cyberpunkonline · 6 months
Join Farcaster.
A decentralised social network that pays it's users.
Check it out.
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cpoetter · 2 years
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christophbergmann · 4 months
The surreal overvaluation of Farcaster
Incredible: Web3 Twitter Clone Farcaster Receives a $150 Million Investment – Valued at One Billion Dollars. But Why and for What? Continue reading The surreal overvaluation of Farcaster
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wecoinverse · 4 months
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🚀 DEGEN: From Volatility to Victory!
Leading social token in Farcaster with strong community support, high trading volumes, and promising long-term potential.
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technewsbite · 6 months
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Looking for a new way to connect with your community?
What if you could join a decentralized social media platform like Farcaster: https://bit.ly/3wWnnnq
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socialtrackerweb · 1 year
Redes sociales descentralizadas: Farcaster y Warpcast: Social Media Examiner
Tendencias de marketing social ¡Los datos que te faltaban! ¿Necesita un nuevo paquete? Descubra cómo los especialistas en marketing planean cambiar sus actividades sociales en el informe anual número 14 sobre la industria del marketing en redes sociales. ¡Revela lo que los especialistas en marketing han planeado para sus actividades sociales, marketing de contenido y más! Obtenga este informe…
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0xtrish · 2 years
Trump is back on Twitter. Another reason to exit. Meet me on farcaster.
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i dont remember if i ever posted these??
anyways more monhun au
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ultramantr1gger · 1 year
i hate how it just throwsd me at the final boss after i have to fight ruiner nergigante like I HAVE NO MORE POTIONS LET ME REFILL FIRST?????
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endlessmazin · 4 months
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-̷-̵-̸-̶-̴-̴-̴-̶-̷2K Followers Update-̷-̵-̸-̶-̴-̴-̴-̶-̷
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Hello, Tumblr!
I'm a multimedia artist deeply passionate about glitch art, working with a wide range of techniques—from ROM corruption to databending, and classic glitch methods to innovative approaches. I'm also writer, ex dungeon master/role player, endlessly experimenter and i love working on world building.
In my second year here, I've made some updates:
I manage two different sub-blogs:
-̷-̵-̸-̶-̴-̴-̴-̶-̷ Sub-Blogs
Corrupted Souls - Focusing on video game glitch/ROM corrupting
Compact Drive - Abstract artwork blog made by databending
Endlessmazin is my main hub but i'm categorizing some of my techniques in specific tags.
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Follow these tags if you love their aesthetics:
#ditheriumdei - Gothscapes glitch aesthetic
#phantasmagoria - Dark fantasy glitches
#mazin analog - Experiments with analog devices
#wiredweb - Generative works around Delaunay triangulation
#realmcore - Glitchscapes in magical realms
-̷-̵-̸-̶-̴-̴-̴-̶-̷ Social Media & Web3
Twitter Instagram
I'm also active in the Web3 space! Find me on platforms like Farcaster, Lens Protocol, and more:
Web3 Profile
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You can also subscribe to my art via Hypersub
Thank you for following my journey
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elendsessor · 6 months
ok my favorite kind of elder dragons are the parasitic ones since we actually see what harm they’re capable of doing outside of being told they’re harmful to the environment and i really have to give props to blackveil vaal hazak since he’s easily the best “roaming” elder dragon (aside from the magalas because honestly there was so much done with gore that no elder dragon can stand on the level of showing that domino effect).
see the problem i have with roaming ones is you barely see what they do unless it’s story stuff and worldborne was MASSIVE missed opportunity. they tried remedying this by having extreme weather whenever they’re around (except in the elder’s recess at least it’s insanely hard to tell) but while yeah extreme weather is bad…. it looks way too natural. teostra in particular makes this really obvious by having things in the wildspire wastes look a little warmer. wow so cool clearly a massive problem. we do see what elder dragons are capable of in fights of course but some of it is harder to depict without their own unique arenas. nergigante is the one we see the most but really nergie’s more of the real hero since he actually y’know kills and eats other elder dragons so aside from the affect of potentially scaring some off from their territory he’s the least harmful. and has been fighting them off for years and is what helps regulate elder dragon populations so really the demonization of him is very very fabricated after the initial zorah storyline. only closest one is velkhana but she’s actually pretty passive outside of story stuff. most of the ones in world kinda just mind their own business anyways.
but vaal is built different.
(anyways big ramble beneath the cut)
you can already see the effects of what his presence has brought about the second you get to the rotten vale without even meeting him. effluvium is nearly everywhere and a ton of the small monsters are coated in the stuff which does harm them, and when you do fight vaal you see him fuck up those lil guys repeatedly even outside the introduction cutscene. he also has the best elder dragon theme in world no contest. only problem is that he’s pretty easy??? all he has is the effluvium to prove a real threat so popping on anti effluvium decorations simplifies the entire fight. he moves slow, acts slow, the ai isn’t particularly good, and though he hits hard it is relying heavily on if you have your health cut.
blackveil is somehow infinitely more terrifying than a massive mesh of rotting flesh and is absurdly unique
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this is what happens when black mold mixes with cordyceps and it’s so fitting for what vaal hazak is. kinda surprising we haven’t had a fungi based monster until him at least in mainline (might’ve been one that existed before that i’m forgetting). but it’s more than just appearance that makes this thing horrifying. while another chill unless provoked monster, the damage has already been done once you first encounter him.
the entirely of the great forest’s deepest depths are covered in spores and before meeting him you see a bunch of familiar monsters caked in it. the atmosphere is dreary, at least the forest floor choked by sickly mold. he doesn’t even attack you when you finally get the run in, rather moving past you like you were never there. worst part? effluvium resistance doesn’t save you—it only removes one problem. he attacks faster while still hitting hard, each breath spewing more and more of that mold, further covering the foliage and whatever creature is unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire, chipping away at your health. you step in the pale patches, you start taking damage at a relatively rapid pace.
then there’s that ultimate move, where blackveil puffs itself up. most elder dragons when they do this call for the player to get as far away as possible. not with him. he covers such a wide range that, unless you farcast, you will get stuck traversing through a sea of spores. the only “safe” space is right beside the beast, aka the last place you want to be, since he can easily hit you.
this is straight up some of the most anxiety inducing stuff in mainline monster hunter and does show that killing it isn’t enough. the spores don’t magically disappear. it sticks, and all you got rid of was the source… until you return to the forest in any quest or expedition he isn’t in, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t any threat. that’s just a gameplay thing. thinking on a logistical level, were hunts to have a visible effect within the world, yeah that shit isn’t clearing for awhile.
this is how roaming elder dragon fights should be, and it’s easily the greatest one to come out of post old school monsters.
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eric-coldfire · 4 months
Find Lunestra in Guiding Lands.
Has to relearn her moves.
Carts multiple times.
Finally slays her.
Looks at MR armor and final Gunlance upgrade.
Unlocks a new optional quest.
Five hunts later, has almost all the materials needed for armor and Gunlance, just need 1 horn.
30-40 hunts later.
Still no horn despite breaking her head every hunt.
Find Teostra in Guiding Lands.
Take frustration out on him.
Last fucking hunt, have to go to bed on a win or else I'm gay and my whole family dies.
Chases her back to lair after hunt.
Sets bombs by her head, TIE Fighter helps.
Detonates with wyvernfire.
"Parts broken!" Notification.
Plugs Gunlance bomb into her head.
Farcasts back to camp and restocks on bombs.
Goes back to lair, back to sleep.
Resets bombs by her head, blasts again with wyvernfire.
MBB plus Gunlance bomb nearly whites out screen.
Lunestra slain.
Horn on 4th carve.
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cpoetter · 6 months
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as binji.eth wrote on Farcaster: Elon's awakening
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christophbergmann · 4 months
Die surreale Überbewertung von Farcaster
Die surreale Überbewertung von Farcaster Unglaublich: Der Web3-Twitter-Klon Farcaster erhält eine Investition von 150 Millionen Dollar - bei einer Bewertung von einer Milliarde Dollar. Nur - warum und wofür eigentlich?
Unglaublich: Der Web3-Twitter-Klon Farcaster erhält eine Investition von 150 Millionen Dollar – bei einer Bewertung von einer Milliarde Dollar. Nur – warum und wofür eigentlich? Continue reading Die surreale Überbewertung von Farcaster
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manicdragondreamgirl · 6 months
Still devastated I didn’t remember to capture this insane safi’jiva siege moment from last night where I had gone back to camp via farcaster to restock and then misheard the sapphire of the emperor sound and landed mid-star drop and then just. Casually jogged behind the closest rock and lived like my heart wasn’t in my throat for being a dumbass.
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thisworldisablackhole · 6 months
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Hyperion, by Dan Simmons - 4/5
Long time no see. I have been extremely distracted by video games lately. Helldivers 2 has consumed the past few weeks of my life, and I also just decided to take another stab at Elden Ring, so this book took me much longer than usual to get through
Hyperion's format of storytelling actually lends itself to longevity though, as it's essentially a collection of short stories. This worked out nicely for me because I didn't have to worry about forgetting any details after not touching the book for a few days in a row. To sum things up quickly, the stories are shared by a group of pilgrims who are travelling to the Time Tombs on Hyperion to request council with the Shrike; the mysterious Lord of Pain and/or bloodthirsty murderer who's intentions are unknown. All the citizens of the Web know is that the Shrike holds insurmountable power and secrets. That alone was enough to hook me in.
Each character takes turns sharing their backstory of why they decided to join this potentially fatal pilgrimage, and it is through these stories that the world of Dan Simmons' immense universe comes to life. Hyperion takes place in a distant future where Earth has been destroyed and humans have officially become an interstellar species. Almost every planet in the galaxy is not only inhabited, but connected by "farcaster" portals (a technology passed down to humans via the AI conduit) which makes access to these planets almost instantaneous. These planets are part of the "World Web", which is governed by the Hegemony (because of course the entire universe is going to be ruled by one totalitarian government). Hyperion is the only planet that sits outside of the Web, and it's incorporation into the Hegemony is highly debated due to the absolutely violent, maniacal God that roams it's plains.
Time is a very important aspect of this book. Not only are the Time Tombs themselves very central to the plot, but there is also the problem of time debt. To put it simply, people who often travel in space ships at a speed faster than light experience less time than those who don't. 9 months of space travel for one person could be 10 years of local time for their family back home. This makes the universe quite unique, because as citizens of the Web experience time at different speeds, the cultures and technologies of past and future begin to bleed together. The result is a book where the exact time period is really hard to pin down. Descriptions of 19th century peasants are contrasted by space ships and laser guns, and it gives the whole book a really special vibe that is equal parts confusing and exciting.
If I have one gripe with this book, it's with the inconsistency of the writing itself. Hyperion often shifts in and out of sci fi genius in one moment, and then eye roll inducing space opera pig fodder in the next. Some of the pilgrim's stories are really imaginative and unique, and then others read like something I would have written when I was 12. I don't fault Simmons for letting his inner child run rampant throughout the novel, but some of the romance and power fantasy action scenes were just a bit too shallow. Regardless, the world building is so fun that even the most shallow stories climax with intriguing information and a foreboding twist that will engage you further in the plot and make you feel more connected to the individual characters.
Overall I'd say this is an essential read simply due to the innovative ideas and masterful storytelling. It's genius is sometimes bogged down by adolescent fantasies, but it's not enough to detract from the central plot, which is definitely meaty enough on it's own to keep you engaged. From what I've been told, the second book doesn't follow the same format of storytelling, so I am really excited to jump into it. As much as I enjoyed getting to know the characters through their individual sub plots, I am looking forward to a more straight forward story arc. I must find out more about the Shrike.
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