#farah dowling and bloom
hoffnungswolke · 2 months
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atrxides · 7 months
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silrah x work song by hozier Fate The Winx Saga (2021-2022)
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Farah & Bloom / Saul & Sky parallel
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frost-queen · 6 months
Shimmering light (Fem!Reader x Stella)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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Sky puffed loud when you had kicked him in the chest. He doubled, reaching for his chest with a pained expression. – “You are out of shape Sky.” – you said teasingly, lowering your foot. Sky looked up, wanting to speak, but couldn’t yet. It made you laugh loud. – “Riven would be delighted to hear this.” – you told him as Sky straightened his posture. Having moved his hands to his hip, pointing at you. – “Don’t!” – he replied with a scowl.
It made you hum thoughtfully just to tease him more. Sky groaned grabbing a stick. He let it hit down on you. As a response, you had set your hands high as the stick came in contact with your wrists. – “Nice try darling.” – you moved your head for him to see your silly smirk. – “Sky, Y/n enough training!” – both of you heard. Sky lowered his stick.
Turning around, you straightened your posture at Saul coming your way. – “Good foot work Y/n.” – he whispered to you, patting you on the back. You threw Sky a mockingly smile just to rub it more in his face. Sky rolled his eyes. The other specialists gathered around as Saul had whistled loud. Riven came jogging over, looking all smug.
“Y/n.” – he said throwing an arm around you. Pressing your face close to his chest. – “Riven.” – you mumbled out, feeling squashed in his grip. Punching him in the armpit, he released his grip on you. You took a breather, shooting him a glare. Riven laughed finding himself amusing. Saul cleared his throat to make him stop interrupting. – “It’s time for your assignment.” – Saul explained.
He stepped aside as a group of fairies approached the training grounds. – “You’ve got to be kidding me.” – Riven puffed out, turning annoyed around. – “Scared Riven.” – you teased, tickling him under his armpits. Riven’s body squirmed, making him jump away from you. He gave you an annoyed look. Sky chuckled beside you. Saul snapped his finger to stop your little distraction.
“I’ll assign you your fairy.” – he started. He started pairing up some fairies and specialists. Amongst them stood Stella with her friends. She made brief eye contact with you. Her hand subtle going up to greet you with the smallest of nods. You smiled briefly back at her as response.
“I hope I get paired up with Sky.” – you heard her say to Musa. Musa gave her little attention, throwing glances from afar to Riven. – “Stella.” – Saul called out, making Stella straighten her back. – “Y/n.” – he called out, gesturing to the middle. Stella’s eyes widened as you came to the centre. Bloom had to push her forwards or else she would’ve remained still. Stella and you joined before Saul. Saul nodded at you.
You took Stella by her sleeve, pulling her aside. There you waited for everyone to be paired up. After pairing up gave Saul the subject to start training with each other. You and Stella moved a bit away from the group. – “Sorry I’m not Sky.” – you told her. Stella glanced up to you with a bit of shock in her eyes. Tilting her chin a bit up, her attitude changed.
“It’s better than Riven.” – she answered. – “Ouch.” – you replied hurt by her comment. Stella swallowed nervously, looking down. You had lowered yourself to pick up a fighting stick from the ground. Turning around you handed one to her. Stella stared rather strange at it. – “I’m not touching that.” – she said moving the stick away with one finger.
It made you sigh loud. – “Take it.” – you insisted. Stella crossed her arms. – “In case you forgot Y/n, I have my powers to protect me. I don’t need no sweaty stick.” – she said back cocky. You exhaled deep lowering the fighting stick. – “What if for some reason you can’t rely on them?” – you asked, pulling your shoulders up. Stella scoffed at what you said. You had a bit enough of her attitude. – “I’m here to protect you so maybe cut the whole stuck up princess act!” – you called out.
“It’s not an act, I am a princess.” – Stella replied loud. It made you throw your hands up. Throwing the stick on the ground, you gave up. Walking off, you had quite enough of her. – “Where are you going?” – Stella shouted getting on her toes. You ignored her, continuing to walk away. Stella lowered herself, looking hurt down.
She noticed some other pairings looking at her. It made her feel shy and small. Biting her thumb a bit, she went her own way. At first Stella thought about skipping. But then the guilt came. She felt guilty for acting like that towards you. She decided to change coarse and search for you. She eventually found you at the lunch tables. Stella took a deep breath before walking over.
You quirked your eyebrow up when she came sitting in front of you. – “Does her royal princess require something?” – you said bitsy. – “Y/n.” – Stella replied trying to reason with you. You crossed your arms, leaning back in your chair. Stella took a deep breath. – “I’m sorry.” – she said making you stare curious at her. You noticed how uneasy and vulnerable she felt.
“I…I didn’t mean to be so…” – she started. – “Bitchy?” – you answered for her, making her chuckle. – “Yes that.” – she agreed. – “Great, we agree on one thing.” – you teased seeing her smile. – “We agree on more things Y/n.” – Stella spoke. – “Like what?” – you asked intrigued. – “Like how good looking I am.” – she said making you quirk your eyebrow at her. – “Kidding!” – she laughed out, touching your arm. It didn’t make you laugh, rather just gaze at her.
You took a deep breath, placing your hand on hers. – “Stella, I’m not the one you should be building your walls up to.” – you told her. – “Remember last year?” – you pointed out. Stella nodded, remembering. – “The time I blinded that girl.” – she said looking down. You joined your other hand to hold hers in yours. Your action made her look up to you. – “No, after that.” – you corrected.
Stella smiled saddened at you. – “You were there.” – she said. – “I was there.” – you repeated. – “I was there when you were at your lowest. I kept you going. I made you shine as bright as ever Stella. So… don’t go acting all cold towards me with our history.” – you talked. Stella smiled brighter.
“You are better than Sky.” – she answered. – “You are what I need.” – Stella finished staring at your eyes. You smiled back at her. – “Oh how much better I feel.” – you responded dramatically, making Stella stomp your arm. Laughing loud afterwards. Both of you got up, heading back to the training grounds.
You kicked the door open after having heard Stella scream. Her eyes turned to shock when you busted in the room. Your eye immediately fell on her mother. With your batons you went for her mother. Forcing her face down on the desk. Arm between your baton on her back as your other one pressed her back against the desk. – “Y/n!” – Stella called out with tears in her eyes.
“This is the last time that you hurt her!” – you grunted out, pressing her mother’s cheek harder on the desk. Her mother was furious. Squirming under your grip to get free. – “You wait till I am free!” – she threatened. – “Do your worst.” – you responded coldly. Stella stared in shock, hands to her mouth at the display. Her mother raised her hand as Stella caught the faintest of light.
“Y/n!” – she alarmed you. You saw the light as well, quickly pulling back before she could blind you. Your own reaction made you stumble back. Her mother rose, eyes reflecting fury. She pointed her hand at you, casting a blast of light towards you. You fell back against Farah’s bookcase.
Books dropped to the ground with you. Stella gasped loud with tears in her eyes. – “You specialists think you are equal to us!” – she spitted out. Raising her hand as light emerged from it. – “You have just signed your own death.” – she called out. – “No!” – Stella shouted coming to stand in between. Arms wide open. – “Step aside child!” – Her mother casted out.
“No! I won’t let you hurt her!” – Stella defied against her mother. Her mother scoffed amusingly, finding it humorous her daughter would stand up against her. – “I won’t let you touch her!” – Stella replied determined. You looked up amazed to her. Seeing how strong she appeared. Her mother rose her hand either way, ready to cast light at Stella for being in the way.
You got up, wrapping your arms around Stella. Calling it out, you pulled her down with you, before the light could hit her. The light hit the bookcase instead. Making more books drop down. Hitting you and Stella all over.
You had moved your arms around Stella, protecting her. Stella slowly lifted her head, coming close to yours. For a moment the two of you stared at each other. You smiled, brushing your thumb against her cheek. Stella breathed out a smile with tears in her eyes. Her mother scoffed disgusted ready to cast again. You pulled Stella in your embrace to protect her. – “I’m sorry.” – you whispered to her.
Stella hugged you back, tightly. – “Not a word.” – she whispered back. Both of you closed your eyes, waiting for the impact. The door swung open, Farah entering with Saul. Saul launched for Stella’s mother, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back. Farah turned to look at you. – “Are you alright girls?” – she asked as Saul escorted Stella’s mother out.
Stella and you stared a bit confused at each other. – “We are.” – Stella spoke with a smile. You helped each other up, embracing one another again.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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sadblueflowerelf · 3 months
Fanfiction writers!
(especially Rhaenys x Reader and/or Farah x Reader)
as I read everything from that niche 😂😭 I would love to help you in proces of writing. Tell me! What can I do for you? How can you be inspired to write? How can you guys be helped? How can I push the machine forward?
I wrote comments but what else can I do?
How can I be cheerleader in more productive way?
Help me so I can help you! XD I don't have ff's to read 😭 💔
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expectiations · 4 months
Don't you just hate it when the character you're rooting for just dies out of nowhere???? okay maybe she didn't die out of nowhere but still fuck that
I started Fate: The Winx Saga for Farah Dowling but she died??? And she doesn't have a comeback in season 2???
If I weren't at the campus, I would do a full shit on breakdown. Because what the fuck.
This is why I prefer spoiling myself =⁠_⁠=
scurries off to AO3 for comfort
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myalchod · 3 months
She knows he is no fool, knows he sees into the heart of her — better, perhaps, than anyone in this world. Suddenly her stomach feels like lead. Desperate times, desperate measures.
A Silrah-focussed fic written for @winxsource's WIPs and Chains whumpfest. The author refuses to be held accountable for any pain this may inflict. 😘
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evebestthinker · 1 year
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Admitting mistakes invites uncertainty.
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But not admitting them
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means people you care about have to ask you if you hug.
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partiallypearl · 8 months
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White lies, white Jesus and you
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jenni3penny · 10 months
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~gif by madamebutterfly94~
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farahtissaiamyloves · 3 months
Do you write Fate: The Winx Saga fics? If so, can you write a fic where Bloom is in a slump (depressed from everything). She blocks out everyone from trying to help her. Her magic gets erratic because of her emotions. Farah helps her through everything. Gives her advice and comfort. She is a mother figure for Bloom. Just a fic that starts out very angsty and just leads to pure comfy at the end. If it can be at least 2500 words, I'd appreciate it. If not, it's understandable.
P.S. Not a lot of FarahxBloom fics, so.... kinda hope you could help me.
Making peace with the past
Farah Dowling x Bloom Peters (plat)
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Another wonderful request was completed. I hope I rose up to the challenge successfully. I have never truly written anything which isn't xreader but I think that this came to be wonderful. You, Anon, requested for 2500 minimum, so I am providing you with my longest one-shot, 3236 words. Enjoy.
Bloom was sitting alone on a bench. Her eyes were glassy as she looked at the horizon, the endless beautiful fields outside of Alfea.
Her mind was a huge mess. So many things happened the past year. She could hardly comprehend what was happening anymore.
She had done a murder.... It was self-defense, but still... She did have blood on her hands... Two people's blood.
Obviously, both Rosalind and Sebastian had to die or at least be defeated one way or another if she wanted to ensure Alfea's safety.
Bloom looked down at her hands, half expecting them to be covered with their blood.
The girl sighed, placing her head against her hands. She was feeling so...
Even she didn't know.
The only good thing that came up due to the discovery of her dragon flame was her ability to resurrect one of the only people who cared for her, not because of her abilities, no... but because they cared about everybody's well-being.
She found some solace at the thought of making things right... Saving the woman who stood by her when she needed it the most.
Bloom felt beyond ashamed and responsible for her death as well... If only she had believed her...
Rosalind would have never been freed. Everybody would be happy. Farah, Ben, and Saul would still be best friends. Bellatrix and Stella would have the chance they deserved to be together...
Bloom sobbed, realizing that she was the cause of everyone's problems.
She didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve her friends, Sky, Headmistress Dowling... She didn't deserve anyone.
Bloom's blood turned cold, remembering her mother's burnt flesh.
She was not the hero everybody painted her to be...
Everything was actually happening in the first place because of her.
She was a monster.
Bloom was sat alone in the library.
She knew the girls had planned a study period in their living room, but she didn't feel like going.
She did not deserve it.
She deserved loneliness.
She deserved to feel the pain.
She didn't hear the footsteps getting too close to her.
Her eyes were glued to her book before she noticed someone standing in front of her desk.
She looked up to see Aisha standing with crossed hands in front of her.
"You coming or what?" Her friend spoke with an expecting gaze.
Bloom didn't respond for some seconds before she shook her head and looked back to her book. "I'm busy."
Aisha titled her head, tapping her foot against the wooden floor of the library. "You are studying here. You may as well as study with us. Same thing." She waved Bloom's excuse off.
Bloom shook her head. "I really need to stay focused.... You are not helping." The girl started feeling agitated. She didn't wish for her company as she didn't deserve it.
This was her punishment.
Aisha took a step closer, hovering above Bloom. "See this as a small break. Come, we gonna be late."
Bloom didn't look at her as she turned the page, pretending to be reading. "I don't wish for a small break. Go."
Aisha's hands crossed over her chest. "Bloom.... You are acting like a baby. Just be done with it."
Bloom rolled her eyes in annoyance, her little patience gone. "I SAID GO."
Aisha's eyes widened in shock before the water fairy blinked. She tried to snitch Bloom's book away from her, only to be met by Bloom's hand slapping her hand away.
Bloom abruptly stood up and looked at her friend in the eyes. "WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? I WANNA STUDY ALONE!"
Aisha swallowed hard as she took a step back at the sound of Bloom's shout. Many heads turned to look at their fight.
The water fairy looked around, noticing the attention they got before turning to her roommate.
Aisha looked at Bloom for a moment and then turned around and left the room feeling beyond shocked due to Bloom's outburst and ashamed of disturbing people's peace.
Bloom sat down on her seat with a relieved sigh.
May the torture continue.
A week later, Bloom found herself in Farah Dowling's classroom.
The headmistress would soon be walking around the classroom overseeing everyone's abilities, as she preferred to give some time to her students to begin chanelling and do the needed preparations.
Today's lesson main focus was control.
Bloom, who was usually sitting next to Aisha, was keeping her mouth shut and not saying a single word.
Aisha was just glancing at Bloom coldly. They hadn't talked since the episode in the library, even if they were seeing each other every day due to the fact that they were roommates.
Through this week, Bloom managed to get into a very heated fight with Stella as well.
Many words were spoken that Bloom regretted immediately, but she had chosen to leave Stella and abandon her in the middle of the fight.
This, alongside Bloom's emotional turmoil, didn't help her at all as she struggled a little bit to maintain her little fire under complete control.
Bloom took a deep breath to calm down and focus on her task.
Make Headmistress Dowling proud.
Farah finished some of her workpapers and decided to walk around the classroom and see how everyone was faring.
Considering that the class has done far more difficult and complicated tasks, she thought that this lesson would be a piece of cake for everyone.
The headmistress had decided to start over and progress the difficulty of the lessons quickly to see her pupils' progress throughout Rosalind's cruel treatment toward them.
The headmistress was pleased to see that everyone was having rather fun, enjoying the simplicity of the task without any kind of pressure or high expectations.
Everyone, except...
Farah raised an eyebrow, noticing that Bloom was no longer sitting at her usual spot.
The woman was perplexed as to why the student wasn't sitting next to her friend, Aisha, like they always do.
Farah looked at Aisha, trying to decipher her feelings without the use of any kind of knowledge.
The girl seemed more troubled and cheerful than usual.
The woman's eyes followed the rest of the company of friends, all of them gathered around each other and whispering here and then.
Farah pressed her lips in a thin line. Something had happened... or rather it's still happening.
She walked next to Terra, a girl who was practically her niece, who was no longer her normal cheerful self.
She didn't say anything about what was happening between them and Bloom, Farah's experience was telling her that the girls just needed some time to solve their problems.
She thought that it was best to interfere and make things worse for both parties.
She just patted Terra's head congratulating her for her impeccable control and then walked to Musa.
She could tell that all of this time without her magic left Musa a little rusty, but still, no one could question Musa's mastery of her mind magic.
Farah smiled at the girl and then walked to examine her assistance work.
The woman was impressed by how well Aisha was taking to the challenge. Farah couldn't help but remember the first classes in which Aisha struggled with taking control of the small particles of water....
The girl seemed like she had been doing it for years.
The headmistress gave a proud smile at her and a nod. Farah was aware of Aisha's ambition to succeed her one day, and she was more than just open with the idea.
"I'm sure you'll be a wonderful headmistress one day." Farah complimented the teenager.
Aisha smiled at her as her eyes sparkled, but Farah couldn't help but notice that the smile didn't reach as high as her usual one.
The woman didn't comment as she continued observing everybody's use of magic. However, she couldn't help but feel worried.
She cared for all of the girls deeply, and watching all of them in such distress brought her not just sadness and anxiousness but distress as well.
Farah walked through the rows of desks, commenting here and there, as well as observing everybody's progress and noting their new abilities.
The woman stopped at Bloom's desk abruptly.
Farah always knew that Bloom's magic was different, stronger than the usual fire fairies, but there was something wrong with the girl.
Normally, knowing that Bloom transformed, Farah thought that Bloom had managed to not just barely contain but perfectly control her magic.
Her assumption was errored.
She stood by Bloom and watched the girl slightly struggle with the strict maintainance of the size of the fire.
She took a step closer and examined both the magic and the troubled girl. "Bloom, I believe you need to calm down first. Then, not only will the task bring better results, but it won't be as exhausting and frustrating as it already is for you." Farah calmly spoke, trying to coax the girl into letting go for a while.
Bloom briefly glanced at her before shaking her head. "There's no need, Headmistress Dowling. Everything is under control." The girl defended, decided not to follow the mind fairy's advice.
Farah sighed and placed her left hand on Bloom's right shoulder. "I know, Bloom. I just believe I have seen enough." The headmistress decided not to test the girl further to see whether she was actually saying the truth or not.
Bloom took a deep breath, filling determination. She had to make the headmistress feel proud of her. She thought this was the only way for her to truly show how sorry she was.
Bloom's red eyes remained on her tiny flames. "Are you sure? Because I can really keep going. Please, test me further, Headmistress. See for yourself." Bloom encouraged the older woman.
The headmistress' eyebrow rose at the sound of her eagerness to be tested. Farah wasn't sure about this, but she did wish to see Bloom's progress.
Hopefully, Rosalind taking over will have at least one good outcome.
The mind fairy's eyes shone as she used her telekinetic abilities to move a little leaf toward Bloom's little fire.
"If that's what you wish, Bloom. Now, I will move this tiny leaf into your fire. If it remains intact when I pull it away, then you will officially excel the test. Is it understood, Bloom?" The headmistress asked, holding the leaf near Bloom's fire.
The girl nodded eagerly as she awaited for the test.
Farah slowly had the leaf approach Bloom's flames. She gave some time to Bloom to prepare for the intrusion before she deeped the leaf right into the magical fire.
The headmistress watched with a proud smile as the flames danced around the leaf, leaving it completely unharmed.
Farah had the leaf remain inside Bloom's fire while she slowly moved it around the flames, testing the girl a little further.
Bloom didn't comment as she continued focusing on her magical fire and keeping the leaf intact.
Farah hummed in approval. "Good job, Bloom. You're doing wonderfully." The woman congratulated the girl as she kept the leaf in place.
Bloom smiled at her as she maintained her focus on the fire. "Thank you, Miss Dowling."
Before Farah had the chance to politely smile at the girl, she felt it before she saw it as Aisha accident fell over Bloom's desk with a glass of water.
The water mainly spilled over Bloom's fire, but it was too little to have it extinguished. Some water landed on Farah's shirt as half of Bloom's face became wet.
It was just for a moment, but Bloom's concentration broke, resulting in the leaf getting burnt.
"Oh. I'm so so sorry, Headmistress Dowling. I meant to go to the sink to get more water." Aisha politely excused herself.
Farah nodded at her before listening to Bloom's anguished cry. "NOOOOOOO."
The woman's eyes widened as she turned quickly to look at Bloom. Bloom's eyes were a darker shade of red as the girl stood up and looked at Aisha. "YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE!"
Aisha swallowed hard, taking a step back in fear. "I- No. Bloom, control yourself." Aisha couldn't admit that she did indeed do it on purpose.
Flames erupted by Bloom's right hand as her magic matched her anger. A pair of wings appeared behind her back. "YOU AND YOUR STUPID JEALOUSY!" Bloom was furious with her friend.
Farah quickly stepped between the two girls, making sure that Bloom couldn't accidentally hurt her friend.
The mind fairy took a step forward and looked deep into the girls' eyes. "Bloom, I know that you are angry at Aisha for ruining your test, but you excelled at it. Please, calm down, and I assure you that we can talk this out."
The girl looked at the headmistress for a moment before she took a deep breath. Miss Dowling was right. She always was.
The fire fairy lowered her hand and let her wings vanish. Bloom slowly sat back in her seat, glancing at Aisha coldly.
The water fairy attempted to leave before she was grabbed by the headmistress. "You shall come with me to my office. Ad for everyone else, you did really great. Class dismissed. " Farah announced as her hand was wrapped around the girl's wrist without even looking at the teenager.
Aisha swallowed hard as everyone else were preparing their things to leave.
Farah turned to look at Bloom. "I shall see you later at... our spot." The headmistress decided, winking at Bloom.
The girl nodded with a small smile. She was so happy that the headmistress wasn't angry with her, even though this was literally the only good thing in her life at the moment.
Farah had put on her coat as she walked out of Alfea. Her boots touched the grass underneath as she slowly walked to the place she and Bloom conversed for what they thought to be the last time.
The headmistress took her time, enjoying the magnificent view of Alfea's grounds at the end of the autumn.
She had reprimanded Aisha greatly for what she did to Bloom and reminded her that it was only normal for Bloom to feel angry and detached after what she lately discovered about her true identity and age.
Farah shook her head. She didn't expect a bunch of teenagers to understand how much trauma and regrets can impact someone's mental health.
The headmistress partially blamed herself because she should have seen that Bloom didn't just need some time, but she needed help. She needed guidance.
Farah finally reached the bench, and she admitted that she waited for Bloom to already be there.
Bloom was sitting on the bench, and at the same side, she sat during their previous conversation in this place and was looking at the school's grounds.
Farah slowly approached and sat down next to Bloom. "Good afternoon, Bloom. I hope you are feeling better."
The girl nodded quickly. "Yes. Yes, I do. Thank you again, Miss Dowling. I don't know what I would have done without you."
The woman smiled, gently patting Bloom's back. "It was the least I could do for you, Bloom...."
The girl smiled at her. "You don't owe me anything, miss Dowling."
Farah gently sighted as she gazed affectionately at the younger girl. "I'm aware, Bloom. However, I shall express my worry for your well-being."
Bloom frowned. "Miss Dowling. Only one of us came back from the dead, and that's not me. How have you been?"
The woman titled her head to the side. "You're avoiding the topic."
The redhead shook her head with an incredulous expression. "I am not."
Farah raised an eyebrow. "Bloom... I know you. You are lying."
The girl's eyes widened. "I- Aisha is just jealous! She believes that if I study a bit more, which I am doing, I'm going to become your favorite, and she- she wishes to be just that."
The older woman sighed and messaged her temples. "Bloom... I care about all of my students equally."
Bloom shook her head and leaned closer to the headmaster. "However, I'm no mere student like everybody else. I have the dragon flame. I killed Rosalind. You love me a little mo-"
Farah silenced the girl with a wave of her hand. The woman looked deep into Bloom's eyes. "So, this is what's all about? You and Aisha fighting for my affection? I can understand why Aisha is trying to be on my good side. She wants to succeed me after all... But you Bloom? You have done more than enough for me and the school?"
Bloom bited her lower lip and looked at the ground. She couldn't tell her the truth. "I- I just really value you. You mean a lot to-"
"Bloom." The woman cut her off. Her voice was serious.
Th girl swallowed hard, expecting her professor's rage. "Yes?"
Farah sighed and took Bloom's hand. "Pushing people away will get you nowhere."
Bloom shook her head quickly. "You don't understand, miss Dowling."
The woman intertwined their fingers. "As a matter of fact.... I think I do. You are still blaming yourself for everything."
Bloom looked at the elder woman with teary eyes. "I- No. Miss Dowling, I just wished to show you my appreciation for everything you have done for me."
Farah smiled sadly at the girl. "I appreciate that. But do you know what I would prefer more?"
Bloom shook her head. "What is it?" She asked excitedly.
The headmistress patted the girl's head. "For you to accept your mistake and move on."
The fire fairy's face fell. "But-"
"No buts! You made a mistake, and you fixed it. I'm so proud of you for achieving just that. There's no need to put yourself and your friends under all of this pain, pressure, and suffering." Farah cut the girl off.
Bloom looked at the woman with a sad facial expression. "Miss Dowling... I've done horrible things..."
The mind fairy shook her head as she took Bloom's face on her left hand. Her right hand was still wrapped around Bloom's left one. "Taking two terrible lives and saving over a thousand isn't considered as a horrible thing Bloom." The woman retorted.
A tear run down Bloom's cheek. The girl's whisper was barely heard as her voice shook. "I killed you."
Farah's eyes widened. The woman shook her head as she immediately pulled the girl into a tight hug. "No. No. No. Rosalind killed me, Bloom. You had nothing to do with it."
Bloom started crying in her professor's arms as Farah could do nothing but rub her back and whisper soothing words, assuring the girl of her heroic actions and her lack of involvement in her murder.
When Bloom's tears slowed down, the student looked up at the elder woman. "Can I... at least do something to show you how sorry I am?"
Farah smiled and caressed her cheek. "I believe that bringing me back to life and protecting Saul when he needed it is more than enough."
Bloom chuckled and pressed her head against her chest.
Farah hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.
Things would never be as they used to in the very beginning, but from now on, neither of them would mind it.
It was for the best.
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emylilas · 2 months
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Winxsource challenge | Fate x But I'm a cheerleader
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hoffnungswolke · 1 year
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 Farah Dowling in every episode - 1x06
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
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Get To Know Me Meme-> TV Shows [4/10] Fate: the Winx Saga
“You found me when I was lost. You brought me to a place that was safe, you gave me guidance, you surrounded me with amazing people.”
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loulislife · 2 years
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A specialist with a troubled past -> who witnessed the death of his father.
A fairy with strong magic -> who has a headmistress with secrets and high expectations.
This story isn't about Bloom & Sky.
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crazycatfaery · 1 year
Prompt D - ferns are what it must mean to love without yearning
And here it finally is, my third entry for the @winxsource Fate: the Winx Saga Reverse Big Bang!
Forever grateful for the unending patience of @aserene, who had to deal with the suspence I created by finishing very last minute. And also for the absolutely wonderful story she created with my prompt, which you have to go read as soon as you can!!
Read HERE with the art included:
Just the art:
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