#f2f: sam evans
owenepierce · 4 months
need you now | sawen
Owen released a heavy breath, not even realizing he was holding it. While Sam hadn’t done anything to make him feel he deserved punishment, internally, he felt as though he had taken things too far with his poutiness over JuNo. Denial was a quintessential part of their dynamic. It always had been. Just like playful brattiness was also a part of it. But in this case, especially since Violet had taken to her orders without complaint, he really felt like he’d been a little extra, and that came with a need for reassurance that he was, in fact, still good. Thus, he needed to submit pretty intensely for a while, which he trusted Sam more than anyone else to make good on. He was dressed in tight, form-fitted khaki dress pants that clung to his ass like a second skin, a white oxford button down, tucked in, accented with a cute, baby-pink tie - his typical attire during the work week as secretary for the hotel’s finances and essential, behind-the-scenes manager of Sam’s social media presence. Upon entering their lavishly decorated suite, Owen complied with his orders and knelt in the middle of the living area. He knew Sam would come around the corner any second now, and he’d make everything better like he always did. @sammythedominant
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marciafogarty · 12 days
long time coming | marcia & sam
It was about five minutes until Sam was scheduled to arrive at her dorm. Marcia had convinced her roommate to make themselves scarce for at least a few hours, so they had the whole place to themselves. Her makeup was done and she was dressed in a cute, white crop top that strained against her tits, paired with a tight, red mini skirt that barely covered her ass. If she bent over, anyone would get an eyeful of her lacy black panties that clung to her ass and pussy. She'd been waiting to hook up with the Sam Evans for what felt like forever. In fact, she thought it might not even happen after her brief fight with Nate over him, but if they were ever going to work, he needed to trust that no matter who she scened with as she worked towards being good enough to be his officially submissive, that her goal was always to be his, and no one else's. Now, Marcia was only human - and a very slutty, depraved one at that. She was beyond attracted to Sam, and she wanted him - badly; but she recognized that her feelings for Sam, i.e. general, unbridled horniness would never come close to how she felt for Nate - and in a way, submitting to Sam would prove that. She glanced around her tiny dorm and sighed. It was cramped, the walls painted a dull gray color, and the only decorations were some faded posters of some hot OnlyFans models that she followed; with a space left for a post of Sam that she hoped to talk him into providing and signing. She giggled and perched herself on the edge of the bunch bed, zoning out as she looked at the minimal furniture; just a tiny desk with her laptop and a chair crammed in one corner. Her bed was messily made and a few scattered clothes were strewn about - but besides that, nothing was too out of place except maybe a pair of ripped tights handing off the edge of her bed frame from one of her more recent trysts. Finally, there was a knock at the door and Marcia bounced off the bed and knelt in the middle of the room before calling out, "It's unlocked, Sir! C'mon in!" @sammythedominant
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antoniomartinez · 2 years
"Wanna play some video games? Loser has to buy pizza"
Hearing the offer, Tony turned to look at Sam and laughed. "I have to say, that's the first time anyone's given me that offer. You're on, though I also have to say that I've never really been good aat video games, I don't play often so I might as well order the pizza now." He laughed again, nudging Sam's shoulder. "How do you like yours? What are your thoughts on wings and cheesy bread?"
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switchingfinn · 2 years
"Want to join us for broga? ... that's yoga for bros."
"That... sounds... awesome! Alright, dude. You got me hooked. Tell me more."
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subastian · 2 years
"Do you want to bet on that?"
Sebastian turned to look at the other man with mischief and stubborn pride glittering in his eyes. "Always. What are the terms?"
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karofskyy · 8 months
Dave was heading out of the showers after football practice, gym bag over his shoulder. He noticed Sam Evans ahead of him, and caught up. "Hey, Sam. Wanna go grab something to eat? I'm starving, right now." He was going to go get something eat either way, but he'd rather not do it alone.
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jacobbenisreal · 6 months
Just got out of class! Heading to my dorm now! Don't have to be in my last class for a couple hours!
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{ PRIVATE } Awesome! I'm coming over now! hehehe. And I haven't played video games in a long time. My dad said they were addicting and I have sports rage, and he said that I would probably have gamers rage, too.
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JBI shows up at Sam's dorm with 20 cinnamon roll bites. "April Fools!!!!"
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veronicalodgeswitch · 2 years
girls on film | sam & veronica
When Veronica Lodge wanted something, she made it happen. She wasn’t beyond putting a man through the ringer to get to her, but if she was the one taking the initiative, she was definitely one to the cut to the chase. One passing glance at Sam Evans on the football field, running plays, shirtless and sweaty had her convinced that she needed to get underneath him at some point - and that’s exactly what she planned to do tonight. Showing up in nothing more than a little black dress and a pair of red-bottomed Loubitains, her raven-black hair tumbling down her back and chest, she looked delectable raising a manicured hand to knock lightly on Sam’s door. She tossed her hair once more, and waited (not so) patiently for Sam to answer. @sammythedominant​
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rossberry · 3 years
take it back | ram
“I hope you’re all looking forward to next week where I’ll be demonstrating how Les Miserables can be performed as a one-man show.” Ross chirped up as his fellow glee-clubbers started getting up and walking towards the door of the choir room. “Feel free to text me and let me know which monologues and accompanying songs you’d like me to showcase the most. I can do them all!” He added, his words mostly falling on deaf ears. Sighing Ross slouched a bit and walked back to the music stand he’d situated in the center of the room. He started to organize his sheet music when he glanced up and jumped. Still sitting there, smirking that smirk that made his knees shake, wearing a muscle tank that showcased perfect arms and an equally perfect chest was Sam Evans. “Sir!” Ross squeaked, dropping some of his sheet music in his surprise. “I...I didn’t realize you were still there.” His voice was shaky, partially from the mere sight of this God of a Dominant in front of him, and partially from exhaustion. Since Ross had really thrown himself into submitting, he found taking control in settings like Glee Club was a little less...effortless than it used to be. Ross met Sam’s gaze, his brown eyes wavering with admiration and longing, wanting nothing more in than moment to drop to his knees, forget everything else and mindlessly serve him. @sammythedominant​
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blaineandersonsub · 3 years
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markdomjr · 3 years
Mark walked out on the deck from the helm, having just spent the last hour or so bullshitting with the captain and taking his hand at the wheel. At the stern on the top level he was surprised to see someone standing there. In fact, assuming they were staff Mark had almost went right past them to head back to lower decks but then he realized it was Blaine’s guest and came up beside him, pretending to be interested in the abundant view. “So, how did you meet Blaine?” He asked, not bothering to temper his tone to sound friendly. @samevansdom​
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owenepierce · 2 months
what's left of you | sawen
Owen gave it the rest of the day. He knew Sam was in good hands with his big family surrounding him, making sure he was okay - so, for the first time in two weeks, Owen returned to the House. He was greeted warmly by the receptionist, but he had no energy to return her warmth. Everything had been managed seamlessly by the directors they'd hired to oversee things in their absence, and Owen was beyond grateful for them because there was no way he would have been able to handle even the tiniest portion of business with Sam in the hospital. He made a mental note to send them each a generous bonus check at the end of the week as he walked into the personal elevator that went straight up to their penthouse. He got off, let out a shaky breath, and numbly went through the motions. He stripped, got into the shower, and stayed there long enough for his hands to start pruning. He cried off and on, but it was as though he didn't even realize when the tears began when they ended, and when they started again. Everything was a blur. The only thing set into any sort of focus was the blaring reality that Sam; his Sam, the same Dominant he'd known for four years had no idea who he was.
All that mattered was doing whatever it took to get Sam back. He had him back in body and spirit; his personality was obviously still intact, granted, he seemed a little more like the man he'd met four years ago, without the maturity gained through their shared experiences; but that didn't put Owen off at all. He fell in love with Sam in that state of mind, and he'd love him now, just as intensely as he did and had continued to for all this time. He changed into black, Adidas joggers, a plain, pink t-shirt, and pristine white sneakers. He dried his bright, blonde hair, shaved, moisturized, and brushed his teeth, making himself look presentable for the first time in weeks. It felt good, and in that way, he felt bad for feeling good when Sam was still at the hospital, confused and lost, especially considering how Owen had just ran out on him like that. But, Owen knew Sam needed some space; and frankly, he needed it too. He needed to rest so that he had the energy for whatever happened next.
Laying down for a quick thirty-minute nap turned into a full-on, six hour slumber that he didn't realize he needed. When he woke up, he half expected Sam to be in the kitchen, making a post-workout shake or something; and when he wasn't, reality came hurtling back to him. He got up, made a quick snack, brushed his teeth (again), threw a hat on his messy hair, and bolted out the door once more. About fifteen minutes later, he was back at the hospital. He gave the Evans family, all gathered in the waiting room a small, apologetic smile. Mary, of course, was the first to jump up and hug him. She whispered some reassuring words against his ear and he held her tighter, trying to absorb her support and use it as fuel to propel him forward. Taking a deep breath, he squeezed her arm and nodded, finally making his way back to Sam's room.
"Hi." He said simply, smiling shyly at Sam as he closed the door behind him. "How're you feeling, Sir?" @sammythedominant
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marleyphalange · 5 years
The past eight months had become overwhelming for Marley. She was more than happy to be carrying her brother’s babies, she felt like she was helping out in a big way and what better wedding gift to give to your sibling than their own child? But while she wouldn’t admit it much, it had become a bit of a hassle in the last couple of months, she wasn’t able to do much especially since she was carrying two babies instead of one and when Sam mentioned the idea of making her feel better with ice cream, she certainly perked up at the idea. Another reason why she perked up so much was because there may have been a bit of a lingering crush on her end for the attractive blonde, something else she’d probably never say out loud, they were friends and she knew Sam only looked at her that way. Bringing herself to the oh so familiar door of Blaine and Sam’s apartment, she gave the door a hard knock, waiting for someone to answer.
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hautekurture · 6 years
[f2f] kurt/sam
[05.09.2018 - Evening]
Kurt: [had wanted to fetch Blaine for a walk around the ryokan they were in. It was before curfew and Kurt didn't get to have as much alone time with Blaine tonight since the trip was with the whole group. He wasn't going to invite Blaine to his room with Mike there. He had texted Blaine he was coming over and was on his way. He figured by the time Blaine checked the text, he would be outside. Kurt knocked on the door.]
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pearhipshummel · 5 years
Wednesday Dinners | Hevans
This was nice. More than nice, even. Having a routine set aside with someone else who actually liked spending time with you to make food and just indulge in each other's company in a casual manner. It didn't matter if he spent extra time in front of his vanity mirror. Checking every curve he had by twisting one way, and then the other. Definitely didn't choose a color that brought out his eyes a little more, not at all. And he didn't add an extra spray of his favorite cologne either — never mind that it was labeled as Guess Seductive either. It wasn't romantic, sexual, or anything of the sort. It was just two guys, hanging out. Wasn't like there was a crime to want to smell pleasant enough around other guys. Even if they were in the good looking territory. Flirting was completely innocent, but it didn't stop the blushing. The pulse jump under his skin anytime they accidentally touched while handing things back and forth in the kitchen was just a natural reaction to anyone attractive touching you. It was biology. That's all. Scientifically explained.
That's what Kurt Hummel kept telling himself, anyway. Ignoring how his cheeks flushed with delight at having the other man direct a genuine smile at him. Or how his stomach clenched nervously when one had to squeeze by the other to obtain an object from the other side of the kitchen. Catching himself staring a little too long while the other talked, rambled, or expressed what had happened throughout his week in the most adorable and hilarious way that all Kurt could think of how he had a way about him. That Sam Evans.
Coming back down from his momentary train of thought, he shakes himself from where he's perched against Sam's counter. "I'm sorry," he adds with a similar apologetic smile, "got caught up in how good that smells and my train of thought totally went to my empty stomach and I missed that last bit." Sure, his subconscious added in a dry sarcastic tone, that's where your thoughts were. Your “stomach”. 
God. How pathetic was he? This was Sam of all people. Sam, who was a genuine nice guy, and was probably having the time of his life getting attention from other places. It wasn’t like Kurt had a shot. Or that Kurt really wanted that shot to begin with. Maybe he was just lonely. Maybe he missed being affectionate with another guy. Intimate with another guy. Oh. That was it. Right? His gaze returns to Sam’s face, lingering a little too long again, and his inner voice sighs. Both. He missed both. And Sam was being nice, considerate, funny, charming, and had no problems with Kurt being who he was. Of course he was the perfect target for crush material. 
“It smells really good, Samwise.” He compliments, the pet name rolling off his tongue with ease as he flashes a grin. “Do you need my help in anything? Anything at all?” Please, let me do something with my hands so I can get my mind off of where I’d really like to put them. 
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teecohenc · 5 years
WHO: @inkedsevans
WHEN: 6/17, evening
WHERE: Knights Park
Knight’s Park seemed strangely bleak, absent of all the vibrant color and celebration that it’d been decorated with over the weekend. But that was fitting, Tina supposed, for what she was about to do; a horrible knot, tight and agonizing, residing in the pit of her stomach as she waited anxiously for Sam to meet up with her. They’d originally talked about seeing each other earlier, but had both gotten too busy with Pride and rescheduled. It was just as well – it gave Tina more time to gear herself up and prepare for the very real, very nasty fallout she knew was going to come from her actions. Plus, after what Sam had already been through with the gazette, he deserved a break and to just be for a while.
Santana had told her over and over not to do it – that telling Sam what she’d done to his father was a terrible idea, and hell, maybe she was right. But Tina just couldn’t hold it in and pretend anymore. Santana knew what she’d done, Quinn knew (and was holding it over her head), and Sam, most importantly, was still hurting and searching for answers that she, sickeningly, had answers to and was the cause of. Her hand had been cruelly forced, yes, but she’d still done the deed herself. The more the two of them had talked since Spring Fest, the worse she’d felt about the horrific thing she’d done to her friend, and she was tired, so fucking tired of going along with whoever was attacking them like this. And yes, it probably wasn’t a smart idea, she knew, admitting everything to Sam, but she didn’t care anymore. There was no way she could keep this going. Sam would probably never want to speak to her again after tonight, and rightfully so, but this way, at the very least, he’d know, and maybe something could be done in the aftermath. This person, whoever it was they were dealing with, was dangerous; their attacks only getting more disturbing, and showed no signs of stopping.  
“God,” she muttered softly under her breath from the bench she’d perched on, fingernails picking at her cuticles anxiously when the familiar sight of blonde making his way over toward her made her start. Heart thundering in her chest, she attempted to give a small smile and wave his way, though she was positive it wouldn’t have fooled anyone.
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