#factors that influence treatment outcomes
totesmag · 2 years
The Connection Between Basic Science and Clinical Research in Improving Health Outcomes
Explanation of the topic Medical research is a broad field that encompasses a wide range of studies and activities aimed at advancing knowledge and improving health outcomes. From basic science research that explores the fundamental mechanisms of disease, to clinical research that tests new treatments in real-world settings, medical research plays a crucial role in shaping the future of…
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charmedreincarnation · 8 months
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Let me share you some examples of people outside of a spiritual realm using the law of consciousness. Reading about placebo opened my eyes to realize whether I believe it or not, use it or not, it is always operating.
1. During wartime, particularly in World War II, when medical supplies were limited, the use of a saline solution as a placebo became prevalent. One notable figure associated with this practice is Henry Beecher, a medic during the war. When morphine, a powerful painkiller, was scarce, Beecher resorted to injecting injured soldiers with a saline solution (a mixture of salt and water) as a substitute.The fascinating observation was that many soldiers responded positively to the saline placebo, reporting a reduction in pain. Beecher’s experience led him to further investigate what is now known as the placebo effect. He discovered that even inert substances like saline could elicit a therapeutic response in individuals, highlighting the power of belief and the mind’s influence on healing. Using saline as a placebo during wartime was a practical solution to address the scarcity of medical resources. It allowed healthcare providers to provide some form of treatment while conserving limited supplies for critical cases. The phenomenon observed in these wartime placebo administrations contributed to our understanding of the placebo effect and its role in medical practices.
2. And then there was another placebo test done with surgeries demonstrated the power of the placebo effect in the context of surgical interventions for knee pain.
The study, often referred to as the “fake leg surgery” study, focused on patients with osteoarthritis in the knee. Participants were randomly assigned to either receive real arthroscopic surgery or undergo a sham procedure where no actual surgical intervention took place. The sham surgery involved making small incisions and mimicking the actions and sounds associated with the actual procedure.The surprising finding was that both groups, those who underwent real surgery and those who had the sham surgery, reported similar improvements in their knee pain and functionality. This suggested that the positive outcomes experienced by the participants were not necessarily due to the physical intervention but rather to psychological factors such as the placebo effect.
3. The most fascinating one was this one: The study aimed to explore the role of mindset in reversing some aspects of aging.
In this experiment, Langer and her team created a simulated environment reminiscent of the 1950s to immerse a group of elderly participants. The participants were instructed to act as though they were 20 years younger and encouraged to engage in activities that required physical and mental activity. It aimed to create an atmosphere where the participants felt as if they were stepping back in time.The results of the experiment were described as astonishing. Participants reportedly experienced improvements in various areas, including physical health, cognition, and overall well-being. The study suggested that by changing one’s mindset and engaging in an environment that challenges typical aging stereotypes, individuals may experience positive effects on various aspects of their lives.
4. The Man Who Overdosed on Placebo" is a story about a 26-year-old man, often referred to as "Mr. A," who was part of a clinical trial for an antidepressant drug. In a desperate state of mind, he attempted suicide by ingesting 29 capsules of what he believed to be the experimental drug. This act was triggered by his depression, which had worsened after a breakup with his girlfriend.
However, unbeknownst to him, the pills he had taken were not the actual antidepressant, but rather placebos - essentially inert substances, often sugar pills, used in clinical trials as a control group. Despite this, Mr. A's vitals showed alarming signs similar to those of a drug overdose, reflecting the power of belief over the physical body, a phenomenon known as the "nocebo effect."
The nocebo effect is essentially the evil twin of the placebo effect. While the placebo effect can lead to improvements in health due to positive expectations, the nocebo effect can cause negative symptoms or even exacerbate existing ones due to negative expectations. In this case, Mr. A exhibited symptoms of an overdose solely because he believed he had taken an overdose.
5. Sam Londe, is one of the best but sad classic example of the nocebo effect, as detailed in Dr. Joe Dispenza's book "You Are the Placebo."
Sam Londe was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, a condition known for its grim prognosis. His doctors informed him that he didn't have much time left to live. Accepting this diagnosis, Londe quickly became bedridden and his health deteriorated rapidly, following the trajectory his doctors had predicted.However, upon his death, an autopsy revealed a surprising fact: there was not enough cancer in his body to have caused his death. The small tumor in his esophagus was not large enough or in a position to interfere with his swallowing or breathing. Essentially, Londe didn't die from cancer; he died from believing he was dying of cancer.
This case demonstrates the power of the mind over the body, both positively (the placebo effect) and negatively (the nocebo effect). In this case, Londe's negative beliefs about his prognosis led to physical symptoms and ultimately his death.
I've seen dozens of examples where of stuff like this particularly in the realms of hexing and witchcraft. Honestly, the same could probably be said about subliminals. But it doesn't matter much.Why? Because they work. It's all about observation and choice. You could say it’s the mind but the mind operates on logic. This goes beyond the mind and to your true being, what observes the mind observing the pain in the first place.
Actually I was talking to someone who had been struggling with shifting for a while about this and it really resonated with her which is why I decided to share it. She took a water bottle, labeled it shifting juice and just assumed that when she finishes the bottle she has “full access to shifting powers” is that how it works. Nope. Did she shift after two years of struggling. Yep. It doesn’t matter what story you create yourself whether you want to use logic or not whatever you assume and persist in and know as a fact will harden into truth and therefore reality.I just wanted to share this story bc I find it absolutely hilarious how we sometimes take it so seriously yet it can be so easy. I know placebo is just an assumption. It’s like when you tell children you checked under their bed for the monsters and drafted them and they assume so so they can sleep soundly at night. Call it whatever you want assumption, placebo, it’s all just words and each community calls it something different but at the end of the day it works wether you know the truth behind it or not.
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
No Amount of Hand-Washing Can Make COVID-19 a Seasonal Virus - Published Aug 14, 2024
Needless to say, words have meaning. The selection of words modulates the message understood by the receiver. With regard to COVID, terms such as “seasonal”, “like a cold”, and “like the flu” can be selected by writers to paint a portrait that lulls the reader into a false sense of security, drawing comparisons between a virus that has been around for less than five years to other viruses or conditions with respect to which the audience has grown familiar with. Moreover, even stock photos selected for certain news articles can subtly influence your response to the content expressed in that piece. A selected photo of a person gently cradling a tissue paper over their nose, instead of a person waiting for treatment in the ER, may give off the impression that they are harmlessly recovering from a tear-jerking soap opera instead of from a viral illness. In fact, we want to believe that COVID-19 is as gentle as a cold, as this outcome is far more pleasing, so this skewed presentation of the risk is far more palatable than what is expressed in the scientific literature.
However, COVID-19 is not a cold or the flu. Understanding that this virus is not a seasonal nuisance like the common cold is crucial in the fight against it, as explained herein.
We emphasize that the purpose of this piece is to correct some of the language circulating in the media and to arm you with accurate information so that you can make reasoned decisions that are aligned with your health goals. As much as an athlete who is training for a triathlon may want to avoid regularly smoking or taking recreational drugs, COVID-19 should be factored into your day-to-day health decisions, especially if you are conscious about achieving a greater healthy lifespan.
But before delving into a comparison between COVID-19 and the flu, here is a primer on COVID-19.
A COVID-19 Primer Long Term Risk COVID-19 continues to present an important risk to your long-term health. This means that after you test negative, you can still develop medical conditions or disorders that can impact your quality of life as a result of that COVID infection. In other words, the cost of COVID on your life is not just the loss that you experience as you wait for your negative test. While individuals can remain infectious for an average of 10 days [1], the disease often takes a toll that can manifest months to even years after your acute-stage infection. COVID can take away the opportunity of a professional athlete to join a national team, or from competing in an Olympic event for which the athlete has been training for years [2]. COVID can rob a doctor, a nurse, a teacher, or a lawyer, of a successful career. COVID can disrupt the health of a family. And this can happen after every infection, not just after your first infection. The odds of developing long-term conditions add up after each infection. Despite reducing the risk to varying degrees ranging from 15% to 50%, vaccinations do not eliminate the problem. For these reasons, it is important for you to appreciate how, and when, COVID circulates and can infect you.
How Do You Catch COVID? COVID spreads principally through the air. This means that handwashing is not the key solution for keeping you safe from COVID. Now, handwashing is a good practice, but you need to become mindful of the air that you breathe in order to protect your health and future, as well as those of your loved ones, from this disease. Just like you would not drink stagnant water from a pond in the city, do not inhale unfiltered dirty air. You can filter your air by wearing N95 masks (respirators) or better. Favor outdoor air over indoor air. Clean the indoor air by using HEPA filters to remove the virus. Dilute contaminated indoor air by bringing in clean outdoor air through ventilation. The World Health Network has released numerous resources on this topic [3-5].
When Does COVID Spread? The Myth Regarding Seasonality News outlets have been circulating the premise that COVID is a seasonal virus, with little-to-no transmission during the warmer days of the year. However, at the time of writing this piece, in Summer 2024, the U.S., the UK, and many countries around the world are currently experiencing a major COVID wave.
We have learned over the last few years that COVID-19 does not follow seasonal patterns. COVID waves are not merely a fall or winter phenomenon, nor do they follow any other predictable seasonal pattern.
This distinction from seasonal pathogens, such as influenza, is crucial for several reasons and highlights the unique challenges and dangers posed by this novel coronavirus. As seasonal viruses infect people predominantly in the cold winter months, this makes those colder months more dangerous and other months less dangerous for those viruses. Examples of such diseases include the flu, rhinovirus, RSV, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, enteroviruses, and human metapneumovirus.
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By: Christina Buttons
Published: Jun 9, 2024
A newly published review in a prestigious medical journal has found that many studies on hormonal treatments for children with gender dysphoria have exaggerated their benefits. The analysis, led by Kathleen McDeavitt from the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine, revealed that many studies presented positive conclusions about hormonal interventions even when the findings were insignificant, small, or even negative.
Proponents of early medical transition argue it can reduce suicide risk, often describing hormonal interventions as “life-saving care.” However, McDeavitt's review of 14 long-term studies reveals that the majority did not find improvements in depression or suicidality. In fact, the largest study included in the review reported worse outcomes for depression, an increase in psychiatric visits for suicidality, and a significant rise in antidepressant use after starting hormonal treatments.
For this review, studies were included if they involved pediatric-age patients with gender dysphoria who were taking puberty blockers and/or cross-sex hormones, were longitudinal in methodology, were conducted in a clinical research setting, and reported outcomes related to depression and/or suicidality. 
Despite being longitudinal, the studies reviewed had short follow-up periods, with half spanning one year or less. Notably, the longest follow-up time, found in two older Dutch studies, spanned six years. This is significant because, given the novelty of this protocol, longer-term data is extremely rare, and transition regret and detransition often occur between four to eight years after transitioning.
Out of the 14 studies reviewed, five had negative outcomes for depression and three had negative outcomes for suicidality. Out of the 13 studies that reported depression outcomes, less than half (six) found positive results; and when positive results were found, the improvements were relatively minor. Notably, in two of these six studies, the improvement was seen in one sex but not the other. 
A recent Finnish study that looked specifically at suicidality found that suicide mortality in this population was rare and did not differ from the general population when controlling for mental health conditions. The researchers concluded there was no evidence to suggest that hormonal interventions prevented suicide.
A key issue discussed in this review is that all the studies were observational, meaning causal factors cannot be inferred because their results can be easily influenced by other variables. Positive results could be due to factors like therapy, medications, support from treatment teams, or other unrelated influences, rather than the hormonal treatments themselves. Because of this, it's hard to say for sure if the treatments caused the improvements. Despite this, many studies, even those with minor or even negative findings, still somehow concluded that the treatments were beneficial.
A strength of this review is that it compared what each study concluded with what the actual results showed. This uncovered a pattern of exaggerating the importance of certain findings, such as being quick to credit hormonal treatments for positive results and focusing more on positive findings than negative ones. For example, the Tordoff et al. study claimed there was clear evidence of improvement, even though the results showed no significant change in depression or suicidality over time. The six studies that reported positive results were not very meaningful, with half showing only small decreases in depression scores.
McDeavitt's findings suggest that the actual impact of hormonal treatments on depression and suicidality in children with gender dysphoria remains unclear. This directly contradicts claims by activists and large US medical institutions that the research consistently shows mental health benefits. The review calls for more rigorous, high-quality research to truly understand the benefits and risks of these treatments.
Following the U.K.'s Cass Review and associated systematic evidence reviews, which found "remarkably weak" evidence supporting medical interventions for gender transition in minors, public health authorities around the world have begun restricting medical transition or reevaluating their stance. However, medical organizations in the United States remain an outlier, showing reluctance to align their guidelines with the best available evidence.
Aim Systematic literature reviews have found the evidence for hormonal interventions in paediatric-age patients with gender dysphoria is of low certainty. Studies in this field have all been observational, and generally of low quality. Nevertheless, some experts assert that the observational studies in this field have consistently found improvement in mental health, and therefore constitute sufficient evidentiary basis for hormonal interventions. The present review sought to characterise results of the longitudinal clinical research studies that have reported depression and suicidality outcomes.
Methods The present review collated, from examination of six existing reviews, 14 longitudinal clinical research studies that have specifically investigated depression and/or suicidality outcomes.
Results Significantly positive depression outcomes were reported in six studies, and significantly positive suicidality outcomes in two studies. Outcomes were negative in the largest study. Notably, some studies articulated positive conclusions about hormonal interventions even in the setting of insignificant, small or negative findings.
Conclusions Analysis of longitudinal clinical research in this field showed inconsistent demonstration of benefit with respect to depression and suicidality. This analysis suggests that, contrary to assertions of some experts and North American professional medical organisations, the impact of hormonal interventions on depression and suicidality in this population is unknown.
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scaryinclusive · 10 months
by @scaryinclusive.
topic: c-ptsd & ptsd. symptom discussed: nightmares.
to begin with, it's important to make the distinction between c-ptsd and ptsd. just because c-ptsd means complex-post traumatic stress disorder doesn't mean ptsd isn't complex on its own. the most notable difference is that, while ptsd is typically brought on by a single, traumatic event, c-ptsd is chronic trauma, that has been drip-fed over time ( long-term ) or that occurred repeatedly over a period of time. it could be easy to confuse the two, or not make a point of defining them, however they are different conditions and require differing support and treatments.
it is entirely possible to develop both disorders together, from a singular event alongside a long-term series of events. because of many of their symptoms being shared / similar, typically time-frame is the deciding factor in diagnosis. that being said, c-ptsd may require prolonged, more intensive treatment due to the traumatic event occurring repeatedly or for a long time, effectively being more complex to overcome. here is a useful link further explaining the differences, similarities and treatments of c-ptsd and ptsd.
one symptom common in both disorders is re-experiencing the trauma through intrusive nightmares. and it's the accurate writing and portrayal of these nightmares that i'll be focusing on in this post. dreams are often a way for our subconscious to process details of any event, traumatic or not, whether that be to refine details, understand motives, notice things you maybe hadn't before or recreate the narrative in an attempt to reassure oneself. nightmares, specifically when repeated, can represent the body and mind struggling to break down and process trauma — this is when treatment or support is usually sought out.
it should be noted that nightmares don't last forever and can be manageable through treatment of the disorder itself. ptsd nightmares may subside after some weeks or months of consistent treatment ( that doesn't mean you won't ever have them again, but you will likely become more desensitised to them ) whereas c-ptsd nightmares may continue for years post-events due to the body and mind struggling to desensitise, an outcome of chronic hyperarousal. depending on which your character has, or if they have both, results may vary. for detailed information on various self-adaptations to reduce or ease trauma-related nightmares, read this. your character may implement some of these to assist in a better night's sleep.
it's helpful to acknowledge the ways in which your character might experience nightmares. media ( movies, books, music videos etc ) is an easy source to turn to for influence and inspiration, but it's vital to recognise trauma-related disorders are a spectrum and no one individual experiences trauma the same. a lot of media leans towards the rather stereotypical, but valid nonetheless, representation of individuals startling awake, maybe with a gasp, jolt or even a scream. this can happen for those less desensitised to their trauma, or to those new to it ( a recent event or sudden awareness of childhood trauma ), but there are other behaviours less talked about, and exploring these for your character can be the difference between stereotyping them or expanding into new territory.
here is a list of tips to consider when writing trauma-related nightmares and waking from them, for your character:
if an individual's hyperarousal is decreasing overtime, or they're becoming more desensitised to their nightmares or trauma in general, they might experience more subdued feelings and sensations within their dream-state, such as concern, worry, nervousness, caution or reluctance. they might wake from their nightmares feeling reserved, aware of their surroundings, uncomfortable or unnerved. they might wake like nothing happened, quickly recovering and proceeding with their day. it's also possible they may wake and maintain an external mask of 'feeling fine', but are internally disturbed, unsettled, anxious or feel unsafe for the rest of the day.
it's common for the intensity of the traumatic event to correlate with the intensity of reliving it. these disorders are heavily based around fear, regardless of how subdued or extreme ( depending on hyperarousal state ), and therefore reactivity upon awakening can be as pronounced as reactivity during the event or the complete opposite end of the scale.
they're not one-size fits all diagnoses. symptoms may vary depending on the trauma itself. for example, an abuse survivor may experience differing symptoms to a war veteran. an individual that suffered a traumatic crash might exhibit different symptoms to a survivor of an animal attack. this doesn't make one worse or more severe than the other, fear is experienced uniquely for every individual and thus intensity is too. the same way a character with a minimalised or desensitised fear response might experience trauma differently to someone with a typical fear response, despite living through the same trauma, etc.
your character might compartmentalise. if this is the case, they essentially shut away the fear to be processed for another time — or not at all. and this isn't always by choice, as it can be entirely subconscious. this can give the impression that they remain unaffected by the nightmare, when really they're either choosing not to face it or involuntarily protecting themselves. equally, your character might not be able to stop looping the nightmare in their head for the coming days and weeks. it's important to note that this repetition can weigh on you, making you tired, short-tempered, reactive or hyperaware, etc. it might impact interactions with other characters or with your character's own self. tolerance, patience, decision making and sense of control might shift. it might influence the decision to turn to substance abuse or general medication.
it's very important to acknowledge that nightmares themselves can vary. in perspective, intention, location, meaning — for example, an abuse survivor's nightmare might place them into the role of the abuser ( for intentions such as trying to comprehend their abuser's actions through their own self. ) a crash survivor might perceive the event from an outsider's perspective, or from the perspective of the other individual involved. there are also cases where familiar faces, friends, family, trusted people, etc, might step into an abusive, inappropriate or exploitative role — potentially as a way for the mind to process injustice or the enabling of a traumatic event. nightmares that enact, re-enact or represent inappropriate / taboo things can be extremely difficult to experience, as individuals may feel they can't safely discuss them without judgement or abandonment. this can lead to feelings of shame, self-doubt and confusion.
it's also not uncommon for nightmares to make little sense. individuals responsible for your character's trauma might simply make an appearance, their presence being enough to unnerve but not necessarily an active participant in the nightmare. additionally, your character might be witness to a traumatic event that happened to them in their nightmare, or hear about it on the news etc rather than a direct experience.
these disorders can be co-morbid with other conditions / disorders. going off of this, it's worth considering the fact that nightmares can impact sleep — whether that be ability, willingness / desire or consistency. maybe your character needs medical assistance in sleeping, faces insomnia or restlessness, can't stay asleep or sleeps for too long. maybe they have to nap regularly due to a lack of sleep or mental / physical exhaustion ( because nightmares can make you feel as though you haven't slept when you have ), or they feel wired and hyperaroused and can't focus or concentrate when awake. sleep-walking is another one to consider. it can also trigger the development of physical illness.
nightmares can feel extremely real. waking up doesn't always provide relief. that being said, waking up naturally can sometimes mean you're less likely to remember than if you were to be woken or were to wake yourself. this varies for each individual. because of this, the ability to come down from a nightmare varies. sometimes, routines can help — calming processes to encourage relaxation, or things such as video games or reading to provide distractions, etc. it is possible for nightmares to trigger other symptoms, upon waking.
while it's entirely possible, and valid, to explore your character waking violently ( physical violence ) as this can happen for some, this is a stereotype portrayed in a lot of media that depicts ptsd and c-ptsd havers as aggressive, violent or dangerous. equally, violent action doesn't always mean violent intention or desire. please be cautious and respectful of enabling stereotypes such as these, they do create stigma. if you decide to pursue physical reactivity to nightmares for your character, be sure to do your research rather than copying what you saw in a movie.
overall, it's important you make the effort to correctly and respectfully portray your characters' ptsd and / or c-ptsd, regardless of whether they're a side character or primary, instead of leaning into stereotypes and potential stigma. and if you're ever unsure, ask! no one should get upset at you for wanting to learn more, as long as you've tried to find out first, because the mental health community isn't your own personal encyclopaedia.
i'd appreciate no one adding to this post but you're more than welcome to reblog. instead, if you have something you feel could be a beneficial addition, send it over to my asks! i'd like to avoid the risk of misinformation being spread where possible.
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orchidbreezefc · 1 year
the real problem with propagation: observation collapsing potentialities
time for another theory about the mechanics of time travel in woe.begone! the first one is [here]. i'm pretty confident that we've really cracked the case this time. thanks @solipsistful , @fortunechaos , and @whirlwindsworld for helping hammer this out!
let's talk about schrödinger's cat; the actual proposal, in which the cat literally is both dead and alive until the box is opened. both outcomes are actually, literally real, so long as you don't know which one it is. once you open that box and find out for sure, that becomes the only real outcome; the alternative is erased. the very observation of a state is what ensures it.
i believe propagation boils down to being such an observation, and that's why it's dangerous. knowing about an event prior to its occurrence sets that event in stone. knowing the outcome makes it the only real outcome; the alternative is erased.
some events in w.bg appear to be inevitable in every timeline. history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. you can change or remove the causal factors that lead to certain events happening, and circumstances rearrange themselves so that the event happens anyway. even if you take away the instigator, 357A still explodes, and hunter still receives a scar. even if you take michael out of the timeline, cowboy influence still leaks in. even if you take mike walters out of the timeline--well. it seems like you can't.
i believe these inevitable events, these cross-timeline constants, were each caused by propagation. mike gets the cauliflower ear in different circumstances than the ones in which michael got his--we don't know how different, but michael's circumstances didn't involve two other mikes present, so, definitely different. the cauliflower ear seems inevitable. it's also an example of propagation--mike sees michael with this injury before it happens to himself. the awareness of this injury is propagated into 2022 through michael's mere visibility, and so becomes inevitable.
consider also edgar's death. michael is excruciatingly clear that it's inevitable--there is no way to prevent it with time meddling, because if there were, he would have found it. he spent 2 years trying. he probably dragged edgar to an MRI every month to pinpoint the exact day the brain bleed manifested, and then tried every form of treatment, catching it as early as temporally possible. nothing worked. michael is very clear that this will happen to the other mikes' edgars as well. it is a certainty in every timeline.
and we know the awareness of edgar's death was propagated! mustardseed's scheme was prompted by learning about his own death. the fact of learning about it is what set the outcome in stone. that's why edgar's so strict on propagation and michael is uncharacteristically studious about following this one rule. it's what made edgar's early death immutable fact.
mike talks about collapsed potentialities. he says how at one point in your life you could have become an astronaut, but eventually the potentialities collapsed until that outcome became impossible. you lost your chance. and you know it's impossible--not in a literal time travel sense, but maybe intentionality counts for something after all. you know you won't be an astronaut. you won't pursue that path. and so the potentiality collapses. the 'not being an astronaut' outcome becomes inevitable.
in my previous post i touched on the fact that the boulders and continuous corrections technology seem to be the exception to the general implication that only one timeline can exist at once in woe.begone. we are given to understand continuous corrections can briefly bring alternative timelines into being without overwriting the current timeline, and the boulders can be used to send information to iterations in timelines that shouldn't currently exist.
we know little about those two technologies, but what we do know is that both of them are used for sharing information and making observations. edgar uses continuous corrections for the specific purpose of observing alternative scenarios. edgar says intentionality is an uncertain hypothesis but that it's the best model they have to explain certain things; i think observation is a form of intentionality unto itself. how else do you classify the complete certainty something is going to happen?
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mcatmemoranda · 3 months
Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Refer to rheumatologist.
●Nonpharmacologic measures – Nonpharmacologic measures, such as patient education, psychosocial interventions, and physical and occupational therapy, should be used in addition to drug therapy. Other medical interventions that are important in the comprehensive management of RA in all stages of disease include cardiovascular risk reduction and immunizations to decrease the risk of complications of drug therapies.
●Initiation of DMARD therapy soon after RA diagnosis – We suggest that all patients diagnosed with RA be started on disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy as soon as possible following diagnosis, rather than using antiinflammatory drugs alone, such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and glucocorticoids (Grade 2C). Better outcomes are achieved by early compared with delayed intervention with DMARDs.
●Tight control of disease activity – Tight control treatment strategies to "treat to target" are associated with improved radiographic and functional outcomes compared with less aggressive approaches. Such strategies involve reassessment of disease activity on a regularly planned basis with the use of quantitative composite measures and adjustment of treatment regimens to quickly achieve and maintain control of disease activity if targeted treatment goals (remission or low disease activity) have not been achieved. (
●Pretreatment evaluation – Laboratory testing prior to therapy should include a complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), aminotransferases, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine. Patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) should have a baseline ophthalmologic examination, and most patients who will receive a biologic agent or Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor should be tested for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection. Screening for hepatitis B and C should be performed in all patients. Some patients may require antiviral treatment prior to initiating DMARD or immunosuppressive therapy, depending upon their level of risk for hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation.
●Adjunctive use of antiinflammatory agents – We use antiinflammatory drugs, including NSAIDs and glucocorticoids, as bridging therapies to rapidly achieve control of inflammation until DMARDs are sufficiently effective. Some patients may benefit from longer-term therapy with low doses of glucocorticoids.
●Drug therapy for flares – RA has natural exacerbations (also known as flares) and reductions of continuing disease activity. The severity of the flare and background drug therapy influence the choice of therapies. Patients who require multiple treatment courses with glucocorticoids for recurrent disease flares and whose medication doses have been increased to the maximally tolerated or acceptable level should be treated as patients with sustained disease activity. Such patients require modifications of their baseline drug therapies.
●Monitoring – The monitoring that we perform on a regular basis includes testing that is specific to evaluation of the safety of the drugs being; periodic assessments of disease activity with composite measures; monitoring for extraarticular manifestations of RA, other disease complications, and joint injury; and functional assessment.
●Other factors affecting target and choice of therapy – Other factors in RA management that may influence the target or choice of therapy include the disabilities or functional limitations important to a given patient, progressive joint injury, comorbidities, and the presence of adverse prognostic factors.
General principles – General principles of osteoarthritis (OA) management include providing continuous care that is tailored to the patient according to individual needs, goals, and values and should be patient-centered. Treatment can be optimized by OA and self-management education, establishing treatment goals, and periodic monitoring.
●Monitoring and assessment – The management of OA should include a holistic assessment which considers the global needs of the patient. Patient preferences for certain types of therapies should also be assessed, as compliance and outcomes can be compromised if the care plan does not meet the patient's preferences and beliefs.
●Overview of management – The goals of OA management are to minimize pain, optimize function, and beneficially modify the process of joint damage. The primary aim of clinicians should include targeting modifiable risk factors. Due to the modest effects of the individual treatment options, a combination of therapeutic approaches is commonly used in practice and should prioritize therapies that are safer.
●Nonpharmacologic therapy – Nonpharmacologic interventions are the mainstay of OA management and should be tried first, followed by or in concert with medications to relieve pain when necessary. Nonpharmacologic therapies including weight management and exercises, braces and foot orthoses for patients suitable to these interventions, education, and use of assistive devices when required.
●Pharmacologic therapy – The main medications used in the pharmacologic management of OA include oral and topical nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other options include topical capsaicin, duloxetine, and intraarticular glucocorticoids. Our general approach to pharmacotherapy is described below.
•In patients with one or a few joints affected, especially knee and/or hand OA, we initiate pharmacotherapy with topical NSAIDs due to their similar efficacy compared with oral NSAIDs and their better safety profile.
•We use oral NSAIDs in patients with inadequate symptom relief with topical NSAIDs, patients with symptomatic OA in multiple joints, and/or patients with hip OA. We use the lowest dose required to control the patient's symptoms on an as-needed basis.
•We use duloxetine for patients with OA in multiple joints and concomitant comorbidities that may contraindicate oral NSAIDs and for patients with knee OA who have not responded satisfactorily to other interventions.
•Topical capsaicin is an option when one or a few joints are involved and other interventions are ineffective or contraindicated; however, its use may be limited by common local side effects.
•We do not routinely use intraarticular glucocorticoid injections due to the short duration of its effects (ie, approximately four weeks).
•We avoid prescribing opioids due to their overall small effects on pain over placebo and potential side effects (eg, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness), especially for long-term use and in the older adult population.
•We do not routinely recommend nutritional supplements such as glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamin D, diacerein, avocado soybean unsaponifiables (ASU), and fish oil due to a lack of clear evidence demonstrating a clinically important benefit from these supplements. Other nutritional supplements of interest that may have small effects on symptoms include curcumin (active ingredient of turmeric) and/or Boswellia serrata, but the data are limited.
●Role of surgery – Surgical treatment is dominated by total joint replacement, which is highly effective in patients with advanced knee and hip OA when conservative therapies have failed to provide adequate pain relief.
●Factors affecting response to therapy – The discordance of radiographic findings to pain supports the notion that the mechanisms of pain are complex and likely multifactorial. The placebo effect is also known to impact response to therapy.
●Prognosis – Although there is great variability among individuals and among different phenotypes of OA, courses of pain and physical functioning have been found to be predominantly stable, without substantial improvement or deterioration of symptoms over time.
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Breast Cancer
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Breast cancer, a multifaceted and prevalent disease, poses a significant health challenge globally, transcending gender lines with its potential impact. Characterized by the abnormal proliferation of cells within breast tissue, breast cancer’s complex etiology remains an area of intense study and concern. Despite notable advancements in medical science and increased awareness, it continues to be a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. This comprehensive discussion aims to delve into the intricacies of breast cancer, encompassing its causes, risk factors, prevention strategies, diagnostic modalities, treatment options, and the evolving landscape of supportive care.
Causes and Risk Factors
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Understanding the underlying causes and risk factors associated with breast cancer is paramount in developing effective prevention and management strategies. While the precise etiology of breast cancer remains elusive, various genetic, hormonal, environmental, and lifestyle factors contribute to its onset and progression. Genetic predispositions, such as mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, significantly elevate the risk of developing breast cancer. Additionally, hormonal influences, including early onset of menstruation, late menopause, and hormone replacement therapy, play a crucial role in disease pathogenesis. Lifestyle factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, lack of physical activity, and exposure to environmental carcinogens further augment the risk profile.
Preventive Measures
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Empowering individuals with knowledge about preventive measures is essential in mitigating the burden of breast cancer. Promoting regular breast self-examinations, clinical breast examinations, and mammographic screenings facilitates early detection and intervention. Emphasizing lifestyle modifications, including maintaining a healthy weight, adopting a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol intake, and engaging in regular physical activity, can reduce the risk of breast cancer. For individuals with a heightened risk due to genetic predispositions or familial history, prophylactic surgeries, such as mastectomy or oophorectomy, and chemo preventive agents offer viable preventive options.
Diagnostic Modalities
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Advances in diagnostic modalities have revolutionized the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, enabling prompt initiation of treatment and improved clinical outcomes. Mammography remains the cornerstone of breast cancer screening, capable of detecting abnormalities such as microcalcifications, masses, or architectural distortions. Complementary imaging techniques, including ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and molecular breast imaging (MBI), enhance diagnostic accuracy, particularly in women with dense breast tissue or high-risk profiles. Biopsy procedures, such as core needle biopsy or surgical excision, facilitate histopathological examination, enabling precise diagnosis and classification of breast lesions.
Treatment Options
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Tailoring treatment strategies to individual patient characteristics and disease parameters is essential in optimizing therapeutic outcomes in breast cancer. The treatment landscape encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, integrating surgical, medical, and radiation oncology interventions. Surgical options range from breast-conserving surgeries, such as lumpectomy or segmental mastectomy, to radical procedures like total mastectomy or modified radical mastectomy, depending on tumor size, location, and extent of spread. Adjuvant therapies, including chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy, aim to eradicate residual disease, prevent recurrence, and improve overall survival. Radiation therapy, administered either postoperatively or as a primary modality in selected cases, targets residual tumor cells, minimizing locoregional recurrence rates.
Supportive Care and Survivorship
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Recognizing the holistic needs of breast cancer patients and survivors is integral in promoting comprehensive care and ensuring optimal quality of life. Supportive care interventions, including symptom management, psychosocial support, nutritional counseling, and rehabilitation services, address the multifaceted challenges associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment. Survivorship programs, focusing on survivorship care planning, surveillance for recurrence, long-term monitoring of treatment-related complications, and health promotion initiatives, facilitate the transition from active treatment to survivorship. Engaging patients and caregivers in survivorship care planning fosters empowerment, resilience, and a sense of agency in navigating the post-treatment phase.
In conclusion, breast cancer represents a formidable health challenge with profound implications for affected individuals, families, and communities worldwide. While significant strides have been made in understanding its pathophysiology, enhancing diagnostic capabilities, and expanding treatment options, concerted efforts are warranted to address existing gaps in prevention, early detection, and access to care. By fostering collaborative partnerships among stakeholders, advocating for evidence-based interventions, and promoting health equity, we can strive towards a future where breast cancer incidence and mortality rates are substantially reduced. Through continued innovation, education, and advocacy, we can transform the landscape of breast cancer care, offering hope, support, and healing to those impacted by this pervasive disease.
We wish you all the best in your medical education journey. In case you need any guidance or assistance during the learning process, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
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drsanjaygupta-1 · 2 months
Best Orthopaedic Doctor Vaishali Ghaziabad
Finding the Best Orthopaedic Doctor in Vaishali, Ghaziabad: A Spotlight on Dr. Sanjay Gupta
When it comes to maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle, your bones and joints play a crucial role. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, a recent injury, or looking to prevent future issues, finding the right orthopaedic doctor is essential. For residents of Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Dr. Sanjay Gupta stands out as a top choice for orthopaedic care. In this blog, we'll explore why Dr. Gupta is highly regarded and what makes his practice a leading option for those seeking expert orthopaedic treatment.
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Why Choose Dr. Sanjay Gupta?
Expertise and Experience: Dr. Sanjay Gupta brings a wealth of experience to his practice. With years of specialized training and hands-on experience in orthopaedics, he is well-versed in diagnosing and treating a wide range of musculoskeletal issues. His expertise encompasses everything from sports injuries and fractures to complex joint replacements and spinal surgeries.
Comprehensive Care: One of the hallmarks of Dr. Gupta’s practice is his commitment to providing comprehensive care. He doesn’t just treat the symptoms; he focuses on understanding the root cause of your issues and developing a personalized treatment plan. This approach ensures that patients receive care that is tailored to their specific needs, leading to more effective outcomes.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Dr. Gupta’s clinic is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and treatment technologies. This allows him to provide precise diagnoses and cutting-edge treatments. Whether it's advanced imaging techniques or minimally invasive surgical options, patients benefit from the best that modern medicine has to offer.
Patient-Centric Approach: At Dr. Gupta’s clinic, the patient always comes first. He emphasizes clear communication and ensures that patients fully understand their condition and treatment options. His empathetic approach helps in alleviating the anxiety often associated with orthopaedic issues and empowers patients to make informed decisions about their care.
Positive Patient Outcomes: Dr. Gupta’s track record speaks for itself. His patients often commend him for his skillful treatment and the positive impact it has had on their quality of life. Many have reported significant improvements in mobility and pain relief, contributing to enhanced overall well-being.
What to Expect During Your Visit
When you visit Dr. Gupta for an orthopaedic consultation, you can expect a thorough evaluation. He will take the time to discuss your symptoms, medical history, and any concerns you might have. Following a detailed examination, he will recommend a treatment plan that could include physical therapy, medication, or surgical options, depending on your condition.
Dr. Gupta’s approach is holistic, addressing not just the immediate issue but also considering factors that might contribute to your musculoskeletal health in the long term. His goal is to ensure that you not only recover but also achieve optimal functional recovery.
Getting in Touch
If you’re in Vaishali, Ghaziabad, and are seeking expert orthopaedic care, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a name you can trust. For appointments or more information about his services, visit Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s website or call his clinic directly.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right orthopaedic doctor is a critical decision that can greatly influence your recovery and overall health. Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s expertise, combined with his patient-centric approach and advanced facilities, makes him an excellent choice for anyone in need of orthopaedic care in Vaishali, Ghaziabad. Don’t let musculoskeletal issues hold you back—reach out to Dr. Gupta and take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free future.
📍 Location: Unit 3D - 5L, Wave City Center, Sector 32, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301 🌐 Website: https://drsanjaygupta.info/
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soniez · 2 months
Choosing the Right Gastrointestinal Tract Drug – Factors to Consider
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a complex system responsible for digestion and absorption of nutrients.  Given its critical function, disorders affecting the GI tract can significantly impact overall health and quality of life.  Selecting the right medication to treat these conditions is essential for effective management and recovery.  Centurion HealthCare, a leading gastrointestinal tract drugs supplier in India, offers a range of high-quality medications designed to address various GI disorders.  In this article, we will explore the factors to consider when choosing the right gastrointestinal tract drug, and why Centurion HealthCare stands out in the best pharmaceutical industry in India.
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Understanding Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
GI tract disorders encompass a wide range of conditions affecting different parts of the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.  Common GI disorders include:
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Each condition requires specific treatment strategies and medications to manage symptoms, promote healing, and prevent complications.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Gastrointestinal Tract Drug
Choosing the right drug for treating GI disorders involves multiple factors, including the specific condition, the patient’s medical history, and potential side effects.  Here are key considerations:
1.   Accurate Diagnosis
An accurate diagnosis is the first step in selecting the appropriate medication.  Physicians use various diagnostic tools such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, imaging studies, and laboratory tests to identify the specific GI disorder.  Understanding the underlying cause and severity of the condition is crucial for effective treatment.
2.   Mechanism of Action
Different gastrointestinal tract drugs work through various mechanisms to achieve therapeutic effects.  Understanding how a drug works helps in selecting the most suitable option.  Common mechanisms include:
Antacids:  Neutralize stomach acid, providing quick relief from heartburn and indigestion.
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs):  Reduce the production of stomach acid, effective in treating GERD and peptic ulcers.
H2 Receptor Antagonists:  Decrease acid production by blocking histamine receptors in the stomach lining.
Prokinetics:  Enhance gut motility, useful in conditions like gastroparesis.
Antispasmodics:  Relieve intestinal cramps and spasms, often used in IBS treatment.
Anti-inflammatory Drugs:  Reduce inflammation in the GI tract, essential for managing IBD.
3.   Efficacy and Safety
The efficacy and safety profile of a drug are critical factors in the decision-making process.  Clinical trials and real-world studies provide valuable information on a drug’s effectiveness and potential side effects.  Physicians must weigh the benefits against the risks to ensure the chosen medication offers the best possible outcome for the patient.
4.   Patient-Specific Factors
Each patient is unique, and various individual factors can influence drug selection.  These include:
Age:  Certain drugs may be more suitable for children, adults, or the elderly.
Medical History:  Pre-existing conditions, such as kidney or liver disease, can affect drug metabolism and tolerance.
Allergies:  Patients with known drug allergies must avoid medications that could trigger adverse reactions.
Concurrent Medications:  Drug interactions can impact efficacy and safety, requiring careful consideration of all medications the patient is currently taking.
5.   Route of Administration
The route of administration can affect the drug’s efficacy and patient compliance.  Common routes for GI drugs include:
Oral:  Tablets, capsules, and liquids are convenient for most patients.
Intravenous:  Used in severe cases or when oral administration is not feasible.
Topical:  Suppositories and enemas are used for localized treatment in the lower GI tract.
6.   Cost and Availability
Cost can be a significant factor, especially for long-term treatments.  Generic versions of drugs often offer the same efficacy as brand-name medications at a lower cost.  Availability of the drug in the local market is also crucial to ensure uninterrupted treatment.
Centurion HealthCare:  Leading the Way in GI Tract Drug Supply
Centurion HealthCare has established itself as a premier gastrointestinal tract drugs supplier in India, renowned for its commitment to quality, innovation, and patient care.  Here’s why Centurion HealthCare is a trusted name in the best pharmaceutical industry in India:
1.   Comprehensive Product Range
Centurion HealthCare offers a wide range of gastrointestinal tract drugs, catering to various GI disorders.  Their product portfolio includes antacids, PPIs, H2 receptor antagonists, prokinetics, antispasmodics, and anti-inflammatory medications, ensuring comprehensive treatment options for healthcare providers.
2.   Quality Assurance
Quality is at the heart of Centurion HealthCare’s operations.  The company adheres to stringent quality control measures, from raw material sourcing to final product testing, ensuring that every medication meets international standards for safety and efficacy.
3.   Research and Development
Centurion HealthCare invests heavily in research and development to stay at the forefront of pharmaceutical innovation.  Their R&D team continuously works on developing new formulations and improving existing products to address emerging healthcare needs.
4.   Patient-Centric Approach
Understanding that each patient is unique, Centurion HealthCare adopts a patient-centric approach in drug development and supply.  Their medications are designed to provide maximum therapeutic benefit with minimal side effects, enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.
5.   Global Reach
As a leading gastrointestinal tract drugs supplier, Centurion HealthCare has a robust distribution network that ensures their products are available not only across India but also in international markets.  Their commitment to excellence has earned them a reputation as a reliable partner for healthcare providers worldwide.
6.   Affordability
Centurion HealthCare is dedicated to making high-quality medications accessible to all.  Their cost-effective solutions, including generic versions of popular GI drugs, help reduce the financial burden on patients while maintaining high standards of care.
Choosing the right gastrointestinal tract drug involves careful consideration of various factors, including accurate diagnosis, mechanism of action, efficacy, safety, patient-specific factors, route of administration, and cost.  Centurion HealthCare, as a leading gastrointestinal tract drugs supplier in India, excels in providing high-quality, effective medications that cater to the diverse needs of patients with GI disorders.
With a commitment to quality, innovation, and patient-centric care, Centurion HealthCare stands out in the best pharmaceutical industry in India.  Their comprehensive product range, stringent quality assurance, advanced R&D, global reach, and affordability make them a trusted partner for healthcare providers seeking reliable solutions for GI tract disorders.
By choosing Centurion HealthCare, you can be confident in the quality and efficacy of the medications you are prescribing or consuming, ensuring the best possible outcomes for gastrointestinal health.
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hairtransplantukcost · 6 months
Investing In Confidence Exploring Hair Transplant Costs In The UK
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Hair loss can significantly impact one's self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology, particularly hair transplantation, offer a promising solution to combat hair loss and restore a full head of hair. However, for individuals considering hair transplant procedures in the UK, understanding the associated costs is essential. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of hair transplant UK costs, exploring factors that influence pricing and providing insights into investing in confidence through hair restoration procedures.
Understanding Hair Transplant Costs
Hair transplant costs in the UK can vary widely depending on several factors:
Type of Procedure: The two primary methods of hair transplantation are follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). FUE tends to be more expensive due to its meticulous nature and advanced technology involved.
Extent of Hair Loss: The severity and extent of hair loss influence the complexity and duration of the procedure, consequently affecting the overall cost.
Clinic Reputation and Location: Established clinics in prime locations may charge higher fees due to overhead costs, reputation, and demand.
Surgeon's Expertise: Highly experienced and renowned surgeons may command higher fees for their expertise and track record of successful procedures.
Additional Services: Pre-operative consultations, post-operative care, and follow-up appointments may be included in the total cost or charged separately.
Exploring Average Costs
On average, hair transplant costs in the UK range from £3,000 to £10,000 or more, depending on the factors mentioned above. FUE procedures typically start at around £5,000, while FUT procedures may be slightly less expensive, starting at approximately £4,000. However, these are rough estimates, and actual costs can vary significantly based on individual circumstances and clinic pricing structures.
Investing in Confidence
While the upfront cost of a hair transplant may seem significant, it's essential to consider the long-term benefits and the boost in confidence that comes with a restored hairline. For many individuals, regaining a full head of hair can lead to improved self-image, increased self-assurance, and enhanced quality of life. Investing in a hair transplant is not just about restoring hair; it's about investing in one's confidence and overall well-being.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Clinic
When researching hair transplant clinics in the UK, it's crucial to consider several factors beyond cost:
Reputation and Reviews: Look for clinics with positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied patients.
Surgeon Credentials: Research the qualifications, experience, and track record of the surgeons performing the procedures.
Technology and Facilities: Opt for clinics equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern facilities to ensure optimal outcomes and patient comfort.
Patient Care and Support: Evaluate the level of personalized care and support offered by the clinic throughout the entire treatment process.
Transparent Pricing: Choose a clinic that provides transparent pricing structures and comprehensive information about what's included in the cost of the procedure.
Hair transplant costs in the UK can vary depending on several factors, including the type of procedure, extent of hair loss, clinic reputation, and surgeon expertise. While the initial investment may seem significant, the long-term benefits in terms of restored confidence and improved quality of life are invaluable. Investing in a hair transplant is not just about regaining hair; it's about investing in one's self-esteem and sense of well-being. By thoroughly researching clinics, considering all relevant factors, and making an informed decision, individuals can embark on a journey to restore their hair and confidence with confidence.
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cutibless · 6 months
Transform Your Look with Cutibless: The Best Hair Transplant Center in Bangalore
Hair is undeniably a significant aspect of one's appearance, and the popularity of restorative hair treatments, such as hair transplants, is on the rise. If you're considering a solution for receding hairlines or thinning hair in Bangalore, Cutibless stands out as the go-to destination for the best hair transplant procedures.
Is Hair Transplant a Permanent Solution? Understanding Longevity and Expectations
Now, let's address a common concern: Is hair transplant therapy a one-time solution? The answer isn't straightforward due to varying outcomes. While some individuals witness significant improvements after the first treatment, others may not. Generally, when performed by skilled surgeons like those at Cutibless, using advanced techniques, hair transplant surgery can be permanent. The transplanted follicles, being less susceptible to genetic hair loss tendencies, typically provide robust and lasting regrowth.
Considering a Second Hair Transplant? What You Need to Know
However, there are instances where patients may opt for a second hair transplant to enhance density or refine the appearance further. Factors such as the surgeon's expertise, patient suitability, and adherence to aftercare instructions influence the success and longevity of the procedure.
Our surgeons, renowned for their expertise and high graft implantation rates, ensure exceptional results even in a single session. If you're concerned about hair transplant costs, Cutibless offers accessible EMI facilities, making quality treatment more attainable. Before proceeding with any additional procedures, it's crucial to have a thorough discussion with your hair transplant surgeon. This ensures alignment with your expectations and suitability for the treatment based on scalp flexibility and donor follicle availability.
Trust in Cutibless Surgeons for Lasting Hair Transplant Results in Bangalore
In conclusion, Cutibless in Bangalore emerges as the premier destination for transformative hair transplant procedures, promising long-lasting results and aesthetic satisfaction.
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In-Vitro-Fertilization : IVF Treatment
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Starting the journey towards parenthood can be a challenging road for couples facing infertility issues. In vitro fertilization (IVF) has emerged as a beacon of hope, providing a pathway for those struggling to conceive naturally.
Understanding IVF or in vitro fertilization is a complex medical procedure that involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside the body. This process offers a solution to a range of fertility issues, including blocked fallopian tubes, male infertility, or unexplained fertility problems. IVF has witnessed significant advancements since its inception, becoming a widely accepted assisted reproductive technology.
The IVF process typically begins with ovarian stimulation, where fertility medications are administered to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. These eggs are then retrieved through a minor surgical procedure. In the laboratory, the eggs are fertilized with sperm and the resulting embryos are monitored for a few days. The healthiest embryos are selected and transferred into the woman's uterus to establish a pregnancy.
Success rates for IVF can vary and are influenced by factors such as age, the cause of infertility, and the quality of the eggs and sperm. It's essential for couples considering IVF to have realistic expectations and to work closely with their fertility specialists to understand the potential outcomes.
One of the critical aspects of IVF treatment is the emotional and psychological toll it can take on individuals and couples. The journey is often filled with hope, anxiety, and a rollercoaster of emotions. Recognizing the emotional aspects, many fertility clinics offer counseling and support services to help individuals navigate the challenges of IVF.
The cost of IVF treatment is another consideration for many couples. IVF can be a significant financial investment, and costs may include medications, procedures, and laboratory fees. It's crucial for couples to discuss the financial aspects with their healthcare providers and, in some cases, explore available insurance coverage for fertility treatments.
Here are the important links about IVF Treatment from various Platforms :
In recent years, advancements in technology and medical research have paved the way for additional options within the realm of IVF. Techniques such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), and egg freezing have expanded the possibilities for couples undergoing IVF, offering more personalized and targeted approaches to fertility treatment.
While IVF has provided a successful path to parenthood for many, it's important to note that it may not be the right solution for everyone. Fertility specialists work closely with couples to assess individual circumstances, explore alternative treatments, and provide guidance on the most suitable course of action.
In conclusion, IVF treatment stands as a remarkable advancement in reproductive medicine, offering hope to couples facing infertility challenges. The intricate process, coupled with emotional considerations and financial aspects, requires a comprehensive approach. As technology continues to evolve, the landscape of IVF treatment expands, providing more options and opportunities for those on the journey to building a family.
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azura-tsukikage · 1 year
Manifestation, as it's often portrayed in the magical or metaphysical context, is a concept that primarily relies on the power of positive thinking, intention-setting, and belief in the universe's response to those thoughts and intentions. While these practices can have some psychological benefits, it's essential to clarify that they do not work in the sense of magically altering external reality.
Here are some reasons why manifestation doesn't work as a supernatural or magical phenomenon, based on scientific and psychological principles:
Lack of Empirical Evidence: There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that mere thoughts or intentions can directly influence external events or outcomes. Scientific studies on the subject have not shown a causal link between mental thoughts and the alteration of external reality.
Confirmation Bias: The phenomenon of confirmation bias is when people tend to notice and remember instances that confirm their beliefs while ignoring or downplaying those that contradict them. In the context of manifestation, people may attribute their successes to their positive thinking and intentions while overlooking the role of effort, strategy, and external factors.
Placebo Effect: Some people may experience positive changes in their lives after practicing manifestation techniques. However, these changes are often attributed to the placebo effect, where believing in the effectiveness of a treatment or practice can lead to perceived improvements. This effect is rooted in psychology rather than any supernatural influence.
Attribution Errors: People tend to attribute positive outcomes to their own actions and beliefs while attributing negative outcomes to external factors or bad luck. This phenomenon can lead to an overestimation of the effectiveness of manifestation techniques.
Overlooking Realistic Factors: Manifestation often encourages individuals to focus on their desires without adequately considering the practical steps, actions, and strategies required to achieve those desires. Real-world achievements typically involve effort, planning, and perseverance.
External Factors: Many life events and circumstances are beyond an individual's control, such as economic conditions, natural disasters, or other people's actions. Manifestation often overlooks these external factors, implying that individuals have complete control over their reality.
Unrealistic Expectations: Belief in manifestation can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations, where individuals may expect immediate and effortless results. This can lead to disappointment and frustration when reality doesn't align with these expectations.
In summary, manifestation, as traditionally understood, lacks scientific support and should not be seen as a magical or supernatural practice that can change external reality. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that positive thinking, goal-setting, and intention can have psychological benefits, boost motivation, and lead to more proactive behaviors. While manifestation might not work in a supernatural sense, adopting a positive mindset and taking action towards one's goals can still be valuable for personal growth and well-being.
If you're looking for effective ways to achieve your goals and create positive change in your life without relying on manifestation, consider the following strategies:
Goal Setting: Clearly define your goals, both short-term and long-term. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals provides a structured framework for your efforts.
Planning and Strategy: Develop a plan of action to reach your goals. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps, and create a timeline for achieving them. Having a well-thought-out strategy can increase your chances of success.
Self-Reflection: Regularly assess your progress and make adjustments as needed. Reflect on what's working and what isn't, and be willing to adapt your approach based on your observations.
Skill Development: Identify the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve your goals, and invest in learning and development. Acquiring new skills can empower you to overcome challenges and obstacles.
Hard Work and Effort: Understand that meaningful accomplishments often require dedication, perseverance, and effort. Put in the work required to make progress toward your goals.
Problem-Solving: When you encounter obstacles or setbacks, approach them as problems to be solved rather than insurmountable barriers. Seek solutions, gather information, and consider alternative approaches.
Networking and Relationships: Build and nurture relationships with people who can support your goals. Networking can open up opportunities, provide guidance, and offer valuable insights.
Time Management: Efficiently manage your time and prioritize tasks that align with your goals. Time management skills can help you stay organized and focused.
Financial Planning: If your goals involve financial aspects, create a budget and savings plan. Financial stability and responsible planning can be crucial for achieving financial goals.
Self-Care: Take care of your physical and mental well-being. A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management, can provide the energy and resilience needed to pursue your goals.
Continuous Learning: Stay open to learning and personal growth. Seek out opportunities for self-improvement and self-awareness.
Resilience: Develop resilience in the face of setbacks or failures. Understand that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, and use them as opportunities to learn and grow.
Professional Guidance: Consider seeking advice or guidance from experts or professionals in relevant fields. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and shortcuts to success.
Community and Support: Engage with a community or support network that shares your interests or goals. Supportive communities can offer encouragement, motivation, and accountability.
Adaptability: Be flexible and open to adapting your goals and strategies as circumstances change. Sometimes, the path to success requires adjusting your course.
Remember that success often comes from a combination of effort, strategic planning, learning from experiences, and maintaining a positive and resilient attitude. While there are no guarantees, these strategies can significantly increase your chances of achieving your goals and creating the positive changes you desire in your life.
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angelica-urban-soci · 10 months
COVID-19 & Disparities
In class and through the readings, we learned that Black individuals were experiencing disproportionately higher rates of infection and mortality due to COVID-19. As I was learning about this, it immediately reminded me of another public health crisis. In my other class, we have been discussing the public health crisis HIV/AIDS. Similar to COVID-19, Black individuals were disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. Both times, economic disparities played a significant role in perpetuating these inequalities. In both cases, black communities faced economic hardships, making it harder to access essential resources, including healthcare. Poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to quality medical care all exacerbated the impact of both pandemics. Additionally, Black communities often live in densely populated neighborhoods with limited access to safe and sanitary housing (Anderson et al., 2021), This overcrowding made social distancing and self-isolation nearly impossible during COVID, much like the early years of HIV/AIDS when overcrowded housing conditions contributed to the spread of the virus. Moreover, access to quality healthcare remained a barrier in both pandemics. Black individuals faced challenges in accessing testing, treatment, and prevention measures. The similarities between the two epidemics make me reflect on the lessons we've learned, or perhaps failed to learn, from the past.
One interesting thing I have noticed in real-life was that Black individuals used to and still wear masks much more than Whites. I wonder if this is because Black people in America are more likely to live in multi-generational households in higher density areas, around people with worse health who have worse or no health insurance and with a healthcare system that will not help them the same way it would help a sick white person. Many Black individuals are surrounded by family members who have worse health outcomes, often due to inadequate healthcare access or lower healthcare quality. This may influence the decision to wear masks as a preventive measure to protect both themselves and their loved ones. With these, social and structural factors, may be that mask-wearing habits are not solely about personal choice but are deeply intertwined with systemic inequalities, which is something I have never thought about. Are there any studies about this yet?
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The Federal Election Commission has tossed out claims by the Republican National Committee that Google’s spam filters in Gmail are illegally biased against conservatives, according to an agency letter obtained by CNN.
The decision resolves a joint FEC complaint filed last year spearheaded by the RNC that alleged Gmail’s automated filters had sent Republican fundraising emails to spam at a higher rate than for Democratic candidates during the 2020 election cycle. The RNC didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
The FEC decision to dismiss the complaint and close the case is the latest defeat for Republicans who have sought on multiple occasions to bring the agency’s powers to bear against tech platforms over allegations of anti-conservative bias. In 2021, the FEC dismissed a similar RNC claim against Twitter over the company’s decision to temporarily suppress the New York Post’s reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop, saying the content moderation decision appeared to have been made “for a valid commercial reason.”
The FEC took the same stance on the Gmail filtering issue in a letter to Google last week, and which the company provided to CNN on Wednesday.
In the Jan. 11 letter, the FEC said its review “found no reason to believe that [Google] made prohibited in-kind corporate contributions” to Democrats in the form of more favorable email filtering treatment.
In order to be considered a violation, the FEC wrote, “a contribution must be made for the purpose of influencing an election for federal office,” adding that Google’s public statements have made clear its spam filtering exists “for commercial, rather than electoral, purposes.”
Even if it were true that Gmail spam filtering happened to favor Democratic campaigns over Republican ones, the FEC wrote — an allegation the commission neither explicitly endorsed nor rejected — that outcome would not necessarily make Gmail’s underlying conduct an illegal campaign contribution.
In its letter, the FEC cited Google’s public statements claiming that its reasons for spam filtering include blocking malware, phishing attacks and scams.
“In sum, Google has credibly supported its claim that its spam filter is in place for commercial reasons and thus did not constitute a contribution within the meaning of the [Federal Election Campaign Act],” it wrote.
Documents related to the case will be made available to the public by Feb. 10, according to the letter.
“The Commission’s bipartisan decision to dismiss this complaint reaffirms that Gmail does not filter emails for political purposes,” said José Castañeda, a Google spokesperson. “We’ll continue to invest in our Gmail industry-leading spam filters because, as the FEC notes, they’re important to protecting people’s inboxes from receiving unwanted, unsolicited, or dangerous messages.”
While the FEC did not weigh in directly on Gmail’s practices, the letter highlighted the limitations and context surrounding a 2022 academic study that the RNC had leaned heavily upon in its initial complaint.
The study by North Carolina State University researchers had involved an experiment testing the spam filters of Gmail, Microsoft Outlook and Yahoo! Mail. Its findings suggested that of the three email providers, Gmail was the likeliest to mark emails from Republican campaigns as spam.
The RNC had cited the study’s findings as evidence of “illegal, corporate in-kind contributions” to Democratic candidates, including Joe Biden, and called for an FEC investigation.
But the FEC’s letter cited several factors that cast doubt on the RNC’s interpretation of the research, including the study’s own statements of limitations and a Washington Post interview with one of the study’s lead authors, who had said Republicans were “mischaracterizing” the paper.
The study itself acknowledged that it covered a short period of time, and that its findings could have been affected by campaigns’ own tactical decision-making as well as other variables the study did not account for, the FEC wrote, adding that in its response to the RNC allegations Google had said the researchers used a sample of 34 email addresses “when Gmail has 1.5 billion users.”
“Though the NCSU Study appears to demonstrate a disparate impact from Google’s spam filter, it explicitly states that its authors have ‘no reason to believe that there were deliberate attempts from these email services to create these biases to influence the voters,’��� the FEC added.
Meanwhile, a separate RNC lawsuit against Google over the same Gmail filtering issue is still ongoing. And Google has continued with an FEC-approved pilot project that allows political campaigns to bypass Gmail’s spam filters. More than 100 political entities are participating in that program, a Google spokesperson told CNN on Wednesday.
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