#famous for all the wrong reasons ! ; yakuza au
supportive-editor · 2 years
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“Don’t cry. I can beat your ass over 500 times.” @jesterofinaba
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Considering that I'm about to attend an exam that's gonna take 5 hours (I'm dying ;w;), I kind off want something to look forward to and hngh, your writing makes my day. So if it's okay I'm going for another one: 👽 - Alien Invasion AU👮 - Cops/Robbers AU🔮 (Noboru and Takara), 🔫 (Moe and Kei, cuz you both write them amazing) ☀ (EtsuNe, I need a lil OTP in my life), 🔪 (ShigeChi, I need a continuation or I die)
Okie dokie!! thank you so much for this but also good luck on your exam!!
This got really long but I honestly enjoyed all of it
👽 - Alien Invasion AU
It wasn’t something that the two were expecting to come, but they still had to prepare for the worst. Suzume was one of the greatest shooters inside the current Army, and it was no surprise that she was part of the Elites. She carried the gun with her arms before looking at the rest of the members. “I hope you’re all ready.” It was no surprise that she was famous, she would help anyone if they asked for it… maybe except Shigeo- as if he’d ask anyway.
One of the Elites looked around and saw the crowd cheer, and when the door opened, it was time for war against the aliens. Before Suzume could join in, she spotted a lady who had an injury. Her eyes widened as she saw this, she instantly went to the girl to check on her arm. “Yuriko! Oh gosh, are you okay?!” 
She was concerned over the other female who had a bleeding arm. She knew that the army could handle whatever was coming to them, but to see someone injured, she was unsure if she would be able to continue to be a part of the fight. 
The pink haired girl blew her bangs away before showing a smirk. “I can handle this. this isn’t the worst thing that happened to me. And if the aliens think that a simple arm injury would make me scared- they’re wrong~!” She stopped holding her arm. Yes, it was injured but it wouldn’t stop her. 
“You might be able to move around, but doing this is dangerous! I know what you’re capable of, and I definitely know you’re strong. Elite or not, you still have the power of one.” Suzume knew that she might be able to handle the circumstance, but she ws still worried about the girl.
“You trust me, don’t you?” Yuriko stared at Suzume, with a small smile on her lips and Suzume only nodded. “Then let me fight, I wouldn’t want to be a queen who doesn’t fight together with her army.” 
Suzume began smiling back at her. She was right. She could see the similarities she had with Yuriko, and their passion for fighting and winning was one of them Especially if it were to save people younger than her. “If you say so.” Suzume prepares her gun again before looking out the door. “Let’s do this, Yuriko.”
👮 - Cops/Robbers AU
Yes, Noboru knew that he was one of the well known cops inside the whole police station of Tokyo, but he didn’t know about the other head police officers in the other places of Japan. He was about to meet one of them so that they could discuss the matters of capturing a well-known criminal who was going around Japan. 
He waited inside his office and he stared at the door. He always wondered how the head of Kyoto was like. Was she someone who was mature? Someone who was responsible? He hoped she had at least one of those traits because he had enough of too much nonsense with the other supreme officers.
The door opened to reveal a girl with white hair and purplish eyes. A little fang could be seen on her face and she waved at the male. “Hello, Noboru!” Wait… First name already? she hopped to the male with the biggest grin on her face, and she sat down on the chair that was across him. “So what are we going to discuss, hm~?”
The girl wasn’t someone who he expected at all. She was the head of Kyoto?! She seemed playful and the kind of person who would love to annoy him to death. He tried not to judge quick and he only decided to hand her some papers. “This case. The unsolved one. It’s been three months and no one was able to solve the case yet.”
“Gah! Papers are boring, Noboru! If you want to show papers like this, just show it to Kazuo! He’s much, much, MUCH better than me in this! Just pitch me! Tell me all about the case in one minute!” She placed her arms on the desk before placing her head on it.
Noboru twitched slightly. Yes. She is probably someone like the officers in Tokyo, and he was very disappointed. “Should I really explain this all to you? Word by word? Because if you want every information, one minute will not be enough to solve it. You have to read the files.”
Takara sighed before grabbing the papers and she began to scan through it. “By the way! I’m Takara Tsukasa.” She randomly brings up her name and he only sighed. He wouldn’t be able to deal with this.
But who knew that with her help, they’d be able to solve the case in just a week?
🔮 - Fantasy AU
“Noboru! Noboru!!” A female followed the male around and he only made his horse fun faster. “Hey!” She called out to him and he went too far for her to call out to. She pouted a bit before giving the sack of coins to Ran and Kazuo. “You two, hold these. I’m running after him!” She placed bother of her sleeves up before she ran after the male. “How dare you ignore me!”
Now two of their party members were gone. Kazuo only stared at the empty path in front of them before facing Ran. “Do you think we should chase after them?” He wanted to ask for the opinion of what they should do before he did anything and Ran only had a smile on her lips.
“I think that we could leave them alone for a while.” She simply replies before she looks at the sack of money that the female tossed to them. “I’m surprised she had two of these. She was a thief, right? Did she steal this from Noboru?”
“She probably did. Probably wanted to tease him and that’s why she called out to him but he chose to ignore her.”
After a couple of minutes, Takara was suddenly with Noboru, with his horse resting and Takara squishing both of his cheeks with her hands. “How dare you run away from me using your horse! I only wanted to make a joke!” She puffed her cheeks.
“You’ve been making jokes through the whole trip. I don’t know what to tell you.” He then brings out some points. “First, you made a joke about me being a knight in shining armor because I have a white horse with me.” He gestured to his horse then at himself. “I don’t even wear armor and you annoyed me during the whole trip, calling me “Night Prince Charming on his Trusty Stead”.”
“It’s funny.”
“Yeah, maybe at first but you repeated it the whole trip… Plus, I’m not even a knight. I’m a fighter.”
“Fighter and Knight are the same thing to me.”
“They’re not the same thing!”
“I hope you lost your money while you were speeding with your horse!” Takara placed her hands on her hips and once Noboru checked his pockets, her “fake” pissed off expression changed to a happy one. “You didn’t notice~?”
“Where the hell did you place my reward?”
🔫 - Mafia AU
Today was one of the times where the famiglia had to talk things while sitting on the table. Kei only watched as Kiyoko and Masashi discussed about what they should be doing, but he was getting irritated by each moment Masashi talked. Why would he want everything to go his way? The world does not revolve around him, that was basic common sense!
Kei rolled his eyes before standing up and walking away from the group. He ignored the yells of his eldest brother and before he was grabbed by the shoulder, her closed the door behind him before running away. “Damn it. Why is he always like this?” 
Yes, sure. People might find him rebellious, but it’s understandable. He missed the old atmosphere he had with his brothers, but after they were presented to the whole Yakuza thing… A lot of things changed.
He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he truly missed how he and his brothers used to be close. He missed those times where he actually enjoyed spending time with his brothers. But now? There was too much to take in, and he couldn’t really say he enjoys their presence.
He was able to reach the roof and he held a gun in his arms, he looked around and looked for a possible target he could shoot. He didn’t aim for a person, he wanted to aim for a material object. Maybe a tree or a rock. Before he could do his hot, he heard a familiar voice behind him. It was the Messenger of the famiglia.
“Kei.” She stated his name bluntly and he only placed his hand away from the trigger to face her. “You made Masashi angry.” She didn’t show any emotions on her face but he only sighed before focusing back on his gun. “You should at least listen to everything before you leave the room.”
Moe was older than him, and he should be respecting her… But he couldn’t really see her as someone older than her because of his appearance. He did respect her more than her brothers though. “I know, but I wanted to relax.”
Moe blinked once again before she poked his cheek and this caused him to jump backwards by her sudden reaction. “Be more reasonable next time.”
He didn’t really understand what she meant by that, but she walked away after those words. Kei only raised an eyebrow as the small girl vanished from his sight.
☀ - Mythology AU
It was a normal day inside the place where the gods and goddesses lived. There was a meeting where they had to talk about how their followers are and also the count of blessings they have received in that specific week. After the meeting, the gods and goddesses went back to their areas… Maybe except two of the divine beings who had some matters to discuss.
Nene glared at the male who she faced. “There was something  I didn’t mention in the meeting.” She quickly says and Eizan only stared at her, not caring about what she was going to say. But he always found her pretty interesting, especially when he expression turned cold. 
“And that is?” Eizan asked, a smirk building up on his face. He completely knew what she meant, but he’d love to hear it from her own mouth. Despite how he acted, he really did find the Goddees of Intelligence as a wonderful woman. I mean, who wouldn’t?
She had such wonderful eyes, it was so cold that she could make a mere human shiver. Her voice could literally sound pretty calm even if she threatened someone with death, she lead her followers to the correct path with simple ways. She was truly someone amazing, but he’d never tell her that.
“One of your followers decided to trick mine into their death.” Her voice got colder. “I want to ask if you had anything to do with it.” Her voice sounded a bit pissed, but she was keeping all her cool. Honestly, he had nothing to do with it. He never told his followers to do anything unless they asked him through prayers.
“Do you really see me as an evil man, Goddess of Intelligence?” He brings this question up and she only closed her eyes slowly. He was right, she was smart enough to know the truth, but sometimes the truth inside her head can be a lie so all she wanted to do was to confirm if his had anything to do with it. “I wouldn’t make my followers kill anyone unless they ask me who they must kill.”
“I don’t completely trust you with your words. You are the God of Trickery.” She turns around to walk away from the god, but for a short moment, she looked back to give him a deadly stare. “A fair warning. If you ever aim for my followers or me… You better watch your back.”
“I will, Kinokuni Nene.” 
Eizan was quiet and he only stared at the goddess. A grin appeared on his face. Yes, his feelings for her was right. He admired her so much for her strength and talent, and there were times that he didn’t want the Goddess of Love to notice his feelings for the goddess.
🔪 - Yakuza AU
Chieko didn’t know what to do, but she did think that she should trust the man who was currently protecting her. I mean, did she have another choice? If she disobeyed him, she probably had a bigger chance to have some injures, or may even worse… She didn’t want her family members to worry about her. “Fine, I’ll follow what you say.”
“Excellent. For now, stay there.” Shigeo replies before aiming his gun at a couple of people, with one swift move, he was able to shoot them down. “Follow my pacing and my direction.” He hands her an extra gun that he had and he began walking away. “That’s for emergencies. I hope you know how to use it despite being protected all the time.”
She held the gun with her hands and she followed what he said. “Of course I know how to use this.” She starts talking to him again. “I might be protected my whole life, but it’s bold of you to assume that I’m unable to use this object. Something I’ve seen other yakuza members hold all the time.” 
He didn’t bother looking at her for a long time, but he only took a glance before focusing on the people who were coming. “They were right, Chieko Marui. You really are a unique one.” There was amusement in his voice and she only flushed slightly. 
There were no people who complimented her like this because they were too careful with their words since she had a rich family background and her family had some ties with them. 
“You don’t need to tell me that…” She tried to snap out. She may be flattered at the words he said, but this wasn’t the time to be thinking of someone’s words. 
After a few minutes of shooting and reloading, they finally reached the designated area. 
Shigeo placed his gun in his holster before looking around. “It seems rather safe here, but we should be going back to your place. There will be another car coming here in some minutes.” He lifted up his sleeve to look at his watch. “10 minutes, to be exact.” 
“So, what should we do while waiting?” She asked, a bit curious on what he’d suggest. “Maybe you could finally tell me your identity.”  She was curious about the name of her “savior” since he did not look like someone from the Ibusaki family, nor was he a familiar face. Shigeo only grinned before lifting her chin.
“What? Interested in me already?” 
Her eyes widened and she placed his hand away from her face, her face red from his gesture. “Of course not!” She denied any ideas that was coming in his mind. “I think asking for someone’s name is a completely normal thing to do! I’m no normal girl who’d fall for a man who saved her life.” 
He will never take back his words. this girl was truly unique.
“I only wanted to test you.” He gave an excuse before he decided to think of something else he could tell her. “I’d tell my name when we arrive at your place. Or if you prove to me your worth before the car arrives.” He wanted to see if she would be able to do this task in a span of 5 minutes.
“You’re going to tell me anyway.” She shrugged. “So I don’t see a reason why I should prove anything to you.”
He chuckled and focused on her. “You’re smart and patient. I like that.”
A few minutes passed and Chieko felt something was wrong. She looked around at her environment and observed each area carefully. In a split second, she pushed the man she just met away and shot the gun he gave in case any “emergencies” happen.
Shigeo watched as he saw man fall. She aimed for his leg, making sure she wouldn’t kill him. Not even he got to notice that, and her aim was precise despite the man being far away. “Oh? You really do know how to use it. I didn’t even notice that.” 
He was being completely honest, and his gut feeling was completely right. He confirmed it with the shots she took. 
“Seems like I’ve proven my worth.” She handed him the gun he made her borrow. “Did I?”
God, he knew that despite being with her only for a week, he’d never get tired of her.
“Shigeo Eizan.”
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maidofstars · 6 years
Roleswap!KBTBB AU
Eisuke is a yakuza boss. He’s the leader of the group Tres Spades. 
While Eisuke is very feared in the underground community, he’s quite popular normally. He has a very good poker face that no one suspects. 
He joined the mafia to make his adoptive father proud (but to also possibly find some insight on his birth father.)
Soryu is the owner of the hotel, the Ice Dragon. 
Despite Soryu being praised for his work on the hotel, many people are intimidated by him due to his harsh exterior. He admittedly isn’t the best with publicity. 
While he is intimidating, all of his employees are incredibly loyal. His right hand assistants are Inui and Samejima. 
Baba is an incredibly popular artist. 
Baba drew a lot in the orphanage he was raised in. When he realized that his drawings were well received, he took advantage of his skill to make money out of it. 
Now that he’s popular, he uses his money he gets from his artwork to donate to orphanages and charities. 
Ota is a famous thief. He goes by the name “Arsène”! 
Ota is known for stealing artwork. The people he steals from have often mistreated their work or bought it for the wrong reasons. 
Ota says he only steals for the thrill. However, he mainly steals as a form or rebellion. 
Mamoru is a politician. 
Mamoru genuinely wants to change the world for the better. He wants to fix what’s corrupt, but many people don’t want to fix what works. Thus, he isn’t the most popular. 
Mamoru is very different at work. At work, he presents himself in a very professional manner, but when he’s with the bidders/at home, he’s a mess. 
Shuichi is a policeman. 
Shuichi is very serious about justice, but he works with the bidders for personal reasons. He wants to find out the reason for Hikaru’s parents’ death. 
When he wants to dig a little deeper on his own, he’ll play his “Shu” persona to make himself a bit more approachable. 
Luke is an assassin. 
When his ex-girlfriend was dying, he did a lot of dirty work to raise money for her surgery. Despite everything he did, it was no use. 
Luke still stuck with his assassin job, but he personally hates it. He isolated himself for a while until meeting back up with Soryu and Eisuke. 
Hikaru is a doctor who works at the Ice Dragon hotel. 
After his parents died, Hikaru wanted to save as many lives as possible. He even works underground surgeries so he can achieve his goal. He tries to hide this from Shuichi, though. 
Hikaru often as nightmares about not being able to save everyone. 
Rhion is a hotel worker at the Ice Dragon. 
Rhion desperately wanted to be far away from his family. After befriending Soryu, Soryu offered him a job at the hotel. Rhion gladly accepted. 
He’s known for being the personal penthouse worker! Rhion is the one they’ll call whenever there’s a mess. He’s very invested in his job.
MC is the auctioneer for Alice’s Tea Party. 
After breaking a statue, the bidders made sure she worked all of her money off. Once they found out she had a knack for auctioneering, they gave her the role. 
She dresses as Alice! To make sure no one finds out, she stays in the tea party room. 
Extra Info
The roleswap pairs are : Eisuke/Soryu, Baba/Ota, Mamoru/Shuichi, Hikaru/Luke, Rhion/MC. Their jobs are switched in this AU!
For the most part in this AU, their personalities should be the same. There should be some alterations though, as changing their role might change some’s outlook on life (EX: Hikaru / Luke). 
While there are certain relationships that are the same, there are also others that aren’t.  One that remains the same is Soryu, Eisuke, and Luke going to boarding school together. They’re still childhood friends!  An example of one that is different is that Ota is the one who accidentally runs into Soryu in his house, rather than it being Eisuke/Baba. 
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supportive-editor · 2 years
❛ well, how do i look? ❜ (Jesterofinaba, the Tohru-Chan look )
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"Are you serious right now? On god? On me and Yuko's date night? Out of all times you pick to fight me? Date night?"
If anything Adachi had probably given Yuko a wad of cash and let her go on a little shopping spree with some of the other hostesses. Just so Adachi could fight Shibusawa... crossdressing. Honestly, Shibu could care less about how Adachi looks... But c'mon man! Do a bro a solid don't like do that on date night!!!!
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supportive-editor · 2 years
❛ don’t you know what you mean to me? ❜ (Jesterofinaba)
Various Question Starters
With the adrenaline quickly rushing out of his body... Tatsuo fell back.  Finally getting the truth he wanted after ten whole years-- It came with a price. The price of his love ones... Or in this exchange, his own.
Three bullet wounds. His chest, his stomach, his upper right thigh. On top of a beating of a life time. A couple hard blows to the head can really disorient a guy. But never put him down like three bullets. Shido had ordered his goons to kill off the civilians that were dear to Tatsuo; Takuto, Rumi, Rise,and Yuko . 
Of course, Tohru being the sworn blood brother of the former heir of the clan... Took the fall. Only to leading up to Tatsuo being the one shield them. 
As the gun wielding henchmen was going load another round, Akira; Tohru’s son, had landed a punch before they could do anymore damage to anyone.. Only to be backed up by Tohru’s officers just in case Shido commands more of them to attack.
Ringing and muffled yelling and sobbing  that’s all he could hear after all that. From various people.
Tatsuo’s vision was blurry. But he could make out who was holding him. Tohru. 
His voice was hoarse. 
“...Is everyone...Alright?” Of course, in his last moments. Tatsuo thought of other’s rather than himself. He was the one who dragged them all into this mess in the first place. He was responsible... And he wanted to take that responsibility in order to protect everyone. 
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supportive-editor · 1 year
@jesterofinaba its been 5 months im so sorry star
"That... won't be for a while... I would get my ass beat by Yuko if I was."
A weak chuckle slips through his lips.
God, he feels so out of it.... A part of him wishes he wasn't here. Tatsuo had a lot of issues left and right when he was released. No time for a break-- same with the people who were involved in this. His Yuko, Rise, Akira, Takuto, and Rumi.... Hell, even fucking politics! While it wasn't even his fault, people he loved dearly were getting hurt. And well, Tatsuo thought he would be better off dead! With him still alive another War could break out.
"Hey, Aniki...?"
He shifts his head to take a good look at Tohru. His Sworn Brother had taken care of all of those people while he was on jail time..... Covered up his tracks while he searched for the truth alone. 10 years, 10 whole fucking years... Tohru stayed by his side.
"I hate to say this..."
He sighs. But Tatsuo needs this to be done in order for everyone's safety... Just for a year.
"I need to go incognito for a while.... I need you to do one last thing for me. File me a death certificate. Make sure the clan sees it-- Announce it to all of Yakuza groups you know."
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supportive-editor · 2 years
“Okay, let’s go over there and destroy the place.” [ Yakuza au ofc ]
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"As much as I want to support that idea-- The last time you did that you ended up destroying the wrong place. And then made me, a broke, fresh outta prison ex-convict, pay for the damages."
That modelling gig he got can only pay him so much you know!!! Tatsuo is living on chump change--- And Yuko's paycheck. Man, civvie life for an ex-convict sucks.
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supportive-editor · 2 years
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important investigation things are happening!
yuko cant see over the ledge. tell her whats going on adachi!!
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supportive-editor · 2 years
“listen, asshole. i’m gonna carry you home whether you like it or not. you’re not in any condition to get there yourself.” [ yakuza au ]
" You should've seen those other guys..."
Even if he was a civvie now, the main clan's officers didn't like the decision of Tatsuo taking matters into his own hands and well... pretty much being a walking target. They've stooped low enough to beat one of their own... It also didn't help that the rival one was also on Tatsuo's case. Always picking fights with no matter where he was-- Both of them. While Tatsuo could easily take the small fry on his own, there were still clan subsidiary leaders, clan officers, and even random guys they've hired just to mess with him.
So much for living a regular civilian lifestyle, huh?
Adachi had found him resting in some sketchy alleyway, beaten and bruised. He was going to wait until certain parts of his body stopped throbbing from pain... And well, when he stopped bleeding since Yuko didn't need to worry about him even more. However, that was gonna get thrown out the window since Adachi was gonna carry him. He'll definitely get an earful when he gets back to his Yuko's place.
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supportive-editor · 2 years
He’s in absolute distress. This Adachi everywhere mechanic sucks. 
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supportive-editor · 2 years
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every au i have for shibusawa his wife is there too. they are a package deal, do not separate!!!
Some info on Yuko in the Yakuza!AU
- shibu's high school sweet heart!!! absolutely heartbroken when shibu gets framed for murder and is sent to prison for 10 years.
- she works at adachi's cabaret club as a hostess (while she still persues her career as an author) , shes had this job since her college days (do not ask abt her age, she'll break your foot with a heel stomp.)
- besties w/ @jesterofinaba bc i said so
- shes the most popular hostess there, without even trying... shes just good at her job, geninuely nice to patrons, will take no shit if they try advances on her.
- carries a tiny purse with self defense items (pepper spray, knife disguised as a comb, lipstick taser, a cute keychain thats works as spiked brass knuckles) again, adachi got them for her. (the club lets the hostess carry self defense items in case customers get gross)
- actually really scuffy out of her hostess gig, going back to her silly otaku self outside of the club. stays like this bc she could be easily targeted.
- goes by an alias at the club, adachi and shibu dont want her to be targeted by rival yakuza after all!!!
-shes had some patrons confess to her but always says no (when it gets bad, adachi takes care of them in her place.)
- fought a rival yakuza spy who worked as a hostess (kashiwagi) to get info on shibu while he was in prison, she pepper sprayed her and adachi curb stomped her after hehehe
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supportive-editor · 2 years
❝You wanna get wasted?❞ [yakuza au!!]
Drinking Starters!
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“As long as it doesn’t end with you crying on the on a bathroom floor. Sure, why not? I’m down.” It’s been like ten whole years since that happened So maybe times have changed! Or maybe not.... Either way, it Shibusawa didn’t want to deal what he dealt with last time:
Just picture him, also very drunk trying to take care of also a drunk Adachi who was hunched over a toilet and crying and throwing up while Shibusawa holds his hair up. Their early twenties in the Yakuza were something, huh? You get your paycheck and blow it on booze, fancy suits, weapons, expensive restaurants and even dancing at clubs until dawn!
Yuko also pops her head out of one of the changing booths-- The hostess was finished her shift at the cabaret club-- And well, she wanted to join in the fun. She’s always wonder what was like to party with Yakuza... Or in this case, Yakuza and ex-yakuza. Sure she’s gone drinking with Adachi while her boyfriend was in prison... But that also ended up with her taking care of her boss-- while she was also drunk. 
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“Why not make this a bit of a welcome back party for Tatty? We can do some bar hopping and karaoke! I got even a coupon for half off snacks at the karaoke place if we go as group!”
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supportive-editor · 2 years
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yaku/za shibu tattoo ref bc im invested
so basically he has a cherry blossom branch going down his chest: represents new beginnings(pink) the red petals means short life.
and he just has ki/ryu's tattoo p much on the back and more cherry blossoms
dragons are obvs a symbolism for power and wisdom and strength and leadership and more cherry blossoms??? bc its a memory of his mom hehehe
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supportive-editor · 2 years
‘you’re not safe here.’ [ yuko n dachi, yakuza au ]
Soft Angst Starters
“You think I don’t know that? Already knew what I was getting into when I started dating Tatsuo. And I don’t need to it hear it from you.”
As if Tatsuo needed more civvies to get involved with his situation-- Yuko was even lucky enough to not get caught in their investigations together. During their time working together even with very little evidence that they’ve gathered... They’ve gotten to know each other at their strongest and even at their weakest. 
Yuko knew she was playing a very dangerous game. Did she care? No. This is the most freedom she has ever gotten despite it’s circumstances. Getting involved in things she didn’t even know that existed. Learning how the criminal underworld of the Yakuza worked? She was learning new things that Tastsuo had kept hidden for years from her... With Adachi has her guide. 
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She looks up at him.. In all honesty she was hurt he’d even say that-- The look in her eyes was an obvious sign.
“You and I.. We have a same goal. And I’m not planning on giving up until I find the truth.”
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supportive-editor · 2 years
Yakuza AU! Shibusawa dump hehe
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A spur of the moment AU with @jesterofinaba​ !! Info under the cut. He’s just... very quiet in this au. Prison Changes a guy. :C 
TW: Mentions of death, sex work, thoughts of suicide 
- Shibusawa takes Kiryu’s place in the AU. Former Lieutenant advisor and Former Leader of a smaller clan under the main clans watch. He known as the Raging Dragon of their clan. Admired for his strict work ethic, inhuman strength, and honest values.  (NO DOG MOTIF IN THIS AU--). After his arrest, he’s a ‘civilian’ with a yakuza past. So he’s not so disconnected from the clan.  
- Orphaned at a young age, Main Clan’s head took Shibusawa in (since the clan head had soft spot for kids). Shibusawa’s only blood related relative was his mother (Hanami) and unnamed father. Mother was offed by the rival gang owing money. Her debt was so much it resulted to her working in at soaplands/pink bars for fast cash. 
- Met Adachi at the orphanage and they instantly clicked. Had a friendly rivalry growing up there together. While Adachi was loud, Shibusawa was more level headed which balanced out their dynamic. He was a quiet kid with honest nature and had a bit of a passion of punk music growing up. 
- Met Yuko in high school and fell in love instantly. While her parents didn’t approve him being ‘born’ into the Yakuza lifestyle, they still dated. They ran off together once she got accepted into college. (Yuko doesn’t have a good relationship with her parents either way.) Also befriended Takuto and Rumi during high school... He warns them about him being being part of the Yakuza. But they are stubborn and be friends with him anyway. Because he’s genuinely a good guy. 
- Once he reached legal adult age, the Head of the clan had recruited him as hired muslce/debt collecting and he eventually climbed up the ranks with his hard work. And eventually becomes am advisor for the head of the clan and a leader for his own group under the main clan. 
- At his peak he was framed for Rumi’s Parents Murder from a rival clan that wanted to started a turf war for more land. Rival clan knew about Shibusawa’s connections to her parents (They borrowed money and were late, Rumi does not know of this, Takuto was roped into it to because the connection.) The rival gang called Shibu to ‘save’ his friends, and Shibusawa just happened to be at the wrong place at wrong time, cops already there. Rival Gang held both Rumi and Takuto hostage because of them being witnesses. [The event rendered Rumi unconscious and Takuto blinded by trauma (literally)] 
- Due to the lack of evidence/forged evidence, Shibusawa is sentenced to 10 years in prison. During that time, he’s out of the loop and his only way of getting updates is through Adachi sending him letters. (He’s also entrusted Adachi to watch over Rumi, Takuto, and Yuko.) / Gets pushed around by other rival yakuza prisoners who run the place, earning him a scar from fights.
- Wins most prison fights but results him being in solitary confinement. A LOT. Alone in his thoughts, he blames himself for getting his best friends who are civilians involved with him. They got hurt because of him just being a yakuza-- He develops a mild suicidal complex. Thinking he’s better off dead and attempts to hurt himself.
- Once he’s out, he wants to prove his innocence and get justice for both Takuto and Rumi. Returning to the clans head office, he asks to be expelled out of the family because the incident from ten years ago. It causes an uproar in the clan because of obvious turf war happening and Shibusawa’s position in the clan. In order to leave the clan Shibusawa must sacrifice a pinky as tradition-- Hesitant, Shibusawa takes his time and thinks about it. One of Adachi’s officers (Sho) offers to cut pinky off for him and attacks but Adachi gives him a hard NO, and takes the hit for Shibusawa. Adachi declares that he’ll kill Shibusawa if they allow him to leave. (ADACHI EVERYWHERE MECHANIC UNLOCKED BABEEEEY!!)
- While ‘free’ man looking into his case, he lays low while seeking the truth. He tries to get used to new timeline he’s in while he’s at it. Takes on odd jobs to make cash-- And instead if getting into real estate like Kiryu, He helps a dying Record Label and newbie bands make their major debut..... On his free time he tries to have fun, but Adachi is always there to fight him (in reality hes just there wanting to hang out with Shibusawa for lost time.)
- Fights with Adachi are physical.. Some are silly challenges; pool, bug fighting card game, dance battles, bowling, and pocket circuit racing. There is one rule to this however: Do not interrupt dates with Yuko. 
- Like Kiryu, Shibusawa is a little dumb-- But he has common sense, but it gets thrown out the window sometimes. Often gets into weird shenanigans around Kamurocho, such as voicing a BL CD (Yuko buys it), teaching a very soft dominatrix to be better at her job, delivering pizzas, chasing down drones, and encountering some wack inventors and being a test subject
- He also adopts a child on his adventure, Rise! Who is from a yakuza owned orphanage (not a very nice one, she was about to get sold off but eventually escaped). Often bullies her ‘dad’ on during this adventure too, calling him old and insulting his taste in music. And worse of all, calling his Hawaiian shirts tacky. 
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supportive-editor · 2 years
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TOTALLY DIDN’T SPEND TWO HOURS DANCING AT A CLUB TO HALT HIS INVESTIGATION. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!  He still got his moves though, even after being locked up in prison for 10 years!!!
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