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olimpiazeuz · 1 month ago
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https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxDzUegl-7id10s6km00mDaE53OoO_GC6j https://www.facebook.com/share/v/1TXoCNHeow/ PUT000Z KUL0Z URK0Z Y NARK0Z ... https://www.tumblr.com/olimpiazeuz/769236727665688576/httpsxcominfowarzrzk2020status18654808269740NANOESPURIO🚨@PabloLemusN... https://javteven2024.blogspot.com/2024/12/reziztencia-redreziztencia-nanoespurio.html?spref=tw @InfoRzk @RealAlexJones #EEUU🇺🇸La policía del pensamiento de🇨🇦@JustinTrudeau arresta a un periodista canadiense por documentar una manifestación contra #Hamás El reportero @ezralevant cuenta el resto de la historia https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1861510103783838155⚡@infowars #gdl https://x.com/ReziztenCIA2025/status/1865488630866694366, https://mx.pinterest.com/pin/957577939517565376 , https://javteven2024.blogspot.com/2024/12/reziztencia-redreziztencia-nanoespurio.html
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artfightdramaconfessions · 6 months ago
The “This Person Needs More Attacks” List, 2024 Edition by Artfightdramaconfessions
Like previous years, we are making this list for the last week or so of the fight in order to help spread positivity to those who may need it.
If you have suggestions for additions to this list, send us an ASK or a DM with the person or people you want to see added. Please tell us which criteria they fit under. - Has not been attacked yet (AT ALL) - Has gotten 5 or less attacks - Has gotten 10 or less attacks - Attack ratio is MUCH higher than Defense ratio
While you may DM us as many names as you’d like, please try and keep it within reason. Yes, you can suggest your own name as well as long as you meet either of the criteria above. It’s been suggested you don’t mention this blog when attacking them if this is how you found them- To keep it authentic. Keep that in mind! We will try and go through daily or so to remove any names no longer eligible, or move them to the correct new categories, etc.
Actual list will be under the read more
Players who have NOT gotten ANY defenses yet this year:
Stardust https://artfight.net/~GomezLeo https://artfight.net/~stuffyflowers https://artfight.net/~beaverlad https://artfight.net/~kattymaster
Players with 5 DEFENSES OR LESS this year:
Seafoam https://artfight.net/~koyoakizuki https://artfight.net/~LaeyneInTheRain https://artfight.net/~Bubble_Mix https://artfight.net/~Krynnibear https://artfight.net/~starboy7724
https://artfight.net/~NathanRedpants https://artfight.net/~xxmoon_drawsxx2 https://artfight.net/~NerdyNightOwl https://artfight.net/~Talmania https://artfight.net/~FroggyHare
https://artfight.net/~medinAJ https://artfight.net/~ElementTofu https://artfight.net/~galeu https://artfight.net/~Coffee5Cake https://artfight.net/~Shicklee
https://artfight.net/~FarewellToMrA https://artfight.net/~SkysUnivers https://artfight.net/~KirstenJoy0 https://artfight.net/~Sallillu https://artfight.net/~Devildaddie
https://artfight.net/~SaturnBanana https://artfight.net/~Sandi https://artfight.net/~sleepybee1729 https://artfight.net/~BigGulpy https://artfight.net/~CallMeVictory
https://artfight.net/~EzraLev https://artfight.net/~page_master05 https://artfight.net/~acid6000 https://artfight.net/~coldcanine https//artfight.net/~ultradew
https://artfight.net/~saucetail https://artfight.net/~shadowheart___ https://artfight.net/~stanheight https://artfight.net/~gl00mymoon
Stardust https://artfight.net/~flingpossecule https://artfight.net/~soul_hypernova https://artfight.net/~SmrTim https://artfight.net/~Stellar-Amberly https://artfight.net/~pistaccchios
https://artfight.net/~Indecisive_Katz https://artfight.net/~horikless https://artfight.net/~Picochu https://artfight.net/~LuckyRaptor https://artfight.net/~Unlike_september
https://artfight.net/~KasonArt https://artfight.net/~Zbojceq https://artfight.net/~chemically_unstable https://artfight.net/~samspike https://artfight.net/~Xekka
https://artfight.net/~xue_ling https://artfight.net/~kaibi_bear https://artfight.net/~cherrydmg https://artfight.net/~arionbw965 https://artfight.net/~mchngrl
https://artfight.net/~cemetery_venom https://artfight.net/~imaginealpha https://artfight.net/~Aer0_CS https://artfight.net/~Chromatique https://artfight.net/~Deadly_Seraphim
https://artfight.net/~eeveecrow https://artfight.net/~theVoidWatches https://artfight.net/~Lightning_Jay https://artfight.net/~ringos_left_hand https://artfight.net/~fg66
https//artfight.net/~Verati https://artfight.net/~NightKing https://artfight.net/~CreatureMoment https://artfight.net/~voidkin
Players with 10 DEFENSES OR LESS this year:
Seafoam https://artfight.net/~ZemmaDragon https://artfight.net/~PatiSilence https://artfight.net/~elusetta https://artfight.net/~sweeterthanmydreams https://artfight.net/~LavaCake
https://artfight.net/~Freminolas https://artfight.net/~RiggyMiggy https://artfight.net/~Blueberry_Bubble https://artfight.net/~CAPR1X2 https://artfight.net/~millie
https://artfight.net/~Cryptic_Coward https://artfight.net/~WeirdTrip https://artfight.net/~CatPotato https://artfight.net/~Spitfyaa https://artfight.net/~al3xxpony
Stardust https://artfight.net/~M4rs_attacks https://artfight.net/~astral-abyss https://artfight.net/~docilecub https://artfight.net/~SmokyCinnamonRoll https://artfight.net/~Starlight_0ne
https://artfight.net/~seleyu https://artfight.net/~mvds https://artfight.net/~River_Waikato https://artfight.net/~Necromite https://artfight.net/~calvinsghost
Players with a HIGH ATTACK RATIO this year:
Seafoam https://artfight.net/~dimwit https://artfight.net/~thatartist32
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wherelibertydwells · 1 year ago
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ultramaga · 1 year ago
Pro-Hamas Supporters: Kill! Burn! Rape! Reporter: There you have it. Pro-Hamas Supporters: Stop saying we are violent - or we'll kill you!
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2020cookie · 9 months ago
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timdcook4 · 1 year ago
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unwinsly · 2 years ago
@EzraLevant: Defiant Alberta café owner facing “vitriolic vendetta” of l...
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thechristiancrusader · 2 years ago
Watch what happened when @ezralevant & @OzraeliAvi spotted Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, on the street in Davos today.
We finally asked him all the questions the mainstream media refuses to ask.
Story: rebelne.ws/3IZvjbo
SUPPORT: WEFreports.com
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news247worldpressposts · 2 years ago
#BREAKING: #Police in #Davos just pulled our #RebelNews van over, ordering the journalists to STOP filming.
#BREAKING: #Police in #Davos just pulled our #RebelNews van over, ordering the journalists to STOP filming.
#BREAKING: Police in Davos just pulled our Rebel News van over, ordering the journalists to STOP filming. But @ezralevant handled the cop like a true boss. Full story: https://t.co/t6HhOb4AHD Support our mission: https://t.co/uvbDgOkyZl pic.twitter.com/Hs4YdSZvAV — Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) January 15, 2023 Source: Twitter
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View On WordPress
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goku20193 · 3 years ago
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THIS RIGHT HERE 👇. #CovidConvoy #TruckersForFreedumb #KarenConvoy #RightWingProvocateur #RightWingProvocateurs #FarRight #FarRightExtremism #PatKing #TamaraLich #HunterGrant #BenDicter #CounterProtests #OttawaCounterProtests #OttawaOccupation #MaverickParty #EzraLevant #AltRight #AntiMaskers #AntiMaskersAreIdiots #AntiVaxxers #Racists #Racism #NameAndShame #MakeRacistsFamous #MakeRacistsAfraidAgain #ExposingRacists #KarensGoneWild #KarenKKKonvoy #OttawaOccupiers https://www.instagram.com/p/CZrD4e2Lv5V-cQfg2slzw2RZypvilmf4T5yXic0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mensrightsff · 4 years ago
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Quick quiz: how many genders are there? https://t.co/YHQMXrD2GO
— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) April 22, 2021
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olimpiazeuz · 1 month ago
https://x.com/ReziztenCIA2025/status/1862969231974764608 #NarcoEstadosUnidos @israel☠️🇮🇱@netanyahu @JOEBIDEN @LuisCardenasMx🚨🔥 @realDonaldTrump #EEUU.Trump🇺🇸calificó como “muy productiva”su reunión con @JustinTrudeau🇨🇦quien llegó inesperadamente a #Florida 🌴 para discutir la crisis de drogas y migración 🚫💊
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Krizto @InfoWarzRZK2020 @InfoRzk @RealAlexJones🇺🇸La policía del pensamiento de🇨🇦@JustinTrudeau arresta a un periodista canadiense por documentar una manifestación contra #Hamás El reportero @ezralevant se une a #AlexJones para contar el resto de la historia https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1861510103783838155⚡️@infowars #gdl
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David Vargas Araujo @DavidVargasA18 Anabel Hernández en pleno deterioro periodístico. Se quedó sin información de la DEA. Se quedó en la falsedad de los injerencistas de EU. Sus inventos ya no tienen importancia. Sus palabras son vacías y están apegadas a los vicios de los voceros de la derecha. RT👇 https://pic.x.com/t4fs9jiXit
epigmenio ibarra
Ya tuvo
que contener sus arrebatos retóricos con AMLO. Las verdades con las que
@Claudiashein respondió a sus bravatas y mentiras le obligarán, a la postre, a aceptar la propuesta de diálogo y sentarse en la mesa a negociar.
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#REDreziztenCIA @ReziztenCIA2025 https://tumblr.com/olimpiazeuz/768607955696435200/xcomreziztencia2025status1862969231974764608 #eeuu @Javier_Corral viene directamente del PAN, partido de verdaderos adversarios, pues fue creado para revertir los logros progresistas del General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río #NeoliberalesNuncaMas #AmloEsParaSiempre https://x.com/jesus_garcia158/status/1862918009439875534🇺🇸@realDonaldTrump
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mystique1508 · 4 years ago
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"Tripping The Void" Tonight Tuesday, August 18th LIVE /2020 From 9pm-11pm CST/10pm-12am EST Join Saraphine Hurley & Myself, Lorilei Potvin & Share Your Thoughts/Questions as We discuss ' Current Events going on in the World, as well as some of the Unusual things that have been occurring as well as, like We ALWAYS do, Go All Around The World & then We circle right back to the beginning by the end of Our Show! Let's have SOME FUN TONIGHT!!!! Join Us on YouTube to WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbagxNwZsm3D2JFeMtoiylA As well as Chat with Us & be part of Our Show. Bring along Your Favorite Beverage, some snacks & Let’s Have Some Fun! www.uprntalkradio.com #millieweaver #ezralevant #rebelnewsmedia #extraterrestrial #ufo #livebroadcast #youtube #podcast #paranormal #somethingiscoming https://www.instagram.com/p/CEDasgehlim/?igshid=1mgyh72t4j4nf
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vomitdodger · 3 years ago
Interesting read.
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2020cookie · 10 months ago
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arcticdementor · 3 years ago
1. The first thing to know about the media is that they're lazy. They'd rather re-write a government press release than get up from their desk and report from the field -- especially when it's -20° out. So they repeat Trudeau's lie that the truckers are racist and sexist. 2. The second thing to know is that in Canada, more than 99% of journalists receive a payment from Justin Trudeau. Here's the list of the journalists who took Trudeau's $61 million pre-election pay-off: rebelnews.com/exclusive_news… It's more than 99% of working journalists.
3. There is an illusion of media competition in Canada, but it's an oligopoly. Postmedia -- the largest recipient of Trudeau's media bail-out -- owns every English-language daily newspaper in Canada, except two. And even they just run the same wire copy as their competitors.
4. And Trudeau's CBC state broadcaster is larger than all other news media combined. Every non-CBC journalist tailors their work so that, if they're laid off, they can get hired at the CBC, since it's "too big to fail". It's the last resort.
6. TV is the worst, of course. They are highly regulated by the CRTC, which has the power to kill any TV or radio station. They cancel the licence of any company that airs conservative views that offend the regime. Example:
CHOI-FM - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHOI-FM#Dispute_with_the_CRTC
7. When I worked at Sun News I learned that the TV part of TV companies was economically unimportant compared to the cell phone and cable side of the business. That's how the CRTC pressures TV companies. News shows are a rounding error compared to regulatory givings and takings.
8. These are all structural issues. But an obvious point is the lack of diversity in the news media. I don't mean race or sex -- I mean intellectual and class diversity. The Media Party (as I call it) is politically and culturally homogenous. Urban, woke think-alikes. 
9. They don't know any truckers or farmers or anyone who works outside or wears a hard hat or a uniform. My favorite tweet from the Globe and Mail was this masterpiece. The reporter covering the working classes thought this was a wrecking ball and got scared.
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11. Psychologically, these middle class narcissists (every journalist must be a narcissist to believe the world needs to hear what they have to say) cannot believe that the working classes reject them. They always posed as saviours of the working man. It made them feel better.
12. So the Toronto Star, with its Marxist Atkinson Principles, calls for martial law against working men. They're for the mass firing of unvaccinated union members, a violation of collective agreements. They're in bed with Big Pharma. They don't use the phrase pro-choice anymore.
13. My point is, for the media to report what's really happening out there -- 100,000+ truckers across the country; 1M people or more who cheered them along the way -- would destroy not only the media's worldview but their self-image. They just cannot believe their eyes.
14. The pro-Trudeau pollster Abacus shows that 32% of Canadians see themselves in the trucker convoy. If the truckers were a political party, they would immediately be in first place. This is enormous cognitive dissonance to the Media Party who keep calling it a radical fringe.
15. A reason why the Media Party narrative is failing is that a million people have had first-hand contact with the truckers. The revolution IS being televised, just not on CBC. It's alive on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. These aren't "racists":
17. They don't understand why people don't trust them. Here's CTV, mad that the convoy they've been defaming for two weeks won't invite them in to a press conference as an honoured guest:
20. CTV seems large to you, but it's unimportant as a business to Bell, it's a rounding error. It's value to Bell is the same reason Jeff Bezos bought Washington Post or Carlos Slim bought NY Times: it's a way to influence government. It's a lobby group. Your mind is the product.
22. I have to go to work now (I'm not some government journalist like those at Trudeau's CBC state broadcaster, or the 99% of Canadian reporters whose paycheque is directly subsidized by Trudeau). But let me leave you with this delicious moment...
23. We had reporters at NINE different trucker convoys on the weekend. We're embedded at the border in Coutts. We've got half a dozen people in Ottawa (on the street, not safely tucked away in offices). So people choose our news over the Media Party's punditry.
24. The whole world is riveted by what's happening in Canada. But who can they talk to about what's really happening? They could call the CBC, and I'm sure CNN does. But that's just Trudeau's point of view, it's not really telling you what's happening. So they call us.
25. Yesterday alone our team must have done ten foreign interviews. I was on Tucker Carlson; our young reporter @lincolnmjay was on Hannity (I'll have to find that clip). Those two shows are, what, 8 million views?
26. So what's a government journalist to do? Here's the CBC, reduced to tweeting about our reporter appearing on Fox. She's rage-tweeting at people with ten times the viewership she has -- even though (because?) she has a $1.5B/year subsidy.
28. I really have to go to work now -- unlike the CBC, Woodbridge, Bell or Chatham Asset Management, we have to win the support of our viewers every day. Do you know what our motto is? "Telling the other side of the story". I don't think the Media Party believes in that, do you?
29. If you like what we're doing, please consider helping us out. We're crowdfunding our trucker coverage at ConvoyReports.com. Please chip in a few bucks if you can. Unlike the CBC, I won't just take it straight out of your taxes!
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