#faith seed x female oc
strangefable · 2 years
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For the Far Cry 5 Secret Santa graciously run by @natesofrellis, here is my gift for @eur0paa-2 featuring their OC, Turing, and Faith. <3 Two parts: a moodboard (full size), and a small fic beneath the cut. Happy Holidays! I hope I did them justice <3 <3
Characters: Faith Seed and Turing Rating: T to M, nothing too spicy, just a little lead up toward implied spiciness Warnings/Tags: mild injury and blood mention, wound cleaning, hurt/comfort, kissing Wordcount: 522
Faith clucked her tongue as she gazed down at Turing standing before her. She held out her hand with a gentle smile. "What have you done this time?" Her voice lilted with scolding and playfulness.
Turing ducked her head as she held out her hands. They were bloody, raw, scratched. Her face had scratches and bruises as well. "They fought dirty." Her features bunched tightly as she offered her defense.
Faith gave a soft giggle. "You showed them, hmm? Come, sit. I'll take care of you." She led Turing to a chair.
Turing's heart sped up and her legs wobbled just slightly as she shuffled forward to obey. She sat, then risked a glance up to Faith.
She smiled down at her, beatific and sweet, but her eyes were sharp and quick. She glanced away to gather supplies, then turned back with an alcohol swab. She moved slowly over Turing's hands, wiping them clean.
Turing sucked air between her teeth each time the alcohol slid over the open cuts. She refused to make any other concessions to her pain.
Faith began to hum as she washed away the blood and grime from Turing's hands. Then she withdrew a fresh swab and began on Turing's face.
Turing flinched with a soft sound as the alcohol grazed the deep cut below her eye. Faith paused and brought her other hand up to wipe her thumb across the cut, smoothing away the sting.
As she continued to wash the injuries, Turing let out a small sigh, barely audible below Faith's continued humming. Turing closed her eyes and focused on keeping her breathing steady, despite the pace of heart throbbing in her chest.
Faith's hands were gentle and sure, cleaning and applying a salve, cool and soothing to Turing's skin. Next, she bandaged Turing's hands with thick, white gauze. She squeezed them gently. "There, all patched up." She smiled and tilted her head to one side, but Turing had bowed her head again and wouldn't look up.
Faith huffed and let go of Turing's hands. She cupped Turing's chin and nudged upward. Turing allowed herself to be guided. Faith's eyes sparkled in the candlelight as she leaned forward.
Her lips brushed the tip of Turing's nose. "Such a fierce warrior," she murmured. "Let me take care of you, just this once…" She bent and pressed her mouth closer, capturing Turing's with a sudden hunger.
She gasped. She hesitated.
She leaned forward into Faith's kiss, her bandaged hands clumsily reaching around the soft lace of her dress.
Faith giggled against Turing's lips. She nipped at her playfully, then dove her tongue deeper into Turing's mouth with a satisfied purr.
Turing let out a soft moan in reply, giving way to Faith's lead, but hungry and eager to respond.
Faith's hands pushed Turing's jacket from her shoulders and down her arms. She pulled back and grinned. "Can you stay tonight?"
Turing took a moment to catch her breath. She nodded slowly.
Faith caressed her cheeks with her fingers, brushing over bruises and cuts once more. "Good." She pressed her lips against Turing's throat. "Then we'll have all night."
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inafieldofdaisies · 6 months
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Understand My Ship in 5 Minutes | Tagged by @marivenah @la-grosse-patate @nightbloodbix @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @cassietrn
Tagging, @shellibisshe @finding-comfort-in-rain @strangefable @strafethesesinners @voidika @carlosoliveiraa @corvosattano @florbelles @g0dspeeed @trench-rot @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @purplehairsecretlair @dumbassdep @simonxriley @captastra @wrathfulrook @onehornedbeast @gearvmac @cloudofbutterflies92 @kyber-infinitygems @thesingularityseries @simplegenius042 @unholymilf @aceghosts @direwombat and anyone that would like to do the tag 🤍
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silverapplestock · 1 year
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Had so much fun doing this commission for @agamemgoth of Jacob Seed and their Deputy! 🥺💕 I miss drawing the Seeds 💖
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wrathfulrook · 1 year
Oh the Bliss
Pairing: Female Deputy (Patience Ekner) x Faith Seed
Rating: E
Warnings: Dubcon at best, since Faith loves to use her Bliss :)
Word count: 2k
Summary: Faith decides the deputy would make the perfect Angel for her, and decides to take her for test run.
Read on ao3 here.
Faith circled the blissed-out deputy, hungry eyes meeting blank ones. She didn’t know or care what the deputy was thinking, seeing. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was how well she took to the drug. And, god, did she take to it. She would make a perfect Angel.
All Joseph had said was that the deputy was to be kept alive and made to join the flock. Still, she knew he’d prefer she not be an Angel. Jacob was training her to join the ranks of his Chosen. John wanted her to confess, to join the devoted through him. And although Joseph would almost certainly prefer one of those options, Faith felt confident she could get away with elevating the deputy. She was Joseph’s beloved baby sister, succeeding where all other Faiths had failed. She’d perfected the bliss formula, finished the Path, and even erected his monument. Yes, her leash was long and she knew it.
And it was easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission.
Besides, the deputy wouldn’t be just any Angel. She’d be special. Always by her side. Joseph may even like that, how she could serve as a symbol to the Resistance. A fallen hero, elevated to Faith’s favorite Angel. She shivered in pleasure at the idea.
Still twirling around the sedate deputy, she hummed her tune, keeping her calm and lost in the Bliss. She let her fingers wander, traipsing over her still form as she moved. Finally stopping in front of the woman, she raised one small hand to the band holding her braided hair back, and let it loose, fluffing it over her shoulders. She ran her fingers through it, admiring its length and its silky texture. It was a beautiful blonde, just darker than hers. She’d let her keep her hair, she decided. After all, Angels were shaved for hygienic purposes, to keep their hair from matting as they labored in the dirt. But the deputy was going to be her special Angel, and her hair was just so attractive. She’d keep it.
“Would you like that?” she asked in her lilting voice, despite the fact she hadn’t voiced her previous thoughts aloud.
Even so, the deputy hummed an affirmative, and Faith smiled brightly. She was so good, so pliant. She’d be such an obedient Angel for her.
Faith’s small hand reached up, and she used two fingers to gently trace the deputy’s lightly parted, soft, pink lips. She pushed her lower lip down and Faith giggled at the pillowy sensation her pouty lips provided. It would be best to keep her muzzled in public, when her mouth wasn’t in use. And Faith would be sure to put it to good use.
Her core pulsed at the thought and she let out a gentle, pleased sigh at the sensation. She couldn’t wait to get her back to her gate, to begin her full transition to Angel.
Stepping back and removing her fingers, she grasped the deputy’s forearms and raised them up, above her head. She loosened her hold, but the arms stayed where she had placed them, and Faith giggled in delight.
“Good girl,” she trilled.
The deputy did not respond, still looking blindly ahead, breathing heavily.
Faith lifted the deputy’s shirt up, struggling to remove it from the slightly taller woman. But the deputy did not fight her, and she eventually pulled it free. She lowered the deputy’s arms before circling her to unclip her bra, letting it fall onto the grass below. She stepped back to admire the smooth, milky white skin, stretched over lithe muscle. The deputy was decorated with freckles, even where her shirt hid her from the sun. Beautiful.
Flitting back to the front of her, Faith smiled at what she saw. A gorgeous chest. She brought a single hand up to lift one of her breasts, inspecting the soft, warm mound, admiring its weight on her palm. A large chest, but not too large, she thought as she let gravity take it, watching it bounce and settle. Fun to look at, to touch, but not yet sagging under its own weight. Perfect. She used a single finger to swirl around the pert, pink nipple, watching in fascination as it pebbled under the stimulation. She was so responsive. It was hardly a trait required of the average Angel, but for what she had in mind for this one… She smiled.
Humming her tune once again, her small hands trailed down either side of the deputy’s torso, causing goose flesh to form in their wake. She deftly unbuttoned and unzipped the deputy’s jeans, pushing them slowly down her long legs and her letting her cheek brush across the soft, cool skin as she moved. She felt her own expression turn into a pout as she struggled to remove the jeans and boots. Once the deputy was an Angel, she’d keep her in stretch pants, or in a dress. Something easy to work around or remove.
The deputy stepped out of her shoes and pants when asked, still in her own world, but just as open to suggestion as Faith could want. She swayed on her feet but didn’t lose her balance, thankfully. After all, Faith wanted her Angel to be able to move when ordered to. Standing before the Herald of the Henbane in nothing but a pair of black panties, expression completely blank, the deputy had never looked more beautiful, helpless, or pathetic.
“Lie back, now,” Faith told the deputy, guiding her by her shoulders. The deputy obeyed, letting herself be led to the ground. “Good.”
Kneeling between the deputy’s bent and spread legs, the Herald pulled the underwear down her long, pale legs, finally leaving her bare. Eyeing the prone woman in the grass before her, Faith couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of her. What a glorious sight. The deputy, leader of the resistance, thorn in her side, malleable and open before her.
Her long hair splayed out across the grass. Her eyes were hazy and unfocused, half lidded. Her lips remained slack and parted. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath she took while her fingers absently moved through the grasses and flowers surrounding her.
Still smiling, Faith ran her fingertips through the neat, dark curls on the deputy’s mound and asked, “Are you ready for your new life to begin, Deputy?”
The deputy, rendered agreeable and stupid from the Bliss, nodded lazily.
“Good girl,” Faith praised her again, resisting the sudden urge to grope at the helpless body before her. Instead, she rose to her feet, humming once more, and circled around to the deputy’s head. The woman’s glazed eyes looked directly up at her, and a small smile tugged at the slackness of her face. This drug was truly a miracle.
With that thought, Faith sunk onto the face waiting below her, holding the skirt of her dress out of the way. Her knees straddling the head beneath her and gazing down at the nude form laid out in front of her, she rested her weight on the dry grass and soft blonde tresses while she moved her hips, adjusting her position until she rested on the deputy’s plush, pink lips.
She sighed contentedly as she settled, but gasped suddenly when the deputy’s mouth started working on her. She hadn’t even needed to be told. So, so good. She couldn’t wait to take her back to her gate, fully elevate her. If she was this pliant now, Faith could hardly imagine how well she’d do as a full Angel. Her special Angel.
Dropping her skirt in favor of reaching for the exposed breasts before her, the deputy was now fully encased by the other woman. Right where she belonged. She firmly squeezed one of the pillowy globes while lightly tugging on the nipple of the other. The mouth below her worked harder in response, tongue excitedly laving over her lower lips.
Faith hummed as she played with the body in front of her. It was like a game. See which buttons she could push, which levers she could pull, to get specific responses. It wasn’t long at all before the deputy was whining pitifully into her, and Faith relished the sensation. The deputy’s ignored pussy was desperately humping the air, much to her delight. She leaned forward and lightly stroked the wet, leaking hole before harshly pinching her clit. The deputy yelped, but continued furiously working at Faith’s own clit, licking, kissing, and sucking.
With a thoughtful tilt of her head, Faith rested her full weight on the eagerly working face below her. She let out a satisfied, lilting sound, somewhere between a moan and a sigh when she felt the deputy’s forehead supporting her cheeks and her nose practically buried between them. Her lips and tongue moved a bit slower, now that there was more weight to push on them, but she more than made up for any lack with her enthusiasm.
Faith watched in thoughtful fascination as the deputy’s form squirmed and writhed pathetically, desperate for some sort of relief. She did not provide any, instead bringing her fingers up to stroke and squeeze her own breasts through the white lace of her signature dress. She gently gyrated her hips and simply enjoyed herself.
Soon, the deputy began to lose steam, almost- but not entirely- abandoning her faithful ministrations in favor of gulping breaths. With Faith’s full weight pushing down on her, her flesh sealing her in, she couldn’t take in any oxygen.
Faith’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head at the sensation of the gentle suction on her most sensitive parts created by the deputy’s insignificant attempts at gasping for air. She moaned aloud as the woman’s torso began to weakly buck and spasm with the diaphragm’s desperate need to pull breath. But she stayed put, underneath Faith. The deputy, the rogue terror of the county and threat to her reign in the Henbane, obediently letting herself struggle and suffocate under her pussy.
With that thought, Faith came violently, convulsing with the force of it, letting out a guttural moan that was almost a yell. She ground herself down, hard, onto the deputy’s face and she rode out the incredible orgasm, only resting once her core was just barely pulsing with the aftershocks of it.
She let herself take a few deep steadying breaths before rolling herself onto the ground, having just enough wherewithal not to kill her new plaything. Her future Angel gasped loudly and desperately, like a fish out of water, and Faith imagined she’d have to spend some time on breath training her.
Finally feeling calm and recovered from her intense orgasm, she sat up and leaned back on her hands, taking in the sight of a truly spent deputy. She still lied where Faith had placed her, and her eyes were still unfocused. But she was flushed from exertion and her face was a wet mess, enough so that Faith realized she must have squirted over the desperate woman as she came.
The deputy, still blissed-out beyond coherence, was gently rocking her hips again, needing a release of her own.
Faith pouted and lightly scolded her, “None of that. Stop now.”
She ceased the movement of her hips, but Faith could still see her hole fluttering uselessly. Fine. Keeping her special Angel in a constant state of arousal would probably be helpful, actually. But it wasn’t her job to cum. It would be her job to make Faith cum. A job she certainly seemed well-suited for.
Faith smiled lightly once more as she rose to her feet. She reached for the deputy’s hand and pulled her up. She did not wipe the deputy’s face and she did not offer her the abandoned clothes littering the field’s floor. She simply took her hand and began walking off in the direction of her gate, humming her tune anew. Angels did love music, after all.
And the deputy would be the perfect Angel.
Read the sequel here!
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chazz-anova · 1 year
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Fandom: Far Cry 5 Word Count: 2.1k Pairing: Faith Seed x Female Herald OC Summary: Faith is newly appointed as a Herald of the of Henbane, and has her first meeting with her new partner in Eden's Gate. Warnings: Brief mention of drug use A/N: kinda getting into's Faith's early days as a leader in the cult with this one and where her head was at! i enjoyed writing this from her pov too to really get in her head 🧠 i hope yall enjoy!
Read it on AO3!
The newly appointed Faith Seed paced in her cabin anxiously; bare feet on the smooth wood padding from corner to corner of her new home. After she’d been chosen by Joseph she’d been upgraded from the residence hall for the girls of Eden’s Gate. 
Walls of walnut wood surrounded her adorned with the country chic decor she’d become accustomed to. A mounted deer here, a cow skull there. ‘Charming.’ She thought sarcastically. Faith wasn’t one to pin down her tastes, but she knew this wasn’t it. At least now she had her own room. 
Things had been different before- equally as hard but in another way. Stuck living with cold parents, hooked on drugs and trouble. Now she had a gelid Father and was the most sober she’d been in ages. But being Faith was just another drug. People looked up to her more, listened to her. One facet of her life remained the same though- the loneliness. 
Faith completed another lap of paces as the object of her anxiety came to mind: Joseph Seed. In particular, her first meeting with him since becoming a Herald. It was only yesterday that she had been chosen from the congregation at the end of a sermon. As was custom, each Seed spoke at the dais; giving their own speech to prepare the flock for the Collapse. At the end- all was silent as the Father stepped forward. 
“Brothers and sisters, you have heard much from us today but I would beg your attention for another moment to make an announcement.” Joseph settled in at the pulpit at the center of everyone’s attention. The white paint of the church was illuminated by dozens of white candles, the creak of metal bird cages whispered from the ceiling; the congregation held their breath as they always did when their Father spoke. In classic fashion- this announcement was to be presented as an oration. Holy and eminent. “What is Faith?” Joseph’s heavy gaze looked out over them all reaching each person with his booming cadence. “Faith is what holds us together. What makes us different from the damned souls that will not walk with us in the Garden.” Answering his own question he eyed his flock- eyes filling with regret. “Our Faith, she was not ready. Not ready to do what must be done to help us survive the Collapse. When the Reaping begins, she would have led us to ruin.” Joseph spoke of the previous matron of Eden’s Gate. 
There had always been a ‘Faith’; it was a title more than anything, an identity to take on. Previously there were only two others to carry the mantle- the most recent having disappeared after a rather public disagreement with the Father. There were whispers in the female dorms, tinged with apprehension and fear as the women considered the immensity of being chosen, and the risk if one were to falter. 
“My children I am pleased to announce, after much deliberation we have found our new Faith. You all know her as a different name, but no longer. She has lent a hand to any she saw in need- she has held us aloft in hard times and flourished with us in good.” A pregnant pause as Joseph held a poignant countenance. “Rachel, if you’ll join me?” The woman startled as the last name she’d expected tumbled from his lips. 
Since then things had been a blur. There were official introductions to the Seed brothers, being introduced as their sister made her feel warm but unsettled. Like she just stepped into her dream and the world had started falling away. After an hour of mingling, the new Faith had been shown to the new cabin where she would reside.
These memories raced through her mind and she wondered what responsibilities she’d have now. Her mentation was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door, making her jump. ‘Already?’ The woman looked down at herself; she wore drab white garb as was custom of the community, her hair hung lankly past her shoulders. Shame filled her as she opened the door, hoping she wouldn’t see one of the Seeds. She may be one of them now but she didn’t yet look the part. The heavy door was pulled ajar to reveal no one. 
The birds chirped as evening faded in and the trees hung high over the cabin outside, but no one awaited her. Confusion crossed Faith’s expression and she peered from the doorway. Though no visitors awaited she spied a simple white envelope on the doormat, addressed to her (with her new name of course) and emblazoned with the Eden’s Gate cross on a wax seal. 
Stepping back into the cabin now equipped with the correspondence containing her next step, Faith took a deep breath and broke the seal. As she pulled the letter forth the aroma of jasmines and rain filled the room. Faith smiled slightly, ‘Who perfumes their letters?’ She mused as the paper unfolded revealing flowing cursive script. “Meet me at Sacred Skies Lake. We have much to discuss.” 
It took less than an hour for Faith to fluff her hair, apply some mascara, and throw on a more put-together outfit before she found a ride to the lake. People were practically falling over themselves offering to drive the new Herald; she even spotted someone get tripped trying to get to her. In the end, Jacob had ordered one of his Chosen to escort her. 
The world was painted in pinks, oranges, and splashes of purple as sunset cloaked Hope County. The water of Sacred Skies Lake shined in the final vestiges of sunlight, inviting Faith to the shore. Halfway down the woman spotted sheets of lace and silk adorning the tree branches near the water. Her flats crunched into the sand and rocks on the coast as her gaze scanned for the Father. With a start, the brunette set eyes on a different figure. 
Tall with shapely legs and a flowing mane of red hair- a beautiful stranger met her eyes. The other woman was striking in an intimidating way: ruby red lips, towering in hills, and a piercing blue gaze. “Faith.” She spoke her new name and Faith rather liked how it sounded. 
“Hi… still getting used to the name I think.” 
The ginger appraised her silently before responding, “You’ll wear it well. Come, sit.” She gestured to a large blue picnic blanket spread under the swaying trees above. On the blanket was the most diverse spread of food Faith had ever seen; macaroons of every color, boards of meat from pancetta to smoked salmon, and bowls of veggies, sauces, and garnishes awaited. Gingerly the Herald took her spot at the edge of the spread. Her eyes lit up as she spotted a ramekin filled with sunflower seeds. “Yes, I was told you enjoyed those. Barbeque flavor?” The taller of them said the word as if it were foreign to her. Faith nodded with a smile and popped one in her mouth. “Of course, I’ve only seen these without the shell used as texture for salads and such but… I’m pleased if you are. My name is Antoinette.” As she spoke, she tucked the skirt of her dress politely beneath her and her lips bowed in a kind smile.
“I’m Ra…” She stopped herself, “Faith. I guess you already knew that though.” The brunette smiled sheepishly and looked down at her hands in her lap. 
“I’ll confess, I don’t know much more than yourself at present.” Annie settled back on the blanket lounging languidly like a cat in a sunbeam. “Joseph has only blessed me with crumbs of his plan, but I know both you and I are integral.” She leaned in conspiratorially, “And will be working quite closely together.” 
“Oh?” Faith urged her on, eyes lingering on Antoinette’s toned form for a moment. Muscles rippled under the criss-crossing white dress she wore. ‘Someone works out..’ With the thought she felt her tongue dart out to moisten her lips and tried to get her brain back on track. 
Antoinette nodded and reached for a slice of gouda, “Indeed- just as you were promoted tonight, I was appointed only a couple days ago.” She popped the cheese in her mouth and stared out at the water, “It was all quite sudden.” 
‘Two Faiths?’ Faith wondered and was about to ask when her companion continued.
“After the… unfortunate failings of the last Faith, I have been appointed as a guide. Someone to help and advise where needed. We have much to prepare for if Joseph’s predictions are correct, and he is not one to accept failure.” 
Silence ruled both of them a moment as they considered the consequences of ineptitude, a secret anxiety they each were too guarded to show. The new Faith looked to Annie and they shared a look of understanding; they were in this together. “Well,” Faith started as she wrapped some salami around a piece of provolone, “At least my partner in crime knows how to cook.” 
The ginger snorted brusquely but chuckled nonetheless, “That would be wishful thinking unfortunately. I have a live-in chef.” 
“In your cabin?” Faith asked, mouth open in surprise. Part of her thought this was frivolous- but part of her felt a bit in awe at the luxury. When Antoinette’s nose crinkled in distaste the brunette wondered what she’d said wrong. 
“My chalet, dear. I don’t know that I’d survive in a mere cabin.” Though Annie corrected her- she smiled light-heartedly. 
Returning the grin Faith chided, “Ah so I’ve been placed with the most opulent of the Heralds, I see.” 
“That you have, and don’t forget it.” The older woman scooted closer and Faith could smell her light perfume. It was airy and floral, making Faith want to bury her head in the other’s collarbone and lose herself in the scent. “It is you that is our Herald though, truly. Not I.” Annie watched her waiting for a response. When Faith said nothing for her confusion, Antoinette expanded on the thought- “Even if I carry the title of Herald for appearances, not just anyone can take the role of our Faith. You will keep us all on the path to the Garden, and in turn I will keep you safe.” 
The truth in her words rung out over the water, making the newest Seed feel more secure in her new role. Though she had been lonely among her fellow parishioners- she realized now that it was up to her to keep them pliant, to make them feel seen as Joseph had made her feel seen. Antoinette’s proclamation steeled her will and she felt more at ease with the title that had been thrust upon her. “I’m glad I won’t be alone in this.” She looked out over the lake- thinking this time she didn’t have to be afraid of her life changing. Not when she had the power now. 
“In light of our new partnership, I brought you something.” Annie revealed a present in the bottom of the picnic basket, pulling out a masterfully wrapped gift dressed in green paper and a white bow. 
Taking it quietly Faith’s expression was one of shock. She couldn’t recall the last present she’d received. “I don’t have anything for you though…” She intoned absentmindedly as she pulled at the bow, unraveling it between her fingers. 
“Don’t worry about that.. I’m quite hard to buy for.” Antoinette joked as she watched Faith intently. Though it was said in jest, the brunette figured this was most likely fact. 
Once all the wrappings were gone there was a white box with a silver swirling decal on top. There was a moment of apprehension where Faith glanced at the other and Annie nodded encouragingly, No more urging needed- she revealed the gift and discarded the lid. “Oh wow.” Faith breathed the words as she lifted out a white laced dress adorned with pink flowers. “Antoinette, this is beautiful!” Her hand traced down the front of the garment. 
Almost grinning at her reaction, Annie nodded- “It was a pretty penny- but well worth it. Our Faith needs to stand out.” With flourish Faith pulled out the dress completely and stood, pressing it to her body as a way to measure. “If you need any alterations simply let me know.” The ginger’s gaze took in every inch of Faith, a repressed hunger in her eyes. “We’re about the same size, I’d wager.” She reached forward to flatten the dress against Faith for a better look. A hand caressed her bare thigh as she did, making Faith shiver in a way she hoped wasn’t obvious. 
“You don’t cook but you sew?” She asked, changing her train of thought. 
“Occasionally. I know enough to get the job done.” Antoinette looked up at Faith and offered her an easy smile. 
In that smile and in Annie’s ocean blue eyes Faith’s heart fluttered and that dark shadow of loneliness loosened its grip on her for the first time in a long time. Her future was right here.
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seoness · 2 years
Pending Requests
Last updated: 2022-12-02
Instead of filling my page with answers to requests, this post will serve as a list of all requests sent my way. If you've sent a request, I'll add it to the list. Please know that I am so happy and flattered that there is anyone out here on the internet that wants to read my writing and I'll get to your request in time❣️There is such kindness in my messages and requests and AAAAAH it is just amazing to hear such positivity. Know that I read each one! 🤗
To signal the progress of the works, since I figure that can be fun for you who send request, I'll use emojis. Brainstorming stage = 💡Sketching out the story = 📝 Revising/Editing = 💯
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Pending series: A Stranger to Whom: Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - The reader is from Lys. Westeros and their customs are foreign and the Hound is a far cry from the men of Lys.💡📝
To Your Satisfaction: Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - The reader is insecure about her weight, looks, and sexual inexperience. 💡📝
In Heat: Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - The reader has a high sex drive and wants to see how many times she can get the Hound off before returning to his duties. 💡
Forget for Tonight - Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - The reader is a handmaiden/lady-in-waiting to Cersei Lannister and has a long-standing crush on the Hound. Is saved during a riot and goes to offer thanks. 💡
The Best of Bargains - Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - The reader wakes up before Sandor. Admiring him and later trying their best to keep him in bed as duties call him elsewhere. (Fluff)
Wicked Wanton - Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane- The reader engages in some semi-public sex with the Hound. A kinkfest of breeding, dirty talk, and size difference.
Respectfully, fuck off - Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - Not all days are one of bliss with the Hound. After a long day you both take out your frustrations on one another, but along the way, curses turn to moans.
Warmth in the Darkest of Nights - Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - The mission north of the wall goes south, and the reader is trapped with the Hound in a cavern. In the biting cold, there's no room for modesty. Building warmth together, one thing leads to another. (cockwarming)
Take a Hint - Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - Beauty comes with its perks as much as it does its pitfalls. The Hound is not one for sharing. Unable to throw your pursuers from the walls, his bottled-up emotions are for you to deal with come nightfall.
Milk of the Poppy - Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - The Hound returns one night wounded and the reader tasks themself with tending to his wounds. (Fluff)
Pending 4-part-series: Of True Faith and Sacrifice - Fem!Reader x Sandor Clegane - The reader is the only trueborn daughter between Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister and the firstborn child. The reader is sent away at an early age by her Queen Mother to be raised in the Westerlands. Returned to court by Robert to be wed, but a forbidden romance grows between the reader and the Hound. The seed that has quickened in the readers stomach is caught too late and moon tea cannot be used. What will the reader do to ensure their own survival and the safety of their unborn child?
Remain in Your Eyes - TransM!Reader x Sandor Clegane - Gold might have taken you to Westeros, but the Hound kept you from setting sail back east. The tales you heard of the savages of the west had their morsels of truth. Love is so strict one could doubt it existence, but one grew between you and the sworn sword to the Crown Prince. Sandor is a reasonable man. You tell yourself that. After all, he reasoned his love for another man quick enough. He's made his wants known, his hunger clear, but you fear that when he sheds the last layers he'll no longer see you for who you are. If his disappointment or relief would hurt you the most is something you pray to never find out. (Heavy Angst)
Pending series: Mother's Mercy - female oc (Tully) x Sandor Clegane (show). Joffrey Baratheon is a fickle king, unpredictable whims that suddenly are carved into stone that none can alter. Jeyne Tully will come to learn this intimately. (Forced marriage, slow burn, fluff, mild smut) 💡
(Some will be worked into Kinktober)
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roman-is-writing · 1 year
Veil of Dreams - The Lady of Tales | 3
Summary: The Lady of Tales, also known as Isolde Storyborne, was a librarian in her former life who would tell countless stories to anyone who could listen. This led her to be drawn into the dream realm by a mysterious force. Dream was intrigued by her unique ability to traverse and shape dreams and asked her to be a part of his realm, where her presence could create a delicate balance, influencing and manifesting stories and dreams. This eventually blossomed into a deeper connection. (Dream x Reader)
Characters & Pairing: Dream X Female OC, other The Sandman Characters.
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Chapter 3: The Sea of Dreams & Nightmares
Isolde Storyborne's journey through the Dreaming continued. Morpheus was usually by her side, guiding her and teaching her about her powers. On a faithful day, Morpheus guided Isolde to a dreamscape that stretched out before them like an endless ocean—an ocean not of water but of dreams and nightmares, each wave a fragment of a sleeper's subconscious.
Isolde's breath caught at the sight, her eyes wide with wonder. "This is... the Sea of Dreams?"
Morpheus nodded, his eyes reflecting the myriad emotions that ebbed and flowed in the dream-laden waters. "Indeed, Isolde. I have deemed you ready an in control of your powers to protect the sea where dreams and nightmares intermingle."
Isolde watched as waves of varying hues swept across the sea's surface—dreams of fantastical worlds, haunting nightmares, whispers of forgotten memories, and the echoes of unspoken desires. Morpheus's gaze was steady. "The Sea of Dreams holds the collective subconscious of countless dreamers. Here, dreams take form, and nightmares find refuge."
As they stood by the shore, Isolde noticed a particularly intense whirlpool amidst the waves. Dark and tumultuous, it seemed to suck in dreams and twist them into unsettling visions.
"And that?" Isolde pointed at the whirlpool, her curiosity piqued.
Morpheus's tone was sombre. "That, Isolde, is the Charybdis—a nexus where nightmares converge. It is a reflection of the darker aspects of the human psyche." Isolde watched as nightmares were drawn into the Charybdis, the dreams' once-bright colours fading into shadows. "So, even nightmares have a place here?"
Morpheus nodded. "Indeed. Nightmares are a part of the human experience, and they too must find their place within the Dreaming. It is through confronting our fears that we find strength."
As Isolde gazed at the Charybdis, a feeling of compassion welled within her. "Is there a way to ease the burden of nightmares?"
Morpheus's smile was a play of moonlight on water. "As the Lady of Tales, you possess the power to soothe the turbulent waters of the Charybdis. Your stories can offer solace and understanding to dreamers facing their fears as they have the potential to transform the darkest corners of the Dreaming into beacons of hope."
As they continued to watch the Sea of Dreams and Nightmares, Isolde marveled at the complexity of the realm. Dreams and nightmares, light and shadow, intertwined in a delicate dance that mirrored the intricacies of human emotion.
"What can we learn from this sea?" Isolde wondered aloud.
Morpheus's voice was thoughtful. "We learn that the human experience is multifaceted. Dreams and nightmares are threads that shape our understanding of the world and ourselves. They are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit."
As Isolde contemplated the sea before her, she felt a deep sense of responsibility. Her connection to the Dreaming was not just about stories. She realized that she was sowing seeds of transformation that would ripple through the dreaming as she continued to protect it to the best of her abilities.
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When the Bliss Hits
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Far Cry (Video Games), Far Cry 5 Rating: Explicit Relationships: Female Deputy | Judge/Jacob Seed, Deputy | Judge/Jacob Seed Characters: Female Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), Jacob Seed, Faith Seed, Earl Whitehorse Additional Tags: Non-Consensual Drug Use, Canon-Typical Violence, Drug Withdrawal, Hallucinations, Eventual Smut, Enemies to Lovers, Unhealthy Relationships, Older Man/Younger Woman, Shameless Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, f receiving oral sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Come Eating, Missionary Position, Threats, Pet Names Series: Part 8 of The Wolf and the Wildcat Summary:
Kit is tasked with burning down the fields of the Bliss in the Henbane when she is forced to face hallucinations and realize her true feelings about Jacob Seed
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hopecountysfavhoe · 2 years
Cold is up to chapter 44 now (and still has a longggg way to go until I’m finished with it) so the question now is……..
Should I brainstorm a story about John, Joseph, or Faith x the deputy? 🤔 I’ve been eyeballing a fanfic for John x Deputy but I wanna hear your thoughts!
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celiansartblog · 4 years
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Faith and Andreia, and the (unbeknownst to them) last time they say each other before the bombs fell. 
Also under the cut, another version with a different lighting
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senka-mesecine · 4 years
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                                  🌺 why would you ever want to leave the bliss? 🦋
                                                                       x / x
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fc5holidayexchange · 5 years
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Deputy Andreia Cordeiro/Faith Seed
Here is my gift for Celian! I hope I got Andreia right, and I really do hope you like it!! 💖💖💖
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wrathfulrook · 1 year
Let the Water Wash Away Your Sins
Sequel to Oh the Bliss, but can be read as a stand-alone.
Pairing: Female Deputy (Patience Ekner) x Faith Seed
Rating: E
Warnings: Dubcon at best, since Faith loves to use her Bliss :)
Word count: ~1.6k
Summary: Faith has a stressful morning, so her special Angel runs her a relaxing shower to help her unwind...
A/N: This was a part of a much longer piece that was actually John x Dep, so I guess I’ll post that bit later... <3
Read on ao3 here.
“Good news!” Faith joyfully declared as she flitted into frame. “Another soul has been saved!”
She twirled in that carefully choreographed gait of hers, looking adoringly into the camera as she spoke.
“Saved from fear, saved from sin, elevated into purity...”
She timed her movements carefully, letting the camera follow her across the concrete floor of her bunker, leading the viewer to the center of the room. Where her Angel knelt vacantly and obediently.
“The deputy has walked the Path!”
Not technically true, but no one needed to know that. The end result was the same.
Our brothers and sisters rejoice that she has renounced her wickedness, her violence, and her fear! We welcome her with open arms!”
Faith rested a hand gently, almost lovingly, upon the crown of the deputy’s head. Lightly petted her hair. Nothing overt. But certainly not unnoticeable. A subtle but clear message to the resistance.
“She is proof that anyone can be saved. She is proof that it isn’t too late! Come join us!
“We welcome you into the Bliss!”
She kept her benevolent smile on, even after the red recording light stopped flickering. After all, she had much to smile about. Her fingers curled possessively into her Angel’s hair, tugging at their roots. If she felt any pain, she did not react to it.
“How was that, brother?”
She knew it was perfect. A perfect take, the latest of a number of perfect takes. But none had been good enough for John. He hadn’t felt the need to oversee her videos, or any of her outreach, in a long time, but suddenly Mr. PR decided she needed supervision again.
“It’s good enough,” he eventually ground out. He shot one last look at the kneeling deputy before spinning dramatically on his heels, exiting in a whirlwind of foul temper and bespoke duster.
Faith resisted the urge to roll her eyes as his camera crew packed up their gear and left. He was so transparent, that brother of hers. Envy is a sin, after all.
But she let it go for now, crouching down to her special Angel’s level, bright, hazel eyes meeting vacant and clouded-over gray. She ran her fingers through the deputy’s long, dishwater blonde hair.
“You did so well, Angel,” she whispered as the last of the crew cleared out, leaving them alone. “Here, let me help you with that…” She reached around the deputy’s head, using nimble fingers to unfasten the cream-colored, cloth muzzle that covered her mouth and nose. “That’s better, hmm?”
The deputy, of course, did not respond. A small amount of saliva had fallen from her lax lower lip during the shoot while she was muzzled. Faith brought up a single finger, collecting the spittle and pushing it back into her mouth.
“Ah,” she tutted. “You have to clean up your messes, Angel.”
The deputy mindlessly sucked on Faith’s finger, swirling her tongue around it until it was pulled from her mouth.
“Good girl,” she praised in a lilting tone, wiping her wet finger on the other woman’s hair. “Go get a shower ready.”
The deputy obediently walked off, headed to the chamber she shared with Faith, to start running a shower for her. Faith needed to de-stress after this morning. Recording that video should have been a cake walk, not an hours-long ordeal. But it was over now and out of her hands. It would be edited and on air within a day or two, broadcasting the deputy’s fate to everyone in the county, faithful and resistance alike. And though she was very much looking forward to that, she still needed some time to unwind.
After giving her Angel a few minutes head start, Faith ascended a few levels in her Gate and traipsed to her living quarters. Upon entering the large, plush room, she heard the sound of the shower running through the cracked-open door to her en-suite bathroom. She shed her signature lace dress, letting it pool around her feet and leaving her completely bare. She gracefully stepped out of the fabric and traipsed to the bathroom, gently pushing open the door.
Her Angel knelt on the hard shower floor, completely, beautifully nude. The warm water cascaded over her milky, freckled skin, plastering down her wet hair and billowing her in a cloud of steam. Faith stepped under the stream and sighed in relief when the heat started working to soothe her muscles.
She used cool fingers to tilt up the face of the wet woman kneeling below her, smiled, and asked her, “Did I give you enough time to clean yourself?”
The brainless former deputy didn’t answer, of course, but that was fine. Faith knew she’d given her plenty of time. She had certainly already cleaned herself, and could now focus her full attention on the Herald.
“Go ahead,” Faith lilted, just loud enough to be heard over the spray of water.
And so with permission, the other woman rose from her place on the floor and began to wash her. Faith closed her eyes and relaxed as the dutiful Angel began to knead shampoo into her scalp and hair. She felt the tension melting off her as she rubbed floral-scented soap along her tight muscles, cleaning and massaging her all at once. Just as she had been trained, her hands lingered in all the right places, taking care to both wash and please Faith.
As her soap-lathered hands massaged Faith’s chest, her own breasts pressed against her back, further lathering the suds that remained there. Faith sighed in contentment and leaned back against the slightly taller woman, soft, plush breasts supporting her, pink, pebbled nipples massaging her skin.
As her Angel knelt down to wash her lower half, Faith slid her legs apart, just barely widening her stance. She first propped one foot up on her Angel’s shoulder, allowing her to wash it, then the other. When every inch of her skin had been thoroughly cleaned and massaged, Faith stepped under the warm spray, still keeping her slightly widened stance.
Crawling behind her when she stepped forward, her favorite new toy once again settled low on her knees, and brought her hands up to Faith’s smooth, round ass, spreading her cheeks before nestling her face between them. Faith sighed in satisfaction as the steamy water rinsed away the soap and stress, and her special Angel’s nimble tongue and lips working eagerly at her hole.
“Oh, good girl,” Faith cooed.
She fisted her hand in the deputy’s wet hair and shoved her deeper into her ass. The deputy grunted in surprise, then moaned deeply, sending a wonderful vibration pulsing into Faith. She giggled in delight at the sensation, then moaned herself when the ministrations continued, licking, kissing, and sucking at her.
“Very good girl.”
She reached down and grabbed her Angel’s hand, guiding her fingers to her clit. When the deputy found the slick wetness gathered there, clearly more than just water, her deft fingers began working just as diligently as her mouth.
She brought her own hands up to her chest, tweaking her nipples as she was coaxed closer and closer to her climax. She rocked her hips back and forth, alternately propelling her further onto the fingers and face busy below her.
Oh, she was so happy to have the deputy to herself. The perfect Angel, not only ready, but eager, to fulfill her every desire. A gorgeous, pliable body at her disposal twenty-four seven. The former leader of the resistance, turned into the perfect toy, wanting nothing more than to bury her face in between Faith’s cheeks and worship her asshole.
“Mmm, but this is a much better role for you, isn’t it, Angel?”
She doubted her words actually registered, but an affirmative moan nonetheless answered her rhetorical question, and Faith ground herself back against it.
“Yes, this is perfect for you. You were made to be an Angel,” she lilted. “Keep doing that; that feels incredible.”
Suggestible and pliant as any Angel, the deputy followed her instructions, fingers gliding faster over her clit, tongue plunging deeper into her. As Faith felt her climax approaching, her hands abandoned her breasts in favor of gripping the back of the deputy’s head and grinding herself against her face.
Faith let out a gasp so loud it was nearly a scream. Her vision almost blacked out. Who needed New Eden when heaven was right here, servicing her? She collapsed forward and braced her hands on the cool porcelain wall, letting the heated water run down her back as she caught her breath.
Her special Angel placed a kiss on one of her cheeks as she pulled away, and Faith smiled in response. She was perfect. Her perfect little plaything.
Faith left her dripping and shivering on the floor of the shower, pupils blown out in her own unfulfilled desire, as she stepped onto the chilly bathroom tile and cocooned herself in a plush robe. She lightly smiled as she left her Angel to dry off and tidy up. She was more than willing to admit to herself that half the fun of playing with her was leaving her wet and wanting, enjoying the power and ownership she held over her former adversary.
She collapsed onto her mattress, sheets pleasantly cool against her flushed skin, and got comfortable as she waited for her Angel to take care of the post-shower routine. Faith hadn’t had to rub lotion into her own skin in weeks…
She sighed in discontent as John’s smarmy voice came through the radio and filled her bedroom.
“I think we need to talk about your performance today.”
But then her special Angel appeared in the doorway, skin smooth and glowing and begging for Faith’s touch. So, she reached over and flicked her radio off.
After all, ‘work before play’ had never been her mantra.
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chazz-anova · 1 year
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Do You Trust Me?
Fandom: Far Cry 5 Word Count: 1.9k Pairing: Faith Seed x Female Herald OC Summary: Faith can only take so much teasing from Antoinette before things come to a climax. Warnings: Porn w/o plot, there is nothing else to see here lol A/N: just a lil saucy somethin somethin! inspired by one of the letters in my nsfw abcs i did for faith ;)
Read it on AO3!
She didn’t know why she had agreed to this. It was an idea that was nothing but bad, but god did it sound fun. That was the only reason Faith was in this situation right now. She cleared her throat quietly and adjusted in her seat. As she did she felt a brush against the most sensitive spot on her body and she gulped. Faith sat in the front pew of the church of the Father, Antoinette next to her as they listened to Joseph preach. And her turn to speak was coming up. This was going to be a long sermon. 
“When you look at this world, what do you see? Malice, anger, idiocy. Of course we are coming to a resolution, how could we continue as such?” Joseph was proselytizing of the Collapse of course, a matter of utmost importance, but there was no way in hell Faith could pay attention. 
She thought back to this morning before forenoon prayer began, Antoinette had woken up with a naughty idea, “I know we both love Joseph’s discourse pertaining to the Collapse, and of course we need to be prepared but… what if we switched things up this morning?” Faith snuggled into her lover and looked up at her with a smile.
In the morning light she thought Annie looked her best. Ginger hairs slightly askew and frizzed up from sleep the night before, eyes lidded with morning sleep, tank top strap slipping off her shoulder in a picture of perfect imperfection. “And what are you thinking?” Faith intoned as she trailed a finger down Antoinette’s exposed chest; her eyes couldn’t help but wander there as well. 
Catching this, the redhead’s index finger caressed Faith’s jawline until it reached her chin and tilted her head up to meet her gaze once more. “I’m thinking you deserve a little… what do they say? Tender love and care?” 
This brought Faith a smile and she responded, “Normally it’s abbreviated, TLC, but that is what they say. Do high society people not say ‘TLC’?” 
Annie rolled her eyes and nodded thoughtfully, “Of course not- they’re always getting TLC, why talk about it when it’s the minimum expectation?” 
Now it was Faith’s turn to roll her eyes. Sometimes she felt like Antoinette spoke a different language than her, but she adored her nonetheless. “What is your idea gorgeous?” She urged. 
And now she was here, in the church with a remote control vibrator in her panties and Antoinette had the controller. It took some sleight of hand, but her lover had concealed the remote in the folds of her dress and now they were here where Faith couldn’t intercede to turn the vibrator off. Not that she truly wanted to. 
Currently she was on a low setting- a thrumming against her clit like a quiet purr. Insistent but easy to ignore for now. There was a thin thread of anxiety running through her thinking of her own sermon coming up- but it was snapped by the pleasure building in her core. Closing her eyes she could almost drown out the monotone of the Father’s words. 
But only for a couple minutes, until he stated: “Our brother Jacob is indisposed today, so we will now instead hear from our sister Faith.” He shot her a smile and she felt her face flush red. There was nowhere to run now. Antoinette ran an encouraging hand down her lover’s arm and Faith steeled herself with a deep breath before standing. 
Each step was more friction, another brush against her budding clit, but she made her way to the head of the church with no incident. Once at the front she looked out at every person ahead, every eye on her… and it made her even wetter. The fact that no one knew the sin she was committing in this moment made a thrill run down her spine. “Good morning everyone, I hope each of you is well and thriving as we edge closer to our reward, our spot in the Garden.” Faith intoned and smiled at her fellow Eden’s Gate members. The word edge couldn’t be anything but a Freudian slip as her thighs rubbed together, reveling in the vibrations between them. It hadn’t escaped her that Atnoinette had discreetly been raising the level the toy was working at. 
There was an agreeable rumble from the crowd and some of them nodded. “Good, good… speaking of our Garden; what I wanted to talk to everyone about today is how everything in life.. starts with a seed.” She smiled at them all as she began to preach to the flock, Faith was relieved that she’d memorized her homily because her mind was anywhere else. “You, me, the trees around us, everything comes from some sort of seed. Even the things we receive by faith.” Even the brief mention of seed made her mind wander to the thought of her pussy being filled and she stopped where she was a moment to close her eyes; basking in the thought as well as that persistent vibration. 
“Faith in our Project, faith in the Father, faith in me and my fellow Heralds.That faith plants the seed that will nurture our Garden. You just have to follow the path, follow us.” The Siren’s nickname was true to her nature, even distracted she was able to enrapture her audience with her sermon. As she mentioned her fellow Heralds, Faith’s gaze lingered on Antoinette and the heat between them made things deep inside of her yearn for her tongue, strap, anything.
The brunette turned back to her spectators and was about to continue her speech when her core tightened and she felt the vibrations heighten to a dangerous level. Faith inhaled sharply and took a moment to compose herself as Annie deftly turned up the strength on the vibrator. “When we put our faith in the Father’s hands…” Noticing her voice was higher than normal she cleared her throat, then went on, “We are giving him something to work with, something to make our Paradise with.” 
Evidently unhappy with the lack of reaction, Faith noticed a wicked grin cross Antoinette’s beautiful features as the vibe turned up once more. Faith’s breath hitched, she leaned over putting a hand on the podium to steady herself. A sudden, lewd moan lilted from her lips and she looked up with rudy cheeks breathing hard. It was all she could do to not noticeably grind her thighs together and keep moaning as the vibrator lavished her clit, working the sensitive bundle with nonstop stimulation. 
There was an unsure pause and her eyes were wide as she beheld the crowd. Before she spoke she cleared her throat again, “Apologies...Like the bible says in Genesis 8:22, ‘While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest … shall not cease’. This is true until the Collapse arrives and makes the Reaping that much more important.”  Faith’s voice was breathy and she straighted up as she spoke, becoming used to the level of thrumming between her legs once more. When she looked at Annie her eyes were hungry. 
Joseph stepped up to the podium, a glint of confusion in his eyes as he placed a hand on Faith’s shoulder and nodded, “Indeed, we must all remember Faith’s wise words. She hasn’t felt her best as of late, so we will not keep her any longer.” Though he didn’t know why she’d had the interruption she did, he knew they needed a united front and she was sure she would hear from him about it later. But she didn’t care. Faith nodded gratefully- just wanting to get back to her seat so she could grind against her vibrator and hopefully cum soon. All she needed was to cum. 
The rest of the sermons were a blur. Sitting back in the pews Faith was able to quell her ragged breaths but her cunt just got wetter and wetter; Antoinette’s warm hand on her thigh didn’t help. Once they had wrapped everything up- Joseph said his final words and thanked the flock as always for all they do- Antoinette and Faith lingered in the pews a few more moments as the last of the churchgoers filtered out. 
Joseph remained and had a furrowed brow as he regarded the pair from the pulpit. Annie squeezed Faith’s hand and stood, going to the front of the room and sharing a quiet word with the Father. Faith couldn’t hear what they said but she saw the man nod thoughtfully, and turn around swiftly. Her lover returned to her with a wide smile, murmuring, “I insinuated you had a period cramp and he insisted I say no more. We’re clear.” 
“That’s great, fuck me.” Faith demanded as she stared up at Antoinette and licked her lips needily. 
This gave the ginger a giggle and she leaned down to kiss Faith, the women savored each other for a moment before the older woman replied, “Let’s go.” 
The two of them only made it to the back of the church before Faith pulled Annie close for another kiss, this one longer and with much more heat. Her back slammed into the worn siding of the church and Antoinette’s hands began to wander on her body; all while the vibrator pulsed between her legs making her hungry for more. “Please,” She whined, “I need you now.” 
Smiling against her lips, her partner nodded and traced her hands down Faith’s form once more before starting to make her way down. 
Soon Antoinette was between Faith’s legs. Panties pushed to the side, vibrator moved out of the way, finally she felt the heat of Annie’s tongue replacing the toy. The Siren had to clasp her hands over her mouth to contain the moans as Antoinette started lapping at her clit and her eyes rolled back. Having been worked up for the better part of the morning- she knew she wouldn’t last long. 
That wonderful tongue of hers worked hard, swirling around the bud at the center of Faith’s being and working down to delve between her folds. “God your pussy tastes so good…” Antoinette pulled back to proclaim and lick her lips before going back for more.
“Thank you baby… your tongue is amazing…” Faith responded breathlessly and knotted her hands in Annie’s thick red tresses. Now her hips ground into Antoinette’s face working her slit up and down needily. It wasn’t long before the sight of the redhead on her knees before her, the feeling of her tongue pleasuring her, everything in this moment brought her close to her breaking point. Hands pulling Annie into her Faith cried out and shuddered as the holy rapture of orgasm ran through her; in this moment she came harder than she had in a long time. Antoinette lapped it all up greedily, reveling in her lover’s sweetness. 
The ginger purred a moan as she finished up- dutifully licking from her entrance to the hood of her clit before placing a long kiss on her mound. “Mm you came so hard, good girl.” Annie praised Faith as she stood up once more. Faith gave her a lazy, honeyed smile and they met for another deep kiss. 
“Fuck, I hope I wasn’t too loud..” The Siren giggled as she remembered herself and caressed Annie’s cheek. 
With another grin, Antoinette shook her head, “Who cares? Let’s get home for round two!”  It was the only insistence needed for the pair to take off, sure to not be seen again for the next hour at least.
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deputyexhausted · 5 years
i walk to the borders on my own, fall in the water just like a stone
Rating: Mature
Pairing: F!Deputy/Jacob Seed, focus on F!Deputy&Faith Seed
The Henbane and its Herald twist and turn the Deputy as she struggles to keep her head above the water in managing the Resistance. Faith spins circles around her; their dance grows ever more maddening until Gracie doubts her perceptions, instincts, and purpose in Hope County. Gracie is all bloodied fists to Faith’s false serenity, but not every problem can be solved with a bullet and even she isn’t certain this should end in yet another murder.
Read Here
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krycss · 6 years
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AO3 Link
Previous Chapter  -  Next Chapter 
Rook could have lived happily for the rest of her life inside that shower if given the chance. Washing away not only the dirt and grime that had built up, but also scrubbing away all of the memories did a wonder on her psyche. The dress she had picked out earlier landed right about mid-thigh. She rolled the sleeves of the green flannel up to her elbows. She sucked in a breath as she glanced into the mirror. She didn’t stare long, just enough to brush her fingers through her hair to make sure she didn’t look like a complete mess. She glanced down at herself, swooshing the ends of the dress playfully. It had been a long time since she wore something nice. Running around the county fighting peggies and camping for days on end made her fashion choices very limited. She wasn’t sure what to do with the pajamas she had so she opted to fold them and bring them back to her room before heading downstairs.
The stairs were a bit more forgiving this time. She held onto the railing and took each step one at a time. No rush. When she reached the bottom she could see Jacob, John, and Faith gathered around the kitchen. Faith was sitting on the island counter top, her legs swinging freely as she ate. Jacob, it seemed, was opting for a liquid breakfast of coffee as he leaned on the counter on the opposite side of the room. Rook didn’t see a plate anywhere near him. His head perked up when he saw her entering the room.
She gave him a smile and a little wave. He nodded back.
She made her way over to John who was currently fighting a losing battle against some scrambled eggs. They were looking a little dry.
“Ah, Cat. I do hope you’re….hungry.” He cleared his throat as he moved the eggs to a plate. “For you.”
Rook simply stared at the plate of eggs and bacon, raising an eyebrow.
“I get credit for trying.” John mused.
Rook laughed and shook her head, giving him a pat on the shoulder as she grabbed the plate. She walked back over to where Jacob was and sat on the counter beside him. She was already shorter than him, she was only about five foot six, and even up on the counter she was still just slightly below him. She wondered what he ate as a child to get this tall compared to his siblings. She wanted to ask if he was planning on actually eating but she realized she left her notebook up in her room. She told herself to get a pocket notebook at some point. She looked over at him to find him staring absentmindedly into his mug. She could tell he either got no sleep whatsoever or had a rough night in general. She leaned over, nudging his shoulder with her own. He glanced over at her out of the corner of his eye. She lifted her plate to him, hoping she conveyed her thoughts.
He stole a piece of bacon.
She stared up at him, slack-jawed.
‘I knew you were cruel.’ She glared at him. ‘At least he ate something, I suppose?’
He let out a laugh through his nose, smirking down at her.
“You need the food more than me, but thank you for the offer.” He finished off his coffee.
After placing his mug in the sink, Jacob made his way into the living room and plopped down onto the couch, an arm resting over his eyes. Faith then hopped off the counter and turned to Rook.
“Joseph had to leave a little early to head to his compound to prepare, if you were wondering.”
Rook tilted her head.
“Right! Today is Sunday.” Faith sung. “I guess you didn’t know that.”
“Joseph would be delighted if you were to join us, but he also mentioned that it’s okay if you feel you’re not up to it.” John chimed in, finally done cooking.
Rook thought on it for a moment as she continued eating. She was scared, she’d admit it. It was certainly way too soon for her to be out and about. As if sensing her thoughts, Faith piped up again.
“If you’re worried about anyone noticing you, don’t be. The Father tends to be the one to grab all of the attention anyways.” Faith grabbed one of Rook’s hands between her own. “Plus, no one outside of us and those who found you know that you’re back. You get to decide when that time is.”
Rook nodded. She wasn’t ready. But she also knew she didn’t want to be alone either, and if they were all going to go then she really only had one option. She nodded once more earnestly, letting them know that was her answer. Faith clapped her hands happily, spinning around on her bare feet.
“I’m so glad! You’re really going to enjoy it, I promise.” Faith pulled Rook along by her hand. “I’ll help you get ready.”
Rook placed her unfinished plate on the counter as she was dragged out of the kitchen. As they passed by the couch she heard Jacob mumble a ‘good luck’ to her. They returned to the room that Rook was staying in for the time being and Faith pulled a chair up to the standing mirror for Rook to sit in. After deliberating with herself for a minute, Faith decided that she’d do Rook’s hair in a half-up-half-down style. Rook just shook her head, letting the girl enjoy herself. Rook found herself relaxing a small bit, listening to Faith’s humming and the feel of her fingers gently combing through her hair. She wasn’t sure where Faith had gotten them from, probably plucked them off of her dress, but Faith was braiding small white flowers into Rook’s hair as she went along. After a while Rook’s attention returned to herself, inevitably staring at the scars at her lips once more. She must have been making some sort of face as Faith was suddenly kneeling down to be eye-level with Rook.
“Do they bother you?” She asked gently.
Rook nodded.
“It’s normal.” Faith hummed. “But, everyone has their scars – whether they’re physical or not. One thing I’ve come to learn from my time with the Father is that our scars are proof that something bad happened, but that we came out on top. Alive. Whatever it was that caused them, didn’t beat us.”
As she finished she moved the sleeve of her dress, showing Rook the scars she earned as Rachel Jessop. The tell-tale scarring of years of needle use and other self-implicated trauma. Rook placed her hands on Faith’s cheeks in a silent thank you. She wasn’t as close with Faith before all of this happened, but perhaps there’s a chance for a friendship to form now, she thought.
“Now! Let’s get back to this. Normally we wouldn’t want to indulge in vanity, but for your first time with us at the Church I feel that’s a special occasion.” Faith pulled out a small makeup bag from the nearby vanity. “Besides, I think I know a certain someone who might enjoy seeing you a little dolled up?” Faith winked, earning a groan from Rook.
  By the time the two girls stumbled down the stairs in a fit of giggles the brothers were waiting by the front door impatiently.
“You know I like a fashionably late entrance as much as the next person, but we really must be going now.” John moved to put his sunglasses over his eyes and opened the door. “You look lovely, by the way.” He added before stepping out.
Rook stopped in front of Jacob while Faith followed John out the door. Rook opted for her old combat boots to pair with her outfit. She looked up at Jacob, careful to make sure none of the flowers fell out with how far she had to tilt her head. Jacob was eyeing her slowly. Rook’s smile faulted a little. She fidgeted with her fingers at the intense scrutiny. As if sensing her discomfort at the silence, Jacob quickly pulled her close and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.
“Come on.” He held the door open for her.
Rook snapped out of her daze, she could feel her face was hot and quickly walked out the door, heading towards the truck ahead. She sat in the back, next to Faith – who was quick to give a knowing smile at the redness of Rook’s cheeks - while John sat in the passenger seat. When Jacob got in the driver’s seat, the four set off to Joseph’s Compound.
  It had been a long time since Rook had been to the island. The last time was when she was sent there to arrest the man. She still dreaded helicopters ever since and avoided them whenever possible. The last time she had been there it was night and her nerves hadn’t allowed her to appreciate the place fully. When it wasn’t filled with peggies glaring angrily at her and the sound of dogs trying to kill her it was actually quite nice. As they pulled off to a small lot in front of one of the many cabins in the area Rook noticed there was quite the variety of people here. There were the normal looking peggies – rags painted with the Eden’s Gate symbol and an overall messy exterior – as well as those in cleaner clothing, dressed for what appeared from the outside to be a normal Sunday church visit. Rook could have sworn she also spotted some children in the distance. She suddenly felt a pit in her stomach at the reminder that her main goal was eradicating all of these people. Though, she still didn’t approve of their methods, she could think on what the future held for her later.
Rook was helped out of the truck by Faith who continued to hold onto her hand as the four made their way to the church. When they reached the door Faith quickly made her way up to the front, stopping to say hello to those in the aisles as she passed. John placed a hand on the small of Rook’s back.
“I’d suggest sitting up front, if you’d feel more comfortable with us nearby.” He whispered.
Rook nodded and John made his way to the front, following Faith’s path and basking in the attention given to him. Jacob was now standing next to Rook. Rook was feeling overwhelmed already but took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. They hadn’t really hit her until just now in this cramped space. Her hand instinctively went to grab Jacob’s which was dangling close to her own. As her fingers brushed against his he quickly pulled his hand away, crossing his arms. Rook flinched, bringing her own hands to clasp in front of herself. She risked a glance up to Jacob who was staring straight ahead. Someone went to walk passed the two of them, passing between them. Jacob leaned over.
“Not here.” He coughed before marching his way up to the front, taking the side aisle rather than the middle.
Rook didn’t have time to think too much on it as she watched him take his place in the corner of the stage. He was in full soldier mode, watching over the church goers. She squeezed her fingers together as she weaved her way through the people still getting to their seats. She understood – he had an image to maintain. And he had a job. He had to be ever-present to watch over everyone. He was their protector after all. Doesn’t mean it still didn’t hurt, but she pushed that aside.
By the time she made it to an empty spot in the front pew Rook was starting to panic. There were simply too many people crammed into this church. The air was stifling and thick. One of her legs was bouncing uncontrollably as she picked at what was left of her nails. She made eye contact with Jacob briefly. He nodded at her and that was enough to calm her a small bit. Knowing that he was nearby meant nothing would happen to her. The noise in the church began to die down as the last of the members filed their way in. Rook took a risk at looking around the room. The woman sitting next to her smiled briefly as their eyes locked. Rook’s heart skipped a beat before returning the smile.
‘No one knows yet.’ Rook reminded herself.
Most of the wanted posters that Eden’s Gate had put out for Rook in the past had her with her hair in its signature tight bun and she never wore dresses when out fighting so she was fairly safe in assuming that no one would recognize her as she currently looked. She let out a slow breath. Suddenly the room erupted in cheers as Joseph walked out from a room in the back of the stage. Rook found herself smiling as she politely clapped. She had talked with Joseph when he was practicing his sermons but had never actually been able to hear the final product. She didn’t need to be a believer to understand the appeal of what he preached.
  By the time the sermon was over, Rook was more than ready to just go back to bed. This was more than enough social interaction for someone who had only just recently been rescued from a kidnapping. As everyone began filing out of the church, Rook wandered around the inside so that it didn’t seem so obvious that she was waiting around for the Seed’s to be finished greeting people. After what seemed like the millionth hug and forehead press, Joseph was finally free to let out a deep breath of his own. The church was quiet once more with only the sound of murmurs as people began walking away from the building.
“I hope you enjoyed your first time here, Catherine.” Joseph’s voice echoed through the empty church.
Rook made her way up to the podium where Joseph met her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and Rook instinctively flinched before relaxing once more. Joseph brought his head closer and Rook knew what he going for as she closed her eyes. Rook never understood the significance, but she had to admit it was a rather touching move.
“Thank you for coming.” Joseph whispered in their close proximity.
Rook separated her forehead from his to nod her head back at the man. Joseph then moved to give his siblings the same treatment before the five of them made their way to the door of the church.
“I believe it’s time for the three of you to return to your duties.” Joseph ordered. “The reaping doesn’t stop for any of us. We must be ready.”
Joseph turned to Rook.
“It is up to you whether you wish to continue to stay with us, Catherine. We would be delighted to have you join us.” Joseph smiled at her.
A part of her brain registered that she may not actually have a choice.
Rook knew she wasn’t ready to go back to the resistance. She had no way of explaining her absence as of right now with her tongue as tied as it was. And she had a feeling that many members wouldn’t be too happy at the part of the story that involved being rescued and cared for by the Seeds. She still needed to make sure she could continue to do her job and so the decision wasn’t that hard to make in the end. Rook looked back over her shoulder where Jacob was talking with one of the soldiers guarding the Compound. She returned her attention to Joseph, nodding her head in Jacob’s direction. Joseph smiled.
“Of course,” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Take care, Catherine.”
She said her goodbyes to the others. Faith gave her a hug and a request to visit whenever she was up for it. John was quick to remind her that should she want to continue to sleep in an actual bed, she knew where to find him. This earned a laugh from Rook who gave his arm a gentle squeeze before heading over to Jacob. Jacob was now standing on his own, his arms crossed as he watched her walk towards him. She held her hands behind her back as she walked playfully up towards him. Her chest dangerously close to touching his stomach as she looked up at him, batting her eyelashes.
“What?” He glared down at her.
Rook pointed her finger towards herself and then towards him.
“You comin’ with me?”
Rook nodded, fighting the cheek-biting grin that was trying to form.
Jacob sighed.
“Of course.” Jacob’s lips twitched as if fighting a smile of his own. “You’re really planning on keeping that promise to annoy me, huh?”
The two of them walked towards the truck that had driven them there. The others had taken their own ways back to the Valley and Henbane. Joseph had just headed towards his own home on the island. Rook hopped up in the passenger seat. She couldn’t deny that she was excited to get some alone time with Jacob, but also to hopefully get back into training. Her muscles missed the push from a gun and the pull from a bow. The truck rocked as Jacob got into the driver’s seat. Rook looked over at Jacob as he let out a rather loud groan, his head hitting the headrest. Rook made a questioning noise.
“I just realized I might have to actually give you a room this time ‘round.” He teased with a smile.
Rook simply laughed, turning on the radio and prepared for the journey back to the Veteran’s Center. Her smile increased when she felt the tell-tale feel of Jacob’s hand enclosing her own.
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