#fabian is such a reddit user that it hurts (potentially affectionate but ultimately ambiguous connotation)
fakeosirian · 1 year
i have period-appropriate internet socialization headcanon proposals
nina, kt: tumblr (but two different/distinct ways of being 2012 tumblr users)
fabian: reddit, hobby/topic boards (type of guy to sub to an RSS feed)
eddie: reddit (opposite of the way fabian uses it), youtube comment sections (harassing people)
amber, joy: instagram, twitter, facebook, gossip forums idk whatever makes it easiest to be nosy. also pinterest
patricia: somehow still accessing sites for emos that were dead/dying even at the time (myspace, niche boards, sketchy chatrooms etc) and also tumblr but in a THIRD 2012 way
jerome: gossip forums, image boards
alfie: (arguably weird) hobby/topic boards, newgrounds
willow: also (arguably weird) hobby/topic boards, deviantart
mara: facebook, twitter (remember this is twitter of over 10 years ago. she exclusively follows journalists, academics, and politicians and would post about hating people who post "ate toast for breakfast" on the "ate toast for breakfast" post website)
mick: facebook, instagram (amber made him)
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