#fancy shmancy queue
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julesdraws · 1 year ago
yo bestie i m tagging you bc idk if i showed you this eli or not and it s my fav eli so here, have some eli:)))) @twocrowssinatrenchcoat
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pretty boy your face is so. hard. to. draw.
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bluesofberries · 2 years ago
Dangan Text Posts Daily #1: Loki
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hey howdy, anyone remember Text Posts Daily from r/danganronpa? got all the way up to #199 before disappearing forever? yeah that was me, sorry
so since reddit is doing its best to destroy itself, I'm gonna be uploading all my old stuff here, daily just like last time. maybe i can try out a fancy-shmancy Queue system, that could be neat. i have no idea what i'm doing
Source: me. i wrote it. that's why the joke is so bad. the Loki image is from a game called SMITE
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jejunewritings · 3 years ago
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First art on procreate, I was really proud of this one!
All my art is also on my deviant-art, JejuneStylux
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stylishwithcam · 3 years ago
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what do you like to eat? 🫕🫓🍕🌯🥞🧇🥯
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nextgensquad · 7 years ago
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next gen squad meme: [1/7] characters of color ↯ ROSE WEASLEY is the daughter of ron weasley and hermione granger.  she is a ravenclaw and a half-blood. she is a potions engineer and amateur kickboxer. she is a graduate of the hogwarts class of 2024.
sun: aries
moon: capricorn
rising: capricorn
despite the late (or early, depending on who you’re asking) hour of rose’s birth on march 23rd, 2006, her birth was a fairly easy one. she continued to be fairly easy throughout her childhood, aside from her inheritance of ron’s tendency to put his foot in his mouth. she got along well with both of her parents. when she did rebel, it was only because she deemed a rule stupid or contradictory, and usually after some discussion they all agreed.
it was only after she got to hogwarts that her relationships with her parents started to get more strained - especially with hermione. rose had a hard time bringing herself to care about things she wasn’t interested in, and though she excelled in potions, she performed abysmally in every other class. she skipped morning classes to sleep in, handed in essays weeks late, and lost about a hundred points for her house in her first year for general rule-breaking. and as much as she tried to explain to her mother how useless the rules she broke were, hermione wasn’t nearly as open to debate as she’d been growing up.
things only got worse when hugo was sorted into slytherin. rose had always been close with her father, but even she knew his reaction was unfair. she and hugo, who’d never been particularly close, bonded a lot in the time immediately after, and it was a long time before either of them went home for christmas. even now, things are cold and tense at dinnertime. part of rose still misses evenings spent curled up on the couch listening to hermione read aloud from a history of magic, but she’s pretty sure those days are gone forever. 
rose is not the easiest to get along with: she’s blunt, emotionally stunted, and tends to have blinders on when it comes to other people’s feelings. it would never occur to her to be intentionally cruel, but it also wouldn’t occur to her to temper her words, so she settles somewhere around insensitive. thanks to this and her propensity towards cancelling plans to sleep, she has few friends. 
her cousin albus is one of them. they’re almost complete opposites but it tends to work in their favor. she’s one of the few people who can draw him out of an emotional funk, whereas he can usually help her figure out the latest way she’s put her foot in her mouth. they also make a pretty good business duo - early in fifth year she starts brewing a line of pain-relieving drugs (used for both medical and recreational purposes) and he’s always able to find a buyer. sometimes she worries about the effect her work is having, but she can usually dismiss it. if people get addicted, that’s their problem.
at hogwarts, her general apathy towards relationships included sex with men. during a brief phase of worrying there was something wrong with her, she slept with a couple different guys and really did not enjoy it. it was only after graduating that she realized she was a lesbian. now, fully immersed in the (admittedly small) wizarding lgbt community, she’s got a bit of a reputation: you’ll sleep with her, she’ll make you breakfast, you’ll think you’re in love, and she’ll promptly forget to call you. this reputation has yet to slow the queue of girls lining up to get their hearts broken, however.
not that rose notices. it’s gonna take an anvil dropping on her head to make her aware of the concept of feelings - but when it does, watch out. 
                                                  &&&adult life&&&
rose currently works as a potions engineer for the wizarding world’s equivalent of big pharma. she knows it’s not the most morally righteous position but it pays for her and al to live in a fancy shmancy high-rise flat (and the parts of her that are aware of his problems know that he needs a steady home base). 
in the evenings she’s a member of an underground fight club called confringo. well, member might be too humble - she’s one of the most consistent winners in the group. she brings in a lot of money from people betting on her fights. she keeps it stored away for emergencies. she has a feeling one’s coming. 
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bumblingtravels · 7 years ago
5. Paris
There and Back Again… an Interrailing Story
8 cities, 6 countries, 4 weeks, 2 rainbows, 1 camera
PART ONE — Paris
May 31st, 2018
Sleeper trains are one of the more unusual quirks of travelling around Europe. I thought travelling the Trans-Siberian Railway was preparation enough for the experience but it turns out, Mongolia? not quite like France. Anyways, more on that adventure later.
Getting ready for checkout today was done in record time. The bees are getting speedier, you would be very, very proud (whoever ‘you’ are). After a slow start getting out of bed, we dragged ourselves away from Morpheus’ embrace and into the land of the living, bemoaning our aches and pains as we went. Needless to say, by this point in the adventure our feet are a-hurting. Nevertheless, we managed to quickly pack, tidy and get ourselves ready for the day (and check-out) in a hot 30minutes, and before we knew it, we were ready for the day.
Lugging suitcases across the Paris metro system is an adventure in itself. With only minor bumps and bruises, we managed to make it to Paris Gare-de-Lyon and navigated our way to the luggage lock-up. Now I know Europe’s a it economically screwed right now, but €9.50 for one medium sized locker is a bit ridiculous! - what are they trying to fund another fancy-shmancy tower … I’d like it known now that if they are I want a huge-ass plaque written in my name; I think the Tower a-la Mira has a nice ring to it.
Despite going broke on a locker, we managed to navigate ourselves out of the metro system and, after procuring some baguette sandwiches and pastries, we made our way once again to the Louvre. Idealistic picnic spots seem to be a thing with us as we saw ourselves having yet another picturesque picnic in the gardens spanning out from the Louvre. Apart from the fact that it seemed to be the day for every school trip to visit the Louvre, we had a relaxing and wonderful time in our little cranny of garden.
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The cute bubble of calm was only briefly interrupted by the oh-so-normal occurrence of four girls coming up to us and pestering us to donate money to orphans - you know, the usual course of events. I’m pretty sure we were inches away from adopting about seven orphaned children, but a quick bribe with a stale pack of gum seemed to be enough to push them along and they went on their way. The sun was fully shinning on our last Paris day and the fitting conclusion fuelled our spirits and boosted us onto Port de Arts aka the love-lock bridge.
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At this point, I’d just like to send a letter out to all of Paris - subject: why? message: why?? You see, two years ago the French government saw it in their infinite wisdom to remove all the locks from the bridge and put up a glass barricade so that no one would be able to put up new ones. This didn’t stop the lovers of the world from drawing on the glass and locking onto lamp posts, but it’s besides the point. Was there really and need? Who were these acts of love hurting? Okay fine, the bridge railings were folding under the weight of the locks and there was long-term structural damage blah blah blah, but still. This beautiful simple act that united lovers from all over the world has now been haunted. And you what’s really the worst part? Ben and Leslies’ eternal love story is lost somewhere amongst all the rest - *moment of silence for the ending of the greatest, most wholesome show there ever was*.
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We stopped to sit on the banks of the Seine to wallow in our sorrows, curse the French government and tend to our pilfered souls. Deciding not to let the whims of the Parisian Council get us down, we plotted a course to the Pantheon in order to get us an eye-full off snazzy pendulums and feminist tombs.
However, like many many things this holiday, that too didn’t go to plan as we, along our route, looked up and remembered oh yeah… Notre Dame’s a thing.
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The queues to get into the cathedral itself were long and promising of a stretched-out hot wait, so we bypassed the impressive gothic monument for the crypts that lay below. The crypts themselves bear the carcass of the cathedral’s catacombs and digital reconstruction videos allow you to visualise the way of life back then. A roundabout history lesson later, we emerged back into the heart of Paris and began our outward journey.
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Gare-de-Lyon is a massive building with endless halls intersection into each other and a mass of people seemingly moving as on entity in the exact opposite direction of your own destination. After several wrong turns, we managed to make it to Hall 1 and plonked ourselves down in free real-estate to await the platform announcement.
The train was delayed by 10 minutes and the platform was only designated 3 minutes before it was due to leave. Nevertheless, we made it to the platform and elbowed our way through the crowds - can’t wait to get back to the queuing lifestyle of the Brits - and found our carriage 85 and bunks 63 and 65.
Well there you have it. The first leg of our interrailing adventuring complete - it’s Facebook office and everything. Right now I’m sat in our sleeper carriage with three others - one being ‘Hi I’m Gregg from the Isle of Wight. We get into Milan at 6am tomorrow so I think it’s time for me to catch some zzz’s. Until next time, I’ll write from Rome….
- Mira Sophia
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