#fangs fogarty x sweet pea
yourjughead · 9 months
Red Car pt. 2
Requests open.
Sweet Pea POV.
I stood watching the red car fade away, just like I had so many months ago.
"Sweet Pea you need to learn to control yourself"
"I know I do" I looked from the shadow down to the ground again as Josie came down the steps to my side. A moment ago I was ready to ask her to be my girlfriend.... Again .... For the like 10th time..... What happened to me? Was Fangs right? Was I losing myself to fit her?
"I can't have any bad press if I'm to become even more of a star, I don't need them focusing on the guy I'm seeing, how cliche" I slightly scoffed at her comment. She can't call us what we are, like yn and I couldn't call us what we were. That felt different. That was a relationship without labels, this is labels without a relationship. I'm Josie's hobby, her toy, her busywork.
"Josie why can't we be seen publicly together?"
"Sweet Pea, you know why, I'm building a brand"
"So I don't fit that brand?" I almost whispered before turning to face her full on. I don't fit that brand, I was never supposed to fit that brand. I was supposed to have a great senior year, be myself, find who I was without yn and instead I slotted into someone elses life when all along I just wanted to get through this year to slot into yns life. I belonged there. She would make room for me.
"Sweet Pea, we're having fun, why is it always so serious with you" she reached for my hand but I pulled it away from her.
"Ive had enough, find someone else to be your groupie" I turned back away before she could answer. I just wanted to see yn and Fangs. Make sure everyone's okay. I can't believe she's home. I gotta get to Fang's trailer.
3rd Person
Fangs laid across the sofa of his trailer, an ice pack held to his forehead by you. You gave a kind smile to the Serpent as he slowly fluttered his eyes open. Groaning, he attempted to put a bruising hand to the back of his head where fresh several stitches slotted together perfectly. You calmly moved his hand back to his side while shushing him gently, his eyes falling closed again. Toni sat across from you watching you carefully.
"We missed you YN, a lot of crazy things have been happening around here"
"I can only imagine" you gave a small laugh to her as she cracked a beer open and passed it to your hand. You hadn't drank since you left Riverdale, needing to stay focused in the intense environment of University but less than one hour in the more intense environment of Riverdale had sent you craving the cold bottle.
"Try to stay awake now Fangs, here hold this to your head if you can" you guided his hand to ice pack, his eyes fighting to stay open.
"Your bedside manner has improved YN" the three of you laughed at this before you moved to put the medic pack back in the kitchen. You decided to leave the things from the kit in your car in it, knowing the Serpents would need it more often than you. As you looked for a place to tuck the kit into, Sweet Pea almost crashed through the door, Fangs flinching to the sound.
"Fangs! Oh my god! I'm gonna fucking kill those hockey heads!" He sat at his friends side, Fangs unable to hide his smile, you watched grinning from the kitchen, Sweet Pea not noticing you there.
"It's okay SP, YN fixed me up, I'm hoping I get a gnarly scar"
"I suppose she ran off again" Toni and Fangs slightly tensed at this remark.
"No SP, right here" his turn to jump at the new noise. He stood up almost untrusting of his feet as you moved into the sitting area again.
"Come on Fangs, I'll help you into bed"
"I knew this was just a plot to get me into bed with you Toni" he laughed, allowing Toni to pull him up to his feet and support him as they walked into his room.
"No need, I was just going, talk to you guys tomorrow, rest up Fangs" you gave a small wave before exiting the trailer to your car again. Silence filled the trailer, Fangs and Toni looked directly at Sweet Pea while he stared at the door. He finally sighed before following you, the two remaining serpents grinning.
You tried to get the red car to turn over, it struggling with the task. Sweet Pea pulled the door open and slid in next to you, a place he hadn't been in months.
"So.... I hear you're dating a rockstar now" you broke the silence, starting to give up on trying to get the car to start.
"I was yeah...well I was seeing her is the way I'm sure she'd prefer I say it but she probably actually would prefer I don't say anything at all about it" Sweet Pea threw his head against the headrest.
"Yeah, yikes... I guess some things never change, can't quite get out of the secret relationship stage, if that's even a normal stage to be in" he trailed off, silence returning. You moved to start the car again trying to break up some of the silence. Sweet smiled at you before rolling his eyes, leaning over you and twisting the keys until the engine finally gave in and turned over.
"I waited for you to come home at Christmas" he moved away again from you but kept his eyes on yours.
"I just couldn't be around you and Josie, Fangs told me about her"
"Yeah he wasnt too keen on her"
"Were you?" The question Sweet Pea asked himself almost every time after being around Josie. He shook his head.
"I wish I went with you YN, I really wish I went with you"
"I wish you did too"
"Nothing stopping me now" you met his eyes before he leaned across again to meet your mouth. Memories of Summer months past where all you had was one another flooded your mind. The sound of banging glass broke the two of you apart and you looked out the windscreen to see your two serpent friends smiling wildly giving you the thumbs up and cheering from behind the net curtains. Sweet Pea rubbed a hand down his face laughing to himself as you chuckled alongside him.
"Yanno this was his plan all along YN?"
"Yeah it wouldnt surprise me if he took that chair to the back of the head to be a team player" you smiled before it fading away at the memory of what brought you two back together.
"C'mon SP, we have to go pay a visit to someone"
"I'll go anywhere with you" he cupped his hand over yours as it moved the gearstick into action, the red car going willingly.
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fanfics4all · 2 months
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Fangs Fogarty x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 3747
Warnings: Bulimia, Self-harm, Starvation
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Fangs and I have lived together for about a month now, and in that month I’ve managed to hide the fact that I fucking hate my body. No one knew and I was too worried about being judged to tell anyone. I knew deep down that Fangs would never judge me, I mean we’ve been dating for three years now, but the voices always win in the end. So that’s why I spend a lot of time in the bathroom whenever Fangs goes out without me. 
“I’ll be back in a bit, babe!” Fangs called. He was going out with Pea for a job with the Serpents. 
“Okay! Be careful!” I called back. Ironic I’m telling him to be careful when I sit at home and throw everything up. 
“I will, love you!” He said. 
“Love you too!” I said and heard the door close behind him. I waited a bit to make sure Fangs wouldn’t walk back in because he forgot something. The last time that happened I pretended to shower so he wouldn’t hear me. Once I was sure he wouldn’t come back I got off our bed and walked into the bathroom. I pulled out the scale and took a deep breath before I stepped on it. I closed my eyes and tried my best not to shake. I took another calming breath and slowly peeled my eyes open to look at the horrid number. 130 pounds… I sighed, at least I lost two pounds since yesterday. I didn’t really eat anything yesterday. Or the day before. Or the day before that. In fact, I couldn’t really remember the last time I ate a proper meal in which I didn’t throw up a few hours later while Fangs was asleep. It was probably a year ago? Someone at school made a comment about me that I brushed off in the moment, but it was like a silent switch flipped in my brain. After that, I went home and stared at the mirror, noticing all the imperfections about myself. That was the day I decided to lose weight. When normal methods weren’t working, I turned to the extreme. It was the only thing that gave me results… It didn’t help that I started comparing myself to people Fangs talked to. The girls were way prettier than I am. The boys were skinnier than me. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that Fangs chose me out of everyone. I couldn’t think of any reasons that Fangs stayed with me all this time, or even why he asked me to move in with him after my trailer burnt down. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy with Fangs, but something in my head just isn’t on the same page as my heart. 
I sighed and looked down at the number once again. 130 pounds. It was below the average weight of my age group, but 120 or even 110 would be way better. I stepped off the scale and looked at myself in the mirror. 
Look at your thighs, they’re so fat. Don’t forget that huge stomach of yours. Did you see that girl he was talking to at the bar last week? Now she was perfectly skinny. The perfect body. 
I sighed and ran my fingers over my body. Fat. That was all I could feel. I was fucking fat. No matter how little I eat, or how much I worked out. I will always be fat. Fat and fucking ugly. I would never be perfect like those people Fangs talk to. I took off my clothes and looked in the mirror again. I stared at my stomach. Even though the scale says I got smaller, to me it looks like my stomach has grown another twenty pounds. My stomach growled as I lightly touched it. I hated the hunger pains, but the feeling of emptiness was too addictive. I love feeling like I finally was in control of my body. I moved my hands down to my thighs and felt the small scars that were slightly raised. When I first started that’s how I would punish myself when the workouts didn’t work, or if I gained another pound or two. That didn’t last long since Toni found out and told Fangs. I wasn’t too attached to the cutting, so that was easy to stop. The sharp pain as the razor glided through my skin, pulling beads of crimson up through the cut, wasn’t as good as the starving. It didn’t make me feel better like not eating. I shook my head and glanced over at the toilet. I’ve become very acquainted with it. My head was shoved inside it at least twice a day. Sure my stomach was empty, but I knew I could still get some stuff out of me. I kneeled down and gently lifted the lid. I stared down into the toilet and took a few breaths. Throwing up on an empty stomach always hurt, but it was worth it to lose those few pounds. I opened my mouth and took my pointer finger into my mouth. I slowly pushed it to the back of my throat and gagged once I found the spot. I was good at not pulling my finger out when I gagged now, so I just kept pushing on it. My stomach was screaming in pain as it tightened with each gag. It took a few minutes, but eventually, I felt the burning creep up my throat. I pulled my finger out and leaned over the toilet. I watched as the bile flew into the water and already felt a little lighter. It wasn’t much, but every little bit helps. I took a few breaths to recover and quickly pushed my finger back inside my mouth. Once again it took a bit, but I eventually threw up more bile. It still wasn’t enough though. I kept going and going until my head started to spin. I felt really dizzy and weak, but it was working. I felt lighter. I kept going until black dots invaded my vision. I fell back on my ass and held my head. 
“J-Jus-st a b-bi-it mo-ore…” I slurred to myself. I tried to get back up so I could finish, but I just fell to the floor more and my vision turned completely black… 
*Fangs POV* 
I walked back into the trailer with a smile as I carried some Pop’s for me and Y/N. I placed the bags and drinks on the coffee table and noticed Y/N wasn’t there. Must be in our room with her laptop or something. 
“Babe, I’m back! I brought Pop’s.” I called but got no answer. 
“Baby?” I called again, thinking she couldn’t hear me. Still nothing. 
“Y/N, you asleep or something?” I said as I walked towards our bedroom. She wasn’t there. I furrowed my brows and wondered if maybe she went out with Toni or something. I pulled out my phone and called her. I heard her phone ring and followed it to the bathroom. I quickly hung up and walked over to the bathroom. The shower wasn’t running so she should have heard me. 
“Y/N? Baby? You in there?” I asked as I gently knocked. No answer. My heart started pounding faster and I quickly opened the door. I stopped in shock as I stared inside the bathroom. Y/N was lying on the floor, looking unnaturally skinny and there was vomit in the toilet. I quickly rushed over to her and checked her pulse. The small thump from her neck made me sigh in relief. I carefully pushed my hands under her and lifted her up. I gasped when I felt how light she was. How did I not notice how much weight she lost? How did I not notice how her bones were starting to be visible through her skin. I shuddered and felt tears pushing themselves to the surface. How the hell could I be such a shitty boyfriend and not realize the love of my life was putting herself in so much danger. I carefully made my way to our room and gently laid her down. I grabbed one of my shirts and carefully put it on her, she was drowning in it. I tucked her in so she wouldn’t get cold and checked that she was breathing again. I sighed and left to deal with the bathroom. Once I was done cleaning I grabbed her some water and placed it on the nightstand. I pulled up a chair and sat next to her. I stoked her hair and tried my hardest to think of what could have made her do this, or even when she started. I blamed myself for not seeing anything different. I believed every smile Y/N always put on. Every laugh she made. How the hell did I not see anything!? I tried to calm myself down, but I was so angry with myself. Maybe even a very small part of me was mad at her for not coming to me, but I pushed that away. I shouldn’t be mad at her, she needs me more than ever. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Toni and see if she knew anything about this. 
“Hey Fangs, what’s up?” She answered after the second ring. 
“Did you notice anything off about Y/N lately?” I asked, getting right to the point. 
“Uh, no? Why? What’s up?” She asked, worry clear in her voice. 
“I came home and she was passed out in the bathroom with vomit in the toilet. She’s really fucking skinny Toni…” I said, feeling a tear involuntarily fall down my cheek. 
“What? How skinny?” She asked. 
“Like I can see her ribs starting to poke out.” I answered and she gasped. 
“W-What? H-How?” She asked and I sighed. 
“I don’t know, T. I didn’t notice anything different…” I said quietly. 
“How? Have you guys not… ya know?” She asked and my eyes widened. 
“We’ve both been busy, but every time she’s just wanted to ya know, please me…” I said and felt my stomach turn slightly. She’s been hiding this for so long… 
“Shit Fangs, are you at the hospital? Want me and Pea to come by?” She asked and I shook my head. 
“I just have my bike and I-I don’t know what the hell they’ll do to her. I’m scared to take her there. What if they say she’s dying, or they lock her up, or I don’t know…” I sighed. 
“Fangs if she’s really bad you’ve gotta take her to the hospital, they’ll help her.” She said, gently. 
“Toni I can’t, what if she never forgives me for that? Clearly, she’s been hiding this for a while I don’t want her to hate me…” I said, fully crying by now. 
“Listen, Fangs, you wanna help her, right?” She asked with a sigh. 
“Yes…” I whispered. 
“Then you gotta take her. I’ll call Pea and we can use his truck, okay?” She asked and I shook my head again. 
“Can’t I just wait till she wakes up? They’re gonna keep her there for who knows how long.” I said and she sighed. 
“I don’t think you should wait. What if this isn’t the first time she’s passed out?” She asked and my eyes widened. I didn’t think about that. 
“J-Just let me wait till she wakes up first. Let me talk to her.” I begged and she sighed. 
“Fine, but you call me after, you got it?” She asked. 
“I promise.” I said and she sighed again. 
“I’m still calling Pea and letting him know what’s going on.” She said and I sighed. 
“Fine, just keep him from barging in, I don’t wanna scare her.” I said and she agreed. We said our goodbyes and hung up. 
I sat there in silence as I just stared at Y/N. I couldn’t stop thinking about how awful I am for not noticing anything. She hid it really well, which hurt. I had stopped crying but didn’t bother wiping my face. I just held her hand and stared at her. That’s when she started shifting. She slowly opened her Y/E/C and looked around for a moment before they landed on my dark brown ones. Neither of us moved or made a sound, just stared at the other. 
“I’m sorry…” She mumbled after a moment. She looked down and a tear rolled down her cheek. 
“Never. I mean never, do that again.” I choked out as my tears returned. Y/N looked up silently and reached up with her other hand to wipe away my tears. 
“You shouldn’t cry over me, I’m not worth it…” She whispered as she continued to caress my cheek. I felt the anger return and pulled back from her. 
“No Y/N! Don’t you ever think that! You’re more than worth it, you’re my perfect girl. I don’t understand why you even thought you needed to lose weight in the first place, but you’ve always been perfect! You’re beautiful, funny, caring, and amazing! I love you, I always have. I can’t stand seeing you do this to yourself when you don’t need to. I saw what was in the toilet, when was the last time you ate?” I asked and she had more tears falling down her gorgeous face. 
“I-I don’t know. Yesterday at lunch? I don’t know. I-I…” She started crying harder. I pulled her in for a gentle hug and stroked her hair. 
“How long have you been doing this babe?” I whispered. 
“A-A ye-year…” She answered between sobs. My heart broke and I sighed. I held her for a bit longer and gently pulled her back once she calmed down a bit. 
“Baby, you need to eat and actually keep it down. You need to get better, Y/N. Please.” I said and she shook her head. 
“I-I can’t! Looking at all those people that you talk to, they’re so much prettier than me! They’re skinnier, hotter, cooler, everything! Those people at school made me realize that I’m never going to be like them. I’m never going to be good enough for you…” She said, sobbing into her hands. My eyes widened as I stared at her. Who the fuck said that to her? She’s always been perfect, my everything… I gently pulled her hands away and tried to catch her eyes, but she avoided me. 
“Y/N, look at me, please?” I asked quietly. She looked up and she looked so broken. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, I love you more than anything. I always have and I always will. No one in this damn world could ever compare to you, baby. You’ve always been my number one and I have never even thought of another person. Guy or girl. You don’t need to change yourself just because some jealous bitch said something to you. I will always love you no matter what.” I said and she sobbed. 
“Do you mean it?” She asked in a broken whisper. 
“Every word baby. I promise you that I love you with every piece of my heart. I just want you to get better right now. You passed out Y/N, do you know how scared I was?” I asked quietly. 
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” She cried and I pulled her into my chest. 
“Shhh, it’s okay baby. You don’t have to be sorry okay? We’re gonna get you some help and get you better, okay?” I asked and she nodded. 
“Now, I gotta call Toni and tell her you woke up before she and Pea come breaking down the door.” I said and her eyes widened. 
“Y-You told Toni and Pea?” She asked with more tears falling. 
“I called to see if Toni noticed anything with you, I was so worried Y/N.” I said, caressing her cheek and wiping the tears. She closed her eyes and leaned into my touch. 
“Toni wanted me to take you to the hospital and I know I should have, but I just didn’t want to lose you.” I admitted and she looked up at me. 
“I’m so sorry, Fangs…” She said and I shook my head. 
“You don’t need to be sorry, baby.” I said and kissed her forehead. 
“Now let me call Toni and maybe I can convince her to not take you to the hospital, but you have to eat a bit of the Pop’s I brought home, deal?” I asked and she nodded while taking a shaky breath. 
“I’m not gonna make you eat all of it, but you need to eat at least a little okay? We’ll work on this slowly.” I said and she nodded. 
“O-Okay…” She whispered. I smiled and kissed her head once more before I went to get the food. When I walked back in she was fiddling with her hands. She looked up and I saw her sniff the air subtly. Her stomach growled and I smiled slightly. I walked over and placed the food on her lap, but left the milkshake in the other room. It would be way too heavy for her right now, even if she did love them. 
“I got your favorite, but I think we’re gonna skip the milkshake today and just stick with water, alright?” I asked and she nodded. Her shaky hands took out the burger and fries and gently laid them on the blanket. 
“Alright, I’m gonna sit right here and call Toni and you’re gonna start eating, okay?” I asked and she nodded. I pulled out my phone and called Toni as I watched Y/N slowly start to eat the cold fries. I watched as she put the first one in her mouth and she moaned slightly. I smiled as she continued eating them. 
“Fangs! Is she awake?” Toni answered. 
“Yeah, she’s awake.” I answered and I heard her sigh. 
“Perfect, I’m with Pea and Juggie right now and we have the truck so we’ll be over in a few and we can take her to the hospital.” She said as I heard movement from her side. 
“I don’t think we’re gonna need to take her to the hospital.” I said as I watched her pick up the burger. She took a bite and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I chuckled and smiled at her. 
“Fangs she passed out, she needs to go to the fucking hospital.” Toni said, slightly annoyed. 
“I think we can deal with this ourselves, T.” I said and she groaned. 
“Seriously? You agreed to take her to the hospital when she woke up.” She said and I sighed. 
“Just come over and see, I promise we got this.” I said and she sighed. 
“Fine, we’re already on our way.” She said and hung up. I hung up and saw Y/N was halfway done with the burger. 
“Slow down babe.” I said with a small chuckle. She blushed and looked over at me. 
“Sorry…” She mumbled and I smiled at her. 
“Don’t be, I know you’re hungry, but like I said we gotta take it slow.” I said and she nodded. 
A few minutes later, our front door was opening. We heard three sets of footsteps coming towards us and Y/N looked scared. I grabbed her hand and gently gave her a reassuring squeeze. The door opened and in walked Toni, Pea, and Jughead. They all looked at Y/N with wide eyes and Toni rushed over to her other side. She pulled her in for a hug, which Y/N returned. 
“Are you crazy? Starving yourself or throwing shit up, whichever. How long has this been going on, huh?” Toni asked and Y/N looked down in shame. 
“Toni, relax. We already talked about it and look she’s already eating.” I said and grabbed Y/N’s hand again. 
“I’m sorry…” Y/N said quietly again. 
“Babe I already told you, you don’t need to be sorry.” I said. 
“No Fangs is right, sorry Y/N/N, I’m just worried.” Toni said, taking a seat on the bed next to her. 
“We all are.” Jones said. She looked up at Pea and Jughead and they each smiled at her. 
“Yeah, so who ass do I need to beat for starting this shit?” Pea asked and Toni rolled her eyes. Y/N laughed and I smiled at her. 
“If I’m honest I don’t even remember who said something…” She said and blushed slightly. 
“I just know it was about a year ago and that’s when I started looking at myself differently. I just hate how I look and constantly compare myself to everyone else and…” She trailed off. 
“Wait, that’s when you started cutting, were you doing this too?” Toni asked and Y/N shook her head. 
“No, I started after you guys helped with that…” She said with a guilty tone. 
“Oh Y/N…” Toni said and pulled her in for another hug. 
“I’m so-” 
“Nope, don’t you dare apologize.” Toni said, cutting her off. 
“Yeah, we’re sorry for not noticing anything.” Jones said and Y/N shook her head. 
“I hid it, there was no way you guys could have known. I mean I was wearing clothes that were a bit too big for me so you guys wouldn’t see my weight change.” She said and we all looked at each other. That explains a bit. 
“We’ll that’s fucking over, let’s go get you some more food.” Pea said and she shook her head. 
“I’m kind of full.” She said and I placed the rest of the food on the nightstand. 
“That’s okay, like I said, slow.” I said and she nodded with a small smile. 
“Fangs is right, we gotta take this slow, but we’re all here for you and we’re gonna help every step of the way.” Toni said with a smile. Pea and Jones also nodded and Y/N teared up. 
“You guys are the best and I’m really so-” 
“Stop apologizing Y/N/N, or I’m gonna kick your ass.” Pea said and she laughed a real genuine happy laugh. We all smiled at her and I gently squeezed her hand. This might be a hard and long road ahead, but we would all support her every step. I think she finally realized that she’s amazing and if not we would all be here to remind her.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13 @fandom-princess-forevermore @liz-owl
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
Sweetness - Sweet Pea x Fem! Reader
Hello my lovelies! I'm not sure if this fandom is even alive anymore... at least not the Sweet Pea love, but I hope the people who find this story might like it? Just to make sure, Trigger Warning! For anyone who is triggered by the following; Death, illness, gang related activity, injury, guns or knives - Please read this book with caution, there will most likely be mentions of at least one of these in each chapter, but I will give a proper warning for any scenes that detail these events!
Thank you my lovelies (Also, I'm not sure when exactly the series takes place, so be gentle with my dates please!), and enjoy the chapter! Xxx __________________________
July 1999,
Dear diary,
I used to think that Riverdale was the safest place for me, Ricky always had my back, someone I could always trust, someone who loved me and that I adored. And now he's gone.
Ricky was a badass! He was an angel of death and was a big deal in the Serpents, he died protecting his friend! He was so young... He was in the hospital for days, I still think they could have saved him, they chose not to! They saw the snake on his shoulder and chose to give him the bare minimum help!!
Screw this town. Screw the Ghoulies. Screw the Northside. The Southside.
I can't help but feel selfish now. Thinking about myself and what I'm going to do with Peanut. Sure they were a surprise, but they were a welcome one. Ricky was so excited about you, little one. He would have spoiled you rotten.
I know that the Serpents would have taken care of us, F.P is definitely going to be named Godfather now, but they aren't Ricky. And everything in this damn town reminds me of him, of what he was. So I'm leaving. My parents are moving with us out of town, as far away as we can.
I love you so so much Peanut, and I'm hoping one day you'll be a nosy little shit like your dad and find these entries one day, it will be much less painful than telling you his story myself.
Until I meet you, Kathryn (aka mama)
February 2000
Dear Ricky,
She's here. She's beautiful. Ten fingers and ten toes, I named her (y/n), the name you wanted, it just seemed perfect for her. I'm going to love her and protect her the way you would have. I've written to F.P, letting him know that he has a happy, healthy god-daughter. I wasn't convinced about him being her godfather, but it's a bit difficult to argue with you now, huh?
Don't think I'm going to let her forget how painful it was getting her out of me though! If this kid ever gives me sass, I'm going to tell her they nearly had to cut her out of me so she can zip it!
I wish you could see her, I was so worried when she first arrived, she didn't make a sound. She hasn't cried since. She just sort of scrunches up her face when she wants something, sort of the way you did when I refused your kisses.
I hope she winds up keeping your eye colour, the gorgeous (e/c). Most people who lose someone say they can't bear to look at others that look like their loved ones. But your eyes, were my everything. My slice of heaven. My oasis. She has my nose, I want her to have your eyes.
I love you Ricky,
December 2015
Dear Diary,
It's been a while huh? Being a parent is a bit of a full time job I guess! But (y/n) is beginning to suspect that I'm hiding something from her, she sees me getting weaker, she can tell I'm going places without her. How am I supposed to tell her that I'm running off to the Oncology department a few times a week...?
I want to tell her, desperately. I hate hiding this from her, she's seen me getting weaker for years, she's been taking care of me, ditching school to make sure I'm okay for fuck's sake! She's my angel, she means everything to me.
I can't hide it from her any longer, I'm going to tell her tonight over dinner.
Wish me luck,
August 2017
Dear Peanut,
I'm sorry it has to go this way, believe me, if I could have stayed longer I would have, but you wouldn't have wanted that. You need to live your life without having to worry about me, follow your dreams without me holding you back.
I love you so so much (y/n), but I think we both know its time for me. This is the hardest thing I have ever written, and I hope you can forgive me.
With this letter, I have left you a folder, it's just dumb legal bullshit really, but I think there are some things in there that you'll like. I know you found your dad's old recipe books, you and him were so alike my darling.
Hopefully, the stuff in the folder will help you, please don't mourn too long, live your life for me, for your dad.
I love you more than words can say.
Be a good girl (y/n).
Love mama
Patient Name: Rick (l/n) Age: 24 Status: Deceased Reason for Admittance: Stab wound Cause of Injury: Gang Fight
Treatment: Patient was admitted with a stab between the second and third ribs (left) at approximately two AM. Patient was given steroids and antibiotics to avoid infection. The wound was more severe than originally believed, the left lung had been punctured. Patient was lost in surgery.
Seeing all the memories that I spent the last month avoiding was harder than I had expected. If I thought it was difficult holding my mother's hand as she fought through the cancer and eventually as she passed away, I wasn't prepared for the feeling of resurfacing memories. Mama's lawyer had handed me a large brown folder, a solemn look on his face, struggling to think of something to say to the girl who was now an orphan.
I left the folder in a draw of my dresser after I'd got home, the house felt so empty without her around. Even when she was weak, my mama lit up the room she was in. She was happy and, as cliche and now untrue as it was to say, full of life. Now the house felt cold and dead. My mama was my best friend, my closest confidante, she hasn't been gone an hour and I was already so lost. The worst part was, when I felt this lost, I spoke to my mother.
I went to my mama's room, followed by our dog. I had found him in the park when I was younger, he was just a puppy, I begged and pleaded with mama to keep him, after a pretty big temper tantrum, she finally gave in. Sonic wasn't a puppy anymore, he was nine years old and huge! Mama liked him eventually, when he began exhibiting guarding behaviour, feeling more comfortable with him as a guard dog, a big Rottweiler cross that looked like her came straight from guarding Hades.
Sitting on her bed as carefully as I could, I thought about how strange it was, that everything still was the same, the day was a beautiful, blue sky, the house still looked the same. I contemplated opening the folder now, but it was too hard to think about. Instead, I curled up in the bed sheets, humming a lullaby my mama used to sing, until I fell asleep.
But now I was reading the files. It was a lot of suppressed pain that had suddenly bubbled its way to the surface. My heart felt like someone had taken a hammer to it, there was a photo album full of pictures of me and mama, even some of her and my dad, when they were in high school. I never knew my dad, now I knew why.
Mama had told me he had died, she had just never told me how. Now I knew, someone in a gang had murdered my father. But the diary entries mama had written, my dad was in a gang as well. He died, for another gang member. F.P Jones.
I'd seen the name in the folder too, he was listed as my legal guardian, my godfather, on my birth certificate. I'm not sure just how much I was interested in hunting this guy down, yes he was the person that my parents trusted enough to be my legal guardian, but he was also the person my father took a knife for...
Anyway, I began enjoying myself, looking through all of the pictures of my parents, I even smiled a few times at the pictures of mama and I. The smile faded into confusion when a few certificates and documents were mixed into the nostalgia. Leafing through the documents, I was shocked to find deeds. Specifically to my inheritance and to the house my parents had bought, before dad died. Mama did say she wanted to move away when he'd passed.
Away from Riverdale... ________________________________
The house was bigger than I had expected, a two story suburban dream house, sure it was a bit worse for wear, the wood panelling had chipped paint, some of the windows were so filthy I couldn't see through them and the porch was most definitely a health hazard, but that just meant I had something to distract myself with.
Unfortunately for the house, it would have to wait for some TLC, I was already on my way a few streets down, Sonic trailing behind me, to a separate building, one that my parents had left me money to be able to purchase. It was small, but I knew as soon as I'd seen it, I loved it. It had been my dream since I was a little girl to run my own bakery. I loved cooking and food as much as my father had seemingly.
Mama was right in her diary, I had found dad's old recipe books when I was five, I used a lot of the recipes to learn how to cook, and even more of them because they were claimed as healthy, I was a kid, I thought that because an adult deemed it good, it would make her better. It didn't, but I remember mama's face when I eventually fessed up about snooping through dad's stuff.
Dad had a lot of baked goods in his books, I even managed to tweak a few of them, but he never got to have a place of his own, I was looking forward to this. I would be dedicating my life to something I wanted to do, but also to my parents, forming a legacy I hoped they would be proud of.
My future bakery looked a lot worse than the house did, that was putting it lightly, the windows were smashed, glass was everywhere, the door was practically falling off its hinges and the bricks looked like they had been whacked with a battering ram! Although, the most confusing part about the building, was the old woman sitting on the bench outside, staring at the 'Sold' sign in the window of the door.
I walked up to the woman, cautiously, clearing my throat to avoid startling her, "Excuse me?" I asked, seeing her turn her head to face me, a small smile on her face.
"Oh, sorry dear," She began, struggling to get to her feet, I hurried to offer her a hand, Sonic herding around her knees. "Thank you, such a lovely girl! Oh, and dog!" I smiled at her, curious as to the people my age around here, she seemed surprised I offered to help her, what were the other teenagers like here?
"What were you doing sitting in the cold, all on your own?" I asked, trying not to sound too suspicious, the old woman sighed, staring up at the dilapidated building once more.
The woman smiled, wistful, "This used to be my husband's business." She told me, "He passed on quite long ago now, but he loved this place." She placed a hand lightly against the bricks, I smiled at the woman.
"I'm sorry for your loss," I replied, seeing her nodding in response, "Actually, I own this building now, I'm about to start working on it," I told her, hoping she wouldn't be upset with me.
To my surprise, she grinned widely, clapping her hands in excitement, "Oh, that's wonderful news! I'll be delighted to see the old place back to its former glory!" She cheered. "I'm Ruthie, but such a sweet soul like you can call me Granny, if you'd like, all the other kids in town do!"
I took her hand for a shake, shocked at how strong her grip was, for an old woman, she sure had some muscles! And that was the start of a very odd relationship between the two of us.
Granny was lovely, for the first few days, she would pop by to give me lunch and some hot chocolate, saying that I needed the sugar and some 'pep in my step', but then one day, she picked up a saw, beginning to saw planks for me to use. She helped a lot with the renovation of the bakery, we even kept the name that her husband had used for it, Ray's. We did modify it slightly, now it was Rays, as in 'Ray of Sunshine', but still remembering her husband, Raymond. ________________________________
With the place up and running, I had to force Granny to take a break, in return, we had to make a deal, she could have as many free bakery goodies she wanted, and she would cover the shifts I couldn't make because of school. I was so excited for this, today was the grand opening! Unlike in movies and TV shows, I didn't make a huge deal out of it, even if I was positively buzzing! I didn't deck the place out with banners and balloons, instead, I just flipped the sign on the door and went back to baking, I was gonna let the open windows bring people in.
I was kind of worried about the area, especially considering I'd left my scary teddy bear at home, Sonic would have just gotten stressed each time the door opened. But apparently the Southside of town had a pretty bad reputation, most of the place was pretty run down compared to the preppy, expensive Northside, and was riddled with gang activity...
It had been a couple of hours and I was getting bored! I let my eyes wander around the walls of Rays, the glossy, white brick walls reflecting the florescent lights. All the industrial ovens, mixers and fridges were pretty high-grade, but they weren't the things I loved the most.
Next to the coffee machine, were two framed pictures, one of my parents, happy in their high school days, the other, a black and white photo of Granny and Ray, happy in their own. I was brought out of my reverie by the timer on the oven, pushing off of the counter to the kitchen, pulling the cupcakes out of the oven, relishing in the sweet smell of freshly baked cake.
I felt my heart swell with excitement when I heard the bell above the door ringing, we finally had customers! Quickly, but carefully, cause it was blisteringly hot, I set down the tray of cupcakes on the metal decorating tables, wiping my hands on my apron.
Walking back around to the main shop, I saw three teenagers, probably around my age, two guys and a girl. The guys were staring at the display case, their eyes practically sparkling, it was rather strange to see. One of the boys was quite tall, leaning on the display case, the other was significantly shorter, pressing his hands to the front of the glass. The girl on the other hand was gazing around the room, smiling, her most outstanding feature was her bright pink hair, all three of them were decked out in leather jackets and flannel.
A relaxed smile made its way onto my face, "Hey you guys, what can I get ya?" I asked cheerfully, a bounce in my step. The guys hardly looked up from the display case, the girl shaking her head at them disapprovingly.
"Hey, never seen this place before," The girl said, nodding at the door. I smiled and nodded understandingly.
"Yeah, we only just opened today! We've spent the last few weeks renovating this place!" I told her, offering her a hand to shake. "I'm (y/n), sort of new to town," I told her.
She took my hand, strong grip, something that most of the people here seemed to have. "Toni, congrats on opening! Sorry about those two, usually they're not this rude... Shorty is Fangs, the giant is Sweet Pea." She said, causing me to giggle.
"It's cool, I remember going to places like this when I was a kid and being starstruck by all the pretty cakes, not to mention the fact that there were way to many options!" I joked, happy when Toni laughed with me.
Seeming to wake up from the glutton induced trance they were in, Sweet Pea and Fangs looked up, only now realising there was a second party in the room.
The shorter guy, Fangs, looked at me in awe, "Did you make all these?" He asked, pointing at the goodies, I nodded in response, proud that they seemed to like the look of them, I only hoped that they liked the taste.
"Sure did! Would you guys like to try something, no charge! I need some guinea pigs!" I said, giving a cheeky smirk. The boys shared an excited look, fully prepared to say yes, when Toni interrupted them.
"You only just opened, we can't just take from your stock, at least let us pay for them!" She protested, I smiled kindly at her, it was very sweet of her to consider the business aspect, it was pretty important, but it wasn't why I started this! I wanted people to enjoy my food!
"No worries! You guys are the first people to come in today, well, ever! It would be good to have some feedback about some stuff, if it really bothers you, then feel free to come back another time and buy something? For now! I'll set up a sample plate!" I told her, not giving her time to argue.
I put together a large plate of lots of different things, cupcakes, cookies, pies, tarts, cakes, pastries and some drinks, bringing them over to one of the tables on the shop floor. I'll be honest, it was rather funny seeing these edgy teens sitting in my pastel bakery, I offered them seats before taking one myself.
Sweet Pea and Fangs were practically giddy, getting their hands smacked by Toni as they tried to grab some of the sugary treats. "Hey! If (y/n) wants feedback, you can't just shovel it into your faces! Have some manners, damn who raised you two?" She muttered.
I chuckled, "It's fine, go ahead, maybe start with the cookies? They should still be warm from the oven!" I told them, pointing at the chocolate chip cookies, a simple classic.
They each took a bit, their eyes widening as they bit into the warm, gooey chocolate. "Oh my god." Fangs muttered, his mouth full.
"These are amazing," Sweet Pea added, taking another bite.
I clapped my hands slightly, "Yay! I'm so happy you guys like them," Toni nodding along, giving me some info that was actually really useful. We let the boys keep trying the goodies as we settled into conversation.
"So why did you and your family move to Riverdale, we're not exactly a tourist destination," Toni joked, gazing out of the window at the run down streets of the Southside, "Your bakery is probably the nicest thing to be in this side of town for decades..."
My face soured into a sad smile, "Um, it's just me actually, my parents have both passed away, but they used to live in Riverdale before I was born, they left me a house in the Southside." I told her quietly, looking down as tears began too well in my eyes, already beginning to flood my face. I let out a choked laugh, "I'm so sorry, I never cry, this is so strange..."
I wiped my face, feeling my cheeks burn, I can't believe one of the rare times I cry and it's in public. Hearing the chairs scrape against the floor, I thought Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs were saving me the humiliation and leaving me to my tears. Instead, I felt a gentle hand cup my own and sudden large hands resting on my shoulders and knee.
Looking up confused, I saw a soft smile on Toni's lips, as well as Sweet Pea, kneeling beside my chair, his hand on my knee, leading me to believe that it was Fangs' hands on my shoulders.
Sweet Pea, though he wasn't smiling, had a soft look in his eyes, "All of us have lost someone, we get it. You don't have to be strong all the time, we got your back now." He told me, keeping his voice quiet. I looked into his deep brown eyes, wiping my cheeks and smiling at him.
"Thanks, you guys are being so kind to me, you don't even know me," I chuckled.
They laughed with me, "I mean, you gave us free sweets and you don't know us," Toni joked. We once again, fell into relaxed conversation, the guys joining in this time, whilst still snacking on pastries.
Fangs looked over at me, "So, if I can ask... Who were your parents? If they lived here, maybe someone knew them?" He asked, cautiously, probably trying not to set me off again.
"Rick and Kathryn (l/n)." I told them, playing with the straw in my drink, noting how quiet the three had gotten.
Looking up, I saw them all looking at me like they'd seen a ghost, "What?" I asked.
Sharing glances, they seemed to be mentally arguing about who was going to tell me.
"Spit it out, you guys, I thought we were friends now?" I muttered, trying to guilt them into just telling me.
Sweet Pea sighed, "We know your parents, or really, we know of them..." I looked at him confused, gesturing for him to continue.
"Your dad is a Serpent legend! He died saving F.P, he's kind of the boss now. His picture's been in pretty much every Serpent hangout since we before we all joined." He finished.
I smiled at them, clearly not the reaction they were expecting.
"Thank you, for keeping his memory alive, I'd love to meet some of the Serpents that knew him, I only found out what happened to him about a month ago, mama didn't really like talking about it."
Once again, the conversation started up, but, once again, was interrupted. This time, by Sonic, barking outside the bakery, freaking out the Serpents into standing up, "It's okay, he's my dog! Something must have happened, I left him in the house..." I told them, grabbing the keys to the bakery and rushing out to follow Sonic back to the house, Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs following close behind.
So I'm going to end the chapter there! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I based a few characters off of my family... My mum and dog for example... Anyway! I love you guys, see you soon, hopefully! Xxx
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wholesome-holland · 8 months
riverdale masterlist!
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emily’s navigation rules for requesting
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jughead jones
to be added!
betty cooper
to be added!
veronica lodge
to be added!
archie andrews
to be added!
reggie mantle
to be added!
kevin keller
to be added!
cheryl blossom
to be added!
toni topaz
to be added!
sweet pea
to be added!
fangs fogarty
to be added!
josie mccoy
to be added!
fp jones
to be added!
alice cooper
to be added!
fred andrews
to be added!
hiram lodge
to be added!
hermione lodge
to be added!
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statticscribbles · 11 months
For this ask game
Number 3 with Sweet Pea x Fangs x Toni x Reader, please?
3. Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who is banned from the kitchen?
Toni refuses to help, you're not sure why. Sweet Pea and Fangs never push it, they never scold her or whine and complain when the second they mention starting dinner she curls on the couch and gives them a thumbs up.
You manage to at least corner her in the kitchen and you understand why as you see the panic set in, as her arms go stiff and she lets you lead her around to the bar stools you all share.
"Sorry I didn't realize." You shuffle awkwardly as Toni starts talking about her parents, and how cooking usually meant some part of her getting bruised or burned when she could reach the stove properly since she was ten years old.
Fangs always cleans up, you've given up trying to force him to sit down. You know where that leads, to him getting so frustrated he snaps and scolds you as if you're his sick mother, how if you wont sit still for the cooking the least he can do is clean up. Every one of you had gone quiet after the first time he'd snapped. Sweet Pea had tried to make the joke about leaving more fo a mess, and Fangs had just nodded along before crawling into the cuddle pile you all had made after dinner was done.
Sweet Pea is banned from the kitchen, not because he's a disaster, but because he puts any other meal that you, Toni or Fangs make to shame. You're not sure where he learned to cook so well, and he makes a little joke of it, answering differently everytime. Fangs and Toni have a running tally of how many times he reuses the same answer; you all have one for the most ridiculous answer; which so far is that Hot Dog the second taught him how to grill as he went to culinary school.
Send me a number and I'll write something!
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ilymusic27 · 1 year
Dear Sweet pea
A/N this is not proof read and first time
Word count : 201
Dear sweet pea,
I thought what we had was love but when i see you talking to her laughing, smiling. All I can think about is what we could have been or what we were a story together. I see she makes you happy 
I just wish we had a better ending to our story. Sometimes I get in my head when i watch the shows we binge watch on your couch in your trailer and think about how you would kiss me on my temple and cuddle into my side when it was a hard day at school.
Fangs and toni stopped coming by to see if i’m still okay which is understandable because it has been 3 months since the last time you kissed me, looked at me, hugged me, talked to me.
School just started up again as you know, but every time i see you in the halls it feels like there is a ghost so in love with a boy that doesn't even know she exists but the boy and his posse doesn't care or are willing to spare a glance.
I love you and you loved me and people change grow but I didn't
—--Love Y/N <33
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader x Fangs Fogarty
Requested by Anon​​
Valentine event
Support me on Ko-fi
Make a request
Warnings: 18+ content, oral male receving, oral fem receving, hand job, implied sex, threesome, watching/voyeurism 
“You’re going to be in so much trouble with (Y/N)!” Fangs said as he grinned at Sweet Pea who frowned and shrugged. He had been about to say something when he turned and saw that you’d caught them. His eyes went wide and he slowly turned to glare at Fangs.
“What I said you’d be in trouble.” Fangs said with an amused tone as he looked between you and Sweet Pea.
“You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me.” You said with a sweet smile. Sweet Pea swallowed a little and gave you a sheepish smile.
“I wasn’t doing what you think I was I… I was totally doing it… you hoping to punish me?” He asked and grinned.
“Maybe.” You said with an air of disinterest.
“I probably need it… and deserve it. If I’m being honest.” Sweet Pea grinned at you and you huffed as you crossed your arms before smiling to yourself. They had broken into your room and were looking for the one thing that you’d told them not to. Or Sweet Pea had. You didn’t trust the overly innocent look that Fangs was giving you.
“Do you?” You asked as you walked around your bed and reached for Fangs. The three of you were alone and your roommates wouldn’t be back for a while. You knew exactly why they were hanging around your apartment. Fangs let you move him over to stand at the side of your bed while you wrapped your arms around his neck and started kissing. The kiss was soft at first but you turned up the heat as Sweet Pea watched carefully. When he tried to join you held out a finger and wagged it at him without breaking the kiss. Fangs let you unbuckle his belt and yank his jeans and boxers down. The three of you had hooked up a few times before. You were all comfortable with each other. Fangs gasped as you manoeuvred you both so that you could push him down onto your bed. Sweet Pea watched and fidgeted, wanting to share in the attention that Fangs was getting. Ignoring him you paused just long enough to undress before wrapping your hand around Fang's cock, twisting your hand as you pumped up and down. Fangs sighed and whined happily while Sweet Pea huffed and puffed. Pushing Fangs so he was laying down the length of the bed and stripped down to your underwear. You knew it was getting to Sweet Pea by now. He liked to take charge but you were going to drag it out as long as you could. Fangs gasped and his head hit the headboard loud enough to make a soft thunking noise as you took the tip of his cock into your mouth. His hips rose up off the bed as you bobbed your head up and down, taking more of him with each movement.
“This is unfair!” Sweet Pea whined as he crouched down. He was watching you intently as you tipped your head at an angle so that he could see. You locked eyes with him as you continued and he rested his head on the side of the bed.
“I’ve had enough.” Sweet Pea said as he stood and grabbed you. Fangs whined as he found himself suddenly unattended and quickly moved to grab himself as he watched Sweet Pea position his head between your legs. You groaned deeply and gutturally as Sweet Pea frantically kissed and devoured you. It egged Fangs on as he jerked himself off and moved close so he could watch. Your fingers dug into Sweet Pea's hair as he drove you closer and closer to the edge until you felt pleasure crash over your body. Fangs leaned down to kiss you as Sweet Pea kissed your inner thighs and pulled away.
“I think that was a very fair punishment.” Sweet Pea said smugly.
“Oh, this is far from over.” You said before you let out a wispy sigh as you took a moment to gather yourself and decide how you were going to win the upper hand again.
Fangs tags:
@the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @geekyandgay98 @isshecrazyorissheclever @savagemickey03
Sweet Pea tags:
@the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @geekyandgay98 @isshecrazyorissheclever @savagemickey03
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crispyluc · 7 months
I'm currently in a Fangs Fogarty x Kevin Keller x Sweet Pea brainrott
I need fanfics or whatever really
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bettsdevil · 2 years
Alas, the first chapter of my newest (and my funniest) bughead fanfic is published on my ao3, for all of you to read! 
PS it is my first fic in this stye, so bare with me. Moreover, any and all feedback is highly appreciated. Without it, a writer can never improve xx
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zaceouiswriting · 1 year
In need of better grades
Character: Fangs Fogarty x male reader, mentioned: Fangs Fogarty x Sweet Pea
Universe: Somewhere in Riverdale
Warnings: Smut
The body beneath your hands was tense and almost perfectly trained. Your gaze wandered over it lustfully, a nice six-pack, a strong chest, but still compact: A perfect twunk.
Put one of your hands on his back to hold him in place so you can contemplate his perfect body and pretty face, slightly flushed from bouncing on your cock so vigorously.
However, this isn't the first time an apparently straight man has neglected his sexuality for you. Maybe it's your naturally pretty face or the fact that people are attracted to you, but mostly - nowadays at least - it's all about getting something from you, and why not take whatever they offer you?
You only forced it once, and the guy who then bounced on your dick is making a living in the same industry that got him his degree.
But this guy was different than the one now enjoying your cock. For the first time, you feel something while being intimate with someone. His jet-black hair flies wildly, his bronze skin glitters in the faint evening light, and he really glows. Completely dissolved under your hands, and you're not even breathing heavily.
In your experience, for those who have just discovered the pleasure of taking a cock up their ass, the most important thing is to get exhausted before pursuing your desires.
His moans were like angels singing to you. He was perfect in every way. You wanted him, and by God, you would get him. He may be younger than you - by about seven years - but that doesn't detour you in any way.
However, now all you could do was watch patiently and predatorily as he tirelessly bounced on your huge cock. Watching him, you quickly realized that you would never get tired of watching him like that.
His hands grip your shoulders tightly, several cold rings digging lightly into your own heated flesh. But you didn't care as long as you could feel his touch.
You stare at his face, waiting for his beautiful dark eyes to open again. But as you waited for his eyes to open, your own wandered - if only for a second - to the tattoo on his shoulder. Maybe you should convince him to get more tattoos because, if you're to be honest, you find the black color in his bronzed skin pretty hot. Still, to this day, you wonder how a coward like him got a tattoo in the first place. You wouldn't have believed it if you didn't see it in the bar you visited on the first day in this small town.
You remember how he was dancing with a half-decent-looking girl, and suddenly a fight broke out. He was the first one out of the bar before you could bat an eyelash. You found his cowardice somehow... endearing. At least that way, you know he'd never get in trouble.
"S-Sir, I-I'm close!" His angelic voice called out to you.
You groan internally at hearing the deep, soothing tone of his voice. Even now, after all that high-pitched slutty moaning, his normal voice is still so deep.
As you take your gaze off his tattoo and lift it up to his angelic face, the boy's dark eyes immediately draw your eyes to them. Begging you with them in utmost desperation to allow him to cum. It usually takes weeks, sometimes even months, for them to be this submissive. But not him. He was already lost. On one side, you hate it because what you enjoy the most is completely breaking these straight guys apart so you can build them up the way you want them to be. On the other side? Oddly enough, you don't mind much as long as it was him willingly submitting to you like an already trained whore.
Because even in this regard, he already seems to be perfect, which turns you on even more. It must be natural to him because he told you he is straight and has never been with another man. So there was nobody before that could've made him such a submissive slut.
He shuddered under your cold gaze and even stopped bouncing on your dick. Your hand quickly squeezed his throat. "Did I allow you to stop?" Your voice was just as cold as your gaze, filling his eyes with fear. Without thinking twice, he did as he was told and fucked himself harder on your cock than before.
A moan slipped from your lips for the first time. It visibly excited him. But it made you angry. You didn't want to give him such high validation this early. So instead of letting him to his own devices, you slid down your chair a little bit, grabbed his waist, held him tight, and fucked hard and deep upwards into his sweet hole. Before he could even comprehend what you were doing, his moans turned to screams. From the sudden, brutal intrusion, he fell on top of you, his head close to yours, his mouth right next to your ear. You literally bathed in his delightfully loud screams.
It didn't take a second longer before he spilled his cum all over your covered stomach and chest. Some of it even reached your neck - right under your chin.
“Woahhh, you were pent up… Good boy!“
Despite the visible loss of strength in his body, you could feel a satisfied grin on his face pressed against yours.
However, the sweet moment was cut short when you could feel him trying to move. With swift hands, you pushed him back down. When he could barely move an inch. But it was enough for your cock to come out exactly that inch. This time he groaned in pain, obviously sore from his first anal sex. How could he take your cock? You have no idea, and you also don't care as long as he's making those sweet noises.
"Oh, baby... we're not done yet," you told him aloud but then shifted to a husky whisper, "not by a long shot."
You knew he would try to reason and tell you how sore he was, but now his weakened body was at your mercy. So you took the chance, put your arms under his legs, and pulled them up, but, at the same time, held his arms to keep him from falling. Eventually, only his head just fell back slightly. Seeing his full lips, you wanted nothing more than kiss him, but like this, you weren’t able.
So instead of trying to make that wish come true, you just stood up. You may be a few years older than this young twunk, but you exercise every day after becoming a gym rat in university. You've always liked sports, especially football. Because of your humble origins, your parents thought that this was the only way you would get into the prestigious school they wanted you to go to. But your brain did it for you.
Also, thanks to your brain, you found pleasure in sex early on, when you were only fourteen. You fucked your freshman-year roommate. It didn't even take long until he sucked you off. He was kind of an idiot. He most likely got there for his father's money - which you benefited greatly from at the time - but he was eager even though you were much younger. In most places, your sexual relationship would've been illegal. Neither of you cared, though. Especially not him, because he was already molted butter in your hands.
You went wild in university and afterward. But now? Now finally, all your experiences concluded with this boy. Fangs is a pretty appropriate name for a lively boy like him, even though his bite would likely be harmless. Luckily, you didn't meet him until a few weeks before he would've turned eighteen. Now that he's finally of legal age, you couldn't keep it any longer and took the first chance you got.
But from what you've heard about him in the school hallways. About how uptight he was for someone of such low status. You thought you had a picture of him in your head, the right one. But nothing could prepare you for the big grin on his lips after you got up and carried him through your classroom. You only looked at him to ensure he was still awake, but then you saw that grin.
It shocked you for just a moment before you realized you had to wipe that smirk off his face. Because you know it all too well, it's a cocky grin that only comes out when you know you got what you wanted because you know you would get it. You had a similar grin many times before, decorating your own lips. While standing, you grabbed his throat with both hands, which is only possible because – like the slut he seems to be – he automatically wrapped his arms around your neck and held it with his hands.
With his face close and all the leverage you needed, you began to jackhammer into the sly twunk. Hearing him whimper, his eyes wide with shock, you could tell by looking into them that while walking, you couldn't assault his ass as much as you did before. But he was sorely mistaken. He wasn’t the first guy to get mind-blown by your capabilities.
Staring deep into his eyes, you assaulted his ass with echoing thrusts. They were so loud you were sure if anyone else was still at school, they would have been watching by now. At least you could stop him from making any lewd noises with that filthy mouth of his by just putting your hands around his neck.
Wordlessly you fucked him mercilessly. At one point, you even went to the glass windows and pushed him against it, you could have kissed him there for anyone passing by to see, but you didn't want to give him that satisfaction just yet. Instead, you applied prolonged thrusts, pulling your cock almost all the way out, only to then shove him back in roughly without even thinking that he might get hurt. His ass was made for you, and now he even had the imprint of your cock in his gut.
At some points, you thought you could actually see the big head of your massive cock stretching against his perfectly chiseled abs. But that was undoubtedly more wishful thinking than anything else.
“Si-Sir, ple-plea-please-“
"Oh, you want more? Hasn't my baby had enough yet? Too greedy for another cock after your first one let you down, hmm?” you ask him in a mockingly sweet voice.
The realization seemed to have hit him harder than you thought, for his eyes betrayed him like a child or a dog that has done something it shouldn't.
"Don't avert your eyes!" you told him rather harshly. Without stopping your hard fucking, you took a hand off his neck - one hand was more than enough anyway - and forced him to look you in the eyes instead. "I have to admit... you played well."
Before your little fuck toy could do or say anything, you brusquely pulled off the glass pane, making him scream a muffled scream. His skin, which had been stuck to the pane of glass, was now slightly reddish, which you could see in the reflection within the same pane of glass, triggering a sadistic pleasure in you that you thought was long gone. All the will to make him happy and not hurt him? Gone in the moment, since you got to know he's a little liar. But now, you had to punish him for it.
Swiftly you turned around with Fangs in your arms while he closely monitored your anger, shuddering whenever your ice-cold gaze caught his dark, anxious orbs.
After just a few steps, you knocked all the objects off your desk with your left hand, which you had used to force him to look at you just moments before. Only to throw him painfully onto it moments later. This time he let out a real scream, but it didn't evoke the slightest reaction from you. 
One of your hands was already back at his throat. The other gripped his shoulder harshly. Still, with an icy exterior, you took the easiness of this position, pulled your long, girthy dick fully out, and rammed roughly back in.
The salty tears pooling in Fang's eyes calmed you a bit you still kept your harsh rhythm. "Did you think you could play me without consequences?" you asked him, breathing heavily. Seeing the pain on his face made your blood boil in anticipation, and the lust you felt before came rushing back.
Fangs tried to shake his head, but when he did, you slapped him so hard the sound recoiled off the walls. "Don't think I like being so hard on you!" You almost screamed in disappointment at the angle that was taking your cock so willingly. "I promised to be gentle with you. But I'm not your first like you make me believe, now am I?"
Now that you said it out loud, Fangs' fear you've already figured out that he lied to you had come crashing down. He could only cry because he knew he'd screwed up.
"You saw me in the bar, didn't you? Thought it would be easy to trick me, didn't you? Stupid little boy. You only saw an attractive teacher, and all you could think about was his cock.”
He just cried more. It makes you even madder, acting like he had no idea what he had done. And these consequences were all his fault. Your hands flew from his shoulder to his left leg, placed it over your shoulder, and you held it there tight. You were sure he would have bruises all over his body by the time you were done with him, and at that point, it was exciting for you.
His ass started sucking your cock again. You felt on cloud nine again. But Fangs couldn't know that even if you want him all to yourself, he needs to learn he can't just lie to you.
And you did just that, punishing him to a degree he will likely never forget.
About an hour and a half later, Fangs wasn't moving anymore, his eyes were blank, yet they followed your every move. He lay ravaged and sprawled out on your desk. His body was drenched in sweat, glistening in the sinking sunlight. Seeing him like that, you finally let yourself go. With a few final, hard thrusts, you ejaculated into his gut and fell onto his glistening body.
Breathing heavily, your composure is more than lost. Your cock throbbed inside him wildly, spilling more and more of your cum deep, coating his insides. When you finished cumming inside the angelic boy, you crushed onto his smaller body. Fangs got fully buried beneath your broader frame. The hand you had wrapped around his neck most of the time was now under his head, hoping to ease some of the pain your brutal assault on his little body had caused him.
"I'm sorry," Fangs whispered through tears. 
You hurt him, and he still apologized? His apology certainly wasn't about the best fuck he would ever experience or the drastic measures you resorted to teaching him to be a good boy. That only left one thing: his web of lies.
"Why did you do it?" Your mouth was close to his ear. You even went as far as to nibble on his earlobe.
Fangs couldn't answer his body was a complete wreck. Angrily you clicked your tongue before biting into his soft neck. A low, surprised moan rumbled from him. It almost made you flinch away. You just about managed to stay there with you were, with your mouth on his neck. When the horror of the strange sound faded, you realized it wasn't one of pain but of pent-up pleasure. So without further ado, to give a slightly longer-lasting punishment, you used your position to suck on his neck: Leaving a huge hickey.
Satisfied with your work - to hurt the poor boy any further - you slowly pulled yourself out of his abused hole. Looking at it, you couldn't help but grin smugly.
But it didn't stop you from reaching into your backpack and pulling some tissues out. You carefully cleaned as much of his ass as possible without penetrating too deep into his certainly burning hole.
With several filled tissues, you went naked to the trash can, and on the way back to your angle, you collected all the scattered clothes. 
First, you put on your clothes. You looked almost as marvelous as before, except for your now wildly hanging hair. Fully clothed again, you slowly helped Fangs stand up and waited patiently until he could do so without too much pain.
You carefully put his socks on, helped with his shirt, followed by his leather jacket, which seems to be in stark contrast to his cowardly personality.
The last was his pants and shoes. Just before you put it over his still-hard cock, he looked at you puzzlingly. "Where's my underwear?" he asked dizzily, looking around, unable to move quickly.
With a cocky grin, you held the fabric up in the air. He tried to reach for it. But before he could even get near it, you quickly tucked it deep into your front pocket. "Sorry, but that's mine now." You were unapologetically about it.
"If you want it back, you will have to meet me again, I'm afraid."
Silence fell over you both, but you used this moment wisely. Taking his arms and putting them over your shoulders. "Hold on to me!" Before he could react, he was already in the air, or rather in your arms.
Fangs blushed ferociously but said nothing, just silently wrapped his legs around you, not without taking a sharp breath from the pain in his abdomen.
"Do you have someone who could take you home?" You asked him worriedly, which surprised you. Luckily Fangs was mentally too far gone to comprehend that you let a feeling slip through your cold, calculated mask.
“I can-“
"No!" you told him sternly. “You are not in any state to drive," you continued almost angrily. "Give me your phone!"
Without objecting, he gave it to you. As you took it and activated it, you saw that he didn't even have a damn password! You rolled your eyes, but instead of lecturing him, you opened his contacts - there will be another time to educate him about safety. It was easy to find the number you were looking for, even if you hate this guy's affection for what is yours. Right now? There was no one else you would trust him with. And at the same time, you could show him who owns Fangs.
"What about my grade?" Fangs yawned cutely. He closed his eyes peacefully as if you hadn't just destroyed his body.
“A, D-“
It took Fangs a moment to understand what you were saying. But when he finally did, his whole head suddenly jerked up, and his eyes stared up at you in hurt.
"You didn't think for a second that you would get an 'A' if you gave me your ass once, did you? Come to me whenever you want, and we'll slowly improve your grade together!” Only when you had finished speaking did you look down at him and give him a cheeky wink. It made him blush even harder. Hoping you wouldn't see, he hid his face in your chest.
Inside you were chuckling, but outside? Your eyes were cold as ice.
In front of the school building, you carried Fang's to his motorcycle and slowly put him on it. "You wait here until your friend gets here. Don't even try to drive yourself! Understood?"
"Yes, sir!" he replied sheepishly.
"Good!" Your gaze finally softened. Without warning, you cupped his face and closed into him. "Have you ever kissed another guy?" You asked him huskily, your breath tickling his lips.
He shook his head shyly. But your grip on him tightened. "Don't lie to me again!" Your eyes shine like fire.
"I swear!" he wailed loudly. When you saw his sincerity, you believed him. You could only hope you were right to do so.
"Don't change that!" you told him cryptically before walking away. "Don't let Sweet Pea get too close! I don't like it when someone touches something that's mine. And frankly? He wants to fuck you."
“Sweet Pea? No. We are just friends.“
You could only scoff at Fang's naivety. But you were honest with him. He was yours now, whether he wanted it or not, and if necessary, you will make sure that what is yours stays yours.
Even though you left him on his bike, you never took your eyes off him. You didn't even drive off after getting in your car. Not even when Sweet Pea finally got there and got angry about what you did to his "Friend" which only made you smile sourly.
Fangs assured his friend, visible to you, of his physical condition. The bruises and bruises you gave him were obvious. He was probably doing his best to downplay it to his friend. When you saw the possessive shimmer in Sweet Pea's eyes from afar, you knew he didn't believe him. Though, you were sure - that due to tensions between the two groups - Sweet Pea would blame the "injuries" Fangs suffered on the Bulldogs. 
Almost immediately after, Sweet Pea had somewhat calmed down. He helped his friend get to his motorcycle. But the twunk's attention wasn't on him. Instead, his eyes searched the parking lot intensely, where you were still sitting in your car. As soon as he caught your eye, you could see the bright blush growing on his cheeks. He quickly looked away to most likely hide his blush. Which you thought was adorable
You could feel the monster in your pants growing again. Cursing softly under your breath, you finally started your car and drove off. In the opposite direction, Sweet Pea and your boy took. 
You already knew your night would be long, but at least you had some help. You felt your front pocket to make sure you still had it. With a sinister smile, you already imagined what you would do next to your angelic boy to break him completely and make him yours forever.
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yourjughead · 7 months
Forgotten Mail
Sweet Pea X Reader Oneshot
Synopsis: Following the death of his best friend, Sweet Pea finds the emotional toll a lot to bear even a year following Fangs death.
A/N: This is kinda a sad fic, gets a bit fluffy after getting a bit shouty.
The unmistakable sound of a bottle opener cracking against its latest victim, a bottle of golden liquor. Sweet Pea took a drag of his freshly opened drink and sat in the darkness of home, the tv attempting to illuminate the tin shell. His head could only just be torn from the tv set as you stumbled in the door, groceries in hand, diner uniform begging to be swapped for pjs.
“Hey honey” Sweet Pea replied with a lowly grunt and took another sip, returning his eyes to the screen. You rolled your eyes and then went onto to unpack the groceries before a large manila envelope caught your eye.
“Pea…” you took it in your hands and walked to Sweet Peas side after flicking on a main light
“Mhm” you stepping in front of him in a bid to get his attention only to have him tilt to see around you. You reached down beside him, taking the remote and switched off the buzzing screen.
“Hey yourself!” you smacked the envelope into his chest and his face immediately dropped.
“Ohhh I was supp-osed to mail this wasn't I?” you huffed loudly before stomping off and slamming your bedroom door. Sweet Pea took a few misguided steps, putting his two hands on the doorframe to steady himself.
“I'm sorry I forgot” the door flew open in front of his face and you found yourself squaring up to the tipsy Serpent.
“WELL I DI-DNT MEAN T-O FORGET!” you pulled your face further from his at the smell of liquor tainting his breath. You found yourself slamming the door again.
“YN! Ope-n the door, I forgot, I'll do it tomorr-ow”
“You said that yesterday!” You called from the other side. You curled up at the end of the bed, hugging your knees to your chin.
“YNN, I'll g-o do it no-w” he attempted, turning on his heels and stumbling toward the envelope. You unlatched the door, easily overtaking him and retrieving the envelope first.
“Don't bother. I'll do it myself, I do everything else”
“YN, you know the pa-st year has bee-n hard for me” he glanced to his feet and back again, to find your face softening.
“Sweet Pea. I know it's not been easy. No one has found losing….losing Fangs easy to deal with-” he looked away from you again, unable to cope with the words and your eyes. Sweet Pea reached back for the bottle he had opened only to have you snatch it from him again.
“Sweet Pea, enough. You've had enough. Fangs wouldn't want you wasting here,a fucking shell of someone who was once great”
“You don't understand” Sweet Pea bit out, his tone taking a completely different turn, his face souring. The past year had been hard on both of you. You had bounced back as much as you could, if only so the both of you could survive. You helped Sweet Pea as best as you could but often you felt you were fighting a losing the battle.
“I understand Sweets” you tried to pull him back to softness, unable to. You could feel your heart almost leap from your chest as he suddenly caught the mud coloured bottle from you and sent it flying into the living room wall behind you.
“NO Y-OU DON-T” you flinched at both his action and his volume. Shock painted across his face at his own actions as pain decorated yours. You turned quickly, clutching the evenlope, reaching for your jacket and heading back towards the door.
“Get help Sweet Pea, I can't do it anymore” for a final time that night you slammed a door between the both of you. Enough was enough, you needed space from it. Sweet Pea threw himself back down on the sofa, cracking open the lid of a new bottle, bringing the opening to his mouth. He sighed into it, looking around the empty trailer, his eyes landing on the shards of glass. He couldn't believe he'd done that, that was so unlike him. He felt he didn't know himself in that moment and was unsure if he could find his way back to who he was again. Unsteady, he rose again from his seat, stalking over to the coat hanger and draping on his leather jacket. He needed a change of scenery, drunkenly lacing on his shoes and heading out in the direction you had just left.
Cool liquid swirled around the soles of his shoes, the puddles finally breaking down the worn walls of torn sneakers. He kept his pace even and eyes on the flooded path ahead as the rain and night encapsulated his entire figure. The fresh water rain whirled into the salty drops falling from his world-weary eyes and were almost immediately swept back away with a battered hand. A chill coarsed down his spine with bitter revenge, the sensation of multiple sets of eyes sank into his back. Sweet Pea let the next 10 minutes happen, too tired from his fight with you to fight off the Ghoulies earning their stripes, he let them tear him down as if only so his outside appearance could attempt to match the raging storm inside.
Air laboured its way through Sweet Peas lungs as the smell of clean cotton woke him from his heavy sleep. His blurred vision attempted to take in the sterile light of his environment. Every inch of his body screamed at his gentle movement, placing a heavy hand to a swollen right eye.
“oh my god my head” he rasped out, the beeping of various machines competing with the volume of his heart beating.
“Take it easy Sweets” you guided his hand gently back down to his side, holding it in yours to trace small circles around the IV insertion site.
“YN” he breathed quietly out, closing his eyes gently again.
“YN!” Sweet Pea attempted to jolt forward, his aching bones bringing that movement to a swift and painful halt.
“Shhh Sweets it's okay, I'm here for you”
“What happened?” Sweet Pea brought his other hand to hold his throat, the scratching vocal cords burning from his side of the conversation.
“You're in the hospital. Last week….they jumped you…Ghoulies…..I shouldn't have left you alone that night” betraying tears fell from your eyes, landing on the crystal white cotton sheets as you sat on the edge of his bed.
“I threw…I threw something at you YNN” his own tears falling now, only to be brushed away gently by the back of your free hand.
“YN, I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry, I can't believe I did that” Sweet Pea pleaded and began to once again attempt to sit up, only to have you beckon him to stay put.
“It's okay Sweets, this has been a hard year”
“That's not good enough YN, I'm in a bad place. I want to feel like myself again. I want to be better, I'm going to get better” a small saddened smile found its way across your face as you leaned down and kissed his cheek forgivingly. He meant it, he'd try, he'd try to be better and you'd help him.
“Sweet Pea when I got that phone call about what happened you….I really thought you were gone” you fought back the sob, pressure building in your throat.
“YN, I will never leave you….besides I have a letter I have to mail” you gently nudged his chest as his soft laugh. Sweet Pea did get better from there, of course he had his moments but never again a moment like that night. Never again was all hope lost. Never again did he forget to mail your letters
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
Tumblr media
Christine Cooper ✤ Young & Beautiful
Christine Cooper had always gone after what she wanted.  She’d gone after the Queen Bee title of Riverdale High, ruling the school with her best friend Cheryl.  She’d gone after her older sister’s boyfriend, sneaking into Thornhill for clandestine hookups with Jason.  She’d gone after the picture perfect life, existing in a different world from most of the town.  And everything she went after, she got.  She got the popularity, she got the boy, she got the dream tv life.  And then Jason ran away with Polly - no, then Jason died.  And the perfect, lovely, completely fake life that Chris had build fell apart.
Fandom: Riverdale
Face Claim: Sasha Pieterse
Love Interest: Fangs Fogarty & Sweet Pea
Theme song: This Is What Makes Us Girls, Lana Del Rey
Pinterest: x
Playlist: tbd
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ao3feed-jarchie · 1 year
We are safe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HkLD6dw
by Ace_Fanboy0405
After the showdown, where Jughead sacrificed himself to safe the Serpents from the Ghoulies, there was a lot crying, nightmares and panic attacks that Archie had to take care of.
Words: 2190, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 26 of Jughead x Archie works
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Archie Andrews, Jughead Jones, Toni Topaz, Fangs Fogarty, Sweet Pea (Riverdale), FP Jones II, Penny Peabody
Relationships: Archie Andrews/Jughead Jones, Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Fangs Fogarty/Sweet Pea, Fangs Fogarty & Jughead Jones & Sweet Pea & Toni Topaz
Additional Tags: Jughead Jones Needs a Hug, Southside Serpent Jughead Jones, Vulnerable Jughead Jones, Hurt Jughead Jones, Protective Archie Andrews, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Panic Attacks
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HkLD6dw
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ao3feed--bughead · 8 months
No crossing borders anymore
by Ace_Fanboy0405
Things are hard when you’re the modern version of Romeo and Juliet, especially when you get pregnant with seventeen.
Betty and Jughead had their plans, they would graduate and finally leave this hellhole called Riverdale.
Being apart of the Serpents comes with certain dangers though.
Words: 3816, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 15 of Jughead x Betty works
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper, FP Jones II, Archie Andrews, Alice Cooper (Archie Comics), Toni Topaz, Sweet Pea (Riverdale), Fangs Fogarty
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones
Additional Tags: Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Violence, Blood and Violence, Minor Violence, Aftermath of Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Kidnapping, Teenage Pregnancy, Protective Jughead Jones, Southside Serpent Jughead Jones, Jughead Jones Loves Betty Cooper, Betty Cooper Loves Jughead Jones, Secret Relationship
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Hi there, 21 and 30 for dom!sweet pea and dom!fangs, x sub!reader?
21. Knife Play 30. Threesome
“Are you sure about this?” It’s what Sweet Pea always asks. You know it’s become more of a way to settle you into subspace than anything else. You both know you have each others consent for the scene.
Fangs watches nervously. He’s never been part of how you and Sweet Pea play before but you can tell he’s excited and eager about it; even if he’s not one hundred percent  sure about what’s going on.
“Fangs you can’t just watch, that’s not why we invited you.. If we wanted someone to watch we’d have just invited Jones.”
“Jughead’s into-” Fangs cuts himself off and shakes his head before walking towards the bed.
“So you’re okay with me..”
“if you don’t use the knife I’ll use it myself.” You huff, and Sweet Pea gives you a warning glare; you stick out your tongue at him and laugh. 
Valentine’s Day Challenge
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swangsisendgame · 4 years
Fangs: are you a top or a bottom?
Sweet pea: no.. im a threat
Fangs: Pea.. we’ve been over this
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