#fanfic from Tim wrights pov
iamther0t · 1 month
Everything Is Fine -- [ Marble Hornets Oneshot ]
Basically, a bit of the aftermath from after entry 87, from Tims pov! its very short T_T
Word Count: 530
Warnings: Pills, sort of vague gore, mentions of murder
Genre: Angst
POV: Tim Wright
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Dealing with the aftermath of…everything had become quite the challenge for Tim.
He had a vague idea of how to deal with some of it; drowning himself in pills and trying to remind himself it’s over now were two things he’d grown comfortable doing.
Sometimes, they worked to help him, even if it’s just a little bit, but other times they just aren’t enough.
He’d resorted back to bad habits some nights where nothing else helped. But even that just numbed him, if anything.
He hadn’t had another night where he woke up in an unspecified location with a mask strapped to his face in a few months. Sure, it was great that it hadn’t happened in so long, but the on-edge feeling of not knowing when, or if it was gonna happen again was like a ticking time bomb; or a disaster waiting to happen.
Despite the constant worrying and anxiety, things felt normal for Tim.
Too normal.
It felt like every night he was curled up in the corner of his room, clutching whatever weapon was closest to him and just waiting for that thing to come back, things got both increasingly less, yet more normal.
His new doctor tried reassuring him that so long as he kept taking his medication, it wouldn’t come back. It wouldn’t just show up out of the blue.
While that helped with the paranoia of The Operator coming back, he didn’t have anyone to reassure him that Alex Kralie was truly dead.
Not Jay.
Not Brian.
Not Jessica.
Not even himself.
When he said that phrase over and over, Alex is dead. He’s not coming back, he felt it starting to work.
And when he started calming down, and feeling just the slightest bit safer in his apartment, he felt the blood on his hands.
His knuckles turning white from his grip on the tiny pocket knife as he plunged it deep into Alex’s chest.
Alex’s corpse laying there unconscious.
Passing out on the stairs.
That’s why he moved.
A fresh start, where he wouldn’t be swarmed with old memories and people that he wished he’d never met, for his sake and theirs.
Where, maybe, everything could be normal.
Tim had got his wish.
Everything was normal.
But he was still the same.
A new town wouldn’t erase his past and what he did.
He knows Alex deserved it. He knows it was his only choice. He knew the moment he saw Jay bleeding out on the floor, a bullet wound pierced through him.
Alex was dangerous, and so was The Operator.
Tim just wished he wasn’t the one to have finished the job.
These thoughts haunted him at night, and even at day, too. An increased heart rate, sweaty palms, hyperventilating as he tried to get out, get out, get out–
He’d grown to know the feeling all too well.
So, as he kept a normal routine, living in his apartment in a normal town while he worked a normal job and was surrounded by normal people, he had technically gotten what he wanted.
He wanted normal.
He wanted everything to be fine.
And, it was.
It is.
Everything is fine.
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Chapter 3 of If It Ain't Broken is currently 8.7k, whoops. It's all for a good cause though, that cause being: showing that Jay can be a manipulative little shit.
he's not doing it thinking "okay I'm going to manipulate them" but he is trying to get them to reassure him that he isn't manipulative by using words and a panicked tone of voice that makes them want to look after him? Like, he's doing it purposefully, but he's not consciously thinking "okay I'm going to manipulate them into telling me I'm not manipulative," if that makes sense?
he hates being called manipulative so obviously he is genuinely upset, but he's still being manipulative to get his friends to reassure him?
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cryptomiracle · 9 months
outlaw masky(tim wright) x fem!bounty hunter reader pt1
sharpshooter - by M
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synopsis: it's 1891, you're a bounty hunter & you've been tracking down a certain outlaw with a hefty reward on his head for two years, but when you finally catch him, you realize you may be way in over your head.
a little jig for you to listen to while u read :)
This is only part one!
Reader is kinda money hungry/money motivated
Psychical fights
I'm horrible at describing terrain LOL
Pronouns aren't used on reader until part two, although words like wife/lady are used.
(this is supposed to be from a second pov)
Pet names (sweetheart, doll, honey, darlin' etc)
Reader isn't aware that tim is masky (it's explained later)
Breaking of bones
Mentions of crimes / crimes being committed (murder, robbery, etc)
This is more than likely inaccurate to that time period
Although the warnings may say otherwise, this is really just a silly little fanfic
the saloon doors slammed open, followed by the sound heavy footsteps, along with the jingle of spurs.
You could hear as the footsteps got closer and closer, the feeling of anticipation caused your blood to pump faster.
you looked up from your glass, and looked at the bartender, whose hands were shaking ever so slightly.
???:"I heard you been lookin' for me"
you heard a deep voice come from beside you
You quickly downed the rest of your whiskey before you slowly cut your eyes to where the voice was coming from, to see the one and only...
Tim wright
✯(Age: 28
Bounty: 5'000
Crimes: multiple counts of robbery, extortion, and forgery)✯
you: "and who might you be?"
you looked down at your empty cup
you knew damn well you had been asking around town about him, but you decided to play it safe.
tim: "don't act like you don't know.."
he roughly knocked your cup out of your hand, causing it to hit the floor and burst
you turned your head to face him, annoyance apparent on your face.
you: "you wanna take this outside?"
your eye slightly twitched
tim: "what? you scared to lose in front of all these people?"
Leaning against the bar, he chuckled as he looked around the room
You leaned closer to him, your face inches away from his
you: "I didn't mean a fist fight, Tim"
you backed away slowly, and placed your hand on your gun holster
You watched as the realization hit him
He slightly hesitated before replying
tim: "alright.."
he sighed as he stood up from his seat and made his way to the exit, he paused in front of the door before speaking again
tim: "you comin' sweetheart?
you got up from your seat as well, hand still on your gun.
you saw the distressed faces of the people in the bar as you walked by.
tim: "ladies first"
He took off his black, dusty hat and held it on his chest as he bowed and he held the door open for you
you only gave him an unimpressed look
you: "you go right ahead"
he sighed unenthusiasticly as he stepped out.
you followed him, staying close behind him to make sure he didn't try to run off, which you doubted he would do.
You took a moment to look up at the night sky, which was littered with stars.
when you brought your attention back to him, you noticed he was staring at you, his brown eyes glistening under the full moon.
The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
You started to speak, attempting to ease the tightness in your throat
you: "on the count of five.."
he pulled back his coat to reveal a revolver
He placed his hand on it gently, he had this dangerous look in his eye, one that told you he would eat you alive if you weren't careful
everything went deafeningly silent, the only sound coming from your short breaths.
before you got to four, you saw him reach for his gun
You quickly drew your colt, and shot him in the thigh.
He yelled as he fell to the ground, and fired a shot.
The bullet wizzed past you, luckily not hitting you.
tim: "DAMN!"
he winced as his blood spilled out unto the ground.
you walked over to him and knelt down in front of him, you looked down at him with a slight grin.
you: "cheater.."
you whispered to him
You twirled your gun around, so that you were holding the barrel.
You then hit him in the head with the handle of your gun, and watched as sleep overtook him.
He slowly gained consciousness, and squinted his eyes, the brightness of the sun temporarily blinding him.
the sound of hoofs clacking ringed in his ears.
He took in his surroundings, only to realize he was not where he once was.. instead he was in the middle of the desert, the only signs of life in his field of vision other than himself being a few cacti here and there, along with a bit of dry grass.
He turned his head to the right, ignoring the pain in his head and saw his horse.
He followed the rope that was tied to his horse to see the torso of an unfamiliar horse, along with a pair of boots, and the bottom of skirt flopping up and down in front of his face
He felt anger overcome him as he remembered what had happened the night before.
tim: "mmph!"
He squirmed as he tried to say something, but it came out as a mumble because of the gag in his mouth.
you: "good mornin' darlin!"
You said in a cheery tone of voice, only fueling the anger that was bubbling up in him.
you: "how'd ya sleep?"
masky/tim: "MMHP, MMMMM"
He attempted to speak once more.
you: "oh, right"
You reached around and pulled the gag down to his neck.
Taking no time to catch his breath, he instantly yelled at you, rage evident in his voice.
you: "sorry to tell you this, but there's a slight chance you may have a concussion"
you cut your eyes toward him
you were clearly trying to get a reaction out of him,(and it worked) you knew you didn't hit him hard enough to give him a concussion.
tim: "D#MN YOU TO HELL!"
after a few minutes of him cursing at you, you got tired of it and put the gag back in his mouth.
And yet he continued to yell, although it was intelligible.
hours went by, the sun was starting to set and you knew you'd have to rest for the night.
Tim had stopped yelling awhile ago, which would be worrying if you didn't have him bound, and wounded.
You slowed down in speed as you approached a plateau, you decided to settle here for the night.
you hopped off your horse and tied the horses to a log, to keep them from running away.
you then pulled tim off the back of your horse, causing him to hit the ground face first.
tim: "hmmp!"
he groaned
you rolled him over, and set him up against the same log you had your horses tied too.
you: "I'm gon' get some firewood, don't move.."
He thought about attempting to run, he really did,, but he decided against it.. figuring that if he were to successfully escape, he'd have to plan it out.
you left him there to look for anything flammable you could find, luckily when you came back he was where you left him.
you: "I figured you'd try to run off while I was gone"
He groaned.
you lightly grinned at him before removing the gag once more.
tim: "I would have, if it weren't for the HOLE IN MY LEG."
you laughed as you noticed a vein in his head pop out.
You put the various sticks, and grass you found on the ground and made a fire.
you set across from him, leaning against the hard wall of the plateau.
tim: "who are you anyway?"
he huffed, although you could barely see it, he had a slight curious glint in his eye
you: "now why would I tell you my name?"
tim: "well, how are we supposed to become friends if I don't know your name?"
you: "so you think we're gon' be friends?"
You chuckled, the audacity of this man? To think that the two of you could be anything even close to friends was a very strong reach. he was up to something you just couldn't figure what it was he was up too.
tim: "oh, I think we're gon' be a lot more than friends.."
He cooed as he leaned back into a more relaxed position and gave you a serious, yet sly look.
That's when you realized what he was doing
Tim was a very handsome man, that you couldn't deny.. but you couldn't allow yourself to fall for his tricks, nor his advances.
You felt your cheeks slightly heat up as you paused for a minute, deciding on what to say.
The silence was heavy, and awkward.
But only on your part, Tim on the other hand found enjoyment in your slow reaction.
you: "we're goin' to town tomorrow so I can turn you in and finally be rid of you"
You said bitterly, as the heat in your cheeks dissipated
He sighed in discontent once he realized that his charms wouldn't work on you so easily
you stared down at the fire, and watched as the flames grew higher & swayed from side to side, almost as if they were alive.
Surely enough you drifted off to sleep, the moon shining brightly above the two of you.
You felt eyes on you the whole night, you weren't exactly sure if they were his eyes or something else, either way you didn't sleep very well that night.
you felt lightheaded as you awoke slowly
your eyes shot open as you realized that tim wasn't where you left him
You quickly gathered yourself, and stood up.
You looked around, the horses were still there so you knew he was on foot.
You packed up the few things you had out, then you untied your horses and started following tracks he had left behind.
you didn't exactly know how he got free, all you knew was that the rage that had been building up over these two years of chase, was finally bubbling over.
You had spent two years chasing after this assh#le, you weren't gonna let him get away that easily.
you: "c'mon!"
you pulled on the reins, causing the horse to run faster
You followed after the messy tracks he had left
you felt the breeze blow against your face, causing any stray hairs to fly back.
Soon enough, his blurry silhouette came into view.
You felt sweat drip off of your forehead, heat radiating off of the golden sand.
He started to pick up his pace as he heard the sound of hooves clacking.
Despite his attempt at running away, you caught up with him, blocking his path as you pulled your horse in front of him.
You hopped off of your horse, and tackled him to the ground. He yelled a mixture of different curse words as his body roughly hit the ground, you raised your fist, then brought it down in one swift movement.
You watched as blood started to spill from his nose, he began to squirm under you, trying to break free.
You used your weight to keep him down, before hitting him once more with your right hand.
You raised your left hand once again preparing to punch him, but before you could he had grabbed you by your hair and pulled you off of him
He took no time to jump on top of you, and wrap his hands around your throat.
He squeezed tightly, you could feel the air in your lungs be forced out as a burning sensation overtook your body, you attempted to break free of his grasp you kicked, and punched, and scratched, but to no avail.
You looked up at him, your vision becoming blurry, you couldn't quite make out the expression on his face, all you could see was the blood dripping from his possibly broken nose
You then remembered the bullet wound in his leg.
You pulled down the bandage you had previously put on his leg and dug your finger into the hole as hard as you could.
He yelled as his grasp around your neck weakened, you took that chance to push him off of you and onto the ground.
You both just laid there for a while, trying to get over the throbbing pain you were both experiencing.
You groaned as you sat up, leaving an imprint on the sand.
You turned to your side, and looked at him intensely.. he only turned his head and looked back at you with an amused look on his face, followed by a chuckle.
tim: "you know.."
He started to speak
Before he could finish his sentence, you roughly kicked him in the stomach, the heel of your boot digging into his gut.
he mumbled something unintelligible as he rolled onto his side, while clutching his stomach.
you fully pulled yourself off of the ground, you stood tall over him, the sun gleaming behind you, casting a blinding glow around you.
You pulled your gun out of it's holster, and pointed it straight at his face, he looked up at you, with a look in his eye that gave you nothing but goosebumps.
You swallowed that lump in your throat, and started to speak.
you: "you try to run off again.."
you paused, only adding on to the pressure that was weighing heavily.
you: "and I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head."
venom seething from your words, you roughly grabbed him by his arm and pulled him up off the ground.
You grabbed some spare rope from your bag, and tied him up once more.
This time, you tied his hands behind his back, and his feet.. tightly.
You stowed him on your horse, and started on your way to the nearest town.
i will be reading over this to check for any mistakes, if you spot any please do tell me!!
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All of my Favorite fanfics
Fandoms: DCU, Ace Attorney, ORV, AFTG, FE3H, TMA, Junoverse, SOC
Ace Attorney
Saturation: Just read it
A Boy at the Airport : AU where Phoenix runs into a tiny Apollo Justice who just immigrated from Khura'in and takes him in.
The Phoenix, and Other Early Birds: AU where Apollo watches the Enigmar v state trial and insists on helping Phoenix get his badge back
A Crack in the Marble : AU where Miles Edgeworth is the prosecutor for State v Wright (with Dahlia)
And If My Wishes All Come True : Apollo adopts a cat, Klavier pines, and they make a lot of divorce jokes
The Complete Turnabout: Phoenix sent to an AU where he's a prosecutor
Burning on in my heart: Klapollo sickfic that explores their insecurities and internal struggles.
Exorcism: AA4 rewrite. Serial Killer known as the Devil has killed every innocent defendant from Klavier’s cases.
Dirty Paws: Crack taken seriously: Larry Butz writes Warrior Cats fanfiction to cope.
Sharing A Dream: Klapollo bodyswap highschool au
Gonna Make this Place Your home: Klapollo fic. Apollo and friends and love and home
His Highness the Second: AU where the Revolution happens early and Apollo gets to grow up in Khura’in. Apollo has a loving family.
In lipstick on the mirror are the lyrics to my obituary: Klapollo bodyguard AU.
Man of Mist: AU where Kristoph adopts Apollo. A dark story about a toxic familial relationship between a serial killer and the boy he loves.
Miles von Karma: Gregory Edgeworth Lives AU and Gregory Edgeworth POV where Miles is sent back in time and to an alternate universe. Miles has lost his memories and works as a detective.
The Legacy of Gregory Edgeworth: AU where Raymond Shields adopts Miles
The Infernal Prosecutor vs The Defense Heir: Narumitsu Role swap AU
Revival: Dual Destinies rewrite
Alt (better) ending for AA5
Soleil and the Demons: Apollo finds his bio family but when the family falls apart after his step father's disappearance, Apollo embraces his performer side and joins a band
It Never Rains but it pours: Apollo joins Wright and Co early
Gotham by Messier_47: Superbat Identity porn. Clark hates Gotham but meets a man who IS Gotham and learns to see the city in a new light
Jason Todd's terrible, horrible, no-good very bad Week: Jason gets captured by the Justice League and his brothers sneak into the Watchtower to save him
Loading and Aspect Ratio: Batfam wings au (kinda) with Superbat
Plagiarism is Not a Joke, Batman: Batman reveals his identity to the Justice League. He is far younger than they thought.
Smoking in the Boys Room: Superbat identity porn. Clark finds Bruce injured in a bathroom stall
Space Cellmates: Identity porn Superman and Bruce Wayne are kidnapped by aliens
The Man Behind the Curtain: Superbat identity reveal. Superman slowly learns more about batman.
The Mask Behind the Mask: Justice League learns about Brucie's reputation
The Waynes, Damsels in Distress: Batfam lets themselves get kidnapped bc they think it's funny (it is)
thirteen: Clark/Bruce. Clark Kent is hired as Bruce Wayne's nanny. All the batkids are close in age and Clark is not Superman.
The Longer You Stay: Domestic Selina/Bruce. Selina pov. A retired vigilante and retired thief live a quiet life and adopt three children.
Trust through the ages: De-aged Bruce Wayne. The Bats and the Flashes are close friends.
In Love with Justice: The Justice League think Batman and Nightwing are dating. they are hilariously wrong.
a heart just can't contain all of this empty space: Young Justice Team are tired of Bat secrets
Sneaking out for superhero teenagers: Tim needs to go to Central City without the rest of the family knowing so he comes up with a plan to sneak out. He runs into some superheroes on the way
through different colored glasses: It all started when Jason was trying to rescue his rocket launcher. (this fic is for me specifically bc of my experience with broken door handles.)
Two Sides: Jason meets Damian in the League of Assassins.
Equal Magnitude: The Robins' favorite superhero.
Batman, go grab your Robin... Wait, wrong Robin!: Tim goes trick or treating only to get kidnapped!!...By Batman?
In this Town We Call Home: The Drakes use Batman as a boogeyman to make their son behave...it didn't work out how they expect.
I wish I was: JayRoy no vigilantes au/romcom au. Jason and Roy have a meet-cute at a bookstore and then keep running into each other. 5 times Jason accidentally turns Roy down and 1 time he says yes.
In Your Pocket: JayRoy no vigilantes romcom au. For the dramatic irony enjoyers. Wrong numbers.
Familiar: JayRoy. Romcom with a vigilante twist. Contains fun banter, fluffy fluff, Austen levels of slowburn, Roy and Jason being dads, and heartbreak.
Cause You Mean More than Anything: Series of fics about the justice league's dramatic theories about batman's love life.
Lighting Bolts and Breaking Clouds: Jason and Roy adopt Billy Batson
tribute: Billy Batson dresses up as his favorite hero for Halloween
Dangerous and Noble: The Bats investigate their missing neighbor. Tim and Cass meet in the LOA au.
Things My Heart Used to Know: Jayroy. Jason Todd has been missing for 6 years and there's a 5 million dollar reward for anyone that can bring him home. Roy finds someone who happens to look a lot like Jason and they're both desperate for money. Inspired by Anastasia.
farthest you've ever flown: Robin!Tim gets kicked out of Drake manor. Red Hood finds him. Alternate first meeting.
No Strings Attached: Boostle no capes/powers au. Friends with Benefits to Lovers. Superhero groups are bands in this universe
In This or any Other Universe: Nightwing ends up in Battinson universe.
The Bachelor: Robin Edition: Batman needs a Robin. Tim knows just the plan. Kidnap several black haired blue eyed children to train and test them to become the perfect Robin until only 1 remains. He doesn't know how to test for "lovable" but he'll figure it out.
Come Alive: Dick went to Infinity Island on a mission to rescue three and ends up with Jason and Damian, too. 3x06 of Young Justice AU.
Now you will not swell the rout: Tim wants to be Robin but Batman is too overprotective and won't let him out into the field. So he tries street fighting to prove to Bruce he can take a hit and train himself. He meets a vigilante in a red helmet, too.
Little Bird's Wings: Jason comes back to Gotham only to find Batman and the Joker missing. He wants answers and instead he finds a few teen vigilantes running around.
break: Tim retires from vigilantism. If only Gotham would let him stay retired.
Working With Professionals Once: Red Hood has a plan. That plan backfires when his goons kidnap Bruce Wayne
Forecast: Red Hood pulls Dick's body out of the water. ANGST hurt/comfort. Jason coming home/identity reveal
False Words: One of the best handlings of Dick during RR/Dick and Tim's reconciliation after RR. (specifically chapters 3, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16)
reset: Circe puts a spell on Red Hood that gives him temporary amnesia. Jason wakes up confused why his family is so distant
The Nuclear Option: Tim blackmails Alfred into going to Comic Con with him. SUPER CUTE
Fluent And Not Drawing Blood: Cass and the batfam
(Honorable mention to Either Side of the Median by CaffienatedCopyeditor which is no longer on AO3.)
Keep Him Safe: Sylvix adopts a son
the courage to love, a guide to fatherhood by felix fraldarius: Felix adopts a daughter
(i don't read tma fic much)
Rather Interesting: Crack treated seriously. jonah magnus/elias bouchard. canon compliant somehow. Elias is able to regain consciousness whenever Jonah smokes weed.
(there's not that many here bc i didn't start keeping track till later)
Love Hurts: Aaron/Katelyn before the start of TFC
Red Right Hand: Au where Nathaniel Wesninski works for the Moriyamas and has been assigned to collect Kevin Day.
This was Home: Someone's OC joins the foxes
Pie Another Day: Pushing Up Daises AU
(there's not that many here bc i didn't start keeping track till later)
up the wolves: A nine-year-old juno stumbles into one of jet's post-heist hiding places
Six of Crows
(i don't read soc fic much)
The Meadow: Kaz dreams of his brother while finding himself past the age he thought he'd die at, and feeling stuck while all his friends have changed.
A Circle to Your Square: ORV rewrite where Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja were dating before the scenarios started
Ascension, Love, and the Ever Present Push and Pull: De-aged Dokja
Rendezvous: ORV in Yoo Joonghyuk's POV
and at the very least, the wall will change: No Scenarios Soulmate AU
World's End Rhapsody: After the epilogue, there is love.
how the mighty fall (in love): Yoo Joonghyuk can't stop thinking about Dokja. Eventually decides to settle the matter. (it's horny with no sex)
Knight in shining (plot) armor: Kim Dokja gets isekaid into Ways of Seduction, a smutty stallion novel. (spoilers for tls123's identity)
All the things we didn't say: ORV rewrite where Kim Dokja writes letters to Yoo Jonghyuk
Down: 1863 Yoo Jonghyuk meets a stranger. A thief. An uncanny man with all-knowing eyes and a too-clever tongue. A man of harsh words. A man of soft touches. The Wall tells him a story about this man and another version of himself and he listens.
Grim Reaper's guide to keeping a human alive: grim reaper yjh interferes with a human's life to get them to stop annoying him during work
A Star Without Light: A fairy tale au
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