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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
Has The Tree Ghost ever hurt you?
No, at least I don't think so. It sounds insane but I think it's making me sick. Does that count? Nosebleeds, dizzy spells, generally feeling weak, and coughing.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
I remember it like it was yesterday. The sight is burned into my mind. It was near the end of the school year, I stayed a bit later to finish grading some papers. I start walking to my car when I notice how eerily quiet it is. You see, typically around this hour, about 6pm, you begin to hear the buzz of crickets, the wind rustling the leaves, the occasional passing car on the road, and yet, there was nothing.
The only sound I could hear was my own footsteps as I approached my car. I was immediately put off by this. Then, just out the corner of my eye, I thought I saw the trees moving off in the distance. The school yard is placed right next to a densely packed forest. Normally you wouldn't think much of seeing the trees move, but there was no wind, I didn't feel it I didn't hear it and yet the trees, they had moved, almost as if something was emerging from them. I turned to see but there was nothing. A chill sent down my spine, I KNOW I saw something moving, and yet there was nothing.
I wrote it all off as a long day, I've been up and running since 5 this morning after all, I probably just needed to get some rest. I unlock the door to my car and step inside and then, right in front of me, I see it. The Tree Ghost, just as local legend describes. It's unnaturally tall, maybe 8-10 feet in height, I thought for the briefest of moments that it was just a man but NO MAN is that unnaturally tall, no man is that inhumanly skinny. It's limbs twisted and bent in ways that would imply a lack of standard anatomy, and the most horrifying detail, the part that now haunts my very dreams, no face. No face I could discern at least I didn't see any eyes it was just smudges and blurs in my memory of where a face typically lies. A faceless ghoul looked back at me from just beyond my windshield. It hunched over to look me dead in the eyes, despite being roughly a car's distance from me as soon it bent towards me its face was a mere foot from the glass. It was RIGHT there and yet I couldn't make out any details of its expression, almost as if it was being burned out of my memory by it.
My vision blurred and I felt intensely dizzy before blacking out. Suddenly, I awoke in my car. It was dark out, I checked my phone for the time and to my shock and horror it was 1:04 AM. "That can't be right what the hell is happening??" I thought to myself. The Tree Ghost was no where in sight, and I began to hear the hum of crickets once more. I felt nauseous, but I put my key in the car and started it, I needed to get home. Thank god it was a Friday night, or I guess rather, Saturday but the time I was checking. No work tomorrow but I'll never forget that night. I stopped staying late, anything I needed to do I'd either show up early or would take home with me to get done.
That doesn't help though, I've started seeing it more and more, just out of the corner of my eye or as I'm passing a window I'll see it. Every time I try to do a double take and yet it's never there again. Sometimes I'll go a few days, a week, without seeing anything I think, it's hard to tell what's paranoia and what is actually The Tree Ghost, staring at me. Perhaps waiting to take me away, to kill me, whatever happens to those who disappear I know one thing is for certain, I am NOT about to find out.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
I'm going to provide more details soon. In the meantime, asks are open. If you've experienced anything like this, if you've seen The Tree Ghost, please reach out. You're not alone. Idk what to do, I'm scared, I'm hardly leaving the house anymore, I'm starting to get these dizzy spells, but I'm still standing. I'll stand with you too.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
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It looks like this. (Forgive me I'm no artist.)
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
Hello, my name is Sophie Morgan, and nearly a year ago I started my teaching career. During that time, several students, teachers, and other community members had begun disappearing. The only thing that gave me any sort of lead as to what happened was a local legend that I had overheard from some of the students. The "Tree Ghost."
I thought it was absurd and even a touch tasteless for locals to speak on the tragedy as if it was some bogeyman in the forest behind it all. Until I saw him. It. It happened a few weeks ago, and I'm still reeling from it. I'm terrified, I keep seeing it. A tall, faceless harbinger of misfortune has been stalking me. The Tree Ghost is real. I've seen it. God help me.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
Once again, still on the road. I'm sleeping in my car. There's a few people I'm meeting with as I drive. Sophie Morgan has been busy y'all. You may be wondering what I'm trying to accomplish, and well, I sort of am too, but I have a lead. You see, I didn't mention it yet, but when my sister and I were out in the woods it was for a reason. 
I had reason to believe something else was going on out there. I told her about my feelings on the school and we decided to investigate, and differently, my classroom held a clue this whole time. I can't believe I had never noticed it before, but as we were searching my sister noticed a folder on top of one of the bookshelves. I tried to thumb through it and it belonged to the woman who taught before me. 
Not just who taught before me no less, but before several others as well. Inside the folder was the normal things you'd expect, graded papers, answer keys, blank copies of worksheets, all curiously dated 1994. These are old. Real old. I realize I never clarified, so let me say, I'm a history teacher for some middle schoolers, seems this teacher taught English.
But one thing stuck out to us, a student's paper, seemed like a "what I did over the summer" paper but it got... Bizarre as it went on. Strangest of all is it was ungraded, as if the teacher never saw it, or if she did, she wished she hadn't? I took the folder with me before leaving. The paper read as follows;
This summer I did a lot of things. My dad went to the beach and my mom went also and my brother and sister. We also went camping and made smores, my brother went to go play with the tree man. We havent seen him sinse then. I miss him. Im scaredmy sister is acting weird my brother is gon and dont know what to do where to go my parents dont believe me the tree man hes following me hes here I see him. Help me. noeyesnoeyesnoeyesnoeyesnoeyes. 
Chilling, I know. It gets worse too. It haunts me to know this boy likely didn't make it, that his brother is gone. His sister though... What does he mean acting weird? In my research I've learned that this thing can hold power over people, that it can influence them, change them. Was that happening to his sister? Well, on the back of the page, it continued;
The forest is not safe. I hid my sisters journal their. I think she knows that im trying to save her. That is not my sister no eyes but he sees me hes watching the tree man is going to take me to a different place he keepshowing me a beautiful place but its scary I dont want toø gø. 
Jesus. What's more, is he drew that symbol, a circle with two eyes inside it... Something I had drawn before to symbolize the Tree Ghost... 
He mentioned that he hid his sister's journal out there, in the forest. So we decided we needed to go find it. I really wish we hadn't if I had known the outcome. Just as I think now of her I'm immediately sunk into this state of depression, I feel a desire to bleed, to cry and then bleed, to give up. God I want to give up and drive this car off a bridge. I want to start it up and just drive, the water would feel more like home than anything.
NO. THIS is how it gets you, it wants me to crack but I'll fly at that bastard like a bat out of hell. I refuse to let it get to me, it will not break me. It's trying to drown me in these thoughts of darkness, it's putting this images of my sister and the possible things that could have happened because of me. I'll spare you the details... But I won't let HIM win. I see him now. It's looking at me from across this parking lot. Tilting it's head at me, curious are you? I feel as though my mind is being physically touched, it's disturbing. I feel this dizzy spells wash over me and I've never fought back against it so hard. I know that IT knows what I'm thinking, and what I'm thinking is two simple words;
Fuck you.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
still on the road, but I just wanted to say I have a bigger update getting pushed out today at around 10:30 PDT. Furthermore, I will be pushing out updates at the same time on both Tumblr and here on Blogspot. Thank you for staying with me everyone.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
Now updating both here and on Blogspot. Thank you for your continued support. Big post coming in about an hour and half.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
Em kiv amm gwc. PM kiv amm gwc. Gwc kiv zcv jcb gwc izm vwb ainm.
Any ideas what this says? I'm struggling to figure out what this is.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your sister. I hope you can find the strength to persist and destroy this thing...some of us aren't so lucky...may the universe show you mercy and work it all out in your favor before it's too late-Double Dose.
I can't help but feel as though it's my fault, regardless I'm trying to push through. Thank you so much. This helps.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
I miss her. She's gone. It took her from me just as quickly as she had arrived. It could've taken me. Why didn't it take me? It could've started this process of torment with my sister by taking me. She's not easily rattled, but taking me sure would've done the trick. I'll save you Sam, no matter. If not I'll avenge you. I can feel its influence trying to take hold of me. It feels like these cold yet comforting hands wrapping themselves around me.
They want me to fold, but I refuse. Anyway, this was just to make sure you know I'm still alive. I'm on the road right now, you'll learn why soon.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
My sister is gone. It fucking took her. This is all my fault. I'm still in shock. It TOOK HER. It took her right in front of me!
I am still trying to emotionally recover. We went to check out the forest by the school, I thought "sure what's the harm?" I realized the harm as soon as we entered the dense treeline. I didn't recall there being THIS many trees, and I was already put off by that, but then, it happened.
The sky immediately darkened. Going from the clear sky of a midday in july, to the deep blue of twilight. Trees suddenly began to warp and twist around us, the violent snapping of branches and twigs tore through the air annd before I knew it I watched as twisted skin like tree limbs and sticks wrapped themselves around her neck. Her body was soon all encompassed by IT. The Tree Ghost emerged from the trees. The nausea hit me like a truck the second it came into view. The demented beast was toying with me, it tilted its head as though a curious cat does. I fell to my knees and threw up instantly, and it wasn't normal. It was this disgusting, thick, black liquid. That came out of me. That... substance was inside me what is it??
I barely had time to process I had to save my sister, I looked back up from the near pitch black puddle I had just coughed up but she was gone. The sky slowly faded back to normal, the trees all moved back to the way they were. That fucking monster. It took her from me, it took my sister. It took my life and left my body behind. I am still here, while my sister, who only wished to help, was taken. I couldn't do anything but stare blankly at the empty space before me where she once stood. Is it going to kill her? Where did it take her if it didn't? If it did?
Maybe my sister is gone. Maybe I can't do anything to save her. I began to feel this choking sense of depression wash over me, but I fought it. This is what The Tree Ghost wants. It wants to break me, it wants to toy with me, and I won't let it. One thing is for sure, I will cut that tree down. Death to The White King. I don't care what I have to do, what I have to resort to, I will kill it. I will end that faceless harbinger's reign of terror. How? Admittedly no clue. I'll get help, I'll speak to survivors, I will do whatever I need to do. The Tree Ghost will die. I got up from the ground, wiping my face of tears and the black substance. I have a lot of work to do, it may be a few days or even a few weeks until you hear from me again, here at least.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
First good day in a long while. So happy to see my sister, and thank god she believes me regarding the whole haunting situation. We're going to sleep and then tomorrow she's going to potentially help me check out some potential points of interest. In the meantime I may try to migrate this blog to a different space.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
Yet another night of nightmares. I woke up coughing yet again and I could've sworn I saw it outside my window. I tried to do a double take but I didn't see it. I genuinely can't tell anymore how much of this is my own paranoia and how much of it is The Tree Ghost haunting me. This is its game, it wants to make me paranoid, anxious, I'm not going to let it get to me.
My sister is going to be arriving soon so I likely won't be posting much today. I'll let you all know how things are going tonight or tomorrow though. Thank you all for the support and advice. <3
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
You could try Blogspot
I'll look into it, thanks a lot.
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facelessharbinger0 · 6 months ago
I went back to the school today. I can't really explain what possessed me to do it, I hesitated with every step I made yet it felt like something I had to do. I didn't find anything but I have this feeling I'm supposed to look for something. Maybe there's a way for me to fight this thing? Is the school going to help me somehow? I'm going to run some of this by my sister and hopefully she doesn't think I'm crazy.
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