#far less presure
saturnplaza · 2 months
I am trying to write -- I'm gonna throw my laptop
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justsomeoneunordinary · 6 months
it's juat my opinion, but people tend to forget that being a shinobi is the same as being a soldier and i think the reason that there is fewer female ninja compared to man it's because military service is less appealing to the larger female demographic than it is to the male demographic and the fact that more often than not, the women don't have the presure to become soldiers the men have.
i'm pretty sure i'm talking out of my ass here, but as far as i could see, most of the kunoichi in the show , at least the ones from the main cast, are kunoichi because they are clan heirs and have the expectation of being a kunoichi on them.
I know what you mean, anon, I used to believe that too a long while ago before I accepted the real reason there are so few female characters in Naruto is simply because Kishimoto doesn't know how to write them and didn't want to put more effort into them.
Konoha isn't presented as a military state until later on and neither are shinobi presented as soldiers until later. Kishimoto started this story with "cool ninja fights go brrr" and yet there's an obvious lack of female characters right from the start.
There's a difference between how the military works in real life and how in Naruto. Konoha is a military state whose majority population are shinobi, so the kids, even civilians, grow up where being shinobi is the norm, which makes their view on being a "soldier" a different one to ours.
The decision to become a shinobi is one made as a child, not as an adult where one is aware of the dangers. Kids enroll in the Ninja Academy at 5 or 7 (I don't remember anymore), and most of these kids know shinobi as the cool guys who run across rooftops and can disappear in a poof of smoke. What child wouldn't want to be like that? Sure, there would be some kids who'd be too afraid or shy or both to enlist in the Shinobi school but that's not exclusive to girls only.
If the reason there are fewer shinobi gals than guys was truly because of the whole military thing and not because Kishimoto is just bad at writing women, why did he not put the same amount of effort into writing the few female characters he has as compelling as he did with a huge majority of the male characters?
It's a fantasy setting. It's a fantasy setting whose target audience is kids and teens. It doesn't matter that shinobi are soldiers, it's about cool magic ninja fights go brrr, so putting realism into the numbers of female soldiers compared to male soldiers is ridiculous at that point.
Lastly, Kishimoto himself said in an interview many years ago that he struggles to write girls and doesn't know how to. Not to mention that the lack of female characters in shounen manga isn't anything new because they still seem to think their only target audience is boys, still unaware there are plenty of girls enjoying those stories too.
I understand where you're coming from, anon, I do, but no. The lack of female characters (especially the lack of well-written female characters) has nothing to do with Konoha being a military state but everything with them being female characters.
Personally, I think it's nigh time male writers get bullied for their lack of skill in writing girls and women. Be it shounen mangakas or big Hollywood writers, they're professionals who earn their money with their writing, so it's their job to learn to improve, instead of being let off the hook because they admitted that "tehee, yeah I don't know how to write girls" (as if we are some other species).
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
I suspected that Ohkubo got presured or "nugged" to adapt his style to be closer to the anime plus be less creative and "wacky" and I heard people know make the claim that he confirmed it in some old interview. Do you maybe have a source or atleast think that you have heard something in this ballpark before?
I haven’t finished reading all the interviews I found, and so far I haven’t come to that idea. 
If anything, I never quite got the sense that Ohkubo was persuaded to be closer to the anime. And it’s not as if the anime didn’t break away from its own style: look at how Soul’s weapon form gets bent out of shape, Maka and Black Star’s exaggerated reaction when electrocuted by Ox and Harvar, Black Star’s faces when dealing with Excalibur. All of that was so wacky, and a lot of that owes to what was in the original manga. 
Let’s try to timeline this: 
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June 2003: Prologue 1 of the manga comes out as a one-shot. 
(I haven’t done my research, so I assume Prologue 1 in Volume 1 is nearly identical to the one-shot--if I’m wrong, I would appreciate getting to see what the actual one-shot looked like.)
January 2007: Volume 8 of the manga comes out in Japan, featuring Chapters 28 to 31.
March 2008: Volume 11 of the manga comes out in Japan, featuring Chapters 40 to 44.
April 2008: Episode 1 of the first anime comes out.
Looking at these designs, I don’t quite get the sense that the anime influenced the look of the manga as much. Now, granted, I expect there was a year of production work before the anime premiere at which point Ohkubo would have seen Studio BONES designs, so let’s also look at what came out in January 2007, that being Volume 8. 
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And…yeah, Volume 8 is kind of when the character designs get less interesting. It looks more standardized throughout, although whether that is by the influence of the anime production is up for debate. It could just be making things standardized for ease of drawing and audience reception. But these designs in Volume 8 don’t quite look like the BONES design, namely the lack of the pig noses / skull faces. I think it’s just as likely Ohkubo wanted things to be as standardized, as it is that Ohkubo say how animation is about standard character models for ease of work…except any illustrator would know that standard character designs are part of animation production, so, again, this seems less like “the BONES nudged Ohkubo to do this” so much as “ease of getting the manga out each month meant standardizing designs.”
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And I’m ignoring where Ohkubo flexes with variations in designs for dramatic effect, such as Stein’s threatening aura and the students’ shocked reactions (and Black Star’s excitement), as well as Black Star decking Ox. 
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So, it’s like the character designs are more standard after the anime would have started production, but the exaggerated reaction images seem more refined and engaging. 
It’s a mixed bag. I have been railing against the standardized designs around this point at Volume 8. But that is also letting Ohkubo have more complex exaggerated reactions by characters.
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Volume 11, right around when the anime is coming out, is about the same in simplifying character designs for standardized art.
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I’m not as impressed with some exaggerated art, although stuff like the Dutchman and Clown are detailed. 
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Maybe some art is a little too cutesy compared to how I like my Soul Eater to be a little gothic and angular. 
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There isn’t anything wrong with the Clown Maka design--it is effective body horror. But I think how much better this would look in the BONES style to be even creepier. 
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And that’s not ignoring where Ohkubo gets to shine with some Mad Magazine in the Dutchman’s reactions. 
So, repeating myself, mixed bag: the designs suffer from seeming a little too standard, but the exaggerated art gets a lot better as Ohkubo does on. In that regard, I don’t think Ohkubo got pressure to be less creative and less wacky, but it seems like, by his choice or by editorial influence, he got better at choosing when to push the exaggeration for the creepy factor or the humorous factor. It creates peaks and valleys in the art. I just wish the valleys, where we get the standardized designs, looked as good as the BONES designs. 
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My testimony
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I had the privilage to grow up in a christian family. We went to church every sunday and I had my best friend in church, the seed was plated in me at a very young age. There was a time where I didn‘t want to go to church but my parents sort of forced me,which made want to rebelle even more . I didn’t want to get dressed for church so my Mom had to dress me (with force) and drag me into the car. At church I refused to go to the childrenservice. That rebellious phase luckly stoped. But the reason why it started was because my parents forced me to go to church and that made it seem less fun, of course my parents couldn‘t just leave me at home at the age of 4 or 5. Now I understand why my parents forced me to got to church but back then i didn‘t get it. After my rebellious phase was over church was fun, i had a lot of friends and loved going to the childrenservice.
When i was 8 years old me and my family moved away , about 38 km (23,6 miles) from our old home. We moved to a small village , we still went to our church,but we had to drive about 45 minutes (one way).When i was about 12 or 13 we went to a differend church that was located in switzerland ( we live close to the border). It wasn‘t the same going to church, i didn‘t understand the language as well and i didn‘t know anyone exept my family. Church wasn‘t as fun anymore.I started going to church less.
But I still felt presured to get baptised, my three older siblings got baptised at that age, and a really common thing in the christian circles is that children from the ages of 8 to 13 get baptised, don‘t get me wrong it is great when you give your live to Jesus at such a young age,but most kids don‘t understand baptism and what it means, they see their friends and siblings get baptised at that age ,or they get set under perssure by their parents and they think they have to get baptised but they actually don‘t understand the real meaning behind it, it happes quite often. Every time there was a baptism at our new church I felt so pressured because I wasn’t baptized.I didn‘t get baptised then.
I didn‘t have any friends in the village we lived in or in our new church,my only friends where at school but they weren‘t as close to me as my previous friends, I was also losing contact with my old friends.I was basically isolated. I only had my siblings and my cousins who lived next to us.
Then in the year 2019 my parents got separated which was harder on me than I thought, at the time I didn‘t really have any close friends to talk to and I didn‘t want to talk to my siblings because I wasn‘t that close with them . I always had the feeling that my parents didn‘t really love each other but still I would have nerver expected it to happen that fast. At the time i didn‘t think it would bother me that much and I just accepted it , but actually it had destroyed more than i had realized. Something changed. After that i went to church even less,I forgot about God more and more
And now I think everyone knows what happens in the year after 2019…yep the lockdown. Covid changed everyones live. I was basically sitting at home the whole day pretending to listen during class . I got a new friend…tik tok. I was online all the time getting brainwashed with the most liberal thoughts . It was the only comfort i had. I forgot about God , I stopped praying, I didn‘t go to church for almost a year. School was hard , I felt lonely , my parents got divorced,I hated my body…2019-2022 was a bad time. I was looking for myself, something was missing, I cut my hair and dyed it, I was looking for myself , I wanted controll over my live. I also fell into sexuall sin and it was horrible. I also starded selfharming. I was at a really dark place.
Then something beautifull happened… my Mom went to a new church ,the church was still really far away, it was near my old home town.The first time I went with her i felt at home. This church was filled with fire that I have never experienced before. I started going to church regulary again. I repented of my old ways and invited Jesus back into my live. There was such a strong and fast change in my live since janurary. God really changed me through this church. I feel so far away from the person that I was 1 year ago. On june 4th I got baptised, out of my own will and not because i felt pressured to do it, I got baptised genuinely because I love Jesus and I know what he has done for me. I now belong to Jesus. He brought me home I never want to go back to the person I was before i encountered him.
So now you know my story, maybe it inspires you. I would love to hear your story , if you feel like sharing you write me a message.
Ps. Sorry that this blog is so long and pls just ignore my writing mistakes hihi
Have a great day XD.
Jesus loves you <3
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birth-fic-lover · 4 years
Getting her baby
This was a mistake Holly told herself, she was a well regarded member of the comunity. She should not be getting a black market baby. She tried to tell herself that it wasn’t like this baby was going to be smugged into her house, just that she was going to simply pick this baby up and let her staff deal with the legal documents. She had herd about this before, women who would sell there babies to women such as her. She couldn’t wait any longer, she would rather pay the premiam price.
As she walked up the road she tried to take everything in, knowing one day she would be re-telling this tale to her child one day. On her arm was a carseat and over her shoulder was a baby bag full of blankets and outfits. She rang the bell and to her suprise a heavily pregnant woman answered the door. “Paula?” Holly asked.
“That’s me” Paula said with a grin, “you must be Holly” she said holding out her hand. “Unfortunatly as you can tell your baby has not arrived as of yet, but feel free to stick around till they arrive” she offered.
“Oh um, are you in labour?” Holly asked.
“I did loose my mucus this morning. I have been feeling a bit presure on and off for the past few days. But since you came all the way out here, you might as well stay the night. You would be doing me a favor as my usual birth partner has a family emergancy, beside you can watch the child come into the world. I will even let you cut the cord” she teased.
Holly thought about it, “I did have a hotel, but since your birth partner isn’t here. I will go get my suitcase”.
Paula waited for Holly rubbing her belly absentmidedly, she smiled when Holly returned. “It’s all one floor, since I spend most my time pregnant it makes sense not to have to bother with stairs”. 
As they walked to the spare room Holly looked though an open doorway to see a room with a bed with plasic sheets, a birth ball and other things ready for the babies arrivel. Upon Holly securing Paula’s next baby, they had a long phone call. Paula told her there would be no making their birth plans, as she had all her babies in a desiganted room in her home. She liked the idea of an unassisted birth, though she had a partner with her just in case. 
Hollywas wary about this idea, but was persuaded by the fact that Paula had many births. She was a pro it seemed, she even had been emailing Holly weekly reports. Holly knew that dispite her age, Paula was having a surprisingly easy pregnancy. Though she was a lot bigger then Holly expected, she looked overdue.
As they got to the guest room Paula turned and caught her looking at her, but she just laughed. “I know, they say each time you get pregnant you carry a little bit bigger. I seem to be oooofff proof of that” she said stiffening suddenly. 
“Are you okay?” Holly asked.
Paula rubbed deep circles into her globe of a belly, “I think now your are here your child wants too meet you, with those kicks your child will be breaking my water in no time” Paula joked.
“Can baby’s really do that?” Holly asked.
Paula laughed, “I wouldn’t put it past them, one time I went into labour from laughing too hard. Your baby is real low on my hips, so labour could start anytime now”.
Holly had herd of about when bellies drop that is a signal the baby was ready, she also herd it could be uncomfortable. Holly place her suitcase on the bed and followed Paula as she left the room. “Can I do anything?”
“No, No. I was just going to make myself up a hot waterbottle.” Paula then stopped, her hands sliding down her belly. She suddenly felt a shift in weight inside her belly and got the sensation that if she didnt support it, it felt like the baby would just fall out. “On second thoughts, I think I will be needing to go into my birthing room just to be safe. Could you make me up that hot waterbottle?”
Holly nodded, she didn’t want to leave Paula’s side but want to help in anyway she could. She looked around the kitchen and she couldn’t find the hotwater bottle to fill. She resorted in turning on the electic kettle, then going to ask Paula where she put the hotwater bottle.
As she entered the room she saw Paula had taken her leggings off, rolling her hips on the birthing ball. Out of habbit she tired not to look at where she was just in her underwear, instead looking at her face and lace shirt.
Paula smiled, “if your my birthing partner you will be seeing me in much less than this” she remined her good naturedly. “I hope you are well rested, we have a long night ahead of us”.
“Yes” she said, “thank you for letting me be a part of this”.
“You ohhhhh, you were in lucky that the baby hadn’t arrived yet and I needed a birthing partner” Paula said with both her hands still on her belly. “I don’t usally like clients being here, they take too much control away from me”.
“You can do this how ever you like” Holly promised.
Paula gave a greatful smiled before a  full contraction seized her, she held her hands out and natrally Holly held them letting Paula  breath through it. “Hee hee hoooooooooooo, the pressure is starting”.
“This is so quick” Holly comented.
“After the amount of children I have birthed, I feel like my body doesn’t need long to prep” she explained still squeezing Holly’s hands tight. Over the next hour Paula’s contractions built up, they paced around the room each contraction more powerful then the last. 
Paula could feel her contractions forcing the baby down into her birth canal against her will, as she dilated she prayed for her water to break. Until finally it was getting too much. ”Naaaaggggghhhhhh I need to get on the mattress” Paula requested as they headed there she stopped, “so much pressure...feels like it's gonna fall out of me." Paula’s grip was like a vice, "it's so low... so...naaaagggghhhh...fucking low."
“Do you need to push?” Holly asked wanting to get her on the bed before Paula collapsed.
“Naaaagggghhhhh no, my water hasn’t broken.” Paula wished her usual birth partner was here, she had the expreance to break her waters.
Holly helped again take a step towards the bed, it felt so far away with all the pain and pressure Paula was dealing with. She was hit with another contraction, her body was not giving her much of a break, This one shifted the baby even lower. "Naaaaggghhhhhh hooooo”, Paula moaned in responce to the involuntary push. She gasped for air and the moment she got relief she forced her body forward to the bed, knowing she needed to get into a good pushing position. As soon as her water broke she would be pushing this baby out.
Holly knelt on the bed next to Paula, she didn’t want to distract Paula knwoing she would ask for help when she needed it. Her belly would visabily tighten with each contraction, “NNAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH” she moaned loudly. The presure was never this bad before she swore. She was about to beg Holly to call an ambulance, when she felt the pop inside her and fluid gushed out.
“Naaaaghhhhh” Paula moaned not wasting anytime, she pushed and Holly saw Paula’s lips part slightly as the head started to bulge. 
Paula could tell it wouldn’t take long, after the next push Holly could see a glimps of the baby’s head. Holly was amazed as slowly but surely the head kept inching forward, Holly held Paula’s hand filled with emotion.
"Nnnggggghhhhh...how...how much is out?" Paula asked.
“The head is half way out” Holly told her, to her suprise with the next contraction Paula didn’t stop till the head popped out with a gush of fluid. She let out a sigh of relief.
"There's...naaaghhh..no cord round it’s neck, right?" she asked Holly.
Holly checked, “no it’s all clear”.
Paula saw that as her green light, she pushed with all her might until she started pushing the sholders out one by one. With a last gush of fluid the baby popped out, the purple baby was rubbed on the back and started to pink up as it let out it’s cry.
Holly was filled with joy, “Thank you, we must do this again sometime” she joked.
“Maybe in another nine months?” Paula asked returning the joke.
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Sephena voice of life.
Hello my name is Sephena let us be friends
This is my lovely oc Sephena. my oldest who I made 5 years ago, I have changed her storyes so many times, this is her official story.
Alright. lets start.
Book 1: chapter 0. Being born and traveling to find a home
Sephena is the personafiction of life itself, aka voice of life, her journey starts as a simple voice, just life but something happend and all of a sudden she was a light a being. She strayed trough the universe, looking for a boddy to call home, she had many homes also in different dimensions. but one day she decided to create a form of her own. Inspired by the anime form she saw when she was human she decided to take that form, a golden golum but with small cat ears, beautifull Wings and paws.
In the first years she explored the universe looking for a home, and friends, later she explored other worlds for friends.
(the story will continue )
Hobbys: she likes to travel far, her Wings and magic shield makes sure she can travel trough the vacum of space. drawing, even though shes bad in it, making new friends and sharing new memories
Looks: golden, with Wings, short paws for balance, a large tale that function as her hand.
Things she need to work on: she is naive and to friendly, she is to blunt in a kind way, she has a bad form of direction she gets lost easely.
Chapter 1: Still traveling, the creation of the talions and new galifreya, without her knowing and she might finaly find a home but not a home that you might expect.
Many years later and many travels later, she had growd. well not on the outside, but on the inside. She has learned not to presure people into being her friend, she has learned that there are other ways to break peoples walls. She now has her own machine, a alt version of a tardis but different,without a spirit but with mana.
She uses that machine for travels when she cant do it herself, as a little caravan but also as a place to relax. She also owns a small pocket world garden. She found a home in a mysterious place, called duguon divsion, a floating building that is bigger on the inside and is Always changing, connected to the world of death.
She also discovers 2 planets, galifrey and new galifreya, she discoverd that other souls have copied her way of creating and calling themself talion, and tali talis. She herself doesn’t know what to think of them. There are also elders called talia. She sometimes visits but don/t seem to fit in. Dunguon devision is a unic place thats a mysteri to her. She likes it and her main room there, her new home. But even after that she still on the move.
She is less naive now, still the friendly bunch, much braver. She also has a new hobby, colouring books. A few human friends gave her easy colouring books and pencils that were tali tali friendly.
The story will continue.
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episkyy · 8 years
Cotton Canvas
viktor krum/charlie weasley
art store au written for @rowle
1,100 words
[read on ao3]
Viktor Krum’s never stolen anything before (unless you count hotel amenities).
He may be good at sneaking tiny shampoo bottles and salt packets and mini pillow chocolates—hell, he’s the grand master of it.
But he’s not exactly the type to go and rob art stores on a whim.
This time is different.
This time he’s attacked—mauled—and told to get the purple sunset painting or lose his life.
This time it’s two in the morning and he’s wearing a large black coat with buttons fastened all the way up to the top and he’s jamming a bobby pin inside a doorknob wishing there weren’t so many streetlamps shining down on his figure.
His stomach feels empty and his hands feel cold and he can’t stop shaking—he shouldn’t be scared, he thinks. He’s always been known as Mr. Confidence, driven to do anything. He’s the most awarded boxer in the EU. His mother is Miss Bulgaria 1979 and his father is the world’s most famous cello carver, so he’s used to presure.
Nothing’s scared him before.
So why is his heart beating like a hummingbird; why has he been rethinking every step he’s taken so far; why does he feel like someone is following him?
Every instinct inside of him tells him to go back home.
When he goes to jiggle the bobby pin in the doorknob, he discovers it’s already unlocked. He grits his teeth and warily creaks open the heavy wooden door. It’s pitch black inside. He can hear rustling and a zipper quickly being zipped closed; a dark silhouette peers at him through the shadows.
Shit, he hears them mutter followed by numerous thuds and what sounds like a vase shattering.
Adrenaline and fear pump through his veins as the alarm sounds and dogs start barking behind him and he hasn’t the faintest idea why but he runs inside the tiny art store and hides in a rather cozy-looking closet at the back of the shop.
Three police cars pull up moments later; sirens blaring and lights flashing.
They swarm inside the building and flip the lights on, he timidly glances through the cracks of the closet door and sees an officer touch the broken vase with the tip of his shoe.
Suddenly he’s aware of someone else’s breathing next to his ear; heavy and warm. There was another burglar in the shop, he realizes.
There’s another burglar … Here with him now.
The pit of his stomach feels void and like all the horror movies in the world couldn’t compare to this moment.
“Don’t say a word,” the voice whispers.
And it’s quiet.
Quieter than the hum of a dishwasher running at three in the afternoon. All he can think is what will happen to him if he’s caught? If he fails his mission, who will come after him?
He swallows and listens intently to the slow footsteps outside the door.
“You were here to steal something,” he whispers softly—more of a comment than a question.
“I said ‘don’t say a word’,” the man hisses and shoves him. The sound of Viktor’s polyester coat rustling makes them both cringe and they peak out of the slots in the door to assure no one’s heard.
The officers just walk slowly around and inspect the damage, write notes on tiny sheets of paper and sigh, probably annoyed or frustrated.
“I was gonna steal something too,” Viktor admits.
“Great to know we’re all burglars here.” The man—probably just over six feet—slowly sits down on the floor and Viktor follows.
“But why?” He says. “What were you stealing? Were you threatened too?” He sounds more offended and almost protective than curious.
“Threatened?” He scoffs. “I’m taking back what’s mine. I spent months bent over that canvas, I bet all the art in here was stolen.” He seems angry but the look in his eyes is empty, homesick, afraid. Viktor can tell he’s not a city boy.
The door flies open and the bright yellow fluorescent lights shine down on the both of them. Cops point guns and orders are yelled at them. A hand seizes Viktor’s arm and pulls him up from the floor.
“Who are you boys? How’d you get in here?” A police officer demands.
No one says anything.
“I said ‘Who are you boys!’” She yells again.
“Charlie.” The other yells anxiously. “And it’s my fucking painting. I’m not stealing anything!”
“You’ll get your chance to speak later.” She warns.
Seeing him in better light now, the burglar seems shorter; less of a threat. But something still feels oddly dangerous about him. The way his lips curve and his eyes narrow in harsh acidity. His sharp jaw and freckled cheekbones are like stars—abysmal.
His hair is bright red—almost like cherries, highlighted with soft colors of papaya. His entire head is a fucking orchard of sensations Viktor needs to feel.
Who the hell even is this guy? He’s the type to create paintings adorned with perfect nimbus clouds and shades of violet but risk going to prison by breaking and entering.
“What’s your name?” The officer asks him.
“Viktor.” He mumbles. He realizes that in this moment he probably doesn’t sound like he usually might. Not like a boxer, certainly not like a criminal.
He sounds vulnerable.
But he’s accepted his destiny. He’s going to jail, for sure. He doesn’t understand why but he’s okay with that, no one’s going to be able to come after him or threaten him in jail, right? He’ll be fed, clothed, sheltered. His parents probably won’t even realize he’s gone.
He looks over to the young college-age boy standing next to him.
It’s a curious way to meet someone, he thinks. Like being buried with a stranger or doomed to the same gloomy fate.
They’re handcuffed and led to the back seat of a police car. The doors close and awkward silence ensues.
“What were you going to steal?” The boy—Charlie—suddenly asks.
“Your painting.” Viktor says, expecting to get a threat or a punch or something worse but instead he just laughs with pure hysteria like something is amusing and leans his head back. Viktor can see the top of a tattoo lining his collar bone; just slightly.
It’s a dragon.
He leans back as well and turns his head to face him. “Looks like we’re going to be jailmates, huh?”
The ginger stares back with gold saturating his irises and smiles with perfect recklessness sending chills up Viktor’s spine.
“Hmm,” he agrees. “I think we’re going to be great friends.”
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Meditation -- The Way to Stillness
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What is meditation - most of you have heard of it, some of you may have even tried it - but for many of us it is an alluring part of Eastern spiritual practice, though it is not solely a spiritual endeavor. The word meditation often conjures images of an Indian sage in a loincloth or a vision of the Buddha seated in serene contemplation; the image is one of stillness and composure. Yogis, Zen Masters, Taoists have all meditated for millennia. Early Christian monastic practice included the election divine ; this is the practice of reading the Bible very slowly and deliberately, pondering and contemplating the true meaning of the teachings of Christ. Meditation is mentioned over 20 times in the Bible.
At any given period in the history of man, meditation has been an excellent remedy for the over-stimulation, stress and anxiety of society. It is one of the main therapies in the science of Ayurveda and even pathological physicians recognize the benefits of meditation and recommend meditation to their patients. Scientists have examined meditation from all angles and not one can refute the positive physical, emotional, psychological and physiological benefits that a regular meditation practice can have on the human spirit. There are many styles of meditation and many reasons to meditate - for therapy, for stress management, for knowledge, for devotion, to further the practice of Ramayana or simply as a refreshing and restful break in the day. The entirety of meditation practice is far too vast to cover here, but the list includes:
~Mantra Meditation - focusing on sounds and sacred words
~Buddhist Meditation - as part of the Noble Eight fold Path to Enlightenment
~Sassanian Meditation - focusing on reality and insight into the mind
~Devotional Mediation - meditation on God
~Taoist Meditation - meditation on the teachings of the Tao Te Ching
~Zen Meditation - focusing on the teachings of Zen Buddhism
Meditation is an integral part of yoga practice, in fact, the purpose of asana practice is to settle the body and focus the mind in preparation for meditation. However, you do not have to be an accomplished yogi or Buddhist Master to practice meditation effectively, you don't need to pretzel yourself into lotus pose - truly, for many of us, Lotus Pose is simply too physically challenging to allow focus. You can meditate while walking, while seated in a straight-backed chair, in Easy Pose, Simple Cross-Legged Pose and for the very flexible the classical meditation pose, Padmasana/ Lotus Pose. Any pose that allows comfortable stillness for the body is effective for meditation; when you remove as many physical and environmental distractions as possible, the mind and breath are free to focus.
Meditation has many benefits on many levels, including (but not limited to):
~ revitalizes the nervous system
~ strengthens neural pathways within the brain
~ increases lung capacity
~ increases oxygen flow to the brain
~ increases alertness
~ improves sleep
~ can reduce the effects of asthma
~ improves immune system
~ assists with addiction/abuse recovery
~ reduces blood presure
~ calms the senses
~ focusses the mind to bring clarity & perspective
~ soothes the over-stimulated Self
~ reduces stress
~ promotes positive outlook, reduces negative thinking
~ increases Self-Esteem
~ improves memory
~ reduces anxiety and hypersensitivity
~ increases creativity
~ allows the flow of prana/chi/life energy through the body
~ develops, promotes and maintains spiritual awareness
~ unites one with Consciousness and the truest Higher Self
~ increases connection with the Divine
~ balances the Doshas - especially Vata disturbances (see Ayurveda for information on the Doshas)
~ prepares the Self for the transition of Death
~ allows us to open our minds and hearts in order to Live more fully
~ brings us into the divinity of the present moment
Of particular importance to many of us today are the stress-reducing benefits of meditation; this applies to everyone regardless of age, profession, gender, race or spiritual path. Daniel Goleman's research in the scientific community on meditation and stress tolerance returned very convincing results; the following is an excerpt from Goleman's writing followed by a passage from 'Creative Meditation' by Richard Peterson, Ph.D.
"People who are chronically anxious or who have a psychosomatic disorder share a specific pattern of reaction to stress; their bodies mobilize to meet the challenge, then fail to stop reacting when the problem is over. Their bodies stay aroused for danger when they should be relaxed, recouping spent energies and gathering resources for the next brush with stress." -D. Goleman
"The anxious person meets life's normal events as though they were crises. Each minor happening increases his tension, and his tension in turn magnifies the next ordinary event - a deadline, an interview, a doctor's appointment - into a threat. Because the anxious person's body stays mobilized after one event has passed, he has a lower threat threshold for the next. Had he been in a relaxed state, he would have taken the second event in stride.
A mediator handles stress in a way that breaks up the threat 'arousal' threat spiral. The mediator relaxes after a challenge passes, more often than the non-mediator. This makes him unlikely to see innocent occurrences as harmful. He perceives threat more accurately, and reacts with arousal only when necessary. Once aroused, his rapid recovery makes him less likely than the anxious person to see the next deadline as a threat. "
(From The Meditative Mind, pp. 164-165)
From Creative Meditation by Richard Peterson, Ph.D. A.R.E. Press, 1990.
When we have peace and clarity in the mind, we experience a healthier physical body. When we have a healthier body, our minds become clearer and settled; we can explore the infinite broadness of the mind when we learn to focus its energies toward that goal. This symbiosis is important in the practice of yoga, Ramayana and meditation. All three of these practices together create an incredible wellness system, however, they are powerfully beneficial when approached individually.
Meditation does not require that you subscribe to any particular spiritual path, you need not meditate on any God at all - though prayer is a meditative act. Taoists meditate from a place of stillness and emptiness, Zen meditation often centers around the teaching of the Buddha, Christ went into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights in order to fast, meditate and commune with God. Beyond any spiritual application, just the simple act of focusing on the flow of your breath while meditating is enough to gain benefit.
Learning to meditate takes patience, just like learning anything. When we begin to meditate we are often critical of our inability to sit still, this is natural - for one, we are not accustomed to sitting still, sitting on the floor or sitting cross-legged (let alone Lotus Pose!). If you find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time, try interspersing walking meditation with sitting meditation. Our tendency is to be critical of ourselves if we do not get it right the in the first few attempts, it is necessary to practice non-competition with ourselves first. In the beginning of your meditation practice it will be difficult to quiet your mind, to cease the endless chatter that goes on inside our heads all the time - this is completely normal. Even those who meditate regularly have thoughts when they meditate, what you must practice is detachment from those thoughts, let them float by unobserved and return your focus to your breath - some find it useful to meditate with their eyes closed, others find that a point of focus like a candle or object works best.
More advanced meditation is a subtle practice, not merely sitting still and breathing, but a deeper method of connecting with your Self and working with the breath and the energies of the mind - the mind and the brain are separate entities working in concert; the brain is the tool that collects information, the mind is the system that interprets it. Peaceful existence is intrinsic to the human spirit; it is when we become distracted by external input that we lose our Selves. This creates imbalance and anxiety in the body, mind and spirit and draws us away from our purpose. Through meditation we have the opportunity to heal the mind, heal the body and in quiet contemplation we are re-introduced to who we truly are and to our true balance.
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kmp78 · 6 years
Real sorry for you K your blood presure must have risen, why you get so bent out of shape when people desagree with you, you can't expect everyone to take your assumtions as truth without proof Fakery was near J and much less to buy in your s*x fantasies that are absurd. You're doing this to yourself stirring this neverending argument by pushing your far out agenda.
If my blood pressure rises, then I think we all know WHY.
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sailingmistress · 7 years
Some useful info...
This document is an attempt at producing a list of regular task and other useful info for crew. It’s far from comprehensive and likely to remain a work in progress for some time to come. 
General small boat considerations:
Be aware of, and help facilitate, other people's need to move around the boat.
Avoiding standing or sitting in the companion way (generally considered a big no no for all but the captain on any boat).
Morning tasks:
Fill any empty bottles in the sink and place in fridge.
Check fridge is set to chill at between zero and -10 degres.
Wash any dishes etc left from day before.
If sailing overnight, check navigation lights have been switched off.
Other regular tasks:
When a water bottle from the fridge is emptied, fill and replace it if practical, or leave in sink for morning.
The watermaker should be run at least every four days, if only for a few minutes. Best avoid doing this in polluted anchorages!
Fruit and veg nets, plus contents of fridge, need to be checked for spoilage.
Water tanks need to be regularly topped up, either by running the water maker when there is sufficient power, or by collecting water ashore at every opportunity.
The cockpit sole needs to be cleaned regularly to ensure that the drains don’t get blocked.
The drip tray in the fridge needs to be emptied every few days and always before sailing.
Galley work-surfaces, sinks, and the floor always need cleaning.
Conserving Power:
Switch off lights in parts of the boat you are not occupying.
Close the fridge door as soon as possible after taking something out. Don't leave it open while you spread butter or something.
Switch off water pressure when leaving the boat or sailing. In fact, ideally, switch it off whenever you are not using it.
As much a possible, use power when it is nice an sunny.
Avoid charging things during the night and try to time extended use of high power items to the sunniest part of the day - eg. use of invertor for powertools, food blender, anchor windlass, water maker.
Ideally even use of the bilge and water presure pump should be avoided after sunset.
Turn fridge down (+10 to +20 ) in the evening and back up again in the morning (0 to -10).
Conserving Water:
Avoid leaving taps running unnecessarily.
Learn to have short 'boat showers' - get yourself wet (perhaps having had a dip in the ocean), lather yourself up and have a good scrub, now rinse off starting with your head and using the minimum amount of water necessary.
If galley footpump is working, it probably uses less water than the electric pump.
When doing washing up, try to reuse rinse water from each item and use it to wash the next.
If the sea is clean, use salt water to wash the dishes. It's not ideal as the soap does not lather up but it can at least be used to soak dried crud etc.
In the event of rain:
Stop whatever you are doing and run around checking nothing is outside getting wet that should not be.
Close all the hatches and portholes etc. even though the chances are that the rain will stop before you finish.
If it is raining heavily, take advantage of the opportunity and have a shower on deck.
When it has stopped raining, get up and reopen the hatches.
If it has rained during the night and the dinghy is full of water, use the opportunity to do some laundry or at least rinse out some stinky salt encrusted towels before bailing out.
Cleaning and tidying
Used a mug, class or bowl? Rinse it out directly after use to prevent a pile of dirty dishes growing in the sink.
Please don't use metal scouring pads with non-stick pans (and avoid using any metal impliments when cook and serving from non-stick pans).
Finished a jar of something? Wash it out and put it with the empties or in the bin bag.
Taken something out of the food storage? Put it back after use.
Having a swim to cool off? Take a spong or scrapper and clean some of the hull. Keep on top of it this way and perhaps there'll be no need for an exhausting  dedicated session.
Leaving the boat:
Put any valuables away or out of sight.
Switch off water pressure pump (and any lights apart from anchor light)
Bail out dinghy if necessary.
Put any full bin bags in the dinghy to dispose of ashore.
If water is available on shore, take water containers to fill.
Take anything out of the dinghy that would best not be left there.
Check you have shoes ;-)
Close and lock all hatches - even if it isn't supposed to rain.
Keys stay in safe place and should not come to shore.
Arriving at shore:
If arriving at a dock - person at front hold dock. First person out takes line ashore and secures it.
Don't climb in or out of dinghy with any bags.
Bags etc should be passed up and placed securely on dock.
Double check dinghy is appropriately secured.
If outboard is being used, it should be locked and so should the dinghy.
If arriving on beach - person not rowing or operating outboard should jump out immediately dinghy hits the beach and take hold of the bow to prevent dinghy turning side on to waves. Second person jumps out having secured oars or dealt with outboard, and dinghy is pulled up beach above high water line.
Returning to boat:
Person toward front of dinghy should hold boat when dinghy pulls along side.
First person out takes line and secures to boat.
Assist in unloading the dinghy before doing anything else.
Don't climb in or out of dinghy with any bags.
Cardboard boxes and wooded crates should not be bought onto boat as they may house cockroaches.
Double check dinghy is properly secured to boat!
Stow any shopping. Anything in inappropriate packaging should be repackaged.
Plastic bags should be kept for use as bin bags
If water was collected from shore, pour into tanks and put away jugs or place back in dinghy.
Before sailing:
Water pressure pump should be switched off.
All loose pots, pans, kettles, cutlery, bottles etc should be put away or secured.
Particular attention should be paid to putting phones, tablets, laptops etc in a safe place.
All drawers and cupboard doors etc should be secured.
Fridge door should be firmly locked.
Since it is unlikely that the fridge can safely be openned while sailing, place water and food somewhere for the passage.
Safety while sailing
Portlights and skylights should be closed while sailing.
Cockpit drains should be unblocked.
VHF radio should be on (it should always be on) and tuned to channel 16
If listening to music on headphones (on or off watch), do it at low volume and using only one headphone so you don't miss somebody calling you or a noise you should be aware of.
New noises should be investigated.
Occasionally check water level in bilge and use bilge pump when necessary.
Avoid leaving the cockpit without a harness and without somebody being aware of what you are doing, especially at night!
Raise your voice to be heard over wind, rain, engine etc. Don't be upset about shouting - urgency and safetly trumps politeness.
When sailing at night, try to conserve night vision by avoiding switching on lights (the red ones are fine). Phones, tablets and laptops will also effect night vision and should be dimmed as much as possible.
After sailing:
Safely anchoring is the priority.
Sails should be put away and sail covers put on. If arriving at night and too tired to put sail covers on immediately, they can be left till morning.
Check navigation lights are off and switch on anchor light if appropriate.
Check bilge and pump out if needed.
Switch radio to cruisers hailing channel if applicable.
Checking for wifi and getting online should only be done once other tasks are complete ;-)
Dinghy may need to be launched if stowed on foredeck.
Misc safety:
If something breaks or is lost overboard, tell the captain immediately.
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xottzot · 7 years
I am going to post this entry when my internet speed is anything better than a smashed snail on the sidewalk oozing it's last gasp.
I was awoken this Saturday morning by Max barking very loudly. VERY LOUD intruder barking.
So I took Max and Sam outside and they performed ablutions because nobody at all lets them outside but me for them to do that and if I don't...then they will just just suffer more than what they are suffering so much.
Hence my trying to let them outside for their final ablutions as late as possible every night/day.
I fed Sam & Max early before dawn, (thankfully it was cold) and then I struggled to get back to sleep again afterwards, only getting 6 hours terrible broken/smashed sleep in two batches all up.
Later....an aboriginal woman from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD standing ON the road in the middle of the road intersection yelling out as loud as she could. That set Max barking. And once more I had to get up and take Sam & Max outside.
Theres been comings and goings in and out of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, including people who don't live there and have never lived there. I guess they've opened up shop and are catering to shitheads they 'know'.
The aboriginal woaman from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD (who does NOT live there but is 'stayng there'), was calling out for that huge black mastiff dog that was once again as always walking out by itself once again in the neighborhood and was now nosing around the Koongamia shops area.
Two more times she did that, each time yelling (almost screaming) out. But if even the criminal aboriginal kids don't obey their 'elders' from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, there was little chance of the dog returning.
However, on yet another yelling episode again later, the dog finally did show up, and she walked back with it into the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
All this is what Sam & Max have also been hearing...all the shouting in the streets.
Motorbikes have been coming around, and THRU the pedestrian walkway, flying from there at great acceleration thru the intersection and away several times this morning. Nobody gives a shit. Why should the fuckers worry about being caught when they were riding loud 2-stroke motorbikes for MANY months daily and nightly they were never being caught. And if on rare times they were caught, they probably would have been given little pats on the head and fasttracked to get a legitimate road license....as if they would even bother having that anyway.
Now they are using road bikes, registered. -- You see, it seems all you have to do in order to get a license is to get experience in West Australia in this hellhole by illegaly riding around on unlicensed bikes for many months and then you magically get fasttracked a license it seems to do the same but this time on road bikes. A little bit quieter (but not ridden with any less abandon) than the 2-stroke offroad bikes they normally ride about on. -- But they STILL keep coming and going through the barricaded (to road traffic) pedestrian walkways at any time of the day or night. So in effect, the barricades mean nothing. Why not run over innocent people? It's all the same.
I predicted they would step up to motobikes from the multitude of illegal pushbikes covering the streets day and night, Well that's come to pass. Next it'll be cars. And there already has been cars tearing around the streets just not these streets here. But all around you can hear them coming into the hellhole suburb, tearing about, then tearing out of it, especially in the evening as darkness falls.
Go on. Keep doing it. Normal decency and law and order have longed ceased to exist in this hellhole. Only a very few weak people like myself obey law and order.
So be in the majority. Be lawless. Nobody cares.
This place is not the same peaceful place it was a litle over a year ago.
The rented place that has had it's fence smashed countless times by aboriginals, is now freely 'hosting' aboriginals during the day to frolic and play about amongst the ruined remains of childrens activity structures there. - I guess you can buy anyone off with drugs but me.
Even Sam has become vicious and growling now. There is just so much noise going on from elsewhere nearby day and night. Fliss would not know dear Sam & Max now. To her they are as good a being dead. As am I. Is that how she copes with living....by just forgetting the ones who cared and still love her?
I know what I've been doing wrong all my later life. -- I've been trying to be honest and caring, and considerate, and loyal, and generous to others that needed help. - I did all that and more and was then deliberately destroyed by doing that. Let that be a lesson to everyone. Do not care about anyone. Do not help anyone. Be selfish. And above all, do not consider your life is worth being alive at all for anything.
Sam & Max miss dear Fliss terribly and any time they hear a females voice, a neighbours voice, or even a mad aboriginal female shouting in the street...they think dear Fliss has returned. Or they are let down when it's just another idiot female 'entertaining' the aboriginals and associates. Sam & Max are constantly destroyed by the goings on and such. One day they will be destroyed for real. As will I. Fliss doesn't care about dear Sam & Max anymore it seems. Did she ever care? Did she ever care about anyone? I don't know. How can I when she never communicates with me.
Fliss constantly lied to her parents, her family relations, her friends, and her 'friends'. She lied so much that she believed the lies she told and she refused to believe truth. - And now I am being falsley blamed for that.
She had a family to run to, to fall back on, to plead and beg but I have nobody. No-one at all.
Everytime I write on this keyboard I can't help but see the savage scars on my hand from dear Max who savaged me and ripped my hand apart that will show scars the rest of my miserable life. I forgave Max. He was, and still is, in terrible despair because Fliss utterly abandoned him and Sam and myself. She demanded of me when she ran off in crazed hysteria that night in September that she take them with her, but she ended up having no place to have a home for them, so they would have had to have been killed. And of course I would have been none the wiser. Just as I am now to anything.
She later contacted me, and offered for me to come and live with her far from this hellhole. Sam & Max could come. We would all start again far from this hellhole. -- But no....all that suddenly stopped. No mroe contact was ever made from Fliss. She refused all contact. She left us here to die in this hellhole. A hellhole that has become worse than dear Fliss ever knew it. IF she hears about anything about this hellhole, she will lie to herself and think that all is fine. Dear Fliss is an expert at lying to herself whilst making innocent others suffer. I tried to get her out of all those terrible habits. And instead it was I who was made to suffer and wear the mantle of complete blame for all of dear Fliss. She then walked triumphantly away whilst I and Sam and Max have suffered incredibly and still do because we are not with dear Fliss who we still love and forgive.
I'm just awaiting time tonight until I fall into terrible sleep and have nightmares as always.
Do not help anyone. Do not love anyone.
You're return is to be stabbed in the back and accused and left to die. That is what has happend to me more than once.
Am I feeling terrible today? Pass me a gun and I will shoot myself.
Internet speed in this hellhole is so slow, as to be non-existant. I wish I was that. Nonexistant. And then they would still callously laugh at me.
It's now almost 7pm...it's dark outside in the streets...and of course from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD comes people walking ON THE STREETS and wandering the streets in the darkness.
If anyone is wondering, (why would you be?), why there is just so many criminal aboriginals around living and squatting here...its really quite simple....this particular area is the first area they come to from travelling from country regions in the north of Western Australia, as well as the east, and north east. Midland used to advertise itself as being "the place where the country meets the city". -- Now all that means it's where the criminals blow in, commit crime, then if they are presured by Police, they take off once again to where they came from. Loaded up with booze and drugs of course they can profit from to make their trips worthwhile.
That is why there are so many aboriginal 'strangers' walking about this area, and visiting the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD too. Why there is so many 'unknown' people that breeze about, who walk about. Why people just sit around and get drunk and drugged-up.
It's why the shops (including the liquor store) here are always so hammered by crime.
It's also why when dear Fliss was here in Western Australia (with me and happy and we were happy) and dear Fliss chose to work succesfully at a liquor store but she kept being assailed by aboriginals who would openly steal booze right off the shelves and from the pallets they were unloading from. (dear Fliss was actually severely chastised from trying to stop crime from happening!- And the she was sacked from that job because of it.) -- After that, the store and company policy was to just let aboriginals steal anything they wanted and not to get involved. YES REALLY. - Now it's long gone past the epidemic propertions and out of control. Now ALL customers suffer for the deed of criminals. And there's nothing innocent people can do about it.
And you wonder why criminal aboriginals flooded into Midland? - And all surounding areas? - And here?
Fliss spoke out. She lost her job because of that. SHe was crying and sobbing and asked me to come to her work and drive her home. She was devastated.
I spoke out. I spoke the truth to people. And I lost Fliss because of that.
And now the aboriginals are running rampant whiost putting on a fake veneer of civility. And they've co-opted other non-aboriginal criminals to run with them. But nobody cares about anyoen else. They all turn on each other. They turn on their own family. You see it in the news all the time.
And so now I don't give a fuck about the fuckers any longer. They destroy people. They destroyed Fliss and me. The woman I wanted to marry and spend my life with and who I stll want to marry and spend my life with.
The criminals just keep changing and refreshing themselves. They're like locusts coming in from the country, stripping it bare of decency and trust, then fleeing back and away when it gets too complicated for them.
It's why West Australian Police are always 'losing' the battle here in the outer metro areas. Or seemingly 'winning' it. But in reality it's just the bastards just go away, and come back later. That is why there are lengths of 'calmness' about here. It's because the shitheads have (temporarily) gone away, only to return again at another later date. Like they always do.
p@16:25--8-April-2017. - Forgive me. I am in deep despair. After all the selfless good I have done in my life for others, now that I need and I reach out for Fliss (Felicity Ann Carthew), she is not there. - And you wonder why I have nightmares and why I will have nightmares whenever I try to get some small amount of sleep. -- In good faith I reached out to Cath, and she smashed me down. And yet Fliss and I had always helped her as much as possible with Ken and her family. Much of it was at my insistance, though Cath never knew that. Now Cath and her family they are happy. And I am left alone. To die. Without Fliss. So alone. Nobody cares.
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Sephena voice of life.
Hello my name is Sephena let us be friends
This is my lovely oc Sephena. my oldest who I made 5 years ago, I have changed her storyes so many times, this is her official story.
Alright. lets start.
Book 1: chapter 0. Being born and traveling to find a home
Sephena is the personafiction of life itself, aka voice of life, her journey starts as a simple voice, just life but something happend and all of a sudden she was a light a being. She strayed trough the universe, looking for a boddy to call home, she had many homes also in different dimensions. but one day she decided to create a form of her own. Inspired by the anime form she saw when she was human she decided to take that form, a golden golum but with small cat ears, beautifull Wings and paws.
In the first years she explored the universe looking for a home, and friends, later she explored other worlds for friends.
(the story will continue )
Hobbys: she likes to travel far, her Wings and magic shield makes sure she can travel trough the vacum of space. drawing, even though shes bad in it, making new friends and sharing new memories
Looks: golden, with Wings, short paws for balance, a large tale that function as her hand.
Things she need to work on: she is naive and to friendly, she is to blunt in a kind way, she has a bad form of direction she gets lost easely.
Chapter 1: Still traveling, the creation of the talions and new galifreya, without her knowing and she might finaly find a home but not a home that you might expect.
Many years later and many travels later, she had growd. well not on the outside, but on the inside. She has learned not to presure people into being her friend, she has learned that there are other ways to break peoples walls. She now has her own machine, a alt version of a tardis but different,without a spirit but with mana.
She uses that machine for travels when she cant do it herself, as a little caravan but also as a place to relax. She also owns a small pocket world garden. She found a home in a mysterious place, called duguon divsion, a floating building that is bigger on the inside and is Always changing, connected to the world of death.
She also discovers 2 planets, galifrey and new galifreya, she discoverd that other souls have copied her way of creating and calling themself talion, and tali talis. She herself doesn’t know what to think of them. There are also elders called talia. She sometimes visits but don/t seem to fit in. Dunguon devision is a unic place thats a mysteri to her. She likes it and her main room there, her new home. But even after that she still on the move.
She is less naive now, still the friendly bunch, much braver. She also has a new hobby, colouring books. A few human friends gave her easy colouring books and pencils that were tali tali friendly.
The story will continue.
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Sephena voice of life.
Hello my name is Sephena let us be friends
This is my lovely oc Sephena. my oldest who I made 5 years ago, I have changed her storyes so many times, this is her official story.
Alright. lets start.
Book 1: chapter 0. Being born and traveling to find a home
Sephena is the personafiction of life itself, aka voice of life, her journey starts as a simple voice, just life but something happend and all of a sudden she was a light a being. She strayed trough the universe, looking for a boddy to call home, she had many homes also in different dimensions. but one day she decided to create a form of her own. Inspired by the anime form she saw when she was human she decided to take that form, a golden golum but with small cat ears, beautifull Wings and paws.
In the first years she explored the universe looking for a home, and friends, later she explored other worlds for friends.
(the story will continue )
Hobbys: she likes to travel far, her Wings and magic shield makes sure she can travel trough the vacum of space. drawing, even though shes bad in it, making new friends and sharing new memories
Looks: golden, with Wings, short paws for balance, a large tale that function as her hand.
Things she need to work on: she is naive and to friendly, she is to blunt in a kind way, she has a bad form of direction she gets lost easely.
Chapter 1: Still traveling, the creation of the talions and new galifreya, without her knowing and she might finaly find a home but not a home that you might expect.
Many years later and many travels later, she had growd. well not on the outside, but on the inside. She has learned not to presure people into being her friend, she has learned that there are other ways to break peoples walls. She now has her own machine, a alt version of a tardis but different,without a spirit but with mana.
She uses that machine for travels when she cant do it herself, as a little caravan but also as a place to relax. She also owns a small pocket world garden. She found a home in a mysterious place, called duguon divsion, a floating building that is bigger on the inside and is Always changing, connected to the world of death.
She also discovers 2 planets, galifrey and new galifreya, she discoverd that other souls have copied her way of creating and calling themself talion, and tali talis. She herself doesn’t know what to think of them. There are also elders called talia. She sometimes visits but don/t seem to fit in. Dunguon devision is a unic place thats a mysteri to her. She likes it and her main room there, her new home. But even after that she still on the move.
She is less naive now, still the friendly bunch, much braver. She also has a new hobby, colouring books. A few human friends gave her easy colouring books and pencils that were tali tali friendly.
The story will continue.
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Sephena voice of life.
Hello my name is Sephena let us be friends
This is my lovely oc Sephena. my oldest who I made 5 years ago, I have changed her storyes so many times, this is her official story.
Alright. lets start.
Book 1: chapter 0. Being born and traveling to find a home
Sephena is the personafiction of life itself, aka voice of life, her journey starts as a simple voice, just life but something happend and all of a sudden she was a light a being. She strayed trough the universe, looking for a boddy to call home, she had many homes also in different dimensions. but one day she decided to create a form of her own. Inspired by the anime form she saw when she was human she decided to take that form, a golden golum but with small cat ears, beautifull Wings and paws.
In the first years she explored the universe looking for a home, and friends, later she explored other worlds for friends.
(the story will continue )
Hobbys: she likes to travel far, her Wings and magic shield makes sure she can travel trough the vacum of space. drawing, even though shes bad in it, making new friends and sharing new memories
Looks: golden, with Wings, short paws for balance, a large tale that function as her hand.
Things she need to work on: she is naive and to friendly, she is to blunt in a kind way, she has a bad form of direction she gets lost easely.
Chapter 1: Still traveling, the creation of the talions and new galifreya, without her knowing and she might finaly find a home but not a home that you might expect.
Many years later and many travels later, she had growd. well not on the outside, but on the inside. She has learned not to presure people into being her friend, she has learned that there are other ways to break peoples walls. She now has her own machine, a alt version of a tardis but different,without a spirit but with mana.
She uses that machine for travels when she cant do it herself, as a little caravan but also as a place to relax. She also owns a small pocket world garden. She found a home in a mysterious place, called duguon divsion, a floating building that is bigger on the inside and is Always changing, connected to the world of death.
She also discovers 2 planets, galifrey and new galifreya, she discoverd that other souls have copied her way of creating and calling themself talion, and tali talis. She herself doesn’t know what to think of them. There are also elders called talia. She sometimes visits but don/t seem to fit in. Dunguon devision is a unic place thats a mysteri to her. She likes it and her main room there, her new home. But even after that she still on the move.
She is less naive now, still the friendly bunch, much braver. She also has a new hobby, colouring books. A few human friends gave her easy colouring books and pencils that were tali tali friendly.
Book 1: chapter 1
the tale of the tali tot
Her years as a tali tali are over, no more free traveling, her education is important, the temple only alows traveling at the talion stage but it doesn’t stop this little chubby girl from sneaking into other worlds with her trunk thats bigger on the inside since they conviscated her machine.
She knows where secret door are, she knows how to sneak out. The lessons were basic and they didn’t guide her because of their hatred for her being different, most of them were tali talis stuck in their transformation character, filled with envy. Other temple members had the same mindset
One day she found herself in Ellengars world and was found by Edgar the head of a acadamy called the spider acadamy for vesti reaper boys, she will be the first girl atending the school in a vesti class with older kidds since she masterd most basic things in school. Except for walking, her leggs are still wobly. She has a wonderfull time there.
story will continue.
now her looks.
Shes a rond chubby tod, long black hair, big black eyes with a beautifull star in it, pearl like skin, she always wears pastel doll dresses and fancy hats with holes for her still cat ears. Some tali tots still have their cat ears from their tali tali time.
(fan art of her is welcome)
0 notes
Sephena voice of life.
Hello my name is Sephena let us be friends
This is my lovely oc Sephena. my oldest who I made 5 years ago, I have changed her storyes so many times, this is her official story.
Alright. lets start.
Book 1: chapter 0. Being born and traveling to find a home
Sephena is the personafiction of life itself, aka voice of life, her journey starts as a simple voice, just life but something happend and all of a sudden she was a light a being. She strayed trough the universe, looking for a boddy to call home, she had many homes also in different dimensions. but one day she decided to create a form of her own. Inspired by the anime form she saw when she was human she decided to take that form, a golden golum but with small cat ears, beautifull Wings and paws.
In the first years she explored the universe looking for a home, and friends, later she explored other worlds for friends.
(the story will continue )
Hobbys: she likes to travel far, her Wings and magic shield makes sure she can travel trough the vacum of space. drawing, even though shes bad in it, making new friends and sharing new memories
Looks: golden, with Wings, short paws for balance, a large tale that function as her hand.
Things she need to work on: she is naive and to friendly, she is to blunt in a kind way, she has a bad form of direction she gets lost easely.
Chapter 1: Still traveling, the creation of the talions and new galifreya, without her knowing and she might finaly find a home but not a home that you might expect.
Many years later and many travels later, she had growd. well not on the outside, but on the inside. She has learned not to presure people into being her friend, she has learned that there are other ways to break peoples walls. She now has her own machine, a alt version of a tardis but different,without a spirit but with mana.
She uses that machine for travels when she cant do it herself, as a little caravan but also as a place to relax. She also owns a small pocket world garden. She found a home in a mysterious place, called duguon divsion, a floating building that is bigger on the inside and is Always changing, connected to the world of death.
She also discovers 2 planets, galifrey and new galifreya, she discoverd that other souls have copied her way of creating and calling themself talion, and tali talis. She herself doesn’t know what to think of them. There are also elders called talia. She sometimes visits but don/t seem to fit in. Dunguon devision is a unic place thats a mysteri to her. She likes it and her main room there, her new home. But even after that she still on the move.
She is less naive now, still the friendly bunch, much braver. She also has a new hobby, colouring books. A few human friends gave her easy colouring books and pencils that were tali tali friendly.
The story will continue.
0 notes
Sephena voice of life.
Hello my name is Sephena let us be friends
This is my lovely oc Sephena. my oldest who I made 5 years ago, I have changed her storyes so many times, this is her official story.
Alright. lets start.
Book 1: chapter 0. Being born and traveling to find a home
Sephena is the personafiction of life itself, aka voice of life, her journey starts as a simple voice, just life but something happend and all of a sudden she was a light a being. She strayed trough the universe, looking for a boddy to call home, she had many homes also in different dimensions. but one day she decided to create a form of her own. Inspired by the anime form she saw when she was human she decided to take that form, a golden golum but with small cat ears, beautifull Wings and paws.
In the first years she explored the universe looking for a home, and friends, later she explored other worlds for friends.
(the story will continue )
Hobbys: she likes to travel far, her Wings and magic shield makes sure she can travel trough the vacum of space. drawing, even though shes bad in it, making new friends and sharing new memories
Looks: golden, with Wings, short paws for balance, a large tale that function as her hand.
Things she need to work on: she is naive and to friendly, she is to blunt in a kind way, she has a bad form of direction she gets lost easely.
Chapter 1: Still traveling, the creation of the talions and new galifreya, without her knowing and she might finaly find a home but not a home that you might expect.
Many years later and many travels later, she had growd. well not on the outside, but on the inside. She has learned not to presure people into being her friend, she has learned that there are other ways to break peoples walls. She now has her own machine, a alt version of a tardis but different,without a spirit but with mana.
She uses that machine for travels when she cant do it herself, as a little caravan but also as a place to relax. She also owns a small pocket world garden. She found a home in a mysterious place, called duguon divsion, a floating building that is bigger on the inside and is Always changing, connected to the world of death.
She also discovers 2 planets, galifrey and new galifreya, she discoverd that other souls have copied her way of creating and calling themself talion, and tali talis. She herself doesn’t know what to think of them. There are also elders called talia. She sometimes visits but don/t seem to fit in. Dunguon devision is a unic place thats a mysteri to her. She likes it and her main room there, her new home. But even after that she still on the move.
She is less naive now, still the friendly bunch, much braver. She also has a new hobby, colouring books. A few human friends gave her easy colouring books and pencils that were tali tali friendly.
The story will continue.
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