#fallout sonora
psykersomatic · 1 year
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hosiko · 1 year
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meugamer · 6 months
Fallout: ouça a trilha sonora original da nova série do Prime Video
Dos games para o streaming, o Prime Video apresenta a 1ª temporada da série “Fallout” nesta quarta-feira (10), e um de seus destaques é, sem dúvidas, a trilha sonora original, com ‘sons’ marcantes. A série de TV live-action de Fallout, produzida pela Amazon Studios, traz um elenco de peso, incluindo Ella Purnell e Walton Goggins, prometendo uma imersão no mundo pós-apocalíptico da icônica…
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lavampira · 8 months
last update: 02 september 2024
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alias: operative vesper
age: 28
identity: he/him, bisexual
appearance: 6’2
specialization: infiltration
romance: nash, evie thierry (ex, au), seb ariti (au) [belongs to consulaaris]
verse: project hadea + original
alias: sunset bird resident
age: 23
identity: he/him, bisexual
appearance: 5’10
occupation: guitarist + freelance artist
romance: cove holden, rowan hill (au) [belongs to consulaaris]
verse: our life + original
alias: the painted phoenix
age: 25
identity: she/her, lesbian
appearance: 6’, phoenix mythosi
weapon: double-bladed scythe
romance: syfyn javall (ex), amilia von clamile
verse: the exile
alias: omen, commander-legate
age: 29
identity: he/him, gay
appearance: 6’4, hunter-raised mage
specialization: circle-trained diviner
romance: red antiqua (ex), trouble alder
verse: shepherds of haven
alias: lead vocalist of saint reverie
age: 26
identity: they/them, bisexual
appearance: 5’11
occupation: alternative rock singer
romance: seven lawless (ex), orion quinn
verse: infamous
alias: rivlaughluv
age: 27
identity: they/them, bisexual
appearance: 5’10
occupation: private lab technician
romance: olivia santos (au)
verse: blooming panic + original
alias: the preacher
age: 26
identity: she/they, lesbian
appearance: 5’7
occupation: vampire-hunting swindler
romance: celina sokolova
verse: larkin
alias: the wayward scarlet
age: 25
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’8
occupation: biology grad student
romance: avery belle
verse: scarlet hollow
alias: white company mercenary
age: 29
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’4
occupation: mercenary + latin translator
romance: hadrian
verse: the golden rose
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alias: the druid
age: 32
identity: she/her, lesbian
appearance: 5’7, half sun elf
class: circle of spores druid
romance: none
verse: dungeons & dragons
alias: the investigator
age: 33
identity: he/him, gay
appearance: 6’3
occupation: wwi veteran + museum curator
romance: ethan ripley
verse: call of cthulhu
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alias: the lawyer
age: 27
identity: she/her, demiromantic bi
appearance: 5’5
occupation: defense attorney
romance: dick grayson, river lovell (au)
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alias: hero of ferelden, hound of highever
age: 23 in 9:30 dragon
identity: he/him, bisexual
appearance: 5’10
class: duelist + shadow rogue
romance: leliana
alias: champion of kirkwall
age: 25 in 9:30 dragon
identity: she/her, lesbian
appearance: 6’
class: reaver warrior
romance: merrill
alias: the inquisitor, first to the keeper
age: 30 in 9:41 dragon
identity: she/they, bisexual
appearance: 5’5
class: knight-enchanter mage
romance: TBD
alias: rook
age: # in 9:52 dragon
identity: they/them, bisexual
appearance: TBD
class: reaper warrior + mourn watch
romance: davrin
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alias: the vestige
age: 33 in 2E 583
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’9, dunmer
class: dragonknight
romance: fennorian
alias: the last dragonborn
age: 29 in 4E 201
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’8, nord
class: conjuration warrior
romance: farkas
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alias: courier six
age: 29 in 2281
identity: she/her, lesbian
appearance: 5’6
skills: speech, guns, repair
romance: none
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alias: warrior of light
age: 28 in ARR
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’4, seeker miqo’te
job: summoner, dark knight, dancer
romance: minfilia warde (ex), sidurgu orl
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alias: the commander
age: 29 in 2183
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’10
class: vanguard
romance: kaidan alenko
alias: the pathfinder
age: 22 in 2819
identity: she/her, lesbian
appearance: 5’8
class: sentinel
romance: vetra nyx
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alias: queen of the stolen lands
age: 29
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’7, aasimar
class: celestial line sorcerer
romance: tristian
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alias: the detective
age: 28
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’1
occupation: private investigator
romance: jill valentine, angel pavon (ex, au)
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alias: the jedi exile
age: 31 in 298 BTC
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’5, mirialan
class: consular + master
romance: atton rand
alias: revan
age: 33 in 303 BTC
identity: they/she, bisexual
appearance: 5’9, human
class: scout + sentinel
romance: malak (ex), canderous ordo
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alias: the wrath
age: 21 in 10 ATC
identity: she/her, lesbian
appearance: 5’3, human
class: marauder + shadow
romance: jaesa willsaam
alias: cipher six, sith intelligence commander
age: 24 in 10 ATC
identity: he/him, demiromantic bi
appearance: 5’11, human
class: operative + gunslinger
romance: rysandor riel [belongs to consulaaris]
alias: lord tirai, claw of the empire
age: 19 in 12 ATC
identity: he/him, gay
appearance: 6’1, miraluka
class: juggernaut + sage
romance: minaiph tirai [belongs to hythlodaes]
alias: champion of the great hunt
age: 18 in 10 ATC
identity: she/her, bi demisexual
appearance: 5’2, human
class: mercenary + powertech
romance: torian cadera
alias: captain of the fortune’s favour
age: 24 in 10 ATC
identity: she/her, lesbian
appearance: 5’7, twi’lek
class: scoundrel + mercenary
romance: blaire myrrho [belongs to consulaaris]
alias: jedi battlemaster, the outlander
age: 20 in 10 ATC
identity: he/him, gay
appearance: 6’2, mirialan
class: guardian + sage
romance: theron shan
alias: CEDF infiltrator/biochemist
age: 25 in 10 ATC
identity: she/her, bi demisexual
appearance: 5’9, chiss
class: sniper + operative
romance: saganu
alias: cipher nine
age: 23 in 10 ATC
identity: they/them, bisexual
appearance: 6’1, chiss
class: sniper + powertech
romance: kaliyo djannis (ex), hunter (ex)
alias: jedi barsen’thor
age: 23 in 10 ATC
identity: she/her, bi demisexual
appearance: 6’, cathar
class: shadow
romance: felix iresso
alias: havoc squad commander
age: 25 in 10 ATC
identity: he/him, bisexual
appearance: 5’8, nautolan
class: vanguard + mercenary
romance: elara dorne
alias: ex-padawan mechanic
age: 20 in 20 ATC
identity: he/him, bi asexual
appearance: 6’4, echani
class: shadow + guardian
romance: jase bralor
alias: darth occlus
age: 26 in 10 ATC
identity: she/they, poly bisexual
appearance: 5’, rattataki
class: assassin + sorcerer
romance: andronikos revel
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alias: the fledgling
age: 25 at embrace in 2004
identity: she/her, bisexual
appearance: 5’2
clan: toreador
occupation: metal singer
romance: ash rivers
alias: the sire
age: 28 at embrace in 1919, final death in 2004
identity: he/him, bisexual
appearance: 6’2
clan: toreador
occupation: jazz pianist
romance: none
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fallout-lou-begas · 4 months
Not a hot take or nuanced ask or whatever, but have you watched Warlockcracy's videos on Fallout? I especially enjoyed his Fallout: Sonora video, a Fallout 2 mod that takes place around the Sonoran desert. Really, all his Fallout content is grade A stuff.
no idea who that is, alas
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delirantesko · 2 months
Anotações soltas 09/09/2024 (texto, escrevendo, 2024)
- Pena que as críticas do filme Borderlands estão ruins. Gosto muito do jogo e com sucessos como The Last of Us e Fallout, adoraria ver o filme conquistando mais fãs. Espero que o 2, onde devem mostrar o fantástico Handsome Jack, seja melhor.
- Fiquei tão contente em saber que Rayearth vai ter um remake! Foi o primeiro anime que assisti. Passava as 6h30m da manhã no SBT em 1997, e eu ia trabalhar, deixando o vídeo cassete gravando. "Tomaranai mirai wo mezashite..." (outro anime com a trilha sonora absurdamente boa. Chego a me arrepiar só de lembrar!)
- Ranma 1/2 só devo assistir depois da sequência de Inuyasha.
- Falando em trilhas sonoras japonesas, eu amo o encerramento de Tatami Galaxy 神様のいうとおり.
- Cheguei no pacto 24 de Monster Train! Só falta mais um agora.
- Quero escrever um conto sobre a frase que postei ontem:
"Não é preciso ser um gênio pra perceber que vai ser necessário mais que três esfregadas na lâmpada pra realizar seus desejos."
- Escrevo pelo menos um pouco todos os dias. Adoro as frases por vários motivos. Elas condensam ideias que eu provavelmente desenvolveria de forma extendida, mas algo interessante é que se existe uma história para desenvolver, ela nunca morre. No máximo adormece até que eu possa dar a atenção devida. As vezes uma frase se torna poesia ou texto, cena, conto ou até um livro. A ideia do pássaro e a fonte surgiu de uma frase, inclusive já comentei em outra postagem.
- Então minhas frases são como sementes que eu jogo e depois venho colher os frutos. Gosto da analogia com os arquivos comprimidos, vulgo "zipados". Frases são histórias resumidas, por isso escrevo tantas delas. Elas também servem como inspiração pros próximos eventos do livro.
- Tenho escrito menos poesia e agora quando escrevo elas procuro fazer acrósticos.
- Um trecho inicial do capítulo 16: O livro de pele de Minotauro, mostrando um pouco mais de Fraeru e Coro, a tartaruga:
"Fraeru lê um livro misterioso enquanto o pássaro sonha.
No laboratório de Fraeru, Coro está inquieto. Ele olha para o pássaro se debatendo enquanto dorme e não é da natureza dele observar outra criatura sofrendo: ele precisa fazer alguma coisa, mesmo que não seja a hora de se fazer algo. As vezes, tudo que podemos fazer é esperar.
Fraeru, que sabe que o que está acontecendo é necessário para o pássaro, percebe que agora tem dois pacientes em seu laboratório.
“Hah…‘Doutor’ não é?” ele pensa consigo. “Bem, tenho um plano pra isso também.”
“Coro, rápido, pegue esta pena e abane o pássaro. Isso vai ajudar ele.” Fraeru sabia que era apenas um paliativo. Abanar o pássaro era apenas uma coisa ajudaria mais a tartaruga do que ele. Em contra-partida, era melhor que Coro não ficasse muito agitado, já que ele já estava tendo o trabalho de monitorar as condições do pássaro.
Agora que a tartaruga se acalmou, ele poderia focar no que era realmente importante. Como um bom enxadrista, o sapo que usava nada mais que um jaleco sempre estava pensando três passos adiante. E havia muito o que se ponderar. Enquanto muitos poderiam estar chocados com as novas informações, a mente de cientista de Fraeru apenas elencava os novos fatores, desenvolvendo as novas equações que agora determinavam a nova realidade.
“Ótimo trabalho Coro! Continue assim.” encorajou ele, enquanto apanhava um livro, e disse “Tenho que pesquisar algo, então vou precisar de um tempo. Me chame se houver alguma mudança drástica, ok?”
Coro assentiu e continou a cuidar do pássaro.
Fraeru então se sentou numa cadeira mais afastada, abrindo o volume que apanhou da estante uns instantes atrás.
Colocou ele em cima da mesa e apreciou o livro fechado. Sua capa era do couro de minotauro, que hoje estavam em extinção. Era um verde-escuro, levemente reluzente. Um cadeado com tranca a chave protegia tanto o livro quanto usuários desavisados, pois este não era um livro-armadilha.
Se você ficasse completamente em silêncio, poderia ouvir um zunido, como se o livro quisesse sussurrar coisas pra você, ansioso por compartilhar o que sabia."
- Bom final de semana para todos.
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suntiger745 · 1 month
When you isekai the wrong guy
The premise is simple, and familiar by now. A high school or college guy gets killed in the modern world and is transported to a fantastic realm where he gains powers and become surrounded by beautiful women who want him carnally and/or emotionally.
But sometimes the gods get drunk, or there's a glitch in the Matrix, or someone handed the Web of Reality maintenance off to the intern on a friday to take an early weekend.
Enter Dr Kojiro Watanabe. 51 years old, trauma surgeon, speaks 5 languages, has worked with Medicines Sans Frontiers for 15 years before returning to Japan. Happily married to his husband for 23 years.
And now he finds himself in the Commonwealth, on a different earth and with no supernatural powers. He is still, for some reason, getting surrounded by implausibly hot women though. And it's true that the Commonwealth is in dire need of his skills as a doctor, but while he doesn't mind helping people out he misses his husband and just wants to go home.
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"I'm a healer but..."
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Unfortunately, the isekai story has a kind of narrative inertia of its own. The pink-haired (and implausibly hot) alien woman he meets considers them married after he helps her out.
"Wait, we are what?!" "Pair bonded. My translator chip says 'marriage' is the correct term." "I'm already married! To my husband, who I love very much!" "That is not an issue, doctor Watanabe." "It is to me!"
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The whole "marriage" thing aside, Sonora is a nice woman and a crack shot, so she will be very useful in keeping him alive until he figures out a way to get home.
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Of course, things like interdimensional travel are not so easy to figure out. He is a trauma surgeon after all, not a quantum probability physicist, or an occultist. They do find an interdimensional anomaly though. Entering it, they meet Ella, a crack commando trooper from Colombia. Only it's not the Colombia from Watanabe's earth, nor the Fallout world, if her outfit and weapon are anything to go by.
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The interdimensional anomaly hosts a variety of weird things and it's quickly apparent that some seriously advanced and highly experimental science was going on in the facility.
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They find their way back, though to Dr Watanabe's disappointment it is the Commonwealth they return to, not Kobe in his Earth.
They continue to explore, and stumble into an old theatre turned fighting arena. With a very hostile audience.
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Once the lead and lasers have stopped flying he approaches the victorious fighter and the commentator/owner of the place.
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Thanks to the narrative inertia of the isekai setting, the owner of the area suggests that the fighter goes with him. Kojiro reluctantly agrees, and as they exit he discovers that a reason he keeps getting saddled with implausible attractive women is that the isekai narrative literally warps them to suit its archetypes. Cait was not unattractive as such, but she had clearly had a rough life based on how she looked when he first talked with her.
When they exit the combat zone, not only does she have less bruises, she's taller and wears a completely different outfit.
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theclubhero-blog · 2 months
Fallout London já está disponível, veja como instalar o mod gigante Fallout 4 gratuitamente
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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O tão aguardado Fallout London, o grande mod gratuito para a versão PC do Fallout 4 que é comparável em tamanho a um jogo completo, está finalmente disponível para todos os jogadores. O mod está disponível no GOG e é compatível tanto com a versão desta loja quanto com a Steam, mas apenas com a versão do Fallout 4: GOTY Edition, ou seja, sem o patch de última geração publicado pela Bethesda nos últimos meses. Uma variante mod compatível está atualmente em desenvolvimento e será lançada no futuro.
Fallout London é talvez um dos maiores e mais ambiciosos mods já vistos na história dos videogames e permitirá aos jogadores vivenciar uma nova aventura em uma Londres pós-apocalíptica. Este trabalho é claramente baseado em Fallout 4, mas a Team FOLON fez um trabalho gigantesco, criando uma nova história, novos recursos para ambientes, edifícios e assim por diante, armas, armaduras, inimigos. Pense só, inclui 200 missões, 20 facções, 7 possíveis aliados que acompanharão o jogador, sistema de diálogo revisado e ampliado, dublagem original e trilha sonora adaptada. Abaixo você encontrará o trailer de lançamento.
Como baixar e instalar o mod
Se você estiver interessado, pode baixar Fallout London gratuitamente no GOG neste endereço. Como mencionado anteriormente, o mod é compatível com as versões Steam e GOG do Fallout 4: GOTY Edition, mas apenas desde que seja a versão
No GOG é possível baixar esta versão diretamente, visto que a loja decidiu mantê-la disponível “para oferecer tempo suficiente para a comunidade modder atualizar seus mods”. Se estiver interessado, pode encontrar a página Fallout 4: GOTY Edition neste endereço , estando o jogo atualmente em oferta com um desconto de 60%. Se você comprou ou vai comprar a versão GOG do Fallout 4, basta seguir os passos simples na página Fallout London que vinculamos anteriormente.
Para quem tem a versão Steam do Fallout 4 já atualizada com o patch de última geração, é necessário dar um passo a mais para fazer o downgrade para a versão Nada muito complicado, felizmente, visto que graças ao mod “Fallout London Downgrader and Addons” criado especificamente pela Team FOLON, apenas alguns cliques são suficientes para realizar esta operação. Você pode baixar o mod no NexusMods neste endereço, onde também encontrará todas as instruções necessárias.
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sonyclasica · 1 year
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Sony Music Masterworks anuncia el lanzamiento de MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – DEAD RECKONING PART ONE (MUSIC FROM THE MOTION PICTURE) del compositor LORNE BALFE, disponible desde el miércoles 12 de julio, el mismo día en que la película, de Paramount Pictures y Skydance, se estrenó exclusivamente en cines.
Consíguela AQUÍ
Sobre la partitura, Lorne Balfe comenta: "Siempre es emocionante componer para una película con un legado como Misión Imposible. Empecé a componer para este proyecto hace más de 3 años y el objetivo era crear una banda sonora cargada de adrenalina, emocional y estimulante, a la altura de la intensidad palpitante de la película.
Para esta partitura, pudimos grabar en ciudades que son los lugares de rodaje, lo que aportó un nivel diferente de autenticidad y conexión emocional a la música. Grabamos coros en Venecia, el Swiss Drums Corps en Suiza, orquestas en Venecia, Viena y Londres, además de una épica sesión de bongos formada por 35 músicos, que sonó increíble en la sala y fue una bonita oda a Fallout. Esta es, con diferencia, mi partitura más amplia hasta la fecha, con 555 músicos tocando en 5 ciudades. Ha sido un honor trabajar con talentos de talla mundial y un equipo excelente que ha ayudado a cultivar una partitura acabada que es realmente especial".
Christopher McQuarrie, director, guionista y productor de MISIÓN: IMPOSIBLE – DEAD RECKONING PART ONE: "Lo que estás a punto de escuchar representa tres años de prueba y error, experimentación audaz y atención exhaustiva al más mínimo detalle emocional. Es, simplemente, el tipo de puntuación que ya no hacen. Y, sin embargo, Lorne Balfe lo hizo".
En Misión: Imposible – Cálculo muerto Primera parte, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) y su equipo del FMI se embarcan en su misión más peligrosa hasta el momento: rastrear una nueva arma aterradora que amenaza a toda la humanidad antes de que caiga en las manos equivocadas. Con el control del futuro y el destino del mundo en juego, y las fuerzas oscuras del pasado de Ethan acercándose, comienza una carrera mortal alrededor del mundo. Enfrentado a un enemigo misterioso y todopoderoso, Ethan se ve obligado a considerar que nada puede importar más que su misión, ni siquiera las vidas de aquellos que más le importan.
The Sevastopol    
The Phantom    
Collision Alarm    
A Ghost in the Machine    
The Sum of Our Choices    
Dead Reckoning Opening Titles
The Entity    
Your Mission...    
This Is Not a Drill    
The Plot Thickens    
You Are Dunn    
Get Out Now    
A Colourful Past    
Rush Hour in Rome    
Roman Getaway    
You're Driving    
Hit It    
He Calls Himself Gabriel    
A Most Probable Next    
Run As Far As You Can    
You Are Done    
Chasing Grace    
I Was Hoping It'd Be You    
Ponte Dei Conzafelzi    
To Be a Ghost    
What Is Your Objective    
Murder and The Orient Express    
Mask of Lies    
I Missed the Train    
Key Details    
The Moment of Truth    
Should You Choose to Accept    
Leap of Faith    
You Stop the Train    
Chaos on the Line    
This Was the Plan    
Curtain Call    
Lorne Balfe, compositor ganador del GRAMMY y nominado al Emmy y al BAFTA, ha creado música en prácticamente todos los géneros y para todos los medios visuales con proyectos que van desde grandes estudios hasta películas independientes, franquicias de videojuegos, queridas películas animadas, series de televisión aclamadas por la crítica y documentales.
Originario de Inverness, Escocia, el amor de Lorne por la música y la escritura fue evidente desde una edad temprana. La casa de su infancia tenía un estudio de grabación residencial donde grababan artistas como Ozzy Osbourne e Inner Circle, con el último de los cuales trabajó por casualidad para su partitura para Bad Boys for Life.
A los ocho años, Lorne comenzó a escribir y vender sus "jingles" compuestos para anuncios, y a la edad de trece años audicionó para ser percusionista con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Edimburgo, convirtiéndose en su miembro más joven, y viajó por Escocia con ellos profesionalmente. Lorne se hizo evidente que quería convertirse en compositor de cine y en su adolescencia comenzó a escribir cartas a otros compositores con la esperanza de una oportunidad. Fue entonces cuando decidió mudarse a los Estados Unidos, y pronto su excepcional carrera despegó.
Constantemente recibiendo elogios por sus composiciones musicales, recibió elogios de la crítica por su partitura en la película más exitosa de la franquicia Misión Imposible, Mission: Impossible –Fallout (Paramount Pictures) del escritor / director Christopher McQuarrie y también ha compuesto la banda sonora  de Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One, que se estrenará en julio de 2023.
Balfe trabajó en la aclamada por la crítica y nominada al Oscar Top Gun: Maverick (Paramount), que obtuvo 1.488 mil millones en la taquilla mundial. Lorne se desempeñó como productor de partituras y contribuyó a la partitura junto a Hans Zimmer, Harold Faltermeyer y Lady Gaga.
Recientemente compuso la música para el muy elogiado Luther: Fallen Sun (Netflix), la continuación de la querida serie de la BBC, y Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (Paramount) basado en el muy querido y celebrado juego de mesa.
Otros créditos notables incluyen Black Widow (Disney / Marvel), Ambulance (Universal), Jungleland (Paramount), The Lego Batman Movie (Warner Bros) y la película nominada al Oscar The Florida Project (  A24). El próximo trabajo de Lorne se escuchará en Argylle dirigida por Matthew Vaughn.
Además de su trabajo con Christopher McQuarrie, Lorne ha trabajado con muchos de los directores más prestigiosos de la industria, incluidos Christopher Nolan, Ron Howard, Michael Bay, Cate Shortland, Ang Lee, Christophe Waltz, Jerry Bruckheimer, Sean Baker y Chris McKay.
Sony Music Masterworks se compone de los sellos Masterworks, Sony Classical, Milan Records, XXIM Records y Masterworks Broadway.
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ravagedarkness · 2 years
Spider-Man: Home Rebuilt, Chapter 32: Craig's Story
(Okay, so, I just wanted to give a heads up. There's going to be some rather choice language used in this chapter. I apologize in advance, but I assure you it makes sense in context.)
Scott wasn’t kidding when he said Craig was beside himself.
Before I even knocked on the door, it swung open. Craig walked past me, barely turning his shoulder to avoid coming into contact with me. That was all the acknowledgment of my presence I got as I watched him storm down the hall towards the elevator.
“Come in, Peter,” Kitty ordered. I looked inside of the apartment, seeing a distraught Kitty in front of me. “We need to talk.” I nodded as I walked inside. As I removed my shoes, Kitty took care of the door, closing it behind me before she locked it. I looked over at Scott, who was seated on the couch, massaging his temples with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Behind his glasses was a red glow. Some bits of energy were actually falling down, dissipating just before they reached his lap.
“You okay?” I asked. Scott took in a deep breath before he looked up at me.
“No, I’m not,” he said simply. “Please sit.”
I felt the tension in the air. Something happened before I got there, I was sure. I took a seat on the sofa. Kitty walked over and took a seat next to me. I looked back and forth between them.
“Why do I feel like I just walked in on the aftermath of a huge argument?”
“That’s because you did,” Kitty replied.
I swallowed. “Does it have to do with Carmilla?”
Scott nodded. “Yes.” He took in another deep breath. As he exhaled slowly, the glow behind his glasses faded away. “Allow me to explain. The three of us received a text early in the morning. It was at 5:36, to be exact.” He pulled out his phone and went through it. After he found he was looking for, he tossed his phone over to me. I caught it with both hands before I turned it around and looked at the screen. I saw a long series of sets of lines and dashes.
“Morse code?” I asked.
“It’s actually a different kind of code based on a mix of Morse code and Tap code,” Kitty explained. “It was something that Scott and Carmilla came up with. Craig and I are the only other people who know it.”
I started to put two and two together. “…And you guys think this is from Carmilla?”
“It’s a huge possibility,” Scott confirmed.
“So what does it say?”
“‘Need help, jammed up’, followed by a set of numbers. Said numbers are 33.40591485194438, followed by negative 115.30740312252894. From what we can tell, they are coordinates. A quick google search, though, puts said coordinates in the middle of the Sonora Desert. There could be something there, or it could be a trap.”
“That’s what we tried to explain to Craig,” Kitty added. I looked over at her, and she had a frown on her face. “Scott wants to do his due diligence, and I agree with him on that. However, Craig feels like we should be heading over there now to rescue Carmilla from whatever situation she is in… assuming she is there.”
“I mean…” I paused for a moment as I looked off to the side in thought. I looked at Scott. “If only four people know this code, who else could it be?”
“Codes are able to be broken,” Scott pointed out. “We haven’t seen Carmilla in six months. That’s more than enough time for something to happen. I tried to explain that to Craig, too. But he blew a gasket.” He sighed as he stood up. “…I… I don’t blame Craig for feeling the way he does. I know he wants a chance to make things right with Carmilla. And I feel guilty, because I had a hand in the fallout between Craig and Carmilla. But we can’t do things carelessly – that’s how people die.”
I sighed. “Ain’t that the truth?” I shook my head. “So…what’s the plan?”
“While we technically have our vehicles back, they’re still in Pepper’s possession,” Kitty stated. “…We don’t have a place to discretely store them in New York yet. The only thing we can think of is tracking down the source of the text. It’ll take me a bit of time, but I think I can do it. Before I can do that, I need to make sure Craig is okay.”
“I’ll do it,” I offered as I stood up. “Where would he be right now?”
“Probably on the roof,” Scott replied. “…You sure? I was about to talk to him.”
“He’s my family too, you know?” I smiled. “I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
I nodded at them before I walked out. I walked down the hall until I reached the door to the stairwell. Once I opened the door and entered it, I made way up until reached the roof access. I opened the door and stepped out. Some feet away was Craig, who was looking out towards the city. From what I can tell, he was wearing all gray sweats and a black ski hat. Slowly, he looked over his shoulder at me. In the one eye of his that was visible to me, I could see he was upset. Without saying a word he looked back out towards the city. Quietly, I walked up to him, stopping at his side. I didn’t say a word. I just waited for him to talk, if he wanted to talk. After a few minutes, he did.
“Did I ever tell you about how I discovered I was a mutant?” he asked.
“…I don’t think you did,” I replied slowly.
Craig sighed as he walked forward a few steps. “I used to be a high school football player. I… tried out for the team during my freshman year. I made the cut, but...” He paused as he stopped in his tracks and looked towards me. “I was raw and unseasoned. I never played a down of real gridiron football. So, I bounced around from position to position until I ended up as a strong safety. I didn’t want to go through that again, so the summer before my sophomore year, I did everything I could to learn the position and excel at it. I worked on my tackling. I challenged our best receiver practice after practice so I can learn how to cover the best. I hit the weight room. I changed up how I ate. I did speed training. And I studied the playbook like it was a copy of The Holy Bible given to me by The Messiah himself. All of that all paid off, too. I came out the camp the starter.
“My first game was… okay. But, on a crucial play, I wanted to go for a big hit instead of a sure tackle. But, as Coach 30 would say, moment was too big for me. I basically pissed down my leg when the receiver I was covering – a tight end – tested my gangster and handed me an F grade. His shoulder went through my chest as he ran me over. And then he scored the winning touchdown.” At that, Craig scoffed and shook his head. “That’s all everyone was talking about that week. I was playing decent up to that point. But I made a crucial mistake at the worst possible time, and that was what I was remembered for. So I made sure that never happened again. I kept my word. I was part of what became one of the most feared defenses in the county. And we went on to win the state championship.”
I actually allowed myself to smile, imagining Craig in shoulder pads as he battled tight ends, receivers, and running backs and intercepted quarterbacks. I wished he went to Midtown High when he was a player – I would have gladly rooted for him.
“Not to toot my own horn, but I was considered one of the best players in my state,” he continued as he looked to his right and upward, puffing out his chest a bit. “I became the talk of the county. On the field, I was a dang menace. Off the field, I was holding down an A-B average in the classroom, I kept my nose clean, I was getting offers from colleges all across the country, and I ended up dating one of the most popular chicks in school.” He deflated a bit as he looked back at me, shaking his head. “But then, junior year came around. That girl left me for a teammate. I was heartbroken. My grades slipped, and I ended up fighting that teammate when he kept on getting under my skin about it. I was benched because of those two things, and both my coach and my parents made it perfectly clear – I get my act together, or I’m being taken off the team. But… that became the least of their problems a couple of weeks later.
“See, we had a rivalry game coming up. Everybody was hyped for it. It was one of those games that was a must win, no matter if you lose every other game that season. So, it was a big deal when my team’s top three cornerbacks weren’t able to play. One of them injured their ankle in practice. The game prior, another one tore their ACL and MCL.” We both visibly cringed, and I took a moment to shake out both legs. “And the third one got suspended and benched because the idiot thought missing detention to go spend time underneath the bleachers with his girl was a good idea. Needless to say, he got caught. So, I got put into the game as cornerback. I never played the position in a game before, but I’ve done so in practice.”
At this point, the unhappiest smile I ever saw in my life came across his face. He averted his gaze, but not quickly enough for me to not notice the sadness and bitterness in his eyes. “Game rolled around. It was raining so hard the field might as well have been a swamp. And, things went crazy with my performance. It all started when the receiver I was covering would slip down to the ground before the ball was even snapped. And then he’d have trouble getting back up. Then, I was covering him in his route, I would run step and step with him as if the field bone dry before I suddenly lost my footing. I managed to intercept the quarterback three times, even though I wasn’t even wearing gloves and my hands were soaking wet. Stuff like that kept happening until I was no longer able to keep my footing. Each time I tried to get up, I would just slip to the ground. I had no grip whatsoever. I shouted for help, but all everyone did was look at me.”
He looked at me, the same sadness and bitterness still in his eyes. “…You want to know what the mutant equivalent of Nigger is?” he asked me. I was a bit taken aback by him using the N-word. I never once heard him using it, let alone with the Hard R. Granted, he had that privilege. But it took me a moment to get over it before I shook my head. “It’s Mutie. That was the first I time heard it directed at me, by not only the opposing team, but my own teammates, a lot of whom I considered friends and family. To them, I was no longer Craig Pierre, Jr. I was no longer one of their friends or one of the best players on their team. I was just someone… something that needed to die. And all of them rushed at me to try and hurt. Fortunately, my powers kept them at bay.”
He sighed as he looked down at the ground. “We used to live in a school, you know?” He looked up at me. “Like, there was a whole mansion that doubled as a boarding school for mutants. There were mutants from all over the world were living there, with a lot of them coming to earn a high school diploma while they learned how to control their powers. Most of those people there… they had a traumatic background. I’m talking the kind of stuff that would make them perfect characters for Shin Megami Tensei and Persona games, bruh. So… I didn’t complain much when I got there. I mean, it sucked that everyone on the football team – people I trained with, ate with, and hung out with – turned on me when my powers became active, during a game of all times. But, my family still loves me and looks out for me. And since I lived in a place where kids who are disowned by their own family are a dime a dozen, I didn’t talk much about how I felt. Fast forward to about three months before Kitty and I met you and the rest of the American Idiots. During that time, it took me making some appointments with a therapist to realize that me going off on Carmilla without giving her a chance to explain or defend herself stemmed from my nigh-inability to forgive people who I consider traitors and backstabbers. And that stemmed from trauma from that event.”
I frowned. “I’m sorry,” I said, not knowing what else to do.
“…I should be the one who’s sorry.” His eyes were starting to look rather shiny. I knew tears were forming. “I know Scott and Kitty are right. I know they are. But …I thought I was over Carmilla completely, Peter. I thought I came to terms with the fact Carmilla was never coming back. I thought I moved on. But, when I saw the text this morning, all I can think of was seeing her again and apologizing for how I treated her.” He took in a breath. “I just want to tell her I’m sorry, man. And I just want to make sure she’s okay. She can hate me for the rest of her life. She has that right. But I just want to do those two things.”
“You will get to,” I assured him with a small smile. “But, dude… you have to understand that all of us care about you – both the X-Men and The American Idiots. And we would really hate if something happened to you. I understand where you are coming from – there’s not a single thing I wouldn’t do for MJ. But if Scott decided that we all just go to that location without proper planning, and you get hurt and killed, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.” I lifted my hand up and placed it on his shoulder. “We’ll get to the bottom of this. And if it’s really Carmilla, we’ll get her out of there.”
He nodded as he took a breath. “I hope so, man.” He nodded. “I hope so.” I nodded. Without thinking, I stepped up and hugged him. At that moment, I realized I wasn’t quite sure if he was a hugger or not. But before I could apologize, he wrapped his arms around and returned the embrace. We didn’t let go for a while. He held me tight as his breathing deepened, and I stood there, embracing him and giving him all the time he needed to pull himself together. After some minutes, he pulled away. His eyes were a bit red, but he looked stable. “Thanks Pete. I needed that.”
I gave him a slight smile. “Anytime, dude,” I replied. I then patted the side of his left shoulder with my right hand. “Come on, let’s head back.” He nodded, and we both walked back towards the door.
We headed back to the apartment. Craig barely opened the door and stepped inside before Kitty was right front of him and hugging him. He returned the hug, embracing her for a bit before he pulled away.
“I’m sorry, KitKat,” Craig apologized. He then looked over at Scott, who was sitting on the couch. “I’m sorry, Scott.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Scott said with a small smile. “I understand.” He stood up. “We’ll get Carmilla back if she’s there. I put that on everything.”
Craig nodded. “Okay. Well, I’m going to go take a nap. I’ll see you guys later.” With that, he walked towards his room. I watched him as he opened the door to his room and entered. As the door closed, I looked back at Kitty and Scott.
“He told me what happened when he found out he was a mutant,” I told them. “…Is it usually that bad for mutants?”
“It’s usually a lot worse,” Scott replied with a grim tone. “I hate to agree with Craig because I don’t like downplaying what he went through, but, all things being considered, he got off kind of lucky. Others get disowned by everybody. And some… some don’t even survive their persecutors.” He took in a breath. “…I’m going to get ready for work. Peter, I’ll see you in class. Kitty, would you kindly give him a ride home?”
“Sure thing,” Kitty obliged. “Let’s go Peter.”
Once I was home, I sat on the bed, replaying Craig’s story in my head. The last part stood out to me – about how his trauma from that event affected his relationship with Carmilla. I frowned. In a way, I understood. Everything that led to The Spell had me convince that I was better off not being in anyone’s life. Of course, it wasn’t quite the same. Quite a few of my wounds were self-inflicted. The only thing Craig did was be born with a certain gene. Still, it reminded me that there was something I needed to do.
I had a phone call to make.
I stood up from my bed and walked over to my desk. On the desk was a piece of paper. Written on it was the name Jericho Drumm right above a phone number. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Figuring it was late enough in the morning, I dialed the number in my phone before I sent the call. I put my phone to my ear and walked back to my bed. The called ringed three times. As soon as I sat down, someone answered.
“Hello,” I greeted back. I took a moment to take in a breath. “Is this Doctor Jericho Drumm?”
“The very same. May I ask who is speaking?”
“I’m Peter Parker, sir. I was suggested to you by a friend of mine. I think you know him.”
“…Was it Doctor Strange?”
I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “You know Doctor Strange?” I shook my head. “Actually, no, that’s not important. To answer your question, no I didn’t get this number from Doctor Strange. The friend in question is Scott Summers.”
The line went quiet for a moment. Then came a soft chuckle.
“Let’s chat.”
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Fallout-Style Isometric RPG Wows With Retro-Futuristic Flying Cars
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We have excellent news if you long for the era of traditional, old-school Fallout, some of the best classic PC games in its isometric RPG genre. The studio head of New Blood Interactive, the collective behind titles like the retro FPS Dusk, has now unveiled some fascinating new gameplay footage of their upcoming retro-futuristic game that draws heavily from the early Fallout games. Dave Oshry takes the regular ‘Screenshot Saturday’ hashtag, used by many game developers to show their progress on upcoming games, as an opportunity to show off the team’s work towards its goal of creating “a living, breathing, retro-futuristic (but sometimes seedy) world for NB RPG,” the as-yet-untitled project. “That means a lot of flying cars,” Oshry says. We get a glimpse of a very stylish, wide silver car floating outside what appears to be a cinema featuring nods to Blade Runner and New Blood’s crime noir FPS game Fallen Aces. He also gives a look at some tall buildings, cutting away to show the insides before revealing the full scale that they climb to. We get to see lip sync tests and a Pip-Boy style UI that is used for the talking head conversations that will be extremely familiar to those of you who’ve played the old Fallout games. The character models look delightfully detailed, featuring a figure wearing a rather bizarre headset that strikes a balance somewhere between ‘biometric scanner’ and ‘VR headset.’ There’s also models and animation tests for a range of weapons, from familiar faces such as an M16, revolver, and Half-Life favourite the crowbar, to futuristic, almost alien-looking blasters that hold bubbling vials of green liquid and crackle with energy when fired. Finally, we get to see some journal concepts, with empty pages ready to be filled out with all the notes and sketches you’ll make as you do your detective work. The team behind this new RPG game should certainly get fans of such retro classics a little hot under the collar. It features Adam Lacko, who created Project Van Buren (a recreation of the isometric RPG originally planned to become Fallout 3), Alexander Berezin, who created the artwork for extensive mod project Fallout: Sonora, and composer Mark Morgan, whose soundtracks for the first two Fallout games still influence the scores for the modern entries. Oshry concludes his update by saying, “Follow me for more occasional random updates on my dream game that we may or may not ever finish,” adding a little smiley face at the end. We certainly hope that it does make it to completion, because everything we’ve seen so far only makes us eager for more tantalising tidbits. In the meantime, check out more of the best indie games on PC for other great creations that might have passed you by. Meanwhile, a Steam base building sale includes great deals on some of the more modern entries including Fallout 76 that showcase the craft of creation. Read the full article
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patchoulism · 2 years
Fallout: Sonora is probably the best looking and the most faithful Fallout 1 and 2 inspired fangame I know.
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meugamer · 5 months
Os Anéis de Poder: 2ª temporada ganha primeiro trailer e rebela data de estreia
O Prime Video revelou a pouco o primeiro trailer da 2ª temporada de O Senhor dos Anéis: Os Anéis de Poder, além de confirmar a data de estreia dos novos episódios. A estreia da nova temporada foi confirmada para 29 de agosto, e até lá os fãs tem um bom tempo para reassistir não só a primeira temporada, como os filmes da fantástica saga. Veja mais Fallout: ouça a trilha sonora original da nova…
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I read somewhere that the Confederates intended to conquer Central and South America if they won the civil war, is that true? Would they be able to conquer these places? In addition to the Union, can any country or alliance in these regions prevent them?
In the lead up to the American Civil War, one of the key arenas of conflict between pro- and anti-slavery forces in the United States was the expansion of slavery. For reasons having to do both with the agricultural impact of intensive cotton cultivation on soil fertility, the impact of rising demand for slaves, and the need to maintain political equilibrium in the U.S Senate, pro-slavery advocates believed quite strongly that slavery had to keep expanding or it would die out.
Students are probably most familiar with the debates over the extension of slavery into western territories of the United States that touched off conflicts over the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and so forth, but there was a good deal of political conflict over the expansion of American slavery southward especially in the Caribbean and Central and South America.
The most prominent example of this is the Mexican-American War, which was seen by anti-slavery Northerners as a war waged in order to conquer more southern territory for slavery, and which would see conflict between the "All-Mexico" movement that sought the US annexation of all of Mexico versus the Wilmot Proviso's efforts to exclude slavery from the territories gained from Mexico.
However, there were also a series of attempts by pro-slavery southerners in the mid-19th century known as filibusterers to overthrow Caribbean and Latin American governments by force in the name of annexing them to the United States as slave territories and future slave states. Many of these efforts had support from pro-Southern presidential administrations:
in 1849, 1850, and then again in 1851, there were the Cuban expeditions of Narciso López which sought to overthrow the Spanish and establish a slave state. A lot of very prominent southerners, including the Governor of Mississippi, were involved in these filibustering campaigns - and even more prominent southerners were approached but decided not to join. While López managed to land troops twice, he was never able to gain local Cuban support against the Spanish and ended up getting executed in Havana.
In 1853, William Walker attempted to conquer Baja California and Sonora, and declared these territories to be the Republic of Sonora, but was forced to withdraw by the Mexican army.
In 1854, there the infamous Ostend Manifesto, a document that tried to justify a U.S invasion of Cuba in the event that Spain refused to sell Cuba to the United States. This document leaked and caused a huge political scandal.
Most famously, there was the 1855 filibuster of William Walker, who succeeded in overthrowing the government of Nicaragua with a private army. Declaring himself to be both commander of the army and preaident of the new Republic, Walker re-established slavery and was able to win U.S recognition in 1856. However, Walker's ambitions grew larger than his grasp and when he attempted to invade Costa Rica, his forces were defeated and the governments of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala allied together against what they saw as a hostile regime, and together with the Costa Ricans invaded Nicaragua in 1857, forcing Walker to flee the country.
In addition to these attempted campaigns, there were a number of proposed efforts that didn't come together or were called off - after his involvement with the López affair in 1850, Quitman of Mississippi made preparations for an invasion of Cuba in 1854 with support from the Pierce Administration, but abandoned their efforts due to fallout from the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
While the Confederacy was generally too busy with the American Civil War to pursue military conquest to their south, there were some exceptions to the rule and certainly there were major forces within the Confederate government who planned for southern expansion in the event of Confederate victory. For more on this, see:
The Southern Dream of a Caribbean Empire: 1854-1861.  Robert E. May. (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1989.)
Colossal Ambitions: Confederate Planning for a Post-Civil War World. Adrian Brettle. (Richmond: University of Virginia Press, 2020).
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calder · 3 years
I want to set a fallout game in anywhere other than America. Canada or Mexico would be ideal choices to display the brutal reality of America’s annexations and jingoistic insanity.
canada could be really interesting if it was sufficiently politically loaded. a single spawns-by-chance note in fo3 mentions that there are vaults in canada, so the canon argument against setting a game there is weak.
fallout sonora sounds cool. the hoi4 mod has extensive mexico lore and it's very interesting. i agree that you could set a thematically resonant modern fallout game there and it would work fine
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lesvegas · 3 years
have you played fallout sonora? it’s a huge fallout 1 mod that is its own game and very loyal to FO1. it’s set in arizona between 1 and 2. i think you’d like it
ohh?? i havent even heard of it but 👀
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