pcstwick · 4 years
a long owed apology.
hi, there. this is kier ( pcstwick, eternahop, faeriefound, flygontm ). this will be my last post for a very long time, but one that i have increasingly felt the need to make. this is a post addressing and apologising for the behaviour i displayed last may in the pokemon rpc, as it was not - and will never be - acceptable. i fully understand if this apology is not accepted, and i accept full responsibility for how my actions at the time harmed those around me. 
[  read the full document here.   ]
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gcttacatchemall · 5 years
@faeriefound​ || cont? >yes
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[🥀] Well now they certainly weren’t going to tell the Chairman that. After all, it would spell bad news for both of them.
“I may have made sure that your room was fully stocked with your favourite food in case he decides to ground you as punishment.”
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lieblxng · 5 years
he's just going to run up to rose and stare him directly in the eyes without a single hint of fear. "fuck."
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“Y-young Bede, did you just do that?! Did you just say that?!”
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“Please don’t do that again, that’s quite upsetting! I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed. I was planning something special for you as well, but maybe with this incident, I’ll hold it back until your language cleans up. I’m deeply sorry, Bede, but you’re better than this.” /
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welcometrainers · 5 years
“Excuse me young sir,”
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When passing by, Will couldn’t help but catch the sour aura of the stranger. On a good day such as this, his powers were fairly restrained from being distracted. It made him feel this kid was in quite the odd mood. “Forgive my intrusion of your day, but you seem to be somewhat out of sorts amongst the crowed. If you’re in no hurry, I could provide some lighthearted entertainment.”
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gildedcrown · 5 years
@faeriefound​ liked for a doodle!
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prisonrose · 5 years
faeriefound replied to your post “I just want to know if I’d be any good!”
"dad, you're grounded."
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“HAHA! You’ve activated my face down trap card!”
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“Go to your room.”
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pinkrival · 5 years
               there are colors now.
               they thread through the featureless ground like      ( tree roots ) veins, thrumming gently to a heartbeat that isn’t your own — yet in the same breath, is yours like nothing else could ever hope to be.
               the first tendrils to shoot through the ground come in a lovely rose gold color. you watch, from your nest of camellia flowers, wondering why the shade invokes such a sense of peace. you feel protected, in a way you can’t quite explain, and the sensation of feeling anything at all is such an odd thing that you actually stand up to investigate. you trace translucent fingers across the roots invading your empty space, and a wave of warmth washes over you in return. it’s revitalizing, and you suppose that should be a good thing      ( you were starting to become awfully tired ) but for the strangest reason, there’s a feeling of dread stirring within your chest. you aren’t sure why, but seeing this scares you. words rise up in your throat, but you lack the will to voice them.
               rose gold is soon joined by lavender — and this hue also invokes that odd sense of familiarity in you. more importantly, it brings with it fresh strength and anxiety in equal measures. you ball one hand into a fist and smack the side of your head, once, twice, three times. remember. you have to remember.      ( stop. ) you almost do, until coral red suddenly shoots through the ground, intertwining with the others. it’s the final push you need.
               for one, fleeting moment, oberon is in control. he is conscious — so horribly, painfully conscious of everything going on around him. what it means. what is happening. and he is seething.
                ❝ LET THEM GO! ❞ massive cracks shoot out from where he stands, violently ripping gouges through the featureless ground. the entire dreamscape shudders from the influx of his white-hot fury, as if threatening to crumble around him. ❝ STOP HURTING THEM! THEY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS! YOU WANTED ME! ❞ but that is just the problem, isn’t it? the tangle wants oberon — yet its favorite child is a fragile, mortal thing. human, in a way many of his reflections aren’t. even the weight of glimwood’s magic is nearly enough to crush him into powder. it’s a bit like taking the batteries out of one toy to replenish another — using their lifeforce as kindling to fuel oberon’s own flickering flame. a necessary sacrifice, to preserve its prized possession.
               he hates it. he screams incomprehensibly to vent his fury, ripping the dreamscape      ( ripping his prison ) to shreds. the air is on fire — cinders whirling through a scorching, howling wind that only exists now because oberon wills it to. lightning strikes the shaking earth at random. the holes in the ground fill with sizzling magma, then spill over. in the real world, the tangle’s vines shudder from the sheer force of his anger as oberon does everything in his power to break free.
               and you do. you sink to your knees — sink to the pristine, undamaged ground immediately. your mind is just as blank as the floor, and you struggle to remember what you were doing beforehand.      ( you struggle, until you decide to stop struggling altogether as the will quickly leaves you. )
               you trace a fading hand across the colors, and wonder why they feel so familiar.
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pokecommunitycenter · 5 years
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@faeriefound​ - An Anon Sent Some Love !
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Shoutout to faeriefound for having such a unique and well written take on Bede! I love the Champion AU that have for him, and how they've written and tied together all the components of Bede to make him into such a multidimensional character! Keep up the good work Kier! - Anonymous
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swordbond-a · 5 years
✩ | @faeriefound​ liked for a starter!
Glimwood tangle was rightfully an area that Victor dreaded traveling through, mainly because of his fear of the dark that he was too embarrassed to admit.  Even with the luminescence of the flora around, his skin would prick with anxiety every step he took further into the tangle.
Though something gave him a semblance of hope, that familiar curled hair seeming as soft as a Wooloo, Vic wasted no time making a beeline for someone he hoped would ease his nerves a little.
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“Bede-!  Thank goodness, thought I was about ta get lost in here!”
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faerival · 5 years
faeriefound replied to your post: 【 妖精 】   ❝ I wonder, if we kiss our reflections,...
“… want to find out?”
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【 妖精 】   ❝ For someone who was boasting about how anyone would love to kiss him, it looks like it’s actually you who is desperate to get the AFFECTION that you crave. ❞
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lxngfxrgxtten · 5 years
"i met oberon earlier today in the tangle." cupid grins, holds out a package tied neatly with a bow. "he told me to give you this - some sort of gift, i assume?" perhaps she would believe it if he brought his alternate into it; surely six had a weak spot.
{一人で}➺ Something doesn’t FEEL RIGHT ABOUT THIS. Why would Oberon give someone else a gift to get to her? Normally he GAVE IT TO HER HIMSELF, or had it sent to her hotel. The mention of the Tangle THROWS HER OFF TOO, a strange place for even stranger fairies. She wasn’t buying it.
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{再び行った}➺ “I… think I’m good. Ya can tell Oberon ta drop it off at my hotel, or I’ll come pick it up later. I got somewhere ta be.”
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multibunmuses · 5 years
faeriefound replied to your post: pinkrival replied to your post: ...
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“Yeah...? Can I help you?
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moonblcst · 5 years
Send me ‘✍’ and I will draw your muse horribly on MSPaint
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destinycaught · 5 years
faeriefound replied to your post: bede vc: i will be the gym leader charged with a...
… this bede already has a criminal record and honestly it’s best not to ask questions
wow ur bede is before the curve ! rise up bede squad && prove yourselves !
 , , ,  im thinking. not ask questions 100 percent makes me think murder.
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spectershy · 5 years
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oh ! it’s bede. you don’t know what he’s doing in stow-on-side, nor do you know what business he has with you, but you don’t say or sign that. you merely tilt your head to the side. whatever he has to say to you, you’ll certain listen to it, regardless of what it make be. you can’t help but wonder if you’ve disappointed him somehow. everyone within galar knows that bede has high expectations, and you, the youngest gym leader, aren’t sure if you’re able to reach them. at least, not at your current age.
you have half a mind to ask, but.. that’d be rude. then again, isn’t not talking to him rude in the first place? it’s not like you’re ignoring him, but it can certainly seem that way. you’re starting to feel a little anxious. it only worsens when you realize that you’re acting ...weird, as your mother calls it. so you try to stop your swaying until bede at least begins to speak.
you make a noise of acknowledgement, just so it’s clear you’re listening. whatever bede’s here for, it must be important.
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prisonrose · 5 years
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I nearly forgot to do this but I wanted to enter @spykemuth​‘s lil contest for the Shiny Goth Cake Lady, so here we go. I heard that the cap is three entries, so here’s three people chosen at random that I’d give my life for (but honestly I’d give my life for any of you guys so dw if you’re not mentioned.)
First up is @faeriefound​. Kier is a precious angel babby and I wish that they knew how much everyone loved them, but I understand that sometimes brains are just bullies! They’ve had a rough life and a rougher past few weeks so I hope in my heart and soul that no matter what, they know there are people in this fandom who love and want the best for them. They were my second ever Bede I interacted with, currently hold the record for the most IC non crack interactions on the blog, and are definitely someone I care about a whole heck of a lot!
Next is @pinkrival​, the one who enabled me to make this blog in the first place. I’ll be honest with you guys, Rose was not someone I like. Had any interest in picking up at first. Like, at all. If anything, I was wholeheartedly against it. I thought he was bland af and just assumed I had no real opinions on him. But then I invaded Pen’s ask box as Rose Anon, and found out that I did have some pretty strong opinions on this guy and a somewhat unique take on him. I still naively believed that I wasn’t going to “get too deep into his character” but that was an absolute lie, as it always is. So thank you, Pen, for being the reason behind my current obsession, and I’ll enjoy sending your blog into chaos at random for the months to come. :3c
Last but definitely not least is Purest Sunshine In The Universe @everstcne​, who is someone I’ve grown super close to recently. I love it when you come in my DMs on Discord to share soft headcanons and we get to scream about our OCs and stuff! I’m generally kinda shy about sharing things about my OCs (which is probably why Avery is currently on life support, RIP) because... Well I grew up forced to write with a bunch of terrible self inserts and it just kinda stained my opinion of them for a while. But I’ve slowly been getting into doing that for myself, and I’m glad that I have Casey’s awesome portrayal or Rick, along with the other great OCs in the fandom that I look up to as well (I SEE Y’ALL. THERE’S TOO MANY TO SHOUT OUT IN THIS POST BUT I SEE Y’ALL!!!!!!!)
Thanks for 2 great months and some change, everybody! I really appreciate your love and support! 
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