#presumably takes place after the beach party fallout while Yasmine is in France
Prompt: Empathy
Friendships: Yasmine & Moon (YasMoon if you squint)
"You know, you could stand to have a little more empathy."
Yasmine scowls through the FaceTime screen. "Is that the only reason you called me? To lecture me?"
"No. I want to know why you do it." Moon swallows. "Why you bully people."
Yasmine freezes. It's something she's never given much thought to.
"My whole life...I've had people tell me what I should be. It was the only way to feel in control. To feel powerful."
"And did you?"
"Yes, but..." Yasmine takes a breath. "When I lost that power, and I lost you, well...losing the power isn't what hurt."
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