#facebook purity
murkycran · 2 months
Lololol guys guys guys my mom sent me a cat video on Facebook and you’ll never guess what one of the ‘suggested’ videos under it was
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Yknow… from the 18+ rated R show that children shouldn’t be watching anyway… lmao
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wandering-wolf23 · 6 months
I will say that I think ethical breeding as veered from "we should produce healthy, sound, stable animals from parents who are healthy, sound, and stable" to "anything not a purebred is inherently unethical and should not exist". I'm not sure how much of it is online virtue signaling, but enough of it is to make me roll my eyes.
Come on, y'all. I'm sure my health testing working mix is sooo much more unethical than your byb purebred Frenchie.
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yourfriendphoenix · 2 years
Hell world
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xenosagaepisodeone · 8 months
'militarized state-backed necrophile goon squad' sounds like something out of warhammer 40k but I suppose it's what any nation obsessed with bloodlines and racial purity would exert resources on if provided with the funding. I dont think the warhammer guys would make a sad animated facebook sharebait video about it though.
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lakemojave · 2 years
Look, I think most people outside of the Joe Rogan electorate aren’t happy that Musk has wrested control of Twitter. It is generally discouraging to consider how so many prominent social media companies now possess a distinct MAGA verve; Ben Shapiro operates one of the most popular pages on Facebook, YouTube has long played host to a variety of xenophobic content creators, and we have plenty of evidence about how platformed hate can ruin the lives of ordinary people. Elon Musk might not be a full-blooded MAGA creation, but he is representative of a certain type of grumpy, increasingly reactionary Silicon Valley curmudgeon, and if he wants, he can now serve as judge, jury, and executioner of everything that passes through the Trending page. That said, I do encourage my fellow concerned citizens to consider the implications of what they’re saying, as they eagerly sign up for an apocalyptic culture war for the purity of Twitter. Yes, you could flex your insubordination by (I guess?) continuing to tweet, indefinitely, in the exact same way we have been for the previous decade. Or you could recognize a much more sensible truth. Twitter is fundamentally transient and low-value. You can leave the platform, at any time, with your life completely unafflicted. There is no bravery in sticking around; that persistence won’t add anything in the aggregate. In fact, most people wouldn’t even notice you were gone.
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rosyronkey · 8 months
hi! i wrote an essay about rosy ronkey and her clothes, and i hypothesized what time period i think shes from/inspired by ^^ below if you wanna read more :))
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ive been fixated (or had a special interest or whatever you want to call it) on rosy ronkey for a YEAR today. i've always been pretty interested in her outfit from an aesthetically pleasing point of view, but recently i wanted to see if i could find any trends and time periods in the inspirations of her clothes, which is what this essay is about! it’s going to be an explanation of most of her clothes, top to bottom, from what i can assume with the research i've done. i say research, but i probably don’t have the best sources? they’ll be linked below, but it was really more cross-referencing than anything else lol
i reached out to annie montgomerie for comment/criticism, but she’s obviously very busy and i enjoyed my research from a subjective point of view :)
basic specs on rosy (no one else but me cares): looking at rosy, the only zoomorphic, or animal looking, aspect of hers is her head. judging by proportions and cross-referencing, she looks to have the body of an american girl doll. this is just what i’ve noticed, but annie’s most recent stuff is way less anthropomorphized compared to rosy and the group she was made with. looking at annie’s most recent exhibit, hand me downs, every single piece is completely animal, with hand-sculpted claws, paws, wings and hooves. some of these dolls legs still look like american girl doll legs, but most everything else is animalistic. this isn’t important, but i just thought id mention it because artists’ growth over time is cool!
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starting with her coat, it looks like a double-breasted red childrens’ coat with two rows of two buttons each. these kinds of coats are still available today, but i could find the closest matches by looking at 1920s childrens’ coats, specifically rothschild coats. the rothschild family has a long and complicated history, but all that’s important to know is that they are new york based (which doesn’t totally fit my assumptions about her; in general i assume all of annie montgomerie’s dolls are british because of her nationality) and they’ve been in business for over 100 years. by cross-referencing the growing style of double-breasted coats in the 1920s, and the style of rothschild childrens’ coats in ads from the time, i feel like it’s easy to assume rosy's character has this coat, or at least was very heavily inspired by it.
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a theory i’ve seen before is that the ticket on her coat is a luggage label. these were used during WWII to evacuate british children during the blitz. the history press site says luggage labels listed “name, school and evacuation authority,” and is also where i got most of my information. i want to tentatively deny this theory. i'm pretty sure the ticket is an annie montgomerie staple opposed to a part of rosys' character. she's shown with the tag in the yorkshire sculpture park video, and on gerard way’s website, but she’s missing it in all the photos posted by annie montgomerie herself on facebook and instagram. almost every single annie montgomerie piece on display or for sale has a tag as well. i love this theory, and it’s probably what got me interested in researching her outfit in the first place, but i don’t think i could prove it if i tried.
other than the ticket, she has white roses on the left side of her coat and some smaller twigs? sticks? pinned to her collar. white roses symbolize purity, youthfulness, innocence, and in some contexts, respect for the departed. i couldn’t find any historical photos of children with roses in their outfits, but across the board that was the result i got for their meaning. i can’t discern what she has on her right collar for the life of me, if someone else can figure this out, PLEASE tell me
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her dress is pink, with a cinched embroidered waist and a peter pan collar. peter pan collars became popular in the 1920s, and have been a staple of childrens’ dresses since (sources for this one were a few blogs and wikipedia, but also some ads, so i feel pretty confident with it.) some ads for girls’ dresses in the 1920s had the same soft pleats and embroidered waist as seen on rosys’ dress. i don’t think there’s a meaning behind the color, except that it compliments the red coat and her fur.
her stockings are standard, I couldn’t find much special meaning behind them, british children have been wearing stockings forever, and for girls especially, stockings became more popular in the 1920s as dresses got shorter. usually they were sheer and nude, and rosys’ look like the gray kind kids wear today, but i think it’s still period appropriate to an extent. her shoes look like red mary janes for american girl dolls, just more scuffed and dirtied. mary jane shoes themselves have been around for a while (called “bar shoes” originally,) but they got their name in 1904. in one of the first drafts for this, i read the fairy tale “the red shoes” to see if it offered any insight. i thought it’d be fun to relate, but it’s just a popular danish fairy tale, and it was hard for me to entertain the idea for long.
TLDR: i think rosy ronkeys outfit is inspired by british 1920s fashion!
that’s all I have! i apologize if this was underwhelming or overwhelming or whatever, i had no model to base this off of and the only tumblr essays i read are from my friends <3 i hope you enjoyed! i love rosy ronkey!
link to my dumbfuck google doc with all the links and braindump on it :)
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Fandom discourse when it comes to mixed couples is already hallucinating when it's about fictional character, but it only gets worse when it's about actual people and couples.
I've seen it happen with a couple of youtube couples, but I remember full videos being made about this American woman married to a Japanese man. People were literally making commentaries on how she was taking advantage of him, how she was colonizing and infantilizing him, and how she didn't really love him but was only with him because she had a fetish for Asian men.
The American woman doesn't have a history of "preying" on Asian men, nor did she meet her current husband on one of those Facebook groups that appear on 90 Day Fiance that are called "Americans seeking Japanese." She's just an American who moved to Japan and met a guy she liked who liked her back.
It's crazy how these people, that are supposed to be leftist, ALWAYS fall onto blood purity and racial dynamics that wouldn't look nor sound weird in 1930s Germany.
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notbeetle · 2 years
Worm characters by most-visisted website
Armsmaster: reddit
Aisha: instagram
Regent: 4chan
Taylor: wikipedia
Tattletale: twitter
Rachel: Doesn’t know what an internet is
Brian: irs.gov
Noelle: twitch?
Clockblocker: reddit
Purity: mumsnet
Carol Dallon: Facebook
uh.......... bonesaw neopets? Yeah i'm kind of out of ideas here
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
NSFW and the importance of AO3
My biggest concern if Twitter really die is nsfw artist and sex workers. Us NSFW artist has been betrayed time and time again by many platform who used to welcome us then spit us out once the platform is big enough or to bow down to advertisers.
TikTok censorship is beyond ridiculous
Pinterest wouldn't even allow topless art of a woman
Instagram too not that friendly to nsfw artist
Tumblr banned porn post 2018 and wouldn't hesitate to delete your blog
I'm not sure about pillowfort i heard it's allow nsfw but not as free as twitter? Correct me if I'm wrong tho i never use it
Facebook? Nah i wouldn't even bother.
There's Pixiv but it's not accessible for all people
Mastodon is still new and frankly many said that it has a steep learning curve
DeviantArt turned it's back both to both nsfw and sfw artist with their censorship (literally i see more and more artist who have to censor tits, cock, asshole and even pussy) and also their bullshit piece of shit AI generation + stealing from artist for their generator
Sites like Rule 34 and Hentai site are there but they are not really platform to grow your audience as an artist + too many art thief
Patreon I heard implementing more censorship? It's not social media but many artist using it
Poipiku is a Japanese platform and not all people are native Japan speaker
The fucking dystopian corporations like apple and Google ( and purity culture both in fandom and non fandom) keep sanitizing the internet and wiped out nsfw content for profit (it's not for protecting children or blah blah blah it's all for ads) kicking out all nsfw content creators from all platform they touch, forcing us to wander with no home to express ourselves. NSFW artist still have some wiggle room to thrive but I think sex workers have it harder to thrive on a more mainstream platform...
I know there's many sites for sex workers like for camgirl or whatever but mainstream sites that once more accepting of nsfw has been kicking down sex workers down to the curb again and again and again
If Twitter let's say goes down suddenly or gradually goes down and maybe banning nsfw... Artist will lost the last mainstream global platform that allow them to grow an audience as an nsfw artist
This for fandom nsfw artist who are not using site like poipiku and pixiv it left us with only AO3 to store our art
Yes you can post art to AO3 just tag it as art, literally it is the best safe haven for writing + art with it's mission to protect people creation, they even have lawyer and stuff to protect your rights + AO3 is super nsfw friendly literally you can upload anything that is legal within the USA law (that's a lot of things, thank God it's not based on my country Indonesia law or you wouldn't even see gay people kissing)
But AO3 is primarily used for fanfic + it's not a social media and shouldn't ever be a social media, it is an archive to preserve fanwork. It is fanwork library of Alexandria. The downside because it's not a social media and thus doesn't have features like chatting, algorithm and stuff is that it's harder for you to grow like in other social media. Let's say Twitter really gone if i want to post a series of comic/manga
Then i have to post the sfw/censored pages to Tumblr + post the nsfw page to AO3 it'll be a hassle for both me and my readers but it's possible
Still such a hassle and it'll be easier to just post to Twitter or when Tumblr still allowed nsfw
Also original artist will find it harder to gain audience faster on Tumblr and AO3 because both website are primarily for fandom. Like i can draw a sketch of let's say Anakin Skywalker and it'll get more traction than a fully rendered piece of original artwork
I mean it's possible but if you want to get traction easily as an original artist your art have to be godlike to be noticed amongst seas of fanart that the general public sees as more favorable... I mean you can try to build audience with doing fanwork and once you got big you can post more OG art
Still... It's easier to grow as an original artist on Twitter than on Tumblr or other platform...
Look yeah it's fun to see Twitter on fire but if it's really gone it'll be a disaster for nsfw creators/artist especially those who are making money from it to keep the roof above their head. I hope Twitter doesn't die tbh (I only made acc to see nsfw art, if Tumblr didn't ban porn i wouldn't even bother to use it or too many social media) also this situation brought back the reminder of AO3 importance as the safest and biggest archive especially for nsfw writers and fan artist that keep losing places to post their work, express themselves and earn a living
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Welcome back to our vibrant space, where empowerment and elegance meet. The Black Feminine Society is more than just a blog; it’s a sisterhood where black women celebrate their feminine energy, share wisdom, and commit to genuine growth within our community. Today, we're diving into the essentials that every classy girl should have in her wardrobe. These items are not just accessories and garments; they are statements of grace, confidence, and timeless style. So, let’s elevate our wardrobes together with these must-haves:
1. Black Sunnies
A pair of black sunglasses is the ultimate accessory for any classy lady. Not only do they protect your eyes from the sun, but they also add a touch of mystery and sophistication to any outfit. Whether you’re running errands or attending a high-profile event, black sunnies will keep you looking cool and composed.
2. Pearl Choker or Necklaces
Pearls have long been a symbol of elegance and purity. A pearl choker or necklace adds a soft, feminine touch to both casual and formal outfits. If you missed our “Let’s Talk: Pearls” guide, we highly recommend checking it out on the blog for tips on selecting and styling these timeless pieces.
3. Gold or Silver Chunky Small Hoop Earrings
Chunky hoop earrings, whether in gold or silver, are a staple in a classy girl's jewelry box. They're versatile enough to wear with a jeans and tee combo or a chic evening dress. These earrings frame the face beautifully, drawing attention to your radiant smile.
4. Button-Up Cardigans: Long, Cropped, and Vest Ones!
Cardigans are the Swiss Army knife of any wardrobe. A long cardigan can be wrapped around you on a chilly evening, while a cropped one pairs perfectly with high-waisted trousers or skirts. Vest cardigans are great for layering over summer dresses. The key is to have a variety to choose from for any occasion.
5. Dainty Bangles or a Watch
Accessories like dainty bangles or a classy watch can elevate your outfit instantly. They’re subtle yet powerful in adding a touch of glamour to your everyday look. Mix and match bangles for a boho chic vibe, or keep it sleek with a single, elegant watch.
6. Tailored Trousers
The importance of well-fitted trousers cannot be overstated. Tailored trousers not only enhance your silhouette but also make you feel more confident and put-together. Whether it’s for the office or a casual meet-up, a pair of tailored trousers is a versatile piece that can be styled in numerous ways.
7. Black Purse
A black purse is the finishing touch to any outfit. It’s practical, it matches with almost everything, and it exudes class. Whether you prefer a tote for daytime or a sleek clutch for evenings, a black purse is an essential accessory that you’ll reach for time and again.
These seven items are more than just pieces of clothing and accessories; they are a representation of our style, our grace, and our unapologetic presence in every room we enter.
Fashion is a way to express who we are without having to speak. It’s the fun part of your femininity journey, Let’s make every outfit count!
As we embrace these classy must-haves, let’s continue to support each other, share our stories, and strive for true growth in our community. Let’s level up, together. 💎
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kyufessions · 2 years
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meaning: white roses represent innocence, charm, purity, silence, and secrecy
pairings: star soccer player! sunwoo x college peer! g.n. reader
synopsis: maybe the university’s star soccer player isn’t who you thought he originally was.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: slight mention of food, mention of sleeping around, a bit of cursing but tbh not a lot whatsoever, overall just cuteness
a/n: stfu bc this is actually so cute i’m gonna melt
dark bouncy hair, plump lips, and the warmest smile are just some physical attributes to describe The Kim Sunwoo: your university’s star soccer player. he was everyone’s dream boy in some aspect, whether it be dream boyfriend, dream friend, and so forth. you never paid much attention to him though since every player, whether they were a star or not, were all the same. they all either tried to get in your pants or treated you like some ‘fan’ of theirs whenever you had to interview them for the newspaper. it was annoying, and you being a journalist for your school didn’t help you in the slightest since you had to go to every game and interview them often.
you would switch from the sports category, but you never got out much and being a reporter helped you explore more of the city. plus, you secretly liked sports. playing them was another story but watching them always sparked your interest. you tried playing soccer and tennis when you were younger, but the competitiveness always pushed you away. so growing up you just played for fun, despite you actually being pretty good at it.
it was another thursday night in the journalism club, and here you were getting your instructions on who to interview for tomorrow's games. you had a volleyball game in the afternoon and a soccer game at night, all you had to figure out was who you had to interview. you felt all your nerves arise when you were told to interview Sunwoo, knowing every article written about him was always front of the paper and well read throughout the campus. and since this was the last game of the season, this article had to be better than any other you’ve ever written. the pressure was on and very high; you weren’t sure whether to be excited or nervous so you decided on both.
the next day flew by fast, along with the volleyball game in the afternoon. you ended up interviewing one of the newer players that were growing quickly within the team. she had always seemed pretty nice, but when you interviewed her she seemed quite cocky and stuck up which was very off putting for you. when you left the gymnasium, you made your way across campus to the coffee shop to lighten up your mood after dealing with someone like her. you had an hour and a half until the soccer game and decided to kill some time by looking up anything you can find on sunwoo.
you found his twitter and scrolled for a few before getting bored, then deciding to scroll on his facebook and anything else you can find. you found out about his family and other likings such as his favorite movies, his tattoo, and his liking of the rain (you assumed this since he would post pictures of the rain a lot). time moved by in a flash, making you almost miss the beginning of the soccer game you surely could not miss for the world. this article could definitely help you in the long run when it came to your future journalism career, and you were going to make sure of it.
as you maneuvered through the crowd to find the perfect spot, you let out a relieved sigh when you finally found it. within a few minutes the game had started, leaving you almost no time to pull out a journal and start taking notes. you watched as sunwoo scored continuously for the next two hours, leaving you nothing short of impressed. every game he always left you speechless- he knew how to play the game and knew how to play it right. the smile on his face was brighter than any game you’ve witnessed him in, assuming since he was doing even better this game and it being the last one for a bit. everyone around you cheered loudly for the brown wavy haired boy, and he always interacted with everyone to keep the cheers going. if you didn’t know any better, you’d think you were at a concert. but, of course, if you were you would actually be having fun.
to say sunwoo wasn’t attractive would be a lie, because truth be told he was. it’s the way all his facial features meshed together perfectly, making him look like something sculpted by michelangelo himself. as if the famous sculpture took his time creating him. and to get lost in his eyes whenever he looked in the crowd, especially under the lighting of the field, was very easy to do. even if you felt him look at you for a few seconds too long, which you figured you were exaggerating about, you found yourself smiling to yourself as you looked down at your notepad. surely he couldn’t be looking at me, you thought, not with all these other people surrounding me. he was probably just looking at one of them, maybe someone behind me.
before you knew it the game came to a close, your university winning the final game of the season. everyone cheered sunwoo’s name as he made the last goal to ensure the win, his team lifting him up in the air happily as his name filled the air. you found yourself clapping out of respect, because he sure as hell knew how to put on a game. when the crowd gradually died down, you made your way towards sunwoo and the three other team members he was speaking with. you didn’t like those three all too well, having interviewed them already and each one a bigger asshole than the next. they noticed you start approaching, their attention now on you before you even opened your mouth.
“hi sunwoo, i’m y/n and i’m with the university’s newspaper. would you mind if ask you a few questions about tonight’s game?” you spoke up, trying your best to sound as professional as possible.
the other three left at sunwoo’s request after he agreed to be interviewed, all of them eyeing you as they made their way towards a group of girls out on the field. you asked him multiple questions about the game, and each time he gave you an answer filled with enthusiasm and pure joy. he was genuine, and for once you actually enjoyed interviewing the soccer team.
“your younger sister must be really proud.” you added towards the end, sending him a comforting smile.
he sent you a weak smile as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “i hope so. she isn’t able to come to my games much since my hometown is an hour away.”
you frowned, nodding apologetically. “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said anything. my apologies-“
“it’s okay, really. you’re a reporter, i get it.” he interrupted as he shoved his hands in his pockets when the wind picked up.
you felt yourself shiver, wanting nothing more than to finish up the interview and head home to your warm dorm room. sunwoo noticed this, automatically taking off his jacket and holding it out for you to take. you shook your head, insisting he keep his jacket on so he doesn’t get cold himself.
“i insist.” he exclaimed, shaking it temptingly in his hands playfully. “i’ll be fine without it. but you, on the other hand, might not by the way you’re shaking.” shit, was it that obvious?
sunwoo took a few steps forward and put his jacket around your shoulders throughout your protests, causing him to let out a chuckle from how annoyingly adorable you were being. “it’s fine, just give it back to me on monday in sociology.”
you cocked your head to the side, wondering what he was speaking about. “how’d you know i have sociology?”
“we’re in the same class.” you instantly felt bad. you opened your mouth to say something but he instantly shut it down. “it’s fine. i sit in the back to sleep and you’re always in the first row. i wouldn’t expect you to notice me, anyway.”
you held his jacket closer to you, shooting him an apologetic look. “i’m sorry, you probably think i’m a jerk or something.”
he shook his head right away, waving a dismissive hand. “the opposite, actually. the way you handle all your interviews are really professional and i admire that about you- your work i mean. i’m honored. and for you to not notice me isn’t a big deal, if anything it’s a relief.”
you nodded, feeling a slight blush creep across your cheeks. “thank you, i appreciate it.”
you asked him the last of your questions, cuddling close into his jacket as it warmed you up. when you finished, you thanked him for his time and apologized for keeping him from his teammates.
sunwoo looked around, making sure no one was listening. he lowered his voice before beginning to speak to you again. “can i say something off the record?” you were confused, but nodded nonetheless. “i don’t really like my teammates, they’re the biggest assholes i’ve ever met.”
you held your hand over your mouth, attempting to hold back a laugh but failing to do so. when you laughed, so did he. that was the last thing you were expecting him to say, especially to someone he just met.
your laughing fit was interrupted by one of his teammates yelling over to him asking if he wanted to join them for drinks. he shook his head, explaining how tired he was and how he just wanted to get back to his dorm and relax. they all called him a pussy, all eventually leaving with a group of women that were gawking over their every move.
you rolled your eyes at the men and sunwoo seemed to notice, raising a brow. “you don’t like them?”
“oh gosh, no. i’ve interviewed almost every single member of your team and each one was worse than the last.” you shook your head, closing up your notebook and slipping it into the jacket pocket. you made a mental note to take it out once you made it to your dorm safely, knowing you’d forget to even do so and he’d end up with your notes.
as minutes passed, the night became colder. as you noticed this, you thanked sunwoo for his time and started to walk towards the direction of the dorms. or, tried to at least. you were stopped just a few steps into your journey by sunwoo calling out to you, running up to you.
“is it okay if i walk you to your dorm? i’m going in the same direction. unless you don’t want to then i understand-“
“sure, sounds nice.”
the short seven minute walk to your dorm was nice, making small conversation here and there. sunwoo was surprisingly easy to talk to, he even was really playful with his words which made you do the same. you felt like you could be yourself with him, which was a nice surprise to the jerk you imagined he’d be.
“so, you read my articles?” you asked suddenly, nudging his side playfully as you clinged onto his jacket.
a small blush appeared on his cheeks, a shy smile spreading across his plump lips. “sometimes, yeah. it’s not my fault they’re well written, though. they’re always a fun read.”
“they’re all about boring sports and writing tips, sunwoo.”
“and they’re interesting, so deal with it.” he joked, shooting you a teasing smile as you laughed softly.
he held the door open for you as you entered the dorm building, following closely behind you like a lost puppy. as you approached your room, you felt your stomach churn. you were actually upset to leave his side because you enjoyed his company so much. what the hell?
before you could even say goodnight to him, sunwoo spoke up first. “did you want to come and watch tangled with me tonight, in my dorm? i can make us snacks and hot chocolate and stuff, if you want.” you just stared at him, confused at his invitation. it was sudden and caught you off guard, which is why there was silence for a few seconds. “i’ll take that as a-“
“sure, but let me grab my laptop first.” and just like that, you quickly shuffled into your dorm room and grabbed your laptop bag from your desk drawer. you switched from sneakers into a pair of fuzzy slippers, making your way back out to sunwoo with a smile and bag in hand. then realization hit you. “wait, won’t we disturb your roommate? it’s nearly ten at night.”
“i have a single dorm.”
“what? how?”
“i requested one last semester and they gave it to me.”
“lucky ass.” you mumbled, glaring at him.
the man winked at you, grabbing your arm gently and leading you to his dorm room up on the fifth floor and away from yours which was on the third. as you entered his dorm room, you were surprised to find it somewhat organized. it wasn’t messy like you thought it might be, but rather an organized mess. it fit him well.
he told you to make yourself comfy on his bed, and you did just that. then you took it upon yourself as he made the hot chocolate and mini snack tray to pull up his netflix account on his TV and put on tangled. you paused it before it started, not wanting to watch it without him. as he did his thing, you opened your laptop and snuck the note pad out from your jacket to start a rough draft of your article on the two games you sat through today.
when he finally returned, he smiled at the site of you sitting cross legged on his bed, in his jacket, cuddled up under his blankets and facing his television with tangled paused on the screen. believe it or not, you had been sunwoo’s crush for the past year. only his two closest friends, jacob and hyunjae, knew of this crush on you. when you noticed you in the crowd earlier, he couldn’t help but smile seeing you there. and when he read your articles about everyone else on the team, he had always hoped you would interview him some day. that’s why when you finally approached him tonight he felt a little giddy inside and had to hold back a happy smile. he never approached you because he was too scared. i mean, you never even noticed him last year or this year, so why would he? sunwoo never thought too highly of himself, even though everyone around him seemed to do the opposite. he always had people gushing over him and wanting to be him, and yet the one person’s attention he always wanted never seemed to give it to him. until tonight, that was.
you felt a pair of eyes on you and looked up, finding the wavy haired man standing there with a snack tray full of goodies and two mugs of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. right away you made playful grabby hands in his direction, smiling up at him. when he snapped out of his daze, he could’ve melted right then and there. the sight was too much for him to handle, yet he found himself making his way towards the empty side of the bed and scooting next to you.
he placed the snack tray between you both, leaning over nosely at your laptop screen. “what’re you writing? is it the article?”
you nodded, closing the laptop and putting it on the nightstand to your right. “i have to write one about the volleyball team and tonight’s soccer game. figured i might as well get a head start.”
he picked up his mug, bring it to his lips and taking a small sip before responding. “and about me too, of course.”
you rolled your eyes playfully at him, grabbing the remote and pressing play. “no, i just approached you randomly after the game for funsies.”
even though he knew you were joking, he wish it were true in some sort of way. he wished you were interested in him the way he was in you. but for now, whatever was blossoming between you both tonight, he would take that in a heartbeat. as you both watched the movie, sneaking snacks and glances in between scenes, sunwoo felt your head plop on his shoulder and soon your breathing regulate. when he moved his head a bit to look down at you, he noticed you had fallen asleep with a peanut M&M in your mouth. he quickly reached for his phone with his free arm, careful not to wake you, and snapped a picture he would soon cherish and tease you about when you woke back up.
kim sunwoo was finally hanging out with his crush, and you realized that not all athletes are complete assholes who only see you as a body count.
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musashi · 10 months
the whole "adults have an obligation to keep minor spaces sfw" and "minors do not just turn 18 and suddenly become horny, teenagers and kids can and do think about and have sex" false dichotomy is a really tricky one because both statements are true, obviously, but a huge part of my personal pearl-clutching when it comes to even the slightest mention of anything nsfw is that the rules are different for queer adults.
like, it's hard because the whole world condescends to teenagers. i haven't been a teenager for a decade but i remember it infuriating me and that fury still persists to this day. i was wise and precocious and emotionally mature beyond my years but i was a teenage girl so i was stupid and foolish by definition. i can say now with my adult brain that i had the right ideas about a great many things, including things adults told me i had no correct ideas about.
but as a queer adult i am sure i'm not the only one who's had a friend targeted, arrested, or become a victim of police brutality for conversations about sex or even just sexual matters that no one would bat an eyelash if i were straight.
when i was 14, my online girlfriend's mom found out we were an item, facebook-stalked my family, and called my father screaming about how i was forcibly converting nice christian straight girls to my lesbian agenda online. and any time i am talking to young people about sex and sexuality, i have to pause and think--even if i phrase this clinically, delicately, helpfully, the right nutjob in today's political climate could spin me as a groomer or a predator. i have to level that in my head.
i think about another person i dated later on who was 18 years old and queer and got the cops called on them because they were dating a 17 year old. and how they were lucky to have survived. i think about how other queer people on this website gave me the same treatment when i hit 18 and my partner was still 17 for a bit.
like, it's hard. no one, short of severely online idiots, thinks that teenagers are sexless beings of chaste purity. but i think this is all stuff to think about. there is a level of queer trauma that causes some of us to err on the side of extreme caution even when it might seem silly. at least that's how it is for me.
i want kids to have trusted adults they can ask about this stuff and i want kids to feel free to explore sex and sexuality. and i want to be one of those voices of support and trust because intergenerational friendships are CRUCIAL to making sure that kids a. learn what healthy relationships with adults look like so they don't actually get groomed and b. have adults they can talk to if, god forbid, they do. but i do also have to protect myself from right-wing nutjobs who think that a tired old lesbian even existing near the impressionable youths is cause for me to be imprisoned and sentenced to death.
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midnight-in-eden · 9 months
Saw a photo of one of my extended relatives on Facebook today, a young teen girl. She had “daily repentance is the pathway to purity” written in pen on her arm with cute flowers drawn around it. It’s a Russell Nelson quote from April 2019 general conference, and it made me sad. I know how intensely I pressured myself, and got pressured by teachers and leaders, when it came to repentance and purity as a teenager. I don’t think it’s healthy for a kid to be so focused on it that she needed to write it onto her own body :(
For fucks’ sake can the church stop relentlessly reminding children of the “importance” and “necessity” of repentance? It’s like those parents who relentlessly nag their teen about healthy eating and watching their weight and the kid ends up with an eating disorder. The point of childhood is not constant self-improvement and worrying about things like repenting and being “pure.” Let them be kids.
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starberrywander · 1 year
This might be a controversial opinion but I think most of my fellow progressives need to hear this:
You NEED to stop attacking conservatives, because all of your hostility only feeds into their “The left is full of prideful/hypocritical/irrational/etc assholes” rhetoric and is a major tool used by far-right propagandists to manipulate good people into hateful and dangerous ideas. Your hostility is contributing to far-right radicalization just as much, if not more, than the content put out by hate campaigns and extremists. 
I have seen it plenty of times both in my own life and online. Conservatives frequently talk about how hostile “the left” behaves and it forms a basis for a lot of their unsavory ideals. 
As someone who lives in a very conservative region of one of the most red states in the US, most of the people I know in person are conservative or at least conservative-leaning, especially in my family. But, you would be surprised just how many of them express agreement with progressive ideals either without realizing or while refusing to better understand them simply because they see progressives as hostile and unwelcoming. Like, I have no doubt in my mind that many of these people would happily and enthusiastically join even some of the most progressive social movements if they hadn’t had such a horrible impression of progressives painted to them. Many have experiences with being attacked, harassed, and called names for trying to express their concerns and opinions in progressive spaces. Many more have also seen that same scenario play out many times to other people who they respect or care for. If you don’t believe me, let me give you a prominent example from my life:
My grandmother is very conservative. Like, watches (or at least used to watch) fox news on a regular basis and refers to herself as “Super MAGA.” However, despite very explicitly aligning herself with the right-leaning conservative crowd and often making comments (mostly out of ignorance not maliciousness, I’ve learned) that would probably set a good number of y’all into rage mode, when individual issues are discussed in good faith she often takes a more progressive position. Of course there are exceptions, especially because she has been exposing herself to a lot of right-wing propaganda and definitely has been influenced by some hate campaigns, but she certainly doesn’t fit the stereotype and would absolutely be aligning herself with the left in a different situation. She is very supportive of LGBT people and, though she is a bit skeptical of things like gender reassignment surgery because of the things she gets told on facebook, she isn’t hateful toward trans people like many would probably assume. In fact all it took was a simple, calm explanation of my perspective for her to easily accept nonbinary identities (including, I think, neopronouns and xenogenders, though I haven’t heard anything from her specifically on those topics). She has even expressed that sentiment to other family members since then and I think it was well received.
Of course, there are certainly people who are too stubborn and prejudiced to even consider changing their mind, but they are a minority. Many of these people that get clocked as “bigots” are actually very kind-hearted people who were only ever able to have their genuine concerns heard or validated by people on the conservative right. They are the way they are because they were harassed or made to feel unwelcome in progressive spaces so they looked elsewhere for support and community. 
If you need more examples, here is just one of the many videos of people expressing this type of experience (this is also the video that made me realize that I should probably make a post to express this): 
My point is that we need to be more compassionate. I don’t mean this in a moral purity way, you are absolutely justified in being upset at the types of prejudice and misinformation being spread around. I mean it in the way that your hostile and angry actions are only making the situation worse and you need to find a better outlet if we want to make progress toward convincing people to side with more progressive positions and stop voting in the kinds of people who are gonna push these discriminatory policies we’ve been seeing.
As much as we want to believe that we are rational and that enough statistics will change someone’s mind if they just listened, that is not the case. Humans are emotional beings. As much as we see ourselves as objective, we think emotionally. Even if we don’t realize it. If you attack people, even passive aggressively, you make them shut down. They stop listening. Because we are much more likely to listen to and care about the words of people who we have a positive impression of. People remember emotions far more than any words, and it doesn’t matter how correct you are or how much proof you have, if you come at people with hostility and anger that attack and the emotions associated with it are the only things that are going to stick. They aren’t going to remember your statistics. They aren’t going to remember your facts. They’re going to remember how you harassed them and called them names. They’re going to remember how you demanded they adopt your beliefs without listening to theirs.
I don’t care how much you wanna scream, its not going to help anything. All people will remember is how you made them feel. We only care about statistics and facts when we care about the subject, because that’s just how humans are. You may find some exceptions, but they are few and far between and you shouldn’t rely on their existence. You need to be kind. You need to be compassionate. 
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If you need to say something to vent say it privately. Write it down then make a wish and delete it like you’re blowing out the candles on a birthday cake. Keep a journal of all your rants and frustrations. Just keep them out of public spaces, for fucks sake. They are not helpful. You can edit them to be kinder, but please stop with the hostile posts. You are making it worse and the only benefit it serves is an ego boost from “dunking on the dummy conservatives.” You don’t need to say everything that comes to your mind. I know I’ve done this before too so I can sympathize but its really time we all start being more intentional with the ways we react to people.
Stop calling people names. Stop accusing people of things (even if they are. It achieves nothing.) Stop telling people to shut up. If they something particularly nasty just report and block them. If its real life just try to go somewhere else or ask them to stop or something. Like, you can absolutely attempt to explain why there is an issue with it, why you are uncomfortable with it, and why you will not accept it. But for goodness sake please do it respectfully. Even if you don’t think the person deserves respect, being hostile only makes things worse. Find a different way to express your anger. 
Yes, there will be people who won’t listen. Yes, there will still be people who paint you as irrational for being concerned or for caring about certain issues (that’s gaslighting, don’t let it get to you. Call it out if you need to.) You can’t change that. You can’t force people to change their minds. What you can do is control yourself and practice some patience. 
It is extremely important that we promote acceptance and fight against far right extremist radicalization. Especially now, when people are getting more extreme in their views and feeling emboldened to discriminate more openly. We need to get more people away from the conservative rabbit hole and we cannot do that if your immediate reaction is to attack them for disagreeing with you. People are the products of their experiences and their communities. People join communities that make them feel accepted and validated. If you harass people, its just going to make them want to join the other “enemy” community who will show them sympathy for the hurt you caused. I don’t care how much you don’t think they deserve it. I don’t care how much you feel justified. I don’t care how nasty they are being. You need to treat people with respect and compassion if you want them to agree with you on any level.
 I will probably be talking about this more in the future so I’m gonna make a hashtag to keep it all in the same place. 
“Progressives please chill and find a more productive approach for fucks sake”
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natalieina · 1 year
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White Snake Dream
The spirit of the white snake, a vision of flexibility, a vision of purity, a vision of light, penetrated into her predawn dream... A strange new feeling flowed through her veins like a cold stream. Light poured out of her half-open eyes, and the space of the room was enveloped in a cloud of flowers that shimmered with shades of spring slumber. Dreams here have become transparent, like a veil. Ghostly visions of other centuries, other spaces, like waves that touches the shore, will rush in and leave this island of the soul.
Natalie Ina
Model: Daria Skupova.
Dress by StyleSkelett.
Studio: Provans.
Snakes: snakephoto_ru.
Natalie Ina Photography.
April 2022.
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hiswordsarekisses · 3 months
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The young kohen in the photo visiting the red heifer candidates in Shiloh, is fit to perform the red heifer ceremony. He came into the world via home birth, has never set foot in a hospital or cemetery, and therefore considered by halacha (Jewish law) to be of the highest level of Torah purity, having never contracted tum'at met (impurity imparted by contact with a corpse).
Should he opt to participate in the Temple Institute’s ongoing preparations in anticipation of the renewal of the ashes of the red heifer, he will undergo intense instruction and training.
(Posted by “The Temple Institute” on Facebook)
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