#farcryfuckmeup's match-ups
farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Hi, could I request a match-up please? I'm a heteroromantic girl with short blonde hair. I'm on the short side but I don't let that stop me (which means I climb on things a lot to get what I need). I'm kind of sarcastic and also say I'm ready to fight a lot but I'm harmless and will probably try to avoid a fight tbh. I love a good book, especially on a rainy day, and want to have a dog someday.
I pair you with…
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Jacob Seed!
jacob 210% thinks your heigh, or lack thereof, is absolutely adorable. he’ll catch you climbing a chair. will probably call you a monkey on his more emotionally needy days.
your sense of humor is fairly in tune with his style-wise. wise-cracks, sarcastic comments, and all sorts of things are commonplace.
jacob will fight for you, often finishing things that you start.
you two don’t need to always be socializing with each other. you’re comfortable sitting in the same room, you a book in hand and jacob cleaning his rifle. 
you have a big dog, and it’s very well trained, courtesy of the mountain man. it likes to sit curled up at jacob’s feet until someone knocks on the door. then it’s standing at attention next to you.
the masterlist is here!
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failedmy-tbtest · 5 years
I posted this to my other blog @farcryfuckmeup so I figured I’d post it here as well!
If ya’ll are stuck on what to put for requests, here’s some ideas!
Here’s some things to put in a request for a match-up!
Your sexuality or preferences if you feel comfortable sharing! If not, I’ll consider both men and women for pairings. ❤
Hobbies, interesting facts about yourself, things you like/dislike, etc!
Characters you DON’T want to be matched up with!
Any other details about yourself such as age, height, and other things you’re comfortable sharing!
Anything else you feel is important for me to know such as triggers, etc!
Can be platonic, but unless stated I will assume it’s a relationship.
Here are some things to include in fic requests!
Pairing! For example: Javier Escuella x Gender Neutral Reader, Arthur Morgan x High Society Lady, Karen Jones x Male Outlaw.
Prompt! This can be inspired by any kind of media, whether it be a photo, song lyrics/title, a book, or an actual prompt list! Include it in the ask so I know what you’re referring to.
Triggers! Please let me know if you have any triggers! I would hate to write a piece just for you to be unable to read it. I love making content for you guys and want you to be able to enjoy it as well. ❤
Here are some things for headcanons!
Prompt/Situation! This can be platonic or romantic! Let me know if you have a preference!
Characters Involved. For example: Headcanons for Javier, Arthur, and Hosea doing...
Triggers! I really want to hear about them if they’re there so that I don’t accidentally upset you or prevent you from reading something you
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Hi, could you make a match-up for me too?I'm kinda small, like really tiny girl. Polysexual. I'm introvert. I love rainy days. I like to read, cook and draw. I do witchcraft.Sensitive, kind, caring, shy, empathetic,on other hand- crazy hotheaded loner and secretive. Sometimes I'm really aggressive, but that's not for long.Also I love nature and all animals (even ants and spiders).Also try to help others.My sense of humour is weird, dark, sometimes even dirty. (Sorry for sending multiple asks).
I pair you with…
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Eli Palmer!
eli’s the leader of the whitetails and he does a damn good job at it. however, he’s not stupid charismatic like the john seed. 
he doesn’t normally say any more words than he needs to. it’s one of the many things that bugs him about the jacob seed. the never-ending monologues. eli likes to get to the point.
he notices how shy you are, so when you first start dating, eli keeps it between the two of you for your sake. he doesn’t want a ton of attention on you and he’s pretty sure you wouldn’t like it either.
when it rains, eli will take you outside the bunker and to the tent near the helipad. he’ll bring a book or two for you to read while he sits and relaxes. occasionally he’ll bring inventory sheets for the den and go through it.
he doesn’t like you with a gun in your hand as he’s afraid you’ll get hurt. when he figures out your cooking is the best thing he’s ever tasted, eli asks if you’ll help feed the militia.
eli’s kind of an average joe when it comes to emotions. he’s not super attuned to them but he’s not insensitive either. sometimes he’ll say things that’ll hurt your feelings, but he tries to learn from it.
you have a big heart and its one of the things he loves and hates about you. you get hurt easily because of it, but it makes you one hell of a person. you make sure everyone around the bunker is taken care of.
when the two of you get into arguments, its hard for him to keep cool when you start getting all riled up. 
he understands that you like your privacy and tries not to pry, but when its things he believes it’s important for him to know, that’s where eli tries to explain how some things shouldn’t be hidden.
he tries to get you out of the bunker and take you around the county whenever he has the chance. eli doesn’t like being cooped up in the bunker all the time either, so he’ll take you on small camping trips while he hunts for provisions for the militia.
i’ve been waiting to give eli a shot and you gave me the perfect one! i hope you enjoy it! check out my masterlist!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
hello! can i request a matchup with the seed brothers? i'm kinda short (5"2) and curvy.  i have short dark brown hair, bluish-grey eyes, pale skin and dark circles under my eyes because my sleeping schedule sucks. i would say that i'm really sarcastic and introverted person. even though i look intimidating i don't really like hurting people but i'm always able to defend myself and my loved ones. i like reading, singing, drawing, playing ukulele and learning new things.
I pair you with…
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Jacob Seed!
jacob uses his height as an advantage constantly. he likes to put things on higher shelves so that you have to pout and ask for help, or he’ll watch you climb a chair or counter with a smirk.
it’s a nice view of your ass and he just thinks it’s cute.
he likes to run his fingers through your hair while you kiss because of how short it is. it’s a simple gesture but it soothes both himself and you.
you sunburn stupid easily and jacob is constantly reminding you to put sunscreen on. 
“we’re going to be in the sun for at least four hours.” “and? there will be shade for me to take little breaks in.” “i ain’t rubbing anything on your burns, pup.” “bet you’ll say you told me so, too.” he doesn’t. 
he does put salve/aloe vera on your skin as soon as you notice you got sunburned. even if it’s not all that painful yet, he’ll insist.
jacob’s the nightiest night owl to ever night owl. he doesn’t sleep very well courtesy of his ptsd, so the two of you end up staying awake till the ass crack of dawn.
sometimes you’ll play your ukulele if jacob’s especially tired in an attempt to get him to doze off. other times you’ll lay in his arms reading while he occasionally reads a page over your shoulder.
your usually the one to knock out first, and though he sleeps light, jacob falls asleep about an hour or so later.
jacob found your sarcastic attitude amusing at first. he loves the back and forth between the two of you, but also appreciates that you know how to quiet down and just sit in the same room as him.
his initial thought was that you were in fact going to kick someone’s ass, but now the thought makes him laugh because he knows how sweet and caring you are. 
your loyalty to each other is fierce, and both of you would do anything for each other. you stick up for each other as well.
he loves to talk about the wilderness and animals, usually about interesting survival techniques species have adapted over the years. but he also likes to learn about the things you have to teach him.
i hope you like it! check out my masterlist here! requests are open as well!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Ca- can I have a matchup? Not sure what kind of info would help but I’d be happy with either Seeds or Resistance. I’m a straight gray ace female 5’3” in height. Extremely shy ball of social anxiety. I have a hard time holding eye contact or speaking a lot of the time 😐 I get very excitable about things I’m passionate about and it’s a lot easier for me to open up when talking to someone I’m close to. An optimistic realist. I also laugh at almost everything and can be pretty sassy sometimes 😅
I pair you with...
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Hell yeah! Sharky here!
you two work well despite how different you are because sharky does all the talking for you. literally all the talking and he doesn't mind and neither do you. dude has all sorts of wild stories.
despite how much he talks about having sex and women, sharky would prefer to be with someone that he has feelings for, even though you don't feel any sexual attraction towards him, he knows you love him and that's all he needs.
sharky loves to hear you talk about the things you're passionate about. he'll just sit and fidget while watching your eyes light up and rambling about things. its one of his favorite things to do besides burn things.
you both have a warm, bright outlook on life, though his is naturally a bit more chaotic.
he love love loves to hear you laugh, and even though he's already a pretty funny guy, he'll try even harder to make you bust up giggling.
I hope you like it! masterlist is here!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Hello, are you still doing some match ups? I'd like to participate. I'm 5'6, bi 20 yr old female. I have long wavy almost curly black hair that reaches my lower back. I keep my bangs pushed back. I like to have wine with my food and I love the ocean. I also love to have music in the background depending on what I'm doing. I can be very active but just as relaxed too. Who would you pair me with??
I’d pair you with...
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John Seed!
john’s used to being towered over by his brothers, so he adores your height. 
thinks you’re the cutest fucking thing because of it and is liable to call you all sorts of sickeningly sweet nicknames related to height.
even though you’re average height, he calls you short just because he can.
he never had the desire to learn how to braid hair but hot shit if he doesn’t now. he loves to play with your head while your head’s in his lap.
john volunteers to finger comb it whenever he sees the slightest sign of a tangle. it’s an excuse. he just wants to touch it.
he’s used to seeing your bangs out of your face. so when you don’t have them brushed back he makes a big deal out of it. showers you with compliments.
john will use any excuse to break out his fancy-ass wine collection. a nice steak dinner for date night? boom. wine. snacking on a salad? boom. somehow he’ll find a reason to bring out wine.
long walks on the beach remind john of when he worked in washington and had to take trips to the coast.
very liable to have an elaborate set-up involving a beach for a proposal. trail of flower petals, the whole shebang.
it brings a smile to his face when he sees you cooking or putting a puzzle together with and the project’s music pops up in your playlist.
john likes to stay fit, but he doesn’t work out nearly as much as jacob. light runs, maybe some torso stuff. he does it to look and feel good.
i hope you enjoy! check out my tag list and commissions!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
I’ve noticed some people struggle to think of things to stick in requests so here’s a quick little guide for ya’ll if you want it!
Here's some things to put in a request for a match-up!
Your sexuality or preferences if you feel comfortable sharing! If not, I'll consider both men and women for pairings. ❤
Hobbies, interesting facts about yourself, things you like/dislike, etc!
Characters you DON’T want to be matched up with!
Group you DO want to be matched with. In example: Can I get a GFH match-up? Can you pair me with one of the Seeds? (Unless Seed BROTHER is specified, I will include Faith in that group as well.)
Any other details about yourself such as age, height, and other things you’re comfortable sharing!
Anything else you feel is important for me to know such as triggers, etc!
Can be platonic, but unless stated I will assume it’s a relationship.
Here are some things to include in fic requests!
Pairing! For example: John Seed x Gender Neutral Deputy, Joseph Seed x Male Deputy, Jacob Seed x Female Deputy.
Prompt! This can be inspired by any kind of media, whether it be a photo, song lyrics/title, a book, or an actual prompt list! Include it in the ask so I know what you’re referring to.
Triggers! Please let me know if you have any triggers! I would hate to write a piece just for you to be unable to read it. I love making content for you guys and want you to be able to enjoy it as well. ❤
Here are some things for headcanons!
Prompt/Situation! This can be platonic or romantic! Let me know if you have a preference!
Characters Involved. For example: Headcanons for Eli, Staci, and Mary-May doing...
Triggers! I really want to hear about them if they’re there so that I don’t accidentally upset you or prevent you from reading something you requested!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Can I do the match up thing please? (If you're no longer doing it just ignore me) I'm 5'4 chubby/curvy with dark curly hair. I love baking and I have a huge sweet tooth. I think I'm generally a nice enough person, though I can be a bit sarcastic. I love making people laugh and I'm a bit of a romantic sap at times. In terms of my style I'm quite feminine and I love pretty floral prints and I'm usually wearing dresses and skirts (but in Winter I bundle up in cute sweaters haha). Thanks in advance!
I see you with...
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Faith Seed!
whenever she has time, faith loves to bake with you. 
she’ll often offer to bring baked goods to church events so that you can hear other people praise your skills.
when she’s feeling particularly playful, she’ll blow flour at you and make bliss jokes.
the two of you finish off a tray of brownies in a day or two. 
nevermind if the other seeds are over, she’ll ask you to make more if you’re expecting company so she has some to eat later.
sometimes she’s a bit slow when it comes to the sarcasm, especially if its mean/angry sarcasm.
but if it’s funny she tends to pick up on it well.
faith loves all of your jokes in general tbh. she’s prone to giggling fits but loves to laugh, so it works out in the end.
when she first notices that you guys share a similar sense of style, she absolutely loses it.
she starts recommending all of these different outfits and garments that she thinks would look super pretty on you.
faith also will get bummed out when she remembers you’re shorter than her and you won’t fit into most of her stuff.
she 210% has john get you some and get it sent to the county.
faith isn’t used to romance so she blushes a lot at first, but she comes to love how much you spoil her.
she’ll try to reciprocate but sometimes the notions are a little flawed, but you find them adorable and love them anyways.
 i hope you enjoy it! check out my masterlist!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
If you still have some a valuable, could I get a match? Res or project I don't really mind. I'm a 6ft pan australian chick, with half shaved pink hair (silly putty incident) I am a trained theater tech, who plays video games, goes to the gym like 4 out of 7 days a week, and used to play a tone of sport (Australian football, ds2 old hockey, cricket). I am the daughter of a solider turned priest, I was a chess champion at one point, and I love animals namely goats!
I pair you with…
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he totally fucking digs your hair. even if was the result of an accident. 
he loves to hear the story of your how you got your current hairstyle even though you’ve told him five times.
compared to everyone else in the whitetails, his hair is different. none of the men really have super long hair like he does, so he takes comfort in the uniqueness of your hair.
in your downtime together he loves to game with you, often initiating some sort of bet or competition.
the never-ending “no fair my game was lagging!” or “you were screen cheating!”
hey, wheaty likes videogames that doesn’t mean he’s very good at them.
against eli’s wishes, wheaty likes to slip out of the den with you and throw a ball around to get some fresh air.
you work out more than wheaty, but he does enjoy joining you in your exercises a few times a week, and he always asks if you want to practice shooting with him.
he’s not very smart in chess but he’s determined to lose! lots of head scratches and puzzled expressions from this man.
eli: wheaty, the fuck is that? wheaty with a goat and a smoothie: a smoothie for my girlfriend 
you’ll talk to wheaty about your tech knowledge, especially in how it comes into play for shows and whatnot. he asks about it even though he has no idea what you’re talking about because you always seem so excited to talk about it.
wheaty never cared about a girl’s height really, so he doesn’t mind that you’re around the same height as him.
he’s very sensitive and romantic, though he does try to act cool, especially in front of the whitetail.
loves to take walks with you around the wolve’s den and go for car rides around the county when he gets cabin fever from being in the bunker for too long.
he love love loves to make little playlists for you. it always makes his day when you guys get in the car and one of them comes on. major heart eyes.
i hope you like it! i’ve got more on my masterlist!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
I want a matchup too! I'm 5'11 tall, brunette, chubby, listen to a lot of music, likes to dance and also likes the nature. I'm not a talkative person, i think a lot, and it needs some time to open myself up to someone. I'm pretty shy but i laugh a lot. If i know the person much more i don't want to see that person sad or angry. I'll try anything to see them happy or laughing. I would do anything to protect these people who are important to me.
I match you with…
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Faith Seed!
faith’s not a short girl, but she’s not as tall as you either.
at first she’s a bit nervous around you because of the height difference, but once she learns how gentle you are, she quickly warms up and befriends you.
she makes sure to give you your space until you warm up to her. she doesn’t make new friends often outside of the project, so she doesn’t want to scare you away.
she finds she quite enjoys being the shorter one in the relationship, especially when it comes to hugs and cuddling.
she’s a sensitive girl, she likes to be hugged.
the first time she catches you singing/humming (whether it’s Amazing Grace, Oh the Bliss, or Help Me Faith) she just kind of stares in awe at you for a moment before joining in.
she will 10/10 try to get you to prance around in a bliss field with her. bonus points if you dance with her.
faith isn’t much of a jokester, but when you two are in private she’ll tell you all sorts of stories and corny jokes in an attempt to hear you laugh.
you both are very protective not only over each other, but those you care about. faith is a ride or die type of girl, especially for you and her brothers.
whenever she talks about her past or rachel, faith likes to sit with her head in her lap because it’s comforting the way you play with her hair.
flowers are a big thing with the two of you. she likes to weave them and wear them. she’ll dry press them to use as bookmarks. she’ll pick them to decorate a room.
whenever you pick faith flowers, she will religiously water them so they last as long as possible. when they do die, she’ll pick some for you to return the favor.
faith does throw little tantrums every now and then, but mainly when people hurt your feelings or you hurt hers. she’s an emotional person and sometimes it can be a bit much.
she tries really hard to control them though, especially in front of you.
i hope you enjoy this! scroll on through my masterlist for more content or commission me!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Hi 5'8 24 year old gay trans guy here can I get a match up? My favorite color is green and I like to go out to bars and sing karaoke with my friends on weekends. I have short brown and red and blonde dyed hair and green eyes and I'm pretty easy going and I try to make jokes at every chance I get. I like to paint watercolors, especially when outside and I'm chronically ill with bad joints. Can I get a resistance match up?
I pair you with…
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green green green green. it’s everywhere with you two. green bed sheets, green toothbrushes, green gatorade. just fucking green.
he always says his favorite feature is your eyes because they’re green, and even tried to once proclaim that green is his favorite color because of your eyes. 
you’ve known sharky far too long to believe that bullshit, but it’s the thought and effort that he put into being adorable that warms your heart.
you and sharky like to have little karaoke competitions where he takes a disco song and you take you favorite songs, and see which get more claps. whoever wins gets to be the big spoon.
sharky likes to call you cute pet names when he’s wasted. he tends to get touchy-feely when he’s wasted so it’s usually all hyper-focused on you if you’re nearby.
he likes to play with the different colored strands of your hair. he’ll separate them, try to cross them over each other, and start all over when he fails.
you both crack each other up. him with his weird comments and stories, and you with the most outlandish and gut-busting jokes.
sharky likes to sit and watch you paint, which might get annoying for you sometimes as he has moments where he can’t sit the hell still. every time you finish a piece he tells you that you should try and sell them for money.
he’ll grill (or set afire) dinner while you lounge outside and paint.
the joint pain. not one to usually fuss over small things, sharky turns into a god damn nurse whenever you mention the slightest amount of pain or don’t feel good.
he offers to go to the store, if there’s something he can massage, if he’s applying too much pressure, if there’s anything else you need, and on and on and on.
if you try to get out of bed or off the couch when you’re not feeling well, sharky will scold you with that bro-voice of his.
“bromigo if you don’t sit the hell back down, i’ll crack a can of whoop-ass on you. also i love you and am sorry that you don’t feel well to the extent that you do.”
i hope you like this! i have a masterlist and take commissions!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Hello! May I have a match up? I'm genderfluid (currently a demigirl), demiomnisexual, demiomniromantic, polyamorous, 5'9", mixed with white and black, a writer, vegetarian, anarchist, neurodivergent and really bad at introducing myself.
I pair you with…
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Joseph and Faith Seed!
like you, these two have plenty of love to go around and fall in love with people for what’s on the inside, not the out.
faith loves to look at new vegetarian recipes with you while joseph tries and fails to cook them for you both.
joseph would ask to read your writings and might even ask for your help with his sermons, while faith is curled on the couch next to you both.
both of them being sensitive to neuro divergency as well, faith and joseph overtime become extremely attuned to your behaviors and can gather a decent idea of what kind of day you’re having and how to help.
joseph takes the social lead between the three of you, faith coming in close second. being the leader of the project and preaching about The Voice has done wonders for his social skills as an adult.
you and joseph tend to have long discussions about the sins of the government and how the people should have free will but joseph argues they need to be cleansed and taught the ways of the voice first.
you’re taller than faith but shorter than joseph, so you’re often the person of choice for the middle of a cuddle sandwich!
joseph and faith let you borrow clothes form their respective closets depending on your gender and how you identify. they love seeing you in their outfits.
i hope you enjoyed this one! the masterlist is here !
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
❀ ✿ farcryfuckmeup’s MASTERLIST ❀ ✿
❀ ✿ this is a masterlist for all my content that’s far cry related! (and some not) more will be updated as i go! i also have a tag list here and a KO-FI here!
❀ ✿ i take commissions!
Last Updated: JANUARY 15, 2020
Jacob Seed
In Memoriam Part III
A Crack of Lightning and a Gentle Storm  TW: PTSD, ANXIETY
Joseph Seed
In Memoriam Part I
John Seed 
In Memoriam Part II
Tired and Haggard
Come to Me
Faith Seed
In Memoriam Part IV
I Believe I Can Fly TW: ALCOHOL
The Friends of the Deputy
In Memoriam Part V (Sharky Boshaw)
In Memoriam Part VI (Nick Rye)
In Memoriam Part VII (Kim Rye)
In Memoriam Part VIII (Sheriff Earl Whitehorse)
Party On, Amigo! (Sharky Boshaw) TW: MENTION OF DRUGS, ALCOHOL
Take My Hand (Jess Black)
Deputy Tessa Rook Ω
Herald Jezebel ‘Belle’ Seed ♡
Security Captain (coming soon!)
Seeds and Their S/O Singing to Their Child
Hurk Comforting Male Deputy
Jacob Seed NSFW Alphabet
Joseph Seed NSFW Alphabet
Seeds and Comfort
Non-Cult AU Seed Family
Career Day with the Seed Brothers
Cap and Rook’s misadventures throughout Hope County collected in a photo album!
(for whatever reason these specific links only work on browsers/desktop. all match ups are listed under #farcryfuckmeup’s match ups)
Nick Rye
Joseph Seed and Faith Seed
Faith Seed
Joseph Seed
Jacob Seed
John Seed
Sharky Boshaw
Hurk Drubman Jr.
Jess Black
Grace Armstrong
Eli Palmer
Pastor Jerome Jeffries
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
hey. match me up with WHOEVER bro!!! im a 5”4 devil worshippin shithead who loves wasting her life away by watching horror movies and listening to (primarily) death metal...,,a bit loud and trouble-seeking, as a good time sounds like a live, violent show with plenty of booze and good (all be it, questionable) company. kinda scruffy. got a side shave with ghostly blonde/grey hair... always wearing super intense red eyeshadow with a spiked jacket to boot B) angry, extroverted, and yet, lonely
I pair you with…
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John Seed!
despite how much he tries to control it around joseph, you bring out the wild side of john.
he doesn’t have much of a social life anymore, so he enjoys hanging out at the ranch and getting plastered until early morning.
the both of you lay in bed groaning and stealing the blanket from each other while you try to sleep off a wicked hangover.
you instigate the shenanigans, john executes them with your help. he’s had to use his expertise to talk his way out of trouble. to you, it makes it all the more exciting.
john is shocked by your taste in music, but not because he’s surprised you listen to it, but rather for how it sounds. he hadn’t heard much heavy metal growing up or even once he was older and on his own, so he’s not used to all the brash instruments.
he’ll 10/10 curl up with you on his nights off and watch horror movies. especially the slashers and ghost movies, those are his favorite.
john’s the type to bring a hoard of snacks over for movie night, so don’t be surprised when if you fall asleep from a food coma.
when john finds out you like to party, he’ll introduce you to all sorts of things. he normally supplies the booze and drugs and snacks, simply requesting you bring yourself and a promise to attempt at a good time.
he admires your social skills and how outgoing you are, but he recognizes a bit of himself in you. he has plenty of friends but can’t shake the feeling that he’s lonely.
your tempers clash often during disagreements to the point where one of you has to walk away to avoid disaster.
the first day he notices you wearing his favorite plane jacket instead of your spiked one, it makes his heart stop. he never thought he’d get to see you in his clothing, so when he does its a real treat.
i hope you enjoy this! i have requests and commissions open! here’s a masterlist of more content! here’s some good ol’ matchups for Seed Day in FC5Week!
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
What are the odds that Jake has a distaste for thunder storm? Not so much the storm but the trigger it is to his memory .-. What if Jake has an episode and Dep helps him through it??
A Crack of Lightning and a Gentle Storm
wc: 1,621
here’s my MASTERLIST of all my other stuff! 
When the rain started to fall, you hadn't thought much of it. Storms rolled through Hope County every now and then, it was just a matter of waiting it out. You weren't irked because of the rain, but rather because of what it had interrupted.
He'd been tracking you through the Whitetails, as rumor had started to spread that you were up to something especially no good today, and he had to be honest with himself...he didn't want to lose anymore Chosen on a task as small as hunting you down.
It wasn't until a bright light cause his arm to cover his face and his body to jerk away, followed by a loud crack and the creaking of a falling tree, that he realized it wasn't going to be worth his time to track you in this weather.
"Fucking Deputy." He mumbled to himself as he took in his surroundings, his heart starting to pound a little harder in his chest. Jacob knew he needed to find some shelter, that or head back to the Veteran's Center. There was no way in hell he was going to give you a head start by retreating, so he wandered through the pouring rain until he came upon an abandoned cabin.
There were plenty of those these days it seemed, sitting empty either with or without the owners' possessions left behind. Jacob mumbled angrily to himself as he made his way up to the door, quietly ranting about you and all the shit you'd caused for the Project. All the stress you caused Joseph, the anger you fueled in John, the hurt you put upon Faith. To Jacob, you were a nuisance, someone whose goal was to hurt his family. He briefly thought of their father, inflicting pain upon Joseph for reading comics, whipping Jacob for each word he talked back with, refusing to let John have snack despite how skinny he'd looked.
Jacob approached the cabin slowly, listening for any signs that someone could, in fact, be squatting there. It wasn't an uncommon thing to find Resistance members or even Project members taking shelter in abandoned or donated homes.
He pushed open the door and poked his head in almost simultaneously with you doing the same to the back door directly across from him.
Both of you quickly raised your handguns, aiming it at each other as you stepped into the house. Eyes were narrowed, fingers resting on you triggers.
"Well, well fancy seeing you here Wolf Boy." Jacob felt his eye twitch at your voice, but he didn't dare look away to roll his eyes and show his distaste at your remark.
"Is that really the best you can do? Or has all that time spent underwater in an attempt to baptize you left you braindead?" Jacob sneered back, his entire body flinching ever so slightly as another crack of thunder shook the cabin.
An unreadable emotion crossed the eldest Seed’s features as his grip tightened around his handgun.
“Can we not do this when there’s the possibility of you accidentally shooting me? That or accurately shoot me so that I die properly.” Your words were insensitive and snarky but it was tight with worry. You could see the quick rise and fall of Jacob’s chest. The pupils of his eyes shrunken with…could it be anxiety?
Did Jacob Seed experience anxiety? He had been to war, obviously had a hefty amount of PTSD. Of course, he did. Despite how terrible of a person he was, Jacob was still human.
“I don’t miss.” Jacob barked at the Deputy, his temper flaring as he watched you holster their gun. He didn't want you to back down. Despite chasing each other and his siblings all over Hope County, you had mutual respect and understanding for each other. You never fought unfairly. You were equals. Even if Jacob did view you as a tool in the grand scheme of things.
“I know you don’t, okay? Just…put that thing away before you do somethin’ you’ll regret.” You very slowly and carefully raised your hands away from your gun belt and towards the big bad man that stood on the opposite end of the cabin. You didn't totally understand why you were doing this. Maybe it was because since you'd stepped foot in Hope County, nightmares had plagued you as well. Everything that had happened in this middle-of-nowhere Montana area had started changing you into someone you didn't recognize. Someone harder, more violent, less and more feeling at the same time.
Jacob's expression was guarded and cautious. He was just as puzzled as you that you had put your weapon away. Normally you never let your guard down like this. It was something Jacob admired you for. You were constantly watching your back and others', always had some sort of witty comeback for the Seeds, and never let yourself be vulnerable. At least not around any members of the Project. Certainly not around himself or his siblings.
You were slowly inching towards Jacob with your hands still held up in surrender, but you lunged for him as another boom of thunder split both of your ears, the flash of lightning illuminating the fear on both your faces with dark shadows. You lunged for the older Seed as his fingers tightened around his gun. A round fired into the wooden floor as you wrangled for the weapon.
"Jacob stop! Give me the gun!" Your voice was nearly drowned out by the storm raging outside, but you were in a close enough proximity for him to hear you. His fingers wouldn't budge and when his shoulder collided with your sternum, you realized they had to act before either one of you got seriously hurt.
"Sorry Jake." You mumbled before bringing your knee up to his crotch, causing him to sink to his knees with a groan. His grip slackened just long enough for you to yank the red and black pistol from his hands and toss it halfway across the cabin. You knelt down next to Jacob, who was still clearly feeling the blow you'd given him. You felt a little bad that it had been such a cheap shot, but at the same time, he was still a villainous ass.
You touched his shoulder gently, noticing how his entire body tensed up at the contact. You fought back the urge to recoil and move a safe distance away from Jacob, and instead shifted your hand down to his bicep and wrapped your fingers around it.
"Come on. Let's get off the floor before we cause the foundation to sink in." Your voice was loud over the rain, yet it was gentle at the same time. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you could tell Jacob's was too. A vein in his neck pulsed erratically, the apples of his cheeks slightly flushed underneath the scarred tissue.
He let you help him up nevertheless, both of you dragging each other to the nearby sofa. You sunk into the cushions together, groaning at the fact that you were finally off your feet. It had been a long day of running, chasing, hiding, and fighting. Just another day in the life of the Rookie of Hope County.
When Jacob leaned against you, your body froze. His big stature wasn't as heavy as you thought it would be with his shoulder leaning into yours the way it was. You could feel his body shift with each breath he inhaled and exhaled.
"Do you have any idea how fucked up this is?" You muttered softly as Jacob's body slowly began to relax against yours, but you found yourself sinking into the couch with him.
"The world is even more fucked if you want to argue for it." Jacob spoke up, his chest rumbling with a chuckle. His head was shaking though as he did so. He knew it was a bad thing that you were so comfortable with each other in private, and so did you. There was only a handful of ways this whole war played out in the end, and very few of those were considered good.
"And if I want to argue against it?" Jacob turned his head to look at you as he shifted on the sofa. His arm slipped behind your back and around your shoulders, angling your body towards him as he scooted you over. You rested your head against his chest and took a deep breath.
"Don't." You couldn't help but laugh a few notes at Jacob's simple answer. But with one word, he said many. You understood what he meant. Don't talk about what needs to be. Just enjoy the privacy they have right now. Revel in the blissful ignorance that there is a war going on outside these walls.
"Then I won't." You replied before huffing and closing your eyes, the warmth of Jacob's body seeping into your rain-soaked clothes. His were dripping too, clinging to his skin, but his body heat still managed to offer you some measure of comfort.
When you woke, the first thing you realized was how warm it was. The second was that there was no longer a comfortable human being underneath you. You opened your eyes, rubbing them as you felt your heart squeeze in your chest.
You started to roll over but found your legs trapped by something. Your first thought was that the dickhead had tied you up to get a headstart (not that he'd need one). Instead, you found his signature camo shirt draped over you like a blanket.
"What the hell have I gotten myself into?" You mumbled to yourself as you sat up, but pulled the shirt on nevertheless.
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Would you be willing to do a match-up? I’m a straight girl, 5’4, thin, and have dark hair. I’m shy, introverted, and awkward but sometimes I randomly click with people and can be friendly or even snarky. I tend to be drawn to dominant personalities and enjoy people who I can talk to about serious matters but who also make me laugh. I'm not used to people touching me but I do crave to have someone I can trust enough to be okay with it. I like art, film, music, history, and nature.
I pair you up with…
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Jacob Seed!
he tends to linger around you because of how quiet you are. when jacob starts talking he tends to talk a lot, but the man also values his peace and quiet.
jacob notices you after you put john in his place and throw some attitude, then jacob starts to take an interest in you. who is this girl? 
you didn’t seem extremely ballsy at first, but maybe you felt comfortable enough with john to set him straight. either way, jacob thought it was amusing and admires it. not many people stand up to little johnny.
this boy is kind of self-explanatory, with his personality. he likes to be in control of things and will 210% stomp on anyone (with a few exceptions) that tries to get in his way. not always the best at taking criticism. is that really a surprise though?
jacob can go from whatever emotion he’s expressing/feeling to serious in a heartbeat. he’ll screw around if he’s comfortable, but only when it’s appropriate.
speaking of…his humor is a bit…odd. he’ll roll his eyes at the puns john makes, but when you make a funky synth noise after spilling water you can hear him laughing.
jacob’s jokes are usually roasts or ones that use word play. if you don’t find it that funny or laugh as hard as him, he’s the type of person to argue why it’s the best joke.
unless asserting his position (i.e. if a guy is flirting with you) jacob isn’t the type to for a ton of heavy pda. 
he’ll normally wait for you to come to him for physical affection, unless jacob feels its absolutely warranted (having a breakdown, need help, ect.) he likes 
jacob could spend days having conversations about art, history, and nature with you. bonus points if it’s art history featuring pieces done on nature. he’s a mountain man that made an actual slideshow from real photos. these are his hobbies and he’ll refuse to quit any of them.
bitches we are back!!! (ish) this is the first thing i’ve posted in a hot minute so here you go! i hope you enjoy it! my requests are open and don’t forget to check out my masterlist or ao3!
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