#fake sugar daddy
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lostonravenna · 22 days ago
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ah how i missed you, tumblr
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daddysg00dgrl · 2 months ago
Blocked by a fake sugar daddy. Whatever will I do?!
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sammidemille · 2 years ago
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This guy is a scam. Fake sugar daddy, wants 30 from you to "get your allowance" run.
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thepeopleweusedtobe · 2 years ago
Hello pretty, I'm sorry I bumped into your d.m so rudely, but it happened that you got suggested on my timeline, so I decided to hit your d.m with an inbox to know if you would be interested in being my sugar babe♥️, weekly allowance worth $1000, give me a feedback back if you're interested
Here is my Ig: bowenderek_00
Here is my Kik: bowenderek
boy, fuck you.
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charliexxxsharpe · 2 years ago
I'm not a sugar baby...
And aside from that I don't gravitate my attention to people who don't follow the steps to get it.
PSA- most of these sugar daddy's are scams.
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loveforves · 3 months ago
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If you get a message from this guy ignore it he is obviously a scammer and a waste of time! 🙄
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fawn-fumbles · 1 year ago
Hi. How are you doing today. Sorry for invading your privacy. Your profile looks fascinating and are you interested being in a sugar relationship 😊
Hello, I am doing well. Just sipping on some coffee before I decide to do some cleaning around my home. I appreciate your kind words, but seeing as I have been on this app for some time and have been down roads like this I'll be declining your ask for sugar relations. You're going to want to chat and "get to know me" and before I allow that I always like for the person to send me a little "tip" to prove they are serious. The tip is never too big of a ask. Always between 10$-50$. Because a sugar relationship goes both ways you see. If you expect anything from me then you have to give so I give back. The problem here? My first red flag right away is that you asked in an ask / publicly rather than just privately messaging me. IF, and this is a big IF, you are serious and truly wanting a REAL sugar relation with me then you will message me. I will happily send you my payment methods. Once that payment goes through, then we can discuss on how we would like to processed. c:
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mewmewww2222 · 1 year ago
Hello I'm Sorry if this offends you, I'd like you to be my sugar baby, just letting you know my intentions Incase you will be interested…we could talk terms and weekly allowance later...just basically paying for your time ....no sexual relationship.. 1000bucks weekly allowance
Lmao if ur real dm me
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candlelightandmoonshine · 1 year ago
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alienspacequeensworld · 1 year ago
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heathers-inner-thoughts · 2 years ago
I'm tired of these fake ass sugar daddies. Like send me $200 max, and I'll be happy. Make that my allowance for the week, not no $7000 that I can't even get unless I spend $150(that I don't have) on Bitcoin. I even tried explaining that, and they rushed me to ask people for money to buy said Bitcoin. If I'm borrowing money, it won't be for that. It will be for what I need. Like just stfu with your fake ass sugar daddy bs.
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be-xkyy · 23 hours ago
A conversation between a yandere sugar daddy and a reader; yandere keeps an eye on her even when he working. (reader is tired of him) (by the way, he made an appointment on Reader's phone 😂)
Tagging list: @kthehoeforfictionalmen ★ @dreamlessnight ★ @riawrld ★ @darkuni63 ★ @minshookie29 ★
Yandere Sugar Daddy Link Link Link Link
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submissivefeminist · 6 months ago
DM with your cash app tag or paypal to get spoiled with weekly allowances ❤️🥀
I miss when Tumblr was the place to meet actual sugar daddies now we just get this shit
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pocketramblr · 10 months ago
Pocket you cannot leave me hanging like that, what happens after the DNA test comes out as a match?
1- The next night, the broker Izuku would prefer to not acknowledge comes back with a new piece of paper. "Well?" Shigaraki asks, and the broker waves his hands. "It's a boy." Dabi grabs the paper. "Match between Midoriya Izuku and... Person 2? Giran, what-" he stops, looks at Izuku, and tilts his head. "All Might's secret lovechild?"
2- Shigaraki buries his head in his hands at the worse mental image. Magne pats his back, Twice calls Dabi both an idiot and a genius, Toga questions how Giran got All Might's blood to test. Spinner and Compress turn to Izuku, and he shuts them down immediately. "No. I am not. Ugh, Todoroki thought that too "
Dabi gets so mad at that, he storms out without a word. Izuku thinks that's kinda weird, but Giran just takes the paper he dropped. "I didn't, Toga, that's mine. And it was a spit test, not blood."
Magne points out that spit is kinda just filtered blood, and Shigaraki yells at them all to shut up. Then, he asks Izuku about Todoroki- and his weaknesses.
3- Izuku has had to deal with Shigaraki wanting info on Bakugou out of him for the last day, and he's at his limit now. He snaps, Shigaraki snaps back, and it's only when Spinner tries to break in to point out that Todoroki was the other one who fought Stain. That's a good enough redirection for Izuku to ask if Shigaraki isn't super annoyed by the stain cosplay thing, considering their mall conversation. Giran sits down next between Magne and Compress, who fill him in on how Izuku's been the last day- refusing to let Toga spoon-feed him, but begrudgingly allowing Spinner, though they suspect that will be different now. Giran says Spinner is one of the better choices for Izuku to try and use for sympathy to get an out, since he does have Stain's approval, and Spinner is, as far as Giran knows, the only member who hasn't killed anyone yet. Smart. Compress says it runs in the family, but Magne says it's absolutely no thanks to Giran at all.
4- Giran lights up a smoke, with that gun lighter of his, and Izuku cuts off when he sees it, wary, until he just lights a cigarette and puts it away. He does ask though, "Giran, right, the broker? You give them the equipment too, you gave Mustard his gun?" Giran tells him he gave Dabi a gun, actually, and Mustard stole it. The others laugh. Izuku doesn't. He's mostly glad he heard any other name to use for the broker than Hisashi. But then Giran says that it sounds like Izuku's smart, and wonders if Tomura would have an easier time swaying Bakugou to his side using that. Either way, he'd be useful with some of Giran's training- and a short leash. Izuku's very unhappy with this idea, but Shigaraki's unhappy with him and says he might just do that, since it'll piss him off. Once Sensei makes sure he isn't OP, of course.
5- Izuku has a miserable next day, as usual. That night, Giran doesn't visit. Instead, the door knocks just before All Might crashes through the wall. Edgeshot knocks a lot of people out, then pauses looking at the piece of paper that fell from the bar. It's almost as disturbing as the teenage corpse floating inside of Kurogiri. But Izuku's hugging All Might, so everything is fine- aaaand they've all been wrapped away. Well. At least All Might can make AfO feel pain for it. Nine UA students commit vigilantism and get Izuku to a hospital. Inko is immediately brought over- though the hero Edgeshot does pull her aside while Izuku's in surgery, with a few questions.
+1- After Izuku gets his casts off and can go home, he gets a text from an unknown number.
"Hi kid. Like I said, even chances you'd get picked up. You can ask your friends how they knew, it was patches storming out in a hissy. Also like I said, you owe me a favor. Later, though. For now, just don't block this number?"
Izuku immediately blocks the number.
Cities away, Giran laughs and pulls out a second burner phone.
"fine, I get it, one helicopter parent is enough. Take your space."
Izuku glances to the door, behind which he knows his mother is getting ready for visitors from UA, that she isn't sure he's safe there, and holds his phone so tightly it breaks.
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wild-at-mind · 2 months ago
I used to have an idea that I could get an investigative podcast to look into the scam gofundmes and find out where they are all coming from, so that it could finally break the spell they have on tumblr's userbase and increase scam literacy. We all agree that money should be going to fundraisers with a high chance that the money will be sent by the trusted organiser to a person in Gaza. Right? So sifting out scams is a really good idea as it will increase donations to the legit ones. Right??
But recently I realised it wouldn't fucking work. They would just say it was a huge conspiracy. Look at what happened with the Russian bots. No one has ever heard from the 'activists' who were removed before or since...if you know anything about tumblr you know that when real people get removed for an unjust reason, they come right back with a new username, especially if they feel they have something important to say. But that never happened with these 'activists ' (in quotes because the blogs they ran weren't really about activism, it was social justice shitposting of the kind very popular on tumblr c2015). And despite that, plus the fact that actual investigative journalism work was done to identify them, a good portion of tumblr still thinks it was a huge injustice, a conspiracy to silence powerful and necessary activism work.
So I think that idea is a lost cause. I'm just going to keep telling people to look at the organiser and beneficiary section till I'm blue in the face.
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