dxmurei · 10 months
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Name: Thozs’ahltsya (thoz-AAHL-tss-yuh)
Nickname: Thozsa
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Yuan-Ti Pureblood
Age: approximately 26 years
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Class: Blood Domain Cleric
[Due to my own fellow party members being able to read this, I will have to limit the information I’m sharing here] Thozsa was born into and grew up in the Cult of the Blood Fang. The cult is made up entirely of Yuan-Ti and is located on an island off the coast of Faetopia. For a century the Blood Fang operated completely unknown to the inhabitants of Faetopia- until now. (thanks Thozsa) For reasons unknown to Faetopia, the Cult of the Blood Fang works to dismantle and overtake the kingdom. They hold a special hatred for the Faetopian Dragonborns particularly.
Thozsa’s features are most related to the Blue Komodo Island Viper.
His skin is a vibrant teal color that lightens in tone on his chest, stomach, palms, inner thighs, neck, and under-eyes
Similarly colored scales cover most his body. The scales are thin and sparse near his joints, but large and plated on his shoulders, chest, upper-back and abdomen.
His eyes are an amber/yellow color.
Under his eyes are lines of pit organs. These pits detect thermal radiation. They are not too useful to him as a Pureblood, as he has better eyesight than other types of Yuan-Ti.
The roof of his mouth hosts an organ called the Jacobson’s Organ. Using his forked tongue, he can collect particles/chemicals from the air and then press them into said organ. This gives him a much higher sense of smell than if he were to just use his nose.
His teeth are a mix of human-like teeth and something more carnivorous. His incisors and molars are typical of human anatomy, but his bicuspids are much sharper than that of humans. In addition, his canines (cuspids) are large and long- snake fangs. He has a gland in his mouth that can supply these fangs with painful venom if he so chooses.
His jaw can unhinge and open much wider than other humanoids, so much so that even with his mouth closed, an indented line runs across his skin from the corners of his lips to the top of his ears (basically the seam of his jaw is slightly visible)
His ears are slightly pointed.
His nails are tougher than human nails and naturally grow at a pointed shape.
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Temperature Guide
As a Yuan-Ti Pureblood, he is not as cold blooded as more snake-like Yuan-Tis, but that does not exclude him from the dangers of cold weather.
temperature guide for purebloods
100+ degrees is dangerous. If Purebloods cannot find shade quickly, their bodies will begin to shut down after a few hours. Their bodies react akin to getting a high fever
90 to 100 degrees can be uncomfortable for long periods of times without shade. Purebloods may become fatigued after several hours
75 to 90 degrees is ideal. Purebloods function the best at this temp range
60 to 75 degrees is uncomfortable for purebloods, but not dangerous. Their bodies might become a little sluggish, depending on how long they spend in this temp
at 60 degrees, purebloods will look for a tight and safe place to brumate. This place may accommodate many purebloods at the same time, or just one. During beumation, a pureblood’s bodily functions will slow drastically to save energy. Most won’t eat for up to a week. They will only leave their place to get water every few days. From an outside perspective, brumation seems a lot like hibernation.
50 to 60 degrees is ideal for brumation
anything below 50 is deadly after a certain amount of time. Their bodies will shut down.
Thozsa’s Past
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Thozsa was born on the Blood Fang’s island, and as a pureblood, this meant he was practically cattle for the first few years of his life. He spent the first two or three years of his life with other same-aged purebloods being looked after by higher Yuan-Tis. And by looked after, I mean being given the bare amount of food, water and other necessities. For the first years of his life, he was simply kept alive.
Near age four he was upgraded from just being kept alive to being kept alive and taught basic necessities. Necessities like the Yuan-Ti language, the Blood Fang’s functions, the greatness of their deity Sseth, and discipline.
At age six, he began his physical training, working on establishing stuff as little as needed motor skills all the way up to endurance training.
At age eight, he was introduced to Sseth’s magic for the first time. Many other purebloods from his group died at this age- their bodies not surviving the magic.
At age ten, he made it through The Selection- a process in which purebloods who show promising skills are selected for continued training. The rest are used for labor and or sacrifice.
He spent the next ten years of his life training to become a weapon, a tool for the Blood Fang to use as they please. More specifically: a spy. Purebloods who made it through their childhood were sent to the mainland to infiltrate the kingdom and gain valuable intelligence on the inner-workings of the Faetopian government.
At age 20, Thozsa was put through the Trials. The Trials were what decided if of-age Purebloods were ready to infiltrate. There were only two endings to the Trial: death or victory. Thozsa entered the Trials with eight other Purebloods and was the only one to make it out alive.
Nearing age 21, he was sent to the mainland of Faetopia.
For four years he traveled on the down-low from town to town, gathering information in the subtle way of simply observing. However, the longer he worked, the more familiar he became with Faetopia, and the more aggressive he became with his tactics. He soon became semi-known by some people as a bounty hunter. As he gathered information for the Blood Fang, he would earn coin by killing for others, something he was very good at.
At age 25 his name as a bounty hunter had reached the capital. Thankfully, his illegal bounties had stayed underground, but his bounty work for various organizations/guard posts/towns has caught the attention of the Faetopian Royals. He was skilled and they needed someone who’s loyalty could be bought with coin, seeing as no one else could possibly offer more coin than them. And so Thozsa was hired along with a handful of others to be present at the Queen’s baby shower (it was a very big and important event trust me) and keep an eye on the guests. And most importantly, capture/kill anyone who poses a threat. Thozsa takes the job both for the coin and for the sudden inside look he’d get of the capital. The job went successfully. Someone made an attempt on the Queen’s life and Thozsa killed them. Unfortunately though, he’d met the Prince of Faetopia (Aster) at the event, and even more unfortunately, was hired the next day to be the prince’s personal guard. Aster was annoying as fuck. (If the position wasn’t going to give him much needed inside information for the cult, he would have declined it immediately)
Here is where I can give even less detail for fear my fellow party members read this. But the basics I can give are:
Aster drags Thozsa around Faetopia as he does his Princely (and not so Princely) duties.
Aster annoys the shit out of Thozsa, and if it weren’t for his circumstances, he probably would have killed the man already.
What’s weird is that Aster seems to care for Thozsa’s wellbeing even though he’s the guard, not the other way around.
Aster is also very touchy and hugs Thozsa and tries to hold his hand and gets pouty when Thozsa pulls his hand away weird huh
(everyone can guess from my art that these two do in fact grow closer over time, enemies to enemy-lovers to who the fuck knows type beat maybe, but I literally cannot explain any of it without spoilers for my party damn)
Other Info
Incase I didn’t make it clear enough above, Yuan-Ti Purebloods are the lowest of the low in the Blood Fang.
They exhibit the most human traits out of all the Yuan-Ti.
The more snake-like the Yuan-Ti, the higher up they are in authority.
The basis is, their deity, Sseth, is very snake-like. So the more snake-like you are, the closer to Sseth you are.
Some of Thozsa’s likes:
Heat/Warmth (obviously)
Rabbit meat
The smell of frankincense
Soft textures
Some of Thozsa’s dislikes:
Cold (obviously)
Not having control
Small talk
Very open areas
By using his Jacobson’s Organ, he can quite literally smell certain emotions off people.
Some emotions present the emission of certain chemicals that he can detect with the organ.
Though this only works in very close proximity
He has gold caps over his fangs
Being a Pureblood, he cherishes the more snake-like parts of his body.
The gold on his fangs is a way of exemplifying one of his more snake-like aspects.
He cannot see yellow properly.
Something many Purebloods experience is the lack of certain eye cones responsible for detecting yellow (i know this isnt how it works irl leave me alone this is fantasy).
To him, yellow appears dull and near brown.
A yellow daisy is the same color as sand to him.
The thermal pits under his eyes can be overloaded with sensory
By pressing something warm directly onto the pits, thermal energy is being directly input.
It creates a similar effect to shining a flashlight directly into your eyes, except this isn’t painful.
It’s a sensory overload in the sense of all his brain can think is ‘warm, warm, warm, warm’.
In most situations, this is extremely unwanted and disliked, however, if he was ever in an environment he felt completely safe and relaxed in, this sensation would be rather nice.
He never knew his parents.
There is no sense of family in the Blood Fang. Especially for Purebloods
Once a Pureblood is born, they are taken and put with the rest. The parent(s) do not get to watch their child grow up, and it is very likely the child will never know who their parent(s) were in the first place.
Thozsa’s parents have lore in this world and I love them dearly. Their story is heartbreaking.
He sheds his skin
Purebloods shed once around every three years or so.
It’s a bit different to how snakes shed, it’s not a full cohesive full-body at one time thing
The parts of the body that have the most scale coverage shed pretty nicely, the parts that don’t have a lot of scale coverage shed messily.
Leading up the shed, their eyes gain a new layer and fluid becomes trapped between the old layer and the new growing one to protect it as it grows. This leads to Purebloods being almost completely blind for a day or two until the new layer is done growing and the old layer can be shed.
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beatcascadian · 10 years
Oh, the things one finds while browsing porn.
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congregamus · 11 years
We did poppers this evening in my blowjob class.
I forgot what that feels like.
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dxmurei · 1 year
pls go into big detail about all your d&d characters for me :)
Sorry it took me so long to answer this, the idea of explaining all of my dnd characters in one post scared me asdfghjkl but here we go!
Fabled Revelations Campaign
1) Ninnic
Ninnic is one of my favorite characters and my longest running one! I use him for the main campaign and I feel he’s definitely needed there lmao. He’s like the comedic relief? I guess? But plays an important role. Anyway:
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Race: Ratling (homebrew class)
Gender: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual
Class: Fighter: Gunslinger
Height: 5 ft
Age: Unknown, estimated to be around 20
Notes: Doesn’t seem to remember his childhood
Yeah, you read that right. This goofy little no-thoughts guy has a gun. Not only does he have a gun, but it’s the campaign world’s FIRST gun. And he ‘made’ it in partnership with a human engineer named Anastasia. And by made I mean Anastasia made most of it and was running into some troubles with the triggering and Ninnic fiddled with it and accidentally got it to work. And so she kinda just gave it to him.
Just recently in the campaign, the party discovered that he came from a whole town of Ratlings, except that town is abandoned and burned to the ground. Seeing this has started triggering certain memories for Ninnic and he’s slowly starting to remember his past. And, because the party loves him, they’re actively trying to find where the surviving Ratlings are.
One last important note is that he has five mechanical rats that stick with him. He found them in Anastasia’s workshop and he loved them so much she also let him keep them. Even if she didn’t, they probably would have followed him out anyway.
2) Thozsa
Okay, now I’m sure it’s obvious, but Thozsa is my absolute favorite. I use him in a little side campaign with the DM to help flesh out what’s going on in the world outside of the party. Best thing is that he was just a random rolled character for a one-shot. The DM held a one-shot for a little event at the Faetopian kingdom’s capital and needed us to make guards. And I didn’t feel like making a new character so I just clicked randomize on Dungeon Master’s Vault. And that gave be the base for Thozsa.
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Race: Yuan-Ti Pureblood
Gender: Trans Man (He/Him)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Class: Cleric (Blood Domain)
Height: 5 ft 10
Age: 25
Notes: He’s got a very very very dark past and motive that I cannot explain atm
There’s so many things that I can’t go into detail with cause it’ll spoil shit for the main party, but I’ll share what I can say.
He caught the Prince of Faetopia’s eye by harassing him at the before mentioned event. (Bro had no idea it was the prince). The Queen noted that Thozsa had been a very capable guard and had talked with Price Astervian and decided it’d be a fantastic idea to assign Thozsa as Astervian’s personal guard. Thozsa hated the guy but the position was very beneficial for him so he took it. Although he was constantly on the brink of quitting because Aster is so goddamn annoying.
But you know, enemies to lovers, traveling together, only one bed oops, trauma unpacking, etc. All those tropes. And now they’re inseparable :) Aster still annoys the shit out of Thozsa, but he endures it instead of threatening to quit.
Vistar Campaign
1) Byakko
I have a love hate relationship with this guy. His character is very cool in my oppinion but VERY hard to play. My favorite thing about him though is that he has lycanthropy :) basically,, he’s a weretiger
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Race: Human
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Aromantic and Asexual
Class: Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Height: 5 ft 7
Age: Unknown but estimated early 20s
Notes: Remembers nothing before he contracted Lycanthropy
Earlier in the campaign, he had a very hard time controlling his lycanthropy. Anytime he was emotionally negative, he was at risk of turning against his will. For example, fear, anger, stress, etc. Now, however, he can mostly control it! He’s also gotten better at controlling himself while in his tiger form.
His character is supposed to be a little silly because of the juxtaposition between his large, intimidating, badass tiger form, and then his scrawnyass timid human form.
Anyway, I really like him, but trying to play someone so anxious and timid is hard in dnd, at least for me it is.
2) Ambrym
This guy was made for a little one-shot session and he’s basically a joke.
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Race: Fire Genasi
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: ?
Class: Fighter
Height: 6 ft 7
Age: 27
Notes: When he gets frustrated he accidentally sets things on fire
The one-shot took place in a great library in Vistar, and my character’s whole deal was that he really liked reading, but he sets things on fire almost constantly. And books are flamable, so…. you get the picture
Anyway, he ended up actually helping defend the library and it’s owner from an attack so now he has a job there as security lmao
Blight of Man Campaign
1) Dr. Shai Sarhan
Okay, so this isn’t dnd, but it's a ttrpg so in my book it counts. Dr. Sarhan is a xenobiologist at SARO (Supernatural and Alien Research Organization), which was basically treated as a joke until the literal apocalypse happened and now SARO is on the front lines of saving the world. He’s currently stationed in Geneva with the other survivors of SARO and the UNE (United Nations of Earth).
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Ethnicity: Egyptian-American
Gender: Trans Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Panromantic, Graysexual
Occupation: Xenobiologist and Lead Researcher of the SARO division
Height: 6 ft 4
Age: 28
Notes: Alcoholic
This guy is a mess. He had a solid future going for him as an astrobiology grad student, but got kicked out of his ivy-league school because of a “mental break.” He was about a year away from getting his doctorate. Luckily for him (or unluckily) SARO took notice of his research and recruited him when no one else wanted to give him a job. He worked there as an astrobiologist and xenobiologist and completed an odd dual program that rewarded him with his doctoral degree in xenobiology (he’s still not sure if it’s real or not but he’ll use the title while he can). This guy worked in a small underfunded lab for several years with less than favorable coworkers until actual aliens invaded Earth. Now, his research on alien biology is getting put to real use and is highly valued. He’s getting the recognition he always wanted, but at a terrible price. Dude was a light alcoholic before the apocalypse started, but it’s gotten worse since. He heavily relies on it to get to sleep at night. Between that, the rate at which he overworks himself, and the traumatic things he has to witness on a weekly basis, he’s a fatigued, grumpy mess.
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designnurd · 11 years
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