“Don’t Feel Safe” meme Luna x Ruby x Prompto x Morana x Noctis x Gladio pt 11
(Previously Pt 10)
The energy flare singed through her collarbone she blinked letting the slight pain rush through her, it felt electrifying the energy surging through her made her feel alive. Was this suppose to stop her? This was a lot like what she dealt with with the flames brought on by Ardyn, or the poison brought in by the scientist. Turning to see she was fucking with her kuragamisa making the weapon apparate into nothingness freeing up Noctis, Morana smirked eyeing Gladio who was staring at her hazel eyes firm on her his broadsword raised ready to attack.
Running towards the redhead, the Failed MT hated people toying with her weapons it was one of the few things she knew was from her family. Releasing the weapon again it refreshed from apparating again she slung the sickle towards the red head letting smack against the aura.
“DON’T FUCK WITH MY WEAPONS!” Morana pushed herself against the redhead getting close not feeling too worried about anything as she saw out of the corner of her eye, Gladio coming forth Noctis warp striking towards her.
There was a lot of shouting coming from Gladio and Noctis but Morana couldn’t hear blood was pumping in her ears and she was going blind with rage.
“YOU FUCKING HUMAN!” She shouted feeling a stabbing pain of a short blade hitting her, and a side of a broadsword smacking her to the side.
Getting tossed several dozen yards away Morana was in a heap brain scattered unsure of what hit her. Turning to face Gladio and Noctis standing in front of Ruby, Morana was on the ground slowly getting to her feet, shaking her head looking around more was near her? The biggest threat?
@lunaoracleofthepeople @rubyreddemise @promptothesunshineboy @moranathefailedmt @noctissleepyprince
Gladio looked over at Ruby she wasn't harmed any, that was a plus looking over at Morana who was on the ground shaking cobwebs out of her head she was bleeding in the shoulder and the leg. The leg wound look self inflicted from where he stood, she probably invoked Manic state, why did this have to happen? Why did Lunafreya have to be the one she is targeting, he surely thought it was Noctis hence why he was on Noctis' six more than normal. He hadn't expected it to be Morana, their attraction had been immediate and dangerous. Gladiolus had been quick to figure out the weak points of the woman and learn to take her out of this state. They had met at a bar not too long ago a time when he was separate from the others for a few hours while in Lestallum. It was apparent that there was some different about Morana but it was something that also interested Gladiolus in her. After several more interactions through the time leading up to them leaving to Altissa to drop Noctis off to get married to Lunafreya he had learned of the darker things about Morana.
“Morana please engage me, you know I'm a better thrill.” Gladio begged as he watched Morana lumber to her feet, panting heavily, a crazed look on her beautiful face, it pained him to see her in this state.
“Noctis you can back off now, you and Ruby just back off alright? Cover up that wound quick, blood triggers her, if I want her out of this state she can't see or smell blood.” Gladiolus warned the young prince eyeing the few bleeding patches on him from the fall.
“We are having a long talk about this when we get back to camp.” Noctis warned him dangerously.
“I know.” Gladiolus answered, grimly looking over at Morana who was now running towards him.
“Ready to spar lovely?” Gladiolus called out summoning his broadsword it clashing loudly against the blade of the sickle.
It was surprising that her being so much smaller than he is she could withstand that blow and he knew by now not to play with her with kid gloves, he had a few bad scars to remind him not to. She was spitting mad attacking at him constantly, calling out horrible names to him, Noctis, Ruby, even Lunafreya and Prompto. A lot of hate was brewing up from her manic state, from when she spent those years tortured by the Nifs. He felt like he could save her to from herself, he knew he couldn't fix her but he could patch her up enough to where she could live under his care. The night she clung to him in tears fearing about being dragged back to the Nifs, to be killed over and over again to be resurrected by phoenix downs. It brought a pain to his heart.
“You really think you can get me with that little blade, darling?” Gladiolus teased, as she blocked his blow with the chain sending tremors through her.
“YES!” She shouted there was something resting in between her teeth as she shouted at him, but he couldn't tell what pill it was.
He had come across her stash of potions and pills ranging from pain pills to fighting enhancers. It could be anything, if this was something that enhanced her strength he would have to kick it up a notch, not wanting Ruby to jump in. He knew Noct would stay back like he ordered. . .though the prince was mad at him he might view Morana as a total threat. She was a threat yes but with his care one that could be managed.
“Ruby!” Gladiolus shouted as he saw Morana smirked swallowing the pill, her next blow to him sent him back a few steps she was stronger now.
This plan he was forming in his head needed to work quick, Morana was out for a lot of blood if she was going to start popping pills. She was furious, this was going to be a bit more to handle. If Ruby could do this right. . .Lunafreya could patch up the messed up bits later, of course after begging for her forgiveness and Noctis' forgiveness and fuck probably Ruby and Prompto's as well.
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