surgicshare · 2 years
5. Post your Observership and Upcoming Observership Course
• Surgeons can post their observership course by typing in some basic details like the specialty, fee details, start and end date, number of participants, attach brochure/agenda etc.
• Students interested can register for the observership course and attend the same or if required, they can also request for an observership course from the faculty of their choice
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techyblogger · 6 years
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Site IA Updates, Google searches turns up old URLs https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/b2lvnq/site_ia_updates_google_searches_turns_up_old_urls/
I've just recently assumed a role as a web strategist for a large institution academic institution with a lot of subdomains for their various departments. These subdomains are by and large considered their own standalone sites and thus get updated individually over time. At this point, we probably average 2 major site builds/redesigns a month. Typically, these sites go into staging hidden from the public, the content gets added, the new one goes live, the old one comes down and the new sitemap is submitted to Google and everything is great.
Except, that isn't the case anymore. Since November, all of our new/updated sites are showing both their new URLs and old URLs in google searches. For example, if a faculty member's biography was once linked under website.com/people/faculty-name but it's now under website.com/faculty/facultyname, google shows both URLs in a search for that faculty member. The short term solution to keep things running has been to throw in redirects but that is not sustainable with most sites, especially large departments.
It may be worth noting that a couple of the sites that have had robust redirects put in place have stopped returning the old URLs recently.
Tl;dr, changes to our sites' IAs have caused google to return both the new and old URLs for content, even with us updating the site maps multiple times.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Even if you don't have any idea but you have a different process for getting Google to recognize changes to your IA, I'm all ears (or eyes since this is Reddit and all).
submitted by /u/dogmomwebdev [link] [comments] March 18, 2019 at 11:31PM
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