edgelordmaven · 4 years
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𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘴, 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙮 𝙢𝙚.
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Some pics made by my fellow here @just-alex-iguess with Farley and Shade, Cal Calore and Evangeline and Elane from Red Queen series
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darlington · 5 years
Mutuals as ninth house characters
you as pam dawes
me as darlington obvs
@brekkers as alex stern
and honestly i don’t care about any of the other characters oops sorry
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sunflowervol6 · 5 years
HE!!! DOES!!!! tbh i only read the first 2 books in the series but like...i remember claiming kilorn as soon as he was first introduced bc i was in Love
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oceanics · 5 years
hewwo have a book: hush, hush by becca fitzpatrick
mutuals send an ask and i’ll tell you which shitty novel i associate you with
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seijohsremade · 5 years
margarita owo
owo miss margs
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gamestore · 5 years
listen👂🏻up you merry🎄thots it's almost time 🕒 for DICKmas🌽🎁 send this to 2️⃣0️⃣ of your sluttiest elf bitches 💋 if you get 0️⃣ 🔙 you're an abominable snowbitch ⛄️ if you get 1️⃣0️⃣ 🔙 you're a sexy snow slut 👄🌬 If you don't forward ⏭ this your pussy will shrivel up like Ebenezer Scrooge 👴😭 and you'll be haunted by the hoes 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ of DICKmas past 👻💦😩 for 6️⃣9️⃣ days 😖 so don't forget to wrap up your "present" 😏🎁 and stay on the naughty list 📜🖊😜
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vandorens-archive · 5 years
margarita for the name thing
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the reluctant bride by auguste toulmouche (your name and this painting just exude the same attitude, ugh, i love it)
send in a name and i’ll respond with a piece!
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ladymacbeths · 5 years
sternalexs  ⟶ farleydiana
that is All stan diana farley....... this was too seccsi to waste
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lilyharvord · 4 years
The Secret Correspondence of the Dancing War  - Part 5
A/N And we have arrived as the end children. While it saddens us to wrap this up, I think Regina (@elane-in-the-shadows) and I are super happy with it. Here is the final letter to wrap up the epilogue that we decided we knew how to write better than Victoria.
v. Kilorn
[Editors note, Gabriel Jacos: While this letter was written ten years ago, Coriane and Shade Barrow Calore have agreed to share it to preserve it. For context, this letter was written some three weeks after the fourth attempt to kidnap them failed in the year they announced their abdication from their father’s birthright. For more information on the topic of Calore abdication, see section: treaties N/M ii to v v. GJA/. Both were moved to a remote location with their parents known only to very close family. For this reason, there are no omissions in the letter and there is little more to be said other than the few words they asked to be shared: it is their favorite letter that their uncle wrote to them, and he was right about their mother cheating at cards. For further reading on the topic of the Dancing War, see section: letters EITS i to LV v. GJA/]
                                               November 30 345
Cori and Shade, 
I hope this letter finds you safe, and while I applaud both of you on your ability to drive your dad up a wall (a pass time that I really enjoyed too when I was younger), I do ask that you try to refrain from making your parents decide that the front lines are easier to handle than you two. For starters, the cabin roof is not a spring board for you two to practice jumping off of, and the woods out back are not a place for you to practice creating infernos Cori. I know how boring it can be to sit around under protective custody, but just know that we all miss you both very much. My office isn’t the same without you two running around playing your games, and distracting me with your laughter. Hopefully all of this blows over soon and you two can be back in time to celebrate the holidays, or at least your birthday, Cori. Your grandmother is already preparing, and she’s counting you and your parents in for dinner. And yes, Shade, I did remember to remind to your grandmother that you hate vegetables. She has promised to include something different for you (although I can’t make any promises on whether or not your mom forces you to eat some). 
I’m sure your parents will want a break from you trouble makers when you get back, so I assume I’ll have to shoulder the burden of keeping you little demons under control. While I’ll be pretty busy handling the treaty with the Prairie fiefdoms and reviewing or implementing whatever crazy battle plans your parents come up with, I’m sure we’ll still have plenty of time to wander the gardens on the grounds. Carmadon has been tending to the patch of lavender your planted with him, Cori, and you’ll be pleased to know that it’s doing very well given the storms we’ve had lately. I plan to restock the pond once it thaws too, so hopefully we can spend some time feeding the fish and the ducks in the spring if you two promise not to terrorize them again. I doubt that will happen though. You two know how to terrorize things more than your parents do. 
Speaking of your parents, I heard you two have been asking more and more about your namesakes… and about the past. Cori, I heard that you snooped around in your dad’s office and found a stack of letters addressed to his brother who you’ve never met, and only got caught because you put a paperweight back in the wrong place (which is a very small error for someone your age and you should be prepared for a recruitment letter from Elane Haven… I may have mentioned the story to her). 
While it’s not my business to share with you the entire story, I can say that much of what occurred left very profound impacts on your parents and the rest of the people you know. Many of us were not always close or willing to share a room with each other. In fact, only recently has your mother been able to speak with Ptolemus Samos for longer than ten seconds.  And while your parents probably celebrated the day both of you displayed your abilities, there is still a deep fear about what occurred in the past to people like you. Norta was not always the States, and people like us did not always enjoy the freedoms we do now. I’ve heard your mom tell you both numerous times to count your blessings, and I have also heard your dad tell you not to joke about wanting to kill each other, and they’re right to say those things. While you might not have understood why they both get so nervous when you joke like that, you have to know that they are still healing all these years later. I didn’t want to be morbid in this letter, given what happened a month ago, but as you two get older and grow up, I feel as if you need to be reminded of what we all fought for. Your mother and father both lost brothers to the war, as you now know, but the extent of that loss probably has not been shared with you two.  I encourage you to ask them about those people, but be prepared to hear things you might not like. We all did bad things to survive and hurt a lot of people to get to where we are today. You two are certainly a blessing with everything that has happened in our lives, but one that could never have occurred twenty years ago. 
The world is still changing, and people are still growing (even me and your parents). I know you both have gotten angry with them for returning to the front numerous times once you were older, but you have to understand that they are still desperately trying to make the world a safer, better place for you two to grow up in. We all are. We want you and your cousins to have better lives than we did. We want you to have the chance to be kinder and more naïve than we were. We don’t want you to have to fight wars that don’t belong to you, or to have enemies because their parents were our enemies. We want you to be able to walk down the street without having to look over your shoulders like we did and still do at times. We want you to be happier than we were. 
I know this is a lot to digest, and I’m sure you’re more than little uncomfortable. But that is okay. As your Uncle Julian has told you numerous times: the past and the truth must make us uncomfortable if we are to change the future. There’s a reason that quote was in my first official address. My hope, and your parents’ hope, is that the wars end before you’re both adults. That way you don’t have to think about entering the military, although I have been told not to discourage either of you from wanting to do that, you’re supposed to be completely free to make that choice. But once again, we want you to be able to make a choice. 
Now that I got all of that mushy gushy stuff out of the way that I know you’re both making faces at while you read, I do have some advice for you as your favorite uncle.
1. If you do plan to jump off the cabin roof, make sure you have enough snow to fall into (4-5 feet should do the trick), don’t pack it though, keep it loose and try to avoid any icy patches. 
2. Your father is terrible at protecting his left side, so if you want to get him (and kick his butt) during a snow ball fight, I recommend sneaking up on his left. 
3. If you really want your mother to not be mad at you for jumping off the cabin roof, give her a kiss on the cheek and remind her that she used to jump off your grandparents’ porch with me when we were your age.
4. If you’re going to play wrestle, no biting, or scratching. Shade, don’t pull on your sister’s hair, and Cori try to refrain from pummeling your brother into the ground.
5. No abilities in the house. Wait for your parents to supervise you please. (Shade I heard you and your mother had a good time making thunder snow the other week, don’t try it on your own unless you want a beating from her that will keep you from sitting down for a month)
6. If you two do decide to ignore #5 go someplace where you parents won’t see you and have a really, really good lie planned for when they find you. 
7. When your dad says he’s busy, he’s secretly crying for help and distraction. I recommend dragging him outside to play or putting on your best begging faces. Maximum amount of bothering should get him to move. 
8. Ask your dad to play “the game”. It involves all the lights being off and being as quiet as possible. You two normally struggle with that but I’d like to hear how it goes.  
9. Your mother cheats at card games.  Always cheek her sleeves before and during playing. 
10. Don’t tell them I told you to do any of this. 
I’m going to keep missing you two the entire time you’re away. I can’t wait to see you again. Don’t grow more than a few inches while you’re gone (this is directed mostly at you, Shade.)
Give each other a hug for me (squeeze twice just like I do). I love you both.  
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@elliemarchetti @inopinion @scxrletguardsdawn @freaky-freiday @petergrantkavinsky @mareshmallow @farleydiana @king-maven-calore @whatsup-gorls @delilahlbard  @evangeline-of-montfort​ @redqueenetwork​
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The Secret Correspondence of the Dancing War - Part 1
A/N: The accurate epilogue of Broken Throne we deserved, decoded by @lilyharvord and me!  
i. Farley
September 25th 329
Dear Clara,
I’m sorry I can’t give you the time to talk with you about this in person and only leave you this letter as a reminder. I hope it’ll serve as that, at least. You can take it as a promise.
I’ve avoided making promises to you. No big ones, that is. I didn’t want to add broken promises to my list of shortcomings and misses, of which you never forget to remind me after I’ve been away. I’ll expect you to scold me if I make a promise only to break it. Clara, I am and have been willing to listen when my child needs to chide me. I wish you to trust me. I might be scary, but I never wish to scare you.
I’m sure there’ll be another lecture waiting for me when I return from Tiraxes, trying to convince its rulers to side with the Scarlet Guard and Montfort instead of joining the other remaining Silver monarchies. After years of stubborn indecisiveness, they should've realized by now the advantages and future we can offer. But I suppose minds of brick are a common trait among Silver monarchs, not just Calores. But I've gotten through to Cal, and I'll get through to the Triarch of Tiraxes that it would be foolish not to join the Scarlet Guard if they want to keep their heads - and dignity, though I suspect the latter is of bigger import to them. Although Ada's arguments will cut down their pride and refuses and if not, I'll scare them until they see fit to agree.
Which means, I have every reason to be successful and return whole and healthy to you. I promise this.
That is why I’d also like to ask for a promise from you, Clara: Please don’t teleport on your own. Don’t try to follow me, don’t play tricks Mare and Cal, your grandparents or anyone else of your family (which includes Kilorn, obviously! They have my authority in my absence, so listen to them.).
I know you'll understand. Even if you’re furiously waving this letter in your hand right now, as furious as you were on the base yesterday and … vanished. One moment, I told you we’d have to stay there instead of at home because of the rising threat of attacks, the next you protested and were gone.
Please. My heart stopped. My mind blanked and I had to think of your father who teleported one last time, right to his death. It didn’t make sense, to think of this, but the fear for you lived up all the same. Even as my heart warmed and beat again as I realized that you are like him.
Shade, your father, never had a trainer or teleporter companion. All he did, he’d mastered on his own, not even knowing how or why or if they were other Reds with abilities like him. He was brave. But you don’t have to be. You can ask other teleporters for advice and tutoring, like Arezzo (though you'll have to wait for her to return with Ada, me and the rest of the team.) This is also a promise. We will train your ability, so you can use it safely. And for whatever you want.
This is what I want to give you, what I strive for in my efforts: That you can have a childhood now (no matter how difficult our lives are), but also a future you can choose, with the right and possibilities to be whatever you wish for.
I wish I could hug you right now,
Diana Farley
PS: I don’t like to live on the base instead of in our cozy house either, Dove. I’ll miss it, and your frequent “redecoration” attempts. I love you,
@elliemarchetti @farleydiana @scxrletguardsdawn @percelain-doll @maudthebookeater @petergrantkavinsky @inopinion @mareshmallow @evangeline-of-montfort
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thorne-archive · 5 years
liliantha → thorne
my TLC heart is SCREAMING I have a one word canon url 😭 may or may not go back to darnelcress because I love that url but I’m definitely keeping this one around for a bit ;)
tagging some mutuals: @alinagenya @tessawilliam @johnnysflynns @sunstarkov @fairchildmatthcw @omensgood @jedirey @jacksonperseus @farleydiana @posideon @kishimotokenji @brekkers @avadas @buckybarnees @wespers @samecoin @heytheredaemons @cecilysherondale
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dreamertrilogys · 5 years
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”anyone can betray anyone” ↳ @farleydiana— will you go to the yule ball with me?
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oskervos · 5 years
mutuals as characters in cassandra clare's books?
okay this one’s gonna be a long one
the mortal instruments
@aslura as clary fairchild
@lavndertown as jace herondale
@brekkers as isabelle lightwood
@greenbriers as alec lightwood
@kihlorn​ as simon lewis
the infernal devices
@tessawilliam as tessa gray
@carstairsjcmes as jem carstairs
@farleydiana as will herondale
@stadhalls as charlotte branwell
@darnelcress as jessamine lovelace
@graystessa​ as sophie collins
myself as cecily herondale
the dark artifices
@montesere as emma carstairs
@jacksonperseus as julian blackthorn
@audreyrose​ as cristina rosales
@mecrury as mark blackthorn
@posideon​ as livia blackthorn
@sylthrein as tiberius blackthorn
@nawak-soul as kit herondale
the last hours
@filippakosta as cordelia carstairs
@fairchildmatthcw as lucie herondale
@andrumedas as james herondale
@wespers as matthew fairchild
@maverkling as grace blackthorn
@rxyaaa-a as anna lightwood
@ketterdam as jesse blackthorn
@zoyaes​ as camille belcourt
@witxhcas​ as lily chen
@heytheredaemons as caterina loss
@graecian as magnus bane
@omensgood as the seelie queen
@alinespenhallow as aline penhallow
@zoyagenya as helen blackthorn
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jianzhu · 5 years
do you have any blog rec's? not just asoiaf/got related
ohhhh buckle up there i got some recs coming, completely random because i can't be bothered to sort it alphabetically even if it bothers me :3
most of the blogs are mainly lit i think uwu just click through their blog and sideblog :3 ily them all <33
@starkovalina @cerseilannster @lahnister @danenerys @zenikninas @jacksonperseus @greyguards @genvalina @jonconningtons @wespers @mimiofthemalfoys @maverkling @warrenkilorns @howls @azriels @zoyaes @aredhels @leejordan @nazyalensky @acotars @marebarrow @kuweiyulbo @safifonhasstrel @inejsghafas @tarth @zoyalinas @graecian @padmeskywalkers @shirewalker @lilabard @farleydiana @yinsnezha @housebaylor @cenvast @leta-lestrange @crookedthorns @winterscatelyn @gordainas @canaryblack @samecoin @renissance @minyardx @cerseih @brekkers
idk i can't think of any others right now but i might do a follow forever soon but yeah these came to my mind right now!:3 and i'm definitely forgetting half rip skdkf
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vandorens-archive · 5 years
Hiii can I be added to the trahison tag list please?
of course! thank you so much for your interest! <3
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