#facetime: yasmin
heauxvibez · 7 months
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Good Girl..
Warning: A sprinkle of smut (18+)
Lying sprawled on the bed, her body draped over the soft cotton sheets, Yasmine nestled into the comfort of his oversized t-shirt. A subtle smile played on her lips as her iPhone buzzed in her hands, each vibration sending a ripple of excitement through her. It felt as if Joe's presence was right there with her, despite the miles that separated them.
Being on the road meant constant communication between them, whether through texts, Facetime, or phone calls. Though she missed him dearly, she appreciated the space that his road trips afforded them. She believes that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and every time they reunited, they cherished every moment together, knowing they'd soon have to part again.
Joe: So, what's on the agenda for tonight?
Yasmine: Hmm, not entirely sure yet. Probably just gonna whip up some popcorn, binge-watch a few episodes of Martin, and call it a night.
Joe: Sounds like a plan. Wish I could be there. As much as I appreciate the road, being home with you sounds way better. I miss you 😞
A blush crept across Yasmine's cheeks at Joe's heartfelt message. It never failed to amaze her how he could evoke such tender emotions with just a few words, even from a distance.
Rolling her eyes playfully, she typed out her response.
Yasmine: Pshh, quit playing Mr. Reigns. Traveling across the country sounds way more exciting than popcorn and tv 😒
Joe: Trust me, being at home with you, feeling your warmth, and hearing your laughter is all I crave right now.
Yasmine's heart fluttered at his words, her pulse quickening with every beat.
Joe: And if I were home, I'd have you in my arms..making you scream my name all night long...
Her breath hitched as she read Joe's message, her imagination running wild with the vivid imagery he painted.
Joe: I can't wait to have you all to myself again, baby girl. Just the thought of you drives me crazy.
Her face burned hotter. She swallowed hard, watching three dots appear on the screen, indicating he was typing again. The dots vanished, replaced by another message. She wasn't prepared for the words that lit up the screen.
God, you have no idea how badly I want you.
She shifted, rubbing her thighs together as she continued to read his message.
I swear, when I get home, I'm tying you to the bed, and you'll cum so many times you'll lose count, baby girl. I promise.
She immediately flipped her phone face down, locking it.
Believe it or not, she had never received such a text from Joe before, so she was taken aback when she read it. It certainly had her worked up, and those words were enough to have her swooning.
It had been ages since they'd been intimate. With his focus on work, there was little time for sex, and she found it cruel of him to send a text like that given their circumstances.
Thoughts of him being there with her, touching her, flooded her mind. It didn't take long before she found herself on her back. With just his t-shirt on, it was easy access for her to slip her hands into her panties. This was the only way she could find pleasure right now, so why not indulge?
Her phone vibrated not once, but twice, and she groaned in frustration as she read the texts.
Don't you dare touch yourself, baby girl. You better wait until I get home.
I will tease you until you're in tears. I won't let you cum for hours.
Three more dots appeared as she whimpered at the text.
And don't forget, I still have those cameras installed, so don't test me.
Her hand moved away from where she desired to be touched the most. She needed release, desperately. She groaned, tossing her phone onto the bed and throwing her head back on the pillow.
Her phone vibrated one last time. Buzz.
Good girl.
Tags: @harmshake @southerngirl41 @spritelucozade @empressdede @alichesmi
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 11 months
You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 3
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Taglist: @christinabae@southerngirl41@reci24@jeyusos-girl@jeyusosgirl@melaninsugababy@baconeggndcheez@bemybabiibish@jstarr86@nbanenefrmdao@purplehairgawdess@arination99@alyyaanna@m3llowww@gomussy@jeysbae@hennyyybarb@babysyhsy @bebesobrielo @jeysbae @empressdede @alyyaanna @venusesworld @harmshake @mustafumilf
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gif credit : @laknxght
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“So you took her out on a date?” Josh groaned at Trinity’s question. He knew there had to be a reason she had called him on facetime at 8 am. “That's so cute.” 
“It wasn’t a date - wait she said it was a date?”  
“Good,” he said, slightly disappointed.  “Because it wasn’t” Trinity rolled her eyes with a scoff. 
“So what do you call it?” Josh bit the inside of his cheek and shrugged. 
“I mean, you the one who said she didn’t think I liked her, so I took her out to get to know her.” 
“But you do like her, right?” Josh rolled his eyes. 
“It’s eight a.m. Trin, I’m going back to sleep.” 
“Wait Josh-” He hung up the phone before she could say anything else. Before he went back to sleep he texted his brother telling him to get his nosey ass wife. 
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“So he took you on a date?” Airielle groaned and threw a pillow at her cousin’s head. 
“It wasn’t a date. He wants to be friends so we went out and got to know each other.” She paused. “As friends.” Yasmine rolled her eyes. 
“As friends?” Airielle nodded. “Bitch please. I saw the way he was looking at you when we were at Trinity’s house.” 
“And what about the way Joe was looking at you?” Airielle said, trying to get herself out of the hot seat. 
“Mmmhmm” Yasmine hummed with a smirk. “And unlike you. Imma act on my desires. Gave him my number, just waiting for him to text me first.” Yasmine said winking at Airielle. “Back to you though,” Airielle groaned and threw herself back on her bed and pulled the covers over her.
“There is no back to me.” She said her voice muffled from her blanket. 
“That friends thing is bullshit and you know it.” Was the only think Yasmine said before getting up off her bed and walking out the room. 
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Airielle paused her movie when her phone vibrated with an incoming message. 
Incoming text from Josh Fatu: sup, you up?
Airielle stared at the text message. Sup? Was he serious? 
To Josh Fatu: Yeah. Good morning to you too. 
Incoming text from Josh Fatu: lol my bad airielle noelle , good morning ❤️ To Josh Fatu:  i knew i should've never told u my middle name.
“Friends my ass.” Yasmine said as she read the messages over Airielle’s shoulder. Airielle rolled her eyes and locked her phone. “He sent a heart emoji Airi.” 
Airielle threw her arms up. “We send each other heart emojis all the time.” 
“Because we love each other, duh.” Yasmine smirked and looked down at Airielle’s phone when it vibrated. “You gon get that?” They made eye contact and lunged for the phone at the same time with Yasmine grabbing it a second before Airielle did. 
Incoming text from Josh Fatu: u wanna go to breakfast? 
“Girl go get dressed, he’s coming to get you.” Yasmine said as she sent Josh the address to their place. “Dinner and a breakfast date. Friends my ass.” Airielle rolled her eyes and snatched her phone from Yasmin's hand and walked in her room to try to find something to wear. 
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When she came out of her room fully dressed Yasmine immediately shook her and pushed Airielle back towards her room. “Hell no. That is not sexy.” Airielle threw her arms up and scoffed. 
“It's breakfast, Yas. It’s not a date.” She said as there was a knock at their front door. She frowned and turned towards Yasmine who shrugged with a smirk. 
“I gave him the code to the front door.” She narrowed her eyes at Yasmine before opening the door. She let out a chuckle when she noticed they were almost wearing the same thing.  He had on a black Nike shirt that he had cut the sleeves off of and a part of black Nike sweatpants with white Air Forces. And a gold chain around his neck.  He looked good as fuck. 
“Hey.” Josh said with a wide smile. “You ready?” She nodded and closed the door. They were silent on the ride down the elevator. She could tell Josh was nervous because he kept fidgeting which confused her because why would he be nervous hanging out with a friend? 
She groaned inwardly as she thought about Yasmine’s words from earlier. She and Josh were just friends  and nothing more. 
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“Oh I got these for you.” He said as he stopped at a red light and reached in the backseat. Her eyebrows raised in surprise as he handed her a small bouquet of roses. 
“You got me flowers?” She said grinning as she closed her eyes and smelled them. “Thank you.” She smiled over at him. 
“You welcome.” He said licking his lips as the butterflies in his stomach intensified. “I uh, Some guy was selling them on the side of the road. So I got them for you.” He lied, He actually went to a flower shop and spent way too much time trying to find the right bouquet for her. 
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“Josh, your family is like wrestling royalty. That’s gotta be so intimidating.” Airielle said, staring wide eyed at him after he just finished going over his family tree with her.  Breakfast was going great. He had taken her to one of his favorite diners that his mom used to take him and his brothers to growing up. 
She had told him about her family and how it was growing up with two protective older brothers and a younger brother who acted like he was in charge all the time. They were legit having a good time. 
Josh shrugged with a smile on his face. “I mean it is intimidating but I think me and Jon are doing the family justice.” 
“I mean duh,” She said, making eye contact with him. “Y'all six time tag team champs, that’s impressive as fuck.” Josh had to  look down at the table to hide his kool-aid grin. 
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liked by trinity_fatu, uceyjucey ,kaylabraxtonwwe and 185,000 others.
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trinity_fatu: you so pretty 😍
user: i will deadass marry you
uceyjucey: 🥶
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It’s been two weeks since Josh took Airielle out to breakfast and since then they’ve talked everyday. It started with just good morning text everyday then went to him Facetiming her after his morning workouts to talking on the phone until one of them fell asleep at night. 
Somewhere in the past two weeks Airielle had started to realize that she actually liked Josh. Not just as a friend. So when he tried to Facetime her that morning, she ignored it and all of the text messages he sent her that day.
She was freaking out. She was scared to tell Yasmine about her feelings for Josh cause she knew her cousin would just gloat and Airielle did not want to hear that. 
“Damn, I did something to you?”  Airielle looked up from the table into Josh’s eyes and bit her lip at the sad look in his eyes. “Why you ignoring me Airielle?” 
She sighed and leaned back into her chair. “I’m not ignoring you Josh.” 
“Yeah? So why you ain’t call me back?”  She shrugged and looked back down at her plate, pushing the food around with her fork. 
“ I was busy.” She mumbled and he scoffed. 
“For two days? I thought-” He stopped himself and shook his head. “You know what, nevermind.”  He was about to get up from the table when his dad walked over to them. 
“Joshua! And Joshua’s friend.” Airielle forced a smile on her face as she  stood up to greet the Hall of Famer. 
“Hi, Airielle Jones. Nice to meet you.” She said, holding out her hand. Rikishi pushed her hand away and pulled her into a hug.
"I know who you are." Rikishi said, surprising Airielle.
Josh rolled his eyes when he dad gave him a thumbs up behind her back. 
“Aight, come dad. We gotta go.” Josh said, not giving Airielle a second glance before he started to walk away. Rikishi tried to apologize for his son but Airielle waved him off. 
“It’s fine. It was nice to meet you though.” She said giving him one last hug before throwing away her trash and walking out of catering, in the opposite direction Josh had gone. 
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Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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For a prompt: honestly, I’d love to see more of outsider’s perspectives of Ava and Bea, like you did with the shopkeeper and her wife.
[tbh this has basically everyone u would want to see!! lol - 10k ao3 here]
camila and beatrice have been video chatting often lately, and have figured out something encouraging,  you think. you try to understand everything, but it seems like, especially when jillian is on, they're speaking a whole different language. sometimes you're a little blown away by the both of them still: camila is brilliant at anything to do with technology, and kind, and funny; beatrice is brilliant at, well, just about everything, and, even though she's been working steadfastly to research how to get ava back, she still has sunkissed skin now, light hair and freckles. sometimes you see a flash of a tattoo on her wrist.
it hadn't really surprised you, to see ava lean forward while the whole entire world was ending and kiss beatrice — a little awkward, for you, but mostly achy. you haven't ever cared about sexuality, but you definitely don't when it comes to the two of them: because there's harm and then there's duty and then there's love.
one day you're sitting with camila, pretending to read more than actually reading, when beatrice facetimes. you know this because, honestly, sometimes you're a little nosy. it's fine; you helped save the world and sometimes the ocs, with incessant and constant training, gets kind of dull.
when camila answers, beatrice is crying. from what you can see, she's in a sports bra, you're pretty sure; you're scared, for a moment, that she's hurt, or that something really bad has happened, but then she's laughing and say, 'ava's here; ava's here,' and camila starts to cry.
'she's — she's okay?'
and then, a literal fucking miracle, ava's face — the same as you remember; so pretty and with a friendly smile — pops up on screen.
'holy shit,' camila says, and then she's laughing too, her eyes filling with tears. 'hi, ava.'
'hey,' ava says, then crams in next to where beatrice is sitting on the couch, practically on her lap, but you can't really begrudge them. beatrice is in a pair of sweatpants and, indeed, a sports bra; ava has, ostensibly, changed from whatever outfit she came back in, because she's wearing a big soft t-shirt and a comfortable pair of shorts. maybe that's what she wore in — wherever she was, but you're pretty certain those are beatrice's clothes. 'yasmine too, hello.'
beatrice is still crying and smiling and ava leans into her side, runs her fingers gently under her eyes to dry her tears.
'— how?' is the only thing camila gets out: are you okay?; do you remember us?; do you want to kill us now?; how long have you been gone?; are you still the ava we know?; what is going to happen to this world now? sits in your chest, but ava just shrugs.
'i heard bea, all the time.' beatrice blushes slightly, but she just tucks her face into ava's arm from a moment. 'and all of you too. but, bea, the strongest. i think it had something to do with her being in the ocean, maybe? and the city of angels.' she turns to beatrice. 'a little on the nose, don't you think?'
'oh yeah,' camila says, 'that's it, definitely the only reason.'
beatrice rolls her eyes but ava just smiles. 'and because she loves me, i suppose.' she scoots even closer to beatrice, who sighs happily. 'something just — spit me out, i guess. right in bea's living room. which, if i do say so myself, is way better than cat's cradle, no offense.'
another miracle in a series of miracles beyond belief. 'wow,' you say, and there's a beat of silence before everyone is laughing again, camila wiping tears.
'anyway, maybe you can come to us, tomorrow?' ava asks. 'i don't — i would like to stay here, if i can. if that works. at least for a few days.'
'you're — you're healed?' you can't help but ask.
ava nods. 'lots of scars,' she says, but then shrugs, and beatrice runs a gentle hand up and down her spine. 'but yeah, i'm good, as far as i can tell. not old as fuck, either, which rocks.'
'we can come tomorrow,' camila says, then starts crying all over again. 'i can't wait to see you. both of you.'
ava grins. 'yeah, don't come too early, though. i have plans.'
beatrice really blushes then, coughs into ava's shoulder.
'i will be sure to let beatrice know before coming,' camila says.
ava's smile is way too bright, all of a sudden, and beatrice groans and you kind of want to cover your ears before ava says, 'that's what i'll be doing tonight.'
'goodbye, ava,' camila says, even though she laughs. 'i love you, so much.'
ava leans into the camera, like she wants to reach through it. 'i love you too. i am — there are no words for what i feel, seeing you all again. and how much i missed you.'
'well, have fun tonight,' camila says. 'please don't tell me any details when we visit tomorrow.'
'this one time, i'll spare you.'
'thank god.'
you meet her on an otherwise unremarkable monday afternoon. you're running through your forms before the advanced adult class you teach, and when she walks in, you notice her immediately: muscular in a cutoff tank, in a way that's unassuming and speaks to years of training specifically in martial art, a calm expression on her face. her hair is back in a meticulously neat bun, and, when she sees the wall of bo you've spent a few years collecting, her shoulders relax and she lets out a big breath. vanessa is at the front desk and, while she's the best to go out in weho with, she's not the most knowledgable.
'hi,' you say, stepping up beside the desk. 'i'm keiko.'
she offers her hand and shakes firmly, calluses similar to yours. 'beatrice,' she says. 'pleasure.'
'can i help you with anything?'
'i'm hoping to join a dojo.'
'well,' you gesture to, in fact, the dojo behind you, 'you've come to the right place.'
she grants you a small smile.
'we have classes, all levels. would you like me to show you around?'
'that would be wonderful, thank you.'
and you had shown her around; you had sold her a monthly trial membership — a few advanced adult classes and some time for open practice — and a gi and obi — she'd calmly informed you that she's a black belt, and when she came in the next afternoon for the advanced class you teach, you had felt immediately embarrassed when she runs through forms with the kind of power and ease you had only seen a few times in your life, even at the olympics and world championships.
'that was a great class,' she says, far too kind a compliment for someone who is probably the one person you've met since you retired a few years ago who could beat you in a competition.
'you are — incredible.'
she shoulders the compliment with reluctance. 'i haven't trained in quite a while.'
'that is honestly insane.'
she laughs, after a moment. 'a much needed mental health break,' she says. 'but it felt good, to return to this, in this way.'
'do you — i saw you looking at the bo the other day,' you say, and you don't miss the way her hands twitch. 'would you like to use one? i have to clean and close up, anyway.'
she hesitates, but then, 'are you sure?'
'absolutely,' you say. 'pick any one you want; you can train over there, it's got the best view of the ocean.'
'that's very kind.' she's solemn, and a little quiet. 'thank you, keiko.'
she walks, barefoot and at home in her gi, and runs her hands gently over each bo. she picks a medium length one, black and sleek and heavier than your favorite, and then takes a deep breath and starts moving so beautifully you can't even quite follow it. it's mesmerizing, and you watch until she slows and then sets the bow on the ground and, to your surprise, sniffles. she wipes tears off her cheeks and you quickly start cleaning, granting her as much privacy as possible. she takes a deep breath and then takes the bo and walks back over to the wall.
'if i find one of my own,' she says, 'can i store it here? it's all right if not, of course.'
'you're more than welcome to do that.' you don't quite know what to say to her, the most talented martial artist you've ever seen in your life, who never competed at any events you know of, randomly in your dojo, who had just cried running through forms with a bo, small and coiled tightly. 'and, honestly, you don't have to feel like you need to come to classes. you're more than welcome, but i think you're beyond anything i would have to teach you.'
she laughs after a few seconds. 'i really did enjoy it.'
'maybe thursday we could spar? i'm here in the morning.'
she seems to weigh it, but then she nods. 'that sounds fun. thank you, keiko.'
you get to know her quickly: the way she moves and her favorite forms and the first time she throws you, you lie on your back in a little bit of shock: you haven't lost in years. she just stands calmly and offers you a hand. 'who are you?'
she just laughs.
you get to know her, as the days go along. you get lunch, one day, and you flirt with the host and the waiter — 'i love cute boys,' you say, 'what can i say?' — which amuses her.
'my partner is a flirt,' she says, but the smile slips from her face before she can stop it. she clears her throat. 'she's very sick, right now,' she says, quickly, as if to avoid your questions. 'but, still,' she says, sitting up a little straighter, gathering herself, 'a flirt.'
you learn not to ask about her partner; you learn that she surprisingly loves pepperoni pizza and beer; you learn that she's rich and lives in a beautiful house on the beach, but she's generous and lowkey, especially compared to everyone else in los angeles. she works in tech for a firm in spain — the details vague, but that's tech anyway — and, when you offer to let her teach a kids class, she smiles gently and accepts. she's patient and seems to enjoy correcting their form and teaching them kata one step at a time; she encourages them and makes sure to teach, quietly, that the goal is never, ever to harm, only to protect. she's one of your best friends, quickly, and is also impossible to beat whenever you spar. she goes out with you and your friends in weho one night, gets very drunk and turns down what feels like an entire club of women, and then tells you, on your couch at home while you give her a glass of water, that her partner’s name is ava, and that she’s kind and smart and beautiful and loves to dance. she doesn’t cry, but she curls up, small and sad; you haven’t mentioned it since.
one day, beatrice texts you, early in the morning, Hello! Ava's treatment worked, so she's back with me now, for the foreseeable future.
it's very businesslike, but she's always a stiff texter, and you know how excited she must be, how relieved.
Hopefully forever, she sends, and you know you're right.
you meet ava a few days later, hanging onto beatrice's side when she comes to the dojo after a few days off. you realize, in one flash of a moment, clear and sacred, that you really have never seen beatrice smile before — not until ava looks at her when she takes her bo off the wall with the softest expression. devotion; adoration. love. beatrice blushes and returns it, a smile in full force so powerful it knocks the air out of you slightly.
you also realize that you've never seen beatrice show off before, and you decide, right then and there, you're never sparring while ava is watching. you can lose, sure, but being humiliated is not on your to-do list. when you tell ava that, as she watches beatrice in a little bit of a daze, she just laughs. 'she's incredible.'
'yeah,' you agree as beatrice swipes the bo along the ground so hard you think she could break an ankle, then stands without a breath in between. 'she is.'
the second time you meet ava, she's in a tiny bikini, bright orange, with a wispy gossamer coverup that you're sure beatrice bought just for her. it kind of makes you laugh, and it's barely warm enough to be out without a sweater, let alone in a bikini, but ava waves when you come in from the whitewater. bea is still waiting at the outer break, exhausted this morning for reasons that made her blush and you had laughed, delightedly.
'your girl is taking forever to catch anything today,' you say.
ava almost glows, you think, at your girl. 'we didn't get much sleep last night,' ava tells you with a wink. you grin and high five and then offer her a spot on your towel after you unzip your wetsuit and pull it down to rest along your waist.
ava is beautiful. you had wanted to know her, for months, and finally, she's here — young and so, so pretty; small and surprisingly muscular. you would never say anything, but you know she had been sick, and there are scars all over her body, puckered and angry still, shiny and pink. you know bea doesn't care, and you don't either, but ava moves a little gingerly and you fight the urge to ask if she needs help. she settles, eventually, legs stretched out in front of her and her palms behind, leaning back into the sun, face turned up toward it. she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in, then slowly lets it out.
you notice beatrice about to catch a wave, and you're happy when ava seems, like a sixth sense, to open her eyes just in time. bea is talented: balanced and strong and had learned to surf on a short board and relatively big swells quicker than anyone else you'd taught; when she’d shown you her bo one day — mostly because it was just out on her coffee table — you had been both very turned on and a little terrified. she’s the most gifted athlete you know, and so it’s no surprise when. she rides the biggest wave of the day all the way in, kissing the lip a few times, and ava sighs.
'she's so hot, jesus christ.'
'no comment.'
she laughs. 'we didn't get a ton of time together, really, before i... got sick.' she pauses, looking at beatrice collecting her board in the whitewater. 'she was scared. but now, it's like —' she shakes her head — 'i just love her so much.'
'yeah,' you say, a little teary for your friend. 'i can tell you, without a doubt, that she loves you too.'
ava grins, then stands and walks toward beatrice, who lets ava pull down the zipper of her wetsuit with gratuitous hands, a kiss to the nape of her neck, and then grabs beatrice's hand and laces their fingers together. 'wanna come over for breakfast?'
'i would — yeah,' you say, 'i would really love that.'
you step in, quickly, once ava cracks an egg so hard it goes all over the counter and beatrice only looks on in adoration.
'you're a disaster,' you tell her, but she just shrugs. ava is still in her bikini and cover up, and beatrice's hands sit on her hips while you fry some eggs and chop up vegetables to make a passable pico. she smiles into the crook of ava's neck and they make you a little breathless: a happiness that quiet; a love that big.
you've been working at this coffee shop for a week now, and every morning, the hottest woman you've ever seen walks in, clearly just from the beach, and orders the same thing in a british accent that makes you want to groan. you're new to this part of los angeles, which is bougie as hell. it's mostly white influencers who order overly complicated drinks for no reason, but the pay is above minimum wage and your manager has worked with your class schedule easily enough.
plus — beatrice.
she's quiet, exceedingly polite and always tips at least twice of what her drink costs. she smiles and has freckles and you burn your hand more than once sneaking a glance at her strong arms and tattoo on her wrist and, eventually, a new one on her shoulder and collarbone that you had seen because she's decided to make your 6:42 am better by wearing a cutoff tank and shorts today.
'good morning, ayanna,' she says, and it's fucking electrifying that she knows your name, even if you have a nametag on your apron — it still counts.
'hey, beatrice. how were the waves this morning?'
she leans against the counter, just slightly, and you will yourself to keep your cool. 'how much do you know about surfing?'
'nothing, really.'
she laughs, not unkind. 'well, in that case, the outer break was far, which means i had to paddle a lot, but the waves were beautiful. can't regret it.'
'uh,' you say, super smooth, 'regular order?'
'yes,' she says, 'and can you add a chocolate croissant? oh, and an olive oil coffee cake. thank you.'
beatrice doesn't seem like the kind of person to eat a croissant and a coffee cake for breakfast, but who are you to judge: that sounds awesome, frankly. you tell her your total and she tips, like always, excessively, and then collects everything with a kind smile.
'have a great day,' she says, and you're too flustered to say anything other than an extremely eloquent, 'same.' mohammed laughs at you from where he's unpacking more to-go cups and you flip him off before you greet the next customer.
it's a few days later when your routine gets broken by another beautiful woman, who seems a little in awe of this stupid, trendy coffee shop, but beatrice wasn't in yesterday and it's already 7:19 and she hasn't been in today. it's not that you expect her, really, but she is the best part of your shift, so, whatever. you can have a harmless crush if you want.
'hi,' this new person says, and then reads your nametag. 'ayanna, what's up?'
your mind blanks, because you're pretty much face to face with an angel: she's small and lively and has pretty, delicate features and her hair is pushed back beneath a bright pink beanie, just at her chin. her hands, playing with a small, elegant black wallet, are delicate too. 'nothing,' you get out, 'just, you know, work.'
she smiles. 'yeah, i'm a bartender. opposite end of the day, but i get you.'
you glance down at your screen, just to have something to do other than stare. 'so, what's your order?'
she gets out her phone and reads off iced coffee with cold foam, and then locks it and inspects your pastries. 'can i get one of each? i want to try them all.'
you laugh, something fond and a little ridiculous about that, but you say, 'sure thing. what's the name?'
'ava,' she says. 'thanks.'
mohammed rolls his eyes at you while he gets the iced coffee ready and you put each pastry neatly in a to-go box, because ava is right there and you certainly hadn't needed to get her name. but whatever, she's gorgeous and it's early. ava tucks the box of pastries under her arm. 'ava, tell me which is your favorite the next time you come in.'
ava seems delighted by this. a good sign. 'sure thing,' she says, and then waves.
the next morning, it all comes crashing down. there's horrendous traffic, even at 5 am, and you barely make it on time. there's a rush of rude ass customers way too early, and you spill a shot of espresso down your apron.
but, then you see beatrice, and it's wonderful, and perfect, and so great: you're ready today, to ask for her number; you can do it. but then you see ava walk in right behind her after holding the door open, and it's like slow motion when ava bumps into beatrice's side and laces their fingers together and places a sweet kiss to her shoulder. you know there are flowers that sit there, under her hoodie, gorgeous in their greyscale, and ava seems to know as well.
'ayanna,' beatrice says, the biggest, most contented smile on her face, 'good morning.'
you nod and smile, although you're a little crushed. 'hey, beatrice. and hi, ava.'
'hello!' it's way too early for this kind of cheer but it's a little infectious.
'this is my partner, ava,' beatrice says, as if it wasn't horrifically obvious.
'back from quite the business trip,' ava says, looking at the pastries again. 'very remote, no sweets. gotta make up for lost time, you know?'
beatrice blanches a little but ava looks at her sweetly and she recovers. 'can i get my usual, and whatever chaotic order ava wants?'
ava laughs. 'my favorite was a tie,' she says, 'between the chocolate croissant and the olive oil coffee cake. which, i know, beatrice, you had said, but whatever, okay?'
beatrice smiles. 'okay, ava.'
they both, despite their bickering, are so tangibly happy your spirits lift. you'll take the L, if you have to, for people to have what they clearly do. they overtip, as always, and then take their leave.
'ouch,' mohammed says. '0 for 2 this morning.'
you sigh. 'more fish in the sea, i guess. gotta keep the faith.'
he laughs. 'that's the spirit.'
'okay,' ava says, sitting up as best she can with a grimace, 'if bea can't get into bed with me, what about you?'
you spare a glance for beatrice, who only rolls her eyes in amusement and underlying sadness: ava is in pain, to the point where she can't walk, can barely sit or lie down. she's on muscle relaxers and pain medicine so she's comfortable, but it's complicated and tedious, to try to fix her spine — or, more realistically, stabilize it — without killing her.
'how about we see how you're feeling after surgery?'
ava groans. 'that's so boring, jillian.'
you walk to her bedside and take her hand, squeeze it gently. 'ready?'
ava takes a deep breath, braver than anyone you've ever known in your life, time and time again. she looks at beatrice, who bends down and kisses ava gently. ava tucks a strand of beatrice's hair behind her ear and then cups her face. 'in this life.'
beatrice nods. 'in this life.'
'i love you, bea.'
beatrice kisses ava's forehead, eyes closed in reverence. 'i love you, ava.'
ava looks at you and then nods, teary and afraid. 'ready.'
other than your son, you have never been as determined as you are now. you control all of the tech to make sure ava is fully sedated but still alive, that the halo is dormant enough to allow the surgeons to work on her spine without it healing their interventions immediately. it's kind of a miracle, you think, that it all works — but, then again, it seems that ava is prone to miracles. it goes smoothly, without a hitch. ava will have chronic pain and limited mobility, at least some days, during flares — but it will be manageable. it will be livable.
beatrice is asleep when you bring ava back into the room, wheeling the bed as quietly as possible. she stirs, exhausted, from her chair, and you get to tell her — and then, after, a crowded room of ava's people, ava's family, waiting nervously — that it had gone as best as it could. you were sure she was alive, and that she'd wake up, and that, as far as you can understand, her pain would be significantly reduced. ava deserves more than that, much more, but it's what you can give.
you wake beatrice gently, a squeeze to her shoulder. you tell her first, because ava loves her: 'she did great. everything went as perfectly as it could.'
beatrice sniffles and then stands and hugs you. 'thank you,' she says, strong and calm and trembling with the force of it: the love of her life, safe and cared for.
'hot,' ava rasps from bed, and beatrice laughs and lets go of you and hurries to ava's side, takes her hand.
'hello, darling.'
ava lifts her hand and cups bea's cheek, and then wiggles her toes under the blanket. she grins up at beatrice, then grins at you. 'it worked?'
'yes,' you say, and it can't bring back your son and you can't fix the world, heaven or hell, but this — this — you can do: 'it did.'
'hey,' you say, softly, when you notice beatrice start to stir on the couch. she presses her nose into the pillow behind her head, then the couch cushion, and then reaches up and rubs her eyes, scratches above her ear, and scrubs a hand over her face and blinks dazedly.
'a new shift?' beatrice looks around at the walls and windows darkening, trying to gain her bearings. she's in a hoodie and shorts, comfortable and soft, a pair of pale pink socks on her feet, her broken leg in its brace propped on a few pillows. ava had carefully draped a soft blanket over her, but beatrice had thrown it mostly to the side in her sleep.
'we're not working, beatrice.' you say it kindly, though, and offer her a glass of water with a metal straw ava had shown you proudly in one of the drawers in their kitchen. she sips greedily, without any embarrassment — maybe she's on pain meds enough to not care; maybe she's known you for so, so long it doesn't matter; maybe she's been shown a degree of love you have known only once.
she pats your hand. 'i know.' she wrinkles her nose. 'where's ava?'
'i threatened her to take a walk.'
beatrice laughs. 'glad to know she still understands who the best of us is.'
you want to argue with her — you're the best of us, beatrice; you always have been — but her head lolls to the side on the cushion and her eyes are fluttering open and closed. 'i like your haircut,' you offer instead. you wonder, with pride, what she's learned about herself, what she's let come forward that she's always known.
she smiles softly. 'yeah?'
'yeah. you’ve got a great soft dyke vibe going on. looks good on you.'
you’re not sure about the word, but you love her and you understand. and — she grins. ‘that’s the goal. androgynous and comfortable. i — i’ve grown into what i want, i think.’
'speaking for myself, i love to see it. it’s a whole vibe.’
‘yeah.’ she looks down and fiddles with her phone case for a second, not coordinated like usual. 'hey, so, feel free to tell me to fuck off forever, if you want, but one of my best friends is... basically the best.' she squints, focusing so intently and still producing a mildly incoherent sentence. it’s charming. 'i know there's no one that could — i know, mary. i know. but i think you'd like her.'
your heart aches, because beatrice lost ava but she came back; because beatrice has hurt all the same. and shannon wouldn't have wanted you to shut yourself off from the world. 'she's hot?'
beatrice laughs delightedly, pushing herself to sit up further. 'very, very hot. if you need backup, just ask ava.'
'ava thinks everyone is hot.'
'true. but, most of all, me.'
she says it with such stoned confidence it's hard to even tease her. 'okay,' you say, 'when should i meet your friend, then?'
beatrice gets out her phone and slowly clicks through a few screens, then squints. 'she'll be here in twenty minutes for dinner.' she holds her phone close to your face, not at all steady, but you do make out your name and then ray making the best birria ever (for ava) one right after another.
'should i stay for dinner, then?'
she grins. 'i think i'm falling back asleep. so you should definitely stay. she could use some company.' she stares into space for a minute. 'let me send ava a voice note so they know not to pester you when they get back.'
'maybe a text?'
beatrice just shrugs and sends a meandering three minute long voice note, sort of explaining the situation but mostly proclaiming her undying love, and so you follow up with a coherent text saying, beatrice wants me to meet your friend. if things are going well, can you not third wheel? you owe me, and ava responds with a, FUCK YEAH!!!!! you're the best and ray is the best!! bea is a genius, and then, i'll make up so many totally valid excuses to leave you two alone, and, finally, the patio is very romantic. dig into bea's stash of very expensive wine and whiskey too, in my honor.
you laugh, and tell beatrice that ava was excited about the idea.
'speak of the devil.'
ava puts her tote down when she gets in the front door, a bouquet of flowers poking out from it. 'mm, not quite.' she kisses bea on the top of her head and then proceeds to do the same to you, although you swat her away. 'try god's favorite angel instead.'
'i will never.'
beatrice looks at ava, adoringly, too much for you to stomach sometimes. 'want to go to the balcony? i can nap out there just as easily as in here.'
'totally,' ava says. 'mary, have fun with ray. you can text me when the birria is finished and i'll just pop by to grab some for us. but she really is awesome, even just as a friend.'
'a spontaneous blind date,' you say, although you do have a few butterflies in your stomach. it doesn't feel wrong, to go on a date, although you do feel sad, and longing, because you had something beautiful and it didn't last. but, still: 'this better be as fun as you promise.'
'it definitely will be,' beatrice slurs, and ava looks at you amusedly.
'okay, you're way too high to be trusted in this situation. let's go.'
'i don't need help,' beatrice says, although it's a full task to watch her sit up and get her crutches from their resting place against the side of the couch. but she does it, slowly and unsteadily, and ava puts a careful hand to her low back when she wobbles. but then all is well, and beatrice tries to wink at you and fails, and it makes you laugh. 'have so much fun, mary.'
you promise to try, and you pick up the book ava had been reading earlier, pretending to do something with your hands as you hear them bicker as they very, very slowly make their way up down the hall, but eventually a door closes and it's quiet. hey shannon, you pray, as you often do, i might kiss someone else soon. sorry. but i think you would be happy in this life, especially if she's hot. ava is annoying, but so good; you would be proud of her. beatrice you're always proud of, i know it. i love you, in the next.
it settles something inside you, and when ray lets herself in their front door, your breath catches a little: she has a mess of black curls cut to her ears, and tattoos down both arms, a linen button up only fastened halfway up her chest, a few chains sitting there. she's smaller than you, and she tucks her sunglasses into her shirt and then smiles.
'hey,' she says, 'i'm ray. she/her pronouns. beatrice sent me a very incoherent voice note that her "hot friend mary" was here, finishing out a business trip, and that i should woo you by making dinner tonight.' she holds up her grocery tote. 'hopefully you're mary, because you are in fact very hot.'
you laugh. 'well, i don't know about the last part, but i am mary. beatrice and i go way back.'
'amazing.' she settles, familiar, at the kitchen island. 'do you like to cook? beatrice and ava are disasters.'
'i love to cook.'
she grins. 'good,' she says. 'birria is their favorite, so it's good to know, if you'll be around for a bit.'
she's beautiful, and her forearms are strong and her hands quick when she starts to lay out the ingredients. you tell yourself to be brave: beatrice and ava and their big house full of love, overlooking the ocean. so you stand next to ray, elbows bumping for a moment, and she smiles at you in a way that makes you feel electric. 'i think i just might,' you say.
she nods down at the onions she's setting aside, but her smile doesn't fade at all. 'well, if you want help looking for a place, let me know. unless you want an insane house like this, in which i can't help at all.'
you laugh. 'it is beautiful, though.'
'yeah,' she says. 'i love it here.'
you think, as you let ray explain tasks and her great-grandmother's recipe, as you open a few windows and hear ava's laughter waft in from outside, like the sweet spices you add to the meat, as ray squeezes your hand, just once, after you finish chopping cilantro.
you might kill ava when she comes in to get their plates a few hours later and quips, 'oh good, you're already betrothed. congrats!' before walking away. you throw a chip at her that falls disappointingly short, but she laughs, and you think you just might love it here too.
you're finding a table on the patio of your favorite wine bar when you see beatrice sitting at one near the railing, alone, writing in a journal. there's a part of you that doesn't want to interrupt but she's quiet, whenever she stops by for lunch with ava, and she reminds you a little of noel.
she looks up when you stand near, and then genuinely smiles. 'angela,' she says, and stands very properly; it's a breath of fresh air to see young people with manners still. 'what a nice surprise.'
'i can see you're busy.' gesture to her journal. 'so please feel free to say no, but would you mind if i joined you?'
'not at all,' she says, and then pulls out a chair for you before sitting back in her own and closing her journal. 'to tell you the truth, i haven't even ordered any wine yet.'
you laugh, charmed immensely already. 'well, shall we split a bottle? they have my favorite chardonnay here, if you like that.'
'i — yes,' she says. 'ava is working this afternoon, so that would be wonderful. i appreciate your company.'
she's a kid, you realize, all over again with a pang in your chest: when ruth had told you that she had invited someone in her early twenties to come to water aerobics, but then you had met ava and all of your frustration had gone by the wayside. 'likewise.' the server comes, one of your favorites, and asks happily if you'd like your typical glass. 'a bottle, instead, tommy,' you tell him, and he salutes with a grin, which makes beatrice laugh.
'you like this spot?'
'i do,' you say. 'it gets good light.'
she seems to understand what you mean, because she leans back and lets the sun rest on the planes of her face peacefully. ava hadn't stopped talking for days about beatrice cutting her hair, months ago, even more excited than when she herself had shown up with pale purple hair — ridiculous, in a way, but she had been happy and young and so you grant her it all. beatrice's has grown out a bit by now, which ava still talks about, and her muscles, and the freckles across her nose, all exuberant young love — but you can tell, you've always been able to tell, when someone feels comfortable in their skin. the utter joy of being a space where someone can become.
'i love the light here,' she says. 'i grew up in london, and then switzerland, so i've come to appreciate the sun.'
'my wife wanted to move here for that reason alone.' you laugh. 'we met in oakland, but she was so set on los angeles.'
beatrice seems deeply unfazed by wife, and thanks tommy for pouring her wine after you taste yours. 'how long were you together?'
'fifty-four years,' you say. 'married for fifty-two of them.' you roll your eyes. 'legally, for eleven, but i never cared much for that distinction.'
'of course,' she says. 'and, not to sound trite, but i'm sorry, for your loss.'
and it had been a profound one: you had no idea how to get up each morning, until ruth had dragged you to this ridiculous water aerobics class. so you smile, gently. 'noel was a light in this world. the breadth of that love — i wouldn't trade a single minute.'
she swallows, glances down and swirls her wine. 'i can only hope to have the same, with ava.'
you reach out and squeeze her hand. 'if it's all dependent on love, i'm certain you will. ava adores you.'
she sighs, looks into the sun again. 'i used to be a nun.'
you can't help but laugh. 'did you really?'
beatrice nods, and waits a moment before she laughs too. 'it seemed like the only thing that would keep me safe, from — from myself, i suppose. but then, of course, i met ava. a divinity, i suppose, more than i could've ever imagined, really.'
'noel was a reverend,' you say, and remember the benedictions she prayed at your feet: her neat suits and short hair and round-rimmed glasses as she got older, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes when she smiled.
beatrice smiles. 'would you like to tell me about her?'
you would, very much so, and so you do: you met at a protest when you were nineteen and she was twenty-one, and you kissed her two nights later underneath an apple tree just starting to blossom. she put you through law school, working three jobs, and when you finally got a job at a firm and ferociously worked your way up — for her — she went to divinity school. you had many children — beautiful boys in love with each other; beautiful girls in love with themselves — pass through your home, often showing up at noel's church with no family anymore. you fed them, and you had to watch so many of them die. and then — and then the world healed itself, in one particular way, and it was never easy; it has never been easy. you married noel once, in your garden, with your friends, and you married her again in her own church, years and years later, the rainbow flag outside and the stained glass the same kind of holy. it has been hard, and sorrowful, but it was worth it. the joy was worth it.
you see the gentle set of beatrice's shoulders, the way her chest is flat beneath her shirt, and you know she understands.
she sniffles and wipes under her eyes and then squeezes your hand tightly. 'i don't quite know what to say, but — thank you, for sharing. what a beautiful love.'
you clear your throat. 'yes. but, noel made me promise not to live a boring life, or to withhold any of my love. so if you have any aunts who might be interested —' you wiggle your eyebrows — 'please let me know.'
she laughs. 'unfortunately, i don't. but i'll be on the lookout.'
you make a big show of acting disappointed. 'well, i know you're taken — not that that has always stopped me before — but i'll take pity on ava. i like her.'
beatrice blushes, all the way to the tips of her ears, and you grin.
you finish your bottle of wine together, and she tells you about judo and aikido and about ava's new interest in geology; she asks about your greyhound rescue, malcolm, and his newest sweaters. she pays the bill, despite your protests — it's a particular joy of mine to use my homophobic parents' trust fund for queer gifts and adventures.
'bring ava, for dinner sometime,' you say. they have a house on the beach and a love that's so safe, so bright — but the world harms and harms and harms, and they are your children too.
'i would love that,' beatrice says, quiet and grateful. 'i would really love that.'
training service dogs is, in your opinion, the absolute best job in the world. your organization focuses on multi-purpose dogs, for medical and psychologic assistance, often both. it's a challenge, especially if handlers aren't fully equipped. but sometimes, it's your favorite thing ever.
when you first meet ava — and beatrice — you're charmed immediately. ava has a cane but sits down on the floor without hesitation to take korra into her lap, who immediately pinch bites but nuzzles into ava's arms anyway. 'bea,' she says, 'oh my god.'
'her name is korra,' you say, and beatrice laughs, just once, when ava perks up. 'she's small enough that you could change it, if you wanted to, but —'
'i love legend of korra,' ava cuts in. 'bisexual heroine! sick back tattoo. hot brilliant rich girlfriend.' she soots beatrice a wink, which makes her blush. 'i am not changing a perfect name for a perfect girl.'
'well then,' you say, 'do you mind if i sit with you and walk you through the plan?'
'oh,' ava says, 'i can get up. i just got excited.'
you wave her off. 'i like to play with her too. she's so sweet.'
'bea,' ava says with a grin, relieved that your decision was exclusively about the dog and nothing to do with her disability, 'you wore your old jeans just for this occassion.'
beatrice sighs, but she sits without any hesitation and melts, a little, when ava puts a squirming korra in her arms. 'hi, sweet girl,' she says, and runs her hand along korra's soft head and her feather-light spine. then she looks at you, 'do you mind if i record you? just audio. i know you'll give us all the instructions, but i find it helpful to have all forms of processing available so i can understand best.'
ava shoots you a glance sideways, trying not to laugh, but you keep it together. 'sure.'
beatrice and ava come in every session, five minutes early, with korra making incredible progress. eventually, ava comes by herself and happily explains that she's learned how to drive with hand controls on the days she needs to, which is fucking awesome. when you tell her that, she laughs and nods.
korra is a rockstar with her positive reinforcement training, and ava reports every time some new milestone she's reached. you'll work with the both of them for at least another year, but — 'you've done such an incredible job already, ava.'
ava shrugs, scratches behind korra's ears where she's happily sitting by ava's chair, calm and panting a little because she'd just worked on some difficult commands. 'i love to learn.' she shrugs. 'and i really love korra. i guess it's just — it is what it is, right? life and pain and whatnot. and, anyway, she helps.'
korra licks your hand when you offer her a small bite of a hot dog, and you swear she smiles at you. 'yeah, i know she does.'
Just do me a favor and look over the project before you roll your eyes at me, ekugbe texts you. admittedly, she is one of your favorite architects to work with, but she's also your ex. It's a good friend of mine, she follows up with, as if that's a plus. whatever. It's something you'll find meaning in, I promise.
it's annoying, because she's probably right, you think, and then she's definitely right when you open her email a few hours later and see detailed, gorgeous plans to redo a house on the water so that's it's ADA accessible. it's sleek and all clean lines, perfect materials planned; the owners, beatrice gu-knight and ava silva, you read, had clearly spared no expense in their plans, and, inevitably, ekugbe's mock ups are beautiful. you sigh. I'll meet with them, you text. you type out, But not because of you and then erase it, mostly because you sister keeps telling you that you don't need to send out more negative energy into the world.
you call beatrice's number the next day, and she's very proper and very british, and when you meet her at the house later, you're kind of in awe at how stunning it is already.
'we bought it as is,' she explains, 'but my partner, ava, needs it to be accessible for wheelchair usage now.' she doesn't sound sad, not a single regret at having to change one of the simplest, most well-designed and amazing houses you've ever seen. she's inches shorter than you but commanding still, straight backed and quietly confident, dressed in simple linen pants and a t-shirt, a cardigan thrown over her shoulders, a dark green beanie and lighter green glasses, barefoot — rich in the understated way that some people in los angeles are, palpably and casually, and you know that anything you need will be there for you, right away.
'i'd like to keep the doors to the patio, for sure,' she tells you, leading you on a tour. they space is designed to be indoor/outdoor, with doors that open all the way to a small hot tub and a giant patio. 'i'm sure you saw the blueprints ekugbe drew up — and, by the way, sorry, i know you have a complicated past, but she really did say you were the best, especially with projects like this.'
'it's totally fine,' you tell her, and when you see the release of tension in her shoulders, you genuinely mean it. she explains that they'll want to move the primary bedroom and bathroom onto the first floor, down a hallway that currently has two offices. you've contracted on many houses this big before, so the space is something of a blessing. 'that won't be a problem, especially since it doesn't look like the wall between them is load bearing.'
'great,' beatrice says. 'that's what ekugbe told me, so it's good to make sure.'
you go through the rest of the house: they'll need a wheelchair lift along the stairs, which won't be hard to install because it's just one staircase, straight up to a big enough landing that there won't be any issues. she wants to redo their kitchen and bathrooms entirely, so that everything will be reachable and safe. it'll be a huge project, but one you feel — even though your head is spinning at changing a house like this — is important. is a labor of love.
'ava and i will be here for the next two weeks, and then in europe for a few months. what do you think a reasonable timeline is for you? i would like to set up a rental for us, if you need longer than that.' it's not snooty, although the words are. it's matter of fact, just a series of tasks and logistics.
'as long as materials come on time, especially if we order them now, i should be able to do it in that timeframe.'
'wonderful,' she says, and clasps her hands in front of her chest, an endearing gesture. 'well, please send over anything to sign and payment methods, and let me know a start date.'
'will do.'
'also, marcus?'
'can i help you blow the wall out?' she grins. 'i've always wanted to. i have four black belts, if that helps.'
you just laugh. 'yeah, sure. why not?'
ava sits in her chair, pretty, in the same linen pants that beatrice had worn the other day, which is kind of funny and kind of sweet. she looks significantly more sad than beatrice about the state of their house, though, as you lay down tarps in the office to protect the floors.
'i swear i only agreed to this because bea promised you'd let her use a sledge hammer.'
'it'll be beautiful, when it's done.'
she sighs. 'i really do believe you. just, a bummer, you know?'
'my brother uses a chair,' you tell her. 'i like projects like this. and, plus, this house is amazing no matter what. your patio almost brought me to tears.'
she laughs. 'yeah, we fell in love with it right away.'
beatrice walks in in a cutoff tank and work pants, practical boots, and ava groans.
'best roleplay of my life,' she mumbles, and beatrice rolls her eyes.
'thank you for letting me have a little fun, marcus.'
'of course.'
'do i need a hard hat?'
'definitely not,' you manage without laughing, and hand her a sledge hammer.
ava watches, riveted, as you and beatrice go at the wall a few times, and then beatrice pauses and looks toward ava. 'want to get a few hits in? it's very cathartic.'
ava hesitates.
beatrice just pauses, patient, and then says, 'unless your back is hurting, i know you'll be strong enough. it's not that heavy.'
ava grins and wheels forward eagerly, lifts the sledgehammer and then nods. beatrice offers her her safety glasses and then backs away to the threshold of the door. ava swings, just fine, and gets a good chunk of the wall to break off from where beatrice had already been working, and she laughs and looks back at beatrice with a happy, relieved expression.
eventually, your crew takes over, and beatrice and ava take their leave to a rental for a few nights before they go do whatever they're doing in europe. the house comes together beautifully, it really does.
at the end, you call ekugbe, maybe for drinks.
it surprises you, the light you're able to let in.
'do you think i'll be faster than bea?'
you laugh, show ava where to put her hands on the wheels of the racing chair for maximum and most efficient torque. 'with practice, for sure.'
'gross,' she says. 'why not right away?'
'it just takes a little getting used to. but i'm certain you will, if you enjoy it.'
'well, you're ripped, so i'm enjoying it so far, that's for sure.'
you roll your eyes; you know both beatrice and ava well enough to know that ava's flirting is fun and entirely harmless. but, still, she's beautiful, so you allow yourself to preen nonetheless.
ava lets out a big breath. 'okay, let's fucking go, right?'
'i'll ride next to you for now, and then you can race beatrice.'
'sick.' she pushes a few times and picks up some speed, and you watch exactly what you'd felt yourself the first time you'd gotten into a chair like this: a big smile spreads across her face as she rounds the corner of the track without any problems. when she slows down you do too, and you're worried for a second before she just sniffles and wipes her cheeks. 'this is... this is so fun?'
'yeah,' you say. 'it's kind of the best.'
'as a kid, after i got hurt, and then, you know, after things started to get worse for me lately, i — i didn't think i could do this, ever. it's just — i feel so full. and so fast!'
'i didn't think i'd get to do this either, after i got hurt.' you'd had a complete spinal cord injury, when you were twenty, a car accident that wasn't your fault. your whole life had changed, in a split second — a track scholarship and rock climbing and snowboarding and judo evaporating, just like that, when you woke up from surgery, or at least that's what you thought. but your big sister had sat by your bedside and researched inpatient rehab, and financing, and outpatient rehab, and then, a fucking miracle in your life: paralympic racing. it's led you to do everything you loved before, just creatively, and, 'now i have four gold medals, so, here we are.'
'yeah,' ava says. 'here we fucking are!'
you reach over and high five her, and you look over to where beatrice is sitting on the bleachers; even from far away you can see her gay ass little smile at ava's joy.
'also, the gold medals?' ava says. 'extremely hot.'
you laugh. 'do you ever stop?'
ava shakes her head. 'hardwired, i'm afraid.' she frowns. 'unless, of course, you're uncomfortable, in which case i will stop immediately.'
'oh, no,' you say, 'keep going. it's fun.'
'i'm an excellent wingwoman, at any time. you just let me know.'
'i'll take you up on that soon, i'm sure.'
she laughs and takes off again, getting the hang of her form and how to lean into turns. eventually, she calls beatrice down from the bleachers; beatrice is probably one of the most terrifying athletes you've ever met, but ava's pretty fast already. they race a few times, laughing by the end, trash talking incessantly, beatrice eventually leaning down to kiss ava, both of them sweaty.
'last one back to the bleachers has to do the dishes tonight,' ava says, and takes off full tilt. she barely stops in time before ramming into the stands, but beatrice is laughing too hard to come anywhere close. it's joy, you think, in the hot sun. real joy.
mother superion
'so,' ava says, fidgeting in front of you, shifting from one foot to the other, rocking up on her toes. she's gotten older, a few years enough for you to be able to tell the subtle differences.
'yes, ava?'
'okay, i know this is stupid and antiquated, but, well...'
'is this a crisis of any kind?'
she shakes her head.
'then just breathe.'
she takes in a deep breath and lets it out, then sits on the bench next to you when you pat the space. 'i love beatrice.'
'i know.'
'i, well, i guess i'm asking you if i can marry her? i want to propose, and i'll do it, whatever you think, but — it would mean a lot, to me, to have your blessing.'
you hold out your hands and wait for her to take both. there is something holy in her back, something that you had thought was the most sacred thing in the world until you met her. but there is something holier, consecrate, in the way she loves — beyond the highest order you have ever known. in the way she loves you all, and life, but especially in the way she loves beatrice, one of your favorite people in the world. she died for it. you know, in a way that makes you ache, she would do it again.
but the war is over. the war is over, and you have watched them both become.
'there is nothing in this life that would make me happier than to bless your marriage, ava.'
'oh,' she breathes out, runs a hand through her hair, long now, with the tips dyed pink — just for fun! — and then smiles. 'okay. well, great. just gotta get bea to say yes then.'
you don't want to be unkind — you can feel the halo humming with ava's very genuine nerves — and so you don't laugh. instead, you ask, 'do you have a plan? a ring?'
ava lights up, and the halo's hum shifts to comfortable, warm. they'll go to switzerland, she tells you, and pulls up a picture of the ring on her phone — simple and elegant and handsome, all at once. she wraps you in a hug as you tell her so.
'i love you, ava,' you say.
she sniffles. 'i really love you.'
you feel the halo against your hand, through her sweater. 'please send me a save the date.'
'ava,' you say, as ava paces around their bedroom. 'bea is going to be right out there, waiting for you. after everything, you cannot possibly be nervous about this.'
she shakes her head. 'about marrying bea? definitely not.' she's in her dress, flowy lace and cotton, off-white because i'm certainly not a virgin, she had said while she was looking, and than had laughed and winked as you had rolled your eyes. 'i'm worried about the halo going off.'
you want to laugh, so hard, but it actually is an issue: most of ava and bea's friends and family don't know anything about the halo, mostly for their protection. 'i'm sure you can get all the glowing out on your honeymoon.'
ava does laugh, then, relieved. 'that's for sure.'
and it's beautiful: you get to stand in front of the altar your friend built for her partner, and you get to pray for their whole lives to be full of this stunning, soft love. they say their vows, and beatrice cries the entire time, which eventually makes ava cry, and then you cry, and then you all laugh.
'by the power vested in me by god, and the state of california,' you say, 'i now pronounce you wives.' ava laughs, delighted, and turns to bea, then looks at you impatiently. you roll your eyes. 'go ahead,' you say.
ava wastes no time, leaning forward to capture bea's lips in a sweet kiss, which beatrice lets linger long enough for a few good-natured wolf whistles from the crowd. ava kisses bea's forehead and they smile, alone in their own universe, before turning to everyone. there are cheers and you're pretty sure everyone was crying.
you get drunk on champagne at the reception and cry even more when you see beatrice in her tang jacket, when she tells you that you were right: there's no shame in loving ava; there never has been. and, a miracle, ava is hers. there are things more certain to you than faith.
'your marriage is going to last annoyingly long,' you tell her. 'i'm sure of it.'
she holds you tight. 'i'm sure of it too.'
your aunts are the fuc—freaking coolest. not only do they visit often, but you get to visit them in california, where they live in a big house on the beach and sometimes take you to disneyland. your aunt bea teaches you to surf, and your aunt ava teaches you how to make a bunch of virgin cocktails — which you find very fun — and they both sit and do puzzles with you whenever you want, even if your brother gets bored.
your grandmother — you guess, you never met her and you've never even talked to her, but she was your dad's and beatrice's mother — dies one day. you don't really care; she apparently was a huge asshole to your aunt when she was little. your dad picks you up from school like normal, and you wait impatiently for asaad to make his way out.
your dad takes you to get ice cream and then tells you that she died. you don't care, which is maybe bad, but you don't owe her anything. people can be mean for no reason, to someone like you, to someone like your aunt bea, so you don't care.
your dad is quiet for a few days, and then your aunts visit. you do a little double take when your aunt bea takes her beanie off and her hair is shorter than you've ever seen it, but you hug her quickly, as tight as you can, your head reaching the middle of her chest — when your cat died in third grade your mom had taught you about grief, how it lasts a long time and it's okay to feel, how different cultures have different ways of expressing it. you hug your aunt ava too, and she ruffles your hair and cups your cheek. 'what's up, beautiful?' she says, and it makes you feel it, from someone so pretty: beautiful.
when you get older, your aunt bea will help you change your pronouns, and pick a new name — peace, you decide on — and she calls you her niece, which you love. when you get older, she'll be even more amazing to you, the way she's so kind in a world that hasn't been, the way she loves your dad and your brother and your mom, the way she loves your aunt ava.
for now, it's late and your aunt ava is asleep in the guest room, and your dad had kissed your forehead and gone off to the bathroom he shares with your mom. you go downstairs to get a glass of water, and you see your aunt sitting on the couch, peacoat rumpled and very still and, if your dad's breath was anything to go by, probably pretty drunk.
she looks up when she hears you, and then smiles gently, a little unfocused. you sit next to her, rub your hand along her buzzed hair with a laugh, and it gets her to laugh too. 'you look cool.'
she kisses your forehead. 'that's very kind.'
you play with her fingers, with the ring there, warm even though it's cold outside. 'you know,' you say, 'you've made the world safer for me.'
the sound that leaves her is between a laugh and a sob. you want to be smaller, just for a moment, so you could climb into her lap like you used to when she was little.
'i'm really sorry your mother sucked balls.'
then there's definitely a laugh: 'did aunt ava teach you that?'
you grin into her shoulder. 'i can neither confirm nor deny.'
she tugs you to her, buries her face in your hair for a moment and then wipes her cheeks.
'i'm glad i'm like you,' you say, the best you can for now.
'oh, darling,' she says, then swallows so she doesn't start crying again, you're pretty sure, 'i'm so glad. you are such a light in this world. don't let anyone let you believe you aren't wonderful.'
'i won't,' you say, a prayer, like you kneel and understand with your mom; a promise.
'and, you can always call me.'
'ew, on the phone?'
she laughs. 'or text, if you must.'
you burrow into her side even further. 'i'll call, aunt bea. i always will.'
of course, if there's anything you know, it's blessings.
you know beloved; you know holy. people call you by different names, all falling short, all trying to grasp at you. you know beloved, and worship, and belief.
you look down on them sometimes, because you can. ava — her name the familiar of eve; the meaning in a sacred language, life; something divine against her will in her back; one of your children who had faced more cruelty than she should have — laughs, every day. even on days that hurt for her, she smiles and she laughs and there is a love there: for your world, for its waves and the sun and stars and moon; she, too, sees that it is good. beatrice, gentle and unsure and certain, prays to you still, and to ava, which you don't begrudge her. she worships every day, the most faithful on earth.
of course, there are things you let run their course, the small joys and small miseries: swimming in the ocean, chocolate cake, the first fall of snow; traffic jams and broken wrists and lilith. there are some things even you can't entire shift: ava's broken back and the heaviness in beatrice's mind sometimes. but you watch them, from time to time, in their house on a beach that brings them wonder, when they visit the mountains and fall asleep in front of a warm fireplace, listening to a record that skips before you step in and turn the machine off.
you'll let them grow old together, of course — greying hair and ava's impatience with politics and beatrice's stiff knees in the cold. there's time, for the halo and for all of it, but ava died to save the world, once. ava died for love, and she lives for it too.
in this life, they say to each other, quietly and often. you let things run its course but you step in, from time to time: you will give them peace. they'll want more of them, greedy, and perhaps you'll let them — and the next and the next and the next.
but, of course, this life, this life — you make sure it's a good one.
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todouswife · 10 months
Guardians of Serendipity- pt 4
Well, I think this is at least decent. but for the ppl who are interested in this story, it is deff gonna pick up and turn into more of an action/thriller romance story it's just starting off a little slow. sorry about that. I hope everyone enjoys!!!
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Over the next couple of days, Yasmine made it a part of her routine to grab a cup of coffee with her new friends. They always made time in the morning to stop by and see Yasmine. She appreciated this even if it was short, it was nice. Yasmine was currently sitting on her bed scrolling through TikTok. She had been ignoring the calls and texts from her boyfriend for the past four days. She didn't know how to bring up what she knew. Her so-called best friend hadn't checked up on her since she saw her with her boyfriend. She was watching a video when she got a Facetime call from Shelby, her best friend, she debated on answering the call. Yasmine didn't really want to see or speak to her but figured it would be okay to answer the phone, maybe she would tell on herself and that would be the end of it.
As Yasmine answered the phone she heard Shelby speak, "Hey you haven't texted me in a while, are you okay?" she said, Yasmine sighed trying to figure out how she wanted to go about the conversation. She didn't know if she should bring up her boyfriend to see if Shelby had a reaction. After a brief pause, she decided to keep things cordial for now, not wanting to be too obvious about what she knew.
"Yeah, I'm okay," Yasmine replied with a forced smile. "I've just been dealing with some stuff lately. I haven't wanted to talk to anyone." Shelby seemed to accept the vague answer, but there was an underlying tension in the air. Yasmine couldn't help but feel betrayed and disappointed in her friend, who chose her boyfriend over their friendship.
"I understand, if you ever need to talk or hang out, I'm here for you," Shelby offered, though her words felt fake to Yasmine.
"I know I just haven't felt like doing much," Yasmine replied, masking her true feelings behind politeness.
Yasmine looked at Shelby through the phone screen. Shelby looked so natural while being so insincere to her. Yasmine felt a mixture of rage and sadness swirl within her. She wanted to yell and scream at Shelby through the phone but wanted to see how this would play out. Shelby hums to herself while biting her lip.
"Anyway, I've been meaning to talk to you about something," Shelby said hesitantly, breaking the awkward silence that had settled between them.
Yasmine's heart raced as she anticipated what Shelby might say. Was this it? Was she actually going to tell on herself? How did Yasmine want to react to it if it was?
"What is it?" Yasmine asked, trying to appear casual while her mind was racing.
Shelby took a deep breath, "I've been hanging out with Mekhi a lot lately, and I didn't want you to hear it from someone else, but..."
Yasmine braced herself for what was coming, her pulse quickening as she wondered if Shelby was actually going to tell her.
"But Mekhi and I are just friends," Shelby continued, the words coming out in a rush. "I know it might seem weird, but we've just been keeping each other company because we've both been feeling lonely."
Yasmine felt a mix of emotions at Shelby's explanation. Yasmine let her face scrunch up at the explanation. She lied but her lie wasn't any better than the truth. Shelby's heart began to race at Yasmine's facial reaction.
"So because y'all have been lonely, y'all have been hanging out enough for people to possibly be suspicious and come back and tell me? That shit is weird." Yasmine says mugging the girl on the other end of the phone.
Shelby's eyes widened, "No, it's not like that. We're just friends, really."
Yasmine couldn't believe the audacity of her to play it off so casually. Anger boiled in her, threatening to spill over. She decided to press further, wanting to see how far Shelby would go with her lies.
"Just friends, huh?" Yasmine replied clearly annoyed and angry. "Funny how you conveniently started hanging out with him right around the time that we started fighting."
Shelby hesitated, her eyes darting away from the camera for a moment. "Look, I didn't mean to neglect our friendship. It's just, Mekhi and I found comfort in each other during a tough time."
Yasmine scoffed, "Comfort? Is that what you call it? You found comfort in my boyfriend while I was dealing with my own problems?"
Shelby bit her lip nervously, realizing she was losing the upper hand in this conversation. "Yasmine, I swear, it's not what you think. We're just friends, and I didn't want to burden you with my own struggles."
Yasmine felt a surge of anger and betrayal. The person she thought she could rely on had betrayed her trust. "I'm not stupid Shelby, I know it was you with him at that cafe. Y'all were hugged up on each other. That's not something friends do. Besides don't you think it's better to put your problems on me rather than act booed up with my man?"
Shelby let out an aggravated sigh, "Yas, I was not booed up with him. You need to calm down, you are working yourself up over nothing." Yasmine decided she didn't want to listen to any more of her lies.
"No, I don't want to hear that shit. I already know that you are sleeping together, you can have him. Fuck you and him have a nice night." Yasmine hung up the phone and blocked Shelby and her ex.
The room was tense as Yasmine sat on her bed, her phone buzzing incessantly with messages from Shelby and Mekhi, probably from social media. She wanted to read them but she knew that it would just upset her more than she already was. Yasmine felt like she needed to talk with someone. Normally her go-to is her roommate and friend Jaleah but she was at work and Yasmine knew she shouldn't disturb her at work. With a deep breath, she dialed Roman's number.
Roman's voice came through the line, "Hey, Yasmine. Everything okay?"
Yasmine hesitated for a moment, her voice cracking some as the anger turned into sadness, "I need someone to talk to. Can you guys come over?"There was a pause, and Yasmine could almost hear the silent conversation among Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and Solo.
Finally, Roman replied, "Of course. We'll be there in a bit."
"Thank you," Yasmine said with tears rolling down her face. Roman gave her a short response before hanging up the phone. Yasmine texted him her address and threw her phone to the side and then buried her face in her knees. It was so frustrating. Why did she have to be the one to go through this? While she had already come to terms with what was going on it didn't make it hurt any less. All the years worth of memories with the both of them were tainted. she spent so long and the two people she trusted the most hurt her in the worst way possible. 
After about 20 long minutes there was a knock on the door. Yasmine drug herself out of bed, she stumbled a bit as she got up, her sight still blurred with tears. Yasmine reached the front door and looked through the peephole. She saw exactly who she was expecting so she opened the door to find Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and Solo standing there, they all looked worried. Yasmine steps to the side and lets them in the apartment. They silently walked in.
"Uh, make yourself comfortable," Yasmine weakly says with a sniffle.
Everyone settled in the living room, Roman, Solo, and Jimmy smooshed on a couch while Jey and Yasmine got comfortable on cushioned chairs.
"Yas were here for you. You just gotta tell us what's up." Jey says in a reassuring tone while looking at Yasmine. Yasmine sighs and looks at the floor as she begins to tell them everything. From what she found on her boyfriend's iPad to the Facetime call with Shelby and everything in between. Yasmine let it all out she needed it. She yelled, cried, and screamed. She felt so vulnerable.
Roman's face showed empathy for her, "I'm sorry you're going through this, Yasmine. I know it's not easy."Yasmine nodded, her eyes welling with tears once again, "Do you need a hug?" he said with his arms extended. Yasmine nodded, and they both got up to hug. Yasmine buried her face into Roman's chest and wrapped her arms around his torso, still slightly crying. Roman stroked her hair while having his other arm wrapped around her shoulders. 
Jey trying to lighten up the mood gets up and wraps his arms around Yasmine's shoulders. "Let me get in on this." Yasmine giggles and pulls out of Romans's chest whipping her eyes.
"I'm actually so glad I ran into you guys," she sniffles again.
Jimmy smiles, "Yeah, and we're not going anywhere. You're stuck with us now." while following his brother's actions. Yasmine couldn't help but let out a small chuckle and hug the brothers back. 
"Solo you gotta get in this hug now." Yasmine laughs, Solo smiles lightly and gets up to join the group hug. Yasmine smiles feeling comforted knowing she at least had a support system to help her. Soon they all separated and sat back down.
"Do you want to get some food and ice cream?" Jimmy asks
Yasmine's eyes brightened at Jimmy's suggestion. She quickly nodded her head yes. Roman chuckled, "Food and ice cream sound like a plan," He said, a reassuring smile on his face. The group quickly decided on a nearby diner known for its comfort food.
As they walked to the diner, the guys continued to crack jokes and share lighthearted banter. Yasmine found herself constantly laughing at the others.
The diner, with its cozy booths and familiar aroma of comfort food, provided a welcoming atmosphere. They ordered a variety of dishes, indulging in a collective feast that somehow made everything feel a little better.
Between bites, Jey asked, "So, what's the plan now, Yas? How do you want to handle all of this?"
Yasmine thought about the question for a second. She never actually got that far. "Honestly, I just want to move on. I don't think it's worth the heartache. I don't need that drama in my life. I think I mourned the relationship a while ago I just needed the push to say something."
Jimmy, with a playful grin, added, "If you need any revenge ideas, just let us know. We got you."
Yasmine chuckled, "No revenge needed. I wanna focus on myself and get myself right. I can't do that if I'm focused on getting my get back."
After the meal, they decided to cap off the night with a visit to an ice cream parlor. As they ate the sweet treats, Yasmine couldn't help but feel grateful for the turn in her day.
Later after Yasmine felt better the men took her back to her apartment and soon left after. On their car ride home they talked amongst themselves, Yasmine was so sweet. She was way too good for her ex, and while she didn't have the energy to do anything to make them as sad as her, that didn't go for her new friends. They were upset that someone had the nerve to do that let alone someone they had grown fond of. The four of them had connections and lots of them, and while they wouldn't let Shelby and Makhi be hurt physically they would be hit where it hurt for sure. They would make sure of it.
__________________________________ Now something small I wrote for it that isn't fully in the story and lowkey i love it, i like my men a little delulu but not everyone does sooooo
Solo sat in the backseat of the car as they drove through the city. The night had taken a turn, and he found himself feeling a mix of anger on behalf of Yasmine. He listened to the conversation in the car, his mind already formulating a plan. Yasmine may not have wanted to do anything but he and everyone in the car did.
Roman, driving the car, glanced at Solo through the rearview mirror. "Solo, you been quiet. What's on your mind?"
Solo leaned forward, his expression serious. "Yasmine didn't deserve any of this shit. It pisses me off they did that. I wanna do something to make them feel the same way."
Jimmy, turned around from the front passenger seat and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we can't let them think they can mess with one of ours and get away with it."
Jey chimed in, "But we gotta be smart about it. We can't risk bringing unnecessary attention."
Roman listened to the input from the twins and Solo, "I agree. We need to hit them where it hurts without causing more problems for ourselves."
As they continued to discuss their plan, Solo's thoughts were focused on the best way to deliver a message that would make Shelby and Mekhi regret their actions. He knew they had connections, and he intended to use them strategically.
Finally, Solo spoke up, "Let me handle this. I know some people who can make their lives a living hell without us getting directly involved."
Roman raised an eyebrow, "You sure about this, Solo? We don't want any unnecessary trouble."
Solo nodded, his jaw clenched. "I got it under control. They messed with one of ours, and they need to pay."
The car fell into a determined silence as they headed back to their usual meeting spot. Solo's mind was already working out the details of the plan. He knew how to navigate the underground, and he had connections that could make things very uncomfortable for Shelby and Mekhi.
As they pulled up to their destination, Solo looked at the brothers and Roman. "Trust me on this. I'll make sure they regret messing with Yasmine."
The twins exchanged glances before Jimmy grinned, "Do your thing, Solo. We got your back."
Solo stepped out of the car, his mind focused on the task at hand. Revenge wasn't always the answer, but in this case, he couldn't let the betrayal go unanswered. 
As he disappeared into the night, the brothers and Roman exchanged a glance. They trusted Solo to handle things. 
they ain't gonna be physically harmed but their reputation may as well be dead as well as their social life but that's if I actually include this in the lore of the story lol :P
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uceyliyahh · 1 day
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Summary: It all started when you and Jey became friends with benefits, no strings attached to one another, until you started catching feelings for him.
This fanfic is 18+! NO MINORS ALLOWED
word count: 2662
smut warning; it’ll come in the story randomly so PLEASE PLEASE look out for it I’m not really good at writing ✍🏽 smuts but I’m improving at the moment.
Jey Uso x Yasmine
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
But I’ll be writing along the way since this story is in my drafts on Wattpad right now so yuh. 💁🏽‍♀️
TAGS ⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tag 🏷️
@pinkwithhearts @jstarr86 @biancasreign @empressdede @angiedawn02 @paigereeder @yana3sworld @zillasvilla @fearlesschimera @xbriexx @skyesthebomb @bebesobrielo
YASMINE It's been a few weeks since I blocked Jey, and I started to hang out with Carmelo. honestly, Carmelo was so sweet and kind. He would take me out on dates and shopping if I needed anything. Other than that, it's been good.
Even when he's busy with his professional wrestling career, he would FaceTime me and check up on me too.
I did get a few unknown numbers calling me or texting me, which I knew were from Jey, but I just continued to block them and go on about my day because I wasn't going to give in to this man.
I was texting Trinity about everything that had been happening between me and Carmelo.
Trinity: girl, have you and Melo been doing anything freaky? Yasmine: no, Trin, we haven't. It has just been cool vibes lately. Trinity: I know that you're trying to forget about Jey but he's been crashing out Minks. Yasmine: what does that have to do with me Trin? Trinity: umm, everything? He keeps asking me about you and why you blocked him. Yasmine: oh, whomp whomp sucks to be him I mean I gotta avoid him at all cost. Trinity: I don't know...minks this doesn't seem right. Yasmine: are you siding with him because he's your brother in law Trin? Trinity: no I am not I'm just saying this seems very immature.
'How can this be immature when I'm just trying to protect myself?'
Yasmine: immature? Trinity: yeah, yall are both grown adults yall could've just talked it out. Yasmine: ion think talking it out with him is his thing Trin and you know it. Trinity: nah it's his thing but enough of that you tryna come to the club tonight? Yasmine: as long he isn't there I'm down for sure. Trinity: kk well I'll come get you girl.
I sighed while putting my phone on the charger as I turned on my Tv watching my show on Netflix, I prayed that he wasn't going to be there at the club because I would gladly leave for sure.
Thinking about what Trin had said, yeah, it is very immature of me to block Jey and be with Carmelo, but I had no other choice but to do it because I knew that if I and he were going to talk about it, he was either going to fuck the shit outta me or start an argument.
And I didn't have time for that, I heard my door knocking as I got up and looked outside my window seeing Jey's car parked outside.
'What is he doing here?'
I ignored it while getting back to watching my show noticing that my phone was ringing seeing the Caller ID, I just knew it was him calling me.
This man was blowing up my phone like he was my nigga or something.
'I'm sorry, Jey, but I gotta protect my heart and myself.'
I've seen text messages comin from him, I know he's upset and crashing out but I have to do this.
'I don't wanna get hurt.'
Jey🩷 sent 4+ messages Jey🩷: Yasmine open the damn door Jey🩷: what is going on? Jey🩷: what did I do for me to get blocked? Jey🩷: minks c'mon now bro
I felt bad about it but again he's dealing with her while me and him are fucking around behind her back, from the moment he introduced me to his girlfriend I could sense that she was jealous of me.
Jealous of our friendship and our bond that we had together, but now she can have him.
He kept banging on the door like he was the police so I went downstairs looking through the peep hole only to see him standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Minks, I know you're home open the door." Jey said, banging on the door again.
"Can you stop banging on my door Josh," I replied.
"Not until you open the door and tell me what's up."
I sighed while slightly opening the door as me and him made eye contact with each other seeing him in a black hoodie with some cargo pants on along with his chain and grills that he had on. Jey never fails to look good.
"Let me in, minks."
"No, I'm good say what you need to say here." I said sternly while folding my arms.
He raised his eyebrow at me, "girl, yo' ass better stop playin' with me and let me in this damn house before I straighten that ass out." Him talking to me like that with a raspy and deep voice turned me on but I had to keep my composure while opening the screen door to let him in.
He came in and sat on the couch man spreading as his eyes were darted towards my direction while I shut the door behind me.
"What the fuck is wrong with you minks?" He begins to say.
"I don't know what you're talking about Jey." I said while standing there.
"You know good damn well what I'm talking about, don't play dumb with me Yasmine."
I rolled my eyes at him I didn't have time for him to be coming up in my house arguing with me about my actions, the only action that I have In order to protect my heart.
I walked inside my kitchen going into the refrigerator to get me something to drink as I felt him behind me.
"Jey, you need to leave."
"Nah, why have you been ignoring me? Most importantly why did I get block then I'm seeing you with Carmelo ass?" Jey questioned me as I looked him in the eyes.
I was reading his facial expressions I could see that he was angry and hurt by my actions.
"Why does that matter to you Jey? We aren't together last time I checked." I retorted, seeing him smirking.
When I seen that smirk appear on his face that's when I knew shit was finna hit the fan, he ran his hands down his beard  before placing them on the counter table trapping me.
He doesn't like it when I catch an attitude or be sassy towards him it gets him all raddled up in a way that I cannot explain.
He scooped me up by my thighs while placing me on the counter table going between my legs trapping me once again as our faces were close to each other.
He knew how my body reacted to him.
"Why do you keep playin' with me, Yasmine?" He said in a raspy tone, placing soft kisses on my neck.
"I-I'm N-not J-Jey." This man is making me stumble on my words I felt his hands shift onto my ass giving it a good grip.
Jey stopped kissing me on the neck as he looked at my lips then back up to me, our foreheads were touching each other.
"Then tell me what's up then mama." Fuck he was so intoxicating and so dark it almost like a drug that I couldn't escape even if I tried.
I didn't want to give in to this man, I didn't want to feel used or just a rebound every single time him and his girlfriend get into it.
He placed his lips onto mines as our lips moved in sync together I wanted to pull away so bad but my body wasn't letting me.
I felt him pick me up by my thighs as he carried me upstairs towards my bedroom pinning me on the bed as my arms were above my head.
"Jey we can't be doing this, I got things to do."
"Like what? Fucking on Carmelo? Giving him what's mine?"
"Like I said Jey we aren't together so why does It matter?" I said trying to push him off of me.
He grabbed me by the throat firmly, this was toxic behavior something that I like, I loved it when he puts me in my place reminding me.
"Do I gotta remind yo' ass again minks?"
"Jey I— do I have to remind you who you belong to minks? don't fucking play with me." His grip on my throat was tight, but not to the point where he could suffocate me.
I shook my head while holding onto his wrist, he was so aggressive and it turned me on so bad I just wanted to give in but I couldn't I just couldn't.
"I feel like I have to remind you because you keep playin' Minks you doin all of this extra shit for what? What did I do?"
"You wouldn't understand Jey, it's complicated for me," I responded.
"You know what it is minks and what it ain't so please elaborate." I didn't want to deal with this shit right now with him he knew damn well why it's complicated for me to avoid him.
I removed his hand around my throat while getting up from my bed ignoring him because I didn't want to argue with him.
Hearing him chuckle darkly behind me I just knew he was getting pissed off by my attitude I didn't care.
I felt his eyes were watching me and my movements hearing my phone ringing I've seen the caller ID it was Carmelo I guess Trin told him about us going to club probably wanted to come get me.
I've seen his eyes darted at my phone ringing causing him to smirk, he got up from my bed while walking towards my direction.
"Yo' ass wanna keep playin' right mama?" He responded in a raspy tone.
Grabbing me again by the throat kissing me roughly and we removed every single piece of clothing that we had on.
"Move, yo' fucking hand Minks." Jey rasped as he pushed my hands away from his stomach.
I didn't listen to him due to the simple fact that my mind was foggy with him fucking me like this why did I give in to this man?
He grab a whole load of my hair wrapping around his hand as he pulled me up causing me to yelp.
"I'm not goin' to repeat myself Minks."
"O-okay!" I moaned as he pushed his dick deep inside of me.
Jey was so aggressive and angry which I could understand why because of me of course but I'm doing what's best for me and my mental health.
It was so much pressure I was feeling that I wanted to push him away so bad but my body couldn't let me.
He let go of my hair as my body fell into the mattress feeling him grip my hips while fucked me vigorously.
"Fuccck Daddy."
"Yes, mama keep calling for me." Jey moaned as he gave my ass a slap causing me to winch.
He pushed my head down on the mattress pounding me in so deeply making me feel like I needed to be reprogrammed or something.
"You wanna keep playin' with me right? And being fucking difficult? Imma fix that shit." I heard my phone ringing trying to sit up and see who it was but Jey wouldn't let me.
He grabbed my phone seeing the Called ID a smirk appeared on his face which I knew that it was Carmelo calling me again.
He flipped me onto my back as his pushed his dick back into my gushy insides, while he answered the phone giving it to me.
"Hello??" I answered while getting my shit beat in by this man.
"Yasmine? Are you still going to club with Trin and em' if so I can come get you so Trin won't have to." I looked up at Jey seeing him gazing down at me as he leaned in towards my ear.
"Tell him you ain't coming minks." He whispered as he grabbed my throat pounding me into the oblivion.
I really did want to go to the club with the girls including Carmelo but with Jey being this way I don't know if I could.
"F-fuck..." I mewled softly while hearing Carmelo in the background.
"Minks? you good are you comin or what?"
"Tell him..." Jey was so demanding and aggressive he loved it when I obey him or make me look miserable underneath him, my legs were now above my head as both of our skins were slapping against each other.
I felt a pit in stomach knowing that I was going to come as I tapped on his shoulder signaling him.
"I'm hitting that ain't huh mama? go ahead make a mess on me." Jey groaned as he continued to fuck me.
"I-I'm S-sorry M-melo I-I C-Can't M-make I-it...ouuuu fuck." I managed to speak while hanging up the phone as I threw it somewhere on the bed.
I felt so overwhelmed by this I started to feel tears coming down my face, I grabbed the pillow that was near me covering my face.
"Move the pillow from yo' face Yasmine." He demanded as I didn't listen to him once again I knew that I could hard headed at times but for this I just couldn't shake the feeling.
I felt my legs shaking violently as I cursed underneath the pillow, "fucccck I'm cumming...." I felt myself creaming all over this man dick peeking out of the pillow seeing my essence covered on him.
"Mhmm, mama look at the mess you made on me this pretty pussy of yours." Jey cooed.
He noticed that I haven't took the pillow away from my face as he slammed into me deeply, "Get...that..fucking..pillow.away..from..your...face."
I rolled my eyes in the back of my head removing the pillow from my face so that he could see me trembling underneath him.
"Yeah, minks let daddy see how good he's fucking you." He leaned in closer as our foreheads were touching each other.
He watched his dick slide in and out my wetness while placing his lips onto mine kissing passionately, placing his tongue inside my mouth making it more passionate.
As we continue to tongue kiss each other I felt another pit in my stomach along with his dick twitching inside of me I wrapped my arms around his neck the way this man can make me cum in secs needs to be studied.
He pulled away from my lips while he threw his head back in pleasure gazing down at me, "you love me minks?" He questioned me.
"Y-yess Josh I love you soo much." I managed to breathe out while maintaining eye contact with him.
"Tell me how much you love me mama."  My eyes were in the back of my head keeping my arms wrapped around his as my legs tightened while my walls clenched around him causing him to curse underneath his breath.
"Oh my goddd Josh I'm cumming...I love you so much Josh fuck!"
He wanted me to feel every single inch of him inside of me hearing the sounds of gushy noises coming from me as he continued speed up his pace trying to get his nut.
Placing wet soft kisses on my neck as he pulled out cumming all over my body groaning in the process, "fuck mamas."
My body was shaking violently as he came over a kissed my body to calm me down as he placed me into his lap straddling him.
He continued to place soft kisses on my body as I felt tired and defeated by this man letting him do whatever to me.
"You done playin with me?" Jey asked.
"M-mhm..." I mewled weakly feeling disappointed in myself for giving in.
"Now go ahead and unblock me next time yo' ass wanna block somebody for some stupid shit next time imma hand cuff yo' ass so you won't be runnin from me you hear me Minks?" His voice was so stern and deep it was like cutting through some paper.
"Yes...Josh I hear you..." I mumbled while trying to get up to go take a shower.
He pulled me back onto his lap as he grabbed me by the chin, "say you hear me minks."
"I hear you Josh I hear you." He kissed me on the lips while letting me go to the bathroom.
'He's probably going to leave anyways but imma still keep him blocked because these are the games that he likes to play.'
'I mean I did sign up for this so I shouldn't be acting this way towards him but I can't help it I fell in love with him.'
A/N: ouuuu child what is Yasmine going to do, also do yall like Jey being toxic? Just a little bit? I'm just letting this unfold.
I hope yall enjoy this chapter lmk in the comments.
Stay Ucey🩷
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treesbee33 · 1 year
Thursday, May 11th
Today was great! Didn't get much work done or catch up on chemistry, but had a fun day. I woke up around 11am and got around 8 hours of sleep. Then I finally finished my english homework that was due two weeks ago. It felt so good to cross that off of my to-do list. Then I went to Kerckhoff to hang out with my friends. Then I went back to my dorm and made a bracelet while Facetiming Jillian. I studied with Yasmin for a bit, but ended up watching The Lorax. SUCH A GOOD MOVIE. Then I went to Fireside for the night to study with my friends.
brekky: nothin
lunch: ramen from The Drey
dinna: pizza from The Study
late night: costco snaksssss
Peaces and outs.
TIME: 11:26 PM
0 notes
sjwilli4ms · 1 year
Writing Initiative #5 & #6(week 8 & 10)
week 8
This week I didnt present anything to class… and that is because I was in the planning and prepping process for my 4d *week 8*
At the start of week 9, I knew that I wanted to do something that was a cross between my 2d and 3d, but I still wasn’t exactly sure about what to do. Going back to the drawing board and brainstorming a little more, I subsequently decided that I wanted to take the fashion photography element and ethos from my 2d, and the chronosynchronicity of emotions from my 3d. I decided to make a fashion campaign style video. 
Upon having this epiphany. I still felt that something was still missing. A huge element to tie it all together and make it really have that ‘chronosynchronicity’ feel. I mean, songs and videos have beginnings middles and endings, and that could technically be what I could do, but it just didn’t feel intentional… THEN IT HIT ME.
I brainstormed, spoke with Paul, and consulted my other course mates and then BOOM. It literally came to me in a dream (not really, it was more like getting hit by a truck hahahah). I was gonna make a few outfits per the feelings that are in chronosynchronicity and make one of those polly pocket style dress-up flip-books with a supplementary fashion video .
EUREKA!… or so I thought…
It was a good idea either ways, so I started execution. I booked the photography studio and rented two cameras and lighting for week 10, and I started preparing even more. 
I made an ISO (in search of) post on my instagram looking for a model, or someone that would be happy to step in as my muse (I could have done this all by myself but there really and truly is strength in numbers). Thats when Jaden, a friend that I acquainted with in my childhood reached out to me, and we hopped on a FaceTime call. He was in bed with his partner (who is actually one of my best friends haha) when we spoke on the phone (im saying this is for contextual reasons that will make sense!). I told him to make outfits based on the emotions Joy, Lust, Confusion, Sadness, and fear because I felt called to narrow the emotions from my 2d down to those 5 emotions. From making those fits, which required 1 top, 1 bottom, 1 pair of shoes and possibly a piece of outerwear per outfit, I also decided that on shoot day, I would make us make every possible combination in outfit with the pieces available. Bare in mind… I was extremely burnt out this entire process, but I kept on pushing and I’m so glad I did!, so here are my findings from the interview( I transcribed it in a very abstract way and kept on asking “why” till the answer was so abstract from the question that it didn’t make sense):
to Jaden 
Green tracksuit
White shirt
Green bapestas 
Green is his favourite colour
Green reminds his grandmas garden 
Raised and spent free time there
He’d chill there because “she’s old”
There wasn’t much to do…
Because she’s “old”
Why was she old… 
Black mickey tee
Black short shorts/black sweats
Jordan 4 Black cats 
“Yasmin” picked it out
*passes phone to Yasmin*
When she thinks of lust, she thinks PRIMAL attraction. Desire driven
Showing off assets with short shorts and muscly top.
With attraction to lust: she’s attracted to people built well/ seem strong.
DNA. Likes the feeling of feeling safe.
Life is scary as a woman.
Gender roles. 
Protector = man = infiltrator
Oversized 4ye hoodie cream
Bimsee pants 
Travis Scott silver forces
A lot is going on. People get confused when there is “too much going on”
People like “straight forwardness”
Not as cohesive 
Silhouette isn’t too much going on 
“Too much going on” = the elements that make the whole. Not the whole itself.
Journey/ destination?
Journey is straightforward.
Tedious with journey, same with fashion. 
Tedious = confusion ?
Tedious = harder to comprehend
Trying too hard to compute makes it easy to miss the point.
Get to the point.
Elmo hoodie black 
Black jeans 
Cream shoes
Reminds me of a Paramore song—— any song on the after laughter album
Why the juxtaposition 
People trying to mask the fact that they’re sad (Hide your face w hoodie)
Upbringing that made him think this way. 
People have “had it much worse than you do”
Parents do it to not be an inconvenience to them.
My parents grieve
They can’t grieve because of “kids”
Grief of youth 
Makes backhanded comments to said “kids”
No resentment 
Comes up with new goals 
With sadness comes birth 
Tower moment. Rebuilding. 
I just learnt that his mum can fly a plane.
Black trench
Dickies shirt grey
Tie with hearts 
New balances/ pandas 
Dark colours are what people associate with fear. “With fear come gloom”
Link to lust and fear?
Uncertainty. Curiousity
Attracted only on a physical level (lust) don’t want them to see them more on a physical Lebel (fear)
I chose to make Andrew pick his own outfits because I wanted to showcase his own chronosynchronicity.
After the interview was over, I felt even closer to Yasmin and felt a closeness with Jaden (which would come in handy on shoot day as I prefer my models to feel comfortable). In the end, everything came to me in an epiphany:
Lust and fear and intertwined… which technically is link to confusion (which is linked to fear)… joy is the only juxtaposing thing in spite of the fact that they are all separate emotions. Without all these things there can’t be any joy. All these feelings and emotions make chronosynchonicity 
We ended up shooting a few days after in the studio and it was very fun!
With editing, I was so excited to do that as I have previous knowledge from a YouTube channel I used to run when I was younger! I was so excited editing that it literally put me in flow state and CURED my burnout???? It really did and I felt a deep sense of purpose here!
And in the end, the video came out so well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWWs0GK5csI (Video will be posted in subsequent post)
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zoesrose · 3 years
FaceTime; Zoe & Yas 
June 14, 2021
yasmin puckerman
[face time ringing]
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Hey, hold on I’m just moving outside.
zoe rose
I was going to put on some clothes but decided not to.
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yasmin puckerman
yeah? Lemme see?
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zoe rose
That's not how you ask.
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yasmin puckerman
My fault I got excited. You think your phone could bless me and pan down or sum please Sir? Don’t lemme see your tray though, I only got a clip I’m digging out my pocket RIGHT now and imma be so jealoussss
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zoe rose
Mhm. Pay attention, I'm only complying once. [ Pans down to show herself only partially covered by her silk robe ]
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yasmin puckerman
Ttsssss, mmyup, ThanK you...  Fuck I forgot what I was gonna say
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zoe rose
You doing alright over there?
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yasmin puckerman
Yeah good. I’m good. Gotta recover you know. I’m good. You gonna still just be wearing that when I get back maybe?
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zoe rose
It usually takes you like 20 min to get back to me? You'll find me just like this. As soon as the 25 minute mark hits, I'm changing into sweats.
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yasmin puckerman
Imma be flying. Damn now my palms are sweaty, I still got like and hour and sum to go
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zoe rose
So I should keep my phone up here and stop teasing you then?
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yasmin puckerman
Hold up, I didn’t say all that... but also actually yeah maybe. I never know what’s actually good for me so self preservation out the window. You right. Not that I won’t be kept busy when I get back, I’m envying the morning crew. Always crickets before 2 on the weekday.
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zoe rose
Hm, I'll make the decision then and stop. Doesn't it being busy make time go by faster?
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yasmin puckerman
Cool. Thanks. I think... yeah it does. I’m just complaining, my bad. I was gonna ask you though, since last week I fumbled and popped back up... you think you’d want my ass around Monday night again too? Sir.
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zoe rose
You already know my stance on how I feel about your company. So the real question is do you want to spend Monday night with me?
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yasmin puckerman
Yeah, hella, I do. Please.
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zoe rose
Oh. You said please without prompting. You must really want it, hm?
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[ fade to black ]
0 notes
parelmoer · 5 years
I hope we get some yasmina content next 😌🤞
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jacks-spaceship · 6 years
Yaz: *is telling a serious story*
Ryan: *accidentally stabs himself with his own toenail*
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lcandothisallday · 2 years
jack surprises you. he tells he is going to miss your birthday or something then plans a big suprise party with your best friends. and he shows up and is like aren’t gonna show your boyfriend some love. idk like angsty to fluffy
Birthday Girl - Jack Harlow x f!reader
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The second you heard your phone ring with an incoming FaceTime call from Jack, you grin and answer immediately.
“Hi J,” you hum, the smile and excitement evident on your features once the call connected and you saw his handsome face. “I miss you.”
Jack bit his lip and gave you a soft smile. “I miss you too, mamas…” The second you see his solemn and apologetic face, you take in a breath.
“What’s up? Is everything alright?” you ask him with concern.
Jack let out a sigh. “Baby…I’m-I’m not gonna be able to make it back in time for your birthday.”
Your face drops, “oh…,” you mumble, your brows furrowing. “W-why not?” you ask quietly.
Jack felt his heart break as he saw your reaction. The guilt was slowly creeping up on him and he was so tempted to just out himself but he spent too long planning your surprise birthday with your best friends.
“Sweetheart, I really have to work on the album. The time crunch is bad and I really need to rework some stuff before the release date,” Jack explained. While it wasn’t a complete lie, he still felt beyond guilty.
You have to will yourself not to cry in front of him after hearing his apology. “Can’t you just come for the night? We don’t have to do anything serious or big-I just wanna see you,” you reason.
Jack shook his head, “baby I really can’t. I’m sorry.”
You couldn’t help it and your eyes started watering. “It’s whatever, Jack. I understand,” you sniffled. “Just um…call me first thing in the morning on my birthday? I want you to be the first person I talk to.”
Jack nodded, his heart breaking further at your words. “Yeah of course, mamas.”
You and Jack talk for a bit longer before you say you love him and end the call. The second the call ended, Jack immediately texted the group chat he had with your best friends.
Jack: Hop on a call right now
He started a Group FaceTime call and the second he saw your two best friends faces pop up, he frowned. Noticing his displeasure, your friend Celine smirked.
“What’s wrong curly?” she asked mockingly.
Jack rolled his eyes, “I’m just letting you guys know that this is the first and last time I’m enlisting your guys’ help ever,” he said sternly.
Your other friend Yasmin who was usually more understanding looked at him sympathetically. “What happened?”
“I told her I had to miss her birthday and she started crying,” he sighed, running an anxious hand through his curls. “Bro it fucking killed me not to just out myself,” he groaned. “It’s not worth it—”
This time Celine rolled her eyes as she looked away to apply some more of her lipgloss. “Stop being so dramatic Jack. It’ll be worth it when she runs into your arms in glee.”
Jack scoffed, “it better.”
“Don’t worry. She’ll love it,” Yasmin reassured.
“Oh Jack?” Celine spoke up again with a smirk. “How’s Urban?”
“Wouldn’t you fucking like to know.”
Like Jack promised, the second you woke up and checked your phone, you saw a text from Jack telling you to call him once you woke up.
You spent about an hour in the morning just talking to him but the second he said he had to go, it was like reality hit you again and your excitement for the day dropped instantly.
At around 7 at night, you hear persistent knocking on your door and you groan as you go to answer it.
When you saw that it was Celine and Yasmin, you sigh. “C’mon babes—we need you to get ready! It’s your birthday and you’re sulking home alone?!” Celine exclaimed in question, acting oblivious.
You shrug, “I don’t wanna go out.”
“Come on Y/N, it’s your birthday,” Yasmin reasoned. “Don’t you wanna go out and enjoy your special day?”
You shook your head as you take a seat on your couch. “I don’t wanna do anything but sit here and watch my show,” you frown. “He couldn’t…he couldn’t even take half a day off,” you mumble. “How can we have a proper future together if he can’t even find time to make it for special occasions like my birthday?” you say while frowning.
Celine bit her lip, “well that’s exactly why we should go out and have a good time! Show him that you don’t need him,” she shrugged.
You thought about it for a moment before you nod reluctantly. “Okay…let’s show him what he’s missing out on,” you breath out with a grin, giggling as your girlfriends drag you to your room.
Your friends ended up bringing you to a half restaurant half club type of venue and all you wanted to do was have a quick drink, take a couple of pictures and go home but you also didn’t want to be a buzzkill on your own birthday. You wore a little black dress that hugged your curves in all the right places which Celine knew was gonna make Jack go absolutely crazy.
As you three approach and enter what looked like a private room, you freeze as everyone in the room jumps up and exclaims “surprise!”
Your eyes widened and you can’t contain your giggle as you look around and take note of all the familiar faces. Your heart rate picks up when you realize that if all your close friends and family where there, then there was a possibility that Jack would be too.
Your eyes scan the crowd and the second it lands on your curly haired boyfriend, you grin and throw yourself into his arms. He wraps his arms around your torso tightly and lets out a content sigh. “Happy birthday pretty girl,” he breathed out, leaning back slightly to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe that you’re here right now,” you mumble into his chest. Jack smiles and rubs your back gently. “Would never miss your birthday,” he whispered back.
You pull back with a grin, your face beginning to heat up once you notice everyone staring and awing at the two of you, Urban even taking videos and photos with his camera.
“Did you do all of this?” you ask, your fingers absentmindedly playing with his beard. Jack grinned cockily as he hummed. “Yeah—got help from Celine and Yasmin.”
Your grin widened if possible and you leaned up to press a kiss to his lips, your arms wrapping around his neck. “I love you so much,” you mumble against his lips.
“Hey!” Celine exclaimed in interruption. “We,” she pointed to Yasmin and herself. “We put in just as much effort and work into this as him! If not more!” she retorted. 
You giggled and stepped out of Jack’s arms to hug your two best friends. “Thank you...although you all could’ve saved me from tears.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Celine shrugged with a grin. 
The night went on absolutely amazingly. You remained glued to Jack’s side the entire dinner and even after with the mingling portion, you either sat in Jack’s lap, giving him kisses here and there, or holding his hand tightly as you spoke to your friends.
After a little while, Jack excused himself and approached Urban, pulling him to the side briefly. “I’m gonna do it now.”
Urban’s eyes widened, “like...now now?”
Jack swallowed the lump in his throat as he nodded. His nerves were out of control but he knew he wanted to do this. It was time. “Yeah. Just be ready with your camera.” Urban nodded in confirmation before Jack left him to go back to you.
His hands went to your waist and gave your hips a light squeeze as he dipped his head closer to your ears, placing a light kiss right below it before he spoke. “Wanna give you your birthday present right now.”
You can’t help but twist in his arms so that you’re facing him, an excited smile on your lips. “Okay.”
“But let’s do it outside in the garden area,” Jack said. You nod and he takes your hand, leading you to the back where the little garden patio for the venue was. 
“Jack you have no idea how much this means to me,” you say as the both of you stepped out. “You just being here despite your schedule...it means a lot,” you breath out, turning to face him. Jack licked his lips as he smiled while looking down at you.
It was now or never. He discreetly wiped his sweaty hands against his pants before he moved them to rest on your hips. “You mean the world to me, ma. I know-I know that because of my job everything is chaotic at times but I’m committed to you. and I know we’d still have to plan out a fuck ton of shit but I love you and I see you in my future so,” with that, he takes in a deep breath and reaches into his pocket to pull out a tiny velvet box.
Your eyes widened as you watch him take a step back before he gets on his knees and opens the box up revealing a beautiful diamond ring. “Will you marry me?” 
Your hands fly to your mouth as the tears gather in your eyes. You loved this man so much-you felt your heart was about to fly out of your chest. You nod your head instantly as you let out a breathy laugh. “Of course I’ll marry you, J.”
Jack grins and stands back up to slip the ring onto your finger before you pull him in to a much needed kiss. You hear a few cheers and camera’s going off but in that moment, all you could think about was the man you loved and the future you were going to have with him.
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Prompt: Empathy
Friendships: Yasmine & Moon (YasMoon if you squint)
"You know, you could stand to have a little more empathy."
Yasmine scowls through the FaceTime screen. "Is that the only reason you called me? To lecture me?"
"No. I want to know why you do it." Moon swallows. "Why you bully people."
Yasmine freezes. It's something she's never given much thought to.
"My whole life...I've had people tell me what I should be. It was the only way to feel in control. To feel powerful."
"And did you?"
"Yes, but..." Yasmine takes a breath. "When I lost that power, and I lost you, well...losing the power isn't what hurt."
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 11 months
You’re the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 5
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Taglist:  @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci24 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @purplehairgawdess @arination99 @alyyaanna @m3llowww @gomussy @jeysbae @babysyhsy @bebesobrielo  @empressdede @venusesworld @harmshake @mustafumilf @theninthwonder
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Incoming text from Josh Fatu: good morning, can’t wait to see u tonite ❤️
Airielle stared at the text message with a smile on her face. Even though she was happy she was also extremely nervous, this would be her first date in 3 years since…Airielle quickly shook her head trying to get rid of those thoughts. She jumped when Yasmine burst through the door carrying shopping bags. Airielle rolled her eyes as Yasmine passed her a Victoria’s Secret bag. 
“Just something sexy to wear.” Airielle laughed and thanked her. “You nervous? It’s been a while since you been on a date.” Yasmine paused “Even though I still think those other two should count but whatever.” She shrugged. 
“Yeah im freaking the fuck out honestly.” Yasmine reached over and grabbed Airielle’s hands, giving them a squeeze. 
“Just remember, you are not defined by what happened to you. You are the light that refused to surrender.” Airielle smiled softly and looked away from Yasmine. “I know I give you shit about getting back in the dating scene,” Yasmine grabbed Airielle’s cheeks to make her look back at her. “But I just want you to know how proud of you I am. Just have fun and be free.” Airielle pulled Yasmine to her in a tight hug. 
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“Yo bro.” Josh looked over at the door when Jon came strolling through. 
“I know this ya house, but I could’ve been naked.” Jon shrugged and plopped his body down on the bed. 
“You ready for tonight? I can’t believe she actually agreed to go out with you.” Josh sucked his teeth and glared over at his twin. 
“What the hell that's supposed to mean?” 
“You ugly as fuck uce” Jon laughed then held his hand up, trying to shield his face and body from Josh’s hits. “Aight, Aight Damn.” 
“If I'm ugly, you ugly. We twins jackass.” 
“I hope you got my girl some roses.” Trin said as she came into the room and sat on the bed next to Jon. Josh nodded and scrubbed his hand over his face. If there was an emotion beyond nervousness, that's what he was. Trinity noticed and placed her hand on his shoulder. 
“This gon be my first- first date since high school man, The last time I was this nervous was with the boy’s mom.” Jon and Trinity winced at the fact he wouldn’t say his ex-wife’s name. “And I was fifteen, i’m thirty-fucking five, why am I so nervous?” 
“Cause you like her uce. And technically yall already went on y’alls first date.” Trinity nodded her head in agreement. “Just be yourself man, she gon fall in love with you.” 
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Airielle looked at the clock and cursed. Josh was supposed to be at her place in 30 minutes and she still didn’t decide which dress to wear. She let out a sigh of relief when Yasmine came into her room holding her IPad, on facetime with their other cousin Ashley. 
“As the family fashion expert. We need your help.” Yasmine flipped the camera and showed Ashley all of the dress, shoes and jewelry options they had. 
“Bitch are those my earrings!” Yasmine rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. 
“Focus Ashley-” 
“I’ve been looking for them everywhere hoe!” Airielle giggled and took the IPAD from Yasmine, turning the camera to herself. 
“I need your opinion Ash, I’m stuck.” Ashley rolled her eyes and nodded. 
“Fine,” She muttered. “Show me again.”  
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liked by trinity_fatu, kaylabraxtonwwe, yasmine_jones and 190,000 others
AIRIELLEJONES: It's okay, I know you're obsessed 🌹
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trinity_fatu: and isssss!!
uceyjucey: 🤫
yasmine_jones: oop 👀
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Yasmine had just finished curling the last piece of Airielle’s hair when there was a knock at the front door. Airielle felt like she had to throw up. She was about to run into the bathroom when Yasmine stopped her and pushed her towards the door. 
“No running. Go enjoy yourself.” Airielle nodded and took a deep breath before opening the door. 
“Damn,” Josh said lowly, licking his lips as he shamelessly raked his eyes over her body. “I mean,” he cleared his throat. “You look beautiful.” He felt his cheeks heat up as he passed her the bouquet of white, red and pink roses. 
Airielle took them. “These are so pretty.” She said as she lifted them to her nose to smell them. 
“I mean, beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman.” They both stared at each other before bursting out into laughter. 
“That was so corny,” She said as she shut her apartment door and started walking towards the elevator. He chuckled as he followed her. 
“Yeah aint gon’ lie. That wasn’t my best work.” 
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Josh had just pulled up in front of the restaurant and Airielle was about to get out of the car when Josh stopped her. 
“Whoa, whatchu’ doin?” Airielle froze with one of her hands on the handle of the car door. She turned her head and frowned at him. “Opening the door?” She said as more of question and Josh chuckled. 
“Nah, don’t touch that.” He said getting out and rushing over so he could open the door for her. “I got you.” He said as he held out his hand for her to grab. She rolled her eyes with a smile and grabbed his hand, letting him help her out of the car. She smiled wider when he didn’t let go of her hand as they started walking towards the restaurant. He only let go of her hand to hand the valet his keys and a twenty dollar tip. 
“Wow, this place is nice.” She said as the host led them to their table. She smiled at Josh as he pulled out her chair for her. 
“Yeah, Jon recommended it. Said he takes Trin here all the time.”  They sat there in silence. Glancing at each other over their menus, sending secret smiles to each other. 
“So i’ve been told.”Airielle started off, breaking the silence between them. “We technically already had our first date.” Josh nodded with a chuckle. 
“I mean, technically yeah. So what this’ll be our.” He stopped to count on his fingers making her scoff. “Third date.” 
“You did not just count to three on your fingers.” He shrugged with a laugh as the waiter came over to take their orders. Once he walked away Airielle turned her attention back to Josh. “Ok, so tell me something about you that I don’t know.” 
“Damn,” Josh said as he blew out a breath of air. “I can play the piano.” 
“Oh wow foreal?” She asked, eyebrows raised in shock and he nodded. 
“Yeah, me and my brothers. My momma kept us busy so we weren’t tearing up her house. It was so much shit she put us in man, uh- karate, soccer, baseball. Man, any sport that you could think of my mom had me and my brothers there. No your turn.” 
She placed her chin on her palm and smiled at him. “I used to dance and cheer competitively. My parents' garage is literally full of medals and trophies.” 
She narrowed her eyes at him when he started to smirk. “That’s kinda hot.” 
“I was a kid Josh.” She chuckled and threw a piece of her dinner roll at him when he shrugged. 
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The rest of their date went amazing. They never ran out of stuff to talk about. They didn’t even realize they were the last two people in the restaurant until the waiter came over to tell them. 
On the ride back to her apartment, they stopped to grab some ice cream. Neither one of them wanted the night to end. After he parked in her complex’s garage they walked slowly to her apartment, holding hands. 
“This was like the best date I've ever been on.” She said, turning towards him as they stopped in front of her door. Her statement made him feel good. 
“Yeah? Me too.” He said with a wide smile. Airielle was about to turn to walk into her apartment when Josh stopped her by grabbing her hand. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and Airielle nodded immediately. She honestly thought she would have to make the first move. He grinned before pulling her closer to him and wrapping his arms around her waist. He hesitated before leaning head forward and capturing her lips in a soft, tender kiss. They stood there, lost in eachother only breaking apart at the sound of a loud squeal and a loud clanging sound, like something had dropped coming from inside Airielle’s apartment. 
“Sorry.” They both chuckled at Yasmine’s muffled voice. He gave her another kiss before telling her that he would text her when he got home. After he walked away, Yasmine ripped open the door and yanked Airielle inside. 
“Bitch tell me everything.” 
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Happy Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it.)
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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carolmaximoffs · 4 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAIT OMFG i can’t believe so many of the coolest ppl in my life that i know are aquas. ily you’re NINETEEN that’s wild!! you know i love a good roommates or friends w benefits fic gimme gimme gimme 😗💜
a/n: THIS IS SO LATE AGH...here is your long overdue wanda x reader roommates fic, my love! so sorry for the wait, but thank you for your sweet words and your patience <3 @subtlebucky
pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
warnings: none really? maybe a curse. references to drinking, partying. jealous! reader. apologies to anyone named jillian, beck, or yasmine. sharing a bed, but not in THAT way. 
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WHEN YOU WAKE UP, you smell coffee already brewing. You stretch leisurely as you pad into the main part of your shared apartment, faux-flirtatious smile already gracing your lips.
“Smells good, baby!” You call. The laughter dissipates from your body as you pause in the kitchen doorway. Wanda is indeed sipping coffee in the kitchen, but is also standing between the legs of a tall, rather buff girl you’ve never seen before who’s perched comfortably on your island. “Oh.”
"Jill, this is my roommate, Y/N," Wanda says, perfectly at ease. You wonder if your eye really does twitch at the sight of Wanda's hand on Jill's thigh, but you pray it's just your imagination.
“Hi, uh, I didn’t - we’re not - hi.” Your face burns as you duck past them, reaching up into the cabinet for your mug before realizing it’s missing. You whirl around, about to ask Wanda, when you see it. And Wanda must realize it the same time you do, because she gives you this tight smile and wide eyes. Jill sips idly from your favorite cup, the one with the funny handle and your initial in rainbow gradient. Pietro, Wanda’s brother, had gifted it to you a few Christmas’s back - you know he’d have stopped Jillian from using it. Instead, you fill the most boring mug you and Wanda own - black, with a white outline of Sokovia in a red heart - and send your roommate a sour look. “I’ll just...”
You jerk your head towards the bedrooms, and stalk off. Maybe out of embarrassment, but mostly out of stubbornness, you pretend not to hear Wanda apologizing and making excuses on your behalf as you leave.
Two weeks later, just when things are returning to normal, it happens again.
Well, more or less. It’s significantly darker out now, and this time you’re putting leftover Chinese food in the fridge when the door bursts open. Wanda all but falls into your apartment, a sharp-nosed girl with a deep violet buzzcut hot on her heels. Space Army Cadet and your best friend are hand in hand, the latter barely tossing you a glance as she drags her guest down the hall. And yeah, you’ve seen Wanda bring people home before - even brought a handful of people home yourself. Hell, one of you two’s closest friends was an ex of hers; oddball physics major, Vis, had been Wanda’s lover for the notable first three years of college.
 Lately, though, you’d noticed this...pit in your stomach, carved a little deeper with each new bedmate. Every time you shook it off - it wasn’t any of your business what Wanda did in her free time. Was it because they were women? You catch yourself wondering, but no - you’d never had an issue with that, why would you start now? Shutting the fridge, you shuffle back to your room, turning your TV up to drown out anything from Wanda’s room next door.
The next morning, the eccentric friend is nowhere to be found, but you did find there was a severe lack of alcohol in your coffee as Wanda cheerily filled you in. Buzzcut’s name was Yasmine, she was in Wanda’s European lit. course, and they’d gone out for drinks to celebrate Yasmine nearing the acquirement of her masters. You stare into your cup and hum at all the appropriate points, choosing not to point out that it was only November and nowhere near graduating season. Maybe Yasmine was on the fast track - Wanda always did like the smart ones. 
You become so absorbed in thought you don’t notice at first that your housemate has stopped chittering away. When you look up, it’s to a pouty frown. You shift in your seat, suddenly uncomfortable. “What?”
“Are you...okay?” Wanda’s frown deepens, brows furrowed as she brushes a stray lock of auburn from her face and folds her arms over her chest. “We...You’ve been a little distant lately, I guess.” 
“I’m fine,” You say breezily, rising to your feet to dump the dregs of your coffee in the sink. Some irritating heartstring twangs at your tone - you hate brushing Wanda off, but what are you supposed to say? Hey, can you stop bringing girls home? I think I’ve caught homophobia. You repress a shudder at the mere thought as you move to sweep past her and get ready for your first class, but a small hand curls around your bicep.
“Just...don’t be a stranger, okay, kedvesem?” Darling. Swallowing the lump in your throat, feeling curiously parched, you can only nod. Wanda lets go, but you can feel her fingerprints burning like a brand even when you’re lying in bed that night.
The holidays go off more or less without a hitch; there’s a very scary hiccup shortly before Christmas when you come home to find Wanda curled into Vision’s side on the couch, the pair of them sharing a blanket. But Wanda looks...as if she’s been crying? Love Actually is playing, Wanda’s go to Christmas comfort movie, and Vision is texting someone called ‘Peter M.’ with an alarming number of heart emojis, so you continue onward. 
Your subconscious must be looking out for you otherwise, because it’s not until New Year’s that you see Wanda with a mystery lover. Actually, you don’t see much of Wanda at all outside of Christmas, and even when you do, it’s always just the two of you at home. Of course, because of this, she insists on dragging you out for a New Year’s party. When her twin, Pietro, gangs up on you via Facetime, you give up arguing and steal a shimmery black slip from Wanda’s closet before flipping them the bird. 
Pietro arrives around 10 to pick the pair of you up, obnoxiously laying on the horn outside of your apartment building. Wanda trips several times as she tries to shove on her other heel and put lipstick on at the same time. Making it out the door is a whole other ordeal - after a short spat about Wanda needing a jacket, an awkward moment when the elevator doors open on some neighbors practicing for midnight, and finding Pietro just about to buzz in to get you, you and Wanda are sliding into the backseat of Pietro’s obnoxiously cramped sports car.
“Ladies, your prince, or princess, awaits!” Pietro announces grandly as you pull up to a shabby loft just a few blocks away. You can hear the music from the street, sighing inwardly as you force yourself to get out of the car. Wanda smooths out her flowy black pants - you keep your eyes trained politely above her shoulders to ignore the fitted, maroon sequined top with the plunging V-neck she’s paired with them. 
“I’m actually meeting someone here,” She says casually to her brother as the three of you make your way in. Pietro waves her off with well-wishes, but throws you a questioning glance. All he gets however is a shrug in reply, this is certainly news to you. He accompanies you to the makeshift bar where you fill a cup with copious amounts of liquor. It usually wasn’t your vice, but the strobe lights alone could be cause to drink. You made a mental note to ask whose idea this party even was in the first place. when you turn around, though, Pietro, too, has slipped off into the crowd.
So you do what one is supposed to do at sweaty, too-loud functions such as this one - push yourself from your comfort zone, get comfortably tipsy while you wedge yourself into the mass of bodies and move with strangers. As mentioned, liquor and strangers have never been favorite pastimes of yours, so once you finish off your second drink (maybe third - you deserved it), you set out searching for Wanda. Her glittery form is tucked into a corner with a small group you don’t recognize, but you definitely note that she’s in the lap of a tall, dark, and handsome type. She spots you before you can get to her, making excited grabby hands as you get closer. 
“Y/N!” The bubbly young woman squeals over the music. She leans forward to be heard better, and you gulp. “This is Beck! And Jade, and Marcie, and you remember Yasmine!” 
You offer only a wave and tight smiles as you, too, lean in further. “I’m gonna get an Uber!”
“What?” Wanda pouts dramatically, Beck snaking an arm around her waist to steady her as she jolts back in disappointment. “It’s not even midnight yet!”
“No, I know, I’m just not really feeling it, I guess!” Yasmine leads over to whisper something to Jade; it’s the furthest thing from your mind as Wanda reaches out to squeeze your hands understandingly. 
“I’ll see you later! Kisses!” You repeat the word weakly before shoving once more through the mass. The sidewalk and cool bite of the outdoors is a welcome respite - your driver doesn’t speak all the way to your apartment, and you give them 5 stars for it. After a cold, quick shower, you curl up in your fuzziest bathrobe with a cup of coffee and flick through Netflix. You know when midnight rolls around when the neighbors upstairs, hosting a party of their own, cheer and shout to each other. It can’t be 20 minutes later that your door is met with a tentative knock.
On the other side is Vision in the most disarray you’ve seen him in - he’s in pajamas, for Pete’s sake, hair and glasses askew over a chunky knit sweater. He’s supporting an equally-bleary but much more drunk Wanda, and passes her to you with a wrinkled nose.
“Y/N!” She crows, dissolving into giggles as you shushed her. “I wondered where you went.” 
“I told you I was coming home, bubs,” You mutter, hugging her back briefly before you notice Vision is still standing in your entryway. “Hey, how about you go get changed, and then I’ll make you some eggs?”
Wanda agrees, talking animatedly even as she walks away. You look back at Vision, smiling wearily. “Thanks for bringing her home safe, Vis. Did you want a cup of coffee, or...?”
“No, thank you,” Vision quips, polite as ever as he tugs his sweater down over his hands. He jerks his dimpled chin the direction Wanda had disappeared in. “Take care of her, please.”
“Of course,” You reply, instantly, brows furrowing. He nods briskly before turning to leave. “Thank you again.”
“Of course. Goodnight.” He’s almost to the elevators when you call a ‘Happy New Year’ after him, and that earns you a smile. “Happy New Year to you as well, Y/N.”
Back inside, you find Wanda spread eagle on her bed in mismatched socks, an old college hoodie, and the same underwear you’re pretty sure she wore to go out tonight. You poke her heel and she makes a frankly unhuman gurgle into the duvet. “How much did you have?”
“Nah a lah,” Is her muffled reply. “We’on dwink anymo’.” 
You realize she’s right, though you figured she was at least taking some of those dates to bars. Maybe not, though - Wanda was always a romantic. You push the mere though away and tug at the arm closest to you. “Yeah, I know. You’ll feel better if you eat something, though.” 
Her protesting grunts are less effective than when she kicks out blindly, narrowly avoiding your hip, and you huff. “Fine, I’ll bring the food to you.”  You make to leave, but she’s captured your wrist now. Wanda turns her head to make powerful puppy eyes at you. “Stay. Sleepy.” 
“I...yeah. Okay.” You were still a little tipsy in your own right - neither of you were college kids anymore, after all. Wanda’s smile was blinding as the pair of you made your way under her numerous layers of blankets. When she turned the lamp off, you wondered if she could hear your heart thundering in the dark.
“Y/N?” She whispers, just when you think she’s fallen asleep. 
“Yes, Wanda?” 
“I love you.”
You hum in acknowledgment, brushing it off as dreaming.
Midday, you’re roused by someone laying across your stomach and shaking you awake. It’s Wanda, long lashes fluttering prettily as she rests her chin on folded elbows. You scrub sleep from your eyes as you croak, “Morning, sunshine.”
“Morning, Y/N.” She says your name with purpose - sort of always has, you realize. You’re running over last night in your head, and like a mind reader, Wanda answers your every question. “Hey.”
“Still love you.” Wanda murmurs. You meet her gaze - completely clear, if not a little glazed over with absolute adoration. She pushes up a little, lips hovering over yours. They brush just barely when you speak, sparking like live wires. 
“I love you, too,” You breathe, and finally, finally, she kisses you. 
Things make so, so much more sense then.
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aliceeezhou · 2 years
5/08 - Weekly Review
1. What went well this week?
i think i was finally able to catch up on a lot of the sleep i had been deprived of during past weeks
2. What was your greatest accomplishment or favorite memory?
my favorite memory was putting on random filters with my kovid kweens. psa: we all look hella swag in a mustache. would definitely date kayla as a guy. would definitely date amanda as a guy. would definitely date yasmine as a guy. would definitely date selene as a guy. would definitely date myself as a guy.
3. Who made you smile this week? Why?
my friends isha and alan made me laugh this week when they facetimed me for no good reason and screamed random stuff at me :D they also threatened me to recover faster from covid :D what amazing friends i have :D
4. What didn’t go well this week?
i got covid this week :(( so ive been stuck in my quarantine dorm feeling very bored, tired, lonely, and also getting massive fomo
5. What did you waste time on the most this week?
i wasted a lot of time literally doing nothing and just staring at my computer screen. with covid, i feel like i had a lot shorter attention span than usual and kept falling asleep when i tried to focus on anything. this was both good and bad as i feel like i finally caught up on sleep but that was also time i could have been being productive.
6. Any negative thoughts or emotions affecting you?
covid’s been making me really tired :(( i’ve also been very deprived of real social interaction which is kinda getting to my head. i miss my friends and my family a lot :((
7. What needs to be done in the upcoming week?
i definitely need to catch up on school work. i have a midterm coming up on friday and i need to prepare for that!!
8. Quote that inspired you this week
“alice is my inspiration” - stephen min
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mythvlogie-archived · 4 years
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𝑨𝑹𝑬 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑻𝑰𝑹𝑬𝑫 𝑶𝑭 𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑺𝑨𝑴𝑬 𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑳𝑰𝑭𝑬? do you need to recharge? would you like to do it in one of the most luxurious, all inclusive resorts of the caribbean? surrounded by idyllic beaches and a bustling nightlife, cancún’s most exclusive resort opens its doors for you. at 𝑹𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑹𝑨 𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑫𝑰𝑺𝑶 you will find relaxation by the white, soft sand beaches and crystalline sea. our resort offers lavish villas for your needs, as well as installations for your enjoyment. try our signature drinks at the bar, or wind down at our world-renowned spa. and if you’re looking for adventure, you may try our offered activities such as diving, hiking, windsurf, among others, with our experienced instructors and the utmost security. does this seem appealing to you? then book a flight right over! we at riviera paradiso can’t wait to welcome you!
tl;dr: this is a small, chill group about staff members and guests of cancún’s most lavish resort.
( fc. gender. pronouns ) — FIRST LAST is a AGE IN LETTERS STAFF MEMBER/GUEST at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for AMOUNT OF TIME IN LETTERS, and they’re a PROFESSION. the reason why they came to cancún is REASON WHY THEY CAME. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is FAVORITE ACTIVITY AT THE RESORT. their personal style is reminiscent of 2-3 aesthetics. i hope they stick around for a while! ( ooc alias. pronouns. timezone. url )
no godmodding and no ooc drama. open to mutuals. muns and muses must be 21+, respecting the five year age bend rule for fcs. you’re allowed up to two muses, and it is encouraged for them to be diverse.
guests & staff (12/12 muns):
( zendaya. cis female. she/her ) — JUDITH HALLIDAY is a TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO YEARS, and they’re a BARTENDER. the reason why they came to cancún is BECAUSE SHE WANTED A CHANGE FROM HER ROUTINE. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is BINGO NIGHT. their personal style is reminiscent of crocs on sand, laughing until your belly hurts & enjoying the simple things in life. i hope they stick around for a while! ( ron. she/her. gmt -3. mythvlogie )
( logan lerman. cis male. he/him ) — ANDREW WELLS is a TWENTY NINE YEAR OLD GUEST at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO WEEKS, and they’re a WRITER. the reason why they came to cancún is TO WIND DOWN FROM HIS LIFE IN THE CITY. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is SUNBATHING NEXT TO THE POOL. their personal style is reminiscent of decrepit paperbacks, staying up all night to meet a deadline & knowing not to take yourself so seriously. i hope they stick around for a while! ( ron. she/her. gmt -3. mythvlogie )
( camila morrone. cis female. she/her ) — SOFIA MARTINEZ is a TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO YEARS, and they’re a BARTENDER. the reason why they came to cancún is TO GET DISTANCE FROM A CHEATING EX. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is SURFING. their personal style is reminiscent of sneaking out at 2 am, doing things out of spite & always being ready for an adventure. i hope they stick around for a while! ( bela. she/her. gmt-3. drunkenloved )
( broderick hunter. cis male. he/him ) — TITUS WALDEN is a TWENTY SIX YEAR OLD GUEST at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO WEEKS, and they’re a GOVERNOR’S SON / MODEL. the reason why they came to cancún is TO GET AWAY FROM GOSSIP AND THE SPOTLIGHT TRYING TO GET TO HIM. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is HIKING. their personal style is reminiscent of a cold and detached aura, passionate kisses lingering on one’s neck & seeing the clouds from a private jet. i hope they stick around for a while! ( bela. she/her. gmt-3. drunkenloved )
( bruna marquezine. cis female. she/her ) — CLARA DOS SANTOS is a TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for THREE YEARS, and they’re a DANCE INSTRUCTOR. the reason why they came to cancún is GET AWAY FROM HER MOTHER. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is DIP HER TOES IN THE POOL BEFORE ANYONE IS AWAKE. their personal style is reminiscent of sheepish shrug after winning, dancing alone in your room at midnight & scrunchies. i hope they stick around for a while! ( barbie. she/her. gmt-3. sncflwers )
( xavier serrano. cis male. he/him) — MICHAEL LIBERATO is a TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for ONE WEEK, and they’re a FAIRLY KNOWN ACTOR. the reason why they came to cancún is RESEARCH FOR A ROLE WHILE PRETENDING TO BE HIS TWIN BROTHER. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is GRABBING SOMETHING TO EAT AFTER THE KITCHEN IS CLOSED. their personal style is reminiscent of falling asleep on facetime, skinny dipping under a starry sky & too many tabs. i hope they stick around for a while! ( barbie. she/her. gmt-3. sncflwers )
( madelyn cline. cis female. she/her ) — SOPHIA ANDERSEN is a TWENTY-THREE YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO YEARS AND A HALF, and they’re a SURF INSTRUCTOR. the reason why they came to cancún is FOR A CHANGE IN SCENERY FROM HER NORMAL LIFE. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is PLAYING HER GUITAR AT THE BEACH AT NIGHT. their personal style is reminiscent of messy salt water blonde hair, the orange glow of a sunrise & blankets on the back of a truck. i hope they stick around for a while! ( jules. she/her. gmt-3. seremity )
( hande erçel. cis female. she/her ) — YASMIN SELIN is a TWENTY SEVEN YEAR OLD GUEST at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for THREE WEEKS, and they’re a FLORIST. the reason why they came to cancún is ENJOY HER HONEYMOON EVEN AFTER BEING LEFT AT THE ALTER. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is LOUNGING AT THE POOL. their personal style is reminiscent of sun light beaming through the curtains in the early hours of the morning, lipstick print on a diner napkin & stacked golden rings. i hope they stick around for a while! ( jules. she/her. gmt-3. seremity )
( aisha potter. cis female. she/her ) — MARNI VENTURA is a TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD GUEST at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO MONTHS, and they’re a VLOGGER. the reason why they came to cancún is TO FIND THEIR TRUE SELF. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is SPA SERVICES at the resort. their personal style is reminiscent of dancing when no one is watching & color coordinating outfits based on your mood. i hope they stick around for a while! ( han. she/her. est. lovties )
( dylan o'brien. cis male. he/him ) — COHEN CAMARCI is a TWENTY FIVE YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO YEARS, and they’re a BEACHSIDE BARTENDER. the reason why they came to cancún is "GOOD VIBES". if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is STAFF TIKI PARTY NIGHTS at the resort. their personal style is reminiscent of salty hair tucked beneath a baseball cap & the sound of a boombox blaring don't worry bout a thang. i hope they stick around for a while! ( flora. she/her. est. twinflamd )
( cierra ramirez. cis female. she/her ) — VICTORIA CASTILLO is a TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD GUEST at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for THREE WEEKS, and they’re an ACTRESS. the reason why they came to cancún is TO GET A BREAK AFTER FEELING CAREER-RELATED BURN OUT. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is TAKING YOGA CLASSES. their personal style is reminiscent of freshly applied lip gloss, the sound of acrylic nails aggressively typing on a phone screen & inebriated giggles after a few rounds of drinks. i hope they stick around for a while! ( jay. she/her. est. neighbovrhood )
( lennon stella. cisfemale. she/her ) — CELESTE OLIVIER is a TWENTY TWO YEAR OLD GUEST at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO MONTHS, and they’re an HEIRESS. the reason why they came to cancún is TO HIDE OUT WHILE HER FAMILY IS INVESTIGATED FOR FRAUD. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is TANNING BY THE POOL AT THE RESORT. their personal style is reminiscent of blood red lipstick applied in stained mirrors, perfectly manicured figers shuffling through dirty money & fake smiles in family photos before returning to silence for months on end. i hope they stick around for a while! ( l. she/her. est. solutiions )
( jamilla strand. demi girl. she/they. ) — MACKENZIE ‘KENZIE’ MALCOLM is a TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for THREE MONTHS, and they’re a HAIR STYLIST. the reason why they came to cancún is TO TRY SOMETHING NEW. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is THE ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST BUFFET. their personal style is reminiscent of designer handbags, new hairstyles every week & and dark skin glimmering in the sun. i hope they stick around for a while! ( kris. she/her. central US. velvctelvis )
( olivia dejonge. cis female. she/her ) — LORELAI PANKOW is a TWENTY TWO YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO YEARS, and they’re a SKATE PHOTOGRAPHER. the reason why they came to cancún is BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR RENT. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is SWIMMING DURING SUNSET AT THE RESORT. their personal style is reminiscent of sun kissed skin, the scent of cigarettes & scuffed up knees. i hope they stick around for a while! ( sophie. she/her. cst. summcrshcndy )
( dylan minnette. cis male. he/him ) — WILSON CLARKE is a TWENTY FIVE YEAR OLD GUEST at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO WEEKS, and they’re a BAND MANAGER. the reason why they came to cancún is BECAUSE HIS BAND FIRED HIM RIGHT BEFORE TOUR. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is 'KICKIN’ AND DRINKIN’ IT’ at the resort. their personal style is reminiscent of poorly written verses, a throbbing headache & the stench of weed. i hope they stick around for a while! ( sophie. she/her. cst. summcrshcndy )
( isabella jones. cis female. she/her ) — MARCELINE 'MARCIE’ BLANCHARD is a TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for ONE YEAR, and they’re a YOGA INSTRUCTOR. the reason why they came to cancún is TO PAY OFF HER STUDENT LOANS. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is MORNING MEDITATION ON THE BEACH. their personal style is reminiscent of perpetually sun kissed skin blossoming a brand new array of freckles every other day, the ever-present aroma of briny air and rosewater spray & a dog-eared and annotated copy of the uninhabitable earth. i hope they stick around for a while! ( candice. she/her. cst. gildedwoes )
( désiré mia. cis male. he/him ) — ALEXANDER ‘LEX’ LUCIUS is a TWENTY TWO YEAR OLD GUEST at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for TWO WEEKS, and they’re a QUASI-PROFESSIONAL SKATEBOARDER AND ARTIST. the reason why they came to cancún is IN THE HOPES THAT A BOOZY BREAK MIGHT REIGNITE HIS PASSIONS AND INSPIRE HIM TO CREATE AGAIN. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is THE PRACTICALLY BOTTOMLESS POOLSIDE MARGARITAS. their personal style is reminiscent of the faded remnants of concrete burnt knees and elbows on full display, blaming the mirror you accidentally cracked for your shit luck and your zodiac sign for all those shit decisions & dried paint flaking off along the length of ring-clad fingers. i hope they stick around for a while! ( candice. she/her. cst. gildedwoes )
( cindy mello. cisfemale. she/her ) — DYLAN OLIVIERA is a TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD STAFF MEMBER at the riviera paradiso resort. they have been here for ONE MONTH, and they’re a WAITRESS AT THE NIGHT CLUB. the reason why they came to cancún is TO SAVE MONEY FOR GRAD SCHOOL. if you ask them, they’ll say their favorite part of their vacation is SNEAKING INTO THE POOL AFTER IT’S CLOSED. their personal style is reminiscent of lighting sparklers and leaving a glossy kiss on the birthday boy’s cheek, phone constantly at 1% & catching a glimpse of her dancing to 60’s rock through her open window. i hope they stick around for a while! ( sage. she/her. est. heavvnsiighs )
taken fcs: zendaya, logan lerman, camila morrone, broderick hunter, bruna marquezine, xavier serrano, madelyn cline, aisha potter, dylan o’brien, cierra ramirez, lennon stella, jamilla strand, olivia dejonge, dylan minnette, isabella jones, désiré mia, hande erçel, cindy mello
reserved fcs: none
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