#faberry can be both largely unintentional queer subtext AND sometimes intentional queerbaiting
tuiyla · 2 years
Your gifs sent me back! Faberry one of the biggest queerbaits ever only overthrown by supercorp. Seriously Rachel gave her a flower meaning secret love ffs. And mean l Quinn during early seasons drawing hearts and makes pics and doing year book just for Rachel. From what I’ve read and seen they had deleted scenes in promos that never aired which was to bait fans to watch and someone bought scripts and there was quite a few deleted scenes in them of them being very queer coded. No way it was by mistake because they did it again with Rachel and Santana and Rachel thirsting for Cassandra. Not to mention the Quinn Santana scene. People say Quinn is lesbian but I think bi who prefers girls because she really seemed to like Sam
Full disclaimer that I think queerbaiting has become one of those terms that's been thrown around so much that the meaning has been diluted. The topic of Faberry and queerbaiting is... complicated, and while I do fully believe things like deleted scenes in the promos that never made it into the full episodes count, I just wanted to note that imo queerbaiting gets thrown around too lightly these days. Same goes for queer-coded.
For example, I have my doubts that the Glee writers were anywhere near knowing the secret love meaning. I mean, if that was intended to be queerbaiting with that specific meaning, it's sort of too obscure to succeed, no? I think that was more like a crazy coincidence, an easter egg for Faberry if you will. I have no explanation for Quinn's drawings, pornographic and with hearts or otherwise. That was some weird ass behaviour from her lmao like I cannot wrap my head around the actual reasoning behind it. Quinn's gay was deffo showing there.
As for other instances of homoerotic tension between women, as hard as it is to imagine I don't think they meant anything by all the Cassandra things. And, as fucking unbelievable as it is for me, personally, as Pezberry trash, I don't think anything was intended with Santana. Obviously Quinntana is another matter but I'm fairly confident in saying the writers never intentionally queer-coded Rachel.
Now, all this is not me trying to defend the Glee writers, god no. I think they sucked, and there absolutely were instances of queerbaiting with Faberry, particularly in season 3. I'm just saying that it's a big topic and just because something is baiting, other aspects aren't necessarily. I'm just, very wary of throwing terms around that have specific meanings because fandoms can get carried away with interpretations that aren't actually part of the text and just sort of took a life of their own. Also, queer interpretations are still valid because we ultimately do whatever we want to with the text. Something can come off as very fruity to us without it being queer-coding, which is (usually) an intentional act where explicit queer themes cannot be portrayed.
Glee clearly could be gay but still had instances that have queer readings and were never followed up on. For example, Quinn is queer and I simply cannot be convinced otherwise. I've never fully settled between bi and lesbian, I don't think either strict definition fits her though I'd lean towards lesbian between those two.
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