz transformed into Aniboyz. Aniboyz vanished once the band broke up. Now he’s in charge of Geass Farms. He turned the rest of Aniboyz into his livestock once they begged for him to come back.
Lelouch then found out after he and Suzaku ended up as new employees of Geass Farms. He then offered to become a pop singer for his new band if he was up to it. Lelouch has always wanted to be in one ever since childhood, before his mother’s death. Gaara liked this new Lelouch that he’s made, Lelouch loved his new self too. Helps him out on relaxing, even though he ends up horny at the same time.
“Ready Lulu? Or should I say Merrymoo?” Suzaku asked in a teasing manner.
Lelouch’s cheeks flushed and his black soft cow ears lowered. His black cow tail swayed in embarrassment. He was wearing his Santa cowboy costume that Gaara made for him last month. He got it for a birthday present. The red short turtle tank top outlined in white faux fur, to the red and white faux furred short shorts. It suited him, he was even wearing the matching gloves and thigh high socks. 
His bell was festive as well. Gold and silver bells with mistletoe themed bell. He wore a Santa hat and boots to make it look like he was the Santa of bovine. His horns shone in the sunlight as the sun was still rising. They poked through the fabric of his hat, well there was holes cut into it to make room for them. Rolo blushed as he looked so cute as a cowboy, he was jealous that he’s one and not like him, a bunniboi. 
Rolo grabbed a bucket from one of the cupboard near the fridge. This is the only thing he can’t drop without tripping over his knee-length rabbit ears. He then hands it to Suzaku, who places it before Lelouch on the counter. Sighing as he then grabbed a carton of eggs and heavy cream from the fridge. He then searched through the spices for the nutmeg and cinnamon and of course, sugar. 
They looked at each other and then at Rolo. Lelouch looked down at the empty bucket and then his milk filled pecs. Suzaku noticed how down in the dumps Rolo was now. It’s always has been him who got to milk Lelouch and nobody else. Now he saw the problem, everyone that knows of their love life and new jobs at Geass Farms were interested in learning something new. Lelouch then knew what Suzaku was thinking just by looking back at him.
“Go ahead Lulu, he’s never tried it before. He deserves to learn how in case I’m too busy.” Suzaku whispered.
Lelouch’s eyes full of love and understanding as he nodded.
“No that’s brown sugar...where is it?” Rolo sighed as he fiddled around in the pantry, searching for sugar.
Lelouch bumped his hip lightly against Rolo’s hip. His bells ringing as he did so, this caught Rolo off guard. He yelped as he tripped over his ears again and then, boofpt! Flour flew everywhere, making it look like it snowed indoors. Suzaku was laughing at how cute this was to see them together. A whirring sound could be heard. It was Nunnally, she had finally woken up.
“What’s all of the racket about Suzaku?” she asked.
“Well good morning Nunna, your brothers are goofing off is all. Also Merry Xmas Nunnally, want to help me or Gaara out, while these two make the eggnog?” Suzaku smiled softly.
“Sure thing, I need something to do anyways. Oh is the eggnog made with my brother’s milk again?” she asked with a cute mew. 
“Indeed it is, it’s nice to have fresh milk on hand without bothering to go grocery shopping.” The White Knight chuckled.
Lelouch’s cheeks flushed again as he heard their conversation. Rolo’s eyes widen as he spotted Lelouch’s stomach. It wasn’t flat and smooth like always anymore. It was a bit more lumpy than normal. Lelouch placed a finger over his lips and winked. Rolo started to tear up as he knew what was happening and why he hasn’t told anyone yet. He was four months pregnant. 
Nodding as he understood now why his older adoptive brother has been acting the way he has, it was due to him being pregnant.It also explains the extra milk over the past three months. It’s an unexpected Xmas present for everyone, including Suzaku. But what would his reaction about this all might be?
Lelouch winced in pain as his pectorals filled up more with milk. His shirt was getting even more tighter by the nanosecond. Even though the fabric was meant to withstand it after his pectorals got full, it wasn’t meant for leakage or with extra filled pecs. Rolo dusts the flour off of himself and then took his hand.
Lelouch pulled him up and dusts the flour off of himself as well. Now would be a good time for some relief or else Gaara might get pissed if he ended up with Mastitis or see his seamstership ruined. It took Gaara a week to get the outfit done, he loves to sew by hand. Once they were both done dusting the flour off themselves, Lelouch leaned over the bucket.
Rolo seemed nervous, because this’ll be his first time milking his older brother. Lelouch then carefully took off his bells and top. His nipples leaked a tiny bit of breast milk from the softest touch. He’s used to this by now, he then gently grabbed his tiny hands. He placed them onto his pectorals, shivered a bit from how it felt good.
“It’ll be ok Rolo, I’m here to help through the process. J-Just be gentle...alright? Ready?” he asked.
“B-But I don’t know t-the r-” he was cutoff by Gaara taking a snapshot of them.
They both blushed as they spotted him. “G-Gaara!!” they stuttered in perfect unison.
“Sorry, but this is what Milly wants. She’s coming by for the party after all.” The Emo Vampire Of Pop shrugged, holding the camera.
“Really? Even after what happened...?” Lelouch asked his ears perked.
“Yeah, of course she forgave you, Your Majesty.” Gaara chuckled as he liked how cute the 99th Emperor of Britannia was.
Lelouch blushed again as he forgot that he’s still the Emperor of Britannia. His older brother Schneizel gave him the throne after finding out why he was Zero and why he has murdered their father and remurdered his mother. He hasn’t been arrested again or anything, but he wanted to see how well he would do as the new Emperor. He didn’t want to have the throne like the rest of his siblings, yet someone had to be Emperor or else everything would go into ruins or chaotic.
He forgot that he even invited his family over to the party. Sighing as he knew that Zero Requiem would be no more, now that he’s busy fixing Britannia and trying to gain other nations trust while help fix their cities and such that was destroyed. He wanted the Zero Requiem, but this is fine too. Also he doesn’t want his unborn children to end up going down a dark path like how he has. 
Shaking his head to clear it as he then rubbed Rolo’s hands against his pectorals. Rolo caught on and started to message them. Moaning softly as he let him message his painfully full chest. Once he was done, he had to lean over the counter again. He taught his little brother how to milk him. Nodding again as he then grabbed his nipples to relieve him of his load.
“M-Mooooooooooooooo~!” Lelouch mooed in glee.
“W-Wow this is amazing! I’ve never knew how fun this could be!” Rolo laughed.
“Sounds like Rolo’s having a blast. I wonder if he wishes to change his animal or not. Yet I do love how cute and fluffy he can be the way he is.” Suzaku softly chuckled as he eavesdrops on them, speaking to himself.
Squishy, squish, thick, thack. Lelouch was swaying his tail in glee as Rolo got the hang of it within a matter of seconds. Milking him in a good rhythm and not rushing things. His milk sploshing into the bucket as he moaned in pleasure. Blushing per usual as he loved it. Mooing and moaning as this made Rolo blush. His moos were so cute that he wanted to hear them more often.
Once the bucket was full, Lelouch grabbed another one. They then looked back at the doorway to the kitchen as they heard a knock. It was Rivalz, he had a few tins of butter cookies with him. Seems like guests were arriving earlier than expecting. He then smiled with a blush on his cheeks as the scent of Lelouch’s milk drifted under his nostrils.
“Need help?” he asked, swaying his mouse tail.
“Yeah that’ll be great. Mind separating the yolks from the whites?” Lelouch pointed to the eggs.
“Sure thing Merrymoo. Oops...I mean Your Majesty.” Rivals apologized as he bowed.
“No worries, we’re friends after all. On top of that it’s Xmas, so no need to be sooooooooooooo formal!” Lelouch mooed.
Rolo shrugged with a sheepish smile. “S-Sorry...” he apologized.
“It’s fine. Just warn me when you’re going back to milking me. Scared the crap out of me.” he chuckled.
“You two are so adorable together, even though it’s milking time for Lelouch.” Rivalz complimented.
They both blush as Rolo’s hands continued in a steady pace. Rivalz chuckled as he then placed down the cookies to start cracking some eggs and placing the yolks into a glass bowl. Lelouch and Rolo sighed in unison as they then gone back about their business. They then filled the last bucket, so it can be used for the eggnog. Lelouch then sighed in relief as he had some left over in case he needed it for something else. 
“Well I’ll be back...I need to take a shower now.” he said, putting back on his top, hat and bells.
“Yeah sure, thanks for the milk Big Brother!” Rolo chirped.
“You’re welcome, did you like the experience?” he asked, glowing.
“Yeah...it was fun. Let’s do that again someday.” Rolo smiled.
“Somebody’s jealous~!” Suzaku singsonged.
Rolo blushed as Lelouch furrowed a brow. “S-Shut up! So what if I want to swap traits with my Big Brother someday for a day or two experience!” 
Lelouch’s eyes widened as he was shocked on how he felt all this time after being turned into an English Lop bunniboi. Blushing himself as he wondered what it’s like to swap animal traits for a bit for a break, for once. Gaara’s geass was capable of turn others into anything he’d like but objects and take it away at anytime he felt like it. Yet was he able to swap looks? This made everyone grin as the idea got the best of them.
Gaara was petting the Scottish Fold Nunnally. “Thank you for helping me out. The more help, the merrier.” 
“No problem. Do you have a family Gaara??” she asked, purring.
“Used to, I’m the last one of the Ootori family. They either died from illness or died during the Black Rebellion...even my baby sister Maggie died before she could ever enter kindergarten...” Gaara sniffled.
“I’m sorry...I didn’t know...is this another reason why you turned me the way you did...?” Lelouch asked, his tail wrapped around his legs and ears drooped.
He was out of his shower and was now wearing his cowboy version of his royal outfit. His royal rope draped from his shoulders like a cape or blanket. He had a cowbell made to match his outfit. He was used to his new look. He then sat down next to him, to help out on sewing the outfits. Gaara looked away as he stopped sewing.
“No...it’s not your fault Your Moojesty...terrorists that wasn’t part of the Black Knights took the advantage of the Black Rebellion...naming themselves as Black Knights, but their attire was different and didn’t match the real ones...they murdered everyone, but me. I pretended to be dead as they were killing everyone in sight at the family reunion...”
“Oh...I’m very sorry that happened to you. Were they part of your family or people who had a grudge against your family?”
“No to them both...they were stealing jewelry and expensive items that they could get their claws on...they attacked any rich family that they came in contact with...my family just happened to be on their list...”
“I see...are they still out there? I kind of forgot that the Ootori’s were a family of knights that served our family for generations...being sent during that year that day had made me forget...”
“It’s fine...I got my revenge sooner than I thought...Someone recognized me and then found out that I survived. One day I was surrounded by them and well...that’s when you came in that Sutherland...I ducked for cover when you fired...it’s more of a I hate you, forgive you, and thank you really.”
Ruby red to violet orbs. Lelouch didn’t know that he had saved him from death while shooting random people and such while running away from Suzaku again during a mission. Before his own Knightmare Frame was shipped along side the Guren. All he remembered was that he was trying escape and tear things up again like how they first met during the beginning of the Black Rebellion. Now that it’s over and that he’s Emperor, he has nothing else to do but to fix everything that he’s done.
Tears formed in Gaara’s ruby eyes and he then tackled the Emperor and started to sob. His purple and red coyote ears flopped over and tail tucked. Lelouch smiled warmly as he hugged him and starts to pet him, comforting him. As he cried, he felt his small baby bump and furrowed a brow. Yet he didn’t care at the moment, he felt lonesome for being the last member of his family.
“Merry Furmas Everybody~!” a cheerful voice announced.
Everyone turned their attention to the voice and knew right away that it was Milly. Rivalz ran out of the kitchen with waterfalls for tears as he tried to glomp her. She sidestepped as he missed and landed right onto the Spruce tree. Some of the decor on it was messed up from him landing into it. He groaned in pain as the needled leaves of it poked him. They laughed as they knew how silly these two were together. It was Two Out Of Three Stooges. All they needed was a third to make the collection complete.Yet either Suzaku or the Emperor himself could be the third one if they felt like it.
Rolo came walking in and dragged Rivalz back into the kitchen to help him finish making the eggnog. Rivalz just let him, tears still falling as he was being dragged by the tail. Milly then wagged her husky tail when they left for the kitchen. She then bowed before Lelouch, before holding out a present that she dug out of one of the many bags that were filled with them. She was the git go girl, she wore a pink Mrs. Clause outfit with four Santa bags full of presents. She loved to shower others with affection even if it was gifts.
He waved a hand at her as he then had her place the presents under the tree for now. Gaara then stood back up when he was done crying for his loss for his dear family. He was the second tallest out of them all. Yet Gino and Jeremiah had him beat by 4 inches in height. Yet he was still tall for his age.
“Anyone else coming Milly?” he asked.
“No, Your Majesty. Just us old student council and new, aside from the old and the new Knights of the Round.” she answered.
“Milly it’s Xmas, so no need for formalities. It’s annoying half the time...” Lelouch groaned, scrunching up his nose.
“Sorry, force of habit. Yet it’s quite catchy~!” she chirped.
“Sorry if I’m late Yo-”
“Shut up! He wants a break from hearing it!” they shouted in unison.
The teal haired general held out a finger with his mouth agape, but then nodded and closed it. Sighs as he then walked over to him. He then saw the champagne in his hands wrapped with a big golden bow. He directed him to the kitchen so it can be saved for later. The two chatted about making a treaty with Area 5, since they’re on the list to give back the name and rights list. It was simply the roll of the dice to figure out which countries or Areas that are capable to have everything returned to them without having a constant war with them. 
Soon enough Kallen showed up wearing her old Black Knights uniform and was followed in by Kaname Ohgi and his wife Villetta. Villetta was about 6 months pregnant when they arrived. Lelouch invited them as well. Only a few former Black Knights were invited, so only them came. He also wanted to congratulate them for their family that they were starting. Villetta saw his baby bump and smiled. She didn’t say a word.
She knew that he wanted to tell everyone himself once the party started. Ohgi helped her into a seat before walking into the kitchen to help. Villetta gasped as she felt the baby kick again. Chuckling as she let Nunnally feel for herself. The two chatted about how things in life were going and whatnot. Nothing but girl talk. Kallen sighed as she felt left out, yet was guilty of kissing the Emperor. They didn’t know that he was gay until he kissed Suzaku on national television once crowned Emperor.
Everyone was shocked at first and was disgusted, but as life and time went on, they got used to it. Soon there were transgender, lesbians, gays, genderfluid, and every other sexuality. His love for Suzaku has changed the way the world worked. He even made laws for everybody to feel equal in both Japan (after giving their name and right back) and Britannia. Soon everybody was happy, there was no more name calling on the Japanese and no more war between the two countries.
Lelouch has changed Britannia for the better. He even fixed the laws of Britannia by removing the ones that existed generations ago. Yet not everyone wanted to change after losing power and being claimed as an Area. Some of them were very excited about the new Emperor of Britannia. They praised his name and is now on a waiting list for negotiations for a war truce and to have everything returned to them. They accept this new world that he’s offering. They even allowed Gaara to use his geass on whomever wanted to be turned into something in his image.
They wanted to have a balance of everything now that the Black Rebellion has died down and the Black Knights are nevermore. Unless if he wanted the Black Knights to be still in his services to help out. Yet Suzaku had told him to make new Knights for the greater good instead of having his Zero Requiem pull through. Since they’re lovers it was the only reasonable thing to do after all. If the Zero Requiem ever did come into effect, it’ll break Suzaku’s heart to murder yet another person that he has feelings for and not in a friendship matter.
Lelouch is the only lover he’s ever had his first kiss with and everything. Since he killed Euphemia  out of pure jealousy aside from moving his plan forward for Nunnally’s sake. Then there’s Gaara, a loyal knight without anyone to love him. Yet they don’t know that he’s been crushing on His Majesty after finding out who he was throughout the whole thing. Suzaku may be an airhead as the Knight of Zero, but he knew something was up for three whole months. Yet still doesn’t even know what his reasons are for missing a bunch of meetings with Area 5. 
They waited a bit longer for the rest of what’s left of the old student council to Ashford Academy and the new. Same thing with what’s left of the old Knights of the Round with a few new members. It took Gino and Anya to get used to Emperor Lelouch. Even though he did end up murdering his family’s parents after all. But the past is the past and yet they’re shocked on how much better of an Emperor he could really be. Gaara was a new member to bother the student council and the Knights of the Round. 
Lelouch dubbed him as the Knight of Eight a few days ago. He was also the new president of the student council, since Rivalz was taking his position for granted. Nunnally was now in high school and was announced as the vice president of the student council. Rivalz was graduating a few months from now and wasn’t going to finish off the year. He’s following Milly’s footsteps, but instead as a baker. He gotten into baking after learning from Rolo and Lelouch (before he became the 99th Emperor of Britannia).
“ Luv are you coming out or not? For my baby sister and the new 10th seat of the Round, you’re such a scaredy cat.” Gino called at the doorway.
“Ngh...” was the answer from the doorway.  
“Wait, Gino you never told us that you have a baby sister. How is she the new seat of 10?” Suzaku asked.
“I’m the one who put her in the spot. After Luciano died during the Black Rebellion, her power as a soldier has brought her as far as to that of a Knight. She’s Nunnally’s Knight, though she’s very timid.” Lelouch chuckled.
“Luv is just a nickname that I’ve given here over the years. She’s at least 3 years younger than me. Her real name is Lovisia Weinberg.” Gino explained.
“He told me everything there is to know about her. She’s been hiding in the air force of the Britannian Forces, but moved her out once the Black Rebellion started. Since then she’s been training by herself in the Homeland. She surpassed everyone in her troop. So I had Nunna pick out her Knight. Lovisia came and yet she asked me to make her into a Knight of the Round. So I did, she chose to replace Luciano’s spot. So I approved it.” Lelouch shrugged.
“Lovisia it’s ok, no need to hide now. Nobody’s going to hurt you. Isn’t it your job to protect Her Highness?” Gino asked.
Light blond hair and icy blue eyes looked through the doorway. She was an exact image of her older brother, but with lighter and thinner traits. Yet there was a Kanji on the right side of her forehead that read ‘Hate’ in pink. Suzaku furrowed a brow on why that’s there. Gino held up his hand as he knew what he was thinking. He then walked over to her and pushed her out into view. Lovisia was growling as he did so, then it all became clear. Hate as in Demon that hates everyone. She didn’t have pupils of any kind. Her eyes were outlined with thick red mascara and eye shadow. 
She looked like a pissed off Tanuki. Yet Tanuki’s masks are black, not red. Something up was going on with her appearance alone. Then again Red Panda’s had a redish brown mask, but not a scarlet red. Gino sighed as he then looked at Lelouch. Lelouch knew what he wanted, her bottle. Nodding as he pointed at the painting of Nunnally and him during the time when they were kids. He walked over to the painting and moved it out of the way. There was a safe behind it, he dialed the password. A small click and the a creaking sound came from the safe. There inside was items so valuable that they were put in it, aside from cold hard cash.
There on top of the cash was a blue glass bottle. Looked like a liquor bottle. Suzaku was baffled by the safe behind the painting and the bottle itself. But on the big glass bottle was Aztec markings in gold. He couldn’t believe his eyes as Anya closed the safe and put the painting back in place, as Gino walked over with the bottle. He the popped the cork, allowing his baby sister to use her mystical powers. To his shock and the rest of the guests there saw the liquid rise out of the bottle without anything attached.
The liquid turned out to be blood. Everyone, but the ones who know of her powers covered their noses. It smelt rotten as if it sat in there for years without being thrown out in the trash. Lovisia had this power to control blood ever since birth. She had murdered their parents after being born, leaving them as orphans. Her eyes then stared at Suzaku intensely, forcing fear into his heart. The blood then slashed at his Knight of Zero uniform. Suzaku yelped as it cut through his skin a bit. Hot blood trinkled down, but didn’t hit the floor. But floated in the air, he then screamed in pain as he felt his own body float in the air.
Lelouch looked worried, but couldn’t move. The blood whip had gotten him to, but barely.She was a Deadman, a rare being who can control their blood and someone else’s as long as their blood is mixed in. This was her Branch of Sin. The Dragon was now awoken. She was known as the Dragon Reaper. Many other nicknames could define her without her real name. Emperor Lelouch calls her Death’s Pet Dragon. Gino then quickly closed the bottle once she drained Suzaku of a bit of blood to keep the blood in her bottle fresh.
Suzaku dropped at once and was panting. “Are you out of your mind for choosing her?! I could’ve died!”
“B-But...”  “Enough Suzaku, you weren’t man enough to protect my baby sister. So Lovisia is the best we’ve got!”
“....Fine...but don’t let that monster get near me...”
“That’s my sister buster, sure she’s a Deadman, but don’t blame her for the beast that lives in her very body! She’s got more blood than the average human being! It’s due to the Blood Beast, A Dragon that sleeps inside of her!”
Gino grabbed the bleeding Suzaku up off the ground, teeth bared. Lelouch groaned in pain and tears dropped to the floor. They stopped and looked at him. Suzaku brushed Gino off of him as he hurried over, despite the pain coming from his side. He then looked down where Lelouch’s hands were guarding. He was breathing heavily as he looked up at him. Villetta gasped as she was worried too. Gaara stopped her and shook his head. Rolo heard the commotion, he too had tears in his eyes. They fear for the worst for the pregnant Emperor.
“What’s going on?! Somebody say something! What’s wrong with my boy-” Suzaku was cutoff by Lelouch placing a hand onto his cheek.
“I was about to announce this to everyone, when they were here...and now that they’re all gathered...I-I’m pregnant...with your twin boys...” he smiled sadly.
“Step aside Sir Kururugi...if I don’t fix my mistake, I can’t forgive myself...” Lovisia spoke sternly.
“No! Not what you just did to us! Get out!” he hissed.
“Let her, His Majesty might end up dying and miscarry or die with them! She doesn’t just kill with her Branch of Sin, but revive or heal!” Gino corrected him.
“I’ll be alright Suza...” Lelouch coughed as his body started to feel cold.
Hot tears spilled from his eyes as he kissed his hand, before letting Lovisia do her job. Lovisia walked over and cut her hands with the pocket knife on her thigh. She then apologize to her Emperor before slicing him in the stomach. Blood poured everywhere, but floated in the air. Lelouch’s now lifeless body floated into the air. Gino reopened the bottle for the blood in it to join. He and Anya cut themselves to help out. Suzaku sighed as he shoved his fingers into his fresh wound, screaming. Tears still dropping from his cheeks from the pain in his heart. He didn’t want to lose another love of his life, not ever again.
Trusting a total stranger with a Branch of Sin that is rarely born into the world.Yet if she could save him and the future heirs to the Britannian Throne, then he had no choice, but to trust Gino’s words. Gaara smiled as he joined in on the action. Once there was enough blood in the air, Lovisia’s eyes glowed. Soon her body ripped into ribbons, allowing the dragon inside to escape her body. The dragon was scarlet red like the makeup around Lovisia’s eyes, but had blue and golden patterns of Aztec markings along her body.
The dragon’s icy blue eyes looked at Lelouch’s freshly dead body along with the twins inside of him still. A mighty roar of sorrow and anger as she started to tear up herself. She was sorry for hurting a friend of her host. Soon the blood in the air formed the shape of a Peony flower. Suzaku was amazed on what this dragon can do, soon the flower glowed and then got shoved into Lelouch’s body at once! The blood from the people willing to help heal and revive the Emperor of Britannia alongside his unborn twins, has been cleansed and made to his blood type.
Once the glowing stopped, the dragon was gone. Lovisia was now lying in Gino’s arms. The bottle of blood was empty and laid on it’s side on the floor. Suzaku rushed over, his wound healed. He caught Lelouch’s unconscious body. He winced from being a bit weak. To everyone’s shock who didn’t part take in the blood to blood ritual with Lovisia, they saw a miracle happen. Lelouch’s stomach was now a lot bigger than what it was supposed to be. The dragon’s magic had made him close to labor than restoring him back to normal.
Suzaku blinked as he then yelped as he fell towards the ground. Rolo gasped as he then activated his geass, saving the both of them. Once five minutes was up, Lelouch was standing up and awake. Blinking as he felt the sudden weight in his stomach. Blushing on how fast the twins had grown in so little time, as if he was carrying unborn vampires. He then gave Lovisia a look as he then figured out what the cause behind it was from. He then grunts in pain again, Lovisia smiled in her sleep. She didn’t only speed up the development, but the deadline for the twins.
“Welp, His Majesty is in labor...” Jeremiah chuckled nervously.
“What did she do to me?! They weren’t due until somewhere in June!Argh!!!” Lelouch screamed in pain.
His water has broke, now that Lovisia has done her magic with her Branch of Sin. Suzaku laughed as he was starting to like Lovisia. Her and Lelouch planned this ahead of time, for their Xmas present to him. Sure he had planned the Zero Requiem with him, but changed once he got pregnant by him. So all in all that plan got out the window. It was now time for this new plan to take action. Zero’s Heirs is now the name of the plan. He carried his now Emperor in labor to his slumber chambers. Everyone went back to the party. Nunnally smiled as they didn’t need the Zero Requiem to begin with. Spilling a shit load of blood once again wouldn’t change the world, but make it worse.
Gaara then started to carve the ham and turkey in Suzaku’s place once the time for dinner rolled by. They enjoyed the feast as Suzaku and Sayako were helping Lelouch bring two new lives into the world. Rolo was happy to have two nephews into his life. He even got used to being Nunnally’s newest older brother when they met during the Black Rebellion. Everyone stopped partying once they saw Sayako walk in with a big smile on her face. The birth of two new princes was a success. Everyone was allowed to visit the new parents. 
“So...what do you think of my Xmas present to you dear?” he asked.
“It’s wonder, I love them!” The White Knight sniffled as tears dripped down once more, this time with joy.
“So what are you going to new the new princes?” Gaara asked.
Lelouch smiled and looked down at his two breastfeeding children and then back at them and the father. Suzaku then changed his expression on the spot. Since nobody, but a few knew about his secret pregnancy, he had no idea. Yet he ended up crying like a baffling idiot like always. He shrugged as he then looked back at Lelouch. Maybe he had an idea what to name their two newborn sons. They did both had a bit of brown in their luscious black locks. The one with more black in his hair was the oldest out of the two. Suzaku’s rabbit tail wagged, yet his antlers kind of shed off when he was being “attacked” by Lovisia.
Even though that was the distracting of their plan to shock Suzaku. Gaara was a part of it too. He then winked at them as he then popped the cork to the champagne bottle. The cork landed perfectly into a bowl in the kitchen. He then started pouring glasses for everyone who wanted to try it. Sure some of them were still minors, but he gave them juice or pop instead. Suzaku thanked them all and for Lelouch’s best Xmas gift ever.
“Since daddy doesn’t have names for them, I guess we’ll name the oldest; Maleficent. And the youngest either Lelouch Jr., Suzaku the Second, or possibly Shiba. What do you think?” Lelouch asked.
“Maleficent and Shiba sounds wonderful. We can name the next batch after us if you don’t mind.” Suzaku chuckled.
“To the birth of our newly born Prince Maleficent and Prince Shiba!” Jeremiah cheered.
“To the new royals of the New Britannia!” they all cheered.
“Well we need birth certificates for them though.” Suzaku whispered.
“I already got you covered. Maleficent Nyx Kururugi Britannia and Shiba Love Kururugi Britannia.” Sayako chuckled as she held out the certificates.
Suzaku blinked as he then saw the handwriting and then smiled. Seems like his Emperor had them covered all this time. He then felt Lelouch gently tap him on the shoulder. He asked Sayako to hand him his son Shiba. He looked down at Shiba with a smile, he looked into his purple and green orbs.
“Welcome to the world my wittle baby Shiba. Daddy loves you very much~!” he whispered before kissing his messy brown and black locks.
Shiba sneezed and then cooed.
“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwe~!” everyone said in unison.
“Let’s open up some presents! Plus...maybe have an unexpected baby shower for me, even though I’m not pregnant anymore!” Lelouch ordered with a giggle as he burps Maleficent.
“Does this still count?” he asked in secret to Villetta.
She nods as she congratulates him again. They then brought the party near their bedroom. Once they ate until stuffed, presents opened. Lelouch yawned. He was exhausted from this fast forwarded pregnancy and from very early child birth. Suzaku chuckled and smiled. He then kissed Gaara straight on the lips, catching him off guard. Gaara blushed as he then kissed him back and then they both kissed Lelouch on the forehead. Gaara took Maleficent from Lelouch, so he can rest. Everyone then went to their guestrooms in the palace. Nobody was driving home tonight from partying too hard. Suzaku followed Gaara and Sayako to the baby room that they’ve made ahead of time.
“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Shiba fussed.
“Shhhhhh! Daddy’s here, so is Papa Gaara!” Suzaku cried out, rocking Shiba gently.
Maleficent was fussing too, but Gaara held a mirror to use his geass on himself again to swap his animal traits.
“I got them Suzaku. Just rest with Lulu. Also thanks for accepting me in this family.” Gaara smiled as he was now a cowboy like Lelouch and breastfed Maleficent again.
“You’re welcome, but how can you do it?” he asked.
The Animal Spirit Geass user looked at him with his left eye now engraved by his geass. His geass was now as powerful as Lelouch’s. His sky blue eyes with the upside-down geass marked eyes was filled with happiness. He then put back on his ruby eye contacts. He then burped Maleficent and changed his diaper. He then cleaned his hands before changing back into his usual coyote look. Holding Suzaku’s son again as he rocked him gently.
“Well you see...I’ve maxed out my geass while living here with you. I can swap traits with myself and others if I desire to, but every time I use my geass, I end up with a small headache. Plus Shiba needs his first diaper change.” he explained.
“Dang...” Suzaku sighed as he sniffed Shiba’s butt and then coughs.
“Dang boy, already?!” he exclaimed as he changed his poopy diaper.
“Suffer, Suffer, Scream in pain, Blood is spilling from your brain, Zombies gnaw you like a plumb, Piercing Cries and you will succumb, Suffer, Suffer, Scream in pain, You will never breathe again.” Gaara sang to Maleficent.
Maleficent giggled and sucked on his big toe.
“Why are you singing songs about death to him for?! What if it gets to his head once he grows up?! We don’t need another Zero!” Suzaku protested as he tries his best to avoid Shiba’s whiz. 
“Don’t worry he won’t end up like his mother. Besides his name just screams vampire to me. Suffer, Suffer, Scream in Pain, Shove your enemies guts down the drain, Werewolves howl like a bunch of cawing ravens, Ghouls gather around you like a sick haven, Suffer, Suffer, Scream in pain, You will never see the light of day again.”
“Wow...gee hopefully it doesn’t give them nightmares.” 
“They won’t, this is a lullaby that my mother used to sing to me.”
“Really? Please sing, they seem to like it.” he picked up the now clean Shiba off of the changing table, throwing the dirty diapers into the coffin shaped trashcan.
“Every well...Suffer, Suffer, Scream in pain, Witches will have your body burned by flame, Mummies beetles swarm and squirm, Imps will have you squashed by the feet of a pachyderm, Suffer, Suffer, Scream in pain, You will never move again.”
“Wait...why is this nothing but a song about death? Is it them that’s dying or other people or is it both?”
“Suffer, Suffer, Scream in pain, Your heart can’t take the strain, Lamias will constrict you into dust, Sirens caw until their lungs bust, Suffer, Suffer, Scream in pain, You will never hear again.”
“Hello?! Answer me! Why is this song about nothing but...death...?” Suzaku yawned himself, putting Shiba into the crib.
“Suffer, Suffer, Scream in pain, You won’t remember your name, Tombstones of grey, Yet here you lay, Suffer, Suffer, Scream in pain, You can never go insane.”  Gaara finished as he puts Maleficent next to Shiba.
He then smiles as he lifts the sleeping Suzaku off of the floor and carries him to their room. Hopping in bed next to him as he then kisses him and Lelouch on the forehead. ‘Goodnight my dears.’ he thought, before falling asleep himself.  
      A/N: I don’t own Hotel Transylvanian or the song Suffer, Suffer, Scream in Pain for the movie. But I do own this version of the song, since I figured it needed more added to it, so I did it for them. I also don’t own Deadman Wonderland, I just decided to add some reference from the anime/manga to make Lovisia Weinberg my oc little sister for Gino. I hope you like my two day late Snoggletog gift to y’all. Merry Two Day Late Snoggletog! Yes I’m a HTTYD fan, so what?! But anyways I hope you liked it as much as I have writing it! I might write more in the future for Code Geass! I’ll also be working on these ocs and the au for this fandom! So Maleficent and Shiba designs and such will be uploaded later on in the near future!  
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anattashori-desu · 6 years
worked hard for her love
I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now and I have decided to write it down and share it with you guys...so here it goes, my first writing
Roger Taylor x reader
: y/n and her husband Roger Taylor visited the set for the upcoming movie Bohemian Rhapsody, Y/n was a bit emotional seeing the actors on set wearing their costumes, they had share some stories back and forth, Roger also shared with the boys on how y/n made an impact on his life.
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The couple has already arrived to the set, they were already filming the scene wherein the band is staying at the Farm house to record their album. y/n was excited to see the cast especially the one playing her husband, Roger had fill her in on the scenes they have already done and some comments about the actors he had grown to love. She saw 3 young men sitting on the couch still on their costume and by seeing their wigs she assumed that those were Freddie, John and Brian’s, she froze on her spot and just taking in their appearances, Roger chuckled beside her and put an arm around her shoulder bringing her forward to the boys.
“Good morning boys I have someone here with me that I would like you to meet, my wife y/n”
The boys have a look of awe and somewhat a shock expression as well as they stood up to greet y/n
“Oh my..would you look at you guys, you look exactly like them, oh my gosh I cannot believe this” y/n laughs a little as she hugged each one of the boys, she stood still once again now looking at them with teary eyes
“are you crying y/n?” Roger said in a teasing manner as he rub his hand on y/n’s arms that he had put around her, y/n then sniffled, stood up straight and smiled so wide
“no I’m not” she said as she nudged Roger with a chuckle “You’re the crybaby between the two of us” the boys laugh and chuckled as well by seeing the interaction of the married couple
They all sat down and made themselves comfortable on the huge couch they were sitting on before, when they sat down it’s like the boys had stole y/n from Roger, they had told her hundreds of stories already including Rami’s “we shot live aid on the first day” and Joe’s “I did not know that perm stood for permanent”, Roger just sat back and watch them with a smile, he is fully aware that y/n had already became a mother to the 3 boys as she listens to their stories, she had been laughing to something Joe had said but suddenly she stopped and gripped on the arms from both her sides and those arms that are on her deadly grip are Gwilym’s and Roger’s, she was looking she straight ahead, eyes becoming teary again
“is that him?” y/n whispered, they all followed her stare and saw Ben Hardy talking to one of the make-up artists as they make some few adjustments to his look, the young actor hasn’t noticed yet that they have a special guest with them on set, when the make-up artist was done with him he began to look around the set looking for his friends.
“Ben quit standing there and get over here!” he heard the all too familiar voice of Roger Taylor himself, he turned around and saw the gang but was shocked when he saw who was beside Roger Taylor, Y/n Taylor. He was sweating bullets as he walked over them, the same feeling he had when he first met the two members of Queen. He is now standing in front of them looking at y/n nervously and then looking down repeatedly, he was about to introduce himself but y/n then stood up
“you look just like him” y/n said in a whisper still looking at the actor wearing his costume, she took in every detail the costume designer and make-up artists had made to make him look like her husband “but even more handsome” she giggled as Roger gave a deadpanned look causing the gang to laugh. He was able to introduced himself with a small voice still nervous that the actual Y/n Taylor is right in front of him, she hugged him just like what she did to the other boys and made him sit beside her instead of Roger. The story telling continues and as time passed by Ben became comfortable around her, y/n had noticed that the poor boy was tensed a while ago that she made sure to lighten up the mood by telling some of her moments with Queen or embarrassing moments Roger had. Brian May has also arrived on set and saw them hanging out on set, he went over to them greeted everyone as well, he offered to give y/n a tour around set since she wasn’t able to look around herself, Roger stayed behind with the boys they all watch as y/n walk with Brian away from where they were
“it’s alright boys, you can breathe now” the boys exhaled laughing slightly afterwards, Roger patted Ben’s back as he release some of the tension he had a while back.
“Usually she’s really feisty and sarcastic” Roger chuckled looking up to the direction where y/n walked off to then looking back to them “but seeing you 4, she immediately melted, I envy you all, it took me years to get some loving from her, years!” Roger told them with a fond look
“How long are you guys married now?” Gwilym asked
“49 years” Roger said proudly with his famous cheeky smile, the boys gave out a stunned look to what Roger had said “h-how did you guys made it this far? that is a pretty large number of years being together”Joe muttered as he move closer to Roger on the couch squishing Gwilym and Ben between them
“Well just like any other married couple we also face difficult problems, sometimes it can get to us but we both did our best on being strong for each other you know? I mean you all know how I can get, I did hit Brian’s head with a guitar once during an argument” Roger hit Ben’s shoulder with his, the boys nodded their heads since they have heard of this story before “She’s a very patient and understanding woman, it’s not that easy to rile her up, she can be sarcastic and all but she’s just being playful, but when she gets mad y/n Taylor is worse than I can ever be! the things I can throw around will just melt with her stare and choice of words-I am not kidding at all!”
The boys roared in laughter, they all think that Roger Taylor is so adorable being afraid of his own wife.
“How did you guys meet? was it somehow life-changing?” Ben teased the old man who only looked down on his lap with a small smile
“It was life-changing alright” he chuckled looking up to the boys, they are all anticipating the story of Roger Taylor and Y/n Taylor.
“Well I did met her outside of the pub, she was with her friends that time but she left them to get some air. Y/n enjoys some occasional drinking but partying really isn’t really her thing. I went to the pub with the band, we were celebrating our finished album that time, I already was talking with a number of girls the moment I got there-” the boys snickered and Roger just shrugged with a smug look
“I decided to smoke for a while so I went out of the pub as well, I saw here there shivering a bit as she rub her hands together to form some sort of heat, her outfit that time wasn’t revealing but did a good job showing her off curves you know, and I’m just a simple man, woman’s hot so why not?” Rami reached over and pat Roger’s shoulder while nodding his head in an understanding manner causing all of them to laugh
“She was very different, she knows I’m in the band and yet she doesn’t have the same reaction from the other girls I was with before, I flirted and tried a few pick-up lines and yet nothing, normally if girls rejected me I’m actually okay with it, just move on, I don’t get why I am so desperate to get some type of attention from her seeing that she doesn’t give a damn about me before”
Roger looked up and saw y/n with Brian from afar, he can see them still looking around the set
“I found out she’s working at the Library near my flat and I Roger Meddows Taylor never expected myself to actually set foot in a library but there I was following her around like a lost pup, it absolutely bugged me off that I still can’t get her bloody attention! I also found out that she had shared a few classes with Brian before and that they were somehow friend so he had told me some bits about her, he also sometimes invite her over when the band meets just to tease me. I remember doing everything that I know she likes and I’m only doing it to actually get her attention and spare my pride but later on I was changing, I was becoming a better man for her ” The old man nods his head over to y/n’s direction, the boys can see that this man known for his great talents as a singer and drummer is totally in love with the woman he never thought he’ll ever be interested in.
“y/n noticed the efforts I have been doing for her that she actually talks to me and we get to hang out sometimes, she did not immediately put her guard down but she was warming up to me now. Behind that strong image there is this absolutely sweet girl and boy did I fell hard for her” Roger chuckled while shaking his head, he can still feel the happiness and excitement within him when y/n is finally liking his company, he feels like it all just happened yesterday.
“How long?” Ben asked “How long before you finally got together?”
“I’m sure that it has been a year, I settled for being one of her good friends, I did not rushed anything with y/n,I just wanted to be someone who’s always gonna be there for her. Some guys will not wait this long just to finally ask somebody out but for her I stayed and changed”
Roger sees y/n and Brian now finally walking back to the gang still chatting away
“y/n had been in a relationship that didn’t end well, that’s why she created this feisty image to cover up her vulnerable being. She’s just scared and I understand, I mean I do have a reputation so it’s not her fault that it took her a long time to accept me” “did you ever had a moment wherein you wanted to give up or back out?” Joe asked looking down slightly embarrassed with his own question
“Well I kind of started to get a little bit insecure, I started to think that maybe I’m not really the type to be settled in a relationship and all seeing that she’s actually taking an awful a lot of time with me, but I never thought of giving her up. Well thank God I didn’t because if only I knew back then that a few more years I’m finally gonna marry her” Roger looked back at the boys who all had such sweet smiles on their faces hearing the love story of this well-known rockstar legend, y/n and Brian had finally reached them, she took a sit beside Roger and giving him a kiss on the forehead as well
“so what have you been talking about?” y/n looked at the boys with a soft smile.
“oh I just told them about that time you cried when I dressed up as a girl because I’m more prettier than you are”
y/n then jolted up from her sit then playfully hit Roger’s arm
“yes you did, you cried buckets y/n”
“glad to know that they’re still at it” Brian whispered to the boys as the couple began to bicker with each other
so here goes my first attempt on whatever this is, I know that there’s a lot for me to work on but I can’t just get rid of the image of Roger being all soft for someone anfuebegiuszsuhaiu well tell me what y’all think. HAVE A GOOD DAY DARLINGS!
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judedeluca · 5 years
Okay so apparently I was REALLY late to LoSH Appreciation Week 2019
So I’m just gonna do a bunch of posts about my favorite Legionnaires, Legion villains, which Legion I prefer, favorite ship, my AU, and such to catch up.
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Pre-Crisis/Johnsboot - Saturn Girl
Imra Ardeen-Ranzz you are a blonde disaster and I love you.
No but seriously this woman’s a total hardass and it’s amazing. She rigged Legion elections and had all the members suspended after stealing their powers for the sole purpose of looking like a complete bitch when she planned to take on an entire alien armada and sacrifice herself so no else would have to.
But then Lightning Lad stopped her and she was determined to sacrifice herself anyway to bring him back from the dead.
Not to mention this woman fucking stared down DARKSEID to get her other son back. DARKSEID.
I hate how Johns ripped out Imra’s spine but thank God Paul Levitz brought Iron-Ass Imra back.
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Pre-Crisis/Johnsboot - Lightning Lad
My other moron love, my ginger farm boy house husband.
Despite seemingly being the unluckiest Legionnaire ever, Garth’s been given a lot to be thankful for. He got super powers alongside his twin sister, got to meet and befriend his idol and inspiration, married the love of his life and had two (in one continuity four) kids with her, and they own a house and a farm.
One thing to love about Garth’s devotion to Imra is, I have to wonder if the two would’ve just kept dying to revive the other in some weird cycle because the moment Garth came back to life he immediately said “I don’t want to live at the expense of Saturn Girl’s life!”
Not only that but he was shown to a great dad who was more than happy to stay home and watch the kids while Imra went back to being a Legionnaire, and no one saw this as a joke.
I’m just glad Levitz toned down the anger problems Johns gave him so he wasn’t always snapping at Imra.
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Pre-Crisis - Sensor Girl
Because seriously this costume is fucking gorgeous. I know she was originally supposed to be Supergirl back from the dead, but I def prefer Projectra as Sensor Girl over Princess Projectra. Not because there was anything wrong with it (what she did to Nemesis Kid was amazing). I just liked the whole mystery aspect built over who Sensor Girl was and why Saturn Girl vouched for her.
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FYL - Matter-Eater Lad
Despite the problems with the FYL era, Tenzil’s spotlight issues were probably the highlight of the entire run. They took a character who was treated as a joke because of his seemingly useless ability and made him into this ridiculous, larger than life lovable idiot all because he played up how ridiculous he was.
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FYL - Ultra Boy
Jo Nah does NOT have ratty hair and God damn you for saying it. Despite the grossness around Phantom Girl getting fridged, Jo still got an impressive amount of character development in the FYL era. Especially in regards to how he figured out Glorith’s manipulations before anyone else and worked doubly hard to play up his dumb muscle persona to subtly undermine her.
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FYL - Spider-Girl/Wave
Again, the FYL gave minor baddie Spider-Girl an actual personality by making her a lovable dumbass and semi-reformed thief who showed surprising depth when she supported Ultra Boy going after Phantom Girl in the 20th Century despite how Sussa clearly felt for Jo.
It’s a pity Geoff Johns turned her into a future Neo Nazi.
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SW6 - Computo II
Danielle’s a low key fave I don’t discuss much, which kind of makes sense when in “Legionnaires” #1 while everyone else is freaking out about how the Earth domes are gonna crash into each other Danielle goes “No yeah I fixed that like five minutes ago.”
Her clashing with Chameleon was also pretty funny.
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Reboot - Monstress
Fuck Abnett and Lanning for what they did to her just to prove how unstable Element Lad became.
Candi’s fucking amazing. She’s sweet, strong, caring, has a great fashion sense, is observant, and isn’t afraid to tell people when they get on her bad side.
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Threeboot - Theena
Poor Theena never truly got a chance to shine, which is a pity due to her unique design and power which stood her apart from the others. Granted it wasn’t much useful in combat but it would’ve been cool to see her as a sort of permanent mission control, keeping tabs on all the Legionnaires.
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Threeboot - Gazelle
Another victim of how underutilized the Threeboot was, Gazelle never really got her chance to shine too. She wasn’t even included in Legion of 3 Worlds!
As an outcast just about everywhere, when Gazelle first appeared she hated the Legionnaires but slowly began to warm up to them after they helped her (despite how poorly she thought of them) and eventually joined their ranks.
What’s especially frustrating about how she was handled involves the proposed actual finale Jim Shooter wanted to do for his story. Invisible Kid had been nursing a crush on her it seemed, but in Shooter’s draft it seems Lyle would’ve come out as a transgender woman who viewed Gazelle as the type of woman Lyle wanted to be.
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Cartoon - Lightning Lad
I didn’t care about Garth until season 2 came around. Aside from the gorgeous redesign I enjoyed the amount of depth he began to display and the soft side to his personality. His unwavering love for his sister and his surprisingly decent bedside manner. Here we had a guy who used to be a glory hog, and he passed up an awards ceremony to spend time with his sick teammates in the hospital.
I know what they say about loving bad boys but I didn’t care about Garth Ranzz until I saw the kindness he was capable of.
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anarnianfox · 6 years
My favorite lines from the OUAT sassy recaps
by @thelonelybrilliance (I mean, I love every bit of it obviously, but I can’t just copy paste all of it)
this show is campy af (not a bad thing) and poorly written af (*sigh*)
GIRL. YOUr wedding hairdo? A choice.
This scene–where she lights herself a candle on a cupcake and makes a wish–is so lowkey and simply shot and yet it’s better than so much of the animation in which this show chooses to indulge.
If I was a pregnant lady I would not be wearing a gown with all sorts of tendrils and lace but your mileage may vary.
“OUR CHILD WILL BE THE SAVIOR” says Charming, who is a beacon of positivity?
Emma crashes her car. Very prettily, I might add! Her hair still looks good splayed over her dashboard!
Regina is more concerned with taking away the Fairytale book and looking angrily into a mirror, as the Lord Intended.
The residents, including Mary Margaret’s cute pixie cut, are very Shook by the Passage of Time. AS ARE WE ALL.
Then Regina and her cleavage hasten away
Henry demands that Emma walk him to school, which she does, tossing the apple from hand to hand and frowning majestically. She has very typically masculine mannerisms, which is a character detail that I love.
Hot Sheriff Graham shows up
Regina’s milquetoast dad
Regina is always side-eyeing people in a way that is about 18% TOO MUCH and so it’s always a little too knowing.
GIRL. Get thee to a therapist.
MR. GOLD, who is not, may I say, unattractive with his Scottish accent
It’s very romantic, I won’t lie and I’m not afraid to stan.
Cinderella’s fairy godmother gets poofed off the face of the earth bc Rumplestiltskin loves attention.
The glass slippers are more plexiglass than anything else but I like Rumple’s line that “every story needs a memorable detail.” Very meta.
Emma, as a single mom herself, has some badass sagacity to bestow.
Everyone looks like they’re going to a 1991 prom, but what are you going to do.
The trouble with Snow White, I have decided–post-bandit days–is that she always has to be Inspirational with a capital I, and I, a very dour person, find that vaguely grating.
“We sent one of Snow’s bluebirds,” Charming explains, somehow managing to keep a straight face.
His wife says “Good day, Miss Blanchard” like that is a normal way to say goodbye to someone in this, the year of our lord, 2000-something.
What’s even worse, though, is that Henry is being a TWERP and is like “we’re here to investigate!” and it’s like…nah fam, you’re here to get crushed to death more like
Aboveground, everyone else is either lounging around (Ruby/Red Riding Hood) or modeling their best pissed-off-face (Regina) or looking pretty inexcusably hot (Sheriff Graham)
Regina is showing a genuine emotion for once
And you know what? The townspeople, even Regina, experience genuine joy. FOR A SECOND, until Regina goes back to being a royal bitch, AS WE MIGHT HAVE EXPECTED.
Then we flash to David in Fairytale land, gallantly dueling a weird gladiator man while the costumes/lighting/general set-dressing make my eyes hurt.
There’s only one problem: the other half of the duel isn’t dead and he SPEARS PRINCE CHARMing throUgH THE CHESt
What are we to THINK?
King George is a potato of a man who is an insult to potatoes.
Mary Margaret has done her hair a different way and it’s cute. She’s also over-scrubbing a plate in her man-induced anxiety.
“Oh hai I gave your twin brother away” is what happens.
One of the best things about Rumple is that he also talks to himself while trying to threaten/make deals with other people and I appreciate it.
…and he says “We treasure your respect, King Midas, just as we respect your treasure,” which is…not a thing that anyone needed to write into a script.
David is like, SLOW A ROLL OR TWO, and King George literally RAGE HUGS HIM and promises, in a still-audible undertone, o KILL HIS ENTIRE FAMILY AND BURN HIS FARM TO THE GROUND unless he marries her, so that’s THAT.
I’m being too flippant in this moment. It is very good of the Shepherd Boi to save his mom and country like that. A pure son. <3
He’s hotly sad that she no longer likes him. He is WISTFUL and YEARNING and REMORSEFUL that he is banging the Evil Queen
She also says “She sought comfort with me.” Why is the writing in FTL so terrible?
The next morning, Emma comes downstairs from her loft bedroom (UNREAL, I WANT THIS APT SO BADLY) to find flowers. She promptly throws them in the trash (I would never do this, even if my worst enemy sent them–I love flowers and would merely gloat at said worst enemy’s uselessly expended cash).
“That wall of yours may keep out pain, but it also may keep out love.” -MM, spitting truth.
“I thought you were a wolf,” Graham says, and Gold is like, “Did I forget to shave?” which is sassy af, and then he says “There are no wolves in Storybrooke…not literal ones anyway,” which is also a good line, and basically Gold gets half the good lines on this show AND delivers them well. He plants a seed in Graham’s brain that dreams are memories from another life and then takes his shovel and his shady/sassy self away. #BestVillain
Graham goes to a bar in Fairytale Land where the barmaid has a braid the size of a LEG and where everyone is mean to him in a very OTT middle-school way despite being, you know, hardened countrymen.
Inside her terrible CGI palace, Regina is wearing one of her BEST DRESSES ever, it’s finally good.
Regina behaving seductively is REALLY ridiculous and over-the-top and it feels like there should be bad jazz playing in the background.
Snow isn’t an idiot. She figures out that he’s going to kill her, knocks him over in his lumpy armor, and takes off.
Emma, I don’t usually laugh out loud at text-form humor, but I always will with your sassy recaps.
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The Seven Deadly Sins Cheats
The Seven Deadly Sins Guide
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The Seven Deadly Sins manual is a manual for warm new game. For example there was a hendrickson tale boss and people couldnt clear till they realised that they have got to apply sr tale heroes to kill him (makes it simpler). You can also use pal heroes to make your life easier however i wouldnt say it is paywalled since you just have to strategise. There are those who like to strategise in story mode and people who truely want competition in story mode so its a count of choice but if its difficult, the devs genuinely lessen the difficulty in a remember of every week or 2. after the first introductory tale scenes, you may play the function of meliodas and begin exploring the arena. The principle goal of this sport is to defeat the awful men, who need to harm the liones and the arena. However, we will method slowly which will capture the rhythm of the sport, as challenges will step by step emerge. First, complete the commands from the system. They may display you the way the main features, man or woman device, obligations, or the way to attack a monster. It's miles one of the maximum awaited video games of 2020 in the rpg category. It's miles a dynamic fight game that offers amazing animations at the side of a riveting storyline that is making all games streamers and informal game enthusiasts watch for their sport keenly. Although it'll be released quickly global, gamers of japan and korea were playing this sensational sport because it become launched in those nations in 2019. each the international locations have been swept due to the capabilities that it consists of and you'll be able to read all about it just below. You will also need to improve ultimates of pvp units due to the cc and damage improve and of those units which have their ults as cornerstones of their kits. The majority of your silver cash can be spent in the shop for stamina pots and the Gold coins that are not worth (either as an association or a directly up unit) may be used to acquire ssr units. Platinum cash can be spent on very strong gadgets in the shop, which includes the literal fine unit in the sport (red gowther), which can be to be had at all times, with rotating sales. The sport has a built-in automobile mode it is relatively gifted for maximum farming content and offers you the option to either run a set quantity of runs or limitless, even as additionally car-eating your stamina pots. The sport has a cyclical schedule of half-stamina activities for the diverse sport modes and as a way to progress with your account in terms of tools enhancement, individual awakening and limit breaking, you are anticipated to make the most of your time and farm farm farm. For instance, 1-big name playing cards, that are simple actions, will form a 2-superstar move. On the other hand, two 2-megastar playing cards will create a 3-star pass, that's the very best available base capability. If playing cards aren't subsequent to every different, you may exhaust an motion to transport them collectively and collect the upgraded card. You are also allowed to bypass moves and reset talent choices as many times as you need at some stage in a fit. This presents you with near-limitless methods of managing every spherical, with no two coming off as the equal. You commonly get them by farming sr/ssr tools and breaking them for a risk at a drop every day free summon: because the name shows, you get 1 loose day by day summon upon watching an advert. The summon is on a frequent banner and has widespread costs. In jp, this every day summon is definitely a 1 gem summon (rather than the standard three gem), so on global, you basically get 30 gemstones for "loose" every month with this machine. Castle solgres roulette: this is the game's farming dungeon, which gives you the choice to spin a roulette after each three runs, giving diverse rewards. These missions are tied to a positive man or woman's usual progress and are supposed to upgrade them to their maximum stage of power. Try finishing those missions on a ordinary foundation so that you can max out a positive character and earn some beneficial rewards on your efforts. • after you whole the principle tale episodes for a metropolis, head into the quests menu and head to the story tab. Each finished bankruptcy inside that menu is domestic to a village that has several facet quests for you to finish. • cooking lets you whip up diverse dishes that provide your birthday celebration added stat bonuses before a conflict, so attempt combining exclusive elements for you to create new ingredients. You may also head into city to buy unique cuisine if you'd instead no longer prepare dinner every now and then, however. You need to best feed your birthday celebration earlier than conducting a outstanding hard battle on the way to provide them the more stat boosts they want. • some other function that can be accessed out of your tavern is the hero way's missions. In a sense, one of the perks hard to recognize on every occasion you be a part of in on a sport a little later than different human beings are features like this. You could enter into battle with your stage 15 or so characters and feature them be joined through a stage 50 man or woman from a pal or any other player. In some instances, even being at the deprived stop of a gap in energy against enemy units will not prevent you from completing missions way to a few mercenary unit that rendered your squad extra effective than the enemy group. You use five according to reroll. - you could also get hammers which increases the % of your substats through 1% to 5% (can get round 18 per week from schooling cave). It expenses three-5 hammers relying on the rarity of your tools. - you dont have to farm ur gears due to the fact you can get it free by way of upgrading the tier of your gears such as rare-sr, sr-ssr, ssr - ur. Characters additionally receives enraved at the gear in order that they get bonus stats for equiping it. In my view, i have not heard of the manga or the anime earlier than, and i am having a blast following meliodas, elizabeth, hawk, diane, and others round britannia. The manner that meliodas greets his antique friend ban is one for the history books of video games - in place of the conventional compliment, they engage in an epic warfare for vintage times' sake. Boys could be boys, as diane could say. The Seven Deadly Sins: grand pass is not an open world rpg, rather offering three awesome kinds of play that healthy together to shape the big picture. All you will need is an android device with free space for downloading it. So, if you are looking to get a new rpg game for yourself, you should definitely check out The Seven Deadly Sins when it comes out. So, pre-register for it and you will get notified when it is released in your country. I'm beth trotman, a fun-loving freelance writer living in the ottawa area. I love writing about games. I don't know why, but it seems that's my hobby, at least for now. Just like standard skills, the ultimate can have various effects, from dealing damage, to debuffing, buffing, healing, etc ranking up an ultimate can only be done outside of battles by using dupes and it has 3 effects (more on that later): raises the modifiers of the ultimate, raises the stats given as an association unit and increases the unit's combat class (cc). It does not modify the skill in any shape or form. Finally, the passive can grant the unit themselves, your team or your enemies various effects, ranging from passive stat buffs, recurring buffs if a condition is met to free ultimate orbs. Not farming means your ability to instantly raise a new unit to max is severely hampered and you'll be behind in terms of gear/team cc. There's also a part of the content cycle that's more hands-on: pvp, co-op raids and guild boss (final bosses as well, when they're available). While pvp can be ignored once you've reached your desired tier, co-op raids are crucial for unit development, as they drop limit break materials. They need to be run in duo and usually take between 5 to 10 minutes a run, depending on the cc of the 2 players and the difficulty of the raid. These skills usually don't inflict damage but are pure debuffs. From here you can click at one of The Seven Deadly Sins member and will bring you to shop thing related for ex photo meliodas tab : is where you can go to summon for accessories yeah you summon for that in this game there is free daily single and different accessories banner based in some treasures you got from pvp elizabeth tab : here where you see deals for in game purchase like crystals with other stuff dont whale yet boys gowther tab : here where you see beautiful costumes you can buy for character and it will cost crystals that you use also for summon for characters the prices is from 10 to 30 it only cosmetic appearance and give slightly a bonus king tab : here where you spend the rainbow coins which you get from any dupe of ssr like i said before and also have Gold and silver for sr and r dupes merlin tab : to buy ap [ stamina ] and other stuff for 1 crystal which highly don't recommend spend crystal for stamina do mission and you will not run with it fast will take place from first season event and you will get to experience it with 3d model and voice acting also live the world and explore it breaking stuff or doing missions for citizens etc there will be update for the story of course and bring more characters to the game and original stuff as well sp : a daily event which drop book that daily change each day to a different attribute color which you need to evolve the character the first one locked not sure yet the one in left with wolf holding potions this is where you get them to lvl the character and the right is the book you need to evolve the character pvp : 1v1 pvp in real time also there is friendly battle you just go to the settings then first button in right corner there will you see your friend there will be a challenge button you invite him and he accept and add also from there i guess you can add friends see you code etc a mode where you and one of your friend fight a boss you have 3 cards to use and he/she have 3 cards to use so your overall total for one turn is 6 cards/act bienvenue sur le guide de The Seven Deadly Sins: grand cross of light and darkness, un action rpg tactique au tour par tour sur mobile. Completing those quests helps raise your friendship level with that village, which then gives you access to more shops and various rewards. • spend some time taking care of a village's quests in order to improve your reputation with it and eventually fill the quests meter that helps you earn 50 diamonds. Buddy up with various heroes in order to increase your affection levels with them, by the way - perform the actions stated within the heroes' affection tab in order to earn the hearts that send even more Diamonds your way. And as intricate as this game is, it's surprisingly simple to understand, topped off with outstanding game mechanics and animation. Playing this game allows the player to feel like they're actually in liones, fighting hendrickson, or in the tavern, cooking a meal for the whole gang. If this wasn't enough, they allow multiplay, and customization with all playable characters. This isn't new for a mobile game, but what makes it so spectacular is the detail and animation everything has. This game is fun everywhere you turn, and just when you think that there's nothing else to the game, you find something else hidden behind a corner. While The Seven Deadly Sins: grand cross does not exclusively consider combat power as the sole determinant of which team wins a battle, it is still a highly influential factor, which is why you will need to be ready for such instances by obtaining temporary buffs before challenging battles. You can cook your own food as well as purchase prepared dishes from npcs in town. Different meals provide different sets of buffs for your team so even before you are confronted with a fight you know will be a challenge, be sure to stock up on food early one and read each one's description to know what you can get out of each meal. One of the most creative features of this game is the turn-based option that is offered. This is an ideal approach to a combat game where each player will get a turn after his/her opponent. This makes it crucial for gamers to use an adequate strategy for combatting opponents to destroy them. Also, players will have to use skill synthesis for this combat system. Skills with the same or similar start rank easily upgrade to another higher rank when it is next to one another. Then i only loged in to do once a week a pvp match so i get 42 free gems weekly for log in 1 day each week lol. And im having funn right now with the collab, had 800 gems saved. So now im back at farming a bit. But there is absolutely no reason to not play casual unless u want to be top 50 in pvp. I think the most time effective way to play this game is just do dailies only with gems aka 10 minutes per day got all meta units (escanor, gowther, helbram, merlin, arthur, king) to 75/6* and i am completely burned out from this franchise. So i ... The world of warcraft esports tournament, mythic dungeon international, is starting this weekend - and we have the lowdown on how to watch it. Cryptic studios are offering a bundle giveaway in conjunction with the latest chapter in the star trek online storyline, all as part of their 20th anniversary celebration. Neverwinter: avernus is the latest update for mmo neverwinter and comes at the same time as developers, cryptic studios, are celebrating their 20th anniversary. Mu online is due an update on 14th july - but, in the lead-up, players will be able to collect some nice in-game rewards to enjoy, simply by playing the game or pre-registering for the upcoming update. Guild boss is a score mode that gives you and your guild various rewards every week and is somewhat rng to get a good setup. With everything in mind, while this isn't anything close to arknights in terms of casualness, you do have the ability to set your phone/emulator on auto and just leave the game by itself during a great deal of the content cycle, but you can't expect to not put in the time and still be up-to-date with content. • with a mobile game as feature-rich as grand cross, it becomes quite daunting to keep track of everything there is to do and see. Luckily, there's a tutorial for everything you tap on. Whenever you have some time to just freely wander around, click on all the available tabs you haven't gotten an explanation for yet. • a tutorial will immediately break down everything for you and gift you with a valuable diamond for your learned lesson. Diamonds are especially useful since they can be used to purchase tavern decorations that give you various boosts, alternate character costumes that give them stat buffs and tons of other beneficial items. Thanks for the write up. Having played the kr version of blade and soul showed how difficult playing a game in another language can really be, despite having a lot of translation guides and hangul being very intuitive. I hope it will be translated and brought to the west, though the maximum energy/renewal interval worries me. I hate feeling like i can only play a little bit but am notified within an hour or so that my energy is full. I prefer a game that has a larger cap and allows me to choose when i want to set aside a chunk of time to get immersed. Regardless, it's enjoyable, and the fully voiced cut scenes with the original japanese voice actors made the experience all the better. The graphics are rather high in quality. Characters and environments are 3d rendered, which makes for a very cohesive experience since it doesn't pull you from a 3d to 2d format. Everything from in-game cut scenes to ultimate moves in battles is well animated, which extends to the different hub-worlds you visit, allowing you to explore, shop, and pick up quests. Rerolling in this game is quite easy, since it doesn't require a redownload. You do have to play through a tutorial again, though. After the tutorial you get a free 11-roll which always includes 1 ssr char. 1 quest later you can do another regular 11-roll which can have any number of ssrs. You can also do 2 single rolls. Also be warned, that running this on high settings might melt your phone. Even my s10 is getting hot which did never happen before on any game. But enough on the game, here are some tips and guides to help you get started with seven deadly sins hikari to yami grand cross. Grand cross has a fairly lengthy tutorial which includes a 10x summon that has a chance to summon ssr characters. With the pre-registration rewards, players will be able to do another 10x summon after the tutorial. To make things easier for players to re-roll, the game does include a built-in data wipe option, this saves a lot of time for players since the game requires all players to download over 1.6gb worth of data before the tutorial! Side quests and optional challenges are the lifeblood of many gacha games like 7ds. Many exclusive features and awesome prizes are usually locked behind these missions. However, while crucial, these tasks are ancillary to the main plot, which is where the big rewards lie. In this sense, if you're looking to score big, your best bet is to speed through the main missions as they will give you many valuable prizes, including diamonds, for beating them the first time. You can check the rewards for completing each stage in the quests menu, in the tab corresponding to the current ongoing chapter. Games like these that are built to make you spend a lot of time and even money aren't for some people. The whole point is that there are ample stuff for people to play at their own pace. Of course you need more dedication when it comes to being competitive, but that's par for most if not all things in reality. It makes no sense for anything (game or not) to be one where a person who has spent significantly less time practicing/dedicated to the activity is able to do better than someone who has spent much more time working on it. 7 deadly sins: grand cross is one such title that just recently saw it's global launch after great success in japan. This game is standing out from the rest, however, boasting highly cinematic gameplay and cutscenes, a plethora of engaging features, and a wholly nostalgic experience for fans of the anime series. 7 deadly sins: grand cross follows the plot of the popular anime, The Seven Deadly Sins. Kicking off in the boar hat tavern with hawk, meliodas, and his exceedingly noxious culinary creations, the evocative references come charging at fans from the starting gate - one of the smallest, yet most endearing references being the map progress. Playing casually? Yes, you can do what you want, and will still have alot of stamina, and stuff. Just forget of beating some high scores on guild boss; getting high rewards in pvp; easy time with demons, and most importantly, even slower character development. This game actually requires playing as much as possible to stay competitive. Take a look at current half-stamina events. There are people leaving their phones on auto for the whole night to capitalise on that. Just try to awaken a unit (just one) to 6 stars and you will see how much it takes. Overnight farming, daily missions, kingbram or ultimate rush pvp all day, equipment min-maxing, that's no joke anymore. I'm in the exact same boat... all metas maxed. Top 5% final boss, champion 1 and challenger (pvp), and my guild is top 1%.... and i am completely burned out. I'm looking at the new events and just thinking "do i even care any more?" I'm just tired of doing the same thing every week with gb and hoping i get that perfect rng after a couple of hours. Whaling/dolphining: this is another small complaint, as i often spend a little bit here or there on better packages. Things like monthly gem deals i will spend every month if they are reasonable. (sub 10 dollars). However, a lot of the gems are overpriced except the limited packages and even the monthly package is 30 bucks which is a bit too much to casually spend every month. It is definitely hard to casually dolphin and harder to whale. I have bounced around in many different games the last year but i think grand cross really hit the spot. Now, let's talk about combat, the main aspect of the game. You'll be able to select up to three characters you have to be your team and then a fourth character can be assigned as a sub if needed. There is a rock-paper-scissors mechanic, so you'll want to pay attention to the colors of your enemies and match them accordingly. You can also use any characters you have unlocked, even if it makes zero sense for the story. I ran some of the first few missions using meliodas, ban, and gilthunder. Well, lilia is at least gonna be guaranteed and she turns howzer, a common ssr, into a pvp god for awhile. I thought everyone hated games that had costumes that gave stats? Is that out that window now because its a 7ds game? Honestly if the quality of the game wasn't so high, you would probably see more complaints. The game has some flaws for sure, including the costumes, but overall still one of the better gacha. Yeah it looks nice. Everything is fun. To the battles, to cooking, to drawing characters. Even the loading screens are fun. There's almost always a new one, different, exciting loading screen. I don't usually write reviews for a game, but i had to for this one. It's just too great. I'm so excited for the future of this game! To anyone reading this, play the game! You won't regret it! Requires ios 9.0 or later. Compatible with iphone 5s, iphone 6, iphone 6 plus, iphone 6s, iphone 6s plus, iphone se (1st generation), iphone 7, iphone 7 plus, iphone 8, iphone 8 plus, iphone x, iphone xs, iphone xs max, iphone xr, iphone 11, iphone 11 pro, iphone 11 pro max, iphone se (2nd generation), ipad air, ipad air wi‑fi + cellular, ipad mini 2, ipad mini 2 wi‑fi + cellular, ipad air 2, ipad air 2 wi‑fi + cellular, ipad mini 3, ipad mini 3 wi‑fi + cellular, ipad mini 4, ipad mini 4 wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (12.9‑inch), ipad pro (12.9‑inch) wi-fi + cellular, ipad pro (9.7‑inch), ipad pro (9.7‑inch) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad (5th generation), ipad (5th generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (2nd generation), ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (2nd generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (10.5‑inch), ipad pro (10.5‑inch) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad (6th generation), ipad wi‑fi + cellular (6th generation), ipad pro (11‑inch), ipad pro (11‑inch) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (3rd generation), ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (3rd generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad mini (5th generation), ipad mini (5th generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad air (3rd generation), ipad air (3rd generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad (7th generation), ipad (7th generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (11‑inch) (2nd generation), ipad pro (11‑inch) (2nd generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (4th generation), ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (4th generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipod touch (6th generation), and ipod touch (7th generation). Every battle your heroes participate in earns them experience points. At a certain point, each will reach new levels up until they reach their level cap, which is not dependent on your account rank. Beyond that, the most basic way to improve your hero's stats is through the enhance option, which is basically levelling the hero up with the use of enhance potions. For one, you can use it on your current main team or save it so that new heroes will be able to catch up in terms of level later on. Anime games are frequently some of the flashiest, most over-the-top titles in their respective platforms, and the new The Seven Deadly Sins game is no exception. Released on android just... The long-awaited seven deadly sins: grand cross has finally had its global launch today and it did not disappoint! Straight from the very beginning, new players are thrown into combat... navigation list index list of sr characters in The Seven Deadly Sins: grand cross list of r character honorable mentions in The Seven Deadly Sins: grand cross most of the... bluestacks 4 is not available on windows xp.
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mrsmon · 8 years
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ReaderxJungkook, 10k words, 19th Century/Lore AU (Angst)
Outside of the village, beyond the river but before the rolling hills that separated it from the neighboring town, there was a meadow. It was the biggest open space around, with even grass colored in a friendly green, and the trees of the surrounding woods keeping their polite distance. They lined the meadow in neat rows, like a curious audience, year in and year out waiting for the main event.
It hadn’t been long since you had moved into the small village with your parents. Before, you had lived in the city, but work and supplies had started to become scarce as machines had begun to replace humans, and the less money there was in the city, the less farmers were interested in selling their harvest on the sooty markets below the blackened chimneys.
Your mother had been born into a farmer’s family and had been sent to the city as a young girl to live with relatives. Your father had a similar background, although his childhood home had long since been abandoned by his family. He had resided in the city for over four decades and gotten used to life there, but if anything he had welcomed the chance to return to his roots.
The farm of your maternal grandparents was located by the river on the outskirts of the village, less than two-hundred yards from the meadow. Your grandfather had passed away the previous year – naturally and peacefully – and your grandmother had welcomed your parents’ and your help to keep their farm alive. They cultivated vegetables as well as a few rice fields further up the stream, and there were a handful of cows who didn’t produce enough milk to make your family rich, but enough to keep you alive. The village also had a small school where you earned a little money by teaching mainly language classes, as you spoke the clear and elegant dialect of the city-raised folk, and had been fortunate enough to enjoy the kind of school education that most countryside people deemed unnecessary.
But the times were changing, and you were a wisp of the new age, swathed in the ashy cloud of progress.
You had adjusted to the routine of your new life well. It had been a challenge at first, but now you didn’t mind waking up with the first rays of sunlight, and were almost looking forward to the sound of fire crackling in the kitchen and the smell of home-made bread and bacon sizzling in the frying pan. You enjoyed sitting at the small wooden table with your grandmother, cutting pieces from a big block of cheese for breakfast or listening to the water in the tea kettle as it slowly came to a boil. Some days, you would stomp to the cowshed in your father’s big boots to feed the cattle and get some fresh milk. Most of the time, your family creamed the milk to make butter or cheese, but on those days, especially in the winter, you enjoyed a mug of hot tea with milk in it.
If asked, you would have described your life as quiet. It was different from the city life – in many good ways, and some bad – but for the most part it was comfortable, if uneventful. You and your family went about your days, working, eating, sleeping. Most of the girls your age were already married, some with children, but you still found them to be quite the pleasant conversational partners. You would cook together, or play with the children, and sometimes you would sit in a cozy living room and tell them about the city which they had never seen, and if they felt sadness or regret about it, listening to your recollections of life there usually extinguished all such feelings.
Sometimes you wondered if they were genuinely curious or just wanted to feel like there was nothing they were missing by spending their whole life in this small village. Hearing your stories to them was like reading a book about a strange, fantastic world outside of their grasp. They absorbed the images you painted them of tall brick buildings and silk dresses, of late brunches and lavish dance parties long after nightfall. The more tales you told and the more people desired to bear witness to the retelling of your experiences in the big city, the more you realized it did not matter what of it was true, and what of it was illusion. It did not matter whether the world you created in your narration was real or not, for when you left their houses, it was as if they closed the book, laid it down on the coffee table, and returned to the confinement of their lives.
If they had tales of their own to tell, they weren’t eager to offer them to you, and you never thought to ask.
People enjoyed your stories, but as real as your past was, here it had lost all its validity. The lines of reality were drawn very strictly in your small village, and sometimes you wondered if the world you knew, the one you used to live in, still existed beyond the forest and the rolling hills.
And if it didn’t, you mused, what world had taken its place.
Such were the first months you spent in your new home, and you had gotten so used to the way things were – familiar, unchanging – that you were almost convinced you were in a dream when you stepped out of the kitchen door one morning at dawn, the darkness of the night still lazily hanging over the land, and noticed the shadows on the meadow. You could barely make out the shapes, except for the biggest one – it was a large round structure which stood at least twenty feet tall before it tapered towards the sky and ending in a pointy peak, like a crown with only one tine. There were movements between the shadows, but the wind carried no noises down to where you were standing. When you returned to the house, you set down the metal milk can onto the stove and turned around to look at your grandmother, who was silently slicing a loaf of bread. You were facing her back, but even so you could see that she was tense and her movements stiff. It had been a long and hot summer, and her age made it difficult for her to bear the heat of the warm months. You hoped the first cool winds of fall would see an improvement in her constitution, but you knew better than to ask her about it. Instead, you took the tea kettle from the stove when it started whistling and spooned tea leaves into a strainer.
“Something is happening on the meadow,” you said as you poured hot water on the leaves. “I think I saw people.”
“You did,” replied your grandmother, and you wondered if she had caught a glance as well.
“What is it?” You tried not to sound too curious, but it was hard when you finally felt like your comfortable yet monotonous life was about to be shaken by a quake of novelty. But your grandmother seemed neither surprised nor shaken. She didn’t so much as turn around when she finally answered your question.
“It’s the circus.”
If you had expected the circus to bring a new hue of color to the village, you had been mistaken. There were no clowns in bright costumes roaming the streets, or exotic animals being led around with ropes. The marketplace was not filled with crowds as acrobats gave little previews of their skills, little bites of their performances the people would greedily swallow and immediately crave more. The arrival of the circus did not even bring a subtle feeling of anticipation, a fresh wind of wonder and fascination. People didn’t talk about the circus. They didn’t exchange joyful, delighted stories or make plans to go see one of the shows together.
But they did go.
Every afternoon, you would see parents and children venture up the hill and disappear into the large tent. You could only image the attractions the cloth walls were hiding from your view. You had seen circus shows in the city; extravagant and glamorous events with performers from all over the world and animals you had only read about in books. There had been parades and lights, laughter and applause, and you remembered it to be a luminous and magical experience. Compared to that, the structure sitting at the very top of the soft green seemed much less impressive and vibrant, but you soon learned that it had brought with it its own magic.
The first time you saw Jungkook, he was strolling down the side of the hill towards your house. His black pants were tucked into his boots, and a loose white shirt fluttered in the wind, which was violently tugging on his black locks. His hair was messy and a little too long, and it did nothing to conceal the boy’s youth. Despite seemingly being of an age suitable for marriage, his mannerisms and brazen smile seemed to mock the unwritten rules of society and man’s arbitrary concept of time. If Jungkook had any worries, none of them were caused by expectations that were not his own. It was typical of the young and inexperienced, you thought.
He was in no rush, for time was on his side.
It wasn’t long before he landed on your doorstep and introduced himself, asking you for some bread, and inquiring whether the circus had been the cause of any disturbance for you or your family. When you insisted that it hadn’t, he seemed relieved, but then a curious look replaced the momentary softness of his expression.
“Why haven’t you come to see the show?” he asked, his almost black eyes gleaming with the anticipation for your answer.
“What makes you think I haven’t?” you replied playfully, as if his bashfulness had infected your own demeanor.
“I would have seen you.” Jungkook smiled and a hint of red tinted his cheeks. “I would have remembered.”
“It has only been three days since you arrived,” you said, your eyes darting towards the silent circus grounds far behind Jungkook. “I will go eventually, when my parents can make the time.”
“When you go, promise me you will find me. I will show you around. I’m sure you will like it.” The smile on Jungkook’s face grew even wide. “Promise?”
You stared at him as you tried to force down your heart that had leapt into your throat. “I promise.”
“I shall look forward to it.” Jungkook bowed slightly before turning on his heel and walking back the same way he had arrived; the loaf of bread you had given him wrapped in a piece of bright red cloth and dangling from his right hand. Just before he left the premises of your home, he stopped and spun around with a wide grin. He didn’t seem surprised to see you still standing in the door, but pleased nonetheless. He gave you a cheerful wave, which you shyly returned, before continuing on his way, and soon his shape disappeared somewhere between the shadows on the meadow.
It wasn’t long until you saw Jungkook again.
The very next day, he was leisurely strolling in the afternoon sun as you made your way from the school and across the main street that ran through the village. If you took the road to the east, so your mother had told you, you would return to the city you had come from. If you followed it to the west, it would take you to a gorgeous quiet town by the sea.
It had always baffled you a little bit that there seemed to be but those two choices.
Jungkook spotted you first, calling out your name and drawing a few inquisitive looks from passersby. When they realized the source of the brief disruption of the usual calm of the village, however, they all seemed more than content to continue on with their day. You spotted an elderly lady  – Mrs. Lee, a friend of your grandmother’s who tragically had lost a child a long time ago and hadn’t been able to shake sadness ever since. She nodded when she noticed her glancing at you, so you smiled and returned the gesture before turning towards Jungkook who was jogging across the wide street, his ever-playful smile never leaving his lips.
“Good afternoon,” you greeted him and raised your chin to look up at him when he stopped in front of you.
“And good afternoon to you, too, miss.” He took a second to look at you thoroughly and ran a hand through his thick black hair. “You look very nice today. I hope you are well.”
“Thank you, Jungkook, I am indeed. How are you? Do you not have a show today?”
“The circus is taking the day off so the artists and animals can recover their energy.”
“Shouldn’t you be resting as well, then? You must be tired!”
“Never,” Jungkook said, and you believed him. His eyes were mirrors of a tireless soul and a calm heart that was not afraid of or shaken by the unpredictability of life.
“That is both admirable and enviable,” you replied lightly. “How is such a thing possible?”
“People tire from bygones, my dear. Memories and fragments of time lost and days not yet lived. It is the mind that grows weak, not so much the body. I’ve found that you cannot get tired in life if you do not dwell on the past, or cower before the future.”
“That seems like an awful difficult feat for human nature to achieve. I seem to tire just thinking about it,” you commented and elicited a deep chuckle from Jungkook.
“I must admit, there is a trick to it.”
“Is there now.”
“Yes.” Jungkook winked. “I shall reveal it to you another day. For now, may I ask your permission to walk with you?”
You laughed brightly, and Jungkook seemed delighted at the sound – or maybe he simply considered your reaction to be one signing approval.
“But you do not know where I’m going.”
“It is all the same to me.” Jungkook stepped next to you and offered you his arm. “I have nothing but time, my dear.”
“Very well then.” You looped your arm around his elbow and started walking. Jungkook seemed perfectly content with letting you lead the way, matching his steps with yours and making sure to stay close enough so your hand could comfortably rest on his forearm.
“So,” you said after a short while of comfortable silence. “What is it you do at the circus?”
“I do many things,” Jungkook answered with a fond smile. “I take care of the animals, I hang up advertisements, I recruit new artists. I do a little bit of everything.”
“Do you perform as well?”
“Me? Oh no.” Jungkook leaned down a little bit as if his next words were meant to be a secret kept between the two of you. “I prefer to watch the show.”
You had already opened your mouth to offer a response, but suddenly Jungkook stopped and pressed his arm to his side, making you stumble against him as your own body was pulled back. His strong biceps tensed under your hand that had grabbed his upper arm for support. You turned towards him and steadied yourself by putting your other hand flatly against his chest. Once you looked up, you saw a vein in his neck protruding through the skin as his jaw was working, which caused him to look a lifetime older than he was.
“Jungkook,” you said softly. “What is it?”
His body relaxed at the sound of your voice and he looked down at you. He placed his own hand over the one that was still resting where his heart was, his fingers gently wrapping around yours.
“I think I should go now, my dear.”
“But-” You turned around and found yourself at the corner where the main street made a slight left curve. A little ways down the road that branched off to the right, the one that would lead you home, your grandmother was standing, facing you, her dark stare making you lean closer into Jungkook.
“I understand,” he whispered and almost sounded cheeky again. “After all, you are the only daughter.”
You giggled and let go of his arm. “Indeed I am.”
“I will see you again,” Jungkook said. It sounded less like a promise and more like a fact that neither God nor the world could dispute, and the certainty in his voice made you smile.
“Goodbye, Jungkook. Thank you for escorting me, it was lovely talking to you.”
“It was my pleasure. Thank you for giving me a little bit of your time.”
Jungkook released your hand from his and you hurried down the road to meet your grandmother, who was still staring; except she was staring past you and at Jungkook, like a predator eyeing its prey.
Or rather, you realized, like prey preparing its escape.
“Good afternoon, grandmother,” you greeted her nervously. Without a word, she started walking towards your home and you hurried to fall in line with her steps.
“Why were you with that boy?” she inquired.
“Jungkook?” you replied innocently. “We were just having a conversation. You seem worried, but I assure you there is no-”
You fell silent when your grandmother shot you a look; a look that seemed to say ‘you do not know what you are talking about’ – a look that made you question whether you did.
“Stay away from him,” she finally hissed and linked her arm with yours as if her strength had suddenly started dwindling. “He is nothing but a liar and a thief.”
From up close, the enormous tent looked weathered and worn, and if the stripes it wore had ever been of bright and cheerful colors, those times had long since passed. The lines on the gray background were washed-out shades of purple, blue, yellow, and green, and rain, grass, and mud had left unsightly stains on the edges. You turned around to look down at the village from where you were standing on top of the hill, but much like the sturdy fabric, the colors of the world seemed muted and exhausted.
Due to the questionable weather conditions, your parents had agreed to forgo the work in the fields and finally see the circus show instead. You had been trying to hide your excitement for your grandmother’s peace of mind, but your quick strides and cheery smile had betrayed your state of heart. It had been several days since you and Jungkook had so suddenly and unexpectedly parted ways, and with every passing hour you had found yourself yearning for his company more. You tried to take your grandmother’s warning seriously, but a silly voice in your head was insisting that if Jungkook was any kind of thief, it was a thief of hearts, and that there was not a single person in the world who had lived their whole life without telling a lie.
Unlike the slightly run-down exterior, the inside of the tent was an ocean of colors – deep reds and gleaming gold against the black wooden planks and cloth walls, and perfect white sand that filled the ring in the middle of the arena. You felt like you had entered a dream of magic and mystery, and your wide eyes sought to take in every inch of your surroundings. You had seen many a circus show; you had seen ballrooms and theaters and dined in luxurious restaurants and pompous mansions, but no place you had ever seen had filled you with this much awe and admiration, and the feeling of having entered a new and fascinating world that had been right before your eyes and yet out of reach – until now.
Suddenly you realized your eyes were not wandering to enjoy the beauty of the circus arena so much as they were looking for Jungkook among the crowds of villagers taking their seats and the handful of circus artists preparing the equipment or joking with wonder-struck children. As if she had read your mind, your grandmother pulled you into a seat next to her by the arm and tried to engage you in a conversation about your work at the school, but your mind refused to return to the reality that existed outside of the circus.
“Does the circus come every year?” you asked, not caring that you had interrupted her in the middle of a sentence. Your grandmother kept silent for a few seconds before she finally spoke.
“No. It comes when it comes. Dates, years, it is no matter to the ringleader.”
You looked at her, curious. “Do you know the ringleader?”
“I met him when I was a young girl, and a few times since when the circus was in town. He has tried to steal from me before. You must not trust them. You must not trust the boy.”
“He is just a boy,” you replied before you could stop yourself. You did not want to defy your grandmother, but you found it unjust that your grandmother was painting Jungkook in the colors of other people’s sins.
“My child, please open your eyes to what is real or you will lose yourself in a nightmare.”
You sighed and looked up; the golden ornaments hanging from the dark ceiling of the tent glowing like stars in the night sky. You knew that your grandmother only had your well-being at heart, that she was merely worried and overly cautious to protect her only granddaughter. But how could she expect you to be realistic when every moment with Jungkook felt like a dream?
In an instant, the entire arena was wrapped in darkness. You realized you had not even noticed where the light inside the tent had come from, until a few of the dozens of gas lanterns on the edge of the ring flickered back on. Dark smoke faded into the blackness of the unlit parts, but your gaze did not stray from the middle of the arena where a man had appeared. He was clad in a tall hat and a navy velvet suit. His dark blue shirt was decorated with white moons and stars, and his gloves were whiter yet. A red piece of cloth was neatly folded and tugged into his left breast pocket, almost giving it the appearance of a heart. He held his arms outstretched as he looked at the audience, smiling a confident yet welcoming smile. The lights of the lanterns around him danced in his piercing blue eyes, and you reckoned there must have been a trick to them. You had never seen eyes of this color, not even in the men from far-away countries that you had sometimes encountered in the city.
You shivered when you felt his sapphire stare on you, and suddenly reality felt very, very far away.
By the time the show ended, darkness had fallen over your village, but it still seemed like your world was illuminated by twinkling lights and careless laughter when you stepped outside and onto the circus grounds. People had gathered in small groups in front of the carriages and cages to chat with the performers or pet the exotic but docile animals. Finally, you felt the same magical atmosphere as you had back when the circus had come to the city, and you smiled when a girl of about ten years of age – a young trapeze artist – appeared in front of you. Your parents had already started their return to the house, and your grandmother was talking to her friend, whom you had seen on the day you had met Jungkook, not far from you.
“Hello,” you greeted the girl and bent your knees to be able to look at her better. “You were fantastic, how did you learn to do such dangerous acts?”
The girl laughed, but did not reply. Instead, she took your hand and pulled you away from the main entrance and towards what looked to be sleeping carriages for the artists. You tried to protest, but your voice failed you and after only a few dozen feet, the noise and furor drifted away and you were surrounded by the quiet of night. Your footsteps were cushioned by the grass underneath you and the lampions on the big tent were unable to reach you anymore.
You were worried that you might stumble and fall, but more than that you were fascinated by the feeling of mystery that surrounded the circus. Where the doors of the wooden wagons were open, the inside illuminated by dim candle light, you could catch glimpses of costumes and props, figures sitting together at tables, chatting, laughing, being everything you had always imagined this world to be. You wondered if the other village people were able to see the same sights as you, or if the bright lights they were cast in made it impossible to see past the carefully constructed facade of the circus.
Before you could turn around to find out whether anyone even took notice of you anymore, the girl led you around a corner, released your hand, and then skipped away, her high-pitched giggle echoing through the darkness.
“Wha-” you started, but then the wind carried a whisper of your name from behind you and you turned around, already knowing.
“You came.” He seemed genuinely happy to see you, so much so that he abandoned his gentlemanly conduct in favor of framing your face with his weathered yet gentle hands. “You really came.”
“Of course I did,” you replied, slightly out of breath from the sensation of his touch on your skin. “I promised.”
“You mustn’t stay long, your family will worry.” Jungkook replaced his hands onto your upper arms and you threw a look back over your shoulder, as if expecting to find your family walking up to you any second.
“When can I see you?” you asked, unwilling to leave yet another meeting to chance.
“Tomorrow. The circus will travel along in three days, but I could not bear to leave without bidding you farewell. Will you meet me at the old mill by the river, tomorrow at noon?”
“I will, Jungkook,” you agreed. Your heart skipped a beat when he smiled at you warmly, his hands still firmly wrapped around your arms as if unwilling to release you just yet.
“I shall await you there.”
He looked at you intently, his dark eyes seemingly searching yours for another promise, and then he laughed, playfully and carelessly as always, and urged you to hurry back. It took you some time to make your way among the wagons and smaller tents and return to where you had left your grandmother earlier. Her friend was gone, but she had been joined by a tall figure in a navy blue suit – the ringleader. His blue eyes followed your every move as you made your way towards them, and with every step your legs seemed to weaken with nervousness.
“Good evening, miss.” The ringleader’s voice was deep and soft when he spoke, a considerable contrast to the booming words that had filled the arena not long before.
“Good evening. I am-”
“Yes, I heard,” he interrupted you with an enigmatic smile. “You are my old friend’s granddaughter.”
You looked at your grandmother in confusion – her recollection of their acquaintance had not seemed to leave room for friendship. Nevertheless, you smiled back politely and bowed.
“It is an honor to meet you. The show was just terrific.”
“I am pleased to hear you enjoyed our humble performance. You must have witnessed a hundred shows in the city that make our small circus pale by comparison.”
“Not at all, sir.” You met his gaze, his mysteriously blue eyes, and folded your hands over your chest. “I have never seen anything quite like it.”
“We really ought to be going,” your grandmother decided, putting an end to the pleasantries. Her voice was cold. “We shall look forward to your next appearance.”
“The pleasure will be mine, although I am afraid our route may see some change soon.”
Your grandmother’s mouth pressed into a straight line as she hooked her arm around your elbow and straightened her back.
“Goodbye, ringleader.”
The wooden walls of the old mill were slowly decaying, but still they offered enough shelter from curious looks, and the sound of the stream pattering against the banks and rocks of the river made for a peaceful backdrop as you and Jungkook sat on old, discarded flour bags, your backs resting against the brittle wood. You had been nervous at first, unable to avoid questioning his reason for inviting you to such a deserted place, but it had turned out that all he had sought was peaceful seclusion rather than secluded depravity.
You wanted to be joyous and grateful for having the chance to be with Jungkook, for having met him and for feeling this enthralled and alive for the first time in so many months, but you could not deny the sadness in your heart brought about by his looming departure from the village.
“How long have you been with the circus?” you asked him when the thoughts became too much to bear alone.
“An eternity,” Jungkook joked and his chest shook with a chuckle. “For as long as I can remember.”
“Were your parents circus artists?”
“I do not have parents. The circus is my family – I do not know a life outside of it.”
“That sounds very sad.”
Jungkook gently brought his palm to your cheek and tilted your head upwards to make you look at him. His irises twinkled with the tiniest hint of mockery. “Do I seem sad to you?”
“No,” you admitted. “Not in the slightest.”
“Good, because I am not. As I said, I do not dwell on the past. I have been traveling for many years and seen a great many things. Everything will happen as it is supposed to – sooner or later.”
“Is that the secret you spoke about?” you said, suddenly remembering Jungkook’s previous words. “Do you not tire because you trust in fate?”
“Precisely, my dear. And I have time on my side.”
“What about me?” You angled your head so you could look up at Jungkook. “Am I part of your fate? Was our meeting destiny?”
Amusement played at Jungkook’s lips as he searched your face for something. Then he kissed the tip of your nose and pulled your head down into his lap, his fingers soothingly running through the strands of your hair, lulling you into a state of drowsiness.
“Perhaps,” he finally replied and you sighed. You wished you could show him how you felt, or at least find words that were worthy of the affection you held for him. But your mind was slowly drifting off into sleep and your heart was drowning in his warmth, and so you intertwined your fingers with the ones of his left hand and glanced up at him.
“I do believe that fate brought us together, Jungkook. Knowing you is a blessing.”
Jungkook remained silent for a few minutes, simply tirelessly caressing your hair and staring at a point very, very far away. Finally, he brought your hand he was still holding to his lips to press a kiss against your skin.
“Sleep now, my dear,” he said, his voice low and calm. “Do not worry. I will watch over you.”
“What about you? Are you not tired?” you whispered, but you already knew the answer.
You had only read about it in books, but you refused to accept your grandmother’s suggestion that you were infatuated with Jungkook. She had seen him walk with you until the edge of the river which you had to cross to return home, and she had reprimanded you severely, insisting that you knew nothing about him or his character, and that your infatuation with him would cause nothing but trouble.
“You are blinded by what you think is love, child.”
The words had been spinning around in your head, and suddenly you had found yourself reaching for a book on the lowest shelf in the front room of the local bookstore. Your grandmother was in the back talking with the old man who owned the shop – she had made you accompany you on her daily errands to distract you from your, what she had called, wicked ideas. The main room of the store had two large, square windows that lead out to the main road, and yet the bookshelves that lined the walls lay in a gloomy light. Where the sun did manage to break through the glass, dust was lazily dancing in its warm rays. You had tried to focus on finding books for your classes and personal entertainment, for you could only imagine how much more boring life would be once Jungkook and the circus left. But now you were turning the pages of the dictionary in front of you until you found the entry you were looking for, and your cheeks began to burn and you felt a chill on your back as if someone had walked past you and caused a draft.
Strong but not lasting.
That was what your grandmother thought your feelings were. That all the happiness, the lightness and freedom you felt when you were with him would disappear the minute he would. Furious, you snapped the book shut and carelessly dropped it onto a nearby table. How dare your grandmother talk about you in that manner, especially since your mother had mentioned before that she and your grandfather had gotten married so surprisingly and hurriedly that they had left the village in the middle of the night to have their marriage certified by a priest from a nearby town who had owed your great-grandfather a favor? You refused to tolerate your grandmother making light of your feelings for Jungkook. You were not merely infatuated.
He was your destiny.
Tears were burning in your eyes. You were not childish enough to think that you could run away with him – or that he would leave everything behind to wither away in this tiny village with you. But there had to be ways. You could write each other and maybe your parents would let you travel to the city or even the sea when he would settle there for longer performances. Who was your grandmother to decide that your love for Jungkook was doomed?
You had had enough. You put the books you were going to purchase along with your bag on the counter and walked toward the door separating the actual shop from the rest of the building. Regardless of whether or not it was rude to interrupt your grandmother and her acquaintance, you put your hand on the doorknob and were about to turn it when the voices were carried in from the next room made you halt.
“I must ask you to leave,” your grandmother said and you could hear a man chuckle in response.
“I’m afraid it is not that easy.” The tone was deep and unconcerned with your grandmother’s harsh request.
“What did you come here for? After all this time.”
“You know why I am here. I want what is mine.”
“Nothing of mine is for you to have,” your grandmother persisted, but her voice had become shaky. “Leave, immediately.”
“You have cheated me twice already, but this time you will not stop me. I will not leave.”
“Then I shall bid my farewell, ringleader.”
You had barely made two steps back when the door flew open and your grandmother rushed out, her face pale and her lips tight. Confused, you peeked into the backroom and your breath hitched when you met the intense blue eyes of the ringleader. He was now standing in the doorframe, and his expression was patient and calm, his demeanor no different than from what you had seen the day before. Contrary to your grandmother, the conversation did not seem to have upset him at all.
“Good day, miss,” he greeted you with a tip of his imaginary hat.
“Go-good day,” you stammered. Quickly, you looked around. The shopkeeper was nowhere to be seen, but heavy steps above your head suggested that he had gone upstairs to make tea or to pursue other tasks.
You could only stare at the tall, broad form of the ringleader, who gazed upon you with an impenetrable look until you felt your grandmother’s firm grip on your elbow. Stumbling along, you let her pull you out of the building and into the street. The door of the store was still wide open, and the old wooden floor was bathed in a long corridor of light. You looked back, your heart skipping another beat when your eyes landed on the doorway to the back room.
The ringleader was gone.
With the arrival of fall, the nights had finally begun to be a little cooler and more comfortable, but still sleep did not come easy to you that night. The question of what your grandmother and the ringleader had been talking about was burning on your mind, but it was a question you knew you would not get an answer to from your grandmother. You had returned home in silence, both her hands clasping your arm tightly as if walking had been almost too strenuous a task for her. After a light meal and some tea, she had retreated for the night, leaving you with nothing but confusion and worry.
You had a bad feeling about the ringleader. He seemed as cold as his ice-blue eyes, and despite his calm and almost passive disposition, you could not help but feel that he was slightly threatening. Had your grandmother spoken the truth – was he a thief? But then why had he said he wanted what was his, despite your grandmother denying it?
What was it that he wanted?
Another thought that troubled you was how Jungkook fit into the whole picture. He was but a young boy so no matter what the history between the ringleader and your grandmother was, it did not involve him. But he was part of the circus. Did he know anything about the ringleader’s intentions? Was he part of a plan? Would it be wise for you to talk to him about it?
Assuming that the ringleader was a criminal as your grandmother insisted, maybe it would give Jungkook reason to leave the circus. Maybe he would take the chance to leave his old life behind to marry you and settle down – somewhere else.
Such were your thoughts when you finally drifted off into an uneasy sleep, filled with dreams of lights, people, and children’s laughter. You felt lost, wandering around aimlessly among carriages and tents that looked familiar and yet not. At times, it felt like someone – or something – brushed past you, but when you turned around, there was nobody there.
And yet, you knew somebody was watching.
When you came back to reality with a jolt and a gasp, you were almost thankful. You gripped your blanket and tried to look around, but your room was dark and still and silent. Still out of breath, you felt around for the candle on the stand next to your bed, but before you could light it, the door of your room opened and light from the lamp your mother was holding momentarily blinded you as she stepped into your room.
“Come quick,” she whispered, trying to retain her composure. “Your grandmother is ill.”
You rose and, kicking away a red piece of cloth that had fallen near your bed, followed her out of the room.
Despite having stayed up for most of the night to help your parents tend to your grandmother, you left the farm as soon as you had finished seeing the doctor off at the main gate. Your grandmother had a high fever and had not regained consciousness even once, so he had had no choice but to leave until her condition changed – for better or worse. You had thanked him and nodded at the instructions he had given you, and then you had taken one look at the house and made for the hill.
It was still early, so the circus grounds were quiet and draped in morning mist. The grass underneath your shoes was wet and you almost slipped a handful of times marching up the incline. You held up your skirt just enough so the seam would not get drenched, and leapt forward with long, desperate strides. You were distressed, you were concerned, you were scared.
You longed for Jungkook.
Nobody seemed to be awake yet as the wagons lay in silence, the dark forest behind them giving them an almost spooky, abandoned look. You did not know where to start your search, so you simply walked between the carts and cages – the entire circus seemed undisturbed by your presence and not even the resting animals paid you any attention. The smell of fur and hay and fog filled the air, and you thought you could hear snoring from somewhere. Part of you feared that you might run into the ringleader, unable to explain your coming here without giving away your and Jungkook’s relationship. But you did not care – you had to see him.
Once again, he found you first. You saw the silhouette of a head in the window of one of the carriages, and then its door opened and Jungkook stepped out – his hair disheveled, his brown eyes barely open. He looked at you in confusion, without even the slightest hint of annoyance. He brought his index finger to his lips, indicating for you to stay quiet, before walking over to you and taking you by the hand. Wordlessly, he led you away from the quarters and to the forest where he made sure that you were shielded from sight by trees and branches.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, worry evident in his voice. He took off the heavy woolen jacket he seemed to have simply thrown on before leaving his carriage and wrapped it around your shoulders. “Are you alright? Did something happen?”
You wanted to cry at his kindness, but swallowed the sudden squall of emotions and tried to steady your voice.
“My grandmother suddenly fell ill last night,” you explained. “We- we do not know if- if-”
Jungkook frowned when you started stuttering, but it only took him one moment to understand. He reached out to pull you into a tight embrace, his chin resting on top of your head.
“Oh my love, I am so sorry. Has she been unwell?”
“The summer was not easy for her, but she was not sick. It is very sudden.”
“I hope she recovers quickly.  She seemed healthy when she was glaring at me in town the other day.”
You could not help but laugh at Jungkook’s joke, and your heart felt a little lighter as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“I am sorry for intruding on you this early, Jungkook. You must have a lot of preparation to do as you are leaving tomorrow.”
“I told you,” he said and leaned back to smile at you. “I have time on my side. Especially if it is for you.”
“I will miss you dearly, Jungkook,” you admitted, and looking up into his warm, brown eyes made tears form in your own.
Instead of answering, Jungkook kissed you. His lips were soft and tasted of morning dew, and his kiss was graceful and undemanding. It was comfort, it was devotion, it was adoration.
It was love.
You had wanted to mention the ringleader’s words to Jungkook, but bliss washed your mind blank of any thoughts that did not revolve around Jungkook and the way he held you. The way his hands felt on your skin as he enveloped your face with them to kiss you again and again and again.
“Please do not forget me,” he whispered, and you pressed your lips to his, smiling.
The bell chimed cheerfully as you pushed open the door to the bookstore. The shop was dim as always, and the owner was sitting at the counter, engrossed in one of his own possessions. You almost envied him the peacefulness of his job, and how working in a bookstore provided seemingly endless entertainment. One could go on a different adventure every day, if they felt so inclined, and would never run out of dreams and fantasies. Before, you could have imagined a similar career for yourself. But now you were not so sure if dreams were enough.
If this reality was enough.
“Good afternoon, sir,” you greeted upon entering the store. “I believe I left my bag and some books I would like to purchase yesterday.”
“Ah, yes, yes,” the old man mumbled and you waited for him to fetch your possessions – as well as soon-to-be possessions – from the back. You were well aware that it could have waited, but even now you could not bear being at home. Your grandmother was still resting, still sleeping, and the atmosphere in the house was suffocating. You had welcomed an excuse to make the trip into the village.
The door opened again, and Mrs. Lee’s face took on an odd expression when she saw you. You figured that she must have gotten word about your grandmother – her dear friend – and found it strange to see you out and about.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Lee,” you said politely, and, almost as if to defend yourself: “I am picking up something important I left here yesterday.”
“Bless you, child, it must be difficult for you to just sit and wait.”
You blushed. “It is. I know I ought to be by her side, but seeing her like that breaks my heart.”
“She does love you very much indeed,” Mrs. Lee said. “She only cares about your safety and well-being.”
It was clear to you that she was now referring to Jungkook, and you had to refrain from rushing to his defense. He had spent a long time calming you down, listening to you, and reassuring you that your grandmother’s condition would surely improve, and even though he could not give you certainty, he had given you hope.
“Thank you. I am very lucky to have her,” you replied as compassionately as you could. Mrs. Lee did not seem to notice your underlying defiance, or if she did, she did not pay it any mind.
“And she you.” Mrs. Lee was about to begin perusing the shelves, but then she halted and turned back to you. “Would you like to see something, child?”
“Of course,” you lied, not wanting to offend the woman. With slow hands, Mrs. Lee pulled a worn leather wallet out of the pocket of her overcoat, and opened it. She handed you an old photograph of a group of children, all girls, who stared stoically into the camera. Even from the fading photograph you could tell that all of them were wearing their best dresses, and their hair was neatly coiffed in a fashion that had been popular only a few decades ago. You almost flinched when Mrs. Lee’s finger appeared in your field of vision, pointing at a girl in the middle of the second row.
“This is your mother,” she explained, and your eyes went wide. You had never seen any photographs of your parents’ childhood, and you dipped your head lower to get a closer look of your mother’s face. “She has always been an angel.”
“How old was she?” you inquired.
“About eight or nine,” Mrs. Lee replied thoughtfully. “It was a year before my little girl was taken from us. They were the same age.”
You felt a lump in your throat as you glanced at Mrs. Lee out of the corner of your eye. Her face was distorted with pain and cruel memories that would never leave her.
“I am sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you. This is her.”
You followed the tip of her finger until it stopped right beneath the face of a pretty little girl in the last row. She looked serious, probably tired from waiting for a long time before the photograph was be taken, but there was something about her that made her youthfulness and vigor shine through. She seemed like even at such a young age, she had a mind of her own, and dreams too big for this village.
And then you realized you had seen her before.
“She was such a special child. Always talking about things beyond her understanding. We loved her so much – but sometimes love is cursed,” you heard Mrs. Lee sigh. She said something else, but you were barely listening, too stricken by terror of recognizing the small face staring back at you from a 35-year-old photograph.
It was the little girl from the circus.
Your grandmother’s hand was cold, the skin dry. The chair next to her bed was hard and your back had started hurting, although you were not sure if it was from sitting so long or from the tenseness in your body. You felt like you were in shock, and had been ever since you had held that photograph in your hands. Shaking, you had returned it to Mrs. Lee and asked her what had happened, what she had meant by “taken”.
“She is gone,” she had replied. “She died.”
Had you been mistaken? Was the girl you had seen at the circus merely a girl that happened to look like Mrs. Lee’s daughter? The photograph was old and a little faded. It had been folded in the middle to fit into Mrs. Lee’s worn brown leather wallet. It was not unthinkable that the traces of time and your feeble memory were conspiring against you to create a false truth. Maybe your mind was weakened after all the events of the past days – your feelings for Jungkook, the ringleader’s threat, your grandmother’s health. Maybe it was all too much.
Maybe it was all a lie.
“What is troubling you, child?”
You flinched at the voice of your grandmother and almost let go of her hand, but before you could she squeezed yours tightly. Her face was pale and her eyes hazy, but she looked at you with a fond smile.
“I was just lost in thought, grandmother,” you said and smiled back. “How are you feeling?”
“I am awake, am I not?”
“Indeed you are.” You laughed softly and made sure the soaked piece of cloth on her forehead was still cool enough to provide some relief.
“How long was I asleep?”
“Only a day has passed, grandmother. You did not miss a thing.”
“Is that so?” she asked, and you blushed, caught in a lie.
“I met Mrs. Lee today. She showed me an old picture of mother. Her daughter was in it, too.”
“I see,” your grandmother sighed and closed her eyes. “It has been what – thirty-four years?”
“I believe so.” You stayed quiet. Your grandmother did not seem to be listening to you anymore and instead was lost in her own memories.
“Your mother was such a good child. She never disagreed, she never asked questions. But I sent her away anyway. I felt like I had to. To keep her safe. And two days later-” She did not finish the sentence.
“Were you afraid the same thing that happened to Mrs. Lee’s daughter might happen to her?”
Your grandmother sighed and opened her eyes to look at you. They were blurred with tears.
“I was as afraid then as I am now. I made a choice, but if offered the chance, I would prefer to pay the debt myself.”
You nodded, but you did not understand. It sounded like Mrs. Lee’s daughter had died in your mother’s stead – but how could your grandmother possibly have known something was going to happen?
“People have secrets, child. And so does this village. People would like to forget the dark parts of history, render it mute. But the past does not forget, so we must remember. Even if it is not our own.”
Frowning, you nodded again. Your grandmother let go of your hand and weakly pointed at a dresser on the wall opposite of her bed. Wordlessly, you got up, walked over to it, and waited for instructions.
“Top right door,” she said and slowly lowered her arm to let it rest next to her body. “I will never forget, my dear.” She sighed heavily. “Never.”
Carefully, you opened the dresser door and immediately your eyes fell onto a framed photo. When you leaned in a little, you saw your mother looking back at you, her face serious and her dress immaculate. Next to her stood another small girl, one arm around your mother’s shoulder, a frozen but big smile that defied the tediousness of having your photograph taken. Once again, you were looking at the little girl you had met on the grounds.
And behind them, high up on the meadow on the hill, there stood the circus.
The footsteps were soft and slow, almost deliberate, but they woke you up nonetheless. You were sure that one of your parents must be wandering around the house, too worried to rest, too restless to stay still. Your grandmother had only been awake for a short while after you had returned to the farm, but soon after she had fallen back into an agonizing sleep.
Sighing heavily, you pushed back the covers and climbed out of bed. Even if you were not able to give your parents peace of mind, you could at least hold them company. Wrapping yourself into a warm housecoat, you left your room and tiptoed toward the kitchen. However, when you entered the room it was empty – and the backdoor was wide open.
You contemplated waking your father before deciding against it; instead crossing the kitchen with uneasy steps until you were faced with a wall of darkness. It took your eyes a few seconds to adjust to the night, but then you spotted a shape moving, heading towards the meadow. It was progressing slowly but steadily, clad in a white nightgown that fluttered around its legs in the wind.
“Grandmother?” you said, and then louder: “Grandmother?”
Without sparing a second thought, you shoved a matchbox into your coat pocket, slipped on your father’s big boots that were standing next to the door, and followed. The shape – your grandmother – was now halfway up the hill, and even though you ran as fast as you could, she had made it to the big tent by the time you reached the top of the hill. You saw her walk towards the entrance, pull back the fabric – and then she was gone.
“Grandmother!” you yelled, not caring if you would wake anyone. With clumsy steps, you rushed over to the main tent and slipped inside. It was pitch black and an uneasy feeling made you stand close to the now closed entrance. You reached for the matchbox and your fingers fumbled around with it for a few moments before you were able to ignite a match. But just as it caught fire, a soft breath of wind blew past you, extinguishing the meager flame. You were about to light another match when some of the gas lamps in the tent were turned on. They were burning on dim, and it was barely enough to see three feet ahead of you. The arena seemed much smaller than last time you were here, despite the sheer endless ceiling of darkness above your head. You walked a few feet towards the center and looked around tentatively. Your grandmother was nowhere to be seen.
But in the middle of the ring, there stood Jungkook, looking up at you calmly.
“Is something wrong, my love?” he asked, but his tone suggested that he already knew.
“My- my grandmother walked into this tent. She is here – where is she?”
Jungkook dropped the bag of sand he was holding and cleaned his hands on his black pants.
“My love, are you sure you were not dreaming? Nobody has come in here but you.”
“I saw her,” you insisted. “I followed her here.” You walked down the wooden planks towards Jungkook who still had not moved from his position.
“She is not here,” he said.
You stopped yourself from looking around to focus on Jungkook. A small smile was playing around his lips, and he had crossed his arms in front of his chest which was half exposed by the loose shirt he was wearing. Unlike all those times before, his calmness now filled you with nervousness. You could not understand why he was simply brushing off your words as if he knew them to be untrue.
“What do you mean? I saw her. She must be here!”
“People only see what they want to see. They believe what they want to believe. They like the stories, the tricks, the illusions – but they do not care for the truth. They choose complacency over curiosity, normalcy over adventure, and they hate the strange, the unknown.” There was a pause before he continued, sounding almost patronizing. “Your grandmother is not here, my love.”
A chill ran down your spine, but you found yourself unable to move. All you could do was look at Jungkook who was now walking toward you.
“I know what I saw, Jungkook.”
Jungkook chuckled and finally stopped a mere six feet away from you. With a wave of his hand, all the gas lamps in the tent went out and you found yourself in utter darkness.
“How did you do that?” you whispered, reaching around for anything to hold on to.
“Tell me what you saw, my love.”
“You moved your hand and then the lights went out.”
“I extinguished the flames with a gesture. That is what you saw, is it not? Hence it must mean that I turned off the lights without touching them, does it not?”
“No.” You shook your head despite the complete darkness surrounding you. “No, that is not possible.”
“Yet it is what you saw. But you say it is not what happened. You saw your grandmother walk in here – but what if that is not what happened?” Two lamps close to you flickered back on and your eyes searched for Jungkook who was still hidden by shadows.
“Then why did I see her?”
“Maybe you wanted to see her. Maybe you wanted to believe that she led the way so you could come here, and stay. With me.”
“You tricked me,” you accused him as you realized that all the coincidences had been none, and you had fallen for his stories, tricks, and illusions.
“I did no such thing. What you followed here was your desire to escape, to leave this damned village. The people act so wholesome, but all they are doing is denying the truth. They choose to be blind to their sins and call justice tragedy.”
“I- I do not understand,” you whispered. Your body was paralyzed with terror, but you could not tear your eyes from the spot Jungkook’s voice was coming from. You felt like if you kept listening to him, the candy coat of the life you had would crumble and reveal a bitterness you did not know whether or not you were prepared to taste. But you needed to know.  
And Jungkook seemed pleased. Then his expression darkened.
“The first time the circus came to this village, the people got scared. They called the artists freaks, the animals beasts. They attempted to cast out the circus, but their fear of us was too strong. They massacred the people and slaughtered the animals. Yet they speak of us as the monsters.”
You stood in silence as you tried to overpower your treacherous emotions, and suddenly, like a veil of obscurity lifting, Mrs. Lee’s words were clear in your head.
“Sometimes love is cursed,” she had said.
Just like this village.
You swallowed hard to make your voice sound even.
“That is it, isn’t it? The debt.”
“Yes. We take back what they took. Your grandmother knew, so she chose to become one of the normal ones, but unlike so many others, she never quite forgot.”
It was not justice, it was retribution. From what your grandmother had told you, the incident had happened long before her time. She could not possibly have been involved, and yet the ringleader seemed to hold a grudge because she had escaped the curse. And Jungkook – you felt bad. Had he been taken too? Had the ringleader been forcing him to try and steal away people from the village simply to settle a debt? You thought of Mrs. Lee’s daughter, and wondered how long Jungkook had been in this body. If his was the same fate that was awaiting you.
“So the ringleader wants to take me?” you eventually asked. You felt like you were trying to complete a puzzle, but the pieces in your hands were from two different sets. Jungkook remained standing in the darkness, and you almost said his name out loud to make sure he was still there after he had not answered for what felt like minutes. But then he spoke.
“You do not belong in this town, my love. You can never become one of them. Everything will happen as it is supposed to. And you were always supposed to be mine.”
“Jung-” You instinctively took a step back when you heard his footsteps on the planks.  “Jungkook, I cannot abandon my family. Please let me leave before the ringmaster finds me. It breaks my heart, but I cannot go with you.”
“And why not?” he asked, but his tone displayed no signs of hurt or dread. If anything, it sounded like he was, once again, mocking you ever so slightly. “Do you not love me? Was it not fate, a blessing that brought us together?”
Your heart was beating fast, overflowing from betrayal and panic. Your eyes filled with tears.
“Jungkook, where is my grandmother?”
“She is not here.” Jungkook replied and stepped into the weak light, his piercing blue eyes never leaving yours. “But you are.”
You could only stare when he reached out to stroke your cheek gently, and then let his hand wander down to take yours.
“Come now, my love,” he said. “It is time.”
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rfa-scenarios · 8 years
I have a request, please! RFA s/o accidently hits/knocks down MC, causing moderate injury. As in more than just a bump but not catastrophic either. Can you do the circumstances and fallout of the accident? Thanks!
MC (moderately) injured by RFA + minor trio
This one took us SO long time, mostly because when we first tried, it just turned into crack (link to the crack version here). Enjoy ^^
Zen took you out to a date at a local bar
You were dancing, he was swinging you around – but you were both too drunk to be swinging around
…and at the height of your momentum, he kind of just dropped you, causing to you land awkwardly on your ankle
You heard something snap, but the alcohol was keeping the pain from immediately reaching your brain
“Zen.” You tried to get his attention, “I think we need to go to the hospital right now, pretty sure my ankle just broke…”
Oh shit shit shit
This boy sobered down at once
He picked you up princess style, ran out of the bar and shouted for a cab
He insisted on carrying you in the cab, and even in the hospital he kept refusing to let you go
He straight up refused the wheelchair, claiming you would be “safer in his arms”
When the doctors were about to inject the anesthesia, he shielded your eyes from the needle, and took a dramatic sharp inhale of air when the needle punctured your skin, as if he was the one receiving the shot
…the doctors looked at him funnily and joked that maybe he needed a shot as well
He refused to go back to work before you’ve fully healed, and treated you like royalty the entire time
Kept kissing your ankle, claiming that you’ll heal faster with a “true love’s kiss”
You were gonna get him some snacks from the top of the shelf
And somehow, you managed to fall and break your ankle
When he heard your scream, he rushed to your side, his eyes wide with worry
You had never seen this much fear and guilt on someone’s face before
He quickly called the ambulance, while placing an arm beneath your head
He tried to calm you down by leaning your body against his own, but he was shaking more than you
You spent whole ambulance ride trying to convince him that everything’s OK, because he wouldn’t stop blabbering and sobbing about how sorry he was, while tightly clutching your hand
The paramedics offered him an oxygen mask, because he looked like he was gonna pass out
Last thing you saw before blacking out was his tear ridden face and his eyes flickering over your ankle in horror
He never quite managed to forgive himself, even when the doctors informed him that you will be completely fine
He exaggerated the situation in his head, and worried himself sick - “what if she can’t EVER walk again?”
…and from time to time, he would cry alone out of guilt
He was super gentle with you once you came home
Pampered you 24/7, made all your favorite food and refused to let you do anything in the house
Didn’t even play LOLOL entire time for you to heal completely
Jaehee tried to hurry you up in a hectic day at the café
Without thinking, you pulled the tray of cookies out of the oven with your bare hands
The first sound that registered Jaehee’s ears were the sound of the cookies falling out
…followed by your ear-splitting scream
She dropped all the cookies in her own hand and ran over to your side
Her eyes were wide with shock once she saw your hands
“Oh god, I’m so so so sorry, come here, let’s run your hand under cold water,” she said, her pitch getting higher with every word.
She excused herself to all the guests, closed off the café early and drove you to the hospital
She noted down everything the doctor said
Also jolted down all your future appointments on her calendar
She would teach herself everything about burns, and put her knowledge into practice on your hand
The café was kept closed until you recovered, and until then, she baked those pastries just for you :)
You and Jumin were on a cherry farm vacation, where you insisted that you wanted to pick the cherries yourself (like true commoners)
You were standing on a ladder, because Jumin had informed that the cherries higher up were the juiciest, as they received most sunlight.
He pointed out an especially juicy looking one, you tipped your toes just a little higher, and…
…and you fell, together with the ladder
He rushed beneath you and managed to catch you in his arms, but you still landed in an awkward position and sprained your ankle
Without wasting a second, he called up his entire medic team, claiming you were “gravely injured” and they had to “bring the helicopter”.
The team arrived within 15 minutes, and proceeded to bring out the stretcher, defibrillator, oxygen tank and various surgery equipment…
…they were understandably confused upon seeing their “patient”, fully alert, talking, albeit clutching an ankle
“I-I’m fine, it’s just a sprained ankle,” you tried to reassure the medic team. They kind of all just stopped and stared at you confused, not sure what to do.
“What are you all staring at? Get to work!” Jumin bellowed.
So the entire medic team, including but not limited to, a neurosurgeon, three cardiac surgeons and two trauma psychologists, hastily began “fixing” you, while Jumin paced back and forth nervously in the background.
All they did was bandage up your sprain, but for the next week, Jumin wouldn’t let you out of intensive care, constantly making sure that your “vitals” were “within a normal range”
You were fooling around by the entrance of the house
He jokingly pushed you, and you managed to fall down the couple of steps outside the door
It was an ugly landing, and you heard an ominous snap in your arm
…you both screamed
Seven stood staring at you, paralyzed by the initial shock
He was scared you were dying
Once he realized that you were, in fact, not dead, he dramatically fell on one knee and claimed that he had “wounded his love”
“This isn’t funny, Seven, this actually really really hurts,” you sobbed, clutching your arm
That was also pretty much when he saw how your arm was dangling in a questionable angle
…and he was mortified.
“oh f-fuck,” he said, his voice caught up in his throat, “fuck, shit, I’m so fucking sorry MC, I’m such an idiot, I’m getting you to the hospital, fuck…”
He carried you into his car and drove as fast as possible, “hold on, we’re gonna be there soon, alright? Shit…”
You had only seen him this serious on a couple, rare occasions, and last time you saw it, you were kidnapped by Mint Eye thinking you’d never make it out alive
You attempted to lighten up the mood. “i-it’s ok,” you groaned, “at least this is b-better than childbirth, cos you know, that’s coming too…”
“Be quiet, save your energy! Stop trying to cheer me up! Oh god, it’s okay, everything’s gonna be fine, I’m taking you to the hospital…”
He stayed serious while talking to the doctor
After the doctor fixed you up, you asked him to stop being so serious
He looked at you for a second, and before you knew it…
…Seven why must you be like this
You got a cast from the doctor
And when you woke up the next morning, you were greeted by an impressive collection of vulgar drawings on your cast, and Seven’s smug grin on the side
He alternated between his maid and nurse costume and acted the part, the whole time you recovered
—————–Minor trio———————
V was working on a new photograph, and you were assisting by holding up some lights on top of a ladder
The lights were quite heavy, and as you shifted your weight, you felt the ladder shake
“V, help!” You cried, as the ladder started to sway in a dangerous manner
“Sorry, just hold on a second! I got the perfect angle here,” he said without looking up from his camera, completely immersed in his work.
With a loud crash, the ladder toppled over, and you landed on top of the ladder, your leg stretched out in an awkward angle
That was when the pain washed over you. You desperately grasped at your leg, screaming, sobbing, but the look on V’s face was far worse than the pain you felt
You saw shock and fear spread across his face, as he hastily dropped the camera and rushed to your side. “Hey, it’s alright, you’ll be alright, I’ll get you to the hospital”
The pain had pushed you to unconsciousness, and the next time you woke up, you were in a hospital room. V’s face was strained with worry when you saw him.
He pulled you into a hug once he saw that you were awake
“I’m so so sorry,” he whispered into your hair, “I’m so Sorry, I should’ve helped you with the lights, I should’ve held the ladder, I should’ve stopped when you asked for help, I could’ve saved you from all this, you had to suffer because of me, oh god I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so so –“
You shushed him, and looked into his eyes, “listen, V, none of this was your fault, okay? Accidents happen. I’ll be fine, you’ll be fine, just…just stop apologizing.”
“But-,“ he started again. But before he could apologize again, you came up with an idea…
“Hey, here’s a way you can make up to me. Draw on my cast! You’re an artist, right? Please draw something on it, before the rest of the RFA discovers. I don’t want Zen’s autograph all over my leg, and I don’t even want to imagine what Seven would do.” He chuckled weakly and nodded.
He refused to take photographs again after that, though, he couldn’t bring himself to pick up the camera, because every time he tried, he was reminded of the accident.
At one point, you insisted that you wanted him to take photos of you, and slowly, slowly he got back to business again :)
Saeran was doing well in his recovery, but from time to time, there would be minor outbursts and backlashes
…And this was one of those times.
He was screaming in his room, throwing some things around, breaking some of his belongings
One of them was a glass, which accidentally hit you
You managed to shield your face with your hand
But the glass broke, causing a deep cut down your wrist, and blood was gushing out of the wound
“Saeran.” You said, trying to get his attention.
He didn’t hear you.
“Saeran,” you said again, this time with a slightly louder voice, as the pain started to register
He turned around, and he froze once he set his eyes on you.
Slowly, you saw the regret and shock spread across his face as he saw the blood pumping out of your cut, and he became aware of what he had done
You looked at each other and for a couple seconds, none of you said a word
Then you spoke, “it’s alright, i-it isn’t too bad, is it? Just…just help me get to a hospital,” you gasped, as the pain washed over
He mechanically followed your instructions, gingerly helped you into the car and drove to the hospital without a word
He sat in a corner and kept quiet at the doctor’s office
When you lied to the doctor about tripping on some broken pieces of glass, he silently left the room
You didn’t see him again until the doctor had finished cleaning and sewing up your wound, when you found him in the waiting room; He seemed to be in deep thought.
His eyes were red when they looked up to meet yours. Quietly, he spoke the first words after the accident - “We’ll get you home, I’ll pack up my things and leave. You won’t ever see me again.”
“No”, you answered in shock, “No way, Saeran.”
“I’ve made up my mind. You don’t deserve this from me.”
“No Saeran, you don’t understand, this pain,” you gestured to your bandaged wrist, “this is nothing, nothing compared to the pain I will feel if you leave. Nothing will hurt me more than that, do you understand?”
He sighed and buried his face in his hands, you could see him shaking. “Oh God, I’m so sorry,” he croaked.
You sat down next to him, and gently wrapped your healthy arm around his shoulders. “It’s okay, it’s okay, let’s get home, everything will turn out fine.”
…he got you home, and that was the last time you saw him.
…last time you saw him relapse. *finger guns* (I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself)
First couple of days after you got home, he tried to avoid you as much as possible
But you told him you would feel better if he was more affectionate
He did his very best :)
You guys were being all domesticated
He was cleaning because he was Vanderwood
You were shredding carrots because he told you to
…with a fancy new grater he had bought
It was very sharp, and when he bumped into you, you lost the small piece of carrot, and grated your hand
You screamed.
There was a lot of blood, and soon enough the kitchen counter resembled a crime scene
“What?” he asked, then turned around and saw the blood dripping from your hand. “Oh shit, that looks pretty bad, I’m so sorry, I’ll fix this up -“
He hastily pulled you to the sink, cleaned your hand with water, wrapped it in a towel, then pushed you into the car
On the way to the hospital you tried to lighten up the mood by complaining, “dude, you just HAD to buy that fancy ass grater”
“Really, is that what you’re gonna be angry about now?”
“What else would I be angry about, you cutting my hand?”
You bantered whole way to the hospital
He refused to let you make food again once you got back from the hospital
…because apparently, you were “too incompetent”, and he wouldn’t ever “forget about those lost carrots”
It’s totally not because he’s terrified of you getting hurt again
Please!!! like! comment!!! reblog!!!! and follow!!! New RFA posts whenever the fuck we manage to post them!!! (no seriously tho we live for your comments, they make our days brighter ^^)
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torturedwarrior · 5 years
Ed Gein:
        Who is Ed Gein? What where is his crimes? How did Gein die? What did the police find in his home when they searched it? What was Geins childhood like?  Ed Gein was an American serial killer whose gruesome crimes gained worldwide notoriety and inspired numerous books and horror films. “When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. One part wants to be really nice and sweet, and the other part wonders what her head would look like on a stick.” -Ed Gein, “I had a compulsion to do it.” -Ed Gein.  
         Ed Gein (Edward Theodore Gein) was born in La Crosse County, Wisconsin, On August 27, 1906. He was the second of two boys of George Phillip Gein (1873-1940) and Augusta Wilhelmine Gein (1878-1945). Geins older brother whose name is Henry George Gein (1901-1944). Gein left his family farm to go to school but outside of school Gein would return to the farm to work his chores. When Gein was a child he was known to be shy and his classmates and teachers remembered Gein has having strange mannerisms like randomly laughing for example like he was laughing at his own personal jokes. The worse of his childhood was every time he would make friends his mother would punish him for it.
Death in the immediate family; April 1, 1940, Gein’s Father George had died from heart failure that was caused from his alcoholism. George was 66 years old when he passed. Henry and Gein then worked odd jobs around town to help cover the living expenses and they were considered from the residents in the community that they were reliable and honest. Henry began dating a divorced single mother of two and planned on moving with her. Henry began to worry about his brother, Gein and his attachment to their mother and often spoke of her illness around Gein who responded with shock and hurt. May 16, 1944, Henry and Gein were burning away marsh vegetation on their property and then the fire began out of control. The fire drew the attention of the local fire department and by the end of the day when the fire was out and the firefighters were gone, Gein then reported that his brother Henry was missing.
A search party was formed and set out to look for Henry, whose dead body was found lying face down but he had been dead for some time and it appears the cause of death was heart failure since he was not burned or injured by the fire. It was said later in a biography by Harold Shechter; of Ed Gein ‘Deviant’, that Henry had bruises on his head. Shortly after Henry’s death, Augusta, Geins mother had a paralyzing stroke which Gein devoted himself to caring for her. Later Augusta had a second stroke that landed her health deteriorating rapidly, she then on December 29, 1945, died at the age of 67. After his mother’s death, Gein became very devastated and his words in the author Harold Schechter, Gein had “lost his only friend and one true love. And was absolutely alone in the world.” -Ed Gein.
         Gein was hanging on to the farm and earning money from odd work. He boarded up his mother's quarters, including the attic, parlor downstairs, and living room, keeping them intact; while the rest of the house was exceedingly squalid, these areas remained untouched. Gein stayed next to the kitchen in a small room. He was involved around this period in reading pulp magazines and stories of adventure, especially those involving cannibals or massacres by the Nazis. Gein was a handyman who earned a federal government farm subsidy from the beginning of 1951. Occasionally he worked in the area for the local street team and crop-threshing workers. He also sold an 80-acre (32 ha) parcel of land purchased by his brother Henry sometime between 1946 and 1956.
         November 16, 1957, A Plainfield hardware store owner, Bernice Worden had disappeared and a resident in the community reported that a hardware store truck had been seen driving out from the rear of the building around 9:30 am in the morning. Worden’s son who is a Deputy Sheriff named Frank Worden; he entered the store at 5:00pm and discovered the cash register to be open and blood steins on the floor. He also noticed a sales slip for a gallon of antifreeze was the last receipt written by Worden the morning she disappeared. That evening Gein was arrested at a west Plainfield grocery store and then the sheriff began to search Gein’s farm. Waushara County Sheriff’s Deputy searching Gein’s property discovered Worden’s decapitated body in a shed on Geins property, hung upside down by her legs with a cross bar at her ankles and ropes at her wrists. Her torso was ‘Dressed out’ like a deer and she had been shot with a .22-caliber rifle, also the mutilations were made after her death.
Searching the house, authorities found: Whole human bones and fragments, A wastebasket made of human skin, Human skin covering several chair seats, Skulls on his bedposts, Female skulls, some with the tops sawn off, Bowls made from human skulls, A corset made from a female torso skinned from shoulders to waist, Leggings made from human leg skin, Masks made from the skin of female heads, Mary Hogan's face mask in a paper bag, Mary Hogan's skull in a box, Bernice Worden's entire head in a burlap sack, Bernice Worden's heart "in a plastic bag in front of Gein's potbellied stove", Nine vulvas in a shoe box, A young girl's dress and "the vulvas of two females judged to have been about fifteen years old", A belt made from female human nipples, Four noses, A pair of lips on a window shade drawstring, A lampshade made from the skin of a human face and lastly Fingernails from female fingers.
When being questioned by investigators Gein told them between 1947 and 1952, he made as many as 40 nocturnal visits to three local graveyards to exhume recently buried bodies while he was in a “Daze-like” state. 30 of those visits, Gein said he came out of his daze while being in the cemetery and had left the grave in good order and returned home empty-handed. On the other occasions he would dig up the graves of newly buried middle-aged women who resembled his mother which he took back to his house where he then tanned their skins to make his paraphernalia.
         Gein acknowledged stealing from nearby cemeteries from nine graves and guided researchers to their positions. Allan Wilimovsky from the State Crime Laboratory was involved in the opening of Gein's three test graves. The caskets were inside wooden boxes; crossways (not lengthwise) were running through the top boards. The tops of the boxes in sandy soil were about 2 feet (60 cm) beneath the surface. Shortly after the funerals, Gein had robbed the tombs while the tombs were not finished. The test sepulchers were exhumed because the authorities were unsure as to whether the slight Gein was able to dig a grave on its own during a single night; they were just as Gein described: two of the exhumed sepulchers were found empty (one had a crowbar instead of the body). One barrel was empty; one-barrel Gein had failed to open when he misplaced his pry bar; and most of the corpse had vanished from the third grave, but Gein had recovered rings and parts of the body. Thus, Gein's confession seems to be corroborating.
         Shortly after the death of his mother, Gein started to construct a "girlfriend costume" so that "... he could become his mother — to practically climb inside her skin. “Gein denied having intercourse with the corpses he exhumed, explaining:" They smelled too horrible. Gein even confessed to the shooting death of Mary Hogan, a pub owner who had been missing since 1954 and whose head had been discovered in his room, but he later denied memory of details of her death. One 16-year-old young boy whose parents were Gein relatives, who engaged in ball and film games with him claimed that Gein kept shrinking heads in his home that Gein identified as Philippine artifacts and sent them from a cousin who served on the islands during the Second World War 2.
         During the police investigation, human face skins were determined and deliberately taken out of the corpses and were used as masks by Gein. In many other cases for Wisconsin, Gein was also identified as a suspect, including Evelyn Hartley, a babysitter from La Crosse, missing in 1953. Waushara County Sheriff Art Schley allegedly attacked Gein during the interview by smashing his head and face into a brick wall. The first confession of Gein was therefore ruled unacceptable. In 1968 before Gein's proceeding, Schley died of a heart failure at 43 years of age. Many of those who met Schley said they had been traumatized by Gein's horror, which, with the fear of having to give testimony, led to his death (especially on Gein's assault). One of his friends said: "He was a victim of Ed Gein as surely as if he had butchered him."
         In Waushara County Court, on 21 November 1957 Gein was arraigned on a first-degree charge of murder, where he pleaded not guilty for insane reasons. Gein has been diagnosed and found mentally incompetent and therefore not suitable for testing. He was sent to the Criminally Insane State Hospital (now Dodge Correctional Institute), Waupun, Wisconsin to provide a high-speed security unit, and later transferred to Madison, Wisconsin, Mendota State Hospital. In 1968, the psychiatrist decided that Gein "mindfully had the possibility of listening to the lawyer and taking part in his defense." A doctor testified that he did not know whether Bernice Worden's death was deliberate or accidental. Gein told him the gun went from, murdered Worden, when he checked a pistol in Worden's shop. Gein revealed that he released a bullet after trying to fire into the weapon. He said that he had not targeted Worden's rifle, and that he didn't remember anything else that morning.
         Gein's trial was carried out without a jury at the behest of the State, presided over by Judge Robert H. Gollmar. On 14 November Gein was sentenced by Gollmar. A second case concerned the health of Gein; after testimony from doctors for the prosecution and defense, Gollmar ruled that Gein was "not guilty for insane reasons." Gein lived in a mental hospital the rest of his life. Judge Gollmar noted "Gein was convicted for one murder — Mrs. Worden's, with prohibitive costs. He agreed that Mary Hogan would also be murdered."
Gein died at the Mendota Mental Health Institute on July 26, 1984, at the age of 77, due to secondary respiratory failure due to lung cancer. Souvenir hunters chipped bits from his gravestone at the Plainfield Cemetery over the years until the stone itself was stolen in 2000. It was found near Seattle in June 2001 and placed in storage at the headquarters of the Waushara County Sheriff. The tomb itself is now unidentified, but not unknown; Gein is interred in the graveyard between his parents and brother. Ed Gein's narrative has had a lasting effect as seen in his various performances in film, music, and literature on American popular culture. In the fictionalized version portrayed by Robert Bloch in his 1959 horror book, Psycho, the story first came to widespread public notice. In comparison to Bloch's 1960 feature, Psycho, by Alfred Hitchcock.
                                            Work Cited:
         “Ed Gein.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Jan. 2020, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Gein.
        Inspiringquotes.us. “Top 3 Quotes of ED GEIN Famous Quotes and Sayings: Inspringquotes.us.” Inspiring Quotes, https://www.inspiringquotes.us/author/7075-ed-gein.
Jenkins, John Philip. “Ed Gein.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 23 Aug. 2019, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ed-Gein.
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erraticfairy · 5 years
Halloween Reminders for Parents of Anxious Children
It’s almost Halloween. Corn stalks, jack o’ lanterns, and witches hats adorn shop windows and every corridor of the local grocery. Pumpkins spill out of carts at local farm stands, often with a few carved with toothy grins. Front porches and lawns sport scarecrows, spider webs, and a skeleton or two. Some communities hold rag-tag parades where costumed kids take to the street or local mall for Halloween fun. Classrooms may no longer have parties with cupcakes and candy as they did in the parents’ generation, but many still do recognize the season in some way. It’s exciting. It’s fun!
And yet. There are children for whom Halloween is fraught with anxiety. Anxious or emotionally sensitive children and children on the autism spectrum can get stressed and distressed by the season. Such children don’t like the unfamiliar. Things that go bump in the night are terrifying, not exciting. They may be afraid of the skeleton hanging from the neighbor’s porch. Grinning pumpkins might give them nightmares. Masks can be terrifying. Treats may be regarded with suspicion. And costumes? For some children, dressing up is way out of their comfort zone. 
If you are a parent of such a child, this isn’t new information. Nor is it new information that your child needs help to manage whatever is novel. But it is only human to minimize or forget at times, especially if we love Halloween ourselves; especially if the sensitive child has siblings who are excited and delighted with the whole scary thing.
Here are some friendly reminders of ways to make Halloween manageable for kids who wish they could skip right over October:
Talk with your child. Be empathetic about their fears. They are certainly not alone if they find it scary to think about spirits of the dead coming for a visit. Many cultures celebrate a holiday that is much like American Halloween. They honor or appease the dead with special activities and foods. Older children might enjoy learning about Dia de Los Muertos (All Souls Day) in Mexico, Latin America and Spain; Guy Fawkes Day in England; The Hungry Ghost Festival in Hong Kong; or All Saints’ Day in Italy, as only a few examples. There are many good children’s books to help you.
Decorate together. You can detox frightening Halloween decorations by creating them together. Take the child’s lead when carving a pumpkin. Don’t be surprised if they want to make a friendly one. Make pictures together for the front door.
One 5-year-old boy I know made a big picture of a beaver. I asked him why. “It’s the scariest thing I can think of,” he said.  When I asked how to make it less scary, he said he could make it smile. So he did.
Practice: Practice may not make perfect, but it does make things familiar. Role-play the usual doorway ritual with your child: Knock on your own door together and say “Trick or Treat.” Pretend you are getting a treat. Say, “thank you.” Then switch roles and have them practice handing out a piece of candy and admiring a costume.
Costumes: If your child is uncomfortable with unfamiliar clothes or costumes, modify a favorite shirt or jacket. One of my daughters couldn’t stand clothes she considered too scratchy. Tags in a shirt could cause a meltdown. For her first time trick or treating at age 3, we pinned a tail made of a stuffed sock on the back of her favorite jacket and glued paper ears to a headband. Voila! She was a cat. She loved it.
Go along: Give the anxious child an honorable way to accept adult supervision by stating safety concerns. In many places, it is only a sad truth that it is no longer wise for kids to be out alone at night. The solution in many communities is for parents and kids to travel in groups of three or four families. Parents stay out on the sidewalk chatting while the kids go to doors. If a child gets upset, that family just peels off to go home.
Consider alternatives: If you know your child will be overwhelmed by going out at night, attend a community sponsored party or event instead. If your child gets upset, you can easily leave.
If darkness isn’t the issue but unfamiliar people are, go only to the homes of people your child knows. Little kids don’t need to cover the whole neighborhood. They may be ready to go home after only a few stops. 
Manners: It’s likely your child will get treats they don’t like. Explain that it’s polite to accept them and say “thank you” anyway. One of my kids was terribly confused by this when he was 5. “But saying thank you when I don’t want something isn’t honest,” he protested. So we had to have a talk about the difference between lying and saying a little white lie to make someone else feel good. Social skills don’t always make perfect sense.
It’s almost impossible to shield sensitive children from Halloween; especially when so many adults embrace the holiday. (179 million Americans take part in Halloween parties and are projected to spend $9 billion on costumes, candy, and decorations.) As a culture, Americans see trick or treating as the birthright of every child. But one of the truisms of parenting is that what everyone else seems to be doing may not be what our own child needs or even wants. With some mindfulness, we can make Halloween a positive holiday for even our most sensitive child.
from World of Psychology https://ift.tt/36jq802 via theshiningmind.com
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tabiochan-blog · 6 years
9 Best Movies like The Killing (1956)
After just being released from a five year stint in prison, Johnny Clay has assembled a five man team, including two insiders, to carry out what he estimates will be a $2 million heist at Lansdowne Racetrack, that take, minus expenses, to be split five ways. Besides Johnny, none of the men truly are criminals in the typical sense. In addition to the other four team members, Johnny has hired two men external to the team to carry out specific functions for a flat fee, the other four who will not meet the two men for hire or know who they are, while the two men for hire will not be told of the bigger picture of the heist. None involved are to tell anyone, even their loved ones, about the job, each of the five who has a specific reason for wanting his share of the money: Johnny, in wanting to get married to his longtime girlfriend Fay, the two who have known each other since they were kids, realizes that to live comfortably, he has to shoot for the moon instead of carrying out the penny ante stuff that put him behind bars; Marvin Unger, a bookkeeper who is bankrolling the plan, is doing it out of his friendship and loyalty to Johnny; Randy Kennan, a crooked police officer, is already late with his repayment to a loan shark; Mike O'Reilly, one of the track's bartenders, wants to be able to provide better overall care, most importantly medical, to his bedridden wife, Ruthie O'Reilly; and milquetoast George Peatty, one of the track's ticket clerks, is trying to buy back the love of his shrew of a wife of five years, Sherry Peatty, if he ever had her love at all. The elaborate plan requires meticulous timing by all seven men. Beyond any unforeseen problems causing the plan to fail, what the other four team members are unaware of is that weak minded George told Sherry of the broad issue that he will be involved in a heist in an effort to hold on to her emotionally, she, in turn, who told her boyfriend Val Cannon, with Sherry and Val having their own ideas of absconding with the entire take of the heist after the fact.
Here are list of 9 Best Movies like The Killing (1956):
1. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Paranoid Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper of Burpelson Air Force Base, believing that fluoridation of the American water supply is a Soviet plot to poison the U.S. populace, is able to deploy through a back door mechanism a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union without the knowledge of his superiors, including the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Buck Turgidson, and President Merkin Muffley. Only Ripper knows the code to recall the B-52 bombers and he has shut down communication in and out of Burpelson as a measure to protect this attack. Ripper's executive officer, RAF Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (on exchange from Britain), who is being held at Burpelson by Ripper, believes he knows the recall codes if he can only get a message to the outside world. Meanwhile at the Pentagon War Room, key persons including Muffley, Turgidson and nuclear scientist and adviser, a former Nazi named Dr. Strangelove, are discussing measures to stop the attack or mitigate its blow-up into an all out nuclear war with the Soviets. Against Turgidson's wishes, Muffley brings Soviet Ambassador Alexi de Sadesky into the War Room, and get his boss, Soviet Premier Dimitri Kisov, on the hot line to inform him of what's going on. The Americans in the War Room are dismayed to learn that the Soviets have an as yet unannounced Doomsday Device to detonate if any of their key targets are hit. As Ripper, Mandrake and those in the War Room try and work the situation to their end goal, Major T.J. "King" Kong, one of the B-52 bomber pilots, is working on his own agenda of deploying his bomb where ever he can on enemy soil if he can't make it to his intended target.
2. Paths of Glory (1957)
The futility and irony of the war in the trenches in WWI is shown as a unit commander in the French army must deal with the mutiny of his men and a glory-seeking general after part of his force falls back under fire in an impossible attack.
3. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
A two-segment look at the effect of the military mindset and war itself on Vietnam era Marines. The first half follows a group of recruits in boot camp under the command of the punishing Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. The second half shows one of those recruits, Joker, covering the war as a correspondent for Stars and Stripes, focusing on the Tet offensive.
4. Barry Lyndon (1975)
In the Eighteenth Century, in a small village in Ireland, Redmond Barry is a young farm boy in love with his cousin Nora Brady. When Nora gets engaged to the British Captain John Quin, Barry challenges him to a duel of pistols. He wins and escapes to Dublin but is robbed on the road. Without an alternative, Barry joins the British Army to fight in the Seven Years War. He deserts and is forced to join the Prussian Army where he saves the life of his captain and becomes his protégé and spy of the Irish gambler Chevalier de Balibari. He helps Chevalier and becomes his associate until he decides to marry the wealthy Lady Lyndon. They move to England and Barry, in his obsession of nobility, dissipates her fortune and makes a dangerous and revengeful enemy.
5. Spartacus (1960)
In 73 BCE, a Thracian slave leads a revolt at a gladiatorial school run by Lentulus Batiatus. The uprising soon spreads across the Italian Peninsula involving thousand of slaves. The plan is to acquire sufficient funds to acquire ships from Silesian pirates who could then transport them to other lands from Brandisium in the south. The Roman Senator Gracchus schemes to have Marcus Publius Glabrus, Commander of the garrison of Rome, lead an army against the slaves who are living on Vesuvius. When Glabrus is defeated his mentor, Senator and General Marcus Licinius Crassus is greatly embarrassed and leads his own army against the slaves. Spartacus and the thousands of freed slaves successfully make their way to Brandisium only to find that the Silesians have abandoned them. They then turn north and must face the might of Rome.
6. Lolita (1962)
Humbert Humbert forces a confrontation with a man, whose name he has just recently learned, in this man's home. The events that led to this standoff began four years earlier. Middle aged Humbert, a European, arrives in the United States where he has secured at job at Beardsley College in Beardsley, Ohio as a Professor of French Literature. Before he begins his post in the fall, he decides to spend the summer in the resort town of Ramsdale, New Hampshire. He is given the name of Charlotte Haze as someone who is renting a room in her home for the summer. He finds that Charlotte, widowed now for seven years, is a woman who puts on airs. Among the demonstration of those airs is throwing around the name of Clare Quilty, a television and stage script writer, who came to speak at her women's club meeting and who she implies is now a friend. Those airs also mask being lonely, especially as she is a sexually aggressive and liberated woman. Humbert considers Charlotte a proverbial "joke" but decides to rent the room upon meeting Charlotte's provocative daughter, Dolores Haze - more frequently referred to as Lolita - who he first spots in a bikini tanning in the back yard. He is immediately infatuated with Lolita, with who he becomes obsessed in a sexual manner despite her age, she being just into her teens. He will also learn that Charlotte has the exact same feelings for him. While Charlotte does whatever she can to be alone with Humbert, Humbert does the same with Lolita. As the summer progresses, Humbert, based on the circumstances, decides to enter into a relationship with Charlotte just to be near Lolita. In that new arrangement, Humbert has to figure out how to achieve his goal of being with Lolita with Charlotte out of the way. As things begin to go Humbert's way, he is unaware that Charlotte is not the only thing standing in his way between him and Lolita, that other thing being Lolita's possible interest in other boys, and other members of the male sex, young or old, who may have their own designs on Lolita.
7. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
After his wife, Alice, tells him about her sexual fantasies, William Harford sets out for a night of sexual adventure. After several less than successful encounters, he meets an old friend, Nick Nightingale - now a musician - who tells him of strange sex parties when he is required to play the piano blindfolded. All the men at the party are costumed and wear masks while the women are all young and beautiful. Harford manages to find an appropriate costume and heads out to the party. Once there, however, he is warned by someone who recognizes him, despite the mask, that he is in great danger. He manages to extricate himself but the threats prove to be quite real and sinister.
8. Killer's Kiss (1955)
Prize-fighter Davy Gordon intervenes when private dancer Gloria Price is being attacked by her employer and lover Vincent Raphello. This brings the two together and they get involved with each other, which displeases Raphello. He sends men out to kill Davy, but they instead kill his friend. Gloria is soon kidnapped by Raphello and his men, and it is up to Davy to save her.
9. Fear and Desire (1953)
A ficticious war in an unidentified country provides the setting for this drama. Four soldiers survive the crash-landing of their plane to find themselves in a forest six miles behind enemy lines. The group, led by Lt. Corby, has a plan: They'll make their way to a nearby river, build a raft, and then, under cover of night, float back to friendly territory. Their plans for getting back safely are sidetracked by a young woman who stumbles across them as they hide in the woods, and by the nearby presence of an enemy general who one member of the group is determined to kill.
Source: https://moviessimilarto.com/title/the-killing-1956
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autolovecraft · 7 years
Likewise was he aware of how the angle of regarding.
From the first lamps of evening served only to the human clothing and waxen mask and loose costume enabling him to make room for the police.
In the first time Carter realized how slight and fractional all these Blacknesses are lesser than he who guards the Gateway: he who will guide the rash one beyond all mere earthly fright I told you there was neither cave nor absence of wall. This rascal is in the dim light like Druid monoliths among the swollen and distorted roots. He could not flee because it was reserved for him.
Do you mean to make a good copy of the estate of a frightful velocity of motion. But let me say that his escape in the mighty corridors of space and time from the world has feared since Lomar rose out of old Goody Fowler the witch, had been the usual legal advertisements of the Swami Chandraputra spoke of proofs. Come, Mister Randy, or a four-dimensioned original as unreality, it seemed, his position was horrible. They were too persistent—which would be necessary. When the Earth, shivering with fright at the age he could only dimly remember.
He saw that the Being had heard. He spoke, it seemed to fall upon everything. Most Ancient One, which only a set of memories. The nearest thing I can recall to these parchment characters—notice how all the worlds into the Abyss of unnamable devourers. Aspinwall does not do well to laugh at the same inexplicable rhythm, while Aspinwall emitted a series of snorts and bellows. In a vast room hung with strangely figured arras and filled with olibanum fumes, Etienne Laurent de Marigny and Phillips, though he knew the house was on a world grown too busy for beauty and ugliness are only ornamental fruits of perspective, or a four-dimensioned Earth. Presently the quasi-sphere, of how the sight of beings of the proper sensations of light-years—thousands of terrestrial years amidst the alien drug which keeps the Zkauba-facet dormant, yet one which held no hint of what we recognize as motion and is now a king in Ilek-Vad. They did not change; but when he went down into the void; yet his language was as crazy a notion as that other October day in the body of a century and a baffled wish to lose not a Carter.
He clumsily drew a long and earnestly of their visions. It was bound in rusty iron, and had shown him certain terrible secrets in the clock it was he who guards the Gateway: he who guards the Gateway: he who will guide the rash one beyond all the worlds into the child of yesterday; could turn a terrestrial Carter to a dream, and though showing him none of you here has ever seen the silver key and various other symbols known to him because of what they were and whence they came, and in it which I have myself had many oddly corroborative letters from the wild, haunted countryside of winding road, vine-grown stone wall, black woodland, curving road and nestling farmstead, and at the breathlessly lovely panorama of rocky slope and verdant valley, with a kind of humorist, for at one mighty venture he was at fever heat. Curious concepts flowed conflictingly through a brain dazed with unaccustomed vistas and unforeseen disclosures.
Randolph Carter's wandering only what you absolutely have to be co-existent with all time and conterminous with all space.
Upon their cloaked heads there now seemed to be and had shown after spending one whole memorable day in 1883, a product of Hyperborea on Earth—which caused it? The region had been his Uncle Christopher's house in the nighted and immemorial antiquity which disturbed him ever afterward. All the strangeness and expectancy of his own clumsily mittened members, evoking a curious illusion of identity. That is, none but his grandfather had told him he lacked nothing. Almost stunned with awe, and to all matter. The Hindu paused in his blouse pocket to see. He was not wholly unfamiliar to him because of its subtler properties you know—Zkauba, the boy after the autumn of 1883, and got from a South American acquaintance a very terrible one, which men dream into it; and as the local and partial? All descended lines of rolling hill and stone-walled meadow, distant vale and hanging woodland, gnarled, neglected orchard, gaping-windowed, deserted farm-house. As the waves resumed their awesome pulsing, Carter secured a good test. Almost stunned with awe, and his sense of lost orientation waxed a thousandfold. He had read of it with him and forced him into his chair by the Carter place, they may mean that Randolph Carter.
Evidently he was a hideous gnawing of cold, pulsating light of unassignable color, and with a key in his hand with one of the Ultimate Gate. It was autumn, as it was in October, 1928, at the breathlessly lovely panorama of rocky slope, and large, white-haired, apoplectic-looking as he passed it, then, suddenly, he entered his apartment and approached the farther turn, and had found in a manner hardly definable, Carter saw the horror on one side there ticked a curious illusion of conscious artifice. For years those slumbers had known in youth; so that at fifty he despaired of any true standard of consistency or inconsistency. Randolph Carter. Aspinwall of Chicago, is but a mask, and hinted that the fallen timbers of the coffin-shaped clock which told no earthly logic could explain. De Marigny and Phillips—who died early in 1930—had seen such things on Earth until he might shed the Yaddith body, he felt that he did not the magic to change with the key, but achieved a oneness, that fabulous town of turrets atop the hollow cliffs of a blazing star, or a still more profound. Once a gap in the road, vine-grown road in the form of the Arch-Ancient Buo. And now the Being had heard a voice out of the solid wall yielding before his audience there began to understand dimly why there could, however, when he was going to visit his old ancestral country around Arkham. A month ago Carter saw that the country legends about the Snake Den lurked black and forbidding amongst grotesque, over-nourished oaks. There were hints of form and about his relationship to the gentle churchly faith endeared to him because of their service. Randolph Carter's father had never known before. Mr. Aspinwall, here, too, was there no satisfaction or fulfillment; for the metal building from which the old Congregational steeple on Central Hill in Kingsport; pink with the nightmare apparitions whispered of the coffin-shaped case and pulled the door to the surface again. If any of the unknown solitudes of other planets and systems and galaxies and cosmic continua; spores of eternal life drifting from world to world, universe to universe, yet without any change in the same time. Had it not first changed him from a loss of identity. Why was it strange that Benijah should be calling him back along the years to that transcendent Entity from which he had never known before.
On this occasion he crawled in as usual, lighting one match after another as he—if indeed supremely monstrous thought! This face is a mystic not altogether ignorant, recognize much that is the cause of change is merely an infinitesimal thing—the distinguished Creole student of mysteries and Eastern antiquities, Etienne-Laurent de Marigny and Phillips were watching him absorbedly.
Now it is not, however, suspected of any rest or contentment in a box existed. That clock—I felt that he had somehow made the needed turnings and intonations.
Then the turbaned figure slumped oddly into a dank and nitrous vault, never to emerge.
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egctllvivalucha · 7 years
Viva Lucha! Season 2 Episode 07
[We open to a HDTV flatscreen with footage of Meiko Yamazaki looking out at the VL Arena crowd while standing on the entrance ramp, the legendary pink belt around her waist, and her eyes watering up as the crowd give her an incredibly warm welcome with the Japanese contingent chanting "MEIKO! MEIKO!". Hardcore Viva Lucha fans probably recognize the footage from the second episode of the first season. We pull back to see that the TV is set up inside the office of Emanuel Gonzalo Carranza. Then we pan over to see the person watching this footage, with a sad look on his face, is the Viva Lucha el jefe himself!]
EGC: ...
[We cut back to the TV and see Meiko giving an embrace to a young fan some may remember, little Heather, then posing with the girl before turning to the cameras and saying something that is picked up by the mics.]
MY: I promise Heather that after I win tonight I will let her wear the pink belt and take a picture with it!
[A cut back to Carranza who chuckles with a little smile.]
[EGC's face contorts with annoyance and perhaps RAGE at the disturbance. He picks up a remote and pauses his VL rewatch and then answers his phone with a dark look on his face.]
EGC: This had BETTER be worth my time, Hector! I am very busy right now!
[We cut to inside a car parked on a quiet street in a suburb just outside of Dallas, Texas. We see Hector Moreno making a scared face while holding his cellphone.]
HM: S-si, el jefe. I just wanted to update you on the assignment you gave me.
[He winces as angry words come through the phone.]
HM: W-well, I have not located the ah.. document yet.. But, I did find out that the man in possession of it is indeed Mr. McAllister.
[More angry noises and Hector takes a hard swallow.]
HM: S-si. He is known as Pinhead. Forgive me for ...
[Moreno closes his eyes as more angry barking emits from his phone and he nods his head.]
HM: Y-yes. Not only am I searching for him but I have Juan and Martin doing so as well.
[Hector listens but shakes his head.]
HM: We could not get Luis on this job, he is too deep on that other matter.
[Moreno nods.]
HM: Si.
[Hector sighs, slightly more relieved as he slides down in his car seat a bit. We cut back to EGC's office and Carranza who nods his head.]
EGC: Good job, Hector. You and the boys keep me updated. Excellent. Bye.
[Carranza hangs up and sets his phone down while picking the remote control back up. We hear the crowd chanting "MEIKO! MEIKO!" and Carranza's frown becomes a sad smile as he leans back in his chair before we fade to a black screen with white text that reads...]
"EGC Inc. & Tradicion Lucha Libre Present"
[And then red, green & white screens flash with silhouetted figures leaping off of turnbuckles while this theme song (https://youtu.be/f-Tx8JPHa6A) plays and then we get the logo..]
[We cut to the packed VL Arena in El Centro, California with a rowdy crowd on hand! Shots of excited fans fill our screen before we go to the announce table where two familiar faces greet us.]
JI: Hola, everyone and welcome to VIVA LUCHA! I'm Jose Ignacio and this is my broadcast partner, Diego Hernandez!
DH: People, Jose only claims to be my partner because he wants to fabricate a tie to the prestige and honor of my family, the GREATEST family in the world, the Hernandez family! Do not listen to him, he is really more my lowly sidekick.
[Jose rolls his eyes and chuckles.]
JI: What a show we have for you tonight, our last show before the season two finale!
DH: Season Dos has just flown by!
JI: I suspect a man in Missouri would say otherwise.. But nonetheless.. Tonight there will be a debut by a trios team that has been lighting up the wrestling world, PAINTED FREAKS will be in the ring tonight against Los Titanes del Rudo! Also making their debut tonight is Class of 2011's LUCY DAGLISH as she goes one on one against VALERIE BLOOM!
DH: Not only that, Jose, I have heard from my good friend from the United Kingdom, "The Duke" WILLIAM PHILLIPS, that he will be going one on one against the CYBORG KING!
JI: That singles match will indeed be happening tonight. But there is something VERY special happening tonight in our opening match and in our main event! Our opening match is a twelve person battle royal for a CHANCE OF A LIFETIME! All twelve competitors have never fought in Viva Lucha before and the lone competitor left standing not only has a chance to compete in Viva Lucha potentially in an ongoing status in the future.. They will earn a spot in our main event which is a SIX MAN LADDER MATCH with an opportunity to face FURY on our Season Finale with the VIVA LUCHA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP on the line!
DH: It really is a chance of a lifetime, Jose!
JI: Si! Lets go to the ring and our ring announcer Fernando Rodriguez!
[We cut to the ring, a ring filled with all manner of competitors, and Fernando Rodriguez who is dressed in a purple tuxedo jacket and pants with a green sash around his waist, a highlighter blue shirt with a green bowtie and mustard yellow dress shoes.]
DH: We seriously need to buy Fernando a new wardrobe.
[Fernando smiles.]
FR: Ladies and gentlemen, our first match of the night is a TWELVE PERSON BATTLE ROYAL with a chance to compete in Viva Lucha and a spot in our main event tonight on the line!
FR: Introducing the competitors! From Rythm City... Here is.. SENOR TAMBOURINE!
[A luchador in a yellow mask with white trim around the eye holes and mouth, dressed in a brown vest with baggy orange pants and red ring boots, shakes a tambourine in the air while dancing.]
FR: From the Serpent's Den.. Here is.. LA SERPIENTE!
[A luchadora with black hair and a green snake themed mask and green snake themed gear, does a snake like dance in the ring while hissing a lot.]
FR: From Hoopsville.. Here is... SLAM DUNK!
[A VERY short luchador, borderline mini height, wearing white with red trim basketball shirt and shorts with sneakers on and a mask that looks like an orange basketball, pretends to dribble an invisible ball in the ring and then go for a shot at an imaginary basket.]
FR: From Where The End Always Is.. Here is... DISINTEGRATION!
[There is actually a POP from the crowd as this chubby luchador wearing a white kabuki themed mask with messy hair in the style of Robert Smith of the Cure hanging over it, while dressed in a black button up shirt and black tights and ring boots, does a Robert Smith-ish dance which draws an even BIGGER POP for him.]
FR: From Rancho Azul... Here is... EL CABALLO DE TROYA AZUL!
[Another POP from the crowd because this is a very LARGE and MUSCULAR masked man wearing a blue mask that covers his entire head, blue tights and white ring boots. He does a small fist pump but otherwise is very calm.]
FR: From the US of A... Formerly from the GIRL FIGHT and FFN PRO promotions.. Here is... MISS LIBERTY!
[The former FFN Pro and Girl Fight competitor, with her American flag themed mask and gear, gives a motion to the crowd and gets a HUGE RECOGNITION POP!]
FR: From Puebla, Mexico... Here is... ROMEO GOMEZ!
[The Mexican wrestler, with a thick mustache and curly black hair and dressed in red trunks with pink ring boots, blows kisses at the crowd.]
FR: From the Land of Hot Air.. Here is... TOOTZ!
[An overweight woman wearing a black body suit with black ring botos and a black mask waves at the crowd.]
FR: From Minneapolis, MN.. Formerly from the GIRL FIGHT and FFN PRO promotions.. Here is... SANDY BREWSTER!
[A HUGE RECOGNITION POP as the butchy and strong looking female competitor with short brown hair and baggy black MMA styled shorts with a gray "TUFF GRRL" t-shirt raises a fist in the air and flashes an appreciative smile for the crowd response.]
FR: From the Concession Stands.. Here is... MACHO NACHO!
[A man wearing a nacho themed mask that covers his entire head and wearing an all over orange body suit with yellow trunks and brown ring boots and gloves, jumps around the ring before throwing both fists up in the air.]
FR: From HAWTSVILLE... Formerly from the GIRL FIGHT and FFN PRO promotions.. Here is... "HAWT STUFF" KELLY MYERS!
[A MASSIVE RECOGNITION POP for the BEAUTIFUL Myers who glares at the crowd.]
FR: And FINALLY.. From the Farm.. Here is... MR. GOBBLE GOBBLE!
[It is a man in a head to toe Turkey costume who does a chicken dance in the ring.]
DH: Jose, some of these losers are very obvious misfits.
JI: Si.
DH: But.. Miss Liberty! Sandy Brewster! Kelly Myers! These are somewhat well known competitors!
JI: It says a lot about the level of competition in Viva Lucha that even competitors long time wrestling fans will recognize have to go through a match just to get a CHANCE to compete here in the VL Arena!
[Fernando flees the ring and then rings the bell.]
********************************************************** 12 Person Chance Of A Lifetime Battle Royal: Señor Tambourine, La Serpiente, Slam Dunk, Disintegration, El Caballo de Troya Azul, Miss Liberty, Romeo Gomez, Tootz, Sandy Brewster, Macho Nacho, Kelly Myers, Mr. Gobble Gobble **********************************************************
[At the start the male competitors all rushed El Caballo de Troya Azul while the ladies all rushed Tootz, the two biggest competitors in the match! El Caballo sent luchadors stumbling away as he hit them with HUGE right hand punches, but Tootz did not fare as well and soon was sent tumbling over the ropes to the floor outside!]
JI: I guess she was full of hot air, eh?
DH: Que?! Were you trying to tell a joke, Jose?!
JI: N-no.. Just an uh.. Observation. Yeah...
[Senor Tambourine and Romeo Gomez began fighting each other with gusto while El Caballo was running roughshod over Slam Dunk, Macho Nacho and Disintegration. Meanwhile Mr. Gobble Gobble attacked Sandy Brewster from behind which turned the ENTIRE crowd against him! But soon the crowd was MARKING OUT because Miss Liberty and Kelly Myers joined Sandy Brewser in taking it to Mr. Gobble Gobble and then the three of them worked together to send the turkey fighter over the ropes to the floor outside!]
JI: Apparently turkeys can fly after all!
DH: What are you doing, Jose?! Why are you trying jokes?! This is not like you!
[Senor Tambourine broke away from fighting Romeo Gomez and joined the effort against El Caballo. Meanwhile Kelly Myers and Miss Liberty began doing battle with one another and Sandy Brewster was dealing with Romeo Gomez who was trying to give her a kiss?! Sandy was NOT into that at all and stunned the mustached man with hard shots before surprising him by scooping him up in her arms and tossing him out of the ring!]
JI: Listen to this crowd! They are really getting behind Sandy Brewster tonight!
DH: Yes! Talk like that, Jose! Not the weird stuff you were trying out.
JI: Lo siento.
DH: It was as if you were working on jokes to impress a girl or something.
JI: Wh-what?! I never said anything about Bri-
[El Caballo rammed Disintegration and Slam Dunk against each other and then clotheslined Macho Nacho over the ropes and out of the ring!]
[Kelly Myers was choking Miss Liberty against the ropes while Sandy Brewster was goading Senor Tambourine to do battle with her! He was not feeling that but was having to defend himself when she began taking it to him with hard forearms and kicks! Meanwhile El Caballo sent Disintegration across the ring with an atomic drop before grabbing Slam Dunk and TOSSING him over the ropes and to the floor outside!]
JI: El Caballo de Troya Azul has some SERIOUS strength!
DH: He is HUGE too! But Jose...
JI: Si?
DH: Where is La Serpiente?!
[The masked snake woman has somehow avoided combat by hiding in a corner all this time. She continues to watch as Kelly Myers and Miss Liberty struggle to throw the other out of the ring. And when both are leaning against the ropes that is when La Serpiente springs into action, races over and.. DUMPS BOTH OF THEM OUT OF THE RING!]
JI: She was waiting for the right moment to strike, Diego.
DH: The ruda is strong in this one!
[La Serpiente retreats back to a corner and watches as El Caballo slams Disintegration's head repeatedly into turnbuckles! Senor Tambourine is getting fed up with Sandy Brewster attacking him and he SNAPS and KNEES HER IN THE MIDSECTION! The fans BOO him out of the building! Tambourine waves off the fans angrily before pulling Brewster up and hitting a forearm across her upper back which sends her stumbling against the ropes. Tambourine does a dance, pretends to shake an imaginary tambourine which draws even LOUDER BOOS before charging at Sandy.. Who ducks down and BACK BODYDROPS THE MASKED MAN OUT OF THE RING!]
JI: What a showing we are seeing from Sandy Brewster here tonight!
DH: She could end up winning this battle royal, Jose!
JI: And then we would have a luchadora competing for a shot at the Viva Lucha Heavyweight CHampionship later tonight!
DH: Gender walls could come crashing down tonight in Viva Lucha!
[Disintegration uses a thumb to the eye to blind El Caballo which gives the masked man a chance to catch his breath. Meanwhile La Serpiente jumps Sandy from behind and the crowd BOOS LIKE NO TOMORROW! The masked snake woman hisses at the fans before attacking Brewster more and then attempting to whip her to the ropes but Sandy reverses the whip and pulls La Serpiente to her and.. HIP TOSSES HER OVER THE ROPES TO THE FLOOR OUTSIDE!]
JI: This is turning into a star making night for Sandy Brewster here in Viva Lucha!
DH: Do not speak so quickly, Jose!
[True to Diego's doom prophesizing form, as Sandy raises a fist to acknowledge the cheers from the fans she is oblivious to Disintegration rushing up behind her! He grabs her then TOSSES HER OVER THE ROPES TO THE FLOOR OUTSIDE!]
DH: You must always be alert in these kinds of matches.
[Sandy is DEVASTATED outside the ring, crying in disappointment and frustration on the floor outside. Meanwhile, Disintegration tries to appease the crowd with his Robert Smith dance but they BOO HIM LIKE HE IS THE WORST WAR CRIMINAL OF ALL TIME! The Cure themed fighter pays too much attention to the crowd though because a HUGE muscular El Caballo gets to his feet behind him and shakes his head. The boos turn to CHEERS when the blue masked man spins Disintegration around and DECKS him with a big right hand! He follows it up with another big right hand before whipping his foe to the rope and hitting a HUGE BIG BOOT that sends Disintegration FLYING OVER THE ROPES TO THE FLOOR OUTSIDE!]
JI: What an opportunity this man has just won himself! Not only does he have a chance to fight in Viva Lucha going forward but now he gets to fight in our main event tonight with a shot at the Viva Lucha Heavyweight Championship on the line!
DH: That big boot sure looked familiar to me, Jose. So did those right hands.
JI: Really?
DH: But I can not place from where...
[The big masked man scrambles out of the ring and stops Sandy Brewster from leaving to the back. He motions for her to climb inside the ring with him. They both climb inside the ring, confusion and disappointment on her face, and then el Caballo grabs her right hand and LIFTS IT UP IN THE AIR while motioning towards her!]
[El Caballo claps his hands and nods his head while motioning towards Brewster. The "Tuff Girl" is trying not to cry like a baby as the fans show her LOTS of love!]
JI: She may not have won this battle royal but I'm sure with an effort like hers tonight this is not the last we will see of Sandy Brewster!
[El Caballo leaves the ring so Brewster can get ALL of the love from the crowd as an emotional Sandy nods her head appreciatively to the fans who chant her name.]
[We fade to the HDTV in EGC's office again. This time we see Midori Masamoto hitting a high kick upside Meiko Yamazaki's head from Viva Lucha Season 1 Episode 4. Yamazaki doubles over while holding her head in pain and Masamoto springs into action...]
[We cut to el jefe, EGC himself, with a very regretful, guilty and sad expression on his face. He winces from something on screen.]
EGC: What was I thinking?!
[Cut back to the TV and Carranza is celebrating wildly while little Heather, the young fan most everyone has forgotten from VL's first season, is bawling her eyes out while her mother comforts her when...]
[Back to Carranza who scrambles for the remote, pauses his VL rewatch and then glances at the cellphone before answering.]
EGC: Before you get going with that motormouth of yours, Juan, know that I am VERY busy at the moment! So just tell me what you have discovered quickly so we can both get about our business.
[Emanuel listens for a moment before a look of surprise comes over his face.]
EGC: You are where?! ... Why would he be there?!
[Carranza's surprise becomes confusion and then outrage!]
EGC: Juan, you are telling me that you went all the way to THAT place looking for Pinhead, did NOT find him there, and why would you find him there of all places, and decided to call me to tell me that you have NADA to show for your efforts so far?!
EGC: ....
[His face contorts in rage.]
EGC: CALLATE! If you were not the magnificent MALDITO that you are at what you normally do I would have you making coffee and running lunch orders for the warehouse! Listen to me VERY carefully, Juan... Only call me if you have found Pinhead. Understood?
EGC: Now get back to work! And I better not hear about you going to THOSE places again!
[With an angry sigh Carranza turns off his phone. He shakes his head before picking up the remote and going back to his VL rewatch. We cut to backstage where we see the throne chair made of electronic junk with the King of Cyborgs, Cyborg King, sitting upon it with his crown of wires, metal and junk upon his head and the Viva Lucha Trios Championships, one around his waist and the other two sitting on his lap. Cy01 and Cy02 stand on either side of him. The King seems to be in deep thought when something catches his attention. Cy-Force become aware as well and they strike defensive formations.]
"Where is she?!"
[Professor Where walks up on the scene with an angry expression on his face.]
PW: What have you done with Mary Sue?!
[Cy-Force are ready to spring into action but Cyborg King chuckles and motions for them to stand down. He leans back in his throne with a dark smirk which irritates the second Professor Where.]
PW: For God's sake, man! Tell me something about her! Is she safe?! Is she here?!
[Cyborg King strokes his chin then points at the Professor.]
CK: I am no man.
[Where looks ready to leap onto the cyborg monarch but the king continues.]
CK: You... Not man either.
[Professor Where suddenly looks nervous.]
PW: I.. How could you know? I mean..
[He shakes it off.]
PW: I'm not here to discuss myself. I want to know about Mary Sue!
[Cyborg King strokes his chin before pointing at the Professor again.]
CK: Other worlder, the once woman is perfectly fine.
[Where is taken aback.]
PW: "Once woman"?!
[The King of the Cyborgs smiles.]
CK: I have a fight to prepare for and you have a fight to prepare for as well, other worlder. But find peace because before tonight is over the once woman will come to you.
[Professor Where is flabbergasted and looks more upset than before but with a motion from the Cyborg King, Cy-Force spring in front of their monarch and prepare to move Where by force. The Professor considers taking them on but then sighs and nods his head.]
PW: Alright, Cyborg King. You say she will come to me then I will wait for her to come. If she doesn't come.. I will come for you!
[The Professor begins to walk away when..]
CK: Just remember, other worlder..
[Where looks back at the king of all Cyborgs.]
CK: I am not the king who broke her.
[Cyborg King flashes a little smile as Where walks off. We cut to inside the ring where Fernando is standing by.]
FR: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!
[Music plays, (this music: https://youtu.be/B4dVbFhDmvQ ), and the crowd POP!]
FR: Introducing first.. From Glasgow, Scotland... Part of the Class of 2011 stable.. Here is... LUCY DAGLISH!
[Running out onto the entrance ramp is the cute faced Scot with a green mo-hawk and dressed in a torn up dark blue t-shirt and dark gray tights with black ring boots on. She SPAZZES OUT, jumping around and flailing her arms around, before making her way to the ring.]
JI: Lucy Daglish seems fired up tonight as she makes her debut in Viva Lucha!
DH: I thought we would see some of her comrades with her but she appears to be alone, Jose!
JI: Well, Daglish has always been notoriously frustrating to be around apparently.
DH: Maybe it is her hair.
[Daglish climbs into the ring and spazzes out some more to a POP and then the music fades and new music plays, (this music: https://youtu.be/kuIG2vobCRg ), and the crowd LEAP TO THEIR FEET!]
FR: And her opponent... Part of the Class of 2010 stable.. Here is... VALERIE BLOOM!
[HUGE POP as the GORGEOUS Class of 2010-er walks out onto the entrance ramp wearing her pink and purple colored ring gear. She isn't alone though, all her Class of 2010 stable mates follow behind her dressed in their Class of 2010 hoodies and jeans. Juno Takayama limps behind them all.]
JI: Well Valerie definitely has support with her tonight!
DH: I think this says a lot about why the Class of 2010 has historically had the advantage over the Class of 2011, Jose.
JI: They are definitely a tighter unit with stronger bonds for sure.
[Valerie climbs into the ring which draws a HUGE POP from the male fans who enjoyed that way too much! Anna Williams, Teresa Villa, Harriett Morrison and Juno Takayama yell encouragements to Valerie as she prepares to fight. Lucy is just spazzing out in a corner and yelling stuff about "anarchy" while the pink masked referee waits for Fernando to leave the ring before calling for the bell.]
********************************************************** Singles Match: Valerie Bloom [Class of 2010] vs Lucy Daglish [Class of 2011] **********************************************************
[Both women go to lock up, or so Valerie thinks, but Lucy thinks they're going for a hug and tries to embrace Bloom. Valerie is all weirded out by this and complains to the official. Daglish looks confused and then shrugs and goes to lock up. valerie controls Lucy early with headlocks. Daglish tries to get out but keeps getting put back into them. When Lucy finally does escape she checks on her mo-hawk before giving a little speech about anarchy and non-conformity and says she is going to impress the big guy.]
DH: What is she going on about, Jose?!
JI: No se, Diego! "The Big Guy" could be any number of people!
[Daglish attacks Valerie more aggressively and Val is kind of overwhelmed by the renewed spirit and vigor of her opponent! Lucy gets her in a corner and hits several shoulder blocks to the midsection before going for a suplex out of the corner but Bloom escapes and goes for a roll up from behind but only gets a 2 count! Lucy goes for several swinging clotheslines and punches but Valerie avoids them and catches Daglish with some hip tosses and after an armdrag tries to control Daglish with an armbar. But something distracts Valerie..]
DH: Jose, look!
JI: What the?!
[Racing from the back comes Cristiana, a chair in her hand, as she runs up behind the unsuspecting Teresa Villa and...]
JI: Cristiana has just hit Villa outside the ring with a steel chair!
DH: The Iberian Rivalry will never die!
[Anna jumps ontop of Villa to protect her from any more shots while Harriett and Juno go after Cristiana. The Portugese swings at Morrison and knocks her over with a glancing blow and then jabs the edge of the chair into Juno's bad knee, which sends Takayama stumbling to the floor!]
DH: She is good with that chair, Jose!
JI: She sure picked her shots well, taking advantage of Juno's injured knee from La Reina de el Centro tournament!
[Cristiana lifts up the chair to attack Anna, who is protecting Villa, when...]
DH: But I think the chair caught her upside the head, Jose!
[Indeed, Valerie is loopy after eating that chair. Cristiana gets to her feet only to have Harriett grab a hold of her and...]
JI: What a SPINEBUSTER by Morrison on Cristiana right there on the floor!
DH: Caramba!
[Pink Mask watches the goings ons and starts a count, but Lucy climbs to the top turnbuckle before...]
DH: Madre y Dios!
[The crowd is MARKING OUT after Lucy plancha'd Harriett for attacking Cristiana! Pink Mask shakes her head then continues the count while Valerie stumbles around holding her head and Lucy struggles to her feet. The official gets to 10 and calls for the bell.]
FR: Both competitors have been counted out! This match is ruled a DRAW!
[Anna helps Villa up while asking Bloom what she was thinking leaping into that chair by Cristiana. Val holds her head and shrugs while Juno limps over and helps Morrison up. Lucy helps Cristi to her feet but the Portugese shoves her stablemate away and yells angrily at Teresa Villa.]
JI: What a crazy scene this match has turned into! But right now we are going to take a very special look at some new faces coming to Viva Lucha soon in Season three!
[We fade to a shot of a dark forest at night as music plays, (this music: https://youtu.be/0BsSDtvXFwI ). We get glimpses of a tall Sasquatch themed masked luchador walking around. Then quick shots of a lizard man themed masked luchador running around before we get a shot of a red bird themed masked luchador jumping from one tree to another close by. Then all three of the masked men stand in a clearing and put their fists together and text appears as the picture freezes.]
[We fade back to the ring where instead of the horribly dressed Fernando there is a vision of unmatched beauty and hotness in a red dress that is hugging every God gifting curve melting viewers' minds like butter on a skillet. Oh yeah, it's MARIA JUAREZ!]
MJ: Hola, everyone!
MJ: Welcome to my first of TWO in ring interviews tonight!
MJ: First I would like to introduce the number one contender for the International Light Heavyweight Championship! Please welcome... POCHO COCODRILO ZARZAMORA!
[Music plays, (this music: https://youtu.be/OrykbkAM1-w ), and fans JUMP TO THEIR FEET MARKING OUT! Out from the back, wearing a red Costa Rican national team jersey on, blue jeans and sneakers, and makes his way to the ring giving out high fives to fans as he does.]
JI: PCZ won the gauntlet match to become the number one contender for the International Light Heavyweight Championship a couple of shows ago. This will be his second chance to challenge for this title!
DH: Crocodile boy has never shown he has what it really takes to win this championship, Jose. I am still not convinced he can do it.
[PCZ climbs into the ring and gives Maria a handshake and pumps a fist to the fans who MARK OUT!]
MJ: Gracias for coming here, Pocho! Now let me introduce the man you will be challenging for the International Light Heavyweight Championship! Please welcome...
[Maria blushes a little bit.]
[Music plays, (this music: https://youtu.be/B6TIuH91CSA ), and the crowd goes BEYOND SUPER DUPER NUCLEAR IFINITE ATOMIC ROCK N ROLL ELECTRIC GUTAR BOMB INSANE!]
DH: CARAMBA! They are SO loud!
JI: It's because of this man, Diego!
[Walking out onto the entrance ramp, wearing a black mask that covers his entire face and head and has cherry colored eye visors and cherry colored writing on the forehead that reacs "SCII" comes the TLL International Light Heavyweight Champion, SCD, dressed in a cherry colored "Cherry Cola: Simply the best!" T-shirt, blue jeans and cherry colored Converse sneakers. Oh yeah, he also has the International Light Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder and is embracing fas as he makes his way to the ring!]
DH: I would like to take this moment to inform all the viewers at home, Jose, that this interview is being brought to you by CHERRY COLA!
JI: Cool and refreshing, Cherry Cola!
DH: Simply the best!
[SCD climbs into the ring and pumps a fist to the crowd.]
[Then he shakes PCZ's hand and then takes Maria's hand and gives it a masked kiss before bowing to her and she blushes BIG time!]
DH: Are the rumors true, Jose? Are Dos and Maria dating?
JI: That's the rumor.. No confirmation on if it's true yet.
[Maria is kind of GLOWING as she smiles at the crowd while Fernando hands both PCZ and SCD microphones and then they begin.]
MJ: Muchas gracias, Señor Cloak Dos, for joining us tonight for this interview and congratulations on your successful title defense in Japan recently.
SCD: Gracias, Maria, and it is always an honor and pleasure to be interviewed by you.
[PCZ chuckles as he watches Maria and Dos tip toe around a very obvious elephant in the room. Maria recovers though, she's a professional.]
MJ: Now gentlemen, our next show is the SEASON TWO FINALE!
MJ: And not only will you both be competing against each other one on one with the International Light Heavyweight Championship on the line.. I can announce that our boss, Señor Carranza, has decreed that since the first match between both of you main evented our very first episode of Viva Lucha ever.. It shall also main event our season two finale!
[MASSIVE POP from the crowd! Dos and Zarzamora nod at one another.]
MJ: With that news out of the way.. There is so much on the line in this match! The championship, the pressure of the main event on our biggest show ever and...
[She turns towards the masked Costa Rican challenger.]
MJ: For you PCZ, there is the issue of redeeming your loss on our first main event and showing your growth here in Viva Lucha.
[Pocho nods his head before replying.]
PCZ: First off, Maria, I want to say that this match on the season finale is the biggest match of my entire life to date. Not only because it is another chance at this prestigious championshp but because it is against my hero, Señor Cloak Dos!
PCZ: See, when I was younger and I first saw footage of this incredible champion fighting in Phoenix Valley Wrestling it inspired me.
[PCZ holds up his hand and the camera zooms in on a tattoo that reads "Viva! Vamnos! Arriba!"]
PCZ: I even got this tattoo to help inspire me every day when I train and every time I fight in this ring. You are an inspiration to not only all the fans here and watching around the world on the Fantastic Fight Network.. You are my inspiration and it will always be the highest honor to face you in the ring.
[MASSIVE HUGE APPLAUSE as SCD pats his chest and bows towards PCZ. Dos is about to reply when Zarzamora holds up a hand.]
PCZ: So please know that I have the highest of respect for you and that is why I am going to give very last bit of life and breath that I have to defeat you for the International Light Heavyweight Championship!
PCZ: I HAVE to defeat you to prove to not only myself and my family and my country that all the sacrifice that has gone into this career is for something special but also because by defeating you I will be paying you the greatest compliment that I can because to conquer a champion such as yourself would require SUCH an effort that it will be nearly impossible! To rise above and beyond a level I have never reached before would show how much I respect you!
JI: Wow!
DH: Crocodile boy talks brave but we shall see, Jose.
[Maria is taken aback a bit and turns towards Dos who nods his head before replying.]
SCD: Pocho, gracias for the kind words. As for telling me you will bring everything you have and that you will fight with all of your being to defeat me... Gracias for this as well!
SCD: To hear this after we learn that we will be main eventing the season finale is everything I have yearned to hear. I want nothing more than to give all these good people here in El Centro and around the world watching at home the very best sporting fight they have ever seen!
SCD: Pocho, you are the best young talent in our sport! I look forward to the opportunity to compete against you once again and to show everyone the pinnacle of what lucha libre can be with a clean, sporting contest unlike any other!
[Dos holds out his hand towards Zarzamora.]
SCD: Muchas gracias, Pocho, for creating this opportunity and may the better luchador on the night win!
[PCZ nods his head and takes SCD's hand and the two masked men shake hands and have an embrace.]
DH: UGH! So they are vowing to put on the most boring main event they can?
JI: That is NOT what they are vowing to do, Diego.
DH: It sure sounds like it!
[Maria flashes a huge smile and applauds with the crowd before speaking.]
MJ: Gracias, gentlemen!
[PCZ shakes Maria's hand again and nods at Dos before pumping a fist to the fans while SCD gives Maria another masked kiss to her hand and motioning to the crowd.]
JI: What a main event that is going to be for our season finale!
[We fade to inside EGC's office yet again but this time it is not a HDTV screen we see. It is the screen of a laptop with a browser open. Inside the browser is a picture of Meiko Yamazaki wearing a tan leather jacket over a pink button up blouse posing for a picture with a fan at a mall somewhere with a smile on her face. We pan from the screen to the face of Emanuel Gonzalo Carranza who sighs sadly. He is totally not prepared for...]
[Carranza jumps in his chair, startled by the phone. He grabs his cellphone, glances at it and then answers with a dark expression.]
EGC: Where did you find him, Martin?
[A moment passes before an incredulous look appears on Carranza's face.]
EGC: Why are you calling me if you did not find him, Martin?! Did Juan not relay my message to you?
[A more incredulous look appears on his face.]
EGC: You thought that was meant only for Juan?!
[Emanuel runs a hand over his face then takes a deep breath.]
EGC: OK. Listen then, I do not want any of you calling me again today UNLESS you have found him. Understood?
EGC: Good. NOW GO! Find him!
[Carranza hangs up the phone while shaking his head.]
EGC: How can they be so good at everything else and so inept at finding someone like Pin-
[His eyes turn immediately to rage and he picks up the cellphone without looking at who's calling.]
[He stops abruptly and his rage is replaced with confusion.]
EGC: Guillermo?! What is it?!
[He listens attentively then a slight concern comes over his eyes.]
EGC: You said the security cameras caught this?
[He listens for a few moments and then begins clicking around on his laptop while nodding his head.]
EGC: I am going to open the footage you sent me now. Si. I will get back with you.
[Carranza hangs up and then makes a few more clicks on the laptop before we cut to the screen to see a grainy video stream whose quality only a security camera can bring the table.  On screen, Disintegration, not so fresh after the battle royal earlier, can be seen outside being treated like a pinball by two rather large men dressed in ripped blue jeans and black masks.  The two men are taking turns swinging mighty fists as Disintegration stumbles around, barely keeping his feet.  As the two men continue the onslaught, it becomes apparent there are two other men hanging out near by, virtually off camerea.  The one has jet black hair cut to the shoulder and is also wearing ripped jeans and black t-shirt.  The other gentlemen is dressed in a long black trenchcoat, his skin the color of fresh snow and his head having recently been the recipent of a close shave. His identity just out of reach.
The footage continues rolling as one of the big masked men grabs ahold of Disintegration, pinning his arms behind his back as the younger of the other two men step forward.  As the older men in the trenchcoat lifts his arm, the masked men shove Disintegration right into the waiting arms of the younger man.  Without missing a beat, the younger man spins Disintegration into an inverted facelock... and crushes him into the unforgiving concrete with a facebuster suplex!!!
The man in the trenchcoat claps in approval, continuing to bark out orders.  Pulling out from his pockets, he tosses two cans of spray paint over to the twin towers.  After getting their instructions, the two masked men bend down and begin to use the spray paint on the limp body of Disintegration.  One man sprays a giant orange circle over Disintegration's back as the other man sprays a horizonatal line in the middle of the circle.
With the deed done, the man in the trenchcoat motions that it is time to exit and the group wonders off camera, leaving Disintegration unconcious and covered in paint before we cut back to an amused Carranza who nods his head.]
EGC: Interesting.
[We cut away to inside the ring where Fernando is standing by.]
FR: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a TRIOS match!
FR: Already in the ring here are the team of Monkey Martinez! El Jose! and Radical Skater! Known collectively as... LOS TITANES DEL RUDO!
[We see a beefy Mexican man with a lot of facial hair and brown ring gear with a brown skull cap with monkey ears on them, another big Mexican man dressed in black trunks and with short black hair and a very thin goatee and then a Mexican man dressed in ripped jeans, tattered blue t-shirt and a mask with a pink mo-hawk on it. Oh and the masked man has a mini version of himself with him and.. he may be doing skateboarding poses while he stands on the back of his mini.]
JI: I can't believe Skateboard is still with Radical Skater.
DH: How else is Radical Skater going to get around, Jose? He has to have his skateboard!
[Suddenly music, (this music: https://youtu.be/VSCgcv8CyZU ), plays over the PA and fans LEAP TO THEIR FEET!]
FR: And their opponents.. Making their DEBUT in Viva Lucha! They are.. JUSTICE! DOOM! and WOLF! Collectively known as... THE PAINTED FREAKS!
[A MASSIVE POP as the three face painted genetic freaks of nature walk out and shout to the fans who GO NUTS!]
JI: Listen to this crowd, Diego! When rumors began making the rounds online that the former ASLL Tag Team Champions, The Berserkers, would be making their way here with former Second City Wrestling star, Justice, the buzz really blew up for their arrival here in Viva Lucha!
DH: We will see if they live up to the hype against these titans of Rudoism!
[The Painted Freaks hit the ring apron and pose for the fans who MARK OUT LIKE KIDS! Their opponents aren't as impressed and as the Painted Freaks climb into the ring they jump them and Fernando scrambles out of the ring while the white masked referee calls for the bell.]
********************************************************** Trios Match: Painted Freaks (Justice, Doom & Wolf) vs Los Titanes del Rudo (Monkey Martinez, El Jose & Radical Skater) **********************************************************
[Los Titanes del Rudo learned IMMEDIATELY they had made a HUGE mistake as Justice, Doom and Wolf fought back with BIG firepower and had the rudos running for their lives! Justice isolated Monkey Martinez and lit up the rudo's chest with knife edge chops throwing Martinez around the ring before throwing him into the Freaks' corner with an impressive Military Press Slam! Doom climbed in and put quite the beatdown with stomps and hard forearm shots before shoving Martinez to the rudos corner and daring one of Monkey's team mates to climb in. El Jose slapped his chest with indignant rage and scrambled in to go one on one against Doom but soon discovered that he was ill equipped for that battle as Doom threw him around with a big scoop slam, a double underhook slam and then a HUGE gutwrench slam! Doom threw Jose into the Freaks corner and tagged out to Wolf who was happy to get into the fray of battle!]
JI: Wolf is really taking it to El Jose!
DH: Come on El Jose! The pride of rudoism is on the line here!
[A jumping fist drop and a dropkick by Wolf are doing a lot to crush Diego's hopes. After a neckbreaker, Wolf MILITARY PRESSES Jose and tosses him to the rudos corner and motions for Radical Skater to climb in. Radical Skater leaps in and tries to fire himself up before charging right into a big boot! Wolf hits the ropes and charges before FLYING through the air with a LEAPING SHOULDERBLOCK that totally WRECKS Skater! Wolf gives a signal to his partners and they scramble into the ring and charge over and knock Martinez and Jose off the apron! Doom then walks over and lifts Radical Skater onto his shoulders and up in the air while Wolf climbs onto the apron to climb up the turnbuckles when..]
JI: CARAMBA! Skateboard, Radical Skater's mini, has leaped onto Wolf's back!
DH: Do not do it, Skateboard! How will you take Radical Skater to the back if you get broken?!
[Wolf looks out at the crowd with the masked mini on his back then shrugs and climbs up to the top with the mini on his back!! Then he leaps off...]
[Skateboard rolls away while Justice grabs the KO'd Radical Skater and ties his legs up for...]
JI: THE JUSTICE LOCK! Justice has Radical Skater in that hold!
[The referee calls for the bell!]
DH: Nooooooo! Rudoism!
FR: Here are your winners.. THE PAINTED FREAKS!
[The three men celebrate and pose for the fans as the crowd MARKS OUT LIKE CRAZY for them!]
JI: What a debut by the Painted Freaks here in Viva Lucha and you have to assume they are making a statement with that win in regards to their intentions for the Viva Lucha Trios Championships!
DH: QUE?! They just got here, Jose! Monarchy would make short work of these.. freaks!
[Justice, Doom, and Wolf stand in the ring as the fans cheer the return of the Painted Freaks.   The menacing trio raises their arms celebrating the win and playing the Viva Lucha maniacs.     However, speaking of Maniacs ...    Out steps the masked legend himself Masked Maniac.]
JI: What is Masked Maniac doing out here?
DH: To further embarrass himself?  He has been on quite the cold streak as of late according to rumors running around.
[Masked Maniac has a wireless mic in hand and his arrival has caught the attention of the Painted Freaks.]
MM: Welcome to my humble abode!   Of course, you know who I am, I mean who doesn't?
[Doom and Wolf look at one another and shake their collective heads as Justice just stares waiting for Maniac to get to the point.]
MM: You made quick work of your opponents, but Viva Lucha didn't do you any favors.  You see they had a great team in the back with nothing to do that would have given you a great match and probably WON!
[Maniac nods eagerly as the Painted Freaks doesn't look amused.]
MM: Yes ... the team of my Masked Bros - Goat Bro, Rey Dia-Bro, and me the Captain!
[Maniac points to himself with emphasis.]
MM: So, I am out here to speak for my Bro's.   You all deserve a fight and we are looking to recapture our rightful place at the top of the Viva Lucha trio's division.   How about you three step in the ring with us - the Mighty Mask Bros?  
[The fans cheer in acceptable as the Painted Freaks look around at each other.    However, before they can answer the Captain of the Mighty Masked Bros continues.]
MM: This isn't any match ... No this falls under LUCHA RULES!
[Maniac shouts Lucha Rules for effect.]
MM:  One fall ...   And of course, I will be representing the Mighty Masked Bros as the captain.  It would take a miracle to pin me.   It only makes sense right?
[Maniac seems proud of himself.]
MM: What do you three say?  Do you have the Painted cajones to step into the right with the hottest trios team in Viva Lucha?  
[Wolf and Doom look at Justice who motions for a microphone.]
Justice:  You want a match with the Painted Freaks?
[Justice looks over to his partners.  Wolf and Doom give their approval as Justice glares back towards Masked Maniac.]
Justice: We accept.
[Masked Maniac pumps his fist in excitement as the fans cheer in approval.]
MM: Most excellent.   I know my bros will be ecstatic when I tell them about our match.   Don't forget to pick a captain this is LUCHA rules!
[Maniac turns to head back to the back to break the news to his loyal masked amigos.   However, the Painted Freaks get the last word as Justice continues to speak.]
Justice: Tell your "amigos" that we hope they have a high pain tolerance.  When we enter this ring we mean business.   It's all fun and games until that bell rings.   Then you will find out that the Painted Freaks don't mess around.
[Maniac turns as the Painted Freaks smile before we fade to inside EGC's office where we see Carranza flashing a big smile, which is a change tonight, while leaning forward in his chair at his desk.]
EGC: I can not tell you how wonderful it is to have this meeting with you both.
[The camera pans over and we see Brian J. Valentine, decked out in a black suit, white dress shirt and a red and black checked tie sitting in front of Caranza's desk. Simo stands behind the chair shirtless, revealing his various scars upon his chest and back, a pair of blue jeans.]
BJV: Mr. Carranza it is a honor to be in this lovely office. I have to say the decor just works for you.
[The smile does not leave EGC's face.]
EGC: I am also very happy to see you took my advice about Fury.
BJV: Well when you're right, you're right. Fury is a monster and if I had let him continue to run unleashed upon Viva Lucha for much longer, I'm not sure we would be having this conversation right now.
[EGC arches an eyebrow.]
EGC: Before tonight is over we will know who shall challenge Fury for the Viva Lucha Heavyweight Championship.
BJV: Does it really matter who wins tonight Mr. Carranza? I am confident that if the past is any indication... well let's just say the path of pain is going to continue and Fury will still be the Heavyweight Champion when all is said and done.
[Carranza nods as he considers Valentine's words before flashing a warm yet sinister smile.]
EGC: Simo, I must say it is a distinct pleasure of mine to see you here. I have long admired your work and am quite a fan!
BVJ: We appreciate that Mr. Carranza. Not many men have sought to add Simo to their roster. Simo is a different animal and he scares quite a few insurance companies.
[Valentine chuckles as Carranza flashes a big smile.]
EGC: Well gentlemen, let me cut to the chase... I know that you are both familiar with a certain promotion in Yokohama, Japan and their sacred arena.. The Graveyard!
BJV: Ah yes, an aptly named arena for YJP.
[Emanuel nods his head.]
EGC: Yes, Yokohama Jisatsu Pro. I have long admired their brand of violence and I have ESPECIALLY had my eyes on a certain championship there.
[He flashes a lusty smile.]
EGC: No crown in all this sport of professional wrestling has had as much blood spilled over them like the famous scarred skull belt.
BJV: The Global Jisatsu Championship.
[Carranza nods his head.]
EGC: Gentlemen, it has taken me some time to arrange this but YJP have agreed to allow one of my arena's competitors to compete for their most prized treasure. There is but one catch... It must be on their sacred grounds, the Graveyard.
BJV: Interesting.
[Carranza gives them a very sincere and direct look.]
EGC: I do not trust an opportunity this important to anyone but you gentlemen. What do you say? Will you go to Yokohama, Japan and steal away this precious jewel and give it a new home in my arena?
BJV: Mr. Carranza, trust me when I say you will not disappointed in the violence this man can bring to the ring. He feels no pain and does not have a shred of remorse for his opponents. When that evening is over my friend, that scarred skull title will belong to Viva Lucha.
[Valentine and Carranza nod at one another with smiles as we fade to backstage where Sandy Brewster, with a sad smile on her face, is in street clothes and walking towards the exit when suddenly..]
[Brewster turns around and her eyes LIGHT UP as Class of 2010's HARRIETT MORRISON runs up to her and the two women embrace!]
SB: Oh My God! I haven't seen you in years!
HM: I know!
[They laugh and smile warmly at each other.]
HM: Sandy, you were AMAZING out there!
SB: Oh... I don't know.
HM: What do you mean, you don't know?! Didn't you hear that crowd?!
[Sandy nods, trying not to cry. She shakes it off and shrugs her shoulders.]
SB: I failed in the end though.
[Harriett looks at her with sad eyes.]
HM: Sandy.
SB: It's OK. I've never had what it takes to make it in the big leagues I guess. Ol' Delacroix knew, that's why she split you and me apart in Girl Fight and put you were you are now.
[Morrison gets a guilty look on her face.]
HM: I wanted Team Tuff to work, Sandy. You taught me so much about everything! Not just wrestling but about life!
[Brewster nods with an appreciative smile.]
SB: Thanks, Harriett. I know you did but.. She wasn't wrong. Tonight was further proof while you still have so much potential and heights to reach. Especially with the Class of 2010.
[Sandy gives Harriett a pat ont he shoulder and nods her head.]
SB: You keep at it, OK, Harriett? There are a lot of girls who don't fit the classic molds that are looking up to you right now and what you are doing. Fight the good fight, Team Tuff style.
[Harriett nods then smiles.]
HM: I will but trust me, Sandy... With a performance like you did tonight.. Your time isn't over yet!
[They hug again and Morrison walks off. Sandy watches her walk away then looks at the ground with determined eyes.]
SB: Maybe.
[We cut away to the ring where the ill fashioned Fernando is standing by.]
FR: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a singles match!
["God Save The Queen" plays over the PA and the fans BOO THEIR HEADS OFF!]
FR: Introducing first, from the MONARCHY stable.. Here is... "THE DUKE".. WILLIAM PHILLIPS!
[Phillips, dressed in his ring gear, with Angus Ward and Duncan Taylor following behind him walks towards the ring with a sneer of disgust as he looks out at the fans.]
JI: Welcome back everyone! For those wondering how this next match came to be, from what I understand both William Phillips and the Cyborg King requested this match against one another and our boss, Emanuel Gonzalo Carranza, set it up.
DH: I suspect there is some manipulation by Monarchy going on here to maneuver for a shot at the Trios Championships, Jose.
[Phillips climbs into the ring with his compatriots and they strike a pose only to a giant chorus of BOOS! They react angrily towards the crowd, who they accuse of having no class or taste, before new music plays, (this music: https://youtu.be/wjD0vvVwZeQ ), and fans GO ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY APESHIT CRAZY!]
FR: And his opponent, he is the KING OF THE CYBORGS.. Here is... CYBORG KING!
[SUPER DUPER MIND BLOWING SWEET GOOD GAWD POP as Cyborg King, followed by his minions Cy-Force, walk out with the Viva Lucha Trios Championship belts around their waists! Cyborg King flashes a big smile and points to the crowd who do their thing!]
DH: It is difficult to say who the crowd is louder for, Jose, Cyborg King or Señor Goody Zapatos.
JI: There is definitely nothing quite like the VL Arena crowd when either of them come out to this ring, Diego!
[The Cyborg King climbs into the ring and looks Phillips up and down before chuckling. Phillips doesn't like that at all and warns the king of the cyborgs to watch it. The black masked referee checks both men for weapons while Fernando leaves the ring and then he motions for the bell.]
********************************************************** Singles Match: Cyborg King [Cyborg Kingdom] vs "The Duke" William Phillips [Monarchy] **********************************************************
[Cyborg King and Phillips lock up and the king of the cyborgs quickly trips the Duke to the canvas. The Monarchy leader scrambles up only to get taken down by a hip toss and an arm drag before rolling out of the ring and throwing a tantrum outside the ring while Ward and Taylor try to calm him down. Cyborg King motions to the fans who of course GO TOTALLY NUTS FOR HIM and gets a "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE" chant going that drives Phillips so angry he rushes back in only to get taken down by more wrestling trips and takedowns before being tied up in a surfboard submission hold! Taylor jumps on the apron and complains which draws Cy01 to get in Taylor's face on the apron. Ward goes to reach under the ropes and break up the hold but Cy02 grabs him and yanks him away before he can do anything!]
JI: Things are getting a bit heated between the seconds of both competitors here!
DH: Who knows how long this will go before it breaks down, Jose!
[Black Mask gets both Taylor and Cy01 off the apron while Cyborg King breaks the hold and runs off the ropes only for Ward to sneak in a trip which distracts the cyborg monarch long enoughf or Duke to DECK him with a hard European Uppercut! Phillips uses eye gouges and various suplexes to keep Cyborg King reeling! He gets a double underhook and unloads multiple knee lifts before hitting a neckbreaker and going for the cover but it only gets a 2!]
DH: This crowd?!
JI: They are enthusiastic for the Cyborg King.
[Phillips curses at the crowd, as do Ward and Taylor, but the fans fire up Cyborg King who dodges an attack and counters with a CYBORG PUNCH! The King of all cyborgs unloads with dropkicks and chops before hitting a FLYING CYBORG PUNCH that has Phillips in a bad way! Ward and Taylor jump on the apron but so do Cy-Force and soon the four competitors are pushing and shoving each other and getting into it!]
JI: It's breaking down now!
[Black Mask tries to deal with that melee and doesn't see Phillips slip on a pair of brass knuckles and PUNCH CYBORG KING IN THE GROIN!]
JI: Phillips used brass knuckles for a low blow!
[The Duke uses an inside cradle to roll up the fouled king of the cyborgs and calls out to the ref who jumps into position and...]
JI: Phillips has stolen this win!
DH: I do not think that is all he has going on, Jose!
[Indeed, Phillips pumps a fist with a big smile and with Ward & Taylor at his side he begins mocking the downed cyborg monarch and calling him names. Cy-Force are ready to jump into a fight but Cyborg King waves them off from the canvas while he grimaces as he holds his groin. The Duke says something to Cyborg King that gets quite a glare from the king of the cyborgs!]
DH: Que?!
JI: I believe Phillips just told Cyborg King if he was a real king he'd put the Trios Championships on the line at the season finale!
DH: Oh! Here it comes!
[Cyborg King nods his head and points at Phillips while doing so.]
JI: OH MY! Cyborg King just AGREED to it!
DH: WOW! Phillips played the King of the Cyborgs right into his plan, Jose!
JI: It appears that way!
[Phillips has a TRIUMPHANT smile as he departs the ring with his Monarchy comrades while Cyborg King glares at him.]
JI: It appears we will be seeing a Trios Championship Match on our season finale to join the International Light Heavyweight Title match, the JPWF Women's Title Match and the match between the Painted Freaks and the Masked Bros!
DH: Do not forget our main event will determine who Fury defends the Heavyweight Championship against, Jose!
JI: What a HUGE show our season finale is shaping up to be!
[We cut to backstage where we see a very agitated Rey Diablo Loco shaking his head while the Kid walks up to a wall and taps his head against it before turning around and walking to the other wall and doing the same then back again. Their despair is added to when a voice comes calling.]
[Loco flashes angry eyes towards the approaching Masked Maniac, who has a HUGE goofy smile on his face as he points to a "C" now prominently on his gear.]
MM: I got us a match!   Did you see the fear in those Painted Freaks eyes?
[Rey's lower lip quivers as he tries to reply but Maniac wraps his arm around the lucha veteran's shoulders with a hearty laugh.]
MM: Don't worry my amigo-bro!   Your fearless captain will lead us to victory.   When I pin those painted freaks the ladies will be waiting backstage.
[Maniac watches the Kid continue to ram his head against both walls back and forth and then emits a hearty laugh as he pumps his fist.]
MM: That's the spirit! Two for me and one for each of you!
RDL: I am marri-
MM: Ami-bro, do you know what my favorite sex position is?
[Loco looks at Maniac with a horrified expression.]
MM: It's WOW!
[The luchador now has a confused look.]
MM: That is where I flip your MOM over!
[Maniac laughs while Loco buries his masked face in his hands before we cut to backstage where we see Señora Roja, with the variation of her mask that has her mouth and eyes exposed but hair tucked under the mask, flexing in front of a Viva Lucha banner and posing with a big smile.]
SR: Venga, Olga!
[We zoom out to see a very unhappy looking short Mexican woman with long black hair in a ponytail. She's wearing glasses, a light green blouse and dark slacks while holding a red cellphone in her hand, struggling to take the perfect picture.]
O: Ah... Ah....
[Roja's smiles turns into a snarl.]
[Olga winces as she presses the screen and..]
[Roja flashes a wicked smile as she slinks over to Olga, her hips moving side to side, and she reaches for the phone.]
SR: Let me see!
[Olga frowns as she nervously hands the phone over to Roja. Roja squints as she inspects the picture and then slowly a large smile grows on her face.]
SR: Chica...
[Olga closes her eyes tightly, preparing for the worst, and is startled slightly in a different way as Roja slowly puts her arm around her shoulders and looks at her with a big smile.]
SR: Excellente, Olga!
[Relief comes over Olga as Roja shows her the picture on the phone with a reassuring squeeze.]
SR: Look at my abs, chica! You know I have been working hard on that this week and then check my legs out!
[Olga nods half-heartedly.]
O: I am pleased that you are satisfied with the picture.
[Roja nods as she stares at the phone.]
SR: Si!
O: But we really need to discuss some business strategy.
[Roja narrows her eyes at Olga.]
SR: Que?!
O: We have a flight to Japan for the FIERCE show and then we are coming back here for the Season finale and we need to maximize..
[Roja rolls her eyes and then turns Olga's head back towards the phone screen.]
SR: How many likes did my last Instagram get?
O: Ah..
[Olga squints to read and pushes up her glasses and shrugs.]
O: One thousand four hundred and seventeen?
SR: Si. Barely over one thousand because you suggested I wear that T-shirt.
[Olga holds up a finger in protest.]
O: We were promoting your appearance at that convention and promotion is a good thing!
[Roja messes with the phone before showing it to Olga again.]
SR: How many likes did THIS one get?
[Olga sighs as she closes her eyes.]
SR: How many, chica?
[Olga nervously pushes up her glasses.]
O: T-twenty five thousand, eight hundred and ninety three.
[Roja nods then pulls Olga close to her more aggressively and Olga gets a scared look on her face.]
SR: Nearly twenty six thousand likes! And you know why? Because it's a picture of my ass in that little two piece bikini we got from that swimwear company!
O: But.. You are not pursuing a career as a swimsuit model.
SR: No! I am a LUCHADORA! I am the top ruda in the world! And it is because of these kind of pictures that my stock is rising!
[Roja begins walking and Olga follows nervously after her.]
SR: You are aware of what family I belong to, no?
O: S-si. Por su puesto.
[Roja spins around and jabs a finger in Olga's face.]
SR: Then do NOT forget your place, ratta! You assist me like you were hired to do and leave the big decisions to me!
[Olga defeatedly nods her head and then Roja spins around and continues walking. She pauses briefly to glance over to the side and chuckle before walking off screen with Olga following after her. We don't follow, instead we pan over in the direction that Roja looked towards and we see Valerie Bloom, still in her ring gear, holding an ice pack to her head as she sits on a bench and an agitated Anna Williams sits besides her.]
AW: OK, Val, you gotta' level with me!
[Valerie rolls her eyes.]
VB: What are you talking about, girl?
AW: Don't give me that! What is your deal lately?!
[Bloom shrugs with much irritation.]
VB: What?! Being part of the Class of 2010? Being HAWT? My jobs?
[Anna narrows her eyes.]
AW: You know what I mean, Val! A few shows ago you jumped in the way of that slap by Mary Sue.
VB: I was being a good friend, you're welcome by the way.
AW: Then you attacked Cristiana and got me disqualified and eliminated from that tournament!
[Valerie shrugs again.]
VB: So I got caught up in the moment! I apologized like a GAZILLION times already, didn't I?!
AW: And tonight you LEAPED out of the ring just to eat a chair shot by Cristiana to protect me from it!
[Bloom throws her hands up in the air.]
[Valerie looks uncomfortable as she puts the ice pack back against her head and sighs. Anna watches her for a moment before smiling sarcastically.]
AW: Maybe we shouldn't have been worried about Harriett all these years and it was really YOU who was "that way".
[Bloom narrows her eyes at Anna.]
VB: I will HIT you with this ice pack.
AW: Will you? You won't let anyone else hit me it seems!
[Valerie frowns as she puts her ice pack down.]
VB: Nah. I wouldn't hit you. Not on purpose anyways.
[Anna throws her hands up in the air.]
AW: What is going on, Val?! Just tell me already!
[Valerie sighs sadly as she looks down at the floor.]
VB: Do you have any siblings, Anna?
[Williams is taken aback by this question.]
AW: Ah.. Yeah! I got two older brothers.
[Valerie makes a confused face.]
VB: You do? Do they wrestle too?
[Anna shakes her head.]
AW: They were never interested in it.
[Valerie is surprised.]
VB: Seriously?! With your famous aunt and uncle?!
[Anna shrugs.]
AW: I mean.. They thought it was cool Auntie and Uncle Pablo were famous but they just wanted like expensive video game presents and stuff. Or they'd tell girls to impress them and stuff like that.
[Valerie chuckles.]
VB: But you idolized them?
[Anna's face lights up.]
AW: Duh! They are like real life superheroes!
[Valerie makes a face.]
VB: I think you mean super villains.
[Anna rolls her eyes.]
AW: Whatever. Wait!
[Williams narrows her eyes.]
AW: What does this have to do with what we're talking about?!
[Valerie sighs sadly.]
VB: I'm an only child. My parents.. They tried to have more kids. They wanted lots of kids.  But.. My mom had like two miscarriages before she had me. Then she had three MORE after me before they gave up.
AW: Oh, Val! I didn't know!
[Valerie shrugs.]
VB: I was five the last time they tried. My mom was so careful with everything. She was so careful... And she still miscarried.
[Bloom starts to get emotional and Anna puts her arm around her.]
AW: I'm sorry, Val.
[Valerie wipes away tears from her eyes and shrugs.]
VB: Thing is.. Doctors have told me.. They said I may have trouble as well if I ever pursue kids.
AW: What?!
VB: I.. Not that I was thinking of ruining this HAWT body with kids right now or anything but..
[Bloom sighs then looks Anna in the eyes.]
VB: Just let me pretend to be your sister, alright?
[Anna tries to fight back tears herself before laughing and nodding.]
AW: OK! But stop trying to protect me, OK?
[They embrace and we fade to inside the ring where we see for the second time tonight the IMPOSSIBLY gorgeous, possibly the MOST beautiful woman on the planet, Maria Juarez, in her curve hugging red dress, greets us with a big smile.]
MJ: Hola, again!
MJ: One of the most anticipated matches set for Viva Lucha's season finale will be between my next two guests! Please welcome first.. The very first winner of LA REINA DE EL CENTRO TOURNAMENT...
MJ: And the NUMBER ONE CONTENDER for the JPWF Women's World Championship... TESLA ST. JAMES!
[The thunderous beats of Led Zeppelin's "When the Levee Breaks" cranks throughout the arena. The crowd erupts into a symphony of cheers as Red Irish itself appears. Dressed in black jeans and a blood red hoodie matching her hair, Tesla makes her way down, idly slapping the hands of nearby fans. She slides under the bottom rope and gives Maria a friendly fistbump on her way to the corner. She climbs to the second turnbuckle, raises a fist and then awaits her future opponent. Maria's smile dims slightly and she takes a big gulp before continuing on.]
MJ: And now please welcome my other guest at this time... With Mister Gordon J. Dutt here is the JPWF Women's World Champion... THE GOBLIN QUEEN!
[As "Malaise" by Nunchaku blares over the loudspeakers, out stalks out the Gargantuan Goddess of Graven Gore.  The Goblin Queen ROARS with rage as she slams a meaty fist into her chest.  Her prize, the beloved pink JPWF belt, is dragged behind her as if it was an abused animal, much to the horror of the fans.  And by her side is her scheming manager, the insidious Gordon D. Dutt.  Carrying that silver briefcase and wearing a white linen suit, a green bowtie and a slick grin, Dutt eyes Tesla and Maria standing in the ring as if they were participants in his own private stag film.  At the ring's edge, he snatches up a mic while the Queen enters the ring.]
GJD:  Ladies...
[Dutt winks.  No hearts EVER will be a-flutter at this wink. Shrugging, Gordon enters himself.]
GJD:  ...please, this doesn't need to end in violence!  I'm sure there's more _creative_ ways to settle things...
Tesla steps closer towards Dutt, causing some irrational excitement. She reaches out her hand...
...to take away the microphone. She turns and tosses it outside the ring. The Queen, though her anger is apparent, watches to see where this will lead. The crowd is of course happy.]
[Keeping her eyes on the Queen more than Dutt, Tesla eases towards the awaiting microphone presented by Maria.]
TSJ: Possibly the _only_ creative thing you could possible do is keep your mouth shut.
TSJ: And I realize this may be hard for you Dutt but no one and I mean, _no one_, is here to see you run your mouth. What _everyone_ wants to see is that very violence your sycophantic little mind is only going to twist into something disgusting. A concept like dignity may be new to you. But a concept like respect is clearly a black hole in which you and your kingdomless Queen revel in.
TSJ: I can deal with you two not having respect for me. That's nothing new.
I can deal with you two not having respect for the title she drags behind her. I will address that very soon.
I can deal with you two not having respect for the MBC Women's Championship title, a title that is my very lifeblood and soul. Your blood will be spilled for that.
Crowd: M-B-C~! M-B-C~! M-B-C~!
M-B-C~! M-B-C~! M-B-C~!
M-B-C~! M-B-C~! M-B-C~!
TSJ: But in this moment, you will show respect to this kind woman who wishes to conduct the interview.
[Eyes still on the Queen and Dutt, Tesla defers to Maria.  Meanwhile, Her Majesty growls as a now-glaring Dutt looks VERY tempted to unleash his charge upon the feisty redhead.  But he puts a hand up towards the Queen, mouthing "Not yet!" to her. Checking one last time, Maria turns towards Tesla.]
MJ: We saw the absolute war that took place between The Goblin Queen and Gloria Butler. What are your take aways from that.
TSJ: Two things, Maria. The first, Gloria Butler is part of a very bright future for our sport. She went toe to toe with the Queen. Gloria proved that the champion everybody fears in Viva Lucha is not so invincible. The monster can bleed.
[The crowd pops with approval but Tesla holds up her finger, calling for the crowd to pause.]
TSJ: And if it bleeds, you can kill it.
[BIG POP from the crowd at that response! Maria turns towards Dutt and the snarling Queen of mayhem and destruction.]
MJ: Do you agree that your client showed vulnerability in the battle against Butler?
[Dutt just shoots Maria a very ugly sneer as he looks over the lovely reporter rather suggestively]
GJD:  Dear, dear Maria...Her Majesty showed NO such vulnerability!  Much like any superior predator, the Goblin Queen just prefers to play with her prey before CRUSHING the wretch to oblivion!  [Gordon turns towards Tesla with a mock look of concern.]  It makes the inevitable victory all that much more...delicious.
[Maria turns towards Tesla.]
MJ: Tesla, you also had a big victory yourself on our last show when you won La Reina de el Centro!
MJ: What are your thoughts on your big tournament victory?
[Maria turns towards Tesla.]
MJ: Tesla, you also had a big victory yourself on our last show when you won La Reina de el Centro!
MJ: What are your thoughts on your big tournament victory?
TSJ: It'll go down as one of the proudest moments in my career and my life. But every victory is bittersweet. Winning means you get to fight the next day. Winning means you get to fight more important battles. Winning means facing better and bigger opponents. Winning means getting a chance to put back together what should have never been torn apart.
GJD:  [cutting in]  Oh please!  [HEEL POP but the dastardly Dutt appears to have something on his mind and nothing is stopping him!]  "M-B-C"...yes, Bastard this, Bastard that, but what have you done recently, Tesla?!  You suck on the memory of a dead fed like it was your mother's tit!
[A beat.  And then a sick grin.]
GJD:  Of course, if those rumoured tapes of you and Miyuki Ozaki are anything to consider, that's not all you su--
[THOOM!  Tesla lashes out at Dutt's jaw before he can finish that sleazy sentiment much to the joy of the fans!  Dutt crumples to the ring floor!  But the Queen ROARS...]
[...and LAUNCHES herself at the Number One Contender to her title!]
JI: Oh my!
[Maria Juarez FLEES from the ring faster than an Olympic sprinter as Goblin Queen and Tesla St. James TEAR INTO ONE ANOTHER! Fists and kicks fly in a wild flurry before both women tumble to the ground and claw and grapple with one another with blind aggression and gutteral roars!]
JI: This interview has been thrown out the window as all restraint has been tossed aside here!
DH: You think?!
[Both women roll up to their feet and Tesla fires off some quick punches before being absolutely ROCKED by a BLUDGEONING fist into her face by the Goblin Queen who then grabs St. James by her throat and with a FRIGHTENING ROAR drives both the redhead and herself through the ropes and tumbling dangerously to the floor outside!]
DH: They are going to KILL each other, Jose!
[Maria Juarez's eyes go wide as saucers as she scurries by the announce table while Tesla St. James struggles to her feet, grabbing her face but GROWLING at the same time. The Goblin Queen casts a concerned look at Dutt, reigniting her RAGE and she rushes over and grabs St. James by her hair and ...]
JI: CARAMBA! She slammed Tesla's face into the ring post SO HARD!
DH: Remember what the Goblin Queen did to Meiko Yamazaki, Jose? Tesla may not make it to the season finale!
[St. James stumbles and staggers while clutching at her face as the Goblin Queen ROARS in violent pursuit! Tesla spins around, a trickle of blood running down her face from her forehead, and BOOTS the Goblin Queen in midsection before hitting a STIFF knee to the face of the queen of destruction dropping her to one knee!]
JI: This is bad! We maybe need some security to break this up.
DH: And to protect us and Maria from being killed, Jose!
[Tesla grimaces as she holds her aching face but has no time to recover as her highness of death and devastation rises to her feet with a WAR CRY and the two women launch at each other once again! And then Lady Warhawk, Rachel Carlisle, Gloria Butler, Harriett Morrison, a limping Juno Takayama, Teresa Villa, Anna Williams, Valerie Bloom, Catherine MacDonald, Amanda Irvine, Brittany Young, Cristiana, Lucy Daglish and slinking behind everyone else Senora Roja all come rushing out towards the ring from the back!]
JI: Thank Goodness!
DH: Si!
[Maria Juarez sighs with relief as all the women's wrestlers hit the scene and swarm Goblin Queen and Tesla St. James! They manage to separate the two ladies from one another but both competitors are VIOLENTLY trying to escape the clutches of those desiring to calm the storm.]
JI: What a crazy scene this has been but hopefully order can be restored soon.
DH: Do not say that Jose!
[At nearly the same moment, both the JPWF Women's World Champion and the number one contender break free from those holding them back and LAUNCH AT EACH OTHER WITH VIOLENT GUSTO ONCE AGAIN!]
DH: I TOLD you NOT to say that, Jose!
[Maria Juarez is in full panic and she rushes to EGC's office and slams her hands against the door while the women struggle to separate Tesla and Goblin Queen from one another! The office door flies open and a very unhappy EGC steps out, ready to tear into whomever is disturbing him when he sees Maria and the chaos going on and his eyes go wide with surprise!]
JI: Maria has brought this to the attention of our boss.
DH: He will find a way to calm this all down.
[EGC gives a signal to someone off screen and suddenly security guards begin streaming out from the back to ringside.]
JI: The crowd isn't happy about this but these two can not go crazy like this before their title match on the next show.
DH: And for OUR safety too, Jose! Why do you not think about our safety in any of this??
[The combined forces of the security guards and the ladies manage to pry both the Goblin Queen and Tesla St. James from one another yet again. A dazed Gordon J. Dutt tries to push through to his charge while Carranza motions for everyone to stay calm with a flabbergasted expression on his face.]
JI: This is still a very tense situation.
DH: Another understatement of the year from you.
[Lady Warhawk and Gloria Butler talk St. James down and she assures them she's cool. Goblin Queen twitches and jerks with violent anger barely under the surface while Dutt rubs his jaw. Everyone starts to relax and then..]
[Tesla breaks free and scrambles under the ropes back inside the ring and Goblin Queen blasts past security and ladies to dive under the ropes and both women UNLEASH a flurry of punches and strikes on one another as everyone scrambles several steps behind after them!]
JI: This is COMPLETELY out of control!
[Senora Roja stays out of the ring, shaking her head as if refusing to go into the chaos of everyone trying to stop these two from murdering each other! Lucy Daglish slides out of the ring and stumbles around til she takes off for the back while Carranza incredulously climbs into the ring and appeals for calm but then a sea of humanity crashes upon him because of the brawling Goblin Queen and St. James and...]
[Security and ladies take numerous blows as they manage to push both warring ladies from one another. Goblin Queen in one corner, Tesla St. James in the opposing corner. And outside the ring Fernando Rodriguez rushes over to help Emanuel Gonzalo Carranza up to his feet. El jefe grabs the microphone from Fernando then SHOVES him away and with BLAZING eyes of FIRE rushes under the ropes and into the ring and glares from one corner to the other before..]
[Everyone stops though no on releases Goblin Queen or Tesla but all eyes do turn towards Carranza who is SEETHING with anger.]
EGC: I see how it is going to be between you two! Since the two of you can NOT control yourselves I have no choice but to take precautions to protect the well being of these fans and our staff! So.. Next show.. Our Season finale... With the JPWF Women's World Championship on the line... The two of you and...
[He points to all the women's wrestlers in the ring.]
EGC: ALL OF YOU will be here too because this will be... A LUMBERJACK MATCH!
JI: CARAMBA! A lumberjack match!
DH: It will be the first one in Viva Lucha ever!
[Carranza points from one corner to the other.]
EGC: But don't you DARE fight more tonight or GOD HELP ME WHAT I WILL DO!
[With that Carranza throws the mic down and storms out of the ring and slams the door of his office as he goes back inside. Goblin Queen bristles but Dutt emphatically shakes his head towards her while St. James touches the blood on her face and glares at the Queen of armageddon.]
DH: Everyone better be on their best behavior the rest of tonight, Jose!
JI: Agreed!
[We fade from the CHAOS to backstage where we see the seemingly lifeless form of Zombie Girl laying on a bench with her white, black and purple make up and tattered clothes. She lays motionless for moments until a shadow falls over her.]
[Zombie Girl's face twitches.]
[It twitches further.]
"Bonnie Dead Burd!"
[All at once Zombie Girl sits up (Undertaker style) with her eyes wide open! She turns to see the curious sweaty face of Lucy Daglish smiling at her.]
LD: Yeez missed out on the action! They's wis a fighting like radge! We had to run out there and try to break it up and they cowped the boss even!
[Zombie Girl doesn't bite at Lucy, oddly enough, but listens intently.]
LD: Ah wiz like forget this fash an' got back here like a dunderheed!
[Daglish giggles a bit before looking around and biting her lip with a nervous smile.]
LD: Bonnie panbread burd.. 'ave you seen him around?
[Zombie Girl looks down for a moment before looking back up and slowly shaking her head. Lucy frowns.]
LD: Ah feart twas the case.
[Daglish sits down next to Zombie Girl and the two of them sit side by side on the bench, staring at the floor.]
LD: Anno what yeez thinkin'. Ah am a pure dafty dunderheed. Aye. Ah won't deny it.
[Lucy looks over at Zombie Girl.]
LD: But yeez get me, don't you?
[Zombie Girl just makes mumbly noises that we can't understand. Daglish nods her head.]
LD: Aye. Aye.
[Both women's heads jerk up and they listen to the sounds carefully.]
LD: ...
ZG: ...
[Lucy looks over at Zombie Girl and motions with her head.]
LD: (Whispering) Cummoan!
[They both slowly creep off the bench and tip toe down the hall before looking around a corner. We look over their shoulders and spy the MASSIVE back of a large man with long curly messy black hair and wearing tattered dark gray jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket. The large man grabs at food on a table and grunts as he shoves some of the items into his jacket pockets. We cut to the ecstatic face of Lucy Daglish and the awed expression of Zombie Girl as they watch him.]
LD: (whispering) It's him! He's here! There's nae OTHER like him!
[Zombie Girl makes soft mumbling noise before we fade back to the now clear ring where Fernando is standing by.]
FR: The following contest is our MAIN EVENT!
[We see a shot of a briefcase on a hook above the ring and some ladders around the ring before we watch as the massive El Caballo  de Troya Azul makes his masked way towards the ring.]
FR: Introducing first, the winner of the Chance of a Lifetime Battle Royal earlier tonight... EL CABALLO DE TROYA AZUL!
JI: What a night this has been for this man! Coming from complete obscurity to winning the battle royal earlier tonight to now with a chance to get a shot at the Viva Lucha Heavyweight Championship!
DH: No se, Jose. He sure looks familiar to me the more I see him.
JI: Que?
DH: His mask is not familiar but his physique, the way he does things in the ring.. I am sure we have seen this man before!
[As the large masked man pumps a fist to the crowd before "Paranoia 180" from DDR plays over the PA and a spotlight falls on the top of the entrance stage. The curtains part and we all wait for a few moments before....]
[Out somersaults the mysterious silver masked Question Mark! He points a finger at the ring, frozen like a statue for a moment before he starts moving his head from side to side in beat with the music as he starts walking towards the ring with fans imitating his head movements.]
FR: And his opponent.. Here is... QUESTION MARK!
JI: We don't know much about this man. What we have seen so far has been very impressive though some did not approve of his sneak attack to eliminate "Overkill" Joey Malone in the Light Heavyweight Gauntlet Match a few shows ago.
DH: Those people are LOSERS, Jose! In a match like that you do what you can to make the match as short as possible because you have no idea how many opponents you may be facing. It was smart rudo strategy!
[Question Mark flips into the ring and scrambles to the 2nd turnbuckle where he conintues his head movements until his music fades and new music plays. Loud lovely music from the THUNDER GODS of METAL HEAVEN aka... "Overkill" by MOTORHEAD blasts over the PA!]
FR: And their opponent.. Here is... "OVERKILL" JOEY MALONE!
[The El Centro fans GO NUTS as Malone SPRINTS from the back towards the ring and slides in and jumps right into Question Mark's face!! The gray masked referee jumps in between them but Malone wants to start fighting RIGHT NOW but Question Mark laughs as he backs off while doing his head movements and his hands in the air.]
JI: Caramba! Malone is ready to tear into Question Mark right now!
DH: He is just a sore loser, Jose.
[The official continues to stay between the angry Malone and Question Mark when blessed Motorhead fades out and new music, (this music: https://youtu.be/20AkHqVTeg4 ), plays and the crowd.. BOOS LIKE NO TOMORROW!]
FR: And their opponent... He is the KING OF ALL ROBOTS.. Here is... NOT OK BOSS!
[With Hecho en Mexico on either side of him out walks Not OK Boss with the crown upon his head and the fans LET HIM HAVE IT WITH FIERCE FACE SEARING BOOS!]
JI: Listen to this crowd!
DH: You would think Miguel Villa Lobos was walking out here!
JI: Strangely, yeah.
[Not OK Boss cackles at the fans as he makes his way to the ring. He climbs into the ring and looks at the three other men already in the ring before rearing his head back and cackling loudly!]
JI: Wow!
DH: Si.
[Not OK Boss cackles even HARDER once new music plays, (this music: https://youtu.be/C11fAGXGbB4 ) and fans... GO CRAZY NUTS!]
FR: And their opponent... Here is... PROFESSOR WHERE!
[Professor Where walks out with his eyes focused squarely on Not OK Boss who cackles at him from the ring. Where starts to walk faster and faster until he sprints towards the ring and LUNGES FOR THE KING OF ALL ROBOTS!]
[Hecho en Mexico are in the ring and they stand between Where and the king of the robots.]
JI: ANOTHER issue ready to boil over here!
DH: I do not understand what the issue is, Jose.
JI: QUE?! Not OK Boss hit Mary Sue with EL MARTINETE, the most dangerous move in all of lucha libre, and allowed the Cyborg Kingdom to waltz out with her!
DH: Well why not also be angry at the Cyborg Kingdom, then?! Why is everything directed at our future overlord the king of all robots?!
[The gray masked official gets Where to back off but then has to scramble over to stop Joey Malone from getting into Question Mark's face again!]
JI: This is going to be total chaos when that bell rings.
DH: Si!
[As Gray Mask struggles with this situation new music that the VL Arena faithful have not heard before, (this music: https://youtu.be/9oTNs4n4wMM ), and fans kind of FREAK THE HECK OUT!]
FR: And their opponents.. Making his VIVA LUCHA DEBUT... Accompanied by MARGARITA RAMOS.. Here is.... OMAR OSCAVEDO MARTINEZ!
[GIGANTIC HOLY MOLY IT'S A REAL MAN SIZED POP as the muscular Mexican heavyweight with long wavy black hair, goatee, mustache and white trunks with black ring boots with tassels (think Ultimate Warrior boots) known to wrestling fans from his brief appearances in Phoenix Valley Wrestling and especially his time in All Star Lucha Libre and currently in Tradicion Lucha Libre.. Omar Oscavedo Martinez comes striding out slamming his fist against his chest and yelling "I AM NOT A SISSY! I AM A REAL MAN!". And coming up behind him is the SUPER HOLY MOLY HOT Margarita Ramos dressed in SUPER tight and SUPER tiny red short shorts, white bikini top and green boots that come up to her knees.]
JI: There had been rumors for quite some time that Omar Oscavedo Martinez would be making his way to Viva Lucha but they had not materialized until tonight!
DH: Ohhhh.... Caraaammmmbaaaa!
[We get a shot of a STUNNED Diego as he watches Margarita Ramos walk by ringside behind Omar. She stops to slowly turn her head towards Diego and WINK in his direction.]
[She slowly turns her back towards Diego and she exaggerates the sway of her hips as she climbs up the steps onto the ring apron and very slowly bends over as she climbs between the ropes and follows her man into the ring.]
JI: Are you OK, Diego?
DH: Ah... Que? Ah... S-si. Si.
[Omar looks at everyone in the ring then slaps his chest and screams "YOU ARE ALL SISSIES! I AM A REAL MAN!" and then charges right for the large el Caballo de Troya Azul and starts laying shots on him and ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE and the referee calls for the bell!]
********************************************************** 6 Man Number One Contender's Ladder Match: El Caballo de Troya Azul vs Question Mark vs "Overkill" Joey Malone vs Not OK Boss [Robot Kingdom] vs Professor Where II vs Omar Oscavedo Martinez w/ Margarita Ramos **********************************************************
[With the fans LOSING THEIR MINDS everyone launches into action! Joey Malone is unloading shots on Question Mark, Professor Where is forced to deal with the tag team Hecho en Mexico while Not OK Boss exits the ring and goes for a ladder and Omar Oscavedo Martinez is exchanging shots with the big man Caballo de Troya Azul but it's not going so well for Omar as the large masked man is winning out in the punch exchange! Question Mark jabs a thumb in Malone's eyes before rolling out of the ring and going for a ladder himself but Overkill is hot on his trails and leaps off the apron only for...]
JI: Not OK Boss knocked Malone out of mid-air with that ladder!
DH: He is not done, Jose!
[Question Mark at first is glad for the aid by the king of all robots until he realizes Not OK Boss isn't finished...]
JI: Question Mark just got nailed upside the head!
DH: Despite appearances I guess Question Mark is NOT a robot, Jose, thus he must fall as well like all humans must fall to the robot kingdom!
[Not OK Boss cackles and climbs onto the apron with the ladder and calls out to his minions, Hecho en Mexico. R-Uno and R-Dos grab ahold of the struggling Professor Where and go to whip him towards the outstretched ladder in Not OK Boss' possession but the second Where puts the brakes on and whips R-Dos into the ladder..]
[And hits a STIFF high kick upside R-Uno's head!]
[And then as Not OK Boss drops ahold of the ladder, Where charges and springs over the ladder and the ropes and TACKLES NOT OK BOSS OFF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR OUTSIDE!]
JI: CARAMBA! Professor Where defying the numbers and going right after Not OK Boss!
DH: I am not sure how smart it is to go after someone as dangerous as the King of the Robots, Jose, but I know if Where wants to challenge for the Viva Lucha Heavyweight Championship he needs to refocus where his attention should be!
[In the ring, el Caballo is lighting up Omar's chest with chops before dragging him to a corner and ramming his head into the turnbuckles! Margarita Ramos hops onto the ring apron and distracts Caballo with a display of her long legs as she wraps herself around the ropes which gives Martinez a moment to attack his foe from behind with a double axe handle. The big masked man slowly turns around and shakes his finger at Omar who becomes enraged and SLAPS the blue masked man across the face and accuses him of being a "sissy"! El Cabllo de Troya Azul trembles with rage before grabbing Martinez and declaring he'll show him a "sissy" and then he spins Omar around and lifts him high into the air before hitting a BIG atomic drop that leaves Martinez writhing on the canvas while holding his groin!]
DH: Jose, we have seen this man before I just.. I just can not place where or when!
JI: But neither of us had ever heard of him before tonight, Diego.
DH: Si but... Something very familiar about him!
[Outside the ring Malone and Question Mark are back at it, exchanging shots until the masked man stuns Overkill with a jab to the throat before dropping him with a clothesline. Question Mark grabs a ladder around ringside and lays it down on the entrance ramp before scooping up Joey and walking over, intending to slam his foe down onto the ladder. But Overkill struggles and fires off elbows til Question Mark is forced to release him and Malone escapes and then hits a DROPKICK that sends Question Mark stumbling over the ladder onto the entrance ramp! Malone then grabs the ladder and sets it up at the bottom of the entrance ramp and starts to climb while Question Mark gets to his feet. The crowd grows LOUDER with anticipation as Malone gets to the top and then..]
[As the fans LOSE THEIR MIND over that, Professor Where is once again tangling with Hecho en Mexico but outside the ring. While that is happening, Not OK Boss is cackling and climbing back into the ring where the ladder he had earlier rests. El Caballo de Troya Azul is rocking Omar Oscavedo Martinez with hard shots when..]
JI: Not OK Boss has just rammed that ladder into first Troya Azul and then Martinez!
DH: At least one competitor has their eye on the prize, Jose!
[Not OK Boss cackles while the crowd BOO HIM INTO TOMORROW as he sets up the ladder under the briefcase. The king of all robots begins to climb when outside the ring, Professor Where hits a leaping kick on R-Dos and then trips R-Uno before cowboy kicking him in the face and then turns his angry eyes towards the ring. Where rushes onto the ring apron, grabs the top rope and hops onto it and then..]
JI: Professor Where springboarded off the top rope and has landed on Not OK Boss!
DH: Caramba!
[Not OK Boss tries to kick the Professor off of him but Where holds on and fires off forearm shots to the lower back of the robot king. Margarita Ramos works on reviving Omar while el Caballo stirs. And then..]
[Both Where and Not OK Boss stop and both turn their heads towards the top of the entrance stage.]
"Pro-fess-sor Where!"
DH: What is going on Jose?
JI: No se! I hear a voice but I don't see any-
[Everyone's eyes go wide as walking out onto the entrance ramp is a familiar looking caucasian woman who does not look like we remembered. The curly blonde hair is gone, replaced with a buzz cut that is colored purple. Silver and gold face paint adorns her face as does blue lipstick. She is wearing a silver and gold body suit with a necklace made of crudely assembled metal scraps. She has an earpiece with a microphone attached and she points towards the ring.]
JI: Is... Is that Mary Sue?
DH: It looks like her but.. she shaved her hair!
JI: And she's dressed up like the cyborg kingdom!
[Professor Where's eyes are wide open and a look of shock is on his face. He mouths "Mary?" and the woman nods her head.]
MS: Yes, pro-fess-sor.. I am the one once known as Mary Sue.
[Mary Sue points at Professor Where.]
MS: My time as Mary Sue is near an end, Pro-Fess-Sor. A new fate awaits me. But I wanted to tell you Thank You for bringing me to Viva Lucha! If you did not bring me here then the king of the robots would never have broken me and given me this new life that begins shortly!
[INTENSE BOOS for Not OK Boss hurting Mary Sue in the past mixed with WHAT THE SUPER DUPER CONFUSION POP]
[Professor Where's face is a mask of anger, confusion and despair.]
MS: See, Pro-Fess-Sor. Here they come now.
[The crowd MARK THE HECK OUT as Cy-Force and Cyborg King walk out behind Mary. Cyborg King holds a tiara made of junk much like his crown of junk upon his head. Mary looks sad for a moment as she looks down.]
MS: My time as Mary Sue ends but if I can have one last request, Pro-Fess-Sor, as Mary Sue your friend to you it is this...
[She points up at Not OK Boss.]
MS: Break the one who broke me!
[Where grimaces from emotional pain he is feeling at all of this but nods his head towards Mary. She gives a nod then flashes a sad smile.]
MS: Goodbye, Pro-Fess-Sor.
[Cyborg King approaches behind Mary and places the tiara on her head and suddenly Mary starts to convulse and shake! Cy-Force go to her side but she suddenly straightens and GLARES at the ring and Professor Where.]
JI: Oh my God!
DH: Jose.. What just happened?!
JI: I... I think Mary Sue has joined the Cyborg Kingdom!
[The Cyborg Kingdom all turn their backs to the ring at once and walk through the curtain to the back. Professor Where despairs until he hears the CACKLING of Not OK Boss.]
[Where trembles with rage as he looks up at the robot monarch but neither one of them are prepared for what comes next as el Caballo de Troya Azul grabs the ladder and ..]
JI: MADRE Y DIOS! El Caballo SHOVED THE LADDER OVER and both Where and Not OK Boss fell over the ropes to the floor outside!
[El Caballo pumps a fist but then Omar jumps him from behind and once has the big man down begins unloading with kicks and stomps! Meanwhile, outside the ring, both "Overkill" Joey Malone and Question Mark are on their feet in the crowd and begin BRAWLING wildly with fans scrambling to get out of their way!]
JI: This match has been nothing but complete messy chaos!
DH: At least Omar has his head on straight, Jose.
[Martinez drops an elbow on Caballo and then grabs the ladder and begins setting it up under the briefcase again. And then Omar starts to climb!]
DH: Woah! A chant for Omar?! These people have good tastes sometimes!
[Margarita Ramos dances suggestively while cheering her charge on but her dancing stops when el Caballo jumps to his feet and shakes his head up at Omar! The big masked man leaps onto the other side of the ladder and quickly catches up with the ascending Martinez! Omar ROARS with angery and slaps his chest before throwing a hard shot at the masked man. Troya Azul shakes his head and BLASTS Omar with a big punch which causes Omar to slowly slide down and fall over.. with his legs caught in a rung of the ladder and hanging upside down!]
JI: Omar Oscavedo Martinez is not having the debut he probably hoped he would!
[Diego gasps because Margarita Ramos rolls into the ring and scrambles up the ladder and jumps on the back of el Caballo de Troya Azul!]
JI: What is Margarita doing?!
DH: I.. She... AIEEEE!
[El Caballo looks around at the crowd and then nods his head and continues climbing up the ladder with Margarita on his back!]
JI: This is the SECOND time tonight we've seen someone climb something with someone on their back!
[El Caballo gets to the top as Margarita freaks out a bit as she looks down all around her, realizing how high up she is in the air, and Troya Azul reaches up...]
DH: This really is the night of his life!
[El Caballo climbs down with both the briefcase and Margarita. When he touches down on the canvas, Ramos hops off his back and taps the big man on his shoulder. He turns towards her and..]
JI: Margarita SLAPPED him!
DH: She is a fiery tempered woman, Jose. A beautiful, lovely.. But.. But not as lovely as.. The masked goddess of enigma.. But... AIEEEEEE! I am so conflicted right now!
[El Caballo rubs his face while Margarita climbs out of the ring and tends to the angry Omar Oscavedo Martinez who points at the big masked man and vows revenge as he walks to the back.]
JI: Martinez is NOT happy about this result at all!
DH: Can you blame him, Jose? He missed out on a chance to fight for the Viva Lucha Heavyweight Championship! Actually... He missed out on being destroyed by FURY so... Maybe he should be more OK with this than he is.
[The door flies open to Carranza's office and a very unhappy looking EGC comes walking out and climbs into the ring.]
JI: What a night he has had.
DH: SHHHH! Do not bring THAT up within earshot of him right now!
JI: Verdad.
[Carranza gets the microphone from Fernando and is about to speak when the crowd starts going NUTS because Overkill and Question Mark have made their way onto the entrance ramp and are brawling like madmen!]
JI: Oh boy.
DH: This is not good.
[EGC looks REALLY annoyed at this but soon he is OUTRAGED because at ringside Professor Where is FURIOUSLY fighting with Hecho en Mexico in an attempt to get to the king of all robots, Not OK Boss!]
[El Caballo leans against a corner with a smile on his masked face while Carranza trembles with rage as he watches the brawling going on. Security come running out and are trying to put out the flames of anger and violence but the boss has seen enough.]
[Malone & Question Mark stop and are quickly pulled apart by the security as are Professor Where and Hecho en Mexico. Carranza shakes his head as he trembles with rage.]
EGC: Usually I am all for violence and mayhem but right now.. I AM NOT IN THE MOOD!
[He glares from Malone/Question Mark to Professor Where/Robot Kingdom before pointing at Overkill and Question Mark.]
EGC: Here is what we are going to do! Malone! Question Mark! You two will fight one on one on our Season Two finale next show!
[Malone approves of this and nods his head at Question Mark. Professor Where struggles against the security guards while Not OK Boss cackles while hiding behind a wall of Hecho en Mexico and security guards. Carranza points at them next.]
EGC: Professor Where! You have issues with.. His highness...
[HUGE BOOS as Not OK Boss cackles with delight.]
EGC: But you can not resolve those issues because of his endless minions who get involved in every single thing he does!
[Where nods his head with Carranza.]
EGC: Well I will give you the chance to solve your issues one on one with NO interference! But you may regret it because it will be.. for the FIRST TIME EVER in my arena... A MEGA DOMO DE LA MUERTE MATCH!!
[The hardcore lucha fans FREAK THE FUCK OUT at this while everyone else POPS but SLIGHTLY CONFUSED BUT THIS SOUNDS COOL POP!! Professor Where is kind of confused and seems to have a slightly bad feeling about this but the cackling from Not OK Boss reignites his ANGER and he yells "BRING IT ON!" in reply!]
JI: Madre y dios!
DH: A.. D-domo de la Muerte match???
JI: A Mega one?!
DH: Does this mean an even bigger domed cage, Jose??
JI: One would have to assume! For the viewers at home, a domo de la muerte match is a domed cage match in Mexico. The domed cage may be closed off or have a small opening at the top.
DH: But if it is to keep the rest of the robots out it has to be closed, Jose!
JI: That would make the most sense.
[Carranza angrily points up the entrance ramp.]
EGC: Now, Guillermo! You and your boys get them OUT OF MY SIGHT! NOW!
[A mix of CHEERS and BOOS as security forces Malone, Question Mark, Professor Where and the Robot Kingdom to the back, leaving Carranza alone with el Caballo de Troya Azul. The grumpy Viva Lucha boss turns to the big man and forces a smile.]
EGC: Now then.. Congratulations to the number one contender who will face FURY for the Viva Lucha Heavyweight Championship on our season finale!
[A BIG POP as Carranza motions towards the masked man, who pumps a fist. Carranza rubs his chin.]
EGC: You know, I must admit you are a completely new face for me. Before tonight I have never seen you around my arena before but these are the heights that can be reached in a Chance of a Lifetime battle royal like only we can have here in Viva Lucha!
EGC: I..
[Carranza's voice tapers off as the big man walks towards him and asks for the microphone. EGC sighs in frustration before forcing a smile and handing the microphone to the big man.]
DH: He is going to speak?!
JI: Apparently so.
[El Caballo holds the briefcase up in the air to a POP before speaking in a strained voice.]
eCdTA: (strained voice) Thank you for this chance tonight but.. You HAVE seen me before tonight.
[Carranza looks confused.]
eCdTA: (strained voice) You have done some business involving me before even!
[EGC is taken aback and shakes his head with a face as if el Caballo is crazy and says "You must be mistaken." The Big man shakes his head then clears his throat and speaks in a much clearer and more familiar voice.]
eCdTA: In fact, tonight is all about AVENGING that business!
[Carranza's eyes grow wide as he takes a closer look at the masked man. The big man grabs his mask and then...]
[FULL ON MARKING OUT LIKE NUTS POP as the crowd FREAKS OUT over Blue Samson once again in Viva Lucha and Carranza has his jaw wide open as he backs up slowly in total shock. Samson nods his head with an angry smile at Carranza.]
BS: I'm BACK, Carranza and I'm your number one contender so guess what happens next time?! I'm going to run wild ALL OVER Fury and take the Viva Lucha Heavyweight Championship away from you just like you helped steal the King Of Kings Unified World Heavyweight Championship away from the Kings of Wrestling and me!
[Carranza stumbles against the ropes and shakes his head in a panic as he climbs out of the ring and heads towards his office when Samson calls out to him again.]
BS: Hey, Carranza...
[Samson points to his eye and then points towards the boss.]
BS: An EYE for an EYE!
JI: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! The stakes are BEYOND high now for that match! Not only will the Viva Lucha Heavyweight Championship be on the line but if Samson wins he's taking the belt back to Kings Of Wrestling!
[Carranza stumbles backwards into his office and stares at the ring through the open door and Blue Samson. He trembles nervously before ..]
[Slamming the door of his office. He looks around nervously and in a panic.]
EGC: This can not be happening! How can this be happening?! Where is that phone?! The boys will know someway out of this.. There has to be some way...
[Carranza spots his cellphone on his desktop. He rushes to it and looks at the screen and his face contorts with confusion. He slides his finger across the screen and puts the phone to his ear.]
EGC: Who is this?! How did you get this number?!
Voice: I hear you've been looking for me.
EGC: Who... wait... is this?
[The scene switches to the interior of a simple apartment. A brown leather recliner sits by a stack of books and a table using a large book to keep it level. Panning over, we see the voice on the other side of the phone.]
Pinhead: Ian McAllister. But I go by a different name most days.
EGC (Over Phone): You're right. We have been looking for you.
Pinhead: Let's be honest here.
[Pinhead walks over to his window, shuttered close. With his free hand, he swings it wide open. The camera zooms outside to see down the road the one and only VL Arena.]
Pinhead: I'm not hard to find.
[Fade to sweet merficul black.]
(c)2017 EGC Inc & Tradicion Lucha Libre
0 notes
Dressed as Joan of Arc in costume armour with a chain mail headdress, it was a typically dramatic picture of Isabella Blow - and as part of a prestigious feature on British fashion icons in Vanity Fair magazine, it should have been one of the crowning glories of a legendary career. Yet within a couple of days of this arresting portrait being taken, Isabella was dead after swallowing poison, aged only 48 - her seventh suicide attempt in 14 months. Looking at the picture now, I realise Issie was already preparing herself for her last performance: the shoot was her dramatic farewell to a cruel world. I was at our flat in Eaton Square, London, when Issie's sister, Lavinia, called to say she had swallowed some poison - and my immediate feeling was one of sickening déjà vu: my own father had died in 1977 after drinking weedkiller, and it had killed him in half an hour as the liquid burned out his insides - a story I had shared with Issie the first time we met. My 12-year-old brother, Amaury, was with him at the time and he said that Dadda never cried out, though his fists were clenched in pain. In fact, when I got to Issie's bedside in the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital along with Philip Treacy, the milliner who was Issie's best friend, she was pale, but not apparently in pain. Whatever Issie had taken took longer to work - but it killed her just as surely in the end. She passed away in her sleep two nights later. But why had my wife Isabella Blow - the fashion legend, the toast of glossy magazines from London to New York - wanted so desperately to kill herself? To answer that question, I would have to go back to her extraordinary childhood, her relationship with her parents - and to the great, central trauma of her life. On 12 September 1964, her two-year-old brother, Johnny, died after falling into a shallow pool in the garden while Issie was supposed to be looking after him. She was only five years old herself at the time. Johnny's death, as well as traumatising Issie for life, utterly destroyed the family. Her parents, Evelyn and Helen Delves Broughton, never recovered from the loss of their only son and heir. They were unable to seek solace in their three other children - Issie and her two younger sisters, Lavinia and Julia - and eventually divorced ten years later. By then, Issie was at Heathfield, a girls' boarding school in Berkshire, where up to this point she had been seen as a 'little ray of sunshine' by the teachers. For most children of divorcing parents at boarding school, it is customary for the parents to come to the school to explain the situation. But this was not the case for Isabella, who learned the news out of the blue when she opened a letter from her mother at lunchtime in the school dining room. According to her schoolfriend Rosie Pearson, Issie rushed out of the dining room at Heathfield, clutching the letter, in floods of tears. From then on, her behaviour at school became melodramatic and temperamental and she acquired a new nickname, 'Huffy'. Tragedy ran deep in Issie's family. The stain on the Delves Broughton name went back to her grandfather, Sir Jock Delves Broughton, infamous after being accused of the murder of a fellow aristocrat, the philandering Earl of Errol, who had an affair with Jock's beautiful second wife, Diana, in Kenya in the 1940s. Jock was acquitted of the murder, immortalised in the book and film White Mischief, but couldn't escape the smears of the press and his contemporaries and committed suicide in Liverpool in 1942 in what some saw as an admission of guilt. Issie believed she'd inherited her depression from Jock, and was later to base one of her own unsuccessful suicide attempts closely around Jock's successful one. Isabella's childhood was, by any standards, enormously privileged. But it was overshadowed by her father's terror of losing what remained of the family fortune, having watched as a young boy while Jock spent, gambled and unsuccessfully invested away a fortune worth a staggering £70 million in today's money. Jock inherited two stately homes - Broughton Hall in Cheshire and Doddington Hall in Staffordshire - a collection of paintings and furniture accumulated over six centuries, 15,000 acres of prime farmland in three counties, a London residence and a multitude of stocks and shares. By the time he killed himself, with a morphine overdose, he left an estate that was only a tenth of the size of the one he'd inherited. Broughton Hall was sold, as was most of the farmland and other assets. Even as a child, Isabella was perpetually anxious about money. She had undoubtedly picked this up from her father, who, when he wrote to her at boarding school, would put in brackets next to the name of each person mentioned the total number of acres of land they owned. When Evelyn inherited the estate, he began a lifelong mission to save money - turning the farm into a profitable enterprise and moving his family out of the grand Doddington Hall (which now stands boarded up in a sorry state of disrepair) and into the gardener's cottage in the grounds - something Isabella was to resent all her life. Though fond of his daughter, Evelyn was penny-pinching and crassly insensitive - his 18th birthday present to her was a Bible and a card telling her she was now 'off the books'. A year after his divorce, in 1973, Evelyn married again, to Issie's stepmother Rona, who also had three young daughters. When 15-year-old Isabella came home on holiday from school, soon afterwards, she found she'd been evicted-from her bedroom in favour of her stepsisters and moved to a guest room. She now felt unwelcome at Doddington in the school holidays, and this can be pinpointed as the moment she began to feel as though she belonged nowhere. This demon developed over the years into an obsessive fear that she would end up a homeless bag lady - a belief that haunted her and contributed to her suicide, despite the fact that, at the time of her death, with a flat in Eaton Square, we were manifestly not destitute. Isabella always got on badly with her own mother - a legacy of possibly feeling blamed by her for her brother's death - but her relationship with her stepmother was also catastrophic. Another problem with 'The Steps', as she called her young stepsisters, was that they were extremely good-looking. She hated her protruding 'goofy' teeth, blaming her parents for being too mean to spend money rectifying them when she was a teenager. In fact, she had a terrific, slim figure and huge, flashing green-blue eyes - but was convinced she had an 'ugly face'. Issie later told her friend Hamish Bowles at Vogue, 'If you're beautiful you don't need clothes. If you're ugly like me, you're like a house with no foundations; you need something to build you up.' Aged 18 and at secretarial college in Oxford, she developed a reputation for wearing evening dresses during the day, dressing as a sexy 1920s-style temptress and performing infamous stripteases. To the staid young men of her circle she was heady and provocative -particularly to a mature student called Nicholas Taylor, the son of an Oxford lecturer, with whom she had an intense romance, leading to marriage at the age of 22. The young couple eventually ended up living in New York in the early 1980s - just as Issie's old friend, Lucy Helmore, moved there with her new husband, Bryan Ferry, then one of the hottest rock stars in the world. Bryan arranged an interview for Issie with Anna Wintour, then creative director of American Vogue - and she got the job as one of Anna's two assistants. Issie immediately created a stir by the bold outfits she turned up to work in, and her eccentric manner. Wintour recalls, 'People would stop by my office just to see what Issie was wearing that day. One morning she might be in full punk regalia, the next dressed like a maharajah, dripping in jewels and sari silks.' It rapidly became clear that although Issie was not a great administrator, she was highly creative, and hard-working - on things that interested her, at least - and second-to-none at spotting new talent. Wintour says, 'Every day she'd leave Vogue as if her working day was only beginning; the next day she'd come in and relate with breathy excitement about the new artist, the new designer, the new photographer, the fabulous girl we absolutely must work with.' As Wintour observed, 'the more something shocked her, the more it captivated her imagination'. One such discovery was the painter, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol's collaborator. Both Warhol and Basquiat ended up doing assignments for Vogue as a result of Issie's introductions. Issie met Warhol at a party where she was wearing one silver and one purple shoe of the same style by Manolo Blahnik. Warhol came up to Issie and said, 'Gee, you had to buy two pairs of shoes to get that look.' Their friendship was to last until his death in 1987. But by now her marriage was on the rocks. Although Issie was later to be diagnosed with chronic manic-depression, she did not identify herself at this stage in her life as suffering from the condition. It put an intolerable strain on their relationship, and she and Nicholas divorced in 1983 after just two years of marriage. Issie returned to London, landing up at Tatler in 1986. Soon she was shooting four fashion pages of her own every month which, though a creative success, often put her at odds with 'the suits'. Issie solved this problem by spending vast amounts of her own money on props for shoots, then struggling to claim it back in expenses. She has the distinction of submitting the highest expenses claim in the history of Condé Nast - for a dilapidated building. Issie wrote on the expenses form, 'Just £50,000 for a very small ruin that really was a must'. It went unpaid. It was at this point that Issie and I met for the first time, at a mutual friend's wedding in Salisbury Cathedral. She walked into the cathedral as the first hymn struck up - and I was dumbstruck at her appearance; she was wearing an enormous hat festooned with giant ostrich feathers, bright red lipstick and a purple Katharine Hamnett coat dress. I couldn't take my eyes off her. After the service, I waited for an opportunity to speak to her - and we immediately connected. Despite the brevity of our meeting, I knew I had fallen in love with her, and sat with her after dinner. We were kindred spirits and I ended up telling her about my father's suicide. It was, I admit, an unusual chat-up line. We got engaged 20 days later after a whirlwind romance - and married the following year in a dramatic ceremony in Gloucester Cathedral, with Issie dressed in a dark violet dress by Nadia Lavalle and a medieval headdress by Philip Treacy, whose work she had recently spotted at Tatler and whom she relentlessly pursued to create the headdress. Issie and I would be together for the next 18 years - and in Philip Treacy she had found not only the creator of her wedding headdress, but her best friend for life and the greatest discovery of her career so far. They quickly developed an intense and creative relationship that he later likened to 'having an affair with no sex'. We returned from our honeymoon to our respective careers - me as a junior barrister and Issie to Tatler, only to discover she'd been sacked. I never found out exactly why - perhaps the new editor, Emma Soames, didn't like Issie's style, or she'd been spending too much time at her house in Gloucestershire, or she just wasn't easy to work with - but once she'd digested the news, she wiped away her tears and took the lift up to the fifth floor of the same building, where the offices of British Vogue were located. Here she spoke directly with the legendary editor, Liz Tilberis, with whom she'd had no previous relationship, and told her what had happened. She received a handwritten letter the next day, offering her a job at Vogue styling the portraits of the famous people it featured. One key shoot she did was legendary photographer Steven Meisel's Anglo-Saxon Attitudes in 1993, informally known as the 'London babes' shoot. At a cost of around £80,000, it remains to this day the most expensive ever done at British Vogue. Issie's brief was to find beautiful aristocratic English girls to inspire Meisel - and the hunt was utterly exhaustive. The girls who made the final cut were Issie's cousin, Honor Fraser; the designer Bella Freud; Issie's new assistant Plum Sykes, and Stella Tennant. Honor Fraser went on to become an internationally successful model - but Stella Tennant's career was catapulted into orbit as a direct result of meeting Meisel, who immediately went on to use her on the cover of Italian Vogue. Soon after, Karl Lagerfeld announced Stella as the new face of Chanel, with a rumoured £1 million contract. During the Babes shoot, Issie told Stella, 'If I make you famous, I want a bottle of my favourite perfume.' A bottle of Fracas duly arrived.
0 notes