#fandomdancer ship
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make-me-imagine · 2 years ago
Truth or Dare: Part One
(Part Two)
Plot: During a nostalgic game of Truth or Dare, Malcolm and Y/n realize there is more to their feelings for each other than just friendship.
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Gn!Reader (Use of Y/n)
Written for @fandomdancer as a fic commission on my Ko-fi
Warnings: A couple mildly suggestive comments and scenes
A/n: The referenced "Southern pear salad" is pear halves with mayo, cheddar cheese, and maraschino cherries (and sometimes lettuce)
Words: 2k
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You let out a soft sigh as the only sound heard in the room was the sound of the rubber ball Trip was bouncing off the wall again and again.
Staring at your shoes, you felt restless, but knew there was nothing to do, even as an engineer. The Enterprise was stuck in a storm that shut down the ship. Everything except life support and basic operations was down.
There was no work to be done, nothing that could be done, so you were all just waiting for the storm to pass. It had been three days, but it felt like three years. The pent up boredom was getting to you all as you sat around.
Trip finally let out a frustrated sigh as he leaned forward at the table "I'm gonna go crazy if I don't find something to do."
"Go for a run" Malcolm suggested as he sat nearby flipping through a manual.
Trip gave him a side-eyed look that told everyone exactly how he felt about that.
"Yeahhh, no. Let's play a game" He said instead as he turned towards you and Hoshi.
"Oh no." "No way."
The two of you spoke at once, as you shook your heads fervently.
"I'm not saying we play Monopoly again!" Trip defended himself as the tension rose in the room at the memory of how that went.
"Or Uno." Hoshi added.
"Or Life." Travis spoke up from nearby.
"Or even Scrabble, you guys really do need to tone down the competitiveness." You said as you looked between Trip, Malcolm and Travis.
"We aren't that bad!" Trip said with a chuckle.
You rose your brow "Yeah? Tell that to Captain Archers table."
An awkward air fell over the three men as they went silent recalling the previous nights incident.
"Okay, then a game that's not a card game or a board game." Travis suggested.
"And what would that be?" You asked as you looked back at him, as he went silent, unable to think of anything.
After another moment Trip spoke up with an excited tone "Hey, I got it!" he smacked his hand on the table, causing the rest of you to look over at him. "Truth or Dare!"
You and Hoshi shared a look as Malcolm snickered "What are we High Schoolers?"
"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Trip defended "Come over here, all of you, come on!" He said with a newfound excitement in his voice.
You smiled and let out a soft chuckle as Malcolm and Travis slowly and reluctantly came over.
As you all sat around the same table Hoshi shook her head "I haven't played truth or dare since I was a kid."
"Well, let's be kids again then, for old times sake." Trip said with his familiar grin.
You and Malcolm locked eyes for a moment as you shared the same amused smile.
"Okay, I'll go first, get the ball rollin'" He looked around at all of you and you suddenly felt a sense of nervousness wash over you.
Exactly what kind of questions would he ask, and what kind of dares would he give?
His eyes locked with Travis "Travis. Truth or Dare?"
Travis swallowed as he sat up a it "Alright, uh, truth" He said with a slightly anxious tone to his voice.
"Oh, a truth on the first go, brave man." Malcolm said, a hint of teasing in his voice making you smirk.
"Alright, truth." Trip leaned forward, a small smile on his face "You ever gonna ask that cute communications officer on a date?"
Travis's eye's got a bit wider as you held back a grin. "Uh. Wh- what, who?" He chuckled nervously .
"Oh come on Travis." you began "Hannah. Your crush on her isn't exactly subtle."
He looked at you with terror as he swallowed, looking between the rest of them, they all nodded, confirming what you said. He let out a sigh as he closed his eyes.
"So?" Trip asked
"I don't know, maybe?" He said with an exasperated voice.
You smile and shook your head, feeling a bit bad or him. The others encouraged him a bit before everyone moved on, giving Travis his turn in the game.
Looking at you he smiled "Y/n, truth or dare?"
"Dare." You said easily, causing the others to 'ooh' like children.
You rolled your eyes. You weren't that worried, Travis didn't have it in him to give you a dare that you'd hate.
"I dare you to eat that southern pear salad Rollins made!"
You felt your stomach twist at the thought of the lieutenants "old family favorite" that he made for dinner.
Malcolm hissed under his breath knowing how much you would rather not.
Not wanting to back down at the first dare, you took in a breath as you backed out of your chair "Fine."
"Really?" Hoshi said with a sneer as she too thought of the unusual dish.
After a few deep breaths and a lot of water, you had finished your "dessert" and were now half way through the game of truth or dare. After Trip's obvious amusement towards you, you made him eat the last pear dish, which you know he would not be forgiving you for any time soon.
"Truth or dare?" Hoshi asked you.
She smiled softly, curiosity on her face "Tell us about your first love."
You felt your heart skip a beat for a moment at the question as you were thrown back in time.
Malcolm felt his breath hitch in his throat at the question, his eyes glued to you.
You smiled at the thought as you cleared your throat. "Joshua"
Malcolm wasn't sure why his heart clenched in his chest at the name. Or why he felt an uncomfortable tightness at the smile on your face as you said it.
You two had been friends for quite some time, maybe it was surprise at having never known about it?
"Joshua?" He repeated the name out loud, sensing the curiosity from everyone at the table.
You nodded "My high school sweetheart. We were together for five years before we broke up."
"Why did you break up?" Trip spoke up.
"He wanted to because we were going to different schools. I was going to the academy, he wasn't. He thought it was best, I didn't."
"He broke your heart?" Hoshi asked softly
You nodded "Yes, even more so after I found out he started dating someone new only a few months later. I was still very much in love with him. Much more than he had even been with me I think."
"Well he was a fool." Malcolm said softly.
You looked up and met his eyes and felt your breath hitch. There was something in his gaze you had never seen. The softness and sincerity in his gaze caught you off guard, it made you feel something you had never felt when he looked at you before.
You smiled and looked back down shrugging your shoulders "It doesn't hurt anymore. I was young, time has passed." You said sincerely, causing the others to shake their heads in agreement and understanding.
"My turn!" You said with a smile, trying to ignore the quickly beating heart in your chest as you felt Malcolm's eyes still on you.
"Travis, truth or dare?"
He nodded his head, feeling safer to get a dare from you than Trip "Dare."
You smiled knowing he had trusted incorrectly "I dare you to ask Hannah on a date."
The other's eyes widened as they tried not to laugh and cheer at the dare. Trip clapped as he grinned at Travis, who stared at you in disbelief and betrayal.
"You'll never know how she feels unless you ask." You said with a smile
"And if she says no?"
"Then you'll know! And you'll get to move on. Though-" you leaned a bit closer to speak softly to him, now acutely aware that Malcolm's eyes were back on you, something you wouldn't have felt so nervous about only an hour before.
"I know she likes you too."
Travis repressed a smile "Really?"
You nodded and he adjusted himself. "Well...when does this dare expire? I don't have to go do it now...do I?"
"Hmm. By tomorrow night" You said with a firm tone. "If you don't do it by then, you will be punished."
You looked down at the empty plate at the table "I will have Rollins make you your very own special batch of southern pear salad."
He grimaced as he swallowed "Fine" He breathed out, earning smiles and a smack on the shoulder by Trip.
You weren't sure exactly how much time had passed since your game of truth or dare began, but you weren't complaining. It was certainly proving to be an interesting night, and you were glad to no longer be bored.
You watched as Trip stared at Malcolm, trying to come up with a suitable dare for him.
"I dare you to do twenty pull ups!"
Travis nodded his head in interest as you and Hoshi both rolled your eyes "That's so lame, what are you fifteen?" You chuckled
"Hey! Twenty pull up's is hard!" He defended as you rolled your eyes again with an amused scoff.
"If you think twenty pull up's is hard you need to work out more." Malcolm said with a smirk as he stood up, looking around for a suitable area to perform his dare.
It was Trips turn to roll his eyes at the subtle brag by Malcolm.
As you and the others watched as Malcolm adjusted his position, you watched with heightened curiosity as he began lifting himself into the air.
While the other's began counting his reps out loud, you found your eyes drifting downward as his shirt lifted to expose his stomach. Quirking your brow, you quickly shook yourself from your thoughts as you forced yourself to pay attention, glad that no one noticed where your eyes had drifted.
You were surprised at yourself, having worked out with Malcolm before you never caught yourself staring like that. I mean, you had noticed his physique definitely, but you had never blatantly checked him out before, at least not that you noticed.
Clearing your throat you started counting with the others, you really started to wonder what had changed so suddenly. Were you attracted to Malcolm? If so, why were you just now noticing it?
Malcolm repressed the smile that tried to form on his face when he thought he saw you staring at him out of the corner of his eye. Not just watching him, but staring. He didn't want to assume incorrectly, but the thought that you had been made him happier than he expected.
Landing on the ground with a proud sigh he turned to Trip and smirked "Easy."
"Yeah yeah whatever" Trip said as he rolled his eyes.
You chuckled at their interaction before you looked back at Malcolm. You felt a small jolt through your body as you found his eyes already locked on yours.
You thought you saw a smirk on his lips, before it disappeared, but you ignored it as you turned away. You couldn't help but notice the way your heat fluttered in your chest.
"Oh! Is it really that late?" Hoshi said out loud as she looked at her watch.
Glancing over her shoulder, you read the time and hummed under your breath "We certainly killed some time."
"No wonder I'm so tired" Travis said with a light yawn as he stretched.
"We should head to bed." Malcolm suggested.
As you all hummed in agreement, you made your way out of the room. Suddenly, you felt a hand rest on your lower back. Glancing over your shoulder, you felt your heart jump.
Malcolm was smiling down at you before speaking softly "Goodnight Y/n"
You smiled softly, hoping he couldn't tell how his actions effected you suddenly. "Goodnight Malcolm."
As you left, the feeling of his hand no longer on your back was obvious. Your skin almost felt cold from the lack of touch. You took in a deep breath as you wondered what the hell was going on.
Malcolm thought the same, as he gazed after you, as you disappeared down the corridor, his own heart pounding as he flexed his hand, missing the warmth you had provided a moment ago.
Second part will be released soon! I hope you liked i!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @fandomdancer
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space-helen · 2 years ago
Truth or Date
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Words: 981
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Reader
A/N: Sorry it's taken so long! It was written ages ago but has just been sat on my drafts.
Request: One where Malcolm and the reader play truth or dare and slow dance together to Glen Miller - @fandomdancer
The whole team sat in a circle, all looking at each other as they waited for Trip to select who his truth or dare victim would be.
“Malcolm, Truth or Dare.”
You smiled, knowing that he would pick the man, they always seemed to circle back to each other regularly. You knew they both got a kick out of it really.
Malcolm sighed “Truth.”
“Why don’t you ever pick dare?” Trip moaned “You scared of a little dare?
You laughed at Trip's words as Malcolm laughed, you could feel him moving slightly beside you. “I’ll consider doing a dare next time.” 
Trip let out a huff. “Fine.” he took a second to think of a truth and you could almost see a lightbulb light up in his head. “Which member of the crew would you want to spend some quality time with.” he gave Malcolm a wink and the whole group let out a mess of laughs and whistles.
He pondered it for a second “I don’t want to answer that.” a bunch of voices encouraged him to spill and he finally spat out “I’m sat near them.” you felt him tense up as soon as he said it and you also did the same.
He was sat near them? What did that mean? Trip simply nodded “I suppose that’s good enough. But I’ll get more out of you I swear.” 
The man stayed tense beside you as you mulled over what just happened in your head. He said he was sat near the person. You were sat one side of him and a random ensign was the other side. You certainly didn’t think it would be them. Was it you?
You thought about the man some more, you’d worked closely for some time and would say you knew the man pretty well. You’d often eat together and catch each other between shifts. Movie nights were always a favourite for the both of you when you could convince him to actually endure some of the movies. Did he like you? You didn’t think so? There were no outright signs, yeah he may have smiled more when he was with you. Maybe he made extra time for you sometimes as well but surely not.
The biggest question was did you like him?  You had to admit that sometimes when he smiled his eyes caught yours and it felt like your heart skipped a beat. You did sometimes long for his company as well. You knew you had a connection with him unlike the others on the ship.
Were these actually feelings for him?
Everyone standing up ripped you from your thoughts. Music began to play and you guessed that the truth or dare section of the evening was over. Trying to scramble to your feet a hand came into your field of view. Looking up you could see Malcolm in front of you. Taking his hand you allowed him to help you to your feet.
“No problem.”
“Are you also thankful that torture is over?” you tried to joke as you straightened yourself out slightly.
“I think it could actually be used as a form of torture.” you laughed and his own followed.
“You’re right. It’s horrible.” 
Trip was soon with the two of you, pressing Malcolm with questions and you used this as the perfect opportunity to grab a drink. Standing by the table you watched as everyone danced to songs that sounded familiar, some were songs from the 2000s, others current stuff but eventually songs by Glenn Miller began to play. You only knew of the man since Trip decided to introduce everyone to him one evening, Malcolm quickly became a fan and you were soon listening to his music more often than not.
What took you totally by surprise was Malcolm appearing in front of you, causing you to jump slightly as he spoke. If you’d had any drink in the cup you would have spilled it but thankfully it was empty.
“I’m sorry.” you laughed “What was that? I was totally somewhere else?”
The man smiled and waved away your apology with his hand “It’s alright. Want to have a dance?”
“Oh uh.” you put your cup down on the table and turned back towards him “Sure, can’t let the music go to waste can we?”
“Exactly my thinking.”
Taking his hand you allowed him to pull you into the crowd. The song was fairly fast paced and the two of you laughed and smiled at each other as you danced. You weren’t sure when it happened or how but you were soon slow dancing with Malcolm, a very unexpected turn of events.
The two of you started a fair distance apart but as the song progressed you began to get closer and closer as you danced and soon enough it felt as if you could feel each other's heartbeats and the tension between you was palpable. 
“Hm?” he looked down at you slightly.
“About earlier, I think I know what you meant about them sitting near. I just wanted to say I feel the same way.”
His brain froze for a second before continuing. “I’m glad. I’m really glad. I’m sorry, I just can’t find the right words.”
“That’s ok. If I totally misinterpreted the situation-”
“You didn’t.” he cut you off. “I do like you Y/N. I really really like you. How about we try and do a proper date? Give me some time to sort it but I want to make it special.”
You smiled “You don’t have to do that for me.” “I want to.” he insisted “I want to officially start off the whole journey really well to set the standard. It’ll only be up from there.”
The music changed track and you were pulling apart. “Don’t set the bar too high.”
“I’d do it in a heartbeat for you.”
Tag List: (open)
Star Trek: @heyitsaloy  @angel-with-wings-castiel @starfleet-imagines @captainsophiestark @perasperaadastrawriting
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years ago
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Tagged by the most awesome of awesomeness tag teams @authortobenamedlater and @mrtobenamedlater 😂😇😉
Just a note in case somebody doesn't know me but I usually include GIFs and stuff for things like this because I'm extra™ that way. 🤷‍♀️😉
Also, in alphabetical order because I would never rank my love of my blorbos. Annnnnd I live to ship so you're getting my fav pairings as a bonus. Yes, I included the ships TOTALLY FOR YOU, MY FRENS. No, no, don't thank me, it was my pleasure! 😛
Eobard Thawne x Caitlin Snow (The Flash)
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2a. Eowyn x Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) / 2b. Eowyn x Faramir (Lord of the Rings)
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3. Garcia Flynn x Lucy Preston (Timeless)
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"Maybe Someday" (Garcy, Timeless)
4. James Sawyer Ford x Kate Austen (Lost)
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"The Time Traveler's Wife" (Skate, Lost)
5. John-117 x Kai-125 (Halo the Series)
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6. Logan x Jean Grey (X-Men)
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"Shuffle Song Ship meme" (multi-fandom drabble/short fic collection)
7. Lydia Martin x Peter Hale (Teen Wolf)
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8. Master Chief x Cortana (Halo the game... which is TOTES different from Halo the series, yep *whistles innocently* 😇)
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9a. Sara Ryder x Reyes Vidal (Mass Effect Andromeda) / 9b. Scott Ryder x Cora Harper (Mass Effect Andromeda)
"Dance The Night" fun facts: yes, 00:50 is exactly why I made this, lol! (Though the entire thing ended up being one of the most fun times I've had making a vid! 🥳) Also, most of this wasn't recorded in order to gather vid footage - I was trying out outfit and armor colors to see what they looked like in-game. Hence, the Ryder twins put on a bit of a fashion show here! 😛 Oh, and I was also trying out a new inspired-by-me Sara, which is why she doesn't look like the Sara I've shown previously in my other vid and in GIFs. 😉 Bonus for my Flash friends - if you watch this, see if you spot Scott in his Reverse Flash inspired armor! 💛💖 (The lighting was a little poor in the scene, though, so let me know if you need a timestamp. 😉)
10. The Tenth Doctor x Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
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Update, okay, so I decided to come back and do the tagging properly so to absolve my guilt at failing that part, lol!
No pressure tags (and apologies if you've already been tagged in this) @sarnakhwritesthings @sporadicbelievernightmare @fandomdancer @architectofimagination @missoliverstark @vampcoffeegyrl23 @coleishere @pif-reepa @ghostslillady @androidtrashfire
annnnnnd anybody who's reading this and would like to play along! No, seriously, everybody's welcome to play along! *boops your nose politely* 💖💖💖
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year ago
Ooo, sounds intriguing! Thank you so much for the tag, @fandomdancer! 🤗
Her armor, still Initiative white and blue, was a curious design of bulk with clear modifications to give her the ability to maneuver. Yet still, she moved like a veritable mountain, her already impressive shoulders broadened out to truly stunning proportions. If any person could look as if they could lift the Tempest, it was Charley. He could halfway imagine a quirky little crooked smile on her face, the ship hefted easily onto one of those goddess-statuesque shoulders, with a nonchalant, "Where would you me to park it?" asked in her husky voice.
My OC Charley might sound like a Spartan but she's not. She's actually over in my Mass Effect: Andromeda AU 'verse as part of my NaNo for this month. 😉 Her fic isn't intended to be posted but I thought this would give me the chance to share her a little anyway. 🤗💖
It looks like a lot of people I know have already been tagged in this but if you haven't and would like to do this, please consider this a tag from me *boops your nose politely* and be sure to tag me back so I can read your reply! 💖
Last Line Tag!
Tagged by: @bamboorocket Thank you!
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Ban gritted his teeth. "We're slicing through that bastard and we're getting out of here..."
That was fun! :D;; I'm doing little RPs with friends on the side during lunch break, my lunch breaks need to be longer...
Tagging the writer beans but I don't know enough hehe @jitterzart @spotofmummery @shroudkeeper @beloveddawn-blog @sunnyluma @dragonwithgoggles @civveon @jasleh @palastel
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darlingpetao3 · 2 years ago
This is me popping in again randomly saying hello! I see I’ve been tagged in some things by some awesome people lately! These are all my answers to all the tag games I’ve been mentioned in 😆😊 thank you to @gaminggirlsstuff @roguelov @fandomdancer
Last song: Blue Hour by TXT
Last show: Singles Inferno Season 1
Currently watching: Community (on in the background while I do things)
Currently reading: “I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki” by Baek Sehee
Current obsession: BTS (and only BTS. Frankly that’s why you don’t hear from me anymore. Ask for my IG user, you’ll find me freaking out on there nowadays 😂)
Three Ships: I am picking ships at random because I have so many. *closes eyes and points* Steve x Bucky, Stiles x Derek, Oswald x Ed
First Ever Ship: oh god, who could that have been?? Probably Anne x Gilbert (books & 80s series ONLY. I feel very strongly about this).
Last Song: [mentioned above]
Last Movie: Blackpink: The Movie
Currently Reading: [mentioned above]
Currently Watching: [mentioned above]
Currently Consuming: I’m obsessed with these lemon drop candies that I found at the coffee shop near my house. “Claey’s” brand.
Currently Craving: chocolate cake
🎶✨ when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨🎶
Here’s what’s on repeat for me lately:
1. Vibe by Taeyang ft. Jimin
2. Sugar Rush Ride by TXT
3. Feel So Good by Mase
4. Catch by Epik High ft. Hwa Sa
5. Summer by Paul Blanco ft. BE’O
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arrthurpendragon · 4 years ago
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❆ ❆ ❆ OC ❆ Ficmas ❆ #53 ❆ ❆ ❆
TALES OF MISCHIEF by: @zabrak-show
After overhearing Darth Maul’s orders from his Master to kill her, Kudra flees Mustafar with the YT-1000 ship she had previously worked on with Maul. Her heart wracked with hurt and betrayal, she goes to the only place she can think of. Back to her cousin on Corellia to ask for help.
Tag: @ocappreciationtag  ❆ @gritsandbrits  ❆ @booty-boggins   ❆ @trashcankitty12 ❆ @darksideofparis  ❆ @raith-way  ❆ @anotherunreadblog ❆ @vivis-ghost-wife   ❆  @fandomdancer​  ❆  @hoqwaarts  ❆  @zoeliemyers  ❆  @darknightfrombeyond
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make-me-imagine · 2 years ago
Truth or Dare: Part Two
(Part One)
Plot: After their game of truth or dare, both Malcolm and Y/n come to terms with their changed feelings. During a ship-wide party, those feelings become less than secret.
Pairing: Malcolm Reed x Gn!Reader (Use of Y/n)
Written for @fandomdancer as a fic commission on my Ko-fi
Warnings: A kiss at the end, but that's it!
A/N: The requested song is linked in the fic at the moment it starts to play.
Words: 2.2k
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Ever since your game of truth or dare with the others the night before, your mind had been working non-stop. Had these feelings for Malcolm always been there? Had they just been hidden by your friendship with him?
And the one question that seemed to be plaguing you most frequently.
Did he feel the same?
Or was this just some quickly passing crush that would be gone in a weeks time? Part of you hoped so, but another part of you, a curious part, wanted to know what would happen if your feelings were real. And if they were returned.
Jumping slightly as a hand gripped your shoulder, you looked up to see Trip staring at you.
Chuckling he removed his had "Where's your mind at? I was calling you for a good thirty seconds."
Realizing you had been wandering down the hall without paying attention, you chuckled nervously "Sorry, just a bit tired I guess."
"Not too tired I hope? You better show up to the shin-dig tonight."
You smiled and nodded "I will be there"
"Did you need something?" You asked, recalling why he had come up to you.
He handed you a PAD "Just for you to check this over."
"Ah, alright, will do."
"Maybe take a nap before the party tonight, ey?" He smiled as he wandered off.
You let out a small sigh, you really needed to get out of your own head. Sighing again, you headed to your room to take a shower. How could you take a nap with your mind so worked up? It's the reason you didn't really sleep in the first place.
The ship was still stuck in the storm, and expected to be until the following day. So, after some discussion among the crew, and encouragement from the Captain there was going to be a party tonight. Food, music, dancing. Should be fun. Though, a heavy weight had seemed to find it's way into your chest.
You hadn't seen Malcolm since the previous night except once from a distance. When you saw him, you felt as though your chest was going to explode, so you turned around and avoided him.
You seriously needed to get grip on yourself and figure out your feelings before tonight. Yeah, right.
Malcolm couldn't seem to stop his eyes from wondering around every space he entered, looking for your presence. He had only seen you once earlier in the day walking the opposite way. He had resisted the urge to follow after you, but regretted it when he didn't see you again.
He hoped he would see you tonight at the party. He wanted a moment to be with you, to see just how strong his newfound feelings were.
He wasn't quite sure what he was going to do either way. He had lingering suspicions that maybe you had feelings for him, and he wanted to know for sure. If you did, then perhaps your relationship could become more. And if you didn't, well then, he would hope to remain your friend at least.
Checking the clock, he realized it was about half an hour until the party was going to start. Deciding to go to his room to get ready, he tried to ignore the twisting in his stomach as nervousness filled him.
--- --- ---
As you made your way into the large room, people were mingling and laughing together, as some danced in the center of the room.
The whole party was themed around old Terra traditions. Old music, food, and drinks. A theme you assumed was devised by the Captain and Trip.
You felt a nervous flutter in your chest as you looked around the room, your eyes looking out for one person. As your eyes settled on him, you felt you heart jolt.
Malcolm stood with some others, smiling about something and you felt butterflies shoot through your stomach.
A few days ago you would have gone up to him easily, with no problem. But now, you walked to the other side of the room, unable to even look at him.
You had come to the conclusion that your feelings for Malcolm were real. As much as they seemed to come out of nowhere, you had a feeling they had been simmering for some time.
Finding Hoshi, you stood and talked with her, wondering if you'd get the courage to approach Malcolm soon.
"Hey, look!" Hoshi whispered to you, catching you off guard.
Following her finger, you looked across the room to see Travis dancing with Hannah, grins on both of their faces.
Your thoughts were distracted from Malcolm as you grinned at the sight. It looked like Travis found his courage after all. And, he wouldn't have to eat a whole batch of southern pear salad it seemed.
Malcolm searched the room for you, his eyes scanning fervently. As they finally landed on you, he felt his chest tighten. You had a bright grin on your face that took his breath away, literally.
Following your line of sight, he saw you watching Travis and Hannah. He smiled at the sight as well before he looked back at you.
Feeling a sudden burst of courage, he walked across the room towards you, his eyes never leaving your face.
Your heart leapt at the sudden familiar voice as your eyes darted to Malcolm, who had appeared by your side.
Swallowing the sudden surprise you smiled "Hey Malcolm"
He stared at you for a moment before finally clearing his throat and finding his words "Would you care to dance?"
Your eyes widened slightly at the question as your heart pounded. "Dance?"
You could feel Hoshi look between the two of you and you wondered if maybe she could feel the tension as well.
He nodded with a smile, though you could see something in his gaze. Nervousness?
"Alright." You said softly, your voice much quieter than you meant.
But Malcolm heard you fine and smiled brightly at you "Great, come on."
As he reached down and slid his hand into yours, you felt your breath hitch. After giving Hoshi a parting glance, you followed him to the center of the room, butterflies rampaged through your stomach as his hand left yours before gently landing on your waist, the other moving to your shoulder.
As the two of you began to slowly dance to the music you felt as though you had nothing to say. You had never been so speechless around Malcolm.
The song that had begun playing was new to you and you felt a nervous flutter. You weren't used to old music, and you were afraid you'd embarrass yourself.
Malcolm, seemingly noticing your hesitation smiled softly as he leaned a little closer "Just follow my lead."
You met his eyes and felt a warmth in your chest, your eyes seemed to stay locked forever, before Malcolm began stepping in rhythm to the song. You followed along, constantly reminding yourself to keep breathing.
"Have we ever danced before?" Malcolm asked after a moment of silence.
After you thought on it for a moment you shook your head, starting to feel your self relax in his presence again. "I don't think so."
"Hmm. That's a shame."
You smiled, repressing a chuckle "Yeah it is. If I had known you were a good dancer I may have looked for an excuse."
He grinned at you "I'm not the best, but with the right partner..." He trailed off softly, and you thought you could hear a subtle hinting tone in his voice.
After he twirled you lightly, he brought you closer than you had been before. Your face felt warm, but you tried to stay calm.
He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it, seemingly second guessing himself.
"What?" You prodded softly.
"I just- was thinking about that game of truth or dare yesterday evening."
Your heart seemed to jolt suddenly as you smiled, laughing softly "Yeah, what about it?"
"Well, it's a shame it ended so early. I never got a chance to ask you a truth."
"Didn't you?"
He shook his head in response "I dared you early on in the game to chug some cider, but that's it."
"Oh yeah. Thanks for that by the way." You said sarcastically earning a laugh. You swallowed, butterflies heavy in your chest, before you spoke again "Well was there something you wanted to ask me?"
He smiled softly, and you could see something shining behind his eyes. You had asked the right question.
"It's not something I thought of during the game, but after."
You rose your brow inquisitively and he chuckle softly before straightened himself up a bit and speaking playfully "Truth or Dare?"
You let out a laugh as you rolled your eyes playfully. The playful part of you wanted to choose dare, but the other part of you, the one that recently discovered your new feelings, wouldn't let you. You had a feeling in your gut, that he felt the same. And that this truth would make it real.
"Truth." You said softly with a smile.
Malcolm seemed to take in a breath before he spoke, his voice soft, only loud enough for you to hear.
"Do you feel the same way about me, as I do about you?"
The over thinker in you wanted to convince you maybe he meant friendship, but you knew that was stupid. He wouldn't ask you that. The only reason he would be asking a question like that, is if this was a confession in itself to you.
'Do you love me as much as I love you?' His inner thoughts spoke, but he reworded it, for fear of the emotion being too strong.
"I think-" you stopped yourself before you started over with a soft nod of your head, your eyes filled with fear, surprise, and joy "Yeah, I do."
Malcolm let out a relieved sigh that seemed to bare a heavy weight he wasn't aware he was holding until it was gone. "Oh thank God."
You couldn't resist the laugh that bubbled out of you, allowing him the relief to laugh as well.
You spoke softly "Can I ask... when did you know?"
Was it as recent as your discovery, did things change for you at the same time?
"Well, I think I always knew, in some way. But, I didn't realize it fully, until last night actually, it was like it suddenly smacked me i-"
"-in the face!" You finished, your face showing your surprise "Me too!"
You nodded fervently and he let out a bewildered laugh. "Wait...so were you actually checking me out when I was doing my pull ups?"
He saw the shock cross your face before you smacked him, making him laugh and mutter out an apology.
"I guess it was good that Trip convinced us to play that stupid game. Who knows how long it would have taken otherwise."
"Shh! Don't say that!" You said, causing him to look around startled.
"What why?"
"You really want Trip to have that over our heads for the rest of our lives?"
Malcolm's eyes widened as the thought "Oh God, definitley not."
You chuckled "So let's maybe keep that under wraps huh?"
He nodded and laughed "Just our little secret then."
--- ---
The rest of the party went well, you and Malcolm only left each other's sides a couple times througout the night. But anytime you'd look to catch his eye, he was often already looking at you.
It wasn't obvious to the others, as far as you could tell, what had happened between the two of you. So it would remain your secret for a while longer.
When most everyone had wondered off to bed, you parted ways with Hoshi and Trip before heading back to your dorm, Malcolm trailing alongside you.
You got to your door a lot faster than you would have preferred, and gave Malcolm a shy yet bright smile.
He grinned at you before he looked around and cleared his throat.
"This may come off a bit fast, and I understand if you say no, but, would you mind if I kissed you goodnight?" His eyes were heavy with nervousness as he asked and you almost reached out and touched his face.
Your heart swelled in your chest as the butterflies returned. You were shocked at the question, but far from displeased by the suggestion.
You smiled, and you were sure you face was flushed as you replied "I wouldn't mind at all."
Smiling, Malcolm slowly inched forward, his lips hesitating just before touching yours, before he kissed you. It was gentle, and only lasted a few seconds, but it was special. You felt a shiver run through your body a you felt a giddiness in your stomach.
When Malcolm pulled away, he kept his face close to yours as he looked into your eyes.
His voice was nearly a whisper when he spoke "I was afraid...that might feel weird, but it was..."
"Perfect?" You asked softly.
He smiled and nodded "Exactly."
You smiled in return as you slowly pulled away from each other. You were sure both of you felt the desire to kiss again, but it was best this night end here, with a perfect ending with a promise for more to come.
"Good night Malcolm" You said after a moment.
He grinned down at you "Goodnight Y/n."
xx End xx
Thank you for reading, and I really hope you liked it!
This was a two-part commission fic, so if anyone is interested in getting one as well, you can find he llink to my ko-fi at the top of the fic.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek Taglist:@starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @gatefleet, @fandomdancer
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make-me-imagine · 2 years ago
Fandom 1: Star Trek Voyager (I'm watching the show for the first time and curious what vibe I put off haha)
Gender: I'm female. I am open to ship with any gender.
Me: I'm autistic/ADHD and a very big fan of to do lists and scheduling my day (which I sometimes need to do or I forget what I have to do). I've been told I am very generous, sweet and good-hearted. I tend to put everyone before myself, which means sometimes I forget to eat, don't sleep, or skip things I like to do in order to do what others prefer. I'm terrible with talking about emotions so my love language tends to be gifts and acts of service but I often need people to tell me I'm important to them. Unfortunately, I will let people take advantage of me if it keeps the peace.
I'm not assertive, I feel things extremely deeply, (also you can read my emotions on my face...I can't hide them for anything!), and I have a deep-seated fear of never being good enough for anyone.
I love playing World of Warcraft, watching TV and movies (several genres...crime, action, sci-fi, adventure, fantasy), and writing stories. I love to read, sunrises and sunsets, the ocean, weather, volcanoes, the Navy (I have a thing for ships), and history. (If I was on a holodeck I would be all over history...the 20s, the 80s, the 40s, the moon landing...)
My partner has to be patient and have a sense of humor. They have to understand that some days I can't take direct talk, and some days that's all I can do. They have to be willing to give me my space but at least check in with me to make sure I'm taking care of myself. A little tough love now and then is good. Finally, they have to be understanding about my hyperfixations. I am going to get crazy about things and they are going to affect me emotionally. I have no control over this.
Thanks. ❤️
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I'm gonna go ahead and answer both ships in one ask! I hope you don't mind :)
I hope you are enjoying Voyager it's a great show!
Fandom: Voyager
I ship you with Chakotay
Chakotay is very caring and genuine and would be able to see you for who you really are a lot easier and faster than some. He is not judgmental or harsh in any way, and he is very patient.
Chakotay never shy's away from telling you how he feels about you, and he will definitely come with the tough love if needed. He knows your love languages well, so he can easily tell just ho much you love him. He will watch out for you and make sure you are eating properly, and drinking water. He will chastise you (lovingly) when he finds out you forgot to eat.
He is also protective and if he ever finds out someone is using you, he will protect you.
He's into history as well, so he would be down for going on history related holo-dates.
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Runner Up Ship: Harry Kim
Fandom: Enterprise
I ship you with Malcolm!
At first my immediate thought was to ship you with Trip. Bu then I realized, that you and Malcolm would probably have a great relationship. BUT it would start out as a sort of love/hate, enemies to frenemies to lovers thing.
You two would misunderstand each other at first. He thought you were an over achiever and were trying to get to something selfishly (but in reality you just worked really hard). You thought he was rude, and didn't get why he seemed to dislike you for no reason.
You would avoid each other as much as you could. But things happen and you get forced together, and Malcolm starts to realize he misunderstood you, and that you were a lot more like him than he had realized.
After that he started to actually pay attention to you, and found himself falling for you. He started to be nicer, and seemed to seek you out. Eventually he apologized and told you that he had misunderstood you. You forgave him and then you two became good friends, which eventually turned into a very loving relationship.
He is not the best with his words either, but you two grew to understand each other so well, that you knew in your actions how much you loved each other.
Malcolm might make fun of you for your hyper-fixations (always in a loving, teasing way), but he supports them, and will discuss the with you as well. He loved listening to you talk about things you enjoy, even if he might not understand them himself.
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Runner Up Ship: Trip
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space-helen · 2 years ago
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Words: 579
Pairing: Macolm Reed x Reader
A/N: Short and sweet. I merged (ish) two requests fro this
Request: So. Pretty please can I have a bi Reed x non binary!british!reader. I have some more ideas I can message you about if you'd like more stuff - @trippol-threat
I'm sneaking one more in. Any chance of an enemies to lovers soulmate with Malcolm Reed from Star Trek Enterprise? - @fandomdancer
You took in a breath to steady yourself before speaking. You knew the man wasn’t that welcoming of the new team on the whole but you had to break the ice, you couldn’t be the person who stayed quiet for the entire time you were here. Originally that may have been a good plan but you had no clue how long you’d be on board. You were off duty but still in uniform, you didn’t really come into contact with Malcolm on a regular basis but he seemed like the only person you could genuinely get on with if you just put in a little bit of effort.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” your voice was normal and you surprised yourself slightly.
The man looked up before gesturing to the seat across from him “Go ahead.”
Sitting down you hesitated for a second before going to speak again but the man spoke first “Y/L/N right? Part of the new-”
“Yeah.” you nodded “And you're Reed.”
“Malcolm is fine. We’re off duty.” the man was looking down at his food again and you looked down at your own. That was odd, you knew he was a stickler for the rules and you didn’t think he’d be so upfront.
“In that case it’s Y/N then.”
“Y/N” he repeated before looking back up “So what brings you over here to my table then?”
“I just thought I’d make a little effort, we have no clue how long we might be here working with you so I thought I’d try and make some friends.”
“So you thought that coming to the head of security, who is known to hate the non starfleet personnel on the ship, to make friends with even though you’re part of the non starfleet personnel.”
You nodded and let out an awkward laugh, god you’d screwed it all up. “Yeah. It’s probably not my best move.”
The man nodded “Not at all.” he paused and finished his food “I take it your British, from the accent?”
“Yeah, born and raised.”
He nodded as he thought about what to say next “I will admit it’s refreshing to hear the accent around more. I didn’t realise how much I missed it until I heard it.”
“It's like we're a dying breed" you attempted to joke but instantly regretting it. Would he take it well?
He let out a breath, was that a laugh?
"To think at one point in the history of our Earth we ruled most of the planet. How things change."
The two of you sat in silence for a moment. 
The man cleared his throat "It was my pleasure to properly meet you Y/N but duty calls. I'd be open to having dinner together again if you're around. I know this was brief but the conversation was nice."
Your brain froze for a second… what? 
"Likewise. Instead of setting anything in stone should we just join one another if we see each other alone?"
"Just join even if I'm not" He waved his hand dismissively as he stood. "I'll see you around"
"Enjoy" You said with a nod if your head to see him off.
As soon as he left your sight you let out a breath you didn't know you'd been holding. That didn't go terribly? Actually, that went pretty well. 
Relaxing into your seat you smiled as you finished your food, you really couldn't wait to see him again.
Tag List: (open)
Star Trek: @heyitsaloyoy  @angel-with-wings-castiel @starfleetimaginesleet-imagines @captainsophiestark
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darlingpetao3 · 4 years ago
House of W (Multiple!Wells x Reader, Chapter 2)
Rating: T
Summary: After having to deal with the deaths of an infinite number of Harrison Wells in the Multiverse, you, a magic-wielding meta, have a breakdown and unwittingly create a happy, fictitious sitcom life with some of your favourite men. In a world of comedy and cameos, can Team Flash and an out-of-town magician break through your powers to save you? And what if you don’t want to be saved...?
Tag List: @fandomdancer @bluesclues-1234 @pinkdiamond1016 @crissymadlock @ensign-tilly @disneyoncerlover815 @marvel-lady10 @thecaptainsgingersnap @noctvrnalmoth @alexxlynn @dontbedumb3 @heyl0lwhatsup @ryou-cosmos​
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Birds tweeting, sun shining…
Big strong arms around you.
“Well, well, Wells,” you say with a scratchy morning voice and twist your body around in bed to see who’s got you in his grasp. Ah. “Good morning, Harry.”
“Good morning, (Y/L/N),” the scientist replies. You just love how strands of his hair stick up in place. Harry arguably has the best bedhead.
“You know dear, since we are married after all, don’t you think it would be more acceptable to call me by my first name?”
Harry chuckles and pulls you closer against him.
“You do raise a fair point. (Y/N).”
“That’s more like it.”
He kisses your nose. Shortly after he does, it starts to feel itchy. You feel like you’re about to sneeze. It wiggles and wiggles until—
Suddenly, Harry, who had been clad in his silky pyjamas is now- oh my.
“(Y/N), did you just sneeze my clothes away?”
You can hardly answer the Wells in your bed because you’re so enthralled by his lack of clothing under the sheets.
“Happy accident?” you offer innocently. Harry shakes his head and smiles as if to signify that you’re up to your old antics again.
“Come here, you,” he says and pulls the covers over you both.
* * * *
The scene is really quite comical.
Harry walks briskly with his long legs into work at S.T.A.R. Toys Manufacturing Inc. as you try to keep up with quick little steps and a clipboard… while H.R. trails behind you like a maniac with a tray of coffee.
“(Y/N), I believe you have some explaining to do,” Harry speaks to you over his shoulder. “Can you remind me why you’re at work with me? And why the numbskull, too?”
“Handsome numbskull!” H.R. jokingly clarifies. Harry rolls his eyes.
“I told you, honey,” you begin, “I decided it would be best for me to get a job instead of sitting around the house. Plus, an assistant here was the only position available. I thought that was terribly convenient. We can spend more time together now, isn’t that wonderful? As for H.R., I hired him as my assistant!”
“My assistant has an assistant?”
“Don’t question it, honey,” you tell him and pat him on the cheek. Just then, two young employees walk up to you. They look rather familiar, but you can’t place why at the moment.
“Good morning, Mr. Wells,” the pair greet Harry. “And Mrs. Wells. ...And Mr. Wells.”
“Ah, good morning Garcia. Runk,” Harry answers. “I trust your projects are coming along?”
“That they are, Sir,” the young man called Runk replies.
“We should have them finished and ready by end of day,” Garcia, the young woman, adds.
“I’m glad to hear it-”
“-Well done, chaps!” H.R. interrupts. “You’re all doing such magnificent work. All for the children.”
“All for the children,” Garcia and Runk agree.
Harry clears his throat and whispers to you, “I think assistants to the assistants should be seen and not heard.”
“I’ll have a little chat with him,” you tell your handsome boss husband. “Now, let’s build some toys!”
* * * *
After a long day at the factory, you, Harry, and H.R. all return home. The delicious scent of dinner greets you as you walk in the door.
“Mmm, I wonder what Sherloque and Nash are cooking up!” you think out loud.
“I hope it’s nothing French,” Harry says semi-bitterly.
“H.R., can you go see what they’re up to in there, sweetie?”
“I most certainly can, dearest!” he responds then disappears into the kitchen. You are sure to take this opportunity to have some more one-on-one time with Harry on the couch. As you sit, he sets his briefcase down on the coffee table and removes from it a small rocket ship. After turning it around in his hands, Harry hands it to you.
“I’d been working on this today,” he says.
“Oh Harry, it is so groovy. You do such fine work.”
“The idea came to me in a dream.”
“You make dreams come true for children every day.”
Harry turns to you. “I think I’ve always wanted kids. But I guess it’s never happened for me.” He looks into your eyes. “I think I’d like to have one with you someday, (Y/N). How do you feel about that?”
“I feel… I feel…” Your nose starts to wiggle again. “Achoo!”
“(Y/N), are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“Oh, yes, I’m completely and totally, whoaaaa!” You stand up to get a better look at yourself, finding that your tummy has a noticeable roundness to it.
“Are you…?” Harry asks. The rest of the Wells men come rushing into the living room.
“Qu’est-ce qui se passe?”
“I heard another sneeze!”
“Jumping juniper, (Y/N)’s pregnant!”
They all group around you in a half-circle to admire your belly and to declare their delight at the very abrupt surprise.
“Is this really happening?” you ask all of them, falling deeper and deeper into your happiness.
“I couldn’t imagine a better life with you,” Harry says and punctuates his final word with a kiss. Everything about this moment just seems… so much more colourful and vibrant.
And perfect.
~ ~ ~ ~
Barry had urgently messaged Cisco and Caitlin to meet him back at the Grand Central City Auditorium, where they had just seen Zatanna’s magic act. The plan—what very little of a plan he had—was to race to find Zatanna, the Mistress of Magic, and ask for her help.
Word on the street was that Miss Zatara’s act wasn’t mere illusions. People have said that she really does possess a special magical power. And if this was the case, she was their only hope to retrieve you from whatever world you’ve gotten yourself into.
They say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
Well, now Team Flash is going to fight magic with magic.
It took a bit of making a scene inside the venue with the security guards for Zatanna to finally come out of her dressing room to see who was causing the commotion.
“Hi, excuse me, what’s going on here?”
“Zatanna? My name is Barry Allen,” your brother introduces himself. “I was at your show tonight.”
“Flawless,” Cisco can’t help but add.
“Sure,” she says, probably very much wanting him to get to the point. “How can I help you, Barry Allen?”
“We have a bit of a magical issue. My sister has gotten herself into a situation. We need your help.”
Zatanna’s big round eyes squint slightly, but whatever she sees in these three strangers surely isn’t threatening.
“Your sister, you say?” The Mistress of Magic always did have a soft spot for family. “Where is she?”
“You better come with us and see for yourself.”
~ ~ ~ ~
“Wow, this is quite the setup,” Zatanna says, taking in the Cortex upon her arrival. “Now, you said that your sister is broadcasting her own sitcom?”
“That’s right,” Barry confirms. “I switched on the TV earlier, and there she was in black and white. But the weird thing is that her set looked almost identical to her home, except not because her real home exploded-”
“Yeah, that’s the weird bit,” Cisco pipes up sarcastically. “Definitely not that she’s married to four different versions of the same man.”
“What?” Zatanna looks entirely confused. “Okay, you guys are going to have to catch me up.”
“No problem. The episode is streaming online. On repeat.”
“Cisco, pull up the show on the monitors,” Barry orders. The engineer does so, and the crew proceeds to analyze the sitcom episode.
“This man... or these men, rather—you said they died?” Zatanna asks the room. The rundown the gang gave her on the way to S.T.A.R Labs was quite rushed, so naturally it would only generate more questions.
“That’s right. I saw them disappear before my eyes,” Barry confirms. “They sacrificed themselves for us.”
Zatanna hums in thought. “Whether they’re truly dead or not, she must be using an incredible amount of magic to create this world and broadcast this across the airwaves.”
“Guys!” Caitlin raises her voice. “We have an incoming broadcast!”
The monitors change after a bit of static. Now, instead of the episode Team Flash was watching, a brand new jingle comes through the speakers.
“Is this…?” Barry starts.
“She released Episode Two!” Cisco cheers. Everyone in the room shoots him a look. “What? I’m invested.” As they watch the new episode, they take frantic notes, searching for any kind of clues.
“Look!” Barry points at the screen to the familiar faces.
“How did Allegra and Chester get in there?” Caitlin wonders.
“They have a guest-starring role…” Cisco notes, possibly with a hint of jealousy.
“And who are they?” Zatanna inquires.
“They’re our friends,” Barry clarifies. “At least, I think they are. They can't be illusions, can they? Created by (Y/N)?”
“I’ll call them and see if we can hear their phones ringing in the show,” Caitlin suggests. As she attempts the call, the rest of the team stands and stares at the screens hoping for some form of ringing sound. This episode seemed to be styled more in the Sixties, so it was unlikely that they’d actually see Chester and Allegra pull out a cell phone.
Nothing. No sound.
They must not have their phones on them…
A little while longer passes, with even more analyses by Team Flash and Zatanna studying your power on screen. Once in a while, she’ll ask Barry for background information about you. Which brings her to ask the all important question:
“How did (Y/N) get her powers?”
Barry goes on to explain your origin story, which coincides with his own. It was that one fateful night where Barry was in his CSI lab at CCPD, and so were you. You had stopped by to see how he was doing after the whole debacle of Iris getting her laptop stolen and Eddie saving the day instead. (To Barry’s credit, he tried really hard to catch the criminal, he just wasn’t fast enough). But you were checking up on him when the Particle Accelerator exploded and sent a wave of extraordinary, uncontained power across the city. You saw the lightning in the sky and tried to get Barry away from holding that metal chain, but in doing so, you also got caught in the crosshairs of the accident. Your brother fell into the shelf of chemicals as the lightning struck at the same time you knocked over a box of evidence—stolen ancient crystals from the Central City Museum.
Zatanna takes in the story silently, nodding in the right places. She’s deep in thought when a voice comes from the entrance to the Cortex: “Hey guys, what’s going on in here?”
Barry rushes to the two younger members of Team Flash, Allegra and Chester. “How did you two get in there? How did you get out?”
“Get in where?” Allegra wonders.
“Come on! In (Y/N)’s sitcom,” Cisco says. “Did she send out a casting call or did she just tell you that you got the parts?”
Chester and Allegra glance at each other with identical furrowed brows.
“You really don’t know what happened, do you?” Caitlin asks them.
“What happened?” they reply in unison.
Cisco stands up immediately. “I’ll get the popcorn.”
As he replays the footage, both of the ‘guest stars’ shake their heads in disbelief.
“Wow, nope, don’t remember any of that,” Chester says.
“No,” Allegra agrees. “One minute I’ve got my feet up in the Lounge, and the next I’m here walking into the Cortex.”
“Interesting,” Caitlin muses. “Interesting, but beyond strange. It’s like they’ve been mind wiped of the experience. We need more answers.” The rest of the episode plays out to reveal the big cliffhanger at the end.
“(Y/N)’s going to have a baby?!” Cisco shouts. “Oh man, things just got real. I wonder who’s the father... You don’t think (Y/N) would turn her show into a Maury episode, do you?”
“Zatanna, is there anything you can do?” Barry asks desperately. “This is getting out of hand.”
“I can cast a locating spell. All I have to do is say the words of what I wish backward for it to take hold.” Zatanna readies herself. “(N/Y) etacol,” the magician utters with her eyes closed. Everyone in the room stands silent in case making any kind of noise would ruin whatever spell she has cast.
They hold their breaths.
“I’m getting something…” Zatanna says eventually. “It’s like a signal of sorts. I can see it in my mind. And it’s coming from… here.”
“What do you mean, ‘here’?” Barry presses.
“Here. As in S.T.A.R. Labs.”
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arrthurpendragon · 4 years ago
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❆ ❆ ❆ OC ❆ Ficmas ❆ #34 ❆ ❆ ❆
ASCENSION by: @luucypevensie
Willow Grady has never gotten along with her dad. Probably because he cares more about his stupid raptors than he does her and her brother. Anyways, she is not happy when she gets shipped off to Jurassic World to see him during her holiday break without her brother. What she doesn't know, though, is that future events will change her relationship with her dad, for better or worse.
Tag: @ocappreciationtag  ❆ @gritsandbrits  ❆ @booty-boggins   ❆ @trashcankitty12 ❆ @darksideofparis  ❆ @raith-way  ❆ @anotherunreadblog ❆ @vivis-ghost-wife   ❆  @fandomdancer​  ❆  @hoqwaarts  ❆  @zoeliemyers  ❆  @darknightfrombeyond
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arrthurpendragon · 4 years ago
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❆ ❆ ❆ OC ❆ Ficmas ❆ #110 ❆ ❆ ❆  - few extra for checking the masterlist ;)
HEAVENLY LIGHT by: @misshiraeth98
"Remind me to never again allow Anakin to pilot my ship." "Trust me. I learned that on the first go." Catalea Adonis was a woman with a dream. She dreamed of a Baethea free from Naboo's rule. When she is anointed Princess of Baethea she vows to gain independence for her home. Along the way she meets a man she can never love and a destiny, she can never change. She was Baethea's hope. She was the heir.
Tag: @ocappreciationtag ❆ @booty-boggins   ❆ @trashcankitty12 ❆ @darksideofparis  ❆ @raith-way  ❆ @anotherunreadblog ❆ @vivis-ghost-wife   ❆  @fandomdancer  ❆  @hoqwaarts  ❆  @zoeliemyers  ❆  @darknightfrombeyond
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