fanficerror · 9 months
Gonna take my first stab at actually posting something while jumping onto this scrumptious Christmas bandwagon... https://www.tumblr.com/bookcluberror/737988146877349888/i-love-this-so-much-gonna-go-dream-about-my-own
In my head, elf!Shouto sees Error, one of Santa Kiri's reindeer hybrids, for the first time when she's walking back to the barn after a quiet stroll in the woods. She's new to the herd this year, and he hasn't gotten the chance to meet her, yet.
At first he brushes off the subtle zap he feels in his chest when he sees her trudging through the snow... Thinking maybe Denki the elf grazed his shoulder while walking behind him, or perhaps he swallowed his warm milk down the wrong pipe. But it definitely couldn't be because he glanced at a pretty doe. He sees the does around the village every day, after all.
But when he sees her again the next day, this time skipping dinner to dash off into the trees behind the reindeer barn, he feels that zap again. Grabbing a couple of christmas cookies off the table in the break room, Shouto sprints (Casually. Totally casually.) out the door towards the woods in the hopes of finding her...
Why? He's not quite sure. But he knows he needs to see her.
Error the reindeer was new to the herd this year. Not younger, or less experienced, but definitely new. At first voices would hush when she entered a room, and eyes would follow her when she moved, as always happens when a new member is thrust into a tight-knit group of peers. But luckily for Error, the does in Santa's herd were lovely, and sweet, and welcoming once everyone had time to acclimate to one another. She felt very much at home with her new friends, and soon she was her quirky and energetic self.
However, with all the reindeer training so hard lately, it's not often that she got time alone. Although loud, and outgoing, she wasn't as extroverted as she appeared. So when she was presented with small moments to escape on her own throughout the day, she would put all else aside in order to cherish some peace and quiet to herself. Sometimes walking in silence, sometimes singing softly to herself, or maybe even spinning around in the snow under the moonlight. Just small snapshots in time that she could call her own.
And that's exactly what Error was doing the first time she met Shouto the elf.
Shouto walked slowly towards the clearing in the woods. His excited energy had fled, leaving him with uncharacteristic nervousness. His thoughts raced while his feet idled.
What was he doing? She probably wanted to be alone. Or maybe she was meeting someone else to share the beautiful snow fall with.
Logic demanded that he turn around and walk back the way he came. However, as he turned to leave, all rational thought slipped from his grasp when he noticed a new sound coming from the nearby clearing. The softest voice drifted through the pine needles on the trees, and swirled with the snowflakes in the wind.
His feet moved without command until he reached the end of the path, and finally he saw her.
She heard him before she saw him. A steady crunch of snow and snapping of twigs alerted Error to the fact that someone had entered the small clearing. Whether they had stumbled upon her by accident, or had come looking for her didn't matter. Her brief moment of reprieve was at an end.
As she slowed spinning feet, and quieted her song, she was able to make out the outline of a person standing by the path.
"I didn't mean to interrupt."
Silence followed.
"I - I thought you might be hungry. It looked like you rushed out before dinner."
Error took a timid step towards the figure, who appeared to be a tall male elf, with candy cane hair. He stood straighter than most, and somehow seemed shy while still exuding an air of confidence about him. She was intrigued.
"Thank you. I wanted to catch the snowfall. I was afraid I would miss it if I waited until after I had eaten. I didn't think to bring anything along."
They moved closer during the quiet exchange, until Shouto was near enough to reach out and offer her one of the cookies he had poached from inside. Once Error had accepted it, and found a spot to settle on a nearby log, Shouto sat down in the snow at what he considered an appropriate distance away.
Minutes passed where they made quiet small talk, flittering from subject to subject without settling on anything in particular. Error nibbled on her red treat while feeling an unfamiliar flutter in her tummy. She was rarely this quiet, and never this shy. Usually the one to steer conversation and spur the energy within any interaction, she found it strange that the man across from her seemed to leave her with so few words.
Shouto was similarly struck with a limited ability to speak. He was never a man of many words, but he was familiar enough with social interactions to be able to hold a conversation better than this. It was embarrassing, really, how his mouth didn't seem to say what he wanted it to. So he busied himself with picking the green sprinkles off of his cookie to both occupy his mouth and force him to stop staring into the literal doe eyes she kept focused on his face. The eyes he found himself getting lost in, while he should be making conversation.
Error knew that soon the reindeer caretaker would notice her missing yet again when dinner ended and the bell rang to usher the does back to their stables. She found herself wishing, more than usual, for a few more minutes. This time however, not for minutes alone. She wanted more time with this stranger who made her feel calm and excited at the same time. Who didn't even know her name, but thought of her hunger and loneliness when he saw her in the woods. This strange elf wh-
A cheerful bell rang out, interrupting Error's thoughts. The signal that dinner was over and the reindeer handlers would be preparing the does for bed soon. Anxiety surged through Error's body as she clumsily scrambled to get up onto her feet. Shouto tried not to show his amusement at watching a creature that looked so elegant and graceful slip and slide and trip over her own limbs.
"I have to go! Oh no.... Bakugo already scolded me for sneaking off yesterday!"
Shouto's heart dropped as he realized she was already making her way out of the clearing.
"Thank you for the cookie! It was nice meeting you......"
Her voice faded as she bolted through the trees, until soon all Shouto could hear was the whistling of the wind and the distant jingling of bells that always filled the silence of the small Christmas village. Emotions surged through him, mixing with each other until he could no longer tell the difference between them. Excitement, disappointment, hope, embarrassment, confusion and curiosity....
He didn't even know her name.
But he did know that he needed to see her again.
Okay, please be nice, this was my first ever writing post. Its real rough and not reread, so sorry about that! Eeeeeeeeeeeek
Tagging everyone who added to the Christmas au so far, hope that's okay!
@thenamesmiz @dcsiremc @neon-gothicc @bakubunny @shinsouslightningbug
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bookcluberror · 11 months
Okay, Skittles colors all taste the same?!
Why did no one tell me this sooner?! I feel like one of the integral support beams in my structure of brain knowledge has just been removed and the whole thing is now COLLAPSING ON TOP OF ME.
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yanderelovebites · 4 years
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bookcluberror · 1 year
Definitely not me trying to blend in on a new social media platform because I'm above 22yo and therefore "out of touch"....
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fanficerror · 11 months
Tumblr media
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fanficerror · 1 year
I haven't written since high school or college, and I've never done fan fic, so imma try to throw in a prompt or drabble or brain rot now and again when I get the courage.
Minors please stay away. The stuff I post will likely have 18+ elements.
Fun facts:
Call me Error (it's oddly fitting)
My main is @bookcluberror
Female, late 20s, she/her
I'm new to Tumblr, so I'm still stumbling around quite a bit.
MHA/bnha is my hyper fixation show, right now. Fav is Shouto, but I have love for all of the Bakusquad, Aizawa, and those purple haired guys.
If you have writing tips, requests, ideas, corrections, recommendations, edits, anything at all, just hit me up! I'm friendly, I promise :-)
I'll add a tag list or master list once I actually have stuff to list, I guess. 😆 And hopefully make the page pretty once I figure out how to Tumblr. Till then you can try #errorwrites or #bookcluberror
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bookcluberror · 1 year
Content is not my own, I mostly just repost my favorites, or spew out random prompts or head cannons that pop into my head. If I ever do write something it'll be on @fanficerror , and when I make a post of my own it's usually got a tag for #errorwrites or #bookcluberror .
I'm fem reader, I'm 18+, again check the original post to see the author/artist/etc. (I'm also pretty new to Tumblr and the fan fic world, so if I'm doing something incorrectly, please feel free to point it out!)
Maybe someday I'll actually try my hand at writing out a fan fic, but for now they just live in my head.
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