#fake namek
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 2 months ago
trying to figure out how fucking old dende is and why he looks the exact same age as when gohan is 5 as when he's 11 (or 9?? or 12 or 13?? fuck this show) and them remembered if i really wanna hard sci-fi this shit i gotta account for the fact that namek probably has different gravity and so space-time relativity has to be accounted for. goddamnit. also they're all experiencing weird gravities like all the time?? like am i wrong or should vegeta not be rapid aging relative to everything going on outside with all that 10000 gravity shit hes doing?? for some reason im willing to handwave space travel (bcz i mean. we GOTTA get dende on earth im willing to break physics for that) but i am less willing to handwave this. or like. its interesting to think abt i guess. like imagine having a crush on a boy approximately your age and then going a few months without seeing him and then when u see him again he's aged like five years and is like twice your height. also he's like blonde and shit. that parts not relevant i guess
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decalinethespacecat · 1 year ago
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Mars on Namek.
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mugiwara-lucy · 5 months ago
Nooooooo I hate Fake Namek now we may have fake Elbaf
Hey! I liked Fake Namek! 🤣
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oofuriofficial · 2 years ago
as someone whos only ever seen Kai and not the original run of DBZ its awesome hearing people talk about episodes that Definitely Got Cut from Kai. You mean there was an episode where Gohan just helps some orphans?
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tobiasdrake · 8 months ago
My favourite thing about the Dragon Balls making death less permanent is that, in spite of taking away some impact, it gives us one of the best parts of the show.
Narratively, he should have died on Namek. He has stalled for long enough, he is able to see the Legend come true (in his eyes), he knows Frieza will die, his ideology and strength have been surpassed by Goku and he no longer has much to offer.
And that's why bringing him back after his death is insane, because Vegeta has had his big sacrifice play and seen his past concluded... and yet he has to keep living. He's quick to jump to anger at Kakarot, but for a while there he is surely lost on what to do.
Frieza is dead. Nappa and Raditz are dead. The Super Saiyan has been born, his people have been avenged, he doesn't even have a need for a wish anymore.
What does he have left? Both as a character and a person, all he can offer now is rage. And so, that exactly what he does, because for a time its all he can do.
What he has left is himself, which has always been his motivating factor. He never really cared much about avenging his people, about Nappa and Raditz, or about the Super Saiyan. For Vegeta, it's always been about glorifying Vegeta.
We first started to get a glimpse of the kind of man Vegeta is when he and Nappa briefly discuss Raditz's death. Nappa wants to resurrect Raditz using the Dragon Balls but Vegeta thinks Raditz can go fuck himself.
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Shortly after, they have a brief discussion about Gohan. Gohan's existence intrigues Nappa. He wants to start some sort of twisted Saiyan eugenics program to repopulate their race with Saiyans who are stronger than ever before.
Vegeta sees hybrid Saiyans as a threat to his personal glory, however, and wants to kill all humans instead.
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Vegeta would rather the Saiyans go extinct than allow new Saiyans to come into existence that are stronger than him. This sets the stage for his relationship to his people's genocide.
Which he actively contributes to.
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Going a step beyond refusing to revive Raditz 'cause "Fuck 'im", Vegeta kills Nappa himself.
Goku breaks Nappa's back so he can't fight anymore, which causes his existence to lose all value in Vegeta's eyes. So Vegeta personally disposes of the last remaining Saiyan besides him and the two Earthlings.
If Saiyans cannot advance Vegeta's ambitions, then what good are they?
From there, Vegeta goes to Namek and learns of the Saiyan genocide. His reaction is about what you'd expect from him up to this point.
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He has no interest in revenge against Frieza for the Saiyans. He just wants to be out from under Frieza's bootheel. Vegeta's greatest ambition is to be the strongest in the universe.
Also, fun fact: He's heard of the Super Saiyan but never put any stock in this Saiyan gobbledygook. He only starts to consider the possibility once he sees Goku in his incomplete proto-Super Saiyan state.
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"The Super Saiyan is fake but if it does exist THEN IT SHOULD BE ME."
Literally the first time he ever expresses any sentiment towards his fellow Saiyans is when he is actively in the process of joining them in death.
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That Vegeta is dying and no longer has a future to think of seems to have done a number on his personality. This is the first time he ever even hints at caring for someone other than himself.
The thing about Vegeta is that he was very young when his planet was destroyed. In a sense, Vegeta and Goku are mirrors of one another. Neither of them are culturally Saiyans. Neither ever truly knew Planet Vegeta and its people.
They're a post-genocide diaspora, raised in other cultures by other people. Goku grew up to be culturally Earthling. And Vegeta... is culturally Frieza. He was raised in the grips of coldhearted capitalism, self-glorification, and the devaluing of people, places, and things into disposable commodities for market, and he internalized all of it.
The reason Vegeta is so different from Nappa and Raditz, so much crueler and more self-interested, is because - like Goku - Vegeta has never truly connected with his Saiyan heritage. How could he? His culture was annihilated.
Capable of reflexively dismissing his people's genocide with "LOL Fuck 'em" in the moment but then, with the honest vulnerability of impending death, admit "No, that sucks actually."
Vegeta spends the back half of the Namek arc forced into an uneasy alliance that's tearing him in half over who he is.
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"You dumbass, if you had time to save me then you had time to let me die and sucker punch the enemy!" Vegeta barks at Gohan.
Meanwhile, Vegeta.
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And that's after Gohan and Krillin betrayed him, too. Exposure to the Earthlings and their different ideas is getting to him. The way Gohan and Krillin treat him and each other is... it's not so much healing as deprogramming some of the things he learned from Frieza.
He's being exposed to a way of life that's different from the one he's always known, and it's affecting the way his mind interprets things like teamwork or the death of his people. The way he thinks and expresses himself.
People are complicated and much of who we are is a product of environmental factors. Change Vegeta's circumstances and you change Vegeta.
So in his final moments, killed by the same person that killed the rest of his kind, he allows himself to feel the grief that he'd previously written off as "LOL Sucks to be them!"
Pretty much the entire rest of his arc is the steady deprogramming of Vegeta, once he's stranded on Earth with no way back into space, disconnected from the toxic ideology that raised him. Having to first figure out how to take his value system he learned from Frieza and apply it to his new circumstances.
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But, over time, becoming more and more of an Earthling in his own right. Learning that it's okay, actually, to care about other people. To be emotionally invested in someone besides himself.
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That it's okay to live a domestic life on a planet somewhere and be part of a culture, rather than simply defining himself as a conqueror.
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That it's okay to not be the strongest in the universe. That he is not a failure if he finds a mountain he cannot climb.
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Even finding religion. He uses his final moments before his second death to turn to (ex-)God and ask the fate of his immortal soul.
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Vegeta is a diasporic member of a dead race raised in the image of the people that destroyed his home, killed his people, and robbed him of his culture. Slowly unlearning the belief systems of colonization, consumption, and capitalist individualism that defined so much of his life, and instead discovering the beauty of people and life.
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stormblessed95 · 6 months ago
these past eps have atleast solidified that jikook arent dating esp with the ham and sausage thing , i mean i knew that one or the other thing is going to solidify after this show that they are dating or not now as a past jikooker who was new to bts and deep into jikook fandom this would have terrified me but after rm's album and tae and jennie thing i had seperated myself from jikook but now its fine bc i dont see any diff in the way tae and jk behave and jm and jk behave esp with the ham and sausage and the pool hairpul thing was so physically wierd that idk wldnt do that to a couple
Y'all motherfuckers. Lmfao I watched the episode. @namekings was correct that I'm putting everyone in timeout! The ham scene? Really? A little fake lunge? Fucking absurd. Jimin's done that to him before too!
Anyway, the cursing is whatever in regards to responding to a possible minor... But anon, this is why I need to know how old you are because I refuse to explain the inherent uh, "desire" that can come from (and after) play fighting and rough housing to you if you are a child. Because this reads like you are a child... Even straight couples do this
Same goes for talking about the hair pulling. Jkkrs aren't calling it kinky for no fucking reason. And it's not just because it's their ship. If you know, you know. And if you don't, you are probably too young to be participating in this conversation lol
But like this is the internet. If you aren't a child, you HAD to have at least stumbled across stuff.
Glad you don't care/it's fine though anon. Lol you don't care so much that you came here to tell me all about it. It's definitely proving that you are just fine about it all 😂
I'm not touching that I don't see a difference between tkk and jkk statement btw. Lol you are just trying to trigger people with that one 😂 you don't have to think they are dating to at least admit that every dynamic in various friendships can differ and change. So let's be so real there, okay?
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sometipsygnostalgic · 6 months ago
The difference between filler and padding is that filler is new shit the animation team came up with, new stories or dialogue and general stuff, whereas padding is when animators greatly extend a short scene with lots of shots and reactions and waiting.
Dragonball Z has both but its primary issue is filler. Toei made up a lot of stuff which isn't wholly consistent, they added scenes which characterise the cast differently to the source material's intentions. The countless Gohan bravery moments are the most egregious, really, because they try to make him very heroic when Toriyama did not give a shit. But you also have lots of scenes in original Dragonball, and lots of scenes with side characters like Bulma, Chichi, Yamcha. You have an entire filler saga in Garlic Junior arc which was pretty bad, you have Fake Namek. Some of these things are good and add substance but a lot of them make DBZ feel completely different to the manga, and I can imagine it being frustrating if you're a manga reader.
Then there's One Piece which is much worse because they're not even making up new stuff, theyre just making countless scenes that take 1 panel instead take ten fucking minutes!!! It's absolute madness!! And the reason it's worse is because it can't be skipped, it can barely even be trimmed down.
There is a project called One Pace which aims to remove all filler from one piece, and as much padding as possible. It's cut the series runtime down by about 50%. It's still not enough.
Usually that would make the One Pace manga the objectively better experience compared to the anime, whereas the Dragonball anime might add scenes that feel missing from the manga and add more value. But i feel that when the One Piece anime works, it works so well. Oda's panelling can be more than a bit cluttered, so the high effort we've been getting with the anime adds much needed clarity. In some scenes, the slower buildup and the swelling of music and the wonderful voice acting bring One Piece to life in such a way that the manga cannot achieve.
It's a deep shame it has so much trashy padding and that every flashback is shown in full instead of the quick snapshots that Oda provides with the manga. Sometimes the anime hammers something home so many times that I become sick and tired hearing about it. Dear god I was so sick of Wano even before we reached Onigishima hell.
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teddysocs · 3 months ago
oc info post teehee
BELLO: (they/them) - tag: #bello - dragon ball oc. they are a namekian who is part of a group of namekians who decided to stay on earth rather than moving to the new namek planet - they were a healer on namek and (doesnt explain my complicated lore around healing magic) is desperately trying to understand human anatomy so they can heal on earth too - throuple with tien and yamcha. lol
MARIMBA: (she/her) - tag: #marimba - also dragon ball oc. bellos daughter. - marimba is born and grows up on earth. - has a pet shiny wurmple for no reason besides that i thought it was cute and if i want pokemon to exist in dragon ball so be it. - she does not realize he is shiny.
JOJO: (she/he/they any) - tag: #jojo - was originally a ffxiv oc but is now just vaguely from an original setting - cat boy gnomecore. need i say more. - jojo likes gardening but more than that likes walking around aimlessly looking at leaves and dirt
SWIMS: (she/he/they any) - tag: #swims - skyrim oc. argonian lizard so cutes - sad man dead wife but a bisexual butch. lol - dark brotherhood thief and killer etc etc i miss my wife tails.
AZI: (he/they) - tag: #azi - also skyrim oc. black serval khajit - wizard specializing on magic that literally no one wants or cares about. leave me alone to my fucking spells
BUTCH: (she/they) - tag: #butch - finally a fully original oc. robot / android / cyborg / etc machine and biological components. surely this story could not be about the transgender body and disability and what makes a person human - sad minimum wage worker who is dragged kicking and screaming to be the hero. fake ass idgaf-er
VIOLET: (she/her) - tag: #violet - same original story as butch. shes fully human tho - what if a woman had problems. consider
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Hello, I'm a humble fanfiction reader from the ancient times, when there was only a fanfiction.net, and I just came by to tell you, how much I adore your One Piece Stories. They really help me to calm down before sleeping and make me smile when my little world is crumbling. ❤️ I saw your post about the voices telling you lies and I would like to help, or at least distract you. 😉 So, here are my silly questions for you:
1. If you were a pizza, what kind of pizza would you be?
2. If you could choose a new color for the sky, what color would you choose and why?
3. If the One Piece was a cookie, do you think Luffy would eat it? 🤔
4. Captain Kid vs. Magneto, who would win?
5. Why are planets round-ish? Only wrong answers please.
6. What is your take on fake-pockets on pants?
7. If you could talk to people for the rest of your life in only one way, what would you choose:
a) rap-batteling
b) Musical singing
c) binary code
d) R2D2 beep-bops?
8. If you were a pirate, what would you call your crew?
9. Kiss-Marry-Kill: Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, Pennywise? (I know, that's a hard one.)
10. Bite Shanks in the buttcheek or suck on Mihawks toe?
Ok, that's it for now. I hope it helps, Love. Stay strong, I'm rooting for you! ❤️
HELLO FELLOW FANFIC VETERAN ♥️♥️♥️ I still have an account on fanfiction.net. Not active in the least bit, but it's there, with earlier iterations of some of my fanfics here, from when I was in my mid-teens. Sometimes I like to go read them and have a little cringe for old times' sake.
I'm always so glad to hear that any of my work offers comfort in anyway. I write partly as a comfort to myself, and it's the same reason I started sharing it here after being inactive in the fan fiction community for over a decade. Was still writing, I just figured out over time that I garnered more enjoyment out of writing for myself than for an audience, and only started posting again once I learned that I can write for myself and still share it with others.
The asshole voices significantly settled down after I put my metal playlist on full blast and laid down with my headphones on. There's just a lot going on right now and my brain was being way too loud about it. I actually finished a chapter last night but it was just...ugh. Couldn't focus enough to edit or type my author notes.
1. New York style pepperoni, no question. I love pizza in all its forms, but being from New York (originally, and I want to go back so bad I curse my family for ever moving to this hell-state) the classics win out.
2. Green. Because planet Namek.
3. He would not hesitate for even a SECOND. And to be totally fair neither would I.
4. Magneto, particularly Ian McKellan's Magneto. You do not F around with super-villain-Gandalf, I do not care who you are.
5. The round shape of planets is a natural defense mechanism against black holes, which are far less likely to swallow spherical planets because they prefer...a square meal AHAHAHAHAAA okay sorry that was fcking awful i'll stop now
6. Fake pockets are the root of all evil. Especially fake pockets that are just deep enough for me to catch them on my kitchen cabinet/drawer handles.
7. Definitely beep-boops, no contest.
8. I am a pirate though okay, like that's my crew's jolly roger there above my masterlist, I'm just not the captain or a crew officer or anyone important, probably a janitor or something, anyway yeah Hurricane Pirates
9. Kiss Pennywise (1990 It was my first ever horror movie ♥️), Marry Freddie (he's hilarious and I love him), kill Mikey (it's not that I DON'T enjoy the Halloween movies, just not as much as other 80s slashers)
10. I cannot handle feet, but I will more than happily bite Shanks on the ass, and I somehow doubt he would complain.
This has been delightful thank you so much, I was even able to develop a gods-awful planet joke out of it that I will be subjecting absolutely everyone to ♥️ ❤️
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themattress · 11 months ago
Unpopular(?) Opinion Re:Dragon Ball
The Android / Cell Saga is the best story arc in Dragon Ball Z, if not all of Dragon Ball.
Having been revisiting the series lately due to Akira Toriyama's shocking and untimely death, and comparing the story arcs of DBZ in their manga, original anime and Kai forms, I feel like despite the Saiyan / Vegeta and Namek / Freeza Sagas being far more iconic worldwide, it's the Android / Cell Saga that came out best in all incarnations. First off, there's the pacing:
Saiyan / Vegeta: 48 Chapters Namek / Freeza: 87 Chapters Android / Cell: 91 Chapters
Saiyan / Vegeta: 35 Episodes Namek / Freeza: 72 Episodes Android / Cell: 77 Episodes
Saiyan / Vegeta: 16 Episodes Namek / Freeza: 38 Episodes Android / Cell: 44 Episodes
In all versions, this is the longest arc, and yet it's paced much better than the previous two.
The Saiyan / Vegeta Saga spent 30 of its 48 manga chapters dealing with Nappa and Vegeta on Earth; Raditz lasted just 10 and then only 8 were spent in preparation for Nappa and Vegeta's arrival. The original anime gave Raditz 5 episodes, 16 episodes for preparation, and 14 episodes for the big battle. For the former, it felt like the middle portion ran far too short which caused the end to drag on, whereas in the latter it's the reverse: the middle lasted far longer than it needed to as several episodes were spent on filler bullshit like a bug planet, a second Oozaru transformation for Gohan, fighting phony Saiyans inside a simulation room, or a backstory for the Saiyans and the destruction of their planet that ends up at complete odds with actual canon. Only Kai got it down right, with the first half (Raditz + preparation) and the second half (Nappa and Vegeta) both lasting 8 episodes, making it the ideal version.
The Namek / Freeza Saga has 27 chapters at the beginning where everyone goes to Namek and hunts for the Dragon Balls, 22 chapters at the middle where the Ginyu Force is the focal point, and finally 38 chapters at the end where we get the battle with Freeza. So yeah, the end section dragged on longer than it probably needed to. The anime is much worse: 23 episodes beginning, 16 episodes middle, and 33 episodes end, with a fair amount in each section being pure filler such as Fake Namek, zany Bulma shenanigans, or diversion after diversion during Goku's fight with Freeza. Once again, Kai is the most preferable version, as it again combines the beginning and middle into a first half and the end into a second half, both lasting 19 episodes, dividing the arc into pre-Porunga and post-Porunga sections.
Then we have the Android / Cell Saga. 30 chapters at the beginning where Dr. Gero and his androids are the central threat, 30 chapters at the middle where Cell emerges as the true villain and goes through his transformations, and 31 chapters at the end centered around the Cell Games....and the last of those two can essentially be considered one elongated epilogue chapter starring Future Trunks, meaning it's more like 30/30/30. The original anime's equivalent is 23 episodes, 25 episodes, and 29 episodes respectively - it's almost perfect, with the only flaw being the end section needlessly being dragged out by two episodes more than is needed (one where Hercule and two anime-exclusive students of his hog the spotlight even when the ultimate outcome of their antics is obvious and one where Cell inexplicably spends the entire length charging up his final Kamehameha). Kai makes the pace perfect again, with 14 episodes at the beginning, 14 at the middle, and 16 at the end, with the last two being the wrap-up and epilogue respectively following the main action against Cell.
Beyond the pacing, there's the content. Not only does this arc hold some of the most interesting and influential ideas (the existence of alternate timelines, Dr. Gero's scientific genius, Vegeta's character development, Piccolo and Kami becoming one again, the depths of Gohan's power, etc.) and not only did Toriyama and his editors fluke their way into a remarkable degree of consistency despite nothing having been pre-planned, but almost every character gets something important to do. In the previous arcs, you could count the important heroes on one hand: Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, and the helpful comic relief (Yajirobe in the former, Bulma in the latter). They and the villains carried the arcs while everyone else were either a plot device (hi, King Kai!), sidelined, or made into cannon fodder. But here, in addition to now also having Vegeta and Future Trunks among the heroes, you get important and useful roles for not just those aforementioned characters but also Tien, Yamcha, Roshi, Dr. Brief, Kami, Dende, and even newcomer Hercule (poor Chi Chi and Chiaotzu, though).
And while the villains collectively don't quite measure up to the Freeza Empire in iconic status, they are still superbly designed and characterized, making them highly memorable. Cell himself has got to be the standout, being as good if not better a foe than Freeza. Let's just put it this way: once Goku went Super Saiyan, Freeza was done for, and his destructive tantrum that blew up Namek ultimately claimed no victims. With Cell, it looks like things are going the same way once Gohan goes Super Saiyan 2, but then his destructive tantrum that risks blowing up Earth actually does come at the cost of Goku's life! And then, Cell comes back, now as powerful as Super Saiyan 2 Gohan as he insta-kills Trunks, curb-stomps Vegeta, and breaks Gohan's arm before preparing to blow up Earth again, this time at no cost to himself! This was hands-down the biggest "Oh my God; holy shit; Game Over, man; there's no way out of this" situation in all of Dragon Ball, making the ensuing Kamehameha beam struggle where Gohan is guided by Goku's spirit all the more epic and satisfying. The anime and Kai made it even better, allowing Piccolo, Krillin, Tien and Yamcha to keep on trying to help against Cell despite how futile it was, inspiring a despondent Vegeta to get back into the fray and providing his crucial assist blast. It takes all of the Z-Fighters to save the world.
So that's my take. This story arc is just....well, perfect.
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fandom-trash-xl · 4 months ago
It's settled- this Goku's alright!
Even though Goku acts more childish in Daima (I guess it comes with being turned into a kid again), but he managed to skirt contracting the Dragon Ball Super Brainrot. He's eager for a good fight- he definitely wants to go on a quest for the Tamagamis' Dragon Balls- but it's not his whole mission (he didn't even ask how strong they were). And his pure heart coming into play, standing up against injustice. He's also a silly little guy who wants to try all the local delicacies because he conveniently feels starving the moment they approach a town. I feel like we're back to OG Dragon Ball with a splash of something new (at least he has his adult self's brains, so he's not going to try the pat-pat "sex check" or anything... he better not).
This episode also further established how pretty much any fantasy object you could draft up could be right at home in the Demon Realm. Fire-breathing cyclops bat-spheres, the Sky Seed magic broomstick launcher. It's definitely embracing fantasy and I am all for it. It makes things somewhat hard to predict or put on your bingo card but I think that adds to the whimsy.
And Glorio!! He's got some moves on him in addition to the gun. Yeah, he's checking some blorbo boxes just by being the strong silent type. He can fly, but it's apparently not ki-based (he doesn't even know what that is), so that's interesting. Maybe he just doesn't know his energy has a name. He can't sense it at least. He's also quite the haggler.
We also picked up the new medicine system, the Medi Bugs! Little edible jelly-dipped insects that work like Senzus. At least we hope so- they were mentioned as souvenirs, so it'd be a shame if they turned out to be quack medicine. Glorio seems convinced of them at least. No one tell Bulma about the skin-smoothing ones, she's going to hoard them for when she gets back into her adult form.
But THE JOIN BUG! We're getting a THIRD fusion system! If this is how I think it's going, Vegeta's getting the other half (well, once he gets here). What are they even going to name it?!? (Awaiting the inevitable Crunchyroll crash like with DBS 109 and 110)
With how many times they address the Sea of Darkness, I wouldn't be surprised if someone falls in it at some point. Knowing Dragon Ball shenanigans, Goku's probably going to pull a BS death fake out and come out Achilles in the River Styx style.
The question of using the Dragon Balls comes up- really they're only here to rescue Dende. They didn't even think about reaging themselves yet, although Dende is really the one that urgently needs aged back up since he's too young to power the Earth Dragon Balls. Why not detour to Namek to age people back up? But, I guess we're going to go after the Demon Realm Dragon Balls because it'd make a good story.
Plus, no one's even summoned the Demon Dragon, so who knows its full power or even what repercussions a wish might carry.
Gomah's been enacting some hard policies in the Demon Realm and his guards will steal years off of people's lifeforce for every gold coin they don't pay in taxes. I mean, it's the Demon Realm, but, man, kinda dark. (I would like to know more about how this economy works.)
And right at the very end, we get to meet our mysterious masked Robin Hood, Panzy! ...Who we will be formally introduced to next week.
Given the preview, it seems we're getting some more demon lore content... at the very least an appearance from Gomah. No sign of Team 2's progress, at least from what the previews are willing to show us.
...And speaking of there being no sign of people:
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celticcatgirl2 · 1 year ago
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“I’ll bet everyone in Planet Namek is talking shit about me behind my back rn…fake ass hoes….”
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decalinethespacecat · 1 year ago
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Everyone’s favorite brainiac has arrived!
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mugiwara-lucy · 5 months ago
Do you think the Straw Hats are on Elbaf or do you think this is all a hallucination the Straw Hats are experiencing via a powerful case of Haki?
I definitely don't think they're on Elbaf BUT it may be a Fake Namek situation from Dragon Ball Z!
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tanjaded · 1 year ago
Easiest way to spot a fake Dragon Ball fan is Krillin hate. Real fans know Krillin is one of one.
Normal ass human. Trained his ass off from the get go. World Tournament aficionado. Fought Nappa and Vegeta and lived unlike some other frauds I know. Clutched up several times on Namek. Cut off Frieza's tail. Died. Came back ready. Always on the frontlines. Androids? He was there. Cell? That grasshopper kicked his and he showed up at the Games ready for round 2.
His swag too tough. His Kienzan too sharp. His Kamehameha splits oceans. His rock throw gives concussions. Tien? Yamcha? Who? We all know the number one human. We know the GOAT.
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year ago
My favourite stupid dragon ball meme is 'Toriyama wanted to end the series at _' but the blank is a stupid nonsense thing, either from filler or from some other non canon thing
'everyone knows Toriyama wanted to end the series at Fake Namek'
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