#falling o(ut)ver
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kazz-matazz · 2 years ago
hey track 7 on 2007 album infinity on high thnks fr th mmrs. what the FUCK was up with (it sent you to me without wiiiings) HEADPHONES ARE A BLESSING?? PATRICK VOCALS???? WHAT. ALL THE THINGS IVE NEVER HEARD. ONE NIGHT STANDOFF. NO THIS IS SO FINE
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dominadolorosa · 1 year ago
how can a respectable jade like yourself fall so low? i mean, youre cavorting with mutants and ferals! you couldve easily been quite comfortable with your lot in life. dont you regret it just a little bit?
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R: It always begins in the middle. When I'm already ho+pelessly lo+st.
R: There's ho+wling in the wo+o+ds around me. Who+o+ping, cheering screams. Blo+o+dthirsty jo+y.
R: Have yo+u ever been hunted fo+r spo+rt? Co+nsidered a prize to be wo+n, a thing to+ be co+nquered? Even befo+re o+ur clade was built, I understo+o+d what it felt to be afraid.
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R: The mo+st ho+rrible dread, kno+wing that I've lo+st them all. That they will never co+me back. That I will never be who+le ever again.
R: They say we do+n't kno+w anything. That we are wild, lo+wly, unwieldy. Is that such a bad thing to+ be? Is it wro+ng, to+ lo+ve so+ vicio+usly, so+ so+ftly, that no+thing else co+mpares?
R: My lo+t in life, in the caverns, was to+ be trapped. To+ be alo+ne. To+ never be seen, to+ be a to+o+l in so+meo+ne else's belt.
R: Yo+u're right that it is no+t co+mfo+rtable here. Where we stand. It is brutal, unkind, and deadly.
R: Do+n't mistake that fo+r meaning that the alternative is any better.
R: I will live thro+ugh my fear, o+ver and o+ver and o+ver again, fo+r the fleeting mo+ments we do+ get to+ spend to+gether.
R: I wo+uld rather die than be anywhere, with anyo+ne, live anything else than this.
R: No+w sto+p asking me abo+ut the fucking caverns.
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aita-alternia · 1 year ago
O/ Am I the assho/le fo/r no/t info/rming my hemo/ano/nymo/us kismesis I kno/w tho/n's bloo/d co/lo/r? \/
O/ I am 7 sweeps o/ld and a /vio/letbloo/d. My kismesis is appro/aching 7 sweeps o/ld and, as stated in the title, hides tho/ns bloo/d co/lo/r. We ha/ve been kismesises fo/r almo/st a sweep no/w, and tho/n is under the impressio/n I am still unaware o/f tho/ns bloo/d. In actuality, I entered tho/ns hi/ve when, unbekno/wnst to/ me, tho/n was bandaging a recent injury. I turned aro/und when I saw tho/ns bloo/d and anno/unced my presence. Co/nsidering that tho/n said "thXX for not l_ooking just give me a min X_X", I belie/ve tho/n did no/t no/tice I saw. \/
O/ It has been nearly a perigee since this incident, and I ha/ve said no/thing. Truthfully, I am co/nfused as to/ why tho/n is hiding the fact that tho/n is no/t o/nly a no/rmal, legal co/lo/r, but in the upper half o/f the hemo/spectrum. The target tho/n puts o/n tho/ns back by the way tho/n dresses is entirely needless. My primary guess is that this is a sho/w o/f so/lidarity to/ the... let us say, less empire-po/siti/ve gro/ups tho/n frequents. \/
O/ If mo/re info/rmatio/n abo/ut o/ur relatio/nship wo/uld be useful, we do/ no/t tend to/ be as aggressi/ve as many o/ther kismesises, rather preferring snarkiness and pranks. O/thers ha/ve referred to/ us as "red spades" befo/re, and altho/ugh that is no/t a label we use, yo/u may use it as a reference po/int. O/ur go/al is to/ pressure each o/ther to/ impro/ve and we do/ no/t want to/ in/vo/ke serio/us harm o/r breaches o/f trust. My co/ncern is that keeping my kno/wledge secret wo/uld fall under the latter. Ho/we/ver, I find tho/ns baseless co/nfidence endearingly infuriating, and do/ no/t want tho/n to/ beco/me e/ven mo/re ner/vo/us abo/ut tho/ns bloo/d being expo/sed than tho/n already is, and risk lo/sing that part o/f my attractio/n to/ tho/n. \/
O/ We are bo/th each o/thers o/nly quadmate and I am unsure who/m else I wo/uld appro/ach abo/ut this, so/ I lea/ve my questio/n to/ the masses. Wo/uld it be, in what tho/n's wo/rds wo/uld likely be, "a fuckin dick move" to/ no/t tell tho/n tho/n is no/t as ano/nymo/us as tho/n belie/ves? \/
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jadipose · 1 year ago
your eyes adjust to the bright lights of the chamber before you... it's like a magical candyland! and it's huge! red trees made of licorice dot the "grassy" rolling hills of the landscape before her, and a stream of chocolate flows through it. "come, come," the cake man says, "the village is just over here!" he leads you over a bridge, holding your hand as he does. "there are lots of us! I'm sure they'd love to see a human!"
I sto+p in my tracks, mo+uth dro+pping o+pen as I marvel at the sight. It's like a co+mpletely different wo+rld.... even the air tastes sweet. My to+rch dro+ps o+ut o+f my hand into+ the grass, which simply starts to+ bubble and melt away like caramel as the fire sputters o+ut. "Th-this is impo+ssible... what IS this place?"
dumbstruck, I am led by the hand o+ver a bridge that creaks under my weight, almo+st salivating do+wn into+ the cho+co+late river. I want to+ fall to+ my knees and start drinking it, I want to+ pull apart the go+o+ey bark o+n the tree trunks, but my curio+sity and wo+nder so+meho+w o+verrides even my cramping sto+mach.
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trafikskolan · 2 months ago
Förstå priser för motorcykellicens och körkortspaket
Att ta ett motorcykelkort kan vara en sp¦nnande men ¦nd¥ skr¦mmande process. Det f￶rsta steget f￶r att erh¥lla denna licens ¦r att ￶verv¦ga kostnaderna. Det ¦r viktigt att f￶rst¥ attᅠmotorcykellicenspriset varierar beroende p¥ flera faktorer, s¥som plats, vilken typ av motorcykel du t¦nker k￶ra och vilket tr¦ningsprogram du v¦ljer. Generellt finns det tv¥ huvudsakliga kostnader f￶rknippade med att skaffa ett motorcykelkort: teoriprovet och de praktiska k￶rproven. Priset kan ocks¥ skilja sig beroende p¥ utbildningens l¦ngd och om ytterligare lektioner kr¦vs. Fr¥ga d¦rf￶r alltid lokala myndigheter eller k￶rskolor f￶r korrekt prisinformation.
Faktorer som p¥verkar motorcykellicenspriset
N¦r man best¦mmer kostnaden f￶r att f¥ ett motorcykelkort spelar olika faktorer in. Motorcykellicenspriset inkluderar vanligtvis kostnaden f￶r obligatoriska lektioner, hyra av motorcykeln f￶r praktiska prov och sj¦lva licensen. I vissa fall kan du beh￶va g￶ra b¥de klassrums- och v¦gprov. Dessutom kan kostnaden p¥verkas av vilken typ av motorcykel du planerar att k￶ra. St￶rre motorcyklar kr¦ver mer utbildning och erfarenhet, vilket p¥verkar den totala kostnaden. F￶r personer utan tidigare k￶rerfarenhet kan priset vara h￶gre p¥ grund av behovet av ytterligare lektioner eller specialiserad utbildning.
Omfattande körkortspaket
F￶r dem som vill k￶ra b¥de bilar och motorcyklar erbjuder m¥nga k￶rskolor paketpaket f￶r att g￶ra processen mer ￶verkomlig. Paketpriset f￶r k￶rkort kombinerar vanligtvis b¥de bil- och motorcykelutbildning, vilket g￶r att individer kan spara pengar p¥ separata kurser. Den h¦r typen av paket inkluderar ofta klassrumslektioner, k￶rprov och praktisk utbildning i b¥da typerna av fordon. Genom att anm¦la dig till ett k￶rkortspaket kan du effektivisera processen, f¥ en helt¦ckande f￶rst¥else f￶r k￶rning och minska tiden och kostnaderna f￶rknippade med att ta individuella prov. Dessa paket ¦r designade f￶r bekv¦mlighet, s¦rskilt f￶r dem som planerar att k￶ra flera typer av fordon.
Fördelar med ett körkortspaket
Att v¦lja ett k￶rkortspaketpris ger flera f￶rdelar. Du sparar inte bara pengar genom att kombinera kurser, utan du f¥r ocks¥ flexibiliteten att l¦ra dig i din egen takt. M¥nga skolor tillhandah¥ller paket som inkluderar ut￶kade timmar med praktiska lektioner, vilket s¦kerst¦ller att du ¦r helt f￶rberedd f￶r verkliga k￶rf￶rh¥llanden. Dessutom kan dessa paket m￶jligg￶ra mer flexibel schemal¦ggning, vilket ¦r s¦rskilt f￶rdelaktigt f￶r individer med en hektisk livsstil. Genom att kombinera kostnaderna slipper du kr¥nglet med att betala separat f￶r enskilda kurser, vilket g￶r det l¦ttare att hantera din ekonomi samtidigt som du jobbar mot b¥de bil- och motorcykelkort.
Att v¦lja r¦tt k￶rskola f￶r motorcykellicens
Att v¦lja r¦tt k￶rskola ¦r avg￶rande n¦r man ￶verv¦ger b¥de motorcykel- och k￶rkort. K￶rskolans rykte, dess instrukt￶rers kvalifikationer och den kursplan som erbjuds b￶r alla beaktas. Se till att skolan du v¦ljer ¦r erk¦nd av lokala myndigheter f￶r att garantera att du f¥r undervisning av h￶g kvalitet och att dina anstr¦ngningar ¦r giltiga f￶r att f¥ en officiell licens. Kostnaden f￶r motorcykellicensen eller paketpriset f￶r k￶rkort kommer att variera fr¥n skola till skola, s¥ det ¦r klokt att unders￶ka n¥gra alternativ. En v¦lrenommerad skola kommer ocks¥ att erbjuda flexibla betalningsplaner f￶r att l¦tta p¥ den ekonomiska b￶rdan.
Slutsats Olika faktorer, inklusive plats, typ av fordon och utbildningsprogram, p¥verkar motorcykellicenspriset och k￶rkortspaketpriset. ᅣven om kostnaderna kan variera, ¦r det alltid viktigt att j¦mf￶ra olika k￶rskolor f￶r att hitta det b¦sta erbjudandet och den mest omfattande utbildningen. Att v¦lja ett k￶rkortspaket kan dessutom spara pengar, s¦rskilt f￶r dem som planerar att skaffa b¥de bil- och motorcykelkort. V¦lj alltid en ansedd skola f￶r att s¦kerst¦lla att du f¥r undervisning av h￶g kvalitet. F￶r mer information om helt¦ckande paket och priser, bes￶k trafikskolan.nu, en p¥litlig leverant￶r av trafikutbildningstj¦nster.
För mer information:-
körkort paketpris
paket körkort
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maryums · 5 months ago
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a-lovely-weirdo123 · 1 year ago
Wrote fic
Bad fic
But fic
Under cut.
This is not proofread.
Eleven ran into what seemed to be a circus tent after being chased by The Merchant, quickly blocking the entrance with some nearby poles and wood cubes.
They looked around, and apparently the only way out was a small window with an electrified cord leading from inside to outside, she could probably climb it if it wasn’t electrified…
The small white-haired kid, known as Eleven walked on to the circus platform.
The platform shook and a loud voice was heard.
“H-hoho-o-ho! He-e-llo new fri-iend!” It shouted as it popped up from behind the platform, Eleven gasped and stood, frozen in place.
The robot’s rays on half of its head clicked and twitched as it looked down at the small child.
Eleven took off, running down the stairs that they had climbed up
“Ah! Wa-ait! Yo-o-ou migh-t hu-u-rt yours-self!” The Playmate called after them, they began chasing the small child as they ran, Eleven looked behind them, then kept running. “Whe-e-ere are y-you go-oing?!” They shouted, Eleven kept running.
She slid under a few beams and out of sight, then crawled behind some boxes.
The Playmate seemed to be looking for them. Eleven found what looked like a sort of switch, she pulled it down to see what it did and the whole place went dark, some fake glowing stars shining on the top of the tent. The Playmate’s voice changed.
“Com-me out, come o-o-ut wherev-ver you are…” The Playmate called, it’s movement now becoming a lot slowed down and less frantic, she saw that when the switch turned off, the cord was no longer electrified.
She went over to the cord, then began to climb it before the animatronic spotted her, she was almost out before a low growl was heard from outside, she gasped and peeked out.
The Merchant was there, looking around the tent for a way in, it spotted her and roared, she screamed and fell down from the cord, the Merchant tore at the curtains as she landed thankfully on a pillow, she scrambled back.
The merchant had torn an entrance through the tent, it spotted her and reached down to grab her, she screamed again before a blue and yellow blue rushed over and stopped the merchant, “No f-ight-ting in th-e-e-e te-ent!” The raspy voice demanded, Eleven took this chance to run away.
She hid behind some boxes and watched the fight.
The lanky playmate seemed to be having a hard time with the merchant, so she looked up and saw some wooden support beams she could probably stand on, she saw a low- hanging rope she could climb on so she grabbed on the climbed it.
She was now on the wooden rafters and there were many objects, she looked at the fight down below her and ran over to a can, then shoved that off the platform to distract The Merchant
The Merchant looked up, confused and The Playmate took the chance to attempt to grab and restrain him, the Merchant once again focused on the animatronic and wrestled with it
Eleven found a glass bottle filled with a weird liquid and shoved that off on to the Merchant as well, The Merchant made a gurgled roar and continued to fight against the Playmate.
Eleven thought for a while before she saw a part of the rafters had a stack of metal beams, she ran over and called for The Playmate
“hey!” She shouted, getting their attention. The Merchant let go of The Playmate and ran over, swatting at a wooden support beam that supported the platform she and the metal beams were on.
The platform shook from under her and she ran for it, aiming for the tear in the tent that The Merchant had created, The Merchant had made the support beam fall and roared as all the metal pipes fell on him.
Eleven didn’t know if he was dead or unconscious, but she didn’t want to find out.
She ran to the exit, not turning back.
“Chi-ild! Wh-here are you going?!” The Playmate called after them, running after them.
She managed to get out of the tent.
The Playmate was programmed to not ever leave the tent, nor had they ever been outside the tent, so they stopped right at the tear.
Eleven stopped and looked back at them, as the first rays of sun began to show in the distance
…a new voice spoke
“…p-plea-ase don’t l-leave us here” The Playmate spoke softly, “We’ve be-een alone for s-so long…”
Eleven looked at them, then turned to face them fully.
They walked toward the animatronic who knelt down and offered their hand.
She looked at their hand and then put her own tiny one on top of it.
“…c-can we be f-frie-ends…? Please?” They asked, Eleven hesitated. This Animatronic had saved her life, technically they had fought together, and it’s not like she was going anywhere specific….
So she nodded, then smiled.
The Playmate brought her back inside the tent, picking her up very gently and placing her back on that stage
“N-ow, what do ya wa-ant? Do you want a pup-p-pet show? Maybe som-e crayons to draw with? How about a stor-y-y!” The playmate said with a smile, Eleven giggled at the energy of her new friend and for the first time of her life, she felt comfortable and safe…
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To close out the year, have some crossover fanart that's also a gift!
I want to give a massive thank you to @mengy007. You're my first fanartist, my first real friend on Tumblr, and an overall pretty awesome person. I hope you enjoy this art, and I hope you have a really awesome 2024.
Also, this was just really fun art to do. Love you <3
And because I am me, I can't just leave this without Lore. So, here:
The Playmate was beloved by children far and wide. Before the signal tower activated, families of all origins would come and enjoy the shows put on by the automaton and its cherished characters Sundrop and Moondrop. The puppet shows were known all around for their playful wonder and silly back and forth with its audience.
But, when the dark signal activated, the audience disappeared. The Playmate was left alone, in a crumbling theater with nothing but its own puppets to keep it company. Woe be to the poor souls who find this silent place. For the Playmate is much less inclined to let the fun stop. Sundrop is good at capturing your attention. And Moondrop is skilled in making sure the audience doesn't leave before the curtain falls.
The fun will never end, in the Playmate's stage.
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mundometalero · 1 year ago
Avenged Sevenfold juega con muñecas en su video musical "Mattel"
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Avenged Sevenfold Juega con Muñecas en su Video Musical "Mattel" En esta semana, Avenged Sevenfold volvió a sus andadas y publicó algunas cosas extrañas en sus redes sociales. En ese momento, vimos un video de Barbie dando a luz a otra Barbie, un doctor siendo bastante extraño al respecto, y luego apareció una Barbie extraña y siendo una nihilista rebelde. Supusimos que esto probablemente era en preparación para que la banda lanzara un video musical para "Mattel", y resulta que teníamos razón. En la última hora, la banda publicó el nuevo video musical, que muestra a una Barbie pasando por los movimientos de la vida antes de que las cosas se salgan de control. Y aunque no es la primera vez que una banda o artista utiliza muñecas en un video musical de stop motion en el último año, algo en esto simplemente es diferente. Tal vez sea la extraña dirección que A7X ha tomado con su último álbum "Life Is But A Dream" o tal vez sea el hecho de que acabamos de pasar por todo el asunto de "Barbenheimer" durante el verano, ¿quién sabe? En serio, aunque el video fue dirigido por Zoe Katz, a veces se siente como un mal viaje, lo cual tiene sentido dado la discusión de psicodélicos que rodea el lanzamiento del álbum. "Life Is But A Dream" está actualmente disponible en todas partes donde obtienes tu música. La banda también está de gira con Falling In Reverse para la segunda etapa de su Life Is But A Dream... North American Tour. Puedes revisar la lista completa de fechas a continuación del video. AVENGED SEVENFOLD LIFE IS BUT A DREAM...NORTH AMERICAN TOUR DATES LEG 2: - Viernes 22 de septiembre: Nashville, TN - Bridgestone Arena - Sábado 23 de septiembre: Louisville, KY - Louder Than Life - Lunes 25 de septiembre: Maryland Heights, MO - Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre - Martes 26 de septiembre: Kansas City, MO - T-Mobile Center * - Jueves 28 de septiembre: Denver, CO - Ball Arena^ - Sábado 30 de septiembre: Salt Lake City, UT - USANA Amphitheatre - Lunes 2 de octubre: Tacoma, WA - Tacoma Dome - Martes 3 de octubre: Portland, OR - MODA Center - Jueves 5 de octubre: Aftershock 2023 - Sacramento, CA - Sábado 7 de octubre: Chula Vista, CA - North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre - Domingo 8 de octubre: Phoenix, AZ - Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre - Martes 10 de octubre: Albuquerque, NM - Isleta Amphitheater - Jueves 12 de octubre: The Woodlands, TX - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion - Viernes 13 de octubre: Austin, TX - Germania Insurance Amphitheater - Domingo 15 de octubre: Fort Worth, TX - Dickies Arena - Miércoles 18 de octubre: Clarkston, MI - Pine Knob Music Theatre *No es una fecha de Live Nation ^Sin Falling in Reverse Este nuevo video musical de Avenged Sevenfold es sin duda un giro interesante en su carrera, mostrando su lado más creativo y juguetón. La combinación de la música poderosa de la banda con la estética de las muñecas crea una experiencia visual única que seguramente dejará a los fanáticos y a los espectadores en general impresionados. Si aún no has visto el video, te recomendamos que lo busques en YouTube y lo disfrutes por ti mismo. Además, asegúrate de escuchar "Life Is But A Dream" en todas las plataformas de música disponibles. Avenged Sevenfold sigue demostrando por qué son una de las bandas de rock más influyentes de la actualidad, y este nuevo video es solo una muestra más de su talento y creatividad. No te pierdas la oportunidad de ver a Avenged Sevenfold en vivo durante su gira por Norteamérica. Las entradas están disponibles en StubHub, así que asegúrate de obtener las tuyas antes de que se agoten. ¡No te arrepentirás de presenciar la increíble actuación en vivo de esta banda icónica del metal! En resumen, Avenged Sevenfold ha lanzado un nuevo video musical que presenta muñecas en un estilo de stop motion. Este video es visualmente impactante y muestra la creatividad y el talento de la banda. Asegúrate de ver el video y escuchar su último álbum "Life Is But A Dream" en todas las plataformas de música. Además, no te pierdas la oportunidad de ver a Avenged Sevenfold en vivo durante su gira por Norteamérica. ¡Prepárate para una experiencia musical única y llena de energía! Fuente: Noticia Original (MetalSucks) Read the full article
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throwingideasatthewall · 4 years ago
Clone Wars          Escape from Kadavo
Well this is certainly a      scene change and one that doesn’t really make sense,
   I mean I thought it was a Camp of Holding for slaves
     Where they got transported to different places on the island to do     slave labor, per         hap        -s
   Now there’s apparently a lava pit under it,
    -doesn’t make any sense
    Also wtf,
   Coal, metal
Since when was   refinery really this place’s MO      (Like this is really starting to feel like they got the        Mandalorian           And           This        Set         -ting        s       Switch           ed,)
      Not to say they can’t be a     coal/mining industry,  
      Just, that the setting should    reflect it,
     From we saw there was nothing to indicate this was anything but        an ar       chai          c      Soc-either
     With no flues        Or fu    -mes
     To indicate   that they were burn        Ing combustibles,
   Honestly some kind of stalactites   mine,
     Or someplace where they       dig for      “valuables,”            -like      prized st-          one for         Jew           elery-          Would          make         more        sense-       -        Anyway, I’m getting.      way too        focus        -ed          on          the        se-          tt         -        Ing-      - Again Rex is    just straight up chilling,     This is      n’t       his first rodeo with abusers,
  Ok, seriously what was up with the    Wil       -h         el          m,?
     (Like I don’t honestly see anything          steep enough to fall off)
   You could say      it was a whip but we haven’t seen any        Of       That,      Ye      t-
  I don’t get the    screaming-
  Also that   dude just attacked him out of nowhere,
  Like   could we have gone    establishment of that?
  What was even his ber-zerk        butt-        on       there?
   Dude was doing his job
  Like if it was a faster thing you kind of have to establish that before hand      -        Also then the environment, the ma      jor      ity,       Would be working at a   breakneck speed,      With a sense of anxiety,       In the       air,
    Then,     the whip,
  He-     was?
  (Like that was just        plain - pointless
     Not even an emotional reaction
     Like that told us absolutely nothing about the setting      and character
    The mate didn’t even have a reaction
    It’s one random guy that just decided to hit      someone else-
   Like that’s not even calculated never mind       systematic,
    Also I like how Rex like yeah      I wouldn’t know anything about that,        feck’in             Jedi             -
      Also       “Effect?”
      Not really more like 
     “ Dave’s having a real rough day and I really don’t want to talk to              (In that               state)
          Like they didn’t wince.
         There was no antici             pation-
          No                  anxiety,
            Like no signs of this is had a           permanent          psychologically            damaging              affect
(Note all toxic behavior is           harmful,               The difference here is             Between                The intensity of the        in-dentation,
            It can get pretty       bad
            And enabling        tox can have serious effects                 (Pretty                   bad)
              (Requiring a lot more time   to undo)
               From;            Dave is really an    asshole,
                 To                           I am really an    asshole,
                  To                    The world is really an   asshole (And Dave is the       savior-)
   (Apologies to anyone who’s chosen name is          Dave or similar vernacular,               It’s not out of any Mala-    cian-              Just the first identi          fication I could think of,
          And tox-    ic logic is really not something you wanna enable,
         Again what the Frick?
(This is really not an   or-ganic way to      introduce        your       rules
Like, “oh yeah    speech is for-bidden,       Have a nice        day,”
 Like      you   think   dude-
Like you were pretty damn path     -etic     abu       ser-        (s)         -    (Sla       vers)       Wow,
   There was no emotions or anything     -be      cause the set up was so poor,
  W-        h      -a         t
    Again the emotion    is non existence,
  Also what the fuck     happened to Rex over there?     -      
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When did he      go down?
 (Like don’t    get me wrong   I saw a flash in the corner?)
  But why       him?
   [also did the scenery just completely changed because he was on the far end of Ken-        Obi with something in between
      Some thing they were       shoveling the stuff on?
     That’s just       gone in this shot]
  [Also,           From a narra-         tive,     standpoint wouldn’t it have made more sense and been a more engaging concept,          If the guy had threat          -ene             d-            The clone          in Obi- wan’s              stead,             Seeing as of the     republic’s version of slavery,
      Rex pos          s-             ib          ly
     Reflec-         ting on the          (Other           Species?)
And    contrasted with them,
   On how much    Obi-Wan views him as a possession,
   (Or his reaction to the people under him getting hot          ,and why)
   Allo-      wing for more heart, 
     “I’m            sorry,”
        “No              Wors              e-               Than               The            Kamino               -ins,”
       Rex’s         Sub             Cat;
        Seeing the people he was trained (and order-ed) to protect              Harm                 -ed                   -                    Much like the people (under him) were harmed during the Kamooin.   s-
  Groom          -ing,                  ?]
      Any      -way,  
    Again,     and what was the emotion?       -         M-aster
  Rex must be like,         Kar-           ma
     If he’s   not,
    [Never mind      he isn’t asleep      just one frame     made it look weird?]
   Ai-       gh -t
  Oh yeah seriously check up on that one guy instead of you know the person under the command,
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 What The fuck?
    What the feck,
     What is with that       expression-
     What is with that              facial-
   (Seriously someone tell me what      emotions this is supposed to por-     tray!
    Also yeah 
  they completely waltz.       -ed     past the ab-        us         -er.        Be-         Ing        -         Con-          fron         ted-              by         the       Con-        Seq-        Uen        Ce        (s)          Of       their      actions,
  It’s not pointed out that Obi-Wan totally caused this by (not)-    listen-ing,        To dude’s        initiative      to stay out of it
(Or, what he did to Cody        Rex,       and basically         all the clones,)
(And what could’ve been a good moral about negative effects of “Pos-       itive  over-       invo        lv           e-       Ment-            )
   so I am slightly big mad
         Not com-   -pletely
          But I’m      get-ting          th-ere
   Drinking         my        slightly       bitter       ju-ice-
   Gett    -ing         pr-etty          salty
     Which is odd since I normally don’t criticize      aesthetic differences
              Like                    This-       -
   The problem is it isn’t the aesthetic       that I have a problem with,        (You want to have a Obi-Wan show more compassion to the slave of similar generation then to Rex?
    (That’s per-fect-ly fine and could even show how he values his job and  Mission over someone he is actually wound-        ed-)
     However that’s not it-
        (It doesn’t             even do that)
   My problem with it is that it shows no        emotion
   No emphasis
   No moral
   It’s - empty               -          Watching this scene,     there is absolutely nothing I get out of it,
       Also wow that was a        quick turnaround,
Like seriously     it generally takes longer      for that kind of behavior to be indented,
  This is literally the only Jedi       he’s seen be there
       One time
         This is barely scraping        logic,          And            even             then,                not              really            requiring-              pre-knowledge                  of the emotions               and general plot               (before                       hand)
   I know that I should feel bad for the        slave because         slav-ery is a bad thing           And any real person would be          pretty upset it/             Suffer for the toxic environment,
         Note; it’s not from the               medium
         I didn’t gain that                 knowledge             from the medium
(In which the chara-       cters      actions and emotions,         Make me        conclude,       “oh wow,         slavery is a real         bad thing!”
   No the characters are wooden puppets          with no emotion,
          Going from;                Point a to point B
      Nothing to connect them              (No preamble)
         No emotions
         No motive(s)
       ‘why is Obi-Wan doing what he’s doing?’
         ‘I don’t know’
                    (And I honestly don’t think the wr-     iters did either)
       And no damn interest
        Barely scraping        logic..
   ‘Why is Obi-wan      doing what he’s doing,’
     ‘Because he has the rescue the slaves,’
    ‘ why does he have to rescue the slaves,?’
      ‘ because you have to rescue slaves,’
        It’s literally circular
   Rely- ing completely on the cookie   cu-    tter,
    Resulting in it being as flat as a cookie when      rolled over by a rolling pin,
         Where                It             should;                Be;
    “ why does Obi-Wan want to rescue the slaves?”
        “Because of his dedication to his moral compass/ because of his dedication to his generation/ non-      clone- ena         blers,/      (Whatever        you want           to put            there)
           (Hey that was almost emotion from   ,Rex)
         (We’re      2:29      Min      Ut        es        In,        And I’m already        salty about the episode refusal to be         fun,
   That’s nice        exposition      *Palpatine*.       Sidious,
     Tra-        dition           (S);
  That’s literally all I      -heard-
      -(I assume they’re saying             “millions,”)
         Which would actually be neat if we got to see some you know human soldiers on the Darkside to counterbalance the whole do you know clone troopers, contrasting the dark side’ s more ethical but none the less toxic practices,
    To the light side’s-          Gen Break-
      De-       fiance?
   (I think you mean that other Zygerian’s death because we have literally not seen the queen act even remotely rebellious,
   Yeah she      con-     templates possibly free-        ing them,
   But we haven’t seen her openly communicate with either of these 2 to inform them
   And she still wants to keep     Anakin,
  So she at least     has one Jedi,
   With the others possibly be blamed on a       -prison break-
      And literally nothing that we’ve seen       com-municating the concept of open - rebel-      lion
   Or any of the connection between      her    and the separatist,
   Again seriously        how am I     supposed to feel about that             (Also the one person that gives even the slightest bit of emotion and it’s the villain,)
    Like I’m surprise’d       Dooku’s surprised by that
   (Also, now there         are flues).           (Don’t recall        seeing them                last time,)
        Or just sticks with gold          on them
 (I am very        con-        fused,)
This seems pretty different
And totally safe
  (Also wasn’t the castle       blue?)
  But I’m not against it because it could work with the       symbolism of wild,       Or just.          Wor      -k                 (I know I’m being way too hop-   - eful but I try,
      Re-        hash-
   So why is there no other emotion 
   And why do you look like a         caveman,
    (Eyebrows    constantly furr-        Ow-        ed)
    Also what was with the      pro-nunciation and        emotion?
   Also literally no     one else is paying attention to that guy?        ?
‘ he also doesn’t   cause me to have any emotions’
  Like seriously I know that it’s a cat person but you still have to show some sentient emotion here
   If there’s no emotion,        there’s no risk,
   (Part of   sent- ience)
   Att-        end,
   Again that’s not the cha-    llenge I think they were trying to make it out to be;              (Un-accountabili-          ty)    Aka         What it would work best as;
    “ I’ll would never turn away from a challenge,” Anakin said snarkily,
      The queen se-           duct              iv             el-              y
          Taking his light saber,                -                that works better;
           -                   Ser-iously                       -                       Um-                       No,  
(Last time someone fall from a height that      high, they died,)
   (You have to play by        your       own      rules,             )
    Also again wh        -at-
   Sky -walker
  When          ?-
   Would be nice if you ever         feckin showed it,
       (Seriously the concept of Obi-Wan having to come to terms at least temporary that his Over-involvement has      hurt people is an interesting concept,”
     Also bullshit      that you know that
   (You’re all enabled and you haven’t spent any time around     Obi-Wan)
   (That’s a stupid plan            and the animation really doesn’t help,)
       Perm     -     R-       i-,
Oh yeah so no reserves,     about using the term,             “master”      After this     schism            ?            -         Y-eah           -         How?           -           W-at
 [The emotions are off the roof and I have no idea 
    with the scale of escalation
   Lesh          -       Li- fe
    You did-            n’t?             -              Emo            tion-
      Who        called-        the       guards?
   Seriously if this is such a constantly abusive (tox) relationship than how do they not know,
     (Unless the previous guards got killed and these          are the         newbies,)
    Because you don’t act like it all don’t have any of the characteristics generally associated with constantly rein-forc       -ed toxicity,         Show-       ed no emotion including     (anxiety and anticipation)         In that previous           fight,
 As well as no negative    con-    seq-    uen      ce          s for your behavior             -               Even now your voice is just     “ oh I’m     dyi-ng-            -,’.                 .        
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 [Something        happened 
   not a Tumblr refresh,
  There’s absolutely no emotion in the scene and the fact that she just dies after that being the threat is just kind of cheap,
  [and the fact that she had absolutely no expression            (Or emotion)     during that entire fight                  Not showing any of the general signs             -               Just no)
    And that expression is a weird way way to end
   The scene.       not the movie that still going,          (Un-fortunate-         ly)
   Uh, why             Off to you obviously evil factory,       land,”
   Hey     isn’t it that minor antagonist    that hasn’t showed up since the last episode?       . . .       Why?         . . .       And he included       the clone        why?
    (Oh yeah I want the      Jedi Knight         Obi-Wan          Kenobi,          And especially the to my knowledge           (default)             clone.
       And Rex who is honestly a lot more intimidating,
  [Again this is supposed really be about.     Ken-obi but I’m really focusing on     Rex,]
    Wh-        at-        -
    They were on a        bug?
  Sorry my memory     gave out for a moment at the whole     Anakin durp face thing         -       -
   Again, how is he supposed to do that?
    -       Ter-         -        I-l
   Sl-av          es
   So Ahsoka goes to rescue the slaves while An-a      kin,    stays here and carves a hole,
   No emotion!
   Oh,     I thought he meant         Ah         -soka         -          Oh so yeah let’s bring a warship into what seems to have been         intended as a stealth mission,
      Screw                    Fitt              Ing                Re                Action-
How   did that change the fact that they have the button that can kill all the    slaves,
    (It didn’t)
Obi-won just apparently stopped giving a       fr-ick         -
   Well then they were impossible to   take out,
 F-a         -           S-l
   But only the         Tyger-ian        (Apologies for any misspelling          I mean Ahsoka’s            kind,)
      “He           -at,”
         Rex did more than Obi-wan,
          Also yeah     completely forgot about that,
        Also he said               kill,
         [Not further         im-prison,”         ]
       Rex had some      rage-
      Also you’d think that be Obi-Wan       considering how much he’s gotten       ,screwed with         This entire          ,time              -           Wh,at 
      Wh            -y              -
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Wh        -y          -     H-ere         -               How is Rex still fighting      guys?         -       Also thanks a lot Obi-Wan      you useless      piece of shit,
   [Again, would         n’t it make           sense?            .)
      -           You just came into a door        just hop them - over-                                -                             Lan      d-
                      Wait,                            How did you just get in, there                     though,
                     .                        Co-                    vert                          -                            ?
O-Kay,     new character,
(Also oh no they gave      plo another fleet  
      Great      )
     Ser-iously,   what     where are these guys coming from?        ,     You’ve literally been allowed this dude to heck around the entire time while Rex did all the hard work
 Also seriously where was all that                    -  ,coming from-                     -                Wh    at-
Where   was the   emotion?       -      Hey that had no meaning, symbolism      or emotion behind it -       whatsoever,
         -            W-h              -             -           -            Whelp, was completely boring
    Covenants of a good,                  fun story;  
       - Set;  Excessive in instances that don’t directly affect the story’s           up,    cohesivity
       -Tone; Is appropriate
       -Emotions; And appropriate, and consistent and manage to keep a consistent tone,
             (Un-nessary,                        Typically switch-ed for a        more logical tone,                        In works of                      non-fiction,
                  Though may be in both,                        So long as note                        is given,)
        This            film            (Movie      -      Gets absolutely none of it right except the basics for a         good story
      It’s        co -         hesive-          But damn           boring         and empty,
Story         -      Re-write.          -            (I needed something fun after watching that       boring documentary,)
     So let’s       get into it,            -                   (May          feature            episode             -overlap)
   Obi-Wan emerges from the carrier,              With R           -ex,
    (Obi-Wan possibly sub- con-ciously           mov              -ing                  In              Fron                 -t                        Of                    Rex-)
         [Or              Cody]
             The                  minor              antagonist                welcome(s)                 them;                   Obi-wan trading some banter with him                      -                     It                being part of a plan to get captured,
              Unfortunately somethings went ar-ray and instead of              Cody being the back up plan; he got taken with him
               The minor antagonist                                   -               quickly cuts the chatter                                 -                                     By having the guard                               (S-                         bring Cody forward, introducing him as                                                           Obi-Wan’s                                                               Slave
           Giving a veiled threat of                “ would be a shame if something happened to such a                    ,pretty specimen,”
                  Obi-Wan getting   def-ensive,
                      The atag,      Com   menting,       “ Pretty protective,           Of your toy,            Aren’t              You,”
      Before         having           them thrown            somewhere,
         Next time,        we see them they’re getting e-           scor-            ted-             for gem            Min-            Ing,
         (Possibly some black humor from the vil               -ains-                about how people                 will pay,                     “An arm                  or leg
*Pos-sibly        yours,
                For                      the                      stuff,’           
            On the way there one of the guards notices Rex    (Cody)’s                                                                                     ey-ing the place.                                                                                          warning him                                                                                          That,                                                                                           ‘He’s                                                                                        not                                                                                 the only                                                                                     one                                                                                    under                                                                                 ob                                                                            -servation)
                                                                             Possibly                                                                               causing                                                                              a wincing                                                                            or anxious                                                                   ��       reaction                                                                             from                                                                             them                                                                                  .   (I would generally  encourage flashbacks to be        able to - show the emotion          em-          ot            ion,)
      (Under-stand               what is going inside their            head,)
         But for now            I’ll stick           with           the example            given by the show         which is no flashbacks,     The      guard        making        it clear what will happen
Shock-     -Ing-
  The clone       (Eith          er)           Ha-ving       a bad reaction         to this,
     Knee       jerkingly      reaching            out,
     The guard       grabbing him         and         holding him    back -            -           Forced into a      distressing circumstance of         fa            il           -in            g-         The           Miss-         -ion             -
                                                                                             Those two are                                                                                     pretty much out of the action                                                                                for the rest of the episode being                                                                   stuck
                                                  Obi-Wan can’t do anything without hurting Cody                                                       Cody can’t do anything without hurting                                                                         the slaves                                                                               -                                                                              Most of their part is                                                                               contrasting                                                                            the condition,
Most of the     action is with      Ahsoka,        Who talks down that  dweeb         (Maybe someone near-er          to her age)                     And they go break      Obi-Wan out so he can back up, Anakin
    In the Dooku fight,
               The most consistent and                       clear char-                        -acter                          Being                              Q                             -ueen,                              Being a     slaver-
   If         it’s         Ana-       Kin,
          Anakin having to begrudgingly put up with this        slaver’s nonsense
      - Her talking about how life is slavery     and him just not...
          Then                  Dooku                 Shows                      Up,
   (The whole transition between the mine scene and the Anakin- slaver scene,        Being a cut from the sparks in a mine           To the jewel on her finger              With extra focus       being put on the jewels,
        Possibly all done with all of them              Zy-              gar-ian                (Or of all        the planets that         she’s taking people from-  
      Zygarian            Heir               loom)
          A black stone          (in the middle of her chest)               By a pendant                 (Generally                   implied to be by                 Count Dooku)
    Toxic        court-ing           implied,
              Count Dooku                   announces                a surprise visit,
               The Queen is pleased                    but nervous                       (Hands                         behind -back)
              Putting        a wine glass down behind it,
                     Dooku is immediately aggressive
        The queen            offering                Anakin as a consolation prize
       As the youngest and newest to the-ir possible              rank,
        Dook-u snark                  Ing,
          Dooku threaten                -ing  to kill
          The queen having issue with that whole main characterization being the collector of rare things
          (Possibly a reflect-                Ion  about the no speaking rule)
             More likely Dooku dismissing her con-           cerns just saying that he can always get her a new one,
            “The Queen possibly wincing at a raised hand                  - if we want to go for indications of                  physical tox-’
          Poss-ibly a conversation about why she put up with           him
        “He treats me well”
        Focus on the necklace and pendent to             - contrast with the choking necklace-
          Possibly a poison               Sub-line
                -                     If you want                    to go there,                       -                    But focusing on Ahsoka,              they broke those guys out,
                 Ahsoka finding a heartbroken                         Jedi,                       Explaining that their res       -pect     ive  clone friend,        Has given up on them
   Ahsoka finding that person,
   Who manages to explain that he can’t        move either-
    To be cut off by the guards      who has really had enough of         every-      thing-
   Decided - screw it if pain isn’t going to make you stop and then might as well put them in a life or death situation,
    Add-ing time on the clock         (Or at least a new var-         iable-)
   Ahsoka possibly     does a whole speech thing          (Since seriously         we’ve seen none of her involvement or even care about         her own         spe-cies)          Via dem            on-          Strat           Ion-
      (Very likely leading to a            riot situation,)
     As they didn’t plan on the           Tagroatians (?)             Rebell              ing due to                crush                  -ed                 spirits,
     That happens                  -           Those two re-         unite and go to fi-ght                Dooku
        (I never.       really cared for the        Zy-            ger-             Ian           queen,)
         If she lives in then,    she’s grateful for them driving off Dooku,          Allows them to get off with the slaves,
      (Necklace might have information            might not,)
   *Honestly I felt it made more sense for        Anakin to be the one in the mine;             The Zy-          garian queen, and Obi         -Wan hav-          ing boomer ban             -ter,              With Obi-Wan a lot more           aware of that stuff,               (Show-ing               worldliness       by identifying the stones)             While Anakin compares       the circumstance to the one that he used to live in,              And the one he enabled Rex living in,           While Ahsoka,    could team up with a          Zy-ger-Ian round              her age,               Possibly some conversations about           enabling-           May-be Ahsoka talking about getting a clone         command of her own-            (If we want the clone commanders to be a constantly          featured theme                here)               Boomer                 Bait,               Busting Anakin out of the            mine,                Obi-Wan getting hidden behind a             cur-tain,                     And going to heck over Dooku,                   (Slaves recovered-)
           Both the Zy-                Gar-                  Ian-                    (And a flirtatious                promise to return                      By                       Obi-wan, )                       [contrast                        Mandalorian]                    Gets                         Free-                        Dom-                        -                         End-                         -
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claytonkeller · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @swedeonmarky and @bigboigritty thank you!!
I'm tagging: @gravygravygravy @churchofrileytanev @justjosty @fratboytj @berrybreadd @tychnoblade and whoever wants to join!
Rules : Spell out your name and URL using only song titles and tag 10 people.
Aerials by System Of A Down
Levitate by Twenty One Pilots
Immortals by Fall Out Boy
Sugar Pills by IDKHow
Stuck In Your Head by I Prevail
Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold
Hero Of The Day by Metallica
Ordinary World by Green Day
Lost In Hollywood by System Of A Down
Lola Montez by Volbeat
Yesterday by Imagine Dragons
Jump On My Shoulders by Awolnation
Over It by Bullet For My Valentine
Look Around by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Lost by Avenged Sevenfold
You And Your Heart by Jack Johnson
Just Like You by Three Days Grace
OUT OF CONTROL/333 by Fever 333
Suck My Kiss bt Red Hot Chili Peppers
Talking to Myself by Linkin Park
Youngblood by Green Day
So many Ls and Ys this was hard!😂
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whatdoesshedotothem · 4 years ago
Sunday 15 April 1832: SH:7/ML/E/15/0052
8 5
12 ¾
-  Let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y St[uar]t inclos[in]g     half sheets fr[om] Mrs. Hamilt[o]n to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay] and let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y G- [Gordon] 1 half sh[ee]t full - fine morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 61° at 9 1/2 in my r[oo]m and 67° at 9 3/4 in the balc[on]y - Mr. West preach[e]d 33 min[ute]s fr[om] 1 Tim[oth]y 1.15 - queer Evangel[ica]l serm[o]n awake all the time w[e]nt out at 1 1/2 for 1 1/2 h[ou]r - met Captain Cameron she asked him to dinner the murder is out  we talked it over she will not say no so ‘tis done ca[me] to my r[oo]m soon aft[e]r 4 - wr[ote] the foll[owin]g to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] ‘Hast[in]gs Sun[day] 15 Ap[ril] 1832. Th[an]k you ver[y] m[u]ch my d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, for all y[ou]r k[i]nd anx[iet]y ab[ou]t me, and for Mrs. Hamilton’s excell[en]t let[ter] - we will talk ab[ou]t all this - I shall n[o]t fix an[y]th[in]g till my arriv[a]l in Lond[on] - I fear there is no chance of my see[in]g L[ad]y St[uar]t de Rothesay - I h[a]d a let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y Gordon this morn[in]g who is alarm[e]d already - I kno[w] n[o]th wheth[e]r Vere will, or can for fear of overweight, wr[Ite] at all today - poor dear girl! I really feel for and pity her excessive shyness and incredulity   on going out to take our little walk we un expectedly met a friend whom between ourselves I rather coutned upon seeing again rather sooner at last poor Vere has found herself almost forced into entering upon the subject with me and I have really thought it right   assured as I am of your approbation to express my gladness to see our friend who is to dine with us this evening   as I find he stays tomorrow I conclude he will call in the morning  when it will be so natural for me to be out that even Vere’s fastidiousness can find not fault  the mere being asked to dinner might be taken as enough  I hope and think it will       we ha[ve] h[a]d a good deal of n[or]th east wind till today; b[u]t Vere h[a]s borne it bet[ter] then I expect[e]d; and I am in bet[ter] sp[iri]ts ab[ou]t h[e]r than I w[a]s - ever, dear[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] affect[ionatel]y y[ou]rs A. [Anne] Lister’ at 5 20/: took d[o]wn my no[te] 3 p[ages] of 1/4 sh[ee]t to ‘the Hon[oura]ble Lady St[uar]t Whitehall’ to Miss H- [Hobart] to enclose w[i]th Mrs. Hamilton’s let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] twenty minutes with Miss H- [Hobart] laughing and joking but found the tears sstarting as I kissed her forehad and ran away   what are you going said she but I was off
saying oh I dare not look behind me     a few tears are falling but away with them ‘For hum[a]n weal
heav[e]n husb[a]nds all events’   I am satisfied  I can keep uo the friendship try to arrange  with Lady Gordon and be better off than with Miss H- [Hobart] ‘tis strik[in]g 6 - dress[e]d - din[ner] at 6 3/4 - on going down saw them on the sofa to[ge]ther and both looking so satisfied I suspected how it was  the moment we left the dining room about eight he staying behind  quarter hour she told me it was all over he made his offer
in a very flattering manner to her done it very well and she had accepted him I said it was much better I was very glad of it she gave me her two cheeks to kiss  I kisse[d] the first one then the other but said nothing   she morelized a little said how a moment changed our whole  lives but she thought she should not repent  he stays tomorrow I asked if he would dine with us yes she did not care now what was ssaid I gently suggested that it would be more consistent with her former  primminess to tell him that now they could not mistake each other she thought he had better not dine here two days together  they could see more of each other at the Lodge  and perhaps he would not be the less pleased with  her for this  I was not prudish but now perhaps I even felt more particular than she did   she seemed satisfied with what I said said Italy had already been mentioned for the winter he came in   we soon had coffee I poured it out ordered tea in half an hour and soon came upstairs   a little before nine  and left them to their happiness  what a sudden change for us alll  for me too she will go to Italy but not with me  well tho’ I made my eyes very yed [red] with crying before dinner I already begin to think it is better she would  have left me in the lurch when I could have managed less well than now odd enough we had scarcely  gone out to the house this afternoon when we a long small man at a distance before us and she said  how very far that man’s arms are for his ssides (one saw the light between the uper arm and side)  I don’t like that  when who should it be but Captain Cameron   he shook hands with us both we walked  up High street and past the nursery garden and then took several turns in the croft  I thought she walked up and down very satisfiedly  in returning along George street I heard her ask him if he would eat his mutton chop with us  ‘I shall be very glad to see you’ ‘will you really’ said he in a low voice  oh oh thought I then it’s all over  and we talked it over on our return  she owned that aunt and she had agreed it  would be very foolish to refuse him but still she refused to believe he really would offer till he had absoultely  done it  she will soon be sufficiently in love   well my prospects are changed  it was only this morning at  
breakfast I had spoken of my father and mother as having been unhappy together  an ill assorted match and spoke of Marian as   if I wanted to make a thing better always pulling it down again  she liked to everybody be cock of the dunghill etc etc in fact I have gradually of late become more confidential luckily I have never told her my fortune or income and on the whole said nothing I am very sorry for  I do not feel uncomfortably committed tho’ I did laugh and say befor[e] church this morning  well if it was not for the petticoats the thing would be clear enough  yes that it would said she  perhaps ssaid I laughingly it is pretty much the same thing in spite of them (the petticoats)  how little dream what so few hours would bring forth while doubting of Captain C- [Cameron]  she liked to keep me within reach better have me than neither or nobody  le jeu vaut la chandelle  I am satisfied perhaps I shall do tolerably yet  at all rates I feel more comfortable after having  written the above - fr[om] 8 55/.. to 9 1/2 wr[ote] the last 33 lines in Miss H-‘s [Hobart] room my own full of smoke  w[e]nt d[o]wn to tea at 9 35/.. - talked away agreeably enough he staid till eleven and a quarter  she then ate an orange and when she had done it I asked for my orangeade  oh said she I had forgot it  I made no ob[servation]s but kept  up very well ca[me] upst[ai]rs at 11 1/2 and to my r[oo]m at 11 35/.. - kissed her forehead as usual and glad to be  off rang my bell immediately to get rid of Cameron and have no fear of interruption feeling  that I should make a fool of myself as ssoon as alone  why do I do it   she never cared for me well she even think for one moment of what I may or may not really feel on this occasion?  well flow on my useless miserable foolish tears  but they have flowed before perhaps  even more uncomfortably than now there is less mortification  the thing is at least  intelligible I shall get the better of it and at least be thankful that my fate is fixed  shall I see much of her hereafter or not   how odd will seem our meeting in Italy! but I shall be better then  how thankful I am this business did not happen sooner  I shall at least  escape the lovemaking  she says I behave beautifully she little guesses the misery of this tearful moment as I write but no more surely it will be over by morning  Finish mild sunless day - F[ahrenheit] 63° at 11 3/4 in my r[oo]m and 49 1/2° at 12 3/4 in the balc[on]y
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jayeshmuley · 4 years ago
"Exam Pressure Leads To Wave Of Student Suicides"
It's exam season in India and it's also suicide season when students buckle under parental pressure to get high marks and into a top university for the golden chance of a high-paying job. Newspapers carry tragic daily reports of youngsters who have killed themselves or taken what Indians euphemistically call "the extreme step" because they fear the shame of a bad report card. On a single day last month, it was reported that two teenage boys in New Delhi hanged themselves at their homes. One was falling behind in his studies and the other was afraid of an English exam. A final year Bachelor of Commerce student hanged herself in the commercial capital Mumbai apparently because she was not prepared for her economics paper and did not want her family to feel ashamed. A grade 12 student from Surat in western India hanged herself and another threw herself before a moving train in Allahabad in northern India, the paper reported, adding there were other suicides that day too. "Teenage suicide (over exams) is a national disaster," said Samir Parikh, psychiatrist at Max Healthcare, a leading New Delhi private hospital chain. In 2006, the most recent year for which official figures are available, some 5,857 students -- or 16 a day -- killed themselves due to exam stress. Police say thousands more suicides go unreported because parents want to keep the cause of death a secret. Competition to get into higher education in the country of more than 1.1 billion people is fierce with stratospheric averages needed to obtain the few places available in India's "Ivy League" colleges. For instance, the cut-off average mark to pursue an undergraduate economics degree at Delhi University's top commerce college last year was 97.8 percent. "Unsurprisingly only a small fraction of the 500,000 school leavers each year will make it," said Sunil Sethi, columnist for financial daily Business Standard. India has just a couple of dozen top-notch "branded" colleges, seven Indian institutes of technology and six of management. Together they take only 16,000 undergraduates each year. In the last few weeks since the start of exam season, there have been a string of suicides in India's capital by students as young as 12. "Over the years the kind of marks students need to get into 'good universities' has really started touching the roof -- they need 90, 95 percent averages," psychiatrist Parikh said. Also "parents have big expectations and give undue importance to exams and for children the marks are benchmarks of their self-esteem. The combination can be fatal." Many hang themselves from ceiling fans -- ubiquitous in India's hot climate -- but others set themselves alight, consume pesticides or drown themselves. One 17-year-old left a suicide note saying he was ending his "life because the pressure has started to get to me and I cannot take it any longer," concluding poignantly: "I love my family and I hope they will understand." While the global teen suicide rate is 14.5 per 100,000, a 2004 study by the Christian Medical College in the southern city of Vellore reported 148 for girls and 58 for boys in India. The girls' rate is higher because many fear being married off if they flunk, experts say. Educators criticize the exams for stressing memory work over reasoning. "We must make exams in such a way it does not bank on memory but emphasizes thinking capability," said scientist Yash Pal, who headed India's recent curricular reform steering committee. Tutors are called in and parents take time off to coach their children through exams. "Memory pills" are devoured, nutritionists are consulted for the best "brain food" and newspapers devote sections to tackling exams. "You can't imagine the pressure," said student Renu Chanda, 17, who has just done her finals. On top of the finals, there are the university tests. Some students take half a dozen or more exams to try to get into big-name institutions. A 2006 study of 231 teenagers by Anuradha Sovani, a clinical psychologist at the University of Mumbai, showed that the students were more frightened of exams than accidents, earthquakes or bomb attacks. "Somehow we think high marks are the only way our children are going to succeed in life," said Anita Gupta, a mother of two sons and a daughter. Poorer parents make huge sacrifices to afford tuition so children feel an extra burden to succeed. The ones who don't make it into top schools end up going to under-funded second-rate colleges or the booming number of private universities. But the disadvantage of private institutes is that standards vary so wildly many are not recognized by the government. Families that can afford it send their children abroad with an estimated 160,000 Indians studying overseas each year. And even when students get into good Indian colleges, the pressure does not end -- with university suicides also regularly reported. "We have to give youngsters -- and their parents -- the life skills to know marks are not everything in life," said psychiatrist Parikh.
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woollyslisterblog · 6 years ago
1834 April Thursday 3 (part one)
We continue the tour. She doesn't seem keen on switching off and relaxing. Even over a few minutes rest, she will enquire about land and property management with local tenants, clearly comparing her approach to estate management with others. Like holidaying with my wife...
6.35 time awake
12.35 time asleep
Same as last night
Well and comf[orta]ble en[ou]gh bed. The r[oo]m ver[sus] mine hav[in]g us[e]d the large good r[oo]m as my dress[in]g r[oo]m bec[ause] the bed h[a]d n[o]t been slept in of 3 or 4 m[on]ths – r[ai]n in the night had a lit[tle]this morn[in]g [attended?] get[in]g up F 52° at 7.40 – br[ea]kf[a]st at 8 [o’clock]-
out at 9:15 - took a boy as a guide – walk[e]d by the h[ou]se and home terr[a]ce, and acr[oss] f[iel]ds and d[o]wn steep thick wood d[o]wn by lit[tle]riv[e]r Rye, and walk[e]d along it the val[ley] nar[row] and beaut[ifull]y wood[e]d in the [Backfall?] style, to the lit[tle] vil[lage] of Rivaulx, where we came rath[e]r sudd[enl]y b[u]t fine[l]y on the large beaut[iful]rem[ains] of the old abbey at 11- ½ hour to there - Nave gone but choir and transepts remaining there court of the cloisters, and wh[a]t is s[ai]d to ha[ve] been the refectory, kitchen, dormitory and prior’s rooms – ver[y] fine rem[ain]s but Elgin cathed[ral] finer if I rememb[e]r it correct[l]y –
walk[e]d fr[om] the abbey up the steep cawse r[oa]d to the far terr[a]ce fr[om] w[hi]ch you look d[o]wn alm[o]st perpendic[ularl]y on the view y[onde]r being a Grecian portico[e]d lodge at each end of the Terr[a]ce, as there is a Grecian temple at each end of the home terrace – inq[uire]d for the fine Cyprus so loc[ate]d (Mr. Henry Belc[ombe] or Mr. Norc[liffe]), had told me they were yew - no such thing - 2 miles fr[om] the far lodge on the far terr[a]ce direct to Helmsley -
had left the old abbey at 11:30 and [started?] back to the Inn at Helmsley at 1:15 – Miss W[Walker] n[o]t seem[in]g tir[e]d p[ai]d all and off fr[om] there at 1:30 w[i]th 4 horses to Coxwold – ver[y] steep d[o]wn wass-bank – alight[e]d at 2.20 for 25 min[ute]s at Coxwold church to see the monum[en]t to Belasyse Fauconberg fam[ily] ver[y] neat sm[all]church - at Byland Abbey in 1/4 hour from Coxwold at 3 – fine mins[ter] but nothing to compare with Rivaulx Abbey – bel[on]g to Mr Stapylton Martin of Myton who let so[me] part fall in the oth[e]r day fr[om] tak[in]g away some unfit stone - 5 or 6 min[utes] there and then walk[e]d to the lit[tle] Innin the small village of Wass where the horses were gone to wait –
Miss W [Walker] lay down there being a bed in the r[oo]m, b[u]t did n[o]t feel partic[ularl]y tired - Wass belongs to Mr Martin Stapyleton - he is alw[a]ys in want of the rent the mom[en]t it is due – has noth[in]g in Byland b[u]t the Abbey - the prop[erty] at the Inn has 14 ac[re]s of land, good all grass but pay £56 per ann[um] besides £3 a year tithe and 3 guineas for the licence and all the taxes, yet the place stands there at £80 per ann[um] - 20 min[ute]s there and off at 3.40
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jadipose · 1 year ago
"Shake your hips more when you walk! Less, like, a wiggle, more like... you gotta throw them. Big emphasis!" Damn, you thought she wanted YOU to coach HER. Meanwhile she's trying to turn you into her personal runway model.
"O+uff," I puff, trying to+ fo+llo+w her instructio+ns, but the big wide sways o+f the hips make my belly bo+unce and feel o+verfull. "I'll be way better at this o+nce I'm no+t, hff, bursting at the seams..."
still, I get a fun thrill o+ut o+f putting o+n a sho+w fo+r her... if she likes big girls, she's getting her fill to+day. I do+n't much care what the rest o+f the week entails, as lo+ng as there's Alice, plenty o+f fo+o+d, and the unspo+ken thing we bo+th want fro+m each o+ther. I almo+st tip o+ver do+ing a turn to+o+ quick, and stumble to+wards her o+n the co+uch.... barely catching myself befo+re I fall right into+ her lap.
"Wo+ahh, I almo+st just crushed yo+u...."
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lynxalon · 5 years ago
STAY Challenge using poetry/descriptive writing!!!
- Bias
Winds which sing sweetly to me and
Over the hills and sparkling snow and
Out, out across the sea it's
Journey never-ending despite
Impossible odds and tough choices
Never stop singing, sweet wind
- Bias Wrecker
Hovering midair
You come gracefully to the ground
Utilizing your power to stop time
Now you halt
Just for a moment and I am
Imaging what you may be thinking when the
Next beat hits and you continue dancing
- Favorite MV
Going towards a future in which
Everyone comes
Can such a wish come true?
Or are we destined to be together
Only in dreams and
Lost memories
- Favorite Choreographies
Vile words mock me
Overthinking haunts me
In the darkest night
Comes the brightest light
Encasing me with the love that is
Stray Kids
- Favorite Era
Moments of warmth are things that
I hold close to me; thing like
Racing down hallways with friends and
Opening up about bittersweet
- Favorite Title Track
I love you
And I
Miss you
You are here yet I'm the
Only one that's not, so fly to me
Up into the sun, into my arms
- Favorite B-side
1 heart overflowing with love for
9 members
- Favorite Lyrics
"Everything goes away just like a dream
I'm back to those times" - 19
In the end everything will be golden. The fire of life that comes and goes will finally leave for good. It will go away with just a whisper. Like shutting a door after you've said goodbye to a friend. Like a dream you've had since you were a child, the end will wrap you in a warm hug and say, "I'm here." Looking back, you'll see traces to the memories you lost. All those who reach the end do. Don't fret, for our times together have been precious.
- Favorite Performance
"Wow MAMA 2018 sure was snazzy."
- Favorite Duo/Relationship Dynamic
Just wait for it
In just a second
Last time...
I'll finally say it now:
- Favorite Moments
Rain falls and... Hey! You need an
Umbrella! I'm talking to you
Bitch??? Where are you going?
Bruh they just scrolled past and
Even ignored me?
Don't worry! I have an
Umbrella though! No, you
Can't have it! You
Know what you did...
You ignored me... 😔
- 3racha/vocalracha/danceracha?
3 are chosen to
Return balance to the world
Among the ordinary
Come three extraordina- So you ordered a
Hamburger with large fries and a large-
Ah shit this is a McDonald's drive thru 🤦
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lethe-rpg · 6 years ago
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Perhaps he was just born a few centuries too late. That’s what Fionn figures. Back in the day, when the world was young and fae things were properly fae, he’d have done just fine - carousing and thieving, making merry and managing all sorts of mischief. Without anybody getting their knickers in a twist. By the time he came along, though, there were just too many hidebound traditional types around the Otherlands. Fussy old bastards. That’s what he tells himself. Fionn, cut adrift by parents he never knew, chased after by a brother and sister who had better things to do, understood that he was something of a burden. Had he asked to be born? No. Wasn’t his fault.
But he was here, now, and he wasn’t about to let a moment pass where he wasn’t drinking life’s splendor dry. That’s what they were supposed to be about, wasn’t it? Those elder fae seemed to think he drank too deeply, though. He neglected his lessons in the history and magic of their kind, shook off stately affairs and protocols to run through the hills and dales with stranger, wilder faeries. Young and cocksure, Fionn took what gifts he’d been born to and scoffed at those that came harder, the ones that took work and thought to develop - the shifting of energies, that fae spark, the knowing of another’s heart. It was envy, maybe. His sister was so brilliantly talented in those crafts, his brother so respected, an artisan in iron. Was it fair, to hold himself to their older example? Perhaps not, but he did it all the same. And no matter what he managed, Fionn always, always came up short. Who was he trying to please, anyway? Those runaway parents? His beleaguered brother, his stifled sister? Himself, even? Fionn couldn’t say, so he couldn’t do it. And, in time, he stopped trying altogether.
A few duels, a couple scandalous affairs, and several spectacularly destructive incidents was all it took to turn the Otherlands against Fionn, in a decided sort of way. Let the humans deal with him, and his brother, too. Cora had already left, tired of the same old, same old staling madness of life among the fae. When they struck earth in Ireland, Fionn was too indignant to feel bereft. Or even awfully responsible. He was just being what he was meant to be, what they were all meant to be - a rover and a rambler, a lover and a singer of songs. And the human world was wonderful, really. Even if, eventually, they wound up having enough of his nonsense too. That was alright, though. He’d move on. To someplace new. There was so much to see, and so many people to share his music, his art, and, of course, himself with. So much for them to share with him, too - their revels and whiskey, ugly violence and breathtaking creativity. Study in contradictions, humans were. For once, Fionn found himself fond of research. Inevitably, that pulled him further and further from Faolan’s side. Then, of all things, his brother got himself a family. Started settling down. Like… humans, or something. So off Fionn strayed, for good, wandering from scene to scene, bed to bed, taking in all the wonder and mess humanity had to offer. Which was plenty. His family, such as they were, didn’t want or need him. And he didn’t want or need them, or anyone else, did he? Best to live in the present, with the company he had. Fleeting, mortal company, but lovely. His unnatural talent and his fae charms, roguish though they might be, made sure of that.
Unfortunately, now and then, even Fionn’s honeyed tongue and handsome eyes aren’t enough to get him out of the shit he stirs up. He’s quite literally stumbling into Lethe held together with duct tape and will, after falling afoul of the sort of people you really shouldn’t fall afoul of. Ever. Usually, his unnatural luck looks out for him. This time, he was very nearly gutted like a fish, a rabbit. He’d heard of a place, hidden in the woods, that drew magic and held it safely; somewhere like that would have somebody who could help, perhaps even one of his sort, to do a proper job of patching him up. So here he’s come, battered and worn. Never had the knack for healing, not for a scratch, nevermind anything so bad as this. But somebody around Lethe will. Probably. Not that he has money to pay, not at the moment - had to drop and run, after all. But he’ll find a way to make good. Or leave, quickly, whichever winds up being simpler. That’s the notion, anyway…
Unsurprisingly, Fionn hasn’t the foggiest idea what’s been going on in Lethe. He doesn’t even know his brother, sister, and daughter, all long lost, are in town, nevermind that people have been crawling out of the river on the regular. You’d think a creature with a life so long as his might be disturbed by the thought of your memories getting washed away, but… honestly, Fionn doesn’t remember terribly much with perfect, sober clarity. He’s been drinking, drugging, brawling, sleeping, and musing his way across and around the world for centuries, and the Otherlands are a distant recollection. Even his many sweethearts have faded away, with the years. All but one, the one he tried to forget most, honestly - Aurora. Beautiful beyond sense, for a human; every bit as sweetly ferocious as the summer he was made from. They shared some sweet times together, months in the California sun, tearing down the boulevards, tumbling about in the soft, fine sand. It was all fun and games, and love. You can have all three, he’d insist. Then it turned out she was pregnant. Fionn was gone by morning, slipping away in the dark. Only, he couldn’t keep going. Not this time. He’d never had a child of his own. Not that he knew of, at least. Never even met his own father. What could he do for Aurora, now? Put down stakes? It wasn’t in his nature. Be contrary to everything he’d ever been. But Fionn came back, all the same, slinking through the door. And he left. And he came back. And he left. And so on, flitting about like some frightened bird, bringing gifts and money when he had any, trying to feel right about any of it. Aurora, bless her, wanted him to be there. Fionn couldn’t understand why. Still, there he was, when the time came; her hand in his, and, then, a beautiful baby girl in his arms. Then, then… a crush of screaming hospital monitors, nurses, and doctors, pushing him out. As his Aurora left, without warning. Their girl wailed. It was just the two of them, now, and Fionn, he’d barely been prepared for the three of them. He tried, though. For a while, anyway. But it was obvious, wasn’t it? Fionn had never been nothing but trouble. An incapable wastrel. They were right, weren’t they? For all the magic in his blood, there’d been nothing at all he could do; another faerie, a better one, could have saved Aurora, made sure she lived to see her little girl grow up. But Fionn wasn’t better, and he wasn’t going to get better, and even if he did, it was far past time where that meant anything. She was gone. He didn’t even have the strength to name their child - it could only be unlucky, couldn’t it? A name from her craven, bastard father. She deserved more. She needed more. And so, he did the only thing that made much sense at all: tucked her into another baby’s bed, bound for a family. That was the last time Fionn saw his daughter, the last time he ever expected to see her. Like the rest of his blood, she would be better off without him.
Fate appears to have other plans, as ever - meaning a few Riverborn will be far from Fionn’s mind. Far and away…
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