#fandom:fullmetal alchemist
batshieroglyphics · 28 days
Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 of your favorite things you’ve written and share them here, then put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate already written fics 💞
I feel like this is a trick question, mostly because I am multi-fandom, and I tend towards favs per fandom, as opposed to favs of all time, lol So, uhhh, how about a fic from 3 diff fandoms that...I don't know I'd call them my 'fav', but they're the ones I'm most inclined/tempted to reread in that fandom on a whim.
For Fullmetal Alchemist, I'm going to say Colours in Your Eyes. It was a Big Bang piece, and I really, really loved how it turned out. Playing with soulmates is always interesting, but I loved the chance to fuck around with this one. I had a lot of fun playing with the ideas of cultural differences and how when you discovered your soulmate could change things. And I was just so, so happy with the ending. I think the last ending I adored as much as I did this one, was Reclaim. It just....hit that sweet spot.
Picking one for Final Fantasy VIII, lol, okay, that's...rough. I going to go with Noblesse Oblige, I think. I did so much work on developing the world in this fic, and building out original characters that were able to join as part of the main cast. It's also my only fic that really looks at how the events of canon might have unfolded in the following months. It was very much a labour of love, and I remain very proud of it.
I'm going to cheat, for Star Wars, actually, and pick a series: JasBen Save a Galaxy Far, Far Away. Because it has the healing and the happy ending that Obi-Wan—Ben— deserves. It's also got Jaster being an awesome and supported Mand'alor, and Tor not going batshit, and Xanatos getting the healing he deserves, and little baby!Obi-Wan being the cutest fucking thing. And it manages to be both pro-Jedi and pro-True Mandos, without shitting on either one, or shitting on the New Mandos (although it's pretty clear they're less than respected, oops), which is...such an achievement in this fandom, I am so proud of myself for it. I am sad that the clones aren't in it, but the series feels to me like healing and acceptance, and that's almost always going to be my go-to when I'm trolling my fic, looking for something to read.
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batshieroglyphics · 6 months
FICLET: Those Quiet, Lazy Days ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Teen
Title: Those Quiet, Lazy Days Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang Warnings: established relationship, chronic pain, post-canon Prompt: From @pingistam, Edward Elric/Roy Mustang, weather/comfort Summary: Neither Roy nor Ed particularly enjoy cold weather, but they've got good at taking care of each other.
Ed, Roy saw as he gingerly slipped the gloves on, had wrapped himself in a blanket, the collar of his favourite jumper just visible at the top. "Cold?" he guessed. Ed grimaced, then jerked his head towards the window, outside of which, Roy realised, he could hear rain. Or, more likely, sleet, given how cold it had been. "Achy," he admitted. Roy nodded and, gloves on, stood. "Do you think you can manage to clean out the fireplace?" Because some days 'achy' meant more mobility than others. Ed clearly thought about it for a moment, then nodded and left the room, automail foot 'thunk, thunk'ing on the hardwood, while his socked real foot made no sound at all. Which wasn't a bad sign; if Ed was really hurting, he'd gentle the steps of his automail foot, said the reverberations made the aches worse.
Read it on Archive of Our Own! (Please note that you will require an AO3 account of your own to read. Please let me know if you need an invite code.)
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batshieroglyphics · 6 months
FICLET: Nightmares Locked Away ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Teen
Title: Nightmares Locked Away Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Gracia/Maes Hughes Warnings: implied alcoholism, mentions of Ishval Prompt: From an anon, Roy Mustang & Maes Hughes, magic/laugh Summary: Maes is worried about Roy, once they've returned to Central, so he drags him to dinner at Gracia's.
And then, Gracia said, "Maes tells me your speciality is fire." Roy went still in a way that sent a shiver down Maes' spine, reminded him of blood-soaked sand and the ever-present scent of burnt flesh, and he was just opening his mouth to interrupt, when Roy said, "Yes, so it is." And then he slipped a hand into one pocket—Maes wasn't surprised that someone gunning for the Führer's seat would keep a one of his most dependable and devastating weapons on his person—and motioned with the other towards one of the candles Maes had lit for the table on autopilot. The flame, instead of roaring into an inferno, as Maes had so often seen in Ishval, divided itself into six, which shifted into the shape of women, and danced around the empty wick. Gracia clapped, clearly delighted, but Maes was left staring at Roy, a little thrown to find that something he'd come to think could only be used for destruction, could also be turned to something purely entertaining.
Read it on Archive of Our Own! (Please note that you will require an AO3 account of your own to read. Please let me know if you need an invite code.)
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
FIC: Tempora Mutantur, Nos et Mutamur in Illis ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Ed/Roy
Title: Tempora Mutantur, Nos et Mutamur in Illis Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Author: Batsutousai Rating: General Pairings: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang Warnings: AU, time travel fix-it, happy ending Summary: 10-15 years post Reverti Ad Praeteritum, Roy and Ed enjoy a holiday up at the cottage and end up talking about kids.
Roy waited until he'd finished about half of his coffee—and finished the apple—before asking, "What's wrong?"
Ed's head tilted slightly towards him, but he didn't look away from where the sun was visible over the dark shapes of Central. (As much as Roy wanted to warn him about burning his retinas by staring at the sun, experience had taught him that pointing out something obvious like that, would just get a sarcastic response and Ed—or Al, no matter what lies the brothers might want to insist on about the younger being better behaved—continuing whatever misdeed Roy had felt the need to comment on.)
"It's Nina's birthday," Ed said after a moment of silence, like he'd been weighing the pros and cons of telling the truth.
It was that pause, more than his certainty of the date, that told Roy his husband was talking about the daughter he'd left behind in another life, because Ed didn't tend to talk much about his life with Winry. At least, not to Roy. (Not to Maes or Al, either, based on some of the questions they'd tried to sneak into conversation.) Which, well, Roy knew Ed still felt guilty for everything that had happened during the last few years of that life, and he didn't doubt that a part of Ed would always mourn leaving that family behind.
Read it on Archive of Our Own!
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batshieroglyphics · 6 months
FICLET: The Wonder of it All ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ General
Title: The Wonder of it All Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Author: Batsutousai Rating: General Pairing: Max "Colourway" Norman/Claire Norman (neé Richards) Warnings: original character-centric Prompt: From anon, Colourway/Claire, respect/time Summary: Claire met Henry Norman in university, and was surprised to find a match in one of his brothers, when Max paid a visit.
"I always wanted to be an artist, growing up," he admitted to her over dinner, because he'd offered, and Claire had enjoyed herself enough to allow the small indulgence of a meal out, just this once. "My parents weren't too impressed, because painting doesn't pay the bills, of course. They were much more pleased when I gave into Cal's whining about no one ever trying the things he was interested in, and took up alchemy." Claire laughed a bit helplessly. "Oh, goodness! So, then, you're the reason Henry has any grounding in art techniques?" "Guilty," Max admitted, smile bashful and sweet.
Read it on Archive of Our Own! (Please note that you will require an AO3 account of your own to read. Please let me know if you need an invite code.)
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
[FICLET] Home With Broken Hearts ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Hyuroi ~ General
Title: Home With Broken Hearts Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Author: Batsutousai Rating: General Pairing: Maes Hughes/Roy Mustang, Gracia Hughes/Maes Hughes Warnings: time travel, polyamory, established relationship, canon character death, grief Summary: Roy wakes to find himself back in time, a few days before Maes’ murder.
This fic was one of a selection of prompts from @surferofdreams, and was requested as Hughes/Mustang, time.
"Roy!" Maes shouted, voice familiar and dearly missed, and Roy found his eyes watering quite without his say, as Maes continued, "I completely forgot to drag you out while I was in East, so you never got a gift for my precious Elicia! Do you know what that means?"
They'd had this conversation. Roy had been tired and sour, trying to keep on top of the whispers of the Elric brothers finding Dr Marcoh during their trip south to get Edward's automail repaired, and upset that everything with Scar had stolen so much of his rare time with Maes. Maes had said he was going to buy Elicia something ridiculous and unnecessary and Roy would have to pay him back, Roy had snapped something back that...had probably been ruder than strictly necessary, but anyone tapping lines and listening in would have shrugged it off, especially if they often listened to Maes and Roy's conversations.
Maes hadn't shrugged it off, had gone stiff in a way that Roy knew meant he'd landed a hit, and he'd felt guilty about it for days, finally calling Maes at home and having to give his apology to Gracia, before she would let him give it to Maes.
And then, three days later, Maes had been murdered.
Read it on Archive of Our Own.
Friendly request to REBLOG, not just like, fic posts! It's hard, as a creator, to care about posting links on tumblr, when I know people won't share them.
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
[FICLET] Happiness and Love Revolve Around You ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ AlMei ~ Teen
Title: Happiness and Love Revolve Around You Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Mei Chan/Alphonse Elric Summary: Mei visits Xerxes as a princess of Xing, and Al finds himself falling in love with her.
This piece was requested by an anon, as Alphonse and Mei, respect, with the additional request request of it being brought up that Al (& Ed) were half-Xerxesian, and that Mei and Roy were from Xing.
"I do not want you to feel like you must give up everything, just because my brother likes me better than any of our other siblings," Mei complained, when Al told her that he wanted to marry her and follow her to Xing. "The emperor will make such faces, but he would let me free of my duty to Xing."
Al considered that, remembered what she'd told him about her clan back in Xing, small but strong, living off the land and applications of Xing's alkestry. He shook his head. "Mei," he said, collecting her hands in his, "I love Xerxes, and I would be proud to take my father's place in court, when that time came. But, just as there are other princes and princesses in Xing, there are other alchemists in Xerxes. In our courts, yes, we are both replaceable.
"But, to your clan, to my parents, we are not replaceable. And my parents don't need me, the way your clan needs you. I should never wish to take you from them for the sake of a position in court that, if I'm being honest, isn't even guaranteed. King Achaemenied can change his mind, or find another alchemist he likes more than me, and then where would we be?"
Read it on Archive of Our Own.
Friendly request to REBLOG, not just like, fic posts! It's hard, as a creator, to care about posting links on tumblr, when I know people won't share them.
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
[FICLET] Rewrite My Weakness Into Strength ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ DariusEdHeinkel ~ Teen
Title: Rewrite My Weakness Into Strength Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & manga Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Darius/Ed Elric/Heinkel Warnings: post-canon, established relationship, polyamory Summary: Ed, Heinkel, & Darius end up wintering in Drachma.
This fic was one of a selection of prompts from @surferofdreams (tumblr, why will you not let me tag him?), requested as Darius/Ed/Heinkel, weather.
"There's a bed," Darius called from the doorway into the bedroom, and Ed snickered while Heinkel sighed. Darius chuckled as he moved over towards them—Ed suspected he'd heard Heinkel's response and felt the need to comment, like the arsehole he was—dropping heavily into the other chair before saying, "Fanciest place we've ever stayed."
"We usually end up in shitholes because we're cheap," Ed retorted.
Heinkel huffed. "There's nothing wrong with saving money by booking rooms in cheaper inns."
"Unless there's fleas," Darius interrupted. Heinkel cracked an eye open to glare at Darius, and Ed ducked his head to hide his grin.
"Someone needs to have standards," Heinkel retorted.
Read it on Archive of Our Own.
Friendly request to REBLOG, not just like, fic posts! It's hard, as a creator, to care about posting links on tumblr, when I know people won't share them.
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
I'm sorry if this is annoying, but I only found your stories a couple of months ago? Specifically the FMA fandom. Uh, but basically I was really interested in the Our Sinner's series, but I didn't wanna read it if you don't plan to ever update it, so I was just wondering if that's still on your WIP list or if you've just moved on. Again, really sorry if I offended you. 😅
It's only annoying in that I answer this question probably about once a year. 😅 Previous answers are in the series tag.
For you, specific, what's posted is a complete fic. If you're worried about cliff hangers or letting off right before the big conclusion, don't be; Come What May is a complete fic with a mystery storyline that is concluded. There's clearly more story that can be told, and Ed and his team are heading off to their next adventure in the final chapter, but the story is a complete work.
That all said, if you're here for EdRoy content, it is the sequel fic—which is about half written, and will remain that way, at least until my muse gets bored of Star Wars—that you're going to be most interested in, because that's meant to be the one wherein they get together. (That is literally the plot of that fic: Two complete dumbasses dancing around the fact that they like each other in a less-than-platonic sense, while their closest friends are tiredly facepalming in the background.)
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batshieroglyphics · 3 years
[FICLET] Convince Me (With a Kiss) ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Edward Elric/Roy Mustang ~ Teen
Title: Convince Me (With a Kiss) Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood/manga Author: Batsutousai Rating: Teen Pairing: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang Warnings: references to alcoholism, references to prostitution Summary: Ed is asked to ensure Roy makes it home after he’s had a little too much to drink.
For the anon who requested Value Me – Roy/Ed.
He almost tripped over Black Hayate—out with Hawkeye—on his way back to his hotel, and had been quick to kneel next to the dog and trade fond greetings with him.
"Edward," Hawkeye said, uncharacteristically hesitant, as he stood with a half-expectant wince; Winry had fixed the noisy popping sound his knee made when he bent it with weight on it, but he'd got used to it over the six months since it had started doing it, and a part of him still expected the sound. "I'm...reasonably certain that the major general has got himself a bit lost. Might I trouble you to drag him back to his home for the night?"
Ed blinked, a bit thrown by the request. But then he glanced down at where Black Hayate—who had got old in the intervening years, and was definitely moving slower as he cast a considering nose over the bottom of a light pole—and up at Hawkeye, cataloguing the way her shoulders had drooped ever so slightly, the crows' feet that had become too-visible at the corners of her eyes while he was gone.
She was tired, and had another two days of work, still, to look forward to that week, whereas Ed could sleep in in the morning, could avoid Headquarters for the rest of his visit, if that was his pleasure; of the two of them, he was far more capable of wasting Gate knew how many hours tracking Mustang down, dragging him out of whatever pit he'd dropped himself into, and hauling his lazy arse home.
So he agreed, "Sure. Uh, I don't know where he lives, though."
Read at Archive of Our Own
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
[Patreon Fic] Fullmetal Alchemist 1st chapters & 1-shots
The winning vote on the Patreon poll, this time, was a dump of 5 1st chapters/one-shot WiPs for FMA, posting every 4-5 days. They are as follows:
Title: Angels Chained Summary: Roy falls during the Ishbal War and is used in the chimera experiments. When a foolish alchemist leaves behind a still-smoking cigarette, Roy escapes into a new world, with nowhere to go. Can he make a life for himself without being killed by the Military he'd once fought a war for? Warnings: Chimera!Roy, torture/experimentation, character death, AU after Ishval War
Title: Dragon’s Quake Series: Chimera-Dragons ‘Verse Summary: When disaster strikes Xerxes, nothing in the world could keep Edward from returning to help his people, not even his ridiculously overprotective dragon lover. Pairings: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang, Gracia Hughes/Maes Hughes, Trisha Elric/Van Hohenheim, Kain Fuery/Jean Havoc Warnings: Alternate Universe, chimera-dragon!Roy, prince!Ed, demi!Ed, Ed's potty mouth, chimera-dragon!Maes, chimera-dragon!Riza, worldbuilding, environmental disaster, canon-typical violence
Title: [none, referred to as the Hogwarts AU] Summary: [none, technically; Ed starts at Hogwarts, which is staffed by other FMA characters] Warnings: Hogwarts!AU, disabled characters, queer characters, pile o' OCs
Title: [none, referred to as the Elder Alchemist AU] Summary: Riza knew, of course, that the only reason that her grandfather had sent her command to Skyrim to help with the brewing civil war was because of Roy's many contacts, but, as with many things, that was just a minor detail to help along the gods' plans. Warnings: Alternate Universe, asexual!Riza, disabled!Ed Pairings: All pairings are background (Edward Elric/Roy Mustang, Kain Fuery/Jean Havoc)
Title: Reaching Forever to Touch the Sky Summary: Those with the potential to perform alchemy are born with wings, but Edward Elric sacrifices his own to save his brother's life. Together, the brothers make a promise, that they'll stop at nothing so the other can touch the sky again. Warnings: Ed's potty mouth, alternate universe, wing-fic, canonical character deaths, violence (thanks Scar)
(There will be bonuses in the Bonus Tier for Dragon’s Quake, the Hogwarts AU, and Reaching Forever to Touch the Sky.)
See more about my Patreon on this post.
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
[Patreon Fic] We All Need Saving ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Our Sinner’s Redemption series ~ Darius/Ed/Heinkel ~ EdRoy ~ Mature
Title: We All Need Saving Series: Part two of Our Sinner's Redemption Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairings: Darius/Edward Elric/Heinkel, eventual-Edward Elric/Roy Mustang Warnings: Ed's potty mouth, canon-typical violence, pile 'o OCs, angst, original character death, slow build (btwn Ed & Roy), referenced underage relationships, Summary: With the terrorists Ed, Darius, and Heinkel had been hunting behind bars, they can finally join the efforts in Ishval. But, with Scar showing an unexpected interest in Ed's friendship, and Ed's own growing attraction to Mustang, it doesn't look like it'll be as relaxing a visit as he and his team had hoped.
Read it here on Patreon! (See more about my Patreon on this post.)
There is a refresher summary at the start of the chapter, but you can also read everything that came before here on AO3. I’ve posted some scenes from later chapters, which you can find on the fic’s tag.
"Feeling a little less like you completely screwed up, now?"
"You're a bastard," Ed insisted, because he did feel better, yeah. Not quite comfortable with Phoebe thanking him for dragging her son into the military's shadows, or the idea that he'd 'saved' Morgan, but it weighed a little lighter on his shoulders, had become something bearable again.
"I'll take that as a yes," Mustang replied, sounding amused. "How much longer are you intending to stay in Youswell?"
Ed snorted at that proof that the bastard knew where he was (though whether it was because he'd mentioned Morgan, or because he'd caught Ed's earlier hint about getting lost, only Mustang could say), and admitted, "I want to try and catch everyone once. Check in with them and pass on new orders. Sort of. So, a week. Ish. Should head out no later than Monday morning."
"Are you going to make any stops?"
"Are you fucking timing me?"
"...I might be," Mustang admitted, before sighing and offering, "You're not the only one who would like to see you in Ishval for a bit, Ed."
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batshieroglyphics · 4 years
Hi, I just finished Reverti Ad Praeteritum and though you said you do hi I just read Reverti Ad Praeteritum I was wondering if you could do a one shot or a short story about the future world, it broke my heart when Roy said the other him was lonely and I feel sad for the kids and may to loose both ed and al. I know that changing the past make this obsolete, but some of the other time fics i read say this just become a different possibility and that the other still exist.
Hi! Unfortunately, I really like how open-ended I left that future/other version world, with whether or not Ed (and Al) actually vanished from it entirely, or just a sort of copy of their memories were sent back. I much prefer it being left up to reader’s choice, how things went there.
If someone wants to take Anon’s idea and run with it, you’re more than welcome to! :D But it’s not something that I, personally, intend to ever write something for. Sorry/not sorry.
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batshieroglyphics · 4 years
Hi! just wanted to drop by and say that I've found your fics and I love them! This might be a little late but I found your series Our sinners redemption and couldn't get it out of my head. Just wanted to get some conformation if it would ever update. Will you ever update with the second part? I feel like you've moved to other fics and I'm super happy to see your still writing I just wanted to clear up any of my hopes that it would return.
I’m glad you’re enjoyed my work!
The short answer is: Gods, I really fucking hope so.
The longer answer is: My muse has ADHD; maybe about half of the next fic is written, but he got distracted by shiny new fandom and we haven’t been back to FMA since. But FMA, like HP, is kind of a home-base fandom for me? I come back every few years and love it for a while and then get distracted again. (I was actually super into it just after ‘03 came out in the USA, and again in ‘09/’10, though it’s only this most recent time that I’ve actually done any writing for it?) So it might take a bit, but I’ll come back to FMA and get back to OSR and finish the next part, but I can’t promise how long that will take.
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batshieroglyphics · 5 years
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Day 1 of @royedweek2019! One of the prompts was Walk the Moon’s Timebomb, which I then proceeded to listen to on repeat while snooping through FMA screens and threw together an aesthetic for it. (Aesthetic is such a weird word for this one, but mood boards are technically 9x9, so...)
ANYWAY. Y’all welcome. Or something. Video can be found here on Youtube, one of the comments has the lyrics.
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batshieroglyphics · 5 years
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Now comes the night Feel it fading away And the soul underneath Is it all that remains So just slide over here Leave your fear in the fray Let us hold to each other 'Til the end of our days
Day 6 of @royedweek2019! Inspired by Rob Thomas’ Now Comes the Night, which immediately made me think of the ups and down of the battle against Dwarf in the Flask. So I rewatched the last 5-ish episodes of Brotherhood and screenshot the shit out of it.
Technically, it’s Sunday, here, but it’s still Saturday somewhere and fuck knows what day it is for me and my up-all-night schedule, so HA. Bite me. No, we already did that day, Bats. XP
Song can be found here at YouTube. Lyrics are among the first comments.
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