#eyo we just got a new puppy-
paradoxrealm · 4 months
A Return Worth Waiting For...~
I... ...Yeah, I did. ...What was that?
She followed him into the living room like a duckling, just as she used to as a teen, though confusion was written across her face as clearly as a billboard.
...Could it have been one of your mice-ah um... spiders? Could one of them have gotten down and possibly knocked into something?
...God she hoped not...
As they examined the living room for anything unusual, top to bottom, they hear the rattle again as if to answer her question with the source. And it sounded like... it was coming from the wall...?
They both slowly turn towards the wall where they assume the last set of rattles sounded from, facing a familiar little wooden door in the wall as the wall around it seemed to creak and groan in inanimate displeasure.
...The... door...?
"...'stel... ...What... was that?"
"...I don't know... ...It's... never done that before. ...It's not even supposed to do that. That door hasn't been opened since... ..."
"...'stel, I'm getting some serious deja vu here..."
"...What do you mean?"
"...when Shadow opened the door... ...They retrieved the key and unlocked it for Moon when it wasn't supposed to be reopened at all..."
"...Astel had to bubble the door and seal it back up to prevent a dimensional reset..."
"...Creation have mercy..."
Why... did that sound familiar to Moon...?
Astel silently approached the little door in the wall, kneeling before it so she could better examine it. She fiddled with the knob, but it didn't budge at all in her grip. She took a spare bobby-pin from her jacket pocket and used it to feel around the lock mechanisms, but they refused to shift without the proper key. That left her to tuck away the bobby-pin and feel around the edges of the door with her hands. But it fit the wall like a glove.
No cracks.
No holes.
No gaps.
It was perfectly solid. And that only puzzled the dimension hopper even more.
...It's sound. ...But... that doesn't make any sense... ...How could it have made the rattle we heard?
And, as if to answer her inquiry once more, the door rattled within its perfect little wall. But this rattle was much more intense than the last as it actually made Astel jerk her hands back, nearly stumbling backwards with a startled gasp. It looked as though it were attempting to free itself from its own hinges as if they were part of a cage.
She scrambled back up to her feet, her buttoned gaze never leaving the rattling little door as she stepped back towards the Beldam's side.
This... felt wrong... Even to Moon it felt wrong... And whatever THIS was, it even had Astel concerned...
Even... a little frightened...
...Wh-What the hell-
He couldn’t decide if he was relieved or disappointed that it refused to open. He would quite literally kill to have open access to the outside again, but he wasn’t exactly getting a welcoming feeling from it. It was, after all, a gateway between worlds. It had an entirely different set of rules it played by, and he wasn’t exactly eager to take and a chance and possibly make it angrier.
“This feels… Familiar.” The words felt careful as he spoke them, his gaze fixed to the door. “… The door wasn’t… It wasn’t supposed to be open, but it was… And you had to…” His face scrunched up like he was trying to gather details from a hazy memory and was failing to do so. “… Something about a reset?… Is that going to happen if we don’t fix this?” He asked, allowing concern into his voice. “… You seem to think the solution might be opening the door?” Based off of her actions, at least. Apparently, according to her thoughts and his vague recognition, opening the door might be a bad idea. But, last he heard, Astel was functionally immortal- and, well. He certainly wouldn’t be disappointed to find the door open again.
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flanklurker · 2 years
I'm not sure what characters you write for ahhh!! BUT HERE'S MY FAV 3! Could I ask for Chamber, Phoenix and Sova with a chubby, affectionate and touch starved reader? Maybe some fluffy hc on how they'd treat them, cuddle, etc. Y'know some fluffy stuff! (Sorry if it's only one character per ask ;A; )
Fhsfhjdksfhsdjk I friggin love physical affection you have no iDEA. This was so fun to write!! And no need to apologise lol, I write for everyone and am super happy w multiple characters. Delighted that I finally have an excuse to write for Phoenix tbh
Valorant Agents x Chubby, Affectionate, Touch-starved Reader
Chamber is a compliment machine. Like he’s always noticing something new and delightful about you and literally cannot wait to tell you about it.
“Mon tresor, that new outfit looks so good on you, I would have thought we were going to a soiree this evening rather than a combat zone."
Also loves shopping sprees, so be prepared to be dragged out and dressed up for hours. This man will miss no opportunity to admire you and flirt pretty shamelessly. He bankrolls the whole affair, of course.
The few times you’ve been able to slink into the room without him noticing, your ears would be burning because this man is literally just telling anyone who’ll listen how cute you are. If you do finally clear your throat, the man goes absolutely pink before doubling down
Oml this man can get handsy. He’s obsessed with tracing your dimples and curves and just literally cannot get enough of you
He loves it when you do the same to him too. If you go to cup his cheek or trace his collarbone, he goes completely still and lowkey short circuits. It’s like he wants to focus on nothing but your hand and where it meets his skin
One of his favourite things to do is to have you sit on his lap facing him, maximising that physical contact and being able to see your startling eyes. He could stay that way for hours, just having someone so beautiful and precious so close to him, with such a warm smile
When he’s feeling a little low, he really loves to lay his head in your lap and just have you hold him. He’ll murmur conversation when he can, or maybe just fall asleep if you’re okay with it, but he’s realised that it’s the one thing that can calm him down
He’s someone who struggles to verbalise his insecurities, but having you there and being so close to you really helps him unwind and talk things through
Phoenix doesn’t give two flying fucks about what the rest of the protocol thinks when it comes to you. He reasons that if they wanted in, they should have tried to romance you sooner
Massive on the PDA. He’s a tall mofo, and so he absolutely loves coming up from behind when you’re in the middle of talking to someone, draping his arms over you and resting his chin on your head
Makes no move to address whatever the other person might be doing, he just grins and relishes the fact that he managed to score you and you’re right there in front of him
If Phoenix has had a good day, like clutched a mission for the protocol or hit the high score on the range, one of his favourite things to do is sidle up to you, wrap his arm around your waist and bring you in for a massive snog. He can’t help but make a beeline for you whenever he’s feeling great
Same if you’ve had a big win tbh, he just loves being able to celebrate things with you and get kisses
Legit, he’s been chastised by Brim for crowding the intercom on missions together, because he takes the opportunity to flirt shamelessly with you, crowing about how damn good you look on site. “Eyo, not to alarm the squad but we got a looka’ in hookah”
As serious as the disciplinary meeting afterwards is supposed to be, you’re definitely struggling to hide a grin. The winks your boyfriend keeps shooting you whenever Brim isn’t looking don’t exactly help either.
Loves to bury his head in your chest and wrap his arms around your midsection. Like he’ll hit you with the full puppy eyes from across the room, or spam your datapad if he can’t find you in person, because you’re his recharge point and he’s down bad.
Loves loves LOVES it when you snuggle up on his lap. He’ll run his hands through your hair and absent-mindedly trace these flame patterns across your forehead while he chats away about the recent mission
Phoenix also adores being big spoon—one of his favourite things on a lazy afternoon is to slink off to your room, press up real close against you and shape his body around yours. Bonus points when he does this in winter—the protocol can get bloody cold, and having his chest against your back is so nice and warm
Sova is such a beautiful and honest person that the entire protocol know exactly how smitten he is with you
He literally cannot keep his eyes off you when you’re in the room. Like he watches you with the warmest, softest smile and is always quietly padding over to you to put a gentle hand on the small of your back
He tries to be considerate of the protocol and will temper his PDA in public, but that doesn’t stop him from constantly finding his way close to you and just having one point of contact, whether it’s a hand holding yours or his chest brushing yours as he leans over you
When you’re alone or have a more secluded area, he’s a total cuddle bug. He’ll pad up to you and wrap his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder and huffing a contented sigh
Insane cuddle stamina too, like if you switch around to face him and go in for a hug he will take it in and hold you for maaaany minutes. You’ll often feel his arms lock in around yours and his heartbeat start to stabilise against chest. Occasionally you catch him mutter something softly in Russian
Loves it when you cup his face in your hands, and will just drink in the eye contact with a goofy smile. He doesn’t usually get giggly, but if you start peppering kisses on his nose and forehead he can’t help but let out a little chuckle (he definitely returns the favour)
Sova’s not the neediest person, but sometimes he genuinely needs to hold you after a particularly tough mission.
After the Fade mission, in fact, he turns up at your room looking gaunt and the frightened look in his eye almost breaks your heart right there and then.
You tug him into the room and just press your chest against his, arms wrapping around him. As you whisper ‘it’s okay, I’ve got you, you’re okay now’, he finally lets himself start shivering as he returns your affections, burying his head into your shoulder and squeezing you like he’s afraid you’ll disappear. He leans into every movement you make, and you can tell then and there just how much he loves having you close. You’re not going anywhere.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.25
a/n: Eyo :) we’re now entering the Shie Hassaikai Arc :]
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 22, part 23, part 23.5, part 24
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​ @o-dragon05 @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
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“Please excuse us.” Deku and Mirio said as they took off their shoes and entered your apartment. The two boys had taken it upon themselves to hand over the document Sir Nighteye had been meaning to give you.
“Make yourselves at home.” You led them to the living room. Whatever remnants of Overhaul’s scent or belongings were long gone by now. True to his word, he left right after breakfast but not without burning toast and eggs for breakfast. He looked pissed as fuck but the picture on your phone was well worth the exploding sofa. “Also, no need to take off your shoes.”
“Thank you so much, (l/n)-san!” Deku said as they took a seat and took in the decoration. Taking note of how many rooms and how clean the place was, he couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel like to support himself.
“I wasn’t able to restock my fridge.” You placed two cans of soda in front of them. Both their eyes sparkling at the free drink. “This is all I can offer for now~”
“This is more than enough, (l/n)-san!” Mirio cheered as he opened the can of soda and chugged it. “Oh! Here’s the files that Sir Nighteye wanted to give you. He also wishes you a speedy recovery. Oh, and he wants to know if you’re fit to attend the heroes meeting the day after tomorrow.”
Accepting the files, you placed the folder beside you and answered the other questions he had thrown. Satisfied with your answer, the boy laughed and tried to say a punchline.
“You sure do have a sense of humor, Lemillion.” Looking at your bedroom door, you couldn’t help but snicker at the thought of Overhaul’s jacket resting on his side of the bed. Hmm, his side of the bed was a strong word and one you were sure you wouldn’t be able to use again. “How’s school, you two?”
“It’s fine. We’re just focusing now on our internships but the others are still attending school.” Deku answered.
“Ah, by the way, are you feeling much better now?” Mirio chimed in. “You seem to be alone.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You shrugged and touched the spot of the closed bullet hole. “Things didn’t exactly turn out as planned but there’s still next time~”
“We received news that Overhaul ended up killing a suspect?”
“Hm? Well, yes he did.” You almost forgot about that. “We still caught one so I guess it isn’t all that bad.”
“How did you get used to your work, (l/n)-san?” Deku inquired.
“I can’t say I’m used to it. I still get chills every now and then but as long as things turn out for the better, it makes it worthwhile. Besides, the injuries we get are nothing compared to what heroes get. We’re merely support.” You smirked. “Pawns for the bigger pieces, if I may say so myself.”
“Hahaha! You say that like heroes aren’t all that, (l/n)-san!” Mirio laughed and held on to his stomach.
“I never implied that.” You looked at the view of your window and back at them. Not holding it back, you sighed. “Listen. Everyone wants to be a hero, I get it. But when life hits you, sometimes ya gotta do what you have to do. My field of work requires me to make a constant string of decisions. I’ve worked for heroes who have red marks on their files. Some even with questionable motives. But it’s also important to take note of those who were not seen in their times of need.”
“Isn’t that a little harsh?”
“Barely. The glitz and glamour of being a hero are blinding to those aspiring one’s. Same goes for those who aren’t on the heroes side.” You stood up and the two boy’s followed. “Don’t take this the wrong way kids. Not everyone can be saved. Now, I’m not telling you guys to stop chasing your dreams or shit. I just want you to be aware that the world is unfair. Now go to do your patrols.”
The moment they bid farewell and your locks clicked, you went back to the living room and sat down. Fingers slowly touching the fabric. Every single crease, fold, and dip your sofa had. Finding nothing, you painstakingly began to check each room and vase your unit had to offer. Seeing as things were clear, you decided a small trip to the third floor was necessary.
Grabbing your phone, you went to your bedroom and opened the window. Dialing a number, you waited for the other person to pick up.
“Hurry. I don’t have much time.”
“Chrono. Did you destroy the tracker?”
“I did. 2 days ago.” He paused and lowered his voice. “Why?”
“Nothing. How did you dispose of it?”
“Used some equipment we have here.”
“Thanks. Go do your shit.” Hearing a chuckle, you ended the call and closed the windows.
It didn’t take too long but now you were inside the elevator. The faint sound of elevator music keeping you company as the buttons lit up. Once you arrived on the third floor, you walked down the hallway and took a detour to one of the off limit doors.
Knocking 5 times, the door opened.
“Why hello to you, (y/n)~”
“Same goes for you, Roshi-san~” You tilted your head and gave him a peace sign. “Busy?”
“Not at all. Come in, come in! Shall I prepare your throne, princess?”
“And rid you of yours? I just wanna check something.” Taking a Y1000 from your pocket, Roshi took it with a wink and stuffed it into his.
Watching his fingers tapping on the keyboard, a window popped up indicating that a bunch of videos were being transported into a folder. As that was happening, he took a flash drive and connected it. With a few more taps and clicks, he turned around and faced you.
“Paranoid, princess?”
“Not much. Just have to make sure, you know?”
“This about Overhaul?” The bluish twinkle in his eyes made you laugh. “Bingo~ Don’t worry boo, I’ve deleted and looped each and every footage that showed him he even entered within a 100m radius.”
“Remind me why you prefer to work here and not back at the house?”
Roshi Matsui. One of your father’s most trusted members. It had been a few years since he decided to leave the compound and take up a job that made use of his quirk. Though admittedly, he was also one of the reasons why your father chose the apartment building. He felt safe enough to entrust his only daughter to this member.
“I get bored easily.” Facing the screen once more, he tapped away and ejected the flash drive. “Everything you need is in here, princess. You’re in for a wild ride.”
“Thanks for the warning.”
“Shall I continue with your request?”
“Yes, please.”
“Alright~ Have a great day~ OH send my kisses to Geiby-boo.” Right. You keep forgetting that these two were related. Cousins. Giving him the response he wanted, he stood up to open the doors for you. Just as you were about to step outside, Roshi grabbed your arm and smirked. “Not that I care what you do, (n/n)... be sure to check your doors. Aight?”
“I will~”
With hurried steps, you reached the elevator and clicked on your floor. Roshi usually kept an eye on your floor but it was never really needed before. That sudden warning was nothing but bad news as each button lit up. Using your quirk to calm yourself, you stepped out and made your way to your room.
Taking your keys from your pocket, it slipped and jingled its way to the floor. Kneeling to pick it up, you examined the corner pads, sweep, and sill. Seeing nothing, you grabbed your keys and stretched. Eyes scanning the header and the jam. It was still clear of any shiny objects.
Not satisfied with the results, you entered your room and locked your door. Inspecting it from within was much less confining. Yet, there were no indications that your place had been bugged.
“Unless…” Of all the things you barely checked, it would have to be the peephole. “Ah shit.”
True enough, the peephole was blocked and you were met with a tiny lens that seemed to be adjusting its aperture. Heading to where you kept your toolbox, you uttered a string of curses. The want to watch the CCTV footage grew stronger but first things first.
It took awhile but you got the job done. Careful that the small camera wasn’t damaged, you managed to pull it out. The tiny dot of green light indicated that it was still recording. Covering the new whole with some electrical tape, you went to the kitchen and reached for two bowls. Caging the device with the two bowls, you placed it in the fridge to ensure you were safe.
Now in your bedroom, you dialled his number.
“What is it, (y/n)?”
“I don’t like being bugged, Chisaki.”
“And why would I do that? You already pester me with phone AND video calls. I see no need to do that.” There was a pause in the line. “Though, I would be a hypocrite if I wouldn’t admit to the thought of actually doing it.”
“I don’t like liars.”
“Would I ever lie to you?” There was a teasing tone to his voice.
“You might~ I can never guess you right.” If it wasn’t him then who would? “That’s all for now, birdman. W-will you call me later?”
“If my schedule permits it, then I shall.”
“Such a tease…”
“I can do more than teasing, (y/n).”
“Oh shut it.” Ending the call, you resisted the urge to squeal.
Rubbing your face, you groaned and sunk into the sofa, your body feeling tired after all the moving you had done today. Perhaps you weren’t fully healed yet. Dialing another number, you waited for the other person to pick up.
“Ah. (y/n). You okay now?”
“Not fully but I can head to work tomorrow. Are things alright there? How’s the report for the raid?”
“It’s still in the drafts but it shouldn’t be too hard for you to pick up.”
“Email it to me. I can start working on it now.”
“Sure.” He paused. “How’re things with Rusai?”
“Your caretaker?”
Oh. He was given an alias. Something you didn’t know. Then again, you didn’t bother as to how he even became your ‘legal guardian’ during those tiring times.
“Things were rather interesting to be honest. A bit of a rough 20 minutes when I woke up but other than that, things improved significantly~” You stared at the entryway and bit your tongue. “Deku and Mirio dropped by but he left earlier than planned.”
“Deku and Mirio? Isn’t that…”
“I know. I took care of it. Though, I have a feeling something’s about to happen again.”
“Be careful, (n/n).”
“I will~ Now go do your thing~”
Reaching for your laptop, you unlocked and connected the flash drive. Waiting a few seconds, you opened the folder and grabbed a pillow. Clicking on the first video, upped the speed and began to watch as to who could have possibly planted that bug on your door.
As the hours ticked by and your legs falling asleep alternatively, you took a glance at your windows and realized that the sun was now setting. Stretching your entire body, you could feel the tension being released. Pausing the current video, you groaned and layed down on the sofa. Hair splaying everywhere.
Roshi was right.
It really was indeed a wild ride.
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if any of you guys want :) feel free to follow me on twitter for updates regarding this story or my thought process during the making :)
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