#fantasy rpg au
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aso-bi · 9 months ago
*puts a magnifying glass in your hands*
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Close-ups of one of the maps I'm most proud of
All the details were done by hand, each pencil stroke, and I can't believe I actually had the patience for it all
Full version under the cut
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Drawing and painting all the tiny locations taught me a lot, and I'm grateful I got commissioned to work on such a beautiful map. Only thing I regret is that it's so big so many details are lost, when looking at it so I made this post so the close up views might do them justice
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gazkerber · 5 months ago
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Ice Witch Celes for Halloween! 🎃Requested over my Patreon ❤
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 5 months ago
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My motivation is down the drain.....(head hands) at least i have you RPGworld... (RPGworld by @colliewolfdraws )
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year ago
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The party sets out for adventure -- Ugurcan Yüce cover for The Dark Eye introductory box set, Schmidt Spiele -- Schmidt France version "L'Œil noir;" originally released in German as "Das Schwarze Auge" (DSA). This art has been attributed to a second alternative version of the 1984 1st edition, and to the 1988 2nd edition.
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nippoisalien · 2 years ago
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thetinyscald-blog · 11 months ago
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Drew some portraits for our little FFXIV dnd group ~
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risto-licious · 2 years ago
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sudden sketchbook art! these are from around three weeks ago where I finally felt like doodling some risto onto actual paper again. the first one is just him being soft while the second one is from a...UH...video game AU. which I have been living off of since the beginning of 2023. It is my daily life fuel. I have so much more to say and share on this one BUT MAYBE SOMETIME LATER. it’s just overall so much typical rpg fun mixed with hopeless softness (which I am eternally weak for)
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tempestmothstorm · 4 months ago
Fishing trip ft. the half-beak fish
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Tbh if I ever give a name to the rest of Sayori’s family I’m tempted to just give them other fish related names. She’ll be like “meet my parents marlin and mudskipper” and everyone else will be like “ok👍”
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phantomphangphucker · 11 months ago
Phic Phight - How Not To Resurrect A Half Demon Lord
@lexiepiper @Ghostfox_fuyu
Being both an adventurer AND technically a monster wasn’t exactly the best mix to avoid fights, so it’s a good thing Danny actually LIKED fighting even if he couldn’t exactly ‘go hard’ against humans to avoid, you know, KILLING THEM. Other adventurers though? Yeah they didn’t exactly enjoy fighting what they thought was a weirdly powerful dungeon spawn.
Danny runs, skidding across the ground on his claws, the scrapping sound is loud but nowhere near the volume of the explosion happening right behind him. His tail nearly gets nicked! He’s not happy, not one bit. “WOULD YOU STOP THAT!”.
The mage with a frankly obscenely large hat damn near growls at him, which hey, growling was Danny’s thing. “Silence! Foul demon!”.
For fucks sake! Like yes, he gets that he looks like a demon. He gets that. But could people please just stop assuming that he belonged to whatever dungeon he and they happened to be in? This place was a goddamn lava dungeon, he was an ice demon with a black and white theme! Use your brain! Why would a fucking ice demon be in a lava dungeon!
Which, to be fair, him going into a lava dungeon wasn’t exactly smart or using his own brain; but Sam and Tuck thought this one would get them some sick ass gear so off they went. Of course they wound up getting separated, and of course Danny wound up running into other adventurers with the same idea as his party, and of course they mistook him for a dungeon beast. That’s his classic luck right there, everybody!
Ramming one set of claws into the wall and climbing up the hot rock as fast as he can, channeling some ice to his palms to avoid burning himself, it also was making some super cool-looking mist sizzle off of the rock so that was a neat bonus.
The adventurers trying to annihilate him seem to agree, the dude in black armour muttering to another mage with super orange hair, “hey if I equip ice gauntlets you think I could do that, it looks cool as Hell”. The mage whacks him over the head, ha!
Danny snorts to himself, jumping on to a ceiling stalactite of solid hot magma, ow ow ow ow ow, stupid ice core, stupid Tuck and Sam dragging him into a lava dungeon, stupid him for jumping onto solid magma, stupid stupid stupid. Ugh. But Danny does what Danny typically does when presented with pain, quips, shouting down, “why don’t you give up if you keep misting me!”. Ha! Good one, self. Ow.
The armoured guy chuckles, “I love it when monsters have a sense of humour, makes it so much more fun”, and hurls a goddamn spear at him. Nice, Danny can do spears and show off a little.
Danny launches himself down, grabbing the spear in between his teeth, fangs making it easy to keep the spear in there, and uses the spear head stabbing into the ground below to allow him to basically land going face down before gripping the shaft with his hands and spinning himself into an upright position. Him yanking it out of the ground and spinning it dramatically, grinning meanly, “oh I love free gifts, how’d you know it was my birthday?”, it’s totally not, he’s just being an asshole.
Big hat mage scowling at armoured guy quickly, “nice going, Salient”, then glaring back at Danny. Okay so armoured guy is named Salient, weird but okay. She shoots a fire last at Danny, Danny bats it away with the spear head snickering all the while. Then the other mage hits him with a holy-blast, because of course she does, and sends him into a wall.
He absolutely dropped the spear. Damn. He wanted to add that to his collection, which sure was definitely something he wasn’t doing before the whole resurrection gone wrong crap happened and he some how wound up getting his human souls wires crossed with Hell itself. A fuck up of hellish proportions.
Him shaking off the burn and sizzle from the holy power, at least still being kinda human and alive would stop that shit from outright smiting him, just burned and hurt like a motherfucker. The biggest annoyance his holy sensitivity usually caused him was not being able to use holy based healing potions… which were the cheapest kind aka the kind his party usually used to buy. Demonic based healing potions were the shit for him though, especially since he never had to worry about them debuffing or cursing him.
Orange hair mage huffs, “damn it, that didn’t do it”, scowling, “this place has some seriously strong demons, we might have use a hearth stone if it keeps up like this”.
Danny sticks his hands out to the side, tail twitching, “or maybe! Think a little and realise I’m not from this freaking dungeon!”.
“As if we’d believe a snake tongued demon!”.
Okay that’s just rude! It took him a very long time to learn how to talk with a forked tongue and he had to put up with a lot of mocking from Tuck! He sticks his tongue out at the group before having to climb up a wall again to avoid some thunder bolts from big hat mage and an arch of fire from Salient’s sword. At least he’d learned not to throw solid objects that Danny could grab, progress; progress for them and not him specifically. A very unfortunate specific.
Danny sending out a bit of icy flames that glowed black with his demonic energy to destroy another flame arch from Salient while moving sideways across the wall, he hates this dungeon it’s too fucking hot, goddamn. Zipping up to the ceiling and smacking his claws and palms on it, sending out a powerful wave of pure cold to force the ceiling to start snowing, which of course turns into very hot burning rain by the time it gets down to ground level. The party starts screaming and ducking for cover, that was surprisingly more effective than he expected and he absolutely had not intended to basically rain down boiling demonic water on them. Oops. He figured the snow would melt but not to the point of becoming boiling hot! How much energy was his core expending just to keep him fucking cool in this goddamn hellscape?!?
Danny skittering his way across the ceiling and in-between a gap between a stalactite and the dungeon ceiling, shouting a quick, “not trying to boil ya! Sorry!”. As he goes. Maybe they’ll be too busy hiding to realise where he’s tucked himself away. That would be nice, real nice.
“What kind of demon says sorry!”.
Don’t quip back, don’t quip back, don’t quip back. He’s trying to hide and quiping will fuck that up… “MY SORRY DEMONIC ASS!”, ah goddamn it, why does he do this to himself? Unsurprisingly the stalactite his hiding above gets fucking shot at by a holy bullet. That’s… that’s not great. Those sucked to get hit by and he’d one hundred percent need to be resurrected again if that shit hits his core enough times. But hey! Maybe that would un-demon him! Stupid plan, but hey! At least it is a plan! Plus that did not work when he accidentally fell into a pit of pure holy water. That had been the worst.
The stalactite gets shot at again, this time piercing through it and skimming his shoulder; him making his lip bleed by biting down to avoid yelping. Still hissing out a, “bloody hell”, though, because he could never just shut the fuck up could he? Also, he is officially panting, because it is too fucking hot here and his breath is making a bunch of mist aka giving away his spot more than his stupid quip did. Fuck him entirely.
He’s got three options:
One: start killing adventures like a proper full demon.
Two: overheat and pass out, possibly falling into hard ground or a pool of lava only to be descended upon by adventurers who would definitely hit unconscious him with a holy attack.
Three: leave his hiding spot and start looking for cooler areas while avoiding getting hit or doing any major hitting.
Four: use a hearth stone to teleport out of the dungeon, seems like the obvious choice right? Except when Danny’s half demon ass did that he wound up in Hell every time and Sam and Tuck would have to go through the hassle of getting him back out of there. That crap always resulted in them having to track down yet another ice dungeon and use forbidden demon summoning magic. Meanwhile he’d go throwing hands with demons for however long it took his friends to get him. Not ideal.
Then it turns out that there’s actually a fifth option, a wall blowing up and sending his bullet hole riddled stalactite crashing down towards the ground and exploding in hot semi solid magma. OW! Danny sputtering and shaking himself off aggressively, “oh fuck! Bloody hell! Me damn fuck it! Stupid fucking lava dungeon! Stupid fucking adventurers! Where’s my teammates when I me damn need them!”.
“Shit since when do goddamn demons team up! We need to hurry this up!”.
Then there’s a very loud thump, Danny squinting his fucking burning eyes up at the noise, fuck yeah! It’s Tuck! Nice! The guy’s landed directly on top of the orange haired mage, pointing his fricken lightning cross bow right in her face. The Salient guy getting hurled into a wall by vines seconds later, and a few more seconds and said vines are on fire and brunt to a crisp.
The big hat mage jumping back from the newbies assaulting her group, “great, how many different kinds of demonic vermin does this dungeon have!”, her creating an explosion with electricity to make something of a smoke screen for her to grab Salient out of the hole in the wall the guy made.
But! BUT! That puts their backs to Danny, and Danny might object to killing people but he did not object to bruising them up some. Meaning he launches himself at them, grabbing the back of both of their necks, and slams them into the ground; using his tail to tie their ankles all together. He also grabs the hat mages hat with his teeth and eats the fucking thing as a probably insane looking show of superiority.
Tuck, not looking at Danny and still staring violently down at orange hair mage, “you good, Danny-man?”.
Danny growling, “I’m annoyed, burnt, and vaguely considered making y'all haul me outta hell again for dragging me to this shit ass place”.
Sam walking calmly through the destroyed wall and into where they all are, “honestly I hate this place too. My plant magic is completely useless and I wrecked my helm”.
Danny snorting, “ha! Serves you right!”, he gets elbowed in the chin by Salient for being distracted. But well, an elbow, even armoured, isn’t gonna do much to Danny, so he just growls down at the man while said elbow is being pressed up into his chin.
Tuck snorts at the scene, “I’d stop that, Danny’s an obsidian rank combat warrior”. The mage beneath him scowling, “that is a demon spawn or are you fucking blind?”.
Danny takes offence to that, demon wise he was on par with a demon lord! Not a freaking basic hell spawn! “Excuse you!”. But Tuck laughs at Danny’s expense, “that’s what you get for never fighting back, moron”. Danny sticks his tongue out at the guy.
Sam shaking her head as she walks over to Danny, “seriously, if they attacked you first who cares if you hurt them”, grabbing the unconscious ex-hat mage out from Danny’s grasp, shit he hadn’t actually realized he’d knocked her out. Whoops. Sam pointing a finger at Salient, whose elbow is still pressed into Danny’s chin, “you wouldn’t be holding your own for shit if Danny took you seriously”.
“Pfft, I could take him”.
The orange hair mage snapping, “are you serious right now?! You are literally being pinned down you idiot!”.
Danny nodding, “glad we’re on the same page on that”; rolling his shoulders as he can feel some of the burning healing itself, he’d be healing a hell of a lot faster if he wasn’t in this damn hot lava dungeon though.
Tuck rolling his eyes before staring down at the orange hair mage, “look. Danny’s an adventure, he literally has a license on him right now. The only reason he’s in this dungeon is ‘cause we heard there was some bomb ass equipment in here, same as you guys probably”.
Sam laughing a bit meanly as she gives the ex-gay mage a healing potion since Danny probably gave her a concussion, “Danny’s not a ‘hell spawn’ he’s a fucked up resurrection spell gone wrong”.
Salient snorting, “prove it! And how the Hell did that happen?”. Danny snickers, “hell happened”; Tuck moving his crossbow out of orange hair mages face specifically to shoot Danny with it.
“Ow! You jerk!”.
Unfortunately orange hair takes that opportunity to blast Tuck nearly point blank in the stomach with a holy blast, sending him smashing up into the ceiling. Oh Hell fucking no, attacking Danny was one thing, he was a demon-looking mother fucker and could take hits like a champ; attacking his friends was a whole ass nother matter. At least Sam catches Tuck with some vines as he starts falling down from the ceiling and Tuck wasn’t knocked out by the attack.
Still though. Danny is none too impressed. And he refuses to tolerate a repeat of that, so just as the orange haired friend hurting asshat gets herself up off of the ground Danny lets himself loose more than a little bit. Limbs extending, spines pulling up out of his upper back and shoulders, second set of kudu horns extending out, ribs cracking and expanding through and over his torso skin to settle into a bigger form, that stupid gharial crocodile skull boiling and forming out of and off of his head; him all but shoving orange hair back into the ground and pinning her there with a single hand. Slamming the other hand down near her face, using a foot to keep the Salient guy pinned. Danny snarling, snout opening right over the mages face, “shoot at me all you want but you don’t get to hurt what’s mine”.
Tuck’s shaking off all that holy power, grumbling about stupid trigger happy adventurers as if he wasn’t one himself and stomps over to fucking shoot orange hair in the face with some sand; her unable to do anything about it because of Danny.
Salient muttering, “holy fucking shit, goddamn”. While Sam stops over to him, Sam smacking Danny’s ankle, “give over your license, you demonic horror”. Danny huffing out an icy breath in orange hairs face, moving his tail to use the many little quill hair spines on it to grab out his license from his torso inside his ribs, slipping it into her hands, “thank you”, she shoves the license in the probable warriors face, “see? Adventurer. You really think Clementine would approve him without goddamn checking him and his bullshit out?”.
He grunts from under Danny’s foot, “fair ‘nough. You tryin’ to crush me here?”.
Danny huffing another icy breath, “maybe”. Sam smacks his ankle again so Danny, with a shrug, lifts up his foot and lets the guy up. Danny thinks some mild crushing is totally deserved in this case, even if that was maybe influenced by these guys hurting his friends and making him feel all possessive and shit. Demon crap could be so annoying; being in this hot ass place only making it more annoying.
Salient rolls over and sits up, rolling his shoulders, “ow yeah, definitely not a spawn, damn”, eyeing himself over, “aw man, you cracked my shoulder pad. License doesn’t look fake though so”, looking up at Danny, “bad ass ability though”.
Danny tilts his skull head at the guy before looking back down to orange hair, “you gonna keep trying to annihilate me?”.
“You’re a demon”.
“And?”, lifting the hand that isn’t pinning her and waving it around dismissively, “it’s only a by half thing anyway”.
Tuck chuckling down at her, “need I point out that Danny could absolutely just crush you right now? Yeah, okay, so he’s sorta a demon, and sorta dead and not dead, but he’s not confined to a dungeon or Hell and he’s an adventurer. adventurers run into weird shit all the time, it’s not his fault he is the weird shit”. The girl glares but sighs, clearly giving up, so Danny basically forces himself to compact, puffing icy steam everywhere. Tuck grinning, “so dramatic”.
Danny pointing a normal standard human length clawed finger in the guys face, “hey, if there’s one thing I do well, besides confusing people and myself, it is dramatics”; if he was gonna be stuck as some weird dead but not dead, from the afterlife Hell but not from Hell, then he can be an overdramatic asshole about it.
Orange hair gets up immediately and moves over to the still unconscious ex-hat mage, muttering, “good, they didn’t poison her or anything. Damn demon worshipers”. Oh for fucks sake, was it really that hard to understand that he was a good guy and just a weird but typical adventurer? Ugh. Plus! He’s definitely a higher rank than her, so rude.
Salient standing up and shaking himself off, shouting at his teammate, “Lily good?”; nice, Danny’s got another name.
Orange hair sighs, “yeah. They didn’t do anything to her besides knock her out”. Oh everyone’s a critic.
Danny rolling his eyes and huffing, “you say that like you guys weren’t trying to fucking destroy me. Again, you gonna keep doing that shit? ‘Cause I’m positive all three of us outrank you guys, we just don’t exactly want to start having to fucking kill people just because people keep thinking I’m a me damned dungeon monster”.
Sam shaking her head and moving to be over by Tuck and Danny, “at least they didn’t think you were the dungeon boss this time”.
“Oh Hell that had been such a pain”.
Salient chuckles and looks at him, “you make a lot of ‘Hell’ comments and shit”.
Danny shrugging with a smirk, “hey if I’ve gotta be slightly, vaguely, hell bound then I might as well take the piss outta it”.
Orange hair glaring at Salient, “seriously? You’re making friendly with it now?”.
Danny pouts, “hey, rude much”. While Sam and Tuck laugh at him meanly.
Salient shoves her, “chill, aren’t adventurers supposed to at least try to get along. At least he’s not another psycho paladin who's just using his god as an excuse to commit way too much murder”.
Danny’s entire little party nodding, “yeah fuck paladins”. Earning them a scowl from orange hair, “we all know why you demon-lovers wouldn’t like paladins”.
Then Lily groans a little, sitting up and holding her head, “well at least I’m alive”.
Danny snorting, “yeah I have a thing against committing murder”.
“That is the strangest thing I’ve ever heard a demon say”.
Danny pouts at her. He gets that demons have a terrible rap, an earned terrible rap, but cut a guy some slack will ya? It would be so nice if he could shapeshift to look fully human, he bets that in some other universe he definitely could and he is jealous of that version of him. Stupid fucker probably got all the super sneaky useful abilities. Like being able to turn invisible or something, that would have been so useful today. Ugh.
Lily looking to her party members, “so care to explain what’s going on here?”.
“Demon dude is a legit adventurer, licensed and everything”.
Orange hair just grumbles incomprehensibly.
Sam crossing her arms at the three, “I’m Sam, platinum rank herbalist and green mage. The one with the crossbow is Tucker, silver rank earth mage and gear smith. And the half demon, that you are to stop attacking, is Danny, obsidian rank combat warrior as already mentioned; he’s also a weapons smith and death magic apprentice. Yes he’s a resurrection spell gone wrong, he did it to himself somehow, but people screw up spells all the time so whatever”.
Danny shrugging, “I mean, typically they don’t screw up so impressively they fuck up half their genetic species but yeah”; Sam swats him one, expertly avoiding the horns.
Salient snorts, “you’re a death magic apprentice and you made your self half dead? WOW you suck”.
“Hey!”, Danny puts a hand to his chest, “technically it’s useful, this way I can actually go to one of the death planes now without slowly dying”.
Lily shakes her head disbelievingly, “ridiculous and inane”, gesturing at herself, “Lily, steel rank lightning high mage”, gesturing at Salient, “Salient, silver rank knight”, gesturing at orange hair, “Gemine, iron rank white mage and apprentice priestess”. Tilting her head, “why is an obsidian with a platinum and a silver? He’s three and four ranks above you two respectively?”.
Danny waves her off immediately, “eh, I was gold before the demon shit fucked my shit up. And I am the leader so it’s not that odd”. Sam nodding, “if anything it’s weirder that an iron is travelling with a silver”.
Gemine scowling, muttering to herself, “of course the demon is the leader, disgusting”. Lily cuffs her over the head, making the girl pout. Lily nodding, “demons are more powerful than the living so I suppose that is logical, and a lower rank priestess will best any higher rank warrior”, glancing around, “where’s my hat?”.
Sam and Tuck stare at Danny judgingly, him rubbing his neck, “I ate it?”; it was a heat of the moment thing okay! He makes really dumb decision when he’s put on the spot!
Salient nodding with a smirk, “yeah, it was pretty weird”.
Danny pouting, “I’m not paying you back for it”, twitching, “and can we get the fuck out of this hot ass place already?”, looking at Sam and Tuck, “if you found nothing good I’m gonna be so annoyed”. Sam rolling her eyes and digging in her bag, pulling out a little unassigned demon core. Yum! Him brightening up immediately, “oh nice! This was so worth getting shot by holy bullets!”.
“Dude what!”.
Danny grabbing the core and biting into it, much to the disgust of his unwitting onlookers, “eh it was just a shoulder nick and I am literally covered in lava and holy light burns so that’s kinda not what I’m focused on”. Basically dumping the demonic energy down his gullet with a happy purr.
Salient pulling a face, “wow that is disgusting, awesome”. Lily sighs tiredly before gesturing at Danny’s party, “so are we good to just go our separate ways?”. Danny’s down for that, his burns were healing much better now even if he was still hot as hell.
Sam crossing her arms, “depends on if you’re going to keep harassing Danny”; Danny’s just content to lick his chops in demonic satisfaction. Gemine pouting, “I won’t be able to vanquish him so fine, I won’t”.
Danny giving her a thumbs up, “that’s the spirit, now let’s get the hell outta this furnace before my core decides I deserve to over heat”. Sam and Tuck roll their eyes at him and laugh, Tuck patting his shoulder as they all turn to wander off to the exit. The other party of adventurers awkwardly heading deeper into the dungeon.
Danny stretching a little, going all demon always made him feel like his bones were all fucked up and needed a stretching, “so find anything else?”.
“Lightning bolt in a bottle”.
“Bone dagger. Lots of bone daggers”.
“Oh and a whole ass dragon hide, it’s in the dimensional pocket”.
“We did put all the random gem stones in there too right”.
“Damn it, Tucker”.
Danny laughs to himself, shaking his head. This day was some bullshit but at least they didn’t leave empty handed, and wasn’t finding treasure and getting to throw fist-a-cuffs the whole point of being an adventurer? Even if he’d rather be beating up dungeon monsters than constantly having to duke it out with other adventurers.
Of course they don’t even make it a full day before running into the very same party. At least this time they’re at the adventurers guild so there’s no way he’s gonna get attacked again.
Gemine blinking at Danny, “so you actually can leave the dungeon”.
Danny rolling his eyes, “yeah it’s almost like I was telling the truth or something”. Hell, he seldom lied about shit, people just thought it was all too ridiculous to be true.
Lily looks to the desk lady, quirking an eyebrow then gesturing at the demon in the room. Juhe blinking and smiling, understanding quickly, “yes the demon is welcome here, yes he’s an adventurer, no you’re not allowed to vanquish him, and no he’s not mind controlling anyone”.
Salient chuckles, putting a hand on his hip, “wow it sounds like this happens a lot”. Tuck shaking his head, “you have no idea”; before Sam goes up to make their report to the guild master. Technically Danny’s supposed to do that, being the leader and all, but head office had a barrier around it and they refused to take it down just for Danny’s sorry ass, meaning compromises were made.
Danny nodding at the guy, “anytime we go into a dungeon and run into a party that hasn’t met me before, it turns into a fight”, rubbing his neck, “which has earned me the title of adventurers bane since I keep basically having to beat down adventurers until they give up”.
Juhe nodding, “and he helps out the enforcers sometimes, since he can be quite the intimidating presence”.
“Boo, having a demonic aura isn’t my fault, and if just a simple demonic aura is enough to scare someone they probably shouldn’t be an adventurer”.
“You forget most adventurers do gathering quests and less dangerous dungeons”.
“You also forget that your demonic aura is that of a demon lord not a simple spawn or lesser demon”.
Danny’s only response to that is a pout.
Lily had been about to go up and make her own report, one foot stopping in midair, “that one is… a demon lord?”, and looks very concerned at Danny. While Salient grins to himself, “sweet, I got to fight a demon lord. Man that’s cool”.
Danny blinks, shrugging, “I was a wee bit miffed about suddenly being very literally in hell one time, not the time I fucked my resurrection up, and went demon killing happy. Two might have been demon lords and one was definitely a death god”.
All three look at him in shock, horror, or looking just plan impressed in Salient’s case. Lily shaking her head, “alright, you very well could have annihilated us”.
Johe glancing at some paperwork, “you three are silver, steel, and iron? Yes, you would not have stood a chance if taken seriously by him. He’s officially listed as obsidian, but he’s closer to iridium, which still stands as our highest class”.
Danny blushing, “aw shucks”.
“Don’t you ‘aw shucks’ me, if you’re that flattered then stop leaving your tail quills in the lobby wall”.
“Hey! It has a mind of its own”.
“It’s still attached to you, ain’t it?”.
Danny pouts at her, tail twitching near the ground, he’s half tempted to stab the wall with it just to be petty. He did petty very very well after all.
Lily shakes herself before finally going up to give her report; Danny absolutely hearing Sam whisper a threat at her, “Danny’s a lot nicer than the rest of us, don’t pull that shit with him again or else I won’t hesitate using a mind vine to make you break your party members”, as they pass in the stairway. He makes a point to roll his eyes disappointedly at her when she makes it down fully.
His friends were great but so over protective and possessive of him, it was nice but also a pain. She rolls her eyes right back at him as the three of them head out, waving bye to Salient and Gamine as more of a form of pleasantries than genuine fond fair-wells or whatever. They ain’t friends and weren’t gonna suddenly become them, something Danny was frankly fully uninterested in. He had his Sam and Tuck and was definitely not interested in sharing them.
Prompts: Fantasy/rpg setting. Danny died, but the resurrection spell went wrong, and now he’s trapped as something not quite dead but not fully alive either. Not that he’d ever let that stop him from becoming an adventurer, even if he does get mistaken as a resident dungeon monster by other adventuring parties every now and then… Demon!au
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bandit-likes-cheese · 5 months ago
Team nostalgia headcannons cuz I'm making them kiss in my au lol
So um I really like alternative subcultures (hello, goth metalhead here) so that influenced these au designs.
Firstly, Aeon is really into cyber goth/industrial fashion but only really started to dress like that after the events of ffsx6 followed by her leaving Cain's organisation and realising her true identity upon meeting Nazo. The two instantly bonded over their shared hatred for Sonic and later how confusing gender is. She got him into alt fashion/music and taught Nazo how to make their own kandi jewellery. She quickly found out he enjoyed having his quills played with which she would playfully taunt him with. While working under Cain, she was very reserved but also one of his most loyal underlings, eager to take out her frustrations on whoever stood in her and her peers' way.
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After his antics in unleashed and act 1 of wrath, Nazo was forced to come to terms with the fact he wouldn't be able to achieve ultimate power like he originally planned or he'd just be reduced to ashes a second time. He roamed around aimlessly for a long time though those old parts Robotnik used to keep him alive were incredibly uncomfortable. Being the already chaotic being they are, this discomfort would often lead to violent outbursts which nearly put them back on Sonic's radar several times though they did catch the attention of Aeon and later Seelkadoom. The device keeping his heart going is also janky as hell, giving him frequent palpitations though he found chaos energy from the emeralds or his other forms seemed to stabilise it. He found Aeon wounded from her fight with Sonic while he was searching for a chaos emerald, the two making a deal to help each other out of their predicaments as hurtful to their egos as it was.
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After a messy defeat, Seelkadoom remained in Herbegitan and isolated himself in the castle him and Sonic fought in. He claimed it as his home while he slowly recovered and gained back his strength. With his solitude and the eternal night that reigned over his dwelling, he developed an interest in vampires from the novels he'd pass the time by reading. Once he'd recovered, he would occasionally travel back to Mobius out of boredom though he avoided places where his metaphorical brothers frequented which was most crowded areas. He resents Robotnik for many reasons including naming him "Sonaw" which he found stupid and honestly not edgy enough though the main cause of his anger towards the doctor was how he essentially hard-wired Seelkadoom to go into a blind rage when in proximity of Sonic and his friends meaning even after breaking away from Robotnik's control, he'd still be forced to live in hiding or risk another defeat. He came across Nazo and Aeon along one of his journeys to Mobius, forming a strong friendship with the two before they eventually started dating as a polycule.
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blackheart-rpg · 5 months ago
BLACK HEART RPG. [18+ // Multi-fandom]
✘・18 + rp community & make no exceptions to this } ✘・dark town rp / multi-fandom server for disney, dreamworks, bridgerton, kingdom hearts, final fantasy, shakespeare, acotar, beetlejuice, books & more } ✘・real life face claims only } ✘・sample required for full entry into this group } DISCORD lxl LEARN MORE lxl TAKEN MUSES lxl ACCEPTED VERSES
It happened so fast — just like that, a strange curse enveloped the world, stripping away the fairy tale life and intertwining it into a modern world. It altered the very course of everyone's lives and shrouded their memories in an unbreachable haze. There are no answers to sort through in its wake, 𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅, and, seemingly, no hope to rally behind. All they're certain of is that the language of Starfall City is 𝒔𝒊𝒏... What they don't know is how literal that is. Every soul is tied to a magicless realm by one of the seven deadly sins, leaving them all to wrestle with their own demons just as the city grapples with its own past. No one knows the trail they once led, only their belief in the one that they walk now. Will they seek atonement or are they intent on 𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏?
・・・Come join as our Halloween event is just starting, 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒕: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒍!
╭・・♕ ‧ ₊˚・ ・𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒆 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓. . . ┇・LGBTQ+ accepting community! ┇・Expansive and in-depth lore with creative growth & potential. ┇・Friendly & punctual staff, attentively active admins. NO TOLERANCE for OOC drama/toxicity. ┇・Multi-Para + / Literate writing. ┇・We offer 95+ role-play channels with descriptions and visuals. ┇・Friendly active community that is open to discuss with one another and integrate characters into the story with well-thought-out dynamics. ┇・Text-based writing, social media and housing options for your muses. ┇・1x1 & Group Storylines. ┇・OOC Channels, Book Clubs, Movie Nights & Game nights. ╰・・♕ ‧ ₊˚・
We still have many characters we'd love to see ~! Come joins us before upcoming stories begin to unfold ~
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runespoor7 · 4 months ago
I was thinking about JC as transfem, and I was thinking about how WWX would not get it/deal well, not the way they are in canon - WWX's self image is too dependent on knowing JC perfectly and looking down on him (he loves JC like he loves no-one else, but he thinks/knows himself to be better than JC)
but if WWX wasn't taken in by the Jiangs and raised by the Jiangs - in an AU where WWX's parents are still around, an AU where thus WWX's self-image isn't defined by everyone around him agreeing that he's Better Than JC - he'd see it. Like in canon, he'd see how JC isn't at ease with himself, at ease with the world around them, but he'd want to make it so JC could find whoever JC really is.
I was thinking about a DIE AU.
"I made all this for you. For you, JC."
isn't that just something WWX would do? Isn't that something that WWX might possibly be pushed to admit at some point? Isn't loving JC to the point of invention, isn't loving JC to the point of destruction, isn't loving JC and being a control freak and a liar just WWX?
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shuruzy · 6 months ago
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back at it again with whatever this is
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feuer-in-soho · 1 year ago
Guys from Gould / Gestalten aus Gould
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A Zine that I have been working on that encompasses 20 illustrated science fiction characters and short description of their quirks.
It was originally supposed to just be my collection of NPCs for the ttrpg Lancer but since the campaign transitioned to Troika and a homebrew setting thats obviously no longer the case. However, I approached this so that the characters are hopefully easily integrated into Lancer or any other scifi ttrpg without any major changes.
You can find it here:
It would mean a lot to me if you were to check it out.
Thank you for your patience.
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kornswasianguyswag · 2 years ago
today i deliver to you a couple random sketches
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tomorrow? who knows...
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charmiespecs · 10 months ago
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For fun I imagined me and my partner's ffxiv characters as other races from a "different fantasy world"! Mylon as an elf instead of a hrothgar, and Anglea as a centaur instead of an elezen.
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