luaeum · 5 months
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Have you guys played undertale yellow? :3
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I love wolf/bunny shigadabi 😭❤️ Wolf shigaraki knotting bunny dabi has a special place in my heart, but occasionally, I also like to think about bunny shigaraki railing all and any coherent thoughts out of wolf dabi's head and only letting him knot as a reward. Just dabi thinking he's got the advantage at the top of the food chain only to realize,once he's in too deep, that his sharp teeth and claws are of no help under shigaraki
Lol, if I ever do bunny!Shig/wolf!Dabi it would definitely have Dog Teeth vibes and heavy non-con as Dabi finds out exactly how dangerous the little bunny rabbit has made himself to be the next biggest supervillain in Japan
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ello-its-slimegoat · 3 months
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nonbinary-watanuki · 2 years
girl where are abbey abominable's fangs. wheres her strong jawline. wheres the fur
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sepublic · 2 years
Fanga & Rekter
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            Here’s an old drawing of my OCs, Fanga and Rekter! Fanga being the snake lady and Rekter the little kiddo. They’re fairly ancient, I made them back in the Fall of 2014, eight years ago; They’re definitely in need of updates in regards to design and characters, a bit of polish here and there, but! As they are now, let me explain their lore, powers, and personalities;
         Fanga was a member of the Terrorbrai (possibly an artifact name I’ll replace, as it reflects how she was originally a Ninjago OC), a group consumed by and made up of Maelstrom; Also an artifact name I’ll probably eventually replace, to distance this story from its original roots as Lego fanfiction. Maelstrom is a dangerous, corrupting substance; It can take many forms, from crystal, to liquid, to something vaguely solid and sulfiric. It is said to be chaos incarnate; Whatever matter it touches, it transforms into itself, spreading like a pestilence across the world.
         Maelstrom has many properties and abilities that reflect its nature; It conjure bolts of energy that deconstruct objects at the molecular and even atomic levels, and is protean, able to take different forms. There’s Maelstrom fire, lasers, etc., and it’s a highly versatile, living substance. There are some theories as to its origin, but it’s clear that whatever it is, it’s like a virus; It wants to spread and it wants to disassemble. Maelstrom thrives on chaos.
         Those who are infected by Maelstrom usually become mindless Stromlings, monsters made of the corrosive substance; But a select few have souls and dispositions considered compatible to the Maelstrom’s ideals. These are chaotic beings who revel in anarchy and senselessness, and don’t quite conform to typical conventions. These special few can bond with Maelstrom upon corruption, and retain their sapience and personality; Becoming Terrorbrai.
         The Terrorbrai have the full range of Maelstrom powers at their disposal, though some specialize in certain techniques compared to others. They can create explosions by infusing materials with their energy, summon constructs and even Stromlings to carry out their will. They also have regenerative abilities as well; Their bodies have ascended into fluid Maelstrom, and thus there is no set, ‘limited’ function to limbs. Terrorbrai no longer have brains or any other organs; They exist as a uniform whole of Maelstrom composing their entire body, their consciousness spread throughout. A Terrorbrai’s head can be destroyed and it’ll grow right back, though this is nevertheless a disorienting process.
         The only way to really destroy a Terrorbrai, besides such universal methods such as soul-harvesting, is massive amounts of energy; Particularly powerful explosions, lasers, electricity, and impacts of devastating force. These can all disrupt the structural integrity holding a Terrorbrai’s body together, and cause them to disperse and fall apart, killing and releasing their soul. Otherwise, they’re practically invincible, and even mere physical contact, if they will it, can lead to infection by Maelstrom.
         There are two ways for Terrorbrai to ‘reproduce’; The first is to infect a compatible individual with Maelstrom. The second is more arduous, but to the claims of some, creates more ‘pure’ individuals; A Terrorbrai can concentrate and coalesce their energy over an extensive period of time to eventually bud and create a new Terrorbrai. Multiple Terrorbrai can collaborate with one another to do this, but it’s a very intensive process, and many failures result in generic Stromlings. But for those who do succeed, they have never known life without the coursing chaos that binds them all together.
         Fanga is one such Terrorbrai. She served beneath Nire and his lieutenants many centuries ago; The goal of the Terrorbrai is to sow discord and chaos, conflict, and spread Maelstrom. They hope to truly embody their eccentric life philosophy, and so have dedicated themselves to multiple efforts with the sole purpose of disrupting some sort of status quo. The whims of the Maestrom truly seems flippant…
         Fanga operated as a typical grunt, until a fateful mission in which she and a few other Terrorbrai confronted Draik, a powerful witch. Draik cast a good variety of spells, but one in particular opened a portal to an empty pocket dimension, a void where all sorts of things were dumped like trash; A surefire way to contain and imprison whatever Draik chose. In the chaos of battle, Fanga was sucked through one of these vortexes, and due to her fluid anatomy, survived being torn apart by the wormhole and emerged on the other side alive.
         Fanga proceeded to wander for centuries across this barren, desolate realm, with a portal appearing every now and then to drop something new; Usually some sort of rubble, the torn-asunder pieces of a victim, etc. Fanga hoped to one day come across a portal just as it opened, and jump through it to return to her main dimension; Alas, it was not to be. Fanga despaired for a while, utterly bored out of her mind, and quickly became mad… Or, more mad than she already had been.
         Now for Rekter…
         Remember Trexdis, from a while back? Rekter was another test subject in the Mirror World experiments, and just a little kid no less; Around ten years old when it all happened. Trexdis had quickly befriended and taken a liking to Rekter, doing her best to shield and protect him from the horrific training and conditioning of their captors. But on the fateful night the Spirius Drones attacked the facility, Rekter hadn’t died like Trexdis believed; When Spirius-X detonated a black hole explosive, Rekter, being a small child, was able to just barely be sucked through the vortex in one piece, without being squeezed or cut in half. He emerged into the other side of the pocket dimension, and found himself trapped.
         It didn’t take long for a traumatized and frightened Rekter to come across Fanga, who was initially apprehensive, but also latched onto the kid as an actual source of company she hadn’t had in centuries. Their time together got off to a rocky start… Fanga enjoyed Rekter but didn’t exactly care for him, beyond as a source of entertainment. They traded stories to pass the time, and Fanga got an idea of all she missed out on since she’d left; Although she was able to surmise a little from the increasingly advanced objects that would occasionally fall into the pocket dimension from time to time.
         Rekter, despite being (mostly) human, was able to survive in the pocket dimension for a number of reasons. Every time a vortex was opened, it sucked in plenty of air; Thus accumulating a decent amount of oxygen over time in the pocket dimension. As for sustenance… Well, Spirius-X often had his black hole pellets used to ‘dispose’ of certain genetic creations of Arakchos, and those things had moisture and flesh, usually. It wasn’t healthy and at times posed a risk to Rekter, but it was better than starving, he figured.
         …One time, by sheer luck, a chicken pot pie fell into the pocket dimension. Fanga and Rekter had no clue WHAT antics had occurred for that to happen; But they seized and accepted the chance regardless. Fanga didn’t even need to eat, but she still had a sense of taste, and desired to revel in something palatable for once. The pie was split between a starving child and an immortal Terrorbrai, and as Fanga picked up her slice to devour… She noticed out of the side of her eye how ferociously, how gratefully Rekter tore into his portion. And then… Fanga made a surprisingly natural, effortless gesture; Without blinking, she just smiled and nudged her portion onto Rekter’s makeshift plate, and he was so intensely focused that he gobbled it up without noticing it as an addition. And it pleased Fanga to see him look so sated and happy and full for once, perhaps for the first time since she’d met him…
         Rekter wasn’t exactly in peak health, but the Mirror World experiments possibly contributed to him being a bit hardier than usual. Fanga and Rekter became quite close ever since the ‘chicken pot pie event’, and if we’re being totally frank here, she adopted him. Fanga adopted this kid and became his mom. If Trexdis was the cool older sister, Fanga was Rekter’s weird combination of foster mother and wine aunt; Definitely not a moral role model, but still someone with plenty of heart for those she cared about. For all their many faults and issues, the Terrorbrai did prize community and family, after all. To help pass the time, Fanga and Rekter would spar and train, amidst other activities.
         They eventually received a new roommate; Nykon the Lightning Dragon. The less said about that evil bastard, the better… Nykon had a particular disdain and seething sadism for nearly any form of life, really; He was an arrogant dragon and proud of it. Still, for all his ridicule towards humans, Nykon was smart enough to know that he had a LONG time ahead of him here, and it’d be best to maintain his sanity by maximizing his company. So he chose not to kill Rekter, especially with Fanga fiercely protecting him, for as a Terrorbrai she was one of the few beings who could reliably harm a dragon made of metal and electricity.
         Instead, Nykon peaced out to his own corner of the pocket dimension; Accepting the company but not really interested in utilizing it, mostly unimpressed but keeping them in storage in case he ever needed it. For now, he preferred to remain alone. And Fanga and Rekter, who could tell this dude’s vibes were rancid, also opted for that distance.
         A few months later, a larger, stable portal opened up; It’s a LONG story, but basically the Spirius Drones had been tasked with looking after a group of students, among them such characters such as Lloyd and Caila. They didn’t know that anyone was alive in the pocket dimension, so they saw it as a safe and seemingly untouchable place to hide the students temporarily, while they went on a brutal mission. The kids wandered the pocket dimension and were startled to come across Fanga and Rekter, who relayed their stories.
         It was a small world after all; Fanga was ecstatic and in disbelief to hear that Caila was the daughter of Hisinava, and by extension, grandchild of Nire; A half-human, half-Terrorbrai hybrid. Even as she inquired into the unique circumstances of Caila’s existence, Rekter was amazed to find out that these kids knew Trexdis; In fact, she was their English teacher, a constant acquaintance of theirs! Rekter had always wondered if Kate had survived that night, and he was overjoyed to learn she had; And likewise, the kids gained an unexpected wealth of information regarding the mysterious Trexdis from Rekter.
         The kids discussed freeing Fanga and Rekter from the pocket dimension, unwilling to just leave them to suffer; But of course, Nykon ruined the moment when he recognized Lloyd, recalled his mission, and in particular refueled his inexplicable disdain for humans. He opted to seize Lloyd to redeem himself to his leader, and of course kill the other kids for fun; Fanga and Rekter fought back, holding Nykon off long enough for some bewildered Spirius Drones to check in on the pocket dimension and find utter chaos within.
         Sheepishly, they hastily escorted the students back into their home dimension, as well as Fanga and Rekter; And narrowly kept Nykon from coming out the other side of the portal with him, leaving him alone for hopefully forever. Fanga and Rekter were astounded, dazzled, to finally be free; And they marveled in the wilderness they’d been dumped out onto, even kissing and tasting the grass in bliss.
         Once the shock was over, Fanga and Rekter were at a crossroads; What to do with life now? They were free. Rekter of course wanted to reunite with Trexdis ASAP, and Fanga, a go-with-the-flow type of gal, was more than happy to indulge in his request; She didn’t have much she needed to go back to besides the Terrorbrai community, but Terrorbrai are long-lived, so that could wait. Sensing an opportunity, the Spirius Drones consulted their master Arakchos and the rest of the Arkley Gang.
         An offer was made; Fanga and Rekter could join the Arkley Gang. They, or at least Fanga, would work for the group, and in return, they would receive the same protection that all members of the organization were granted, while also getting to live in Brooker, the town near where all the students attended school. Fanga was delighted to have real estate and Rekter looked forward to living a normal life again, after all these years… They accepted, and acted as companions, bodyguards, and escorts for the rest of this ‘field trip’ that the Spirius Drones had been dragging the kids along in the first place.
         After helping out with a variety of mishaps and murderous foes, Fanga and Rekter finally arrived at Arkley’s Academy, and Rekter reunited with a disbelieving Trexdis after all these years. It was utter joy that helped heal her scarred heart and mend what seemed an immovable past she just had to accept; Maybe things COULD get better, after all… Trexdis and Rekter got caught up for lost time, although Trexdis did notice how their dynamic changed as well, with Fanga’s addition. There may have been a bit of insecurity and concern between both Trexdis and Fanga over their places in Rekter’s life, but eventually they realized that their combined presence did only good for this kid they mutually loved. Their friendship was further solidified as a result, with Trexdis thanking Fanga for looking after this kid for her.
         Aaaaaand that’s the story of Fanga and Rekter! Well, definitely not all of it; There’s actually a lot more that happens, but this seems like a decent resting place, a ‘status quo’ to stop on. Rekter isn’t a student, as Fanga took one look at institutionalized education and was aghast, forbidding it; And honestly, Trexdis agreed. Being one of Arkley’s esteemed students was NOT a blessing, and so Rekter awkwardly went along with it, though I’m sure Fanga did have the occasional crisis of wanting her kid to be in regular contact with peers his age.
         Instead, Fanga and Rekter lived in a house at Brooker, a freshly-bought and nice one too. They mostly just chilled there, Fanga occasionally going out to do missions, but otherwise hanging out in a human disguise she was able to conjure thanks to her protean properties. Once a week, the kids would go down to Brooker to visit, and Fanga and Rekter would be there to happily welcome them. The inseparable duo even knitted themselves a pair of matching purple scarves! There was a little bit of awkwardness for Fanga and Principal Draik over the latter banishing her to a pocket dimension to begin with, and now she worked for him; But in the end she didn’t take it seriously (the Terrorbrai were aware of their fault as instigators), and anyhow, there was no more reason for them to fight now, so no hard feelings!
         In terms of personalities; Fanga is a rather eccentric individual, owing in part to her nature as a Terrorbrai and her isolation of centuries in a pocket dimension. She can be wild and prone to sudden, irrational decisions, and is always in favor of causing a mess and delighting in chaos; And as I said, she’s not the most moral person admittedly. She looks out for those she cares about, but otherwise, Fanga hasn’t exactly renounced the Terrorbrai way of life… Though she’s willing to ‘settle down’ for a bit, because taking care of a kid is a lot of responsibility. She’s generally got a bewildered state to her, but over time, Fanga has calmed down a bit… And yeah, she always dotes over Rekter, the kind of mom to lose her mind when her kid is trying out a new outfit, for example.
         Rekter is a shy and socially awkward kid, and it’s kind of hard not to be, given the circumstances of his life and past. He hasn’t really gotten to interact with kids his age, and the kids he has met aren’t exactly usual themselves, but! He’s getting there. He’s adjusting. Rekter’s just very well-meaning and trying his best, he’ll really overextend himself for those he cares about and can be precocious at times due to his training; He takes it VERY seriously upon himself to protect the students on Trexdis’ behalf. She was mostly joking when she asked Rekter to look after the kids, since Rekter has a certain hardened experience they don’t.
         Otherwise though, Rekter is a rather earnest and frank individual, but he also has a ‘mode’ he can shift into when he needs to be wary and operate like an assassin. He doesn’t get the occasional snide jokes about him being a ‘Momma’s boy’ for Fanga, since she IS his mom, more or less. Not that they ever say the M-word aloud, but… If Rekter did call her as such, Fanga would probably have the closest thing a Terrorbrai could to a heart attack of delight.
         As for additional notes; Rekter has orange hair, yellow eyes, and is REALLY pale; Being stuck in darkness for multiple years will do that to you. His Mirror World powers and properties are stunted compared to Trexdis; The kid is naturally visible, although he does suffer from no reflection, no pictures of himself, etc. Fanga is dismayed by this. Rekter can concentrate and turn himself invisible, but this takes effort, and other abilities such as Mirror Travel are beyond his limits.
        Fanga is varying shades of dark purples, save for her brightly glowing, magenta eyes; Maelstrom is a violet hue, so being made of the stuff, Fanga naturally follows that color scheme.
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"Fånga Dagen" just sounds like the swedish chef trying to say the name of the guy from steely dan
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sudden-stops-kill · 8 months
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fanga dan
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videntecertera · 2 years
Cartas Españolas Tirada Económico, tarot on line amor
Soy lector de tarot y psicólogo profesional. Con la ayuda de las cartas de las barajas de Tarot y Lenormand, puedo analizar tu estado psicoemocional, determinar las fortalezas y debilidades de tu personalidad, lo que necesitas ejercitar en ti mismo, identificar los pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones de tu pareja. , ver el desarrollo de las relaciones y el ámbito de actividad profesional.
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¿Luchas por seguir adelante? Obtén respuestas instantáneas con una Lectura de Tarot.
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Me steady working them fangas through the torrent of squirt
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ericmicael · 4 months
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Sailor Uranus/Haruka & Sailor Neptune/Michiru: the canonical couple who have already suffered censorship that turned them into cousins. Sailor Uranus has already been transformed into a man, and she and Neptune have already been called cousins with their romantic scenes being greatly reduced.
Oerba Yun Fang & Oerba Dia Vanille: the two women who spent centuries asleep, were awakened and want to reunite and stay together at all costs. Due to the custom of their tribe, they use the name of the Oerba tribe in their name, which made many mistake them as relatives when in reality they have no blood connection. Initially Fanga would be a male character, I wonder if she were a man and had the same name and scenes with Vanille in the franchise there would still be people believing they were related... I doubt it.
Caulifla & Kale: very similar to the case of Fang & Vanille. Kale often calls Caulifla with forms of respect that some who don't understand Japanese culture mistake as proof that they are related, have the same place of origin and are extremely close, but again without any blood linking them despite the idiotic theories.
Elsa & Honeymaren: the case that a simple Google search would solve things. Elsa's mother is a member of the Northuldra Tribe and Honeymaren is a member of a Northuldra Tribe and this was enough for many people to consider a kinship even with the film's character Honeymaren saying the line: "This is from one of our oldest families" after seeing a scarf from Elsa's mother. If Elsa's mother's scarf was from Honeymaren's family she wouldn't say that impersonal phrase, she would say something else. But even if some don't understand this phrase, in 2020 the book “Frozen 2: Dangerous Secrets: The Story of Iduna and Agnarr” was released, which reveals the past of Iduna, who is Elsa's mother: Iduna, when she was 5 years old, had her entire family and tribe wiped out by invaders, so she was adopted by Yelana's tribe, which would later become Honeymaren and Ryder's tribe.
In fact, I think the title of this post should be: "Four sapphic ships that people say are cousins even though the work itself says and proves that there is no possibility of that".
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astrarche-x · 1 month
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Ouyang do swojej rywalki w turnieju Fanga Guozhena:
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vikas-room · 3 months
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dbeltarune fanga;me.....
play it >> HERE
character and music belong to @radiant-vulpine and the vision crew!!
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monikamtua · 1 year
Pata suluhisho la matatizo ya uzazi, Mwanamke na Mwanaume tezi dume, nguvu za kiume, PID, UTI, Fangas, Ugumba, Mimba kuharibika
Wasiliana Leo na Bibi Monika Mtua atakusaidia
+255 744 852 910
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COFFEE SCRUB Stubborn stains 3 days SKIN WITH FUNGUS It has 13,000 polishes It does not last 4 days SMS 📞+255767438 975
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antialiasis · 2 years
What were some translations for video game-related words in the Icelandic Pokemon dub. And was the theme song a translation, or an original song?
I think in that one episode that talked about levels, they used "stig" (stage). I don't recall a lot of other video game-related words in the anime, though.
The theme song was a translation of the English Pokémon theme; writing an original theme song would be way beyond the budget of any Icelandic dub of anything.
The lyrics were mostly a pretty reasonable translation. "Gotta catch 'em all" became "Verð að fanga þá" or "Must catch them" which made it sound a bit more like Ash just has some strange compulsion to catch Pokémon (but not necessarily all of them). "Teach Pokémon to understand the power that's inside" was, I think, "Ég vonast til að þekkja þá og bera töframátt", or "I hope to understand them and wield a magical power", which is some of the same words but definitely puts them together in a bit of a different way. Somehow I remember every line except what they did with "A heart so true / Our courage will pull us through" which I am completely blanking on.
As the ending they just had the original English Pokémon theme and Pokérap, interestingly - so I was familiar with the English lyrics from the start, too. I'm not surprised they didn't try to translate the Pokérap; it would have been so awkward.
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sepublic · 1 year
Now that I’ve established the dead Great Entity as forming the fabric of reality (very Bionicle I know), I’ve finally come up with a tag for the shared universe of my OCs; GEverse, short for Great Entityverse! So Trexdis, the Escapees, Fanga and Rekter, Techna League, etc.? They all fall under this umbrella.
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