#facebook stupidity
rin-the-cat · 3 months
(Not so) mini rant here because I don't want to start a flame war on Facebook but I can't believe people who say, "I could NEVER leave my BABY at the HOSPITAL." This on a video of a woman bringing in the carseat because her baby that's been in the nICU for a month is ready to get home. The person also said "I get that she has kids at home but I would get a sitter," Really? You are going to go a month without seeing your other kids so you can sit in the hospital with your baby? My younger son was in the nICU for 3 days and I couldn't stand not seeing my older son that long so I sat in the nICU all day and went home in time to see my older son before he went to bed. My older son was in the hospital for a couple days after I was discharged and I stayed with him the whole time but he wasn't in the nICU and they just left us in the hospital room. But in the nICU we weren't even allowed to stay overnight, we could have stayed in the Ronald McDonald house, and at that point I may as well go home and see my other kid and sleep in my own bed.
This woman's kid had only been in the nicu for a month but there were tons of women in the comments who had babies in the nicu for months. Do you seriously expect me to believe that you would spend 100+ days in a tiny little nICU room sleeping on a very uncomfortable couch and never leave because you're afraid they're going to mix up your baby with another one? (this was the reason she gave for not leaving) I feel like this person either hasn't had a baby recently or they have never had a baby period because:
There is no way the hospital could have handed me the wrong baby and I would know it, contrary to popular belief babies are not all identical. I feel like the baby switches happened back in the day when they took the baby and kept them in the nursery so the mom's just didn't see their babies that much maybe? It's possible they got switched before the mom really saw the baby because they would take them out to clean them up right away.
With my first son, they never even took him out of the room. With my second son, I don't think they ever took him out of his room, they did everything right there, including bringing in a portable x-ray machine.
As soon as your baby is born they put a non removable wrist band on and they put one on the ankle. They also have an RIFD tag in the umbilical clamp. And they have to scan the barcode for everything they do. They can't even replace the fluid bag with out scanning the barcode on the wrist band so even if they managed to switch the baby, say then went into give an injection of something, they scan the barcode on the wrist band and they scan the barcode on the injection and the computer is going to go, "nope, that treatment is not authorized for this patient," and they're going to figure it out real quick.
It was heart breaking to leave my baby in the nICU less than 24 hours after I gave birth (he was born at a tiny little rural hospital and they had to transfer him to a nICU in the cities and they discharged me early so I could go with) but I never once worried about his safety, I knew he was in good hands it was just heartbreaking to be separated from him and heartbreaking to see the disappointment on my older son's face when we came home without a baby after I told him I was going to the hospital to have the baby.
There were some women in the comments saying, "I stayed with my baby the whole time, I couldn't have just left them there." but conveniently, none of them mentioned how long the stay was... like, there is no way you could completely stop your life and just sit in that room 24/7 for months, especially if you have older kids... like JFC. The poor woman is getting attacked for not staying in the hospital but if she said she didn't see her other kids for a month because she was in the hospital the whole time with the new baby she would get attacked for that. Do they think she went home and didn't visit or think about the baby the whole time? I'm sure she was there every single day, it's just extra exciting when they call you and tell you to bring the car seat in.
I'm probably extra salty about this because I know a woman who had a micro-premie, like if he had been born a couple days sooner they would not have attempted to save him. She went back to work as soon as she could so that she could take the maternity leave once she was able to bring him home so she could spend time with him then rather than sitting in his room and staring at him in the incubator. He was probably so fragile at that point that she couldn't even hold him. I'm sure she visited him every day, but she also knew that he was in good hands and he would need her more once he was home.
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thebibliosphere · 7 months
Hey, if you’re gonna take the time to reblog and tag my stuff as “munchie” (a derogatory shorthand for Münchausen syndrome favored by redditors) and a whole slew of other horrible stuff, maybe don’t do it on a blog where you post full face selfies that can easily be reverse image searched back to your Facebook where it reveals you are a nurse :)
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garbagequeer · 1 year
since 2010 we have lived in a beautiful world where you can go online and read stories about real life heterosexual evil millionaires where they’re decent and in gay love with each other. all because they put andrew garfield and his big ass brown eyes in a movie. 13 years ago
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skyblueartt · 7 days
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im posting this without any context
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schnuffel-danny · 1 year
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gasstationpopcorn · 5 months
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orchestrated-haunting · 11 months
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just two homies, definitely not anything else.
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beetlegoose3x · 3 months
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I know a spot in the metaverse where we can just let loose baby
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thisthat-ortheother · 2 months
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assiraphales · 10 months
Was watching youtube shorts earlier and one of the ones where they read tumblr posts came up. Was about to scroll through and then I saw the icon. "Is that assiraphales? From my dashboard???" It was.
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junkdyke · 1 year
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men are so fucking stupid this is incredible
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craigslisthorses · 8 months
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Since the topic of the evening is HYPP and halter QHs, how about the ugly cousin, PSSM? All of this farm's horses are total beefwrecks 😬 Submission I posted a different ask about this horse the other day, with a different picture. I will do a post on PSSM another day!
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macadam · 11 months
From here on out when making posts about transformers stuff I love I’m not gonna put in a footnote every time about how much other bad stuff there also is in the franchise/fandom. Cause trying to keep posts well rounded and faithful to the entire tf fandom as a whole every single time is so exhausting and also the tf fandom sucks? Additionally it’s too large. Lastly they are nothing to me. They are nothing. Why am I thinking abt the bad parts of fandom all the time when the original goal was to gush about something I really like.
Anyways I love optimus prime he has so much love in his heart
and also autism
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reicav97 · 2 years
Stupid jokes with stupid teenagers:
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mxbitters · 3 months
on behalf of my gramma i think i should be allowed to tear people who make ai generated cross stitch and crochet patterns limb from limb thank you very much
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transneilyoung · 22 hours
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they're beating graham's ass on facebook rn omg
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